Osprey [MAA] 322.The.French.Indochina.War.1946-54.(法国印度支那战争)
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Author's note
Mnl' (VM) IS u&lId Ihroughc:lut ~ t$.t 10 mtal both the' poibeaol ~ an;j the' PeDpIe'. Jv!rft of Vietnam !Q.a't Dol NtI¥t ~ CooIlstenl and conect ~ - e_g the'...,. of c:aptals. lIalics.
'*' dolIt1,
erar::/wt): and !'\ave ornmed all hyphens from VIetnamese. lIII1Ce itS
othef lypOgrapt'llcai CQIlvetl!lQnS
owe impracllCal herw,
For the key 10 the abbrevlal,ons IIllhis
see page 41
Artist's note
F(llO. CO,..... OQUIE 011' ..... cllOOKS I'I&JIl>IED IlY
o-v MIJI.o.RY4lill " .......TlCltl f'lU.SII' CQHT-aCT
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Readere may care to note lhal the onghaI palnur9~ from whK:h the coloUr plale. lit ltlos book were prepared _ 811ililable lor pl'MIte sale. All reprodo.letlOl'1 copyngh1 whatsoever ilIlelaIIled by the publistw. AI ~ should be addo !!sed 10:
~ ~
ew- USA,
729 PrCIIl*l " ........ oa.::.oaa. WI 500:20. USA
he Slall'~ of Indochina - non h \'iClll:l111 (Uac no. or Tonkill). celllr:I)
The French Indochina War 1946-54
an. Coo.rI, ~ '1111'/. 8olJe)'. O:<lotll OX2 kP. l.tNt«Il\lIlgOorn
First ~ '" G<N1 Bruin'" 1998 Dy08Qrey p~
....... _ _ "'-' ...... .,.t.-.glor!he _ _ a l - " ~ ,
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_--._l.ll11 (Tnlllg Bo. or .-\nn:llll). :>olllh \';C\l1;Ull (.\':1111 llo. or'
C..uehinchina). Camboclia anc! Laos - had hCl'1! French ({)I<lllil'~ or prnlt'C!IIl,lll"l ~iIlCl~ lhl' I~hh c·cnlll ..... In tlw 19:Mk \All1ulluuiS:l-kd li..illf.,'S in TonL.in and '-\nl1:1111 had 1x."'C1I hloodih supprr-...'t.·d. 1ll0l1l\ ill .. urgCllI le,uk'r' f1ccil1~ into China; in 19-10 thet 1~1U1lI("CIIO Ilnl1h-(':L,t Tonl..iu. :mcl began to build lip their :llllll'd :.trl'lIgll1 from ..Imo" llolhing. Til<."\ III.UIt-.1 1.111.' and in..ignilic:llll shO\\ of J'C..i"':lllCC to Ih(' JapalH.'-.c. \\hich Ilc\I'nhck~ ("'(t:lhli.. lll~d tllt'il" crl'dt'lllial~ willi ,II(' .-\mcriClll OSS •• rld c;lnK'tI,ht:"1II ..orne CS anl1'> amlll,tilling. emit-I" lht, Yidn n~g"il1H' the French garri~ull had 10 [OIo.:I'l1l' the ill~l;ll1arioll OrJ.lp;l11e~l' h;l'(·~. [II ~larcb 194.-, lheJ.lpallC~C illll'rllCd all Frc'l1ch troop... aud onicials, hlllcll(,ring th(N' who re~i~Ied: lhl' ~llr\'i\Ol"" fOIIg-lll lllt'i,. I\~l\' 'lUI il IIII Nat i, 111:I[isl CI lilla, ;r lId lllL' Jap:ll1I"t' II II'1H'd l)I'f'r civil g-O\'("l'lI111l'llt 10 IOC:11 dellll'nts. il1cludinl{ lhl' figul'ehl'ad l:lIlpt'I'or of :\UII:l11l, I\ao I);ti. TlwJ.Lf)'Ull"l: ,mTcndcr ill Augll~l 19-1,") wa... 1,ll..l'U b, X:l1ionali'l Chin('<;(' lroops in lIw nonh :llId a I~l'ilb,h Indian di, i,ion ill the "OlUh: neilher 1\;1.'> ahk to ilHc,ferl' ,..illl a l.omllHlllist prog,:unnw of lal..ill~ OH'r 'grass root;;' 1>Ol\er - and Jap:ml'''l' \\(':11)011", It I\ould be Oclolx'r 19-1:' lX'fort'" Frcndl IIUO~ rclllfll{'(llll 5.tigun. and ~Ia,.eh 19-16 before lilt' fi,....t readwd I "mol. This plicdl'~ IXl\\l'r '~Icmllll allUl\l,."d till" COIuilllcrn \CICI:lII 110 Chi ~lil1h 10 c,lahli~h :, 'ttong rl·,oluliona .... orgal1i,.llioll:1I finol inlonl..in, and laler throughoul \'il'IlI:III1, The, prc'clllcd 1III'II1'<'I\l''' a, d('II1OlI:11' 'ccking:t peaceful ('nd 10 coltlliial nill': ,Lll<\ ill Iblll)i in September 19-1,", 110 ckdarcrllhc hil'lh 01 Ihe DCIlIO(T:llic Repuhlk 01 Viclllalll. TIll' C:ullllllllni~I~ initialh 1'01 mL'r1 a CClllllllOII froll! (Vict ;\lam Doc I':lp DonI{ lIliuh lIoi, rOllghl~ 'I.ragLL(, lor \'icln:llIJ(.'S(' Indcpcmk'1\t.'(") with otlll'r u:llioualisl }{I'OUp". Thi" gl~\(hlalll n)ll:lp~('d dtlritl~ 19-t,~-l7, The Frcllch IWl'suadccl ~OIllC of llLl' 11011Commlllli'l clemen!.:> - (',g, the C'tl) Dai ......( t ha~'(t armlnet Thai :\illh - 10 COlii(' 10 Icnn): anel Ihou~h the COl1l1nUl1i~l~ I-CPI Iht' litle \iel ~Iillh tln:\ nl\hlc"h climin;ltt"d ,til ch.lllengt.'J), fm 1cadel"hip. III IXIf:llld 10 lht'ir cllergt'lic political progr.llIllIIl' the \'~1. lIndel' Ihl~ mililan Ir-;Illcl"hip of \'0 :\'gll\CIl Gi:lp. rapidh buill lip largl' (if ,l..elchih lI-;lillt'd) forc('" t'qlliPlx'(l \\ilhJap:ul('-.(' and French "'capon,, Though Ihe FrCllCh rC;l"Llllll'cll)()\\I...r in Iht, .... llllh afll'l' hrid lightillg, thl'ir ft·lll .... 10 Tonkin \\-;l" (ld.II{,d 1)\ :I ~Ill\' Chil,l"....• I..ilhclr:ll\';.ll lllllil 110'" go, crnmCIlI 11;1:> a Jail ((("romIH', ,\t .\II\CliC;lIl pr1l11lplilll{ IIIl' FI"t'1l( h \\"('rt' rdLlct:ullh 101'("('(1 10 IlCgotialc bill. still 'liuA"ing from tht,' hlLlllili,lliol1s (If World \\'ar [I. thc~ lI"en' ill ltO 11100d for ('ulupn)llli,l'. Incidcnl' ht'I\I\'('11 Fn'ndl :mtl \1-[ Imops 11'1'1"(' i1I('\"itablc, finallv t'~c;lI"llill~ inln hl':1\"\ fighling
The 8IJ1hor ~ 10 teCOrd has grnt~1.Ide for me help 8nd 8dvoce of Howard A. $oIT1p$on. Somon cu.stan, Oaude Mom, JdJn Robert 't'cu1g, Wayne Braby & Geotl Comrsh dI.n'lg the ~ of. book: and 10 lhe lale Charles MiIass«1.
Milt. Chappel, 21 Nelson SlIeet Deal. Kenl. CTt4 &OR
ew- UI(.
PO Boo.
...... ogIlOlougn.
NNlI1f'A, IJMId KJngdclIoI.
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The ~ regrellhal they ca'l enter l1li0 no ~ upon tIllS man....
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allhe eopytIOI'( _
For~. 'ViBl
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ttlC:hnlcal or *Illlerms lit both la'1guages (e,g.
;ItI(I-=<*"l~ - IS practeaIy IfTllXlSSible lit a't EngIisn teJll quotlng many FI'WlCh 8nd V1elnamese tem>s. We IwMI ga'WlIIy t..-I EnglisI'I capd8lIsollQn for French an;j \'\etnamese ~ names and tnt biles Ie g 5e Regment tle Cl.IrassIers. 0aI Dol 52); rtala QI'l/y to emptlaslse