2023年G Suite办公套件高效使用方法及界面介绍
2023年G Suite办公套件高效使用方法及界面介绍G Suite办公套件是由谷歌开发的一套云端办公工具,包括Gmail、Google Drive、Google文档、Google表格和Google幻灯片等。
作为一款功能强大的办公软件套件,G Suite不仅适用于个人使用,也广泛应用于各行各业的企业和团队。
本文将介绍2023年G Suite办公套件的高效使用方法,并对其界面进行详细介绍,帮助读者更好地利用G Suite提升工作效率。
G Suite办公套件的高效使用方法1. 充分利用GmailGmail是G Suite办公套件中的电子邮件服务,提供了一系列强大的邮件管理功能。
在2023年,要想高效使用Gmail,可以采取以下方法:- 使用标签和过滤器,将邮件分类整理,便于查找和管理;- 利用快捷键,提高邮件操作的效率;- 设置自动回复和排程发送邮件,减少日常邮件处理的时间。
2. 优化Google DriveGoogle Drive是G Suite办公套件中的云存储和协作平台,可以轻松存储和共享文件。
为了更高效地使用Google Drive,可以采取以下措施:- 将文件进行适当的文件夹分类,以便快速定位需要的文件;- 设置共享权限,确保合适的人员可以方便地访问和编辑文件;- 利用Google Drive提供的协作功能,多人同时编辑和评论文件,促进团队协作。
3. 熟练使用Google文档、表格和幻灯片G Suite办公套件中的Google文档、表格和幻灯片是常用的办公工具,可以满足写作、数据处理和演示的需求。
为了高效使用这些工具,可以:- 学习并使用快捷键,加快编辑和格式调整的速度;- 在文档中使用评论和建议,方便与他人之间的反馈和讨论;- 利用模板和样式,提高文档、表格和幻灯片的美观度。
4. 整合Google日历和任务Google日历和任务是G Suite办公套件中的日程管理工具,可以帮助用户更好地规划和安排工作。
degoo注册方法-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述Degoo是一款备份和云存储服务,它提供了一个安全可靠的平台,让用户可以轻松存储、备份和共享他们的重要文件和数据。
1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容可以按照以下方式进行编写:在文章结构部分,本文将按照以下结构进行论述:1. 引言:简要介绍Degoo注册方法的重要性和背景,并提出本文对Degoo注册方法的探讨。
2. 正文:2.1 Degoo是什么:详细介绍Degoo是一个什么样的应用程序,其主要功能和特点是什么,为读者对Degoo有一个基本的了解,并引发读者的兴趣。
2.2 Degoo的注册流程:从开始到结束,逐步介绍Degoo的注册流程,包括打开Degoo应用程序、选择注册选项、填写个人信息、验证过程等。
2.3 注册时需要提供的信息:列举出在注册Degoo时需要填写的必要信息,包括但不限于电子邮箱、密码等,并解释为什么需要提供这些信息以及可能涉及到的安全性问题。
ExaBackup(亿备)容灾产品介绍V2.0广州鼎鼎信息科技有限公司目录第一章ExaBackup(亿备)容灾产品介绍 (1)备份软件介绍 (1)存储备份网关介绍 (2)一体化容灾设备介绍 (3)第二章关键技术介绍 (4)重复数据删除 (4)定义 (4)重复数据删除分类 (4)ExaBackup(亿备)基于全局重复数据删除介绍 (5)虚拟全副本 (5)定义 (5)备份方式分类 (6)ExaBackup(亿备)虚拟全副本介绍 (6)异地备份/故障转移 (6)虚拟接管 (7)RAIN结构 (7)第三章备份/恢复功能详细介绍 (8)文件备份/恢复 (8)系统备份/恢复 (9)Active Directory备份/恢复 (9)Exchange Server备份/恢复 (10)Mysql备份/恢复 (10)SQL Server备份/恢复 (11)Oracle备份/恢复 (12)Domino 备份/恢复 (12)DB2 备份/恢复 (13)Sybase备份/恢复 (14)VMware ESX备份/恢复 (14)虚拟接管 (15)其他功能 (16)第一章ExaBackup(亿备)容灾产品介绍备份软件介绍产品简介ExaBackup(亿备)备份软件是一款数据备份软件产品,具有完整而强大的备份功能,能够满足从Windows到Linux再到Unix环境下的文件、操作系统、数据库、应用系统等集中备份.使用场合在用户既有服务器和存储投资前提下,ExaBackup(亿备)备份软件可以在保留现有投资价值的基础上,提供最佳的一体化方案,解决数据备份的挑战。
桌面虚拟化解决方案目录1概述 (3)1.1项目背景 (3)1.2用户当前的问题 (4)1.3用户需求分析 (5)2系统总体设计 (7)2.1设计原则 (7)2.2系统设计目标 (7)2.3红山解决方案 (8)2.4红山方案优势 (9)3具体方案建议 (11)3.1方案设计 (11)3.2方案拓朴图 (12)3.3方案说明 (13)3.4方案分析 (14)4部署与实施 (17)4.1TurboGate安装 (17)4.2NComputing安装 (19)5产品介绍 (21)5.1红山TurboGate介绍 (21)5.2NComputing产品说明 (24)1 概述1.1项目背景Xx公司,是集研发、生产、贸易、服务于一体的技术创新型高新技术企。
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传统的PC桌面系统越来越显示出其缺点和局限性,主要表现在以下几个方面:⏹管理困难:用户要求能在任何地方访问其桌面环境,但PC 硬件分布广泛,很难实现集中式 PC 管理。
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Chrome Enterprise远程办公部署指南说明书
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Agnico Eagle企业级商业流程自动化平台说明书
64ABB review 3|14DAVID WESTLAKE – Managing the mine-to-market process is acomplex challenge for any company. Manual methods and point software solutions cannot start to address the intricacies and the need for real-time visibility that characterize today’s closely interrelated commercial and outbound logistics processes.The Agnico Eagle company experienced this firsthand as it grew from a single operation to seven operations spanning threecountries and from providing a handful of products to more than 20 different products – all in the course of a few years. A unified platform approach to automation has helped Agnico Eagle over-come the complexities of today’s market business processes and has empowered the company to reduce costs and improve commercial outcomes.A unified platform approach helpsminers overcome the complexities of today’s business processesOne and done65One and done plicated payment terms and delivery schedules. As operations continued to expand, it was clear this would soon be-come too onerous a process to manage manually, as well as too costly in terms of personnel.In moving to a software platform, con-tract administration was one of the fun-damental areas that Agnico sought to improve. The primary benefit of automat-ing via software is that data can bee ntered once and the business rules in the system take it from there. Essentially, the contract data goes into the system where it is checked automatically fora ccuracy and completeness – ensuring the contract is calculated correctly. With the administrative paper chase eliminat-ed, company personnel can spend more time on more constructive tasks. Equally important, accurate invoices can now be generated immediately after month close instead of weeks later.ibility and elevated levels of coordination have led to lower administrative costs, tighter inventory management and quality controls, and improved commercial out-comes.This platform approach to automation was used to improve processes across five of the most complex areas of com-mercial and logistics operations today: contracts, compliance, logistics, invoic-ing and risk management.Streamlining management of complexcontractsCommercial contracts have become very complex and challenging to manage. At Agnico, the sheer number of different types of contracts across multiple prod-ucts (gold, silver, copper, zinc and lead) was starting to weigh heavily as adminis-trators wrestled with issues such as mul-tiple contracts within a single product, specific quality specifications and com-Agnico Eagle is a leading interna-tional gold producer, with mines and exploration properties in C anada, Finland, Mexico andthe United States ➔1. Not so long ago and in common with many other enter-prises, its market business processes were managed almost entirely with Excel spreadsheets and Word documents. But, as the operations expanded across mul-tiple mines, countries and languages, a more robust means of managing these processes was required. Today, Agnico relies on a unified software platform to manage and streamline its mine-to-mar-ket processes. The resulting real-time vis-Title pictureAfter raw produce is mined, it is only at thebeginning of a long and complex path to its ultimate use. Keeping track of all the business processes involved in that journey is best done with oneunified software platform. Shown are trucks hauling at Agnico’s open-pit gold mine in Canada.The primary benefit of automating via software is that data can beentered once and the business rules in the system takeit from there.66ABB review 3|14not only saves a company time ande ffort, and streamlines the audit process, but it also enforces the segregation of duties that is frequently required for compliance. As a publicly traded com-pany, Agnico has benefited greatly from these capabilities.Software also enables easier reconcilia-tion of output and customer delivery. At Agnico, software is leveraged to achievevisibility into the actual assays of truck shipments and to track indi-vidual truck units right through to the end customer.Additionally, visibil-ity into outturn weights and as-says can also help a company adjust its mining plants and plans (eg, trac-ing quality issues to their source tofacilitate fixes) and operate more profit-ably through improved mine grade under-standing. At Agnico, this vital visibility is part of a feedback loop to drive continu-ous process improvement.Meeting complex compliance, auditing and reporting requirementsIn mining, compliance is an absolute ➔2. A company that does not comply with regulations does not operate. Robust auditing capabilities are fundamental to ensuring and proving compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley and other mandates, as well as to reconciling what has shipped to a customer compared with what a company believes it has produced.Software enables a company to achieve full control over its information. With a software platform, data is checked and audited to ensure contracts have been entered into the system correctly, and access to commercial data and invoicing is tightly controlled (access privileges, change history, etc.) and continuously monitored. This information lockdownAgnico can create a month-end invoice for any outstand-ing invoice utilizing an accu-rate month-end valuation of inventories. This allows an instantaneous total calculation for mark-to-market account-ing purposes.1 Agnico’s Pinos Altos processing plant on the Santo Niño fault in northern MexicoThe unified soft-ware platform manages and streamlines mine-to-market process-es. The resulting real-time visibility and elevated levels of coordination have led to lower administrative costs, tighter inventory manage-ment and quality controls.67One and done drive optimal logistics, just as if each truck-load was a building block imprinted with information. For example, certain blocks can be held back should it be discovered that a rail line has a problem, while other blocks can be substituted as required to fulfill the order to the customer.There is a signifi-cant ancillary ben-efit of this visibility, one that flows across several complex process-es. Through the software platform, Agnico is able to visualize and value at any given mo-ment (especiallymonth and quarter ends) its entire inven-tory and precisely what is in transit and/or still a receivable. This is a major leap forward from merely “seeing” a mass of inventory with no clear handle on its composition and value until a formal rec-onciliation can be done.Accelerating complex invoicing processesAs with contracts, invoices increase in number and become more complex as a mining company grows. As mentioned above, software enables contractual data, charges, weights and assays, and so on to be entered and checked just once. C onsequently, rather than worryingTaming complex logisticsAnother challenge common to all mining companies is to manage complex ship-ping environments and shipment sched-uling. This includes managing multiple forms of transportation as well as rap-idly changing capacities, contractual quotas and variable delivery schedules. This is more than just a matter of mov-ing minerals and metals to market. It is also a matter of visibility – understand-ing what materials went into which trucks and railcars and where the mate-rials ultimately ended up.As with contracts and compliance, soft-ware has also given Agnico visibility into, and control over, logistics operations. Lo-gistics personnel can visualize what is in each truck in terms of contained metal and its value, and are able to see which truck-loads are allocated to which railcar. And they can use the software to “move” the truckloads around between railcars to 2 In all kinds of mining, like the open-pit mine shown, compliance is an absolute must.Another important lessonhas been to get all of the key people actively engaged – and keep them engaged – throughout the implementa-tion cycle.Software has given Agnico visibility into, and control over, logistics operations. Logis-tics personnel can visualize what is in each truck in terms of contained metal and its value, and are able to see which truckloads are allocated to which railcar.68ABB review 3|14tions do not “do” interrelated processes nearly as well as a software platform that shares data, visibility, business rules and other functionality across multiple processes. For this and other reasons,an end-to-end plat-form solution fig-ured large in Agni-co’s push to auto- mate its market busi-ness processes.Other key consid-erations included support for com-plex operations with ample headroom for growth, along with the function-ality to enforce standardized business practices across the company’s multi-national, multi-time zone and multi-lan-guage operations (eg, issuing standard formatted invoices and centralizing the rollup of month-end commercial results/numbers/projections across all opera-tions). Equally important was the ability to provide end-to-end market business process visibility, giving real-time product quantity and quality information at all points in the commercial and logistics chain.Agnico Eagle’s results to dateThe platform solution that Agnico imple-mented, Ventyx MineMarket, was built expressly to manage the complete mine-instantaneous total calculation for mark-to-market accounting purposes – so the total current value of what the company has in transit, in inventory and in unpaid invoices is known.As an important ancillary benefit, this same capacity powers Agnico’s ability to issue provisional invoices, which are subsequently followed by a final invoice. Again, this helps avoid surprises, such as customer bill-backs, while also im-proving cash flow.Requirements for a successful software solutionPoint software solutions are as incapa-ble as manual methods of addressing the complexities and needs for real-timevisibility of today’s closely interrelated commercial and outbound logistics pro-cesses. As can be seen from the five complexities outlined above, the key word is “interrelated.” Point software solu-3 A unified software platform integrates all required business information, like data from the grinding mill control room shown here.Software enables contractual data to be entered andchecked just once, so person-nel can focus on ensuring that the underlying data is correct and on timely invoicing.whether terms and conditions are cor-rectly reflected, personnel can insteadf ocus on ensuring that the underlying data is correct and on timely invoicing.No longer must employees repetitively agonize over whether a penalty or a spe-cific commercial term has been included in an invoice, because its inclusion has been verified by the software. Similarly, business rules in the software can auto-matically put in current Metals Bulletin or Metals Week pricing, so personnel arer elieved of this repetitive task as well.At Agnico, this has dramatically acceler-ated the invoicing process.Simplifying complex risk management It is endemic in the mining industry that companies are subject to price fluctua-tions at every accounting period close. Hence, it is critical to have a full anda ccurate picture of month-end invento-ries in stockpiles, in transit and in ware-houses, and of their valuations so that there are no surprises. At Agnico, this ability is enabled by the same software platform that is streamlining contracts, driving compliance, taming logistics and accelerating invoicing.Consequently, Agnico is able to create a month-end invoice for any outstanding invoice, strictly for internal use, utilizing an accurate month-end valuation of in-ventories. This allows the creation of an69One and done form approach is that the same platform can automate (and link) multiple busi-ness processes, eliminate silos of infor-mation and ensure that complete and up-to-date information is availableacross all mine-to-market operations.It is not just precious metal miners like Agnico that can benefit from automation and access to real-time information across the commercial and outboundlogist ics chain. Base metals, coal, iron ore – practically any type of mining op-eration – stands to benefit as well. Mine-to-market operations are going to be-come even more complex and subject to auditing over time. Piles of spreadsheets,point solutions and disjointed processes only add to the complexity, but a plat-forma pproach enables miners to tame pletely revamp and improve current processes). To enable this, the platform has to be flexible – that is a priority. But the company has to be flexible too.Another important lesson is to get all of the key people actively engaged – andkeep them engaged – throughout the im-plementation cycle. A sea change of this import cannot be implemented solely by fiat – it requires buy-in and collaboration across multiple process participants, data owners and day-to-day users. For exam-ple, stakeholders should determine in ad-vance what reports, types of contracts, etc., are needed to allow appropriate software configuration. That way, the stakeholders have ownership.Equally important is to select a vendor with deep domain expertise in mining as well as process automation – and a ven-dor who will be around for the long term.Finally, business expansion should be pre-empted: A limited number of pro-cesses and operations can be supported on a software platform, with expansion to more as required. This way, expertise in using the software can be built up and the company is ready to act quickly when growth projections become reality. It iseasier to build from the ground up than to remodel at a later date.One for allThe five areas of complexity described above are just some of the ways that A gnico Eagle has benefited from moving the management of its market business processes from spreadsheets to a uni-fied software platform ➔3. Other uses include running “what-if” scenarios to stay ahead of changing business con-ditions and engaging in more accurate demand planning. The beauty of a plat-to-market process. A high-level view of the business advantages realized thus far include:− Faster order-to-bill and time-to-pay-ment cycles, leading to improved cash positions.− Reduced risk and incident of errors, contributing to customer satisfaction and improved commercial results.− More controlled data into accounting, enabling improved complianceprocesses and reduced financial risk.− Streamlined and less paper-intensive financial auditing, reducing third-party auditing costs.− Reduced administrative workloads, allowing personnel to be refocused on more strategic tasks.− Consistency across business pro-cesses such as invoicing, alleviating workloads for accounts receivable and other departments touching various market business processes.− Accelerated financial reporting, including faster mark-to-market reports.− Improved analytics and forecasting, powering improved business intel-ligence and planning, ensuredproduct quality, and closer alignment of production and demand.Lessons learned Automating mine-to-market operations end-to-end is a significant move andcompanies can expect to learn many things along the way. At Agnico, the most important lessons included the need to not simply ask what the software can do for the company, but also to focus on what the company needs to do with the software. In other words, decide what the software should accomplish and then adapt it to the specifics (eg, if the software should support the pro-cesses already in place or be used to David WestlakeAgnico Eagle Mines Limited Toronto, Canada**************************For ABB information, please contact **********************.comData is checked and audited to ensure correct entry. Access to data is tightly controlled and monitored. This not only saves effort and streamlines the audit process, but it also enforcesthe duty segregation frequently required for compliance.。
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通过搜索发现了Guacamole,一个提供远程桌面的解决方案的开源项目,通过浏览器就能操作虚拟机,适用于Chrome、Firefox、IE9+等浏览器(浏览器需要支持HTML5),由于使用 HTML5,Guancamole 只要在一个服务器安装成功,你访问你的桌面就是访问一个 web 浏览器。
guacamole程序的流程如下:用户通过浏览器连接到Guacamole的服务端,Guacamole的客户端是用javascript编写的,Guacamole Server通过Web容器(比如Tomcat)把服务提供给用户。
部署在Guacamole Server这边的Web应用程序,解析到的Guacamole protocal,就传给Guacamole的代理guacd,这个代理(guacd)实际上就是解析Guacamole protocal,替用户连接到远程机器,Guacamole protocal协议本身以及guacd的存在,实现了协议的透明:Guacamole客户端(浏览器运行的JS)和Web应用程序,都不需要知道远程桌面具体用哪个协议(VNC,RDP etc),分为4个大的部分:①. JS (WebSocket/xmlhttprequest + canvas),普通的用户看到的部分,使用的HTML5与后台进行交互②. JavaServlet:处理与用户的交互,将页面上的操作请求处理下,再直接与下层的guacd来交互③. guacd, 底层的daemon,封装了各种RDP协议的中间层,如VNC等。
Commvault 安装实施文档网络科技有限公司技术部2013-5-24目录一、文档概述 (4)二、Commvault 容灾备份架构 (4)2.1、实施前用户现状 (4)2.2、容灾备份网络拓扑 (4)2.3、Commvault 容灾备份简述 (5)三、Commvault 已安装模块列表 (5)四、备份服务器的安装配置 (5)4.1、备份服务器安装 (5)4.2、备份服务器补丁安装 (18)五、Commvault Windows下客户端的安装 (20)5.1、Windows 文件系统客户端安装 (20)5.2、Windows 其余模块安装 (28)六、Unix 平台下客户端的安装 (29)6.1、Unix Oracle IDA 的安装 (29)6.2、Unix 升级补丁 (43)七、Commserver 的基本配置 (45)7.1、磁盘库配置 (45)7.2、磁带库配置 (53)7.3、CommServer存储策略配置 (53)7.3.1、创建存储策略 (53)7.3.2、创建存储策略辅助拷贝 (58)八、客户端备份设置 (61)8.1、Windows客户端文件系统备份 (61)8.2、虚拟机备份设置 (63)8.3、Unix客户端文件系统备份设置 (69)8.4、Unix客户端oracle数据库备份设置 (71)8.5、Simpana9作业计划设置 (78)8.5.1、文件系统备份计划设置 (78)8.5.2、Oracle备份计划设置(Database Backup) (79)8.5.3、Oracle备份计划设置(Archivelog Backup) (81)九、维护和管理 (84)9.1、定期查看作业摘要 (84)9.2、查看和修改计划 (87)版本历史一、文档概述本文档主要描述了在的容灾备份项目中,针对commvault 容灾备份的安装配置过程,另外对commvault 日常维护操作也进行了详细的介绍。
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glovia OM 云端企业解决方案数据表说明书
Fact Sheetglovia OMYour Business in the Cloud: What is missing in your cloud solution?glovia OM is 100% native and seamlessly integrated with the Salesforce Platform TM. From leads management to invoicing; inventory management to purchasing and manufacturing: Put an end to unconnected systems with their double entry costs, eliminate manual processes with spreadsheets, remove the lack of visibility.World Class glovia OMglovia OM is based on over 30 years experience in the ERP business, and is currently being used by over 100 of the world’s leading organizations. Unlike traditional ERP’s, glovia OM is quick to deploy, simple to customize and seamlessly integrates with the world’s leading cloud CRM, . Together, glovia OM with the Salesforce Platform offers world class tools to manage operations and increase sales. Meeting ExpectationsAs a business, the needs have grown more complex and increasingly urgent. To keep up, businesses must manage a rapidly growing customized product base. Simultaneously, businesses must respond to customer demands quickly by synchronizing operations and supply chain. Achieving all this is a must, in addition to providing immaculate service and keeping costs competitive.Flexible to Initiateglovia OM is a comprehensive, integrated, andflexible solution that has been proven withsome of the world’s leading businesses. Thissame technology is now available for any sizeorganization in any location, on an affordableand flexible per seat subscription basis. Thereis no need to buy and support IT hardware.glovia OM can be deployed strategically toinstantly scale to meet the enterprise-wideneeds of global corporations. Alternatively,deployed tactically, glovia OM can be a simpleand cost-effective platform for managingindividual divisions and factories withoutIT overhead.Visibility of OperationsUsing glovia OM real time updates and statuschanges of items such as orders, inventory andreturns can be visible using a web browser ormobile device. Raise sales productivity whilestreamlining purchasing and manufacturingoperations. Make the move on every newbusiness opportunity, whether it be an up-sellwith a customer, a limited time discount froma supplier or availability of clearance itemsfrom inventory.Manage Complex Supply ChainManaging supply is essential to supportingsales operations. Whether it be to purchase inorder to fulfill inventory or customer order,make to fulfill inventory or customer order, or acombination of both; finished goods andcomponents can be managed in multiplewarehouses – extending the visibilitythroughout the entire supply chain.BenefitsImprove sales execution• Increase sales visibility• Single sales execution process for all source of demand • Accurate and reliable order promising• Increase sales by up sell, cross sell• Shorten sales cycleImprove fulfillment process• Inventory accuracy with visibility• Flexible single process for warehouse operations• Reduce fulfillment cycle time, costEfficiently procure goods and services• Improve purchase operations• Full visibility of purchasing process• Paperless procurement with approvalsEfficiently manufacture goods• Improve materials operations• Improve manufacturing operations• Full visibility of manufacturing processProvide a world-class customer service• Generate additional revenue streams• Increase efficiency for a service order• Improve service request responsiveness• Decrease field service and material costs• Increase utilization of field service engineers• Improve visibility into service orders Delivering Comprehensive Value and ResultsFor more than three decades, glovia has helped businesses around the world to manage, strengthen, and grow their businesses.We designed our solution to deliver tremendous value to our customers — stressing rapid return on investment and low total cost of ownership. And now we extend this benefit to our newest product family, glovia OM.Essential glovia OM business benefits include:Enterprise-Wide Visibilityglovia OM provides you with true process transparency, seamlessly integrating systems and business processes, and links you to your customers and suppliers.Unmatched Flexibilityglovia OM supports your business without forcing you to change your business processes — glovia OM is an investment in your future.Real-time Responsivenessglovia OM slashes order-to-fulfillment cycle times and helps you get the right product to the customer at the right time, place and price.Improved Efficiencyglovia OM helps you reduce costs as it effectively eliminates excess inventories, boosts productivity and manages resources. Operational FlexibilityWe anticipated your need to be flexible, so we designed glovia OM to change as your business changes. Whether you need to support a new product or new business strategy, glovia OM works out of the box and never boxes you in.Extend the Salesforce Platform TM withglovia OM Order Managementglovia OM is the next-generation of enterprise solutions: addressing the pressing issues that businesses face today such as the coordination of business processes, management of complex product features, and maintaining visibility of inventory.glovia OM provides advanced capabilities to manage and improve the entire business — from forecasting, product design, procurement, planning, manufacturing, sales, fulfillment, invoicing and payment.Our solution streamlines operations and brings you closer to your customers and suppliers.The advantages for you are enormous.For example, you can respond quickly and accurately to customer demands by allowing your demand to trigger production and procurement. Naturally, these benefits reduce costs and at the same time improves your standing with customers and against competition.ContactFUJITSU AMERICA INC.Address: 1250 East Arques Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085-3470, U.S.A.Phone: 800 831 3183 or 408 746 6000Website: Contact Form: /contact Haveaquestion?Emailusat:*********************.comFujitsu Green Policy Innovation is ourworldwide project for reducing burdens on the environment. Using our global know-how, we aim to resolve issues ofenvironmental energy efficiency through IT. Please find further information at: /global/about/environ-ment/Learn more about Fujitsu glovia OM, please contact your Fujitsu sales representative or contact us at:*******************************.comFujitsu, and the Fujitsu logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fujitsu Limited in the United States and other countries. Salesforce, Salesforce Platform, Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Chatter, , and others are trademarks of, inc. and are used here with permission. All other trademarksreferenced herein are the property of their respective owners.All other trademarks referenced herein are the property of their respective owner.Copyright ©2014 Fujitsu America, Inc.All rights reserved.FPC65-6752-03 09/1414.1204DisclaimerTechnical data are subject to modification and delivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights ofsuch owner.About Fujitsu AmericaFujitsu America, Inc., is a leading ICT solutions provider for organizations in the U.S., Canada and the Caribbean. Fujitsu enables clients to meet their business objectives through integrated offerings and solutions, including consulting, systems integration, managed services, outsourcing and cloud services for infrastructure, platforms and applications; data center and field services; and server, storage, software and mobile/tablet technologies.For more information, please visit: / and /fujitsuamerica。
Google Chrome Enterprise连接说明书
Take your enterprise to the next level with Google Chrome Enterprise Connect your employees to the cloud with Chrome Enterprise Companies are rapidly moving to the cloud. The rise in SaaS adoption has brought with it a new breed of worker – the cloud worker – someone who is productive from any location, on any device, accessing business apps via the cloud, and spending 3+ hours a day in their browser. The average employee now uses 22 cloud-based apps and 3 devices as part of their job 1, and 94% work while commuting or at home 2. Deliver secure and consistentaccess across mobile, SaaSand legacy apps Protect against ever-evolving threats, including phishing and malware Give IT more control, freeing up resources from basic administration and manual patching Fast boot andautomatic updatesML built into theworkflowSync across devices and work offline App access via ChromeBrowser, Google Play andleading VDI solutionsPremium specs,with 10+ hoursbattery lifeChrome Enterprise license for your ChromebooksChrome device management with over200+ policies●●●●●Flexible EMM & identity options ●●●24/7 supportTerms of serviceContact us: Talk to Sales to find out moreabout how Chrome Enterprise can providesecure cloud access for your business Familiar:1.2B users, 2MM+ applicationsSecure:Google Play ProtectEnterprise-ready:Enterprise-grade curationApp curation made simple with managed Google PlayAdditional resourcesVisit Help CenterExplore Chromebooks。
在本文中,我将假设存在一个如图1所示的网络结构,网络中服务器和所有的工作站都是使用Windows XP操作系统。
天云桌面云系统解决方案深圳市天云存储科技有限公司解决方案中心2014年10月.目录第一章前言 (3)1.1背景 (3)1.2技术分析 (5)第三章客户端系统主要技术 (7)3.1云终端+桌面云技术 (7)第三章天云桌面云系统方案 (9)3.1方案概述 (9)3.1.1 方案原理 (10)3.1.2 方案拓扑图 (11)3.1.4服务器配置方案 (11)3.1.5存储说明 (12)3.1.6网络规划 (12)3.2方案描述 (12)4.3方案特性 (21)4.3.1 高安全、易管理 (21)4.3.2 绿色节能 (24)4.3.3 天云桌面云终端优势 (25)4.3.4 高性能视频体验 (27)4.4方案推荐配置 (29)4.4.1 推荐配置 (29)第一章前言1.1背景随着客户信息化建设的不断深入、业务系统的不断上线,一方面提供信息服务的IT软硬件的种类与数量不断增加;另一方面,IT软硬件的运行情况和企业各部门业务的捆绑越来越紧密,IT 软硬件承担的责任也越来越重,对信息部门的全系统安全、运营和维护管理的要求越高,因此迫切需要信息系统的可靠和稳定的支撑。
一、基础设施1.1 虚拟化平台:选择适合企业需求的虚拟化平台,如VMware vSphere、Microsoft Hyper-V等,以提供稳定的虚拟化环境。
1.2 存储系统:采用高性能的存储系统,如SAN(存储区域网络)或者NAS (网络附加存储),以确保桌面虚拟机的数据安全和高效访问。
1.3 网络架构:建立可靠的网络架构,包括网络带宽、负载均衡和网络安全等,以保证桌面虚拟化解决方案的稳定性和安全性。
二、桌面虚拟机管理2.1 虚拟机模板:创建标准化的虚拟机模板,包含操作系统、应用程序和设置等,以便快速部署和管理大量的桌面虚拟机。
2.2 虚拟机池:将桌面虚拟机划分为不同的池,根据用户的需求和权限分配不同的虚拟机资源,提高资源的利用率和管理效率。
2.3 用户个性化设置:为每一个用户提供个性化的桌面环境,包括壁纸、应用程序和设置等,提高用户的工作效率和满意度。
三、应用程序交付3.1 应用程序虚拟化:采用应用程序虚拟化技术,将应用程序从操作系统中分离出来,实现应用程序的集中管理和交付,减少应用程序冲突和兼容性问题。
3.2 应用程序发布:根据用户的需求和权限,将应用程序发布到用户的桌面虚拟机中,实现按需交付和统一管理,提高用户的工作效率。
3.3 应用程序更新和维护:通过集中管理的方式,对应用程序进行更新和维护,减少用户的干扰和工作中断,提高系统的稳定性和安全性。
四、安全性和访问控制4.1 虚拟桌面安全策略:制定虚拟桌面的安全策略,包括访问控制、数据加密和漏洞修补等,保护企业的敏感数据和信息安全。
4.2 远程访问控制:通过VPN(虚拟私人网络)或者远程桌面协议,实现对桌面虚拟机的安全远程访问,提供灵便的工作方式和地点。
谷歌托管服务方案包括谷歌云计算平台(Google Cloud Platform)和谷歌托管服务(Google Hosting Services)。
谷歌云计算平台的优势主要有以下几点:1. 高可用性和稳定性:谷歌拥有全球最大、最稳定、最安全的数据中心网络,通过多个数据中心的冗余架构,确保用户的应用程序和数据始终可用。
2. 强大的技术支持:谷歌拥有世界领先的技术团队,提供7x24小时的技术支持。
3. 灵活的付费方式:谷歌云计算平台提供按需付费的方式,用户只需支付实际使用的资源,可以根据实际需求实时调整计算资源,节约成本。
4. 高性能计算:谷歌云计算平台配备了最先进的硬件设备和高速网络,为用户提供卓越的计算性能,支持高密度并行计算和大规模数据处理。
5. 大数据和人工智能支持:谷歌云计算平台拥有强大的大数据和人工智能分析能力,可以帮助用户快速分析和挖掘数据,提供精确的商业洞察。
谷歌托管服务的优势主要有以下几点:1. 高速和稳定的服务器:谷歌托管服务使用谷歌全球网络,配备高速服务器和网络设备,可以确保用户网站和应用程序的快速响应和高可用性。
2. 全面的安全防护:谷歌托管服务提供全面的安全保护措施,包括DDoS防护、防火墙和数据加密等,确保用户的数据安全。
Google Cloud Platform(GCP)为客户提供了丰富的产品和服务,包括计算、存储、网络、数据库、分析、人工智能和开发工具等。
•Kubernetes引擎是Google云计算平台提供的全托管的Kubernetes 服务,可以帮助客户更好地管理和扩展他们的容器化应用程序。
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