• 1991年 西班牙瓦伦西亚工厂庆祝西班牙第300万辆嘉年华下线。 • 1992年 嘉年华欧洲当年销量登上历史顶峰——648,781辆。 • 1993年 嘉年华配备的驾驶员安全气囊成为标准配置。 • 1994年 嘉年华率先将司机侧安全气囊作为标准装备,并加装了一系列安全配 备。
• 1989年,第三代嘉年华(MK3)——走在科技与潮流的前沿 1989年3月的日内瓦车展上,第三代嘉年华问世,有3门和5门两种车型。第三代嘉年华 在同级车中首次采用了SCS停车控制系统和ABS防抱死系统,并在正式投放市场仅1个 月便夺得了西欧同级汽车市场的领先地位,接连被多家权威刊物评为最佳紧凑型车奖、 年度汽车奖等大奖。
• 2007 年,首部福特Verve概念车在IAA法兰克福车展揭开面纱 动感设计的首部福特Verve概念车于9月在IAA法兰克福车展揭开面纱, 这是一辆三门掀背车型。 福特汽车与长安福特马自达汽车在中国南京开设全新的汽车生产基地, 并宣布该厂将生产福特新款小型车(新福特嘉年华)。 第二款福特Verve概念车于11月在广州车展上发布,这是一辆四门轿 车。
1975年年底,福特嘉年华公开发布,突破能源危机 针对全球能源危机,1975年12月,亨利•福特二世在底特律公开发布嘉年华
• 1976年,第一代福特嘉年华(MK1)在欧洲正式投产 全新嘉年华车型的生产于5月在西班牙瓦伦西亚启动。1976年10月18日,福 特董事长亨利•福特二世和西班牙国王胡安卡洛斯为福特在瓦伦西亚的新总装 厂剪彩,从而启动了福特嘉年华的量产。 随后,英国、德国以及美国(从1978年开始)的工厂都对新车进行了生产, 可见福特对这样一款精品小车的重视。 1977年 福特推出排量更大的1.3升嘉年华车型,包括运动感颇强的全新S型号以及 Ghia豪华配置版本。 嘉年华各款车型开始向美国市场出口。 嘉年华荣膺 西班牙“年度车型”。 1978年 , 嘉年华荣获英国设计理事会能效奖。 1979年1月, 第100万辆嘉年华下线,打破欧洲汽车生产记录 1979年1月9日,第100万辆嘉年华问世了,这离投产仅32个月,这在欧洲以 往的汽车生产中绝无仅有。 1979年1月20日,嘉年华首次参加蒙特卡洛汽车拉力赛并取得第十名的好成 绩。
During November 2008, Ford, together with Chrysler and General Motors, sought government bridge loans at Congressional hearings in Washington, D.C. in the face of conditions caused by the 2008 financial crisis. The three companies presented action plans for the sustainability of the industry. Ford opted not to seek government loans. GM and Chrysler received government loans and financing through T.A.R.P. legislation funding provisions.On December 19, the cost of credit default swaps to insure the debt of Ford was 68 percent the sum insured for five years in addition to annual payments of 5 percent. Through April 2009, Ford's strategy of debt for equity exchanges, erased $9.9 billion in liabilities (28% of its total), in order to leverage its cash position. These actions yielded Ford a $2.7 billion profit in fiscal year 2009, the company's first fullyear profit in four years. In 2012, Ford's corporate bonds were upgraded from junk to investment grade again, citing sustainable, lasting improvements.
本田飞度(fit)本田思迪/锋范(city)本田思域(civic)本田雅阁(accord)本田思铂睿(spirior)本田奥德赛(Odyssey)别克凯越(Excelle)别克君威(Regal)别克君越(LaCROSSE)别克林荫大道(Park Avenue)别克荣御(Royaum)别克昂科雷(Enclave)长安奔奔(Benben)长安志翔(Zhixiang)长安杰勋(Jiexun)长城赛弗(safe)长城风骏(Wingle)长城精灵(Peri)长城炫丽(florid)长城哈弗(Hover)长城酷熊(coolbear)长城嘉誉(Cowry)长城爱迪尔(Idea)大发森雅(Xenia)大众高尔(gol)大众波罗(polo)大众高尔夫(golf)大众捷达(Jetta)大众宝来(Bora)大众速腾(Sagitar)大众朗逸(Lavida)大众桑塔纳(Santana)大众帕萨特(Passat)大众迈腾(Magotan)大众开迪(Candy)大众途安(Touran)大众途欢(tiguan)大众甲壳虫(beetle)大众尚酷(Scirocco)大众辉腾(Phaeton)大众途锐(Touareg)道奇酷博(Caliber)道奇锋哲(avenger)道奇酷威(Journey)东南菱悦(lingyue)东南菱帅(Lioncel)东南菱动(lingdong)东风风行(Fengxing)东风奥丁(Oting)菲亚特派朗(perla)菲亚特派力奥(Palio)菲亚特西耶那(Siena 国外叫Albea)菲亚特周末风(Palio Weekend)菲亚特朋多(Grande Punto)菲亚特领雅(Linea)菲亚特博悦(Bravo)丰田威驰(vios)丰田雅力士(Yaris)丰田卡罗拉/花冠(corolla)丰田凯美瑞(Camry)丰田锐志(reiz)丰田皇冠(Crown)丰田汉兰达(Highlander)丰田普拉多(PRADO)丰田普瑞维亚(PREVIA)丰田兰德酷路泽(LAND CRUISER)福特嘉年华(Fiesta)福特福克斯(focus)福特蒙迪欧(Mondeo)福特S-MAX福田迷迪(midi)哈飞车型都是拼音就不列了曾经的海南马自达福美来(Family)普力马(premacy)海马欢动(Haydo)海马海福星(null)华普海迅(Hysoon)华普海域(Marindo)吉利远景(Vision),其他型号都拼音,不列了江淮瑞鹰(Rein)江淮瑞风(Refine)其他都拼音金杯阁瑞斯(Grace)猎豹飞腾(IO)铃木奥拓(alto)铃木雨燕(Swift)铃木浪迪(Landy)铃木北斗星(Wagon R)铃木利亚纳(Liana)铃木吉姆尼(Jimny)铃木超级维特拉(GRAND VITARA)陆风风尚(Fashion)奇瑞东方之子(Eastar)奇瑞瑞虎(Tiggo)起亚锐欧(rio)起亚赛拉图(Cerato)起亚福瑞迪(Forte)起亚远舰(Optima)起亚佳乐(Carens)起亚嘉华(Carnival)起亚欧菲拉斯(Opirus)起亚狮跑(Sportage)起亚索兰托(Sorento)起亚霸锐(Borrego)日产骊威(Livana)日产骐达/颐达(Tiida)日产轩逸(Sylphy)日产阳光(sunny)日产蓝鸟(bluebird)日产天籁(Teana)日产骏逸(Geniss)日产贵士(Quest)日产逍客(Qashqai)日产奇骏(X-Trail)日产帕拉丁(palatin)瑞麒(riich)三菱蓝瑟(Lancer)三菱戈蓝(Galant)三菱格蓝迪(Grandis)三菱欧蓝德(Outlander)三菱帕杰罗(Pajero)斯柯达晶锐(Fabia)斯柯达明锐(Octavia)斯柯达昊锐(Superb)现代雅绅特(Accent)现代伊兰特(Elantra)现代索纳塔(Sonata)现代雅尊(Azera)现代劳恩斯(Rohens)现代劳恩斯酷派(Genesis Coupe)现代途胜(tucson)现代胜达(Santa)现代维拉克斯(Veracrus)雪弗兰乐驰(Spark)雪弗兰乐骋(Aveo)雪弗兰乐风(lova)雪弗兰赛欧(Sail)雪弗兰克鲁兹(Cruze)雪弗兰景程(Epica)雪弗兰科帕奇(Captiva)雪铁龙爱丽舍(Elysee)雪铁龙世嘉(C-QUATRE)雪铁龙塞纳(Xsara)雪铁龙凯旋(C-triomphe)雪铁龙大C4毕加索(Grand C4 Picasso)一汽威姿(Vizi)一汽威乐(Vela)中华尊驰(Grandeur)中华酷宝(coupe)中兴威虎(grandtiger)中兴无限(Quick)。
Today I will introduce American car culture from 4 aspects.History,I think if we want to know American car culture, we must know history first. Then we can know how does this culture come into being and have a deeper understanding of this culture. Now let me show you some pictures to see American car history.This is the first car in the world.A three-wheeled vehicle developed by Carl Benz in 1885.In the 19th century, the automobile originated in Europe, and then passed through the intermediary channels such as private trade and exposition, and its manufacturing technology spread from Europe to the United States.By the end of the 19 th century, the technology of making cars in the United States had basically matured. Ford introduced the Model T and assembly line, shortened the working cycle, reduced the cost of the product, and made the car a true mass transit vehicle.After the adjustment of World War II, the American auto industry began to enter another period of high-speed development. The production of T-type innovation group can effectively reduce fuel consumption, improve speed and power, greatly improve the comfort of the car and decline the price.During this period, the American auto industry entered a mature stage.The scale of industrial expansion is becoming more and more stable,and the number of manufacturers is basically fixed.In terms of innovation, this period is the most conservative period of American automobile industry innovation strategy.In the 1980 s, the automobile industry in Europe and Japan began to rise, and the American auto industry began to decline.To get out of trouble, American automakers have stepped up their investment in the auto industry.At the same time, the United States Government participates in the organization and coordination. Through this series of measures, the American automobile industry competitive advantage is greatly enhanced.we can Generalize the cause of prosperity from its history.1.Development of economyAfter World War two, the United States ushered in unprecedented economic development and growing social satisfaction.2.Development of automobile industryIt is mass production that has reduced the prices of cars.3.Development of urbanizationWith the development of urbanization, the ties of blood relaxed.4.psychological changesAmerican desire liberty, independence and confidence.It's easy to buy a carAmericans buy cars in instalments. In addition to the down payment, you can drive a new car for a few hundred dollars a month.After more than a year of driving a new car, if they don't like it, they can sell it to the car shop again, and only lose a fraction of their money. You can drive a new car in a different installment. So, when the people come a few years, even more than a decade, a straight drive are new cars.Strict road managementIn the United States, the number of cars, road management is also very strict. Hu Tongli this book is a single line, do not clear Chu, you drive out, but can not drive back.Strict parking rulesIn the town of America, the streets and alleys are full of cars. But if you think you can park your own car in the same way as someone else's, you can make mistakes. You will be punished if you don't leave God for the strict and physical parking rules of the United States.Highway and alert traffic policeAmerican people like to drive fast, high-speed public road speed drive is a regular meal.Overspeed on a high-speed road has become a major part of U. S. National Road and vehicle management.The road of the United States is well examined, and they are hiding quietly by the road, or in the trees or in the heaps of grass. Or followingthe back of a speeding car,A car is now a super-speed, will be quickly Ma Jia whip catch up, into the line in violation of the regulations penalty.In the process of automobile origin and development, various things derived from automobile have permeated every aspect of American life, making automobile culture become an important part of American culture. And many of the usual expressions in his business life come from American car culture.Give me a break:take it easy.Backseat Driver: passenger in the car as a backseat driver, they annoy you because they constantly give you advice about how to drive. Bossy people.Fill me up with latest situation: tell my latest information.Let’s go for a ride / spin / road trip:have a trip.Change lane:The road is the track of life, the straight road means a wind smooth, the detour means that there is a major turning point in life.Life in the fast lane:A rapid life or career in a period of rapid development.Give Some the Green Light:To agree with SB to do sth.Sunday Driver:a person who drives slowly or unskilfully, as if used to driving only on Sundays when the roads are relatively quiet.Give Some the Green Light:To agree with SB to do sth.。
介绍我最喜欢的汽车英语作文80词全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1My favorite car is called the Lamborghini Aventador! It is so cool and super fast. I love how it looks with its sleek design and flashy colors.The Lamborghini Aventador has a powerful engine that makes it go really fast. It can go from 0 to 60 miles per hour in just a few seconds. That's so amazing! I also love the sound of the engine when it roars as the car zooms down the road.The interior of the Lamborghini Aventador is really fancy too. It has leather seats and a high-tech dashboard. The steering wheel is like a race car steering wheel, and there are buttons and screens everywhere. It's like being in a spaceship!Whenever I see a Lamborghini Aventador driving by, I always stop to admire it. I dream of one day owning one and driving it around town with the windows down and the music blasting.I love everything about the Lamborghini Aventador. It is my dream car, and I can't wait to have one of my own someday. It's the coolest car in the whole world!篇2Oh my gosh, guys, do I have the coolest car to tell you about! It's my absolute favorite car in the whole wide world. I just can't stop talking about it!So, my favorite car is the Lamborghini Aventador. It's like, super duper fast and super duper cool. It's, like, so shiny and sleek, and the doors go up like wings! How awesome is that?!I first saw the Lamborghini Aventador in a movie, and I was like, "Whoa, that car is soooo awesome!" And ever since then,I've been obsessed with it. I even have a poster of it in my room. That's how much I love it.The Lamborghini Aventador has a really powerful engine that goes vroom vroom vroom, and it can go from 0 to 60 miles per hour in, like, just a few seconds. And the sound it makes when it revs up? Oh man, it's music to my ears!And the interior of the Lamborghini Aventador is so plush and luxurious. It's like sitting in a fancy sports car cockpit. I canjust imagine myself cruising down the highway with the wind in my hair, feeling like a million bucks.I just can't get enough of the Lamborghini Aventador. It's my dream car, and one day, I'm gonna own one. Watch out, world, 'cause when I'm behind the wheel of my favorite car, I'm gonna be the king of the road!篇3Title: My Favorite CarHi everyone, today I want to introduce you to my favorite car. It's called the Lamborghini Aventador. I love this car because it looks super cool and goes really fast!The Lamborghini Aventador is a bright red color with sleek, aerodynamic design. It has scissor doors that open upwards, just like a superhero's car. And the best part is the engine - it's a powerful V12 engine that can go from 0 to 60 miles per hour in just 2.9 seconds!When I see a Lamborghini Aventador on the road, I always get so excited. I imagine myself driving it with the wind in my hair and the engine roaring. It's like a dream come true!I also love the interior of the car. It has leather seats that are so comfortable, and a touchscreen display for the radio and navigation. I can listen to my favorite music while cruising down the highway.I hope that one day I can own a Lamborghini Aventador of my own. Until then, I will continue to dream and admire this amazing car. Thanks for listening to me talk about my favorite car! Bye!篇4My favorite car is the Lamborghini Aventador! It is super cool and fast, just like a real life superhero car. I love the way it looks with its sleek design and cool colors. When I see a Lamborghini Aventador driving down the street, I always stop and stare in awe.The best part about the Lamborghini Aventador is the speed. It can go from 0 to 60 miles per hour in just 2.9 seconds! That's faster than a cheetah running! I can only imagine how exciting it would be to ride in one and feel the wind blowing through my hair as we speed down the highway.Another thing I love about the Lamborghini Aventador is the sound it makes. The engine roars like a fierce lion, lettingeveryone know that this car means business. It's like music to my ears!I also admire the Lamborghini Aventador for its luxury interior. The seats are so comfortable and the dashboard looks like something out of a futuristic movie. I would feel like a million bucks sitting inside that car.Overall, the Lamborghini Aventador is my dream car. I hope that one day I can own one and drive around town feeling like a real life superhero. It's the coolest car in the world, and I can't get enough of it!篇5My favorite car is the Lamborghini Aventador! It's super cool and fast! It's like a real-life superhero car that can zoom past everyone on the road. The design is so sleek and sporty, with doors that open upwards like wings. It's like something out of a movie!The color of my dream Aventador is bright red. I think it looks the best in red because it's such a bold and eye-catching color. When I see a red Lamborghini Aventador driving by, I can't help but stare in awe. It's just so amazing!The speed of the Aventador is super fast. It can go from 0 to 60 miles per hour in just 2.9 seconds! That's faster than a superhero flying through the air. I would love to drive a car that can go that fast. It would be so much fun to feel the wind in my hair as I race down the highway.I also love the sound of the Aventador's engine. It's like music to my ears. The roar of the engine is so powerful and thrilling. It's like the car is alive and ready to take on any challenge. I would love to hear that sound every day as I drive around town.In conclusion, the Lamborghini Aventador is my dream car because it's fast, cool, and sounds amazing. I can't wait until I'm old enough to drive one. It will be the best day ever when I finally get to sit behind the wheel of my favorite car and take it for a spin. I will feel like a real-life superhero, ready to take on the world!篇6My favorite carHi everyone! I want to talk about my favorite car. It's a really cool car that I love so much! It's a red sports car with shiny wheels and a loud engine. I think it's the coolest car ever!I first saw my favorite car when I was walking in the street with my mom. It was parked outside a fancy restaurant, and I couldn't stop staring at it. I asked my mom what kind of car it was, and she told me it was a Ferrari. I had never heard of a Ferrari before, but I instantly fell in love with it.I love everything about my favorite car. I love the way it looks sleek and fast. I love the sound of the engine roaring when it drives by. I love the way it makes heads turn when it zooms past. I love imagining myself driving it one day, with the wind in my hair and the music blasting.I know that my favorite car is really expensive and not everyone can afford it. But I don't care about that. I just love the way it makes me feel when I see it. It makes me feel happy and excited, like anything is possible.One day, I hope to own my own Ferrari and drive it around town. I'll take my friends for rides and show off my cool car. I'll go on road trips and feel the power of the engine under my feet.I know it's just a dream for now, but I believe that one day it will come true.That's why my favorite car is so special to me. It's not just a car, it's a dream and a goal. And I can't wait to make that dream areality! Thank you for listening to me talk about my favorite car. I hope you love it as much as I do!篇7I'm going to introduce you my favorite car. It's a cool and awesome Lamborghini. I really love this car because it looks super stylish and fast.This Lamborghini is red in color and it shines like a star in the night sky. The design is so sleek and the curves are just perfect. When I see this car on the road, I can't help but stare and dream of driving it one day.The speed of this car is incredible. It can go from 0 to 100 km/h in just a few seconds. Imagine how thrilling it must be to feel the wind in your hair as you drive this car at top speed. I can't wait to experience that feeling one day.The interior of the car is just as amazing as the exterior. The leather seats are so comfortable and the dashboard is sohigh-tech. I love how everything is designed to perfection in this car.Overall, this Lamborghini is my dream car. I hope one day I can own it and drive it around town like a boss. This car is not justa car, it's a symbol of success and luxury. I can't wait to make this dream come true!篇8Hi everyone, I want to introduce my favorite car to you. It's called the Lamborghini Aventador. This car is super cool and fast!The Lamborghini Aventador is a sports car made in Italy. It has a powerful engine that can go really fast. The design of the car is super sleek and stylish. It's like a dream car for me!When I first saw the Lamborghini Aventador, I was amazed by how cool it looked. The color was bright red and it had shiny wheels. I couldn't believe how fast it could go!I love everything about the Lamborghini Aventador. The way it sounds when it revs its engine, the way it looks when it zooms down the road, and the way it makes me feel when I see it. It's just the best car ever!I hope that one day I can drive a Lamborghini Aventador and feel the power of its engine. It would be a dream come true for me.That's why the Lamborghini Aventador is my favorite car. It's fast, cool, and makes me feel so happy. I can't wait to own onesomeday and drive it around town. I love my Lamborghini Aventador!篇9I like cars because they are super cool and fast! My favorite car is the Lamborghini Aventador. It is so awesome because it looks like a spaceship on wheels. The doors go up instead of out, which is really cool.The Lamborghini Aventador is super fast. It can go from 0 to 60 miles per hour in just 2.9 seconds. That's faster than my dad's old pickup truck! The engine is really powerful too, with 730 horsepower. It sounds like a monster when it revs up.The inside of the Lamborghini Aventador is like a fancy race car. The seats are made of leather and are really comfy. The steering wheel is small and has lots of buttons on it. There is a big screen in the middle of the dashboard that shows all the important information like how fast you are going and how much gas you have left.I would love to drive a Lamborghini Aventador when I grow up. I would take it on road trips and to the race track. It would be so much fun to go zooming down the highway with the wind inmy hair. I can't wait to have my own Lamborghini Aventador someday!篇10Hello everyone, today I'm going to introduce my favorite car to you all! My favorite car is the Lamborghini Aventador. It is super cool and fast!First of all, the Lamborghini Aventador looks so awesome with its sleek design and sharp edges. It's like a supercar from the future! The body is made of carbon fiber which makes it super light and aerodynamic. And the scissor doors are just so cool – they go up instead of out like regular car doors!Secondly, the Lamborghini Aventador is super fast! It has a V12 engine that can go from 0 to 60 mph in just 2.9 seconds. That's faster than a speeding bullet! And it can reach a top speed of over 200 mph – can you believe that?Furthermore, the interior of the Lamborghini Aventador is just as amazing as the exterior. The seats are made of luxurious leather and you can customize everything from the stitching to the color of the seatbelts. And the dashboard is like something out of a spaceship – it's all digital and high-tech.In conclusion, the Lamborghini Aventador is my favorite car because it looks awesome, goes super fast, and has a luxurious interior. It's the dream car for any car lover like me! I hope you enjoyed learning about my favorite car. Thank you for listening!。
烙印上ST传奇标识的档把,激发你强烈的操控欲, 每 一次铿锵有力的换档,让你尽情畅享推背快感, 感受专业赛车级的纯粹。
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运用燃油缸内直喷、涡轮增压与双独立可变气门正时技术,采用 轻 盈的全铝设计,可输出高达182匹马力的强悍动力,发动机最大 扭矩高达240牛·米,让你顷刻间所向披靡,一往无前。
205/40R17 17寸铝合金轮毂
车型 内饰 前排黑灰RECARO运动座椅,手动4向调节,可倾倒 后排60/40可折叠座椅 3辐真皮方向盘,带ST徽标 3.5寸中控台显示屏 多功能行车电脑(带外部温度显示) 位于中控台的烟灰缸和点烟器 典雅环境灯 前排腿部空间照明 防眩目内后视镜 前座遮阳板带化妆镜 前排后椅背地图袋 后排固定玻璃窗 ST独特脚踏板 前后地垫 安全 前排驾驶员及乘客双安全气囊+侧气囊 驾驶员膝部气囊 侧气帘 前排安全带未系提醒 ABS四轮防抱死制动系统 ESC电子稳定系统 HLA坡道起步辅助 ST运动型悬挂系统 ST高性能制动系统带刹车辅助 eTVC增强型弯道扭力智能分配系统 后排ISOFIX儿童座椅固定系统 后门儿童安全锁 前后排三点式安全带 遥控锁止系统 倒车辅助 定速巡航 功能 SYNC®车载多媒体通讯娱乐系统带EA紧急救援功能 6个扬声器 一键启动 MyKey® EATC双区恒温空调
为嘉年华ST量身打造的全新制动系统,更大的刹车盘 带来出色的制动性能,有效保证了“小钢炮”的刹车 表现。
SYNC ®车载多媒体通讯娱乐系统
由 福 特 与 微 软 共 同 开 发 ,以 声 控 为 主 要 特 点 的 车 载 多 媒 体 通 讯 娱 乐 系 统 , 无 缝 连 接 你 所 有 的 移 动 设 备 ,只 需 经 过 简 单 的 语 音 指 令 ,就 能 实 现 诸 如 语 音 拨 号 、播 出 短 信 内 容 、控 制 音 乐 播 放 等 功 能 ,让 你 在 纵 情 驾 驭 时 ,也 能 时 刻 呼朋唤友,畅享音乐!值得一提的是,它的紧急救援功能,可让你在发生危险时 转危为安,化险为夷。
The Origin of Carnival(嘉年华英文版)
The Origin of Carnival原产地的狂欢节Catholic religion in Italy 意大利天主教Lent 斋―to put away the meat‖“放下肉”Become famous in Europe 在欧洲成名Spread around the world 传播到世界各地Carnival—localization 嘉年华定位Cologne Carnival 科隆狂欢节Germany Beer Festival 德国啤酒节Notting Hill Carnival 诺丁山狂欢节Spain Bull-running Fiesta 西班牙斗牛运行嘉年华V enice Carnival 威尼斯狂欢节The New Era of Carnival 新时代的狂欢节——Development of tourist resources - 开发旅游资源& creation industry chains 设计创造的产业链One of the ―three World amusement brand‖“三个世界娱乐品牌”之一Be introduced into China market 引入中国市场Become a entertainment leader with absoluteadvantages 成为一个具有绝对的优势领先娱乐World Carnival events are professionally organized large scale traditional folk carnivals consisting primarily of: 环球嘉年华活动是有组织的大型专业传统民俗嘉年华主要包括:Mechanical Rides - from the physically challenging rides of extreme speed and movement to more moderate rides that are enjoyed more collectively by families and groups of friends, to juvenile rides, which in proportion to children’s capabilities and height, provide a similarly exciting experience in a thoroughly safe environment.机动游戏- 从极端的速度和运动的体力挑战乘坐更是享受了更多的集体家人和朋友组,少年游乐设施,其中按比例儿童的能力和高度,提供了一个同样令人兴奋的体验温和的游戏机彻底安全的环境。
Automotive Group
Automotive GroupAutomotive Group is the main business units in the company, there are two major components - the North American automotive companies (NAAO) and the International Motor Company (IAO). NAAO has more than 50 sets of assembly and production facilities in the United States, Canada and Mexico. IAO is in 22 countries and business units, and is mainly in three regions - Europe, Latin America and Asia Pacific. In addition, the company has business connections with nine countries’ international car manufacturers, Ford's car sales to more than 180 countries and regions. 汽车集团是公司的主营业务单位,有两大组成部分——北美汽车公司(NAAO)和国际汽车公司(IAO)。
Ford Motor CompanyFord Motor Company is one of the world's largest automotive companies. It was founded by Mr. Henry Ford in the U.S. city of Detroit in 1903. Now Ford Motor Company is the world's super-multinationals headquartered in Dearborn, Michigan, USA. Ford Ford English Ford logo is the use of the word, in blue and white. As founder Henry Ford, who like small animals, so the designers of the Ford of the English flag painted like a little rabbit pattern.福特汽车公司是世界最大的汽车企业之一。
发动机福克斯的 duratec-he反置式铝合金发动机,采用全铝合金材质铸造,反置式设计,最大功率可达104kw,最大扭矩可达180n·m(2.0l发动机)[1],配合vis(variable intake system)可变惯性进气装置、塑钢等长进气歧管,展现出加速敏捷、运转平顺、高效能进气效果与低噪音低油耗的优势动力水平。
低油耗 低排放 低排放 高扭矩 高功率
110 100 90 80 70 60 Power ( kw w)
Torque ( N-m)
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
优化的防振 优化的防振・防噪措施 ■针对振动・噪音,从结构上予以优化 针对振 从结构上予以优化B动感设 A嘉年华魅力C
令人惊艳、 令人惊艳、充满 动感的造型汇聚 动感设计” 了“动感设计” 的所有活力元素, 的所有活力元素, 勾勒出如跑车一 般精巧活力的造 型,显示出强烈 的运动感和自信
饱满的表面与大胆的造型, 饱满的表面与大胆的造型,连贯而和谐地创造 出了“运动中所蕴含的乐趣和能量” 出了“运动中所蕴含的乐趣和能量”
智能化的生产过程, 智能化的生产过程,将维修成本降至最低 新型电气架构,结构简约且易于维护 新型电气架构, 耐久性与可靠性经过严苛测试
顶尖工艺确保质量与精密装配 覆盖全国的长安福特经销商网络
销售业绩(单位: 销售业绩(单位:辆⁄月)
09年7、8月 年 、 月
09年3月 年 月
2010年3月 年 月
新嘉年华车身各处遍 布着实用、丰富的储 物空间。其前排车门 储物格可轻松装下较 大的饮料瓶;前排乘 客座下更设计了实用 的储物抽屉,为放置 物件带来了极大的方 便。而后排座椅无需 移除坐垫或头枕即可 翻折,方便放置较大 物品。
新嘉年华的动力系统具备令人难忘、傲 新嘉年华的动力系统具备令人难忘、 视同侪的燃油经济性 76千瓦 升Duratec汽油发动机,可配 千瓦1.5升 汽油发动机, 千瓦 汽油发动机 传统的Durashift五档手动或自动变速箱 传统的 五档手动或自动变速箱 新型电子辅助转向系统(E-PAS)能进一步 能进一步 新型电子辅助转向系统 减少油耗 良好的防振防躁性能
新福特嘉年华发卖话术阐发与应用目录序言 (3)新嘉年华产物疑虑 (4)外不雅 (4)1)除了运动型和豪华型,其他的轮毂是钢圈+塑料外罩,非铝合金,是否可以换或者有没有铝合金的轮毂? (4)2)铝合金轮毂的设计把后轮鼓式刹车装置表露无遗,而且能轻松看到吊挂零件,太不美不雅了。
(4)3)为什么新嘉年华三厢倒车灯反而只有一个呢? (5)4)新嘉年华油箱盖没有锁,很容易报酬损坏。
(5)动力 (6)7)动力缺乏,手动档比自动档稍微好些。
(11)23)为什么没有水温显示? (12)24)前排空间高度不敷,坐进去感觉挤,后排空间小。
T ECHNICAL S PECIFICATIONSALL-NEW FORD FIESTA SPECIFICATIONSPERFORMANCE AND ECONOMYFiesta 3dr and 5drFuel consumption(l/100 km)PerformanceEngine*Power(PS)CO2(g/km)3dr/5drUrbanExtraUrbanCombinedMaxspeed(km/h)0-100km/h0-62 mph(sec)50-100km/h31-62 mph(sec)**1.1-litre petrol – 5-spdmanual70 101 5.6 3.7 4.4 160 14.9 17.9 1.1-litre petrol – 5-spdmanual (without Auto Start-Stop)70 107 6.1 3.9 4.7 160 14.9 17.91.1-litre petrol – 5-spdmanual85 101 5.6 3.7 4.4 170 14.0 17.51.1-litre petrol – 5-spdmanual (without Auto Start-Stop)85 107 6.1 3.9 4.7 170 14.0 17.51.0-litre EcoBoost – 6-spdmanual100 97 5.4 3.6 4.3 183 10.5 11.0 1.0-litre EcoBoost – 6-spdautomatic100 118 6.9 4.2 5.2 180 12.2 n/a 1.0-litre EcoBoost – 6-spdmanual125 98 5.4 3.6 4.3 195 9.9 9.9 1.0-litre EcoBoost – 6-spdmanual140 102 5.8 3.8 4.5 202 9.0 8.5 1.5-litre TDCi – 6-spdmanual85 82/84*** 3.5/3.7*** 3.0/3.1*** 3.2/3.3*** 175 12.5 12.8 1.5-litre TDCi – 6-spdmanual (without Auto Start-Stop)85 90/93 4.1/4.3 3.1/3.2 3.5/3.6 175 12.5 12.81.5-litre TDCi – 6-spdmanual120 89 3.9 3.2 3.5 195 9.0 8.9 * All engines feature Auto-Start-Stop unless indicated** In 4th gear*** With 15-inch wheelsWEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS WeightsFiesta Trend, Titanium and Vignale 3drKerb weight (kg)#GrossVehicleMass(kg)GrossTrainMass(kg)Max.TowableMass(braked)(kg)Max.TowableMass(unbraked)(kg)Noseweight(kg)Roofload(kg)70 PS 1.1-litre petrol – 5-spdmanual1113 1620 2370 750 555 65 50 70 PS 1.1-litre petrol – 5-spdmanual (without Auto Start-Stop)1108 1615 2365 750 550 65 50 85 PS 1.1-litre petrol – 5-spdmanual1113 1620 2370 750 555 65 50 85 PS 1.1-litre petrol – 5-spdmanual (without Auto Start-Stop)1108 1615 2365 750 550 65 50 100 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost – 6-spd manual1144 1645 2645 1000 570 65 50 100 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost – 6-spd automatic1184 1650 2650 1000 590 45 50 125 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost – 6-spd manual1144 1645 2645 1000 570 65 50 140 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost – 6-spd manual1144 1645 2645 1000 570 65 50 85 PS 1.5-litre TDCi – 6-spdmanual1163 1655 2405 750 580 45 50 85 PS 1.5-litre TDCi – 6-spdmanual (without Auto Start-Stop)1158 1650 2400 750 575 45 50 120 PS 1.5-litre TDCi – 6-spdmanual1188 1665 2665 1000 590 40 50 Fiesta ST-Line 3drKerb weight (kg)#GrossVehicleMass(kg)GrossTrainMass(kg)Max.TowableMass(braked)(kg)Max.TowableMass(unbraked)(kg)Noseweight(kg)Roofload(kg)70 PS 1.1-litre petrol – 5-spdmanual1113 1605 N/A N/A N/A N/A 50 70 PS 1.1-litre petrol – 5-spdmanual (without Auto Start-Stop)1108 1600 N/A N/A N/A N/A 50 85 PS 1.1-litre petrol – 5-spdmanual1113 1605 N/A N/A N/A N/A 50 85 PS 1.1-litre petrol – 5-spdmanual (without Auto Start-Stop)1108 1600 N/A N/A N/A N/A 50 100 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost – 6-spd manual1144 1630 N/A N/A N/A N/A 50 100 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost – 6-spd automatic1184 1635 N/A N/A N/A N/A 50 125 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost – 6-spd manual1144 1630 N/A N/A N/A N/A 50Fiesta ST-Line 3dr cont.140 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost – 6-spd manual1144 1630 N/A N/A N/A N/A 50 85 PS 1.5-litre TDCi – 6-spdmanual1163 1640 N/A N/A N/A N/A 50 85 PS 1.5-litre TDCi – 6-spdmanual (without Auto Start-Stop)1158 1635 N/A N/A N/A N/A 50 120 PS 1.5-litre TDCi – 6-spdmanual1188 1650 N/A N/A N/A N/A 50Fiesta Trend, Titanium andVignale 5drKerb weight (kg)#GrossVehicleMass(kg)GrossTrainMass(kg)Max.TowableMass(braked)(kg)Max.TowableMass(unbraked)(kg)Noseweight(kg)Roofload(kg)70 PS 1.1-litre petrol – 5-spdmanual1135 1640 2390 750 565 65 50 70 PS 1.1-litre petrol – 5-spdmanual (without Auto Start-Stop)1130 1635 2385 750 565 65 50 85 PS 1.1-litre petrol – 5-spdmanual1135 1640 2390 750 565 65 50 85 PS 1.1-litre petrol – 5-spdmanual (without Auto Start-Stop)1130 1635 2385 750 565 65 50 100 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost – 6-spd manual1163 1665 2665 1000 580 65 50 100 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost – 6-spd automatic1206 1675 2675 1000 600 45 50 125 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost – 6-spd manual1164 1665 2665 1000 580 65 50 140 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost – 6-spd manual1164 1665 2665 1000 580 65 50 85 PS 1.5-litre TDCi – 6-spdmanual1191 1675 2425 750 595 45 50 85 PS 1.5-litre TDCi – 6-spdmanual (without Auto Start-Stop)1186 1670 2420 750 590 45 50 120 PS 1.5-litre TDCi – 6-spdmanual1207 1685 2685 1000 600 40 50 Fiesta ST-Line 5drKerb weight (kg)#GrossVehicleMass(kg)GrossTrainMass(kg)Max.TowableMass(braked)(kg)Max.TowableMass(unbraked)(kg)Noseweight(kg)Roofload(kg)70 PS 1.1-litre petrol – 5-spdmanual1135 1630 N/A N/A N/A N/A 50 70 PS 1.1-litre petrol – 5-spdmanual (without Auto Start-Stop)1130 1625 N/A N/A N/A N/A 50 85 PS 1.1-litre petrol – 5-spdmanual1135 1630 N/A N/A N/A N/A 50 85 PS 1.1-litre petrol – 5-spdmanual (without Auto Start-Stop)1130 1625 N/A N/A N/A N/A 50Fiesta ST-Line 5dr cont.100 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost – 6-1163 1650 N/A N/A N/A N/A 50spd manual100 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost – 6-1206 1655 N/A N/A N/A N/A 50spd automatic125 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost – 6-1164 1650 N/A N/A N/A N/A 50spd manual140 PS 1.0-litre EcoBoost – 6-1164 1650 N/A N/A N/A N/A 50spd manual85 PS 1.5-litre TDCi – 6-spd1191 1660 N/A N/A N/A N/A 50 manual85 PS 1.5-litre TDCi – 6-spd1186 1655 N/A N/A N/A N/A 50 manual (without Auto Start-Stop)120 PS 1.5-litre TDCi – 6-spd1207 1670 N/A N/A N/A N/A 50 manual# Represents the lightest kerbweight assuming driver at 75 kg, full fluid levels and 90 per cent fuel levels, subject to manufacturing tolerances and options, etc., fitted.Towing limits quoted represent the maximum towing ability of the vehicle at its Gross Vehicle Mass to restart on a 12per cent gradient at sea level. The performance and economy of all models will be reduced when used for towing. Gross Train Mass includes trailer weightDimensionsFiesta 3drDimensions (mm) Trend/Titanium ST-Line Vignale ExteriorOverall length 4040 4065 4040 Overall width with/without mirrors 1941/1735 1941/1735 1941/1735 Overall width with folded back mirrors 1783 1783 1783 Overall height 1476 1466 1476 Wheelbase 2493 2493 2493 InteriorFront headroom 992 992 992 Front max legroom (lowest rearmost seating posn) 1125 1125 1125 Front shoulder room 1346 1346 1346 Rear headroom 955 955 955 Rear legroom 835 835 835 Rear shoulder room 1300 1300 1300 Luggage capacity (litres)‡5-seat mode, laden to package tray (with tyre repair kit) 292 292 2922-seat mode, laden to roof (with tyre repair kit) 1093 1093 1093 Fuel tank capacity (litres)Petrol/Diesel 42/42 42/42 42/42Fiesta 5drDimensions (mm) Trend/Titanium ST-Line Vignale ExteriorOverall length 4040 4065 4040 Overall width with/without mirrors 1941/1735 1941/1735 1941/1735 Overall width with folded back mirrors 1783 1783 1783 Overall height 1476 1466 1476 Wheelbase 2493 2493 2493 InteriorFront headroom 992 992 992 Front max legroom (lowest rearmost seating posn) 1125 1125 1125 Front shoulder room 1346 1346 1346 Rear headroom 955 955 955 Rear legroom 835 835 835 Rear shoulder room 1300 1300 1300 Luggage capacity (litres)‡5-seat mode, laden to package tray (with tyre repair kit) 303 303 3032-seat mode, laden to roof (with tyre repair kit) 984 984 984 Fuel tank capacity (litres)Petrol/Diesel 42/42 42/42 42/42 ‡ Measured in accordance with ISO 3832. Dimensions may vary dependent on the model and equipment fitted. DRIVER ASSISTANCE TECHNOLOGIESActive Park Assist with Perpendicular ParkingAdaptive Cruise ControlAdjustable Speed LimiterAuto High BeamBlind Spot Information SystemCross Traffic AlertDistance IndicationDriver AlertForward Collision WarningFront and Rear Park AidHill Launch AssistLane Keeping AidLane Keeping AlertPre-Collision Assist with Pedestrian DetectionTraffic Sign RecognitionSAFETYAirbags: driver front, driver side, passenger front, passenger side, curtain x 2Electronic Emergency Brake AssistElectronic Stability ControlFront and rear outer seat load limiters and pre-tensionersDriver’s seatbelt with locking tongueISOFIX child seat hard pointsPassenger airbag deactivation with indicatorRear seatbelt reminderSTEERINGSystem Rack and pinion with Electronic Power Assisted Steering (EPAS) Ratio 14.6:1Turning circle (m) 10.05 kerb-to-kerbCHASSISFront suspension Independent. MacPherson struts, L-shaped lower control arm,steering gear and hollow stabiliser bar mounted on subframeRear suspension Twistbeam rear suspension with toe-correcting bush. Monotubeshock absorberBRAKESFront RearBraking Hydraulically operated dual-circuit system with diagonal distribution.Vented front discs. Rear drums. Rear discs for vehicles withpowertrains with above 100 PS (excluding 100PS). Electronic four-channel anti-lock braking system (ABS) with electronic brake-forcedistribution (EBD), Electronic Stability System (ESP) and EmergencyBrake Assist (EBA). Optional autonomous emergency braking (AEB)as part of Pre-Collision Assist with Pedestrian DetectionDisc/Drum dimensions (mm) Ø262 x 23 Ø 202.8 drumØ252x12 disc (models above 100PS)Piston dimensions (mm) Ø54 Ø 20.64 drumØ36 disc (models above 100 PS) WHEELS & TYRESSteel wheels Tyres15-inch x 6-inch 195/60-R1516-inch x 6.5-inch 195/55-R16Alloy wheels15-inch x 6-inch 195/60-R1516-inch x 6.5-inch 195/55-R1617-inch x 7-inch 205/45-R1718-inch x 7-inch 205/40-R18AERODYNAMICSModel (3dr and5dr)Engine C d A (m2) Trend/Titanium 1.0-litre Ecoboost 0.300 2.151.1-litre TiVCT 0.3212.151.5-litre TDCi 0.2972.15Vignale 1.0-litre Ecoboost 0.315 2.141.5-litre TDCi 0.3362.14ST-Line 1.0-litre Ecoboost 0.320 2.151.1-litre TiVCT 0.3442.151.5-litre TDCi 0.3182.15 PETROL ENGINES1.1-litre Ti-VCT (70 PS) manual 1.1-litre Ti-VCT (85 PS) manualType Inline three cylinder petrol, Ti-VCTtransverse Inline three cylinder petrol, Ti-VCT,transverseDisplacement cm31084 1084 Bore mm 73.0 73.0 Stroke mm 86.3 86.3 Compressionratio12.0:1 12.0:1 Max power PS (kW) 70 (52) 85 (63) at rpm 5000-6500 6300 Max torque Nm 110 110 at rpm 3500 3500Valve gear DOHC with 4 valves per cylinder,twin independent variable cam timingDOHC with 4 valves per cylinder, twin independent variable cam timingCylinders 3 in line 3 in line Cylinder head Cast aluminium Cast aluminium Cylinder block Cast iron Cast ironCamshaft drive Low friction Belt-in-Oil with dynamictensioner Low friction Belt-in-Oil with dynamictensionerCrankshaft Cast iron, 6 counterweights, 4 mainbearings Cast iron, 6 counterweights, 4 mainbearingsEnginemanagementBosch MED17 Bosch MED17 Fuel injection Port Fuel Injection Port Fuel Injection Emission level Euro Stage 6 Euro Stage 6 Turbocharger N/A N/ALubrication system Fixed displacement oil pump with builtin pressure relief valveFixed displacement oil pump with builtin pressure relief valveSystem capacitywith filterlitres 4.1 4.1Cooling system Split cooling system with 2 thermostats Split cooling system with 2 thermostats System capacityincl heaterlitres 5.5 5.5Transmission 5-speed manual 5-speed manualGear ratios5th 0.7754th 0.9713rd 1.3452nd 2.0951st 3.727 Reverse 3.727 FDR 4.1185th 0.7754th 0.9713rd 1.3452nd 2.0951st 3.727Reverse 3.727FDR 4.118 1.0-litre EcoBoost(100, 125, 140 PS) manual 1.0-litre EcoBoost (100PS) automaticType Inline three cylinder turbo petrol, Ti-VCT, transverse Inline three cylinderturbo petrol, Ti-VCT,transverse Displacement cm3998 998Bore mm 71.9 71.9Stroke mm 82.0 82.0 Compressionratio10.0:1 10.0:1Max power PS (kW) 100 (74) 125 (92) 140 (103) 100 (74) at rpm 4500-6500 6000 6000 4500-6500 Max torque Nm 170 170 180 170 at rpm 1500-4000 1400-4500 1500-5000 1500-4000Valve gear DOHC with 4 valves per cylinder,twin independent variable cam timing DOHC with 4 valves per cylinder, twin independent variable cam timingCylinders 3 in line 3 in line Cylinder head Cast aluminium Cast aluminium Cylinder block Cast iron Cast iron Camshaft drive Low friction Belt-in-Oil with dynamic tensioner Low friction Belt-in-Oilwith dynamic tensioner Crankshaft Cast iron, 6 counterweights, 4 main bearings Cast iron, 6counterweights, 4 mainbearingsEngine management Bosch MED17 with CAN-Bus and individual cylinderknock control. Bosch SoftwareBosch MED17 withCAN-Bus andindividual cylinderknock control. FGECSoftwareFuel injection High pressure direct fuel injection with 6 hole injectors High pressure directfuel injection with 6hole injectors Emission level Euro Stage 6 Euro Stage 6 Turbocharger Continental low inertia turbo Continental low inertiaturboLubrication system Electronically controlled variable displacement oilpump for improved fuel economyElectronicallycontrolled variabledisplacement oilpump for improved fueleconomySystem capacitywith filterlitres 4.6 4.6Cooling system Split cooling system with 2 thermostats Split cooling systemwith 2 thermostatsSystem capacityincl heaterlitres 5.8 5.8Transmission 6-speed manual 6-speed torqueconverter automatic Gear ratios6th 0.6345th 0.7574th 0.9433rd 1.2762nd 1.9581st 3.417 Reverse 3.833 FDR 3.941 6th 0.6345th 0.7574th 0.9433rd 1.2762nd 1.9581st 3.417Reverse 3.833FDR 3.9416th 0.6345th 0.7574th 0.9433rd 1.2762nd 1.9581st 3.417Reverse 3.833FDR 4.353N/ADIESEL ENGINES1.5-litre TDCi(85 PS) 1.5-litre TDCi(120 PS)Type Inline four cylinder turbo diesel,transverse Inline four cylinder turbo diesel,transverseDisplacement cm31499 1499 Bore mm 73.5 73.5 Stroke mm 88.3 88.3 Compressionratio16.0:1 16.0:1Max power PS(kW)85 (63) 120 (88)at rpm 3750 3600 Max torque Nm 215 270 at rpm 1750-2500 1750-2500Valve gear SOHCwith 2 valves per cylinderSOHCwith 2 valves per cylinderCylinders 4 in line 4 in line Cylinder head Cast aluminium Cast aluminiumCylinder block Cast Aluminium with cast iron cylinderliners Cast Aluminium with cast iron cylinderlinersCamshaft drive Timing belt Timing belt Crankshaft Steel forging Steel forging EnginemanagementBosch FDEC Bosch FDECFuel injection High pressure common rail dieselinjection system with 8 hole nano sacnozzle injectorsHigh pressure common rail diesel injection system with 8 hole nano sacnozzle injectorsEmission level Euro Stage 6 Euro Stage 6 Turbocharger Fixed geometry turbo Variable geometry turboLubrication system Variable displacement oil pump directdriven from the crankshaft belt forimproved fuel economyVariable displacement oil pump directdriven from the crankshaft belt forimproved fuel economySystem capacitywith filterlitres 3.8 3.8Cooling system External single tube with integralthermostat External single tube with integralthermostatSystem capacity litres 2.5 2.5 Transmission 6-speed manual 6-speed manualGear ratios6th 0.5685th 0.6834th 0.8653rd 1.1722nd 1.8801st 3.417 Reverse 3.833 FDR 3.37 6th 0.6225th 0.7384th 0.9193rd 1.2582nd 2.0481st 3.727 Reverse 3.818 FDR 3.35Fuel/Energy Consumptions, CO2 emissions and electric range are measured according to the technical requirements and specifications of the European Regulations (EC) 715/2007 and (EC) 692/2008 as last amended. Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are specified for a vehicle variant and not for a single car. The applied standard test procedure enables comparison between different vehicle types and different manufacturers. In addition to the fuel efficiency of a car, driving behaviour as well as other non-technical factors play a role in determining a car'sfuel/energy consumption, CO2 emissions and electric range. CO2 is the main greenhouse gas responsible for global warmingNote: The data information in this press release reflects preliminary specifications and was correct at the time of going to print. However, Ford policy is one of continuous product improvement. The right is reserved to change these details at any time.# # #About Ford Motor CompanyFord Motor Company is a global company based in Dearborn, Michigan. The company designs, manufactures, markets and services a full line of Ford cars, trucks, SUVs, electrified vehicles and Lincoln luxury vehicles, provides financial services through Ford Motor Credit Company and is pursuing leadership positions in electrification, autonomous vehicles and mobility solutions. Ford employs approximately 202,000 people worldwide. For more information regarding Ford, its products and Ford Motor Credit Company, please visit .Ford of Europe is responsible for producing, selling and servicing Ford brand vehicles in 50 individual markets and employs approximately 52,000 employees at its wholly owned facilities and approximately 66,000 people when joint ventures and unconsolidated businesses are included. In addition to Ford Motor Credit Company, Ford Europe operations include Ford Customer Service Division and 24 manufacturing facilities (16 wholly owned or consolidated joint venture facilities and eight unconsolidated joint venture facilities). The first Ford cars were shipped to Europe in 1903 – the same year Ford Motor Company was founded. European production started in 1911.Contact: Finn ThomasenFord of Europe+44 (0) 1268 401 908*****************。
轮胎采用了韩泰185/55 R15规格的轮胎,轮毂样式也并无新意。
嘉年华游乐项目英语作文Title: A Day at the Carnival: Exploring the Thrilling Rides and Attractions。
Carnivals are a whirlwind of excitement, offering a myriad of thrilling rides and attractions that promise fun and adventure for people of all ages. Stepping into a carnival is like entering a vibrant world filled with colorful lights, lively music, and the aroma of delicious treats wafting through the air. In this essay, we will embark on a journey through the exhilarating rides and attractions that make a carnival an unforgettable experience.First and foremost, no carnival experience is complete without indulging in the adrenaline-pumping rides that leave your heart racing and your senses tingling. From towering roller coasters that twist and turn at breakneck speeds to dizzying Ferris wheels that offer breathtaking views of the surroundings, there's a ride for every thrill-seeker. One of the most popular attractions is the "Twister," a ride that spins riders around in alldirections while simultaneously lifting them off the ground. The screams of excitement mixed with the sound of whirling machinery create an atmosphere of pure exhilaration.For those seeking a more laid-back experience, carnival games provide a chance to test your skills and win exciting prizes. From classic ring toss and balloon darts to more modern games like water gun races and basketball hoops, there's no shortage of challenges to conquer. Oneparticularly engaging game is the "Whac-A-Mole," where players use a mallet to quickly smack down toy moles asthey pop up from various holes. It's a test of speed and coordination that never fails to entertain bothparticipants and spectators alike.Aside from rides and games, carnivals also offer a variety of entertainment options to keep visitorsenthralled throughout the day. Live performances featuring talented musicians, dancers, and magicians captivate audiences with their dazzling displays of skill andshowmanship. The "Carnival Parade" is another highlight, featuring elaborately decorated floats, costumed performers, and marching bands parading through the streets in a riotof color and sound.Of course, no carnival experience would be complete without indulging in the mouth-watering delights offered by food vendors lining the midway. From traditional carnival fare like cotton candy, funnel cakes, and corn dogs to more exotic treats like deep-fried Oreos and gourmet ice cream sandwiches, there's something to satisfy every craving. One cannot resist the temptation to sample a bit of everything, savoring each delicious bite as they stroll from booth to booth.In addition to the rides, games, entertainment, and food, carnivals also provide an opportunity for friends and families to come together and create lasting memories. Whether it's sharing a laugh on a thrill ride, competing in a friendly game of skill, or simply enjoying each other's company over a shared meal, the carnival atmosphere fosters a sense of camaraderie and togetherness that is trulyspecial.In conclusion, a day at the carnival is a magical experience filled with excitement, laughter, and adventure. From the thrilling rides and challenging games to the captivating entertainment and delectable treats, there's something for everyone to enjoy. So grab your friends and family, and immerse yourself in the joyous atmosphere of the carnival – you're in for a day of unforgettable fun!。
猫眼投射式前大灯炯炯有神,配合车身的动感风格,LED车位行车灯,增加了车辆的识别性,日间行车跟安全,大灯高度可调充分的满足了不同的驾驶习惯,FOLLO ME GO HOME,更是福特温馨的一面,当你夜晚回家停车时,周围环境肯定不会像白天一样敞亮,嘉年华的前大灯回在锁车后延迟30秒,让你放心回家,前雾灯,当遇雾霾天气照亮车辆的行驶路途,增加了行车的安全性。
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Fiesta ST
In 2011 Ford revealed the Fiesta ST concept based on the Fiesta mk7.The High Performance Fiesta is powered by a 1.6-litre Ford Ecoboost Engine to deliver performance while still providing good fuel efficiency. The 1.6-litre Ford Ecoboost Turbocharged engine will feature Twin-independent V ariable Camshaft Timing (Ti-VCT) and put out 180 PS (130 kW; 180 bhp) with 177 lb·ft (240 N·m) of torque providing an acceleration time of under 7 seconds (0–100 km/h) and a top speed of 136mph. Mated to a 6-speed manual transmission which features Ford’s Torque V ectoring Control system to brake the inside front wheel to aid agility, and has three ESP modes. The car is expected to provide responsible fuel economy while not sacrificing performance. The concept ST features a redesigned front fascia similar to the one seen on its older sibling (Focus ST), LED-laced headlights, Large rear spoiler, aggressive rear diffuser with a twin exit exhaust system, completed with 17-inch wheels. On the inside, the ST provides heavily bolstered Recaro front seats and sportier décor. The final production model was announced at Geneva Motor Show in March 2012, and was largely unchanged from the concept model.
Fiesta ST Group N specifications嘉年华规格
1,999 cc (122.0 cu in) Duratec engine. Four cylinders in line, DOHC, 16 valves, alloy cylinder head and block.
Electronic multipoint fuel injection.
165 PS (121 kW; 163 bhp) at 5,800 rpm
202 N·m (149 lb·ft) at 4,500 rpm
Upgraded suspension of ST road car includes revised front knuckles and strengthened twist beam rear axle. 升级后的悬挂圣路车包括修订前关节和加强扭杆梁后桥。
Reiger dampers, adjustable for rebound, and revised spring rates. Uprated suspension bushes.
Standard ST road car front and rear disc brakes.
15-inch 15英尺
Multipoint roll cage designed by M-Sport, complying with FIA regulations.
Fuel tank燃料箱
Standard 45 L (9.9 imp gal; 12 U.S. gal) tank with Kevlar composite moulded guard.
Length: 3,921 mm (154.4 in). 长度:3921毫米(154.4英寸)。
Width: 1,683 mm (66.3 in). 宽度:1683毫米(66.3英寸)。
Height: 1,468 mm (57.8 in). 高度:1468毫米(57.8英寸)
Wheelbase: 2,486 mm (97.9 in轴距:2486毫米(97.9Manufacturer
Ford Motor Company福特汽车公司
Also called也被成为
Ford New Fiesta福特新嘉年华
Body style车身风格
3-door Hatchback 3门掀背
5-door Hatchback 5门掀背车
4-door sedan 四门轿车
2-door V an 上门车
1.4 L I4 1.4升
1.6 L I4 1.6升
1.25 L I4 1.25升
1.4 L Diesel I4 1.4升柴油版
1.6 L Diesel I4 1.6升柴油版
Transmission 传输
4-speed automatic 四段自动变速器
5-speed manual 5速手动
6-speed PowerShift 六速动力换挡
Wheelbase 轴距
2,489 mm (98.0 in) 2489毫米(98英寸)
Sedan: 173.6 in (4,409 mm) 173.6(4409毫米
1,722 mm (67.8 in) 1722毫米(67.8英寸)
58.0 in (1,473 mm) 58(1473毫米)
Curb weight控制体重
1,041–1,092 kg (Petrol), 1,086–1,100 kg (Diesel) 1041–1092公斤(汽油),1086–1100公斤(柴油机)。