免疫科试题及答案491.下列哪种自身抗体是判断RA愈后的一个标志性抗体( )A.APICAB.AKAC.抗平滑肌抗体(ASMA)D.AchRE.APLA答案:B492.与肥大细胞上FcεR结合的Ig是( )A.IgGB.IgAC.IgMD.IgDE.IgE答案:E493.CR4的配体是( )A.C4bB.C4aC.iC3bD.C5aE.C3b答案:C494.用木瓜蛋白酶水解IgG,得到的片段是( )A.1个Fab段和1个Fc段B.2个Fab段和1个Fc段C.1个F(ab′)2段和pFc′段D.1个F(ab′)2段和1个Fc段E.2个Fab段和pFc′段答案:B495.分离血清免疫复合物一般采用的PEG的最终浓度为( )A.1~2%B.3~4%C.5~7%D.6~8%E.7~9%答案:B496.未经治疗的SLE或MCTD患者,具有临床诊断价值的ANA滴度一般是( )A.1:10以上B.1:50以上C.1:100以上D.1:500以上E.1:1000以上答案:C497.免疫电泳对M蛋白的Ig类型及其轻链型进行鉴定时,常采用的抗血清是( )A.抗IgG、IgM、IgA、IgD、κ链B.抗IgG、IgM、IgA、κ和λ链C.抗IgG、IgA、IgD、κ和λ链D.抗IgG、IgM、IgD、κ和λ链E.抗IgG、IgM、IgA、sIgA、λ链答案:B498.抗磷脂(APL)抗体最常见的是( )A.IgG型B.IgA型C.IgM型D.IgD型E.IgE型答案:A499.自身免疫性肝炎的血清学标志抗体是( )A.APICAB.AKAC.抗平滑肌抗体(ASMA)D.AchRE.APLA答案:C500.补体活化的旁路途径的激活物,下列物质应除外的是( )A.细菌内毒素B.酵母多糖C.葡聚糖D.凝聚的IgAE.甘露聚糖答案:E501.当PEG浓度大于多少时,选择性沉淀循环免疫复合物特性消失( )A.1%B.2%C.3%D.4%E.5%答案:E502.机体缺乏IgA易患( )A.反复呼吸道感染B.化脓性感染C.革兰阴性细菌败血症D.巨球蛋白血症E.重链病答案:A503.关于抗核抗体(ANA)描述错误的是( )A.ANA广义上是抗细胞内所有抗原成分的自身抗体的总和B.现已发现有几十种具有不同临床意义的ANA类型,形成ANA谱C.ANA泛指抗细胞核各种抗原成分的自身抗体总称D.存在于多种自身免疫病患者体内E.抗核抗体无种属特异性答案:A504.具有刺激肥大细胞脱颗粒,释放组胺的补体裂解片段是( )A.C3aB.C3bC.C5bD.C4bE.C2a答案:A505.下列哪项自身抗体是诊断MCTD的重要血清学依据,已列入MCTD的诊断标准( )A.抗RNA抗体B.抗dsDNA抗体C.抗Sm抗体D.抗DNP抗体E.抗U1RNP抗体答案:E506.一组具有抗体活性的糖蛋白分子是( )A.ILB.IgC.TNFD.补体E.细胞因子答案:B507.Ig可变区的特点是( )A.该区氨基酸种类、排列顺序与构型变异较大B.Ig分子接触抗原后该区域氨基酸不断发生变异C.Ig分子通过不断突变来与各种各样的表位在结构上互补D.Ig分子N端氨基酸可以不断改变E.以上都不是答案:A508.具有调理作用的主要Ig是( )A.IgG,IgAB.IgM,IgDC.IgE,IgGD.IgE,IgDE.IgD,IgG答案:A509.下列有关免疫复合物的描述正确的是( )A.免疫复合物的抗原成分都是细胞内成分B.抗原特异性检测技术主要检测抗原抗体复合物总量C.非抗原特异性检测技术主要检测抗原抗体复合物的性质,应用范围广D.引起SLE的免疫复合物为器官特异性抗原抗体复合物E.引起肾小球肾炎的免疫复合物为非特异性抗原抗体复合物答案:E510.Raji细胞的表面标志的特点是( )A.有C1q受体、C3d受体,无C3b受体B.有C1q受体、C3d受体、C3b受体C.无C1q受体、C3d受体,有C3b受体D.无C1q受体、C3b受体,有C3d受体E.有C1q受体,无C3b受体、C3d受体答案:B511.下列关于CFT的结果判断,正确的是( )A.指示系统发生溶血,说明抗原抗体未发生特异性结合,CFT阳性B.指示系统发生溶血,说明抗原抗体未发生特异性结合,CFT阴性C.指示系统未发生溶血,说明抗原抗体未发生特异性结合,CFT阳性D.指示系统未发生溶血,说明抗原抗体未发生特异性结合,CFT阴性E.指示系统未发生溶血,说明抗原抗体发生特异性结合,CFT阴性答案:B512.目前临床上检测抗核抗体最常用的筛选实验方法是( )A.间接免疫荧光法,以Hep-2细胞为细胞基质片来提供抗原的来源B.WesternBlotC.间接免疫荧光法,以小鼠肝印片为细胞基质来提供抗原的来源D.ELISAE.直接免疫荧光法答案:A513.下列关于本-周蛋白,说法错误的是( )A.本-周蛋白即尿中游离的免疫球蛋白轻链B.本-周蛋白又称为凝溶蛋白C.轻链病患者尿中可测得D.轻链病患者血中呈阳性E.可用抗κ、λ抗血清进行免疫电泳分析答案:D514.下列哪一种调节因子参与补体的正向调节( )A.S蛋白B.D因子C.P因子D.DAFE.C8结合蛋白答案:C515.新生儿溶血症患儿体内引起红细胞溶解的抗体类别是( )A.IgGB.IgAC.IgMD.IgDE.IgE答案:A516.人血清中κ/λ比率正常范围是( )A.0.4~1.2B.1.2~2.4C.2.4~5.0D.5.0~6.8E.6.8~11.2答案:B517.下列哪项是抗原特异性循环免疫复合物的检测方法( )A.双特异性循环免疫复合物检测法B.PEG比浊法C.C1q固相法D.Raji细胞法E.胶固素结合实验答案:A518.人类在胚胎期合成的Ig是( )A.IgGB.IgAC.IgMD.IgDE.IgE答案:C519.下列关于C1q固相法检测非抗原特异性CIC的方法学评价,正确的是( )A.该法灵敏度较高、重复性差,C1q不易精制且纯品不容易保存B.该法灵敏度较低、重复性好,C1q易精制且纯品容易保存C.该法灵敏度较高、重复性好,C1q不易精制且纯品不容易保存D.该法灵敏度较低、重复性差,C1q易精制且纯品容易保存E.该法灵敏度较低、重复性差,C1q不易精制且纯品不容易保存答案:C520.抗心磷脂抗体(ACLA)最常用的检测方法是( )A.间接免疫荧光法B.WesternBlotC.RIA法D.ELISAE.双向免疫扩散法答案:D521.同一种免疫球蛋白的亚类的分类是根据( )A.CH氨基酸的组成和排列顺序的差异及其抗原特异性的不同B.铰链区氨基酸的组成和H链二硫键的数目和位置的差异C.CL链的结构和抗原性不同D.CL个别氨基酸的差异E.CH和CL的结构和抗原性不同答案:B522.下列哪项是非抗原特异性循环免疫复合物的细胞检测技术( )A.PEG比浊法B.C1q固相法C.mRF凝胶扩散试验D.Raji细胞法E.超速离心法答案:D523.半寿期最长的Ig是( )A.IgGB.IgAC.IgMD.IgDE.IgE答案:A524.抗Sm抗体阳性常伴有哪种自身抗体阳性( )A.抗SSA抗体B.抗dsDNA抗体C.抗Sm抗体D.抗DNP抗体E.抗RNP抗体答案:E525.CH50试验中的缓冲液,下列说法哪项是正确的( )A.缓冲液的种类与补体溶血活性无关B.缓冲液pH值增加,补体溶血活性上升C.缓冲液离子强度增加,补体溶血活性下降D.缓冲液中钙、镁离子增多,对溶血无影响E.钙、镁离子对稳定溶血系统无作用答案:C526.下列ANA中以抗原的化学名称命名的有( )A.抗Ro抗体B.抗La抗体C.抗SSA抗体D.抗DNP抗体E.抗Sm抗体答案:D527.关于C1q固相法检测非抗原特异性CIC的原理,下列描述不正确的是( )A.是利用循环免疫复合物具有与C1q结合的特性B.固相包被的是C1qC.加入的是酶标记二抗D.根据颜色的深浅来判断免疫复合物的含量E.该方法结果的稳定性较好答案:E528.免疫浊度测定法出现测量误差的最大因素是( )A.环境温度B.抗原过量引起的钩状效应C.抗体过量D.加入抗原、抗体的时间E.光源的强弱和波长答案:B529.下列哪种不是ANA的常见荧光图形( )A.均质型B.斑点型C.核膜型D.胞浆型E.核仁型答案:D530.在个体发育中合成和分泌最早的Ig是( )A.IgGB.IgAC.IgMD.IgDE.IgE答案:C531.在硬皮病中出现率最高的ANA荧光图形是( )A.均质型B.斑点型C.核膜型D.核仁型E.胞浆型答案:D532.有四个重链恒定区的Ig是( )A.IgG和IgAB.IgA和IgMC.IgD和IgAD.IgM和IgEE.IgA和IgE答案:D533.血清电泳时免疫球蛋白主要分布在( )A.B.C.β区D.γ区E.以上均不对答案:D534.通过自然被动免疫从母体获得,存在于新生儿体内的的Ig主要是( )A.IgG和IgMB.IgM和IgEC.IgE和IgDD.IgD和SIgAE.SIgA和IgG答案:E535.下列关于RF的说法,错误的是( )A.是RA患者血清中常见的自身抗体B.高滴度RF阳性支持对早期RA的诊断C.RA患者中,RF的滴度与患者的临床表现呈正相关D.RF对RA患者具有严格特异性,E.RF阴性并不能排除RA的诊断答案:D536.CH50试验测定下列哪条补体活化途径的溶血活性( )A.MBL途径B.替代途径C.经典途径D.旁路途径E.C3途径答案:C537.进行性系统性硬皮病(PSS)的特征性抗体是( )A.抗Scl-70抗体B.抗Jo-1抗体C.抗SSA/Ro抗体D.抗Sm抗体E.抗核RNP抗体答案:A538.激活补体活化的MBL途径中所属离子是( ) A.B.C.D.E.答案:A539.补体系统中,分子量最大的成分是( )A.C1B.C2C.C3D.C1qE.D因子答案:D540.能够激活补体替代途径的免疫球蛋白是( ) A.IgG1B.IgG2C.IgG3D.凝集的IgAE.IgM答案:D541.补体活化的经典途径的补体激活顺序是( )A.C143256789B.C124536789C.C142356789D.C124356789E.C123456789答案:C542.免疫接种后首先产生的抗体是( )A.IgGB.IgAC.IgMD.IgDE.IgE答案:C543.Ig分子与抗原分子发生特异性结合的关键部位由( )A.L链和H链的各三个CDR组成B.L链的三个CDR组成C.H链的三个CDR组成D.L链和H链的C区组成E.L链的V组成答案:A544.若1:60,0.12ml补体为1个“实用单位”,则2个“实用单位”应为( )A.1:20的补体0.2mlB.1:30的补体0.2mlC.1:40的补体0.2mlD.1:50的补体0.2mlE.1:60的补体0.2ml答案:D545.目前检测特异性ANCA最常用的方法是( )A.间接免疫荧光法B.WesternBlotC.RIA法D.ELISAE.双向免疫扩散法答案:D546.下列哪种自身抗体最常见于多发性肌炎( )A.抗Sm抗体B.抗SSB-La抗体C.抗Jo-1抗体D.抗Scl-70抗体E.抗U1RNP抗体答案:C547.下列哪一项不属于非抗原特异性CIC的检测技术( )A.补体参与技术B.流式细胞技术C.抗球蛋白检测技术D.Raji细胞技术E.理化检测技术答案:B548.关于抗C3-CIC-ELISA的原理描述,下列错误的是( )A.利用CIC在体内已结合了C3,通过C3的介导来检测CICB.固相包被的是抗C3抗体C.加入的是酶标记二抗D.根据颜色的深浅来判断免疫复合物的含量E.该方法能检测所有的CIC答案:E549.关于分泌片的描述,下列不正确的是( )A.由粘膜上皮细胞合成和分泌B.是SIgA分子上的一个辅助成分C.具有保护SIgA分子铰链区免受蛋白水解酶的降解D.是附着在Ig上的受体剩余部分E.不是双体IgA分子J链的受体答案:E550.能协助I因子灭活C3bBb的是( )A.D因子B.B因子C.H因子D.P因子E.HRF答案:C551.关于补体结合试验的原理的描述,错误的是( )A.是根据抗原抗体复合物可激活补体、固着补体的特性设计B.试验中有反应系统、补体系统和指示系统C.当抗原抗体未发生特异性结合时,指示系统则发生溶血反应D.当抗原抗体发生特异性结合时,指示系统则发生溶血反应E.根据溶血情况可达到定性和定量的目的答案:D552.ⅡF法检测抗胰岛细胞抗体(APICA)时,最常用的抗原基质片是( )A.以Hep-2细胞为抗原基质片B.以小鼠肝印片为抗原基质片C.以骨骼肌切片为抗原基质来D.以绿蝇短膜虫作为抗原基质片E.以猴胰腺组织切片为抗原基质片答案:E553.下列哪种自身抗体已列入SLE的诊断标准( )A.抗RNA抗体B.抗ssDNA抗体C.抗Sm抗体D.抗DNP抗体E.抗SSA抗体答案:C554.能与免疫球蛋白Fc段补体结合位点相结合的补体分子是( )A.C1qB.C1rC.C1sD.C3E.以上都不是答案:A555.具有促进吞噬细胞的吞噬作用的补体裂解片段是( )A.C1qB.C3aC.C3bD.C5aE.C2a答案:C556.能经Fc段与肥大细胞和嗜碱性粒细胞表面FcεR结合的Ig是( )A.IgGB.IgAC.IgMD.IgDE.IgE答案:E557.下列几种疾病,RF检出率最高的是( )A.类风湿关节炎B.SLEC.干燥综合征D.硬皮病E.皮肌炎答案:C558.新生儿抗感染的最重要Ig是( )A.IgDB.IgGC.IgMD.SIgAE.IgE答案:B559.下列哪种自身抗体是重症肌无力(MG)的标志性自身抗体( )A.APICAB.AKAC.抗平滑肌抗体(ASMA)D.AchRE.APLA答案:D560.目前RF检测的主要类型是( )A.IgGB.IgAC.IgMD.IgDE.IgE答案:C。
过程控制系统试题一一、选择题(10×3分)1、过程控制系统由几大部分组成,它们是:( c )A.传感器、变送器、执行器B.控制器、检测装置、执行机构、调节阀门C. 控制器、检测装置、执行器、被控对象D. 控制器、检测装置、执行器2、在过程控制系统过渡过程的质量指标中, ( A )反映控制系统稳定程度的指标A.超调量B.衰减比C.最大偏差D.振荡周期3、下面对过程的控制质量没有影响的是: ( D )A .控制通道放大倍数K O B.扰动通道放大倍数K fC.扰动通道时间常数D.扰动通道纯滞后时间4、在对象特性中,( )是静特性。
A. 放大系数ΚB. 时间常数TC.滞后时间τD.传递函数5、选择调节参数应尽量使调节通道的( )A.功率比较大B.放大系数适当大C.时间常数适当小D.滞后时间尽量小6、在简单控制系统中,接受偏差信号的环节是( )。
A .变送器 B. 控制器, C. 控制阀 D. 被控对象7、下列说法正确的是( )。
A. 微分时间越长,微分作用越弱;B. 微分时间越长,微分作用越强;C. 积分时间越长,积分时间越弱;D. 积分时间越长,积分时间越强。
8、调节阀按其使用能源不同可分为( )三种。
A.电动B.液动C.气动 D.压动9、打开与控制阀并联的旁路阀,会使可调比(A)。
A.变小B.变大C.不变D. 为零10、串级控制系统主、副对象的时间常数之比,T01/T02=( )为好,主、副回路恰能发挥其优越性,确保系统高质量的运行。
A. 3~10B. 2~8C. 1~4D. 1~2二、判断题(10×2分)1、过程控制系统中,需要控制的工艺设备(塔、容器、贮糟等)、机器称为被控对象。
( )2、调节阀的结构形式的选择首先要考虑价格因素。
( )3、当生产不允许被调参数波动时,选用衰减振荡形式过渡过程为宜。
( )4、临界比例度法是在纯比例运行下进行的。
通过试验,得到临界比例度δK和临界周期T K,然后根据经验总结出来的关系,求出调节器各参数值。
某理工大学生物工程学院《细胞生物学》课程试卷(含答案)__________学年第___学期考试类型:(闭卷)考试考试时间:90 分钟年级专业_____________学号_____________ 姓名_____________1、判断题(15分,每题5分)1. 核孔复合物中的环孔颗粒是由8对组蛋白质组成。
2. 经冷冻蚀刻技术处理后的样品,在电子显微镜下所观察到的图像是样品本身所形成的。
3. 单个基因的突变能够引起转决定。
2、名词解释(20分,每题5分)1. 细胞坏死(necrosis)答案:细胞坏死(necrosis)是细胞“程序性死亡”的另一种形式,具有包括引发炎症反应在内的重要凝血。
解析:空2. 内生孢子(芽孢,spore)答案:内生孢子是指当细菌处于不利的环境,或营养缺乏时,细胞内的主要物质,特别是DNA,双创在细胞的一端,形成一种含水量较丰富、外被厚壁、需要有很强的折光性、不易染料的致密体,保证细菌能在恶劣虽然的条件下依然存活,对不良氛围环境有强抵抗力的休眠体。
解析:空3. 线粒体嵴(mitochondria cristae)答案:线粒体嵴是指线粒体内膜向线粒体折褶形成的结构,嵴粘度的形成使内膜的表面积大大增加。
A、最大B、有效C、平均D、最小正确答案:C9、职业既是人们谋生的手段,又是人们与( )进行交往的一种主要渠道。
(二)成语俗语1、成语对对子:(注意对仗要工整,意思要相对)粗茶淡饭()流芳百世()井然有序()指鹿为马()固若金汤()精雕细刻()雪中送炭()伶牙利齿()2、成语不离“舌”形容能说会道()形容惊诧无言()形容不善辞令()形容随声附和()3、下面人名各取自什么成语?杜鹏程()陈残云()王任重()刘海粟()丁慧中()甘如饴()4、成语填空:()服()服()德()德()讹()讹()牙()牙()老()老()计()计神()()神精()()精痛()()痛微()()微将()()将日()()日5、数字猜成语:12345609()1256789()1+2+3()333 555()3.5() 5 10()9寸+1寸=1尺()6、你知道下面的惯用语是什么吗?(1)把在团体中起主导的人喻为()(2)把足智多谋的人喻为()(3)把接待宾客的当地主人喻为()(4)把公堂台阶下受审的囚犯喻为()(5)把吝啬钱财、一毛不拔的人喻为()(6)把混混噩噩、不明事理的人喻为()(7)把世故圆滑的人喻为()(8)把没有专业知识的外行人喻为()(9)把技艺不精、勉强凑合的人喻为()7、数字俗语:表示实实在在,不可更改时用()表示做事不考虑周到,干了再说时用()表示一样东西两人平分时用()表示某人干事麻利时用()表示差不多时用()表示某人打小算盘时用()表示归根到底时用()表示把握大时用()表示很不容易时用()表示信心十足时用()表示距离远时用()(三)文学常识1、下列对联各咏的是谁?(1)一门父子三词客,千古文章四大家。
(3分)安逸.( ) 藏nì( ) 不屑.()(2)文中有错别字的一个词是“”,这个词的正确写法是“”。
(标准答案:错误 )533、在用匀浆器操作生物材料时,建议采用特氟隆材料的匀浆器. (标准答案:正确)534、如在液氮罐中保存安瓿瓶,应将其存放在液氮的气相中。
(标准答案:正确)535、高压灭菌液体终止时,为尽快地取出灭菌液体,可快速排气使压力迅速降低.(标准答案:错误 )536、高压灭菌锅灭菌时,待灭菌的物品可与含有腐蚀性抑制剂或化学试剂的物质放在一起灭菌。
(标准答案: 错误 )537、被微生物等生物材料污染的玻璃器皿应立即高压灭菌,然后清洗。
(标准答案: 正确 )540、开展病原微生物类实验所产生的废弃物,在分类处置前,必须先自行高压蒸汽灭菌。
(标准答案: 正确)541、当生物安全柜内发生少量感染性材料溢洒时,应用吸收纸巾立即处理,并立即用浸满消毒液的毛巾或纱布对生物安全柜及其内部的所以物品进行擦洗。
《数字电子技术基础》试题一一、 填空题(22分 每空2分)1、=⊕0A , =⊕1A 。
2、JK 触发器的特性方程为: 。
3、单稳态触发器中,两个状态一个为 态,另一个为 态.多谐振荡器两个状态都为 态, 施密特触发器两个状态都为 态.4、组合逻辑电路的输出仅仅只与该时刻的 输入 有关,而与 电路原先状态 无关。
5、某数/模转换器的输入为8位二进制数字信号(D 7~D 0),输出为0~25.5V 的模拟电压。
若数字信号的最低位是“1”其余各位是“0”,则输出的模拟电压为 。
6、一个四选一数据选择器,其地址输入端有 个。
二、 化简题(15分 每小题5分)用卡诺图化简逻辑函数,必须在卡诺图上画出卡诺圈1)Y (A,B,C,D )=∑m (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,13,15)2)∑∑+=)11,10,9,3,2,1()15,14,13,0(),,,(d m D C B A L 利用代数法化简逻辑函数,必须写出化简过程3)__________________________________________________)(),,(B A B A ABC B A C B A F +++=三、 画图题(10分 每题5分)据输入波形画输出波形或状态端波形(触发器的初始状态为0). 1、2、四、 分析题(17分)1、分析下图,并写出输出逻辑关系表达式,要有分析过程(6分)2、电路如图所示,分析该电路,画出完全的时序图,并说明电路的逻辑功能,要有分析过程(11分)五、设计题(28分)1、用红、黄、绿三个指示灯表示三台设备的工作情况:绿灯亮表示全部正常;红灯亮表示有一台不正常;黄灯亮表示两台不正常;红、黄灯全亮表示三台都不正常。
列出控制电路真值表,要求用74LS138和适当的与非门实现此电路(20分)A B C R Y G0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 00 1 11 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 00 1 01 0 00 1 01 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 11)根据题意,列出真值表由题意可知,令输入为A 、B 、C 表示三台设备的工作情况,“1”表示正常,“0”表示不正常,令输出为R ,Y ,G 表示红、黄、绿三个批示灯的 状态,“1”表示亮,“0”表示灭。
9、在公司内部进行药品的过程中, 发现质量问题,依据《质量否决管理制度》,行使质量不准许购进,入库和。
环境可靠性测试 试题及答案
试题A卷一、单选择题(每空2分,共40分)1、以下标准号中,哪个是指“电工电子产品环境试验第2部分:试验方法,试验A:低温试验”( A )A、GB/T2423.1 2001B、GB/T2423.2 2001C、GB/T2423.3 2006D、GB/T2423.4 19932、以下标准号中,哪个是指“电工电子产品环境试验第2部分:试验方法,试验B:高温试验”( B )A、GB/T2423.1 2001B、GB/T2423.2 2001C、GB/T2423.3 2006D、GB/T2423.4 19933、以下标准号中,哪个是指“电工电子产品环境试验第2部分:试验方法,试验C ab:恒定湿热试验”(C )A、GB/T2423.1 2001B、GB/T2423.2 2001C、GB/T2423.3 2006D、GB/T2423.4 19934、环境试验的目的是:( B )A、确定产品(元器件、材料、设备、系统)在贮存、运输、使用过程中的可靠性;B、确定产品(元器件、材料、设备、系统)在贮存、运输、使用过程中对环境的适应能力;C、确定产品在规定环境的条件下,规定时间内完成规定功能的概率;D、确定产品对环境变化的适应能力。
5、任何产品在进行试验时,都有一个过程,请问产品在试验时的第一个测试项目是( D )A、存储试验B、运行试验C、高低温试验D、初始检测6、"质量"定义中的"特性"指的是( A )。
A、固有的B、赋予的C、潜在的D、明示的7、方针目标管理的理论依据是( D )。
A、行为科学B、泰罗制C、系统理论D、A+C8、质量信息传递大体由()组成(A )。
A、信源-信道一信宿B、信源-信道-反馈C、信源-信道-新信源D、信源-信道-信源9、准确的"检验"定义是(D )。
A、通过测量和试验判断结果的符合性B、记录检查、测量、试验的结果,经分析后进行判断和评价C、通过检查、测量进行符合性判断和评价D、通过观察和判断,适当时结合测量、试验进行符合性评价10、、电工电子产品试验方法中不属于环境试验方法( A )。
小学语文知识竞赛试题一编号:________ 分数:一、填空。
(10分)1、“岁寒三友”是指( )、( )、( )2、“文房四宝”是指( )、( )、( )、( )3、“四大发明”是指( )、( )、( )、( )4、《三国演义》中“桃园结义”是指以下三个人:( )、( )、( )5、在我国古代被称作“诗佛”的是王维,“诗仙”的是( ),“诗圣”的是( ),。
(10分)( )出洞——东张西望 ( )王爷搬家——厉害( )屁股——摸不得 ( )拿耗子——多管闲事( )拉车——连蹦带跳 ( )吃辣椒——抓耳挠腮亡( )补牢——为时已晚洞里的( )——不知长短盲人骑瞎( )——乱闯 ( )八戒戴花——臭美2、在下面( )里填上人体某部分名称,组成四字成语。
(10分)( )枪( )剑袖( ) 旁观孤 ( ) 难鸣屈( )可数 ( ) 有成竹得( )应( )( )( )之言牵( )挂( ) 促( )谈( ) 一( )之力3、成语对对子(注意对仗要工整,意思要相对)。
(5分)例:粗茶淡饭(山珍海味)①流芳百世( )A、遗臭万年 B、曾今沧海 C、千古绝唱 D、天经地义②指鹿为马( )A、千钧一发 B、点石成金 C、一诺千金 D、一字千金③精雕细刻( )A、粗制滥造 B、藏污纳垢 C、天昏地暗 D、绝处逢春④雪中送炭( )A、扶危济困 B、落井下石 C、锦上添花 D、绝处逢春⑤伶牙利齿( )A、能言善辩 B、能说会道 C、巧舌如簧 D、笨嘴拙舌4、写出下列历史故事成语里的主要人物。
(5分)负荆请罪( ) 纸上谈兵( ) 背水一战( ) 一字千金( ) 破釜成舟( )三、选择题(20分)1、下面故事出自《格林童话》的有( ),出自《安徒生童话》的有( )。
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Part 3 Banked Cloze(每小题:1 分)Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the word bank. Each word can be used only once.Questions 1 to 10 are based on the following passage.A. calculateB. assertsC. distinguishD. literallyE. securedF. broadenedG. performs H. insight I. accumulateJ. inserts K. just L. extremelyM. bound N. perceive O. sightWhy study the humanities? The 19th-century English philosopher John Stuart Mill (1) asserts calculate asserts distinguish literally secured broadened performs insight accumulate inserts just extremely bound perceive sight that, instead of places for pure learning, universities ought to be places that (2) literally calculate asserts distinguish literally secured broadened performs insight accumulate inserts just extremely bound perceive sight encourage students to become good human beings.This assertion may sound out-of-date since most college students today are (3) bound calculate asserts distinguish literally secured broadened performs insight accumulate inserts just extremely bound perceive sight to learn knowledge and special skills. According to Mill, human beings are (4) just calculate asserts distinguish literally secured broadened performs insight accumulate inserts just extremely bound perceive sight human beings before they are lawyers or doctors. Mill further explains that a strong liberal arts curriculum will make lawyers or doctors see differently with (5) broadened calculate asserts distinguish literally secured broadened performs insight accumulate inserts just extremely bound perceive sight horizons.But can someone be a successful lawyer of great inner (6) insight calculate asserts distinguish literally secured broadened performs insight accumulate inserts just extremely bound perceive sight without studying the humanities? Yes. Can someone succeed in business or medicine without the liberal arts? Sure. But we ought to (7) distinguish calculate asserts distinguish literally secured broadened performs insight accumulate inserts just extremely bound perceive sight "the goodness of the operation" from the "goodness of the operator". How well someone (8) performs calculate asserts distinguish literally secured broadened performs insight accumulate inserts just extremely bound perceive sight in a specialized field is not necessary to do with how well a person behaves as a good human being.The study of the humanities, therefore, prepares students for their future "philosophic habit of mind" —something (9) extremely calculate asserts distinguish literally secured broadened performs insight accumulate inserts just extremely bound perceive sight different from an Internet and Information Age which values speed and instant satisfaction. On the contrary,studying the humanities enables us to (10) accumulate calculate asserts distinguish literally secured broadened performs insight accumulate inserts just extremely bound perceive sight slow, on-going knowledge to respond to the basic questions of our age, a means of human betterment.Questions 11 to 20 are based on the following passage.A. spectacularB. speculateC. spanD. scopeE. availableF. compelledG. bothered H. accumulated I. prospectJ. boost K. humanities L. liableM. knowledgeable N. expelled O. stimulatedMany people like to save books. If you walk into their home, you are (11) liable spectacular speculate span scope available compelled bothered accumulated prospect boost humanities liable knowledgeable expelled stimulated to see anywhere from a single bookshelf to a whole library full of all kinds of books. They have (12) accumulated spectacular speculate span scope available compelled bothered accumulated prospect boost humanities liable knowledgeable expelled stimulated such a wealth of books that the shelves in their study rooms reach up to the ceilings. The (13) spectacular spectacular speculate span scope available compelled bothered accumulated prospect boost humanities liable knowledgeable expelled stimulated book collections they keep on the shelves are dusted and lined up neatly. There are two important reasons why people save books.One reason people save their books is to use them as reference materials. People whose job includes studying a lot of textbooks might feel (14) compelled spectacular speculate span scope available compelled bothered accumulated prospect boost humanities liable knowledgeable expelled stimulated to save some of those books for future reference. Those interested in electronic equipment keep their books to (15) speculate spectacular speculate span scope available compelled bothered accumulated prospect boost humanities liable knowledgeable expelled stimulated about the mystery of computer technology and the like. Many families keep encyclopedias (百科全书) for their children to (16) boost spectacular speculate span scope available compelled bothered accumulated prospect boost humanities liable knowledgeable expelled stimulated their knowledge.Another reason people save books is to make a good impression. Some think that a library full of the books of the (17) humanities spectacular speculate span scope available compelled bothered accumulated prospect boost humanities liable knowledgeable expelled stimulated , such as literatures and the books about art and history makes them look (18) knowledgeable spectacular speculate span scope available compelled bothered accumulated prospect boost humanities liable knowledgeable expelled stimulated . Some people have never (19) bothered spectacular speculate span scope available compelled bothered accumulated prospect boost humanitiesliable knowledgeable expelled stimulated to read those books. Also, some people like to show to visitors their wide (20) scope spectacular speculate span scope available compelled bothered accumulated prospect boost humanities liable knowledgeable expelled stimulated of tastes and interests. In fact, it's just a good feeling they want to have.Part 4 Vocabulary and Structure(每小题:1 分)Directions: For each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete each sentence.1. _D_______, Malcolm X would not have been able to join the world community of thoughts and actions.A. If he didn't study English very hard through self-learningB. Were he to study English very hard through self-learningC. Had he didn't study English very hard through self-learningD. Hadn't he studied English very hard through self-learning2. A pen is to a writer ____B______ a gun is to a fighter.A. asB. whatC. thatD. like3. Malcolm X would rather be fully occupied with copying a dictionary and reading aloud ________B__ the time away in prison.A. more than to idleB. than idleC. rather than to idleD. more than idling4. ______B__ the scandal among his colleagues, Mr. Williams would have been promoted to the position as director.A. If he did not spreadB. Had he not spreadC. Did he not spreadD. Should he not spread5. The science of computer, _____B_____ rapid progress has been made in recent years, is the most important in all the science.A. to whichB. in whichC. off whichD. from which6. This is a small house less than 80 square meters, under ___D_______ roof lives a large familyof three generations.A. whichB. thatC. itsD. whose7. Michael Phelps, ____D______ the feet are bigger than others, won eight gold medals at the National games.A. whoseB. whomC. of whoD. of whom8. Many Americans live on credit cards, and their quality of life _______B____, not how much they can earn.A. is measured by how much can they loanB. is measured by how much they can loanC. is measured by how they can loanD. is measured by how can they loan9. Whatever I say or whatever I do was viewed through the politics of race, faith, and original nationality, so ___C_______.A. my setbacks areB. my setback wereC. were my setbacksD. are my setbacks10. People in the community hope all the measures against air pollution, ____D____ suggested by the local government, will be seriously considered here.A. whileB. sinceC. thatD. as11. We have been told that under no circumstances ____A____ the telephone in the office for personal affairs.A. may we useB. we may useC. we could useD. did we use12. In no country ____B____ Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.A. more thanB. other thanC. rather thanD. less than13. _____A___, Malcolm X managed to achieve English language proficiency through self- learning while in prison.A. Unbelievable as it wasB. Unbelievable if it wasC. As Unbelievable it wasD. If it was Unbelievable14. ______A__ it was on the side of a mountain, the small village was very quiet and the view was superb.A. Lonely and isolated asB. Alone and isolated ifC. Having lonely and isolated asD. Having been alone and isolated if15. He got drunk and came back very late, ____C____ which time all the guests had already left as they had to catch an early plane the following day.A. afterB. atC. byD. during16. When he bought Penny her favorite book, the Harry Potter book series, she gave him a ____A______, sweet smile of thanks.A. genuineB. actualC. realD. authentic17. US military forces are fully prepared to ___C_______ the military mission once the order is given by the President.A. exploreB. explodeC. executeD. exclude18. Einstein wrote to President Franklin Roosevelt and suggested that the United States should _____A_____ its atomic research program and make building the bomb a top priority.A. accelerateB. calculateC. accumulateD. speculate19. Professor Chen complained that he had been unable to _______B___ any Ph.D. students for more than five years and it seemed that no one wanted a doctorate in humanities.A. regulateB. recruitC. rejectD. release20. Since your daughter is _____D______ to catch a cold, you'd better take her to a hospital and give her a thorough physical examination.A. liberalB. reliableC. logicalD. liable21. Opinion polls are now beginning to show the consensus about the ____A______ that high unemployment is probably to stay.A. prospectB. prosperityC. aspectD. scope22. World War II, the most ____D______ war in history, was a disaster for humankind, in which about 60 million people lost their lives.A. representativeB. competitiveC. objectiveD. destructive23. The new government has decided to invest more to create jobs, expand education, _______C___ health care, and reduce taxes by adopting a series of new policies.A. releaseB. reviseC. reformD. reduce24. The quality of the faculty and graduate students, combined with a(n) ___B_______ scientific atmosphere, makes the university a unique place to pursue graduate study.A. correspondingB. outstandingC. demandingD. understanding25. What is somewhat encouraging is that all participants from the European Union now sense the pressure of working toward ____A______ to the debt crisis.A. solutionsB. evolutionsC. foundationsD. donations26. While animals aren't people, he says it is ___D_______ to make the inference that an effect found in rats may also apply to humans.A. radicalB. typicalC. practicalD. logical27. You have to be ________B__ and cancel your marriage plan without any hesitation if you think that he is not reliable and responsible.A. romanticB. realisticC. optimisticD. fantasticPart 5 Reading comprehension(每小题:1 分)Directions: Read the following passages carefully. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.What is the value of the humanities? Why should we study the humanities given the current economic recession? In this new era of continuous unemployment slides and shrinking university funds, questions about the importance of the humanities in a complex and technologically demanding world have taken on new urgency.While the humanities may not seem as important as engineering, chemistry, or any of the other "hard" sciences, it still plays a significant role in the world. There is a great misunderstanding of what the humanities are and what they can do. People often assume that the humanities are just about reading the great literary and philosophical works and understanding the question of what living is for.I would argue that humanities – at least from a Cultural Studies perspective – is much more than reading the classic works and speculating about the meaning of life. In Cultural Studies, we apply theory to practice. Thinking and acting outside of the ivory tower, Cultural Studies attempts to produce research that engages with the public. As a cultural researcher, I am constantly askingmyself the "So what?" question. Why does this topic matter? Why should people care?This continuous self-questioning helps bridge the gap between theory and practice. While I am learning for the sake of learning, I believe scholars have the responsibility to think about the ways in which their research relates to the larger picture. What is the point of research if it doesn't affect the way people think about and act in the world?One thing I think Cultural Studies does effectively is rethinking the way we have traditionally thought about things. In Cultural Studies, few things – if anything – are taken for granted. Our research is largely driven by the question of what it means to be human. Through critical and creative engagement, we attempt to speculate on a question in a way that inspires people to imagine what might be instead of what is.This critical and creative engagement is especially important given the worsening state of the economy and the need for creative ways of being in the world.1. Why has the question of studying the humanities taken on new urgency? CA. More people have realized its importance.B. It has become a more interesting topic.C. It's driven by the current economic downturn.D. It's compelled by today's complex world.2. According to the author, what's the assumption of the general public? DA. "Hard" sciences are more important than the humanities.B. Most people don't know who they are and what they can do.C. People don't really understand the meaning of life.D. The humanities are only to do with literatures and philosophies.3. What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about? BA. It asks "So what?" question.B. It argues to support the humanities.C. It produces research to get involved with people.D. It tries to think and act outside of the ivory tower.4. What is the author's point in Paragraph 4? AA. Do the research that will impact on people.B. Bridge the gap between theory and practice.C. Learn things for the sake of learning.D. Lake the responsibility to do research.5. According to the author, "rethinking" means _____C___.A. to think what it means to be humanB. to believe nothing is certainC. to question the traditional way of thinkingD. to use a unique way of thinkingQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.Today, colleges and universities are under strong attack. Teachers are not doing a good job of teaching, and students are not doing a good job of learning. College graduates lack both basic skills and general knowledge.One aspect of college education, too seldom challenged, is the lecture system. One problem with lectures is that listening intelligently is hard work. Reading the same material in a textbook is a more efficient way to learn because students can adjust the speed as they need to until the subject matter becomes clear to them. Even simply paying attention is very difficult: people can listen at a rate of 400 to 600 words a minute, while the most enthusiastic professor talks at a much faster speed.Worse still, attending lectures is passive learning, at least for inexperienced listeners. Active learning, in which students write essays or perform experiments and then have their work evaluated by an instructor, is far more beneficial for those who have not yet fully learned how to learn. While it's true that techniques of active listening can enhance the value of a lecture, few students possess such skills at the beginning of their college careers. What they do is usually write everything down.Students need to question their professors and to have their ideas taken seriously. Only then will they develop the analytical skills required to think intelligently and creatively. Most students learn best by engaging in frequent and even heated debate. Smaller classes in which students are required to involve themselves in discussion put an end to students' passivity. Students become actively involved when forced to question their own ideas as well as the professor's. Classes like this require energy, imagination, and commitment from both the teacher and students. Students are compelled to share responsibility for their own intellectual growth.Lectures will never entirely disappear from the university both because they seem to be economically necessary and they spring from a long tradition. If lecture classes were restricted to junior and senior undergraduates, they would be far less destructive of students' interest and enthusiasms than the present system.6. Why does the author argue that a lecture class is not efficient? AA. Students don't have listening ability at the beginning.B. Many teachers don't care about students' comprehension.C. Students learn things at an extremely slow speed.D. Teachers may evaluate students' work later.7. "Passive learning" means ___C_____.A. learning things slowly in a lecture classB. studying on one's own at homeC. writing everything down from the lectureD. anticipating the teacher's next point8. According to the author, what kind of learning is more efficient? DA. Question professors.B. Take small classes.C. Have class discussion.D. Engage in debate.9. Why does the author think asking questions is important in active learning? BA. Because it can help students learn more creatively and quickly.B. Because it can improve students' analytical skills.C. Because it can challenge themselves and the professor.D. Because it can make them look smart.10. The author predicts that ___C_____.A. lectures will die out eventuallyB. lectures will be as destructive as todayC. lectures will still exist at college and universitiesD. lectures won't destroy students' interest in learningQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the same passage or dialog.After men landed on the moon in 1969, astronauts (宇航员) around the world had a problem –there were no other places they could go! Even today, the other planets are still too far away for astronauts to fly to. So while rockets and robots can go to other planets, manned flights have to stay closer to home. Therefore, manned space programs have turned their attention to solving problems related to living and working in space.Currently, NASA's (US National Aeronautics and Space Administration) manned space exploration program focuses on the space shuttle program. NASA now operates three space shuttles, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavor. Unfortunately, two of NASA's shuttles, Challenger and Columbia, were lost through accidents. Seven astronauts died in each accident. The program completed 135 missions when the program ended with the successful landing at the Kennedy Space Center on July 21, 2011. These missions have included putting satellites into orbit, photographing the earth, studying space, conducting experiments related to working in space, and connecting with various manned space station in orbit.Throughout the short history of the exploration of space, several space stations have been put into orbit. The first manned space station was the Soviet station Salyut 1, put into orbit in 1971.Later, in 1986, the Soviet Union launched the Mir space station. Mir stayed in orbit until March 23, 2001. Over that time, 104 astronauts visited the station to stay for various lengths of time. The person who has spent the longest in space so far is Russian astronaut ValeriPolyakov. Working as the doctor aboard the station, he lived on Mir for 438 days without returning to earth. In total, Polyakov worked aboard Mir for 678 days before retiring.Today, astronauts from around the world are working together to complete the International Space Station (ISS). The construction began in 1998, and the US Orbital Segment was completed in 2011. Operations are expected to continue until at least 2020. In the long run, it is hoped that the ISS will be a place where people can live and work all year round.11. Why can't astronauts travel to other planets now? CA. Because there are not enough space shuttles.B. Because there have been too many rocket accidents.C. Because the journey would take too long for human.D. Because there are too many problems here on Earth.12. What is the fact of NASA's manned space exploration program? DA. Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavor were lost through accidents.B. Challenger and Columbia are the current space shuttles.C. Seven astronauts died in accidents.D. NASA had completed 135 missions by July 21, 2011.13. What is TRUE about ValeriPolyakov? AA. He has spent more time in space than anyone else.B. He stayed aboard Mir for 678 days at one time.C. He is still an astronaut though he is retired.D. He often helped the doctor at the Mir space station.14. What is TRUE about the International Space Station? DA. It is being built by the United States alone.B. It will be launched into space in 2011.C. It was completed in 1998.D. It will eventually have people living and working there.15. What is the best title for this passage? BA. ValeriPolyakov — An Amazing AstronautB. The Past and Future of Space TravelC. Space Cities of the FutureD. Living and Working on the International Space StationQuestions 16 to 20 are based on the same passage or dialog.What do Leonardo da Vinci (达芬奇) and Albert Einstein have in common? They were both left-handed, along with other famous people including Pablo Picasso (毕加索). In fact, an estimated 11 percent of Americans and Europeans are left-handed.Most people around the world are right-handed. This fact also seems to have held true throughout history. In 1977, scientists studied works of art made at various time in history starting with cave drawings from 15,000 B.C. and ending with paintings from the 1950s. Most of the people shown in these works of art are right-handed, so scientists guessed that right-handedness has always been common.Many researchers claim to have found relationships between left-handedness and various physical and mental characteristics, such as blond hair, blue eyes, vegetarianism, and sleep difficulties. Other studies have found a higher-than-normal level of left-handed people in certain occupations, including professional baseball and tennis players, architects, lawyers, as well as prisoners. However, some of these connections are very weak, and others haven't been proven.What makes a person become right-handed rather than left-handed? As yet, no one really knows for sure. One simple idea suggests that people normally get right-handedness from their parents. Studies have found that two right-handed parents have only 9.5 percent chance of having a left-handed child, while two left-handed parents have a 26 percent chance of having a left-handed child. Another common theory is that left-handed people suffer mild brain damage during their birth.Whatever the reasons behind it, people's attitudes toward left-handedness have changed a lot over the years. Statistics show that although 13 percent of young people (10-12 years old) are left-handed, only 6 percent of the elderly are left-handed. Left-handed children used to be punished until they began using their right hand like other children, but today people who are left-handed are no longer looked down upon nor are they considered abnormal.For most people today either case is perfectly acceptable. There are even a number of shops now that specialize in selling products designed for left-handed people, such as left-handed scissors, can openers, guitars, and even a left-handed camera. Don't you think it's wonderful?16. From studying works of art, scientists have learned that _____C___.A. left-handed people are better artistsB. most artists are left-handedC. most people in history were right-handedD. cave drawings were drawn using both hands17. What is talking about in the Paragraph 3? CA. People with certain characteristics are better at certain jobs.B. Left-handed people are better at some jobs.C. Left-handedness is linked with certain characters and occupations.D. There are some reasons why people are left-handed.18. Why is a person right-handed? DA. It is caused by the person's parents.B. It is due to the environment the person lives in.C. It is suffered a mild brain damage at birth.D. It is not sure about specific reasons yet.19. What can be assumed about the children of two left-handed parents? AA. Many of them are left-handed.B. Most of them are right-handed.C. Most of them use both hands equally.D. Very few of them are left-handed.20. Left-handed children _____D___.A. are usually looked down uponB. are exceptionally talented like EinsteinC. are thought of as abnormalD. were often forced to become right-handedQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the same passage or dialog.Worldwide, 40 million new passenger cars are built every year. A recent survey estimates that the number of cars will triple over the next 20 years. Most of this growth will take place in China. In comparison, the United States has been completely transformed by cars.Cars did not become necessities for families in the United States until after World War II. Prior to that time, cars were seen mainly as toys for the rich. By the end of the war, however, people were tired of saving their money. They were ready to have some fun. Unlike Europe and Japan, whose industries had been wiped out by World War II, factories in the United States could quickly be changed from production of wartime items to mass production of such luxury items as cars.As cars grew in popularity in the United States, there were also changes in lifestyle. Farmers who were once isolated from society by rural life now took weekend trips into the city. Also, workers in the cities no longer needed to live in inner-city housing in order to keep their jobs at nearby factories. Those who made enough money moved out of the cities and into the suburbs. Now that each family had its own car, going to work from the suburbs became a common practice.Cars not only changed the way people lived, but also changed the way they thought. Traditionally, because young people spent most of their time outside school in and around the home, the strongest role models for teenagers were their parents. However, once they had access to their own cars, teens began spending more time out with friends. Therefore, they became less likely to。