208MHZ 32位ARM926EJ-S处理器这款先进的MCU采用强大的ARM926EJ-S内核,VFP协处理器,高效的内部总线矩阵和大量的标准外设来实现超强的性能主要特点:●支持主频为208MHz的ARM926EJ-S内核处理器带有ETM功能●矢量浮点协处理器(VFP)●使用90纳米的处理技术,在低电压模式下的工作电压可降到0.9V●256KB的内部SRAM和32kB指令高速缓存和32kB数据高速缓存●DDR,SDR和SDRAM以及静态设备的外部存储器控制器●可选择从不同的外设启动:NAND Flash、SPI、USB、UART或静态存储器●10/100以太网MAC带特定DMA控制器(仅用于LPC3240 &LPC3250)●USB 2.0全速device/Host /OTG控制器●24位LCD控制器带有专用的DMA控制器,支持STN和TFT●3通道10位的A/D 转换器带触摸屏接口●串行接口包括2个I2S,2个SPI,2个SSP,2个I2C总线和7个UART●SD存储卡接口●6个12位的定时器,看门狗定时器,11个PWM通道和带单独的电源管脚的实时时钟●8通道通用DMA控制●8 x 8键盘扫描接口和87个GPIO●具有RAM的仿真跟踪缓冲区,允许通过JTAG接口进行跟踪●工作温度范围:-40℃到+85℃●TFBGA296封装应用:●消费●医疗●工业●汽车制造●网络控制●通信功能特性:LPC32x0系列采用90纳米工艺设计,结合了ARM926EJ-S内核、一个矢量浮点协处理器(VFP)、LPC32x0的特点是高性能,高集成度和低功耗。
LPC32x0包含了256kB的片内SRAM和外部存储器控制器,支持SDR,DDR SDRAM,SRAM,FLASH和静态设备。
V260B1-C01 配机芯有:8K60MAX1518包括一个高性能升压调节器、两个线性稳压控制器以及大电流运算放大器,用于有源矩阵薄膜晶体管(TFT )液晶显示器(LCD )。
V315B3-C01 配机芯有8M19TPS65161的20、21、22:电源输入Vin; 此IC 与外围电配合可产生几路电压:VGH :23V V AAP :13.5V VGL :负5V VDA : VON : VOFF : VLOGIC :3.3V 等32寸奇美屏驱动板(屏供电12V )V320B1-C03 配机芯有:8M10FP5138:电源管理芯片,升压、降压、升降压转换IC ,驱动能力强,可以很好的提供LCD 屏正负偏设计方案,各组电压输出稳定,还可以适用于7—12寸LED 液晶屏背光升压垣流驱动。
有短路保护、开路保护、软启动功能,工作电压1.8—15V ,工作电流5.5mA 。
1脚:FB 反馈 2脚:SCP 保护/软启动 3脚:VCC 供电 4脚:CTL 控制 5脚:OUT 输出 6脚:GND 地 7脚:OSC 振荡 8脚:COMP 补偿V296W1-C1,X7 配机芯有:8TG5V296W1-C1逻辑板电路主要有三大部分组成:1.由U4(CM2651B-KQ )为核心的时序与逻辑控制电路,主要功能是将串行的LVDS 信号变成并行的控制信号,用于薄腊晶体管的控制或驱动;2.由U7—U11(HX8904TA 、HX8904SA )为核心的伽玛放大电路,主要是将伽玛信号进行适当的放大,控制薄膜晶体管,实现画面对比度的调整;3.由UP1(FA3269A V )为核心的DC-DC 变换电路,主是是将主板送来的5V 供电变成VGH (20V )、VDA (15V )、VGL (—5V )、V5V (5V )、VDD (3.3V )等等,用于屏驱动供电,此逻辑板损坏的最多的地方就是这部分,易损坏元件为UP1、QP5、DP3、UP2、RP37、LP2电感等等。
/Purchase AgreementP&E Microcomputer Systems, Inc. reserves the right to make changes without further notice to anyproducts herein to improve reliability, function, or design. P&E Microcomputer Systems, Inc. does notassume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein.This software and accompanying documentation are protected by United States Copyright law andalso by International Treaty provisions. Any use of this software in violation of copyright law or theterms of this agreement will be prosecuted.All the software described in this document is copyrighted by P&E Microcomputer Systems, Inc.Copyright notices have been included in the software.P&E Microcomputer Systems authorizes you to make archival copies of the software anddocumentation for the sole purpose of back-up and protecting your investment from loss. Under nocircumstances may you copy this software or documentation for the purpose of distribution to others.Under no conditions may you remove the copyright notices from this software or documentation.This software may be used by one person on as many computers as that person uses, provided thatthe software is never used on two computers at the same time. P&E expects that group programmingprojects making use of this software will purchase a copy of the software and documentation for eachuser in the group. Contact P&E for volume discounts and site licensing agreements.P&E Microcomputer Systems does not assume any liability for the use of this software beyond theoriginal purchase price of the software. In no event will P&E Microcomputer Systems be liable foradditional damages, including any lost profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequentialdamages arising out of the use or inability to use these programs, even if P&E Microcomputer Systemshas been advised of the possibility of such damage.By using this software, you accept the terms of this agreement.© 2009 P&E Microcomputer Systems, Inc. “MS-DOS” and “Windows” are registered trademarks ofMicrosoft Corporation. “Freescale” and “ColdFire” are registered trademarks of Freescale, Inc. “IBM”and “PowerPC” are registered trademarks of IBM corporation.P&E Microcomputer Systems, Inc.98 Galen St.Watertown, MA 02472617-923-0053Manual version 1.03/DEMO9S08QB8 User Manualii1INTRODUCTION (1)1.1Overview ........................................................................................................11.2Package Contents..........................................................................................11.3Supported Devices.........................................................................................11.4Recommended Materials On DEMO9S08QB8 Resources CD......................11.5Handling Precautions.....................................................................................22HARDWARE FEATURES. (2)2.1DEMOQE Base Board Features ....................................................................22.2On-Board Logic Analyzer...............................................................................42.3On-Board Virtual Serial Port...........................................................................42.4DEMOQE Daughter Card Features................................................................52.5DC9S08QB8 Specific Connections................................................................52.6Signal Mapping of DC9S08QB8 to MCU_PORT............................................63SYSTEM SETUP.. (8)3.1Overview ........................................................................................................83.2Operating System Requirements...................................................................83.3Software Setup...............................................................................................83.4Quick Startup..................................................................................................93.5Hardware Setup ...........................................................................................104OPERATING MODES.. (13)4.1Overview ......................................................................................................134.2Debug Mode.................................................................................................134.3Run Mode.....................................................................................................144.4External BDM Mode.....................................................................................145DEMOQE TOOLKIT PC APPLICATIONS . (14)5.1DEMOQE Logic Analyzer Application..........................................................145.2DEMOQE Terminal Application....................................................................165.3DEMOQE Unsecure Application ..................................................................165.4DEMOQE Accelerometer Demo Application................................................175.5DEMOQE Serial Grapher Application (18)6DEMONSTRATION MICROCONTROLLER APPLICATIONS (21)/iiiDEMO9S08QB8 User Manual 6.1Quick Start Application (21)6.2Serial Accelerometer Application (22)7JUMPER SETTINGS (22)7.1System Power (22)7.2RS232 Communications (24)7.3LED Display Port (26)7.4Input and Reset Switches (27)7.53-Axis Accelerometer Jumper Settings (28)7.6Buzzer (30)7.7IIC Pull-up (31)7.8Analog Input Potentiometer (31)7.9Optional External Crystal Circuitry Jumper Enable (31)7.10Optional Jumpers For Various VDD And VSS (32)8DEMO9S08QB8 CODE DEVELOPMENT SOFTWARE (32)8.1Using CodeWarrior With The DEMO9S08QB8 (32)8.2Using P&E Software With The DEMO9S08QB8 (33)9TRANSITIONING TO YOUR OWN TARGET (33)9.1Hardware Solutions At A Glance (33)9.2Working With P&E’s USB Multilink (34)9.3Working With P&E’s Cyclone PRO (35)10TROUBLESHOOTING (36)10.1DEMO9S08QB8 Is Undetected (36)10.2CodeWarrior Installation Fails (WinDriver Error) (38)/DEMO9S08QB8 User Manual11INTRODUCTION1.1OverviewThe DEMO9S08QB8 is a low-cost development system designed for demonstrating, evaluating, and debugging the Freescale MC9S08QB8microcontroller. P&E’s Embedded Multilink circuitry on the DEMO9S08QB8 board allows the processor on the DEMO9S08QB8 to be debugged and programmed via USB from the PC. In addition, the demo board can be powered using the USB bus.Note:Freescale has an older device called 908QB8. 908QB8 is different from this new 9S08QB8 device. When searching for “QB8” online resources, make sure that the resources pertain to the 9S08QB8 device and NOT the 908QB8 device.1.2Package ContentsThe DEMO9S08QB8 package includes the following items:•DEMOQE Base Board with a MC9S08QB8 Daughter Card installed •2-cell AAA battery package •USB Cable •Quick Start Guide •Freescale Warranty Card1.3Supported DevicesThe DEMO9S08QB8 supports the MC9S08QB8CWL device.1.4Recommended Materials On DEMO9S08QB8 Resources CD•DEMO9S08QB8 Embedded Multilink hardware interface driver/2DEMO9S08QB8 User Manual •DEMO9S08QB8 User Manual (this document)•DEMO9S08QB8 Quick Start Guide•DEMO9S08QB8 Quick Start Application Source Code•DEMO9S08QB8 Base Board and Daughter Cards Schematics •DEMO9S08QB8 Component Breakdown List•DEMOQE Toolkit Applications•Links to P&E Evaluation Software•Links to Freescale documentation, P&E Discussion Forums, and DEMO9S08QB8 FAQs.1.5Handling PrecautionsTake care to handle the package contents, including the DEMOQE baseboard and MC9S08QB8 daughter card, in a manner such as to preventelectrostatic discharge.2HARDWARE FEATURESThe DEMO9S08QB8 is a demonstration and development system forFreescale’s MC9S08QB8 microcontroller. Application development is quickand easy using P&E’s Embedded Multilink circuitry and the included softwaretools and examples. An optional BDM port is provided to allow use of anexternal BDM interface such as P&E’s Cyclone PRO automated programmeror USB Multilink. The USB Multilink is functionally comparable to theDEMO9S08QB8’s Embedded Multilink circuitry.Note:The DEMO board’s onboard Embedded Multilink circuitry is intended to function with the onboard processor and any daughter cards that may beincluded. It cannot be used to communicate with other devices.2.1DEMOQE Base Board Features•On-board Logic Analyzer•On-board Virtual Serial Port•Asymmetrically positioned 4 8x2 male connectors for interchangeabledaughter cards/DEMO9S08QB8 User Manual3•P&E’s Embedded Multilink circuitry populated on the bottom •RS-232 Serial Port w/ DB9-F Connector•SCI signals connected to P&E’s Embedded Multilink through jumpers •ON/OFF Power Switch w/ LED indicator•A 5VDC to 8VDC power supply input barrel connectorNote:The DEMOQE board power connector is incorrectly labelled as 5-12VDC. The maximum voltage is 8VDC.•Power Input Selection Jumpers for selecting the input voltage source:•Power Input from Embedded Multilink to LDO regulator •Power Input from DC Power Jack to LDO regulator •Regulated VDD Output at 3.0V •Regulated VDD Output at 2.1V •Power Input from Battery•Power Input from MCU_PORT connector•RESET Push Button and LED indicator w/ Enable •Optional External Crystal Circuitry Layout (not populated)•User Features:•3-axis Accelerometer w/Enable •8 User LED’s w/ Enable • 4 User Push Buttons w/ Enable • 1 Piezzo Buzzer w/ Enable •IIC Pullups w/ Enable •10K Ohm POT w/ Enable•Option Jumpers:•COM_EN for 1.8V to 4.25V RS232 Transceiver •TXD_EN for SCI_TXD to Embedded Multilink •RXD_EN for SCI_RXD to Embedded Multilink•INPUT_EN for two input channels to Embedded Multilink/4DEMO9S08QB8 User Manual •Specifications:•Board Size 3.5 x 4.0•Power Input:•USB Cable: 5VDC, 500mA max•DC Power Jack: 2.5/5.5mm barrel connector, 5VDC to 8VDCCenter PositiveNote:The DEMOQE board power connector is incorrectly labelled as 5-12VDC.The maximum voltage is 8VDC.•Two AAA Battery CellsFigure 2-1: DEMOQE Top Component Placement2.2On-Board Logic AnalyzerThe DEMOQE board has a built-in 2-channel logic analyzer which may beused to display captured data in real-time on a host PC. The logic analyzerchannels (IN0/IN1) are connected to the PTC0 and PTC1 signals on theDEMOQE board by default via the J11 jumpers. The channels may beconnected to any of the processor pins by wire jumpers (not included).The DEMOQE Logic Analyzer Utility, included in the DEMOQE Toolkit on theaccompanying DVD-ROM, displays the logic analyzer signals on a PC. /DEMO9S08QB8 User Manual52.3On-Board Virtual Serial PortThe DEMOQE board has a built-in virtual serial port which may be connected to the QE processor’s SCI RXD/TXD. This allows certain PC applications to be able to connect in a serial fashion to the microcontroller without the actual use of serial port hardware.The DEMOQE Terminal Window Utility, included in the DEMOQE Toolkit on the accompanying DVD-ROM, is a generic serial port utility which works with the DEMOQE virtual serial port or actual serial port hardware.2.4DEMOQE Daughter Card Features•Four bottom-mounted asymmetrically positioned 8x2 female connectors to mate with the DEMOQE Base Board •A top-mounted MC9S08QB8CWL chip2.5DC9S08QB8 Specific ConnectionsThe labels on the DEMOQE do not necessarily represent actual pin portfunction from the MC9S08QB8 microcontroller. In order to take full advantage of the DEMOQE Base Board resources, MC9S08QB8 signals are mapped to the DEMOQE Base Board 64-Pin Header as following:SIGNALS OF QB8SIGNALS OF DEMOQE BOARDPTA0-3PTA0-3PTA4/BKGD PTA4/BKGD PTA5/RESETPTA5/RESET PTA6PTD2/KEY PTA7PTD3/KEY PTB0-1PTB0-1PTB2/ADP PTA6/ADP PTB3/ADPPTA7/ADP/6DEMO9S08QB8 User Manual2.6Signal Mapping of DC9S08QB8 to MCU_PORTPTB4-5PTB4-5PTB6/XTAL PTB6/XTAL PTB7/EXTAL PTB7/EXTAL PTC0-5PTC0-5PTC6PTE6/LED PTC7PTE7/LEDSignal MappingMCU PORT NUMBERMC9S08QB8 PINSIGNAL MCU PORT NUMBERMC9S08QB8 PINSIGNAL 1VDD 2PTA5/IRQ/TCLK/~RESET 3VSS4PTA5/IRQ/TCLK/~RESET5PTB1/KBIP5/TxD/ADP56PTA4/ACMPO/BKGD/MS 7PTB0/KBIP4/RxD/ADP48PTC79PTA2/KBIP2/ADP210VREFH 11PTA3/KBIP3/ADP312VREFL13PTC014PTA0/KBIP0/TPMCH0/ADP0/ACMP+SIGNALS OF QB8SIGNALS OF DEMOQE BOARD/分销商库存信息:FREESCALEDC9S08QB8DC9S08QE8DEMO9S08QB8。
教你如何用WORD文档(2012-06-27 192246)转载▼标签:杂谈1. 问:WORD 里边怎样设置每页不同的页眉?如何使不同的章节显示的页眉不同?答:分节,每节可以设置不同的页眉。
2. 问:请问word 中怎样让每一章用不同的页眉?怎么我现在只能用一个页眉,一改就全部改了?答:在插入分隔符里,选插入分节符,可以选连续的那个,然后下一页改页眉前,按一下“同前”钮,再做的改动就不影响前面的了。
3. 问:如何合并两个WORD 文档,不同的页眉需要先写两个文件,然后合并,如何做?答:页眉设置中,选择奇偶页不同与前不同等选项。
4. 问:WORD 编辑页眉设置,如何实现奇偶页不同比如:单页浙江大学学位论文,这一个容易设;双页:(每章标题),这一个有什么技巧啊?答:插入节分隔符,与前节设置相同去掉,再设置奇偶页不同。
5. 问:怎样使WORD 文档只有第一页没有页眉,页脚?答:页面设置-页眉和页脚,选首页不同,然后选中首页页眉中的小箭头,格式-边框和底纹,选择无,这个只要在“视图”――“页眉页脚”,其中的页面设置里,不要整个文档,就可以看到一个“同前”的标志,不选,前后的设置情况就不同了。
6. 问:如何从第三页起设置页眉?答:在第二页末插入分节符,在第三页的页眉格式中去掉同前节,如果第一、二页还有页眉,把它设置成正文就可以了●在新建文档中,菜单―视图―页脚―插入页码―页码格式―起始页码为0,确定;●菜单―文件―页面设置―版式―首页不同,确定;●将光标放到第一页末,菜单―文件―页面设置―版式―首页不同―应用于插入点之后,确定。
第2 步与第三步差别在于第2 步应用于整篇文档,第3 步应用于插入点之后。
这样,做两次首页不同以后,页码从第三页开始从1 编号,完成。
凌鸥创芯 LKS32MC08X 电机控制处理器数据手册说明书
南京凌鸥创芯电子有限公司LKS32MC08X Datasheet© 2020, 版权归凌鸥创芯所有机密文件,未经许可不得扩散1概述1.1功能简述LKS32MC08X系列MCU是32位内核的面向电机控制应用的专用处理器,集成了常用电机控制系统所需要的所有模块。
⚫性能➢96MHz 32位Cortex-M0内核➢集成自主指令集电机控制专用DSP➢超低功耗休眠模式,低功耗休眠电流10uA➢工业级工作温度范围➢超强抗静电和群脉冲能力⚫工作范围➢ 2.2V~5.5V电源供电,内部集成1个LDO,为数字部分电路供电➢工作温度: -40~105℃,LKS32MC085工作温度: -40~125℃⚫时钟➢内置4MHz高精度RC时钟,-40~105℃范围内精度在±1%之内➢内置低速32KHz 低速时钟,供低功耗模式使用➢可外挂4MHz外部晶振➢内部PLL可提供最高96MHz时钟⚫外设模块➢两路UART➢一路SPI,支持主从模式➢一路IIC,支持主从模式➢一路CAN(部分型号不带CAN)➢2个通用16位Timer,支持捕捉和边沿对齐PWM功能➢2个通用32位Timer,支持捕捉和边沿对齐PWM功能;支持正交编码输入,CW/CCW输入,脉冲+符号输入➢电机控制专用PWM模块,支持8路PWM输出,独立死区控制➢Hall信号专用接口,支持测速、去抖功能➢硬件看门狗➢最多4组16bit GPIO。
P0.0/P0.1/P1.0/P1.1 4个GPIO可以作为系统的唤醒源。
P0.15 ~ P0.0 共16个GPIO可以用作外部中断源输入。
⚫模拟模块➢集成1路12bit SAR ADC,同步双采样,3Msps采样及转换速率,最多支持13通道➢集成4路运算放大器,可设置为差分PGA模式➢集成两路比较器,可设置滞回模式➢集成12bit DAC 数模转换器➢内置±2℃温度传感器➢内置1.2V 0.5%精度电压基准源➢内置1路低功耗LDO和电源监测电路➢集成高精度、低温飘高频RC时钟➢集成晶体起振电路1.2性能优势➢高可靠性、高集成度、最终产品体积小、节约BOM成本;➢内部集成4路高速运放和两路比较器,可满足单电阻/双电阻/三电阻电流采样拓扑架构的不同需求;➢内部高速运放集成高压保护电路,可以允许高电压共模信号直接输入芯片,可以用最简单的电路拓扑实现MOSFET电阻直接电流采样模式;➢应用专利技术使ADC和高速运放达到最佳配合,可处理更宽的电流动态范围,同时兼顾高速小电流和低速大电流的采样精度;➢整体控制电路简洁高效,抗干扰能力强,稳定可靠;➢单电源2.2V~5.5V供电,确保了系统供电的通用性;适用于有感BLDC/无感BLDC/有感FOC/无感FOC及步进电机、永磁同步、异步电机等控制系统。
LG 液晶电视机 32LS3159-CC 使用说明书
52 规格 56 附录
• 如果忽视警告信息,可能造成严重的人身伤害或者可能导致事故和死亡。
• 如果忽视注意信息,可能造成轻伤或者损坏产品。
• 注释帮助您了解以及安全地使用产品。请在使用本产品之前认真阅读注释。
• 如果长时间不使用电视机,请拔掉电源线。 覆盖灰尘可能引起火灾,绝缘体损坏可能引起漏电、电击或火灾。
• 请勿将设备暴露在油滴或喷雾中, 不要将装水的容器(如:花瓶)放置在设 备上。
• 将电视机安装在没有无线电波产生的地方。
• 室外天线和电线之间必须保持足够距离,以保证即使天线跌落也不会与电 线接触。可能导致电击。
• 请使用制造商指定配件或附件。
• 请由专业人员安装天线。 可能发生火灾或电击。
5~7 times
• 我们建议您在观看电视时最少与电视机保持屏幕对角线尺寸2到7倍的距离。
• 请使用专用型号电池。 可能损坏遥控器。
• 切勿新旧电池混用,可能导致电池过热或泄漏。
• 确保遥控器与感应器之间没有异物。
12/05/12 Feng Luxuan ESLCC00018 P10/P24/P46 update
Pagination sheet
P/NO.: MFL67709613 Total Pages .: 64 pages
Front cover
• 长时间显示一个固定图像(如广播频道标识、屏幕菜单、电视游戏场景) 可能损伤屏幕,导致图像残留,这就是图像拖尾。 图像拖尾不会覆盖在电视机上。 避免观看一个固定图像超过一小时。 如果长时间使用4:3的画面比率观看电视,面板边缘可能发生图像拖尾。 这种现象也可能出现在第三方产品中,不能退换。
3、CPU19脚发出PFC ON信号送到光耦PC153,PFC电路开
始工作,由PC152检测到的PFC DET信号送入CPU的18脚。
VSDET送入CPU的28脚,VA电路跟着开始工作,V ADET信号送入CPU的27脚。
飞思卡半导体 微控制器系列MC9S08QE128 8位 產品說明書
目標應用• 健康監測儀器• 中央空調及樓宇控制 • 煤氣表、水錶及暖氣表• 監控攝像機 • 數碼相機• 測量設備概述Flexis TM 系列控制器是“飛思卡爾控制器聯合體”(Freescale Controller Continuum)中的連接點,它使8位和32位產品的兼容成為現實。
Flexis系列包括可相互替換的8位S08和32位ColdFire ® V1微控制器系列產品,它們采用相同的外圍設備和開發工具,從而可以提供最大的移植靈活性。
S08QE128還有高達3.6V的電源電壓、50 MHz的CPU內核和三個定時器,可改善電機控制性能,非常適用于健康監測儀器及其他電子產品,如數碼相機和網絡攝像頭等。
Flexis TM 微控制器系列MC9S08QE1288位產品說明書使用外圍設備長電池使用壽命• 新的ULP電源等待模式• Stop3模式下6 µs的典型喚醒時間• 由內部或外部參考時鐘控制,包含鎖頻環(FLL)的內部時鐘源(ICS)模塊• 無需使用外部時鐘源。
• 閉環控制皮爾斯振蕩器(OSC);31.25 kHz到38.4kHz或1 MHz到16 MHz的晶振或陶瓷振蕩器• 具有在低功耗模式下提供精確時基的超低功耗振蕩器Freescale TM 和Freescale標識是飛思卡爾半導體公司的注冊商標。
文件編號:MC9S08QE128FSREV 0• • 相同的硬件連接器• 斷點設置• 在線調試過程中可設置一個斷點設置(外加內置調試模塊中的另三個斷點)• 包含三個比較器和九種觸發方式的ICE調試模塊。
模拟量输入 : 8, 4 Channels 模拟量输出 : 8, 4, 2 Channels 中断输入 : 8 Points 热电偶 : 4 Channels 模拟定时器 : 8 Points 高速记数器 : 1 Channel PID control : 8 Loops 位置控制 : 1 Axis Pulse output
F-net (Field Bus) C-net (RS232C/RS485)
(Modbus, AB DF1 Protocol Available) Remote I/O
Programmable Controller
MASTER-K 系列基本应用
K80S 系 统 基 本 构 成 方 式
LG Industrial Systems Co., Ltd.
256 点
16,000 点
最大 I/O 点
Programmable Controller
PLC 简介
最大 I/O 点数 : 10~80 点 模块式小型PLC 使用于小型机械控 制系统
最大 I/O 点数 : 256 点
Programmable Controller
PLC 简介
PLC 种类
30k 步 15k 步
• 使用于各类系统 • 符合国际标准
(IEC 61131-3) • 支持DeviceNet, Ethernet
• 使用于中、小型机械控制系统 • 高性能价格比
第九章 模拟比较器 ................................................................................28
31.25KHz~39.0625KHz 和 1MHz~
飞 5MHz
z 内部时钟源(ICS) -包含一个由内部参
H 考或外部参考时钟控制的锁频环(FLL)。 C 内部参考时钟精度可调,分辨率 0.2%;
全工作电压和温度范围内仅 2%误差;
E 总线频率高达 10MHz
克 泰 锐 FREE-TECH飞 图 1-1MC9RS08KA8 结构图
北京飞锐泰克科技有限公司 tel:010-59831537 fax:010-59831536
1.2 系统时钟分布
克 泰 锐 图 1-2 系统时钟分配图
注:总线频率是 ICS 输出频率的 1/2,MCU 内部模块均使用总线频率。
-系统时钟停止;稳压器工作 -所有的内部电路待机状态,以备快速恢复。 3.3 正常运行模式
锐 在复位信号上升沿,BKGD/MS 引脚为高则进入正常工作模式。在该模式下,CPU
执行$3FFD 开始的程序代码。所以用于一般在$3FFD 处放 JMP XXXX 指令,跳转到 主程序地址。如下表:
VPP 为芯片编程或擦除时提供电源,不论该引脚配置成何种作用,VPP 始终 连接到内部 FLASH 模块。当芯片不处于编程或擦除状态时,应断开外部电压,并 且施加到该引脚信号不应超过 VDD,以免对 FLASH 造成误操作。 注:该引脚没有限压二极管保护,故未处于编程或擦除状态下不要施加大于 VDD 的信号。
z 闪存读/写/擦除全部操作电压和温度 z 闪存容量
—MC9S08QD4/S9S08QD4:4096 字节 —MC9S08QD2/S9S08QD2:2048 字节
RAM 容量
—MC9S08QD4/S9S08QD4:256 字节 —MC9S08QD2/S9S08QD2:128 字节
第四章 内存映像和寄存器定义.........................................................................................................21 4.1 MC9S08QD4 系列内存映像 .................................................................................................21 4.2 复位和中断向量分配.............................................................................................................22 4.3 寄存器地址和位分配.............................................................................................................22 4.4 RAM .......................................................................................................................................26 4.5Flash ......................................................................................................................................... 27 4.5.1 特征 .............................................................................................................................27 4.5.2 写入和擦除时间..........................................................................................................27 4.5.3 擦除和写入命令执行..................................................................................................28 4.5.4 突发写入时间..............................................................................................................29 4.5.5 访问错误......................................................................................................................31 4.5.6 FLASH 块保护............................................................................................................31 4.5.7 向量重定向..................................................................................................................32 4.6 安全性 ....................................................................................................................................32 4.7 FLASH 寄存器和控制位 .......................................................................................................33 4.7.1 FLASH 时钟分频寄存器(FCDIV) .............................................................................33
l 与 MCS-51 单片机产品兼容
l 8K 字节在系统可编程 Flash 存储器
l 1000 次擦写周期
l 全静态操作:0Hz~33Hz
开始/停止控制定时器 2。TR2=1,定时器 2 开始工作
定时器 2 定时/计数选择标志位。 =0,定时; =1,外部事
co 捕捉/重载选择标志位。当 EXEN2=1 时,
=1,T2EX 出现负脉冲,
会引起捕捉操作;当定时器 2 溢出或 EXEN2=1 时 T2EX 出现负跳变,都
表 2 T2CON:定时器/计数器 2 控制寄存器
T2CON 地址为 0C8H 位可寻址
复位值:0000 0000B
wEXF2 wRCLK w. TCLK tai EXEN2 -yan. TR2
定时器 2 溢出标志位。必须软件清“0”。RCLK=1 或 TCLK=1 时,TF2 不用置位。 定时器 2 外部标志位。EXEN2=1 时,T2EX 上的负跳变而出现捕捉或重 载时,EXF2 会被硬件置位。定时器 2 打开,EXF2=1 时,将引导 CPU 执行定时器 2 中断程序。EXF2 必须如见清“0”。在向下/向上技术模式 (DCEN=1)下 EXF2 不能引起中断。 串行口接收数据时钟标志位。若 RCLK=1,串行口将使用定时器 2 溢出 脉冲作为串行口工作模式 1 和 3 的串口接收时钟;RCLK=0,将使用定 时器 1 计数溢出作为串口接收时钟。 串行口发送数据时钟标志位。若 TCLK=1,串行口将使用定时器 2 溢出 脉冲作为串行口工作模式 1 和 3 的串口发送时钟;TCLK=0,将使用定 时器 1 计数溢出作为串口发送时钟。 定时器 2 外部允许标志位。当 EXEN2=1 时,如果定时器 2 没有用作串行 时钟,T2EX(P1.1)的负跳变见引起定时器 2 捕捉和重载。若 EXEN2 =0,定时器 2 将视 T2EX 端的信号无效
Please read the safety information carefully before using this product.After reading this manual, keep it in an easily accessible location for future reference.LCLG002Copyright © 2018 LG Electronics Inc. All Rights Reserved.2TABLE OF CONTENTS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS (3)-Electrical Power Related Precautions (3)-Precautions for installing the Product (5)-Precautions for Moving the Product (6)-Precautions for Using/Cleaning the Product (7)-Product Disposal (Only, Hg lamp used LCD Monitor) (7)LICENCE (8)ASSEMBLING AND PREPARING .9 -Remote Control Receiver (9)-Optional Accessories (10)-Parts and Buttons (11)-Installing on a Wall (12)-Connecting to LCLG002 with LVDS Cable (13)USING LCLG002 (14)-Connecting to PC (14)-Connecting to External Devices (14)TROUBLESHOOTING (15)PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS (17)3 WARNING - This equipment is compliant with Class A of CISPR 32. In a residential environment this equipment may cause radio interference.SAFETY PRECAUTIONSPlease read these safety precautions carefully before using the product.WARNINGIf you ignore the warning message, you may be seriously injured or there is a possibility of accident or death.CAUTIONIf you ignore the caution message, you may be slightly injured or the product may be damaged.WARNING•Indoor Use Only.NOTE•Some features described in the User Manual may not be supported in certain models and countries. Electrical Power Related PrecautionsWARNING•Use only the power cord supplied with the unit or another manufacturer’s authorized cord.-Failure to do so may result in fire or electrical shock or damage to the product.•Use only a properly grounded plug and receptacle.-If you do not you may be electrocuted or injured. Or the product might be damaged.•Do not use a damaged or loose plug.-This may cause electrical shock or fire.•Operate the display only from a power source(i.e. voltage) indicated in the product specification.-Otherwise the product can be damaged, fire can occur or you may be electrocuted. If you are not sure what type of power supply you have, consult a certified electrician.•In the presence of thunder and lightning, never touch the power cord and signal cable because it can be very dangerous.-It can cause electric shock.•Do not connect several extension cords, electrical appliances or electrical heaters to a single outlet. Use a power strip with a grounding terminal designed for exclusive use with the computer.-A fire can break out due to overheating.•Do not touch the power plug with wet hands. Additionally, if the cord pin is wet or covered with dust, dry the power plug completely or wipe dust off before plugging in the cord.-You may be electrocuted due to excess moisture.4•If you don’t intend to use the product for a long time, unplug the power cable from the product.-Layers of dust can cause a fire, or insulation deterioration can cause electric leakage, electric shock or fire.•Insert the power plug firm so it cannot come loose.-A loose connection can cause fire.•Hold the plug when pulling out the power cable. Do not pull the plug out by the wire. Do not bend the power cord with excessive force or put heavy objects on the power cord.-The power line can be damaged, which may cause electric shock or fire.•Do not insert metal or other conductive materials into the product openings. Additionally, do not touch the power cable right after plugging into the wall input terminal.-You may be electrocuted.•Use an appliance coupler as a disconnect device.•Please make sure the device is installed near the wall outlet to which it is connected and that the outlet is easily accessible.•Do not unplug the power cord while the product is in use.-Electrical shock can damage the product.•As long as this unit is connected to the AC wall outlet, it is not disconnected from the AC power source even if the unit is turned off.5 Precautions for installing the ProductWARNING•Keep away from heat sources like heaters or open flames.-Electrical shock, fire, malfunction or deformation may occur.•Keep the packing anti-moisture material or vinyl packing out of the reach of children.-Anti-moisture material is harmful if swallowed. If swallowed by mistake, force the patient to vomit and visit the nearest hospital. Additionally, vinyl packing can cause suffocation. Keep it out of the reach of children.•Do not put heavy objects on the product or sit upon it.-If the product collapses or is dropped, you may be injured. Prevent Children from climbing or pulling on the unit.•Do not leave the power or signal cable where someone can trip over it.-Pedestrians may become entangled in the cables and cause the device to become damaged causing electrical shock, fire, or serious injury.•Install the product in a neat and dry place. Do not use near water.-Dust or moisture can cause electrical shock, fire or product damage.•Do not add accessories that have not been designed for this display.•If you smell smoke or other odors or hear a strange sound from the product unplug the power cord and contact LG Customer Service.-If you continue to use without taking proper measures, electrical shock or fire can occur.•If you dropped the product or the case is broken, turn off the product and unplug the power cord.-If you continue to use without taking proper measures, electrical shock or fire can occur. Contact LG Customer Service.•Do not drop an object on or apply impact to the product. Do not throw any toys or objects at the product.-It can cause injury to humans, problems to the product and damage the display.•Keep out of reach of children and do not place toys near the product.•Make sure the product ventilation hole is not blocked. Install the product more than 100 mm (3.9 inches) from the wall.-If you install the product too close to the wall, it may be deformed or fire can break out due to internal heat build-up.•Do not cover the product with cloth or other material (eg. plastic) while plugged in.-The product can be deformed or fire can break out due to internal overheating.•Place the product on a flat and stable surface that is large enough to support the product.-If the product is dropped, you may be injured or the product may be broken.•Install the product where no Electromagnetic Interference occurs.•Keep the product away from direct sunlight.-The product can be damaged.•Do not place the product on the floor.-Small Children and others may trip over it.•Do not install this product on a wall if it could be exposed to oil or oil mist.-This may damage the product and cause it to fall.•For displays with glossy bezels the user should consider the placement of the display as the bezel may cause unwanted reflections from surrounding light and bright surfaces.6Precautions for Moving the ProductWARNING•Make sure to turn off the product.-You may be electrocuted or the product can be damaged.•Make sure to remove all cables before moving the product.-You may be electrocuted or the product can be damaged.•When lifting or moving the product, do not hold it upside down while holding only the stand. -This may cause the product to fall resulting in damage or injury.•Do not shock the product when moving it.-You may be electrocuted or the product can be damaged.•Make sure the panel faces forward and hold it with both hands to move.-If you drop the product, the damaged product can cause electric shock or fire.•Do not place the product face down.-This may damage the TFT-LCD screen.7 Precautions for Using/Cleaning the ProductWARNING•Do not attempt to disassemble, repair or modify the product yourself.-Fire or electric shock can occur.-Contact LG Customer Service for repair.•When cleaning the product, unplug the power cord and scrub gently with a soft cloth to prevent scratching. Do not clean with a wet cloth or spray water or other liquids directly onto the product. An electric shock may occur. (Do not use chemicals such as benzene, paint thinners or alcohol.)•Keep the product away from water.-Fire or electric shock accident can occur.•Avoid high temperatures and humidity.•Do not put or store flammable substances near the product.-There is a danger of explosion or fire.•Keep the product clean at all times.•Take a comfortable and natural position when working with the product.•Take a regular break when working with the product for a long time.•Do not press on the panel with a hand or sharp object such as nail, pencil or pen, or make a scratch on it.•Keep proper distance from the product and rest from time-to-time.-Your vision may be impaired if you look at the product too closely or for too long.•Set the appropriate resolution by referring to the User’s Guide.•Keep small accessories out of the reach of children.•Displaying a still image for long time on the monitor may leave persistent image or stain on the monitor screen. To avoid this problem, use a screen saver and power off when this product is not used. Persistent image or stain caused by long time usage are not covered by the warranty on this product.•Do not use products using high voltage around the Monitor. (ex. Electrical Swatter)-Monitor may have malfunction as its electrical shock.•Spray water onto a soft cloth 2 to 4 times, and use it to clean the front frame; wipe in one direction only. Too much moisture may cause staining.Product Disposal (Only, Hg lamp used LCD Monitor)•The fluorescent lamp used in this product contains a small amount of mercury.•Do not dispose of this product with general household waste.•Disposal of this product must be carried out in accordance to the regulations of your local authority.8LICENCESupported licenses may differ by model. Visit for more information on licenses.The terms HDMI and HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, and the HDMI Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. in the United States and other countries.9 ASSEMBLING AND PREPARINGCAUTION•Always use genuine components to ensure safety and durability of the product.•The product warranty will not cover damage or injury caused by the use of unauthorized components.•Replacing the batteries with the wrong type may result in explosion.•Batteries that have reached end-of-life should be disposed in an appropriate manner.•Connect the power cord to the product before you plug it into a wall outlet. Plugging the power cord into a wall outlet first may cause an electric shock, which can damage the product.NOTE•The accessories provided with your product may vary depending on the model.•Product specifications or contents in this manual may be changed without prior notice due to upgrade of product functions.•SuperSign Software & Manual-Visit to download the latest SuperSign software and manual.•The warranty will not cover any damage caused by using the product in an excessively dusty environment.WARNING•The warranty will not cover any component damage caused by electrostatic discharge at the time of installation. When installing this product, you must wear anti-electrostatic discharge (ESD) gear.Remote Control ReceiverBecause the product is the embedded-type, the remote control should be used only during installation and the use of remote control by user is not recommended.10Optional AccessoriesWithout prior notice, optional accessories are subject to change to improve the performance of the product, and new accessories may be added. The illustrations in this manual may differ from the actual product and optional accessories.NOTE•Optional accessories are only available for some models. If necessary, please purchase them separately.11 Parts and ButtonsThe illustrations may differ depending on the model.• : Turns the power on and off.• : Switches to HDMI input.• : Switches to DVI-D input.• : Switches to DP input.• : Accesses/Exits White Pattern.• : Consecutively accesses/exits R/G/B Pattern.• : Press and hold for 3 seconds or more to set the IP address to• : Press and hold for 3 seconds or more to access/exit Key Lock.NOTE•If you press or to access the corresponding pattern, HDMI/DVI-D/DP screen will not be available. If you want to switch to the external input screen, repeatedly press the button until you exit from the pattern.12Installing on a WallFix the assembled set on a desired place.139 mm13 Connecting to LCLG002 with LVDS CableConnect the LVDS cable with the set.CAUTION•Check the direction so that the LVDS cable is not damaged.•Inserting the LVDS cable with excessive force may damage the contact point.14USING LCLG002Connecting to PCThe LCLG002 model itself does not have any screen. You may connect it with LCLG012U and see the screen through the colored, transparent LED film (LAT240DT1, LAT240DT2).LCLG002 supports the Plug and Play* feature.* Plug and Play: a feature that enables a PC to recognized devices attached by the user without device configuration or user intervention when powering up.Connecting to External DevicesConnect a HD receiver, DVD, or VCR player to the product and select an appropriate input mode.For the best picture quality, use a HDMI cable to connect the product to external devices.NOTE•For the best image quality, using HDMI connection is recommended.•To comply with the specifications of the product, use a shielded interface HDMI cable with ferrite core.•Fasten the cables with cable ties to minimize electromagnetic interference.•Use a High Speed HDMI®/™ cable.•If you want to use HDMI-PC mode, you must set your input to PC mode.•You may experience compatibility issues if you use a HDMI cable to connect to a PC.•Use a certified cable that displays the HDMI logo. The screen may not appear or a connection error could occur if a non-certified cable is used.•Recommended HDMI Cable Types-High-Speed HDMI®/™ Cable-High-Speed HDMI®/™ Ethernet CableCAUTION•Connect the signal input cable and check whether it is inserted properly into the connector.•If you are using a DP to HDMI dongle, use products that have been verified by graphics card manufacturers.•If you are connecting the graphics card to multiple-channel ports, use the same DP to HDMI dongle model.15 TROUBLESHOOTINGNo image is displayed.The ‘Unknown Product’ message appears when the product is connected.The screen image looks abnormal.16After-image appears on the product.The display color is abnormal.The operation does not work normally.17PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSWithout prior notice, all product information and specifications contained in this manual are subject to change to improve the performance of the product.The symbol means alternating current, and the symbol means direct current.18[Unit: mm (inches)]LCLG00219 DVI-D/HDMI/DisplayPort (PC) Support ModeHDMI/DisplayPort (DTV) Support ModeNOTE•Resolutions available for the Input Label option in HDMI/ DisplayPort input modes.-PC resolutions: 1280 x 720 / 60 Hz and 1920 x 1080 / 60 Hz.-DTV resolutions: 480p, 720p and 1080p.•Vertical frequency: The product display functions by the screen image changing dozens of times every second like a fluorescent lamp. The vertical frequency or refresh rate is the number of image displays per second. The unit is Hz.•Horizontal frequency: The horizontal interval is the time taken to display one horizontal line. When 1 is divided by the horizontal interval, the number of horizontal lines displayed every second can be tabulated as the horizontal frequency. The unit is kHz.The label attached to the product contains information you need to receive service.Note for user/reseller: The noise that occurs temporarily when the product is turned on or off is not abnormal nor due to malfunction.Model Serial NumberSupplier’s Declaration of ConformityTrade Name LGResponsible Party Address LG Electronics USA, Inc.1000 Sylvan Ave Englewood Cliffs,NJ 07632Telephone(201)266-2215。
MC9S08DZ128MC9S08DZ96MC9S08DV128MC9S08DV96数据手册HCS08微处理控制器MC9S08DZ128第一版2008年5月飞思卡尔半导体MC9S08DZ128系列产品的特性8位HCSO8中央处理单元(CPU)•40-MHz HCS08 CPU(20-MHz总线)•HC08指令集,带附加的BGND指令•支持最多32个中断/复位源片内存储器•整个工作电压和温度范围内可读取/编程/擦除的Flash存储器•最大2K的EEPROM在线可编程内存;支持8字节单页或4字节双页擦除分区;执行Flash程序的同时可进行编程和擦除操作;支持擦除取消操作节能模式•两种非常低功耗停止模式•Reduced power wait mode降低功耗等待模式•超低功耗实时中断,在运行、等待和停止模式下均可操作时钟源选项•振荡器(XOSC)—闭环控制的皮尔斯(Pierce)振荡器;支持范围31.25 kHz至38.4 kHz或1 MHz至16MHz之间的晶体或陶瓷谐振器•多功能时钟生成器(MCG)—PLL和FLL模式(在使用内部温度补偿时FLL能够达到1.5%内的偏差);带微调功能的内部参考时钟源;带可选择晶体振荡器或陶瓷谐振器的外部参考时钟源系统保护•监视微控制器(计算机)看门狗(COP)复位,支持备用专用1KHZ的内部时钟源或总线时钟操作的选项。
带有可选择的视窗化得操作•带复位和中断的低压检测电路;可选择的电压阀值•支持非法指令代码复位•支持非法操作地址复位•支持Flash与EEPROM块保护•支持时钟信号丢失保护开发支持•单线背景调试接口•总线实时捕获功能的上及在线仿真(ICE)外围设备•ADC(模数转换)24通道- 12位分辨率, 2.5μs转换时间, 自动比较功能,温度传感器,包含内部能兮参考源通道•ACMPx—两个模拟比较器,支持比较器输出的上升,下降或任意边缘触发的中断;可选择与内部能隙参考电压源比较;运行在STOP3模式;•MSCAN— CAN协议- Version 2.0 A, B; 支持标准和扩展数据帧;支持远程帧;5个带FIFO 存储框架的接收缓冲器;灵活的接收识别符过滤器,可编程如下:2 x 32位、4 x 16位或8 x 8位•SCIx—两个SCI,可支持LIN 2.0协议和SAE J2602协议;全双工;主节点支持break 信号生成;从节点支持break信号检测;支持激活边沿唤醒•SPIx—多达两个SPIs;全双工或单线双向;双重缓冲发送与接受;主从模式; 支持高位优先或低位优先的移动•IICx—多达两个IICs; 支持最高100kps的总线负载; 多主节点模式运行;可编程的从地址; 通用呼叫地址; 逐字节传输驱动的中断r•TPMx—一个6通道(TPM1), 一2通道(TPM2)和一个4通道(TPM3);可支持输入捕捉, 输出比较, 或每个通道带缓冲的边沿对齐PWM输出。
Freescale Semiconductor Data Sheet: Technical DataAn Energy Efficient Solution by FreescaleDocument Number: MC9S08QE32Rev. 6, 10/2009This document contains information on a product under development. F reescale reserves the right to change or discontinue this product without notice.MC9S08QE32MC9S08QE32 SeriesCovers: MC9S08QE32 and MC9S08QE16Features•8-Bit HCS08 Central Processor Unit (CPU)–Up to 50.33 MHz HCS08 CPU at 3.6 V to 2.4 V , 40 MHz CPU at 2.4 V to 2.1 V and 20 MHz CPU at 2.1 V to 1.8 V across temperature range of –40 °C to 85 °C–HC08 instruction set with added BGND instruction –Support for up to 32 interrupt/reset sources •On-ChipMemory–Flash read/program/erase over full operating voltage and temperature–Random-access memory (RAM)–Security circuitry to prevent unauthorized access to RAM and flash contents •Power-Saving Modes–Two very low power stop modes –Reduced power wait mode –Peripheral clock enable register can disable clocks to unused modules, thereby reducing currents; allows clocks to remain enabled to specific peripherals in stop3 mode.–Very low power external oscillator that can be used in run, wait, and stop modes to provide accurate clock source to real time counter.– 6 μs typical wakeup time from stop3 mode •Clock Source Options–Oscillator (XOSCVLP) — Loop-control Pierce oscillator; crystal or ceramic resonator range of 31.25 kHz to 38.4 kHz or 1 MHz to 16 MHz–Internal clock source (ICS) — Internal clock source module containing a frequency-locked-loop (FLL) controlled by internal or external reference; precision trimming of internal reference allows 0.2% resolution and 2% deviation over temperature and voltage; supports CPU frequencies from 4 kHz to 50.33 MHz.•System Protection–Watchdog computer operating properly (COP) reset with option to run from dedicated 1 kHz internal clock source or bus clock.–Low-voltage warning with interrupt.–Low-voltage detection with reset or interrupt –Selectable trip points.–Illegal opcode detection with reset –Illegal address detection with reset –Flash block protection •Development Support–Single-wire background debug interface–Breakpoint capability to allow single breakpoint setting during in-circuit debugging (plus three breakpoints in on-chip debug module)–On-chip in-circuit emulator (ICE) debug module containing three comparators and nine trigger modes. Eight deep FIFO for storing change-of-flow addresses and event-only data. Debug module supports both tag and force breakpoints •Peripherals–ADC — 10-channel, 12-bit resolution; 2.5 μs conversion time; automatic compare function; 1.7 mV/°C temperature sensor; internal bandgap reference channel; operation in stop3; fully functional from 3.6 V to 1.8 V–ACMPx — Two analog comparators with selectable interrupt on rising, falling, or either edge of comparator output; compare option to fixed internal bandgap reference voltage; outputs can be optionally routed to TPM module; operation in stop3–SCIx — Two serial communications interface modules with optional 13-bit break. Full duplex non-return to zero (NRZ); LIN master extended break generation; LIN slave extended break detection; wake on active edge.–SPI — One serial peripheral interface; full-duplex or single-wire bidirectional; double-buffered transmit andreceive; master or slave mode; MSB-first or LSB-first shifting –IIC — One IIC; up to 100 kbps with maximum bus loading; multi-master operation; programmable slave address; interrupt driven byte-by-byte data transfer; supports broadcast mode and 10-bit addressing–TPMx — One 6-channel (TPM3) and two 3-channel (TPM1 and TPM2); selectable input capture, output compare, or buffered edge- or center-aligned PWM on each channel;–RTC — (Real-time counter) 8-bit modulus counter with binary or decimal based prescaler; external clock source for precise time base, time-of-day, calendar or task scheduling functions; free running on-chip low power oscillator (1 kHz) for cyclic wake-up without external components; runs in all MCU modes •Input/Output–40 GPIOs, including 1 output-only pin and 1 input-only pin –16 KBI interrupts with selectable polarity–Hysteresis and configurable pull up device on all input pins; Configurable slew rate and drive strength on all output pins.•Package Options–48-pin QFN, 44-pin LQFP, 32-pin LQFP, 28-pin SOICRevision HistoryTo provide the most up-to-date information, the revision of our documents on the World Wide Web will be the most current. Your printed copy may be an earlier revision. To verify you have the latest information available, refer to:/The following revision history table summarizes changes contained in this document.Revision Date Description of Changes17/2/2008Initial public released.210/7/2008Updated the Stop2 and Stop3 mode supply current, and RI DD in FEI mode with all modules on at 25.165 MHz in the T able 8 Supply Current Characteristics.Replaced the stop mode adders section from Table 8 with an individual Table 9 Stop Mode Adders with new specifications.311/4/2008Updated operating voltage in Table 7.45/4/2009Added 10×10 mm information to 44 LQFP in the front page.In Table 7, added |I OZTOT |.In Table 11, updated typicals and Max. for t IRST.In Table 16, removed the Rev. Voltage High item.Updated T able 17.58/27/2009Updated f int_t and f int_ut in the Table 11.610/13/2009Corrected the package size descriptions on the coverRelated DocumentationFind the most current versions of all documents at: Reference Manual(MC9S08QE32RM)Contains extensive product information including modes of operation, memory, resets and interrupts, register definition, port pins, CPU, and all module information.1MCU Block Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32Pin Assignments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43Electrical Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.1Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.2Parameter Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.3Absolute Maximum Ratings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93.4Thermal Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103.5ESD Protection and Latch-Up Immunity . . . . . . 123.6DC Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123.7Supply Current Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163.8External Oscillator (XOSCVLP) Characteristics 183.9Internal Clock Source (ICS) Characteristics . . . 193.10AC Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203.10.1Control Timing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203.10.2TPM Module Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213.10.3SPI Timing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223.11Analog Comparator (ACMP) Electricals . . . . . . 263.12ADC Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263.13Flash Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294Ordering Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305Package Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305.1Mechanical Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Table of ContentsMCU Block Diagram1MCU Block DiagramThe block diagram, Figure 1, shows the structure of the MC9S08QE32 MCU.Figure 1. MC9S08QE32 Series Block DiagramIIC MODULE (IIC)USER FLASHUSER RAMHCS08 CORE CPUBDCPTB7/SCL/EXTAL P O R T BHCS08 SYSTEM CONTROL RESET S AND INTERRUPTS MODES OF OPERATION POWER MANAGEMENT COPLVDPTB6/SDA/XTAL PTB5/TPM1CH1/SS PTB4/TPM2CH1/MISO PTB3/KBI1P7/MOSI/ADP7PTB2/KBI1P6/SPSCK/ADP6VOLTAGE REGULATORP O R T APTA1/KBI1P1/TPM2CH0/ADP1/ACMP1–ANALOG COMPARATOR(ACMP1)LOW-POWER OSCILLATOR 50.33 MHz INTERNAL CLOCKSOURCE (ICS)31.25 kHz to 38.4 kHz 1 MHz to 16 MHz (XOSCVLP)V SS V DDANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER (ADC12)10-CHANNEL, 12-BIT PTB1/KBI1P5/TxD1/ADP5PTB0/KBI1P4/RxD1/ADP4P O R T C PTC7/TxD2/ACMP2–PTC6/RxD2/ACMP2+PTC5/TPM3CH5/ACMP2O PTC4/TPM3CH4REAL-TIME COUNTER(MC9S08QE32 = 32768 BYTES)(MC9S08QE16 = 16384 BYTES)(MC9S08QE32 = 2048 BYTES)(MC9S08QE16 = 1024 BYTES)PTA3/KBI1P3/SCL/ADP3PTA2/KBI1P2/SDA/ADP2PTA0/KBI1P0/TPM1CH0/ADP0/ACMP1+PTA4/ACMP1O/BKGD/MS PTA5/IRQ/TPM1CLK/RESET IRQpins not available on 28-pin packages(RTC)ANALOG COMPARATOR(ACMP2)PTA7/TPM2CH2/ADP9PTA6/TPM1CH2/ADP8PTC3/TPM3CH3PTC2/TPM3CH2PTC1/TPM3CH1PTC0/TPM3CH0V SSAD /V REFL V DDAD /V REFHpins not available on 28-pin, 32-pin, or 44-pin packagesBKGD/MSIRQEXTAL XTAL V REFL V REFHSCLSDA MISO MOSI SPSCK SS RxD1TxD1DEBUG MODULE (DBG)ACMP1O ACMP1–ACMP1+ACMP2O ACMP2–ACMP2+ADP9–ADP0TPM1CLKTPM1CH2–TPM1CH03-CHANNEL TIMER/PWMMODULE (TPM1)KEYBOARD INTERRUPTMODULE (KBI2)KBI2P7–KBI2P0V SSAD V DDAD V SSAD Notes: When PTA5 is configured as RESET, pin becomes bi-directional with output being open-drain drive containing an internal pullup device.When PTA4 is configured as BKGD, pin becomes bi-directional.For the 28-pin packages, V SSAD /V REFL and V DDAD /V REFH are double bonded to V SS and V DD respectively.P O R T D PTD7/KBI2P7PTD6/KBI2P6PTD5/KBI2P5PTD4/KBI2P4PTD3/KBI2P3PTD2/KBI2P2PTD1/KBI2P1PTD0/KBI2P0P O R T EPTE7/TPM3CLK PTE6PTE5PTE4PTE3/SS PTE2/MISO PTE1/MOSIPTE0/TPM2CLK/SPSCKpins not available on 28-pin or 32-pin packagesRxD2TxD2INTERFACE MODULE(SCI2)SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS INTERFACE MODULE(SCI1)SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE MODULE(SPI)TPM2CLKTPM2CH2–TPM2CH03-CHANNEL TIMER/PWMMODULE (TPM2)TPM3CLKTPM3CH5–TPM3CH06-CHANNEL TIMER/PWMMODULE (TPM3)KEYBOARD INTERRUPTMODULE (KBI1)KBI1P7–KBI1P0V DDADThe 48-pin package is the only package with the option of having the SPI pins (SS, MISO, MOSI, and SPSCK) available on PTE3-0 pins.Pin Assignments2Pin AssignmentsThis section shows the pin assignments for the MC9S08QE32 series devices.Figure 2. 48-Pin QFN484746454443424140391234567891011141516171819202122363332313029282726132423253534373812V REFH V SSAD V DD V REFL V DDAD V SS PTB7/SCL/EXTAL PTB6/SDA/XTAL PTE7/TPM3CLK PTD0/KBI2P0PTD1/KBI2P1PTE6P T C 2/T P M 3C H 2P T B 4/T P M 2C H 1/M I S O P T B 5/T P M 1C H 1S S P T C 3/T P M 3C H 3P T D 7/K B I 2P 7P T C 0/T P M 3C H 0P T C 1/T P M 3C H 1P T D 6/K B I 2P 6P T D 5/K B I 2P 5P T B 3/K B I 1P 7/M O S I /A D P 7P T B 2/K B I 1P 6/S P S C K /A D P 6P T E 5PTD4/KBI2P4V DD V SS PTA7/TPM2CH2/ADP9PTB1/KBI1P5/TxD1/ADP5PTB0/KBI1P4/RxD1/ADP4PTA2/KBI1P2/SDA/ADP2PTA3/KBI1P3/SCL/ADP3PTA6/TPM1CH2/ADP8PTD3/KBI2P3PTD2/KBI2P2PTE4P T E 2/M I S OP T A 5/I R Q /T P M 1C L K R E S E TP T A 4/A C M P 1O /B K G D /M SP T A 0/K B I 1P 0/T P M 1C H 0/A D P 0/A C M P 1+P T C 7/T x D 2/A C M P 2–P T C 5/T P M 3C H 5/A C M P 2OP T C 4/T P M 3C H 4P T C 6/R x D 2/A C M P 2+P T E 0/T P M 2C L K /S P S C KP T E 1/M O S IP T E 3S SP T A 1/K B I 1P 1/T P M 2C H 0/A D P 1/A C M P 1–Pins in bold are lost in the next lower pin count package.Pin AssignmentsFigure 3. 44-Pin LQFP4434434241403938373635123456789101113141516171819202133323130292827262524122223V REFH V SSADV DD V REFL V DDAD P T E 2PTD4/KBI2P4V SSP T C 2/T P M 3C H 2P T B 4/T P M 2C H 1/M I S OPTB7/SCL/EXTAL PTB6/SDA/XTAL P T B 5/T P M 1C H 1S SP T C 3/T P M 3C H 3P T A 5/I R Q /T P M 1C L K /R E S E TP T A 4/A C M P 1O /B K G D /M SP T D 7/K B I 2P 7P T C 0/T P M 3C H 0P T C 1/T P M 3C H 1V DDV SS P T D 6/K B I 2P 6P T D 5/K B I 2P 5P T A 0/K B I 1P 0/T P M 1C H 0/A D P 0/A C M P P T A 1/K B I 1P 1/T P M 2C H 0/A D P 1/A C M P P T C 7/T x D 2/A C M P 2–P T C 5/T P M 3C H 5/A C M P 2OP T C 4/T P M 3C H 4P T C 6/R x D 2/A C M P 2+PTA7/TPM2CH2/ADP9P T B 3/K B I 1P 7/M O S I /A D P 7P T B 2/K B I 1P 6/S P S C K /A D P 6PTB1/KBI1P5/TxD1/ADP5PTB0/KBI1P4/RxD1/ADP4PTA2/KBI1P2/SDA/ADP2PTA3/KBI1P3/SCL/ADP3PTA6/TPM1CH2/ADP8P T E 0/T P M 2C L KP T E 1PTE7/TPM3CLKPTD0/KBI2P0PTD1/KBI2P1PTD3/KBI2P3PTD2/KBI2P2Pins in bold are lost in the next lower pin count package.Pin AssignmentsFigure 4. 32-Pin LQFPPTD3/KBI2P3V DDAD /V REFH V SSAD /V REFLV SSV DDP T A 5/I R Q /T P M 1C L K /R E S E TP T A 4/A C M P 1O /B K G D /M SPTA7/TPM2CH2/ADP9P T A 0/K B I 1P 0/T P M 1C H 0/A D P 0/A C M P 1+P T C 0/T P M 3C H 0P T B 3/K B I 1P 7/M O S I /A D P 7P T B 2/K B I 1P 6/S P S C K /A D P 6PTB1/KBIP5/TxD1/ADP5PTB0/KBIP4/RxD1/ADP4PTA2/KBI1P2/SDA/ADP2PTA3/KBI1P3/SCL/ADP3P T A 1/K B I 1P 1/T P M 2C H 0/A D P 1/A C M P 1–P T C 1/T P M 3C H 1P T C 2/T P M 3C H 2P T B 4/T P M 2C H 1/M I S OP T C 7/T x D 2/A C M P 2–PTB6/SDA/XTALP T B 5/T P M 1C H 1S SP T C 5/T P M 3C H 5/A C M P 2OP T C 4/T P M 3C H 4P T C 3/T P M 3C H 3PTD0/KBI2P0PTD1/KBI2P1PTB7/SCL/EXTAL PTD2/KBI2P2PTA6/TPM1CH2/ADP8P T C 6/R x D 2/A C M P 2+Pins in bold are lost in the next lower pin count package.1234567822212019181710111213141592432162526272331302928Pin AssignmentsFigure 5. 28-Pin SOICTable 1. MC9S08QE32 Series Pin Assignment by Package and Pin Sharing PriorityPin Number <-- Lowest Priority --> Highest 48443228Port Pin Alt 1Alt 2Alt 3Alt 4111—PTD1KBI2P1222—PTD0KBI2P033——PTE7TPM3CLK4435V DD 5546V DDAD 66V REFH 7757V REFL 88V SSAD 9968V SS 101079PTB7SCL 1EXT AL 1111810PTB6SDA 1XT AL12———PTE613———PTE51412911PTB5TPM1CH1SS 215131012PTB4TPM2CH1MISO 216141113PTC3TPM3CH317151214PTC2TPM3CH21816——PTD7KBI2P712345678910111213142827262524232221201918171615PTC0/TPM3CH0PTB3/KBI1P7/MOSI/ADP7PTB2/KBI1P6/SPSCK/ADP6PTB1/KBI1P5/TxD1/ADP5PTB0/KBI1P4/RxD1/ADP4PTA2/KBI1P2/SDA/ADP2PTA3/KBI1P3/SCL/ADP3PTA1/KBI1P1/TPM2CH0/ADP1/ACMP1–PTA0/KBI1P0/TPM1CH0/ADP0/ACMP1+PTA7/TPM2CH2/ADP9PTA6/TPM1CH2/ADP8PTB4/TPM2CH1/MISOPTC3/TPM3CH3PTA5/IRQ/TPM1CLK/RESET PTA4/ACMP1O/BKGD/MSV DDV SSPTB7/SCL/EXTAL PTB6/SDA/XTAL PTB5/TPM1CH1/SS PTC1/TPM3CH1PTC6/RxD2/ACMP2+PTC7/TxD2/ACMP2–PTC2/TPM3CH2PTC4/TPM3CH4PTC5/TPM3CH5/ACMP2OV DDAD /V REFH V SSAD /V REFLPin AssignmentsTable1. MC9S08QE32 Series Pin Assignment by Package and Pin Sharing Priority (continued) Pin Number<-- Lowest Priority --> Highest48443228Port Pin Alt 1Alt 2Alt 3Alt 41917——PTD6KBI2P62018——PTD5KBI2P521191315PTC1TPM3CH122201416PTC0TPM3CH023211517PTB3KBI1P7MOSI2ADP724221618PTB2KBI1P6SPSCK2ADP625231719PTB1KBI1P5TxD1ADP526241820PTB0KBI1P4RxD1ADP427251921PTA7TPM2CH2ADP928262022PTA6TPM1CH2ADP829———PTE43027——V DD3128——V SS3229——PTD4KBI2P4333021—PTD3KBI2P3343122—PTD2KBI2P235322323PTA3KBI1P3SCL1ADP336332424PTA2KBI1P2SDA1ADP237342525PTA1KBI1P1TPM2CH0ADP13ACMP1–338352626PTA0KBI1P0TPM1CH0ADP03ACMP1+339362727PTC7TxD2ACMP2–40372828PTC6RxD2ACMP2+41———PTE3SS24238——PTE2MISO24339——PTE1MOSI24440——PTE0TPM2CLK SPSCK24541291PTC5TPM3CH5ACMP2O4642302PTC4TPM3CH44743313PTA5IRQ TPM1CLK RESET4844324PTA4ACMP1O BKGD MS1IIC pins, SCL and SDA can be repositioned using IICPS in SOPT2; default resetlocations are PT A3 and PTA2.2Default locations are PTB5, PTB4, PTB3, and PTB2.3If ADC and ACMP1 are enabled, both modules will have access to the pin.Electrical Characteristics3Electrical Characteristics3.1IntroductionThis section contains electrical and timing specifications for the MC9S08QE32 series of microcontrollers available at the time of publication.3.2Parameter ClassificationThe electrical parameters shown in this supplement are guaranteed by various methods. To give the customer a better understanding the following classification is used and the parameters are tagged accordingly in the tables where appropriate:NOTEThe classification is shown in the column labeled “C” in the parameter tables where appropriate.3.3Absolute Maximum RatingsAbsolute maximum ratings are stress ratings only, and functional operation at the maxima is notguaranteed. Stress beyond the limits specified in Table 3 may affect device reliability or cause permanent damage to the device. For functional operating conditions, refer to the remaining tables in this section.This device contains circuitry protecting against damage due to high static voltage or electrical fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltages higher than maximum-rated voltages to this high-impedance circuit. Reliability of operation is enhanced if unused inputs are tied to an appropriate logic voltage level (for instance, either V SS or V DD ) or the programmable pull-up resistor associated with the pin is enabled.Table 2. Parameter ClassificationsP Those parameters are guaranteed during production testing on each individual device.CThose parameters are achieved by the design characterization by measuring a statistically relevant sample size across process variations.T Those parameters are achieved by design characterization on a small sample size from typical devices under typical conditions unless otherwise noted. All values shown in the typical column are within this category.DThose parameters are derived mainly from simulations.Electrical Characteristics3.4Thermal CharacteristicsThis section provides information about operating temperature range, power dissipation, and package thermal resistance. Power dissipation on I/O pins is usually small compared to the power dissipation in on-chip logic and voltage regulator circuits, and it is user-determined rather than being controlled by the MCU design. To take P I/O into account in power calculations, determine the difference between actual pin voltage and V SS or V DD and multiply by the pin current for each I/O pin. Except in cases of unusually high pin current (heavy loads), the difference between pin voltage and V SS or V DD will be very small.Table 3. Absolute Maximum RatingsRatingSymbol Value Unit Supply voltageV DD –0.3 to +3.8V Maximum current into V DD I DD 120mA Digital input voltageV In –0.3 to V DD +0.3V Instantaneous maximum currentSingle pin limit (applies to all port pins)1,2,31Input must be current limited to the value specified. To determine the value of the required current-limiting resistor, calculate resistance values for positive (V DD ) and negative (V SS ) clamp voltages, then use the larger of the two resistance values.2All functional non-supply pins, except for PTA5 are internally clamped to V SS and V DD .3Power supply must maintain regulation within operating V DD range during instantaneous and operating maximum current conditions. If positive injection current (V In > V DD ) is greater than I DD , the injection current may flow out of V DD and could result in external power supply going out of regulation. Ensure external V DD load will shunt current greater than maximum injection current. This will be the greatest risk when the MCU is not consuming power. Examples are: if no system clock is present, or if the clock rate is very low (which would reduce overall power consumption).I D ±25mA Storage temperature rangeT stg–55 to 150°CThe average chip-junction temperature (T J ) in °C can be obtained from:T J = T A + (P D × θJA )Eqn.1where:T A = Ambient temperature, °CθJA = Package thermal resistance, junction-to-ambient, °C/W P D = P int + P I/OP int = I DD × V DD , Watts — chip internal powerP I/O = Power dissipation on input and output pins — user determinedFor most applications, P I/O << P int and can be neglected. An approximate relationship between P D and T J (if P I/O is neglected) is:P D = K ÷ (T J + 273°C)Eqn.2Solving Equation 1 and Equation 2 for K gives:K = P D × (T A + 273°C) + θJA × (P D )2Eqn.3where K is a constant pertaining to the particular part. K can be determined from equation 3 by measuring P D (at equilibrium) for a known T A . Using this value of K, the values of P D and T J can be obtained by solving Equation 1 and Equation 2 iteratively for any value of T A .Table 4. Thermal CharacteristicsRatingSymbol Value Unit Operating temperature range (packaged)T A T L to T H –40 to 85°C Maximum junction temperature T JM95°CThermal resistance Single-layer board48-pin QFN θJA81°C/W44-pin LQFP 6832-pin LQFP 6628-pin SOIC57Thermal resistance Four-layer board48-pin QFN θJA26°C/W44-pin LQFP 4632-pin LQFP 5428-pin SOIC423.5ESD Protection and Latch-Up ImmunityAlthough damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD) is much less common on these devices than on early CMOS circuits, normal handling precautions must be used to avoid exposure to static discharge.Qualification tests are performed to ensure that these devices can withstand exposure to reasonable levels of static without suffering any permanent damage.All ESD testing is in conformity with AEC-Q100 Stress Test Qualification for Automotive Grade Integrated Circuits. During the device qualification ESD stresses were performed for the human body model (HBM), the machine model (MM) and the charge device model (CDM).A device is defined as a failure if after exposure to ESD pulses the device no longer meets the device specification. Complete DC parametric and functional testing is performed per the applicable device specification at room temperature followed by hot temperature, unless specified otherwise in the device specification.3.6DC CharacteristicsThis section includes information about power supply requirements and I/O pin characteristics.Table 5. ESD and Latch-up Test ConditionsModelDescriptionSymbolValueUnitHuman BodySeries resistance R11500ΩStorage capacitance C 100pFNumber of pulses per pin—3MachineSeries resistance R10ΩStorage capacitance C 200pFNumber of pulses per pin—3Latch-up Minimum input voltage limit –2.5V Maximum input voltage limit7.5VTable 6. ESD and Latch-Up Protection CharacteristicsNo.Rating 11Parameter is achieved by design characterization on a small sample size from typical devices under typical conditions unless otherwise noted.SymbolMinMaxUnit1Human body model (HBM)V HBM ±2000—V 2Machine model (MM)V MM ±200—V 3Charge device model (CDM)V CDM ±500—V 4Latch-up current at T A = 85°CI LA T±100—mATable7. DC CharacteristicsNum C Characteristic Symbol Condition Min Typical1Max Unit1Operating VoltageV DD risingV DD falling2.01.8— 3.6V2COutput highvoltage2All I/O pins,low-drive strengthV OH1.8 V, I Load = –2 mA V DD – 0.5——V PAll I/O pins,high-drive strength2.7 V, I Load = –10 mA V DD – 0.5——T 2.3 V, I Load = –6 mA V DD – 0.5——C 1.8V,I Load = –3 mA V DD – 0.5——3D Output highcurrentMax total I OH for all ports I OHT——100mA4COutput lowvoltageAll I/O pins,low-drive strengthV OL1.8 V, I Load = 2 mA——0.5V PAll I/O pins,high-drive strength2.7 V, I Load = 10 mA——0.5T 2.3 V, I Load = 6 mA——0.5C 1.8 V, I Load = 3 mA——0.5DOutput lowcurrentMax total I OL for all ports I OLT——100mA56P Input highvoltageall digital inputs V IHV DD> 2.3 V0.70 x V DD——V C V DD ≤ 1.8 V0.85 x V DD——7P Input lowvoltageall digital inputs V ILV DD> 2.7 V——0.35 x V DD C V DD ≤ 1.8 V——0.30 x V DD8C Inputhysteresisall digital inputs V hys0.06 x V DD——mV9P Inputleakagecurrentall input only pins(Per pin)|I In|V In = V DD or V SS——1μA10P Hi-Z(off-state)leakagecurrentall input/output(per pin)|I OZ|V In= V DD or V SS——1μA11C Totalleakagecombinedfor all inputsand Hi-ZpinsAll input only and I/O|I OZTOT|V In= V DD or V SS——2μA11P Pullup,Pulldownresistorsall digital inputs, whenenabledR PU,R PD17.5—52.5kΩ12D DC injectioncurrent 3, 4,5Single pin limitI IC V IN < V SS, V IN > V DD–0.2—0.2mA Total MCU limit, includessum of all stressed pins–5—5mA13C Input Capacitance, all pins C In——8pF 14C RAM retention voltage V RAM—0.6 1.0V 15C POR re-arm voltage6V POR0.9 1.4 2.0VFigure 6. Pullup and Pulldown Typical Resistor Values (V DD = 3.0 V)16D POR re-arm time t POR 10——μs 17P Low-voltage detection threshold —high rangeV LVDH V DD falling V DD rising 2.112.16 2.162.21 2.222.27V 18P Low-voltage detection threshold —low rangeV LVDL V DD falling V DD rising 1.801.88 1.821.90 1.911.99V 19P Low-voltage warning threshold —high rangeV LVWH V DD falling V DD rising 2.362.36 2.462.46 2.562.56V 20P Low-voltage warning threshold —low rangeV LVWL V DD falling V DD rising2.112.16 2.162.21 2.222.27V 21CLow-voltage inhibit reset/recover hysteresisV hys —80—mV 22P Bandgap Voltage Reference 7V BG1.151.171.18V1Typical values are measured at 25 °C. Characterized, not tested2As the supply voltage rises, the LVD circuit will hold the MCU in reset until the supply has risen above V LVDL .3All functional non-supply pins, except for PT A5 are internally clamped to V SS and V DD .4Input must be current limited to the value specified. To determine the value of the required current-limiting resistor, calculate resistance values for positive and negative clamp voltages, then use the larger of the two values.5Power supply must maintain regulation within operating V DD range during instantaneous and operating maximum current conditions. If positive injection current (V In > V DD ) is greater than I DD , the injection current may flow out of V DD and could result in external power supply going out of regulation. Ensure external V DD load will shunt current greater than maximum injection current. This will be the greatest risk when the MCU is not consuming power. Examples are: if no system clock is present, or if clock rate is very low (which would reduce overall power consumption).6Maximum is highest voltage that POR is guaranteed.7Factory trimmed at V DD = 3.0 V, T emp = 25 °CTable 7. DC Characteristics (continued)Num C CharacteristicSymbol Condition Min Typical 1Max UnitV DD (V)P U L L -U P R E S I S T O R (k Ω)2025303540V DD (V)P U L L D O W N R E S I S T A N C E (k Ω)Figure 7. Typical Low-Side Driver (Sink) Characteristics — Low Drive (PTxDSn = 0)Figure 8. Typical Low-Side Driver (Sink) Characteristics — High Drive (PTxDSn = 1)Figure 9. Typical High-Side (Source) Characteristics — Low Drive (PTxDSn = 0)TYPICAL V OL VS I OL AT V DD = 3.0 V I OL (mA)V O L (V ) VVS V V DD (V)V O L (V ) VVS I AT V = 3.0 VI OL (mA)V O L (V ) V OL VS V DDV DD (V)V O L (V ) V DD – V OH VS I OH AT V DD = 3.0 V I OH (mA))–20–15–10–5TYPICAL V DD – V OH VS V DD AT SPEC I OHV DD (V)V D D – V O H (V )1234V D D – V O H (V )Figure 10. Typical High-Side (Source) Characteristics — High Drive (PTxDSn = 1)3.7Supply Current CharacteristicsThis section includes information about power supply current in various operating modes.Table 8. Supply Current CharacteristicsNumC ParameterSymbolBus Freq V DD (V)Typical1Max UnitTemp (°C)1P Run supply currentFEI mode, all modules onRI DD25.165 MHz 31314mA–40 to 25P 141585T 20 MHz 13.75—–40 to 85T 8 MHz 5.59—T 1 MHz 1.03—2C Run supply currentFEI mode, all modules offRI DD25.165 MHz 311.512.3mA–40 to 85T 20 MHz 9.5—T 8 MHz 4.6—T1 MHz 1.0—3T Run supply currentLPRS = 0, all modules off RI DD16 kHz FBILP 3152—μA–40 to 85T 16 kHz FBELP115—4TRun supply currentLPRS = 1, all modules off, running from Flash RI DD16 kHz FBELP321.9—μA–40 to 85T Run supply currentLPRS = 1, all modules off, running from RAM7.3—5C Wait mode supply current FEI mode, all modules offWI DD25.165 MHz 35.746.00mA–-40 to 85T 20MHz 4.57—T 8MHz 2—T1 MHz0.73—I OH (mA) V DD – V OH VS V DD AT SPEC I OH V DD (V)V D D – V O H (V ) D D – V O H (V )。
1 产品综述1.1 机芯概述在当今成本制胜的市场需求强烈推动下,为适应新技术低成本、高效率的要求,我公司电源所配合LG 公司EEFL 屏(裸屏,不带INVERTER 电路板)积极研发了一款具有高效率低成本的二合一板(简称LIPS 或IPB)。
传统电源包括待机电路、PFC 电路、DC-DC 输出供背光转换用的主24V 以及主板使用的24V 和12V,现在大部分电视厂商买回来的屏上都配带有INVERTER 板(通过它可以将电源板提供的24V 进行DC-AC 转换成点亮液晶屏所需要的高压)。
与传统的“电源+INVERTER”相比,该款产品整合了传统电源和INVERTER,从PFC 电路直接驱动变压器输出点亮液晶屏所需要的高压,省略了从电源板输出供INVERTER 转换用的主24V,在效率上有很大提高,并且在公司购买液晶屏时可节省INVERTER 部分的成本,从而真正的体现了二合一高压方案的高效率低成本优势。
1.2 主要功能此液晶电源输入电压范围为AC110~240V,输出电压情况为5V/0.3A、24V/0.5A-1.5A、12V/0.5A-2.5A 四组直流电源,一组交流输出:AC 1100Vrms1.3 主要技术规格5V/0.3A、24V/0.5A-1.5A、12V/0.5A-2.5A四组直流电源,一组交流输出:AC 1100Vrms2 电路介绍机芯电路介绍本电源板电路大致由三大部分组成,A:待机电路B:功率因数校正(PFC)电路C:DC-DC 电路D: DC-AC 高压驱动电路3 主要信号流程介绍3.1 信号流程图电路结构框图:3.2基本工作过程介绍基本工作过程为:该产品具体由待机电路、PFC 电路、DC-DC 电路、DC-AC 高压驱动电路以。
如果时钟开关不因任何原因的工作,软件可以通过清除swbsy 标志复位电流开关操作。
软件已被正确地写入关掉ROM Bootloader执行后的时钟。