NAS_131_打造NAS专用的多媒体播放器:Boxee App
使用视频转换软件(后面有介绍)就可以实现电影转换,将普通格式的电影转换成Dpg 格式,然后就可以在NDS上播放了。
2 Moonshell的安装2.1 首先,下载好Moonshell。
QUOTE目前最新版本是MoonShell Ver1.6 finalbeta2 20060101,不过处于测试中,主要加入了对新的几款SLOT-1口烧录卡的支持,在媒体播放方面更新不大,所以现阶段普通用户没有更新的必要,S1用户只好先等等了。
本教程以目前较为稳定的1.5fdpg2beta2进行介绍,先下载完整的moonshell15_with_dpgtools12,再下载20061212_mshl15fdpg2beta2点击下载moonshell15_with_dpgtools12点击下载20061212_mshl15fdpg2beta22.2 生成NDS文件。
5、准备了一块旧移动硬盘(80G)6、准备了可外接供电的usb hub一个,树莓派本身输出电流较小,很难保证移动硬盘的运行,所以加了一个可外接供电的usb hub。
电脑操作系统是windows7,利用软件MiniTool Partition Wizard Home Edition 8.0,下载地址:/download.html。
(如果用容量较小的U盘,可以直接用树莓派格式化,命令为:mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdb1)2、将硬盘挂载到树莓派上树莓派开机后,用putty连接(连接方法见树莓派学习笔记(1):入手树莓派)后,为方便操作直接进行root用户(具体方法见/xiaowuyi/p/3980037.html一楼评论处),然后运行df –h,查看硬盘挂载情况。
而且携带方便,在家,在车上都可以使用,最关键的是,不需要电视,只要是智能终端设备都可以看,IOS 系统,安卓系统的手机平板都可以连接观看,最多能支持10台设备同时观看哦,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~好了,不吊大家的胃口了,现在就让我们一起来看看这款传说中的神器--视网魔盒,它能接收CMMB(中国移动多媒体广播电视)信号,无需流量,终生免费观看电视直播,通吃IOS、安卓系统手机平板,接入有线、3G网络后就能变身智能路由器,是不是功能超多呢。
低调的纸壳包装,拒绝华丽塑料,印有视网魔盒的出品方--杭州云链网络侧面是视网魔盒的手机APP,扫描之后分IOS、安卓系统下载打开包装,主角出现,苹果白的视网魔盒A104C说明书,保修卡还有一张产品宣传图包装底部是标配的配件,外置电视天线、电源、车载电源、USB转电源口线魔盒前面有4个指示灯,分别是PWR电源、WLAN无线、LAN局域网、WAN外网指示灯,电源灯有电源就会亮,WLAN 灯魔盒创建了无线网络会亮起,LAN灯有局域网网线插入会亮,WAN有外网网线插入会亮。
背面接口一览外置天线接口WAN LAN口,外网内网接入DC5V电源接口(可以用5V2A的移动电源直接供电),RESET键顶面还隐藏着一个功能那就是3G网卡接入,变成随身路由器,移动、联通、电信3G全部支持侧面弧形设计,更显科技魅力底面是QC认证、产品信息和散热孔,路由器管理地址是10.10.10.1,可以设置路由器参数外置天线,底部带磁性和吸盘,可以随意放置车载配件,为魔盒提供电源这是安卓手机和平板同时连接到视网魔盒观看不同频道的照片,速度飞快,毫无卡顿,最多能支持10台设备同时观看。
用树莓派打造一个NAS本文作者:叉叉2013-07-29 12:44导语:你有闲置的移动硬盘和树莓派吗?你可以用这些来打造一个廉价而且低能耗的NAS。
最后的效果肯定比不上售价500美刀的NAS,比如Synology DiskStation出品的那些。
最后的效果肯定比不上售价500美刀的NAS,比如Synology DiskStation 出品的那些。
体积较小的2.5硬盘可以由U SB接口直接供电,但是我们需要一个带有供电功能的USB分线器,因为树莓派的USB接口提供的电是不足以给移动硬盘供电的。
事实上我现在在用的就是一个USB口的移动硬盘和一个U 盘搭建的,操作流程都是一样的。
设置SSH,开启root用户,首先为root用户设置密码:sudo -ipasswd root(输入你的密码)然后在命令行下面运行raspi-config脚本,可以用sudo命令,也可以注销当前用户,然后以root用户的身份登陆。
重启后,你应该可以从联网的另一台机器登陆(如果在windows上,可以使用P utty):SSH root@[IP地址]登陆之后,搞清楚插上去的硬盘在/dev下面的编号是什么。
将高清装到口袋里DivX 10揭秘体验
将高清装到口袋里DivX 10揭秘体验
1.口袋里的视听天地——体验遨越激光微型投影机OY-LP10 [J],
2.我动了苹果的iPod把1000首喜爱的歌曲装到口袋里! [J],
3.我动了苹果的iPod——把1000首喜爱的歌曲装到口袋里! [J],
4.口袋里的高清体验昂达VX545HD [J], PCD实验室
5.播放转换随心所欲高清视频软件DivX+体验 [J],
OUO i-box NAS10用户手册
第一部分 产品介绍................................................................................................................................................................. 2 简介 ............................................................................................................................................................................................2 功能 ............................................................................................................................................................................................2
深工SG-BOX多媒体播放终端用户手册Ver1.0深圳市瑞众科技有限公司SHENZHEN RUIZHONG TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD.目录第1章产品简介 (3)1.1产品说明 (3)1.2产品外观接口 (3)1.2.1多媒体播控服务器外观接口 (3)1.2.2接口说明 (4)1.3产品技术参数 (4)第2章使用向导 (5)2.1打开展厅播放器 (5)2.2添加播放窗口 (6)2.3添加节目 (8)2.4删除节目 (8)2.5添加媒体资源 (8)2.5.1添加本地文件 (8)2.5.2添加采集卡 (9)2.5.3添加NDI采集 (9)2.5.4添加网页采集 (10)2.6添加媒体到窗口播放 (11)2.7打开窗口输出 (11)2.8播放媒体 (12)2.9属性调整 (12)2.9.1调整窗口属性 (13)2.9.2调整节目属性 (14)第3章软件设置 (15)3.1程序设置 (15)3.2项目设置 (16)3.3保存工程 (16)3.4另存工程 (16)第1章产品简介1.1产品说明1.2产品外观接口1.2.1多媒体播控服务器外观接口3456789121314211110正面接口背面接口深工多媒体播控终端是瑞众科技研发的一款高性能播放控制一体化播放终端,采用插拔式电脑主机设计,维护简单方便。
内置深工 LED 展厅播控系统支持任意开窗播放,支持中控 APP 或平板电脑联网控制,深工多媒体播控终端多用于展厅LED/LCD 屏幕播控。
鼠标键盘USBHDMIHDMI网线发送卡LED 显示屏SG -BOX 多媒体显示终端KVM机柜显示器2.2添加播放窗口点击软件菜单栏的创建窗口图标在弹出的编辑页面输入窗口对的位置和大小如果连接了两个显示器,一般窗口位置X为主显示器的宽度,比如主显示器分辨率为1920*1080则窗口位置X坐标为1920,Y坐标一般为0。
NEC SB-L008KU 媒体播放器 说明书
介绍• 什么是媒体播放器?媒体播放器是用于在显示器上显示由图形和声音内容组合制作的节目的工具。
这些节目是使用附带的编辑软件制作并通过 LAN 或 USB 存储器进行分发。
• 什么是编辑软件?布局设置通过组合电影、静止图像和信息可设定预想的布局。
发送功能节目数据可通过 USB 存储器分发或通过 LAN 发送到最多20个媒体播放器。
重要信息本设备是由信息技术设备电磁干扰自主规范协会 (VCCI) 认证的 A 级信息技术设备。
连接附带的信号电缆时,本设备符合 VCCI 标准。
注意本设备获 VCCI A 级认证。
将本设备连接至 B 级 LCD 显示器时,显示器的 VCCI 认证标记将从 B 级变为 A 级。
有关操作注意事项,请参阅 LCD显示器用户手册中的“安全注意事项、维护和建议使用方法”。
媒体播放器(SB-L008KU)使用说明书1.10版本信息电影静止图像静止图像信息一致性声明美国FCC 信息1. 为避免干扰无线电和电视接收,Media Player (SB-L008KU) 媒体播放器应使用随机提供的指定连接线。
(1) 请使用随机提供的或同等的电源线以确保符合 FCC 要求。
(2) 请使用品质良好的带屏蔽的视频信号线。
2. 此设备经测试,符合 FCC 规则第 15 部分中关于 A 类数字设备的限制规定。
有了NAS,你可以让家中的音箱都支持AirPlayMatrix 首页推荐Matrix是少数派的写作社区,我们主张分享真实的产品体验,有实用价值的经验与思考。
我们会不定期挑选 Matrix 最优质的文章,展示来自用户的最真实的体验和观点。
空间允许的话,我在家听音乐都会接上「电脑音箱」,后面还非常时髦地用上无线音箱(当然这里说的是类似蓝牙音箱或者 Sonos 音箱)。
虽然在家听歌已经可以非常方便地通过蓝牙链接的方式将手机和音箱连接,但从方便度上都没有AirPlay 那么顺滑——无需蓝牙连接那样需要配对,在AirPlay 找到对应的设备选择就可以出声。
这么方便的音乐欣赏新姿势我竟然都无福消受,原因就是我家中那些传统的音箱都不支持AirPlay,甚至我的Sonos Play 1 也不在AirPlay 支持之列,思来想去决定想办法折腾一下让他们都能支持AirPlay ——我的目光聚焦到了家里这台「万能」的NAS:要不通过NAS 来作为AIrPlay 服务中转站从而间接地让旧音箱也可以支持AirPlay?从最简单的做起:将老 Sonos 音箱转成 AirPlay万事开头难,只要肯放弃,我首先将「折腾」目标转向了我的这台 Sonos Play 1,这款定位入门级的 Sonos 音箱当然是网络音箱——你可以在DLNA 设备里面看到这款音箱,但唯独就是不支持AirPlay (后面的 AirPlay 2 那更不用想了),当然有了 NAS 作为中转站就简单多,因为这里有针对NAS 的现成的解决方案,就是将这些老版本(入门版)Sonos 转成 AirPlay 音箱。
moov box解析
moov box解析【原创实用版】目录1.Moov Box 简介2.Moov Box 的功能与特点3.Moov Box 的使用方法与注意事项4.Moov Box 的市场前景与评价正文【Moov Box 简介】Moov Box 是一款集多种功能于一身的智能设备,旨在为用户提供便捷的日常生活体验。
Moov Box 不仅具有强大的语音助手功能,还支持多种智能硬件的连接,让用户轻松实现智能家居的控制与操作。
【Moov Box 的功能与特点】1.语音助手:Moov Box 内置了全新的语音助手,可以通过语音指令快速进行查询、翻译、设定提醒等操作,无需手动输入,提高工作效率。
2.智能连接:Moov Box 支持多种智能硬件的连接,如智能灯泡、智能插座、智能音响等,用户可以通过 Moov Box 轻松实现远程操控和联动操作。
3.语音识别:Moov Box 具有精准的语音识别技术,可实现实时翻译、语音搜索等功能,满足用户的多元化需求。
4.便携设计:Moov Box 采用小巧轻便的设计,可随身携带,方便用户在各种场景中使用。
【Moov Box 的使用方法与注意事项】1.使用方法:用户只需将 Moov Box 与智能设备连接,即可通过语音指令进行操控。
在使用过程中,用户可以通过 Moov Box 的 APP 进行设备管理和功能设置。
2.注意事项:为了确保 Moov Box 的正常使用,用户需注意保持设备清洁,避免进水或受潮。
【Moov Box 的市场前景与评价】1.市场前景:随着智能家居市场的快速发展,Moov Box 作为一款具有便捷性和实用性的智能设备,有望在市场中占据一席之地。
2.用户评价:Moov Box 自上市以来,受到了广大用户的一致好评。
用户认为,Moov Box 的功能强大,操作简便,能够满足多种场景的需求,是智能家居生活的得力助手。
BinoX HD S M智能手持电影观看器用户手册说明书
S M A R T H D B I N O C U L A RO P E R A T O R’S M A N U A LFOR WEB USER MANUAL VISIT:/BINOXAMERICANTECHNOLOGIESNETWORK CORP.Section I. Preparing the device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-11 .01 . Unpacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-21 .02 . Installation of batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-31 .03 . MicroSD, USB and HDMI ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-31 .04 . Firmware update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-41 .05 . ON / OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-51 .06 . Using keypad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-51 .07 . Focusing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-51 .08 . Focus IR (left lens) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-61 .09 . Mounting on a tripod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-61 .10 . Compass calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-7Section II. Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-12 .01 . Homescreen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-22 .02 . Main operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-32 .03 . Shortcut carousel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-42 .04 . Using system menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-5Section III. Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-13 .01 . Night Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-23 .02 . Photo and Video modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-33 .03 . Rangefinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-4Section IV. System menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-14 .01 . Night Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-24 .02 . Photo/Video . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-24 .03 . Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-24 .04 . Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-3Section V. Servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-15 .01 . Warnings and cautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-2Section VI. Mobile applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-16 .01 . Mobile applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-2The information in this manual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, is not to be construed as a commitment by ATN Corp.ATN Corp. assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this book.©2016 ATN Corp. All rights reserved.PREPARING THE DEVICE1-11-2The following steps must be accomplished prior to each mission where the device is used: 1 . Open packaging box, remove BinoX HD and check the contents 2 . Make sure that nothing is missing3 . Inspect the device for damage to optical surfaces, body, eyecups, operation buttons, etc .4 . Ensure that all optical surfaces are clean and ready for use .NOTEYou must have a microSD card inserted in the device, in order to be able to update to the latest firmware.START/STOP VIDEO RECORDING ENTERBUTTONTAKE A PICTUREZOOM INMICROSD, MICRO HDMI & MICRO USBDIOPTER ADJUSTMENTPOWER BUTTON IR BEAM FOCUS ADJUSTMENT RINGFOCUS ADJUSTMENTRINGZOOM OUTBATTERY HOUSING COVERTRIPOD THREADThe BinoX HD will operate on three CR123 type batteries .NOTEWe highly recommend using lithium CR123 batteries. They will provide much longer battery life.Install batteries as follows:1 . Remove the Battery Cover following the arrow direction2 . Insert batteries as shown .3 . Close the Battery Cover .NOTEMake sure that the device is turned off before changing sources of energy (batteries or USB in power supply mode).1.03. MI C ROS D, U S B AN D H D MI P O R T SThe device is equipped with microSD, Micro USB and Micro HDMI ports . You can find them under the rubber cover near the battery block (we marked the cover with appropriate icons) . To open the cover you should gently lift the rubber cover and move it out of the way .NOTEMake sure that the device is turned off beforeinserting the microSD card into the slot.1 . A new card should be formatted before usage .2 . Insert microSD card as shown .3 . To lock the card in the slot push it in with a thin object(a small coin, paper clip, toothpick, etc .) .4 .Return the cover to its original position .NOTEThere is only one correct direction to insert the microSD Card.Do not force the card into the slot as it may damage both the device and the card itself.Micro USB Micro HDMI microSD1-31-4To remove the microSD Card from the slot, push it in using the same thin object . When it pops up a few millime-ters, it can be pulled with your fingers or tweezers . NOTEIf you are going to record video we recommend using a Class 10 microSD card (10 MB/sec) or faster and have capacity from 4 to 64 GB.1.04. F I R MWARE U PDATEBefore operating your device please update the firmware to the latest version .To receive a notification of new firmware updates, please register your device on our website (you’ll receive an email letting you know when new firmware becomes available) .To update the new firmware you will need a microSD Card and batteries that are fully charged .NOTEIn the event of a power failure during an update the device may crash corrupting its system files and will need to be sent back to the ATN factory for service. It is important not to use additional sources of power during firmware update!Update the new firmware as follows:1 . Download the *** .bin file from https://www .atncorp .com/firmware (You may need to create an account, if you didn’t create it earlier) and copy to your microSD Card — root directory .2 . Insert the card into the device .3 . Turn ON the device .4 . In the “Firmware Update” dialog box select “Yes” to start the update .5 . When the update counter reaches “100%” the device will automatically restart .6 . Once the device is powered up it will enter self configuration mode .7 . After completing it will automatically restart and will be ready for use .8 . Motion Sensing platform will be configured when first turned on .9 . Once the Firmware update completes, please do a factory reset before using the product .10 . Please remember to delete the Firmware File off of the microSD card after all steps are com-pleted .NOTEIf the device does not restart within 30 seconds, remove and re-insert the batteries and power-up the device.NOTEOnce the device has been updated you will need to either format the card or delete the update file manually. In the event you do not, the system will ask you if you wish toupdate the device every time you turn it on.To TURN ON the device press and hold the POWER button until you see the ATN splash screen .To TURN OFF the device press and hold the POWER button, until the dialog box “Shut down the device?” appears . Choose “Yes” to turn off .1.0The KEYPAD is programmed to be used in two different ways:• Short and Quick Taps — used for most functions and to get around the menu;• Press and Hold — designed to be used in the fol-lowing situations — ON/OFF, ZOOM, SHORTCUT MENU .NOTEUsing LEFT or RIGHT buttons in the menu, lets you quickly Exit Shortcuts from any position.DIOPTER ADJUSTMENTBy rotating the Diopter Adjustment Ring you will achieve optimal sharpness for your vision . Look through the eyepiece while focusing on the interface on the screen .Do not take the rubber cap off the objective lens .NOTEYou should not need to re-adjust the Diopter Adjustment unless another user with different vision than yourself will be using the device.1-51-6INTERPUPILLARY ADJUSTMENTDepending on the distance between your eyes, you may adjust the individual eyepieces by movingeach one horizontally .1.08. FO CU S I R (LE F T LE N S)In Night Mode your IR Illuminator is critical to provid-ing you extended range and “Total Darkness Capabil-ity” by projecting a beam of IR light that is only seen by a night vision device . The IR Illuminator will automati-cally turn ON when Night Mode is activated (although it may be turned off in the settings if you so choose) .1 . The IR Illuminator beam may be focused by turn-ing the left objective lens . This allows you to tighten the beam for longer range or widen the beam for maximum field of view .2 . There are a number of settings effecting the function of your IR in the Settings Menu .1.09. MOU N T I N G O N A T R I P O DThe BinoX HD is tripod mountable and can be mounted on tri-pods with a 1/4” thread mount .1-7When the compass needs to be calibrated the word “CAL ” appears instead of the Compass Scale . To cal-ibrate you should rotate the device on three axis as illustrated .NOTEAfter calibrating the device please remember that the compass will work best when holding the BinoX parallel to the ground.Other possible Errors:• ERR — an error was detected (you may need to restart the device or recalibrate the compass);• SMF — your device is under Strong Magnetic Field (please, move away from the Magnetic Field);•UPD — your firmware needs to be updated .1-8INTERFACE2-12-2First screen you’ll see after switching on the device is Homescreen . It consists of Scales, Status Baricons and different Informational Widgets .SCALESE-Compass Scale shows yaw angle based on e-Magnetometer data . Roll Scale shows binocular cant based on internal 3D Gyroscope .Pitch Scale shows binocular inclination based on internal 3D Gyroscope . STATUS BARIts job is to display information about the current state of the system .Currently inactive icons become invisible, so you will only see the important information on the Homescreen Interface:• Battery — appears when energy level is low• SD Card — shows the presence or absence (red icon) of memory card• GPS and WiFi — show when the func-tion is enabled .WIDGETSThey are interface elements which pro-vide quick access to useful information . There are several types of widgets:• icons without value — are used formode displaying (Photo and Video Modes)• only numerical value (Detailed Roll and Pitch Values)• icons with a numerical value which provide detailed numerical readings • Photo Preview (appears in the bottom of the homescreen, after thephoto is taken) .Display widgets can be disabled from the System Menu .To get to the System Menu you should click on the CENTER button fromHomescreen and access the Shortcut Carousel .Then select the wrench icon with RIGHT or LEFT buttonsand push CENTER button toenter the menu .Select Display tab with RIGHT button and choose subcategory Display Widgets with DOWN button .SZOOM LEVELBy pressing and holding the UP or DOWN button on the keypad you will be able to Zoom IN and OUT .Current Zoom Level is displayed in the Zoom widget on the Homescreen .TAKING PHOTOSPress the LEFT button to TAKE A PHOTO .Depending on the selected mode, you will make one or several photos . You can choose from var-ious photo modes in the System Menu .VIDEO RECORDINGBy pressing the RIGHT button you will be able to RECORD VIDEO .NOTEYour recording will automatically stop when the memory card is full or the battery is outof power.SHORTCUT CAROUSELThe CENTER buttonopens the menu and closes it down when pressed again .2-32-4The Carousel is your access to a number of Shortcuts that allows you quick access to additional features . Just click on the CENTER button from Homescreen to access the Carousel .Buttons highlighted in Red are the only ones that activate a particular shortcut .Movement between the items is carriedout using the LEFT & RIGHT buttons , except the group of ON/OFF switches (WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth) .You should use the UP & DOWNbuttons to switch modes .To turn ON or OFF a particular switch you should click the CENTER button while having theswitch selected . Example — WiFi .EXITExit Carousel .NIGHT MODESwitch between Day and Night Mode .Options such as color palette and other settings for Night Mode can be changed in the System Menu .RANGEFINDERActivates Smart Rangefinder feature .GALLERYGives you access to the library of Images and Videos that are stored on your unit’s SD Card .WiFi module .GPS module .SYSTEM MENUAllows for access to various system options and adjustments .2-5To enter the System Menu you should open Shortcut Carousel with CENTER button and select the wrench icon withRIGHT or LEFT buttons .Then push CENTER button to enter the menu .The System Menu consists of a Tab Bar at the top of the screen, list of subcatego-ries in the center and Help Information atthe bottom .On the left side of the Tab Bar you will find the Exit (with arrow icon) . Pressing it with CENTER button will bring you back to the Homescreen .Movement between the tabs is carried out using the LEFT and RIGHT buttons .Each tab includes subcategories . To select a particular subcategory you should use the UP andDOWN buttonsand press CENTER button.2-6To change a particular value you should follow the next few steps . Select the sub-category you need with the UP or DOWN buttons .Press the Center button to select a particular value (once selected it will turn red) .Change the value with the UP andDOWN buttons .To select a new value press CENTER buttonto confirm the change .FUNCTIONS3-13-2To switch between Day and Night Mode you should choose NIGH T MODE in Shortcuts .Shortcuts allows you quick access to the Carousel that contains quick access to your units features . Just click on the CENTER button to access the Carousel .Buttons highlighted in Red are the only ones that activate a particular shortcut .Movement between the items is carried out using the LEFT & RIGHT buttons .NOTERemember that turning on Night Mode during daylight will not harm your device, however you may not be able to see anything due to the image being too bright.You can choose preferred Сolor Theme or adjust the Light Sensitivity in the System Menu (Night Vision section) .To enter the System Menu you should open Shortcut Carousel with CENTER button and select the wrench icon with RIGHT or LEFT buttons . Then push CENTER button to enter the menu .Select Night Vision in the Menu Tab . Movement between the tabs is carried outusing the LEFT and RIGHT buttons .T o sw i tc h b et we e n Gr e e n a n d Black&White modes follow the next few steps . Select Color Theme subcategory in Night Vision Tab by pressing UP and DOWN buttons .Then Press the CENTER button to select a particular value (once selected it will turn red) . And choose Green or Black&White mode, confirm it by pressingCENTER button.Night Vision category will be available from the Shortcut Menu .NOTELight Sensitivity does not changewhen changing color modes.3-3If you press the LEFT button while staying on the Homescreen to TAKE A PHOTO .You must have a microSD card inserted in the device for these features to work . All files will be stored on the microSD card .Depending on the selected mode you will make one or several photos . You can choose from var-ious photo modes in the System Menu .To enter the System Menu you should open Shortcut Carousel with CENTER button andselect the wrench icon with RIGHT or LEFT buttons .Then push CENTER button to enter the menu .There are three photo modes to choose from . Switching between modes is done in the System Menu in the Photo/Video tab, subcategory Photo Mode .Use UP or DOWN buttons to switchbetween modes . Press the Center button to select a particular value (onceselected it will turn red) .NORMALThis default mode allows you to take one photo at a time .TIME LAPSETime Lapse is where the device takes a sequence of images of asubject with an interval of time between each image .The interval and the number of photos taken can be changed in the System Menu .To make changes choose Photo/Video Tab in System Menu, then use UP orDOWN buttons to select Time Lapse Settings .Press the CENTER button to enter the mode settings . While you are in thismode, the Time Lapse widget appears .3-4BURSTBurst mode captures a series of photos .You can select the best image of the group or arrange them in a sequence to study the transitions in detail .The number of the photos taken can be changed in the System Menu . While you are in this mode, the Burst widget appears .Regardless of which mode you are using the preview appears after a photo-graph is taken on the bottom of the screen for several seconds .If you press the RIGHT button to StartVideo recording . Press RIGHT button again to stop Video recording .3.03. R AN G E F I N D E RUsing the Smart Range Finder you will quickly be able to estimate the distance to your target as long as you have reasonable knowledge of the size of your target .RANGEFINDERTo use select the Flag Icon from theShortcut Carousel .Pressing the CENTER button willtake you to the Main Screen of the Range-finder feature .To measure the distance, follow the next steps:1 . Put the arrow-mark on the top of the target and press the CENTER button , wait for the binoc-ular to take the readings (it will take a number of readings so try to keep your binocular steady);2 . Put the arrow-mark under the target and press the CEN T ER button ;3 . If satisfied with the value press the LEFT button to go back to the Homescreen or repeatsteps 1 and 2 if necessary .NOTEDuring the measurement process, you can zoom in and out using standard buttons (UP and DOWN).If the Target Height is incorrect you canchange it:• press the RIGHT button to enterthe Menu;• choose one of the presets or inputthe height manually;• accept the height with CENTERbutton and go back to the MainScreen .SYSTEM MENUCOLOR THEME — the color of NightMode (Green or Black & White) . There isNO difference in light gain from Green toB&W .LIGHT SENSITIVITY — can be set toLow, Medium or High . At high your framerate will be 7 .5 per second . You will expe-rience more light gain but at the expenseof a lower frame rate . We recommendMedium setting for most uses .4.02. PH OTO/V I D EOPHOTO MODE — includes Single (cap-ture a single photo), Time Lapse (series ofphotos at timed intervals) and Burst (up to10 photos in one second) modes .BURST COUNT — amount of photos inone second (2 – 10) .TIME LAPSE SETTINGS• Total Photos — amount of photos inseries (2 – 10) .• Frame Interval — length of the interval(2 – 15 sec) .MICROPHONE — sound recording (ON/OFF) .VIDEO QUALITY — can be 1080P at 30fps or 720P at 60fps .FORMAT SD CARD — after you choose this subcategory you’ll see a pop-up window asking you about formatting .NOTERemember when formating your microSD card you will loose all information on it, including photos and videos.SCREEN BRIGHTNESS — 1-5 with 1being the dimmest and 5 the brightest . Itis recommended that you use the bright-est setting during the day for optimal per-formance .DISPLAY WIDGETS — allows youto disable several widgets (Minimal/Extended)SLEEP MODESleep mode is activated when yourdevice is not in use for a set period of time(example: 1 – 60min) . During sleep mode the display and some of the sensors will be inactive . To get out of Sleep mode and get back to normal operations just physically move the device or press any of the buttons .• Mode — allows you to switch the mode (ON/OFF)• Hibernation Time — can be 1 – 60 minUNITS — can be Metric or Standard system .DATE AND TIME• Clock Source — allows you tochoose different types of sources toimprove the accuracy (Manual, WiFior GPS) .• Date Format — can be YYYY-MM-DD, MM-DD-YYYY, DD-MM-YYYY .• Time Format — form of stating thetime (24-hour or 12-hour) .• Date — enter the date .• Time — enter the time .• Time Zone — allows you to choose a geographical region with standard time .WIFI — values are not changeable .• SSID• Password• MAC AdressRECORD GEO-TAGGING — adding geographical identification to your videos (ON/OFF) . ZOOM — allows you to choose different types of zoom (Standard, Extended) .However, we would like to caution you when using Extended Zoom, you will begin to see consid-erable pixelation at such a zoom .RESTORE FACTORY SETTINGS — allows to reset all the settings to default .FIRMWARE VERSION — allows you to see the firmware version currently running on your device . We recommend that you register your product on our Update Center (www .atncorp .com/firmware) in order to make sure that you are getting emails when new firmware versions become available . We are constantly working on new features, functions, and improvements that we provide to you free of charge via firmware upgrades .SERVICING• Always remember to turn off the device when it is not in use . If you do not plan on using it for a period of more than 10 days, you should remove the batteries .• Do not disassemble, drop, open, crush, bend, deform, puncture, shred, microwave, incinerate, paint or insert foreign objects: it will void your warranty .• Keep Lens Cap on when not in use .• Avoid contact with dust, steam, and gas .• This product contains natural rubber latex which may cause allergic reactions .• The device is a precision electro-optical instrument and must be handled carefully .• Do not scratch the external lens surfaces or touch them with your fingers .CAUTIONFailure to follow these safety instructions could result in damage to the device .MOBILE APPLICATIONSBy utilizing the ATN Obsidian app, you cancontrol your device and view live streaming . Con-nect a phone or tablet and view everything simul-taneously .Want to see what you’ve re c or d ed so far? No problem, once connected to the app via WiFi, open up the Gallery and playback your latest adventures . All your photos and videos are right at your fingertips .iOS ApplicationAndroid Application6-3For customer service and technical support, please contact American Technologies Network Corp.1341 San Mateo Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080 phone: 800-910-2862, 650-989-5100e-mail:*******************©2016 ATN Corporation。
nugate M7 说明书
1.可通过AV 端子在电视上录制电视节目也可通过AV 端子或USB 在电视或PC 上播放影音内容,具有横跨电视和PC双平台超强功能,具备数字录制、播 放和存储媒体功能。
它内建USB2.0接口和SD/MMC 读卡器,通过AV端子即 可将存储在内的影音信息在电视上播放,通过USB 接口也可以在PC 或笔记本电脑上面收看。
通过SD/MMC 读卡器接口可以将 数码相机、DV 摄象机、拍照手机里的影音信息在电视、PC 或笔记本电脑 上播放。
城市骆驼影视复制专家一.产品简介 1-2------------------------------------六.与计算机的连接 6-7------------------------------七.与电视设备的连接 7-15----------------------------二.整机外观 2------------------------------------三.随机附件 3------------------------------------四.遥控器使用 3-5----------------------------------五.变压器说明 6----------------------------------(二).移动硬盘----数据交换 7----------------------------------(二).电视制式的选择 8------------------------------------(三).照片浏览模式 8-9-------------------------------- ----(四).音乐播放模式 10-------------------------------------(五).电影播放模式 11-12-------------------------------------(六).文档模式 12-----------------------------------------(七).录制模式 13-14----------------------------------------(八).设置模式 15----------------------------------------(九).读卡备份 14-15模式-------------------------------------八.故障排除 16---------------------------------目录功能概述:城市骆驼影视复制专家是一款创新的多媒体产品,接电脑时可作为外接式硬盘;接电视时可录制电视节目和DVD 影片、作为便携式图片浏览器、便携式音乐播放器、便携式电影播放器、和读卡器;可对存储卡进行一键备份。
QNAP 威联通 NAS影音使用经验 篇二(DOC)
QNAP 威联通NAS的个人使用经验篇二:QTS系统各功能讲解2014-11-05 11:17分类:NAS存储接上篇8、NAS存储功能的使用存储功能是NAS最基本的功能,简单的说,你完全可以把它当成一块外置硬盘,只不过它通过网络和计算机连接,而非传统的数据线而已。
想要把数据存储在NAS上,或者访问自己的数据,有很多方法,最简单的几种楼主介绍一下:a、使用QTS内置的File Station功能如其名,你就把它当成一个不支持和计算机直接进行复制剪切粘贴的资源浏览器就好。
b、以Windows共享文档的方式访问,就是俗称的映射网络驱动器,你可以使用威联通的Qfinder软件方便的进行映射,也可以自己按步骤添加使用Qfinder的话,点击“工具--- 联机网络驱动器”,就可看到下图,自行输入账号密码即可添加使用系统自带方式的话,在“我的电脑” 界面,点击“添加一个网络位置”,在网络地址处输入x.x.x.x ,即你NAS的内网地址,点右边浏览,输入NAS的账号密码,即可看到所有的共享文件夹,按需要映射即可。
使用Qfinder的Storage Plug & Connect 工具进行操作,楼主没有使用这种高端方式,有兴趣的朋友可以自己搜索关于iSCSI磁盘的相关内容。
9、常用的数据同步、备份方法数据同步是私有云的基础,威联通官方的同步软件为Qsync,桌面客户端支援Windows/M ac,移动APP叫做Qfile,支持IOS/Android。
PBox配置软件使用说明书2020年02月目录第一章工具安装 (4)1.1文件目录 (4)1.2运行环境 (5)第二章配置软件 (6)2.1新建项目 (6)2.1.1新建通道 (7)2.1.2新建设备 (10)2.1.2新建测点 (11)2.1.2新建转发点 (12)2.2数据保存 (13)2.3打开项目 (13)第三章运行软件 (14)3.1界面说明 (14)3.2实时数据 (14)3.3写值 (15)3.4通道监测 (16)第四章网关管理工具 (18)4.1界面展示 (18)4.2下装 (19)4.3读取工程(日志) (19)第五章配置举例 (22)5.1新建采集通道 (22)5.2新建采集设备 (22)5.3新建采集测点 (22)5.3.1添加测点 (22)5.3.2批量配置参数 (23)5.3.3从excel复制参数 (23)5.4新建转发通道 (24)5.5新建转发设备 (24)5.6新建转发测点 (25)5.7下装工程 (26)5.7.1搜索网关 (26)5.7.2下装 (26)5.8运行监视 (26)第一章工具安装1.1文件目录安装包安装后或绿色版压缩包解压后目录如下左图所示,conf目录如右图所示。
PBoxConfig.jar为数据配置软件,PBoxClient.jar为数据运行软件,PboxMgrTool.jar 为网关配置软件。
1.2运行环境支持JDK1.8及以上版本,如果是Windows版本,你可以直接安装带运行环境的安装包,也可以访问官方网站找到适合自己系统的运行环境下载(本软件支持32位或64位),java 官网:https:///en/download/manual.jspWindows系统64位版本:Linux系统64位版本:第二章配置软件2.1新建项目运行环境安装完成后双击运行软件即可启动。
RMBOX 播放器 说明书
RMBOX播放器使用说明书序 言很感谢您选择我们的RMBOX播放器--RM368!(以下简称为:RMBOX)为了方便您尽快熟练使用此RMBOX,我们为您配备了用户使用说明书并请妥善保存它,以备参考。
我们的RMBOX可以让您欣赏到从网上直接下载的MP3、WMA、JPG、BMP、MP4、VCD、DVD、RM、RMVB等格式文件,可以支持以下常见的记忆卡:SD、MMC、 MS ;连接U盘和USB移动硬盘。
目录封面 (1)序言 (2)一、本机简介 (4)1.1本机功能特点 (4)1.2本机基本规格 (4)1.3本机外观说明 (4)1.4遥控器外形图 (5)二、与电视机连接 (6)2.1 A/V视频信号连接 (6)2.2 YUV高清连接 (6)2.3 注意事项 (6)三、设备使用操作说明 (6)3.1播放文件的操作说明 (7)3.2 文件的复制和删除 (9)3.3 设置操作说明 (11)四、故障及解决办法 (13)五、常见问题解答 (14)六、基本配件 (14)七、RMBOX规格表 (15)一、本机简介1.1本机功能特点支持JPEG、M-JPEG(数码相机相片)格式文件播放支持MP3、WMA格式的音乐文件播放支持RM 、RMVB、A VI、MPEG1(VCD)、 MPEG2(DVD)、MP4等格式的电影播放支持SD 、MMC、 MS卡的读取,并支持热插拔可接U盘,USB硬盘可支持USB和卡同时插入,可相互切换高清电影的播放具有15画面图片浏览功能简洁明了的文件管理界面,方便各地区用户使用1.2 本机基本规格电源:电源适配器(输入100-240V;输出9V,800mA);外形尺寸:150×105×25 mm(长×宽×高)重量:690g (整包装)适应环境:操作:温度限制0-40℃,湿度限制20-80℃存储:温度限制-20-45℃,湿度限制10-90℃1.3本机外观说明A:电源输入口B:A/V输出口C:YUV输出口D:AUDIO(音频输出口)E:USB接口1F:USB接口2G:SD/MMC/MS三合一卡插口H:遥控接收口、电源/信号指示灯I:►|| 播放/暂停键J: RIGHT 右方向键,长按变成向下方向键.光标自己跳动. K: LEFT 左方向键,长按变成向上方向键,光标自己跳动. L: OK 确认键M: ■ 停止键N: 电源开关键1.4 遥控器外形图遥控器按键说明及操作:电影、音乐、图片:一键播放电影音乐图片,按相应的键进入相应的播放状态。
高清速享,就这么简单!希捷FreeAgent GoFlex TV高清媒体播放器
高清速享,就这么简单!希捷FreeAgent GoFlex TV高清媒体
可能都注意到今年明21日希捷推出的新一代FreeAgent GoFlex存储解决方案了。
1.希捷高清“视野”FreeAgent Theater+打造最in的高清视听客厅 [J],
2.杰科电子选用希捷FreeAgent GoFlex移动硬盘装备其新款高清媒体播放器 [J],
3.完全数字影院——希捷FreeAgent Theater高清媒体播放器 [J],
4.播放高清就这么简单——HELIOS X3000高清播放机 [J], 游宇
5.播放高清就这么简单HELIOS X3000高清播放机 [J],
MCS7 2.5HD-1bay系列操作说明书
使用说明书MCS7 Media Play NASMy Cloud Storage私有云端服务器NAS系统+Android安卓系统目录:1. 产品外型图示说明 (1)2. 硬盘安装说明 (2)3. 产品初步设定 (3)4. 硬盘初始格式化 (6)5. 硬盘模式说明 (7)6. Web管理介面说明 (8)7. 设定向导 (9)8. 系统设定 (10)9. 磁盘管理 (13)10. 权限管理 (14)11. 网络服务 (17)12. Transmission BT下载 (19)13. Pydio文件管理/ Samba文件管理 (20)14. DLNA服务器/ iTunes服务器 (26)15. 网站服务器 (28)16. 外接设备 (29)1产品外型图示说明:2151.电源开关按键插电状态下按一下开机开机状态按住5秒不放则关机.2. RJ45 网络接口2.复位按钮:在开机状态下,按下此开关5秒后放开,本机将重新启动,并自动恢复出厂设定.(原有在硬盘内的东西不会丢失)B2接口:提供1个USB3接口,是用于连接外接设备的,USB 键盘鼠标/ U 盘/移动硬盘/打印机等.Micro-SD5V/3A DC 电源HDMI 输出口433. 2.4G 天线接口:2.4G 无线802.11n 150M4. 电源指示灯:插电后电源指示灯亮,读写硬盘时会闪烁.硬盘安装说明:MCS7 2bay硬盘安装方式: (在安装硬盘前请勿连接电源)。
3.5寸硬盘安装方法1.2.4.螺丝2颗取下2产品初步设定登入前,必须要先找到MCS服务器的IP地址;有下列二种方法可以快速的找到:方法1 : 进安卓系统接HDMI显示器●如果您的已经有一台可以接HDMI的显示器,请用附件的HDMI线连接于显示器,连接好后开机.(注意:连接时请在NAS的USB接口上插上一个鼠标,便于后面操作) 开机完成.可以看到如下显示.`●出现以上画面,点Apps 进入App介面,以下安卓介面操作跟安卓系统的手机体系统操作差不多.Chrome----------预置的google chrome浏览器Nas Settings-----进入NAS功能管理操作介面(登录默认用户名/密码:admin)Apps--------------进入AppsDangBei----------进入当贝市场,在这里可以下载安装相关的应用App软件Kodi--------------(原名XBMC) 是一款经典、跨平台且极其强大专业的多媒体影音中心软件播放器,包含了专业的影音内容管理以及解码播放功能一体,提供适合在电视/投影/大屏幕上显示的全屏界面,无线手机遥控操作方式,以及功能相当丰富的插件扩展,绝对是打造家庭影院 (影音中心) 和私人电影库的必备神器!34Nas Settings第一次登入时,默认的用户名称和密码均为:“admin ”注意: 注意: 浏览器必须使用IE8以上. 若没有IE8浏览器,请下载Mozilla Firefox 浏览器(在光盘有浏览器安装程式)进入当贝市场或者奇珀市场就可以下载相关的应用.在<应用>栏内,可以下载相关的应用.并安装到电脑另外若需要将手机当摇控器,请在手机上安装悟空遥控的APP ,就可以进行手机遥控操作电视屏了.方便简单.建议:大安装一款Btsync App 同步软件, 这个app 还是挺方便的,当有资料需要与其它,电脑或手机同步备份时,这个app 都可以实现,且不限制在任何网下都可以,这样使用长城宽带及联通宽带,没有外网的朋友都可以使用了.方法2: 局域网搜索软件(SearchMCS)软件“SearchMCS.exe”, 然后点选“Search”你可以使用光盘片中的软件双击此名称, 浏览器会自动启动,并出现控制面板的登入页面5●找到后,请在您的web浏览器输入IP地址,或是直接在设备名称上点2下,浏览器会自动启动,并出现控制面板的登入页面。
TVbox依赖强大的规则,聚集几十个影视站资源,可谓无敌,因为其开源性,所以永久免费无广告!02使用方法1.下载TvBox 软件:TVbox分为手机版和电视TV版,在文末我都会提供。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
NAS 131:打造 NAS 专用的多媒体播放器:Boxee App
1. 安装 Boxee 至 ASUSTOR NAS
Boxee 为 ASUSTOR NAS App Central 中所提供的众多应用程序其中之一,安装此应用程序后,你 将可以透过 HDMI,将 NAS 内的所有多媒体数据,无论是影片、音乐、相片等,直接播放于 HD TV 或具有 HDMI 端口的显示器上。此外,除了可加装 USB 键盘或鼠标来操控 Boxee 外,你也可 以安装行动装置专用的 Remote App 来操控。目前在 Apple App Store 或 Google Play 上皆可直接 下载由华芸所提供的免费 AiRemote App,此外,你也可以选择 Boxee 或 XBMC 兼容的第三方行 动应用程序来做为你的遥控器。 以下步骤将敎你如何将你的 ASUSTOR NAS 摇身一变成为一台支持高画质影音多媒体播放器:
1.3连接 USB 键盘或鼠标,开始使用 Boxee
当 HDTV 经由 HDMI 线与 NAS 连接好后,打开 HDTV 你将会看到 Boxee 的欢迎画面,包括一个 QR Code 的扫描图标。此外,在 NAS 上安装 USB 键盘或鼠标即可操控 Boxee。现在你已经可以开始使用 Boxee 了!
步骤 2
系统即会进行下载并安装,过程中你可以在[已安装 Apps]里检视进度。此外,因 Boxee 所需的 相关套件较多,因此安装所需时间可能会因网络连接速度及质量而有所差异,请耐心等候。
当安装完成后,系统即会在 ADM 桌面上建立 Boxee 快捷方式图示。你可点选该图示,并依照画面说明 开始使用 Boxee,或进一步参考以下步骤。
1.4搭配行动装置专用应用程序AiRemote App
除了用 USB 键盘或鼠标来操作 Boxee 外,你可以在行动装置上安装华芸所提供的专用 AiRemote App 来 操控 Boxee。
AiRemote for iOS
AiRemote for Android
1.1在 App Central 上搜寻 Boxee 应用程序并下载安装到 ASUSTOR NAS
步骤 1
登入 App Central 后,在[所有 Apps]中搜寻[Boxee],点选[安装]。
ASUST1:打造 NAS 专用的多媒体播放器:Boxee App
课程必修项目: 无 学生须先具备以下知识: 无
1. 安装 Boxee至 ASUSTOR NAS
1.1 在 App Central 上搜寻 Boxee 应用程序并下载安装到 ASUSTOR NAS 1.2 将HDMI连接线的二端连结 ASUSTOR NAS 及 HD TV 或显示器 1.3 连接 USB 键盘或鼠标,开始使用 Boxee 1.4 搭配行动装置专用应用程序 AiRomte App
NAS 131 打造 NAS 专用的多媒体播放器: Boxee App
如何在 ASUSTOR NAS 上使用 Boxee
NAS 131:打造 NAS 专用的多媒体播放器:Boxee App
为完成此项课程,你必须具备有: 1. 具有 HDMI 端口的显示器或是电视 2. 手持式行动装置,如 iOS/Android 手机,iPad 等
1.2将HDMI连接线的二端连结 ASUSTOR NAS及 HD TV 或显示器
当你的 NAS 安装好 Boxee App 后,接下来只要将 NAS 及 HD TV 连接于 HDMI 的二端,即可完成播放前的 连结步骤。
NAS 131:打造 NAS 专用的多媒体播放器:Boxee App