冀教版七年级下Unit 1-8英语动词表

冀教版七年级下Unit 1-8英语动词表Unit 1:1. eat - 吃2. drink - 喝3. sleep - 睡觉4. study - 研究5. run - 跑6. walk - 走路7. listen - 听8. speak - 说话9. read - 读10. write - 写Unit 2:1. watch - 看2. play - 玩3. swim - 游泳4. dance - 跳舞5. sing - 唱歌6. draw - 画7. cook - 烹饪8. clean - 清洁9. listen - 听10. speak - 说话Unit 3:1. buy - 购买2. sell - 卖3. do - 做4. go - 去6. visit - 参观7. ride - 骑8. fly - 飞行9. help - 帮助10. invite - 邀请Unit 4:1. like - 喜欢2. love - 爱3. dislike - 不喜欢4. enjoy - 享受5. prefer - 更喜欢6. understand - 理解7. remember - 记得8. forget - 忘记9. know - 知道10. believe - 相信Unit 5:1. play - 玩3. win - 赢4. lose - 输5. read - 阅读6. answer - 回答7. ask - 询问8. teach - 教9. learn - 研究10. practice - 练Unit 6:1. plant - 种植2. grow - 生长3. water - 浇水4. harvest - 收获5. cook - 烹饪6. taste - 品尝7. smell - 闻8. touch - 触摸9. see - 见10. hear - 听到Unit 7:1. buy - 买2. sell - 卖3. need - 需要4. want - 想要5. have - 有6. bring - 带来7. take - 拿取8. give - 给予9. send - 发送10. receive - 收到Unit 8:1. write - 写2. send - 发送3. receive - 收到4. check - 检查5. reply - 回复6. sign - 签名7. print - 打印8. scan - 扫描9. save - 保存10. delete - 删除。

冀教版初中英语七年级下词汇表及短语冀教版初中英语七年级下词汇表及短语Unit 1 单词主要的旅行,旅途沙,沙地,洞窟,山洞路,公路相信,指路可 .波便,笔时机,运气先生,老寄,送安全的新,信息落下,摔倒令人激的到⋯ ..上边沿着哇 (因高而呼 )千米,公里日,日记特别的,特的最后的,上一个文化衣物到达,到达(的 ),巢兵俑少量的,极少的.身,出,走开建筑物大雁塔行,拿着,中奥林匹克,奥运会古代的,古老的千.鼓器,器敲 ( ),打,按 ( ),,响未来有一天短语,喜,享受⋯⋯的趣猜猜看,你猜怎么着菜肴,,碟学,认识旅行,游行从⋯⋯到⋯⋯多?游,向爬上,登攀坑,深坑,圈套严禁摄影移,搬漫步招牌,号照相群,,体参,旅行梁作⋯⋯而有名横跨,横穿某人在去⋯⋯的路上的,宽泛的跌落,降落,减少,走开干酪,奶酪能够的,好的此外的,又一;另一个一些,几个诧异的,惊人的数以千的,多的,划起来,品,体趣真的,真实的,正确的不的,静止的;,依旧晚饭任何地方,无何以前,一度,一次(开 )玩笑博客 (网子日 )意大利体,,年活着的,有活力的商品,物件自己的欧洲,将要洲任何人无旅行,旅途建国王好吃,滋味或气味特别好煤短语,认识明,造名遗迹的,其余的描绘,描绘开玩笑,笑修筑,建筑从事于⋯⋯,努力改良或达成前,以前在⋯⋯,⋯ ..陌生粘土全力士,士兵好久以前重要的做得好工具,器具一点点荒漠,荒漠用⋯⋯制作( , 的比)更多,多考莉莉(女名)急不可待要做某事,演奏音丰富,富裕的我希望这样西方的,西式的参加,参加小提琴回来跳舞的人在的,网的特别,特宝物,富最后,尾端品,果得 (做某事 ),有价的生活特别,十分学期的,不安的开始,出舒畅的达成,束松的,放松的两次,两倍实用的,有帮助的.得,短语(口 )是,.社会的⋯怎么?手工运会我自己一周 / 一年两次埃德蒙 (加拿大城市 )跳 /跳高中等的擅格林伍德中学社会科学年独立地,独木,木材独,单独印案于,印刷有作用,有影响吉它放弃展会休学,学蠕虫未来蚕想出,提出 (想法、答案等 )差别,差洗 (筹款 )乡村,村干 (筹款 )教育得一等你自己⋯感趣放弃,停止一片 / ⋯ ...可能的不一样种的素来没有,决不从⋯移到⋯未来河边中学可怕的,特别重的生失掉,失火,火灾筹募()品,像,,片参者Unit 4 单词活排球,排球运国象棋俱部,社自发帮助,志愿者.戈游两者 (的)无事,无物参加提升,改良思想的,理性的技术,技巧挑聚会,会行,饰演实用的,有利的能,角色,子,形状.水平,准,量水池,水塘型,种接着的,下述的哪 (那 )一个圈出,加,增添,增添得分放松,歇息空的,自由的,思想极的,活的寂静地,沉静地必,当没有,不用无聊的,无趣的比如,典范冀教版初中英语七年级下词汇表及短语赶,仓促在某确实,真地烹冲浪因特网,互网家,打迷,虫任何事物,某事昂的好吃的,美味的每人,人人短语来,来在⋯方面做得好交朋友同享受⋯⋯,喜⋯⋯.保持体型把⋯⋯加起来在某人的暇奏器旅行,游乐比如吃午仓促做⋯⋯网上冲浪,因特网帮助⋯⋯做⋯⋯我想⋯⋯在通周末玩得快乐乘公共汽从⋯⋯到⋯ ..有多 (或多距离 )Unit 5 单词短语外国的得很好能,可能干得好,好的大声地,大声地,吵地⋯感觉傲懂得,理解事上画片,漫画开始真工作,研加拿大 (人 )的,加拿大人,找俄斯玩得畅快,尽兴享受回答,回复上 /下比,惧怕做⋯⋯骄傲的,引以荣的犯(一个 )那么的,的嘲讽,讥笑字母在,当前切实地,精准地通向⋯⋯的事,真的事物与⋯⋯沟通句子求帮助,要求获得快的,快速的帮助⋯⋯做⋯狐狸把⋯⋯和⋯ ..系起来惰的下象棋向前努力做⋯⋯ .向后,倒期望在那边,在此中甚至,,其Unit 6 单词挖,掘奇异的,奇异的,不熟习的香港注意到,看到;公告,启事故事.独特的,荒的,野生的志醒感觉惊的得,成愚笨的,傻的黑暗 (的)哎,啊呀 (摔倒或出小用 )滑雪文章雪球时机研究,知,学网站.沟通山丘,小山接,.冰伙伴,朋友.雪人介明朗的,光亮的,清亮的温度.实情,真.拍手,鼓掌决定,做出判断.幸福地,足地改,行糖平时的(加拿大 )雁,健康,健康状(雁 )声,汽喇叭声俗,云可怕的湿的得,起冲浪运信息朋友,伙伴保持;保存到达,达到,度数,度球大海,海成功,利冲浪板目,大事流行的,普及的投,,扔冲浪者者,者到,友草莓在外重量短语睡椅,沙椅醒来空气,天空消逝好运的,幸的去游泳 /滑雪/溜冰,打雪仗迪娜 .莫林做得好国家,民族等候打,搜寻做研究用( ),花( )招集⋯⋯自然的,天然的是⋯⋯的好季。

六 七 一 九 八 史密斯(姓) 当然 女衬衫 真正地 金(女) 粉色(的) 绘画;涂料 混合 彩虹 紫色(的) 在外面 天空 鲍勃(男) 围巾 手套 也许 琳(女) 恰恰;刚刚 抓住;染上(病) 准备好的 恐龙 短袖汗衫 夹克 忘记 (有边的)帽子 裤子 丰富多彩的 非常;那么 明亮的;耀眼的 世界 报告 传统的
sari India uniform pretty centre Saturday will pair part feeling Robin robot camera smell finger player homework singer question sick scared smile wave mean metre bit against tail flat upon ground hurt donut enough laugh Jim stomachache
six seven one nine eight Smith sure blouse really Kim pink paint mix rainbow purple out sky Bob scarf glove maybe Lynn just catch ready dinosaur T-shirt jacket forget hat pants colourful so bright world report tra上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上 七上
Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2

final tennis care puppy alone luckily
exam rights pet rocket field baseball
snack if root shame hamburger wish university camp
pop ever toot noon nature Germany organize share
兴趣 任何地方 意大利 商品 亚洲 国王 发现 其他的 建造 军队 士兵 工具 更多 认识到;实现 西方的;西式的 舞者 尤其;特别 最后;末端 值得;有价值的 品尝;体验 莫妮卡(女) 晚餐 从前;一次 体验;经历
活着的;有活力的 应该;将要 建议
Unit 3:School life
生活 开始 两次;两倍 是;对 手工艺课 埃德蒙顿 格林伍德 木头 吉他 蠕虫 区别 教育 放弃;停止 从不 杰森·格伦(男) 可怕的 失去;失败 募捐(钱财) 视频;录像 参观者 非常;十分 舒服的
自己的 任何人;无论谁 好吃
学期 结束;完成 获胜 社会的 我自己 中等的 年级 印刷 展览会 蚕 村庄 你自己 可能的 未来 河畔 发生 火;火灾 奖品;奖赏 张;片 讲授;教 紧张的 放松的
Unit 4:After-school activities
活动 排球 国际象棋 自愿帮助;志愿者 两者 参加 理性的 挑战 行动;扮演 角色;职能 形状 水塘 接着的;下述的 圆圈;圈出 得分;分数 空闲的;自由的 积极的;活跃的 必须 无聊的 赶紧;匆忙 的确;真实地 冲浪 家务劳动 书虫,书迷 杂货 美味的
建筑物 奥林匹克竞赛;奥运会 乐器;仪器
Unit 2:It's show time!
课题;计划 仍旧;静止的 (开)玩笑 年龄 欧洲 旅行 煤 发明;创造 描述 以前 黏土 主要的 沙漠 莉莉(女) 丰富的;富有的 小提琴 在线的;联网的 财富;宝物 产品 手工的 多拉(女) 真实的 保罗(男) 博客

冀教版七年级下册英语单词表Studying vocabulary is an essential part of learning a new language.It is crucial to build a strong foundation in vocabulary, as it allows us to communicate effectively and understand the language better. In the seventh grade English curriculum, students are introduced to a wide range of new words that are important for everyday communication.学习词汇是学习一门新语言的重要组成部分。
The vocabulary list in the seventh grade English textbook includes words related to various topics such as family, school, hobbies, and daily routines. These words are carefully selected to help students expand their vocabulary and improve their language skills. By learning these words, students can enrich their ability to express themselves and communicate with others in English.七年级英语教科书中的词汇表涵盖了与家庭、学校、爱好和日常生活等各种主题相关的单词。

1、learn about学习、了解(1).learn(…) from…(向……学习……、从……获得……知识)(2).learn to do sth. 学习做某事learn to swim 学习游泳learn to ride a bike 学习骑自行车(3).the Silk Road2、May I…? 此句式表达有礼貌地请求对方允许,语气十分委婉,还可以表达为:Could I \ Can I?其肯定回答常用:Yes.可以。
\ Sure.\ Certainly.当然可以。
否定回答为:I`m sorry, you can`t.抱歉,不行。
\I`m sorry, but…抱歉,但……\ You`d better not. 你最好别这样。
(1).make \ take notes 意为“做笔记”。
(2).leave sb. a note 意为“给某人留便条”。
send sb. sth.= send sth. to sb.意为“把某物寄给某人”(1).tell sb. sth.= tell sth. to sb. 意为“告诉某人某事”6、think about意为“考虑,认为”,about是介词,后可跟名词、代词或v.-ing 形式。
②travel名词,泛指旅行的过程8、around用作介词,意为“遍及、全”,后跟表示地点的名词,around China意为“中国各地”,相当于all over China。
可用piece表示其数量,例如:“一则新闻” a piece of news。

七年级 Unit1--4 短语及33. I ’m packing my suitcase with my clothes!many pair of socks are you packing?句型Lesson 735. at the ticket office 在售票处Unit1 36. How much for a ticketon the D138 from Lesson 1 shijiazhuag to Beijing?1. go on a trip to 到⋯⋯去旅行 ( 游 ) 37. Do you want first or second class seats?2. the capital city of ⋯⋯首都38. be excited 很兴奋 / 激动3. too ⋯ to ⋯太⋯⋯而不能⋯⋯39. love doing sth. 喜爱做某事4. (be) far (away) from 离⋯⋯远40. Don't do sth.! 别做某事 !5. from ⋯ to ⋯从⋯⋯到⋯⋯41. sit down 坐下6. work hard 努力工作 ( 学习 ) on 快点7. in school = at school 在学校 a good trip! 祝旅途愉快8. go shopping ( 去 ) 买东西Unit 2I go shopping? Lesson 9Yes, you may./No,you may not. on the train 上火车Lesson 2 me,but you are in my seat.10. live in/on 住在⋯⋯to 必须11. come on one's trip to 来参加去⋯的旅游are in Seat 5 你坐 5 号座位12. talk to/with sb. on the telephone problem. 没问题在电话中跟某人交谈Lesson 1013. May I speak to ⋯? around 四周Yes,this is ⋯(speaking) 7. look out of 往⋯⋯外面看14. That's great/wonderful. 太好了。

七年级上册Unit 1Jenny詹妮(女)Canada加拿大Danny丹尼(男)thanks感谢student学生four四five五over在那处Jones琼斯(姓)homeroom年级教室Kate凯特(女)classmate同班同学Jack杰克(男)visiting接见的show指示;领路around各处classroom教室office办公室plan计划fun风趣的事;玩笑lab实验室eraser橡皮擦guess猜想适用文档first 第一;第一mix 混淆uniform 制服wall 墙rainbow 彩虹pretty 美丽的may 能够purple 紫色(的)centre 中心excuse 谅解out 在外面Saturday 礼拜六borrow 借sky 天空will 将要two 二Bob 鲍勃(男)pair 双;对three 三scarf 围巾store 商铺glove 手套Unit 3later 此后maybe 或许thing 东西;事情Lynn 琳(女)part 部分need 需要just 恰好;刚feeling 感觉;感情list 名单;目录刚Robin 罗宾ten 十catch 抓住;染上(病)robot 机器人six 六ready 准备好的camera 照相机seven 七dinosaur 恐龙smell 闻起来one 一T-shirt 短袖汗衫finger 手指nine 九jacket 夹克player 运动员;选手eight 八forget 忘掉homework 家庭作业hat (有边的)帽子singer 歌手Unit 2 pants 裤子question 问题colourful 丰富多彩sick 患病的Smith 史密斯(姓)的scared 惧怕的sure 自然so 特别;那么smile 浅笑blouse 女衬衫bright 光亮的;刺眼的wave 招手really 真切地world 世界mean 苛刻的;意思是Kim 金(女)report 报告metre 米pink 粉色traditional 传统的bit 少许;小量(的)sari 莎丽(印度服against 靠着;反对paint 绘画;涂装)tail 尾部料India 印度flat 水平川upon 在上边fifteen 十五can (装饮料的)金属罐ground 地面cereal 谷类食品coke 可乐hurt 痛的;疼would 将;愿意bottle 瓶子痛salad 色拉corner 角落donut 面包圈sugar 糖money 钱enough 足够的(地)delicious 美味的clerk 职员laugh 笑Mary 玛丽(女)fridge 冰箱Jim 吉姆(男)cup 杯子twenty 二十stomachache 胃痛full 满的pass 传达;经better 更好的cookie 饼干过Dr. 医生chocolate 巧克力away 走开matter 问题everything 全部事物sandwich 三明治headache 头痛meat 肉takeout 外卖食品medicine 药job 工作tip 指点;提示stay 逗留market 市场only 不过;只rest 歇息grape 葡萄P.S. 附言different 不一样的carrot 胡萝卜cute 美丽的;可爱cabbage 洋白菜;卷心菜Unit 5的watermelon 西瓜twelve 十二sweet 甜的member 成员blond 金色(的)pear 梨son 儿子thirteen 十三waitress 女服务员daughter 女儿funny 风趣的order 订购;点餐;次序drive 驾驶almost 几乎fourteen 十四policeman (男)警察glass 玻璃;眼镜( - beef 牛肉radio 收音机es)eleven 十一businessman 商人dumpling 饺子weekend 周末Unit 4 something 某事物together 一同problem 问题;难题others 其余人restaurant 餐馆menu 菜单hard努力 / 困难的(地)bedroom寝室dictionary词典front前方above在之上thirty三十picnic野餐carry携带;搬运basket篮子Rover罗孚(男)tablecloth桌布lot很多quiet寂静的paper纸张inside在里面poem诗歌rose玫瑰riddle谜语present礼品soft软的woof汪汪(狗喊声)Jane简(女)set摆放;落下Fred弗雷德(男)Heidi海蒂(女)teacup茶杯Unit 6bookstore 书店pick 采摘;选ride 乘坐择broken 坏的friendly 友善的off 走开;关上quickly 快速地lost 迷路的moo 哞(牛喊声)lady 女士museum 博物馆traffic 交通hall 大厅;礼堂;straight 直的/地走廊luck 好运famous 有名的fresh 新鲜的painting 绘画follow 跟从;理解boring 无聊的count 数war 战争forty 四十learn 学习fifty 五十history 历史sixty 六十area 地区;面seventy 七十积eighty 八十gift 礼品ninety 九十movie 电影hundred 百theatre 剧院dream 梦;梦想;做梦kung fu 功夫noise 响声;噪音price 价钱lion 狮子hero 英豪lonely 孤单的save 挽救;节miss 思念;错省过airport 飞机场forest 丛林hotel 旅店course 过程;经过magic 魔术的;奇特的countryside 郊野;农村fight 格斗;打feed 饲养架Unit 7Monday礼拜一rainy多雨的swimming游泳Tuesday礼拜二outside在外面Wednesday礼拜三Thursday礼拜四snowy下雪的skate溜冰Nick尼克(男)mark标记calendar日历December十二月best最好的Tony托尼(男)Friday礼拜五Christmas圣诞节eve前夜Sunday礼拜天sale销售midnight子夜date日期;约会January一月March三月June六月second第二February二月third第三fourth第四fifth第五May五月sixth第六August八月September九月November十一月leap跳跃seventh第七July七月eighth第八ninth第九tenth第十October十月eleventh第十一twelfth第十二present介绍;礼品international国际的national国家的;民族的festival节日usually往常地during在时期mountain山脉climb登攀excited喜悦的beach沙岸Anne安(女)Australia澳大利亚hope希望yours你的;你们的Unit 8direction方向north北方south南方east东方west西方point指向country国家New Zealand新西兰grandparent(外)祖父亲母亲southeast东南U.S.美国soon不久invite邀请everyone每一个人Sydney悉尼John约翰(男)London伦敦capital国都U.K.英国Mike麦克(男)Washington D.C.华盛顿特区Greg格雷格(男)Vancouver温哥华language语言else其余flag旌旗palace宫殿the Palace Museum故宫lovely可爱的French法国的;法语Ottawa渥太华leaf叶子beaver海狸Niagara Falls尼亚加拉大瀑布waterfall瀑布stripe条eagle鹰statue塑像liberty自由Statue of Liberty自由女神像New York纽约same同样的as和同样;作为Big Ben大本钟tower塔Canberra堪培拉kangaroo袋鼠opera歌剧(院)Sydney Opera House悉尼歌剧院Singapore新加坡Africa非洲South Africa南非七年级下册Unit 1trip旅行,旅途silk丝绸road公路lead率领Martin马丁note笔录chance时机send邮寄;发送news新闻;信息exciting令人激动的along沿着kilometre千米;公里special特别的culture文化arrive抵达Terra Cotta Warrior兵马俑leave走开Wild Goose Pagoda大雁塔hit击中ancient古代的drum鼓ring打电话;按铃;敲钟bell钟;铃enjoy喜爱;享受dish菜肴tour旅行;旅行guide导游;导游pit深坑;圈套move挪动sign记号;招牌group群;组;集体bridge桥梁cross横跨;横穿wide宽的;宽泛的cheese奶酪another另一个;此外的amazing诧异的main主要的sand沙地cave山洞believe相信Marco Popo马可·波罗camel骆驼sir先生safe安全的fall落下onto到上边yay哇(因快乐而喝彩)diary日志last最后的;上一个clothing衣物nest鸟巢few少量的;极少的building建筑物hold举行;拿着Olympics奥林匹克比赛;奥运会thousand千instrument乐器;仪器someday未来有一天Unit 2project课题;计划interest兴趣still依旧;静止的anywhere任何地方joke(开)玩笑Italy意大利age年纪goods商品Europe欧洲Asia亚洲journey 旅行Dora 多拉(女)king 国王Monica 莫妮卡(女)coal 煤true 真切的discover 发现supper 晚饭invent 发明;创建Paul 保罗(男)other 其余的once 以前;一次describe 描绘blog 博客build 建筑experience 体验;经历ago 以前alive 活着的;有活力army 军队的clay 粘土own 自己的soldier 士兵should 应当;将要important 主要的anyone 任何人;不论谁tool 工具suggestion 建议desert 荒漠yum 好吃more 更多Lily 莉莉(女)Unit 3realize 认识到;实现rich 丰富的;富裕的life 生活western 西方的;西式的term 学期violin 小提琴start 开始dancer 舞者finish 结束;达成online 在线的;联网的twice 两次;两倍especially 特别;特别win 获胜treasure 财产;宝物yeah 是;对end 最后;尾端social 社会的product 产品shop 手工艺课worth 值得;有价值的myself 我自己hand-made 手工的Edmonton 埃德蒙顿taste 品味;体验middle 中等的Greenwood格林伍德grade年级wood木头print印刷guitar吉他fair博览会worm蠕虫silk worm蚕difference差别village农村education教育yourself你自己drop放弃;停止possible可能的never从不future未来Jason Glen杰森·格伦(男)Riverside河边terrible可怕的happen发生lose失掉;失败fire火;火灾raise募捐(钱财)prize奖品;奖励video视频;录像piece张;片visitor观光者teach讲解;教quite特别;十分nervous紧张的适用文档comfortable舒畅的relaxed放松的helpful有帮助的Unit 4activity活动Steven史蒂文(男)volleyball排球practice练习chess国际象棋club俱乐部volunteer自发帮助;志愿者bingo宾戈游戏both二者nothing什么都没join参加improve提升;改良thinking理性的skill技术challenge挑战meeting聚会;会议act行动;饰演useful实用的role角色;职能team队;组shape形状level水平pool水塘type种类following接着的;下述的which哪一个circle圆圈;圈出add增添;增添score得分;分数relax放松free安闲的;自由的mind脑筋;思想active踊跃的;活跃的quietly寂静地;沉静地must一定without没有;不用bored无聊的example典范hurry连忙;仓促somewhere在某处actually确实;真切地cooking烹饪surf冲浪Internet网络housework家务劳动phone电话;打电话bookworm书虫,书迷anything任何事物grocery杂货expensive昂贵的yummy美味的everybody每人Unit 5foreign外国的could可能;能loudly高声地understand懂得;理解cartoon动画片;漫画Canadian加拿大(人)的Alicia艾丽西娅(女)Russia俄罗斯reply回答;回复competition比赛;比赛proud骄傲的such那么的;这样的letter字母exactly切实地;精准地fact事实sentence句子quick快的fox狐狸lazy懒散的forwards向前backwards向后therein在那边;在此中even甚至;其实dig挖;掘Teresa特里萨(女)Hong Kong香港storybook故事书magazine杂志newspaper报纸mistake错误silly愚笨的Susan苏珊(女)oops哎呦article文章opportunity时机knowledge知识communicate沟通connect连结pal伙伴;朋友Jessica杰西卡(女)introduce介绍Unit 6strange奇异的notice注意;宣布wild独到的wake醒surprised感觉吃惊的become变得;成为dark黑暗(的)ski滑雪snowball雪球research研究;检查website网站hill小山ice冰snowman雪人clear 明朗的;清亮的health 健康temperature 温度saying 俗语pie 馅饼awful 可怕的clap 拍手;鼓掌remember 记得happily 幸福地information 信息maple 枫树keep 保持syrup 糖浆brain 大脑goose 雁;鹅ping-pong 乒乓球honk 雁 / 鹅喊声;汽车喇叭声success 成功;成功cloud 云event 比赛项目;大事wet 湿的throw 投;掷;扔surfing 冲浪运动winner 获胜者mate 朋友;伙伴teammate 队友Aaron 艾伦(男)Ben 本(男)reach 抵达Tim 蒂姆(男)degree 度数outdoors 在户外sea 大海weight 重量surfboard 冲浪板couch 长沙发popular 流行的;普及的air 空气;天空surfer 冲浪者lucky 好运的everywhere 各处side 侧边strawberry 草莓Dena Morin 迪娜·莫林(女)nation 国家;民族Unit 7 hunt 狩猎;找寻spend 花(钱)truth 实情natural 自然的;天然的decide 决定pow-wow 帕瓦(舞蹈)change 改变step 步骤;脚步habit 习惯towards 朝向usual 往常的brush 刷;刷子适用文档tooth 牙齿wish 希望organized 有条理的;有组Germany 德国织的university 大学mess 凌乱;肮脏organize 组织develop 发展;培养camp 露营;阵营share 分享Unit 8final最后的;最后的exam考试;检查tennis网球rights权益care照顾pet宠物puppy小狗rocket火箭alone单独的field荒野;领域luckily好运地baseball棒球snack点心;小吃pop汽水if假如ever以前;终究root加油toot嘟嘟(喇叭声)shame惭愧noon正午hamburger汉堡包nature大自然八年级上册Unit 1Sandra桑德拉(男)Cox考克斯(姓)physics物理学recent近来的perform表演;演出advise劝说;建议agree赞成glue胶水;用胶水粘immediately立刻地glad快乐的ahead在前方pancake薄饼lemon柠檬pizza比萨饼hate仇恨either也(用在否认句中)comb梳子;用梳子梳头Patrick帕特里克(男)Grant格兰特(男)pea豌豆pod豆荚copy抄录;复制surprise使诧异适用文档angrily 愤慨地穷的mid- 在中间lend 借出cough 咳嗽lunar 月球的;阴历的cheat 舞弊;欺诈because 由于round 圆的;循环往复地following 接着的;接下来seem 仿佛;仿佛celebration 庆贺gym 体育馆;健身房convenient 方便的however 但是;可是embarrassed 难堪的Lisa 丽莎(女)thanksgiving 感恩节enemy 仇敌Bill 比尔(男)wonder 好奇;想知道deal 交易;办理download 下载memory 回想;记忆力someone 某人librarian 图书管理past 过去;在之England 英格兰员后knowledgeable 博学的suddenly 忽然地album 册;专辑discuss 议论rush 冲;奔choose 选择patient 病人;有耐心的into 进入;collection 采集品piano 钢琴到里slide 幻灯片jeans 牛仔裤shout 喊record 录像;记录pleasure 快乐;知足whisper 小声说话view 看法;想法local 当地的;当地人quarter 四分之一lively 充满活力的recently 近来;不久birth 出生Unit 2 前attend 参加southern 南方的touch 接触geography 地理tourist 旅客size 尺寸sometime 在某时mine 我的fit 适合;称身painter 画家ocean 大海anyway 不论怎样timetable 时间表remind 提示style 样式physical 身体的finally 最后;终于hug 拥抱runner 跑鞋discussion 议论turkey 火鸡except 除了以外meal 餐;饭tonight 今夜Unit 3 gathering 聚会since 自此后;由于dessert 甜点poor 可怜的;贫celebrate 庆贺conversation 对话;谈话适用文档thirteenth 第十三(的)Michael 迈克尔(男)tape 胶带pond 池塘post 邮寄freeze 结冰;冻僵yet 依旧(用于否认句中)hockey 冰球;曲棍球address 地点block 接到;栋;幢top 顶部bank 银行stamp 邮票whole 整个的;完好的postman 邮递员chat 聊天fashion 时髦cost 花销balloon 气球interview 面试;采访candle 蜡烛tailor 裁缝deep 深的fix 维修breath 呼吸sound 听起来;声音blow 吹enjoyable 令人快乐的Unit 4 treat 对待flu 流感neighbourhood 街区mile 英里perfect 完满的across 横过thirsty 饥渴的complete 达成;结束Unit 5bakery 面包店biscuit 饼干might 可能;或许downtown 市中心scientist 科学家coffee 咖啡grow 生长;增添through 穿过engineer 工程师cherry 樱桃page 页sidewalk 人行道yearbook 年刊himself 他自己airplane 飞机entrance 进口pilot 翱翔员fear惧怕;担忧height高度;身高overcome解决;战胜model模型advice建议;劝说diamond钻石number数字;号码seventeen十七eighteen十八opposite相反的;相对的Lucas卢卡斯(男)crop庄稼manager经理business买卖;买卖company企业creative创建性的Alan艾伦(男)goal目标ambition志向;壮心fisherman渔夫policewoman女警察artist艺术家choice选择path门路;小道strict严格的punish处罚Helen海伦(女)wise理智的actor(男)演员Unit 6transportation交通;运输hometown故土Britain英国seldom稀有;不常rapid快速的steam蒸汽engine发动机;引擎wheel车轮born出生;出生passenger乘客railway铁路most大部分;最多的station站;车站easily简单地standard标准;规格speed速度per每一Jeremy杰里米(男)wing翅膀pull拉;拖cart手推车skateboard滑板able能够power驱动;力量machine机器适用文档space 空间;太空;距离concert 音乐会unique 独到的slowly 慢慢地spaceship 宇宙飞船ticket 票;券suppose 假设;以为herself 她自己imagine 想象trade 交易ourselves 我们自己Peter 彼得(男)environment 环境garden 花园;栽种person 人loser 输者presentation 介绍;陈说confidence 自信talent 天分;才华fail 不及格;失invention 发明;创建postcard 明信片personal 个人的败backpack 背包outdoor 户外的strength 力量;优点Krista 克里斯塔(女)cardboard 硬纸板Rex 雷克斯(男)sense 意义;感觉Mexico 墨西哥fuel 燃料giant 巨人;巨大Georgia 乔治亚(男)misspelled 拼错的oil 油;石油的Greece 希腊accept 接受probably 大体huge 极大的nobody 没有人award 奖品imagination 想象African 非洲(人)的return 返回;回应college 大学;学院Sam 萨姆(男)hen 母鸡Greek 希腊人;希腊(人)的hoverboard 翱翔器anymore 再也(不)junior 初级(的);小孩的smooth 安稳的;圆滑的launch 发射continue 持续float 飘荡adult 成年人Sue 苏(女)transporter 运输车break 歇息;弄坏average 均匀(的)allow 赞成land 陆地;下降stupid 愚笨的form 形式;形状challenging 挑战性的smart 聪敏的pedal 踏板;踏踏板spin (使)快速impossible 不行能的than 比旋转weak 弱的energy 能量performance 表演mirror 镜子common 一般的;一般的microphone 麦克风Unit 7 real 真切的program 节目;程序;计划support 支持confident 自信的hobby 喜好daily 每日;每日voice 嗓音spare 安闲的的excellent 优异的earth 地球;大地stage 舞台collect 采集Unit 8 heart 心脏stone 石头beat 跳动;敲打适用文档八年级下册Unit 1shower阵雨;淋浴thunderstorm雷雨thunder雷(声)sunrise日出sunset日落rise升起;增添set(日 / 月)落沉;设置exact精准的neither(二者)都不nor也不boot靴子jasmine茉莉blossom花朵;开花sunshine阳光Tai Chi太极swing秋千melt消融hillside小丘wind风;气流gently温柔地;轻轻地budding正抽芽的nearly几乎;差不多millimeter毫米plenty丰富;大批anytime任何时候babysit照顾婴儿Debbie黛比(女)bar栏;门栓;(酒)吧instead取代push推soccer(英式)足球shall将;会rabbit兔子low低的;浅的below在下边zero零until直到为止groundhog土拨鼠bush灌木Unit 2hole洞large大的root根seedling幼苗cover覆盖;盖子fill装满dirt泥土pack聚积dust沙尘storm狂风雨dirty不洁净的northern北方的bottom底部;下方的pleasant令人快乐的shade暗影;树荫fulfil达到;履行basic基础的soil土壤channel频道gardener园丁;花匠log登录;记录consider考虑;以为sunlight阳光test测试;考察compost混淆肥料dry干的;使变干nearby在邻近;不远squirrel松鼠fence栅栏;篱笆purpose目的;企图egret白鹭eastern东方的shy害羞的tightly牢牢地fossil化石southwest西南(的)living活着的agriculture农业seed种子pot盆;壶;瓶sprout抽芽stem茎;干bud花蕾;抽芽carefully认真地yard院子Unit 3scare惊吓doorbell门铃scream尖叫tiny细小的sofa长沙发Zoe佐伊(男)vacation假期gentle平和的loyal忠诚的long-eared长耳的jerboa跳鼠mouse老鼠;鼠标kiwi几维鸟lay搁置;产卵long-nosed长鼻子的eggplant茄子shake摇动flap拍打avoid避开danger危险;风险dangerous危险的mainly主要地bamboo竹子giraffe长颈鹿escape 逃走technology 技术coin 硬币fierce 凶狠的desktop (电脑)桌面;台式cause 造成;惹起protect 保护电脑less 更少/小的fool 愚人tablet 平板电脑(地)century 世纪keyboard 键盘aside 除以外;在旁边fur (兽类的)毛invitation 邀请attack 攻击;伤害symbol 标记;象征industry 工业web 网络courage 勇气;胆子laptop 笔录本电脑steal 偷窃brave 英勇的Easter 复生节banking 银行业chain 链条enter 进入;输入properly 正确地balance 均衡key 重点;钥匙;按reason 原由;原由键Unit 5disappear 消逝search 搜寻kill 杀死topic 话题pay 支付cut 砍;切;割depend 依赖;取决于bake 烘烤decrease 减少bunny 兔子dollar (美 / 加/ 澳)元friendship 友情hide 隐蔽;闪避sixteen 十六rhino 犀牛press 印刷机;新闻界advertising 广告活动skin 皮肤appear 出现poster 海报warn 警示modern 现代的cheap 廉价的insect 昆虫electronic 电子的pocket 口袋;博得relationship 关系sell 销售tie 领带;系/ 栓/ 绑survive 生计receive 收到while 当时候Owen 欧文(男)cancer 癌症afford 买得起;(有时间)做hippo 河马blessing 祝愿cent 分tortoise 龟pyramid 金字塔everyday 每日的;日truly 真切地Egypt 埃及常的boundary 界限advantage 优势ladder 梯子Unit 4 disadvantage 劣势position 地点simple 简单的congratulate 庆祝including包含account账目husband丈夫gate大门appreciate感谢honesty诚实trusting相信的honest诚实的value价值motto格言trust相信battle战斗create创建ad广告customer客户already已经similar近似的sample样品offer供给shine发光;反射quality质量surely自然succeed成功crazy疯狂的baker面包师傅Unit 6champion冠军relative亲戚thick 厚的diving 跳水photograph 照片badminton 羽毛球lift 抬起;电梯coach 教练;指导老师weigh 有重rope 绳kilo 千克sit-up 仰卧起坐several 一些push-up 俯卧撑BC 公元前race 赛跑;速度athlete 运动员比赛compete 竞争result 结果;成绩Olympia 奥林匹亚none 一个也没married 已婚的有host 主人;主办twentieth 第二十(的)Olympic 奥林匹克运动会的amazed 吃惊的Unit 7spirit 精神represent 代表;象征population 人口continent 大陆abroad 在外国America 美国;美洲Japan 日本torch 火炬Japanese 日本人peace 和平(的);日语slogan 口号;口号Antarctica 南极洲reflect 表示;反应island 岛屿mascot 祥瑞物Pacific 太平洋feature 特色planet 行星fairly 公正合理地billion 十亿defeat 战胜total 总数;总计gold 金色(的)的medal 奖牌;勋章increase 增添;增大influence 影响surface 表面Brazil 巴西Indian 印度人(的)Atlantic大西洋(的)Arctic北极的British英国人(的)washroom盥洗室bathroom浴室;盥洗室spell拼写pronunciation发音grammar语法translate翻译American美国人(的)Australian澳大利亚人(的)pronounce发音greet欢迎;迎接European欧洲人(的)kiss吻cheek面颊nod点头thumbs-up翘拇指;很棒polite有礼貌的lip嘴唇rude鲁莽的Italian意大利人(的)prepare准备Mariana玛丽安娜(女)Amazon亚马逊河rainforest(热带)雨林Turkey土耳其Nile尼罗河Sahara撒哈拉荒漠Cairo开罗Ahmed艾哈迈德(男)pride引以骄傲的事物/ 人million百万square广场;正方形Rocky落基山脉Spanish西班牙人(的)Mexican墨西哥人(的)Unit 8schoolyard校园attention注意rubbish垃圾garbage垃圾pollution污染explain解说reduce减少reusable可重复利用的least最少 /小的(地)pollute污染skip跳绳packaging包装leaky渗漏的waste浪费litre公升sink水槽适用文档electricity 电ton 吨stomach 胃部contain 包含shut 关上duty 责任;义务regret 后悔balanced 均衡的sort 分类;整理;类fever 发热diet 平时食品型pale 苍白的;淡色的include 包含empty 弄空;空的Sara 莎拉(女)smoke 烟;抽烟metal 金属examination 检查;考试harmful 有害的plastic 塑料(的)pain 痛苦disease 疾病recycle 回收再用pardon 谅解lung 肺amount 数目X-ray X 光harm 伤害litter 垃圾;乱扔dentist 牙医breathe 呼吸Kate 凯蒂(女)refuse 拒绝public 公然的leak 渗漏toothache 牙痛law 法律tap 龙头;阀门rotten 腐化的cigarette 香烟beer 啤酒fortunately 好运地whenever 不论何时truck 货车headset (头戴式)耳机risk 风险recycling 回收利用aching 痛苦的somebody 某人factory 工厂German 德国(人)的;德语damage 伤害unlike 不像wolf 狼unable 不可以的bee 蜜蜂grain 谷物;粮食dare 敢于ant 蚂蚁vitamin 维生素wheelchair 轮椅dove 鸽子mineral 矿物质control 控制die 死亡fibre 纤维素telephone 电话dead 死的corn 玉米hers 她的species 物种protein 蛋白质cheer 喝彩(声)respect 尊敬bean 豆子kick 踢used 用过的Asian 亚洲(人)的disabled 残疾的divide 分开九年级soy 大豆focus 集中;焦点pile 大批calcium 钙pity 怜悯seat 座位bone 骨头appendicitis 阑尾炎lid 盖子Unit 1 yogurt 酸奶appendix 阑尾;附录sleepy困倦的mention提到Unit 2meaning意义dialogue对话successful成功的missing缺失的survey检查neighbour街坊universe宇宙Alert Einstein艾伯特· 爱因斯坦lifetime一世solve解决theory理论relativity相对性Switzerland瑞士pioneer前锋Nobel诺贝尔(男)Princeton普林斯顿nuclear核能的weapon武器conclusion结论false错误的peanut花生hybrid杂交的(植 / 动物)variety变化introduction采纳;引进leader领袖production生产produce生产super超级的planetary行星的Helen Keller海伦·凯勒(女)writer作家educator教育家blind失明的deaf失聪的illness疾病ability能力Anne Sullivan安妮·沙利文progress进展;进步community社区greatly特别Norman Bethune诺尔曼· 白求恩graduate毕业Toronto多伦多remain保持不变anti-反对decision决定aid帮助worst最糟糕的condition条件operate做手术government政府medical医疗的crossword纵横游戏puzzle智力游戏based以为基础whom谁anybody任何人chemistry化学Unit 3safety安全careful当心的decorate装修hang悬挂ceiling天花板lie平躺;谎话;谎言serious严肃的ambulance救护车necessary一定的accident不测;事故town城镇Alberta阿尔伯塔(男)James詹姆斯(男)reporter记者roll转动Andrews安德鲁斯(姓)fault弊端;过失icy结满冰的ugly难看的shoulder肩膀wound伤口recover恢复expect期望helmet头盔sudden忽然(的)blood血knee膝盖bleed流血sharp尖利的rock岩石stick插入scary恐惧的goodness和善;美德stranger陌生人careless马虎的prevent阻挡;预防certain某些themselves他/ 她/ 它们自己baking烘焙soda苏打salt盐scissors剪刀knife刀poison毒药heat高温;加热burn焚烧bathtub浴缸slip滑到earthquake地震calm冷静的object物体;目标system系统survival生计rule规则branch树枝training训练Unit 4compare比较passage章节;段落limit限制format格式rhyme韵脚;押韵although只管;固然effort精力;努力fat脂肪;胖的aloud作声地line路线;(诗)行text正文;文字资料poet诗人single单调的screen屏幕hum发嗡嗡声stretch伸展liquid液体;清亮的state陈说;说明noun名词adjective形容词express表达fable寓言woodcutter伐木匠axe斧子dive跳水admit认可;赞成silver银(的)policy原则;政策loud高声的frightened吃惊的board木板awake醒着的musician音乐家perhaps或许peek窃看softly轻轻地scene场景;风景crawl爬行selfish自私的knock敲打spread扩展neck脖子wicked险恶的fairy小精灵tale童话;故事character人物;特色plot情节humorous风趣的Unit 5experiment实验jar罐子upside上部pour倾倒correct正确的scientific科学的method方法raincoat雨衣force力量;迫使pressure压力;压强;挤压conclude得出结论;判定holder支托物;拥有者shallow浅的lighter打火机;点火器match火柴;般配examine检查oxygen氧气telescope望远镜solar太阳的certainly自然;确立unless除非double两倍(的)mystery神秘biology生物butterfly蝴蝶migrate移居fantastic奇异的completely完好地grandchild(外)孙子 / 女female女性;雌性milkweed马利筋(植)chemical化学物质puzzling令人难懂的DNA脱氧核糖核酸blueprint宏图general一般的;广泛的complex复杂的twin双胞胎之一repeat重复pattern模式identify确认related相关的grandson孙子;外孙granddaughter孙女;外孙女instruction说明;指示affect影响suggest建议development发展mobile phone挪动电话discovery发现;挖掘Unit 6involve参加;包含script剧本director导演;主任;负责人direct导演;指导costume服饰;戏装background背景task任务effect影响France法国couple两 / 几个人(物)titanic巨大的action行动Bruce Lee李小龙prefer更喜爱fiction小说;虚假comedy喜剧Charlie Chaplin查理·卓别林popcorn爆米花goldfish金鱼wife老婆net网络whatever不论什么God上帝grey灰色(的)marry成婚ours我们的coast海岸适用文档handbag 手提包president 总统bowl 碗among 在中间council 议会chopstick 筷子servant 佣人organization 组织spoon 勺子guard 卫兵;看守provide 供给fork 叉子queen 女王agreement 协议underground 地下的serve 服务religion 宗教lantern 灯笼mad 疯的;愤慨的dispute 争辩dragon 龙crash 撞击olive 橄榄Santa Claus 圣诞老人handsome 帅气的Noah 诺亚(男)temple 庙宇playwright 剧作家flood 洪水society 社会William Shakespeare 威廉·莎士比亚snake 蛇generation 一代(人)Hamlet 哈姆雷特(男)lock 锁wealthy 富裕的tragedy 惨剧suffer 受累penny 便士teahouse 茶社headquarters 总部pound 镑actress 女演员security 安全foolish 愚笨的permanent 永久的whether 能否;不论Unit 7 situation 情况human 人类(的)satisfy 使满意manners 礼仪victory 成功forever 永久though 只管beat 击败silence 缄默modest 谦逊的repair 维修silent 缄默的virtue 美德service 服务elder 尊长praise 夸赞message 信息directly 直接地private 个人的check 检查rather 相当;宁愿elderly 年长的secretary 秘书peacemaker 调停人guest 客人bounce 反弹extra 额外的separate 分别Unit 8 waiter 服务员behave 表现tip (给)小费gentleman 绅士Chinatown 中国城;唐人街percent 百分之Danielle 丹妮尔(女)decoration 装修品central 中部的适用文档immigrant 移民listener 听者notebook 笔录本according to 依据;依据contact 接触;联系review 复习;议论official 官方的;正promise 承诺itself 它自己式的cancel 撤消wallet 钱包custom 习惯;风俗figure 计算;以为owner 拥有者tidy 整齐的;使difficulty 困难row 划(船)整齐dining 用餐senior 级别高的Russian 俄罗斯人 ( 的 ) ;俄语simply 不过;简单地speech 演讲noisy 喧华的somehow 以某种方式period 一段时间chalk 粉笔adapt 使适应;改编valuable 可贵的tradition 传统universal 通用的;普achieve 获取reaction 反响遍的behalf 代表(某人)react 反响absent 缺席的congratulation 庆祝officer 官员trouble 麻烦;困难merchant 商人gun 枪secret 奥密(的)mall 商场doll 洋娃娃moment 时辰;瞬时faint 昏迷tap 轻拍agency 机关;代理机构Unit 9 familiar 熟习的definitely 一定unit 单元Unit 10misunderstanding 误会require 需要boss 老板communication 沟通manage 管理;负责hardly 几乎不doubt 思疑solution 解决方法;wealth 财产答案astronaut 宇航员anger 愤慨besides 除以外interpersonal 人际的weekday 工作日passport 护照;门路primary 小学的;基本的proper 正确的;适合的asleep 睡着的。

(冀教版)7下英语单词表序号 英文 中文序号 英文 中文1trip/trɪp/n.旅行,旅程25dish/dɪʃ/n.菜肴;盘,碟2silk/sɪlk/n.丝;丝绸26tour/tʊə(r)/n.&v.旅游;游行3road/rəʊd/n.路,公路27guide/ɡaɪd/n.导游;向导4lead/liːd/v.带领;指路28pit/pɪt/n.坑,深坑;陷阱5Martin/ˈmɑːtɪn/马丁(姓氏)29move/muːv/v.移动;搬动6note/nəʊt/n.便笺;笔记30sign/saɪn/n.招牌;记号7chance/tʃɑːns/n.机会;运气31group/ɡruːp/n.群;组;团体8send/send/v.寄;送32bridge/brɪdʒ/n.桥梁9news/njuːz/n.新闻;消息33cross/krɒs/v.横跨;横穿10exciting/ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/adj.使人激动的34wide/waɪd/adj.宽的;广泛的11along/əˈlɒŋ/prep.沿着 (35)cheese/tʃiːz/n.干酪;奶酪12kilometre/kɪˈlɒmɪtə(r)/n.千米,公里36another/əˈnʌðə(r)/adj.另一个;又一13special/ˈspeʃl/adj.特殊的;特别的37another/əˈnʌðə(r)/pron.另一个14culture/ˈkʌltʃə(r)/n.文化38amazing/əˈmeɪzɪŋ/adj.惊奇的;惊人的15arrive/əˈraɪv/v.到达,抵达39main/meɪn/adj.主要的16Terra Cotta Warrior兵马俑40sand/sænd/n.沙;沙地17leave/liːv/v.动身;出发;离开41cave/keɪv/n.洞窟;山洞18Wild Goose Pagoda大雁塔42believe/bɪˈliːv/v.相信19hit/hɪt/v.击,击中43Marco Popo马可•波罗(十四世纪意大利商人、旅行家)20ancient/ˈeɪnʃənt/adj.古代的;古老的44camel/ˈkæml/n.骆驼21drum/drʌm/n.鼓45sir/sɜː(r)/n.先生;老师22ring/rɪŋ/v.敲(钟);打电话;按(铃);鸣;响46safe/seɪf/adj.安全的23bell/bel/n.钟;铃47fall/fɔːl/v.落下,跌倒24enjoy/ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/v.喜欢;享受……乐趣48onto/ˈɒntə/prep.到……上面49yay/jeɪ/int.哇(因高兴而欢呼)74coal/kəʊl/n.煤50diary/ˈdaɪəri/n.日记;日志75discover/dɪˈskʌvə(r)/v.发现;了解51last/lɑːst/adj.最后的;上一个76invent/ɪnˈvent/v.发明;创造52clothing/ˈkləʊðɪŋ/n.衣物77other/ˈʌðə(r)/adj.别的;其他的53nest/nest/n.(鸟的)窝,巢78describe/dɪˈskraɪb/v.描写;描述54few/fjuː/adj.少数的,很少的79build/bɪld/v.修建;建造55building/ˈbɪldɪŋ/n.建筑物80ago/əˈɡəʊ/adv.前;以前56hold/həʊld/v.举行;拿着81army/ˈɑːmi/n.军队;陆军57Olympics/əˈlɪmpɪks/n.奥林匹克竞赛;奥运会82clay/kleɪ/n.黏土58thousand/ˈθaʊznd/num.千83soldier/ˈsəʊldʒə(r)/n.战士,士兵59instrument/ˈɪnstrəmənt/n.乐器;仪器84important/ɪmˈpɔːtnt/adj.主要的60someday/ˈsʌmdeɪ/adv.将来有一天85tool/tuːl/n.工具;用具61project/ˈprɒdʒekt/n.课题;计划86desert/ˈdezət/n.沙漠;荒漠62interest/ˈɪntrəst/n.兴趣87more/mɔː(r)/adj.&pron.(much/many的比较级_x005f )更多,较多63still/stɪl/adv.还,仍旧88Lily/ˈlɪli/莉莉(人名)64still/stɪl/adj.不动的;静止的89realize/ˈriːəlaɪz/v.认识到;实现65anywhere/ˈeniweə(r)/adv.任何地方;无论何处90rich/rɪtʃ/adj.丰富的;富有的66joke/dʒəʊk/n.&v.(开)玩笑91western/ˈwestən/adj.西方的;西式的67Italy/ˈɪtəli/意大利(地名)92violin/ˌvaɪəˈlɪn/n.小提琴68age/eɪdʒ/n.年龄93dancer/ˈdɑːnsə(r)/n.跳舞的人69goods/ɡʊdz/n.商品_x005f ;物品94online/ˌɒnˈlaɪn/adj.在线的;联网的70Europe/ˈjʊərəp/n.欧洲95especially/ɪˈspeʃəli/adv.尤其;特别71Asia/ˈeɪʒə/n.亚洲96treasure/ˈtreʒə(r)/n.宝物;财富72journey/ˈdʒɜːni/n.旅行;旅程97end/end/n.最后;末端73king/kɪŋ/n.国王98product/ˈprɒdʌkt/n.产品;结果99worth/wɜːθ/adj.值得(做某事);有价值的124shop/ʃɒp/n.手工艺课100hand-made/hænd meɪd/adj.手工的125myself/maɪˈself/pron.我自己101taste/teɪst/v.尝起来;品尝;体验126Edmonton/ˈedməntən/埃德蒙顿(加拿大西南部城市,阿尔伯塔省省会)102Dora/ˈdɔːrə/多拉(人名)127middle/ˈmɪdl/adj.中等的103Monica/ˈmɒnɪkə/莫妮卡(人名)128Greenwood Middle School格林伍德中学104true/truː/adj.真实的;真正的_x005f ;正确的129grade/ɡreɪd/n.年级105supper/ˈsʌpə(r)/n.晚餐130wood/wʊd/n.木头;木材106Paul/pɔːl/保罗(人名)131print/prɪnt/v.印图案于;印刷107once/wʌns/adv.从前;一度;一次132guitar/ɡɪˈtɑː(r)/n.吉他108blog/blɒɡ/n.博客(网络电子日志)133fair/feə(r)/n.展览会109experience/ɪkˈspɪəriəns/v.&n.体验;经历;经验134worm/wɜːm/n.蠕虫110alive/əˈlaɪv/adj.活着的;有活力的135silk worm蚕111own/əʊn/adj.自己的136difference/ˈdɪfrəns/n.差异;差别112should/ʃəd/v.aux.应该;将要137village/ˈvɪlɪdʒ/n.村庄,乡村113anyone/ˈeniwʌn/pron.任何人;无论谁138education/ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/n.教育114suggestion/səˈdʒestʃən/n.建议139yourself/jɔːˈself/pron.你自己115yum/jʌm/int.好吃;味道或气味非常好140drop/drɒp/v.放弃;停止116life/laɪf/n.生活141possible/ˈpɒsəbl/adj.可能的117term/tɜːm/n.学期142never/ˈnevə(r)/adv.从来没有;决不118start/stɑːt/v.开始;出发143future/ˈfjuːtʃə(r)/n.未来119finish/ˈfɪnɪʃ/v.完成;结束144Jason Glen杰森•格伦(人名)120twice/twaɪs/adv.两次;两倍145Riverside High School河畔中学121win/wɪn/v.赢得;获胜146terrible/ˈterəbl/adj.可怕的;非常严重的122yeah/jeə/int.(口语)是;对147happen/ˈhæpən/v.发生123social/ˈsəʊʃl/adj.社会的148lose/luːz/v.失去;失败149fire/ˈfaɪə(r)/n.火;火灾174thinking/ˈθɪŋkɪŋ/adj.思想的;理性的150raise/reɪz/v.筹募(钱财)175skill/skɪl/n.技能;技巧151prize/praɪz/n.奖品;奖赏176challenge/ˈtʃælɪndʒ/v.&n.挑战152video/ˈvɪdiəʊ/n.录像;视频177meeting/ˈmiːtɪŋ/n.聚会;会议153piece/piːs/n.张;片178act/ækt/v.&n.行动;扮演154visitor/ˈvɪzɪtə(r)/n.参观者179useful/ˈjuːsfl/adj.有用的;有益的155teach/tiːtʃ/v.教;讲授180role/rəʊl/n.职能;角色156quite/kwaɪt/adv.非常;十分181team/tiːm/n.队;组157nervous/ˈnɜːvəs/adj.紧张的;不安的182shape/ʃeɪp/n.样子;形状158comfortable/ˈkʌmftəbl/adj.舒服的183level/ˈlevl/n.水平;标准;质量159relaxed/rɪˈlækst/adj.轻松的;放松的184pool/puːl/n.小池;水塘160helpful/ˈhelpfl/adj.有用的;有帮助的185type/taɪp/n.类型;种类161activity/ækˈtɪvəti/n.活动186following/ˈfɒləʊɪŋ/adj.接着的;下述的162Steven/ˈstɪvən/史蒂文(人名)187which/wɪtʃ/adj.&pron.哪(那)一个163volleyball/ˈvɒlibɔːl/n.排球;排球运动188circle/ˈsɜːkl/v.圈出164practice/ˈpræktɪs/n.&v.练习189circle/ˈsɜːkl/n.圆165chess/tʃes/n.国际象棋190add/æd/v.加;增加;添加166club/klʌb/n.俱乐部;社团191score/skɔː(r)/n.得分167volunteer/ˌvɒlənˈtɪə(r)/v.自愿帮助192relax/rɪˈlæks/v.放松;休息168volunteer/ˌvɒlənˈtɪə(r)/n.志愿者193free/friː/adj.空闲的;自由的169bingo/ˈbɪŋɡəʊ/n.宾戈游戏194mind/maɪnd/n.头脑;思想170both/bəʊθ/adj.&pron.二者(的)195active/ˈæktɪv/adj.积极的;活跃的171nothing/ˈnʌθɪŋ/n.&pron.无事;无物196quietly/ˈkwaɪətli/adv.安静地;平静地172join/dʒɔɪn/v.参加197must/məst/v.aux.必须;应当173improve/ɪmˈpruːv/v.提高;改善198without/wɪˈðaʊt/prep.没有;不用199bored/bɔːd/adj.无聊的;无趣的208phone/fəʊn/n.电话200example/ɪɡˈzɑːmpl/n.例如;范例209phone/fəʊn/v.打电话201hurry/ˈhʌri/n.&v.赶紧;匆忙210bookworm/ˈbʊkwɜːm/n.书迷;书虫202somewhere/ˈsʌmweə(r)/adv.在某处211anything/ˈeniθɪŋ/pron.任何事物;某事203actually/ˈæktʃuəli/adv.的确;真实地212grocery/ˈɡrəʊsəri/n.杂货204cooking/ˈkʊkɪŋ/n.烹调213expensive/ɪkˈspensɪv/adj.昂贵的205surf/sɜːf/v.冲浪214yummy/ˈjʌmi/adj.好吃的;美味的206Internet/ˈɪntənet/n.因特网;互联网215everybody/ˈevribɒdi/pron.每人;人人207housework/ˈhaʊswɜːk/n.家务劳动216(冀教版)7下英语单词表序号 英文 中文序号 英文 中文1foreign/ˈfɒrən/adj.外国的25dig/dɪɡ/v.挖;掘2could/kəd/v.aux.能;可能26Teresa/teˈresɑː/特里萨(人名)3loudly/ˈlaʊdli/adv.高声地,大声地;吵闹地27Hong Kong香港4understand/ˌʌndəˈstænd/v.懂得;理解28storybook/ˈstɔːribʊk/n.故事书5cartoon/kɑːˈtuːn/n.动画片;漫画29magazine/ˌmæɡəˈziːn/n.杂志6Canadian/kəˈneɪdiən/adj.加拿大(人)的30newspaper/ˈnjuːzpeɪpə(r)/n.报纸7Canadian/kəˈneɪdiən/n.加拿大人31mistake/mɪˈsteɪk/n.错误8Alicia/əˌliːsiə mɑːˈkəʊvə/艾丽西娅(人名)32silly/ˈsɪli/adj.愚蠢的;傻的9Russia/ˈrʌʃə/俄罗斯(地名)33Susan/ˈsuːzn/苏珊(人名)10reply/rɪˈplaɪ/n.&v.回答;答复34oops/ʊps/int.哎呦;啊呀(摔倒或出小差错时的用语)11competition/ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn/n.比赛;竞赛35article/ˈɑːtɪkl/n.文章12proud/praʊd/adj.自豪的;引以为荣的36opportunity/ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti/n.机会13such/sʌtʃ/adj.那么的;这样的37knowledge/ˈnɒlɪdʒ/n.知识;学问14letter/ˈletə(r)/n.字母38communicate/kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/v.交流15exactly/ɪɡˈzæktli/adv.确切地;精确地39connect/kəˈnekt/v.连接;联结16fact/fækt/n.事实;真实的事物40pal/pæl/n.伙伴;朋友17sentence/ˈsentəns/n.句子41Jessica/ˈdʒesɪkə/杰西卡(人名)18quick/kwɪk/adj.快的;迅速的42introduce/ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs/v.介绍19fox/fɒks/n.狐狸43strange/streɪndʒ/adj.奇怪的;奇特的;不熟悉的20lazy/ˈleɪzi/adj.懒惰的44notice/ˈnəʊtɪs/v.注意到;看到21forwards/ˈfɔːwədz/adv.(=forward)向前45notice/ˈnəʊtɪs/n.布告;启事22backwards/ˈbækwədz/adv.(=backward)向后;倒46wild/waɪld/adj.怪异的;荒诞的;野生的23therein/ˌðeərˈɪn/adv.在那里;在其中47wake/weɪk/v.醒24even/ˈiːvn/adv.甚至;还;其实48surprised/səˈpraɪzd/adj.感到惊讶的49become/bɪˈkʌm/v.变得;成为74sea/siː/n.海洋,海50dark/dɑːk/adj.&n.黑暗(的)75surfboard/ˈsɜːfbɔːd/n.冲浪板51ski/skiː/v.滑雪76popular/ˈpɒpjələ(r)/adj.流行的;普及的52snowball/ˈsnəʊbɔːl/n.雪球77surfer/ˈsɜːfə(r)/n.冲浪者53research/rɪˈsɜːtʃ/n.&v.研究;调查78everywhere/ˈevriweə(r)/adv.到处;处处54website/ˈwebsaɪt/n.网站79strawberry/ˈstrɔːbəri/n.草莓55hill/hɪl/n.山丘;小山80truth/truːθ/n.真相;真实56ice/aɪs/n.冰81decide/dɪˈsaɪd/v.决定;做出判断57snowman/ˈsnəʊmæn/n.雪人82change/tʃeɪndʒ/v.&n.改变58clear/klɪə(r)/adj.晴朗的;明亮的;清澈的83habit/ˈhæbɪt/n.习惯;行为59temperature/ˈtemprətʃə(r)/n.温度84usual/ˈjuːʒuəl/adj.通常的60pie/paɪ/n.馅饼85health/helθ/n.健康;健康状态61clap/klæp/v.&n.拍手;鼓掌86saying/ˈseɪɪŋ/n.俗语;谚语62happily/ˈhæpɪli/adv.幸福地;满足地87awful/ˈɔːfl/adj.可怕的63maple/ˈmeɪpl/n.枫树88remember/rɪˈmembə(r)/v.记得;记起64syrup/ˈsɪrəp/n.糖浆89information/ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃn/n.信息65goose/ɡuːs/n.(加拿大)雁;鹅90keep/kiːp/v.保持;保留66honk/hɒŋk/n.鹅(雁)声;汽车喇叭声91brain/breɪn/n.脑;头脑67cloud/klaʊd/n.云92ping-pong/ˈpɪŋ pɒŋ/n.乒乓球68wet/wet/adj.湿的93success/səkˈses/n.成功;胜利69surfing/ˈsɜːfɪŋ/n.冲浪运动94event/ɪˈvent/n.竞赛项目;大事70mate/meɪt/n.朋友;伙伴95throw/θrəʊ/v.投;掷;扔71Aaron/ˈeərən/艾伦(人名)96winner/ˈwɪnə(r)/n.获胜者;优胜者72reach/riːtʃ/v.到达;达到97teammate/ˈtiːmmeɪt/n.队友73degree/dɪˈɡriː/n.度数,度98Ben/ben/本(人名)99Tim/tɪm/蒂姆(人名)124care/keə(r)/n.照料;保护;小心100outdoors/ˌaʊtˈdɔːz/adv.在户外125care/keə(r)/v.关心;照料101weight/weɪt/n.重量126pet/pet/n.宠物102couch/kaʊtʃ/n.睡椅;长沙发椅127puppy/ˈpʌpi/n.小狗,幼犬103air/eə(r)/n.空气;天空128rocket/ˈrɒkɪt/n.火箭(文中指狗名)104lucky/ˈlʌki/adj.幸运的;侥幸的129alone/əˈləʊn/adj.&adv.独自(的)105side/saɪd/n.边;侧边130field/fiːld/n.旷野;地方;领域106Dena Morin迪娜•莫林(人名)131luckily/ˈlʌkɪli/adv.幸运地;有好运地107nation/ˈneɪʃn/n.国家;民族132baseball/ˈbeɪsbɔːl/n.棒球108hunt/hʌnt/v.打猎;搜索133snack/snæk/n.点心;小吃109spend/spend/v.用(钱);花(钱)134pop/pɒp/n.汽水110natural/ˈnætʃrəl/adj.自然的;天然的135if/ɪf/conj.如果;假若111pow-wow/ˈpaʊ ˌwaʊ/n.帕瓦(北美原住民族一种歌舞庆典)136ever/ˈevə(r)/adv.曾经;究竟;到底112step/step/n.步骤;脚步137root/ruːt/n.&v.加油113towards/təˈwɔːdz/prep.向;朝向138toot/tuːt/n.嘟嘟(喇叭声)114brush/brʌʃ/v.刷139shame/ʃeɪm/n.羞愧;惭愧115brush/brʌʃ/n.刷子140noon/nuːn/n.中午116tooth/tuːθ/n.(pl.teeth)牙齿141hamburger/ˈhæmbɜːɡə(r)/n.汉堡包117organized/ˈɔːɡənaɪzd/adj.做事有条理的;有组织的142nature/ˈneɪtʃə(r)/n.大自然118mess/mes/n.杂乱;肮脏143wish/wɪʃ/v.&n.希望119develop/dɪˈveləp/v.发展;使形成;培育144Germany/ˈdʒɜːməni/德国(地名)120final/ˈfaɪnl/adj.最后的;最终的145university/ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəti/n.大学121exam/ɪɡˈzæm/n.考试;检查146organize/ˈɔːɡənaɪz/v.组织122tennis/ˈtenɪs/n.网球147camp/kæmp/n.露营;营地123rights/raɪts/n.权益;权利148share/ʃeə(r)/v.分享;合用。
冀教版七年级下Unit 1-8英语形容词表

冀教版七年级下Unit 1-8英语形容词表Unit 1 - Me and My Friends- friendly 友好的- outgoing 外向的- shy 害羞的- quiet 安静的- active 活跃的- hardworking 努力的- lazy 懒惰的- smart 聪明的- funny 有趣的- serious 严肃的Unit 2 - My School Life- boring 无聊的- interesting 有趣的- difficult 困难的- easy 容易的- important 重要的- helpful 有帮助的- useless 无用的- useful 有用的- challenging 具有挑战性的- enjoyable 令人愉快的Unit 3 - Music- lovely 可爱的- modern 现代的- popular 流行的- melodious 悦耳的- noisy 嘈杂的- peaceful 平静的- rhythmic 有节奏的- soft 柔和的- sweet 甜美的- classical 古典的Unit 4 - Science and Technology - advanced 先进的- creative 创造性的- dangerous 危险的- exciting 令人兴奋的- helpful 有帮助的- useless 无用的- mechanical 机械的- technical 技术性的- virtual 虚拟的- innovative 创新的Unit 5 - Festivals - cheerful 快乐的- colorful 多彩的- grand 盛大的- traditional 传统的- exciting 令人兴奋的- joyful 欢乐的- lively 生动的- peaceful 和平的- religious 宗教的- special 特别的Unit 6 - Food and Health - healthy 健康的- convenient 方便的- delicious 美味的- fatty 肥的- fresh 新鲜的- natural 自然的- nutritious 有营养的- salty 咸的- sweet 甜的- sour 酸的Unit 7 - Hobbies- creative 创造性的- fun 有趣的- interesting 有趣的- relaxing 令人放松的- challenging 具有挑战性的- enjoyable 令人愉快的- exciting 令人兴奋的- healthy 健康的- expensive 昂贵的- cheap 廉价的Unit 8 - Life Online- convenient 方便的- dangerous 危险的- interesting 有趣的- popular 流行的- virtual 虚拟的- addictive 上瘾的- creative 创造性的- informative 信息量大的- educational 有教育意义的- positive 积极的。

冀教版英语七年级下重点词句与篇章Unit 1 A Trip to the Silk Road1 Guess what!2 We’re learning about the Silk Road this month in school. That’s in China.3 May I ask you a question? Sure./ Sorry, you may not.4 Some students from my class will go to China and travel on the Silk Road.5 (1)Who will lead the trip? Who will you go with? (2)Follow me! I will lead you there.6 Here is the note from my school. Let’s read the note.7 Leave a note for your parents so they won’t worry about you.7 This is a good chance for you. Then you will have a chance to see the Great Wall.8 I’m planning to go on a trip to Beijing this summer9 How exciting!10 We will travel along the Silk Road together. WangMei and I will meet you in Beijing. Our first trip will be Xi’an. How far is it from Beijing to Xi’an? The Silk Road is about 6500 kilometres long. But we don’t have enough time to see it all. We can only see part of it. We’ll learn about the history and culture China along the way. I will send you the school’s plan for out trip.11 When will the train leave? In ten minutes.12 Welcom to Xi’an---the Walled City. You can walk along the wall in the Walled City .It is about 12 kilometres long and over 600 years old. Xi’an has a long history. You will have a lot of fun here in this ancient city.13 The group takes a train to Lanzhou. Then they go to the hotel. Later, they go for a walk along the Yellow River.14 Let’s go down this street and turn left at the traffic lights .This road will lead us to the Yellow River. There was a bridge over the Yellow River .The Silk Road crossed the Yellow River in Lanzhou. The Yellow River is wide and long. We call it the Mother River.15 The group arrives in Dunhuang. They take a tour around the city. This is an amazing city. It’s one of the main stops on the Silk Road.16 This is our last night in China. We will fly home tomorrow. We did so much fun on this trip. I can’t believe our trip is over. I will miss China. I will come back someday.Unit 2 It’s Show Time!1What’s your project about?2 I slept for two full days. I feel good now. Are you ready for your project?3 Jenny will talk about Macro Polo for their project. Danny’s project is about some places of interest in China.4 You can find donuts anywhere in Canada.5 Let’s work on our projects. Good idea.6 Macro Polo was a man from Italy. He and his brother moved goods between Europe and Asia on the Silk Road. They travelled on boats, horses and camels. Their journey lasted about twenty days.7 Chinese discovered coal and invented paper. He brought some coal and paper back to Italy with him. He also brought back a lot of silk, tea and other goods.8 Macro Polo wrote a famous book about his travels to China.9 A camel is an important tool on the Silk Road. It lives in the desert.10 Can you tell us a little bit more, please? OK.11 We can make clothes from silk. It comes in many colours. It’s soft and colourful.12 China has so much history. And our culture is so rich and colourfuL.13 I feel the same way. So I want to learn to play the erhu. It is a part of ancient Chinese culture. I can’t wait to play music for all my friends.14 Jenny goes online to tell others about the food in China. She just got back from a trip to the Silk Road in China. Everything was great---especially the food. Her favourite dishes were Beijing Duck and Lanzhou noodles. They have a lot of history behind them. Beijing duck is a true Chinese treasure. It takes a lot of work, but the end product is worth it. Lanzhou noodles are hand-made noodles. They look good and taste delicious.15 LiMing had a good time on his trip to the Silk Road. He saw and experienced a lot on the trip. The history of China is so alive in these places. He aw his own history and culture in a new way. He hopes to travel more around his country someday.16 Where should I go next? Does anyone have any suggestions?Unit 3 School Life1 How is your school life going? It’s a little busy. How are you doing today? I’m doing well.2 I start school at 8 a.m. I usually finish at 5 p.m.3 What subjects do you have? My favourite subject is shop.4 We always have a big sports meet twice a year. I often take part in the long jump. Last term I won first place.5 Last week, I made a bird house all by myself.6 We often make many different things in shop class. Sometimes we make things with clay. And this week we will print our own T-shirts.7 I want to take part in the fair with my project on silk worms.8 With a good education, you can make a difference.9 She doesn’t want anyone to drop out of school.10 She always helps us in every possible way.11 I never miss a day of school. I want to make a difference in the future.12 On the first day of school, something terrible happened.13 Jason and his family lost everything in a big house fire. It was a very hard time for them.14 So they came up with a plan. In just three days, the school raised§120015 I’m really interested in this project. I made a video about silk worms.16 Danny and Jenny are excited about the science fair.17 I was quite nervous then. But everyone here is so friendly and nice. Now I feel quite comfortable and relaxed.18 They move from classroom to classroom for their classes.19 I’m so happy to be in China. I’m learning so much here. My students often teach me Chinese. They also teach me about their culture.Unit 4 After-School Activities1 Would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow?2 I have volleyball practice tomorrow.3 I’m going to the chess club after school.4 I usually volunteer at the Old Age Home on Thursdays. Sometimes we play bingo.5 I’m not doing well in math this month.6 What are you going to do this weekend? I’m going to the countryside with my dad. /We are going to plant trees. We’re both busy all week./ Nothing.7 Do you want to improve your thinking skills? Come and join our chess club.8 Chess challenges you and makes you think hard. You will learn and have fun at the same time.9 Join us after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Room 288.10Acting is fun and useful. You can meet lots of new people and improve your social skills. We do lots of role play games in our classes.11 Join our club and be a star. Hope to see you there.12 Swimming isn’t just fun---it’s also good exercise. You can stay in shape and have a good time.13 We have lessons for all different levels. Join us today and stop by the pool to learn more.14 What club is right for you? Read the following questions.15 Do you get enough exercise?16 I like to listen to music and relax. I usually draw and paint in my free time. I like to read books and exercise my mind. I like to be active. I like to play an instrument. I enjoy reading and writing.17 What do you do on a cold and snowy day? I can’t sit quietly. I must do something active inside.18 I can’t go anywhere without taking running shoes.19 I can’t live without music. I will be bored without a book.20 It’s lunch time on Friday.21 You can’t stay still today. Are you in a hurry to go somewhere? No. Actually, I have big plans for the weekend. I can’t wait. It’s going to be a good weekend.22 Would you like to join me this weekend? I would love to come.23 Zhao Hanyu is a Grade 7 student. She is talking to her grandma on the phone.24 Hello, Grandma! It’s me. Are you doing well these days?25 I can read you an English story this weekend.26 The bookstore is just two bus stops away. It’s very close.27 I can make donuts myself now. Fresh home-made donuts are so delicious.28 Mountain climbing is so fun. We are going to take a bus there.29 It’s three hours away from my house.Unit 5 I Love Learning English!1 She wants to practice her English with a foreign friend.2 Can/May/Could I speak to Jenny, please? Yes. This is Jenny speaking. Is that Li Ming? Are you free now/3 I can’t hear you very well. Could you speak more loudly?4 Sorry , I can’t follow you. Please say that again. Now I understand what you said.5 How do you practice your English? I practice by myself a lot..6 How do you practice by yourself? I watch many English TV shows and cartoons I also listen to English music.7 Alicia is from Russia. Ms. Bell is a Canadian teacher. They speak English online twice a week.8 Alicia doesn’t hear a reply. Are you there? Yes, I am here.9 I won first place at the National English Competition ! Good for you!/ Well done./ Good job.You really improved a lot. I am so proud of you.10 It’s all thanks to you.. Talking with you is such a great help.11 There are only 26 letters in English, but those 26 letters can make a lot off words.12 There is an English word with about 1900 letters in it.13 English is an easy language to learn, right? Well, not exactly.14 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.15 How do I learn English? Here are some tips.16 Read a lot and use a dictionary. I often read English storybooks, magazines and newspapers. I look the words up in a dictionary.17 Watch English TV shows and movies. I can enjoy myself and learn English at the same time.18 Listen to English music. You can find the words for many songs yourself. I like to write the words down. I can sing along with the music.19 Speak English every day. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Sometimes I make silly mistakes and I laugh at myself. My friends help me a lot.20 Learning a new language takes time. It can be a challenge, but the new language can give people more opportunities. With a good knowledge of a new language, you can enjoy a better life.21 With English, you can travel almost anywhere. You can order food and drinks at restaurants, and ask for directions.22 As an international language, English connects you with the rest of the world.. It can also help you understand differences between cultures.23 In many ways, English opens a door to the world for you.23 This is Wang Mei’s first e-mail to her.24 Let me introduce myself.25 Do you study any other languages in school?26 Learning English opens the world up to me.27 I will teach you some words in my language.28 Can you send me a photo of yourself? I’m looking forward to your reply.Unit 6 Seasons1 Did you notice the wild weather today?2 The sun came out and it became warm. All the snow went away.3 We are experiencing almost four different seasons in one day.4 You can go skiing and skating. You can also have snowball fights.5 What strange weather! / What beautiful flowers they are! / What a hot, sunny day!What a snowy day! / What cool weather it is!/ How cool the weather is!6 You can even get the family together and make a snowman..7 The weather here is snowy and cold..8 She stands in front of the class with a very big black bag.9 It is a great season for apple picking.10 Everyone happily takes an apple.11 I like to play in the leaves with my friends.12 It’s Steven’s turn to speak.13 I am going to tell you about my favourite day during my favourite season.14 On that day, the weather was warm and the sun was bright.15 Let’s give him a big hand, class. The class claps loudly.16 Today is another good day.17 On a windy day, I can ride the waves on my surfboard.18 Surfing is very popular here. It is difficult, but very good exercise.19 I hope to be a great surfer one day.20 It’s a lovely season. The temperature is not too hot or too cold.21 Beautiful flowers are everywhere and everything looks new and fresh.22 What is spring like in Canada?Unit 7 Sports and Good Health1 Jenny looks at Danny and notices something very strange.2 To tell you the truth, I decided to change my eating habits.3 I ate ten donuts as usual. That’s awful.4 I woke up and I was scared.5 We should exercise our minds.6 School is great for building our minds.7 There is an old saying,” A healthy body is a healthy mind.”8 Running helps us remember information. Walking can improve our thinking skills. Exercise can keep our brains young.9 Apples help our brains stay strong.10 Sports Day was a great success this year.11 There were ten different events like running, long and high jumps, and ball throwing.12 I ran really hard, but my tail got in the way.13 Winning is not everything. Having fun is important.14 They used to be very active together. They played games outdoors.15 He is putting on weight.16 With a true friend on my side, my world will be open wide.17 He watches too much TV and plays too many computer games.18 At that time, our people always went fishing and hunting for food.19 Was life hard at that time ?20 In the evenings, they often made a big fire. Some people played the drums and others danced around the fire.21 Know yourself! This is the first step towards success.22 Take a piece of paper and write down a list of your habits.23 I brush my teeth three times a day. I drink eight glasses of water a day. I spend too many hours watching TV. I don’t always make my bed. I’m not organized. And my room is always a mess.24 Good habits lead the way to good health and success!25 Develop your good habits and improve yourself!26 I keep my room clean and organized.Unit 8 Summer Holiday Is Coming!1 Jenny and Danny took their final exams today. School is over. They are excited for the summer!2 Have a good summer!3 I will volunteer at ARG (Animal Rights Group). ARG takes care of pets without a home. ARGneeds a lot of volunteers. I’m going to volunteer four times a week.4 Sometimes, people move away and they can’t take their pets with them. Other times, people are too old or sick and they can’t take care of their pets. Or sometimes, people are not nice to their pets.5 His family left him alone in a field.6 This summer I’m going to play baseball for the Tigers. We will play just for fun.7 We will often play against other teams. My family and friends will buy snacks and pop at the game.8 If they don’t win, it’s a shame.9 My friends and I will walk in the forest , fish at the lake, listen to the birds and learn more about Canadian nature. We will see a lot of great things.10 The beach is 650 kilometres away from our home. It will be a long drive.11 Wish you a great summer holiday.12 Do you have any plans for summer?13 I will volunteer at the library for four weeks. I’m going to read storybooks to young children.14 I’m going to take swimming lessons. I’m really excited about my summer plans.15 I’m going back to school. I am going to take summer classes at Beijing University. I want to keep learning. It will be a good experience.16 Our school organized a special two-week summer camp.17 During the two weeks, we are going to take part in many activities.18 I will experience a new life in another part of China. I an going to write down all of my experiences and share them with you.。

冀教版七年级下英语各单元知识点总结冀教版七年级下英语各单元知识点总结Unit1 单元短语句型归纳【短语集萃】1、guess what 猜猜看;你猜怎么着2、learn about 学习;了解3、How far is it from…to…? 从……到……多远?4、climb up 爬上;攀登5、No photos! 禁止拍照!6、go for a walk 散步7、Take a picture 照相8、take a tour 参观;旅游9、be famous as 作为……而出名10、on one s way to 某人在去的路上11、fall off 跌落;下降;减少;离开12、all right 可以的;好的13、a few 一些;几个14、thousands of 数以千计的;许多的【典句必背】1、We're learning about the Silk Road this month in school.本月我们在学校正学习丝绸之路。
2、Mum and Dad, may I ask you a question?妈妈,爸爸,我可以向你们一个问题吗?3、My school is planning a trip around China with Li Ming’s school.我的学校正在计划与李明的学校同游中国。
4、This is a good chance for you.这对你来说是一个好机会。
5、I will send Li Ming an e-mail and tell him the good news.我将给李明发送一封电子邮件并告诉他这个好消息。
6、How exciting!多么令人激动啊!7、We will travel along the Silk Road together.我们将一起沿着丝绸之路旅行。
8、How far is it from Beijing to Xi’an?从北京到西安有多远?9、The Silk Road is about 6 500 kilometres long!丝绸之路大约长6500千米!10、But we don’t have enough time to see it all.但我们没有足够的时间把它全部看完。

冀教版七年级英语下知识点总结Unit 1短语:1、learn about 了解,知道2、arrive in,get to ,reach到达3、climb up 爬上4、go for a walk 去散步5、one of ...... 。
之一6、be famous for/as因为(作为)。
而闻名7、fall off 从。
摔(掉)下来8、all right 行了,好吧,没事9、take a tour around=take a trip to去。
旅行10、a few 少数,有几个11、thousands/hundreds/millions/billions of 几千(百,百万,十亿)12、take photos/pictures 照相句型:1、May I take photos here?2、How far is it from A to B?3、Welcome to......4、No photos!Unit 2短语:1 talk about 谈论2 have a (good )rest=take a rest休息一下3 hear about 听说4 places of interest 名胜古迹5 make a joke 开玩笑6 work on 从事,致力于7 between A and B 在A与B之间8 be new to 对。
陌生9 at the age of 在。
岁时10try one’s best=do one’s best (to do sth) 尽某人最大力(做某事)11a little bit 一点点13a long time ago 很久以前14make A from B 用B制作A15think about 考虑16play music 演奏音乐17get back 取回,回来18in a new way 用一种新的方法19take part in 与join句型:1、Good idea!2、Well done!3、can’t wait to do sth.4、Why don’t you do sth.?5、I hope so.6、be worth sth./be worth doing sth.7、Everything was great----especially the food!8、They look good and taste great!Unit 3短语:1、have a sports meet 举行运动会2、won first place 获得第一名3、long jump 跳远4、be good at=do well in 擅长5 、high jump 跳高6 、social studies 社会科学7、all by oneself 靠某人自己8、on one’s own 靠某人自己9、give up 放弃10、make a difference 有重要作用,有影响11、drop out of 退出,不参与12、in the future 在将来13、come up with 想出,提出14、be interested in 对。

冀教版七年级下册各单元英语单词及短语汇总In 2015.I went on an amazing trip to China with my family。
We visited many main ns。
such as the Great Wall。
the Silk Road。
and the XXX tour guide。
led us to some hidden gems as well。
like a beautiful sand cave and a safe bridge to cross.One of the most exciting parts of the trip was visiting theWild Goose Pagoda in Xi'an。
We hit the ancient drum and rangthe bell。
just like Marco Polo did when he visited China hundreds of years ago。
We also enjoyed some us Chinese dishes。
like cheese and another special dish that our guide mended.In my diary。
I wrote notes about each day of our trip。
Onthe last day。
we visited the Bird's Nest stadium。
which was built for the 2008 Olympics。
It was amazing to see the thousands of seats and the special XXX of its XXX culture。
Guess what。
On top of all the amazing sights we saw。

可爱的 法国的;法语
ninth tenth October eleventh twelfth present international national festival usually during mountain climb excited beach Anne Australia hope yours
旅行,旅程 丝绸 公路 带领 马丁 笔记 机会
邮寄;发送 新闻;消息 使人激动的
沿着 千米;公里
特殊的 文化 到达
击中 古代的
鼓 打电话;按铃;
Unit 1
trip silk road lead Martin note chance send news exciting along kilometre special culture arrive Terra Cotta Warrior leave Wild Goose Pagoda hit ancient drum
tail flat upon ground hurt donut enough laugh Jim stomachache better Dr. matter headache medicine stay rest different cute twelve blond thirteen funny almost
钟;铃 喜欢;享受
菜肴 旅游;旅行 导游;向导 深坑;陷阱
移动 记号;招牌 群;组;团体
桥梁 横跨;横穿 宽的;广泛的
奶酪 另一个;另外的
惊奇的 主要的 沙地 山洞 相信 马可·波罗 骆驼 先生 安全的 落下 到……上面 哇(因高兴而欢 呼) 日记 最后的;上一个 衣物 鸟巢 少数的;很少的 建筑物 举行;拿着 奥林匹克竞赛; 奥运会

七下英语单词表Unit 1•attempt 尝试•barely 仅仅•behavior 行为•challenge 挑战•concentrate 集中注意力•confuse 困惑•convince 说服•customer 顾客•disappointment 失望•expression 表达Unit 2•achieve 实现•article 文章•audience 观众•author 作者•brilliant 杰出的•campaign 运动•competition 竞争•community 社区•conclusion 结论•condition 条件Unit 3•admire 钦佩•advertising 广告•ambition 志向•argue 争论•attention 注意•attitude 态度•century 世纪•challenge 挑战•experience 经历•express 表达Unit 4•advantage 优势•ambition 志向•approach 靠近•arrange 安排•athlete 运动员•audience 观众•behavior 行为•challenge 挑战•character 角色•comfortable 舒适的Unit 5•appreciate 欣赏•ashamed 感到羞愧的•athletes 运动员•audience 观众•behavior 行为•bother 打扰•capable 有能力的•challenge 挑战•colleague 同事•concentrate 集中注意力Unit 6•access 接近•action 行动•admire 钦佩•advantage 优势•adventure 冒险•advice 建议•agree 同意•allow 允许•apologize 道歉•approach 靠近Unit 7•admire 钦佩•appreciate 欣赏•arrest 逮捕•arrive 到达•ashamed 感到羞愧的•athlete 运动员•audience 观众•avoid 避免•behavior 行为•celebrate 庆祝以上是七年级下册英语单词表。

冀教版七年级下册部分单词Unit 11. people /ˈpiːpl/-解析:作“人”“人们”解时,是集合名词,表复数概念;作“民族”解时,有单、复数之分。
-例句:There are many people in the park.(公园里有很多人。
)2. have fun /hæv fʌn/-解析:玩得开心,过得愉快。
-例句:We had fun at the party.(我们在聚会上玩得很开心。
)3. store /stɔː(r)/-解析:名词,意为“商店”“储备”;动词,意为“储存”。
-例句:There is a clothing store on the street.(街上有一家服装店。
)Unit 21. country /ˈkʌntri/-解析:名词,意为“国家”“乡下”。
-例句:China is a beautiful country.(中国是一个美丽的国家。
)2. language /ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ/-解析:名词,意为“语言”。
-例句:English is an international language.(英语是一门国际语言。
)3. flag /flæɡ/-解析:名词,意为“旗帜”。
-例句:The national flag of China is red with five yellow stars.(中国国旗是五星红旗。
)Unit 31. family /ˈfæməli/-解析:名词,意为“家庭”“家族”。
-例句:I love my family.(我爱我的家庭。
)2. father /ˈfɑːðə(r)/-解析:名词,意为“父亲”“爸爸”。
-例句:My father is a teacher.(我的父亲是一名教师。
)3. mother /ˈmʌðə(r)/-解析:名词,意为“母亲”“妈妈”。
-例句:My mother is very kind.(我的妈妈很善良。

冀教版七年级下Unit-1-8英语单词表冀教版七年级下Unit 1英语单词表trip n. 旅行,旅程silk n. 丝,丝绸road n. 路,公路lead (led led) v.带领,指路* Martin n.马丁(姓氏)note n. 便笺,笔记chance n. 机会,运气send (sent sent) v.寄,送news n. 新闻,消息exciting adj. 使人激动的along prep. 沿着kilometer n. 千米,公里special adj.特殊的,特别的culture n. 文化arrive v. 到达,抵达* Terra Cotta Warrior 兵马俑leave (left left) v.动身,出发,离开* Wild Goose Pagoda 大雁塔hit (hit hit) v.击,击中ancient adj. 古代的,古老的* drum n.鼓ring (rang rung) v. 敲(钟),打电话,按(铃),鸣,响bell n. 钟,铃enjoy v. 喜欢,享受……的乐趣dish n. 菜肴,盘,碟tour n.& v. 旅游,游行guide n. 导游,向导* pit n. 坑,深坑,陷阱move v. 移动,搬动* sign n. 招牌,记号group n. 群,组,团体bridge n. 桥梁cross v. 横跨,横穿wide adj.宽的,广泛的* cheese n. 干酪,奶酪another adj. & pron.另外的,又一;另一个* amazing adj. 惊奇的,惊人的main adj. 主要的sand n. 沙,沙地* cave n. 洞窟,山洞believe v. 相信* Marco Polo 马可.波罗* camel n. 骆驼sir n. 先生,老师safe adj. 安全的fall (fell fallen)v.落下,跌倒* onto prep. 到…..上面* yay int. 哇(因高兴而欢呼)diary n. 日记,日志last adj. 最后的,上一个* clothing n. 衣物* nest n. (鸟的)窝,巢few adj. 少数的,很少的* building n. 建筑物hold v. 举行,拿着Olympics n.奥林匹克竞赛,奥运会thousand num. 千instrument n.乐器,仪器* someday adv. 将来有一天guess what 猜猜看,你猜怎么着learn about 学习,了解How far is it from…to…?从……到……多远?climb up 爬上,攀登No photos! 禁止拍照go for a walk 散步take a picture 照相take a tour 参观,旅游be famous as 作为……而出名on one's way to 某人在去……的路上fall off 跌落,下降,减少,离开all right 可以的,好的a few 一些,几个thousands of 数以千计的,许多的冀教版七年级下Unit 2英语单词表project n. 课题,计划interest n. 兴趣still adj. adv. 不动的,静止的;还,仍旧anywhere adv. 任何地方,无论何处joke n. & v. (开)玩笑* Italy n. 意大利age n. 年龄* goods n. 商品,物品Europe n. 欧洲Asia n. 亚洲journey n. 旅行,旅程king n. 国王coal n. 煤discover v. 发现,了解invent v. 发明,创造other adj. 别的,其它的describe v. 描写,描述build (built built) v. 修建,建造ago adv. 前,以前army n. 军队,陆军* clay n. 黏土* soldier n. 战士,士兵important adj. 重要的tool n. 工具,用具* desert n. 沙漠,荒漠more adj. & pron. (many, m uch的比较级)更多,较多* Lily n. 莉莉(女名realize v. 认识,实现rich adj. 丰富,富有的western adj.西方的,西式的violin n. 小提琴* dancer n. 跳舞的人online adj. 在线的,联网的especially adv. 尤其,特别treasure n. 宝物,财富end n. 最后,末端product n. 产品,结果worth adj. 值得(做某事),有价值的* hand-made adj. 手工的taste v. 尝起来,品尝,体验* Dora n. 多拉(人名)* Monica n.莫尼卡(人名)true adj. 真实的,真正的,正确的* supper n. 晚餐* Paul n. 保罗(男名)once adv. 从前,一度,一次* blog n. 博客(网络电子日记)experience v.&n. 体验,经历,经验aliveadj. 活着的,有活力的own adj. 自己的should v. aux 应该,将要anyone pron.任何人无论谁suggestion n. 建议* yum int. 好吃,味道或气味非常好places of interest 名胜古迹talk about 谈论make a joke 开玩笑,讲笑话work on 从事于……,努力改善或完成at the age of 在……岁时be new to 对…..陌生try one's best 尽力a long time ago 很久以前well done做得好a little bit一点点make…from…用……制作think about 考虑can't wait to do 迫不及待要做某事play music 演奏音乐I hope so. 我希望如此take part in 参加,参与get back 回来冀教版七年级下Unit 3英语单词表life n. 生活term n. 学期start v. 开始,出发finish v. 完成,结束twice adv.两次,两倍win (won won) v.赢得,获胜* yeah int. (口语)是,对social adj.社会的* shop n. 手工艺课myself pron. 我自己* Edmonton埃德蒙顿(加拿大城市)middle adj.中等的* Greenwood Middle School 格林伍德中学grade n. 年级* wood n. 木头,木材print v. 印图案于,印刷guitar n. 吉它fair n. 展览会* worm n. 蠕虫* silk worm 蚕difference n.差异,差别village n. 村庄,乡村* education n. 教育yourself pron. 你自己drop v.放弃,停止possible adj.可能的never adv.从来没有,决不future n. 未来* Jason Glen杰森.格伦(人名)* Riverside High School河畔中学terrible adj.可怕的,非常严重的happen v.发生lose (lost lost) v. 失去,失败fire n.火,火灾raise v.筹募(钱财)prize n.奖品,奖赏video n.录像,视频piece n.张,片visitor n. 参观者teach (taught taught) v. 教,讲授quite adv.非常,十分nervous adj.紧张的,不安的comfortable adj.舒服的* relaxed adj.轻松的,放松的helpful adj.有用的,有帮助的How is…going?…怎么样?sports meet 运动会twice a week /year 一周/一年两次long /high jump 跳远/跳高be good at 擅长social studies 社会科学by oneself 独立地,单独on one's own 单独,独自make a difference 有作用,有影响give up 放弃drop out of school 退学,辍学in the future 将来come up with 想出,提出(主意、答案等)car wash 洗车(筹款)cookie sale 卖饼干(筹款)win first prize赢得一等奖be interested in 对…感兴趣a piece of一片/张…...different kinds of 不同种类的move from…to…从…移动到…冀教版七年级下Unit 4英语单词表activity n. 活动* Steven 史蒂文(男名)volleyball n.排球,排球运动practice n. & v. 练习chess n. 国际象棋club n. 俱乐部,社团* volunteer v. n. 自愿帮助,志愿者* bingo n.宾戈游戏both adj. pron. 二者(的)nothing n. &pron. 无事,无物join v.参加improve v.提高,改善* thinking adj. 思想的,理性的skill n. 技能,技巧challenge v. & n. 挑战meeting n. 聚会,会议act v. & n. 行动,扮演useful adj. 有用的,有益的role n. 职能,角色team n. 队,组shape n. 样子,形状level n. 水平,标准,质量pool n. 水池,水塘* type n. 类型,种类* following adj. 接着的,下述的which adj. &pron. 哪(那)一个circle v. n. 圈出,圆add v. 加,增加,添加score n. 得分relax v. 放松,休息free adj. 空闲的,自由的mind n. 头脑,思想active adj. 积极的,活跃的* quietly adv. 安静地,平静地must v. aux 必须,应当without prep. 没有,不用bored adj. 无聊的,无趣的example n. 例如,范例hurry n. & v. 赶紧,匆忙somewhere adv. 在某处* actually adv. 的确,真实地* cooking n. 烹调* surf v. 冲浪Internet n. 因特网,互联网housework n. 家务劳动phone n. v. 电话,打电话* bookworm n. 书迷,书虫anything pron. 任何事物,某事* grocery n. 杂货expensive adj. 昂贵的* yummy adj. 好吃的,美味的everybody pron. 每人,人人come over 过来,来访do well in 在…方面做得好make friends 交朋友at the same time 同时enjoy doing 享受……,喜欢…….stay in shape 保持体型add up 把……加起来in one's free time 在某人的闲暇时间play an instrument 弹奏乐器go on a trip 旅游,游玩for example 例如have lunch 吃午饭in a hurry to do 匆忙做……surf the Internet 网上冲浪,浏览因特网help …with帮助……做……I would love …我想……on the phone 在通电话have a great /good weekend周末玩得愉快take a bus 乘公共汽车It's …away from …从……到…..有多长时间(或多远距离)冀教版七年级下Unit 5英语单词表foreign adj.外国的could v.aux能,可能* loudly adv.高声地,大声地,吵闹地understand (-understood-un derstood) v. 懂得,理解cartoon n.动画片,漫画Canadian adj. n.加拿大(人)的,加拿大人Alicia 艾丽西娅(女名)Russia n. 俄罗斯reply n.&v. 回答,答复competition n. 比赛,竞赛proud adj.自豪的,引以为荣的such adj.那么的,这样的letter n.字母exactly adv.确切地,精确地fact n.事实,真实的事物sentence n.句子quick adj.快的,迅速的* fox n.狐狸lazy adj.懒惰的* forwards (=forward) adv.向前* backwards (=backward) adv.向后,倒* therein adv.在那里,在其中even adv. 甚至,还,其实dig (dug dug) v.挖,掘* Teresa 特里萨(人名)* Hong Kong 香港* storybook n.故事书magazine n.杂志newspaper n.报纸mistake n.错误silly adj.愚蠢的,傻的* Susan 苏珊(女名)oops int.哎哟,啊呀(摔倒或出小错时用)article n. 文章* opportunity n.机会knowledge n.知识,学问communicate v.交流connect v.连接,联结*pal n.伙伴,朋友* Jessica 杰西卡(男名)introduce v.介绍have a good talk 谈得很好Good for you! 干得好,好样的be proud of…为…感到骄傲in fact 事实上dig in 开始认真工作,钻研look up 查阅,查找enjoy oneself 玩得痛快,尽情享受in /after class 课上/下be afraid to do …害怕做……make a mistake /mistakes犯(一个)错误laugh at 嘲笑,取笑right now 现在,目前a door to… 通向……的门communicate with…与……交流ask for 寻求帮助,要求得到help…(to) do 帮助……做…connect …with把……和…..联系起来play chess 下象棋try to do …努力做…….look forward to…期待冀教版七年级下Unit 6英语单词表strange adj.奇怪的,奇特的,不熟悉的notice v. n.注意到,看到;布告,启事* wild adj.怪异的,荒诞的,野生的wake (woke woken) v.醒* surprised adj. 感到惊讶的become (became become) v.变得,成为dark adj. & n.黑暗(的)* ski v.滑雪* snowball n.雪球research n. & v.研究,调查website n.网站hill n.山丘,小山ice n.冰* snowman n.雪人clear adj. 晴朗的,明亮的,清澈的temperature n.温度pie n.馅饼* clap v. & n.拍手,鼓掌* happily adv.幸福地,满足地* maple n.枫树* syrup n.糖浆* goose (pl. geese) n. (加拿大)雁,鹅* honk n.鹅(雁)声,汽车喇叭声cloud n.云wet adj.湿的* surfing n.冲浪运动* mate n.朋友,伙伴* Aaron 艾伦(女名)reach v.到达,达到degree n. 度数,度sea n.海洋,海* surfboard n.冲浪板popular adj.流行的,普及的* surfer n.冲浪者everywhere adv.到处,处处strawberry n. 草莓wake up 醒来go away 消失go swimming /skiing /skating 去游泳/滑雪/滑冰have snowball fights 打雪仗Good /Great work! 做得好wait for 等待do some research 做研究get …together召集……It is a great season for …这是……的好季节。
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冀教版七年级下Unit 1英语单词表trip n. 旅行,旅程silk n. 丝,丝绸road n. 路,公路lead (led led) v.带领,指路* Martin n.马丁(姓氏)note n. 便笺,笔记chance n. 机会,运气send (sent sent) v.寄,送news n. 新闻,消息exciting adj. 使人激动的along prep. 沿着kilometer n. 千米,公里special adj.特殊的,特别的culture n. 文化arrive v. 到达,抵达* Terra Cotta Warrior 兵马俑leave (left left) v.动身,出发,离开* Wild Goose Pagoda 大雁塔hit (hit hit) v.击,击中ancient adj. 古代的,古老的* drum n.鼓ring (rang rung) v. 敲(钟),打,按(铃),鸣,响bell n. 钟,铃enjoy v. 喜欢,享受……的乐趣dish n. 菜肴,盘,碟tour n.& v. 旅游,游行guide n. 导游,向导* pit n. 坑,深坑,陷阱move v. 移动,搬动* sign n. 招牌,记号group n. 群,组,团体bridge n. 桥梁cross v. 横跨,横穿wide adj.宽的,广泛的* cheese n. 干酪,奶酪another adj. & pron.另外的,又一;另一个* amazing adj. 惊奇的,惊人的main adj. 主要的sand n. 沙,沙地* cave n. 洞窟,山洞believe v. 相信* Marco Polo 马可.波罗* camel n. 骆驼sir n. 先生,老师safe adj. 安全的fall (fell fallen)v.落下,跌倒* onto prep. 到…..上面* yay int. 哇(因高兴而欢呼) diary n. 日记,日志last adj. 最后的,上一个* clothing n. 衣物* nest n. (鸟的)窝,巢few adj. 少数的,很少的* building n. 建筑物hold v. 举行,拿着Olympics n.奥林匹克竞赛,奥运会thousand num. 千instrument n.乐器,仪器* someday adv. 将来有一天guess what 猜猜看,你猜怎么着learn about 学习,了解How far is it from…to…?从……到……多远?climb up 爬上,攀登No photos! 禁止拍照go for a walk 散步take a picture 照相take a tour 参观,旅游be famous as 作为……而出名on one's way to 某人在去……的路上fall off 跌落,下降,减少,离开all right 可以的,好的a few 一些,几个thousands of 数以千计的,许多的冀教版七年级下Unit 2英语单词表project n. 课题,计划interest n. 兴趣still adj. adv. 不动的,静止的;还,仍旧anywhere adv. 任何地方,无论何处joke n. & v. (开)玩笑* Italy n. 意大利age n. 年龄* goods n. 商品,物品Europe n. 欧洲Asia n. 亚洲journey n. 旅行,旅程king n. 国王coal n. 煤discover v. 发现,了解invent v. 发明,创造other adj. 别的,其它的describe v. 描写,描述build (built built) v. 修建,建造ago adv. 前,以前army n. 军队,陆军* clay n. 黏土* soldier n. 战士,士兵important adj. 重要的tool n. 工具,用具* desert n. 沙漠,荒漠more adj. & pron. (many, much的比较级)更多,较多* Lily n. 莉莉(女名realize v. 认识,实现rich adj. 丰富,富有的western adj.西方的,西式的violin n. 小提琴* dancer n. 跳舞的人online adj. 在线的,联网的especially adv. 尤其,特别treasure n. 宝物,财富end n. 最后,末端product n. 产品,结果worth adj. 值得(做某事),有价值的* hand-made adj. 手工的taste v. 尝起来,品尝,体验* Dora n. 多拉(人名)* Monica n.莫尼卡(人名)true adj. 真实的,真正的,正确的* supper n. 晚餐* Paul n. 保罗(男名)once adv. 从前,一度,一次* blog n. 博客(网络电子日记)experience v.&n. 体验,经历,经验aliveadj. 活着的,有活力的own adj. 自己的should v. aux 应该,将要anyone pron.任何人无论谁suggestion n. 建议* yum int. 好吃,味道或气味非常好places of interest 名胜古迹talk about 谈论make a joke 开玩笑,讲笑话work on 从事于……,努力改善或完成at the age of 在……岁时be new to 对…..陌生try one's best 尽力a long time ago 很久以前well done做得好a little bit一点点make…from…用……制作think about 考虑can't wait to do 迫不及待要做某事play music 演奏音乐I hope so. 我希望如此take part in 参加,参与get back 回来冀教版七年级下Unit 3英语单词表life n. 生活term n. 学期start v. 开始,出发finish v. 完成,结束twice adv.两次,两倍win (won won) v.赢得,获胜* yeah int. (口语)是,对social adj.社会的* shop n. 手工艺课myself pron. 我自己* Edmonton埃德蒙顿(加拿大城市)middle adj.中等的* Greenwood Middle School 格林伍德中学grade n. 年级* wood n. 木头,木材print v. 印图案于,印刷guitar n. 吉它fair n. 展览会* worm n. 蠕虫* silk worm 蚕difference n.差异,差别village n. 村庄,乡村* education n. 教育yourself pron. 你自己drop v.放弃,停止possible adj.可能的never adv.从来没有,决不future n. 未来* Jason Glen杰森.格伦(人名)* Riverside High School河畔中学terrible adj.可怕的,非常严重的happen v.发生lose (lost lost) v. 失去,失败fire n.火,火灾raise v.筹募(钱财)prize n.奖品,奖赏video n.录像,视频piece n.,片visitor n. 参观者teach (taught taught) v. 教,讲授quite adv.非常,十分nervous adj.紧的,不安的comfortable adj.舒服的* relaxed adj.轻松的,放松的helpful adj.有用的,有帮助的How is…going?…怎么样?sports meet 运动会twice a week /year 一周/一年两次long /high jump 跳远/跳高be good at 擅长social studies 社会科学by oneself 独立地,单独on one's own 单独,独自make a difference 有作用,有影响give up 放弃drop out of school 退学,辍学in the future 将来come up with 想出,提出(主意、答案等)car wash 洗车(筹款)cookie sale 卖饼干(筹款)win first prize赢得一等奖be interested in 对…感兴趣a piece of一片/…...different kinds of 不同种类的move from…to…从…移动到…冀教版七年级下Unit 4英语单词表activity n. 活动* Steven 史蒂文(男名)volleyball n.排球,排球运动practice n. & v. 练习chess n. 国际象棋club n. 俱乐部,社团* volunteer v. n. 自愿帮助,志愿者* bingo n.宾戈游戏both adj. pron. 二者(的)nothing n. &pron. 无事,无物join v.参加improve v.提高,改善* thinking adj. 思想的,理性的skill n. 技能,技巧challenge v. & n. 挑战meeting n. 聚会,会议act v. & n. 行动,扮演useful adj. 有用的,有益的role n. 职能,角色team n. 队,组shape n. 样子,形状level n. 水平,标准,质量pool n. 水池,水塘* type n. 类型,种类* following adj. 接着的,下述的which adj. &pron. 哪(那)一个circle v. n. 圈出,圆add v. 加,增加,添加score n. 得分relax v. 放松,休息free adj. 空闲的,自由的mind n. 头脑,思想active adj. 积极的,活跃的* quietly adv. 安静地,平静地must v. aux 必须,应当without prep. 没有,不用bored adj. 无聊的,无趣的example n. 例如,例hurry n. & v. 赶紧,匆忙somewhere adv. 在某处* actually adv. 的确,真实地* cooking n. 烹调* surf v. 冲浪Internet n. 因特网,互联网housework n. 家务劳动phone n. v. ,打* bookworm n. 书迷,书虫anything pron. 任何事物,某事* grocery n. 杂货expensive adj. 昂贵的* yummy adj. 好吃的,美味的everybody pron. 每人,人人come over 过来,来访do well in 在…方面做得好make friends 交朋友at the same time 同时enjoy doing 享受……,喜欢…….stay in shape 保持体型add up 把……加起来in one's free time 在某人的闲暇时间play an instrument 弹奏乐器go on a trip 旅游,游玩for example 例如have lunch 吃午饭in a hurry to do 匆忙做……surf the Internet 网上冲浪,浏览因特网help …with帮助……做……I would love …我想……on the phone 在通have a great /good weekend 周末玩得愉快take a bus 乘公共汽车It's …away from …从……到…..有多长时间(或多远距离)冀教版七年级下Unit 5英语单词表foreign adj.外国的could v.aux能,可能* loudly adv.高声地,大声地,吵闹地understand (-understood-understood) v. 懂得,理解cartoon n.动画片,漫画Canadian adj. n.加拿大(人)的,加拿大人Alicia 艾丽西娅(女名)Russia n. 俄罗斯reply n.&v. 回答,答复competition n. 比赛,竞赛proud adj.自豪的,引以为荣的such adj.那么的,这样的letter n.字母exactly adv.确切地,精确地fact n.事实,真实的事物sentence n.句子quick adj.快的,迅速的* fox n.狐狸lazy adj.懒惰的* forwards (=forward) adv.向前* backwards (=backward) adv.向后,倒* therein adv.在那里,在其中even adv. 甚至,还,其实dig (dug dug) v.挖,掘* Teresa 特里萨(人名)* Hong Kong* storybook n.故事书magazine n.杂志newspaper n.报纸mistake n.错误silly adj.愚蠢的,傻的* Susan 珊(女名)oops int.哎哟,啊呀(摔倒或出小错时用) article n. 文章* opportunity n.机会knowledge n.知识,学问communicate v.交流connect v.连接,联结*pal n.伙伴,朋友* Jessica 杰西卡(男名)introduce v.介绍have a good talk 谈得很好Good for you! 干得好,好样的be proud of…为…感到骄傲in fact 事实上dig in 开始认真工作,钻研look up 查阅,查找enjoy oneself 玩得痛快,尽情享受in /after class 课上/下be afraid to do …害怕做……make a mistake /mistakes 犯(一个)错误laugh at 嘲笑,取笑right now 现在,目前a door to… 通向……的门communicate with…与……交流ask for 寻求帮助,要求得到help…(to)do 帮助……做…connect …with把……和…..联系起来play chess 下象棋try to do …努力做…….look forward to…期待冀教版七年级下Unit 6英语单词表strange adj.奇怪的,奇特的,不熟悉的notice v. n.注意到,看到;布告,启事* wild adj.怪异的,荒诞的,野生的wake (woke woken) v.醒* surprised adj. 感到惊讶的become (became become) v.变得,成为dark adj. & n.黑暗(的)* ski v.滑雪* snowball n.雪球research n. & v.研究,调查website n.hill n.山丘,小山ice n.冰* snowman n.雪人clear adj. 晴朗的,明亮的,清澈的temperature n.温度pie n.馅饼* clap v. & n.拍手,鼓掌* happily adv.幸福地,满足地* maple n.枫树* syrup n.糖浆* goose (pl. geese) n. (加拿大)雁,鹅* honk n.鹅(雁)声,汽车喇叭声cloud n.云wet adj.湿的* surfing n.冲浪运动* mate n.朋友,伙伴* Aaron 艾伦(女名)reach v.到达,达到degree n. 度数,度sea n.海洋,海* surfboard n.冲浪板popular adj.流行的,普及的* surfer n.冲浪者everywhere adv.到处,处处strawberry n. 草莓wake up 醒来go away 消失go swimming /skiing /skating 去游泳/滑雪/滑冰have snowball fights 打雪仗Good /Great work! 做得好wait for 等待do some research 做研究get …together召集……It is a great season for …这是……的好季节。