13级2015-2016第一学期期末考试试卷 (b)答案版

2015-2016学年某某省某某市正定中学高三(上)期末数学试卷一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.设集合M={x|x<3},N={x|x>﹣1},全集U=R,则∁U(M∩N)=()A.{x|x≤﹣1} B.{x|x≥3} C.{x|0<x<3} D.{x|x≤﹣1或x≥3}2.已知=1+i,则复数z在复平面上对应点位于()A.第一象限 B.第二象限 C.第三象限 D.第四象限3.已知函数f(x)=(1+cos2x)sin2x,x∈R,则f(x)是()A.最小正周期为π的奇函数B.最小正周期为的奇函数C.最小正周期为π的偶函数D.最小正周期为的偶函数4.等比数列{a n}中,a1+a2=40,a3+a4=60,那么a7+a8=()A.9 B.100 C.135 D.805.设函数f(x)=,则f(﹣98)+f(lg30)=()A.5 B.6 C.9 D.226.某几何体的三视图如图所示,则其体积为()A.4 B. C. D.87.过三点A(1,2),B(3,﹣2),C(11,2)的圆交x轴于M,N两点,则|MN|=()A. B. C. D.8.根据如图所示程序框图,若输入m=42,n=30,则输出m的值为()A.0 B.3 C.6 D.129.球O半径为R=13,球面上有三点A、B、C,AB=12,AC=BC=12,则四面体OABC的体积是()A.60B.50C.60D.5010.汽车的“燃油效率”是指汽车每消耗1升汽油行驶的里程,如图描述了甲、乙、丙三辆汽车在不同速度下燃油效率情况,下列叙述中正确的是()A.消耗1升汽油,乙车最多可行驶5千米B.以相同速度行驶相同路程,三辆车中,甲车消耗汽油最多C.甲车以80千米/小时的速度行驶1小时,消耗10升汽油D.某城市机动车最高限速80千米/小时,相同条件下,在该市用丙车比用乙车更省油11.已知双曲线E: =1(a>0,b>0)的左,右顶点为A,B,点M在E上,△ABM 为等腰三角形,且顶角θ满足cosθ=﹣,则E的离心率为()A.B.2 C.D.12.设函数f′(x)是偶函数f(x)(x∈R)的导函数,f(x)在区间(0,+∞)上的唯一零点为2,并且当x∈(﹣1,1)时,xf′(x)+f(x)<0.则使得f(x)<0成立的x的取值X围是()A.(﹣2,0)∪(0,2)B.(﹣∞,﹣2)∪(2,+∞) C.(﹣1,1)D.(﹣2,2)二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分.13.设向量,是相互垂直的单位向量,向量λ+与﹣2垂直,则实数λ=.14.若x,y满足约束条件,则z=x﹣2y的最大值为.15.已知对任意实数x,有(m+x)(1+x)6=a0+a1x+a2x2+…+a7x7,若a1+a3+a5+a7=32,则m=.16.已知数列{a n}满足a1=1,a n=(n≥2),其中S n为{a n}的前n项和,则S2016=.三、解答题:解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.17.△ABC的三个内角A,B,C所对的边分别为a,b,c,且asinAsinB+bcos2A=a.(I)求;(Ⅱ)若c2=a2+,求角C.18.如图,三棱柱ABC﹣A1B1C1中,CC1⊥平面ABC,AC=BC=,D是棱AA1的中点,DC1⊥BD.(Ⅰ)证明:DC1⊥BC;(Ⅱ)设AA1=2,A1B1的中点为P,求点P到平面BDC1的距离.19.班主任为了对本班学生的考试成绩进行分析,决定从全班25名女同学,15名男同学中随机抽取一个容量为8的样本进行分析.(Ⅰ)如果按性别比例分层抽样,可以得到多少个不同的样本?(只要求写出计算式即可,不必计算出结果)(Ⅱ)随机抽取8位,他们的数学分数从小到大排序是:60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95,物理分数从小到大排序是:72,77,80,84,88,90,93,95.(i)若规定85分以上(包括85分)为优秀,求这8位同学中恰有3位同学的数学和物理分数均为优秀的概率;(ii)若这8位同学的数学、物理分数事实上对应如下表:学生编号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8数学分数x 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95物理分数y 72 77 80 84 88 90 93 95根据上表数据,用变量y与x的相关系数或散点图说明物理成绩y与数学成绩x之间线性相关关系的强弱.如果具有较强的线性相关关系,求y与x的线性回归方程(系数精确到0.01);如果不具有线性相关性,请说明理由.参考公式:相关系数r=;回归直线的方程是:,其中对应的回归估计值b=,a=,是与x i对应的回归估计值.参考数据:≈457,≈23.5.20.已知P是圆C:x2+y2=4上的动点,P在x轴上的射影为P′,点M满足,当P 在圆上运动时,点M形成的轨迹为曲线E(Ⅰ)求曲线E的方程;(Ⅱ)经过点A(0,2)的直线l与曲线E相交于点C,D,并且=,求直线l的方程.21.已知函数f(x)=.(Ⅰ)求函数f(x)的图象在点x=1处的切线的斜率;(Ⅱ)若当x>0时,f(x)>恒成立,求正整数k的最大值.请考生在第(22)、(23)、(24)三题中任选一题作答.注意:只能做所选定的题目.如果多做,则按所做的第一个题目计分,[选修4-1:几何证明选讲]22.如图,等腰梯形ABDC内接于圆,过B作腰AC的平行线BE交圆于F,过A点的切线交DC的延长线于P,PC=ED=1,PA=2.(Ⅰ)求AC的长;(Ⅱ)求证:BE=EF.[选修4-4:坐标系与参数方程]23.以直角坐标系的原点O为极点,x轴的正半轴为极轴,且两个坐标系取相等的长度单位.已知直线l的参数方程为为参数,0<α<π),曲线C的极坐标方程为ρsin2θ=4cosθ.(Ⅰ)求曲线C的直角坐标方程;(Ⅱ)设点P的直角坐标为P(2,1),直线l与曲线C相交于A、B两点,并且,求tanα的值.[选修4-5:不等式选讲]24.设函数f(x)=|x﹣|+|x﹣a|,x∈R.(Ⅰ)求证:当a=﹣时,不等式lnf(x)>1成立.(Ⅱ)关于x的不等式f(x)≥a在R上恒成立,某某数a的最大值.2015-2016学年某某省某某市正定中学高三(上)期末数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一、选择题:本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.设集合M={x|x<3},N={x|x>﹣1},全集U=R,则∁U(M∩N)=()A.{x|x≤﹣1} B.{x|x≥3} C.{x|0<x<3} D.{x|x≤﹣1或x≥3}【考点】交、并、补集的混合运算.【分析】先求出M∩N,从而求出M∩N的补集即可.【解答】解:集合M={x|x<3},N={x|x>﹣1},全集U=R,则M∩N={x|﹣1<x<3},则∁U(M∩N)={x|x≤﹣1或x≥3},故选:D.2.已知=1+i,则复数z在复平面上对应点位于()A.第一象限 B.第二象限 C.第三象限 D.第四象限【考点】复数代数形式的乘除运算;复数的代数表示法及其几何意义.【分析】利用复数的运算法则、几何意义即可得出.【解答】解: =1+i,∴=(3+i)(1+i)=2+4i,∴z=2﹣4i,则复数z在复平面上对应点(2,﹣4)位于第四象限.故选:D.3.已知函数f(x)=(1+cos2x)sin2x,x∈R,则f(x)是()A.最小正周期为π的奇函数B.最小正周期为的奇函数C.最小正周期为π的偶函数D.最小正周期为的偶函数【考点】三角函数中的恒等变换应用;三角函数的周期性及其求法.【分析】用二倍角公式把二倍角变为一倍角,然后同底数幂相乘公式逆用,变为二倍角正弦的平方,再次逆用二倍角公式,得到能求周期和判断奇偶性的表示式,得到结论.【解答】解:∵f(x)=(1+cos2x)sin2x=2cos2xsin2x=sin22x==,故选D.4.等比数列{a n}中,a1+a2=40,a3+a4=60,那么a7+a8=()A.9 B.100 C.135 D.80【考点】等比数列的通项公式.【分析】由题意可得等比数列的公比q,而7+a8=(a1+a2)q6,代值计算可得.【解答】解:设等比数列{a n}的公比为q,∴q2===,∴a7+a8=(a1+a2)q6=40×=135,故选:C.5.设函数f(x)=,则f(﹣98)+f(lg30)=()A.5 B.6 C.9 D.22【考点】函数的值.【分析】利用分段函数的性质及对数函数性质、运算法则和换底公式求解.【解答】解:∵函数f(x)=,∴f(﹣98)=1+lg100=3,f(lg30)=10lg30﹣1==3,∴f(﹣98)+f(lg30)=3+3=6.故选:B.6.某几何体的三视图如图所示,则其体积为()A.4 B. C. D.8【考点】由三视图求面积、体积.【分析】几何体为四棱锥,底面为直角梯形,高为侧视图三角形的高.【解答】解:由三视图可知几何体为四棱锥,棱锥底面为俯视图中的直角梯形,棱锥的高为侧视图中等腰三角形的高.∴四棱锥的高h==2,∴棱锥的体积V==4.故选A.7.过三点A(1,2),B(3,﹣2),C(11,2)的圆交x轴于M,N两点,则|MN|=()A. B. C. D.【考点】圆的一般方程.【分析】设圆的标准方程为(x﹣6)2+(y﹣b)2=r2,代入A(1,2),B(3,﹣2),求出b,r,利用勾股定理求出|MN|.【解答】解:设圆的标准方程为(x﹣6)2+(y﹣b)2=r2,代入A(1,2),B(3,﹣2),可得,解得:b=2,r=5,所以|MN|=2=2,故选:D.8.根据如图所示程序框图,若输入m=42,n=30,则输出m的值为()A.0 B.3 C.6 D.12【考点】程序框图.【分析】由已知中的程序框图可知:该程序的功能是利用循环结构计算并输出变量m的值,模拟程序的运行过程,分析循环中各变量值的变化情况,可得答案.【解答】解:第一次执行循环体后,r=12,m=30,n=12,不满足退出循环的条件;第二次执行循环体后,r=6,m=12,n=6,不满足退出循环的条件;第三次执行循环体后,r=0,m=6,n=0,满足退出循环的条件;故输出的m值为6,故选:C;9.球O半径为R=13,球面上有三点A、B、C,AB=12,AC=BC=12,则四面体OABC的体积是()A.60B.50C.60D.50【考点】球内接多面体.【分析】求出△ABC的外接圆的半径,可得O到平面ABC的距离,计算△ABC的面积,即可求出四面体OABC的体积.【解答】解:∵AB=12,AC=BC=12,∴cos∠ACB==﹣,∴∠ACB=120°,∴△ABC的外接圆的半径为=12,∴O到平面ABC的距离为5,∵S△ABC==36,∴四面体OABC的体积是=60.故选:A.10.汽车的“燃油效率”是指汽车每消耗1升汽油行驶的里程,如图描述了甲、乙、丙三辆汽车在不同速度下燃油效率情况,下列叙述中正确的是()A.消耗1升汽油,乙车最多可行驶5千米B.以相同速度行驶相同路程,三辆车中,甲车消耗汽油最多C.甲车以80千米/小时的速度行驶1小时,消耗10升汽油D.某城市机动车最高限速80千米/小时,相同条件下,在该市用丙车比用乙车更省油【考点】函数的图象与图象变化.【分析】根据汽车的“燃油效率”是指汽车每消耗1升汽油行驶的里程,以及图象,分别判断各个选项即可.【解答】解:对于选项A,从图中可以看出当乙车的行驶速度大于40千米每小时时的燃油效率大于5千米每升,故乙车消耗1升汽油的行驶路程远大于5千米,故A错误;对于选项B,以相同速度行驶相同路程,三辆车中,甲车消耗汽油最小,故B错误,对于选项C,甲车以80千米/小时的速度行驶1小时,里程为80千米,燃油效率为10,故消耗8升汽油,故C错误,对于选项D,因为在速度低于80千米/小时,丙的燃油效率高于乙的燃油效率,故D正确.11.已知双曲线E: =1(a>0,b>0)的左,右顶点为A,B,点M在E上,△ABM 为等腰三角形,且顶角θ满足cosθ=﹣,则E的离心率为()A.B.2 C.D.【考点】双曲线的简单性质.【分析】根据△ABM是顶角θ满足cosθ=﹣的等腰三角形,得出|BM|=|AB|=2a,cos∠MBx=,进而求出点M的坐标,再将点M代入双曲线方程即可求出离心率.【解答】解:不妨取点M在第一象限,如右图:∵△ABM是顶角θ满足cosθ=﹣的等腰三角形,∴|BM|=|AB|=2a,cos∠MBx=,∴点M的坐标为(a+,2a•),即(,),又∵点M在双曲线E上,∴将M坐标代入坐标得﹣=1,整理上式得,b2=2a2,而c2=a2+b2=3a2,∴e2==,因此e=,故选:C.12.设函数f′(x)是偶函数f(x)(x∈R)的导函数,f(x)在区间(0,+∞)上的唯一零点为2,并且当x∈(﹣1,1)时,xf′(x)+f(x)<0.则使得f(x)<0成立的x的取值X围是()A.(﹣2,0)∪(0,2)B.(﹣∞,﹣2)∪(2,+∞) C.(﹣1,1)D.(﹣2,2)【考点】利用导数研究函数的单调性;函数奇偶性的性质.【分析】令g(x)=xf(x),判断出g(x)是R上的奇函数,根据函数的单调性以及奇偶性求出f(x)<0的解集即可.【解答】解:令g(x)=xf(x),g′(x)=xf′(x)+f(x),当x∈(﹣1,1)时,xf′(x)+f(x)<0,∴g(x)在(﹣1,1)递减,而g(﹣x)=﹣xf(﹣x)=﹣xf(x)=﹣g(x),∴g(x)在R是奇函数,∵f(x)在区间(0,+∞)上的唯一零点为2,即g(x)在区间(0,+∞)上的唯一零点为2,∴g(x)在(﹣∞,﹣1)递增,在(﹣1,1)递减,在(1,+∞)递增,g(0)=0,g(2)=0,g(﹣2)=0,如图示:,x≥0时,f(x)<0,即xf(x)<0,由图象得:0≤x<2,x<0时,f(x)<0,即xf(x)>0,由图象得:﹣2<x<0,综上:x∈(﹣2,2),故选:D.二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分.13.设向量,是相互垂直的单位向量,向量λ+与﹣2垂直,则实数λ= 2 .【考点】平面向量数量积的运算.【分析】根据向量垂直,令数量积为零列方程解出.【解答】解:∵向量,是相互垂直的单位向量,∴=0,.∵λ+与﹣2垂直,∴(λ+)•(﹣2)=λ﹣2=0.解得λ=2.故答案为2.14.若x,y满足约束条件,则z=x﹣2y的最大值为 2 .【考点】简单线性规划.【分析】作出可行域,变形目标函数,平移直线y=x可得.【解答】解:作出约束条件所对应的可行域(如图△ABC及内部),变形目标函数可得y=x﹣z,平移直线y=x可知,当直线经过点A(2,0)时,截距取最小值,z取最大值,代值计算可得z的最大值为2,故答案为:2.15.已知对任意实数x,有(m+x)(1+x)6=a0+a1x+a2x2+…+a7x7,若a1+a3+a5+a7=32,则m= 0 .【考点】二项式定理的应用.【分析】在所给的等式中,分别令x=1、x=﹣1,可得2个等式,再结合a1+a3+a5+a7=32,求得m的值.【解答】解:对任意实数x,有(m+x)(1+x)6=a0+a1x+a2x2+…+a7x7,若a1+a3+a5+a7=32,令x=1,可得(m+1)(1+1)6=a0+a1+a2+…+a7①,再令x=﹣1,可得(m﹣1)(1﹣1)6=0=a0﹣a1+a2+…﹣a7②,由①﹣②可得 64(m+1)=2(a1+a3+a5+a7)=2×32,∴m=0,故答案为:0.16.已知数列{a n}满足a1=1,a n=(n≥2),其中S n为{a n}的前n项和,则S2016=.【考点】数列的求和.【分析】通过对a n=(n≥2)变形可知2S n S n﹣1=S n﹣1﹣S n,进而可知数列{}是首项为1、公差为2的等差数列,计算即得结论.【解答】解:∵a n=(n≥2),∴2=2S n a n﹣a n,∴2﹣2S n a n=S n﹣1﹣S n,即2S n S n﹣1=S n﹣1﹣S n,∴2=﹣,又∵=1,∴数列{}是首项为1、公差为2的等差数列,∴S2016==,故答案为:.三、解答题:解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.17.△ABC的三个内角A,B,C所对的边分别为a,b,c,且asinAsinB+bcos2A=a.(I)求;(Ⅱ)若c2=a2+,求角C.【考点】正弦定理;余弦定理.【分析】(I)由正弦定理化简已知等式,整理即可得解.(II)设b=5t(t>0),由(I)可求a=3t,由已知可求c=7t,由余弦定理得cosC的值,利用特殊角的三角函数值即可求解.【解答】(本题满分为12分)解:(I)由正弦定理得,,…即,故.…(II)设b=5t(t>0),则a=3t,于是.即c=7t.…由余弦定理得.所以.…18.如图,三棱柱ABC﹣A1B1C1中,CC1⊥平面ABC,AC=BC=,D是棱AA1的中点,DC1⊥BD.(Ⅰ)证明:DC1⊥BC;(Ⅱ)设AA1=2,A1B1的中点为P,求点P到平面BDC1的距离.【考点】点、线、面间的距离计算;空间中直线与直线之间的位置关系.【分析】(1)由题目条件结合勾股定理,即可证得结论;(2)建立空间直角坐标系,代入运用公式进行计算即可得出答案.【解答】(1)证明:由题设知,三棱柱的侧面为矩形.∵D为AA1的中点,∴DC=DC1.又,可得,∴DC1⊥DC.而DC1⊥BD,DC∩BD=D,∴DC1⊥平面BCD.∵BC⊂平面BCD,∴DC1⊥BC.…(2)解:由(1)知BC⊥DC1,且BC⊥CC1,则BC⊥平面ACC1A1,∴CA,CB,CC1两两垂直.以C为坐标原点,的方向为x轴的正方向,建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系C﹣xyz.由题意知,,.则,,.设是平面BDC1的法向量,则,即,可取.设点P到平面BDC1的距离为d,则.…12分19.班主任为了对本班学生的考试成绩进行分析,决定从全班25名女同学,15名男同学中随机抽取一个容量为8的样本进行分析.(Ⅰ)如果按性别比例分层抽样,可以得到多少个不同的样本?(只要求写出计算式即可,不必计算出结果)(Ⅱ)随机抽取8位,他们的数学分数从小到大排序是:60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95,物理分数从小到大排序是:72,77,80,84,88,90,93,95.(i)若规定85分以上(包括85分)为优秀,求这8位同学中恰有3位同学的数学和物理分数均为优秀的概率;(ii)若这8位同学的数学、物理分数事实上对应如下表:学生编号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8数学分数x 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95物理分数y 72 77 80 84 88 90 93 95根据上表数据,用变量y与x的相关系数或散点图说明物理成绩y与数学成绩x之间线性相关关系的强弱.如果具有较强的线性相关关系,求y与x的线性回归方程(系数精确到0.01);如果不具有线性相关性,请说明理由.参考公式:相关系数r=;回归直线的方程是:,其中对应的回归估计值b=,a=,是与x i对应的回归估计值.参考数据:≈457,≈23.5.【考点】线性回归方程.【分析】(I)根据分层抽样原理计算,使用组合数公式得出样本个数;(II)(i)使用乘法原理计算;(ii)根据回归方程计算回归系数,得出回归方程.【解答】解:(I)应选女生位,男生位,可以得到不同的样本个数是.(II)(i)这8位同学中恰有3位同学的数学和物理分数均为优秀,则需要先从物理的4个优秀分数中选3个与数学优秀分数对应,种数是(或),然后将剩下的5个数学分数和物理分数任意对应,种数是,根据乘法原理,满足条件的种数是.这8位同学的物理分数和数学分数分别对应的种数共有种.故所求的概率.(ii)变量y与x的相关系数.可以看出,物理与数学成绩高度正相关.也可以数学成绩x为横坐标,物理成绩y为纵坐标做散点图如下:从散点图可以看出这些点大致分布在一条直线附近,并且在逐步上升,故物理与数学成绩高度正相关.设y与x的线性回归方程是,根据所给数据,可以计算出,a=84.875﹣0.66×77.5≈33.73,所以y与x的线性回归方程是.20.已知P是圆C:x2+y2=4上的动点,P在x轴上的射影为P′,点M满足,当P 在圆上运动时,点M形成的轨迹为曲线E(Ⅰ)求曲线E的方程;(Ⅱ)经过点A(0,2)的直线l与曲线E相交于点C,D,并且=,求直线l的方程.【考点】直线和圆的方程的应用.【分析】(Ⅰ)利用代入法,求曲线E的方程;(Ⅱ)分类讨论,设直线l:y=kx+2与椭圆方程联立,利用韦达定理,向量得出坐标关系,求出直线的斜率,即可求直线l的方程.【解答】解:(I)设M(x,y),则P(x,2y)在圆x2+4y2=4上,所以x2+4y2=4,即…..(II)经检验,当直线l⊥x轴时,题目条件不成立,所以直线l存在斜率.设直线l:y=kx+2.设C(x1,y1),D(x2,y2),则.…△=(16k)2﹣4(1+4k2)•12>0,得.….①,…②.…又由,得,将它代入①,②得k2=1,k=±1(满足).所以直线l的斜率为k=±1.所以直线l的方程为y=±x+2…21.已知函数f(x)=.(Ⅰ)求函数f(x)的图象在点x=1处的切线的斜率;(Ⅱ)若当x>0时,f(x)>恒成立,求正整数k的最大值.【考点】利用导数求闭区间上函数的最值;利用导数研究曲线上某点切线方程.【分析】(Ⅰ)求出函数的导数,计算f′(1)即可;(Ⅱ)问题转化为对x>0恒成立,根据函数的单调性求出h(x)的最小值,从而求出正整数k的最大值.【解答】解:(Ⅰ)∵f′(x)=﹣+,∴…(Ⅱ)当x>0时,恒成立,即对x>0恒成立.即h(x)(x>0)的最小值大于k.…,,记ϕ(x)=x﹣1﹣ln(x+1)(x>0)则,所以ϕ(x)在(0,+∞)上连续递增.…又ϕ(2)=1﹣ln3<0,ϕ(3)=2﹣2ln2>0,所以ϕ(x)存在唯一零点x0,且满足x0∈(2,3),x0=1+ln(x0+1).…由x>x0时,ϕ(x)>0,h'(x)>0;0<x<x0时,ϕ(x)<0,h'(x)<0知:h(x)的最小值为.所以正整数k的最大值为3.…请考生在第(22)、(23)、(24)三题中任选一题作答.注意:只能做所选定的题目.如果多做,则按所做的第一个题目计分,[选修4-1:几何证明选讲]22.如图,等腰梯形ABDC内接于圆,过B作腰AC的平行线BE交圆于F,过A点的切线交DC的延长线于P,PC=ED=1,PA=2.(Ⅰ)求AC的长;(Ⅱ)求证:BE=EF.【考点】与圆有关的比例线段.【分析】(I)由PA是圆的切线结合切割线定理得比例关系,求得PD,再由角相等得三角形相似:△PAC∽△CBA,从而求得AC的长;(II)欲求证:“BE=EF”,可先分别求出它们的值,比较即可,求解时可结合圆中相交弦的乘积关系.【解答】解:(I)∵PA2=PC•PD,PA=2,PC=1,∴PD=4,…又∵PC=ED=1,∴CE=2,∵∠PAC=∠CBA,∠PCA=∠CAB,∴△PAC∽△CBA,∴,…∴AC2=PC•AB=2,∴…证明:(II)∵,CE=2,而CE•ED=BE•EF,…∴,∴EF=BE.…[选修4-4:坐标系与参数方程]23.以直角坐标系的原点O为极点,x轴的正半轴为极轴,且两个坐标系取相等的长度单位.已知直线l的参数方程为为参数,0<α<π),曲线C的极坐标方程为ρsin2θ=4cosθ.(Ⅰ)求曲线C的直角坐标方程;(Ⅱ)设点P的直角坐标为P(2,1),直线l与曲线C相交于A、B两点,并且,求tanα的值.【考点】简单曲线的极坐标方程;参数方程化成普通方程.【分析】(I)对极坐标方程两边同乘ρ,得到直角坐标方程;(II)将l的参数方程代入曲线C的普通方程,利用参数意义和根与系数的关系列出方程解出α.【解答】解:(I)∵ρsin2θ=4cosθ,∴ρ2sin2θ=4ρcosθ,∴曲线C的直角坐标方程为y2=4x.(II)将代入y2=4x,得sin2α•t2+(2sinα﹣4cosα)t﹣7=0,所以,所以,或,即或.[选修4-5:不等式选讲]24.设函数f(x)=|x﹣|+|x﹣a|,x∈R.(Ⅰ)求证:当a=﹣时,不等式lnf(x)>1成立.(Ⅱ)关于x的不等式f(x)≥a在R上恒成立,某某数a的最大值.【考点】绝对值不等式的解法.【分析】(Ⅰ)当a=﹣时,根据f(x)=的最小值为3,可得lnf(x)最小值为ln3>lne=1,不等式得证.(Ⅱ)由绝对值三角不等式可得 f(x)≥|a﹣|,可得|a﹣|≥a,由此解得a的X围.【解答】解:(Ⅰ)证明:∵当a=﹣时,f(x)=|x﹣|+|x+|=的最小值为3,∴lnf(x)最小值为ln3>lne=1,∴lnf(x)>1成立.(Ⅱ)由绝对值三角不等式可得 f(x)=|x﹣|+|x﹣a|≥|(x﹣)﹣(x﹣a)|=|a﹣|,再由不等式f(x)≥a在R上恒成立,可得|a﹣|≥a,∴a﹣≥a,或 a﹣≤﹣a,解得a≤,故a的最大值为.。

2015-2016学年度第一学期期末考试本试题分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,第I卷80分, 第II卷40分, 满分120分。
1. What did the woman do today?A. She wrote letters.B. She did nothing.C. She practiced the piano.2. What does the man say about Delta Restaurant?A. The service was better.B. The food was delicious.C. The menu was attractive.3. How will the woman probably come tomorrow?A. By taxi.B. By bus.C. By subway.4. How much will the woman pay?A. $3.B. $6.C. $9.5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. A book.B. A teacher.C. An exam.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。
听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。

2015~2016学年度第一学期期末测试七 年 级 数 学本卷分值 100分,考试时间120分钟.一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,恰有一项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项的字母代号填涂在答题卡相应位置.......上) 1.34-的相反数是A .43-B .43C .34-D .342.单项式225x y-的系数和次数分别是A .-2,2B .2-,3C .25-,2D .25-,33.在下面的四幅图案中,通过平移图案(1)得到的是图案4.下列各组中的两项,不是..同类项的是 A .22x y 与23x y - B .3x 与3xC .232ab c -与32c b aD .1与-18 5.若关于x 的方程710x a +-=解是1x =-,则a 的值等于A .8B .-8C .6D .-6 6.从三个不同方向看一个几何体,得到的三视图 如图所示,则这个几何体是A .圆锥B .圆柱C .棱锥D .球7.已知有理数a ,b 在数轴上表示的点如图所示,则下列式子中不正确...的是 A .ab<0 B .a -b >0 C .a +b >0 D .ab <0b 0a(1) A B C D(第6题)(第7题)8. 如图,直线a ,b 被直线c 所截,则下列说法中错误..的是 A .∠1与∠2是邻补角 B .∠1与∠3是对顶角C .∠3与∠4是内错角D .∠2与∠4是同位角 9. 如图,点D 在直线AE 上,量得∠CDE=∠A=∠C ,有以下三个结论:①AB ∥CD ;②AD ∥BC ;③∠B=∠CDA .则正确的结论是A .①②③B .①②C .①D .②③ 10.王力骑自行车从A 地到B 地,陈平骑自行车从B 地到A 地,两人都沿同一公路匀速前进,已知两人在上午8时同时出发,到上午10时,两人还相距36 km ,到中午12时,两人又相距36 km .求A 、B 两地间的路程.可设A 、B 两地间的路程为x km ,则下列所列方程中:①363624x x -+=;②36363622x -+=;③36362x -=⨯; ④3636x -=;其中正确的个数为A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分.不需写出解答过程,请把答案直接填写在答题卡相应位置.......上) 11.用科学记数法表示9600000为 ▲ .12.点A 、B 在同一条数轴上,其中点A 表示的数为-1,若点B 与点A 之间距离为3,则点B 表示的数为 ▲ . 13.已知2a b -的值是2015,则124a b -+的值等于 ▲ .14.若23(2)0x y -++=,则16xy = ▲ .15.飞机的无风航速为a 千米/小时,风速为20千米/小时.则飞机逆风飞行4小时的行程是 ▲ 千米.16.某服装店以每件180元的价格卖出两件衣服,其中一件 盈利25%,另一件亏损25%,若盈利记为正,亏损记为负,则该店卖这两件衣服总的盈亏金额是 ▲ 元.17.如图,把小河里的水引到田地A 处就作AB ⊥l ,垂足 为B ,沿AB 挖水沟,这条水沟最短的理由是 ▲ . 18. 如图,将三角板与两组对边分别平行的直尺贴在一起, 使三角板的顶点C (AC ⊥BC )落在直尺的一边上,若∠1=24°,则∠2等于 ▲ 度. 19.如图,平面内有公共端点的6条射线OA 、OB 、OC 、 OD 、OE 、OF ,从射线OA 开始按逆时针方向依次在 射线上写上数字1、2、3、4、5、6、7…,则数字 “2016”应在射线 ▲ 上.20.已知线段AB =12㎝,若M 是AB 的三等分点,N 是AM 的中点,则线段BN 的长度为 ▲ ㎝.三、解答题(本大题共8小题,共60分.请在答题卡指定区域.......内作答,解答时应写出文ac1 234 A B C DE(第8题) (第9题)(第17题)(第18题)(第19题)字说明、证明过程或演算步骤) 21.(每小题4分,共16分)计算:(1) (20)(3)(5)(7)-++---+;(2) 111()(12)462+-⨯-;(3) 322(2)(3)(4)2(3)(2)⎡⎤-+-⨯-+--÷-⎣⎦;(4) 471127326631440-+⨯-⨯÷.22.(每小题3分,共6分)(1)如图,点D 是线段AB 的中点,C 是线段AD 的中点,若AB =4㎝,求线段CD的长度.(2)如图,货船A 在灯塔O 的北偏东53°35′的方向上,客船B 在灯塔O 的南偏东28°12′的方向上.求∠AOB 的度数.23.(每小题4分,共8分)先化简,再求值:(1)求22113333a abc c a c +--+的值,其中1,2,36abc =-==-;(2)求2211312()()2323x x y x y --+-+的值,其中22,3x y =-=.24.(每小题4分,共8分)解方程: (1)72(33)20x x +-=; (2)121224x x+--=+.25.(本小题6分)如图,AD ∥BC ,∠1=60°,∠B =∠C ,DF 为∠ADC 的平分线. (1)求∠ADC 的度数;(2)试说明DF ∥AB . 解:(1)根据题意完成填空(括号内填写理由): ∵AD ∥BC (已知)∴∠B =∠1( ) 又∵∠B =∠C (已知) ∴ =∠1=60°C D (第22题(2)) A O B 西 东 北南 (第22题(1))又∵AD ∥BC (已知)∴∠ADC +∠C =180°( ) ∴∠ADC = .(2)请你完成第2题的解答过程:26.(本小题4分)列方程解应用题:某车间有22名工人,每人每天可以生产1200个螺钉或2000个螺母.1个螺钉需要配2个螺母,为使每天生产的螺钉和螺母刚好配套,应安排生产螺钉和螺母的工人各多少名? 27.(本小题6分)如图:已知AB ∥CD ,∠ABE 与∠CDE 两个角的角平分线相交于点F . (1)如图1,若∠E =78°,则∠BFD = °;(2)如图2,若∠ABM =14∠ABF ,∠CDM =14∠CDF ,则∠M 和∠E 之间的数量关系为 ;(3)如图2,∠ABM =1n ∠MBF ,∠CDM =1n∠MDF ,设∠M =m °,直接用含有n ,m 的代数式表示出∠E = °.28.(本小题6分)如图,在∠AOB 的内部作射线OC ,使∠AOC 与∠AOB 互补.将射线OA ,OC 同时绕点O 分别以每秒12°,每秒8°的速度按逆时针方向旋转,旋转后的射线OA ,OC 分别记为OM ,ON ,设旋转时间为t 秒.已知t <30,∠AOB =114°. (1)求∠AOC 的度数;(2)在旋转的过程中,当射线OM ,ON 重合时,求 t 的值; (3)在旋转的过程中,当∠COM 与∠BON 互余时,求 t 的值.BE DFACBE DFA CM 图1图2CMNB(第27题)。

第 1 页 共 5 页 命题教师:刘艳茹 审核人:2015—2016学年度第一学期《大学英语(一)》课程期末考试B 卷(闭卷)该试卷使用范围:艺术学院各专业I Listening comprehension(1 point each, 20 points in all) Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. 1. A.He is a good manager B.He likes me. C.He likes French. D.Yes, he is. 2. A.So many. B.Thank you. C.It ’s beautiful. D.Certainly. 3. A.No,it isn ’t. B.Nothing. C.The red one. D.Yes, I like it. 4. A.It is rainging. B.I like it. C.It ’s Friday. D.It ’s Sep.6. 5. A.That ’s my favorite job. B.I found it interesting. C.I like sports. D.It ’s boring. 6. A.About five feet tall. B.He is my friend. C.He ’s fine. D.I think so. 7. A.How about you? B.Thank you. C.It can ’t help. D.It doesn ’t matter. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both thedialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you shoulddecide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper.8. A.Weather. B.Rain. C.Walking. D.Air. 9. A.10:10 B. 10:50 C. 11:10 D. 11:50 10. A.He’ll buy the watch right away. B.He’ll buy the watch a nother day. C.He’s not sure whether to buy the watch.D.He can’t afford to buy the watch. 11. A.The machine is broken.B.The woman can touch the machine anytime.C.The woman didn’t follow the advice.D.The working machine is dangerous. 12. A.The party is wonderful.B.Today is the man’s birthday.C.The man makes the noise.D.The birthday party is awful. 13. A.At the bank. B.In a restaurant.C.In a hotel.D.At the airport. 14. A.She is pretty. B. She is helpful. C. She is imaginative. D. She is talkative. Section CDirections: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. Now the passage will begin.I am working with a computer company. My family lives near the railway 15 , and within five minutes' walk to a shopping 16 .We live in a flat with three bedrooms and a very large living room. There is a beautiful garden, too. The house is very 17 to live in. However, for my convenience to go to work and 18 the time lost on the way, I would like to 19 my house for a similar one or even a bit smaller one near my workplace.If you are interested, please call me at 5538765 20 hours or email me at bhousing @gmail . com .Ⅱ Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the word bank.(2 points each , 20 points in all ) Word Bank A. prefers B. needs C. different D. normally sts F.do G. meet H. recognize I. relax J.asleepSara Robbins is a newsreader on the radio. Many people don’t 21 her face, but everybody knows her voice! Sara’s day usually starts when most people are 22 . Her alarm clock 23 goes off at 3 am and she 24 to be at the studios at four. At 6 am Sara says “good morning” to her listeners. The programme 25 for three第 2 页 共 5 页 命题教师:刘艳茹 审核人:hours. Sara never goes back home after work. “I really need to _ 26 after the programme. I almost always 27 some sport and sometimes I 28 up with a friend.” She doesn’t often go out in the evenings during the week. She 29 to stay at home. At weekends, her life is quite 30_ __. She often goes away for the weekend.Ⅲ Read the following passages and choose the best answer. (1 point each , 15 pointsin all )Passage 1Nancy got a job as a secretary in a big company. She was going to work in the SalesDepartment. Monday was the first day she came to work. She was very excited and shearrived early at the office. She pushed the door open and was surprised to find a large bunchof fresh flowers on her desk. “Oh, how lovely! Somebody sent me flowers the very firstday!” She thought happily. “But who could it be?”The day passed quickly and Nancy did everything well.And every Monday morning she came to her office, she would see a new bunch offlowers there. She still didn’t know who sent these flowers.One Tuesday afternoon, she was asked to hand in a plan to the general manager’s office.Her eyes suddenly fell on these words on a p iece of paper: “keep the secretaries in highspirits; send a bunch of fresh flowers to each secretary’s desk on Monday morning.”31. Nancy got a job ______.A. in the Sales Department in a small companyB. in the Production Department in a small companyC. in the Sales Department in a big companyD. in the Production Department in a big company32.On her first day of work, she _________________A. was asked to hand in a plan to the general manager.B. arrived early at the officeC. got a bunch of flowers from his boyfriendD. brought a bunch of flower to the office.33. Nancy got a bunch of flowers ____________A. only on the first day of workB. every dayC. every weekD. every first day of the month34. She __________ when she saw the flowers on her desk.A. felt happy yet surprisedB. wanted to find out who did itC. felt worried as she didn’t know who did itD. thought it must be her friend’s joke.35. Finally Nancy found that it was _________ who sent flowers to the secretaries.A. the head of the departmentB. one of her male colleaguesC. the general managerD. one of her friends. Passage 2 Being a salesman, the most important thing is to understand people. You've got to know what they're thinking. If you can figure that out, you can get them to do a lot. They come in with an idea about what they want. You get them talking about themselves, about what they like. If it's a man, you talk about football, or something like that. If it's a woman, you ask her about fashions. That way they get comfortable with you. You ask them a lot of questions and get them saying yes. Then they just get into the habit of saying yes. In the end, you can put them into anything you want, if you're really good. For example, if they need a little car for the city; you send them home a truck. Of course, I wouldn't really do that. It wouldn't be right. You've got to sell on this job, but you also have to be fair. It'snot fair to take advantage of people too much. There are some people in this business who'd do anything. But I don't believe in that. 36.To be a good salesman, the most important thing is to________. A.learn form different kinds of people B.understand what people are thinking C.see what people usually do in daily life D.watch what changes people have made 37.According to the passage, you can make a woman feel comfortable by ________. A.talking about fashions B.playing football together C.sending a small gift to her D.saying yes to her questions 38.One way to make people get into the habit of saying yes is to________. A.ask them to say what they like B.tell them to do anything you want C.help them feel confident in themselves D.get them to say yes to a lot of your questions 39.According to the last paragraph, the author believes that________.第 3 页 共 5 页 命题教师:刘艳茹 审核人:A.it is right to do anything in businessB.it is useless to believe in what customers sayC.it is unfair to take too much advantage of peopleD.it is dangerous to listen to the advice of a salesman40.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.Most women like to talk about sports events.B.Some business people would do anything to sell.C.It's difficult to understand other people very well.D.You can make people do anything by talking with them. Passage 3Online advertising is the means of selling a product on the Internet .With the arrival of the Internet ,the business world has become digitalized(数字化)and people prefer buying things online ,which is easier and faster .Online advertising is also known as e-advertising .It offers a great variety of services ,which can not be offered by any other way of advertising .One major benefit of online advertising is the immediate spread of information that is notlimited by geography or time .Online advertising can be viewed day and night throughout the world. Besides ,it reduces the cost and increases the profit of the company .Small businesses especially find online advertising cheap and effective .They can focus on their ideal customers and pay very little for the advertisements .In a word ,online advertising is a cheap and effective way of advertising ,whose success has so far fully proved its great potential .41. According to the first paragraph ,buying things online is more ____ . A. convenient B. fashionable C. traditionalD. difficult42. Compared with any other way of advertising ,online advertising ____ .A. attracts more customersB. displays more samples(样品)C. offers more servicesD. reduces more profits43. Which of the following statements is TRUE of online advertising? A. It has taken the place of traditional advertising . B. It will make the Internet technology more efficient . C. It can help sell the latest models of digitalized products . D. It can spread information without being limited by time .44. Who can especially benefit from online advertising? A. Local companies . B. Small businesses . C. Government departments . D. International organizations . 45. This passage is mainly about ____ . A. the function and the use of the Internet B. the application of digital technology C. the development of small businesses D. the advantages of online advertisingIV Translation (30 points in all, 3 points each from No.46 to No.50, 15 points for No.51)46.许多大学生喜欢玩计算机游戏。

2015-2016学年度第一学期期末考试考试时间:120分钟满分:150分第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
AHave you ever felt that you want more friends? Have you foun d that you don’t know how to make friends? Don’t worry. It’s e asier than it looks.Start with small actions. If you’re uncomfortable with long con versations with people, start by just saying “hi” and asking wh at the person is doing. Even if you do more listening than talki ng in the beginning, people will usually still like you. When it c omes to conversations, remember “F.O.R.”. It stands for famil y, occupation(职业) and recreation(休闲). You are most likely to be asked about these three topics when you meet someone new. Most people feel comfortable t alking about the three topics. The great thing is that you alsocan communicate with someone new in these three areas. Honesty is the best policy. In friendship, “honesty” is the fund amental quality that one must have. One should always be ho nest with his or her friends. Don’t laugh at people’s fault. Prais e them honestly and openly. Say you are sorry if you hurt you r friend.Give more than you take. Be there when they need you, enco urage them; we all need encouragement now and then. Enco urage their dreams. Life seems meaningless without them. Wi sh your friends good luck. Examine your purpose before you “help out”. Love and never forget them.1. The author thinks making friends is _________.A. difficultB. easyC. funnyD. inter esting2. What does the underlined word “fundamental” in Paragraph3 mean?A. basic.B. beautiful.C. comfortable.D. meani ngful.3. Which would be the best title for this passage?A. Where to Meet Friends?B. How to Make Friends ?C. What Is a Friend Indeed?D. Everyone Needs FriendsBThere was a man playing the piano in a bar. He was a good pi ano player and always performed in this bar. People came in j ust to hear him play. But one night, a customer told him that h e didn’t want to hear him just play the piano any more. He wa nted him to sing a song.The man said, “I don’t sing.”But the customer was persistent (固执的). He told the bar manager, “I’m tired of listening to the pian o. I want that man to sing!”The manager shouted across the room, “If you want to get pai d, sing a song. Our customers are asking you to sing!”So he did. He sang a song. A piano player who had never sun g in public did so for the first time. And everyone was surprise d by his song —“Mona, Mona Lisa”. He got lots of applause (掌声) that night.He had such a talent for singing, but he just had been sitting o n his talent for the past years! If without such a chance, he ma y have lived the rest of his life as a no-name piano player in a no-name bar. However, now he had become one of the best-known singers in America.You, too, have skills and abilities. Maybe your “talent” is not a s great as the singer above, but it may be better than you thin k! And with effort, most skills can be improved. So, in your life, you should be brave enough to try doing different things and f ind out what talents you really have!4. Why did the man start to sing?A. Because he wanted to make more money.B. Because the bar manager said he liked his song.C. Because the manager asked him to sing at the request of a customer.D. Because he wanted to show everyone that he had a talent for singing.5. What do you think of the bar manager?A. Strict.B. Rude.C. Patient.D. Kind.6. What do the underlined words “he just had been sitting on his talent” probably mean?A. He didn’t discover his talent.B. He didn’t sing.C. He had no talent for singing.D. He hated to sing. CI came to work in New York about three years ago. Not long a fter I came to the city I learnt a good lesson.I'm good at making friends. Soon after I came to New York, I made some very good friends. Loving parties, I often invited my colleagues and friends over. We often had fun together till late night. But people in the building disliked it. I was consider ed as a black sheep in the building.One night, when I was throwing a big party for some Chine se students in New York, a neighbor could no longer stand th e noise and he called the police. The police came, and many of my neighbors came, too. It was an unhappy night.However, some days later, I found something very unbeliev able. My neighbor Sam threw a big birthday party in his apart ment. They sang and danced till midnight. But nobody went to ask them to stop the party. Feeling confused (疑惑的), I went to Sam the next morning and asked him why he co uld throw a party for his friends while I couldn't. He didn't say anything. Instead, he took me to a notice board in the hall of t he building. It said, "My dear neighbors, Sam living on the sixt h floor will throw a party tonight. About twenty people will com e. We'll sing and dance. The party will be over around midnig ht. We may make some noise tonight. Please accept my apol ogy."He apologized even before the party began. People felt res pected in this way. And that was why nobody bothered them t hat night.7. From Paragraph 2, what can we know about the author?A. He didn't love parties at all.B. He never had parties late into the night.C. He didn't get along well with his neighbors.D. He often invited his neighbors to his parties.8. What did that neighbor do when he could no longer stand t he noise?A. He asked the police for help.B. He went to the police station.C. He called the writer at once.D. He called his neighbors for help.9. When the writer learnt nobody asked Sam to stop the party, he most probably felt______.A. happyB. worriedC. excitedD. surprised10. How did Sam help the writer know why nobody bothered h im that night?A. By taking him to the neighbors.B. By taking him to a notice board.C. By giving reasons to him carefully.D. By telling him an unbelievable story.11. By writing the story, the writer wants to show that_____.A. there is a secret to every successB. Americans treat foreign people differentlyC. there is no reason to hold parties at late nightD. we should learn to respect others in a proper wayDLow-Cost Gifts for Mother's DayGift No. IOffer to be your mother's health friend. Promise to be there fo r any and all doctor's visits whether a disease or a regular me dical check-up. Most mothers always say "no need," another set of eyes a nd ears is always a good idea at a doctor's visit. The best part ? This one is free.Gift No. 2Help your mother organize all of her medical records, which in clude the test results and medical information. Put them all in one place. Be sure to make a list of all of her medicines and w hat times she takes them. "Having all this information in one p lace could end up saving your mother's life," Dr. Marie Savardsaid.Gift No. 3Enough sleep is connected to general health conditions. "Buy your mother cotton sheets and comfortable pillows to encoura ge better sleep," Savard said. "We know that good sleep is ve ry important to our health."Gift No. 4Some gift companies such as Presents for Purpose allow you to pay it forward this Mother's Day by picking gifts in which 10 percent of the price you pay goes to a charity (慈善机构), Gift givers can choose from a wide variety of useful but in expensive things -many of which are "green" - and then choose a meaningful ch arity from a list. When your mother gets the gift, she will be told that she has helped the chosen charity.12. What are you advised to do for your mother at doctor's visi ts?A. Take notes.B. Be with her.C. Buy medicine.D. Give her gifts.13. What can be a gift of organization for your mother?A. Keeping her medical information together.B. Buying all gifts for her from one company.C. Making a list of her medical check-ups.D. Storing her medicines in a safe place.14. Where can you find a gift idea to improve your mother’s sl eep?A. In Gift No. 1.B. In Gift No.2.C. In Gift No. 3.D. In Gift No . 4.15. Buying gifts from Presents for Purpose allows mothers to .A. enjoy good sleepB. be well-organizedC. bet extra supportD. give others help(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。

第 1 页 共 4 页出卷人 乔毅 ;出卷日期 2015.11.20 ;审核人 ;审核日期 ; 考试班级 ;考试人数 ;考试周 ;无锡职业技术学院 2015-2016学年第一学期《精益生产物流》期末试卷(B 卷) (闭卷考试) 分院 班级 学号 姓名一、 单项选择题(每小题1.5分,共60分) 1.大规模生产靠 降低成本,精益生产靠消除生产过程的一切不合理浪费降低成本。
A.廉价劳动力 B.生产效率 C.先进技术 D.规模效益 2.下述哪项活动不属于精益生产的增值活动 。
A.从概念到投产的设计过程 B.从定货到送货的存储过程 C.从原材料到产品的转换过程 D.全生命周期的支持和服务过程。
3.精益生产的终极目标是 。
A.零库存 B.高柔性 C.零浪费 D.零缺陷 4.精益生产计划一般只下达到 ,其他工序只出示每月大致的生产品种和数量计划,作为其安排作业的一个参考基准。
A.第一道工序 B.最后一道工序 C.瓶颈工序 D.各道工序 5.生产周期是指从加工对象投产起到它完工时为止所经历的 。
A. 日历时间 B. 工作时间 C. 有效时间 D.制度时间 6.价值流分析生产过程的 。
A.商流和物流 B.资金流和信息流 C.物流和信息流 D.商流和信息流 7.绘制当前价值流程图,你更倾向于重点关注哪几个问题? A.原材料供应、生产工艺、瓶颈工序、产品发送 B.订单拉动、看板管理、物料流动、缓冲超市 C.生产节拍、生产周期、使用设备、标准作业 D.生产工艺、设备布置、人员配置、管理制度 8.价值流管理是一种简单、有效的管理工具,用 方法帮助我们找出并消除浪费。
A.可视化 B.绘图 C.逻辑分析 D.固定程序 9.控制流水线生产速度的基本指标是 。
A.生产周期 B.节拍 C.批量 D.生产间隔期 10.计划节拍、生产节拍和生产线的固有节拍,三者之间的关系是 。
A.生产节拍>=计划节拍>固有节拍 B.生产节拍>=固有节拍>计划节拍 C.计划节拍>生产节拍>=固有节拍 D.生产节拍>=固有节拍>计划节拍 11.信号看板适用于 情况。

2015-2016学年第一学期期末考试卷(完卷时间:120分钟;满分:150分)第Ⅰ卷 (共84分)第一部分:听力(共20题;每小题1分, 满分20分)第一节(共5 小题;每小题1分, 满分5分)听下面5段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。
听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1. How does the man find the movie last night?A. It is moving.B. It is interesting.C. It is not worth seeing2. How much does the handkerchief cost?A. $7.B. $9.C.$16.3. Who made the woman's personal website?A. She herself.B. Her friend.C. The man.4. What does the man want to have?A. Chocolate.B. Sweets.C. Ice-cream.5. Which section would the man like to read?A. Sports.B. Business.C. News.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. What did the man begin to work in Courtaulds?A. About 4 years ago.B. About 40 years ago.C. About 44 years ago.7. What does the man say about his present life?A. He is used to it.B. He likes it.C. He gets bored with it.8. Who is Rover?A. The man's workmate.B. The man's dog.C. The man's wife.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。

5. 某连续变量数列,其第一组是200以下,第二组的组中值为300,那么第一组的组中值为( )。
A. 200 B. 300 C. 100 D. 400
8.按对象的范围不同,统计指数分为数量指标指数和质量指标指数。( )
10.若各期的增长量相等,则各期的增长速度也相等。( )
1. 某企业职工张三的月工资额为500元,则“工资额”是()。
A. 数量标志B.品质标志C.数量指标D.质量指标
2. 调查某班50名学生的学习情况,则总体单位是()。
3. 一个统计总体()。

2015-2016学年度第一学期期末考试(总分: 150分考试时间: 120分钟)第I卷第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)第一节(共15小题;每小题3分,满分45分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和 D )中,选出最佳选项,并在题卡上将该项涂黑。
AOnce upon a time a man became a great archer(射手).He asked the king to declare him as the greatest archer of the country.The king was about to do so when an old serv ant of the king said,“Wait,sir.I know an old man who lives in the forest.He is a much greater archer.Let this young man go to him and learn from him for at least three years.”The man could not believe that there could be a greater arche r than him,but he went and found the old man and he was! For three years he learned from him.Then one day,when he thought he had learned everything,the thought arose in him:“If I kill this old man,then I will be the greatest archer.”The old man had gone to cut wood and he was coming back c arrying wood on his shoulder.The young man hid behind a tr ee,waiting to kill him.He shot an arrow.The old man took a sm all piece of wood and threw it.It struck the arrow and the arr ow turned back and wounded the young man very deeply.T he old man came,took out the arrow and said, “I knew that some day or other yo u were going to do this.That’s why I have not taught you this secret.There is no need to kill me.My Master is still alive,and I’m nothing before him.You must be with him for at least thirty years.And he is ve ry old,so go fast! Find the old man!”1.The young archer wanted to kill the old man because ____ ___.A.he had nothing more to learn from himB.he could then become the greatest archerC.the old man refused to teach him everythingD.the king’s old servant ordered him to do so2.The following sentences show what happened between th e young archer and his master.Which is the right order of th e events?a.The old man wounded the young man.b.The young man learned from the old man.c.The young man wanted to kill the old man.d.The young man asked the king to declare him as the great est archer.A.abcd B.dcba C.dbca D.dbac 3.What do you think would most probably happen next? A.The young archer died from the wound soon after.B.The king declared the young man the greatest archer.C.The young archer found the old man’s master and killed hi m.D.The young archer set off to look for the old man’s master .4.What lesson can you learn from the story?A.There’s always someone better than you in this world.B.You must never try to become better than your teacher.C.The older a man is,the better archer he usually becomes.D.Always use a piece of wood to protect yourself from an arr ow.BNearly everyone is shy in some ways. If shyness is making yo u uncomfortable, it may be time for a few lessons in self-confidence. You can build your confidence by following some suggestions from doctors and psychologists.Make a decision not to hold back in conversations. What you have to say is just as important as what other people say. And don’t turn down party invitations just because of your shynes s.Prepare yourself for being with others in groups. Make a list of the good qualities you have. Then make a list of ideas, experi ences, and skills you would like to share with other people. Th ink about what you would like to say in advance. Then say it.If you start feeling self-conscious in a group, take a deep breath and focus your atten tion on other people. Remember, you are not alone. Other pe ople are concerned about the impression they are making,too.No one ever gets over being shy completely, but most people do learn to live with their shyness. Even entertainers admit t hat they often feel shy. They work at fighting their shy feelings so that they can face the cameras and the public. Just makin g the effort to control shyness can have many rewards. But pe rhaps the best reason to fight shyness is to give other people a chance to know more about you.5.Where would this article probably appear?A.In a popular magazine. B.On the front page of a newspaper.C.In a science textbook. D.In an encyclopedia(百科全书).6.The main purpose of the article is to __________ .A.explain how shyness developedB.recommend ways of dealing with shynessC.persuade readers that shyness is naturalD.prove that shyness can overcome7.Which of these can you conclude from reading the articl e?A.Shy people never have any fun.B.Entertainers choose their work to fight shyness.C.The attempt to overcome shyness is always successful.D.The attempt to overcome shyness is always worthwhile.8.What is the source of the suggestions for fighting shyne ss?A.The author of the article. B.Shy men and wome n.C.doctors and psychologists D.Popular entertaine rs.CCycling for AirTed Shred doesn’t like cars. He wants people to stop driving b ecause cars make the air dirty. Ted had an idea. He said, “I'm going to cycle around North America. I want to show everyon e that cycling is a fun way to get around. If more people ride b ikes, the air will be cleaner.”He left his hometown with $ 160 in his pocket. When he got to San Diego, he met another cyclist. The cyclist invited Ted to speak at abig meeting about the environment. He said, “We’ll pay your airfare to Texas and we’ll pay you to talk about your cycling tri p.” Two hours later, Ted was on a plane to the environmental conference and to a big surprise!While he was at the conference, he met Deanna. It was love a t first sight! They talked for six hours straight.The next day, Ted called Deanna and asked her to finish the t rip with him. Deanna said yes, sold everything in her apartme nt, gave her notice at work, and was on the road with Ted 20 days later!“It was difficult at first,”sa id Deanna. “Ted got up every morni ng at 6:00 a.m., but I wanted to sleep until noon.” After a few days, t hey started having fun. As they cycled from Florida to Montre al and then back to Vancouver, every day was an adventure. People paid for their food in restaurants and gave them extra money. Some people gave them $ 50 or $ 100. They slept in people's backyards and drank beer with motorcycle gangs. On their way back to Vancouver, they stopped in Edmonton to visit Ted's relatives. During the stopover, they got married. P eople tied a “Just Married” sign and tin cans to the backs of th eir bikes. They now want to write a book about their trip. “We want people to know that you can be an environmentalist and still have fun,”Shred said.9.Ted Shred went cycling because________.A.he loves adventureB.cycling is a lot of funC.he wanted to find himself a wifeD.he supports environmental protection10.The “ big surprise” he had at the conference was that___ _____.A.he met another cyclist who wanted to join himB.he fell in love with a girl thereC.he gave a long talk lasting 6 hourD.he had a lot of fun talking about his cycling trip 11.According to the passage, Deanna________.A.quit her job to join Ted on his tripB.sold all her possessions to pay for Ted’s tripC.was fired by her employer for not going to work D.asked for a long leave from work to join Ted in his trip 12.During the trip, Ted and Deanna________.A.found it hard to get up earlyB.were attacked by motorcycle gangsC.did not have to pay for their meals in restaurants D.decided to get marriedDMykonos island in autumn and winter is peaceful and beautifu l. It is perfect for a relaxing stay or a brief visit. One can see and enjoy the blue skies, the wide beaches, and also have won derful walks in the hills, perhaps not every day, but usually unt il the beginning of January. Visitors and winter tourists often c ome to Mykonos to discover the traditional Greek island. They can escape busy Athens after business, or calm down after a long European tour before traveling on further to Egypt, Israel , or Asia.Apart from the more usual tourists, you will find various hikers , walkers, readers, writers, bikers, and so on in this island. Yo u can also visit the beautiful Delos, hike through mountains, w alk on beaches, explore another side of the island life with so me monasteries (修道院), or take part in local gatherings and meet some friendly M ykonians.Mykonos’ climate is Mediterranean and mild. Autumn is alway s blue skied and sunny, where the temperature only drops ver y gradually. The nice days for beach going and swimming last until early January. The real winter months are also mild. Eve n in January, the temperature never drops very low. The islan d has a great percentage of humidity because of the southeas terly winds and rainfall between mid January and each March; there is also a possibility of storms and colder northerly winds at this period. Snow is rare, perhaps one every ten years. The clear blue sky still exists for most of the winter. 13.Mykonos island lies in ________.A.Egypt B.Israel C.Greece D.India 14.What's the main purpose of this passage?A.To sum up some situations of many islands.B.To introduce a beautiful island to people.C.To compare their climate.D.To describe the people visiting the island.15.Which of the following is NOT wrong?A.Every year, a great number of people go to Mykonos islan d to tour, hike, walk, read, write and bike.B.It often snows in Mykonos island.C.Mykonos’ climate is very awful.D.From time to time, you can see the blue sky in Mykonos is land.第二节(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。

2015-2016学年度第一学期教学质量检测答案一、真挚致敬凄凉抑扬顿挫抱怨奥秘眷恋悬崖峭壁二、比一比,组词琴键日寇姿势抱歉健康冠军资源谦虚三、震耳欲聋津津乐道自作自受恍然大悟寝不安席浴血搏杀可见一斑饱经风霜1、寝不安席2、饱经风霜3、浴血搏杀4、津津乐道四、1、A2、F C A B E D五、1、走进这片花园,花儿对我微笑,小草对我点头。

2015—2016学年度第一学期期末考试注意事项:1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。
2. 全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C, 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷相应的位置。
Why does the woman intend to return the hat?A. It is wet.B. She dislikes it.C. It is expensive.2. How much will the woman pay in all?A. 3 dollars and 40 cents.B. 4 dollars and 85 cents.C. 5 d ollars and 14 cents.What can we know about the man?A. He often goes to the cinema.B. He always goes to work on foot.C. He went to work on bus last week.Where do you think Jim has been with his father?A. To a zoo.B.To a farm.C. To a shop.5. How did the man feel when the woman guessed it?A. Upset.B. Shocked.C. Disappointed.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

要-试题-2016-1-生物化学B华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A卷)2015-2016学年第1 学期考试科目:生物化学B考试类型:闭卷考试考试时间:120 分钟学号姓名年级/专业/班一、名称解释(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1.DNA的熔解温度(Tm)2.蛋白质变性3.酶的活性中心4.电子传递链5.滞后链6.密码子 7.翻译8.糖酵解9.β-氧化10.氨基酸等电点二、选择题(本大题共30小题、0.5分/题、共15分)答题请注意,请把答案填在下表中,否则不给分。
1.DNA分子中脱氧核苷酸之间的连接方式是:()A.5′, 3′-磷酸二酯键B.5′, 5′-磷酸二酯键C.3′, 5′-磷酸二酯键D.3′, 2′-磷酸二酯键2.hnRNA是下列哪种RNA的前体?()A.tRNA B.rRNAC.mRNA D.SnRNA3.tRNA携带氨基酸的特异性部位是:()A.–XCCA-3′末端B.TψC环4.DNA变性后理化性质的变化,下述描述正确的是:()A.对260nm紫外吸收增加B.对260nm紫外吸收减少C.磷酸二酯键断裂D.氢键不断裂5.下列哪一项不是蛋白质α-螺旋结构的特点:()A.Pro影响螺旋形成。
6.维持蛋白质二级结构稳定的主要作用力是:()A.氢键B.疏水键C.碱基堆积力D.二硫键A. 氢键被破坏B.肽键断裂C.离子键被破坏D.疏水键被破坏8.蛋白质的一级结构是指:()A.蛋白质氨基酸的种类和数目B.蛋白质分子中多肽链的折叠和盘绕C.蛋白质中氨基酸的排列顺序D.包括A、B和C9.哪一种情况可用增加[S]的方法减轻抑制程度:()A.不可逆抑制作用B.非竞争性可逆抑制作用C.竞争性可逆抑制作用D.反竞争性可逆抑制作用10.下列辅酶中的哪个不是来自于维生素:()A.CoA B.CoQ11.竞争性抑制剂动力学特点是:()A.Vmax变大B.Vmax变小C.Vmax不变E.Km不变12.下列哪种物质含有高能键:()A. 3-磷酸甘油酸B. 1,3-二磷酸甘油酸C. 2-磷酸甘油酸D. 3-磷酸甘油醛13.下列关于化学渗透学说的叙述哪一条是不对的:()A.呼吸链各组分按特定的位置排列在线粒体内膜上。

大庆师范学院2015—2016学年第一学期《大学英语》期末考试缓考答案及评分标准(艺体) 第 1 页( 共 1 页) 系(院): 专业: 班级: 姓名: 学号: --------院: 专业: 班级: 姓名: 学号: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------装-----------------------------订---------------------------线---------------------------------- 大庆师范学院2014级非外语专业 《大学英语》期末缓考考试答案及评分标准(艺体) Part I Writing (10 points) 本题为作文,以笔答的形式出题。
范文: Cheating on Exam With the development of the society, people pay more and more attention to education. As a result, thousands of students take part in various examinations. However, some students have been found cheating on their exams. Some of them copy from each others, some took out their textbooks or reference books to copy, some copied from small pieces of paper on which they had prepared for the exam, still some used the modern communication tools such as BP, mobile phone as a way to cheat on exams. Then, what’s the effect of cheating on exam? There are three factors for this. First, it results in an unfair competition and will destroy the creativity of those bright students. Second, it will ruin the students’ self -confidence in the long run. Third, under that kind of circumstances, the students graduated from the schools will not be the one who can meet the need of the society. However, how to stop cheating on exam? In my opinion, there are two ways we can adopt. First, a severe punishment should be put into effect to prevent students from cheating. Second, great effort should be made to make students understand what kind of person the society needs and try to improve their self-confidence. Part II Listening Comprehension(35 points) 本题为听力理解,共三部分。

3. 试题满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
4. 全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。
1. What time is it now?A.9:30.B.10:10.C.10:00.2. What does the man mean?A. He quite agreed with the woman.B. He enjoyed the lecture the whole time.C. The lecture was more than one hour long.3. Where does the conversation take place?A. In the food store.B. At the station.C. At the table.4. What would the woman like to do?A. Go to a movie.B. Stay at home and watch TV.C. Try the new Chinese restaurant.5. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. In a hotel.B. In the street.C. In a public house.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。

2015—2016学年度第一学期期末考试试题第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
1. Where will Judy go first?To her home.B. To the gym.C. To the library.What time does the next bus leave for Jinci Park?A. At 9:30B. At 10:00C. At 10:303. How much did Ann pay for the new sofa?A. 100 dollars.B. 150 dollars.C. 200 dollars.4. Where is the boy stealing crops?A. On a real farm.B. In a vegetable shop.C. On an o nline farm.5. What will they do together?A. Have a meeting.B. Take a trip.C. Drink somecoffee.第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
6. What does the woman care about?The working time. B. Having more free time. C. The pa y.7. What job is the woman probably going to do?A doctor. B. An engineer. C. A teacher.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。
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四川XX职业学院2015—2016学年第一学期期末考试建筑工程系13 级造价、建技、建管专业建筑工程监理概论试卷 B 卷考试形式:闭卷答题时间:90 分钟II卷总分题号四五六七八核分人题分复查人得分说明:1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。
第Ⅰ卷(共50 分)注意事项:1、每小题选出答案后,必须用2B铅笔把机读卡上对应题目答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,在试题卷上作答无效。
一、名词解释(共 3 小题,每小题 5 分,共 15 分)。
二、单项选择题(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分)。
1. 《建设工程质量管理条例》规定,实行监理的建设工程,建设单位应当委托具有( D )的工程监理单位进行监理。
A.较高管理能力B.相应管理条件C.整体实力雄厚D.相应资质等级2. 对主要技术方案作多种可能方案的技术可行性分析,对各种技术数据进行审核.比较,通过科学试验确定新材料.新工艺.新方法等工作属于目标控制综合措施中( B )的范畴。
A.组织措施 B.技术措施 C.经济措施 D.合同措施3. 建设工程监理组织协调方法中,最具有合同效力的是( B )。
A. 访问协调法B. 书面协调法C. 情况介绍法D. 交谈协调法4. 工程施工索赔是( A )。
A.施工合同发包人与承包人之间的双向索赔权利 B.施工索赔仅指承包人向发包人提出索赔要求C.一方违约时,虽然未给对方造成损失的,守约方也有权提出索赔D.施工索赔时,承包人不得提出利润索赔5. 工程承包合同履行中,变更价款的确定方法是( A )。
A.合同中已有适用变更工程的价格,按照合同已有的价格计处,变更合同价款B.合同中已有类似的变更工程的价格,也按照此价格变更价格C.合同中没有适用或类似的变更工程价格,由发包人提出确定的价格D.合同中没有适用或类似的变更工程价格,由承包人提出确定的价格6. 监理工程师有权处理的索赔是承包商( A )。
A.依据合同条款提出的索赔B.依据其他法律文书提出的索赔C.提出的道义索赔D.无合法理由延误竣工对业主的违约索赔7. 工程建设监理的中心任务是( D )。
A、三控制、二管理、一协调B、质量控制C、三控制、一管理、一协调D、控制工程项目目标8. 工程建设监理的( A )是监理单位。
A、行为主体B、行为客体C、对象D、责任主体9. 在工程建设中,影响工程质量的主要因素有:人、材料、机械、方法和环境五个方面,其中对工程质量影响最主要的因素是( A )A.人 B.材料 C.机械 D.方法10. 从项目建议书开始到竣工投产的承包方式称( A )。
A.全过程承包B.施工总承包C.设计总承包D.联合承包11. 下列那种措施不是发包人承担违约责任的方式( C )A.赔偿损失 B.支付违约金 C.采取补救措施 D.继续履行12. 建设工程风险评价的主要作用在于确定( C )。
A.风险损失值的大小B.风险发生的概率C.风险的相对严重性D.风险的绝对严重性13. 法律规定,招标人在评标、定标过程中( B )。
A. 招标人应根据评标委员会推荐的中标人名单中确定中标人B.招标人应根据评标委员会推荐的中标候选人确定中标人C. 招标人不得授权评标委员会直接确定中标人 D.评标委员会有权直接确定中标人14. 监理工程师在处理索赔问题时,做法不当的一项( D )A.在承包商提出索赔意向通知后,监理工程师有权检查承包商的当时记录B.对承包商的索赔报告进行审查分析,有权反驳承包商不合理的索赔要求C.在监理工程师与承包商索赔问题达不成一致时,工程师可以单方面作出处理决定D.对合理的索赔要求,工程师必须和业主商议后才可纳入工程进度支付款15. 采用《建设工程施工合同(示范文本)》应当由( A )投保建筑工程一切险。
A.发包人B.工程师C.承包人D.项目经理1. 法人应具备的条件有( ABCD )A.依法成立B.有必要的财产和经费C.有自己的名称、组织机构和场所D 能独立承担民事责任2. 总监理工程师应承担的职责有( ABE )等。
A. 审查承包单位的竣工申请B. 参与工程项目的竣工验收C. 主持分项工程验收及隐蔽工程验收D. 根据监理工作实际情况记录监理日记E. 主持整理工程项目的监理资料3. 监理工程师对工程索赔的影响体现在( ABCD )A.工程师受业主委托进行工程项目管理B.工程师有处理索赔问题的权利C.作为索赔争议的调解人 D.在争执的仲裁过程中作为见证人E.在诉讼过程中作为甲方的合伙人4. 对下列原因,承包商可提出费用索赔是(ABCD)。
A.特殊气候条件 B.工程变更C.物价上涨 D.非承包商原因引起的工程延期 E.工程延误5. 我国《担保法》规定的担保方式有( ABCDE )A.保证 B.抵押 C.质押 D.留置 E.定金6. 建设工程监理规划的作用有( ABDE )。
A.指导工程监理企业的项目监理机构全面开展监理工作B.是工程监理企业重要的存档资料C.指导建设工程的设计、施工活动有序开展D.是业主确认工程监理企业履行监理合同的主要依据E.是建设工程监理主管机构对监理单位监督管理的依据7. 下面所列条款中,可作为监理工程师在施工阶段对工程质量控制的手段有( ABCE )。
A.现场监督检查 B. 利用支付手段 C. 发布监理工程师指令D.审核承包单位和分包单位的资质 E.审核有关的技术文件、报告和报表8. 监理组织结构中一般有(ACE )等几个层次。
A.决策层B.经营管理层 C.协调层和执行层D.实施层E.操作层9. 建设工程投资控制的几个阶段分别是( ABCDE)。
A.投资决策阶段 B.设计阶段 C.建设项目发包阶段 D.施工阶段 E.竣工验收阶段10. 监理工程师职业道德守则中包括( BCDE)等内容。
A.可以同时在两个或两个以上监理单位注册和从事监理活动B.坚持独立自主地开展工作C.不以个人名义承揽监理业务D.不收受被监理单位的任何礼金E.努力学习专业技术和建设监理知识,不断提高业务能力和监理水平第Ⅱ卷(共50 分)注意事项:阅卷人得分四、简答题共 2 小题,每小题 5分,共 10 分1.承包人提供质量保证金的方式质量保证金保函相应比例的工程款约定的其他方式2.按索赔根据划分的种类合同规定的索赔非合同规定的索赔阅卷人得分五、案例分析题(共 2 小题,每小题 20 分,共 40 分)。