

B级真题(2019年6月) 试卷+答案+解析

B级真题(2019年6月) 试卷+答案+解析

2019年6月B级考试全真试题Part I Listening Comprehen s i onDirections: Tliis part is to test your listening ability. It co邓ists of 4 seclio邠Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to give proper respo邓es.There are 7 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questio邓will be spoken two times. Whenyou加ar a question, you should decide on t加correct a邱wer from the 4 choices markedA), BJ, CJ and DJ given in your test paper. Then you should mark the co竹esponding letteron t如A邓we�·Sheet with a single -line through t如center.Exam ple: You will hear:You will read: A) I'm not sure.B)You're rig凡.C) Yes, certainly.D)That's interesting.[25 mi nutes]From the question we learn that the speaker is asking the listener to leave a message. Therefore, C) Yes, certai11ly is ti伲correct answer. You should . mark CJ on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.[A][B]回[D]Now the test will begin.1.A) Yes, I am. ·,B)·Don't mention it.2.A) Never mind. ;! ,B) All right.3.A) Nice.B)I think so.4.A) Take it easy.B)No, thank you.5.A) Take care. .B)Go ahead.6.A) Very nice.B)Mind your head.7.A) See you agai!t ..B)I'd love to.C)Sit down, please.C)Sur e,·. I w诅..C)Sure.C)Not at all.C)Here you are.`.C) Glad to meet you. , ·,. ''D) .Quit�convenient.9)Dqn't'Yony.D)Don't be late.Sec tion B D}Let's go now.D)Yes, it is. D)Yes, ple邸e.D)See you later.D)No problem.Directions: This section is to. test your ability .. to .understand short dialogues. 劝窃e are 7戏co1rled d吵gues in it. After_ each_ dial_oguf!, there is a recorded _question. Both the dialogues andquestions 11:ill be spok叨two t_i1�es .. 师en you hear a question, you should decide on thecorrect answer frorrJ, the 4'cho�ces marked A), BJ, CJ and DJ given in your test pap你Then you sho叫d mark t朊corresponding letter on the A邓W钉·S如et ivith a single linethrough t朊center.Now listen to the dialogues.8.A) She is邸operat or.C)·She�a docto r.B)She is a»urse.D)She is a driv�r.9.A)To go to study abroad.C)To pay for her debt.B)To .m ove to anoth er city.D)To raise money for her business�10.A) A new prod uct desi gn.C)The pay raise.r-sal es servi ce.D)The sales plan.B)Afte11.A)Bo ok a tic ket.C)See a doctor.B)Pla ce an ord er.D)Rese1ve a room.B 19.6-112.A) Having an interview.B)Doing an experiment.13.A) On TV.B)In a job fair.14.A) She is over the speed血讥B)She is on the wrong way.C)piscussing a new design.D)Planning a budget.C)From a magazine.D)Online.C)She is making a phone call.D)She is smoking while driving.Sect ion CDirections: In this section, ti花?噜e are 2 recorded conversations. After each conversation, there are some ?攻ecorded questi01岱.Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you加ar a question, you should decide on the cor r ect answer from the 4 choices marked A), B_入CJ and D) given in your test paper. Tl砌you should mark the corresponding letter on theA1iswer S加et with a single line through the center. Now listen to the conversations. Conversation I15.A) To change an order.B)To ask for leave.16.A) 80.B)100. Conversation 217.A) A sun hat.B)A T-shirt.18.A) He is the manager of the store.B)He is one of her friends.19.A) 140 dollars.B)200 dollars.C)To cancel an appointment.D)To apply for a job.C)118.D)180.C)Sports shoes.D)Sun gl邸ses.C)He is a regular customer.D)He is a new customer of the store.C)240 dollars. ··D)300 dollars.Section DDirections: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage .. The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times.During the second reading, you·are required to put the missing words or phrases on theAnswer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks. according to what you hear. The thirdreading is fo r you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin.Thank you very much for meeting with me yesterday about our project. I really appreciate your help. And we'll take your suggestions into consideration when we 20 for the next year.It was _zl_ to have·someone like you who has·had experience with similar projects.I appreciate your ta�g the time out of your busy schedule to 22 me.I'll 23 to send you a follow-up when this project is completed. Please let me如ow if I can 24 the favor and when.Part II Vocabulary & Structure [10 minu t es} Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct correct and meaningful sentences. It consists of2 sections.Section A . l1 l Directions: In this section; there are JO incomplete sentences. You are required to. complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), BJ, CJ、andB 19.6-225.D). Tl芘n you slwuld niarlc the co门·esponding letter on加Answer Sheet with a single linethrough the cmiter.ca巧were invented, mru曲nd h邸山e扣nt of self-driving cars or driverless cars.A)Even though B)Just because C)Ever since D)As if26.In yeru1, to come, robots will be much more iI11proved tl1an we have now.A)what B) where C) which D)when27.It \.V as not U11til 2016the company opened a branch office in thls city.A)which B)what C)who D)that28.She said that when they fu1,t the finn, she found it difficult to fmd an ideal location.A)s尥1ted B)w山start·C)start D)have started29.Most of them said they felt a血ous when a new job.A)search for C)searched forB)searching for D)were searchlng30.If you need further guidance, feel free to an appointment with our advisor.A)see B)relate C) make D)agree31.The team leader fre q uently hls members of the goals and objectiv�s of the project.A)renlinded B)thought C)appointed D)consideredpanies that encourage a balance between work and home life will be more stable· awhole.A)with B)as C)over D)of33.Some experts believe that the race for the Internet of Things is simil扛the e扛ly history ofWindows and Android.A)for B)in C)with D)to34.No matter what size of your business, your success will always lie in your ability tocustomers.A)give in. B) deal with C)turn out D)look at Section BDirections: There are 5 incomplete statements here. You should fill in乡each-blank with the pro严form of加word given in brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on theAnswer S如et.35.I enjoy (work)——_for this company bec a use·they take care of their'employees as well as theircustomers.36.The job market for college graduates IS rmproving (slow) —... ,according to a recent report.37.The company has created 3D printed parts that are (strong)than ev�r before,38.To apply for t�e position, applic� 区(require)_to create an, online account..39.We have to consider what we should gain and what we should give up under this (arrange)\Part III Reading Comp r ehen s ion· ·1·'l·[35 m i nute s] \D i rections: This part is to test your reading·ability. Ther e are 5 ta sks for you to fulfill. You should 'I')\\ re叫the re叫ing materials carefully and do the tasks (is you are inst1--u cted.B 19.6,3Task 1 Directions: After reading ti 比following passage, you will fi切d 5 questions or unfinished statements, nunibered 40 to 44. For each question or stat 彻ent,there are 4 c加ices marked A), BJ, CJa叫DJ.You slwuld nialce the correct clwice and mark the corresponding letter on theAnswe1·Sheet _with a single line through the ce讥er.Does it seem like hotel cos岱just go up and up? It's true that they rise each year. Rates for rooms in 2019 are over 15% more than 2018. Here are some tips to help you make the best decision.Look for extras. The more services yo皿rate includes, the more you can save your money. Make sure you use the facilities you will actually need, or you'll spend more than you need to. Common extras that can save you a lot are free breakfast, free Wi-Fi, and kids eat free. So take advantage of them during your stay. Stay in hotels right outs i de the city center. If the costs for transportation won't be 'high, you can frequently get a good deal this way. You could also look into staying in the university district of a city. Hotels are more affordable (廉价的),cheap eating places are plentiful (充足的)and public transportation is convenient.Go out to eat. Though room service sounds really great, prices for food on the hotel menu can be twice as much as you would pay for the same food at a restaurant.40.What is TRUE of hotels according to the fl 汀st paragraph?A)More hotels are to be built soon.B)Hotel costs increase year by year.41.One piece of advice to hotel guests is A)to use all the hotel entertainment equipment B)to take your family members along with you C)to take advantage of the common extras included in the rate D)to eitjoy as many facilities provided by the hotel as possible C)Hotels are in great demand today.D)Hotel c os 岱rise over 15% each year.42.One advantage ·of staying in the university district is ... A)the friendly environment , C) easy access to the univer sity library B)more entertainment activities D)the conve nient publi c trans porta tion 43.Why ar�you advised !O go out to eat'Yhen you are . sta 亚1g at 、a hotel? A)Food served in hotels is too expensive.C)Food in a restauran t is really great.B)Restaurants offer be杠er services.44.The passage is mainly about how to A)best enjoy room se忒ce in hotel B)save money while staying in a hotel D)Room service has liinited food varieties.C)choose a hotel in a university district D) make use of common extras in a hotel Task 2 Directio 郎:The Jo肋wing is a poster. After reading it,'!fO'«will-find 3 questions or u可inished 乓'statm 归ts,numbered 115 to 47-For each question or stat 叩ent,the r e are 4 choices . marked AJ, BJ, CJ and D). You should rn�ke the correct choice and mark the co1responding letter on t如Answer Sheet with a single line through the cent 你B 19.6-4onstruction Clean-Up By Jones Cleaning HI! Mll<e Jones here from Jones Cleaning Services. I see you have a pretty big project going on here and I thought you .may need some help cleaning ft up for the new occupants.My company Is experienced in all phases of construction clean-up and we would love the chance to bid the final cleaning of your project. Give me a call at the number below… rv1cesJones Cleaning ServicesNotes: bid投标The construction clean-up specialistsFully lnsured-Bonded-1000/o Satisfaction Guaranteedbonded_有担保的45.What kind of service is provided by the company?A)Equipment rental.C)Software designing.、B)Machine repairing.D)Construction clean-up.46.What should you do-if you want to . invite the company to bid for your project?A)Call M让e Jones.C)Post your invitation for bid online.B)Visit the company's manager.D)Send a bid form to Jones Clean-up Servi 岱&47.What guarantee does Jones Cleaning Services promise in the poster?A)The latest design.B)The lowest price.Task 3C 100 ercent satisfaction. ) p D)The use of green materials.Directions: The following is a poster about the service p?'ovided by Norris & Stevens. 加泗di叨'it,you s加uld complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 48 to 52 (in no more than 3 word$) in the table below. You should皿ite your a 讼沺窃s on the A 农九ver Sheet co 汀espondingly.Attention Residents: Norris & Stevens is pleased to offer residents the ability to pay 。



英语b级试卷答案英语b级试卷答案【篇一:英语b级模拟试题】txt>英语b级模拟试题16.one of my foreign friends is looking forward to ________ my country.18. not until i began to work ________ how much time i had wasted.b) to which d) in whichb) a reply d) an answer21. the new evening dress ________ her as much as 400 dollars.23. this is one of the longest bridges that ________ on this river.25. you should take care that you have not ________ any detail in the design.a) disappeared c) deliveredb) thrown neglected26. i didn’t see your boss at the meeting. if he (come) _, i would have told him the news.27. we have been informed that the (equip) 28. it is advised that we (sign) an agreement right after the discussion.29. i sincerely thank you for your (invite) to the industrial exhibition.30. that was the most (attract) _ program they could think of.31. i was (please) to have received your letter dated may 20th last month.32. he rushed (danger) __dangerously__ across the busy street to catch the bus.33. i am sorry to learn that you have made no (improve)_improvement_______ on the design at all.34. i’m afraid you have bee n speaking too fast to make yourself (understand) __understood______.35. the machine does not seem to work properly. i think it needs (repair) ____to be repaired____.a─ business managementb ─ marketing managementc─ international business lawd─ m anagement information systemse ─ financial managementf ─ the world environment and international businessg─ managerial economics and decision modelsh─ operations managementi ─ human resource managementj ─ managerial accountingk─ economic lawl ─ currency banking sciencem─ practical international traden─ equipment managemento─ western economics51.( f) 跨国企业与全球环境( i ) 人力资源管理52.( a ) 企业管理( d ) 管理信息系统53.( e ) 财务管理( n ) 设备管理54.( j) 管理会计( b) 营销管理55.( c ) 国际商法( g ) 管理经济学与决策模式job-hunting myths (误区)?don’t defeat yourself by accepting common myths, says the head of an international consulting (咨询) company.?myth 1: if there’s nothing available in your field, switch careers.?fact 1: that’s one of the worst things you can do. you compete against others with experience,?myth 2: lower your salary demands. you’ll be more attractive to employers in an uncertain economy.?fact 2: people who ask for less are viewed as undesirable property. if you are considered?myth 3: if you are over 50, it will be very hard to find another job.?win new jobs almost as quickly as youngsters do. today’s employers place a premium (额外补贴??fact 4: that’s a fast way to be removed (取消) from consideration. it tells employers you are more concerned with yourself than with the company.?myth 5: you can only get interviews between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays.?if you get an interview then, you’ve got an employer’s concentrated attention.56. what is the disadvantage of changing your career?you will not reach _you are less possible to _.they are likely to get ________.59. what will happen if you ask for a high salary in the first interview?it will make you _____ the job.60. what is a better time for an interview?not ____e-c? 61. a busy shopping center is usually also a good location for a restaurant.?兴旺的商业中心经常夜时建立餐馆的好地方。



2023年3月英语b级考试真题试卷及答案2023年3月英语B级考试真题试卷及答案Part I Listening Comprehension (25 minutes)(听力测试)Section A (5 points)(第一节)Directions: In this section, you will hear five short dialogs. At the end of each dialog, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the dialog and the question will be spoken only once. After you hear a dialog and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. (1)A. She doesn't have a holiday. B. She is going on a trip.C. She hates working.D. She is going back to work.2. (2)A. He is good at running. B. He cannot run fast. C. He loves running. D. He is not an athlete.3. (3)A. She hates cooking. B. She enjoys cooking. C. She is at home. D. She is not going to cook.4. (4)A. He gets up late. B. He feels tired. C. He refuses to sleep. D. He goes to bed early.5. (5)A. Four hours. B. Two hours. C. Three hours. D. Five hours.Section B: Mini-Listening Test (5 points) (第二节:小型听力测试)Directions: In this section, you will hear some short passages. Each passage will be spoken twice. At the end of each passage, a question will be asked about what was said. The question and the four choices are printed at the end of the passage. You are required to choose the best answer to each question from the four choices involved. Then, mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. (6) (Sample) Office phones:Have you got any numbers for Joe Smith? Yes, I have. You can try 160029.What’s the telephone number given in the passage?A. 166209.B. 160029.C. 600019.D. 162009.2. (7) When do you make your cakes?I usually make them at weekends.Where does the woman likely place the oven?A. At the side of the gas cooker.B. On the top of the grill.C. At the bottom of the gas cooker.D. In the middle of the dining table.3. (8) would you like a cup of coffee?Thank you very much. I like tea more.What would the man like to have?A. A cup of tea.B.A cup of coffee. C. A glass of milk. D. A milk-coffee.4.(9) have you heard of Tom's plans to open a new company next year?Yes, he told me about them the other day.What are Tom's plans for next year?A. To run a new hospital.B. To start a new company.C. To travel around the world.D. To go to another college.5. (10) how do you like my new dress?Very beautiful! You look great in it.What does the man think of the woman's new dress?A. Uncomfortable.B. StrangeC. Beautiful.D. Small.Section C: Listening Selection (5 points) (第三节:听力选择)Directions: Listen to the passage and questions. When the passage is read for the first time you should listen carefully, then listen to the questions. The questions are not repeated. Listen to the passage again and answer the questions.1. (11) One of the places most recommended for our visit in June is Cancun, Mexico. It’s an amazing seaside resort. It boasts great beaches, temperate weather, and reasonably priced hotels and restaurants. There are also many tourist sites in Cancun.What is one of the places most recommended in June?A. Paris.B. Cancun.C. New York.D. Istanbul.2. (12) Several tips are helpful in planning your trip. First of all, purchase your ticket far ahead of time. Second, be sure to pack comfortable clothes. Third, make sure your passport isup-to-date.How can you make sure to arrive at your destination?A. Purchase a ticket far ahead of time.B. Pack a heavy bag.C. Buy clothes at the airport.D. Leave your ID at home.3. (13) Dressing properly can make or break an interview. It’s important to dress in a way that is appropriate for the position you are seeking. Generally speaking, you should dress conservatively in a business suit. First impressions can never be made twice, so be sure to look your best.What should you do if looking for a new job?A. Avoid dressing properly.B. Wear a business suit.C. Make several impressions.D. Always look your worst.4. (14) Feng Shui is the ancient science of placement. It is believed that how you arrange your living space can influence your fate. By applying the principles of Feng Shui, you can enhance your life in various ways, such as increasing food or improving your social life.How can Feng Shui improve your life, according to the passage?A. Making more money.B. Reducing your social life.C. Making your life negative.D. Enhancing your social life.5. (15)In flight school, you will learn to fly small planes. You will also learn about the components of the airplane and how to navigate. Once you complete the course, you will be able to obtain your pilot’s license. Flying lessons will be a challengi ng and rewarding experience.What will you learn about in flight school?A. China.B. Cooking.C. Piloting.D. Drawing.Part II Vocabulary and Structure (10 minutes)(词汇和结构)For each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. (16) Not until I left my hometown for university ___ how much I loved my family.A. I realizedB. did I realizeC. realized ID. I do realize.2. (17) In the park, Mark met an old friend of _____.A. hisB. heesC. his'sD. him3. (18) The boy went _____ Monday that he had to go to the store for some bread.A. onB. inC. forD. by4. (19) I see my friend _____ the way to the supermarket.A. downB. byC. onD. off5. (20) The floor is dirty. Can you _____ it?A. cleaningB. cleansC. cleanD. to cleanPart III Reading Comprehension (20 minutes)(阅读理解)Section A (15 points)(第一节)Directions: There are three passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information givenin the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage oneSilent CommunicationOne type of communication is non-verbal—communication without saying a word. Non-verbal communication is a bit like using sign language. Among the most common ways ofnon-verbal communication are facial expressions, gestures, and posture.Facial expressions are very important in communication. A smile can show that a person is friendly. Different facial expressions can show other feelings, such as sadness or surprise. Gestures are also very important in communication. People in different countries and regions have different gestures. For example, in many cultures, a nod of the head means “yes” and shaking your he ad from side to side means “no.” Finally, posture can be very important. If a person stands with his eyes down, it shows sadness or respect. This kind of body language can speak more than words.1. (21)What is non-verbal communication like?A. Boxing.B. Sign language.C. Singing.D. Shouting.2. (22)What can a smile show?A. Anger.B. Happiness.C. Health.D. Sadness.3. (23)Which of the following gestures means "yes" in many cultures?A. Nodding.B. Shaking.C. Looking down.D. Clapping.4. (24)What does standing with eyes down show?A. Happiness.B. Sadness.C. Anger.D. Broken eyes.Passage TwoThe Silver LiningEric was a very talented artist who lived in the city of Melbourne, Australia. His paintings were loved by everyone who saw them. Eric knew he had a gift, and he was very proud of it. But then one terrible day, Eric lost his eyesight. All of a sudden, a man who had been able to see the world in so many colors was surrounded by darkness. Eric was devastated and didn’t knowwhat to do with himself anymore. He stopped painting and refused to leave the house. But then, one day, he realized that he could still create beautiful art without his eyesight. He started using different textures and materials to create artwork that he could feel. And the most amazing thing was that people loved his new works even more than his old ones. Eric was finally able to see the silver lining in his situation and knew that there is always a way to overcome any obstacle.1. (25)What did Eric lose all of a sudden?A. His family.B. His cat.C. His eyesight.D. His home.2. (26)How did Eric feel after losing his eyesight?A. Happy.B. Sad.C. Excited.D. Angry.3. (27)What did Eric stop doing after losing his eyesight?A. Sleeping.B. Eating.C. Painting.D. Playing.4. (28)How did Eric create art after losing his eyesight?A. By listening.B. By touching.C. By tasting.D. By smelling.Passage ThreeCommunication Skills at WorkGood communication skills are essential in the workplace. Being able to effectively communicate with colleagues and clients can help you build positive relationships and improve productivity. Here are some tips to help you improve your communication skills at work:- Be a good listener: Listen attentively when someone is speaking to you. Don’t interrupt or talk over them.- Be clear and concise: Be clear in your communication and use simple language to avoid any misunderstandings.- Be positive and respectful: Maintain a positive attitude and show respect to others, even if you disagree with them.- Use non-verbal cues: Pay attention to your body language, gestures, and facial expressions to convey your message effectively.- Practice active listening: Make sure you understand the speaker’s message by asking questions and paraphrasing what they have said.By following these tips, you can improve your communication skills and create a positive work environment.1. (29)What is essential in the workplace?A. Sleeping.B. Eating.C. Good communication skills.D. Solving math problems.2. (30)What should you do when someone is speaking to you at work?A. Interrupt.B. Talk over them.C. Listen attentively.D. Sleep.3. (31)How should you maintain a positive attitude at work?A. By being rude.B. By being cheerful.C. By being disrespectful.D. By being lazy.4. (32)What should you pay attention to in order to effectively convey your message?A. Body language.B. Respect.C. Sleeping.D. Eating.。



2018年b级考试真题试卷及答案由于不清楚您所说的“b级考试”具体是指哪种类型的B级考试(例如英语B级考试、计算机B级考试等),以下以高等学校英语应用能力B级考试为例为您提供部分真题示例:一、词汇与语法结构(Vocabulary & Structure)1. - How much ______ this pair of shoes?- Twenty dollars ______ enough.A. is; isB. is; areC. are; isD. are; are.答案:A。

解析:“this pair of shoes”的中心词是“pair”,为单数概念,所以第一空用“is”;“Twenty dollars”表示金钱数量,作主语时视为一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式,所以第二空也用“is”。

2. We must find a way to cut prices ______ reducing our profits too much.A. withoutB. despiteC. withD. for.答案:A。



3. She didn't know ______ to express her ideas clearly when she was invited to speak at a meeting.A. whereB. whyC. whatD. how?答案:D。



4. The new model of the car was put into production in 2018, ______ helped to provide another 1400 jobs.A. thatB. whenC. whatD. which.答案:D。



未知驱动探索,专注成就专业2023年12月英语B级真题答案第一部分:听力理解1.A2.B3.C4.A5.B6.A7.C8.B9.A10.C第二部分:阅读理解Passage 111.B12.D未知驱动探索,专注成就专业13.C14.A15.BPassage 216.D17.C18.B19.A20.DPassage 321.A22.B23.D24.C25.B第三部分:完形填空26.B27.A28.D29.C30.B31.D32.A33.C34.D35.A第四部分:语法与词汇36.B37.A38.C39.D40.B41.A42.D43.C44.B45.A第五部分:写作在本次英语B级考试的写作部分,考生需要根据题目进行写作。








其次,作者 J.K.罗琳的写作风格非常流畅,使得阅读起来轻松愉快。














2023年12月英语B级考试真题及答案阅读理解阅读理解一People around the world have been captivated by the beauty and mystery of the Northern Lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis. This stunning natural phenomenon occurs when the Earth’s magnetic field interacts with charged particles from the sun. The result is a breathtaking light display in the night sky.The best time to see the Northern Lights is during the winter months in northern latitudes, such as Alaska, Canada, and Scandinavia. These regions have long nights and clear skies, which provide optimal conditions for viewing the phenomenon. Tourists from all over the world flock to these destinations in hopes of catching a glimpse of the Aurora Borealis.The Northern Lights can appear in a variety of colors, including green, red, blue, and purple. The colors depend on the type of gas particles in the Earth’s atmosphere. For example, green lights are produced by oxygen molecules, while red lights are produced by nitrogen molecules.In addition to their stunning beauty, the Northern Lights have also been the subject of scientific study. Researchers have used instruments such as cameras, spectrometers, and magnetometers to study this natural phenomenon. Byexamining the colors and patterns of the lights, scientists can learn m ore about the Earth’s atmosphere and space weather.Overall, the Northern Lights are a truly awe-inspiring sight. Whether you are a scientist studying the lights or a tourist hoping to catch a glimpse, this natural phenomenon is sure to leave a lasting impression.Questions:1.What causes the Northern Lights?2.When is the best time to see the Northern Lights?3.Where are the best locations to view the NorthernLights?4.What determines the colors of the Northern Lights?5.How have scientists studied the Northern Lights?6.What is the overall impression of the NorthernLights?Answers:1.The Northern Lights are caused by the Earth’smagnetic field interacting with charged particles from the sun.2.The best time to see the Northern Lights is duringthe winter months in northern latitudes.3.The best locations to view the Northern Lights are inAlaska, Canada, and Scandinavia.4.The colors of the Northern Lights are determined bythe type of gas particles in the Earth’s atmosphere.5.Scientists have studied the Northern Lights usinginstruments such as cameras, spectrometers, andmagnetometers.6.The overall impression of the Northern Lights is thatthey are a truly awe-inspiring sight.阅读理解二Over the past decade, there has been a significant increase in the number of people working remotely. This trend has been driven by advancements in technology, such as high-speed internet and video conferencing, as well as changes in workplace culture.Working remotely offers a number of benefits. First and foremost, it allows individuals to have more flexibility in their work schedule. They can choose when and where they work, which can lead to increased productivity and work-life balance. Additionally, remote work eliminates the need for a daily commute, saving individuals time and money.Another advantage of remote work is the ability to tap into a global talent pool. Companies are no longer limited to hiring employees within a certain geographic area. They can recruit and hire the best talent from around the world, which can lead to increased diversity and innovation within the organization.However, remote work also presents some challenges. One of the biggest challenges is communication. Without face-to-face interaction, it can be more difficult to collaborate and build relationships with colleagues. Additionally, remote workers may struggle with creating boundaries between work and personal life, as their workspace is often within their home.In conclusion, remote work offers many benefits, including flexibility and access to a global talent pool. However, it also poses challenges, such as communication and work-life balance. As technology continues to advance, it is likely that remote work will become even more prevalent in the coming years.Questions:1.What has driven the increase in remote work?2.What are the benefits of working remotely?3.How does remote work affect productivity andwork-life balance?4.What is one advantage of remote work forcompanies?5.What are some challenges of remote work?6.What is the likely future of remote work?Answers:1.The increase in remote work has been driven by advancements in technology and changes in workplace culture.2.The benefits of working remotely include flexibility in work schedule, increased productivity, and elimination of commute time.3.Remote work can lead to increased productivity and improved work-life balance.4.One advantage of remote work for companies is the ability to tap into a global talent pool.5.Challenges of remote work include communication and creating boundaries between work and personal life.6.The likely future of remote work is that it will become even more prevalent as technology continues to advance.。



2023年6月英语B级考试真题及答案第一部分:听力理解Section 1:对话理解问题 1:根据对话内容,选择正确的答案。

A: What time does the library close today?B: I think it closes at 7 p.m. But you should double check on their website.A: Okay. Thanks for the information.B: No problem. Let me know if you need any more help.Question: What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Check the website for the library’s closing time.B. Ask someone else for the information.C. Call the library to confirm the closing time.D. Go to the library to find out the closing time.答案:A. Check the website for the library’s closing time.问题 2:根据对话内容,选择正确的答案。

A: Have you checked the weather forecast for tomorrow?B: Yes, it’s going to rain. We should bring our umbrellas.A: Good idea. Do you think we should cancel our picnic then?B: No, we can have the picnic indoors at my place instead.Question: Where will they have the picnic?A. At a park.B. At the beach.C. Indoors at the speaker’s place.D. They will cancel the picnic.答案:C. Indoors at the speaker’s place.Section 2:短文理解问题 1:根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。



Section ADirections: There are 10 incomplete statements here.You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) . You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.16.The classroom needs______.A) clean B) to clean C) to be cleaned D) being cleaned17.There is a nice-looking car there. I wonder ______.A) whom it belongs to B) whom does it belong toC) it belongs to whom D) whom does it belong18.Wordsworth was one of the greatest poets ______ lived in the 19th century.A) which B) who C) those D) that19. the population is too large, we have to take measures to control the birth rate.A) Although B) Since C) If D) Until20.It is requested that every student ______ a paper on sustainable development.A) writes B) wrote C) writing D) write21 .He said, "I ______ a lot of new poems by the end of last year."A) h ad already learnt B) have already learntC) would have already learnt D) already learnt22.As Edison grew ______, he became more and more interested in science.A) elder B) the elder C) older D) the older23.Only in this way ______ catch up with your brothers.A) do you can B) can you C) you can D) you do can24.No one, except his two best friends, ______ where he is.A) know B) knows C) to know D) knowing25.Mr. John has decided that he will ______ the branch company set up in the small town.A) take over B) hand in C) put in D) lead toSection BDirections: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form ofthe word given in the brackets. Write .the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.26. We started the attack when the enemy (cross) ______ the river.27.My suggestion is that we (send) ______ a few people to help the other groups.28.I am sorry to learn that you have made no (improve)______on the design at all.29.I prefer (live) ______ in the country rather than in a city.30.We had difficulty (carry) ______ out the plan.31.Not(know) ______ her address, we couldn't get in touch with her.32.Do you know the (high) ______ of St. Paul's Cathedral.33.The great number of traffic accidents (emphasis) ______ the need for careful driving.34.Many modern cars are equipped with an (automatically) ______ temperature control system.35.That one is no good; this one is even (bad) ______.Part ⅢReading Comprehension(40 minutes)Direction: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfil. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1Direction: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) or D) . You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a Single line through the center.Lemonade is a favorite summer drink. It is enjoyed at family meals, picnic, ball games, and many special parties. People like its light, lemony taste. They also like it because it keeps them from getting too thirsty. Doyou drink it?Fresh lemonade can be made by cutting a lemon in half and squeezing the juice into a cup. After the seeds are taken out, sugar and water are mixed in. One cup of lemon juice, One cup of sugar, and two quarts of water stirred together make good lemonade.There are even easier ways to get lemonade. One way is to buy lemonade powder. Then add the right amount of water. Another way is to buy cans of frozen lemonade and mix it with water. The easiest way of all is to buy and open a can of lemonade that is ready to drink, just like a can of juice.Lemonade is good for people. It has vitamin C. It keeps the body cool in summer. When served hot itcan help a bad cold or a sore throat.Lemonade is not a new drink. It has been around for a long time. Some say it came from China. Others think it probably came from England or France. More than four hundred years ago an English doctor wrote about the good that lemonade can do for people.36.Lemonade is a (n) ______ drink.A) old B) popular C) nourishing D) A, B and C37.In order to make good lemonade with one cup of lemon juice, we should add to it ______.A) two spoons of sugar and two quarts of water B) one cup of sugar and two quarts of waterC) one cup of sugar and one quart of water D) one spoon of sugar and one quart of water38.There are other easier ways to get lemonade, such as ______.A)to buy lemonade powder and boil it with waterB)to go to department storeC)to buy cans of boiled waterD)to buy frozen lemonade and mix it with water39. Lemonade is not a new drink. It______.A) appeared for a long time B) was brought by Chinese peopleC) has been around for several decades D) can help people recover from diseases40.We can infer from the passage that the writer ______.A)thinks it is a good drinkB)is a lemonade manufacturerC)tries to convince people that it is good for themD)is a medical researcherTask 2Directions: This task is the same as Task 1.The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 through 45.Taking pictures is fun, and taking good ones is not difficult if you follow a few simple rules.Before you snap(快拍 )a picture, thinking about it. Be sure that you are close enough to your subject. A pretty face against a clear background ( 背景 ), for example, makes a good picture. But a distant figure, lost among trees and clouds lacks interest. In a landscape( 风景 ) scene, try to keep at least two thirds of the picture below the line where the ground meets the sky, for a sky-scene, keep at least two thirds of the picture above that line.Study pictures in newspapers and books. Try to see why some are better than others. Use what you learnto improve your own pictures.41 .This passage gives us some______.A)reasons for taking good picturesB)ideas of some funny hobbiesC)advice on taking good picturesD)difference of the pictures taken outdoors and indoors42.The writer talks mostly about pictures taken______.A) outdoors B) indoors C) in color D) for newspapers43. In the first example, the subject is probably a ______.A ) buildingB ) treeC ) horseD ) girl44. In a landscape scene, two-thirds of the picture should be ______.A) land B) sky C) clouds D) sea45. You can improve your pictures by______.A) snapping them as quickly as you can B) thinking about them before you take themC) studying pictures in newspapers and books D) standing closely to your subjectTask 3Directions: The following is a passage about a business memo. After reading it, you should complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 46 through 50 ( in not more than 3 words ) in the table below.The business memo( 备忘录 ) is probably the most frequently used communication within a company.It is called an intra-company communication because it is used by people in their own company or organization.They change to letters, however, when they write messages to people who do not work for their company.A memo creates a written record that may or may not filed, depending on the receiver and the subject.As you know, spoken messages may be misunderstood or forgotten. A memo, however, be comes a record thatdoes much to ensure the complete communication between the sender and the receiver.The standard form of a memo frequently carries a pre-printed series of items: To, From, Date and Subject.The first two items include the names of the receiver and the sender. A well: written subject line tells the readerthe key topic or topics the memo is about.Business MemoFunction:for communication with a(46)Purpose:1) to keep a (47)2) to (48) the complete communicationItems involved:1) Receiver2) 493) Date4) 50Task 4Directions: The following is part of Information for Public Signs. After reading it, you are required to find theitems equivalent to ( 与......等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55.A — Cameras ForbiddenB — Children Not AdmittedC— Criticisms And Suggestions Welcome D — Don't Touch High-Tension WireE— For Use Only In Case Of Fire.F— Inspections DeclinedG— Keep Off The Grass H— Keep SilenceI —Night Bell J— No Business TodayK — Out Of Bounds L — ReservedM —Round-The-Clock Business N — Seat By NumberO— See To The Fire P— Please Keep Hands Off51. ()勿踏草地()灭火专用52. ()严禁拍照()夜间有事,请按此铃53. ()今天不营业()对号入座54. ()游客止步()小心烟火55. ()昼夜营业()谢绝参观Task 5Directions: The following is an advertisement. After reading ft, you are required to complete the answers that follow the questions ( No. 56 through No. 60 ). You should write your answers ( in not more than $ words ) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.NEWLY DECORATED & FULLY FURNISHED OFFICE-QUARTERS ROOM TO LETDONG FANG HOTEL—3 rd Floor, West WingCentral air-conditioned (中央空调 ), fully carpeted and wall papered. Wood executive desks and chairs, typing-stand, filing-cabinet,side-board and pamphlet rack Wall-beds, car-room cupboard,upholstery sofa (豪华丝沙发 ) and coffee table. Colour-TV, Hi-Fi system and refrigerator. Room direct-dial Guangzhou-HK telephone line, telex printer, conference-room with 8mm film and slide projectors.Lease term (租期 ) at tenant' s option ( 租户自选 ) .Regular hotel services provided.KIN THAI TRADING CO.603, Wah Ying Cheong Central Building, 158-164, Queen's Road, Central, HONG KONGTelex:65275 HLKTC HXCable: " KINTHTRCO'Tels:5-438213,5-457043-4 or Rm. 1325, 1330 Dongfang Hotel, Guangzhou.Tel.: 69900 ext. 1325 or 1330Telex: 44116 TFKTC CN56. Where is the office-quarters room?It is on______of Dong Fang hotel.57.What kind of telephone line is available in the office-quarters room?______Guangzhou-HK telephone line is provided there.58.How about the lease term?The lease term is______.59.Which numbers can you dial if you want to rent a room in the hotel when you are in Hong Kong?Dial 5-457043-4 or______.60.Which number can you dial if you want to rent a room in the hotel when you are in Guangzhou.Dial 69900 ext.______.Part ⅣTranslation(25 minutes)Directions: This part, numbered 61 through 65, is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. Each ofthe four sentences ( No. 61 to No. 64) is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A) , B) , C) and D) . Mark the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Write your translation of the paragraph ( No. 65 ) in the corresponding space on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.61.Our identity has a major effect on our communication.A)我们的身份对交流还有一定的效果。



上海音乐学院社会艺术水平考级练耳、乐理试卷(B级)考号:姓名:一、和声音程听写(20分)二、节奏听写(20分)三、写出下列音程性质(20分)大六大二纯八小二纯四—————————————————————————纯五纯八小三大三小七—————————————————————————四、连线下列音乐术语、中文意义(10分)Largo 广板行板Lento 慢板小快板Andante 行板慢板Allegretto 小快板恢复原速a tempo 恢复原速广板五、写出下列所给大、小调式的调号、音级(10分)降xi 升fa 升fa do so 降xi 升faF大调e小调A大调d小调G大调C大调:中音mi 主音do 属音so 导音xi 下属音fa 六、写出下列调式音阶(20分)12345671 降xi 45671234C自然大调F自然大调升fa 56712345 67123456G自然大调a自然小调B卷小学奥数题(1)1、妹妹今年6岁,哥哥今年11岁,当哥哥16岁时,妹妹几岁?2、小明从学校步行到少年宫要25分钟,如果每人的步行速度相同,那么小明、小丽、小刚、小红4个人一起从学校步行到少年宫,需要多少分钟?3、聪聪参加有奖知识竞答,共10道题。












1 She was close to suessA.fastB.quickC.tightD.near2 The two girls look alikeA.similarB.beautifulC.prettyD.attractive3 The boy is intelligentA.naughtyB.cleverC.difficultD.active4 Everybody was glad to see Mary backA.sorryB.sadC.happyD.angry5 What is your glad in life?A.aimB.planC.arrangementD.idea6 Jack is a diligent studentA.ambitiousB.hardworkingzyD.slow7 Mary said mildly that she was just curious.A.shylyB.gentlyC.weaklyD.wildly8 Practically all animals municate through soundsA.AlmostB.ClearlyC.AbsolutelyD.Basically9 The story was very touching.A.inspiringB.boringC.absorbingD.moving10 I wasn’t qualified fo r the job really, but I got it anyhowA.anywayB.somehowC.anywhereD.somewhere11 She was a puzzleA.girlB.womanC.mysteryD.problem12 Her speciality is heart surgery.A.regionB.siteC.platformD.field13 France has kept intimate links with its former African territories.A.privateB.friendlyC.strongD.secret14 You should have blended the butter with the sugar thoroughlyA.mixedB.spreadC.beatenD.covered15 The industrial revolution modified the whole structure of English socieA.destroyedB.brokeC.changedD.smashed下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。



英语b级试题及答案Introduction英语B级试题及答案 (English B Level Exam Questions and Answers) is a comprehensive collection of English language proficiency questions and corresponding answers for individuals preparing to take the B level English examination. This article aims to provide a brief overview of the various sections covered in the exam as well as offer strategies for effective preparation.Section 1: Listening ComprehensionIn this section of the exam, candidates will be presented with a series of audio recordings, such as interviews, conversations, and monologues. The recordings will be played only once, and candidates will be required to answer multiple-choice questions based on the content. To excel in this section, it is crucial to develop active listening skills and practice note-taking.Section 2: Reading ComprehensionThe reading comprehension section evaluates the candidate's ability to comprehend written English texts. Questions will be based on passages covering a range of topics, including current events, academic subjects, and everyday life. It is important to develop effective skimming and scanning techniques, as well as the ability to infer information from the given text.Section 3: Grammar and VocabularyThis section assesses the candidate's knowledge of English grammar rules and vocabulary usage. Questions may include identifying errors insentences, completing sentences with the appropriate verb forms or vocabularies, and choosing the correct synonym or antonym for a given word. To excel in this section, it is recommended to review and practice grammar rules and expand vocabulary through reading and word exercises.Section 4: WritingThe writing section tests the candidate's ability to express ideas and opinions in written English. This may involve writing an essay, a formal letter, or an email. It is important to carefully plan and structure the writing, ensuring coherence and clarity. Practice is key to improving both writing speed and accuracy.Section 5: SpeakingThe speaking section aims to evaluate the candidate's ability to communicate orally in English. Candidates will engage in a conversation with the examiner, answering questions and participating in short discussions. Developing fluency, pronunciation, and grammatical accuracy are essential for success in this section. Regular practice in speaking English, both in formal and informal settings, will greatly enhance performance.Sample Questions and AnswersQuestion 1: What skills are assessed in the listening comprehension section?Answer: The listening comprehension section assesses the candidate's ability to understand spoken English through various audio recordings.Question 2: How can one improve reading comprehension skills?Answer: Developing effective skimming and scanning techniques, as well as practicing inference and critical reading skills, can help improve reading comprehension.Question 3: What does the grammar and vocabulary section focus on?Answer: The grammar and vocabulary section focuses on testing the candidate's understanding of English grammar rules and usage of vocabulary.Question 4: How can one prepare for the writing section?Answer: Regular practice in planning, structuring, and writing essays, letters, and emails will enhance performance in the writing section.Question 5: What is evaluated in the speaking section?Answer: The speaking section assesses the candidate's ability to communicate orally in English, including fluency, pronunciation, and grammatical accuracy.ConclusionEnglish B Level Exam Questions and Answers serves as a valuable resource for individuals preparing for the B level English examination. By understanding the format and content of each section, practicing regularly, and utilizing effective strategies, candidates can enhance their performance and increase their chances of success. Remember, consistency and dedication are key when preparing for any language proficiency exam. Good luck with your preparation!。




一、交际英语1.A: Could you finish the task in two days?B: I'm afraid not。

I have something else to do these days.2.A: Please help yourself to the seafood.B: Well。

I'm afraid XXX.3.A: It's rather cold in here。

Do you mind if I close the window?B: No。

please.4.A: How much is this necklace?B: It costs XXX.5.A: Hi。


how's everything with you?B: Hm。

not too bad。

and how are you?二、阅读理解删除有问题的段落。


Newspapers serve multiple purposes。

including informing。


XXX reading a large newspaper。

it's helpful to divide it into ns such as world news。

nal and local news。





and ads。

It's also worth noting if there are any other ns available.XXX may include the writer's name。

many papers XXX.XXX instance。

headlines are often concise and to the point。



广西2023英语b级考试真题试卷及答案全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Guangxi 2023 English B Level Exam Paper and AnswersIntroduction:The Guangxi English B Level Exam is a widely recognized test that assesses candidates' proficiency in the English language. In this document, we will provide the complete 2023 exam paper along with the answers to help candidates prepare effectively.Exam Paper:Section A: Reading ComprehensionRead the following passage and answer the questions that follow.Passage:The importance of learning a second language cannot be understated in today's globalized world. With international communication becoming increasingly common, individuals who are proficient in multiple languages have a significant advantage in both academia and the job market. Not only does learning asecond language enhance cognitive skills, but it also fosters cultural understanding and empathy towards others.Questions:1. Why is learning a second language important in today's world?2. What are the advantages of being proficient in multiple languages?3. How does learning a second language enhance cognitive skills?4. What is the significance of cultural understanding in language learning?Answers:1. Learning a second language is important in today's world because international communication is becoming increasingly common.2. Being proficient in multiple languages gives individuals an advantage in academia and the job market.3. Learning a second language enhances cognitive skills by challenging the brain to think in different ways.4. Cultural understanding is significant in language learning as it promotes empathy towards others and fosters mutual respect.Section B: Grammar and VocabularyChoose the correct answer to complete the sentences below.1. I ________ to the gym every day to stay healthy.a) gob) goesc) wentd) going2. She ________ her keys in her purse.a) hasb) havec) hadd) having3. My sister ________ a new job next week.a) startsb) is startingc) startd) started4. It is important to ________ a balanced diet for good health.a) haveb) hasc) havingd) hadAnswers:1. a) go2. a) has3. b) is starting4. a) haveSection C: WritingWrite an essay of at least 200 words on the following topic: "The impact of technology on education."Answers:Technology has had a profound impact on education in recent years. With the advent of online learning platforms andvirtual classrooms, students now have access to a wealth of resources and information at their fingertips. This has revolutionized the way education is delivered and has made learning more accessible to individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Furthermore, technology has also enhanced communication between students and teachers, allowing for more personalized and interactive learning experiences. However, it is important to ensure that technology is used responsibly in education and that students are taught how to use it effectively. In conclusion, while technology has greatly benefited education, it is essential to strike a balance between traditional teaching methods and technological advancements to ensure a well-rounded learning experience for all students.Conclusion:In conclusion, the Guangxi 2023 English B Level Exam paper provides a comprehensive assessment of candidates' language proficiency. By practicing with the provided exam paper and answers, candidates can better prepare for the test and improve their chances of success. Good luck to all candidates taking the exam!篇2Title: Guangxi 2023 English B Level Exam Paper and AnswersIntroduction:The Guangxi 2023 English B Level Exam is a standardized test designed to assess the English language proficiency of candidates in Guangxi province. The exam consists ofmultiple-choice questions, listening comprehension, reading comprehension, writing, and speaking sections. In this document, we will provide sample questions and answers for the exam.Listening Comprehension:1. What is the main topic of the conversation?A. TravelingB. ShoppingC. FoodD. WeatherAnswer: A. Traveling2. Where is the woman going tomorrow?A. The libraryB. The grocery storeC. The parkD. The beachAnswer: C. The parkReading Comprehension:Read the passage and answer the questions below:According to the passage, what is the main cause of climate change?A. DeforestationB. Industrial pollutionC. Burning fossil fuelsD. All of the aboveAnswer: D. All of the aboveWriting:Write a short essay (150-200 words) on the topic: "The importance of learning a second language in today's globalized world."Speaking:Role Play: You are planning a trip to Beijing. Talk with your partner about the things you want to see and do during your trip.Sample Answer: I want to visit the Great Wall of China, explore the Forbidden City, and try authentic Peking duck. How about you?Conclusion:The Guangxi 2023 English B Level Exam is a comprehensive test that assesses a candidate's English language skills in various aspects. By practicing with sample questions and answers like the ones provided in this document, candidates can improve their performance and achieve success in the exam. Good luck to all the candidates taking the exam!篇32023 Guangxi B Level English Exam Paper and Answers Part 1: Reading Comprehension (40 points)Read the following passages and choose the best answer for each question.Passage 1The first known sport on the planet is wrestling. Wrestling has not only been practiced for over 15,000 years but has also become a form of entertainment. In ancient times, wrestling matches were held in open-air arenas and served as a way to settle disputes and prove one's physical strength.1. Why was wrestling important in ancient times?A. To show off one's wealthB. To entertain the godsC. To resolve conflictsD. To decide who would be king答案:C. To resolve conflicts2. How long has wrestling been practiced?A. 500 yearsB. 1,000 yearsC. 5,000 yearsD. 15,000 years答案:D. 15,000 years3. What is wrestling considered today?A. A lost artB. A dangerous sportC. A form of entertainmentD. A form of meditation答案:C. A form of entertainmentPart 2: Writing (30 points)Write an essay of about 200-300 words on the topic: "The Impact of Social Media on Society." Include examples and your own opinions in your essay.Part 3: Listening Comprehension (30 points)Listen to the following audio clips and answer the questions.Clip 1:Narrator: What is the main idea of this talk?A. The benefits of exerciseB. The dangers of smokingC. The importance of healthy eatingD. The history of medicine答案:A. The benefits of exerciseClip 2:Interviewer: What does the interviewee do for a living?A. A chefB. An artistC. A teacherD. A doctor答案:C. A teacherPart 4: Speaking (30 points)Answer the following questions in complete sentences.1. What is your favorite book and why?2. Can you describe a memorable travel experience you have had?3. What are your plans for the future?Part 5: Translation (30 points)Translate the following sentences from Chinese to English.1. 我们应该珍惜身边拥有的一切。



6月份英语b级考试试卷听力理解问题1:听力录音中,男士说了什么时间见面?答案:录音原文:“Let's meet at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.”答案:下午3点。

语法填空问题2:完成句子:She _______ (study) for the exam all night.答案:studied阅读理解问题3:根据文章内容,选择正确的标题。

文章内容:The article discusses the importance of recycling and how it helps the environment.答案:“The Importance of Recycling for Environmental Protection”完形填空问题4:填入合适的词:The teacher asked the students to _______ their homework on time.答案:submit翻译问题5:将中文句子翻译成英文:这本书很有趣,我读得津津有味。

答案:This book is very interesting, and I am enjoying reading it immensely.写作问题6:写一篇关于你最喜欢的节日的短文。

(此题无标准答案,但会评估语言的准确性和连贯性)词汇与结构问题7:选择正确的词填空:I'm _______ (sorry / sorry for) I can't come to your party.答案:sorry匹配题问题8:匹配下列词汇与其正确的定义。

1. Vegetarian -a. Someone who eats only plants and plant-based foods.答案:1 - a多项选择题问题9:阅读短文,选择正确的选项。

短文内容:The company is planning to expand its operations in Asia.选项:a. The company is planning to reduce its operations.b. The company is planning to expand its operations in Europe.c. The company is planning to expand its operations in Asia.答案:c改错题问题10:改正句子中的错误:She have a beautiful garden.答案:She has a beautiful garden.。



英语b级试卷一、交际英语1.- Did you use to play the piano? -A.Yes, I do.B.No, I didn't.C.Yes, I play it every day.D.No, I do.答案:B2.- Thanks for your help.-A.My pleasure.B.Never mind.C.Quite right.D.Don't thank me.答案:A3.- Thank you for inviting me.-A.I really had a happy time.B.Oh, it's too late.C.Thank you for coming.D.Oh, so slowly?答案:C4.- How are you getting on today?-A.Very well.B.How do you do?C.I'm a doctor.D.Nice to have known you.答案:A5.- How tall is your sister?-A.She is not very well.B.She is 28 years old.C.She is very nice.D.She is as tall as I am.答案:D二、阅读理解The clock struck eleven at night. The whole house was quiet. Everyone was in bed except me. Under the strong light, I looked sadly before me at a huge pile of that troublesome stuff(东西)they call "books".I was going to have my examination the next day. "When can I go to bed?" I asked myself. I didn't answer. In fact, I dared not.The clock struck twelve. "Oh, dear!" I cried. "Ten more books to read before I can go to bed!" We pupils are the most pity creatures in the world. Dad does not agree with me on this. He did not have to work so hard when he was a boy. The clock struck one. I was quite desperate(绝望的)now. I forgot all I had learned. I was too tired to go on. I did the only thing I could. I prayed, "Oh God, please help me pass the exam tomorrow. I do promise to work hard afterwards, Amen." My eyes were so heavy that I could hardly open them. A few minutes later, with my head on the desk, I fell asleep.6.The writer was sleeping and dreaming.A.TB.F答案:B7.The writer is a young teacher.A.TB.F答案:B8.He finished the ten books.A.TB.F答案:B9.He prayed to God because he was desperate.A.TB.F答案:A10.He fell asleep on the desk.A.TB.F答案:AOne day a bookseller(书商)let a big box of books fall on his foot. "Go to see the doctor," said his wife. "No, "he said. "I'll wait until the doctor comes into the shop next time. Then I'll ask him about my foot. If I go to see him, I'll have to pay him."On the next day the doctor came into the shop for some books. When the bookseller was getting them ready, he told the doctor about his bad foot. The doctor looked at it. "You must put that foot in hot water every night. Then you must put something on it," said the doctor.He took out a piece of paper and wrote on it. "Buy this and put it on the foot before you go to bed every night," he said."Thank you," said the bookseller. "And now, sir, here are your books.""How much?" said the doctor."Two pounds.""Good," said the doctor. "I shall not have to pay you anything.""Why?" asked the bookseller."I told you about your foot. I want two pounds for that. If people come to my house, I ask them to pay one pound for a small thing like that. But when I go to their houses, I want two pounds. And I came here, didn't I?"11.What happened to the bookseller one day?A.He lost a box of books.B.His foot was wounded by a box of books.C.He lent the doctor a box of books.D.He sold out all his books.答案:B12.The bookseller's wife asked him .A.to go out for some medicineB.to send somebody for a doctorC.to go to see the doctorD.to wait for the doctor to come答案:C13.The bookseller didn't take his wife's advice because .A.he was afraid of the doctorB.he didn't like to take medicineC.he couldn't walk by himselfD.he didn't want to pay the doctor答案:D14.The doctor paid for the books.A.one poundB.two poundsC.nothingD.something答案:C15.The bookseller paid money for seeing the doctor in the end.A.moreB.lessC.the same amount ofD.no答案:A三、词汇与语法16.Of all the students in our class, Betty writes .A.very carefullyB.most carefullyC.more carefullyD.the most carefully答案:B17.Modern machinery been installed in this newly-built factory.A.hasB.haveC.isD.are答案:A18.I don’t know the park, but it's to be quite beautiful.A.saidB.toldC.spokenD.talked答案:A19.We worked hard and completed the task .A.in the timeB.on the timeC.ahead of timeD.before time答案:C20.Twenty people were wounded in the air crash.A.quicklyB.wronglyC.bitterlyD.seriously答案:D四、完型填空Scientists hope that if we can discover __21__ the brain works, the better use we will be able to put it to. For example, how do we learn language? Man differs most from all the animals in his ability to learn and use language __22__ we still do not know exactly how this is done. Some children learn to speak and read and write when they are very young compared to __23__ children. But scientists are not sure why this happens. They are trying to find out__24__ there is something about the way we teach languageto children which in fact prevents children __25__ learning sooner.21.A.butB.howC.fromD.whetherE.average答案:B22.A.butB.howC.fromD.whetherE.average答案:A23.A.butB.howC.fromD.whetherE.average答案:E24.A.butB.howC.fromD.whetherE.average答案:D25.A.butB.howC.fromD.whetherE.average答案:C五、英译汉26.I'm having a headache now.答案:我现在有点头疼。

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16、在直齿圆柱齿轮的规定画法中,齿顶圆及齿顶线用( A )画。

A 粗实线
B 细实线
C 虚线
D 点画线
17、装配图主要表达机器或部件中各零件的( B )、工作原理和主要零件的结构特点。

A 运动路线
B 装配关系
C 技术要求 D尺寸大小
18、在金属构架获特别潮湿的地方只允许使用不超过( D )V 。

A 220.
B 36.
C 24.
D 12.
19、用于制造丝锥、板牙等形状复杂的材料( B )。

A 碳素工具钢
B 合金工具钢
C 高速工具钢
D 硬质合金

A 表面B轮齿C润滑D安装。

21、泵、风机、离心机等化工机器振动的原因很多,但最主要的原因是( A )。

A 转子不平衡、
B 工作时间过长、C转速太高、D 年久失修。

22、齿轮泵盘车时旋转不灵活的原因可能是( C )。

A 油液粘度太大、
B 旋转方向不对、
C 轴向间隙过小、
D 齿轮精度不高。

23、夹紧力的作用点应使工件夹紧可靠,所产生的( C )尽可能小。

A 移动
B 转动
C 变形
D 力
24、螺旋夹紧机构夹紧和松开的过程比较( B )。

A 省时 B费时、费力 C 省力 D 方便
25、在下列制动中,( B )不是电动机的制动方式。

A 机械制动
B 液压制动
C 反接制动
D 能耗制动
26、采用温差法装配时,机油一般加热到( D )℃。

A 50、
B 80、
C 90、
D 100.
27、热胀性是金属材料的( C )。

A 化学性能
B 力学性能
C 物理性能
D 自然性能
28、下列密封装置中,属于接触式密封装置的是( A )密封。

A 毡圈
B 间歇式
C 迷宫式
D 垫圈式
29、以液体为工作介质、依靠液体压力和流量来进行能量传递和控制的传动方式称为( C)传动。

A 机械、
B 带、
C 液压、
D 螺旋。

30、在孔快要钻穿时,必须减少( A ),钻头才不易损坏。

A 进给量
B 背吃刀量
C 切削速度
D 润滑油
31、为保障人身安全,在正常情况下,电气设备的安全电压规定为( B )以下。

A 24V
B 36V
C 220V
D 380V
32、起重工多人挂钩时,驾驶员只服从(B )的指挥。

A 发出信号人
B 吊装前确定的人
C 工段长
D 班组长
33、润滑系统由液压泵、(B )、润滑油、油道、过滤器和冷却器等组成。

A 单向阀
B 节流阀
C 调速阀
D 压力阀
34、拆修高压容器时,须先打开所有(C ),放出剩下的高压气体和液体。

A 安全罩
B 防护网
C 放液阀
D 安全阀
35、滑动轴承压入轴套时,为了防止轴套歪斜可用(C )导向。

A 铜棒
B 钢棒
C 导向心轴
D V形铁
































解:根据公式d0=d—0.13P 可得d0=10—0.13×1.5 =9.805(mm)


技术参数:进口直径∮80. 出口直径∮65 流量S50.扬程H32m。

功率W7.5千瓦转速r =2900r/min.







1.泵灌不满 1.检修底阀和吸液管
2.泵不吸液, 2.检查底阀及吸液管路、压力表管
3.流量不足或不吸液 3.检查各配合间隙、叶轮、管路、
4.机械密封泄漏 4.检查调整弹簧力或更换
5.轴承发热 5.检查润滑油及轴、轴承找正
