Call for Papers Journal of Electronic Science and Technology Special Issue on Mass Transfe
电子类通信类和计算机类ei期刊(1)Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing(2)Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing(3)Wireless Personal Communications(4)International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing(5)Journal of Signal Processing Systems(6)International Journal of Electronics and Communication(7)Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers(8)Progress in Electromagnetics Research (PIER)(9)Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering(10)ETRI Journal(11)IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters(12)Signal, Image and Video Processing(13)Wireless Communicatiosn and Mobile Computings***(1)IET Radar Sonar and Navigation(2)IET Signal Processing(3)IET Communications(4)Signal Processing (Elsevier, EURASIP)(5)Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (Hindawi)(6)Digital Signal Processing (A Review Journal)(7)IEEE Trans Circuits and Systems(8)IEICE Trans Communications/Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences(9)European Trans. Telecommunications(10)Annals of Telecommunications*****(1)IEEE Trans Communications(2)IEEE Trans Signal Processing(3)IEEE Trans Antennas and Propagation(4)IEEE Trans Aerospace and Electronic Systems(5)Electronics Letters(6)IEEE Signal Processing Letters(7)IEEE Communications Letters(8)Radio Science大部分免费------------------------------IEEE communication letter 和electronic letter相对容易IEICE的影响因子太低了,而且版面费出奇的贵,怎么能和IEEE混在一起。
Call for PapersINTERNA TIONAL AMERICAN STUDIES ASSOCIA TION4th WORLD CONGRESSDecoding American Cultures in the Global ContextSEPTEMBER 18-20, 2009Hosted byBeijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, ChinaSponsored byU.S.-China Education TrustChina Association for the Study of American Literature American History Research Association of ChinaThe International American Studies Association (IASA) and the American Studies Center (ASC) at Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) cordially invite scholars from all disciplines to participate in the 4th congress of the IASA, to be held from September 18th to 20th (Friday to Sunday), 2009 at BFSU, Beijing, China.Congress Theme and Sub-themesRecent changes in the flows of finances, people, and cultural products, often termed …globalization‟, have provided a new context for understanding the Americas, hence the theme of the 4th World Congress, “Decoding American Culture s in the Global Context”. We invite contributions addressing the following sub-themes with reference to the U.S. and the Americas more broadly.a)Critical understanding and reception of American cultures abroadb)Impact of North/South American cultures on world culturesc)Comparative studies of the Americasd)“Globalization” vs. “Americanization”e)American studies abroadf)“American exceptionalism”: myth or reality?g)Myths that Americans live by: literature, history, and culture Guidelines for Submission and PresentationProposals may be submitted in English for an individual presentation, or for a pre-constituted panel, by March 31, 2009. Proposals for workshops to be developed into pre-constituted panels must be submitted by March 1, 2009 to be posted on the website (see below).∙For an individual paper, the organizer should submit the following: contact information of the organizer including email address, 3 keywords, and an abstract of no more than 300 words. Note any audio/visual equipment required.∙For a pre-constituted panel, the organizer should submit contact information of the organizer, 3 keywords describing the panel, and an abstract of no more than 300 words for the panel as a whole articulating how the papers go together PLUS contact information for each participant, and a brief abstract of no more than 300 words for each of those papers, along with 3 keywords for each. Indicate any audio visual equipment needed please.∙If you desire to submit a preconsituted panel, but need to find colleagues from other institutions and countries to participate in your panel, we offer the following option of proposing a WORKSHOP TITLE AND ABSTRACT.Send this, along with your contact information to the conference organizers (Prof. Li Qikeng below) by March 1, 2009 to be posted on the conference website. Individual scholars should then send proposals and contact information directly to you for your consideration. Once you have selected your panel members, submit as described above for pre-constituted panels,AND, in addition, send all non-selected papers along with their contact information, keywords, etc. to the conference committee for further consideration by the cut-off date of March 31st. Those papers will then be considered for inclusion on the program as part of other panels if appropriate.∙Each proposal should indicate any audio visual needs at the time of submission. No panel should have more than four paper presenters, or three presenters and a commentator. For pre-constituted panels, priority will be given to those which include presenters from a variety of institutions/ geographical locations. The academic committee of the congress will evaluate the proposal on the basis of the quality of the abstract, its scholarly cogency, as well as its relevance to the congress theme, and notify the submitter of its acceptance by April 30, 2009. If the submission is accepted, an extended summary (about 800-1,000 words) shall be sent to the conference coordinators by July 31, 2009.Each participant will be given 15 minutes to present the paper, followed by 5 minutes for questions and answers. The conference will provide the necessary multimedia for presentations. When submitting the extended summary, please also indicate whether you will need to use multimedia, and if so, specify your exact requirements. We also welcome proposals for presentations that do not fit the standard spoken paper format, such as films/videos/performances, etc.Post-Congress PublicationIf you would like the congress committee to consider your paper for publication, please submit your full paper within one month after the conclusion of the congress to the organizers. The academic committee of the congress will review all the papers submitted and have the selected papers published by a reputable publisher in China. All papers are preferably around 8,000 words in English, complete with footnotes and a bibliography. For paper format, CMS is recommended.Important Dates∙March 31, 2009: Proposal due (March.1st, 200p wo rkshop proposals due for posting)∙April 30, 2009: Notification of acceptance∙July 31, 2009: Extended summary due∙Sept. 18-20, 2009: Conference, (registration opens Sept. 17 on site).Congress FeesParticipants are expected to pay a conference fee of US$ 150, which covers the academic program, congress documentation (final program and book of abstracts), all meals on conference days, and coffee breaks. The student rate is $75 U.S.If not paid in advance, fees are higher, but may be paid on-site, in which case regular participants pay US$ 200 and students pay US$ 100. Hotels, meals on non-conference days, optional tours, etc are the responsibility of the participants themselves. Participants must be members of IASA, with the exception of participants from mainland China who will automatically become members of IASA upon registration for the conference.Hotel and ToursSpecial hotel rates for congress participants are being negotiated. Details will be posted on the congress website. Optional night-time activities such as attendance at performances and post-congress tours will also be available.Contact InformationPlease log onto for registration and submission of proposals.Y ou may also submit your proposals, summaries and other correspondence to congress coordinator, Prof. Li Qikeng.Email: liqikeng@, Phone: 86-10-8256-5621, 1352-184-7279;Fax: 86-10-8881-6282Postal address: School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing 100089, China.国际美国研究学会第四届世界大会征文通知解读全球化视野下的美国文化时间:2009年9月18-20日地点:北京外国语大学主办:国际美国研究协会北京外国语大学美国研究中心协办:美中教育基金会全国美国文学研究会中国美国史研究会国际美国研究学会 (IASA) 和北京外国语大学美国研究中心(ASC) 诚挚邀请海内外致力于美国研究的各学科各领域专家学者,金秋时节相聚北京,参加国际美国研究学会的第四届世界大会。
Journal Papers
166-A, St: 9, Chaklala Scheme IIIRawalpindi, PakistanEmail: khayam@.pkSyed Ali KhayamA SSISTANT P ROFESSORNUST Institute of Information Technology (NIIT)National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST)Rawalpindi, PakistanFebruary 2007 to dateR ESEARCH I NTERESTSProtocol and application design for sensor, mobile ad hoc, and infrastructure wireless networks, performance evaluation of network architectures and protocols, modeling and simulation of complex networking phenomena, detection and spread prevention of self-propagating malicious codesE DUCATIONPh.D. Michigan State University (MSU) – Electrical EngineeringGraduation: December 2006Academic Advisor: Professor Hayder RadhaResearch Lab: Wireless and Video Communications (WAVES) Lab, MSUM.S. MSU – Electrical EngineeringGraduation: May 2003Academic Advisor: Professor Hayder RadhaResearch Lab: Wireless and Video Communications (WAVES) Lab, MSUB. E. National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST), Pakistan – Computer SystemsEngineeringGraduation: November 1999R ESEARCH/A CADEMIC P UBLICATIONS A ND P ATENTSBook Chapter(s)Syed Ali Khayam and Hayder Radha, “MAC Layer Wireless Channel Modeling,” Multimedia over Wireless and IP Networks, Elsevier Science, March 2007.Journal PapersSyed Ali Khayam and Hayder Radha, “Modeling Worm Propagation over Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks,”to appear in SAE Transactions − Special Issue on Selected Papers from SAE World Congress 2006.Syed Ali Khayam,Hayder Radha, Selin Aviyente, and John R. Deller, Jr., “Markov and Multifractal Wavelet Models for Wireless MAC-to-MAC Channels,” to appear in Elsevier Performance Evaluation Journal, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 298−314, May 2007.Syed Ali Khayam,Shirish Karande, Muhammad U. Ilyas, and Hayder Radha, “Header Detection to Improve Multimedia Quality over Wireless Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 9, no. 2, pp.377−385, February 2007.Syed Ali Khayam and Hayder Radha, “Using Signal Processing Techniques to Model Worm Propagation over Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE Signal Processing, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 164−169, March 2006.Syed Ali Khayam and Hayder Radha, “Linear-Complexity Models for Wireless MAC-to-MAC Channels,”ACM Wireless Networks (WINET) – Special Issue on Selected Papers from MSWiM’03, vol. 11, no. 5, pp.543−555, September 2005.Syed Ali Khayam, Shirish Karande, Hayder Radha, and Dmitri Loguinov, “Performance Analysis and Modeling of Errors and Losses over 802.11b LANs for High-Bitrate Real-time Multimedia,” Elsevier/EURASIP Signal Processing: Image Communication, vol. 18, no. 47, pp. 575—595, August 2003.Conference/Workshop/Magazine PapersSyed Ali Khayam and Hayder Radha, “On the Impact of Ignoring Markovian Channel Memory on Analysis of Wireless Systems,” to appear in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2007.Syed Ali Khayam and Hayder Radha, “Using Session-Keystroke Mutual Information to Detect Self-Propagating Malicious Codes,” to appear in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2007.Shirish Karande, Syed Ali Khayam, Yongju Cho, Kiran Misra, Hayder Radha, Jaegon Kim, and Jin-Woo Hong, “On Channel State Inference and Prediction using Observable Variables in 802.11b Networks,”to appear in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2007.Yongju Cho, Syed Ali Khayam, Shirish Karande, Hayder Radha, Jaegon Kim, and Jin-Woo Hong, “A Multi-tier Model for BER Prediction over Residual Wireless Channels,” International Conference on Information Sciences & Systems (CISS), March 2007.Syed Ali Khayam, Shirish Karande, Muhammad U. Ilyas, and Hayder Radha, “Improving Wireless Multimedia Quality using Header Detection with Priors,” IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2006.Syed Ali Khayam and Hayder Radha, “Constant-Complexity Models for Wireless Channels,” IEEE Infocom, April 2006.Syed Ali Khayam and Hayder Radha, “Modeling Worm Propagation over Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks,”SAE World Congress, April 2006.Aparna Gurijala and Syed Ali Khayam, “Encryption Effects on Compression Efficiency of Still Images,”SPIE Newsroom Magazine, February 2006.Aparna Gurijala, Syed Ali Khayam, Hayder Radha, and John R. Deller, Jr., “On Encryption-Compression Trade-off of Pre/Post-Filtered Images,” SPIE Conference on Mathematics of Data/Image Coding, Compression, and Encryption (MDICCE), August 2005.Syed Ali Khayam and Hayder Radha, “A Topologically-Aware Worm Propagation Model for Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE ICDCS International Workshop on Security in Distributed Computing Systems (SDCS), June 2005.Syed Ali Khayam, Muhammad U. Ilyas, Klaus Pörsch, Shirish Karande,and Hayder Radha, “A Statistical Receiver-based Approach for Improved Throughput of Multimedia Communications over Wireless LANs,” IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), May 2005.Syed Ali Khayam, Selin Aviyente, and Hayder Radha, “On Long-Range Dependence in High-Bitrate Wireless Residual Channels,” International Conference on Information Sciences and Systems(CISS), March 2005.Syed Ali Khayam and Hayder Radha, “Analyzing the Spread of Active Worms over VANET,” ACM Mobicom International Workshop on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET), October 2004.Syed Ali Khayam and Hayder Radha, “Markov-based Modeling of Wireless Local Area Networks,” ACM Mobicom International Workshop on Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM), September 2003.Syed Ali Khayam, Shirish Karande, Michael Krappel, and Hayder Radha, “Cross-Layer Protocol Design for Real-time Multimedia Applications over 802.11b Networks,” IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), July 2003.Shirish Karande, Syed Ali Khayam, Michael Krappel, and Hayder Radha, “Analysis and Modeling of Errors at the 802.11b Link-Layer,” IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo(ICME), July 2003.M. Usman Ilyas, Syed Ali Khayam, Omer Suleman, and Shahid Masud, “A Configurable Platform for Simulating Multiprocessor-based System-on-Chip,” International Symposium on Wireless Systems and Networks (ISWSN), May 2003.Syed Ali Khayam, Shoab A. Khan, and Sohail Sadiq, “A Generic Integer Programming Approach to Hardware/Software Codesign,” IEEE International Multi-topic Conference (INMIC), December 2001.Syed Ali Khayam and Mudassar Farooq, "Voice and Video over IP: Challenges and the Existing Infrastructure," International Workshop on Distributed Computing, Communications and Applications (IWDCCA), January 2000.Ph.D. DissertationSyed Ali Khayam, “Wireless Channel Modeling and Malware Detection using Statistical and Information-Theoretic Tools,” December 2006.M.S. ThesisSyed Ali Khayam, “Analysis and Modeling of Errors and Losses over 802.11b LANs,” May 2003.Patents PendingSyed Ali Khayam and Hayder Radha, “Mobile Network System for Malware Monitoring,” filed to the United States Patents and Trademarks Office, application # PCT/US2006/021501, June 2005.Syed Ali Khayam and Hayder Radha, “Self-Propagating Malware Detection using Session-Keystroke Correlation,” submitted to the MSU Office of Intellectual Property Rights, January 2007.Shirish Karande, Syed Ali Khayam, Yongju Cho, Kiran Misra, Hayder Radha, Jaegon Kim, and Jin-Woo Hong, “Channel State Inference and Prediction using Observable Variables in 802.11b Networks,”submitted to the MSU Office of Intellectual Property Rights, September 2006.Syed Ali Khayam and Hayder Radha, “Worm Detection at Network Endpoints using Information-Theoretic Traffic Perturbations,” submitted to the MSU Office of Intellectual Property Rights, February 2006.Syed Ali Khayam, Shirish Karande, and Hayder Radha, “Header Estimation to Improve Multimedia Quality over Wireless Networks,” submitted to the MSU Office of Intellectual Property Rights, February 2006.Technical Report(s)Syed Ali Khayam, “The Discrete Cosine Transform: Theory and Application,” WAVES lab technical report, May 2004.P ROFESSIONAL A FFILIATIONSSession ChairIEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2007− Computer and Communications Network Security SymposiumReviewerIEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications & Networking (JWCN), Elsevier Performance Evaluation Journal, Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN) IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2007, IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) 2007, IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC) 2006MemberIEEE, ACM,Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC)H ONORS/A WARDSInvited to chair a technical paper session at the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2007, Computer and Communications Network Security SymposiumSelected to serve on the review panels of many prestigious journals and conferencesResearch paper on Markov models for wireless channels was selected in the top 9% papers of ACM MSWiM 2003 and was invited to be submitted as a journal paper to ACM WINET journalResearch paper on worm propagation modeling over vehicular networks in SAE World Congress 2006 was invited to appear in SAE TransactionsResearch paper on encryption-compression tradeoffs of image coding systems in SPIE MDICCE 2005 was invited to appear in SPIE Newsroom MagazineReceived a rating of 4.0 from 38 out of the total 40 students in the Electronic Design andInstrumentation Lab Course taught at MSUJournal paper on linear-complexity wireless channel models was one of ACM WINET’s five most downloaded articles in February/March 2006Opinion paper on “Faculty Hiring program of Pakistan Higher Education Commission” was selected as the finalist of the Virtual Think Tank of Pakistan − National Policy Dialog CompetitionRecipient MSU Research Enhancement Award to attend IEEE Infocom 2006Recipient of Pakistan HEC Partial Ph.D. Support Scholarship to complete Ph.D. studies at MSURecipient of Pakistan HEC Split Ph.D. Scholarship to pursue Ph.D. studies at MSURecipient of NUST Split M.S. Scholarship to pursue Masters studies at MSUMade key technical contributions to research proposals that were submitted to NSF CyberTrust Program in 2004 and 2007: For the first proposal, after peer-review the NSF funded the 3 year project in August 2004; the second proposal is still under reviewMade key technical contributions to a research proposal submitted to MSU CyberSecurity Initiative: MSU funded the 2 year project in August 2003Selected to serve as Graduate Representative on the MSU Engineering College Advisory Committee in 2004/2005E XPERIENCE I N A CADEMIASummer 2002 to present MSU – Research Assistant, Wireless and VideoCommunications (WAVES) Lab, MSUSpring 2002, Summer 2003, Spring 2004 MSU – Teaching AssistantE XPERIENCE I N I NDUSTRYOctober 2000 to AugustCommunications Enabling Technologies – Design Engineer 2001 Lead a team which designed layer controller of a VoIP chipLead a team which developed an IPSec security framework April 1999 to July 1999 Communications Enabling Technologies – InternR EFERENCESHayder Radha, Professor, MSU (radha@)John R. Deller, Jr., Professor, MSU (deller@)Dmitri Loguinov, Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University (TAMU) (dmitri@)。
Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology – JEPE of B
Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology – JEPE of B.EN.A. ( for papersRapid Publication JournalINSTRUCTION FOR AUTHORSThe language of the Journal is exclusively English. Contributions will be considered only if they have not been previously published or been submitted elsewhere. The manuscripts must be submitted only in electronic form. Receipt of a contribution for consideration will be acknowledged immediately by the Editorial Office. The acknowledgement will indicate the paper reference number assigned to the contribution. Authors are particularly asked to quote this number on all subsequent correspondence. The manuscripts are subjected to preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Board, after selecting and receiving the referee’s consent they are forwarded to the appointed referees. The period for evaluation by the referees is two months. In case of negative report, the manuscripts are processed to other referees.MANUSCRIPT PREPARATIONAuthors are requested to prepare the manuscripts considering the following options: double-space, 2.5-cm margins on all sides, Times New Roman font, and ca. 60 characters per line and 30 lines per page or about 1800 characters per page (standard page). Use an English keyboard layout and the Symbol Font for Greek letters and mathematical symbols. All tables, figures, with their legends must be inserted within the text following their citation.The length of manuscripts should be as follows: articles – max. 7 pages (not more than 13 standard pages including references, tables and figures), for review articles – max. 10 pages (not more than 18 standard pages), and for short communications – max. 3 pages (not more than 7 standard pages).ORGANISATIONThe title page should include the title, authors and their affiliations, complete address of the author to whom correspondence should be sent and an Abstract.Abstract–should not exceed 200 words and should give the subjects and conclusions of the article and all results of general interest. References and compound numbers should not be mentioned in the Abstract. Maximum five keywords should follow the Abstract.Aims– should include brief and clear remarks outlining the specific purpose of the work.Background– a short summary of the background material including numbered references.Experimental– should be sufficiently detailed (but concise) to guarantee reproducibility.Results and Discussion–should indicate the logic used for the interpretation of data without lengthy speculations. Authors submitting material on purely theoretical problems or on a new experimental technique might unite the sections Experimental, Results and Discussion into one section under the heading Discussion.Conclusions– short summary of the main achievements of the research.References – should be typed on a separate sheet and numbered in the order of their first mention in the text. They should be indicated by superscript Arabic numerical in the text. Abbreviations of journal titles should follow the style used in Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index, 1970 edition and supplements. Sequence and punctuation of references should be:1. F. K. VOSNIAKOS, K. S. FARMAKIS: Radioactive Releases from Nuclear and Thermoelectric Power Plant Operation and Their Effectto the Environment of Northern Greece. J. of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 1 (2), 255 (2000).2. E. P. PAPANIKOLAU, P. KRITIDIS: Contamination of the Agricultural Land of Greece with Cs-137 and Its Effect on Crops. In: Intern.Conf. on Radioactivity in the Mediterranen Areas, Barcelona, May 1988, 457-466.3. K. TASCHNER: Environmental Management and Audit Scheme. EEB Industry Handbook (Eds C. Key, K. Tashner). Brussels, Belgium,1998.In preparing the list of References attention must be drawn to the following points:a) Names of all authors of cited publications should be given. Use of ‘et al.’ in the list of references is not acceptable;b) Only the initials of first and middle names should be given.Tables– each bearing a brief title should be numbered in Arabic numerals and placed in order of their mention in the text.Figures and captions–figures must be numbered consecutively together with captions. Illustrations must fit the format of the Journal and should not exceed 12 18 cm. For best results, illustrations are to be black and white, and submitted in the actual size at which they will appear in the Journal.Chemical Structures should be produced with the use of a drawing program such as ChemDraw or ChemWindows.Particular attention is drawn to the use of SI system of units, and IUPAC recommendations regarding symbols, units, and termonilogy. ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPTSManuscripts should be submitted only in electronic form. Submission not in electronic form may face a delay in publication.All text (including the title page, abstract, keywords, all sections of the manuscript, figure captions, and references) and tabular material should be in one file, with the complete text first, followed by the tabular material. The manuscript must be prepared using MS Word 6.0 and above. Manuscripts in PDF are not accepted.Chemical equations must be supplied using equation editor. Tables must be created using table format feature.Graphics, i.e. figures, schemes, etc. should be in a separate file. The file name should be descriptive for the graphic. Structures and schemes may be supplied in ChemWindow format and other graphics in Microsoft Excell or Microsoft PowerPoint format.SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPTSManuscripts should be sent to the following address:Prof., Dr. Fokion VosniakosBALKAN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATION (B.EN.A.)Alexander Technological Educational Institution, P.O. Box 141, 57 400-Sindos, Thessaloniki, GREECEE-mail:;; manuscripts are subject to critical review and the names of referees will not be disclosed to the authors. The manuscript sent back to the author for revision should be returned within 2 months in duplicate. Otherwise it will be considered withdrawn. Revised manuscripts are gen-erally sent back to the original referees for comments, unless (in case of minor revisions) the editors accept them without seeking further opinions. Proofs should be corrected and returned as soon as possible.。
1st Call for PapersASIA PACIFICJOURNAL OF EDUCATIONDecember 2009 Special IssuePrimary and Secondary Education Reform in China: Globalisation with Chinese Characteristics Abstracts and expressions of interest due by: 31 December 2008 Papers for full refereeing due by: 30 April 2009Special Issue Editors:Professor Yongbing LIU1Assistant Professor Yanping FANG21Northeast Normal University, China2National Institute of Education, SingaporeEDITORIAL STATEMENT FOR THEASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF EDUCATION SPECIAL ISSUEPrimary and Secondary Education Reform in China:Globalisation with Chinese CharacteristicsEditors: Yongbing Liu & Yanping FangOver the past 10 years, China’s primary and secondary education have changed as rapidly as its politics, economy, culture and society. The forces of globalisation, modernisation and economic development have led to substantial changes in China’s educational policy and governance, curriculum and pedagogy. These changes also impact on the everyday lives and practices of students and teachers.School governance, for example, has been diversified with a clear shift towards the local. The school curriculum has been overhauled with a strong orientation towards student autonomy (particularly since 1999). There has been a clear shift in the emphasis from teacher-centred to student learning-oriented pedagogy, and from knowledge transmission to knowledge construction.More recently, student-teachers are being encouraged to work in the countryside after graduation in a bid to improve the overall quality of education and to address the increasing gap in education between the rich and poor regions. They are offered incentives such as paid living expenses, exemption from tuition fees, and security of teaching jobs.However, these changes and other relevant research are seldom reported in the international research literature.How do policy makers and educationists in China deal with the relationship between the global and national, Chinese and western, central and local in terms of educational tradition, policy and governance? How do schools, teachers and students cope with changes in their practices in terms of curriculum, classroom pedagogy? And what is the impact of these changes on their everyday lives?This special issue of the Asia Pacific Journal of Education (APJE) provides a platform for a critical review of empirical research that addresses these questions broadly. Specifically, we are interested in receiving:• Research papers reporting original research work that leads to an understanding and/or improvement of the recent educational changes and outcomes in China(especially in disciplines or school subjects such as mathematics, science, socialscience and languages), using both descriptive/interpretative methodologiesand quantitative/confirmatory research methodologies and analytic frameworks as well as multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches;• Critical review papers of the relationship between the global and national, Chinese and Western, central and local in terms of educational tradition, policyand governance in schools and classrooms. We welcome reviews of boththeoretical and empirical research carried out in China.About the Editors of the Special IssueYongbing LIU is currently Professor at Northeast Normal University, China. Prior to that, he worked at the National Institute of Education, Singapore, the University of Queensland, the University of Tasmania, Australia, and Jilin University China for many years. He got his master’s degree in applied linguistics from Northeast Normal University, and PhD in language education from University of Queensland. His major research interests are in language curriculum and pedagogy. He has published over 30 academic papers in journals such as Language and Education, Discourse, Pedagogy, Culture and Society, Language Policy, and Chinese Education in the World; and chapters in books including the International Handbook of Literacy and Technology (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates), Struggle Over Difference (SUNY), and Analyzing Identities in Discourse (Benjamins). He has also published two monographs and several textbooks in China. Yanping FANG is Assistant Professor at the Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice and with the Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Academic Group at the National Institute of Education, Singapore. She received her PhD from the College of Education, Michigan State University, with the support of a Spencer Research Training Grant. Her research has been focused on teacher learning and teacher development from international comparative perspectives. She has published book chapters and peer reviewed journal articles on education reform and teacher development in China as well as East Asian pedagogies. Currently, she is principal investigator of several intervention and research projects including one on lesson study in Singapore, and another on mathematical problem-solving in Singapore classrooms.ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONSCOPEOver the past half century, the education systems of the countries in the Asia-Pacific region have been engaged in rapid and near continual change. The forces of industrial modernity, postcolonialism and globalisation have led to major shifts in educational policy and governance, curriculum and pedagogy, and in the everyday lives and practices of students and teachers. The Asia Pacific Journal of Education is a platform for the critical analysis and review of these processes. Key issues include: cultural and linguistic continuity and change; ethnicity, class, gender and diversity in education; systems and infrastructure development; cultures and structures of educational organisations; educational policy responses; migrant and indigenous education; historical and current educational relationships between Asian and Pacific countries and systems; relationships with the educational ideas and systems of the “North” and “West”; and the impacts of new communications media and technologies, new and hybrid cultural forms and practices, and globalised economies on education. APJE welcomes research and scholarly articles and essays; reviews of research; issues pieces, short editorial commentaries and rejoinders; and book reviews.EXECUTIVE EDITORSAllan Luke –Queensland University of Technology, AustraliaS. Gopinathan –National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore(From Vol. 29, No. 2)Jason Tan –National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore David Hogan –National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore REVIEW EDITORDennis Kwek – National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, SingaporeINTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARDRobin Alexander – University of Cambridge, UKPhilip Altbach – Boston College, USAKathryn Au – University of Hawaii at Manoa, USAMark Bray – UNESCO, ParisSuresh A Canagarajah – City University of New York, USALorna K S Chan – Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong KongJoy Chew Oon Ai – National Institute of Education, SingaporeZongyi Deng – University of Hong Kong, Hong KongKris Gutiérrez – University of California Los Angeles, USAAnne Hickling‐Hudson – Queensland University of Technology, AustraliaRyuko Kubota – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USAEva Lam – Northwestern University, USAMolly N N Lee – UNESCO, BangkokYoonmi Lee – Hongik University, KoreaYongbing Liu – Northeast Normal University, ChinaRupert Maclean – UNESCO‐UNEVOC, GermanySimon Marginson – University of Melbourne, AustraliaShyam Menon – University of Delhi, IndiaYoshiko Nozaki – State University of New York at Buffalo, USAAlastair Pennycook – University of Technology Sydney, AustraliaFazal Rizvi – University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USALinda Tuhiwai Smith – University of Auckland, New ZealandJason Tan Eng Thye – Nanyang Technological University, SingaporeKonai Helu Thaman – University of the South Pacific, FijiKelleen Toohey – Simon Fraser University, CanadaGeoff Whitty – Institute of Education, UKTing‐Hong Wong – Academia Sinica, TaiwanRui Yang – University of Hong Kong, Hong KongEDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCEEditorial correspondence should be sent to: Lin Ai‐Leen, Editorial Administrator, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Office of Education Research, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, 1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore 637616 or by email to Details concerning the preparation and submission of articles can be found in the Instructions for Authors section at/journals/authors/capeauth.aspNOTES FOR CONTRIBUTORSResearch articles should be between 6,000 to 8,000 words, and should include an abstract of 250 words or less and keywords of 5 words or less. All submissions should be written in English and must conform to the format of the Asia Pacific Journal of Education.Contributors should send a file copy of the manuscript to the Editorial Administrator at Only electronic submission of articles will be considered. A separate first page should include the full title, a short title for use as a running head, author name(s), institutional and e‐mail address(es), and indicate the author responsible for correspondence related to a manuscript submission. The title should be on page 1 andnot exceed 10 words (50 letters), and should be followed by an abstract of 100 to 200 words.The full postal address of the author who will check proofs and receive correspondence and offprints should also be included. All pages should be numbered. Contributors should be aware that they are addressing an international audience. Jargon should be avoided and “local” terminology clarified for an international audience. Authors should use non‐discriminatory language. Articles should be original work, where appropriate should acknowledge any significant contribution by others, and should not have been accepted for publication elsewhere.•Formatting guideo Any consistent spelling style is acceptableo Follow the APA Manual for punctuationo A Word template is available for this journal•Reference style informationo APA reference styleo Quick guideIf you have any questions about references or formatting your article, please contact authorqueries@.Tables and captions to illustrations. Tables must be typed out (double‐line spacing) on separate sheets and not included as part of the text. The captions to illustrations should be gathered together and also typed out on a separate sheet. Tables should be numbered by roman numerals and figures by Arabic numerals. The approximate position of tables and figures should be indicated in the manuscript. Captions should include keys to symbols.Figures. All line diagrams and photographs are termed “Figures” and should be numbered consecutively and given short descriptive captions. Line diagrams should be presented as camera‐ready copy. Photographs should be submitted as clear, glossy, unmounted black and white prints with good contrast range.References should follow the American Psychological Association system (APA Publications Manual, 5th edition), with the only exception that authors’ names should be presented with roman letters, upper and lower case, i.e., they should be indicated in the typescript by giving the authors’ names, with the year of publication in parentheses, e.g., Smith (1994); or if there are more than two authors—Smith, et al. (1994). If several papers from the same author(s) and from the same year are cited, (a), (b), (c), etc. should be listed in full alphabetically at the end of the paper on a separate sheet in the following standard form:For article: Mukundan, M. V. (2003). Democratic decentralization and primaryeducation: A comparison of continuity and change in twodistricts of Kerala (India). Asia Pacific Education Review, 4(1),27‐38.For book: Lin, A. M. Y. (1990). Teaching in two tongues: language alternation in foreign language classrooms. Kowloon: City Polytechnic ofHong Kong.For chapter in edited book: Freebody, P., & Baker, C. (2003). Categories and sense‐making in literacy research and education: Critical literacy and thespaces between people. In G. Bull & M. Anstey (Eds.), Theliteracy lexicon (2nd revised ed., pp. 225‐240). Sydney:Pearson.Titles of journals should not be abbreviated.Proofs will be sent to the authors. They should be corrected and returned to the editor within three days. Major alterations to the text cannot be accepted.Peer Review PolicyAll research articles in this journal will undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymised refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. Copyright. It is a condition of publication that authors assign copyright or license the publication rights in their articles, including abstracts, to the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. This enables us to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the article, and of course the Journal, to the widest possible readership in print and electronic formats as appropriate. Authors may, of course, use the article elsewhere after publication without prior permission from Taylor & Francis provided that acknowledgement is given to the Journal as the original source of publication, and that Taylor & Francis is notified so that our records show that its use is properly authorised. Authors retain a number of other rights under the Taylor & Francis rights policies documents. Full details of these policies are referred to at /journals/authorrights.pdf. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources.Books for review can be sent to the Review Editor.The online version of this journal is available from the Taylor & Francis Web site at /journals/titles/02188791.asp。
ABS 函數........................................................................................................................................ 12 ASC 函數........................................................................................................................................ 12 ATN 函數........................................................................................................................................ 13 CBOOL 函數.................................................................................................................................. 13 CDATE 函數.................................................................................................................................. 13 CDBL 函數.................................................................................................................................... 14 CHR 函數.......................................................................................................................................14 CINT 函數......................................................................................................................................15 CLNG 函數..................................................................................................................................... 15 CLOSE 語句................................................................................................................................... 15 CONST 語句................................................................................................................................... 16 COS 函數........................................................................................................................................ 17 CSNG 函數...................................................................................................................................... 17 CSTR 函數..................................................................................................................................... 17 CVAR 函數.................................................................................................................................... 18 DATE 函數...................................................................................................................................... 18 DAY 函數....................................................................................................................................... 19 DIM 語句....................................................................................................................................... 19 DO...LOOP 語句.............................................................................................................................. 20 END 語句........................................................................................................................................ 20
国际学术交流英语-call for paper教程文件
in Eengeering Geology or Bulletin of Eengeering Geology and the Environment.
3. Conference goals
➢State the purpose of the meeting ➢ Introduced the topics of discussion ➢Discuss ideas and solutions to the problem
4. Time and venue
7. Important dates
➢You may meet some deadlines, such as
➢Sub-mission Deadline,
➢Acceptance Deadline
Therefore, you must complete the manuscript submission, pay the attendance fee, and reply the a Letter of acceptance of the invitation within the requested time.
ering and offshore engineering facilities have been
designed and constructed in recent dacades……
6. Papers and submissions
➢Generally, conference papers consist of two forms, full paper and abstract paper
研究生英语写作作文书目1. "They Say / I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing" by Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein- 这本书通过提供各种论点和反驳的模板,帮助研究生在写作中清晰表达自己的观点。
2. "A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations" by Kate L. Turabian- Turabian的手册是研究生写作的重要参考,尤其是对于那些需要撰写学术论文、论文或博士论文的学生。
3. "The Craft of Research" by Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams- 本书提供了深入的研究和写作指导,适合那些需要进行深入学术研究的研究生。
4. "Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success" by Wendy Laura Belcher- 这本书为研究生提供了一个实用的框架,帮助他们在十二周内完成一篇期刊文章。
5. "Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students" by Stephen Bailey- 专为非英语母语的国际学生编写,这本书涵盖了学术写作的各个方面,包括语法、结构和风格。
6. "They Can't Write, Can They? A Guide to Teaching Academic Writing" by Hilary Wainwright- 这本书提供了教学学术写作的策略,适合那些需要指导他人写作的研究生助教或教师。
37-1会议名称:International Algebraic Conference----dedicated to the centennial of the birthday of P.G.Kontorovich and to the 70th birthday of L.N.Shevrin会议时间:2005. 8.29 – 9. 3,会议地点:Russia Ekaterinburg, Ural State University (USU)联系地址:algebra2005 followed by @ followed by usu.ruAttention!!! Cookies must be enabled to be able to use the conference site会议网址会议要点:all major areas of general algebra and model theory: theory of semigroups; theory of groups; theory of rings and modules; theory of lattices; universal algebra and model theory; as well as their computer science applications37-2会议名称:2005 Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra会议时间:August 1 - 3, 2005会议地点:Nara Women's University Nara city, Nara prefecture, 630-8506 JAPAN联系地址:e-mail :会议网址:会议名称:Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS), 2nd Conference会议时间:September 7-11, 2005会议地点:Cambridge, United Kingdom Queens' College, University of Cambridge联系地址:Aubrey de Grey Department of Genetics University of Cambridge Downing StreetCambridge CB2 3EH UK tel: +44 1223 366197 fax: +44 1223 333992Email: ag24@会议网址:/sens2/主办者:Aubrey de Grey37-41会议名称:9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology-2005 (9CEST 2005)会议时间:2005. 9. 1-3,会议地点:Rhodes island, Greece联系地址:University of the Aegean 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (9 CEST) 30, Voulgaroktonou str., GR 114 72 Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 210 6492451, +30 210 6492452 Fax: +30 210 6492499 Email: cest@会议网址:/cest主办者:Global Network for Environmental Science and Technology University of the Aegean重要时间:Deadline for abstacts: 2004.12.15,37-5会议名称:International Conference on Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA 05)会议时间:September 7-9, 2005会议地点:Wrexham, North Wales, United Kingdom ;Centre for Applied Internet Research (CAIR)联系地址:ITA 05 Secretary Centre for Applied Internet Research, University of Wales, NEWI Plas Coch Campus, Wrexham, LL11 2AW, UK Tel: +44(0)1978 293203 Fax: +44(0)1978 293168 Email: d.oram@会议网址:/computing/research/ita05/index.shtml主办者:Centre for Applied Internet Research (CAIR)重要时间:Deadline for abstacts: February 04, 200537-6会议名称:Pedometrics 2005: Frontiers in Pedometrics会议时间:September 12-14, 2005会议地点:Naples, FL, USA联系地址:University of Florida/IFAS Soil and Water Science Department 2169 McCarty Hall, P.O. Box 110290 Gainesville, FL USA PHONE: 352-392-1951 ext. 204 FAX: 352-392-3902 EMAIL: SGrunwald@会议网址:/pedometrics主办者:University of Florida / IFAS - More to Be Determined重要时间:论文(文摘)截止:2005. 5. 01,37-7会议名称:Ninth East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS'2005)会议时间:2005. 9. 12-15,会议地点:Estonia Tallinn联系地址:Institute of Cybernetics Tallinn University of Technology Akadeemia 21 12618 TallinnEstonia Email: adbis05@cs.ioc.ee会议网址:主办者:Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology and Department of Computer Engineering of Tallinn University of Technology CONFERENCE ORGANISATION重要时间:论文(文摘)截止:2005. 2. 28,37-8会议名称:Weekend workshop on Arithmetic and Geometry of Higher Dimensional Varieties with Special Emphasis on Calabi-Yau Varieties and Mirror Symmetry会议时间:October 23-24, 2005会议地点:Toronto, ON, Canada Fields Institute联系地址:Phone: 416-348-9710 Business Fax: 416-348-9714 Members Fax: 416-348-9385 The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences 222 College StreetToronto, Ontario · M5T 3J1 · Canada , E-Mail: geninfo@fields.utoronto.ca会议网址:主办者:ames D. Lewis (Alberta) and Noriko Yui (Queen's)37-9会议名称:ICINCO 2005 – International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics 会议时间:2005.9. 14-17,会议地点:Barcelona, Spain联系地址:ICINCO Secretariat Address: Av. D.Manuel I, 27 r/c esq. 2910-595 Setúbal –PortugalTel.: +351 265 520 185 Fax: +351 265 520 186 e-mail: secretariat@会议网址:重要时间:论文(全文)截止:2005.2.25, 录用通知: 2005.4.2037-10会议名称:International Conference - Mathematics in Finance会议时间:August 7-12, 2005会议地点:Kruger National Park, South Africa ; Berg-en-dal Camp联系地址:Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics University of Pretoria 0002 PRETORIA SOUTH AFRICA Tel: 27/12/420-2520 Fax: 27/12/420-3893Email:会议网址:主办者:Potchefstroom University for CHE, The University of Pretoria and The University of the Witwatersrand.重要时间:论文(文摘)截止:2005. 4. 01,37-11会议名称:The International Conference on Efficient Infrastructure Development (INCEID2005)会议时间:August 29-30, 2005会议地点:Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, University of Malaya联系地址:Centre for Nanotechnology, Precision & Advanced Materials Department ofMechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering University of Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA Email: or cnpam@.my会议网址主办者:Centre for Nanotechnology, Precision & Advanced Materials Department ofMechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering University of Malaya MALAYSIA重要时间:Deadline for abstacts: April 30, 200537-12会议名称:2005年度国际符号和代数计算会议(ISSAC2005) ---International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation会议时间:2005年7月24-27日会议地点:Beijing Friendship Hotel会议网址:/issac2005/。
国际会议交流英语ppt博士会议Unit 2
(signature) printed name
2) Letters for Invitation
A letter inviting someone to attend a conference should be written with warmth and courtesy.
correspond with is dependent upon the purpose and content of correspondence.
2) What to Correspond about ,
Pre-/post-conference correspondence may vary greatly in terms of their contents. The usual contents of the correspondence are, however, not beyond the scope of making inquiries, explaining reasons, specifying requests, seeking possibilities, and the like.
Post-conference Correspondence: letter of thanks, etc.
Theme Presentation 1. Pre-conference Correspondence
1) Whom to Correspond with Before a conference, whom to
I am pleased to accept your invitation and will send my paper entitled Pragmatic Features on International Academic Conferences to the Paper Committee before the required date.
call for papers
Call for Papers2013 Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE2013)June 3–4, 2013, WashingtonThe Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE2013), organized by the World Bank Development Economics (DEC) Vice Presidency,is one of the world’s best known series ofconferences for the presentation and discussion of new knowledge on development. The conference aims to promote the exchange of cutting-edge research among researchers, policymakers, anddevelopment practitioners. The next conference will take place on June 3–4, 2013, at World BankHeadquarters in Washington, D.C. The theme of the conference will be “Risk and Vulnerability”.The ABCDE Organizing Committee is issuing a call for papers that examine in innovative ways how to manage risk and vulnerability at the individual, household, firm, financial sector, and country level.The selected papers will be presented as main sessions of the conference agenda. Possible topics include:∙Sources of risk and vulnerability∙Risk management strategies∙Role that social and economic systems have in managing risk∙Government policies to manage risks∙Globalization and its impact on risk, vulnerability, and tools for managing riskPapers that do not fit into these categories, but are related to the main conference theme, are also welcome.Paper SubmissionThose interested should submit a draft paper or a two-page proposal by January 31, 2013and send it to :abcde@, The proposal should include the title of the paper, author(s), affiliation, and contact information, and should address the main question(s) to be examined, relevant literature, unique contribution to the literature, and methodology to be employed. Authors of selected papers will have the option to submit their papers for a special issue of the World Bank Economic Review.The Organizing Committee will evaluate all proposals in terms of originality, analytical rigor, and policy relevance. Authors of accepted proposals will be contacted by February 28, 2013. A work-in-progress draft will be required by April 1, 2013.For authors of selected papers, travel and accommodation expenses for the conference will be covered.Additional information on the overall conference program will be posted on the ABCDE website over the coming months.Organizing ChairsAsliDemirgüç-Kunt (World Bank, Chair), Charles Calomiris (Columbia University), and Stefan Dercon (Oxford University and DFID Chief Economist)。
IEEE投稿注意事项2008年06月27日星期五 22:03Information for AuthorsGeneral: The PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE welcomes for consideration technical papers on important topics of broad significance and long-range interest in all areas of electrical, electronics, and computer engineering. In-depth surveys, reviews and tutorials are particularly welcome; papers describing individual research will usually only be considered if they meet the general criteria above. As a general rule, papers that do not meet these criteria should be submitted to the appropriate IEEE Transactions and Journals.It is suggested that a prospective author, before preparing a full-length manuscript, submit a brief 3-5 page proposal containing a description of the topic and its importance to PROCEEDINGS' readers, a detailed outline of the proposed paper and its type of coverage, and a brief biography showing the author's qualifications for writing the paper (including reference to previously published material as well as information on the author's relation to the proposed topic). Proposal reviews can be done most efficiently if the proposal is emailed directly to the Managing Editor at*****************.Submission:If a proposal receives a favorable review, the author will be encouraged to prepare the paper and submit it to Manuscript Central for the normal peer-review process. Allfull-length manuscripts should be submitted to Manuscript Central at the following URL: /pieee. Instructions and tutorials can be found on the main page. Please note that due to our journal redesign project and a new publishing production process, we request that all manuscripts accepted for publication be submitted as Word files. If you have specific questions or concerns, please contact Margery Meyer: ****************. All contributions are peer reviewed, as expeditiously as possible, in accordance with IEEE and PROCEEDINGS policy, usually by three (3) experts in the field.Copyright:The PROCEEDINGS is copyrighted to protect the interests of the IEEE as well as its authors and their employers. Authors must provide a signed copyright release form before their papers can be published; the completed form should accompany the manuscript upon its approval and final submission. The form may be found online at the following URL:/web/publications/rights/IEEECForm121302.html.The IEEE assumes that material submitted for publication has been properly released. It is the responsibility of the author, not the IEEE, to determine whether publication of the material requires the prior consent of other parties and, if so, to obtain it. Presentation:Since papers in the PROCEEDINGS are read by engineers whose interests usually extend well beyond their own specialties, papers must be accessible to the nonspecialist EE reader as well as the expert. They should always contain adequate background and tutorial information, and, to ensure that papers are well-suited for thegeneral electrical engineering readership, authors are encouraged to have their manuscripts scrutinized by colleagues who are not experts in the fields discussed. Manuscript Preparation:When a paper is accepted for publication (upon completing the peer review process through Manuscript Central), an electronic version of the manuscript will be requested for use in editing and typesetting. Manuscripts should be submitted in Word and paginated throughout (including the abstract, figure captions, tables, and the reference section). The composition of manuscripts should be the following: title page, abstract, body of paper, appendices, references, separate listing of figure captions, figures, and tables.Title Page:This page should contain the full title of the paper and complete names, affiliations, addresses, phone and fax numbers, and electronic mail addresses of all authors. The contact author should be indicated.Abstract:An abstract of not more than 200 words is required. It should contain not only a description of the subject and scope of coverage but also, in the case ofresearch-oriented papers, discuss major results and conclusions.Paper Descriptions (Paper “Decks” and Table of Contents items):Authors of approved papers should provide a 15 to 25-word description of the coverage of the paper and what the reader will learn from it.Keywords:All papers must contain keywords or index terms. They are provided by the authors. They should be provided in alphabetical order, and as a final paragraph of the abstract section.Illustrations:The Proceedings of the IEEE is eager to publish color illustrations, especially in those cases where color enhances technical details and understanding; for this reason, for the past year or so, we have been publishing color figures at no cost to the author. Figures and tables should be sent as separate electronic files and named numerically (e.g., fig1.eps, fig2.tif, table3.doc). It is requested that authors provide hard copies of all figures and tables as well, for verification purposes.Units:The International System of Units (the SI or "metric" system) should be used. Where desirable, non-metric equivalents can be included in parentheses.References:References should be numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text, with numbers within square brackets. The reference section should be double-spaced and in the style shown below; however, if there is any doubt about the correct abbreviation of publication names, these should be given in full. Note that titles of papers plus beginning and ending page numbers should be included.Authored book:[1] A. Cichocki and R. Unbehaven, Neural Networks for Optimization and Signal Processing, Chichester, England: Wiley, 1993, ch. 2, pp. 45-47.Article in an edited book:[2] R.A. Scholtz, "The Spread Spectrum Concept," in Multiple Access, N. Abramson, Piscataway, N.J.: IEEE Press, 1993, ch. 3, pp. 121-23.Paper in a journal.:[3] R.K. Crane, "Estimating Risk for Earth-Satellite Attenuation Prediction," Proc. IEEE, vol. 81, pp. 905-913, June 1993.Paper in a conference record:[4] D.L. Crook, "Evolution of VLSI reliability engineering," in Proc. Int. Rel. Physics Symp., pp. 2-11, 1990.Unpublished conference paper:[5] T. Yamashita, K. Kotani, and T. Ohmi, "Real-time configurable logic circuits using neuron MOS transistors," presented at the 1993 Int. Solid State Circuits Conf., Feb. 1993.Technical report:[6] H. Freitag, "Design methodologies for LSI circuitry," IBM Tech. Rep. TR41736, pp. 80-82, 1983.Photographs and Biographies:Authors' photographs and biographies are published in conjunction with papers. They can be provided after acceptance of a paper and biographies should not exceed 200 words.Proof:Before publication, proofs will be sent to the author (or to the contact author who submitted the paper) by the PROCEEDINGS' Associate Editor. Typographical, illustration problems and other errors should be marked according to the instructions accompanying the proofs. This is not the time to rewrite or revise the paper, and the cost of excessive changes will be billed to the author. However, it is important to review the presentation details at this time and carefully check for any errors that might have been introduced during the production process.Voluntary Page Charges and Reprints:After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author's company or institution will be asked to pay a voluntary charge of $110 per printed page to cover part of the cost of publication. IEEE page charges are not obligatory, and payment is not a prerequisite for publication. The author will receive 100 free reprints if the charge is honored. Detailed instructions on page charges and on ordering reprints will accompany the galley proof.IEEE AUTHORS ELECTRONIC GUIDEThe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers electronically processes the PROCEEDINGS as well as all of its Transactions, Journals, and Letters. For production and final printing of your paper, we will ask you to provide your final, accepted manuscript and two paper copies.GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS1. All manuscripts should be sent as Word files.2. Files should be submitted via ZIP, CD, or email attachment.3. Include 2 copies of the printed version of exactly what is sent on disk.4. Note the operating system, software, and version number used to create your disk onthe disk label.5. Do not import graphics files in your text file.6. Make sure your files are self-contained, i.e., that there are no pointers to yoursystem setup.7. Check that your files are complete: abstract, text, tables, references, footnotes,bios & figure captions.8. If possible, set manuscript column size to 21 picas or 3 1/2 inch.9. Send all figures and tables as separate electronic files and include copies in package.THINGS NOT TO DO:DO NOT put the files in page layout software (Ventura, Quark, Pagemaker, Frame Maker).Write the text in ascii format, DO NOT create special macros; use the standard codes provided by the program.DO NOT send postscript files of the text.IEEE编委谈:怎样向国际名刊投稿2007-05-21 18:26郭更生教授:曾任IEEE Transactions on Communications Magazine总编,IEEE Communications Magazine高级技术编辑,台湾***大学教授。
一,国际公认的最顶尖(first-tier)的6本会计学术期刊(搜索看,至今中国大陆只有1人(上海财大教授)以第2作者发过文章)1,Accounting Review (SSCI检索):美国会计学会(AAA)发行的会计学术期刊,为会计三大期刊之一,简称AR。
会计评论2,Journal of Accounting Research (SSCI):芝加哥大学发行的会计学术期刊,为会计三大期刊之一,简称JAR。
会计研究3,Journal of Accounting and Economics (SSCI):Rochester大学发行的会计学术期刊,为会计三大期刊之一,简称JAE。
会计与经济学杂志4,Contemporary Accounting Research(SSCI):加拿大会计学会发行的会计学术期刊,已与三大期刊并列first-tier之列,简称CAR。
当代会计研究5,Accounting, Organization, and Society (SSCI):英国会计学会发行的会计学术期刊,简称AOS,通常与AR、JAR、JAE、CAR并称为会计五大期刊。
AOS偏好刊登field study类型的研究文章,且内容常常饶富哲学意涵。
6,Review of Accounting Studies(SSCI):由南加大发行的新兴会计学术期刊(公元1996年创刊),以刊登分析性及实验的研究文章为主,已被认可为first-tier之列。
二,优良(second-tier)的会计期刊Auding: A Journal of Practice and Theory (SSCI):AAA发行的会计学术期刊(AAA审计部门的section journal),专门刊登以审计相关议题为探讨主题的研究文章。
Journal of Management Accounting Research:AAA发行的会计学术期刊(AAA管理会计部门的section journal),专门刊登以管理会计相关议题为探讨主题的研究文章,简称JMAR。
同等学力英语真题高频词汇详解四同义词、近义词替代、辨析ban n.flourish, prosper,thriveTheir business flourished at its new location a year later owing to their joint efforts and hard work.A. prevailedB. failedC. boomedD. shrank(2005)bound a.一定的,必然的 vi.跳跃vt.划界 definite,jumpbound to 一定的,肯定的 certainly If he told his wife about their plan, she was bound to agree.A. would unnecessarilyB. would simplyC. would certainlyD. would alternatively(2000)break n. 休息,破裂,突变v. 打破,违反,超过break in 闯入,打断 break up 分裂,分解 break through 突围,突破break into (因悲痛)突然大哭Mrs. Smith tears when she heard her daughter had died in the road accident.A. broke inB. broke upC. broke throughD. broke into(2005)by accident 偶然,偶尔 by chanceIt’s disturbing to note how many of the crimes we do know about were detected_________ not by systematic inspections or other security procedures.A. by accidentB. on scheduleC. in generalD. at intervals(2006)by no means adv.决不, in no caseBribing that official is ________ the best solution.A. by all each meansC. by no meansD. by such means禁令, vt禁止 forbid, taboo, prohibitionAn international treaty signed several years ago bans trade in plants and animal ofendangered species.A. forbidsB. eliminatesC. promotesD. protects (1999)barrier n. 障碍物,栅栏,屏障 bar, block, impediment, obstacleHe must not allow this unusual barrier to stop him from fighting against the enemy.A. interiorB. obstacleC. interruptionD. interference (2002) because con./adv. 因为 as, for, in respect that, since,________the impact of the ideas introduced to Europe by soldiers returning from the east, the Wes t was greatly changed.A. Because ofB. By means ofC. In addition toD. In spite of (1997)believe v.相信,认为,想 accept, presume, trust,Those who ___________ women’s liberation movement continue to hope, and work, for a change.A. consist inB. believe inC. indulge inD. result in (2002)boast v.自吹,自夸 brag, self-praiseMary boasted that she would succeed where others had failed.A. boostedB. braggedC. blushedD. blamed (1995)boom v. 繁荣,繁盛同等学力英语真题高频词汇详解五同义词、近义词替代、辨析Ccallcall for 要求,提倡 call off 叫走,放弃,转移 call on 号召,访问 call up 召唤We all know that in a situation like this a cool head is .A. called forB. called offC. called onD. called up(2005)A frequently cited example of the endangered species is the panda. A. worried B. neglect ed C. reduced D. mentionedchronic adj. 慢性的 continuousMany observers believe that country will remain in a state of chaos if it fails to solve itschronic food shortage problem.A. transientB. starvingC. continuousD. serial (1998)cling v.附着,紧贴,坚持 adhere,stick tocling to 依附,萦绕 linger onHow strange it is that the habit he developed in his childhood still _____________ him.A. takes toB. clings toC. attends toD. adds to (2003)collectively adv. 共同的 commonly,unanimouslyChemists, physicists and mathematicians are ___________ known as scientists.A. collectivelyB. alternativelyC. cognitivelyD. exclusively(2003)combat n./v.战斗,格斗,搏击 action,battle,fightTalks on climate change resumed in the German city of Bonn on July 16 to combat global warming.A. focus onB. settle downC. fight againstD. sum up (2004)compact adj.紧凑的comparable adj.可比较的,比得上的be comparable to 相当于 be equal toOne U.S. dollar is comparable to 131 Japanese yen according to China Daily’s finance news repor t yesterday.A. compatibleB. compactC. equalD. entitled (2003)compatible with 与…一致 amiable, consistentThe State Council will lay down new rules that aim to make management compatiblewith internationally accepted conventions.A. conferencesB. conversationsC. practicesD. formations (2003)compulsory adj. 必需做的,必修的,被强制的,被迫的 necessaryShould English classes be compulsory at the elementary or primary school level incountries where it is not the native language?A. requiredB. necessaryC. selectedD. permanent(2005)concentrate v.集中,全身贯注于 focus on,Rejecting the urging of his physician father to study medicine, Hawking chose to _______ on math and theoretical physics.A. imposeB. centerC. overworkD. concentrate (2002)concise adj.简洁的,简明的 laconic, succinct, terseOur readers are comfortable with our clear, ______words that inform and entertain them.A. conventionalB. conciseC. creativeD. crucial (1995) confront v.使面临,对抗 encounter, face,China Daily never loses sight of the fact that each day all of us _______a tough, challenging world.A. encounterB. acquaintC. presideD. confront (1995)consistently adv.一贯,一向地 all along, persistentlyThe El Nino has affected the regional weather and temperature over much of the tropics, sub-tropics and some mid-latitude areas.A. externallyB. consistentlyC. insistentlyD. internally(2005)contact n./v. 接触联系 communicate, meet, touchThey provide a means of keeping ____ of the thousands of journal papers that are published monthly or quarterly.A. trackB. contactC. relationD. steps (2004)此题选C keep track of 追踪convention a. 传统,习俗 practice, traditionThe State Council will lay down new rules that aim to make management compatible with internationally accepted conventions.A. conferencesB. conversationsC. practicesD. formations (2003)convict v.证明…有罪,宣告…有罪n.罪犯Tom was ___________ of a crime he didn’t commit. He fought for many years to clear his name.A. convictedB. convincedC. conceivedD. condemned (2003)conviction n.深信,确信 viewMrs. Brown couldn’t shake the _______ that these kids were in deep trouble and it was up to her t o helpthem.A. conversionB. convictionC. conservationD. conventionconvince vt. 使确信,使信服 assure, believe, persuade,You can use the Course Calendar to help ____ your students of important dates in thecourse, such as test dates.A. warnB. remindC. convinceD. deprive(2004)答案Bcount on 指望,依靠 rely onYou can always _______ Jim in a crisis, for he is simply the most helpful person I’ve ever known.A. refer toB. count onC. cope withD. run into(2006)creative adj.创造性的 creationary, unprecedentedcrucial adj.关键性的 urgentOur readers are comfortable with our clear, ______words that inform and entertain them.A. conventionalB. conciseC. creativeD. crucial (1995)criteria n. 标准 standard, criterionThe accepted criteria of adequate diet have been challenged by new discoveries innutrition.同等学力英语真题高频词汇详解六近义词替代、辨析deadly adj. 致命的,死一般的 fatal, lethalWhen a man knows that he will be put into prison if he uses a potentially deadly object to rob or do harm to another person, he will think twice about it .A. passiveB. lifelongC. unhappyD. fatal (2002)decline v/n.下降,下垂 drop, fallDoes brain power _______ as we get older? Scientists now have some surprising answers.A. declineB. descendC. deduceD. collapse (1997)deception n.欺骗,诡计 befool, cheat, decietFactors leading to the crisis included poor regulation, mismanagement and deceptionin theindustry, and competition from other types of financial firms.A cheating B. pollution C. abuse D. depression (2000)defy v.公然藐视,对抗 challenge, confront, disobey, neglectNearly eleven thousand people have been arrested for defying the ban on street trading.A. criticizingB. neglectingC. blamingD. disclosing (2003)deliberate adj.深思熟虑的,故意的 cogitative, intentionalSometimes the messages are conveyed through deliberate, conscious gestures; other times, our bodies talk without our even knowing.A. definiteB. intentionalC. delicateD. interactive (1998)delicate adj精巧的,脆弱的 brittle, fragile , infirmSilk, although it is considered a delicate fabric, is in fact very strong, but it is adversely affected by sunlight.A. softB. sheerC. fragileD. refined(2003)deteriorate v.(使)恶化 exasperate, worsenThe patient’s condition has deteriorated since he had a heart attack.A. improved a littleB. remained the sameC. become worseD. changed a lot (2002)device n.设备 equipment, gadget,Her husband is interested in designing electronic ______.A. managementB. safetyC. devicesD. routine(2003)dominate v.支配,占绝对优势 administrate, control, govern, gripTennessee’s population is nearly two-fifths rural, and no single city or group of cities ______ the s tate.A. dominatesB. managesC. manipulatesD. controls (2005)diminish v.(使)减少,变小 cut down, lessen, reduceI found this very profitable in diminishing the intensity of narrow-minded prejudice.A. lesseningB. reflectingC. removingD. increasing (2002)discipline n.纪律,学科;v.训练 punishment, knowledgeWe shouldn’t treat children as peers or friends, but guide them in making their choices, even if it means with some discipline.A. persuasionB. punishmentC. rewardsD. criticism(2003)dispatch v.分派,派遣 n. 急件 send, deliverI ________ a letter to an internet service that distributes journalists’ questions tomore than 750 institutions.A. assignedB. detachedC. attachedD. dispatched (1997)disposal n. 处理,处置,安排 array, manage, treatThe three disrespectful sons began to feel worried about the ultimate ______________of the family’s property.A. proposalB. disposalC. removalD. salvation (2003)disseminate v. 传播,散布 diffuse, spreadApplicant will be asked to provide information on how they will disseminate informationto other students at their university or college.A. discloseB. deliverC. spreadD. analyze(2005)diverse adj.不同的,多样的 another, dissimilar, distinctPeople of diverse backgrounds now fly to distant places for pleasure, business oreducation.A. differentB. distinctiveC. similarD. separate (1998)同等学力英语真题高频词汇详解七同义词、近义词替代、辨析Eelaborate adj.精心制作的vt.详细描述complicated, detail ______ preparations were being made for the Prime Minister’s official visit to the four foreign countries.A. WiseB. ElaborateC. OptionalD. Neutral(2001)elaborate adj.精心制作的vt.详细描述 complicated, detailMany birds and insects an build _____ nests to provide shelter for their young.A. gloriesB. elaborateC. splendidD. advanced(2006)embark v.着手,从事 commence, initiate, set about,The new government embarked upon a program of radical economic reform.A. initiatedB. producedC. adoptedD. implemented (2003)enclosed 随附的 attachedeventually 最后,最终的 finally ,ultimatelyenhance v.增加,增强,提高 enlarge, expand, extendMany women prefer to use cosmetics to enhance their beauty and make them lookyounger.A. enforceB. magnifyC. improveD. polish(2006)execute vt.执行,完成 enforce, complete, fulfillThe national government is to make every effort to ______________ the will of the people.A. executeB. exceedC. exciteD. exhaust(2003)exerciseThis is the sort of case in which judges must exercise the arbitrary power described a moment ago.A. availB. useC. haveD. display(1998)expose v. 暴露,揭发.exposure n 暴露 uncover, discloseMore international trend for business and pleasure brings greater _______to other societies.A. exchangeB. exposureC. expansionD. contribution (1997)extend v.扩充,延伸I’d like to take this opportunity to extend my heart-felt gratitude to the host .A. increaseB. prolongC. intensifyD. express(2002)extensive a. 广阔的,广泛的,宽广的 vast, spacious, wideThe Adult Vocational College is an opportunity to gain the right qualifications for various careers for it offers an________ range of subjects and courses.A. additionalB. excessiveC. adequateD. extensive(2006)exterminate v 消除 annihilate, kill, slaughterHunters have almost exterminated many of the larger animals while farmers destroyed many small er animals.A. woundedB. reducedC. killedD. trapped (1996)同等学力英语真题高频词汇详解八同义词、近义词替代、辨析Ffault n. 过错缺点,毛病faulty adj.有过失的,有缺点的 blamable, defect ,imperfectIn spite of a problem with the faulty equipment, some very useful work was accomplished.A. imperfectB. temporaryC. emergencyD. reinstalled(2004)flourish v.繁荣,茂盛,兴旺 n. 旺盛,兴旺 boom, prosperTownship enterprise have flourished over the past10years.A. prosperedB. bloomedC. flowedD. floodedfacilitate v. 使容易,使便利 promote, to make easyTechnology has _______ the sharing, storage and delivery of information , thus makingmore information available to more people.A. finishedB. furnishedC. functionedD. facilitated (1999)The exhibition is designed to facilitate further cooperation between Chinese TV industryand overseas TV industries.A. establishB. maximizeC. guaranteeD. promote (2002)formulate v. 用公式阐明,构思 conceive, designHerman’s success is due to his hard work and his ability to formulate plans which will get work done efficiently.A. fulfillB. approveC. conceiveD. conduct (1997)同义词、近义词替代、辨析Ggenerate vt.产生 create, produceThis procedure describes how suggestions for improvements to the systems are ______.A. celebratedB. proceededC. generatedD. established (2003)get back 回来,找回 retrieveThe police are trying to get back the stolen statue.A. detainB. retrieveC. trackD. detectgo v.离,去,进行n.去,进行go in for参加,追求,从事,进行 go over 转变,复习go without没有…也行 go out 出去,熄灭Cut off by the storm, they were forced to ________food for several days.A. go in forB. go overC. go withoutD. go out (1995)go in for 参加 attend ,join , participate,Senior citizens are advised to go in for some creative activities to keep themselvesmentally young.A search for B. invest in C. engage in D. work out(2003)gratitude n.感谢 appreciation, thankfulnessI would like to express my to you all for supporting me this summer as a visiting scholarin your department.A. satisfactionB. gratitudeC. pleasureD. sincerity (2005)同义词、近义词替代、辨析Hhalt n.停止,暂停,中断v.踌躇,停止 cease, suspend, call offBob believes that the invasion of the marketplace into the university is undermining fundamental academic values, and that we must act now to halt this decline.A. laceB. plugC. ceaseD. digest (2004)hesitation n. 忧郁,踌躇 delay, falter, vacillateCourageous people think quickly and act without hesitation.A. complaintB. considerationC. delayD. anxiety (1999)hit v 打击,击中 beat, blow, strikeInitial reports were that multiple waves of warplanes bombed central Baghdad, hitting oil refineries and the airport.A. beatingB. knockingC. hurtingD. strikinghug n.拥抱 embrace, enfoldDuring all these years of absence he had a tender feeling for his mother and the family.A. enclosedB. huggedC. enrichedD. cherished (2005)。
The Journal of History, NCCU Call for Papers1. The Journal of History is a semi-annual scholarly journal published by the Department of History, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. Research articles on historical topics of 30,000-word (Chinese) or 10,000-word (English) are welcomed for consideration. 10,000-word (Chinese) or 5,000-word (English) essays or discussions are also welcomed. Book reviews of 3,000 (Chinese) or 1,000 (English) words will be considered, too.2. Manuscripts should conform with the guidelines for historical writing, footnotes included. Please attach titles of manuscript or book reviews in both Chinese and English. For research articles, please also include a 500-word (Chinese) and 250-word (English) abstract and key words.3. Manuscripts are sent to anonymous readers for peer review, the results of which will be mailed to the contributors.4. The journal prefers that the contributions be submitted in electronic form (either as an e-mail attachment or on diskettes). The file should be MS Word form of traditional Chinese characters.5. Contributors are responsible for securing all necessary publication permissions (such as reprinting text passages, illustrations, tables, etc.)6. Contributors will not be remunerated for their published work. Instead, the author will receive 3 copies of the journal and 50 offprints of their contribution.7. Manuscript submissions are welcomed anytime. The estimated dates for publications are the end of May and the end of November.8. Contributors should send in their names, titles, professional affiliation and addresses (including fax and email) in both Chinese and English to the following address:Department of HistoryNational Chengchi UniversityNO. 64, Sec. 2, Zhinan Rd., Wenshan Dist., Taipei City 11605, Taiwan (R.O.C.)All manuscripts submitted for consideration are expected not to have been published elsewhere and not to be under review for possible publication elsewhere.9. The acceptance of manuscripts for publication requires that the author givecopyright to the journal. Based on the copyright agreement, the journal will be responsible for the publication of the manuscript in paper form. The journal will also be digitized and be made available online on academic websites and databases. Contributors of accepted manuscripts should be agreeable in having their work available online.《國立政治大學歷史學報》撰稿格式1.橫式(由左至右)寫作。
MSSP - Call for Papers
Mechanical Systems and Signal ProcessingCALL FOR PAPERSSpecial Issue onInterdisciplinary and Integration Aspects in Structural Health MonitoringStructural health monitoring (SHM) has been becoming one of the most popular research areas in engineering fields recently. SHM is mainly a process of: (i) observing or tracing the performance of an engineering structure/system under environmental and operational loads by sensors and instrumentation devices, (ii) evaluating the performance of the structure/system for any development of defect or damage by use of the measured data and analytical tools, and (iii) issuing an alarm when the designated performance criteria are exceeded. An SHM system is in fact a synthetic application of various branches of engineering and science disciplines such as mechanical engineering, civil engineering, optical engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering, communication engineering, software engineering, computer science, material science, information technology, etc. In the past decades, lots of SHM systems have been devised, implemented and operated worldwide to monitor the structural performance and operational condition of various types of engineering structures under their in‐service life. The monitoring results normally provide realistic and updated information for better understanding the performance of the structures and for establishing the priority in the planning and scheduling of inspection and maintenance works.Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) (Impact Factor: 2.075 in 2009) is therefore launching a Special Issue on Interdisciplinary and Integration Aspects in Structural Health Monitoring. This special issue mainly aims to aggregate the latest research efforts contributing to theoretical, methodological and technological advances in the integration of various aspects of SHM applications from worldwide professionals within a broad range of disciplines. The specific topics of interest within the scope of this special issue shall include, but not be limited to, the following:-Smart sensing materials for SHM;-Wireless and remote sensing technology;-Monitoring‐based system identification and model updating;-Diagnostics and prognostics of structural components and systems;-Sensor placement and optimization strategies;-Pattern recognition and statistical methods;-Data fusion and information extraction techniques;-Techniques of structural rating and their integration with SHM;-Multidimensional clustering and management of data;-Data acquisition, processing, transmission and control integration;-Design and implementation of integrated SHM systems;-Self‐powered sensors and energy harvesting for sensor networks;-Bio‐inspired systems and nanotechnology applications.Prospective authors are invited to submit their original works relevant to the above‐stated scope of the special issue. The authors should follow the Journal guidelines for preparing and submitting their manuscripts:/locate/ymsspThe manuscript should be submitted electronically to the Journal website using the web‐based submission tool and indicating that the submission is intended for the Special Issue “Interdisciplinary and Integration Aspects in Structural Health Monitoring”. Each manuscript will be reviewed by at least three referees in accordance with the Journal requirements.SCHEDULE FOR SUBMISSIONSManuscript Submission Deadline: 30 November, 2010 Reviewers’ Reports and Decisions: 28 February, 2011Revised Manuscript Submission Deadline: 30 April, 2011GUEST EDITOR:Y. Q. Ni, Ph.D.Department of Civil and Structural EngineeringThe Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityHung Hom, KowloonHong KongE‐mail:。
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