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1 How many days are there in February during a leap year?
A. 28
B. 29
C. 30
D. 31
答案: B. 29
2 What is the capital of Latvia?
A. Riga
B. Vilnius
C. Tallinn
D. Minsk
3 The __________ (历史的回音) lingers in our minds.
4 We had a _________ (玩具派对) where everyone brought their favorite toys.
5 What do we call a group of sheep?
A. Flock
B. Herd
C. Pack
D. School
6 A parakeet is a popular ______ (宠物).
7 The _______ of an object can be affected by the force applied to it.
8 Which animal barks?
A. Cat
B. Dog
C. Cow
D. Sheep
答案: B
9 What is the symbol for the element oxygen?
A. O
B. Ox
C. O2
D. O3
10 The ______ contributes to the ecosystem.
11 My brother loves to eat __________. (零食)
12 A goat likes to _______ on the grass.
13 What do we call the process of changing from a caterpillar to a butterfly?
A. Transformation
B. Evolution
C. Growth
D. Metamorphosis
答案: D
14 I like to _______ (种花) in my backyard.
15 What is the capital of Finland?
A. Helsinki
B. Oslo
C. Stockholm
D. Copenhagen
16 I like to eat ___ (vegetables).
17 What is the capital of Spain?
A. Barcelona
B. Madrid
C. Seville
D. Valencia
18 A solution that conducts electricity poorly is called a _______ electrolyte.
19 The _____ (种植者) cares for the plants in the garden.
20 What is the opposite of "happy"?
A. Sad
B. Angry
C. Joyful
D. Excited
答案: A
21 She is _______ (learning) to play the guitar.
22 What do we call the layer of Earth’s atmosphere that contains the ozone layer?
a. Stratosphere
b. Troposphere
c. Mesosphere
d. Thermosphere
23 The rabbit can hop quickly to avoid _______ (捕食者).
24 The puppy barks when it sees a _________. (陌生人)
25 I want to _____ (go/stay) at home.
26 A ______ has a unique pattern on its fur.
27 A _____ (nutrient) is essential for plant growth.
28 My hamster loves to explore its ______ (笼子).
29 What do you call the area of land that has trees and wildlife?
A. Forest
B. Park
C. Reservation
D. Jungle
答案: A
30 Bamboo is a type of _____ (植物) that grows quickly.
31 What do we call a plant that does not produce seeds?
A. Angiosperm
B. Gymnosperm
C. Fern
D. Moss
32 Napoleon Bonaparte was a leader in __________ (法国).
33 She has a new ________.
34 I enjoy camping in the ______ (森林) and roasting marshmallows over the ______ (火).
35 What do you call a person who studies marine life?
A. Marine Biologist
B. Oceanographer
C. Aquarist
D. Zoologist
36 My friend is a ______. He enjoys watching movies.
37 The room is _______ (明亮的).
38 The rainbow trout is a beautiful _________ (鱼).
39 What is the name of the famous Italian dish made with dough and toppings?
A. Pasta
B. Pizza
C. Salad
D. Soup
答案: B
40 I enjoy _______ (参加) book clubs.
41 My grandfather was a __________ (老师).
42 The rabbit is ___ (hopping) through the grass.
43 What do we call the study of insects?
A. Entomology
B. Botany
C. Zoology
D. Ecology
44 My sister and I built a ________ (帐篷) in the living room. We had a fun ________ (露营).
45 What do you call the largest country in the world?
A. Canada
B. United States
C. Russia
D. China
46 I can ________ (adapt) to new situations.
47 My aunt gives me __________. (礼物)
48 My brother has a pet ______ (蜥蜴) that changes color.
49 What is the name of the famous river in France?
A. Seine
B. Thames
C. Danube
D. Elbe
答案: A. Seine
50 I have ________ (两只) cats at home.
51 I love collecting interesting ______ (石头) when I go for walks.
52 A lemur has big ______ (眼睛) and a long tail.
53 What is the process of changing from a caterpillar to a butterfly called?
A. Metamorphosis
B. Digestion
C. Reproduction
D. Migration
54 The tree is ______ (full) of ripe fruit.
55 A __________ (化学研究生) plays a key role in developing new technologies.
56 The _______ (Women's Liberation Movement) sought equality for women.
57 The __________ is a famous river in Africa.
58 A force applied to an object can cause it to _______.
59 I love the sound of ______ (风) in the trees.
60 The __________ (历史的时间线) provides context.
61 A _______ is a result of a chemical reaction.
62 What is the color of snow?
A. Blue
B. Yellow
C. White
D. Green
答案: C
63 What do you call the study of the Earth's physical features?
A. Astronomy
B. Geology
C. Geography
D. Biology
64 A _______ is a measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume.
65 What is the name of the famous painting of a woman with a mysterious smile?
A. The Scream
B. Girl with a Pearl Earring
C. Mona Lisa
D. The Birth of Venus
66 The puppy is _______ (在撒娇).
67 A ____ has a bushy tail and climbs trees.
68 My sister enjoys __________ (参加讨论会).
69 Oxygen is essential for _____ combustion.
70 The ________ (地形) can be very rugged.
71 Which of these is a common pet?
A. Tiger
B. Dog
C. Eagle
D. Owl
72 The grass is _______ and green.
73 The capital of Turkmenistan is __________.
74 The sun is a big _______ in the sky.
75 What do we call the time when the sun is shining?
A. Night
B. Day
C. Dawn
D. Dusk
76 The _____ (企鹅) waddles across the ice, looking for fish. 企鹅在冰上摇摇晃晃地走,寻找鱼。
77 My _____ (妹妹) likes to draw.
78 A chemical reaction can produce heat, light, or _____.
79 A _____ (幼犬) loves to play with toys.
80 She is a _____ (运动员) who runs marathons.
81 The __________ (岛屿) was discovered long ago.
82 I can use my toy _________ (乐器) to join the band.
83 What do you call a story about someone's life?
B. Autobiography
C. Novel
D. Fable
答案: B
84 古代的________ (civilizations) 如埃及和美索不达米亚有着悠久的历史。
85 This ________ (玩具) is my lucky charm.
86 I want to _____ (see/watch) a movie tonight.
87 What is the largest ocean?
A. Atlantic
B. Indian
C. Arctic
D. Pacific
答案: D
88 What do we call the season after winter?
A. Spring
B. Summer
C. Fall
D. Autumn
89 The _____ (树干) of the tree is strong and thick.
90 I enjoy _______ (参加) sports competitions.
91 Age is known for the use of ________ tools. The Ston
92 What is the primary color of a watermelon?
A. Red
B. Green
D. Orange
93 What do we call the food we eat at lunchtime?
A. Breakfast
B. Lunch
C. Dinner
D. Snack
94 What do we call a group of animals living together?
A. Flock
B. Herd
C. Pack
D. Colony
95 The dog likes to _____ (bark/sleep).
96 A sinkhole is a depression formed when the ground ______.
97 The __________ is a large lake located in North America. (五大湖)
98 I have a toy _______ that rolls and spins everywhere I take it.
99 What do we celebrate on July 4th in the USA?
A. Thanksgiving
B. Independence Day
C. New Year's Eve
D. Halloween
100 He is a firefighter, ______ (他是一名消防员), saving lives every day.。