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The United States is often depicted as a nation that has been devouring the world's mineral resources. 人们常把美国说成是一个挥霍世界矿物资源的 国家. 国家. devouring(吞食) devouring(吞食)→挥霍
7. My uncle remembered me on my birthday. 我生日那天叔父送了我礼物. 8. I marveled at the relentless determination of the rain. 雨无情地下个不停,我感到惊异.
Exercise 2
Translate the following by using specification. 1. He put unpleasant memories behind him. 他把那些不愉快的往事置之度外. 2. This is a wet summer. 这是一个多雨的夏天. 3. She is dressed in red. red. 她穿着红色服装.
No reproduction is granted by implication or otherwise of this information. 本资料不得私下或公开翻印. 本资料不得私下或公开翻印. otherwise →公开Exerc Nhomakorabease 1
Translate the following by using generalization. 1. Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. 如果让我决定我们要一个没有言论自由的 政府还是要一个只有言论自由而无政府的 国家,我会毫不犹豫选择后者. 2. There must be something in it. 这里面有名堂.
Plants cannot grow well in the absence of water. 没有水,植物就不能茁壮成长. 没有水,植物就不能茁壮成长. well →茁壮成长 →茁壮成长 Shock the bottle well before the experiment. 实验前应反复摇动瓶子. 实验前应反复摇动瓶子. well →反复 →反复
具体化:指采用明确具体的方式来翻译原 文中较为抽象化的表达方式.
What is known is that weight extremes in either direction are definitely unhealthy. 众所周知,过度肥胖或消瘦肯定是不健康 众所周知, 的. weight extremes in either direction(体重的 direction( 两个极端) 两个极端) →过度肥胖或消瘦
具体概念抽象化 In the modern world salt has many uses beyond the dining table. 在现代,盐除了供食用外, 在现代,盐除了供食用外,还有许多其他用 处. the dining table(餐桌) →食用 table(餐桌)
Pregnant women and women breast-feeding breasttheir children may need vitamins. 孕妇和哺乳期的妇女可能需要补充维生 素. women breast-feeding their children(给自 breastchildren( 己的孩子喂奶) →哺乳期的妇女 己的孩子喂奶)
4. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. heart. 愿者不难. 5. Not may people dare to venture into the unknown. unknown. 很少有人敢去未知世界冒险. 6. The bacteria pneumonia may complicate influenza at both extremes of age. age. 幼儿和老年流感患者可并发细菌性肺炎.
3. Inflation in capitalist countries erodes the purchasing power of working people. 资本主义国家通货膨胀削弱了劳动人民的 购买力. 4. The political fallout from the gasoline shortage was spreading in America at the time. 那时,汽油缺乏在政治上的灾难性后果正 在美国蔓延.
Generalization vs Specification
抽象化:指采用虚化的方式来翻译原文较 为具体化的表达方式.
1.具体词义抽象化 1.具体词义抽象化 For generations coal and oil have been regarded as the chief energy sources used to transport men from place to place. 几十年来,煤和石油一直被认为是交通运输的重 几十年来, 要能源. 要能源. transport men from place to place →交通运输 →交通运输