




Even God can't be wise in love.2、在一起是梦,分开叫痛,是不是没做完的梦最痛。

Together is a dream, separate cry pain, is not the dream that has not been pleted the most painful.3、令人不能自拔的,除了牙齿还有爱情。

It's hard to pull it out, besides teeth, there's love.4、金钱是爱情的基础,也是战争的资本。

Money is the foundation of love and the capital of war.5、友谊要像爱情一样才温暖人心,爱情要像友谊一样才牢不可破。

Friendship needs to be as warm as love, and love needs to be as strong as friendship.6、让一个人了解自己太多的话,就会成为自己致命的弱点,而让自己变得脆弱。

If a person knows himself too much, he will bee his fatal weakness and make himself vulnerable.7、男人余情未了,因为自命多情,但女人从不自命多情,宁愿现在好好爱一个男人。

Men have no more love, because they pretend to be sentimental, but women never pretend to be sentimental, preferring to love a man now.8、已婚的女人威胁老公,单身的女人威胁已婚的女人。

Married women threaten their hu ... ands, single women threaten married women.9、你不是最好的,确实我最珍惜的。















Forourever-lastingfriendship,sendsincereblessingsandwarmgre etingstomyfriendswhomImisssomuch。

】2、【Nomanorwomanisworthyourtears,andtheonewhois,won'tmakeyouc ry。





⽆忧考整理“关于爱情的英语名⾔格⾔”,以供⼤家参考,希望可以帮助到⼤家,感谢⼤家的阅读与⽀持!【篇⼀】关于爱情的英语名⾔格⾔ 1、能使所爱的⼈快乐,便是得了报酬。

To make the loved one happy is to get the reward. 2、⼀有⼈反对,爱情会变得象禁果⼀样更有价值。

One objection is that love becomes more valuable as a forbidden fruit. 3、爱情不仅丰富多彩,⽽且还赏⼼悦⽬。

Love is not only rich and colorful, but also pleasing to the eyes. 4、爱情不是⽤眼睛,⽽是⽤⼼灵看着的。

Love is not with eyes, but with the mind. 5、就是神,在爱情中也难保持聪明。

It is God, and it is difficult to be wise in love. 6、恋爱是结婚的过程;结婚是恋爱的⽬的。

Love is the process of marriage; marriage is the purpose of love. 7、因为我们⾯对着的,是更多的消失和告别。

Because we are facing, it is more disappearance and farewell. 8、初萌的爱情看到的仅是⽣命,持续的爱情看到的是永恒。

The first love to see is only life, and the lasting love sees the eternal. 9、若不得不分离,也要好好地说声再见。

If you have to separate, you should say goodbye. 10、最甜美的是爱情,最苦涩的也是爱情。







5.don’tspendtimewithsomeonewhodoesn’tcarespendingitwithyou.不要把时间花在一个不在乎与你分享的人身上6.iloveyounotbecauseofwhoyouare,butbecauseofwhoiamwheniamwithyo u.我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。



9.ifihadasingleflowerforeverytimeithinkaboutyou,icouldwalkforeverinmyga rden.假如每次想起你我都会得到一朵鲜花,那么我将永远在花丛中徜徉。









Take good care of yourself, I don't want to wait until the next life to love you again.2、其实我的心是个傻瓜,它只能爱你一个人。

In fact, my heart is a fool, it can only love you one.3、爱情不在了就要学会宽容,毕竟也相遇一场。

Love is not learn to tolerate, also met a after all.4、相信爱情,即使它给你带来悲哀也要相信爱情。

Believe in love, even if it brings you sad to also want to believe in love.5、不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.6、地球仍然转重,世间依旧善变,而我永远爱你。

The earth is still heavy, the world is still fickle, but I love you forever.7、人并不是因为美丽而可爱,而是因为可爱才美丽。

People don't because of beautiful and lovely, but because the lovely is beautiful.8、爱你,我的脸颊往中挤;想你,我的下巴向下移。

Love you, my cheeks to squeeze in; I miss you, my chin down.9、在爱情上,没有相互的忠诚,就没有相互的信任。





1、I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.我爱你不是因为你是一个怎么样的人,而是因为我喜欢和你在一起时的感觉。

2、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is,won“t make you cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人是不会让你哭泣。

3、The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can“t have them.失去了某个人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。

4、Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

5、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。

6、多少人以友谊的名义,爱着一个人!How many people in the name of friendship, love a person!7、千千万万匹走马,换不来真正的爱情。

Ten million to take up, change to the true love.8、习惯就是一切,甚至在爱情中也是如此。

Habit is everything, even in love.9、爱是一个慢慢等待的过程,就像茶苦茶香。





In a world of love, not who I'm sorry.2、爱情使人心的憧憬升华到至善之境。

Love makes the heart imagine sublimation to good.3、爱情越热烈、越真诚,就越要含蓄。

Love more enthusiastic, more sincere, more implicative.4、爱情是场梦,可有些人却总是睡过了头。

Love is a dream, but some people are always overslept.5、闲人把爱情当作正事,忙人把爱情当成消遣。

Idle people take love as a business, but the love as a pastime.6、谁脚踏实地地生活,谁就会真心实意地去爱。

Who is down-to-earth life, who will sincerely to love.7、爱情把我拽向这边,而理智却要把我拉向那边。

Love to drag me to the side, and the reason is to pull me to the side.8、水会流失,火会熄灭,而爱情却能和命运抗衡。

Water will drain, fire will be extinguished, but love and fate.9、不能摆脱是人生的苦恼根源之一,恋爱尤其如此。

Can't get rid of one of the root is the anguish of life, especially in love.10、让风慢慢吹,让鱼慢慢游,将来我们一起慢慢变老。

Let the wind blow, slowly let the fish swim slowly, we grow old together in the future.11、年轻吗?不要紧。




We can't fet the past, not because we can't fet anyone, but because we miss ourselves in those days.2、我喜欢你,很久了,等你,也很久了,现在,我要离开,比很久很久还要久。

I like you, for a long time, waiting for you, also for a long time, now, I want to leave, longer than a long time.3、纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your *** ile.4、后的离别。

微笑地去寻找一个不可能出现的你!After parting. Smile to find an impossible you!5、上帝创造了男人是为了使他孤独,而创造女人是为了让他更孤独。

God created a man to make him lonely, and a woman to make him lonelier.6、那些最终会让你陷进去的,一开始总是美好。

Those that will eventually get you into it are always good at first.7、爱情要完结的时候自会完结,到时候,你不想画上句号也不行。

When love is about to end, it will end itself, and then you can't do without drawing a full stop.8、对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。







Take my hand, eyes closed go you won't get lost.2、停留在最初,不愿遗忘那被搁浅的时光。

Stay in the original, don't want to forget that the time run aground.3、酒就像女人的肌肤一样,对温度非常敏感。

Wine, like a woman's skin, is sensitive to temperature.4、若重要,总会想办法。


If important, always think of some way to. Doesn't matter, will always find a reason.5、梦已逝,心已碎,留下只是在为离开做准备。

The dream is gone, the heart has been broken, leaving just in preparing to leave.6、你说你欠我太多,你欠我的只有一个未来而已。

You said you owe me too much, you owe me only one in the future.7、常笑着笑着却哭了起来,笑着笑着却哭了起来。

Often laughed and laughed but to cry, but smile to cry witha smile.8、不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。

Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happend.9、对于习惯而言,这个世界上没有承受不了的事情。



英语爱情格言经典短句80句1. Love is like a butterfly, it grows when it is chased.2. A true love story never ends.3. Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship.4. Distance means so little when someone means so much.5. Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.6. The best love is the one that makes you a better person without changing you into someone else.7. Love is not about how much you say "I love you", but how much you can prove that it’s true.8. Love is not finding someone you can live with, it's finding someone you can't live without.9. The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.10. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.11. If you love someone, let them go. If they come back, they’re yours forever. If they don’t, they never were.12. Love isn't something you find. Love is something that finds you.13. Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness.14. True love doesn't come to you, it has to be inside you.15. Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own.16. The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.17. Love is not just a feeling, it is a commitment.18. The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.19. Love is the only thing that can turn your world upside down and still keep it spinning.20. You don't marry someone you can live with, you marry the person you cannot live without.21. Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it.22. A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.23. Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.24. In life, there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what you want, and the other is getting it.25. You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.26. The only thing we never get enough of is love. And the only thing we never give enough of is love.27. Love is the answer, and you know that for sure. Love is a flower, you've got to let it grow.28. It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.29. Love means never having to say you're sorry.30. Love is not blind, it sees but it doesn't mind.31. Love is a game that two can play and both win.32. You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear.33. Love is a language that everyone can understand.34. Love is a friendship set to music.35. Love is like a rubber band held at both ends by two people. When one leaves, it hurts the other.36. Love is the bridge between two hearts.37. There is no love that is not an echo.38. The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more.39. You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.40. Love is the most powerful force in the world.41. Love is a game that two can play and both win.42. Love is not about how many days, weeks or months you’ve been together, it’s all about how much you love each other every day.43. Love is like a piece of art, it takes time and effort to create something beautiful.44. Love is not something you find, it's something that finds you.45. Love is like a flame, it's warm, comforting, and it can burn if not handled with care.46. Love is not about finding someone perfect, it's about accepting each other's imperfections and still loving unconditionally.47. Love is not about possession, it's about appreciation and respecting individuality.48. Love is not about being right all the time, it's about compromising and finding a middle ground.49. Love is like a cup of tea, it's soothing and can warm your heart.50. Love is like a puzzle, sometimes you need to put the pieces together and sometimes you need to step back and let it fall into place.51. Love is not about saying "I love you" every day, it's about showing it through actions and gestures.52. Love is like a garden, it needs care, attention, and nurturing to grow and flourish.53. Love is like a rollercoaster, it has its ups and downs, but it's the thrill that keeps you coming back for more.54. Love is like a book, it has different chapters, characters, and emotions, but it's the ending that makes it a masterpiece.55. Love is like a sunrise, it brings light to even the darkest days.56. Love is like a dance, it requires trust, rhythm, and coordinationto create a beautiful harmony.57. Love is like a song, it can evoke emotions and memories that words alone cannot express.58. Love is like a magnet, it attracts two souls that are meant to be together.59. Love is like a rainbow, it's a symbol of hope, beauty, and promise.60. Love is like a mirror, it reflects not only the image but also the soul.61. Love is like a candle, it can brighten up the darkest nights.62. Love is like a river, it flows freely and cannot be controlled.63. Love is like a diamond, it's rare, precious, and lasts forever.64. Love is like a puzzle, it's satisfying when all the pieces fit together perfectly.65. Love is like a butterfly, it's delicate, beautiful, and can easily be crushed if not handled with care.66. Love is like a photograph, it captures the moments that make life worth living.67. Love is like a compass, it guides you through the ups and downs of life.68. Love is like a breath of fresh air, it rejuvenates the soul and gives you a new perspective on life.69. Love is like a firework, it lights up the sky and leaves a lasting impression.70. Love is like a treasure, it's valuable, rare, and worth fighting for.71. Love is like a flower, it blooms when nurtured with care and attention.72. Love is like a dream, it's beautiful, mysterious, and can transport you to another world.73. Love is like a star, it shines brightly even in the darkest nights.74. Love is like a piece of art, it can be interpreted in many different ways but always leaves an impression.75. Love is like a melody, it's sweet, harmonious, and can touch your heart.76. Love is like a wave, it can sweep you off your feet and take you on a thrilling journey.77. Love is like a magnet, it attracts two souls that are meant to be together.78. Love is like a shooting star, it's rare, breathtaking, and leaves a lasting memory.79. Love is like a puzzle, it's satisfying when all the pieces fit together perfectly.80. Love is like a butterfly, it's delicate, beautiful, and brings joy to your soul.。





Love, if not all, it is nothing.2、让“我爱你”这句话永远响在你耳边。

Let the words "I love you" always ringing in your ears.3、您想我吧,因为您就是我的和灵魂。

Do you want to me, because you are my life and soul.4、相爱本来是场意外,何必要说上天安排。

Love originally is a accident, why say god arrangement.5、牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。

Take my hand, eyes closed go you won't get lost.6、我不爱你了,我知道你也早就不爱我了得。

I do not love you, I know you already did not love I get.7、爱情使人忘记,时间也使人忘记爱情。

Love makes people forget time, time makes people forget love.8、世界在我掌握中,我却掌握不住对你的感情。

The world in my hands, but I can not master of your feelings.9、爱是平等的交流,而不需要太多发抱歉与解释。

Love is the equal communication, and don't need too more sorry and explanation.10、也许爱情总是这样,早先红了脸,后来红了眼。

Maybe love always, earlier red in the face and then red eye.11、你给我一滴眼泪,我就看到了你心中全部的海洋。




Love is not a shelter, want to go in refuge, is will be cast out.2 、爱情是女人一生的历史,而只是男人一生中的一段插曲。

Love is a woman's life history, but only an episode in man's life.3、不要怕爱会带来伤害,要相信,他伤的只是爱情,不是你。

Don't be afraid of love will hurt, want to believe that he is love, not you.4 、真正的爱情是不能用言语表达的,行为才是忠心的最好说明。

True love cannot be expressed in words, loyalty behaviour is the best explanation.5 、花繁柳密处拨得开,方见手段;风狂雨骤时立得定,才是脚跟。

Flowers numerous LiuMi dial the more open, the party see means; When the wind is the rain suddenly stand, is the heel.6 、研究科学和了解女人,针对这两件事而言,生命实在是太短了。

Research science and understand women, for these two things, life is too short.7 、适当地用理智控制住爱情,有利无弊,发疯似的滥施爱情,有弊无利。

Properly use rational control of the love, good has nothing to lose, without love like crazy, disadvantages.8 、人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇。





1、A heart that loves is always young。


2、Brief is life, but love is long。


3、Love’s tongue is in the eyes。


4、The soul cannot live without love。


5、Distance makes the hearts grow fonder。


6、Love is a light that never dims。


7、She who has never loved, has never lived。


8、If I know what love is, it is because of you。


9、Love warms more than a thousand fires。


10、A good beginning is half the battle。


11、Love lives in cottages as well as in courts。


12、The darkness is no darkness with thee。


13、Take away love, and our earth is a tomb。


14、The only present love demands is love。


15、Passionate love is a quenchless thirst。




Some things, a turn round is a lifetime.2、原来地久天长,只是误会一场。

The original forever, just a misunderstanding.3、在下一个路口,思念某一种温度。

At the next intersection, missing a certain temperature.4、和爱的人吵架,和陌生人讲心里话。

And love of people quarrel, and strangers speak the truth.5、看着别人的故事,流着自己的眼泪。

Looking at other people's stories, flow of his own tears.6、我只要你一个,别的再好我也不要。

I only want you a, other again good I don't.7、得不到的爱情,最好在萌芽之前扼杀!Without love, the best in the bud before killing!8、恨,能挑起争端,爱,能遮掩一切过错。

Hate, can provoke, love covereth all SINS.9、得到了别人的秘密,会失去自己的快乐。

Get the secrets of others, will lose their happiness.10、在一起时不要说永远,分手后不要说曾经。

Don't say never, when after break up don't say once.11、最后的最后,我还是没有抓住你给的温柔。

The last of the last, I still miss your gentleness.12、我们说说笑笑,却并不知道你对我很重要。




The sweetest is love, the most bitter is love.2 、在我心中,陪伴与懂得,比爱情更加重要。

In my heart, accompany with understood, more important than love.3、开头很美,过程很累,结局很悲,糊涂很难。

Start is very beautiful, process is very tired, end is very sad, awake is difficult.4 、有的人,总是忘不了,就像有的人,总是记不住。

Some people, always forget, like some people, always remember.5 、人的欢乐和幸福不在金我钱,不在于爱情,而在于真理。

People happiness and happiness is not the gold me money, is not love, but in truth.6 、在爱的世界里,没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。

In a world of love, no who sorry who, only who don't know to cherish who.7 、由于不易所以才应当更加去珍惜,不要到失去的时候才懂得。

Because it is not easy so we should be more to cherish, when I don't want to lose to know.8 、肯为一个人去假装自己,或许是最微小的爱与牺牲,笑中有泪。

Ken for a man to pretend to be, is perhaps the most subtle love and sacrifice, smiling in tears.9、即使,那个人不是陪着自己走完一生的人,但是,他就是爱人呀!Even if that person is not to walk with their life, but he is a lover!1 0 、当你做对的时候,没有人会记得;当你做错的时候,连呼吸都是错。




I fell earlier than you, you love less than me, so I am doomed to suffer.2、我希望不论什么时候,你都不要后悔我们的相遇。

I hope you don't regret our meeting at any time.3、请你一定要去爱一个非常非常重视你的人。

Please be sure to love someone who attaches great importance to you.4、明明是阴天,却有大把的阳光在你身后。

It's cloudy, but there's a lot of sunshine behind you.5、像我这么懒的人,若非喜欢你,你以为我为什么如此殷勤。

If a lazy person like me doesn't like you, why do you think I'm so attentive?6、最开心的事,听见你的声音,得到你的关心。

The happiest thing is to hear your voice and get your attention.7、有时候,一个人想要的只是一只可握的手和一颗理解的Sometimes all a person wants is a hand to hold and a heart to understand.8、我们就像抛物线,你是焦点,我是准线,你想我有多深,我念你便有多真。

We are like parabola, you are the focus, I am the line, how deep you think I am, how true I think you are.9、走得突然,我们来不及告别,这样也好,因为我们永远不告别。





Idon'twanttosay,I'msad,I'minpain,Iknowyou'renotsad,justy oudidn'tsay.3、两人之间,有一点牵挂,却不会纠缠;两人之间,有一点想念,却不会伤心。

Betweentwopeople,thereisalittleconcern,butnotentangle ment;betweentwopeople,thereisalittlemissing,butnotsad.4、我的思维已经全被你打乱了,就因为你的那句我喜欢你。

Mymindhasbeencompletelydisturbedbyyou,becauseyours entenceIlikeyou.5、我以为我走的潇洒是因为为你好,转身凝视,才懂是因为我不爱你。

IthoughtIwalkedsmartlybecauseitwasforyourgood,turned aroundandstared,onlytounderstandthatitwasbecauseIdidnotlo veyou.6、牵手是一个很伤感的过程,因为牵手过后是放手。



Rememberthecourageofyouth,andthencarelessaboutthen egationofothers.9、花开再谢、人来又走。





Love a person, you will be love.2、世上最保暖的,是情人的体温。

In the world the most warm, is a lover's body temperature.3、我不恨你,因为我不想记住你。

I don't hate you, because I don't want to remember you.4、爱情和死亡一样,都是很霸道的。

Love and death, is very bossy.5、青春的爱情之吻是一个长长的吻。

A youth love kiss is a long kiss.6、多少人以友谊的名义,爱着一个人!How many people in the name of friendship, love a person!7、千千万万匹走马,换不来真正的爱情。

Ten million to take up, change to the true love.8、习惯就是一切,甚至在爱情中也是如此。

Habit is everything, even in love.9、爱是一个慢慢等待的过程,就像茶苦茶香。

Love is a process of slowly waiting for, just like tea bitter tea.10、突然我觉得说爱你说恨你,不过是多余的话。

Suddenly, I feel love you said hate you, but is superfluous words.11、因为爱过,所以慈悲;因为懂得,所以宽容。

Because loved, so mercy; Because understand, so tolerant.12、站在世界的某个角落,一个人看着日出日落。

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• Without respect, love cannot go far. ----A. Dumas 倘不互相尊敬,爱亦难久持。 • Love and a cough cannot be hid. 爱情与咳 嗽不能隐匿。 • Whom we love best to them we can say least. ----Ray • 对我们最爱的人,我们能说的话最少。
• But, if this world is not merely a bad joke, life a vulgar flare amid the cool radiance of the stars, and existence an empty laugh braying across the mysteries, if there intimations of something behind and behind are mot evil humor born of madden us ;if, in a word, beauty means omething, yet we must not seek to interpret the meaning .
• Where love fails, we espy all faults. ---Ray 在爱情丧失的地方,我们就察见所有的缺 点了。 • One love expels another. ---Lyly 一个爱情 驱除另一个爱情。 • Love begets love. ---Herrick 爱产生爱。 • Love laughs at locksmiths. ----Colman 爱 情嘲笑锁匠
• Love songht is good, butare • 找寻来的爱情是美好的,但不经找寻而赋予的爱 情是更为美好。 • Love cannot be compelled. ----Chaucer 爱情不 能被强迫。 • Love asks faith, and faith asks firmness. ---Herber 爱情要求忠诚,而忠诚则要求坚定。 • Love me little, love me long. ----John Heywood 爱不贵亲密,而贵长久。
• 。 • Faults are thick where love is thin. ----Howell 嘲 情义淡,样样不顺眼。 • Love makes the world go round. ----Dickens 爱 能使世界转动。 • Love can turn the cottage into a golden palace. 爱情可化陋室为宫殿。 • Love me, love my dog. ----St. Bernard 爱屋及乌。 • The course of true love never did run smooth. --Shakespeare 真诚的爱情永不是走一条平坦的道 路的。
• Marry in haste, and repent at leisure. ---Ray 草率成婚,后悔莫及。 • A man has choice to begin love, but not to end it. ----Bohn • 一个人开始去爱上谁的时候,他可以有所 选择,但当他要结束爱情的时候,他可没 有选择