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旁白:这似乎是威廉姆斯堡某餐厅普通的一天(柔和)It seems like a normal day of the diner in Williamsburg.每个人该上班的上班该吐槽的吐槽。

Everyone is all working and playing jokes on others as usual.但是别开玩笑了!(提高嗓门)But come on!这里是布鲁克林哎!This is Brooklyn!对于破产姐妹来说,一切皆有可能!Anything could happen to 2 broke girls!
Earl:(对Han)怎么了伙计你看起来很抑郁啊What's up, my man? You look pretty down. Han:我在韩国的妈妈要把我逼疯了My mother in Korea is working my last nerve , you
know, Earl?

呃,Max,你能帮我接下话吗?I don't
expect a back and forth here. Uh, Max, do
you wanna move in?
Max:韩你不能一直让你妈欺负啊Han, you can't let your mom keep bullying you. 勇
敢地面对她你都53 岁的人了Stand up
to her. You're a 53-year-old man.
Han:麦克斯我29 Max, I am 29.
Han:我才29岁I am 29.
Max:什么情况你是返老还童(电影)吗What do you got, a case of the Benjamin Buttons? Oleg:卡洛琳韩说他才29岁Caroline, Han says he's 29.
Oleg:-韩你确定Han, are you sure?
Han:当然你们怎么会觉得我很老呢Yes, what makes you think I'm older?
Caroline:所有的一切啊你的发型衣服Well, everything--your hair, your clothes, 还
有你送我的生日礼物一张5 块钱的支
票The $5 cheque you gave me for my
birthday. (Han郁闷离场)
Max:(走向门口)你们好有啥要帮忙的吗听起来真是真诚Hi,can I help you?
Oh,that sounded so sincere.
Robber B:我有一个问题I have one question. 你想活命吗Do you want live?
Max:其实今天活不活都行吧Actually, today, I can go either way.
持枪Robber A:看到这个了吗See this? (手在口袋中比划,让人看出枪的形状)去餐厅
Go around the diner,and have everyone
fill it with the contents of their purse. 照
做的话大家都会没事And if you
do,nobody gets hurt.
Max:(接过袋子)好的好的但我不知道你能拿到多少Okay, okay, okay, but, uh, I
don't know how much you're gonna
collect here. 大部分的客户都拿硬币或他
们菜园子里的新鲜西红柿结账的I mean,
most of the customers pay with coins or
fresh tomatoes from their garden. (到厄
尔处装钞票)厄尔听着Uh, Earl, listen
up. 那些穿大衣的人要抢劫咱们We're
being robbed by those women in the suits,
里And they want everyone to empty
their stuff into this bag.
Earl:麦克斯抢和被抢我都经历过Uh, Max,I've been on both sides of this situation.
最好的办法是乖乖合作And the best thing
to do is play along.
Robber B:其他人都把双手举起来!All you other guys,raise your arms in surrender
Max:那个,卡洛琳我要告诉你一件事Okay, Caroline, I'm gonna tell you something,
不要反应过激and I don't want you to
Caroline:你的债主还是找到你了?So your creditors finally found you?好了咱们会一起度
过的Alright, fine. We'll get through this together.
Max:听着咱们遭抢劫了Look, we're being robbed, 那个穿大衣的男人可能有枪and
that guy in the suit might have a gun.
的做保持冷静No, no--just do what I say,
and stay calm. 现在把你的钱拿出来放到
这袋子里面I need you to empty your
purse into the trash bag.
Caroline:真不敢相信这种事居然发生了I can't believe this is happening(从包里掏
钱)我才攒了 2 美元Just when I
saved $2. 麦克斯我不能死Max, I
can't die. 我绝不能穿着这么丑的衣
服死去I certainly can't die in this
ugly uniform. 我是说你穿着倒是很
好看I mean, it looks good on you.
Max:你是心脏病突发了吗Are you having an heart attack?
Caroline:我尿裤子了I'm peeing.
Max:你说什么What do you mean? Caroline:我被吓坏了在尿裤子I'm really freaked out, and I'm peeing. 停不住
了I can't stop!
Max:停住停住-----Just stop, stop!咬紧牙关-好吗-Clench it. -Okay?
Caroline:(低头看看)不没办法No, can't.
Robber C:站到柜台前面来Step out from behind the counter.
Caroline:(再低头看看)抱歉先生我不行Sorry, sir, I can't.
Robber C:-为什么-Why?
Caroline:我在尿尿-Well, um, I'm peeing. Max:还在呢Still?
Oleg:(拿着棍子走出来)站一边去姑娘们Out of the way, girls. 我来搞定...I'll take
down this-.(踩到不明液体后滑倒) Robber C:离他远点Get away from him. (对Caroline)小姐现在就站到柜台前来
Miss, you need to get out from behind
the counter now 不然我就-Before I--- Caroline:不要带我,带走她吧-uh, please take her, not me. (Max惊讶)
Han:怎么回事What's happening? Caroline:韩我们遭抢劫了-太抱歉了-Han, we're being robbed.
Han:抱歉打扰你抢劫了-So sorry 请把我腰包里的每一分钱都拿出来吧Please take
everything that is in my fanny-pack 不过
我可以把佛珠拿出来吗Would it be
possible if I took my prayer beads out?
看Max她们)They've been in my family
for hundreds and hundreds of-(掏枪,指
don't think so, homegirl. 这是爷的地盘
你弱爆了You're in my house now. You
out of here.
Robber A:这个看起来五十多岁的老女人竟然还有枪?This old woman in her 50s
should have a gun?
Han:我是个二十九岁的纯爷们I’m a 29-year-old real man.
Robber A:什么?!What?!(破音)
Robber B::(对robber C耳语但声音可以稍大):不是吧!这个小个子老男人有真枪Oh my!
This tiny little old man has got a real
gun!As far as I know,that gun in his
pocket is a fake one!
Robber C:怎么办怎么办?What do we do?
What do we do?
Robber B:Run!(Robber B C逃出舞台)



As you
see,Han acted like a man for the very
first time at the age of 53---sorry,29(后
台演员:What!)Caroline cleaned her
uniform before Oleg came to himself. At
the same time, Max was a little shocked
because Caroline asked the robbers to
take her away, but she didn’t say
anything and just checked the stuff
almost robbed of them.

Caroline 下台装作是去清理衣服,Max把钞票从袋
Oleg:这些是袋子里剩下的东西了Here's what left in the bag.
Max:抱歉没找到你的自尊(对Caroline)Nope, sorry. I don't see your dignity.
Caroline:麦克斯别这样Max, don't.
Oleg:你怎么能带着这种耻辱活着How will you ever live with the shame?
Caroline:你能相信就是Han救了我们吗Can you believe it was Han who saved us?
Oleg:是啊我没看见枪Yeah, I did not see a gun coming. 我看见了双节棍忍者烟
抓头发I saw nunchucks, ninja smoke,
maybe some hairpulling,
Max:但就是没枪But not a gun.
Oleg:晚安了女士们Well, good night, ladies.
我觉得今晚我们都很勇敢I thought we
all acted very brave tonight 不我们中的
一部分(对Caroline)Well, some of us.
yeah, I had a trauma, and I urinated 这真搞笑是吗Ha, ha! That's hilarious.这件事就不能过去吗Am I ever gonna live this down?
Max:它不过发生在10 分钟以前It happened, like, ten minutes ago. 好吧我们就此打住
了Okay, let's move on.
Caroline:瞧有人留下来电影院的免费爆米花赠券Oh, look, someone left a coupon
for free movie popcorn.
I'd love to escape to a movie after
my-- 我只是想逃离这里Well, I'd
just love to escape. 现在看电影要多
少钱200 块吗How much are movies
now, like 200 bucks?
Max:跟我去的话就是免费Unless you go with me, in which case, it is free. 明天我带你
去I'll take you tomorrow. 我 2 岁的时
候就偷偷溜进剧院I've been sneaking
into theaters since I was two. 爬进"海的
女儿"的剧院I crawled into the little
mermaid 带着一整包麦圈with a sack
full of cheerios 还有一整瓶婴儿健怡可
乐and a baby bottle full of diet coke. Caroline:我们要怎么做麦克斯怎么做So what do we do, Max? What do we do?
藏在后巷里直到道路畅通Hide in
the back alley till the coast is clear, 开
门的时候偷跑进去吗and when the
door opens, make a break for it? Max:不这不是上世纪40年代No,' cause it's not the 1940s. 只要直接找到引座员
We just go right up in the usher's face,
找个借口大胆地走向目的地make an
excuse,and then boldly walk with
Caroline:好吧示范给我看看Okay, well, just show me how. 你来指导我You can
direct me. 我演过很多剧I've done a
lot of plays. 我能做伊莉莎杜丽图(英
国女歌手)I could do my "Eliza
Doolittle" "学会礼貌之前"的步姿(这
she was civilized" walk. 嗨管理员
Hello, governor.
Max:太丑了真希望没看见过Wow, that was just ugly. I wish I hadn't seen it. 好了看
我怎么做All right, just watch me.
walk, walk, hair flip走走走甩头发走
Walk, walk, walk, hair flip (这一段请看
Caroline:走走走甩头发走Walk, walk, walk, hair flip(Caroline演示把头发用力甩乱)Max:很好但轻点甩头发维罗史密斯(童星威尔史密斯的女儿)Good, but easy on the hair
flip, Willow Smith.

These 2 “Hair flip and go”
girls left the diner for the cinema.
(两人离场,Usher 上场)
Caroline::引座员(英文:usher 不是那个亚瑟小子)就在那-我有点紧张-There's
the guy. -I'm getting a little nervous. Max:好吧我们开始Okay, let's go. 假装上气不接下气Pretend we're out of breath.
不是让你头脑发昏Out of breath, not out
of your mind.
(两人走向Usher )嘿抱歉Hey,sorry.
我们能回剧场一下吗Can we just run
back into the theater for a second? 我手机
落那了里面有她的抗癫痫药处方I left
my iPhone in there, and the prescription
for her anti-seizure medication's on it. Usher:好的要进哪个剧场Yeah, which theater were you in?
Max:第五剧场11点15开场Theatre five.
Went to the 11:15. 1 点20结束Got out at
1:20.有点长A little long. 可以砍掉10 分
钟的Could've cut ten from it.
Usher:快点出来OK,Be back soon.

2 hours
later, after watching a film, they are
about to get back to the diner when
they meet the usher again.
Usher:女士们能给我看下你们的票吗Ladies, may I see your tickets, please?
Caroline:票麦克斯你买...Tickets? Max, do you--
Usher:能给我看下你的票吗Can I see your ticket, please? 你们在里面那么长时间都
干什么了?What have you been doing
for so long?(Han上场)
Caroline:嗨亲爱的Hi, honey.(一把搂住Han)Han:你好Hello?
Caroline:亲爱的我忘了我的票Honey, I forgot my ticket. (对Usher)我的票在他那
儿He has my ticket. (Caroline甩头
Usher:你俩是情侣吗You two are together? Han:(尴尬)是啊怎么了(迟疑)Yeah, why?
Usher:哦,这不关我的事Oh,it's none of my business, 只是你对她来说有点儿太老了
But you just seem too old for her
Han:我才29 -I’m 29.
Usher:-什么What?(破音,停顿)--我要看下你和你女友的票Uh, I'm gonna have to
see you and your girlfriend's tickets. Han:(翻翻包)我找不到了I cannot find it.(表现出很害怕)我亲爱的主啊…Dear lord…Usher:先生你知道偷溜进剧院是重罪的吧好吗Sir, you know that sneaking into a
theater's a felony, right?
Han:是吗It is?

According to the law you have to be put into the movie jail and have a mug shot.
Han:(面露囧色)身负这种耻辱我要怎么活下去啊How will I live with the shame?

Caroline escaped
from the cinema then head for the diner.
She was a little bit upset that Max left her
behind. 她或许感到自己被抛弃了,但她不
是一个人在战斗)She may say she was
abandoned, but she was not the only one
(套用了John Lennon的Imagine中脍炙
人口的一句歌词:You may say I’m a
dreamer, but I’m not the only one.)——
祝Han好运!Wish Han good luck.
Caroline:瞧瞧这是谁啊Well, well, well, look who it is. 头发甩甩大步走开小姐
Hair flip and go.
Max:我不知道你在搞啥但感觉很诡异I don't know what you're doing, but it feels weird. Caroline:-瞧是谁又这样故意走啊走啊,又丢
下我一个人Now, look who's walk,
walk, walking with purpose away
from me again.
Max:-什么这有啥大不了的What? It wasn't a big deal.
Caroline:但知道吗我很好But you know what,
I'm fine. 事实上我非常高兴你走了
I'm thrilled, actually, because you
walking away 让我明白一件事Gave
me one thing.
我很满足I got the satisfaction of
knowing 终于知道你跟我一样自私
That you are just as selfish as me. Max:你怎么能这么自私的说这种话what a selfish thing to say.
Caroline:麦克斯你可以就那样走啊走啊丢下我you can walk,walk, walk away
from me, max, 但是你永远丢不下一
个事实But you can't walk away
from knowing 是你先离开的That
you split the scene.
Max:什么我以为你就跟着我后面啊What? I thought you were behind me, Caroline:这就是真实的我们啊So this is who we are, huh? 两个自私的女孩儿永远把
自己Two selfish girls who always put
ourselves 放在最前面Before
everyone else and are willing 为了生
存不论代价To do anything to
Max:大概是吧Guess we are.
Caroline:(走上前搂住Max)姐们咱要在纸杯蛋糕竞争中突出重围Man, we're
gonna crush the cupcake competition.
麦克斯即使我们很残忍But, Max,
even though we're ruthless, 但常常
我们会主动Every now and then, on
our own behalf, 把自己放居第二位
We do put ourselves second, 这才让
咱成为好朋友的And I guess that's
what makes us best friends. 经历了

After all this mess we’ve been
through, I believe we will still take
care of each other some day when we
get rich.

Yeah,that was right girls.就像Han和Oleg一样,他们那

Just like Han and
Oleg,weak as they always was,they
still offered to rescue us at all
sacrifices during the robbery.更何况
呢?Moreover,you are more
powerful from the bottom of your
hearts. Caroline把Max推出去只是因
对?Caroline pushed Max towards
the robbers just because you are
ashamed of your peeing,right?Caroline:(低头)是啊。

Earl: Max直到跑远了才发现Caroline没逃出来对不对?Not until you ran far away,
did you found you left Caroline


In fact,I see you two are always
considerate of each other.
Max:(呕吐状)太肉麻了!That‘s too disgusting.
我应该从没做过那样的事I don't think
I've ever done that.
Caroline:不你做过的Yes, you have. 在我无家可归的时候You let me stay on your
couch 你让我睡你的沙发When I
had no place to stay.
Max:我想是的I guess I did.
Caroline:我给过你...And I gave you…
Max:说啊Go ahead.
Caroline总有那么一回我没把自己放第一位吧Well, there must be something where I
didn't put myself first.
Max:啥时候找到了跟我说一声let me know when you find it. (Max笑笑,离开)。
