英国留学排名 2017年Usnews世界大学排名
它是由美国新闻与世界报道(U.S.NEWS&World Report)发布的一项大学排名。
Usnews的排名有三种,分为美国大学本科排名、美国大学研究生院排名和世界大学排名,本科称为Best Colleges,研究生院称为Best Graduate Schools,世界大学排名称为Best Global Universities。
2017qs英国大学排名情况出国留学选校一直是留学生们比较关注的问题之一,QS 2016/2017 世界大学排名公布,前十学校被英美包揽,占9席。
下面和店铺一起看看详细的qs英国大学排名吧!qs英国大学排名榜QS世界大学综合排名运用6方面的指数衡量世界大学* 学术领域的同行评价(Academic reputation ),占40%* 雇主声誉(Employer reputation),占10%* 教师/学生比例(Student-to-faculty ratio),占20%* 单位教职的论文引用数(Citations per faculty),占20%* 国际学生比例(International Student Ratio),占5%* 国际教师比例(International Faculty Ratio),占5%qs大学排名分析qs大学排名3%,指的是某学科的学术指标在全球占全球高校的前3%。
QS世界大学排名,是由教育组织Quacquarelli Symonds所发表的年度世界大学排名。
QS世界大学排名(QS World University Rankings)是历史第二悠久的全球大学排名。
QS世界...评价: QS世界大学排名(英文:QS World University Rankings),是由教育组织Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)所发表的年度世界大学排名。
另外,QS还推出了独立的地区性排名,即《QS亚洲大学排名》、《QS拉丁...QS的意思是国际高等教育资讯机构Quacquarelli Symonds。
QS世界大学排名(英文:QS World University Rankings),是由教育组织Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)所发表的年度世界大学排名。
【2017年英国大学综合排名】 2017年英国大学排名榜
【2017年英国大学综合排名】2017年英国大学排名榜能够去到外国上大学是一件光荣的事情,那么2017年英国大学综合排名有哪些?以下是小编分享给大家的2017年英国大学综合排名的资料,希望可以帮到你!2017年英国大学综合排名剑桥大学| University of Cambridge牛津大学| University of Oxford圣安德鲁斯大学| University of St Andrews杜伦大学| Durham University帝国理工学院| Imperial College London2017年英国大学文科专业排名英国大学Communication and Media Studies(传播学及媒体研究)专业排名英国大学Classics and Ancient History(古典文学与古代史)专业排名英国大学Celtic Studies(凯尔特研究)专业排名英国大学Archaeology(考古学)专业排名英国大学Anthropology(人类学)专业排名英国大学American Studies(美洲研究)专业排名英国大学German(德语)专业排名英国大学Theology and Religious Studies(神学和宗教研究)专业排名英国大学Sociology(社会学)专业排名英国大学Social Work(社会工作)专业排名英国大学Social Policy(社会政策)专业排名英国大学Russian(俄语)专业排名英国大学Politics(政治)专业排名英国大学Philosophy(哲学)专业排名英国大学Middle Eastern and African Studies(中东和非洲研究)专业排名英国大学Linguistics(语言学)专业排名英国大学Law(法律)专业排名英国大学Italian(意大利语)专业排名英国大学Iberian Languages(伊比利亚语)专业排名英国大学History(历史)专业排名英国大学French(法语)专业排名英国大学Education(教育)专业排名英国大学Economics(经济学)专业排名英国大学East and South Asian Studies(东亚和南亚研究)专业排名英国大学English(英语)专业排名英国大学Creative Writing(创意写作)专业排名2017年英国大学商科专业排名英国大学Business Studies(商科)专业排名英国大学Accounting and Finance(会计和金融)专业排名英国大学Librarianship and Information Management(图书馆和信息管理)专业排名英国大学Land and Property Management(土地及物业管理)专业排名英国大学Hospitality, Leisure, Recreation and Tourism(体育旅游)专业排名2017年英国大学理科专业排名英国大学Biological-sciences(生物科学)专业排名英国大学Chemistry(化学)专业排名英国大学Agriculture and Forestry(农业与林业学)专业排名英国大学Sports Science(运动科学)专业排名英国大学Psychology(心理学)专业排名英国大学Physics and Astronomy(物理和天文)专业排名英国大学Mathematics(数学)专业排名英国大学Town and Country Planning and Landscape(城市与景观规划)专业排名英国大学Geology(地质学)专业排名英国大学Geography and Environmental Sciences(地理和环境科学)专业排名英国大学Food Science(营养学)专业排名英国大学Animal Science(动物科学)专业排名2017年英国大学工科专业排名英国大学Civil Engineering(土木工程)专业排名英国大学Chemical Engineering(化学工程)专业排名英国大学Building(建造学)专业排名英国大学Architecture(建筑学)专业排名英国大学Aeronautical and Manufacturing(航空和制造工程学)专业排名英国大学Mechanical Engineering(机械工程)专业排名英国大学Materials Technology(材料技术)专业排名英国大学General Engineering(一般工程)专业排名英国大学Electrical and Electronic Engineering(电子电气工程)专业排名英国大学Computer Science(计算机科学)专业排名2017年英国大学艺术专业排名英国大学Art and Design(艺术)专业排名英国大学Music(音乐)专业排名英国大学Drama, Dance and Cinematics(戏剧和舞蹈)专业排名英国大学History of Art, Architecture and Design(建筑与设计学)专业排名2017年英国大学医学专业排名英国大学Anatomy and Physiology(解剖与生理学)专业排名英国大学Veterinary Medicine(兽医)专业排名英国大学Pharmacology and Pharmacy(药理学和药剂)专业排名英国大学Other Subjects Allied to Medicine(医学相关学科)专业排名英国大学Nursing(护理)专业排名英国大学Medicine(医学)专业排名英国大学Dentistry(牙科)专业排名英国大学Radiography(影像学)专业排名英国大学physiotherapy(物理治疗学)专业排名感谢您的阅读!。
10. Loughborough University 拉夫堡大学2017年拉夫堡大学在CUG排行榜10榜单中位居第7,今年下降3个名次,排名第10。
但这并不能掩盖学校在学生满意度(Student Satisfication)方面的极高得分,在Facilities Spend(设施支出)方面更是在10 榜单里位居第1。
9. Lancaster University 兰卡斯特大学话说兰卡斯特大学的排名算是榜单上最稳定的了,今年已经是兰卡连续3年名列第9,虽然排名没变,但是学校综合得分却一直在稳步上升。
8. University of Warwick 华威大学和去年一年,华威大学排名没变,但是却重新回到了英国中部地区大学的霸主地位,并且在专业排名方面也有不俗表现,包含创意写作在内的23个专业也位居英国大学10。
7. University College London 伦敦大学学院UCL是今年榜单中排名上升最快的一个大学(去年0),虽然Student Satisfaction得分几乎处于榜单垫底的位置,但在师生比例方面排名第2 ,仅次于牛津。
6. Durham University 杜伦大学杜伦大学和牛津、剑桥一样,是一所学院制大学,学校里有世界上最古老的建筑之一——杜伦城堡,杜伦城堡现在已经是本科生众多公寓之一。
5. Imperial College London 伦敦帝国理工学院作为精于研究的世界大牛学府,帝国理工学院有世界上的大脑银行,是世界上一个专业从事帕金森病研究的大脑银行。
英国留学名校TOP101.剑桥大学University of Cambridge——“世界顶级研究型书院”学院地址:英国英格兰剑桥郡录取率:21%雅思分数要求:7.5年平均学费:£18000年平均生活费:£8000-£10000类别:公立知名校友:牛顿、达尔文、罗素、霍金、拜伦、查尔斯王子、金庸、徐志摩等简介:剑桥大学(University of Cambridge)成立于1209年,位于伦敦北面50里以外的剑桥镇。
这个小镇有一条河流穿过,称为“剑河”(River Cam,也译作“康河”)。
2.牛津大学University of Oxford——“对卓越有绝对的追求”学院地址:英国牛津郡录取率:17%雅思分数要求:7.5年平均学费:£21545年平均生活费:£9975类别:公立知名校友:雪莱、霍金、王尔德、培根、边沁、克林顿等这是一个产生了至少8个国家12位国王,6位英国国王,47位诺贝尔奖获得者的顶尖高等教育机构。
University of Oxford,简称:Oxon,建校于1167年,其在数学、物理、医学、法学、商学等多个领域拥有崇高的学术地位及广泛的影响力。
3.圣安德鲁斯大学University of St Andrews——“高尔夫球发源地”学院地址:英国苏格兰法夫圣安德鲁斯录取率:14%雅思分数要求:7年平均学费:£16500年平均生活费:£7000类别:公立知名校友:威廉王子、詹姆斯二世、凯特王妃圣安德鲁斯大学创立于公元1410年,是苏格兰最古老的大学,也是英国的第三所大学,其悠久的历史仅次于牛津及剑桥大学。
2017 TIMES英国大学综合排名TOP128!
2017 TIMES英国大学综合排名TOP128!2017最受中国留学生关注的TIMES英国大学综合排名出炉了,有128所英国大学上榜了。
该排名的各项依据所占分值也已经给大家列出来了,和海翔商科留学一起来看吧!2017 排名学校名称学生满意度研究质量预科分数毕业前景一等学/2:1学位完成率师生比例服务/设施支出总计1 剑桥大学85.5 57.3 600 88.3 91 98.5 11 3446 10002 牛津大学86.5 53.1 577 84.3 92.4 97.7 10.5 3130 9683 圣安德鲁斯大学91 40.4 524 83.3 90.7 95.5 11.6 2671 9294 杜伦大学86.4 39 526 83.3 89.4 95.6 14.7 2683 8575 帝国理工大学83.2 56.2 567 90.5 86.5 96.4 11.1 3170 8406 伦敦大学学院81.9 51 506 87.2 89 95.7 10.2 2727 8387 华威大学84.4 44.6 490 80.4 82.7 94.9 12.5 2727 8138 伦敦政治经济学院73.1 52.8 540 84.6 86.6 97.6 11.6 2858 8089 兰卡斯特大学87.8 39.1 421 82.5 76.8 92.8 13.4 2827 807 9 埃克赛特大学87.9 38 471 80.2 84.8 96 15.8 2537 80711 拉夫堡大学87.9 36.3 411 85.3 81.7 94.9 14.6 2582 79312 巴斯大学85.1 37.3 481 85.4 84.5 96.3 15.5 2210 78613 利兹大学87.8 36.8 436 81.4 83.3 93.5 13.5 2604 78014 萨里大学87.3 29.7 424 81.1 80.7 91.6 13.9 2697 77415 东英格利亚大学87.4 35.8 423 74.2 83.4 92.2 13.2 2653 76916 伯明翰大学84.4 37.1 429 85.3 86.1 94.8 14 2531 76117 约克大学87.5 38.3 431 77 80.5 93.3 14.5 2144 75818 萨塞克斯大学86 31.8 375 86.2 79.1 91.1 15.3 2722 74419 布里斯托大学84 47.3 479 79 87.9 95 13.8 2032 74120 诺丁汉大学86 37.8 425 82.7 80.5 93.7 13.2 2180 73821 南安普顿大学84.7 44.9 417 76.9 80.1 91.7 12 2,268 73422 纽卡斯尔大学87.8 37.7 432 82.6 81.3 94.9 15.5 1,894 72823 肯特大学85.9 35.2 361 80.6 80.1 91.6 12.7 1,666 72324 谢菲尔德大学86.7 37.6 420 81.3 79.5 94.4 14.6 2,142 71625 莱斯特大学85.8 31.8 390 75.3 77.2 91.8 12.9 2,742 713贝尔法斯特女王大2688.7 39.7 388 80.3 78.3 92.6 15.1 2,151 710学27 伦敦大学国王学院80.3 44 464 88 83.4 94 11.7 2,127 70928 邓迪大学88.8 31.2 413 80.9 77.8 86.4 12.6 1,705 70629 格拉斯哥大学85.6 39.9 478 81.8 79.3 88.4 14.5 2,292 70430 埃塞克斯大学87.2 37.2 313 73.4 74.3 88.3 16.5 2,945 70131 雷丁大学84.8 36.5 372 73.6 80.6 92.2 14.7 2,175 69632 曼彻斯特大学83.4 39.8 439 82.2 76.2 92.9 13.4 2,283 69433 阿斯顿大学86.8 25.8 365 82.3 86.2 93.7 19 2,177 69334 皇家霍洛威大学83.9 36.3 400 69.3 75.6 93.8 15.3 1,941 68835 伦敦大学亚非学院83.1 27.9 410 70.8 79.9 84.3 11.1 2,206 68736 哈博亚当斯大学89.8 5.7 342 72.8 63.2 88.6 15.4 2,877 68137 赫瑞瓦特大学79.6 43.8 487 73 84.5 91.3 12 2,067 676 37 爱丁堡大学79.6 43.8 487 73 84.5 91.3 12 2,067 67639 利物浦大学84.4 31.5 395 76.9 75.8 91.9 11.8 2,237 67240 伦敦玛丽女王大学80.7 37.9 417 79.8 74.3 90.5 11.9 2,512 66541 白金汉大学91.5 n/a 319 71.4 54.7 85.1 9.6 2,008 66142 基尔大学90.4 22.1 352 79.5 67.2 89.1 13.2 1,740 65743 斯特林大学83.7 30.5 377 77.5 83.7 86.1 14.9 1,811 65644 斯旺西大学84.6 33.7 326 80.5 76.1 90.1 14.7 2,055 653 44 阿伯丁大学84.4 29.9 443 78.5 77.9 84.3 13.5 2,300 65346 卡迪夫大学84.8 35 405 73.9 76 92.6 13.7 1,938 64247 考文垂大学89.8 3.8 317 79.9 70.1 84.4 14.6 2,116 639斯特拉斯克莱德大4884.7 37.7 476 77.2 77.8 87.2 19.4 1,846 629学49 利物浦霍顿大学89.6 9.2 305 78 66.2 79.6 16.2 1,856 62250 伦敦城市大学84.3 21.4 375 82.6 71.8 85.4 16.6 2,469 62051 林肯大学88.5 10.3 340 71.9 67.7 89.3 15.7 1,755 61952 法尔茅斯大学83.7 4.6 318 79.3 74.8 88.6 18.9 1,434 59353 创意艺术大学83.5 3.4 321 53.6 63.4 84.9 12.1 2,647 59154 布鲁内尔大学83.2 25.4 349 71.2 72.2 87.4 15.7 1,979 58854 金史密斯大学76.8 33.4 358 59.8 80.6 84 13.8 1,895 58856 亚伯大学87 28.1 299 68.2 66.9 88.6 19.1 1,694 58357 诺丁汉特伦特大学85.7 6.5 306 73.1 71.4 85.8 16.7 1,891 58058 边山大学86 4.9 328 71.5 69.8 84.6 14.8 1,968 57959 朴茨茅斯大学85.4 8.6 323 72 71.2 85.8 15.4 1,952 57560 西英格兰大学86.2 8.8 324 76.4 73.3 82.9 18.5 2,118 56561 班戈大学86.4 27.2 344 66.3 64.2 82.3 16.9 1,528 55762 波恩茅斯大学82.1 9 322 71.6 77.9 85.5 17.3 2,112 55563 英国皇家农学院83.9 1.1 303 74.7 62.2 93.8 20.8 2,811 55164 伯恩茅斯艺术学院81.2 2.4 324 73.9 62.2 91.5 14.9 1,214 5461 剑桥大学85.5 57.3 600 88.3 91 98.5 11 3446 10002 牛津大学86.5 53.1 577 84.3 92.4 97.7 10.5 3130 9683 圣安德鲁斯大学91 40.4 524 83.3 90.7 95.5 11.6 2671 9294 杜伦大学86.4 39 526 83.3 89.4 95.6 14.7 2683 8575 帝国理工大学83.2 56.2 567 90.5 86.5 96.4 11.1 3170 8406 伦敦大学学院81.9 51 506 87.2 89 95.7 10.2 2727 8387 华威大学84.4 44.6 490 80.4 82.7 94.9 12.5 2727 8138 伦敦政治经济学院73.1 52.8 540 84.6 86.6 97.6 11.6 2858 8089 兰卡斯特大学87.8 39.1 421 82.5 76.8 92.8 13.4 2827 807 9 埃克赛特大学87.9 38 471 80.2 84.8 96 15.8 2537 807 11 拉夫堡大学87.9 36.3 411 85.3 81.7 94.9 14.6 2582 79312 巴斯大学85.1 37.3 481 85.4 84.5 96.3 15.5 2210 78613 利兹大学87.8 36.8 436 81.4 83.3 93.5 13.5 2604 78014 萨里大学87.3 29.7 424 81.1 80.7 91.6 13.9 2697 77415 东英格利亚大学87.4 35.8 423 74.2 83.4 92.2 13.2 2653 76916 伯明翰大学84.4 37.1 429 85.3 86.1 94.8 14 2531 76117 约克大学87.5 38.3 431 77 80.5 93.3 14.5 2144 75818 萨塞克斯大学86 31.8 375 86.2 79.1 91.1 15.3 2722 74419 布里斯托大学84 47.3 479 79 87.9 95 13.8 2032 74120 诺丁汉大学86 37.8 425 82.7 80.5 93.7 13.2 2180 73821 南安普顿大学84.7 44.9 417 76.9 80.1 91.7 12 2,268 73422 纽卡斯尔大学87.8 37.7 432 82.6 81.3 94.9 15.5 1,894 72823 肯特大学85.9 35.2 361 80.6 80.1 91.6 12.7 1,666 72324 谢菲尔德大学86.7 37.6 420 81.3 79.5 94.4 14.6 2,142 71625 莱斯特大学85.8 31.8 390 75.3 77.2 91.8 12.9 2,742 713贝尔法斯特女王大88.7 39.7 388 80.3 78.3 92.6 15.1 2,151 710 26学27 伦敦大学国王学院80.3 44 464 88 83.4 94 11.7 2,127 70928 邓迪大学88.8 31.2 413 80.9 77.8 86.4 12.6 1,705 70629 格拉斯哥大学85.6 39.9 478 81.8 79.3 88.4 14.5 2,292 70430 埃塞克斯大学87.2 37.2 313 73.4 74.3 88.3 16.5 2,945 70131 雷丁大学84.8 36.5 372 73.6 80.6 92.2 14.7 2,175 69632 曼彻斯特大学83.4 39.8 439 82.2 76.2 92.9 13.4 2,283 69433 阿斯顿大学86.8 25.8 365 82.3 86.2 93.7 19 2,177 69334 皇家霍洛威大学83.9 36.3 400 69.3 75.6 93.8 15.3 1,941 68835 伦敦大学亚非学院83.1 27.9 410 70.8 79.9 84.3 11.1 2,206 68736 哈博亚当斯大学89.8 5.7 342 72.8 63.2 88.6 15.4 2,877 68137 赫瑞瓦特大学79.6 43.8 487 73 84.5 91.3 12 2,067 676 37 爱丁堡大学79.6 43.8 487 73 84.5 91.3 12 2,067 67639 利物浦大学84.4 31.5 395 76.9 75.8 91.9 11.8 2,237 67240 伦敦玛丽女王大学80.7 37.9 417 79.8 74.3 90.5 11.9 2,512 66541 白金汉大学91.5 n/a 319 71.4 54.7 85.1 9.6 2,008 66142 基尔大学90.4 22.1 352 79.5 67.2 89.1 13.2 1,740 65743 斯特林大学83.7 30.5 377 77.5 83.7 86.1 14.9 1,811 65644 斯旺西大学84.6 33.7 326 80.5 76.1 90.1 14.7 2,055 653 44 阿伯丁大学84.4 29.9 443 78.5 77.9 84.3 13.5 2,300 65346 卡迪夫大学84.8 35 405 73.9 76 92.6 13.7 1,938 64247 考文垂大学89.8 3.8 317 79.9 70.1 84.4 14.6 2,116 639斯特拉斯克莱德大4884.7 37.7 476 77.2 77.8 87.2 19.4 1,846 629学49 利物浦霍顿大学89.6 9.2 305 78 66.2 79.6 16.2 1,856 62250 伦敦城市大学84.3 21.4 375 82.6 71.8 85.4 16.6 2,469 62051 林肯大学88.5 10.3 340 71.9 67.7 89.3 15.7 1,755 61952 法尔茅斯大学83.7 4.6 318 79.3 74.8 88.6 18.9 1,434 59353 创意艺术大学83.5 3.4 321 53.6 63.4 84.9 12.1 2,647 59154 布鲁内尔大学83.2 25.4 349 71.2 72.2 87.4 15.7 1,979 588 54 金史密斯大学76.8 33.4 358 59.8 80.6 84 13.8 1,895 58856 亚伯大学87 28.1 299 68.2 66.9 88.6 19.1 1,694 58357 诺丁汉特伦特大学85.7 6.5 306 73.1 71.4 85.8 16.7 1,891 58058 边山大学86 4.9 328 71.5 69.8 84.6 14.8 1,968 57959 朴茨茅斯大学85.4 8.6 323 72 71.2 85.8 15.4 1,952 57560 西英格兰大学86.2 8.8 324 76.4 73.3 82.9 18.5 2,118 56561 班戈大学86.4 27.2 344 66.3 64.2 82.3 16.9 1,528 557。
杭州留学 英国大学卫报排名2017
Huddersfield 哈德斯菲尔德大学
Liverpool Hope利物浦霍普大学
Liverpool John Moores利物浦约翰摩尔大学
Royal Holloway皇家霍洛威大学
Queen's, Belfast贝尔达斯特女王大学
Northumbria 诺森比亚大学
Glasgow Caledonian格拉斯哥喀里多尼亚大学
Southampton Solent南安普顿索伦特大学
Satisfied with course:学生针对课程的满意度
Satisfied with teaching:学生对教学质量的满意度
Bradford 布拉德福德大学
Nottingham Trent诺丁汉特伦特大学
2017英国综合大学排名1剑桥大学University of Cambridge2牛津大学University of Oxford3伦敦政治经济学院LSE, The London School of Economics and Political Science4伦敦帝国理工学院Imperial College London5杜伦大学Durham University6圣安德鲁斯大学St Andrews University7伦敦大学学院UCL, University College London8华威大学University of Warwick9巴斯大学University of Bath10埃克塞特大学University of Exeter11兰卡斯特大学Lancaster University12约克大学University of York13萨里大学University of Surrey14拉夫堡大学Loughborough University15布里斯托大学University of Bristol16莱斯特大学University of Leicester17伯明翰大学University of Birmingham18爱丁堡大学University of Edinburgh19伦敦大学国王学院King‘s College London20东安格利亚大学University of East Anglia21南安普敦大学University of Southampton22纽卡斯尔大学Newcastle University23格拉斯哥大学Glasgow University24诺丁汉大学University of Nottingham25曼切斯特大学University of Manchester26谢菲尔德大学University of Sheffield27阿斯顿大学Aston University28肯特大学University of Kent29贝尔法斯特皇后大学Queen's University Belfast30伦敦大学皇家霍洛维学院Royal Holloway, University of London31苏塞克斯大学University of Sussex32利兹大学University of Leeds33伦敦大学亚非学院SOAS, University of London34伦敦大学圣乔治学院St George's, University of Loondon 35卡迪夫大学Cardiff University36伦敦大学玛丽女王学院Queen Mary, University of London 37雷丁大学University of Reading38利物浦大学University of Liverpool39埃塞克斯大学University of Essex40赫瑞-瓦特大学Heriot-Watt University41斯凯莱德大学University of Strathclyde42城市大学City University London43阿伯丁大学Aberdeen University44布鲁内尔大学Brunel University45基尔大学Keele University46牛津布鲁克斯大学Oxford Brookes University47邓迪大学University of Dundee48斯旺西大学Swansea University49斯特灵大学University of Stirling50伦敦大学金史密斯学院Goldsmiths, University of London 51皇家农学院( Royal Agricultural College)。
继QS 世界大学排名公布之后,2017TIMES英国大学排名已经出炉,今天店铺店铺就带大家看看2017TIMES英国大学排名。
在这次TIMES发布的英国大学综合排名( The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2017)榜中,一共有128所英国大学上榜。
UEA上升了3位,跻身TOP 15。
伦敦大学金史密斯学院(Goldsmiths, University of London),又译金匠学院,是以金匠工艺和娱乐学院(Goldsmiths‘ Technical and Recreative Institute)之名于1891年成立,后于1904年并入伦敦大学,更名为伦敦大学金匠学院(Goldsmiths, University of London)。
立思辰留学360介绍,关于排名,根据来自英国教育部门的权威排名,2015年英国Research Excellence Framework (REF 2015,前RAE排名),Goldsmiths传播与媒体综合排名全英第三名,传播与媒体学院的研究影响力(research intensity)位列全英第一。
在2015QS世界大学学科排名中,Goldsmiths的艺术设计(Art and Design)排名全球第12,全英第4;传播与媒体(communication and media studies)排名全球第22,全英第2,其中“学术声誉”排名全球第3;社会学(Sociology)排名全球第45。
最新2016QS世界大学学科排名中,Goldsmiths的艺术设计(Art and Design)排名全球第11,全英第3;传播与媒体(communication and media studies)排名全球第27,全英第2,其中“学术声誉”排名全球第2;社会学(Sociology)排名全球第35;人类学(Anthropology)排名全球第36。
学校排名专业排名2015年TIMES英国大学专业排名,优势专业Anthropology,人类学第16名Art and Design,艺术与设计第8名Communication and Media Studies,通信和媒体研究第17名Computer Science,计算机科学第48名Drama, Dance and Cinematics,戏剧,舞蹈和电影制片学第34名Education,教育学第60名English,英语第63名History of Art,Architecture and Design,艺术、建筑和设计史第22名History,历史第63名Music,音乐第24名Politics,政治学第63名Psychology,心理学第52名Social Work,社会工作第44名Socieology,社会学第33名英国排名泰晤士报(TIMES)英国大学排名2016 20152014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 200266 5648 48 50 52 45 46 52 45 54 59 62 53 63世界排名2013 QS世界大学排名:第461-470位。
2017,2018最新英国大学排名The UK boasts 76 positions in the QS World University Rankings® 2018, including five new entries this year. Four UK universities feature in the global top 10, while a further 24 have achieved the incredible feat of ranking in the top 200. Perhaps unsurprisingly, both halves of Oxbridge and several London-based institutions feature in the UK top 10, but there’s a much broader range of universities and locations further down the table.Despite uncertainties following the nation’s referendum on EU membership in June 2016, UK universities are united in their efforts to continuing welcoming students from across the EU and the entire world. Indeed, the country is home to many of the world’s most internationally diverse campuses and communities – and this, for many, is a large part of the appeal of studying in the UK.The University of Cambridge is currently ranked fifth in the world, while the University of Oxford is sixth, followed by UCL (University College London) at seventh and Imperial College London in eighth place.King's College London (KCL) and the University of Edinburgh are also in the global top 25 (sharing 23rd place), while the University of Manchester and London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) are within the top 40. A total of 16 UK universities appear in the top 100, and another 12 make the top 200. A shortage of exciting options will not be an issue if you’re looking to study in the UK.The UK has a centralized university admissions service which handles all undergraduate applications –the University andCollege Admissions Service (UCAS). This is used by both domestic and international students to apply for courses at universities in the UK. You’l l need to register on the UCAS website before completing and submitting your application. The website provides all the details on how to apply, what to include, how to track your application and how to respond to your chosen universities. It also has a guide for international students, including information about visas, student finance and more.Once you’ve submitted your application, UCAS will send it to the institutions you’ve chosen, and then email or mail you back their response. If you’re accepted by an institution, you’ll get an ‘offer’. This can take the form of a ‘conditional offer’ which means the place is yours if you can fulfil the specified admissions criteria, or an ‘unconditional offer’ which means you’ve already reached their criteria. If you’re unlucky, you’ll receive either a ‘withdrawn application’ response, which means either you or the university has withdrawn your course choice, or an ‘unsuccessful application’ response, which means the university has decided not to offer you a place. You might be able to add another choice if you've received decisions from all five universities or colleges and were not accepted, or if you declined the offers you received.For schools, English language centers, most further education courses and some postgraduate courses, there is no centralized application system, so you’ll need to apply directly to the institution providing the course. You can usually find application forms on the website.The level of UK tuition fees varies depending on your home country. EU students are charged the same as students from within the UK, while those from outside the EU typically facehigher fees. Maximum undergraduate tuition fees at public universities in the UK also vary depending on the region: in England, universities c an charge up to £9,250 (~US$11,330) per year, and in Wales up to £9,000 (~US$11,020). Scotland does not charge tuition fees at undergraduate level for domestic or EU students (except those from the other three parts of the UK, who will pay up to £9,000 a y ear). In Northern Ireland, Northern Irish students and those from EU countries pay up to £3,925 (~US$4,800) per year, while students from the other parts of the UK will pay up to £9,250.International students from outside the EU can expect significantly h igher tuition fees, varying between about £7,000 (~US$8,580) and £35,000 (~US$42,900) per year depending on the course. At postgraduate level, there’s no set maximum amount, and for all students (UK/EU/international), tuition fees tend to be higher than at undergraduate level. Again, this varies depending on the degree and university.The result of the UK’s referendum on membership of the European Union (dubbed ‘Brexit’) has led to some uncertainty about whether EU citizens studying in the UK will have to pay higher fees after the UK officially leaves the EU. However, many universities have pledged to keep tuition fees at the same rate for current EU students for the duration of their studies. The UK government has also stated that there will be no immediate change to visa policies, and that EU students are still eligible for the same loans and grants.You’ll need at least £12,000 a year to cover living costs in the UK (~US$14,720) and will need to budget more to live in London, where rent and other costs are considerably higher than in the rest of the UK. If applying for a visa, you’ll need to meetthe financial requirements set by the UK Border Agency (UKBA). One way to save money while studying in the UK is to take advantage of the many student discountsoffered by retailers –simply flash your student card to save money!To read this year’s rankings in full, click here.英国在最新发布的2018年QS世界大学排名中总共占据了76个席位,包括5所今年新进入排名的大学。
2017英国伦敦最顶尖的10所大学【2】Students looking for top universities in London will encounter a range of options as vibrant and varied as the city itself. Whether you want a specialist or multidisciplinary institution, central or more suburban surroundings, or the option to combine a flexible study schedule with your career, your chances of finding a good match in the UK capital are high.For a taste of what’s on offer, here’s a look at the top 10 universities in London, based on the QS World University Rankings® 2016-2017.1. University College London (UCL)University College London – known as UCL – maintains its position of 7th in the world this year. UCL is extremely popular with international students, who account for more than a third of its student body. A multidisciplinary institute, it covers a broad spectrum of subjects (this is one of the main points of difference between UCL and Imperial), and has a high percentage of postgraduate students (around 52%). Its faculties and teaching hospitals are all located in the heart of central London, close to the British Library and a cluster of other leading London universities –SOAS and Birkbeck (see below) are both close neighbors. The main Gower Street campus is also just a short walk from the party atmosphere of Soho, London’s entertainment center, and famous shopping district, Oxford Street.2. Imperial College LondonImperial College London is 9th in the world in 2016-2017, down one place on the previous year. This science and technology-focused institution is well-known for its leadership inengineering and natural sciences, as well as having a prestigious business school and one of the UK’s largest medical faculties. As is the case with UCL, Imperial College London has a strong global appeal, reflected in high international student numbers (just under a third of the student body). Its main campus is in South Kensington, not far from the city center. Students will find themselves close to the huge green space of Hyde Park, the monumental Royal Albert Hall, luxury superstore Harrods, and several of the city’s biggest museums.3. King's College LondonKing’s College London is one of the largest and oldest colleges of the University of London collegiate, and is ranked 21st in the world this year. Again, this comprehensive research-led university is a popular choice for international students, who comprise around one in five of the student body, while postgraduates make up nearly 40% of its 27,600 enrolments. It has a particularly good reputation for courses in the humanities, law and the sciences, including health sciences. Claiming to be “the most central university in London”, King’s College London has five London campuses, four of which are fairly close together by the River Thames, near iconic landmarks such as Tower Bridge, the London Eye and Big Ben.4. London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)The UK’s only university specializing in the social sciences, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is ranked joint 37th in the world. It gets an even higher position in many of the individual subject rankings, reflecting its role as a world-leading pioneer in subjects such as international relations, politics, sociology, law and accounting. Another highly international institution, LSE boasts more than 100 languagesspoken on campus. Again, it occupies a location close to the heart of the city –in the Chancery Lane area, historically associated with the legal professions. Just to the north of the river, it’s within walking distance of the British Library, and close to the cultural institutions of Trafalgar Square and the nightlife of the West End (“Theatreland”).5. Queen Mary, University of LondonRanked joint 123rd in the world this year, Queen Mary, University of London (QMUL) offers teaching and research across a wide range of subjects, including medicine and dentistry at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry. Of QMUL’s 21,187 students, of which more tha n 3,000 are completing joint programs overseas in China, Greece and France. The university’s main campus is in Mile End, set along the Regent’s Canal and close to many of the recently regenerated and increasingly trendy parts of the “East End” – including the curry houses of Brick Lane, art galleries of Whitechapel and Hoxton, and hipster-filled bars and music venues of Shoreditch. In August 2015, QMUL announced plans to launch a free business advice scheme for UK start-ups in the financial and technology industries, which is now available as the qLegal scheme.6. Royal Holloway, University of LondonWhile many of the top universities in London are centrally located, some are a little further out. Though still within the London area, Royal Holloway, University of London is actually located in the nearby town of Egham –less than an hour’s train journey from central London. Ranked 235th in the world this year, Royal Holloway is another global university, with 9,265 students, of which over 20% are from outside the EU. It offers courses in a broad range of subjects, being particularly strong in arts andhumanities, and is ranked 14th in the QS performing arts ranking. Perfect for students looking to combine a more suburban experience with the choice of popping into the city for nights out or day trips, Royal Holloway offers one of the most beautiful and historic campuses in the UK.7. School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)Continually improving its global ranking position in recent years, the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) climbed from joint 275th to joint 252nd in 2016-2017. SOAS focuses on the languages, cultures and societies of Asia, Africa and the Near and Middle East – the only institution in Europe specialized in this field. Just over half of its students come from outside the UK, representing 133 countries. Like UCL and Birkbeck, SOAS is in the Bloomsbury area of London, known for its attractive garden squares, history of artistic and intellectual inhabitants (look up “the Bloomsbury Group”), and high concentration of academic resources – including the extensive Senate House Library and the British Library (the UK’s national library). Founded in 1916 as the School of Oriental Studies, SOAS is currently celebrating its centenary with a range of events to mark its achievements over the last 100 years.8. Birkbeck College, University of LondonBirkbeck College, University of London continues to climb in the rankings and is up 10 places this year to rank joint 280th in the world. It is the only university in London that allows students to complete full-length degrees during evening courses, with all the visa and loan privileges of daytime study. Birkbeck is again located in the Bloomsbury area, close to UCL and SOAS and within walking distance of many central London attractions, and it schedules its programs with the aim of allowing students tocomplete a day’s work before attending class. The majority of students study part-time, taking advantage of the university’s flexible ethos, and are enrolled on a wide range of programs at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.9. City, University of LondonCity, University of London (formerly “City University London”) is the next highest-ranked UK university, coming 314th this year. It is named to reflect its close relationship with ‘The City’ –London’s historic financial district, also known as ‘the square mile’. It prides itself on having strong links with leading companies in this competitive district, ranging from giants of the financial services sector to media companies and medical research centers. It also marks its special links with the city by having the Lord Major of London as its Chancellor. City, University of London offers a broad spectrum of courses, but is perhaps best known for its Cass Business School, City Law School and the School of Health Sciences. Of its 18,300 students, 15% are from EU countries other than the UK, and 33% are from countries outside of the EU. It became a constituent college of the University of London on 1 September 2016.10. Brunel UniversityNamed after the Victorian engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Brunel University (ranked joint 345th in the world) is aptly known for its engineering and design courses, but also offers a range of courses in arts, business, law, health and social sciences, information systems and sport. Again, it boasts an internationally diverse student community, with more than 12,700 students from over 110 countries. All courses are based at Brunel’s campus in Uxbridge, West London, which is just under an hour from the city center on the London Underground. As a campus-baseduniversity, it provides a complete student community, with accommodation, libraries, bars, restaurants, sports center and green spaces all within walking distance. It was founded in 1966, and therefore celebrates its 50th anniversary this year.This article was originally published in October 2013. It was updated in September 2016 to reflect the latest QS World University Rankings® results.。
2017 英国综合排名
南安普顿索伦特大学(Southampton Solent University)
约克圣约翰大学(York St John University)
利兹贝克特大学(Leeds Beckett University)
纽曼大学(Newman University, Birmingham)
伦敦大学学院(University College London)
华威大学(University of Warwick)
伦敦政治经济学院(London School of Economics and Political Science)
埃克塞特大学(University of Exeter)
巴斯泉大学(Bath Spa University)
布拉德福德大学(University of Bradford)
哈德斯菲尔德大学(University of Huddersfield)
罗汉普顿大学(University of Roehampton)
谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学(Sheffield Hallam University)
雷丁大学(University of Reading)
曼彻斯特大学(University of Manchester)
阿斯顿大学(Aston University Birmingham)
皇家霍洛威大学(Royal Holloway, University of London)
兰卡斯特大学(Lancaster University)
4剑桥大学Universityof Cambridge11.335%8伦敦帝国理工学院ImperialCollege London11.352%15伦敦大学学院UniversityCollege London10.547%27爱丁堡大学Universityof Edinburgh12.537%36伦敦国王学院King’sCollege London11.338%71布里斯托大学Universityof Bristol14.625%82华威大学Universityof Warwick14.638%88格拉斯哥大学Universityof Glasgow15.632%96英国杜伦大学DurhamUniversity15.526%109谢菲尔德大学Universityof Sheffield15.333%121南安普顿大学Universityof Southampton12.831%129约克大学Universityof York15.226%130伯明翰大学Universityof Birmingham16.725%133利兹大学Universityof Leeds14.722%149苏塞克斯大学Universityof Sussex15.835%165东英吉利大学Universityof East Anglia13.728%182卡迪夫大学CardiffUniversity14.725%190纽卡斯尔大学NewcastleUniversity15.629%192雷丁大学Universityof Reading14.129%201—250伦敦大学伯贝克学院Birkbeck,University of London19.638%201—250贝尔法斯特女王大学Queen’sUniversity Belfast1632%251—300英国巴斯大学Universityof Bath16.530%301—350阿伯里斯特威斯大学AberystwythUniversity17.918%301—350安格利亚鲁斯金大学AngliaRuskin University24.725%301—350班戈大学BangorUniversity16.921%301—350伦敦大学金斯密斯学院Goldsmiths,University of London16.638%301—350肯特大学Universityof Kent12.929%301—350斯特灵大学Universityof Stirling15.120%301—350斯旺西大学SwanseaUniversity16.621%351—400普利茅斯大学PlymouthUniversity19.514%401—500英国基尔大学KeeleUniversity14.922%401—500开放大学TheOpen University349%401—500牛津布鲁克斯大学OxfordBrookes University17.627%401—500朴茨茅斯大学Universityof Portsmouth16.525%401—500斯特拉思克莱德大学Universityof Strathclyde19.822%501—600赫特福德郡大学Universityof Hertfordshire17.728%501—600赫尔大学Universityof Hull1820%601—800贝德福德郡大学Universityof Bedfordshire19.733%601—800布莱顿大学Universityof Brighton17.121%601—800中央兰开夏大学Universityof Central Lancashire17.216%601—800德蒙福特大学DeMontfort University18.723%601—800格林威治大学Universityof Greenwich19.634%601—800哈德斯菲尔德大学Universityof Huddersfield18.326%601—800金斯顿大学KingstonUniversity2235%601—800利兹大学贝克特LeedsBeckett University20.712%601—800伦敦城市大学London Metropolitan University2336%601—800曼彻斯特城市大学Manchester Metropolitan University17.714%601—800诺森比亚大学Northumbria University18.416%601—800诺丁汉特伦特大学NottinghamTrent University1718%601—800罗汉普顿大学Universityof Roehampton18.623%601—800蒂赛德大学TeessideUniversity18.611%601—800英国西部大学Universityof the West of England19.717%601—800苏格兰西部大学Universityof the West of Scotland21.512%>800伦敦南岸大学LondonSouth Bank University17.234%>800谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学SheffieldHallam University17.116%。
2017qs世界大学排名的英国大学在2017qs世界大学排名,英国一共有71所大学入围,下面和店铺一起看看是那几所大学吧!2017qs世界大学排名英国大学入围名单2017年times英国大学综合排名1.University of Cambridge 剑桥大学2.University of Oxford 牛津大学3.University of St Andrews 圣安德鲁斯大学4.Durham University 杜伦大学5.Imperial College London 伦敦帝国理工学院6.University College London 伦敦大学学院7.University of Warwick 华威大学8.London School of Economics and Political Science 伦敦政治经济学院9=.University of Exeter 埃克塞特大学9=.Lancaster University 兰卡斯特大学11.Loughborough University 拉夫堡大学12.University of Bath 巴斯大学13.University of Leeds 利兹大学14.University of Surrey 萨里大学15.University of East Anglia 东英吉利大学16.University of Birmingham 伯明翰大学17.University of York 约克大学18.University of Sussex 苏塞克斯大学19.University of Bristol 布里斯托大学20.University of Nottingham 诺丁汉大学21.University of Southampton 南安普顿大学22.Newcastle University 纽卡斯尔大学23.University of Kent 肯特大学24.University of Sheffield 谢菲尔德大学25.University of Leicester 莱斯特大学26.Queen's University, Belfast 贝尔法斯特女王大学27.King's College London 伦敦国王学院28.University of Dundee 邓迪大学29.University of Glasgow 格拉斯哥大学30.University of Essex 埃塞克斯大学31.University of Reading 雷丁大学32.University of Manchester 曼彻斯特大学33.Aston University Birmingham 伯明翰阿斯顿大学34.Royal Holloway, University of London 伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院35.SOAS 伦敦大学亚非学院36.Harper Adams University 哈珀?亚当斯大学37=.University of Edinburgh 爱丁堡大学37=.Heriot-Watt University 赫瑞瓦特大学39.University of Liverpool 利物浦大学40.Queen Mary, University of London 伦敦玛丽女王大学41.University of Buckingham 白金汉大学42.Keele University 基尔大学43.University of Stirling 斯特灵大学44.=University of Aberdeen 阿伯丁大学44.=Swansea University 斯旺西大学46.Cardiff University 卡迪夫大学47.Coventry University 考文垂大学48.University of Strathclyde 思克莱德大学49.Liverpool Hope University 利物浦霍普大学50.City, University of London 伦敦城市大学51.University of Lincoln 林肯大学52.Falmouth University 法尔茅斯大学53.University for the Creative Arts 创意艺术大学54.=Brunel University London 布鲁内尔大学54.=Goldsmiths, University of London伦敦大学金史密斯学院56.Aberystwyth University 亚伯大学57.Nottingham Trent University 诺丁汉特伦特大学58.Edge Hill University 边山大学59.University of Portsmouth 朴次茅斯大学60.University of the West of England 西英格兰大学61.Bangor University 威尔士班戈大学62.Bournemouth University 伯恩茅斯大学63.Royal Agricultural University 皇家农业大学64.Arts University Bournemouth 伯恩茅斯艺术大学65.=University of Hull 赫尔大学65.=Northumbria University 诺森比亚大学67.De Montfort University 德蒙福特大学68.Ulster University 阿尔斯特大学69.Oxford Brookes University 牛津布鲁克斯大学70.St George's, University of London 伦敦大学圣乔治71.University of Gloucestershire 格鲁斯特大学72.=Manchester Metropolitan University 曼切斯特城市大学72.=University of Winchester 温彻斯特大学74.MiddlesexUniversity 密德萨斯大学75.Bath Spa University 巴斯泉大学76.University of Bradford 布拉德福德大学77.University of Huddersfield 哈德斯菲尔德大学78.University of Roehampton 罗汉普顿大学79.Sheffield Hallam University 谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学80.Plymouth University 普利茅斯大学81.University of Chester 切斯特大学82.University of Chichester 奇切斯特大学83.University of Derby 德比大学84.University of West London 西伦敦大学85.Abertay University 阿伯泰大学86.=Liverpool John Moores University 利物浦约翰摩尔大学86.=Robert Gordon University 罗伯特戈登大学88.Norwich University of the Arts 诺威奇大学艺术89.Cardiff Metropolitan University 卡迪夫城市大学90.University of Worcester 伍斯特大学91.University of Hertfordshire 赫特福德郡大学92.Staffordshire University 斯塔福德郡大学93.=Birmingham City University 伯明翰城市大学93.=Edinburgh Napier University 爱丁堡龙比亚大学95.Bishop Grosseteste University 格罗斯泰斯特主教大学96.Leeds Trinity University 利兹三一大学97.University of Northampton 北安普顿大学98.University of Salford 索尔福德大学99.Glasgow Caledonian University 格拉斯哥喀里多尼亚大学100.University of Sunderland 桑德兰大学本文已影响人。
2016,2017最新英国大学排名【2】There are 71 top universities in the UK which rank among the world’s best in the QS World University Rankings® 2016-2017, including four in the global top 10, and a further 26 in the top 200. The top 10 UK universities unsurprisingly include both halves of Oxbridge, as well as four institutions in the country’s dynamic capital city London – but the list also features leading institutions from a much broader set of UK locations. Read on to discover the top UK universities this year, starting with a focus on the country’s top 10.1. University of CambridgeRetaining first place amongst UK universities is the University of Cambridge, ranked 4th in the world this year. One of the oldest universities in the world (founded in 1209), Cambridge is closely linked to the business cluster ‘Silicon Fen’ and currently educates around 19,000 students of various nationalities.2. University of OxfordThe oldest university in the English-speaking world, the University of Oxford is ranked 6th in the world and 2nd in the UK this year. This highly prestigious institution has educated no fewer than 27 Nobel Prize winners, 27 UK Prime Ministers, and many more successful figures, such as Sir Stephen Hawking.3. UCL (University College London)UCL is the highest ranked university in London for the second time in a row this year, placing 7th in the global ranking and therefore 3rd amongst UK universities. An impressive 15,600 of UCL’s 38,300 students are from outside the UK, providing good grounds for its claim to be ‘London’s global university’.4. Imperial College LondonImperial College London is the last of these top UK universities to appear in the global top 10, ranked 9th in the world this year. Known for its high-impact research and innovation, Imperial founded the first academic health science center in the UK.5. University of EdinburghConsistently the highest-ranked university in Scotland, the University of Edinburgh climbs two places in the worldwide ranking this year to rank 19th. Founded in 1582, the university is a member of the prestigious Russell Group, as well as the League of European Research Universities.6. King's College London (KCL)Heading back to the south, and King’s College London is this year ranked 21st in the world. KCL is known for its medical teaching and research, and is home to the Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, the world’s first professional nursing school.7. University of ManchesterUp four places to rank 29th in the world in 2016/17, the University of Manchester is another well-respected Russell Group member, the largest single-campus UK university and one of the largest in the country in terms of student numbers.8. London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is ranked joint 37th in the world this year (alongside Japan’s Kyoto University). LSE specializes in the social sciences and has a very diverse student body, with around 9,600 full-time students from 140 countries.9. University of BristolRanked 41st in the world, the University of Bristol in SouthWest Englandis another member of the Russell Group of research-intensive UK universities and has been associated with 12 Nobel Prize winners throughout its 140-year history.10. University of WarwickActually located on a self-contained campus just outside of Coventry, the University of Warwick is ranked joint 51st this year alongside Australia’s University of Queensland. Having celebrated its 50thanniversary last year, it’s already established a strong international reputation in its first half-century.The rest of the top 20 UK universities are…11. University of Glasgow – ranked joint 63rd in the world.12. Durham University – ranked 74th in the world.13. University of Nottingham – ranked joint 75th in the world.14. University of St Andrews – ranked 77th in the world.15. University of Birmingham – ranked 82nd in the world.16. University of Sheffield – ranked 84th in the world.17. University of Southampton – ranked 87th in the world.18. University of Leeds – ranked 93rd in the world.19. Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) – joint 123rd in the world.20. University of York – ranked 127th in the world.The remaining top universities in the UK, in order of how they ranked this year, are…21. Lancaster University – ranked 129th in the world.22. Cardiff University – ranked 140th in the world.23. University of Aberdeen – ranked joint 141st in the world.24. University of Liverpool – ranked 157th in the world.25. University of Bath – ranked 159th in the world.26. University of Exeter – ranked joint 164th in the world.27. Newcastle University – ranked 168th in the world.28. University of Reading – ranked 175th in the world.29. University of Sussex – ranked joint 187th in the world.30. Queen's University of Belfast – ranked 195th in the world.31. Royal Holloway University of London – ranked 235th in the world.32. Loughborough University – ranked 237th in the world.33. University of Leicester – ranked joint 239th in the world.34. University of Dundee –ranked 244th in the world, up from joint 261st last year.=35. SOAS - School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London – ranked joint 252nd in the world, up from joint 275th last year.=35. University of East Anglia (UEA) – ranked joint 252nd in the world.37. University of Surrey – ranked 261st in the world.38. University of Strathclyde –ranked joint 272nd in the world.39. Birkbeck College, University of London –ranked joint 280th in the world, up from 290th last year.40. City University London – ranked 314th in the world.41. Heriot-Watt University – ranked joint 327th in the world.42. University of Essex – ranked joint 330th in the world.43. Brunel University – ranked joint 345th in the world.44. Aston University – ranked 358th in the world.45. Oxford Brookes University –ranked joint 359th in the world.46. University of Kent – ranked joint 366th in the world.47. University of Stirling – ranked 385th in the world.48. Swansea University –ranked joint 390th, up from joint 400th last year.After the global top 400, the remaining universities are ranked in ranges, starting from 401-410, going up to 701+.Click here to find out more.49. Bangor University – ranked 411-420 in the world.50. Goldsmiths, University of London – ranked 421-430 in the world.51. Aberystwyth University – ranked 491-500 in the world.52. Kingston University, London –ranked 501-550 in the world.Three top UK universities are ranked in the 551-600 range this year, making them joint 53rd overall in the UK:=53. Keele University – ranked 551-600 in the world.=53. University of Bradford – ranked 551-600 in the world.=53. University of Hull – ranked 551-600 in the world.Three top universities in the UK are ranked in the global top 601-650, and are therefore joint 56th in the UK:=56. Middlesex University – ranked 601-650 in the world.=56. University of Portsmouth – ranked 601-650 in the world.=56. University of Ulster – ranked 601-650 in the world.Another three top UK universities are placed 651-700, and are therefore joint 59th in the UK:=59. Coventry University – ranked 651-700 in the world.=59. London Metropolitan University –ranked 651-700 in the world.=59. Plymouth University – ranked 651-700 in the world.The remaining 10 top universities in the UK are all ranked in the 701+ range:This makes them all joint 62nd in the UK.=62. Manchester Metropolitan University=62. Northumbria University at Newcastle=62. Nottingham Trent University =62. Robert Gordon University=62. University of Central Lancashire =62. University of East London=62. University of Greenwich=62. University of Hertfordshire=62. University of Huddersfield=62. University of Salford。
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据The times 官网介绍,这项排名的主要指标“国际展望”综合考察学校三方面的表现:第一,学校里外国人员的比例,包括教职员工,第二,国际留学生的比例,第三,发表的论文中有外国合作者的比例。