碑林公园英文简介作文高中英文:As a local resident of Xi'an, I have visited Beilin Park many times. Beilin Park, also known as Stele Forest Park, is a famous historical and cultural park in Xi'an. It is located in the southern part of the city and covers an area of 31.5 hectares. The park is well-known for its collection of ancient stone tablets and inscriptions.Walking into the park, you will see a large number of ancient stone tablets and inscriptions displayed in the open air. These stone tablets and inscriptions were made in different dynasties, ranging from the Han Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. They are not only precious cultural relics but also valuable historical materials, recording the development of Chinese culture and history.Apart from the stone tablets and inscriptions, there are also many other attractions in the park, such as theTang Dynasty Lotus Garden, the Plum Garden, and the Bamboo Garden. These gardens are all designed in traditional Chinese style and showcase the beauty of Chinese gardening art.Moreover, Beilin Park is also a great place for leisure activities. Many local people come here to exercise, dance, and play games. There are also many food stalls selling local snacks and drinks, making the park a perfect placefor a family outing.中文:作为西安的本地居民,我多次参观了碑林公园。
MUSEUM OF FOREST OF STONETABLETS IN XI’ANGood morning ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Xi’an. And thank you for using the Xi’an China International Travel Service. I am Ma Chao, and am very glad to be your local guide during you stay in Xi’an. This is our driver Mr. Wang Please feel free to let me know if there is anything that I can do for you. Mr. Wang and I will try our best to make your stay in Xi’an pleasant and enjoyable. I hope that your visit to this ancient city will be a happy and memorable experience in your life.According to the schedule, we are going to visit the Forest of stone tablets museum. You can have a taste of the charm of Chinese characters and the unique stone tablet culture in china. First of all. I’d like to give you a brief introduction to this museum. It is located on the site of Confucian Temple on San Xue Street. In Xi’an. It is the gathering place of stone relics in china and the place important relics from the whole country are protected.The history of setting up the Forest of Tablets can be traced back to the five dynasties of the end of the Tang dynasty. It was first built to preserve the Thirteen classics of filial piety that were engraved during the Tang Dynasty. Later successive collections of stele s in the Song. Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties were added. The museum was gradually renovate d and expanded like a forest of steles. It is finest collection of calligraphy masterpiece s in china. The exhibition areas can be divided in to two sections. Xi’an Forest of stone Tablets and the Exhibition Hall of stone carving Art.Here we are at the museum. Perhaps you may wonder why the two gates are facing east and west respectively. Instead of the traditional southern direction. As a matter of face. All the Confucian temples are opened east and west . And the east is called the gate of courtesy. And the west is the gate of righteousness.The structure here is called pailou or decorate d西安碑林博物馆导游词早上好!女士们,先生们。
陕西碑林导游词【篇一】碑林(Forest of Steles),因碑石丛立如林而得名。
馆区由孔庙、碑林、石刻艺术室三部分组成,占地面积 31900平方米,现有馆藏文物 11000余件,11个展室,陈列面积4900平方米。
碑林英语导游词篇一:西安碑林博物馆英文导游词(最新)西安碑林Goodmorning,Ladiesandgentlemen.Todaywearegoingtovisitthetreasureho useofancientcalligraphyandstonecarvingartofchina,themuseumofForestof StoneTablets,whichislocatedatthesiteofconfuciantempleinSanXueStreet,X i’an.Thismuseumwassetupin1087anditcollectedmorethan3000stonetabletsfr omtheHandynastythroughtheQingdynasty.Thewholeareaconsistsof3parts: confuciantemple,exhibitionofstonetabletsandstonecarvings.//总述Herewecanseethismuseumisverybeautifulbecauseitusedthetradition chinesecourtyardstyle.Socomparedwithotherplaces,thismuseumisalwaysq uitepeacefulandverysilence.nowi’dliketotakethistempleasanexampletotalkalittlebitaboutconfucian,thegreatp hilosopher,educationist,politicianinfeudalsociety.andhewashighlyrespectedbychinese.inordertoshowtherespectforhi m,alltheconfuciantemplehavenogatefacingsouth,asthisoneshowingonlythe gateopentotheeastandwestwhatwecalledthegateofrighteousnessandcourtes yrespectively.//简介孔子ok,nowthiswayplease.insidethismuseum,wecanseeawoodenmemorialarchstandinghere;its chinesenameis“PaiLou”.itissetuptohonoror commemorateadistinguishedperson;aswecontinueourwalking,nowweareo nthebridgeoverpondinhalfcirclewhichisspecialstructureofconfuciantemple ,intheancienttimeonlythosestudentswhopassedstateexaminationwouldbeal lowedtopasshere.//太和元气坊,畔池nowlet’sgothroughthestonegateinthemiddlewhichwasonlyforhighranksinthepast. Herewecanseetwonationaltreasures.onthewestsidethereisastonehorsewhic hwasoneoffewrelicsofdaXiashortperiod.Thedaxiaperiodisaveryshortperio dinchinesehistory,andtherearelotsofwarsatthattime.it’sdifficulttofindrelicsofthistime,soit’sveryprecious.intheeastpavilionthereistheJingY unBellwhichwascastin711 adandwasmovedherefromJingLongTaoisttemple.ThisBellisuniquein3aspe cts:first:ithasexquisitelycarvingwithphoenixanddragons.Second,ithasbeautifulsoundwhichwasrecordedbyccTVandwaspla yedonnewYears’evetowelcomethenewYear’scoming.Third,ithasuniqueepigraph.//大夏石马,景云钟nowwearegoingtovisit7majorstonetabletexhibitionrooms.infrontofthefirst exhibitionroom,wecanseethestone-baseclassicofFilialpietywhichisthelarge standearliestoneinthismuseum.itstandsabout6metershighandwasmadeupof 35piecesofbluestones.itwasengravedin745adandannotatedbyLiLongJi(the7themperorofTangdynasty).HewrotetheprefacetoshowhiswishtomanagethecountrybyadvocatingtheprinciplesofFilialpiety.//石台孝经inthefirstroom,let’sseethemostcompletedandheaviestbooksintheworld“The Kaichengstonecla ssics”whichwasthedoctrineoftheconfuciusand“mustreadings”foralltheintel lectualsinfeudalsociety.inthepast,copyingwasthe popularwayforstudentswhostudythedoctrines.Topreventcopyingerrors,em perorTangwenzongemployedmanysculptorstocarvethe12classicsonstonetabletsf orthestudentstogettherubbingsfromthem.withanotherclassic“mencius”carv edinQingdy nastytogetherwecall“13classics”.//开成石经inthesecondroom,wecanseemanystonetabletsofcalligraphyinTang dynasty.andthemostfamousoneisthenestorianTablet.Thistabletisalsoa nationaltreasure,asitwasthefirstoneinSyriancharactersthatrecordednestoria ns(onesectofchristianity)wasintroducedintochinafromRomanEmpirein635 ad.itdescribesitsessence,ceremony,andactivitiesinchina.//大秦景教流行中国碑inthethirdroom,variousstyleofchinesecalligraphycanbeseenonstonetabletss uchasthesealscript,theofficialscript,regularscript,runninghandandcursiveh and.Letmegiveyouverybriefintroductionofthedevelopmentofchinesechara cters.ThesealscriptswereonlypopularinQindynasty,anditwasdifficultforust oreadingandwriting.Basedonthat,newformswerecreated:theyaretheofficial andregularscripts.Thiswaseasytorememberbecausetodaywearestillusingitanditispopulartoeverybody.Runningandcursivehandwerealsoboldlyusedbys omecalligraphersatthattime,itisquitedifferenttocontrol.//中国文字字体发展简史Therestexhibitionroomshousecalligraphyandpaintings,literaturesandpoem sfromdifferentdynasties,andinthecourtyardyoucanseemanystonestakeswit hanimalsorfigurescarvedonthetop.inthepast,theyarefortyinghorsesaswellas fordecoration.ok,thiswayplease.wearegoingtoseethestonecarvinggallery.Thestonecarvin gsherearethemasterpieceofstoneartsfromHanandTangdynastythat arrangedinchronologicalorder.itcanbedividedintotwoparts:thosearefoundfr omtombsandthosearerelatedtoreligions.Here,i’dliketointroducethesixfamoussteedsforyou.Theyaresobeautifulandvivid,al so,theywerethebestfriendsofTangemperorTaizong(thesecondemperorofTangdynasty),becausetheykeptt heirmasterinsafeeachtimewhentheywoundedwitharrowsonbattle.inmemor yofhishorses,TangemperorTaizonghadthemcarvedinrelieftocompanyhisto mb.However,it’sverypitythattwoofthepiecesweremissing;nowtheyarekeptinthemuseumof universityofPennsylvania.//石刻艺术室(昭陵六骏)ok,everyone,somuchforthistoday.westillhavesomefreetime.Sonext,youma ylookaroundandtakesomepictures.we’llleaveat11o’clock,sopleasedon’tbelate.Youknowiwillmissyou.andi’llstayhere,ifyouhaveanyquestion,pleaseaskme.Bytheway,watchyoursteppl ease!Sonext,it’syourturn.Enjoyyourselfandthankyouforlistening.//结束篇二:碑林导游词顾名思义,它的意思就是“碑石丛立如林”,这座博物馆始建于公元1087年,距今已有900余年的历史了。
碑林旅游简介英文作文英文:As a tourist destination, the Beilin Museum in Xi'an is a must-see for anyone interested in Chinese history and culture. The museum is home to a vast collection of stone tablets and steles, many of which date back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). These tablets are inscribed with a variety of texts, including Buddhist sutras, Confucian classics, and historical records.One of the most famous exhibits in the museum is the Forest of Stone Steles, which contains over 3,000 tablets arranged in rows and columns. Visitors can spend hours wandering through the forest, marveling at the intricate calligraphy and detailed carvings on each tablet. In addition to the Forest of Stone Steles, the museum also has several other galleries showcasing different types of stone tablets and steles.Aside from the stone tablets, the Beilin Museum also has a collection of ancient books and manuscripts, as well as a display of traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting. The museum offers guided tours in both Chinese and English, and visitors can also rent audio guides to learn more about the exhibits.Overall, the Beilin Museum is a fascinating and educational destination for anyone interested in Chinese history and culture. It's a great place to spend a day exploring and learning about the rich cultural heritage of China.中文:作为一个旅游目的地,西安碑林博物馆是任何对中国历史和文化感兴趣的人必去的地方。
碑林英文导游词Forest of Stone Tablets Museum
Forest of Stone Tablets Museum 碑林Forest of Stone Tablets Museum is a paradise and a must-see place for art lovers, especially calligraphy lovers. There are a huge number of ex tremely valuable stone carvings and stone tablets inside. The museum is not only a treasure house of calligraphy but also a collection of the anc ient Chinese classics By paying a visit to this very place, you will be abl e to learn alot about Chinese colligraphy and Chinese art.The museum is located at the site of the confucian temple in Sanxue street. The museum was originally the Imperial Ancestral Temple in the Tang Dynasty and later became the Confucian Temple in the song Dyna sty.In 1950, it was extended into the museum as we see today. The Sto ne Forest Tablets was set up in 1087, over 3.000 tablets from the Qin dynasty to the Qing Dynasty are preserved.The tablets are arranged in great numbers like trees in a forest, hence the name "Stone Forest Cam e into Being". .The content of the museum mainly falls into two parts: the exhibition ro oms and the exhibition hall of stone carvings. Altogether there are seven exihibition rooms. However, due to the time limit, I will primarily focus o n the first three.The first exhibition room houses the Kai cheng Stone Classics carved d uring the kaicheng period of the Tang Dynasty, about 883 AD. Copying was more important than printing, the doctrine of Confucious and Menciu s was the ideological basis of feudal society, and the classics were the required readings for intellectuals. To prevent copying errors, the feudal r ulers employed sculptors to carve the 12 classics on stone tablets., thus the book was considered to be "the heaviest book in the world". In the Qing Dynasty, another classic"Mencius" Was engraved, this and the 12 classics are together called"the thirteen Classics".The second exhibition room houses the famous Nestorian Tablet. Nesto rianism and yanzhengqing's calligraphy. was a set of Chritian Religion. T he tablet describes the process of the spreading of Nestorianism,and its essence.ceremony and the activities of missionaries in China.The tablet r ecords the cultural and political contacts between China and Syria., Iraq, Arab and some other countries. Yanzhengqing was a famous calligraph er in the Tang Dyasty. He combined the offcial script popular in the Han Dynasty and the seal script in the Qin Dynasty and then created a new style that looked plumbed, smooth, powerful, vigorous, and also had a r ustic simplicity and majestic apperance.The Third exhibition room mainly displays the deveopment of Chinese ca lligraphy.The Chinese characters were developed from the inscriptions on animal bones. Inscriptions were just pictorgraphs. Later on the pictograp hic characters were developed into the big seal style. During the Qin Dy nasty, emperor Qinshihuang order his man to simplify the big seal style into an easier form known as the small seal style, at the end of the Qin Dynasty, a new type of script- the official script was created.。
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西安碑林英文导游词篇一:西安碑林博物馆英文导游词(最新)西安碑林Goodmorning,Ladiesandgentlemen.Todaywearegoingtovisitthetreasureho useofancientcalligraphyandstonecarvingartofchina,themuseumofForestof StoneTablets,whichislocatedatthesiteofconfuciantempleinSanXueStreet,X i’an.Thismuseumwassetupin1087anditcollectedmorethan3000stonetabletsfr omtheHandynastythroughtheQingdynasty.Thewholeareaconsistsof3parts: confuciantemple,exhibitionofstonetabletsandstonecarvings.//总述Herewecanseethismuseumisverybeautifulbecauseitusedthetradition chinesecourtyardstyle.Socomparedwithotherplaces,thismuseumisalwaysq uitepeacefulandverysilence.nowi’dliketotakethistempleasanexampletotalkalittlebitaboutconfucian,thegreatp hilosopher,educationist,politicianinfeudalsociety.andhewashighlyrespectedbychinese.inordertoshowtherespectforhi m,alltheconfuciantemplehavenogatefacingsouth,asthisoneshowingonlythe gateopentotheeastandwestwhatwecalledthegateofrighteousnessandcourtes yrespectively.//简介孔子ok,nowthiswayplease.insidethismuseum,wecanseeawoodenmemorialarchstandinghere;i tschinesenameis“PaiLou”.itissetuptohonoror commemorateadistinguishedperson;aswecontinueourwalking,nowweareo nthebridgeoverpondinhalfcirclewhichisspecialstructureofconfuciantemple ,intheancienttimeonlythosestudentswhopassedstateexaminationwouldbeal lowedtopasshere.//太和元气坊,畔池nowlet’sgothroughthestonegateinthemiddlewhichwasonlyforhighranksinthepast. Herewecanseetwonationaltreasures.onthewestsidethereisastonehorsewhic hwasoneoffewrelicsofdaXiashortperiod.Thedaxiaperiodisaveryshortperio dinchinesehistory,andtherearelotsofwarsatthattime.it’sdifficulttofindrelicsofthistime,soit’sveryprecious.intheeastpavilionthereistheJingY unBellwhichwascastin711 adandwasmovedherefromJingLongTaoisttemple.ThisBellisuniquein3aspe cts:first:ithasexquisitelycarvingwithphoenixanddragons.Second,ithasbeautifulsoundwhichwasrecordedbyccTVandwaspla yedonnewYears’evetowelcomethenewYear’scoming.Third,ithasuniqueepigraph.//大夏石马,景云钟nowwearegoingtovisit7majorstonetabletexhibitionrooms.infrontofthefirst exhibitionroom,wecanseethestone-baseclassicofFilialpietywhichisthelarge standearliestoneinthismuseum.itstandsabout6metershighandwasmadeupof 35piecesofbluestones.itwasengravedin745adandannotatedbyLiLongJi(the7themperorofTangdynasty).HewrotetheprefacetoshowhiswishtomanagethecountrybyadvocatingtheprinciplesofFilialpiety.//石台孝经inthefirstroom,let’sseethemostcompletedandheaviestbooksintheworld“The Kaichengstonecla ssics”whichwasthedoctrineoftheconfuciusand“mustreadings”foralltheintel lectualsinfeudalsociety.inthepast,copyingwasthe popularwayforstudentswhostudythedoctrines.Topreventcopyingerrors,em perorTangwenzongemployedmanysculptorstocarvethe12classicsonstonetabletsf orthestudentstogettherubbingsfromthem.withanotherclassic“mencius”carv edinQingdy nastytogetherwecall“13classics”.//开成石经inthesecondroom,wecanseemanystonetabletsofcalligraphyinTang dynasty.andthemostfamousoneisthenestorianTablet.Thistabletisalsoa nationaltreasure,asitwasthefirstoneinSyriancharactersthatrecordednestoria ns(onesectofchristianity)wasintroducedintochinafromRomanEmpirein635 ad.itdescribesitsessence,ceremony,andactivitiesinchina.//大秦景教流行中国碑inthethirdroom,variousstyleofchinesecalligraphycanbeseenonstonetabletss uchasthesealscript,theofficialscript,regularscript,runninghandandcursiveh and.Letmegiveyouverybriefintroductionofthedevelopmentofchinesechara cters.ThesealscriptswereonlypopularinQindynasty,anditwasdifficultforust oreadingandwriting.Basedonthat,newformswerecreated:theyaretheofficial andregularscripts.Thiswaseasytorememberbecausetodaywearestillusingitanditispopulartoeverybody.Runningandcursivehandwerealsoboldlyusedbys omecalligraphersatthattime,itisquitedifferenttocontrol.//中国文字字体发展简史Therestexhibitionroomshousecalligraphyandpaintings,literaturesandpoem sfromdifferentdynasties,andinthecourtyardyoucanseemanystonestakeswit hanimalsorfigurescarvedonthetop.inthepast,theyarefortyinghorsesaswellas fordecoration.ok,thiswayplease.wearegoingtoseethestonecarvinggallery.Thestonecarvin gsherearethemasterpieceofstoneartsfromHanandTangdynastythat arrangedinchronologicalorder.itcanbedividedintotwoparts:thosearefoundfr omtombsandthosearerelatedtoreligions.Here,i’dliketointroducethesixfamoussteedsforyou.Theyaresobeautifulandvivid,al so,theywerethebestfriendsofTangemperorTaizong(thesecondemperorofTangdynasty),becausetheykeptt heirmasterinsafeeachtimewhentheywoundedwitharrowsonbattle.inmemor yofhishorses,TangemperorTaizonghadthemcarvedinrelieftocompanyhisto mb.However,it’sverypitythattwoofthepiecesweremissing;nowtheyarekeptinthemuseumof universityofPennsylvania.//石刻艺术室(昭陵六骏)ok,everyone,somuchforthistoday.westillhavesomefreetime.Sonext,youma ylookaroundandtakesomepictures.we’llleaveat11o’clock,sopleasedon’tbelate.Youknowiwillmissyou.andi’llstayhere,ifyouhaveanyquestion,pleaseaskme.Bytheway,watchyoursteppl ease!Sonext,it’syourturn.Enjoyyourselfandthankyouforlistening.//结束篇二:碑林英文导游词museumofForestofStoneTablets museumofForestofStoneTablets(ii)StoneartGallery?Basicallytwoparts:mausoleumstonecarvingandreligiousstonecarving Stonerelivos—Pictureswithlinearengraving(汉画像石)?Theconceptof“livingagainafterdeath”dominatedthemindsofnoblemen.Th eyengravedonthetombwallswhatevertheyused,lovedandrespectedduringth eirlifetime,sotheycouldstillenjoytheminthenetherworld.Besidessomehistor icallegends,thesubjectmatterofthepicturesoriginatedfromthereallife,suchas plowing,hunting,musicanddanceandthestyleofnoblelives. mausoleumstonecarving?guardinganimalsputinfrontofthetombtodeterevilspirits(镇墓兽)Thiskindofanimalneverexistedintheworld.Theyweresculptedaccordingt othecharacteristicsoflionsandtigers.Thestretchedbodies,exaggeratedlongta ils,powerfullegsandmajesticlookingappearancerevealthesculptingskillsand theingeniousabilitiesofthecraftsmen. SixSteedsfromzhaoLingmausoleum(昭陵六骏)。
碑林英文导游词MuseumofForestofStoneTablet1第一篇:碑林英文导游词Museum of Forest of Stone Tablet1 Museum of Forest of Stone Tablets(1)CONTENT OF LECTUREϖ General introduction:location, value, what we can see there ϖJingyun Bell and Daxia Stone Horse ϖ Stone-base Classics on Filial Piety ϖ Forest of Stone Tablets: Exhibition Room One-Three, the Rest four Exhibition Rooms ϖ Stone Art GalleryGeneral Introductionϖ A history of more than 900 yearsϖ A collection of over 3000 stone tabletsϖ A treasure house of ancient China’s calligraphic masterpiecesϖ A concentration of the best of the Han and Tang Dynasty stone carvings, relieves and sculptures ϖChina’s largest stone book library of ancient literature and historic records ϖ One of the earliest national agencies for the preservation of important cultural relicsLocationϖ The Museum is located on the site of a Confucian Temple on Sanxue Street, Xi’an near the Bell TowerBrief Historyϖ Imperial Ancestral Temple in the Tang Dynasty ϖ Confucian Temple in the Song Dynasty.ϖ In 1950, it was extended into the museum that greets us youtϖ Stone TabletsϖThe Exhibition Hall of Stone Carving Art.Forest of Stone Tabletsϖ Originally set up in 1087 ϖ Over 3,000 stone tablets from the Han Dynasty through the Qing Dynasty preserved ϖ not only a treasure house of ancient calligraphy, but also a rich collection of the ancient Chinese Classics and literature, engraving designs that have represented the historical records between China and other countries ϖnow seven exhibition rooms, six epitaph corridors and one tablet pavilionStone-base Classics on Filial Piety(石台孝经)ϖ the largest tablet in the Forest of Stone Tablets ϖ engraved in 745 in the handwriting of Li Longji, the 7th emperor of the Tang Dynasty.ϖ compiled by a disciple of Confucius, Zeng Sheng, after attending Confucius’s lectures Exhibition Room one ϖHouseing the “Kaicheng Stone Classics”, including 12 Chinese classics with a total of 650,252 characters engraved double-sided on 114 stone tablets ϖThe room also displays another classic entitled “Mencius” with 30,000 characters, which were engraved on 19 stone tablets in the Qing Dynasty.ϖthe compulsory readings for intellectuals of feudal society.The 12 Classicsϖ《周易》“The Book of Changes”: It predicts and explains through the Eight Diagrams the natural and social development.ϖ《尚书》“The Book of History”: It is the earliest compilation of historical documents.It covers the most important historical documents in the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, esp.the early Western Zhou.ϖ《诗经》“The Book of Songs”: It is the earliest collections of songs and poems which were compiled in the spring and Autumn Period.ϖ《周礼》“The Rites of the Zhou Dynasty” ϖ《仪礼》“The Book of Ceremonies” ϖ《礼记》“The Book of Rites”*The three books above are collections of the laws, rites and ceremonies in Xian Qin.The 12 Classicsϖ《春秋左氏传》“Zuo Qiuming’s Commentary on Spring and Autumn Annals” ϖ《春秋公羊传》“Gong Yang’s Commentary on Spring and Autumn Annals” ϖ《春秋谷梁传》“Gu Liang’s Commentary on Spring and Autumn Annals”* The three books are commentaries on the earliest history book “Spring and Autumn Annals” through the points view of historical documents and Confucian philosophy.ϖ《论语》“The Analects of Confucius”: a collection of what Confucius said & did ϖ《孝经》“The Classics on Filial Piety”:ϖ《尔雅》“Chinese Semantics”: It is the earliest dictionary dedicated in explaining the meaning of words Confucius.Exhibition Room Twoϖhousing the most famous stone tablets from the Tang Dynasty.They are of great value in terms Chinese calligraphy and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries Famous tablets in terms of calligraphy:ϖ Ouyang Xun 欧阳询ϖ Ouyang Tong 欧阳通ϖ Yan Zhenqing 颜真卿ϖ Liu Gongquan 柳公权ϖ Monk Huai Ren 怀仁和尚ϖ Zhu Suiliang 褚遂良Famous Tablets in terms of cultural exchange: ϖNestorian Tablet 《大秦景教流行中国碑》ϖ Da Qin Temple(大秦寺)Jin Sheng Temple(金胜寺)ϖ Story of a Danish man named Halmore ExhibitionRoom Threeϖ This room houses the stone tablets that range from the Han Dynasty to the Song Dynasty.They bear a wide variety of Chinese script forms.ϖ Calligraphy is regarded in China as the art of writing, beautiful handwriting with the brush, or the study of the rules and techniques of the art.The evolution of Chinese calligraphy Exhibition Room Fourϖ housing both special style of calligraphy and paintings on tablets, quite different from other art styles魁星点斗图ϖGod of Literature Selecting Scholars Among Candidates.“克己复礼正心修身”Restrain oneself and return to the rites.魁星点斗,独占鳌头turtle;魁星: the star at the tip of the Big Dipper;魁星阁:Kuixing Pavilion The Rest Three Rooms ϖ The rest three exhibition rooms contain the stone tablets carved during the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.Most of them recorded the process of building temples, irrigating channels, awarding somebody a merit or conducting geological survey, water conservation, agriculture and management or describing earthquakes and natural disasters.These tablets provide a wealth materials to search the development of Chinese calligraphy and politics, economy, culture as well as the social customs of those dynasties.第二篇:西安碑林博物馆英文导游词(最新)西安碑林Good morning, Ladies and gentlemen.Today we are going to visit the treasure house of ancient calligraphy and stone carving art of China, the Museum of Forest of Stone Tablets, which is located at the site of Confucian temple in SanXue Street, Xi’an.This museum was set up in 1087 and it collected morethan 3000 stone tablets from the Han dynasty through the Qing dynasty.The whole area consists of 3 parts: Confucian temple, exhibition of stone tablets and stone carvings.//总述Here we can see this museum is very beautiful because it used the tradition Chinese courtyard style.So compared with other places, this museum is always quite peaceful and very silence.Now I’d like to take this temple as an example to talk a little bit about Confucian, the great philosopher, educationist, politician in feudal society.And he was highly respected by Chinese.In order to show the respect for him, all the Confucian temple have no gate facing south, as this one showing only the gate open to the east and west what we called the gate of righteousness and courtesy respectively.//简介孔子Ok, now this way please.Inside this museum, we can see a wooden Memorial arch standing here;its Chinese name is “PaiLou”.It is set up to honor or commemorate a distinguished person;as we continue our walking, now we are on the bridge over pond in half circle which is special structure of Confucian temple, in the ancient time only those students who passed state examination would be allowed to pass here.//太和元气坊,畔池Now let’s go through the stone gate in the middle which was only for high ranks in the past.Here we can see two national treasures.On the west side there is a stone horse which was one of few relics of DaXia short period.The Da xia period is a very short period in Chinese history, and there are lots of wars at that time.It’s difficult to find relics of this time, so it’s v ery precious.In the east pavilion there is the JingYun Bell which was cast in 711AD and was moved here from JingLong Taoist temple.This Bell is unique in 3 aspects: first: it has exquisitely carving with phoenix and dragons.Second, it has beautiful soundw hich was recorded by CCTV and was played on New Years’ eve to welcome the New Year’s coming.Third, it has unique epigraph.//大夏石马,景云钟Now we are going to visit 7 major stone tablet exhibition rooms.In front of the first exhibition room, we can see the stone-base Classic of Filial piety which is the largest and earliest one in this museum.It stands about 6 meters high and was made up of 35 pieces of blue stones.It was engraved in 745AD and annotated by LiLongJi(the 7th emperor of Tang dynasty).He wrote the preface to show his wish to manage the country by advocating the principles of Filial piety.//石台孝经In the first room, let’s see the most completed and heaviest books in the world “The KaiCheng stone Classics” which was the doctrine of the Confucius and “must readings” for all the intellectuals in feudal society.In the past, copying was the popular way for students who study the doctrines.To prevent copying errors, emperor T ang Wenzong employed many sculptors to carve the 12 classics on stone tablets for the students to get the rubbings from them.With another classic “Mencius” carved in Qing dynasty together we call “13 classics”.//开成石经In the second room, we can see many stone tablets of calligraphy in Tang dynasty.And the most famous one is the Nestorian Tablet.This tablet is also a national treasure, as it was the first one in Syrian characters that recorded Nestorians(one sect of Christianity)was introduced into China from Roman Empire in 635AD.It describes its essence, ceremony, and activities in China.//大秦景教流行中国碑 In the third room, various style of Chinese calligraphy can be seen on stone tablets such as the seal script, the official script, regular script, running hand and cursive hand.Let me give you very brief introduction of the developmentof Chinese characters.The seal scripts were only popular in Qin dynasty, and it was difficult for us to reading and writing.Based on that, new forms were created: they are the official and regular scripts.This was easy to remember because today we are still using it and it is popular to everybody.Running and cursive hand were also boldly used by some calligraphers at that time, it is quite different to control.//中国文字字体发展简史The rest exhibition rooms house calligraphy and paintings, literatures and poems from different dynasties, And in the court yard you can see many stone stakes with animals or figures carved on the top.In the past, they are for tying horses as well as for decoration.Ok, this way please.We are going to see the stone carving gallery.The stone carvings here are the masterpiece of stone arts from Han and Tang dynasty that arranged in chronological order.It can be divided into two parts: those are found from tombs and those are related to religions.Here, I’d like to introduce the six famous steeds for you.They are so beautiful and vivid, also, they were the best friends of Tang emperor Tai zong(the second emperor of Tang dynasty), because they kept their master in safe each time when they wounded with arrows on battle.In memory of his horses, Tang emperor Tai zong had them carved in relief to company his tomb.However, it’s very pity that two of the pieces were missing;now they are kept in the museum of university of Pennsylvania.//石刻艺术室(昭陵六骏)Ok, everyone, so much for this today.We still have some free time.So next, you may look around and take some pictures.We’ll leave at 11o’clock, so please don’t be late.You know I will miss you.And I’ll stay here, if you have any question, please ask me.By the way, watch your step please!So next, it’s your turn.Enjoy yourself and thank you for listening.//结束第三篇:碑林导游词各位朋友大家好!欢迎来到有“石质书库”“书法的故乡”之称的西安碑林博物馆,今天由我带领大家欣赏这里的碑石墓志石刻造像,碑林历史悠久,始建于公元1087年,距今已有900多年。
西安碑林博物馆英文导游词Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】西安碑林Good morning, Ladies and gentlemen. Today we are going tovisit the treasure house of ancient calligraphy and stonecarving art of China, the Museum of Forest of Stone Tablets, which is located at the site of Confucian temple in SanXue Street, Xi’an. This museum was set up in 1087 and it collected more than 3000 stone tablets from the Han dynasty through the Qing dynasty. The whole area consists of 3 parts: Confucian temple, exhibition of stone tablets and stone carvings.//总述Here we can see this museum is very beautiful because itused the tradition Chinese courtyard style. So compared with other places, this museum is always quite peaceful and very silence. Now I’d like to take this temple as an example totalk a little bit about Confucian, the great philosopher, educationist, politician in feudal society. And he was highly respected by Chinese. In order to show the respect for him, all the Confucian temple have no gate facing south, as this one showing only the gate open to the east and west what we called the gate of righteousness and courtesy respectively. //简介孔子Ok, now this way please. Inside this museum, we can see a wooden Memorial arch standing here; its Chinese name is “PaiLou”. It is set up to honor or commemorate adistinguished person; as we continue our walking, now we are on the bridge over pond in half circle which is special structureof Confucian temple, in the ancient time only those studentswho passed state examination would be allowed to pass here.//太和元气坊,畔池Now let’s go through the stone gate in the middle which was only for high ranks in the past. Here we can see two national treasures. On the west side there is a stone horse which wasone of few relics of DaXia short period. The Da xia period is a very short period in Chinese history, and there are lots ofwars at that time. It’s difficult to find relics of this time, so it’s very precious. In the east pavilion there is the JingYun Bell which was cast in 711AD and was moved here from JingLong Taoist temple. This Bell is unique in 3 aspects: first: it has exquisitely carving with phoenix and dragons. Second, ithas beautiful sound which was recorded by CCTV and was playedon Ne w Years’ eve to welcome the New Year’s coming. Third, it has unique epigraph.//大夏石马,景云钟Now we are going to visit 7 major stone tablet exhibition rooms. In front of the first exhibition room, we can see the stone-base Classic of Filial piety which is the largest and earliest one in this museum. It stands about 6 meters high and was made up of 35 pieces of blue stones. It was engraved in745AD and annotated by LiLongJi(the 7th emperor of Tang dynasty). He wrote the preface to show his wish to manage the country by advocating the principles of Filial piety.//石台孝经In the first room, let’s see the most completed andheaviest books in the world “The KaiCheng stone Classics”which was the doctrine of the Confucius and “must readings”for all the intellectuals in feudal society. In the past,copying was the popular way for students who study the doctrines. To prevent copying errors, emperor Tang Wenzong employed many sculptors to carve the 12 classics on stonetablets for the students to get the rubbings from them. With another classic “Mencius” carved in Qing dynasty together we call “13 classics”.//开成石经In the second room, we can see many stone tablets of calligraphy in Tang dynasty. And the most famous one is the Nestorian Tablet. This tablet is also a national treasure, asit was the first one in Syrian characters that recorded Nestorians (one sect of Christianity) was introduced into China from Roman Empire in 635AD. It describes its essence, ceremony, and activities in China. //大秦景教流行中国碑In the third room, various style of Chinese calligraphy can be seen on stone tablets such as the seal script, the official script, regular script, running hand and cursive hand. Let me give you very brief introduction of the development of Chinese characters. The seal scripts were only popular in Qin dynasty, and it was difficult for us to reading and writing. Based on that, new forms were created: they are the official and regular scripts. This was easy to remember because today we are still using it and it is popular to everybody. Running and cursivehand were also boldly used by some calligraphers at that time, it is quite different to control.//中国文字字体发展简史The rest exhibition rooms house calligraphy and paintings, literatures and poems from different dynasties, And in the court yard you can see many stone stakes with animals orfigures carved on the top. In the past, they are for tying horses as well as for decoration.Ok, this way please. We are going to see the stone carving gallery. The stone carvings here are the masterpiece of stone arts from Han and Tang dynasty that arranged in chronological order. It can be divided into two parts: those are found from tombs and those are related to religions. Here, I’d like to introduce the six famous steeds for you. They are so beautiful and vivid, also, they were the best friends of Tang emperor Tai zong (the second emperor of Tang dynasty), because they kept their master in safe each time when they wounded with arrows on battle. In memory of his horses, Tang emperor Tai zong had them car ved in relief to company his tomb. However, it’s very pity that two of the pieces were missing; now they are kept in the museum of university of Pennsylvania.//石刻艺术室(昭陵六骏)Ok, everyone, so much for this today. We still have some free time. So next, you may look around and take some pictures. We’ll leave at 11o’clock, so please don’t be late. You know I will miss you. And I’ll stay here, if you have any question, please ask me. By the way, watch your step please! So next,it’s your turn. Enjoy yourself and t hank you for listening.//结束。
碑林公园英文简介作文高中英文:Beilin Park, also known as Stele Forest Park, is a famous cultural park located in the city of Xi'an, China. The park covers an area of 31.5 acres and is home to over 3,000 stone steles and sculptures, making it one of the largest collections of ancient stone inscriptions in China.As a history lover, I was fascinated by the park's rich cultural heritage. The park is divided into several sections, each showcasing different types of stone inscriptions, including calligraphy, painting, andhistorical records. The most famous section of the park is the Forest of Stone Steles Museum, which houses over 2,000 stone steles from various dynasties.One of the most interesting things I learned during my visit was the importance of the stone steles in ancient China. These inscriptions were often used to recordimportant events, such as imperial edicts, military victories, and religious texts. They were also used to commemorate important figures, such as scholars and officials.In addition to the stone steles, the park also features beautiful gardens, ponds, and pavilions. It's a great place to relax and enjoy the peaceful surroundings while learning about China's rich cultural history.中文:碑林公园,又称碑林博物馆,是位于中国西安市的一个著名文化公园。
西安碑林英文导游词MuseumofForestofStoneTablets第一篇:西安碑林英文导游词Museum of Forest of Stone TabletsMuseum of Forest of Stone Tablets Good morning, Ladies and gentlemen.I am your local guide.Today we are going to visit the treasure house of ancient calligraphy and stone carving art of China, the Museum of Forest of Stone Tablets, which is located at the site of Confucian temple in San Xue Street, Xi’an city.This museum collected more than 3000 stone tablets from the Han dynasty through the Qing dynasty.The whole area consists of 3 parts: Confucian temple, exhibition of stone tablets and stone carvings.//总述As we all know, the Confucius, the great philosopher, educationist in feudal society.And he was highly respected by Chinese.In order to show the respect for him, all the Confucian temple have no gate facing south, the gate open to the east and west what we called the gate of righteousness and courtesy respectively.//简介孔子Ok, now this way please.now, we can see a wooden Memorial arch standing here;its Chinese name is “PaiLou”.It is set up to commemorate a distinguished person;as we continue our walking, now we are on the bridge over pond in half circle It is a special structure of Confucian temple.In the ancient time only those students who passed the state examination would be allowed to pass here.//太和元气坊,畔池Now let’s go through the stone gate in the middl e which was only for high ranks in the past.Here we can see two national treasures.On the west side there is a stone horse which was one of few relics of DaXia short period.In the east pavilion there is theJingYun Bell.This Bell is unique in 3 aspects: first: it has exquisitely carving with phoenix and dragons.Second, it has beautiful sound which was recorded by CCTV and was played on New Years’ eve to welcome the New Year’s coming.Third, it has unique epigraph.//大夏石马,景云钟Ok , now we are going to visit 7 major stone tablet exhibition rooms.In front of the first exhibition room, we can see the stone-base Classic of Filial piety which is the largest and earliest one in this museum.It stands about 6 meters high and was made up of 35 pieces of blue stones.It was engraved and annotated by LiLongJi.He wrote the preface to show his wish to manage the country by advocating the principles of Filial piety.//石台孝经In the first room, we will see the most completed and heaviest books in the world “The KaiCheng stone Classics” which was the doctrine of the Confucius and “must readings” for all the intellectuals in feudal society.In the past, copying was the popular way for students who study the doctrines.T o prevent copying errors, it was carved on stone tablets.With another classic “Mencius” carved in Qing dynasty together we call it “13 classics”.//开成石经In the second room, we can see many stone tablets of calligraphy written by famous calligraphers of the Tang Dynasty.Up to today, these tablets have served as models for le arners of calligraphy to follow.For example, the“ Tablet to Doubao Pagoda ” by Yan Zhenqing(颜真卿多宝塔碑).And the world famous tablet is “the Nestorian Tablet” which was recorded the spread of Nestorians into China from Roman Empire.It provides valuable data for the study of the cultural exchanges between China and other countries.It decribes the Nestorian essence, ceremony, and activities in China during theTang dynasty.It also bears the names of many missionaries(传教士)and records some incidents by Syrian.//大秦景教流行中国碑In the third room, various style of Chinese calligraphy can be seen on stone tablets such as the seal script, the official script, regular script, running hand and cursive hand.Let me give you very brief introduction of the development of Chinese characters.The seal scripts were only popular in Qin dynasty, and it was difficult to read and write.Based on that, new forms were created: they are the official and regular scripts.This was easy to remember and today we still use them.Running and cursive hand were also boldly used by some calligraphers at that time.The“Tablet to Cao Quan”(汉曹全碑)was inscribed in official script.And this is the 1, 000-character Stone Tablet(断千字文)in cursive script from Monk huai su.//中国文字字体发展简史The rest exhibition rooms house calligraphy and paintings, literatures and poems from different dynasties, such as Kuixing Diandou Tu, Guandi Shizhu Tu.And in the court yard, you can see many stone stakes with animals or figures carved on the top.In the past, they are for tying horses as well as for decoration.Ok, now we are in the stone carving gallery.It can be divided into two parts: mausoleum carvings and religious carvings.The pair of stoneanimals,called “pi xie(辟邪)” and “tian lu”(天禄),used to be placed in front of a mausoleum to protect it from the attack of evils.Here, I’d like to introduce the six famous steeds for you.They were sculpted in memory of the six horses, which had served the emperor,li shimin ,in constant wars.In memory of his horses, emperor T ang Tai zong had them carved to company his tomb.Two of the horses, known as “Saluzi” and "Quanmaogwa”, are reproductions.The original works are nowdisplayed in the Museum of Pennsylvania.//石刻艺术室(昭陵六骏)Now we come to the last section with both Buddhist and Taoist sculptures.Here, this carving of Bodda(菩萨像)belongs to the Sui Dynasty.And this is a statue of Li Er(老君像), the founder of the theory of Taoism, a religion of the Han nationality.Ok, everyone, so much for this today.We still have some free time.We’ll leave at 2 o’clock, so please do not be late!And I’ll stay here, if you have any questions, you can ask me.By the way, watch your step please!Ok, it’s your turn.You can look around and enjoy yourselves.Thank you for lestening.第二篇:西安碑林博物馆英文导游词(最新)西安碑林Good morning, Ladies and gentlemen.Today we are going to visit the treasure house of ancient calligraphy and stone carving art of China, the Museum of Forest of Stone Tablets, which is located at the site of Confucian temple in SanXue Street, Xi’an.This museum was set up in 1087 and i t collected more than 3000 stone tablets from the Han dynasty through the Qing dynasty.The whole area consists of 3 parts: Confucian temple, exhibition of stone tablets and stone carvings.//总述Here we can see this museum is very beautiful because it used the tradition Chinese courtyard style.So compared with other places, this museum is always quite peaceful and very silence.Now I’d like to take this temple as an example to talk a little bit about Confucian, the great philosopher, educationist, politician in feudal society.And he was highly respected by Chinese.In order to show the respect for him, all the Confucian temple have no gate facing south, as this one showing only the gate open to the east and west what we called the gate of righteousness and courtesy respectively.//简介孔子Ok, now this way please.Inside this museum, we can see a wooden Memorial arch standing here;its Chinese name is “PaiLou”.It is set up to honor or commemorate a distinguished person;as we continue our walking, now we are on the bridge over pond in half circle which is special structure of Confucian temple, in the ancient time only those students who passed state examination would be allowed to pass here.//太和元气坊,畔池Now let’s go through the stone gate in the middle which was only for high ranks in the past.Here we can see two national treasures.On the west side there is a stone horse which was one of few relics of DaXia short period.The Da xia period is a very short period in Chinese history, and there are lots of wars at that time.It’s difficult to find relics of this time, so it’s very precious.In the east pavilion there is the JingYun Bell which was cast in 711AD and was moved here from JingLong Taoist temple.This Bell is unique in 3 aspects: first: it has exquisitely carving with phoenix and dragons.Second, it has beautiful sound which was recorded by CCTV and was played on New Years’ eve to welcome the New Year’s coming.Third, it has unique epigraph.//大夏石马,景云钟Now we are going to visit 7 major stone tablet exhibition rooms.In front of the first exhibition room, we can see the stone-base Classic of Filial piety which is the largest and earliest one in this museum.It stands about 6 meters high and was made up of 35 pieces of blue stones.It was engraved in 745AD and annotated by LiLongJi(the 7th emperor of Tang dynasty).He wrote the preface to show his wish to manage the country by advocating the principles of Filial piety.//石台孝经In the first room, let’s see the most completed and heaviest books in the world “The KaiCheng stone Classics” w hich wasthe doctrine of the Confucius and “must readings” for all the intellectuals in feudal society.In the past, copying was the popular way for students who study the doctrines.To prevent copying errors, emperor T ang Wenzong employed many sculptors to carve the 12 classics on stone tablets for the students to get the rubbings from them.With another classic “Mencius” carved in Qing dynasty together we call “13 classics”.//开成石经In the second room, we can see many stone tablets of calligraphy in Tang dynasty.And the most famous one is the Nestorian Tablet.This tablet is also a national treasure, as it was the first one in Syrian characters that recorded Nestorians(one sect of Christianity)was introduced into China from Roman Empire in 635AD.It describes its essence, ceremony, and activities in China.//大秦景教流行中国碑 In the third room, various style of Chinese calligraphy can be seen on stone tablets such as the seal script, the official script, regular script, running hand and cursive hand.Let me give you very brief introduction of the development of Chinese characters.The seal scripts were only popular in Qin dynasty, and it was difficult for us to reading and writing.Based on that, new forms were created: they are the official and regular scripts.This was easy to remember because today we are still using it and it is popular to everybody.Running and cursive hand were also boldly used by some calligraphers at that time, it is quite different to control.//中国文字字体发展简史The rest exhibition rooms house calligraphy and paintings, literatures and poems from different dynasties, And in the court yard you can see many stone stakes with animals or figures carved on the top.In the past, they are for tying horses as well as for decoration.Ok, this way please.We are going to see the stone carving gallery.The stone carvings here are the masterpiece ofstone arts from Han and Tang dynasty that arranged in chronological order.It can be divided into two parts: those are found from tombs and those are related to religions.Here, I’d like to introduce the six famous steeds for you.They are so beautiful and vivid, also, they were the best friends of Tang emperor Tai zong(the second emperor of Tang dynasty), because they kept their master in safe each time when they wounded with arrows on battle.In memory of his horses, Tang emperor Tai zong had them carved in relief to company his tomb.However, it’s very pity that two of the pieces were missing;now they are kept in the museum of university of Pennsylvania.//石刻艺术室(昭陵六骏)Ok, everyone, so much for this today.We still have some free time.So next, you may look around and take some pictures.We’ll leave at 11o’clock, so please don’t be late.You know I will miss you.And I’ll stay here, if you have any question, please ask me.By the way, watch your s tep please!So next, it’s your turn.Enjoy yourself and thank you for listening.//结束第三篇:西安碑林导游词碑林博物馆导游词孔庙(太和元气坊、泮池、棂星门、戟门)→大夏石马和景云钟→碑林广场(《石台孝经》)→第一陈列室(《开成石经》)→第二陈列室(《大唐多宝塔感应碑》、《颜氏家庙碑》)→第三陈列室(《肚痛贴》、《千字文》)→第四陈列室(《魁星点斗图》、《关帝诗竹图》)→石刻艺术室(昭陵六骏)各位朋友,大家好!首先欢迎大家来到碑林,我是讲解员xx.今天将由我带领大家一同来游览碑林。
碑林旅游简介英文作文初中The Beilin Museum, also known as the Stele Forest or Forest of Stone Tablets, is a renowned tourist attractionin Xi'an, China. With a history dating back over a thousand years, it holds a rich collection of stone tablets, sculptures, and historical artifacts that offer a glimpse into China's cultural heritage. 。
The Beilin Museum is situated in the heart of Xi'an,the capital of Shaanxi Province. Its main highlight is the extensive collection of steles, which are large stonetablets engraved with Chinese calligraphy. These stelesdate from various periods of Chinese history, spanning from the Han Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. Each stele bears inscriptions of classical Chinese literature, historical records, and philosophical texts, making them valuable resources for studying ancient Chinese culture and language.Visitors to the Beilin Museum can explore theexhibition halls, which are organized thematically toshowcase different aspects of Chinese culture and history. One hall may focus on Confucianism, displaying steles with excerpts from Confucian classics, while another may highlight Buddhist scriptures and sculptures. Additionally, the museum houses a vast collection of ancient paintings, ceramics, and bronze artifacts, providing a comprehensive overview of China's artistic achievements throughout the centuries.One of the most famous attractions within the Beilin Museum is the Nestorian Stele, erected in 781 AD during the Tang Dynasty. This stele bears inscriptions documenting the arrival of Christianity in China and the establishment of the Nestorian Christian community in the Tang capital of Chang'an (modern-day Xi'an). It serves as a valuable historical record of the cultural exchanges between East and West during the medieval period.Aside from its historical significance, the Beilin Museum also offers a serene and picturesque environment for visitors to enjoy. The museum complex is surrounded by traditional Chinese gardens, featuring elegant pavilions,winding pathways, and tranquil ponds. Walking through these gardens provides a peaceful respite from the hustle and bustle of urban life, allowing visitors to appreciate the beauty of nature while immersing themselves in China's cultural heritage.In addition to its cultural attractions, the Beilin Museum also hosts various educational programs and cultural events throughout the year. These may include calligraphy demonstrations, traditional music performances, andlectures on Chinese art and history. Such activities provide visitors with opportunities to deepen their understanding of Chinese culture and engage with local artists and scholars.Overall, a visit to the Beilin Museum offers a fascinating journey through China's rich cultural history. Whether you're a history enthusiast, an art lover, or simply a curious traveler, the museum's diverse collection and tranquil surroundings make it a must-see destination in Xi'an.。
碑林公园英文简介作文高中英文:Beilin Park, also known as the Forest of Stone Steles Museum, is a beautiful park located in the heart of Xi'an, China. The park covers an area of 31,000 square meters and is home to over 3,000 stone steles, which are ancient Chinese stone tablets that have been inscribed with calligraphy and artwork.As I walked through the park, I was struck by the beauty of the steles. Each one was unique, with its own story and history. Some were inscribed with poems, while others contained historical records or religious texts. I particularly enjoyed seeing the steles that had been created by famous calligraphers, as their work was truly breathtaking.In addition to the steles, Beilin Park also features beautiful gardens, ponds, and pavilions. I spent a lot oftime wandering through the gardens, admiring the colorful flowers and lush greenery. The park is also home to several ancient buildings, including the Confucius Temple and theXi'an Stele Forest Museum.Overall, I would highly recommend visiting Beilin Parkif you are ever in Xi'an. It is a peaceful and beautiful oasis in the midst of a bustling city, and it offers a fascinating glimpse into China's rich cultural history.中文:碑林公园,又称为碑林博物馆,位于中国西安市中心,是一个美丽的公园。
碑林城墙英语作文The City Wall of Beilin, also known as the Forest of Steles, is a famous cultural site in Xi'an, China. It is a collection of ancient stone tablets, inscriptions, and calligraphy works that have been preserved for over a thousand years. The site is located in the southern part of Xi'an, near the Shaanxi History Museum, and covers an area of about 31,000 square meters.The Forest of Steles was first established in the Tang Dynasty (618-907) as a place to preserve and display important texts and documents. Over the centuries, it has grown to become one of the largest collections of its kind in the world. Today, visitors to the site can see over3,000 tablets and inscriptions, dating from the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) to the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).The tablets and inscriptions in the Forest of Steles cover a wide range of subjects, including history, literature, religion, and art. Many of them aremasterpieces of calligraphy, with elegant strokes and intricate designs. Some of the most famous works includethe "Preface to the Poems Composed at the Orchid Pavilion" by Wang Xizhi, one of the most celebrated calligraphers in Chinese history, and the "Nestorian Stele," which recordsthe spread of Christianity in China during the Tang Dynasty.In addition to the tablets and inscriptions, the Forest of Steles also contains several halls and pavilions, where visitors can learn more about the history and culture ofthe site. The main hall, known as the "Stele Pavilion," houses some of the most valuable and rarest works in the collection. Other halls include the "Calligraphy Hall," where visitors can see examples of different calligraphy styles, and the "Buddhist Hall," which displays Buddhist scriptures and statues.Overall, the City Wall of Beilin is a must-seeattraction for anyone interested in Chinese history and culture. Its collection of ancient tablets and inscriptions provides a unique glimpse into the past, and its beautiful calligraphy works are a testament to the skill and artistryof Chinese calligraphers. Whether you are a history buff or simply appreciate beautiful art, the Forest of Steles is a site not to be missed.。
下面是小编收集整理的西安景点英语导游词,希望对您有所帮助!One: the tour guide words in Terracotta Army, Xi'an Hello, my name is Zhao Zhao, you can call me tour guide, we can go to watch the Xi'an Terracotta Army of the Qin Dynasty, it is unique in the world today, world famous precious historical relics.The large scale of the Qin T erracotta Army, with a total area of nearly 2000 square meters, is almost as big as fifty basketball courts and nearly eight thousand Terracotta Army in the pit.Terracotta Army is not only large, but also a large number of types and distinct personality. Let me introduce some of them to you.General burly, wearing a long crown, wearing armor, with a sword in hand, go with head high and chest out. The look of the spirit, as soon as I see it is a long period of sand field, the responsibility of the shoulder.This is the warrior terra cotta warriors, with an average height of about 1. 8 meters, able-bodied, well proportioned, they wear the shirt, dress up front armor, pedal boots, carrying weapons, fully equipped for.The cavalry figurines, he wore a short pants wearing pants, foot boots, and holding the reins, left hand holding the bow, seemed to start at any time to kill.Horses with lifesize, one batch have strong body, muscle fullness.I've finished my explanation. Please watch it freely.Article two: the tour guide words in Terracotta Army, Xi'an Dear tourist friends:Hello, welcome to the ancient city of Xi'an. I am the tour guide for your trip to Xi'an. My name is Chen. Everybody called me Chen guide. One of the first attractions is the world cultural heritage today we visit the Qin yong. The scenic spot is located in Xi'an Lintong, it takes about forty minutes, when we get there, you can see in the Terracotta Army of qin.Terracotta Army is Terracotta Army of Qin Qin burial pits. Do you know the origin of the Qin Terracotta Army? The original in the previous dynasties, the emperor after the death of all the living dead, and later to the Qin Dynasty, a minister of the Qin Dynasty said: "before is the living dead, this is not very appropriate for you, let the skilled craftsmen to build a made of clay that you nanzhengbeizhan, all conquering Army how?" Qin Shihuang agreed that the idea was a good idea. In fact, it was not Qin Shihuang's nod to agree that there was no today's magnificent Qin Terracotta Army.Well, we are now in the mausoleum of the Qin Shihuang. Please get off in turn. Terracotta Army is grand. Three pits have been excavated, a total area of nearly 2000 square meters, almost as big fifty basketball courts, a pit of Terracotta Army eight thousand.Now we are in the No. 1 pit. In three a pit, a pit is the largest, that is 230 meters long, 62 meters wide north-south, a total area of 1426 square meters; the pit of Terracotta Army is also up, more than 6000. On the top of the No. 1 pit, a huge arched hall was built. We can walk into the hall in the tour should also visit carefully, Caution! Oh!Please look at the tall, wearing Heguan, wearing armor, witha sword in hand, the general will go with head high and chest out. The look of the spirit, as soon as you see, is a long period of sand field and a heavy responsibility in the shoulder. There are many wonderful Samurai figurines, horse cavalry, commission. These Terracotta Army a look different and wonderful, it is a feast for the eyes to see.The Qin Terracotta Army is unique in the history of the ancient and modern sculpture. It's a vivid simulation arrangement, display the image of the Chinese nation powerful and heroic.Dear tourist friends, the time has passed quickly, and the tour of the Qin Terracotta Army is also at the end of today. I wish you a pleasant journey.Article three: the tour guide words in Terracotta Army, Xi'an Hello, welcome to the world heritage landscape of the Qin Terracotta Army in Xi'an. My surname is Wang, and you can call me Wang Tao. Please follow me to visit the Terracotta Army in Qin Dynasty.The Terracotta Army is a precious historical and cultural heritage in China, he is famous in the world, the world. T erracotta Army is Qin Shihuang's burial pits. The Qin Terracotta Army grand scale, three pits have been excavated, a total area of nearly 20000 square meters, the pit is Terracotta Army eight thousand, we are now in the location of Terracotta Army is a pit on the top. One pit area of 14260 square meters, more than 6000 Terracotta Army. We stand on the high bird's eye view, can see the pit of T erracotta Army in rows, columns, with a very neat, orderly, also constitute a sound basis, organized, compiled as strong as iron army.Terracotta Army is not only large in size, but also in many types and distinct in personality. You look at those wearingHeguan, wearing armor, with a sword in hand is general. And those in the short armour, foot boots, the right hand to the reins, the left hand holding the bow and arrow is the cavalry warriors. When they look at their look, they know that they have long gone through the sand and are on the shoulder.Every Terracotta Army here is very exquisite art treasures, in the history of sculpture in ancient and modern times and abroad is unique. The rest of the time, you can look carefully and appreciate the magnificent momentum of Terracotta Army. Article four: the tour guide words in Terracotta Army, Xi'an Hello, I'm your little guide. Today I give them an introduction to the famous world heritage of our country, the Terracotta Army of Qin Dynasty. Terracotta Army is China's early ancient people used their ingenuity hands made thousands on thousands of Terracotta Army, let us look at the grand high Daqin Terracotta Army.Go into the inside, and you can stare your eyes. The first one I gave you is the general. General burly, wearing her crown, wearing armor, with a sword in hand, go with head high and chest out. The look of the spirit, as soon as I see it is a long period of sand field, the responsibility of the shoulder. Let me give you a brief introduction of the warrior warriors. The average height of the warrior terracotta warriors is 1. 8 meters, the body is strong and the body is well proportioned. They are wearing a shirt, clad in armor, front foot upturned boots, carrying weapons, fully equipped for, a look that is tough warriors fatigued with the journey.Walk closer and you can see the terracotta warriors. The terracotta warriors were wearing short armour, wearing tight pants, long boots, and holding the reins in the right hand, andholding a bow and arrow in the left hand, as if they were ready to kill the horse at any time. Look at his horse, horses and horse general size, a horse body strong, muscle fullness. The eager look like order, sakaisidi will embark on the journey into the sky. Such precious things can really be called "priceless treasure"! We have to protect them!Well, you can move freely and visit at will. Gather here in three hours. I wish you all a good time.Article five: the tour guide words in Terracotta Army, Xi'an Hello, I'm the tour guide from the Qingdao tour group, Wu Ziting. Then we will start to watch the Qin Terracotta Army. Let's come with me.Unearthed Qin Terracotta Army in China's Xi'an and Lintong its unique in the world, is the world famous precious historical relics.Please take a look at the Terracotta Army, grand scale, three pits now have been excavated, a total area of nearly 20000 square meters, nearly fifty basketball so much. There are nearly eight thousand Terracotta Army in the pit. Three pit, a pit is the largest, now let us go to visit. Yes, in the process of appreciation, be sure to remember, you can not throw garbage, to do: look at the hand do not move.Look at it, the No. 1 pit is the largest, the East and the West are 230 meters long, and the width of the north and south is 62 meters. The total area of 14260 meters; the pit is of course most of Terracotta Army, more than 6000. On the No. 1 pit, a huge arched hall has now been changed. Into the hall, standing height overlooking the T erracotta Army, pit rows, columns, very neat, like a civil war, as Qin Shihuang in command of the invincible army?We will carefully observe the Terracotta Army, they are: there are many types, general figurines, cavalry figurines, samurai warriors and horses figurines of the true to life, I do not introduced one by one, we slowly appreciate it!Every Terracotta Army is a very beautiful art treasure. A Russian president once praised him: "Qin Terracotta Army can be regarded as the eighth wonder of the world."Now, I give you an hour to walk around, and an hour later, everyone is here.This day's journey is also introduced, welcome to the next time!Article six: the tour guide words in Terracotta Army, Xi'an Ladies and gentlemen, I am very lucky to be able to serve you today. I am a tour guide: Zou Zhixin. We are now located in Lintong, Xi'an, China. Today, I will lead you all to visit the famous cultural heritage, the Qin Terracotta Army. Please don't throw rubbish in the pit and visit it well.As you can see, Terracotta Army is not only large in size, but also in a large number of types. Has to identify three figures, a total area of nearly 20000 square meters, almost as big 50 basketball field, that is 230 meters long, 62 meters wide north-south, a total area of 1426 square meters. On the top of the No.1 pit, a huge arched hall has now been built. There are also the largest number of Terracotta Army in the pit, more than 6000. Rows, columns, very neatly lined up in a huge rectangular battle array, is just like a civil war, when Qin Shihuang commanded the invincible army.Well, I think we're all hungry now. I'd like to take a lunch for half an hour.Dear visitors, we now continue to visit, we look at the generalfigures, there's a general tall, wearing a crown IP, wearing armor, with a sword in hand, go with head high and chest out. The look of the spirit, as soon as I see it is a long period of sand field, the responsibility of the shoulder.Look at the warrior terracotta warriors, and the average height is about 1. 8 meters, the body is strong and the shape is well proportioned. They are wearing a shirt, dress up front pedal armor boots, carrying weapons, fully equipped for.The cavalry figurines wearing a short, dressed on the pants, foot boots, hand hold the reins, the left hand holds the bow, as if ready to kill the horse.There are pottery figurines, figurines and horses horse size, a strong body, muscle fullness, eager to look like that, the order will sakaisidi into the sky.The happy time always make people feel enough, look forward to the opportunity to share with everyone......Article seven: the tour guide words in Terracotta Army, Xi'an Hello everybody, now, we will go to one of the places is the world heritage, and is one of the funerary - Qin Terracotta Army the world's largest underground cemetery. So, I will be honored to act as your tour guide. If you have any questions, you can ask me. I will give you a solution. I wish you all a pleasant journey.Now we see is the Terracotta Army of Qin, Qin unearthed in Terracotta Army in Lintong, has now found three pits inside the Terracotta Army, there are about more than 8000, the largest on the 1st hole, the inside of the Terracotta Army has more than 6000, each pit is divided into general figurines, figurines, Figurines, samurai cavalry. These Terracotta Army are very realistic and many.General inside the general air of solemn, holding a sword,some general heart feels he must not live up to the task in hand, Qin Shihuang and the people's expectations, so the general clenched fists, determined we see now is the samurai warriors, the average height of about 1. 8 meters, the warriors wearing a hat, eyes staring like some other, miss their loved ones in some manner seems to be a top heavy Town, to defeat the enemy, some low head, seemed to be thinking about how to cooperate with others to overcome others, samurai neck tied with neat tie on half dressed in armor, lower body wearing boots, look very neat. This is the warrior terra cotta warriors.You see, now we see is the cavalry figurines, figurines of the cavalry cavalry left with a knife, the horse seems to wait for the right order of the general and the horse to kill. In the cavalry figurines, not only did the cavalry carve a perfect carving, but also the horses were engraved very well. The horses inside were muscular, robust and beautiful.If you have seen so much, you will certainly ask why the Emperor Qin Shihuang wanted to build these potters. Because Qin Shihuang wanted to use 8000 young boys and girls for their dead, so he told his secretary to do it, but he thought the construction of the Great Wall, this matter is very bad, if you want 8000 young boys and girls will have the artificial anti so he told Qin Shihuang that, as the construction of 8000 Tao the soldiers to objects, so that we can protect the soul. Qin Shihuang felt that the minister said it was reasonable, so he asked him to call the underneath to do the 8000 soldiers, but not to let the soldiers find them. Because there is a saying in Qin state that if the body is duplicated, the soul will be removed. So Qin Shihuang didn't want his beloved soldiers to be unhappy, so they ordered them to do it secretly.Said so much, now we give you free time to visit, but we should pay attention to the following points: please protect Terracotta Army, don't jump there, don't spit or litter, but also to supervise others. Now I wish you a happy journey again!To defeat the enemy, to fight for the Qin State and to fight for the Qin state.Article eight: the tour guide words in Terracotta Army, Xi'an Distinguished visitors:How do you do! Welcome to the ancient city of Xi'an. I am your tour guide for this trip to Xi'an. My surname is Xu, and everyone tells me to guide Xu. The first scenic spot to visit today is one of the world heritage sites, the Qin Terracotta Army. The scenic spot is located in Lintong, Xi'an. Our car is also in Lintong. It takes about forty minutes. I want to mention Xi'an, Lintong, you will think of the toilet in the affirmative.Well, we have arrived at the Qin Shihuang cemetery now. Please get off in order. Do you know the origin of the Qin Terracotta Army? The previous dynasties, the emperor's death is to find some living dead, and later to the Qin Dynasty, a minister of Qin Shihuang said: "before the dynasty is living with them. I think this is not very appropriate for you, let them create a skilled craftsmen to you that I made of clay, the invincible army?" Qin Shihuang thought it was a good idea and promised it. In fact, it was not at the time of Qin Shihuang's nod that this magnificent Terracotta Army army could not be seen today. The size of Terracotta Army is large. Has been excavated three pits, a total area of nearly 20000 square meters, about the usual 50 basketball courts, there are about 8000 Terracotta Army pit.Now we come to the place is a pit, a pit three is one of the largest in the pit, that is 230 meters long, 62 meters wide north-south, a total area of 14260 square meters, you have a point of three pits a total area of more than half of it! Since the size of the area is so large, the number is very large, and there are more than 6000. One pit above have built a huge vaulted hall, we can walk into the hall to visit carefully, visit to Caution! Oh!You see, the burly, and wearing a crown, wearing armor, with a sword in hand, is the general go with head high and chest out. Some calm demeanor, eagle-eyed, to see that this is a battle hardened, heavy responsibility in shoulder; some is nodded thoughtfully, as if considering her, if fighting to defeat the enemy. It is full of great generals.Look at those warriors, all able-bodied, they wearing a shirt, dress up front armor, foot boots, like at the horn, ready to.Then continue to look at the cavalry figurines, carefully observed them with a short, tight pants and pants, foot boots, hand hold the reins, left hand holding the bow, as if ready to kill the horse.During the war, definitely not a horse. Looking ahead, the horses of the same size with a real horse, a horse body strong. The eager to look, if the order, will sakaisidi into the sky, jump on the journey.Whether the general warriors, warriors or cavalry figurines, seemed to be determined, as a desperate struggle for the unity of the world, even the horses seemed to be going to be famous, walked beside it, seems to feel a slight breath...... The Qin Terracotta Army is unique in the history of the ancient and modern sculpture. It vividly simulate the array arrangement, vividly depicts the Qin Xiongbing million, thousand grand chariot, vividly demonstrated the Chinese nation powerful strength and heroism.Dear visitors, time flies, today's trip to Qin Bing will come to an end, we are now ready to go back to the hotel, then a few days after the event......。
西安英文导游词inside the fourth courtyard, there is a structure called the phoenix pavilion, a place where worshipers wait for services. the pavilion, in fact, is a complex of three small buildings. the six-gabled structure in the central part is adjoined by two three-gabled buildings on each side which make it look like a flying phoenix; hence its name. just at the back of the pavilion there is a fish pond, and beyond it is a platform with an area of 700 square meters. acrothe platform stands the 1,300-square-meter prayer hall. it holds over 1,000 worshipers at a time. the ceiling is decorated with over 600 panels. the walls of the hall, as well as the panels, are decorated with patterns of trailing plants and arabic letters. the shrine at the western end of the hall is where the imam and worshipers chant the koran and pay homage while facing in the direction of mecca.the moslems in china share much the same customs with their brothers and sisters elsewhere in the world. they worship five times a day: at dawn, at noon, in the afternoon, at dusk, and at night.the constitution of china acknowledges that each citizenhas the right freedom of religion, and that each ethnic group has the freedom to preserve or reform its own customs. of course, the moslems in china enjoy equal rights with other ethnic groups, and their religious beliefs and customs are respected everywhere in the country.huaqing pool is situated about 35 kilometres east of the city of xi’an. historically, the western zhou dynasty saw the construction of the li palace on the spot. in the qin dynasty a pool was built with stones, and was given the name lishan tang (the lishan hot spring). the site was extended into a palace in the han dynasty, and renamed the li palace (the resort palace). in the tang dynasty, li shimin (emperor tai zong) ordered to construct the hot spring palace, and emperor xuan zong had a walled palace built around lishan mountain in the year of 747. it was known as the huaqing palace. it also had the name huaqing pool on account of its location on the hot springs.huaqing pool is located at the foot of the lishan mountain, a branch range of the qinling ranges, and stands 1,256 metres high. it is covered with pines and cypresses, looking very much like a like a dark green galloping horse from a long distance. so it has the name of the lishan mountain (li meansa black horse).the tang dynasty emperor xuan zong and his favourite lady, yang gui fei used to make their home at frost drifting hall in winter days. when winter came, snowflakes were floating in the air, and everything in sight was white. however, they came into thaw immediately in front of the hall. it owed a great deal to the luke warm vapour rising out of the hot spring. this is the frost drifting hall that greets us today.。
碑林公园英文简介作文英文:Beilin Park, also known as the Forest of Stone Steles Museum, is located in the southern part of Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China. It covers an area of 31,000 square meters and is a comprehensive park integrating cultural relics, gardens, and tourism. The park is famous for its collection of ancient stone steles, which are inscribed with various calligraphic styles and historical records. 。
As I walked through the park, I was amazed by the beautiful gardens and ancient architecture. The park has a variety of different gardens, including a traditional Chinese garden and a Japanese garden. The gardens are meticulously maintained and provide a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. 。
One of the highlights of the park is the Forest of Stone Steles Museum, which houses over 3,000 stone stelesdating back to the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) to the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). The steles are inscribed with avariety of texts, including Confucian classics, historical records, and Buddhist sutras. It was fascinating to see the different calligraphic styles and to learn about the historical significance of each stele. 。
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碑林英文导游词篇一:西安碑林博物馆英文导游词(最新)西安碑林Goodmorning,Ladiesandgentlemen.Todaywearegoingtovisitthetreasureho useofancientcalligraphyandstonecarvingartofchina,themuseumofForestof StoneTablets,whichislocatedatthesiteofconfuciantempleinSanXueStreet,X i’an.Thismuseumwassetupin1087anditcollectedmorethan3000stonetabletsfr omtheHandynastythroughtheQingdynasty.Thewholeareaconsistsof3parts: confuciantemple,exhibitionofstonetabletsandstonecarvings.//总述Herewecanseethismuseumisverybeautifulbecauseitusedthetradition chinesecourtyardstyle.Socomparedwithotherplaces,thismuseumisalwaysq uitepeacefulandverysilence.nowi’dliketotakethistempleasanexampletotalkalittlebitaboutconfucian,thegreatp hilosopher,educationist,politicianinfeudalsociety.andhewashighlyrespectedbychinese.inordertoshowtherespectforhi m,alltheconfuciantemplehavenogatefacingsouth,asthisoneshowingonlythe gateopentotheeastandwestwhatwecalledthegateofrighteousnessandcourtes yrespectively.//简介孔子ok,nowthiswayplease.insidethismuseum,wecanseeawoodenmemorialarchstandinghere;its chinesenameis“PaiLou”.itissetuptohonoror commemorateadistinguishedperson;aswecontinueourwalking,nowweareo nthebridgeoverpondinhalfcirclewhichisspecialstructureofconfuciantemple ,intheancienttimeonlythosestudentswhopassedstateexaminationwouldbeal lowedtopasshere.//太和元气坊,畔池nowlet’sgothroughthestonegateinthemiddlewhichwasonlyforhighranksinthepast. Herewecanseetwonationaltreasures.onthewestsidethereisastonehorsewhic hwasoneoffewrelicsofdaXiashortperiod.Thedaxiaperiodisaveryshortperio dinchinesehistory,andtherearelotsofwarsatthattime.it’sdifficulttofindrelicsofthistime,soit’sveryprecious.intheeastpavilionthereistheJingY unBellwhichwascastin711 adandwasmovedherefromJingLongTaoisttemple.ThisBellisuniquein3aspe cts:first:ithasexquisitelycarvingwithphoenixanddragons.Second,ithasbeautifulsoundwhichwasrecordedbyccTVandwaspla yedonnewYears’evetowelcomethenewYear’scoming.Third,ithasuniqueepigraph.//大夏石马,景云钟nowwearegoingtovisit7majorstonetabletexhibitionrooms.infrontofthefirst exhibitionroom,wecanseethestone-baseclassicofFilialpietywhichisthelarge standearliestoneinthismuseum.itstandsabout6metershighandwasmadeupof 35piecesofbluestones.itwasengravedin745adandannotatedbyLiLongJi(the7themperorofTangdynasty).HewrotetheprefacetoshowhiswishtomanagethecountrybyadvocatingtheprinciplesofFilialpiety.//石台孝经inthefirstroom,let’sseethemostcompletedandheaviestbooksintheworld“The Kaichengstonecla ssics”whichwasthedoctrineoftheconfuciusand“mustreadings”foralltheintel lectualsinfeudalsociety.inthepast,copyingwasthe popularwayforstudentswhostudythedoctrines.Topreventcopyingerrors,em perorTangwenzongemployedmanysculptorstocarvethe12classicsonstonetabletsf orthestudentstogettherubbingsfromthem.withanotherclassic“mencius”carv edinQingdy nastytogetherwecall“13classics”.//开成石经inthesecondroom,wecanseemanystonetabletsofcalligraphyinTang dynasty.andthemostfamousoneisthenestorianTablet.Thistabletisalsoa nationaltreasure,asitwasthefirstoneinSyriancharactersthatrecordednestoria ns(onesectofchristianity)wasintroducedintochinafromRomanEmpirein635 ad.itdescribesitsessence,ceremony,andactivitiesinchina.//大秦景教流行中国碑inthethirdroom,variousstyleofchinesecalligraphycanbeseenonstonetabletss uchasthesealscript,theofficialscript,regularscript,runninghandandcursiveh and.Letmegiveyouverybriefintroductionofthedevelopmentofchinesechara cters.ThesealscriptswereonlypopularinQindynasty,anditwasdifficultforust oreadingandwriting.Basedonthat,newformswerecreated:theyaretheofficial andregularscripts.Thiswaseasytorememberbecausetodaywearestillusingitanditispopulartoeverybody.Runningandcursivehandwerealsoboldlyusedbys omecalligraphersatthattime,itisquitedifferenttocontrol.//中国文字字体发展简史Therestexhibitionroomshousecalligraphyandpaintings,literaturesandpoem sfromdifferentdynasties,andinthecourtyardyoucanseemanystonestakeswit hanimalsorfigurescarvedonthetop.inthepast,theyarefortyinghorsesaswellas fordecoration.ok,thiswayplease.wearegoingtoseethestonecarvinggallery.Thestonecarvin gsherearethemasterpieceofstoneartsfromHanandTangdynastythat arrangedinchronologicalorder.itcanbedividedintotwoparts:thosearefoundfr omtombsandthosearerelatedtoreligions.Here,i’dliketointroducethesixfamoussteedsforyou.Theyaresobeautifulandvivid,al so,theywerethebestfriendsofTangemperorTaizong(thesecondemperorofTangdynasty),becausetheykeptt heirmasterinsafeeachtimewhentheywoundedwitharrowsonbattle.inmemor yofhishorses,TangemperorTaizonghadthemcarvedinrelieftocompanyhisto mb.However,it’sverypitythattwoofthepiecesweremissing;nowtheyarekeptinthemuseumof universityofPennsylvania.//石刻艺术室(昭陵六骏)ok,everyone,somuchforthistoday.westillhavesomefreetime.Sonext,youma ylookaroundandtakesomepictures.we’llleaveat11o’clock,sopleasedon’tbelate.Youknowiwillmissyou.andi’llstayhere,ifyouhaveanyquestion,pleaseaskme.Bytheway,watchyoursteppl ease!Sonext,it’syourturn.Enjoyyourselfandthankyouforlistening.//结束篇二:碑林英文导游词museumofForestofStoneTablets museumofForestofStoneTablets(ii)StoneartGallery?Basicallytwoparts:mausoleumstonecarvingandreligiousstonecarving Stonerelivos—Pictureswithlinearengraving(汉画像石)?Theconceptof“livingagainafterdeath”dominatedthemindsofnoblemen.Th eyengravedonthetombwallswhatevertheyused,lovedandrespectedduringth eirlifetime,sotheycouldstillenjoytheminthenetherworld.Besidessomehistor icallegends,thesubjectmatterofthepicturesoriginatedfromthereallife,suchas plowing,hunting,musicanddanceandthestyleofnoblelives. mausoleumstonecarving?guardinganimalsputinfrontofthetombtodeterevilspirits(镇墓兽)Thiskindofanimalneverexistedintheworld.Theyweresculptedaccordingt othecharacteristicsoflionsandtigers.Thestretchedbodies,exaggeratedlongta ils,powerfullegsandmajesticlookingappearancerevealthesculptingskillsand theingeniousabilitiesofthecraftsmen. SixSteedsfromzhaoLingmausoleum(昭陵六骏)。