cc2590 芯片手册


ART2590 数字量 DIDO 卡 - 北京阿尔泰科技发展有限公司

ART2590 数字量 DIDO 卡 - 北京阿尔泰科技发展有限公司

ART2590数字量DI/DO卡硬件使用说明书北京阿尔泰科技发展有限公司产品研发部修订北京阿尔泰科技发展有限公司目录目录 (1)第一章功能概述 (2)第一节、产品应用 (2)第二节、DI数字量输入功能 (2)第三节、DO数字量输出功能 (2)第四节、板卡尺寸 (2)第五节、产品安装核对表 (2)第六节、安装指导 (2)一、软件安装指导 (3)二、硬件安装指导 (3)第二章元件布局图及简要说明 (4)第一节、主要元件布局图 (4)第二节、主要元件功能说明 (4)第三章数字量信号输入输出连接器 (5)第一节、DI数字量信号输入连接器定义 (5)第二节、DO数字量信号输出连接器定义 (5)第四章各种信号的连接方法 (7)第一节、DI数字量输入的信号连接方法 (7)第二节、DO数字量输出的信号连接方法 (7)第五章产品的应用注意事项、校准、保修 (8)第一节、注意事项 (8)第二节、保修 (8)附录A:各种标识、概念的命名约定 (9)ART2590数字量DI/DO卡硬件使用说明书版本:6.0.15第一章功能概述随着基于PC/104总线系统的推广应用,PC/104总线逐渐成为嵌入式PC机的机械标准,其秉承了IBM-PC 开放式总线结构的优点,与IBM-PC机完全兼容,具备体积小(96*90mm栈接式结构)、低成本、高可靠性、长寿命、工作范围宽、编程调试方便、外围模块齐全等优点,所以在测试领域基于PC/104的智能仪器得到了广泛应用, PC/104系列产品已广泛应用于通信设备、车辆导航、工程控制等各种领域。

第一节、产品应用ART2590是一种基于PC104总线的数字量I/O 模块,但PC104总线只提供固定和供电的作用。


ART2590可通过I/O 模块接收和控制高电平的信号;接收低电平信号(TTL)或开关信号;驱动指示灯或控制记录设备;与计算机间并行传输数据,主要应用于:野外测控信号采集医疗设备伺服控制电子产品质量检测第二节、DI数字量输入功能16路光电隔离数字量输入输入类型:湿接点(共阴极或共阳极)输入高电平:+5V~+30V输入低电平:0~+1V隔离电压:3750V第三节、DO数字量输出功能16路光电隔离数字量输出输出电压:0~+10V隔离电压:3750V第四节、板卡尺寸90mm(长)*96mm(宽)*16mm(高)107mm(长)*104mm(宽)*16mm(高)(带端子)第五节、产品安装核对表打开ART2590板卡包装后,你将会发现如下物品:1、ART2590板卡一个2、ART软件光盘一张,该光盘包括如下内容:a)本公司所有产品驱动程序,用户可在PC104目录下找到ART2590驱动程序;b)用户手册(pdf格式电子文档);第六节、安装指导北京阿尔泰科技发展有限公司一、软件安装指导在不同操作系统下安装ART2590板卡的方法一致,在本公司提供的光盘中含有安装程序Setup.exe,用户双击此安装程序按界面提示即可完成安装。

东芝 TLP250(INV) 导流芯片说明书

东芝 TLP250(INV) 导流芯片说明书

TOSHIBA PHOTOCOUPLER GaAlAs IRED & PHOTO-ICTLP250(INV)TRANSISTOR INVERTERINVERTERS FOR AIR CONDITIONER IGBT GATE DRIVEPOWER MOS FET GATE DRIVEThe TOSHIBA TLP250(INV) consists of a GaAlAs light emitting diode and a integrated photodetector. This unit is 8-lead DIP .TLP250(INV) is suitable for gate driving circuit of IGBT or power MOS FET.l Input Threshold Current : I F =5mA(MAX)l Supply Current(ICC) : 11mA(MAX)l Supply Voltage(VCC) : 10~35V l Output Current(IO) : ±2.0A(MAX)l Switching Time(tpLH/tpHL): 0.5µs(MAX)l Isolation Voltage : 2500Vrmsl UL Recognized : UL1577,File No.E67349 l Option(D4)VDE Approved : DIN VDE0884/06.92 Certificate No.76823 Maximum Operating Insulation Voltage : 630V PK Highest Permissible Over Voltage : 4000V PK (Note):When a VDE0884 approved type is needed, Please designate the “Option(D4)” l Creepage Distance : 6.4mm(MIN)Clearance : 6.4mm(MIN )TRUTH TABLETr 1 Tr 2ON ON OFF INPUT LEDOFF OFF ON1:N.C.2: ANODE 3:CATHODE 4:N.C. 5:GND6:VO(OUTPUT)7:VO 8:VCC1234VFV CC V O V O GNDConnected between pin 8 and 5(See Note 5).TOSHIBA 11−10C4 Weight: 0.54 gUnit in mmMAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25°C)(Note 1) : Pulse width PW≤1µs,300pps(Note 2) : Exporenential Waveform(Note 3) : Exporenential Waveform I OPH≤−1.0A (≤2.5µs) , I OPL≤+1.0A (≤2.5µs)(Note 4) : Device considerd a two terminal device : pins 1,2,3 and 4 shorted together and pins 5,6,7 and 8 shorted together.(Note 5) : A ceramic capacitor(0.1µF) should be connected from pin 8 to pin 5 to stabilize the operation of the high gain linear amplifier.Failure to provide the bypassing may impair the switching proparty.The total lead length between capacitor andcoupler should not exceed 1cm.RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSUNITCHARACTERISTIC SYMBOLMIN TYP.MAXInput Current, ON I F (ON) 7 8 10 mAInput Voltage, OFF V F (OFF) 0 — 0.8 VSupply Voltage V CC 15 — 30 20 VPeak Output Current I OPH / I OPL — — ±0.5 AOperating Temperature T opr −2025 70 85 °C(*) : All typical values are at Ta=25°C (*1) : Duration of IO time ≤ 50µsFig.1 I OPL TEST CIRCUIT Fig.2 I OPH TEST CIRCUITV CCCCFig.3 V OH TEST CIRCUIT Fig.4 V OL TEST CIRCUITI FFig.5 t pLH 、t pHL、t r 、t f TEST CIRCUITIFVFig.6 CM H , CM L TEST CIRCUITCCCM HCM LV CMSW : A(IF=8mA)SW : B(IF=0mA)V O800(V)t r (µs)CM L =800(V)CM H =t f (µs)CML(CMH) is the maximum rate of rise(fall) of the common mode voltage that can be sustained with the output voltage in the low(high)state.· TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products, to comply with the standards of safety in making a safe design for the entire system, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of such TOSHIBA products could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property.In developing your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent TOSHIBA products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and conditions set forth in the “Handling Guide for Semiconductor Devices,” or “TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability Handbook” etc.. · The TOSHIBA products listed in this document are intended for usage in general electronics applications (computer, personal equipment, office equipment, measuring equipment, industrial robotics, domestic appliances, etc.). These TOSHIBA products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in equipment that requires extraordinarily high quality and/or reliability or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life or bodily injury (“Unintended Usage”). Unintended Usage include atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, medical instruments, all types of safety devices, etc.. Unintended Usage of TOSHIBA products listed in this document shall be made at the customer’s own risk. · Gallium arsenide (GaAs) is a substance used in the products described in this document. GaAs dust and fumes are toxic. Do not break, cut or pulverize the product, or use chemicals to dissolve them. When disposing of the products, follow the appropriate regulations. Do not dispose of the products with other industrial waste or with domestic garbage. · The products described in this document are subject to the foreign exchange and foreign trade laws.· The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA CORPORATION for any infringements of intellectual property or other rights of the third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any intellectual property or other rights of TOSHIBA CORPORATION or others. · The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.000707EBCRESTRICTIONS ON PRODUCT USE。



用户手册PCM3-D2550嵌入式单板版本2021 年 8 月修订:A0版权爱惜及声明本手册为深圳灵江运算机技术的知识产权,内容受版权爱惜,版权所有。





商标本手册利用的所有商标均属于各自的商标持有者所有:Intel和Atom是Intel的注册商标Win7/8和Windows XP是Microsoft 的注册商标装箱物品检查请确认您所购买的主板包装盒是不是完整,若是包装有所损坏、或是有任何配件欠缺的情形,请尽快与咱们联络。

; 1 块PCM-D2550主板2组串口转接电缆1条SATA电缆1 条SATA-PWOR电缆订购信息欲知更多信息欢迎访问:目录1.产品介绍 ... ................................................................................................................. (5)1.1简介 ... ..................................................................................................................... (5)1.2 环境与机械尺寸 ... ................................................................................................. (7)2. 主板构造图 ... ............................................................................................................. ..8 2.1 功能接口标识描述 ... .............................................................................................. ..83. 主板安装 ... ................................................................................................................ (9)3.1 平安指导 ... ............................................................................................................. (9)3.2 系统内存的安装 ... ................................................................................................. (10)3.3 跳线设置 ... ............................................................................................................. (11)4.板载接头和接口 ... ..................................................................................................... (12)5.5. 主板操纵按钮、状态指示 ...................................................................................... (21)6.GPIO概念/编程指引 ... ............................................................................................ ..23 7.Watchdog看门狗编程指引............................................................................... (25)8.BIOS设置 ... ............................................................................................................. (26)用户手册1. 产品介绍1.1 简介PCM3-D2550主板是款采纳板载Intel Atom D2550基于NM10芯片集设计的高性能、高靠得住工业主板,要紧特点如下:✍提供板载D2550处置器。



YKE2405PR总线型步进驱动器硬件手册版本:V1.0深圳市研控自动化科技有限公司目录目录 (2)版本修订历史 (3)前言 (1)第1章概述 (2)1.1 产品介绍 (2)1.2 特性 (2)1.3 应用领域 (2)1.4 产品命名规则 (3)第2章性能指标 (4)2.1 电气特性 (4)2.2 使用环境 (4)第3章安装 (5)3.1 安装尺寸 (5)3.2 安装方法 (5)第4章驱动器端口与接线 (7)4.1 接线示意图 (7)4.2 端口定义 (8)4.2.1 状态指示灯 (8)4.2.2 控制信号输入/输出端口 (8)4.2.3 电源输入/电机输出端口 (9)4.2.4拨码开关 (9)4.2.5 RS485总线端口 (9)4.3 输入/输出端口操作 (10)4.4 拨码开关设定 (12)4.4.1驱动器地址设置 (13)4.4.2通讯波特率设置 (15)4.4.3终端电阻设置 (15)第5章适配电机 (16)5.1 电机尺寸 (16)5.2 技术参数 (16)5.3 电机接线图 (17)第6章报警排除及故障排查 (18)第7章一般故障排除方法 (19)第8章保修及售后服务 (20)8.1保修 (20)8.2售后服务 (20)YKE2405PR硬件手册V1.0 版本修订历史版本修订历史YKE2405PR 硬件手册V1.0 前言前言感谢您使用本公司总线型步进驱动器。








chipcon smartrf cc2500单片低成本低能耗RF收发芯片 说明书

chipcon smartrf cc2500单片低成本低能耗RF收发芯片 说明书
包误差率) z 可编程控制的数据传输率,可达
500kbps z 较低的电流消耗(RX 中 15.6mA) z 可编程控制的输出功率,可达+1dBm z 优秀的接收器选择性和模块化性能 z 极少的外部元件:芯片内频率合成器,
不需要外部滤波器或 RF 转换 z 可编程控制的基带调制解调器 z 理想的多路操作特性 z 可控的数据包处理硬件 z 快速频率变动合成器带来的合适的频
第 2 页 共 61 页
目录 1 缩写词 ....................................................................................................................... 2 2 绝对最大等级 ........................................................................................................... 5 3 工作条件 ................................................................................................................... 5 4 电气规范 ................................................................................................................... 6 5 常规特性 .....................................................................................



2020 ©屹晶微电子有限公司 版权所有
EG1192 芯片数据手册 V1.0
EG1192 芯片数据手册 V1.0
1. 特性
通过使能脚关断实现零功耗 宽电压输入范围 10V 至 90V 最大输出电流 3A 集成 100V 功率 MOS 管 外围器件少 输出短路保护 温度保护 逐周期限流 输出电压灵活可靠 ESOP8
2020 ©屹晶微电子有限公司 版权所有
5. 内部电路图
EG1192 芯片数据手册 V1.0
EN 3 VIA 4
电源管理 逻辑控制
FB 5
悬浮 驱动
EG1192 芯片数据手册
2020 ©屹晶微电子有限公司 版权所有
REV 1.0
EG1192 芯片数据手册 V1.0
版本号 日期
2020 年 03 月 03 日 EG1192 数据手册初稿
2. 描述
EG1192 一款宽电压范围降压型 DC-DC 电源管理芯片,内部集成使能开关控制、基准电源、误差放大器、 过热保护、限流保护、短路保护等功能,非常适合宽电压输入降压使用。
EG1192 零功耗使能控制,可以大大节省外围器件,更加适合电池场合使用,具有很高的方案性价比。
3. 应用领域



BusCheck for Samples:TPS2590FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe TPS2590provides highly integrated hot-swap •Integrated Pass MOSFETpower management and superior protection in •3-V to20-V Bus Operation applications where the load is powered by voltages•Programmable Fault Timer between3.0V and20V.This device is intended forsystems where a voltage bus must be protected to •Programmable Fault Currentprevent load shorts from interrupting or damaging •Programmable Hard Current Limitother system components.The TPS2590is in a •Fast Disable16-pin QFN package.•Thermal Shutdown The TPS2590has multiple programmable protection •Load Fault Alert features.Load protection is accomplished by anon-current limiting fault threshold,a hard current •Latching and Auto-retry Operationlimit threshhold,and a fault timer.The dual current •4-mm x4-mm QFNthresholds allow the system to draw high current for •-40°C to125°C Junction Temperature Range short periods without causing a voltage droop at theload.An example of this is a disk drive startup.This •UL Listed-File Number E169910technique is ideal for loads that experience brief highdemand,but benefit from protection levels consistent APPLICATIONSwith average current draw.•RAID ArraysHotswap MOSFET protection is provided by power •Telecommunications limit circuitry which protects the internal MOSFET•Plug-In Circuit Boards against SOA related failures.•Disk Drive The TPS2590provides a fault indicator output and •Notebooks/Netbooks allows latch off or retry on fault.12-V,3.5-A ApplicationFigure1.Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications of TexasInstruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.Copyright©2009–2011,Texas Instruments Incorporated Products conform to specifications per the terms of the TexasInstruments standard warranty.Production processing does notnecessarily include testing of all parameters.TPS2590SLUS960D–JULY2009–REVISED ORDERING INFORMATIONDEVICE JUNCTION PACKAGE ORDERING CODE MARKINGTEMPERATURETPS2590-40°C to125°C RSA(4-mm x4-mm QFN)TPS2590RSA TPS2590ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSover operating free-air temperature range(unless otherwise noted)(1)(2)UNITInput voltage range IN,OUT-0.3to25Voltage range FLT-0.3to20VVoltage IFAULT,ILIM 1.75Voltage CT 3.0Output sink current FLT10mAInput voltage range,EN-0.3to6VInput current,RTRY(RTRY internally clamped to3V)RTRY=0V35uA Voltage range CT(3),IFLT(3),ILIM(3),RTRY-0.3to3ESD rating,HBM2.5k VESD rating,CDM400Operating junction temperature range,T J Internally Limited°C Storage temperature range,T stg-65to150(1)Stresses beyond those listed under“absolute maximum ratings”may cause permanent damage to the device.These are stress ratingsonly,and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under“recommended operating conditions”is not implied.Exposure to absolute–maximum–rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.(2)All voltage values are with respect to GND.(3)Do not apply voltage to pin.DISSIPATION RATINGS(1)(2)(3)(4)PACKAGEθJA LOW K,°C/WθJA HIGH K,°C/WθJA BEST4,°C/W RSA2115550(1)Tested per JEDEC JESD51,natural convection.The definitions of high-k and low-k are per JESD51-7and JESD51-3.(2)Low-k(2signal-no plane,3in.by3in.board,0.062in.thick,1oz.copper)test board with the pad soldered,and an additional0.12in.2of top-side copper added to the pad.(3)High-k is a(2signal–2plane)test board with the pad soldered.(4)The best case thermal resistance is obtained using the recommendations per SLMA002A(2signal-2plane with the pad connected tothe plane).RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSover operating free-air temperature range(unless otherwise noted)PARAMETER MIN NOM MAX UNIT Input voltage range IN,OUT320Voltage range EN05V Voltage range FLT020Output sink current FLT01mA Voltage range RTRY03VCCT100p10m F Junction temperature-40125°C2Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©2009–2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):TPS2590TPS2590 SLUS960D–JULY2009–REVISED OCTOBER2011ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSover operating free-air temperature range(unless otherwise noted)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITINUVLO V IN↑ 2.6 2.85 2.9VHysteresis150mV Bias current EN=2.4V25100μAEN=0V 3.95mA OUTR VIN-VOUT,I VOUT<I RLIM or I VOUT<(I SET x1.25),1RON29.542.0mΩA≤I VOUT≤4.5APower limit V IN:12V,C OUT=1000μF,EN:3V→0V357.5WReverse diode voltage V OUT>V IN,EN=5V,I IN=-1A0.77 1.0V IFLTI VOUT↑,I CT:sinking→sourcing,pulsed test(R RFLT0.81 1.2=200kΩ)I VOUT↑,I CT:sinking→sourcing,pulsed test(R RFLTI FLT Fault current threshold 1.82 2.2A=100kΩ)I VOUT↑,I CT:sinking→sourcing,pulsed test(R RFLT3.644.4=49.9kΩ)ILIMR RLIM=100kΩ 1.62 2.4 Current limit program I VOUT,R RLIM=66.5kΩ 2.63 3.4A V VIN-V OUT=0.3V,pulsed testR RLIM=40.2kΩ 4.65 5.4CTI CT sourcing,V CT=1V293541Charge/discharge currentμAI CT sinking,V CT=1V 1.0 1.4 1.8V CT↑ 1.3 1.4 1.5 Threshold voltage VV CT↓ ON/OFF fault duty cycle V VOUT=0V 2.8 3.7 4.6%Copyright©2009–2011,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback3Product Folder Link(s):TPS2590TPS2590SLUS960D–JULY2009–REVISED ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(continued)over operating free-air temperature range(unless otherwise noted)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT ENV EN↓0.8 1.0 1.5V Threshold voltageHysteresis50150250mVV EN=2.4V(sinking)-1.500.5 Input bias currentμAV EN=0.2V(sourcing)-210.5V IN=3.3V,I LOAD=1A,VTurn on propagation delay EN:2.4V→0.2V,V OUT:↑35050090%x VI NμsV IN=3.3V,I LOAD=1A,VTurn off propagation delay EN:0.2V→2.4V,V OUT:1020↓10%x V INFLTVOUT LOW V CT=1.8V,I FLT=1mA0.20.4VLeakage current V FLT=18V1μA RTRYLow threshold voltage Auto Retry Mode0.8V High threshold Latch mode 2.0V RTRY=3.0V-1.00.2 1.0 Input bias current mAV RTRY=0.2V-50-250Thermal ShutdownThermal shutdown T J160°CHysteresis104Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©2009–2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):TPS2590OUT INILIM GND IFLT FAULT\CT RTRY\EN\TPS2590SLUS960D –JULY 2009–REVISED OCTOBER 2011DEVICE INFORMATIONTPS2590Functional Block DiagramFigure 2.Copyright ©2009–2011,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback5Product Folder Link(s):TPS2590423812111091514131567TPS259016G N DCTI F L TI L I MVIN E NVOUT VIN VIN VINVOUTVOUT F L TG N DG N DR T R YFAULT CT 3T C 38.910=´TPS2590SLUS960D –JULY 2009–REVISED OCTOBER 2011TPS2590PINOUTTERMINAL FUNCTIONSFUNCTIONTPS2590DESCRIPTIONEN 16Device is enabled when this pin is pulled low.IN 1-4Power In and control supply voltage.6If low,the TPS2590will attempt to restart after an overcurrent fault.If floating (high)the device will RTRY latch off after an overcurrent fault and will not attempt to restart until EN or Vin is cycled off and on.ILIM 7A resistor to ground sets the current limit level.IFLT 8A resistor to ground sets the fault current level.CT 9A capacitor to ground sets the fault time.GND 5,13,14GNDOUT 10,11,12Output to the load.FLT15Fault low indicated the fault time has expired and the FET is switched off.PIN DESCRIPTIONCT:Connect a capacitor form CT to GND to set the fault time.The fault timer starts when the fault current threshold is exceeded,charging the capacitor with 36μA from GND towards an upper threshold of 1.4V.If the capacitor reaches the upper threshold,the internal pass MOSFET is turned off.The MOSFET will stay off until EN is cycled if a latching version is used.If an auto-retry version is used,the capacitor will discharge at 5μA to 0.2V and then re-enable the pass MOSFET.When the device is disabled,CT is pulled to GND through a 100-k Ωresistor.The timer period must be chosen long enough to allow the external load capacitance to charge.The fault timer period is selected using the following formula where T FAULT is the minimum timer period in seconds and C CT is in Farads.(1)This equation does not account for component tolerances.In autoretry versions,the second and subsequent retry timer periods will be approximately 85%as long as the first retry period.In autoretry versions,the fault timer discharges the capacitor for a nominal t SD in seconds with C CT in Farads per the following equation.6Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2009–2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):TPS25906SD CTt 1.010C =´´RFLT FAULT200k R I W =LIM LIM201k R I W =OUT IN OUTV V 0.04I =-´TPS2590SLUS960D –JULY 2009–REVISED OCTOBER 2011(2)The nominal ratio of on-to-off times represents about a 3%duty cycle when a hard fault is present on the output of an autoretry version part.Open-drain output that pulls low on any condition that causes the output to open.These conditions are either an overload with a fault time-out,or a thermal shutdown.FLT becomes operational before UV,when VIN is greater than 1V.IFLT may not be set below 1A to maintain the Fault Current Limit threshold accuracy listed in Electrical Characteristics.Some parts may not current limit or fault as expected.GND:This is the most negative voltage in the circuit and is used as reference for all voltage measurements unless otherwise specified.IFLT:A resistor connected from this pin to ground sets the fault current threshold (I FAULT ).Currents between the fault current threshold and the current limit are permitted to flow unimpeded for the period set by the fault timer programmed on CT.This permits loads to draw momentary surges while maintaining the protection provided by a lower average-current limit.The fault timer implemented by CT starts charging CT when current through V IN exceeds I FAULT .If the current doesn ’t drop below the I FAULT level before V CT reaches its upper threshold,the output will be shut off.The fault current resistor is set by the following formula where I FAULT is in Amperes and R RFLT is in Ohms.(3)ILIM:A resistor connected from this pin to ground sets I LIM .The TPS2590will limit current to I LIM .If the current doesn ’t drop below the I FAULT level before the timer times out then the output will be shut off.R LIM is set by the formula:(4)I LIM must be set sufficiently larger than I FAULT to ensure that l LIM could never be less than I FAULT ,even after taking tolerances into account.When this pin is pulled low,the IC is enabled.The input threshold is hysteretic,allowing the user to program a startup delay with an external RC circuit.EN is pulled to VIN by a 10-M Ωresistor,pulled to GND by 16.8M Ωand is clamped to ground by a 7-V Zener diode.Because high impedance pullup/down resistors are used to reduce current draw,any external FET controlling this pin should be low leakage.IN:Input voltage to the TPS2590.The recommended operating voltage range is 3V to 18V.All VIN pins should be connected together and to the power source.OUT:Output connection for the TPS2590.When switched on the output voltage will be approximately:(5)All OUT pins should be connected together and to the load.RTRY:When pulled low the TPS2590will attempt to restart after a fault.If left floating or pulled high the TPS2590will latch off after a fault.This pin is internally clamped at 3V and is pulled to the internal 3-V supply by a diode in series with a 100-k Ωresistor.Copyright ©2009–2011,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback7Product Folder Link(s):TPS2590–500100150I L I M –C u r r e n t L i m i t –A50T J –Junction Temperature–°C1.802.–50050150100I F A U L T –F a u l t C u r r e n t –A1.802. J–JunctionTemperature –°C–501003. L I M I T –P o w e r L i m i t L e v e l –W0501504.05.57.0T J–Junction Temperature –°C4.56.0101216182224I S U P P L Y –S u p p l y C u r r e n t –m A2014T J–JunctionTemperature –°C–50010015050TPS2590SLUS960D –JULY 2009–REVISED OCTOBER 2011TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSCURRENT LIMITFAULT CURRENTvsvsJUNCTION TEMPERATUREJUNCTION TEMPERATUREFigure 3.Figure 4.SLEEP MODE SUPPLY CURRENTPOWER LIMIT(VCC =12V)vsvsJUNCTION TEMPERATUREJUNCTION TEMPERATUREFigure 5.Figure 6.8Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2009–2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):TPS2590TPS2590SLUS960D –JULY 2009–REVISED OCTOBER 2011TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)Figure 7.12-V Startup into 15-Ω,700-μF Load Figure 8.12-V Input Addded to an 8-ΩLoadFigure 9.Failed Startup into a 4-ΩLoadFigure 10.12-V Soft Overload,3-A to 4.2-A,Power LimitNot TrippedFigure 11.Firm Overload,3-A to 5.4A,Figure 12.12-V Hard Overload,3.6-A Load then ShortPower Limit TrippedCopyright ©2009–2011,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback9Product Folder Link(s):TPS2590TPS2590SLUS960D –JULY 2009–REVISED OCTOBER 2011TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)Figure 13.Power Dissipation During 12-V Startup into aFigure 14.Power Dissipation During 12-V Startup into a60-Ω,660-μF Load 15-Ω,110-μF LoadFigure 15.Startup into a 1-ΩLoadFigure 16.Firm Overload,Load SteppedFrom 3.8A to 5.5A10Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2009–2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):TPS2590分销商库存信息:TITPS2590RSAT TPS2590RSAR TPS2590EVM。

cc-link 兼容产品集(中文版)说明书

cc-link 兼容产品集(中文版)说明书

2015年10月中文版J a p a nK o r e aT a i w a nA m e r i c a sE u r o p eC h i n aA S E A NI n d i aT u r k e yC H I N An e r P r o d u c t f o r C h i n aC-L i n k P a r t(中国用户选型专用)C C-L i n k P a r t n e r P r o d u c t f o r C h i n aC C-L i n k兼容产品集(中国用户选型专用)深圳市杰曼科技股份有限公司称重仪表/过程设备可通过CC-Link通讯快速组建重量监控反馈、控制系统特点●拥有单排高亮LED显示;外型小巧,节省安装空间●120/240/480次/秒多种A/D采样速度可选●1/100000显示精度●立抗振数字滤波器,开启后可最大限度屏蔽现场干扰●支持AC 90V~260V宽范围电源输入●板防护等级达到IP65●方便连接CC-Link产品,快速组建称重控制系统站类型远程设备站占用站数1,2或4个站CC-Link版本Ver.1.10外形尺寸105(W)×57(H)×151(D)mm 重量大约550g联系方式深圳市杰曼科技股份有限公司电话:*************网址:南京华太自动化技术有限公司适配器CC-Link适配器FR8000smartLink远程IO.可将数字量,模拟量,温度,定位,计数等模块混合接入CC-Link系统稳定,可靠,性价比高。

特点●插片式IO,便于扩展●优秀的背板总线,数据传输“0”延时●全系产品通过CE认证,性能稳定●所有电器特征符合IEC61131-2标准●诊断功能丰富,支持远程诊断和维护●体积小,节约安装空间站类型远程设备站占用站数1-4逻辑站可配CC-Link版本Ver.1.1外形尺寸适配器(94mm x 68mm x 50mm)IO模块(94mm x 68mm x12mm)重量0.13kg联系方式南京华太自动化技术有限公司电话:************邮箱:*********************网址:CC-Link 协会(中国)CC-Link作为亚洲最早开发的现场总线,2001年4月在高速发展的中国设立了CC-Link推广中心,开始了现场网络推广工作。


Power Modes • RF Performance Unchanged • Small Package Allows for Small Solution Size • CC2540 Controllable
The CC2540 is a cost-effective, low-power, true system-on-chip (SoC) for Bluetooth low energy applications. It enables robust BLE master or slave nodes to be built with very low total bill-of-material costs. The CC2540 combines an excellent RF transceiver with an industry-standard enhanced 8051 MCU, in-system programmable flash memory, 8-KB RAM, and many other powerful supporting features and peripherals. The CC2540 is suitable for systems where very low power consumption is required. Very low-power sleep modes are available. Short transition times between operating modes further enable low power consumption.
• Development Tools – CC2540 Mini Development Kit – SmartRF™ Software – Supported by IAR Embedded Workbench™ Software for 8051

E6Y2 E6Y5 E6Y6 32-bit ARM M0-based MCU 技术手册说明书

E6Y2 E6Y5 E6Y6 32-bit ARM M0-based MCU 技术手册说明书

版本历史版本号说明日期1.0 初版2019-6-171.1 1. 增加型号E6Y6,更新WLCSP25封装引脚图和封装框图2. LRC频率:min(30->27),max(50->62)3. ADC特性更新: fADC-40℃≤ Trange ≤ 85℃,fADC≤14MHz,支持电压范围2.65≤ VDDA ≤5.5V;-40℃≤ Trange ≤ 105℃,fADC≤14MHz,支持电压范围2.7≤ VDDA ≤5.5V;-40℃≤ Trange ≤ 105℃,fADC≤12MHz,支持电压范围2.4≤ VDDA ≤5.5V;进入校准模式,fADC≤12MHz。


支持:-40℃≤ Trange ≤ 105℃和电压范围2.4≤ VDDA ≤5.5V;4. ADC特性更新:VDDA=2.4V时,Offset和ERR Gain更新5. 增加QFN28封装热特性2020-7-161.2 1.更新温度传感器线性度参数,区分不同温度范围2020-8-261.3 1.更新QFN32封装信息2.更新订货信息2021-2-31.4 1. 更新QFN32封装公差信息2021-4-141.5 1.修正部分数据单位2021-10-272/57文件编号:CS-QR-YF-054A02目录版本历史 (2)目录 (3)1 介绍 (5)2 功能 (6)3 器件一览 (9)4 引脚描述 (11)4.1LQFP48 (11)4.2QFN32 (11)4.3QFN28 (12)4.4WLCSP25 (12)4.5引脚描述 (13)5 I/O 复用 (17)5.1PA口复用功能 (17)5.2PB口复用功能 (18)6 存储器 (19)7 功能描述 (22)7.1ARM®C ORTEX®-M0内核 (22)7.2存储器 (22)7.3时钟 (22)7.4工作环境 (24)7.4.1 工作电压 (24)7.5启动模式 (24)7.6电源管理 (24)7.6.1 低功耗模式 (24)7.6.2 RTC和不掉电寄存器 (24)7.6.3 上电复位/掉电复位(POR/PDR) (24)7.6.4 低电压复位模块(LVD) (25)7.7通用输入输出端口(GPIO) (25)7.8模数转换器(ADC) (25)7.8.1 温度传感器(TS) (25)7.8.2 内部参考电压 (25)7.8.3 VBAT监测 (26)7.9定时器 (26)7.9.1 高级定时器 (TIM1) (26)7.9.2 通用定时器 (TIM2, 3, 14, 15,16, 17) (26)7.9.3 基本定时器(TIM6) (27)7.9.4 独立看门狗定时器(FWDT) (27)7.9.5 窗看门狗定时器(WWDT) (27)7.9.6 滴答定时器(SysTick) (27)7.10直接内存存取(DMA) (27)3/57文件编号:CS-QR-YF-054A027.11中断和事件 (27)7.12实时时钟(RTC)和不掉电寄存器 (27)7.13串行外设总线(SPI)/集成电路内置音频总线(I2S) (28)7.14通用同步异步收发器(USART) (28)7.15I2C接口 (29)7.16循环冗余校验 (29)7.17串行调试端口(SWD-DP) (29)8 电气特性 (30)8.1说明 (30)8.2绝对最大额定值 (31)8.3工作条件 (31)8.4I/O端口特性 (32)8.5低功耗模式唤醒时间 (33)8.6RC振荡器特性 (33)8.7晶振特性 (34)8.8外部时钟特性 (36)8.9PLL特性 (36)8.10功耗 (36)8.11内部参考电压特性 (38)8.12ADC特性 (38)8.13温度传感器特性 (39)8.14VBAT监测器特性 (39)8.15F LASH特性 (39)8.16定时器特性 (39)8.17SPI/I2S特性 (40)8.18I2C特性 (43)8.19ESD特性 (44)9 封装信息 (45)9.1LQFP48 (45)9.2QFN32(0505×0.55-E=0.50) (46)9.3QFN32(0505×0.75-E=0.50) (47)9.4QFN28 (49)9.5WLCSP25 (50)10 产品命名规则 (52)10.1产品丝印说明 (52)11 订货信息 (53)12 勘误表 (54)13 缩略语 (55)14 销售和服务 (57)4/57文件编号:CS-QR-YF-054A021介绍CS32F031系列微控制器采用高性能的32位ARM® Cortex®-M0 内核,嵌入高达64K Bytes flash和8K Bytes SRAM,最高工作频率48MHz。

JUKI 高速 FLEX 贴片机 KE-2050 KE-2060 故障检修 说明书

JUKI 高速 FLEX 贴片机 KE-2050 KE-2060 故障检修 说明书

2-1 流程图 ........................................................................ 2-1 2-2 概要 ........................................................................ 2-2 2-3 装置的启动和结束............................................................... 2-3 2-4 预热 ........................................................................ 2-6 2-5 空运行模式..................................................................... 2-7 2-6 文件操作....................................................................... 2-8 2-7 生产准备...................................................................... 2-11 2-7-1 基板的设置 ............................................................. 2-11 2-7-1-1 传送部的构成 ...................................................... 2-12 2-7-1-2 传送导轨宽度的调整 ................................................ 2-13 2-7-1-3 销基准的调整方法 .................................................. 2-15 2-7-1-4 外形基准的调整方法 ................................................ 2-18 2-7-1-5 其他调整 .......................................................... 2-21 2-7-2 元件供给部分的准备 ..................................................... 2-22 2-7-3ATC 的准备 .............................................................. 2-22


1.1 应用概述 .................................................................................................................1 1.2 功能配置 .................................................................................................................1 1.3 产品特点 .................................................................................................................1 1.4 产品型号 .................................................................................................................1 第 2 章 通用技术参数 .........................................................................................................3 2.1 电气参数 .................................................................................................................3
PCS-9662 辅助装置

KYOKUTOH CVC5 Chip Collector(CVC5-2 series)说明书

KYOKUTOH CVC5 Chip Collector(CVC5-2 series)说明书

TABLE OF CONTENTS1.Safety Precautions2.External Dimension Diagram3.Parts List (Chip Collector)4.Parts List (Dust Box)5.Assembly Procedure6.Cautions and Confirmation before the Operation7.How to Dispose of Chips8.Timing Chart9.Maintenance10. Troubleshooting11. SupplementContact 11 2 3 4 61112 151314 14 10 5■IntroductionWhen used with a dresser manufactured by KYOKUTOH, this chip collector will efficiently collect the chips that are generated during dresser operation. It cannot be attached to any dressers other than the specified models. Please do not use for any purpose other than described in this manual.We are not be able to take a responsibility for any damage or injury caused by results other than specified in this manual.■Regarding SignsIt indicates contents informing possibilities of death or serious injury in case of incorrect handling.It indicates contents informing possibilities of injury due to handling error or occurrence of material damages.This symbol indicates operations that should not be done.This symbol indicates operation that should be done.■Recommended Air PressurePneumatic pressure in the range of 0.45 to 0.55 MPa to use. Use beyond the range may cause malfunction.■Recommended FacilityCheck the usage environment before the installation.Supply oil-free compressed air by using an oil mist separator or etc. If the air contains oil, dressed chips may not be swallowed properly.■Before InstallingDo not use pipes with different diameters or other fittings (ex. Replacing with speed controller).The performance may decrease if different parts are used.Check the pipe diameter of input side.The product is designed to use φ10 hose (outer diameter).■for CDK-R①④⑦①②①③Mount an adopter with accessory cap bolts and Washer (M4-30L x 2pcs and M4).When installing the air blow unit, use the bolt attached to the air blow unit accessory. For details, refer to the air blow unit manual.Attach hose and hose band to chip collector.For the hose, a standard 1(m) hose comes included. Cut it before use if it is too5.Attach the dust box, hose and hose band.※For the hose, a standard 1(m) hose comes included. Cut it before use if it is too long.6.Attach the holder cover.※For the hose, a standard 1(m) hose comes included. Cut it before use if it is too long.7.Attach the sir hose.pletion6.■Notese an air hose with an outer diameter Ø10 for vacuum unit.2.Pneumatic pressure in the range of 0.45 to 0.55 MPa to use.Use beyond the range may cause malfunction.3.For the hose, a standard 1-m hose comes included. Cut it before use if it istoo long.4.If you use the hose with it bent at an acute angle, it may cause chip cloggingor hose damage, so please use it with an appropriate bend angle (100R or more).5.Although flame-retardant materials have been used for the hose, it will notbe able to withstand extreme heat.6.If you use the hose with a length of more than 1m, the product may not beable to demonstrate its proper performance due to lowering the suction force.7.Tightening the screws with strong force may cause damage.Check the above notes before starting the operation.■NotesDischarge the dust in dust box DB-01 before chips clog it up completely.The chip size will vary depending on the product or the use conditions, but for a general dress setting at φ16 (polishing at 1500 N/sec), DB-01 will be full of chips after dressing about 1500 times (for 1500 seconds).If you use the machine with chips still built up in DB-01 without having been discharged, it will cause poor suction.■Procedure1)Remove the dust box.2)Dispose of the chips and assemble the dust box.■CVC air timing chart exampleMake adjustments as necessary, referring to the above.If you are using a hose that is 1.0(m) or longer for the hose from CVC to the dust box, adjust the CVC (SOL) suction time so that it is a fairly long time.Gun pressure Dresser rotationCheck the inlet.InspectionAn adapter plate is designed and made thinly to keep wide acceptance for a gun access. Check if the plate has no bent.■Suction is poor1.Check the air pressure.0.45 to 0.55MPa when the vacuum unit is in operation0.3MPa or more when operating the optional air blow unitPlease set the equipment side so that it becomes.2.If the discharge hose is extended, it may cause performance degradation.3.If the hose is bent at an acute angle, the product may not be able todemonstrate its proper performance.It may also cause a fault, so use the hose with a moderate curvature (R100 or less).4.Furthermore, check that chips have not built up in the chip receiving section(DB-01).■Required specs for the solenoid valve→One with a Cv value of 1.0 or more■Recommended solenoid valve type→SMC:VP342-5G1-02A■Diameter for the hose from the solenoid valve to the CVC→φ10 or more■Diameter for the hose from the air source(primary side) to the solenoid valve →φ10 or more■Diameter for the hose from the CVC to the dust box→φ32(inner dia.)Contact us if there is any damage or machine defects in our products.KYOKUTOH CO., LTD.181-1, Nakayashiki, Orido-cho, Nisshin, Aichi 470-0115 JapanTEL +81-561-72-8811 FAX +81-561-72-8821E-Mail:******************SAITAMA OfficeTEL +81-49-277-4324 FAX +81-49-277-4325KANAGAWA OfficeTEL +81-46-204-9260 FAX +81-46-204-9261HIROSHIMA OfficeTEL +81-82-569-6227 FAX +81-82-569-6228FUKUOKA OfficeTEL +81-92-410-6977 FAX +81-92-410-6988CHANGER & DRESSER CORPORATION1527 ITC Way, Anniston, AL 36207 U.S.ATEL +1-256-832-4392 FAX +1-256-832-4393KYOKUTOH CHINA73 Huagang Street, Xiuquan Town, Huadu District,GuangZhou City, GuangDong Province, China.TEL +86-20-86980880 FAX +86-20-86980890KYOKUTOH THAILAND339/2 Soi Phattanakarn 69, Phattanakarn Road, Prawet,Bangkok 10250 THAILANDTEL +66-272-162-82 FAX +66-272-162-84 KOREA117, Tawon TAKRA II Industry Center, Dongsan-ro 76,Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea 15434TEL +82-31-414-8730 FAX +82-31-414-8731KYOKUTOH EUROPEMax-Planck-Str.4 59423 Unna GermanyTEL +49-2303-93-615-00 FAX +49-2303-93-615-29http://www.kyokutoh.deKYOKUTOH WELD INDIAOffice No.19, 3rd Floor, Aditya Centeegra, FC Road, Deccan, Pune - 411004TEL +91-20-68297011 FAX +91-20-68297011。

最新-数字存储式自动应答录音系统 精品

最新-数字存储式自动应答录音系统 精品




















tool or attachment. - Never point any air nozzle or air sprayer toward another person or any part of the body. - Wear safety glasses or goggles when operating this product. - Use only in well ventilated areas.
agencies for all service and repairs. - Do not use this product in an area where it can fall or be pulled into water or other liquid. - Do not reach for this product if it has fallen into liquid. - Use this compressor with 12-volt (P/N: 00090, 00092, 00094, 00095) or 24-volt (P/N: 02495)
95C Stealth Black
IMPORTANT: It is essential that you and any other operator of this product read and understand the contents of this manual
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