





















































9、JQ 活塞的一系列改进,都是为了实用性这一目标,在活塞系统的研发上,怎样好用还不容易坏,怎样放置砝码方便,希望这款活塞真正能让计量更便捷。

主要参数:测量范围和测量准确度:此活塞式压力计为油介质,本公司还有水介质活塞式压力计和气介质型 号 测 量 范 围(MPa)准 确 度JQ-0.6 0.04~0.6 ±0.05% ±0.02%±0.01%JQ-6 0.1~6 JQ-25 0.5~25 JQ-60 1~60 JQ-100 2~100活塞式压力计。













摘自:中国石油天然气第六建设公司机械设备安全技术操作规程Q/ZYLJ 05.01-2005。



新规程活塞压力计(碳化钨标准型)CW-600TCW-60T、CW-6T性能特点●活塞在起始量程测量延续时间,各项指标完全符合JJG59-2007 《活塞式压力计》、JJG99-2006 《砝码》、国家计量检定规程。

● 活塞和活塞筒经精工研磨,其圆度误差和间隙极小,因而极大的提高活塞转动延续时间,也就相应减小活塞下降速度,提高活塞鉴别力。








●同时检定两只被检表,采用快速压力接头,绝无漏油现象●每台均出具中国计量科学研究院或中国测试技术研究院《检定证书》主要技术指标型号:CW-6T 、CW-60T 、CW-250T、CW-600T 、CW-800T 、CW-1000T 、CW-1600T标称范围/测量范围:0.04 ~0.6MPa ; 0.1~6 MPa ; 0.5~25 Mpa;1~60 Mpa ;1~80Mpa ; 2~100 MPa ;2~160 Mpa;5~250 Mpa准确度:0.005级(±0.005% );0.01级(±0.01%);0.02级(±0.02%);0.05级(±0.05% )功能:量传活塞压力计;检定压力计、压力表、压力变送器等。













测量范围(MPa) 标称上限(MPa) 标称下限(MPa) 测量上限(MPa) 测量下限(MPa) 活塞公称面积(cm2) 公称质量(Kg) 产生的压力 (MPa) 公称质量(Kg) 专用 砝码 产生的压力 (MPa) 数量(块) 接口螺纹规格 重 量(Kg)
底 盘 及活塞
25#变压器油与航空煤油的混 癸二酸二(2-乙基己基)酯,其 20℃时运 合油(比例 4.39:1),其 20℃时 2 动 粘 度 20 ~ 25mm /s , 酸 值 不 大 于 2 运动粘度 9~12 mm /s,酸值 0.05mgKOH/g。 不大于 0.05mgKOH/g。
0.6MPa 型
6MPa 型
25MPa/60MPa 型
0.6MPa 型

活塞式压力计(以下简称压力计)的工作原理是基于作用在活塞下端 面流体压力所形成的力与施加于活塞上端砝码所产生的重力相平衡的原理 制成。 本压力计有下列特点:它的活塞系统(活塞、活塞缸)用碳化钨制造, 形变和温度附加误差小、耐磨,可以能长期保持活塞系统尺寸不变;测量 范围在 25MPa(包括 25MPa)以上的压力计用癸二酸二(2-乙基己基)酯作 为传压介质,其粘度在 20℃时为(20~25)mm /s,远小于国内一般压力计 -32
图七 e.第一点读数后,应用调压器降压;使活塞下降至最低位置,然后在 压力计上加放与第二点测量相应的砝码值,再用调压器加压并读数,直至 正行程测量完毕。 f.反行程测量时,仍需用调压器降压。操作中避免用油杯阀降压,特 -10-
别在高压测量时,此操作法很可能震断活塞从而损坏压力计。 g.测量完毕,应打开油杯阀,将调压器丝杠旋入,恢复原状,取下被 测量仪器。









注: 进入参数修改需要管理员权限,如下图所示3.控制柜、操作面板显示与说明控制柜外形尺寸为:1700×600×500,电气控制柜采用双层门,带有防雨帽,具有防雨、防风、防腐、防锈等功能。









2.1使用2.1.1 准备⑴检查各连接部位的紧固性及传动皮带的松紧度。







a1=11.7×10-6 /℃a2=17.6×10-6 /℃t-环境温度4、初使用时,首先用汽油清洗压力计各部分,然后在手摇压力泵和测量系统的内腔注满传压介质,并将内腔中的空气排除。















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3. 该机器必须用于指定的用途。不允许在没有安全装置的情况下使用机器。 请遵守所有相关安全规定。
4. 当进行更换针距(机针,压脚,针板,送布板及弯针),穿线,操作人员离开 及维护时,必须切断机器总开关或拔除电源插头。
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本说明书包含如何安全,正确及经济地操作机器的重要信息。阅览本说明书可 消除危险性,减少维修和停机时间成本,提高了机器的可靠性和使用寿命。
经授权将使用机器/缝纫装置的人员,必须认真阅读本说明书,并严格按照本说 明使用机器/缝纫装置。这意味着:
– 操作,包括装配,在工作周期故障排除,移除费料 – 服务(维护,检查,维修)和/或 – 运输



一等宽量程活塞式压力计概述TY 系列宽量程活塞式压力计是我研究所按照国家最新“活塞式压力计”检定规程要求新研发设计制造。

由于活塞式压力计的关键部件使用了高硬度和低温度线膨胀系数的碳化钨材料, 从而提高了活塞的耐磨性 ,因此受压力后形变极小(可忽略不计),性能极其稳定。




性能特点:1. 活塞和活塞缸均采用高强度、高硬度、和低温度线胀系数的硬质合金碳化钨材料经过精心研磨制成,工作环境温度宽,性能稳定 20±5℃。

2. 负荷重心低,砝码通过挂篮直接加在活塞上,活塞运转平稳,压力波动极小,示值准确。

3. 25MPa 以上传压介质采用粘度很小的癸二酸二异辛酯,从而保证压力计有极高的灵敏度。

4. 压力计所用砝码全部采用无磁不锈钢或碳钢材料制做。

5. 活塞工作位置用位移传感器监测,活塞工作行程为3mm(指针型、数字型可选)。

6. 加压调节轻便省力,即使在100MPa 压力时也能轻松自如。

7. 压力输出两幅快速接头(M20×1.5的内螺纹),可同时校验两个仪表。

主要技术参数:1. 测量范围和测量准确度等级在环境温度(20±2) ℃,温度波动不大于0.5℃条件下其测量准确度等级见表一 型号测量范围(MPa ) 准确度 TY-0.60.04-0.6 0.01% 0.02% 0.05%TY-60.1-6 TY-250.5-25 TY-601-60 TY-100 1-100 2. 砝码的质量和数量见表二使用提示:1.活塞安装方法可在本网站观看“活塞压力计安装教程视频”教材。

2.活塞工作位置显示表有两种,分为指针型和数字型;活塞的工作行程都是3mm.指针型表的刻度为±1.5mm,无压力时为-1.5mm, -1.5mm 到+1.5mm 都是正常工作范围,建议工作在0 - 0.5mm处(中间偏上)。













(7)压力计使用时环境温度要求:O. 05级、0.2级活塞压力计,使用温度为(20±5)℃。







三、工作介质25MPa 以下为变压器油或变压器油与煤油的混合油20 ℃时运动粘度9 ~12 厘池酸值不大于0.05 毫克KOH/ 克。

25MPa 以上(含25MPa )为癸二酸酯(癸二酸二异戊酯或癸二酸二异辛酯)20 时运动粘度20 ~ 25 厘池,酸值不大于0.05 毫克KOH/ 克。









































1. 将连接软管与血压计的充气管接头连接好。

2. 连接电源适配器,打开充气管的阀门为软管充满气,将充气管紧固

3. 将充气管打开使气流畅通,指针摆动到零位。

4. 摆好位置面对压力表,若充气管外表面有红色标记,证明血压计已

5. 打开充气管开关,进行测压,观察压力表上数值。


6. 充气管长时间使用或保管不当可能漏气,当指针摆动时感觉不到空














































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DH ■Budenberg 580 SeriesHydraulic Dead-Weight TestersOperating and Maintenance InstructionsDH ■BudenbergPO Box 224, Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 4FYTel: 44 - (0)161 - 942 - 4700 Fax: 44 - (0)161 - 942 - 4701E-mail: sales@Copyright © DH ■Budenberg limited, 1999.No part of this document may be reproduced, or translated, in any form, electronicor otherwise without the prior written consent of DH ■Budenberg.Neither DH ■Budenberg nor its Agents will be liable for incidental or consequential damagein connection with the use of this document.DH ■Budenberg reserve the right to change the contents or form of this manual at any timewithout prior notice having been given.This product must only be used for the express purposes as advertised by DH ■Budenbergand as referred to in this and other DH ■Budenberg approved literature.AUGUST 1999CONTENTSPage1 SECTION TITLE PAGE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS2Mineral oils health and safety (C.O.S.H.H.) information2Lifting of weights21DATA SHEET3 1.1Tester dimensions3 1.2Pressure ranges3 1.3Liquids used32DESCRIPTION5 2.1General5 2.2580 series base unit6 2.3580L piston unit8 2.4580M piston unit8 2.5580DX piston unit8 2.6580HX piston unit8 2.7580VHX piston unit8 2.8Functional103INSTALLATION11 3.1Unpacking the tester11 3.2Environmental requirements11 3.3Assembly of base units11 3.4Packing list124OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS16 4.1Procedure16 4.2Completion18 4.3Pressure calculation computer software standard accuracy program18 4.4Cleaning gauges19 4.5T emperature measurement of piston units195FAULT FINDING216PERIODIC MAINTENANCE23 6.1Cleaning the unit and checking the liquid levels237CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE24 7.1General24 7.2Removing cover24 7.3Reservoir seals24 7.4Valve seals24 7.5Screw pump26 7.6Hub assembly26 7.7Piston/cylinder unit27 7.8Factory overhaul and re-certification of dead-weight testers278SPARE PARTS29 8.1Spare parts list30 8.2Spare seal identification chart30 8.3Ordering spares329OPTIONAL EXTRAS33 9.1Model 29 power rotation unit33 9.2Oil free testing33 9.3Fine increment weights33 9.4Model 27 - two gauge stand33 9.5Model 360 base33 9.6Model 433 and 436 carrying cases33 9.7Model 437 storage cases33 9.8UKAS Certification33ContentsSAFETY PRECAUTIONSAUGUST 1999 Page2Safety PrecautionsMINERAL OILS HEALTH AND SAFETY (C.O.S.H.H.) INFORMATIONDH■Budenberg provide hydraulic mineral oil in 500 ml containers labelled “ISO VG 22” for use up to 1400 bar in dead-weight testers and pressure comparators. It is no more hazardous than other common lubricating oils.It is the nature of the way in which this equipment is used, that there could be frequent and/or prolonged skin contact;in a few individuals this could give rise to skin irritation (Keratosis or Dermatitis). The use of an effective barrier creamwill greatly reduce this possibility.DESCRIPTIONClosed flash point:greater than 120°C.Storage:not above 30°C.Oral LD 50:15 g per kg body weight.Threshold limit value: 5 mg/m3.Fire extinguishing media:carbon dioxide/dry chemical foam or water fog.Spillage:soak with absorbent clay or proprietary absorbent.Waste disposal:burn or dump in approved area.EMERGENCY TREATMENT OF ACUTE EFFECTSIngestion:Do not induce vomiting.Administer 250 ml milk or olive oil.The main hazard following accidental ingestion is aspiration of liquid into lungs.Aspiration:Send to hospital immediately.Inhalation:Remove to fresh air, if nausea persists seek medical attention.Eye Contact:Wash with copious amounts of water for at least 10 minutes. If irritation resultsor persists, obtain medical advice.Skin Contact:Where skin rashes or other abnormalities occur as a result of prolonged orrepeated contact, medical advice should be obtained as soon as possible.OTHER LIQUIDSFor some very particular applications we supply specially constructed liquids. Copies of manufacturer’s data will be sent to users on request.LIFTING OF WEIGHTSCare must be taken when lifting the weights for the dead-weight tester. Each weight must be lifted individually and never attempt to lift stacks of weights on or off the tester.AUGUST 1999SECTION 1 - DATA SHEETSPage3Data Sheet1.1TESTER DlMENSIONSWidth=400 mmDepth=400 mmHeight (with 580 M piston unit)=205 mmHeight (with 580 L piston unit)=220 mmHeight (with 580 DX, HX or VHX piston unit)=280 mmMass - without weights=17,2 kg (inclusive of piston unit and oil fill)1.2PRESSURE RANGES580 base with 580 L piston unit 1 to 120 bar (10 to 1,600 Ib/in2)580 base with 580 M piston unit 2 to 300 bar (30 to 4,000 Ib/in2)580 base with 580 DX piston unit 1 to 700 bar (10 to 10,000 Ib/in2)580 base with 580 HX piston unit 1 to 1,200 bar (10 to 16,000 Ib/in2)580 base with 580 VHX piston unit 1 to 1,400 bar (10 to 20,000 Ib/in2)Model 580C0 to 1,200 bar (0 to 16,000 Ib/in2)Model 580CW0 to 700 bar (0 to10,000 Ib/in2)1.3LIQUIDS USEDAn hydraulic mineral oil viscosity 20 to 37 cSt at 40°C viscosity grade VG20 to VG37 to ISO3448 (BS4231) is used for all the 580 base units except the 580CW model. The more viscous oils give lower leak rates at higher pressures (say above 100 bar). Less viscous oils give greater sensitivity at lower pressures. Most users will be able to obtain locally a suitable oil (see below) as used in hydraulic machinery. However for the convenience of users we can supply a 500 ml bottle of oil, viscosity grade VG22.OILS SUITABLE FOR TESTERSThe following oils are the commercially available oils suitable for use in the dead-weight tester.ISO 3448viscosity gradeApprox. SAEviscosityclassificationShell Esso Mobil VG22-T ellus 22Tellus R22Nuto H22DTE 22 VG3210WTellus V32DTE 24Nuto H32DTE Oil Light----VG37-T ellus 37Tellus R37T ellus T37T ellus V37-SECTION 1 - DATA SHEETSAUGUST 1999 Page4SKYDROL 500BModel 580 testers for use on Skydrol 500B (a Monsanto product) or any other phosphate ester based fire resistant liquid, should be ordered fitted with Ethylene Polypropylene (EP) seals and tested on Skydrol. EP seals are not suitable for mineral oils.Note that continual immersion of the cover in Skydrol will cause deterioration. Spillage should be wiped off the cover immediately.BRAKE LIQUIDSModel 580 testers for use on non petroleum base brake liquids should be ordered fitted with EP seals and tested on the liquid. This liquid is known by the following names; FMVSS No.116, DOT3 or DOT4, SAE J 1 703, BS AU 174:Part 2,IS04925.OTHER LIQUIDSModel 278, 279 and 580 testers can be used on silicone based liquids, sebacate based liquids, or inert perfluorinatedpolyethers such as Fluorolube, Fomblin, Halocarbon, which are of the viscosity mentioned above and are chemically inert, being suitable for contact with metals and with the nitrile seals which are standard on the tester. The tester can be supplied as standard tested on mineral oil for the user to clean and fill, or alternatively the tester can be supplied cleaned and tested on any suitable liquid readily available in UK.MODEL 580CW ONLYUse distilled or demineralised water.AUGUST 1999SECTION 2 - DESCRIPTIONPage5Description2.1GENERALThe 580 series dead-weight tester can be supplied in several different configurations. The series is based around the 580 series base unit which is common to all the different configurations. The base unit provides a pressure source, liquid reservoir, control valves and gauge or piston connections. When the base unit is used with one of the 580L, 580M, 580DX, 580HX or 580VHX piston units the configuration provides an high accuracy dead-weight tester. When the base unit is used in the 580C configuration with a high accuracy standard test gauge, it provides a simple to use comparator. The580CW unit is similar to the 580C unit but is supplied in an oil free condition to enable water to be used as the pressurising liquid.In the dead-weight tester configuration the selected piston unit is normally screwed on to the left hand side pressure block of the base unit and the gauge under test is connected to the right hand pressure block of the base unit. In the comparator configuration a standard gauge is normally connected to the left hand side pressure block of the base unit and the gauge under test is connected to the right hand pressure block of the base unit. The pressure datum of the tester is at the base of the piston and is marked on the piston units.Any Model 580C comparator can be converted to any dead-weight tester by the addition of the appropriatepiston/cylinder unit and weights and any dead-weight tester can be converted to a Model 580C comparator with the addition of an extra gauge stand.SECTION 2 - DESCRIPTIONAUGUST 1999 Page62.2 580 SERIES BASE UNITThe 580 series base unit consists of a solid aluminium base plate mounted on four adjustable levelling feet, a screw pump, reservoir, control valves and pipework to two stainless steel pressure connection blocks. The pipework is covered by an easy to clean ABS cover.SCREW PUMPThe screw pump is bolted to the reservoir/high pressure cylinder block fastened to the base unit. A sectioned view of the pump is shown in figure 2.3. The rotating handwheel (C) which is operated by the spokes (D) is attached to a threaded spindle (E). The spindle is supported in a sintered bearing (F). As the spindle (E) is rotated it drives a non rotating ram (H and K) forward, the thrust being taken by a needle thrust bearing (G). The large diameter of the ram (H) in the barrel ofthe pump (J) primes the tester and provides the low pressure liquid up to approximately 140 bar (2 000 Ib/in2). The small diameter of the ram (K) in the reservoir/high pressure cylinder block provides the higher test pressures up to 1400 bar (20000 Ib/in2).RESERVOIRA liquid reservoir is provided on the top of reservoir/high pressure cylinder block. The reservoir is provided with a translucent cover to enable the reservoir level to be monitored and with a plug in the middle of the reservoir cover to allow the reservoir to be filled or topped up (The plug is removed whilst the tester is in use). The reservoir contains enough liquid to enable normal operation of the tester to be carried out.CONTROL VALVESTwo control valves are provided on the top of reservoir/high pressure cylinder block. The valve mechanisms are built into the reservoir/high pressure cylinder block and they control the flow of liquid through internal drillings in the reservoir/high pressure cylinder block. The rear valve is referred to as valve A and is used to control the output from the larger diameter ram of the screw pump. The front valve is referred to as valve B and is used to control the flow of liquid to and from the reservoir.CONNECTION BLOCKSPressure supply pipes from the screw pump are terminated at two pressure blocks mounted on the base unit. The pressure blocks are fitted with threaded bosses projecting up through the cover plate of the base unit. These threaded bosses enable piston units to be directly screwed on to them or union connections for various sizes of gauge connections to be screwed on to them. Oil cups are fitted to the unit cover around the threaded bosses of the connection blocks to catch any oil drips from the gauge stand during gauge fitting and removal.AUGUST 1999SECTION 2 - DESCRIPTIONPage7Fig. 2.3 Sectioned view of screw pumpSectioned View Of Screw PumpSECTION 2 - DESCRIPTIONAUGUST 1999 Page82.3580L PISTON UNITThe 580L piston unit is a simple rugged single range piston unit which covers pressures up to 120 bar (1600 Ib/in2). The cylinder for the piston unit is screwed into a connection which screws on to the base unit pressure connection blocks threaded boss. The piston head carries the calibration weights and is fitted to the end of the piston. A stop on the opposite end of the piston abuts the internal end of the cylinder when the maximum piston extension is reached. A sighting hole is provided in the cylinder wall so that the base of the piston head can be seen and monitored to ensure that the piston head is floating when in use. The pressure datum level of the piston unit is marked on connection used to screw the piston unit cylinder on to the base unit pressure connection block’s threaded boss.2.4580M PISTON UNITThe 580M piston unit is a single range piston unit which covers pressures up to 300 bar (4000 Ib/in2). The cylinder for the piston unit is mounted on a connection which screws on to the base unit pressure connection block threaded boss. The cylinder is fastened to the connection by a special nut into which is fitted an indicator to show when the piston head is floating and also indicate the datum level for the tester. The piston head carries the calibration weights and is carried on a ball at the end of the piston. A stop on the opposite end of the piston abuts the internal end of the cylinder when the maximum piston extension is reached. The piston head is fitted over the outside of the cylinder to prevent accidental damage to the piston and cylinder.2.5580DX PISTON UNITThe 580DX piston unit is a dual range piston unit covering the range up to 700 bar (10000 Ib/in2). The piston head which carries the calibration weights is operated by two pistons; a low pressure piston and a high pressure piston. As the supply pressure is increased the low pressure piston is operated until the flange on the end of the low pressure piston abuts the end of the low pressure cylinder. As the pressure continues to increase, the high pressure piston operates through the middle of the low pressure piston which is now acting as the high pressure cylinder. Indication of the range in which the piston is operating and that the piston head is floating is given by the position of the piston head as seen against two coloured bands on the cylinder. The pressure datum level of the piston unit is marked on the connection used to screw the piston cylinder unit on to the base unit pressure connection blocks threaded boss.2.6580HX PISTON UNITThe 580HX piston unit is a similar piston unit to the 580DX piston unit except that it covers the pressure range up to 1200 bar (16000 Ib/in2).2.7580VHX PISTON UNITThe 580VHX piston unit is a similar piston unit to the 580DX piston unit except that it covers the pressure range up to 1400 bar (20000 Ib/in2).SECTION 2 - DESCRIPTIONMODEL 580DX, 580HXOR 580VHXGAUGE STANDMODEL 580L MODEL 580MFig. 2.4 Piston units and gauge standSECTION 2 - DESCRIPTION2.8FUNCTIONAL (Fig. 2.5)Operation of the tester is controlled by the two valves A and B on the top of the reservoir/high pressure cylinder block. When initially priming the system valves A and B are opened to fill the system with oil from the reservoir. Valve B is then closed with valve A left open and the screw pump operated to provide the lower test pressures. To provide the higher pressures valve A is closed to seal off the test circuit from the low pressure part of the screw pump and valve B is opened to allow the liquid in the low pressure part of the screw pump to return to the reservoir as the pump is operated. This ensures that the pump can be operated without having to put large forces on the screw pump handwheel. To release the test pressure the screw pump is wound out and valve A is opened.Fig. 2.5 Schematic diagramPISTON/CYLINDER UNITGAUGEUNDERTESTRESERVOIRVALVE BHANDPUMPVALVE ASECTION 3 - INSTALLATIONInstallation3.1UNPACKING THE TESTERAs soon as possible after delivery, open the packaging of the dead-weight tester and check that you have all the items detailed for your tester in the packing list detailed in section 3.4.As you are unpacking the items examine the items for signs of damage or breakage during transit.If any items are missing get in touch immediately with DH ■Budenberg to inform us of the shortage.3.2ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTSWhen siting the tester, if not in a temperature controlled laboratory, look for an area that satisfies the following criteria as much as possible - a constant temperature area free from draughts and sources of heat or cold-an area free from noise and vibration; if possible an area away from any constantly used pathways - a clean dry area free from corrosive liquids or vapours.A strong, stable, level table or workbench is required with the capability of supporting the tester plus a full load of test weights and with sufficient space to operate the test unit.3.3ASSEMBLY OF BASE UNITS Fastening base to benchThe base is to be mounted on a firm, level table or bench about 0.9 m high. Space is normally required for storing the weights on the left hand side of the bench. The centre line of the front adjustable feet of the unit should be about 40 mm from the front edge of the bench to allow adequate clearance for the handwheel.(1)Mark the position of the adjustable feet of the unit on the top of the bench.(2)Position a level plate at the centre of each of the adjustable feet of the unit and screw the plate to the bench to ensure that the tester is rigid.(3)Fit the base unit on the bench with the adjustable feet on the level plates and the handwheel shaft projecting over the front of the bench.(4)Screw in the four handwheel spokes into the hub.(5)Using the spirit level provided, level the unit in both the front / rear axis and the side to side axis by adjusting the four knurled feet. If a piston unit is to be fitted, the levelling procedure should be carried out after the piston unit has been fitted to the dead-weight tester and the spirit level should be placed on the weight carrier during the levelling procedure.3.4PACKING LISTA full packing list for all models of testers is detailed in Fig. 3.1.SECTION 3 - INSTALLATIONFOR ALL MODELSThe tester carton should contain:-1 - copy of the operating and maintenance instructions (this manual)1 - 580 Series base1 - 3.5 inch magnetic computer disc containing program for use with the MS-DOS operating system 1 - Tool roll containing:-1 - Hexagon wrench key 3 mm A/F2 - 30 mm A/F open ended spanners 1 - Spirit level 4 - Level plates 1 - Bag of seals1 - G1/2 (1/2” BSP) angle connection 1 - Pointer punch 1 - Pointer remover 1 - Gauge stand1 - 500 ml bottle of oil1 - Piston/Cylinder unit (as specified in your order)1 - Set of weights supplied in separate carton 1 - Certificate of accuracy1 - Set of connections as ordered B.S.P N.P.T .METRIC1 - G 1/8 1 - 1/8 in 1 - M12 X 1.51 - G 1/4 1 - 1/4 in 1 - M20 X 1.51 - G 3/8 1 - 3/8 in 1 - G 1/21 - 1/2 inFOR MODEL 580C ONLY 2 - Gauge Stands1 - Standard gauge (if ordered separately)FOR MODEL 580 ONLY 1 - Gauge stand1 - 500 ml bottle of oil1 - Piston/Cylinder unit (as specified in your order)1 - Set of weights supplied in separate carton 1 - Certificate of accuracyFOR ALL OTHER MODELS 1 - Gauge stand1 - Piston/Cylinder unit (as specified in your order)1 - Set of weights1 - Certificate of accuracy (not model 580C)Fig. 3.1 Packing list (sheet 1 of 3)SECTION 3 - INSTALLATIONSETS OF WEIGHTS SUPPLIED FOR DEAD-WEIGHT TESTERS1)MODEL 580LBarlb/in 2(or kg/cm 2)Area = 1/16 in 24 x 20 6 x 200Range 1 to 120 bar (or kg/cm 2) 1 x 18 1 x 180or 10 to 1600 lb/in 21 x 10 1 x 1002 x 4 2 x 401 x 2 1 x 202 x 1 2 x 101 x 0.51 x 5Make up to 12)MODEL 580M Barlb/in 2(or kg/cm 2)Area = 1/40 in 24 x 50 6 x 500Range 2 to 300 bar (or kg/cm 2) 1 x 45 1 x 450or 30 to 4000 lb/in 21 x 25 1 x 2502 x 10 2 x 1001 x 5 1 x 501 x 2.5 1 x 251 x 31 x 20Make up to 2Make up to 303)MODEL 580DXBarlb/in 2(or kg/cm 2)(Dual range)5 x 10/1008 x 100/1000Area = 1/8 and 1/80 in 21 x 9/90 1 x 90/900Range 1 to 700 bar (or kg/cm 2) 1 x 5/50 1 x 50/500or 10 to 10,000 lb/in 22 x 2/20 2 x 20/2001 x 1/10 1 x 10/1001 x 0.5/51 x 5/50Make up to 1/10Fig. 3.1 Packing list (sheet 2 of 3)SECTION 3 - INSTALLATION4)Model 580HXBarlb/in 2(or kg/cm 2)(Dual range)4 x 10/200 6 x 100/2000Area = 1/8 and 1/160 in 21 x 9/180 1 x 90/1800Range 1 to 1200 bar (or kg/cm 2) 1 x 5/100 1 x 50/1000or 10 to 16 000 lb/in 22 x 2/40 2 x 20/4001 x 1/20 1 x 10/2001 x 0.5/101 x 5/100Make up to 1/204)Model 580VHXBarlb/in 2(or kg/cm 2)(Dual range)5 x 10/2008 x 100/2000Area = 1/8 and 1/160 in 21 x 9/180 1 x 90/1800Range 1 to 1400 bar (or kg/cm 2) 1 x 5/100 1 x 50/1000or 10 to 20 000 lb/in 22 x 2/40 2 x 20/4001 x 1/20 1 x 10/2001 x 0.5/101 x 5/100Make up to 1/20WEIGHT SETS CAN BE PROVIDED IN ALTERNATIVE PRESSURE UNITS AND MANUFACTURED FOR LOCAL GRAVITY. CONSULT YOUR LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR FOR ADVICE ON A VAILABILITY .Fig. 3.1 Packing list (sheet 3 of 3)SECTION 3 - INSTALLATION3.5ASSEMBLY OF THE DEAD-WEIGHT TESTER(1)Fit the appropriate piston unit for the gauges to be calibrated to the L.H. connection and the gauge stand to the R.H. connection. Ensure that the mating faces are absolutely clean and the 12 mm diameter ‘O’ ring seals are correctly located. Excess force is not required.(2)Check the level of the tester with the spirit level on the piston unit weight carrier. Level if necessary by using the levelling screws.(3)Fit the appropriate connection to the gauge stand, using a bonded seal to make the joint and screw a test gauge (for installation use a known gauge) into position, also with a bonded seal. If preferred, a copper or leatherwasher can be substituted for the bonded seal at the gauge. The loose nut on the tester base enables the gauge to be positioned as required and for back connection gauges the angle connection is screwed into the loose connection.Assembly of the 580C and 580CW units (1)Install the 580 series base unit as detailed above.(2)Screw in place the two gauge stands.(3)Ensure that the mating faces are absolutely clean and the 12 mm diameter ‘O’ ring seal is correctly located in itsrecess. Excess force is not required.(4)Fit the gauge to be tested (for installation testing use a known gauge) using the appropriate connection to one gauge stand and the standard test gauge to the other. Joints should be made using the bonded seals provided or if preferred copper or leather washers. The loose connections on the tester base enable gauges to be positioned as required.Filling the base unit with liquid (1)Remove filler plug from reservoir by slackening screw and prising plug out. (This plug should be left out whilst in use).(2)Open valves A and B.(3)Wind screw pump handle fully clockwise.(4)Fill reservoir with appropriate liquid. Use the oil supplied or an approved substitute for oil systems or cleandistilled water for the 580CW unit. Do not use other liquids. Castor based oils, Skydrol, solvents or similar liquids will attack the seals fitted in the standard tester.(5)Wind screw pump handle fully anti-clockwise.(6)Top up reservoir if necessary.Post assembly test (1)Carry out a test calibration of a known gauge (Section 4) to ensure that the unit is working correctly.(2)Release the pressure and remove the test gauge.NOTE:T o remove the gauge from the equipment, use the appropriate size of spanners on the top section of the gauge connection and on the body of the gauge only. Ensure that the lower part of the gauge connection is not rotated as this may release the gauge stand from the base.(3)The equipment is now ready for use.SECTION 4 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSOperating InstructionsCAUTION:If the volume required to be filled is very large requiring the use of an additional pump and reservoir to be connected to the tester, it is ESSENTIAL to ensure that valve B is kept open and valve A closed at all times otherwise a high pressure can be built up on the low pressure ram of the screw press and damage caused. To ensure this does not happen we can supply the tester fitted with a relief valve which will release at a set pressure should the valve operation be incorrect. Alternatively we can supply a modified tester and hand pump for this operation. For further information on both items contact DH ■Budenberg.NOTES:(1)When testing equipment with a large volume, the capacity of the screw pump (65 cc) may be insufficient to reach the pressure required. In this case the equipment should be filled as far as possible with the liquid before connecting it to the comparator, so that the displacement needed is reduced.(2)The Model 580CW is supplied in the oil free condition for use on water. It should always be kept clean and free from contamination and instruments must always be cleaned .(3)Dirty or chemically contaminated gauges should not be fitted as they contaminate the tester unless they are first cleaned. Severe damage may otherwise be caused to the piston/cylinder unit.4.1PROCEDURE Model 580L and 580M (1)Load the weight carrier with the weights equivalent to the desired pressure. Do not forget to take the weight ofthe carrier into account. Each weight is marked with the pressure equivalent and the piston area. The Model 580L has a basic 10 Ib/in 2start, for other pressure units a make-up weight is added to the weight carrier for conversion to 1 bar (or kg/cm 2). The Model 580M uses a central screw weight which should be changed for the various pressure units to give basic starts of 30 Ib/in 2or 2 bar (or kg/cm 2).(2)Apply pressure as detailed in the ‘To apply pressure’ sub-section.Model 580DX 580HX and 580VHX (1)Load the weight carrier with the weights equivalent to the desired pressure. Each weight is marked with twopressures, one for the low pressure range and one for the high pressure range and the equivalent weight of the carrier must also be taken into account. The testers have a basic 10 Ib/in 2start, for other pressure units a make-up weight is added to the weight carrier for conversion to 1 bar (or kg/cm 2).SECTION 4 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSTO APPLY PRESSUREFor pressures up to 140 bar (about 2000 Ib/in 2)(1)Close valve B (valve A remaining open).(2)Wind screw pump handle clockwise. This will generate pressure up to approximately 140 bar or 2000 Ib/in 2, ashandle is wound in. When handle becomes stiff to rotate this will indicate that the pressure limit for this range has been reached.For pressures above 140 bar (1 )Ensure valve B closed and valve A open.(2)Wind screw pump handle clockwise until the handle becomes stiff to operate.(3)Close valve A and open valve B.( 4 )Continue to wind screw pump handle clockwise. This will generate pressure up to approximately 1,400 bar or20,000 Ib/in 2. The model 580L piston is floating when the underside of the piston head has risen to between 1mm and 7 mm above the top face of the cylinder.The model 580M piston is floating when the bottom edge of the auxiliary cylinder fitted to the piston head has risen to a position within the knurled portion on the stud fitted to this unit.For the 580DX, 580HX and 580VHX models the piston rises and the piston head skirt floats within the blue band which corresponds to the low pressure range. The bands are easily visible from a seated position. To engage the high pressure range apply further pressure with the screw pump until the piston lifts higher and the piston head skirt floats within the red band.A slight leakage through the vent hole of the piston/cylinder unit is normal.DURING CALIBRATIONWhen the tester is correctly set up and there are no leaks the piston head should “float” for many minutes without it being necessary to touch the screw pump handwheel. On the initial setting up, however, there may be some air trapped in the base of the piston/cylinder unit. As this leaks past the piston the weights may fall slightly but it will only be for a matter of a few minutes until the air has escaped. If the piston continues to fall check the connections for leaks.During calibration the weights should be rotated by hand. It is desirable that the weights should only be rotated when approximately the correct pressure is obtained. For any dual range unit, changing from one range to the other with the weights spinning does no harm. Weights should not be brought to rest by fully releasing the pressure and allowing the piston head to rotate against its stop under the full load of the weight pile.Stops come into action if the pressure is too high or too low and it is essential that the weights should be spinning freely whilst taking readings. At the lowest pressures the weights will not spin for more than a few seconds unless a very thin oil is used, but provided the weight is rotated by hand immediately before taking a reading and is obviously “floating” an accurate reading will be given.。
