一组针对Tg不同抗原决定簇的多克隆抗体 认为TgAb对甲状腺无损伤作用 Tg和TgAb均是高度异质性的,测定方法的标准化极其 困难 测定方法经历与TPOAb相似的改进,敏感性显著增高
血清FT4和FT3测定敏感性和特异性较好,稳定性较差 , 目前临床应用的任何一种检测方法都未能完全准确地反 映真正的游离激素水平。疾病影响:血清TBG明显异常、家族性异常白蛋白血症、内源性T4 抗体及某些NTI(如肾衰)等药物影响:胺碘酮、肝素等 FT4↑ 苯妥英钠、利福平等 FT4↓ TT4、TT3测定仍是判断甲状腺功能的主要指标
测定TRAb(指TBII)采用放射受体分析法(RRA),为目前 大多数临床实验室常规检测的项目 测定TSAb和TSBAb采用生物分析法,通常仅用于研究 工作 检测方法的敏感性、特异性均不够理想 预测Graves病缓解的敏感性和特异性均不高
①有助于初发Graves病及“甲状腺功能正常的Graves眼病”的诊断。②对预测抗甲状腺药物治疗后甲亢复发有一定意义,抗体阳性者预测复发的特异性和敏感性为50%,抗体阴性的预测意义不大。 ③对于有Graves病或病史的妊娠妇女,有助于预测胎儿或新生儿甲亢的可能性。
T4、 T3标准值
目前大多数临床实验室测定FT4和FT3所采用方法(免疫测定或指数法)并非直接测定游离激素,测定结果仍受甲状腺激素结合蛋白浓度的影响,称为“游离激素估计值”更为合适即FT4E和FT3E蛋白质浓度高时 FT4E过高估计FT4蛋白质浓度低时 FT4E过低估计FT4
T4、 T3标准值
正常成人血清 FT4为9~25 pmol/L(0.7~1.9 ng/dL) FT3为2.1~5.4 pmol/L(0.14~0.35ng/dL) (不同方法及实验室差异较大)测定方法 将游离型激素与结合型激素进行物理分离后 高敏免疫测定被认为是本测定的金标准, 仅少数实验室能完成,一般仅用作制定参考值 目前尚无可行的测定FT4的标准参照方法
常用P沟道场效应管大全AO P沟道场效应管系列:AO3401,3401 AO SOT-23 P场 -30V -4.2AAO3403L,AO3403,3403 AO SOT-23 P场 -30V -2.6A AO3407,3407 AO SOT-23 P场 -30V -4.1AAO3409,3409 AO SOT-23 P场 -30V -2.6AAO3413L,AO3413,3413 AO SOT-23 P场 -20V -3A AO3415,3415 AO SOT-23 P场 -20V -4AAO3419,3419 AO SOT-23 P场 -20V -3.5AAO4401,4401 AO SOP-8 P场 -30V -6.1AAO4403,4403 AO SOP-8 P场 -30V -6.1AAO4405,4405 AO SOP-8 P场 -30V -6AAO4407,4407 AO SOP-8 P场 -30V -12AAO4411,4411 AO SOP-8 P场 -30V -8AAO4413,4413 AO SOP-8 P场 -30V -15AAO4415,4415 AO SOP-8 P场 -30V -8AAO4419,4419 AO SOP-8 P场 -30V -9.7AAO4423L,AO4423,4423 AO SOP-8 P场 -30V -15A AO4425,4425 AO SOP-8 P场 -38V -14AAO4429,4429 AO SOP-8 P场 -30V -15AAO4433L,AO4433,4433 AO SOP-8 P场 -30V -11A AO4437,4437 AO SOP-8 P场 -12V -11AAO4701L,AO4701,4701 AO SOP-8 P场 -30V -5AAO6401,6401 AO TSOP-6 P场 -30V -5AAO6405,6405 AO TSOP-6 P场 -30V -5AAO6409,6409 AO TSOP-6 P场 -20V -5AAO6419,6419 AO TSOP-6 P场 -30V -5AAO6701L,AO6701,6701 AO TSOP-6 P场 -30V -2.3AAO7401L,AO7401,7401 AO SOT-323 P场 -30V -1.2AAOD403,D403 AO SOT-252 P场 -30V -85AAOD405,D405 AO SOT-252 P场 -30V -18AAOD407,D407 AO SOT-252 P场 -60V -12AAOD409,D409 AO SOT-252 P场 -60V -26AAOU401,U401 AO TO-251 P场 -60V -20AAOU417,U417 AO TO-251 P场 -30V -18AAP/富鼎 P沟道场效应管系列:AP40P03GH,AP40P03,40P03GH,40P03,SOT-252,AP/富鼎,05NPB,SMD/MOS,-30V,-30A,0.028ΩAP4435M,AP4435M,4435M AP/富鼎 SOP-8 P场 -30V -8AAP9575H,AP9575,9575H AP/富鼎 SOT-252 P场 -60V -15AAP6679H,AP6679,6679H AP/富鼎 SOT-252 P场 -30V -75AAP9563H,AP9563,9563H AP/富鼎 SOT-252 P场 -40V -2.6A AP6679P,AP6679P,6679P AP/富鼎 TO-220 P场 -30V -75AAP20P02GJ,AP20P02,20P02GJ AP/富鼎 TO-251 P场 -20V -18ACET/华瑞 P沟道场效应管系列:CEB05P03,05P03 CET/华瑞 SOT-263 P场 -30V -5A FAIRCHILD/仙童 P沟道场效应管系列:NDB6030PL,SOT-263,FAIRCHILD,SMD/MOS,P场,-30V,-30A,0.025Ω NDB6020P,SOT-263,FAIRCHILD,SMD/MOS,P场,-20V,-24A,0.05ΩFDR838P SOP-8 FAIRCHILD SMD/MOS P场 -20V -8A 0.017ΩFDR838 SOP-8 FAIRCHILD SMD/MOS P场 -20V -8A 0.017Ω838P SOP-8 FAIRCHILD SMD/MOS P场 -20V -8A 0.017ΩFDS4435 FAIRCHILD SOP-8 P场 -30V -9AFDS6685 FAIRCHILD SOP-8 P场 -30V -8.8ANDS8435 FAIRCHILD SOP-8 P场 0 0NDS9435A,NDS9435 FAIRCHILD SOP-8 P场 -30V -5.3A FDN336P,FDN336 FAIRCHILD SOT-23 P场 -30V -1.3AFDN340P,FDN340 FAIRCHILD SOT-23 P场 -20V -2ANDC652P,NDC652 FAIRCHILD SOT-23-6 P场 -20V -1.3AD10P05 FAIRCHILD SOT-252 P场 -50V -10AD15P05 FAIRCHILD SOT-252 P场 -50V -15AFDD5614P,FDD5614 FAIRCHILD SOT-252 P场 -60V -15AFDD6637 FAIRCHILD SOT-252 P场 -35V -55AFQD17P06,17P06,D17P06 FAIRCHILD SOT-252 P场 -60V -17A FQD3P50,3P50,D3P50 FAIRCHILD SOT-252 P场 -500V -2.1A RFD10P03L,RFD10P03,10P03 FAIRCHILD SOT-252 P场 -30V -10ASFR9034 FAIRCHILD SOT-252 P场 -60V -14ASFR9224TM,SFR9224 FAIRCHILD SOT-252 P场 -250V -2.5ASFR9310 FAIRCHILD SOT-252 P场 -400V -1.5ANDB6030PL,NDB6030 FAIRCHILD SOT-263 P场 -30V -30ARFP15P05,15P05 FAIRCHILD TO-220 P场 -50V -15ASFP9634 FAIRCHILD TO-220 P场 -250V -5ASFS9630 FAIRCHILD TO-220F P场 -200V -6.5ASFS9634 FAIRCHILD TO-220F P场 -250V -3.4AFQU11P06TU,FQU11P06,11P06 FAIRCHILD TO-251 P场 -60V -11A FQU17P06,U17P06,17P06 FAIRCHILD TO-251 P场 -60V -12A RFD15P05,15P05 FAIRCHILD TO-251 P场 -50V -15A SFU9214 FAIRCHILD TO-251 P场 -250V -2.7ARFD17P06,17P06 FAIRCHILD TO-251短 P场 -60V -17AHIT P沟道场效应管系列:2SJ295,J295 HIT TO-220F P场 -60V -30A2SJ528S,2SJ528,J528 HIT SOT-252 P场 -60V -7A2SJ245,J245 HIT SOT-252 P场 -60V -5A2SJ529,J529 HIT SOT-252 P场 0 0infineon/英飞凌 P沟道场效应管系列:IPP100P03P3L-04,IPP100P03P3L,IPP100P03,100P03,TO-220, infineon,08NPB,P场,-30V,-100A,0.0043Ω3P03L04,TO-220,infineon,08NPB,P场,-30V,-100A,0.0043ΩSPD08P06P,SPD08P06,D08P06 infineon SOT-252 P场 -60V -8.8ASPD09P06P,SPD09P06,09P06 infineon SOT-252 P场 -60V -9ASPD18P06P,SPD18P06,18P06 infineon SOT-252 P场 -60V -18ASPD30P06P,SPD30P06,30P06 infineon SOT-252 P场 -60V -30ASPD50P03L,SPD50P03,50P03 infineon SOT-252-5 P场 -30V -50ASPB08P06P,SPB08P06,08P06 infineon SOT-263 P场 -60V -8A SPB80P06P,SPB80P06,80P06 infineon SOT-263 P 场 -60V -80Aintersil P沟道场效应管系列:IRF9540S,IRF9540,F9540 intersil SOT-263 P场 -100V -23ARFD10P03L,RFD10P03,10P03 intersil TO-251 P场 -30V -10AIR P沟道场效应管系列:IRL5602STRR,SOT-263,IR,SMD/MOS,-20V,-24A,P场,0.042ΩIRF9510STRL,SOT-263,IR,SMD/MOS,-100V,-4A,P场,1.2ΩIRFL9014,FL9014 IR SOT-223 P场 -60V -1.8A IRLML6401,LML6401 IR SOT-23 P场 12V 4.3AIRFR5305PBF,IRFR5305,FR5305 IR SOT-252 P场 -55V -31AIRFR5505,FR5505 IR SOT-252 P场 -55V -18A IRFR6215,FR6215 IR SOT-252 P场 -150V -13AIRFR9014N,IRFR9014,FR9014,FR9014N IR SOT-252 P场 -60V -5.1A IRFR9024N,FR9024N,IRFR9024 IR SOT-252 P场 -60V -8.8AIRFR9024NTRPBF,IRFR9024NTR,FR9024 IR SOT-252 P场 -60V -8.8AIRFR9110N,IRFR9110,FR9110 IR SOT-252 P场 -100V 3.1AIRFR9120N,IRFR9120,FR9120N,FR9120 IR SOT-252 P -100V -5.6A IRFR9210,FR9210 IR SOT-252 P场 -200V -1.9AIRFR9220,FR9220 IR SOT-252 P场 -200V -3.6AIRF4905NS,F4905NS IR SOT-263 P场 -55V -64AIRF5305STRL,IRF5305S,F5305S IR SOT-263 P场 -55V -31AIRF9530NS,F9530NS IR SOT-263 P场 -100V -14AIRF9640NS,IRF9640N,F9640NS IR SOT-263 P场 -200V -11AIRF9Z34S,F9Z34S IR SOT-263 P场 -60V -18AIRL5602S,IRL5602,L5602S,L5602 IR SOT-263 P场 -20V -24AIRF4905PBF,IRF4905,F4905 IR TO-220 P场 -55V -74AIRF5305PBF,IRF5305,F5305 IR TO-220 P场 -55V -31AIRF9510,F9510 IR TO-220 P场 -100V -4A IRF9530,F9530 IR TO-220 P 场 -100V -14AIRF9540N,F9540N,IRF9540,IRF9540PBF IR TO-220 P场 -100V -23AIRF9610,F9610 IR TO-220 P场 -200V -1.8AIRF9640,F9640 IR TO-220 P场 -200V -11AIRF9Z34PBF,IRF9Z34,F9Z34 IR TO-220 P场 -60V -18AIRFI9630G,IRFI9630,FI9630 IR TO-220F P场 -200V -4.3AIRFU5505,FU5505 IR TO-251 P场 -55V -18AIRFU9024N,IRFU9024,FU9024N,FU9024 IR TO-251 P场 -60V -8.8A IRFU9220N,IRFU9220,FU9220N,FU9220 IR TO-251 P场 -200V -3.6AIRF4905S,F4905S IR TO-262 P场 -55V -64A MOT P沟道场效应管系列: MTB50P03HDLT4G,MTB50P03,50P03 MOT SOT-263 P场 -30V -50A NRC P沟道场效应管系列:2SJ132,J132 NEC TO-251 P场 -30V -2A2SJ325,J325 NEC TO-251 P场 -30V -4A2SJ325-Z-E2,2SJ325-Z,J325-Z NEC SOT-252 P场 -30V -4A2SJ326,J326 NEC TO-251 P场 -60V -2A2SJ327-Z,2SJ327,J327-Z,J327 NEC SOT-252 P场 -60V -4A2SJ460TA,2SJ460,J460 NEC TO-92S P场 -50V -0.1A2SJ599,J599 NEC TO-251 P场 -60V -20A2SJ600-Z,2SJ600,J600-Z,J600 NEC SOT-252 P场 -20V -25AON P沟道场效应管系列:NTF2955T1,NTF2955 ON SOT-223 P场 -60V -1.2ANTD2955 ON SOT-252 P场 -60V -12ANTD25P03LT4,NTD25P03L,NTD25P03,D25P03L,D25P03,25P03 ON SOT-2 52 P场 -30V -25ANTD20P06LT4,NTD20P06L,NTD20P06,D20P06L,D20P06,20P06 ON SOT-2 52 P场 -60V -20ASANYO P沟道场效应管系列:2SJ653,J653,SANYO,-60V,-37A,P MOS,25mΩ 2SJ634,J634 SANYO SOT-252 P场 -60V -8A2SJ591,J591 SANYO TO-220F P场 -60V -28A 2SJ652,J652 SANYO TO-220F P场 -60V -28A2SJ653,J653 SANYO TO-220F P场 -60V -37ATM P沟道场效应管系列:TM9435AD,TM9435 TM SOT-252 P场 -30V -10ATOSHIBA/东芝 P沟道场效应管系列:TPC6103,SOT-23-6, -12V, -5.5A,0.035Ω2SJ377-Z,2SJ377,J377-Z,J377 TOSHIBA SOT-252 P场 -60V -5A2SJ439-Z,2SJ439,J439-Z,J439 TOSHIBA SOT-252 P场 -16V -5A VISHAY/威士 P沟道场效应管系列:SUM110P04-04L-E3,SUM110P04,110P04 VISHAY SOT-263 P场 -40V -110ASUP75P05-08,SUP75P05,75P05 VISHAY TO-220 P场 -50V -75A SUP75P03-07,SUP75P03,75P03 VISHAY TO-220 P场 -30V -75A SUP65P04-15-E3,SUP65P04,65P04 VISHAY TO-220 P场 -40V -65A SI4467DY-T1,SI4467DY,SI4467 VISHAY SOP-8 P场 -12V -12A茂达 P沟道场效应管系列:APM3095P,APM3095 茂达 SOT-252 P场 -30V -6A。
6840 体外诊断试剂分类子目录汇编
6840 体外诊断试剂分类子目录(2013版)序号产品类别产品分类名称预期用途管理类别001 Ⅲ-1 与致病性病原体抗原、抗体以及核酸等检测相关的试剂志贺菌属多价诊断血清临床上用于志贺菌属分群。
Ⅲ002 Ⅲ-1 与致病性病原体抗原、抗体以及核酸等检测相关的试剂鲍氏志贺菌诊断血清临床上用于鲍氏志贺菌群分型。
Ⅲ003 Ⅲ-1 与致病性病原体抗原、抗体以及核酸等检测相关的试剂福氏志贺菌诊断血清临床上用于福氏志贺菌群分型。
Ⅲ004 Ⅲ-1 与致病性病原体抗原、抗体以及核酸等检测相关的试剂宋内志贺菌诊断血清临床上用于宋内志贺菌诊断。
Ⅲ005 Ⅲ-1 与致病性病原体抗原、抗体以及核酸等检测相关的试剂志贺志贺菌诊断血清临床上用于志贺志贺菌诊断。
Ⅲ006 Ⅲ-1 与致病性病原体抗原、抗体以及核酸等检测相关的试剂变形杆菌OX19诊断菌液临床上用于外斐(Weil-Felix)反应。
Ⅲ007 Ⅲ-1 与致病性病原体抗原、抗体以及核酸等检测相关的试剂变形杆菌OX2诊断菌液临床上用于外斐(Weil-Felix)反应。
Ⅲ008 Ⅲ-1 与致病性病原体抗原、抗体以及核酸等检测相关的试剂变形杆菌OXK诊断菌液临床上用于外斐(Weil-Felix)反应。
Ⅲ009 Ⅲ-1 与致病性病原体抗原、抗体以及核酸等检测相关的试剂甲型副伤寒杆菌诊断菌液临床上用于肥达(Widal)反应。
Ⅲ010 Ⅲ-1 与致病性病原体抗原、抗体以及核酸等检测相关的试剂乙型副伤寒杆菌诊断菌液临床上用于肥达(Widal)反应。
Ⅲ011 Ⅲ-1 与致病性病原体抗原、抗体以及核酸等检测相关的试剂丙型副伤寒杆菌诊断菌液临床上用于肥达(Widal)反应。
Ⅲ012 Ⅲ-1 与致病性病原体抗原、抗体以及核酸等检测相关的试剂伤寒杆菌H901诊断菌液临床上用于肥达(Widal)反应。
Ⅲ013 Ⅲ-1 与致病性病原体抗原、抗体以及核酸等检测相关的试剂伤寒杆菌O901诊断菌液临床上用于肥达(Widal)反应。
T4 DNA polymerase
T4 DNA Polymerase使 用 说 明 书Code No.: D2040包 装:T4 DNA Polymerase (2~5 U/μl) 50 Units10×T4 DNA Polymerase Buffer 1 ml0.1% BSA* 500 μl* BSA在-20℃下易产生沉淀,应尽量避免多次反复冻融。
保 存: -20℃●制品说明在模板及引物存在的条件下,催化与模板互补的脱氧核苷酸依次选择性地连接在引物的3′-OH末端上的反应。
本酶还具有单链DNA特异性的3′→5′外切核酸酶活性,该活性比Klenow Fragment强100~1,000倍,也作用于双链DNA,在dNTP存在条件下表现出聚合酶活性,当dNTP用尽时转为降解DNA 的活性。
本酶不含 5′→3′的外切核酸酶活性。
●酶贮存溶液KPB 缓冲液(pH6.5) 200 mMDTT 1 mMGlycerol 50 %●起 源Escherichia coli carrying the plasmid containing phage T4 DNA polymerase gene。
●活性定义以热变性小牛胸腺DNA为模板/引物,在37℃、pH8.8的条件下,30分钟内使10 nmol全核苷酸掺入酸不溶性沉淀物所需要的酶量定义为1个活性单位(U)。
●纯 度2 U的本酶和1 μg的Closed circular(RFI)pBR322 DNA在37℃下反应24小时,DNA的电泳谱带不发生变化。
●用 途1)利用较强的3′→5′的外切核酸酶活性,通过置换合成(Replacement synthesis)从DNA片段的3’末端进行标记。
2) DNA末端的平滑化。
3) 通过引物伸长法解析mRNA转录的起始点。
●使用注意1) 本酶的最适pH为8~9,在pH7.5及pH9.7时活性约为50%。
T4 连接酶
T4 DNA Ligase使 用 说 明 书Code No.: D2011A包 装 :T4 DNA Ligase(350 U/μl) 25,000 Units10×T4 DNA Ligase Buffer 1 ml保 存 : -20℃●制品说明本酶催化相邻DNA链的5’-P末端和3’-OH末端以磷酸二酯键结合的反应,需ATP作辅酶。
●酶贮存溶液Tris-HCl(pH 7.5) 10 mMKCl 50 mMDTT 1 mMEDTA 0.1 mMGlycerol 50 %●起 源: Escherichia coli carrying the plasmid that enable highly expression of T4 DNALigase gene。
●活性定义在20 μl的连接反应体系中,6 μg的λDNA-Hin d III的分解物在16℃下反应30分钟时,有90%以上的DNA片段被连接所需要的酶量定义为1个活性单位(U)。
本酶的1 U相当于ATP-PPi交换反应中0.008 Weiss Unit。
●纯 度1)2,000 U的本酶和1 μg的λ-Hin d III片段在37℃下反应24小时,DNA的电泳谱带不发生变化。
2)2,000 U的本酶和1 μg的Supercoiled pBR322 DNA在37℃下反应24小时,DNA的电泳谱带不发生变化。
3)2,000 U的本酶和1 μg的16S,23S rRNA在37℃下反应24小时,RNA的电泳谱带不发生变化。
●用 途1)DNA片段和载体DNA的连接。
2)DNA片段和Linker或Adaptor DNA的连接。
●使用注意连接反应因末端碱基顺序的不同而反应速度各异,一般有下列倾向:突出末端:Hin d III>Pst I>Eco R I>Bam H I>Sal I平滑末端:Hae III>Alu I>Hin c II>Sma IEco R V>Sca I>Pvu II>Nru I其中连接Hin d III末端的速度约为连接Sal I末端速度的10~40倍;而连接Hae III末端的速度约为连接Sma I末端速度的5~10倍。
产品பைடு நூலகம்途:
DNA片段和载体DNA的连接。(参见欣百诺实验方 案)。
DNA片段和Linker或Adaptor DNA的连接。
粘末端的连接反应: 插入片段和载体的摩尔浓度比特别重 要,此比例在2-6之间最好,低于2:1就会导致较低的连接效 率,高于6:1则会导致多个插入。摩尔比请按载体与插入片段 DNA浓度及分子大小来计算。
经多次柱纯化,SDS-PAGE胶检测仅可见清晰单一的目的 条带;PCR方法检测无大肠杆菌DNA残留,无核酸内、外 切酶污染。
在20 ml的连接反应体系中, 6 mg的λDNA-Hind III的分解 物在16℃下反应30分钟时, 有90%以上的DNA片段被连接 所需要的酶量定义为1个单位。
地址:上海市浦东新区张江高科技园区蔡伦路720号2号楼 电话:021-50798060 邮箱:product@
保存温度:-20oC 产品包装:
T4 DNA连接酶 (350U/μl)
2×Quick Ligation Buffer
10×T4 DNA Ligation Buffer
XXXX有限公司1#冷库定期满载验证报告XXXX有限公司质量管理中心XXXX有限公司冷库满载验证报告文件编号:目录一、验证具体操作记录表 (3)二、验证过程记录分析 (4)1.验证现场实际照片 (4)2.冷库的验证过程 (5)三、验证项目及内容的逐项分析 (5)⒈温度分布特性的测试与分析 (5)⒉温控设备运行参数及使用状况测试和确认 (11)⒊对温湿度自动监测系统配置的测点终端的精度、安装位置确认及报警功能进行确认 (15)⒋开门作业对库房温度分布及温度变化的影响 (16)⒌断电状况测试实验,对设备故障或外部供电中断的状况下仓库保温性能及温度变化趋势分析 (18)6.评估在极端气候环境下及断电等特殊情况下冷库的保温性能,以做好应急措施 (20)四、偏差处理、调整和纠正措施 (22)五、风险及预防措施 (22)六、验证结论 (23)一、验证具体操作记录表验证操作员日期 2015 年 7月 30 日至 2015 年 8 月 3 日二、验证过程记录分析1.验证现场实际照片2.冷库的验证过程三、验证项目及内容的逐项分析⒈温度分布特性的测试与分析⑴温度分布的均匀性分析——各测点按温度均值排序验证点位平均值标准偏差最低值最大值变化范围T22 4.45 1.292 3 6.4 3.4 T28 4.47 1.173 2.9 6 3.1 T31 4.56 1.284 2.7 6.2 3.5 T16 4.63 1.131 3.3 5.9 2.6 T26 4.68 1.139 3.3 5.9 2.6 T30 4.70 0.906 4.1 6.5 2.4 T15 4.79 1.256 3 6.3 3.3 T14 4.82 1.285 2.7 6.2 3.5 T29 4.83 1.391 2.6 6.5 3.9 T24 4.89 1.194 3.3 6.3 3T01 4.91 1.243 3.5 6.5 3T13 4.94 1.300 3 6.4 3.4T18 4.99 1.325 2.8 6.4 3.6T06 5.02 1.285 2.9 6.4 3.5T25 5.09 1.217 3.5 6.5 3T27 5.10 1.189 3.6 6.4 2.8T05 5.12 1.418 2.8 6.8 4T08 5.12 1.150 3.6 6.4 2.8T17 5.13 1.328 3.2 6.6 3.4T19 5.16 1.291 3.2 6.6 3.4T20 5.26 1.006 4.2 6.4 2.2T11 5.29 1.033 4.2 6.4 2.2T21 5.31 1.263 3.5 6.8 3.3T09 5.35 1.038 4.8 6.3 1.5T12 5.37 0.850 4.7 6.4 1.7T07 5.39 1.209 3.8 6.7 2.9T03 5.47 1.074 4.4 6.6 2.2T10 5.51 0.813 5.2 6.5 1.3T04 5.58 0.913 4.5 6.7 2.2结果分析:在温度均匀性验证时间段内,冷库温度均值最高点为T04,为5.58℃;温度均值最低点为T22为4.45℃,温度均值极值差1.13℃。
WarrantyThe SPARC T4-1 comes with a one-year warranty. Visit /goto/sun/warranty for more information about Oracle's hardware warranty.SupportWith Oracle Premier Support, our customers get complete, integrated support to maximize the return on their Oracle investment—from software updates and operational best practices to proactive support tools and rapid problem resolution.For more information visit /supportContact UsFor more information about Oracle SPARC T4-1 server, visit or call +1.800.ORACLE1 to speak to an Oracle representative.Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.This document is provided for information purposes only and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may notbe reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark licensed through X/Open Company, Ltd. 0611。
• 1、4定植密度:高密度Hp为Hp根除失败的独立危险因素。
• 1、5球变形 :在对Hp的治疗中,经常发现用抗生素治疗过的慢性胃炎病 人胃黏膜病理组织中存在大量球形Hp,这种球形变Hp对抗生素不敏感。 一种是差不多死亡或变性的Hp,另一种是虽未死亡, Hp处于休眠状态 常易形成球形变。
• 2、4、中西医结合联用的特点:①疗效较高;②副作用减少;③溃疡的愈 合质量提高,显示了极大的优越性和必要性。因此,在实验研究的基础 上采纳中西医结合二或三联用药,一方面能增加Hp补救治疗的根除率, 另一方面,也能改善病人的消免疫防治
• 2、5、微生态治法:一些微生态制剂如双歧三联活菌对Hp也有明显的 杀伤作用,可作为辅助治疗的选择。研究发现,乳酸菌或酵母制剂可降 低Hp在胃黏膜的定植水平,并能减少抗生素所引起的腹泻等副作用,提 高患者的依从性,从而有利于Hp的根除。
• 一些患者本身临床症状较重,根除治疗药物的不良反应估计会加重其临 床症状而使得患者不能坚持服药,对这些患者可暂缓根除Hp治疗。同 时给患者根除Hp治疗时要向患者强调按要求完成疗程的重要性,以获 得患者的配合。
2、2 基因多态性
• 由于质子泵抑制剂的代谢主要通过细胞色素P450(CYP)2C19途 径,CYP2C19基因多态性影响含质子泵抑制剂的根除治疗方案的疗效, 质子泵抑制剂在不同个体间代谢能力的差异是根除Hp治疗失败的另 一个重要原因。
4、3 药物不良反应
• 部分患者因种种原因未能按要求用药,除治疗方案繁琐之外,药物不良 反应是导致依从性差的另一原因。药物不良反应的总体发生率约为 30%,并影响生活质量,其中腹泻、味觉差在所有不良反应中最为常见。 医生忽视对药物不良反应的解释工作,造成部分患者对药物不良反应的 恐慌,也是患者提早终止用药并导致根除治疗失败的主要原因。
• 注意:在进行甲状腺穿刺术后或甲状腺扫描后的1~2周内,血TG可有 不同程度的升高。
降钙素(calcitonin, CT)
• 甲状腺滤泡旁细胞(C细胞)是循环成熟降钙素(CT)的主要来源。 甲状腺髓样癌(MTC)是甲状腺滤泡旁细胞的恶性肿瘤,约占甲状腺 癌的5%。C细胞增生(HCC)可以是MTC微小癌的早期组织学发现。CT 是MTC最重要的肿瘤标志物,并与肿瘤大小呈阳性相关。RET原癌基因 突变与本病有关,也是本病的标志物。
• 妊娠、哺乳期妇女禁忌。
• 该项检查应成为甲状腺的常规诊断手段,放射性核素有:131I和99mTc。通过 显像可以显示甲状腺位置、大小、形态以及放射性分布状况。
• 正常甲状腺图像:甲状腺双叶呈蝴蝶状,叶内放射性分布均匀,双叶上极因 甲状腺组织较薄,放射性分布略有些稀疏,峡部一般不显像或其浓集程度明 显低于双侧甲状腺叶,偶尔可见到锥状叶。
促甲状腺素受体抗体 (TRAb)
• TRAb是一类具有异质性的特异性免疫球蛋白,包 括刺激型抗体(TSAb)和抑制型抗体(TBAb)两种类 型。前者是GD发生、发展的主要原因,而后者在 甲减的发病机制中起重要作用。对甲状腺的作用 和刺激的影响程度取决于以上两种抗体的相对浓 度和生物活性。
• 甲减:TSH、sTSH和TT4、FT4是诊断甲减的首选必需指标。原发性 甲减,TSH、sTSH水平增高,TT4、FT4水平降低,并反映病情的严 重程度;疾病早期TT3、FT3可正常,晚期降低。TPOAb、TgAb、 McAb阳性,提示病因为慢性淋巴细胞性甲状腺炎。继发性甲减,TSH 及TT4、FT4水平均降低。
Viscor LED 清间天井灯说明书
HousingLightweight, impact-resistant glass reinforced polyester housing. Holes on each end are 21mm (.825”) nominal diameter and are provided with two EPDM rubber caps.MountingStainless steel mounting brackets allow for hole free surface mounting of the housing. Mounting brackets snap onto the housing at multiple places. Bail attachment comes standard to allow for chain or cable mounting (by others).GasketPoured in place gasket provides a continuous seal between the lens and housing.Lens & Lens RetentionShallow molded high impact acrylic frosted linear ribbed lens is standard. Other lens made options available (See ordering key). The lens is held in place with plastic latches (optional stainless steel available, see ordering key).FinishThe internal components are polyester powder painted white finish and offers a high reflectivity coating for improved lighting performance and efficiency.ElectricalLong life LED’s coupled with high efficiency drivers provide quality illumination. Rated to deliver an L80 performance >50,000 hours. The standard driver has a THD of <10%. Standard low-voltage dimming (0-10v, 10%). All electrical components are CSA or UL approved.Warranty5 year limited warranty. For complete warranty, click here:DimensionsTop View**End ViewDeep MoldedLensShallow Molded Linear Ribbed LensShallow Molded Smooth LensConsult installation guide for exact dimensions.Product DescriptionThe CRV series by Certolux is a specification-grade vapour proof luminaire for Cleanroom and other adverse environment applications. The luminaire can be surface or suspended (chain or cable) mounted and is IP65/IP66/IP67 certified, NEMA 4X rated. For use in Hazardous Locations, consult ordering key. Feature Options• Emergency LED Battery Pack • Red LED Array• Microwave Occupancy SensorApprovals• Approved to CSA and UL standards.• Wet locations, IP65/IP66/IP67, housing is NSF component listed.• For use in Hazardous Locations. Class I Zone 2, Zone 22. Consult ordering key for HazLoc options and Temperature Codes.• NEMA 4X rated• Flammability Rating: 5VA (Housing), HB (lenses)*HAZLOCIP65IP66IP 67NEMA4X5VAHBDriver/Controller Options B02 Dimming Addressable Digital (DALI)B39 Emergency Lighting Battery Pack - LED**B39(XH) Haz. Loc. Emergency Batt. Pack Construction Options C03 Tamper Resistant Fasteners C16 Latches Stainless SteelPackaging Options K0 Bulk Pack/Pallet Packed and/or Wrapped Lens Options(Shallow Molded Lens High Impact Acrylic Frosted Linear Ribbed Standard-P69)P67 Deep Molded Lens High Impact Acrylic Frosted Smooth P70 Deep Molded Lens High Impact Acrylic Optically Clear Smooth P71 Shallow Molded Lens High Impact Acrylic Clear Linear RibbedP78†Shallow Molded Lens Polycarbonate Frosted Linear RibbedP79†Shallow Molded Lens Polycarbonate Clear Linear Ribbed P83 Shallow Molded Lens High Impact Acrylic Frosted Smooth P84 Shallow Molded Lens High Impact Acrylic Clear Smooth P85 Shallow Molded Lens Polycarbonate Frosted Smooth P86 Shallow Molded Lens Polycarbonate Clear SmoothWiring Options V11 Hub for 1/2-in NPT Threaded Pipe (3/4-in OD)V15 Liquid Tight Strain Relief Cord Connector for 7/8” KO V68 Microwave Occupancy Sensor V80 Red LED array - One Row Approval and Rating OptionsXH ††Class I Zone 2 Groups IIC, IIB + H2, IIA Zone 22 Groups IIB, IIA (Class I Div 2 Groups A,B,C,D Class II Div 2 Groups F,G Class III) T3C or T4†Not available with 96” housing.††Occupancy/Motion Sensors and 1% dimming are not available with Hazardous Location Luminaires. Supplied with 2pc. of HAZLOC 1/2” Hubs and 1pc. of 1/2” Thread Plug. Cord not available.* Emergency battery pack is not available with Haz Loc (HX). Consult Factory for B39 or B39(XH) with 24” model (CRV24) Options.** B39 is not available in the CRV24Other options may be available, consult factory.Specifications and data subject to change without notice.042L - 4200050L - 5000081L - 8100100L - 10000100L - 10000200L - 2000048”96”347 - 347V*40K - 4000 K 50K - 5000 KOrder KeyEXAMPLE: CRV48-LED840K100LUNVDelivered Lumen1 Lumens/watt and wattage based on 25C2 For 3500K Lumens, multply 4000K VALUES BY .97。
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T4 DNA 连接酶 #EL0011 Thermo scientific
T4 DNA Ligase ——Thermo scientific #EL0011产品信息特点快速–室温下10分钟内完成粘末端的连接反应。
•连接酶介导的RNA 检测(3)。
•双链DNA,RNA 或DNA/RNA 复合体中缺口的修复。
说明T4� DNA Ligase催化双链DNA或RNA中毗邻的5’ -磷酸基团和3’-羟基末端之间形成磷酸二酯键。
酶还可以修复双链DNA、RNA或DNA/RNA复合体中的单链切口,连接DNA 的粘性和平末端,但是该酶对单链核酸无酶活性(1, 2)。
T4 DNA Ligase需要辅因子ATP。
浓度1 Weiss u/µl = 200 CEU*/µl5 Weiss u/µl = 1000 CEU*/µl30 Weiss u/µl = 6000 CEU*/µl*一个粘性末端连接单位的是指在16°C 、30分钟内50%连接HindIII酶切的lamda DNA产物所需要的酶的量。
分子量55.3 kDa,单体。
活性单位定义1个活性单位是指在ATP-PPi交换反应中,37°C、20分钟内将1nmol [32PPi]转换为Norit 可吸收形式所需的酶量(Weiss单位**(4)。
酶活性分析混合物:66 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.6), 6.6 mM MgCl2, 0.066 mM ATP, 10 mM DTT, 3.3�µM [32PP i].** 1个Weiss单位相当于约200个粘性末端连接单位。
集装箱尺寸类型代码一代码说明1 本代码使用的是UN/ISO标准代码,代码库提供了84和95版本,建议使用95版的数字-字符型代码。
2 代码结构(1)本标准引用ISO/DIS 6346.2的第4.2.2条款;箱型代码:由两位字符表示:X X箱型编号箱型标识符注:第1位由一个拉丁字母表示箱型;第2位由一个数字表示该箱型的特征。
(2) 集装箱尺寸代码结构引用ISO/DIS 6346.2中附录D的规定。
该代码由两位字符表示:X X箱高和箱宽代码箱长代码注:第1个字符表示箱长;第2个字符表示箱宽和箱高。
3 代码表(1)集装箱类型代码表本组代码等同采用IS0 6364.2附录E中的表E1;详见表1。
表 1注:原代号指本标准1984年版本规定的箱型代号。
(2)集装箱尺寸代码表本组代码等同采用ISO 6346.2附录D中的表D1和表D2;详见表2和表3。
表 2表 3>2.438 mm 和 2.500 mm4 使用说明按照ISO 6364.2中第6章"标记的标志方法",箱型和尺寸代码应作为一个整体在集装箱上标识。
其组配代码结构为:X X X X箱型代码尺寸代码例如: 22G1指箱长为20英尺(6068mm),箱宽为8英尺(2438mm)和箱高为8英尺6英寸(2591mm),上方有透气罩的通用集装箱。
ILT4在乳腺癌中的表达及其临床意义的开题报告1. 研究背景和目的乳腺癌是女性最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,其发病率逐年增加,对女性健康产生严重威胁。
2. 研究方法本研究将采用多种方法进行研究,具体如下:2.1 病例收集:收集50例乳腺癌患者的组织样本,包括癌组织和对照组织。
2.2 组织病理学分析:采用光学显微镜和病态分析方法对组织样本进行组织病理学分析,包括肿瘤大小、浸润性、组织分级等指标。
2.3 免疫组化:采用免疫组化方法检测ILT4在乳腺癌中的表达水平,并分析其在癌组织和对照组织中的差异。
2.4 数据分析:采用统计学方法对数据进行分析,并评估ILT4与临床特征、预后等指标之间的关系。
3. 预期结果预期本研究可以获得以下结果:3.1 在乳腺癌中,ILT4的表达水平较高,并且在癌组织中表达更为显著。
3.2 ILT4的表达水平与肿瘤大小、浸润性等临床病理特征密切相关。
3.3 高ILT4表达组的患者预后较差,与低ILT4表达组相比具有更高的死亡率和复发率。
4. 讨论和未来研究方向本研究的结果可以为进一步研究乳腺癌的分子机制及其生物标志物提供重要基础。
引用.netCore类时T4模板...用.net Core 编写的T4模板类, 在T4里引用运行时,会有错误正在运行转换: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: 未能加载文件或程序集“System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyT oken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a”或它的某一个依赖项。
文件名:“System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a”在Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextT emplatingDF348CB3FB09E8E166E43 7124F9F88342823FF1D21BC7B73048E47A611D6DC38AD43D38B26E23A35527758646C26C0D989C154CDCD9B21719CC1A0622 36A2570.GeneratedTextTransformation.TransformText() 在Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextT emplating.TransformationRunner.Pe rformTransformation()警告: 程序集绑定日志记录被关闭。
要启用程序集绑定失败日志记录,请将注册表值[HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD)设置为 1。
注意: 会有一些与程序集绑定失败日志记录关联的性能损失。
Ark.Y2020.DBModel D:\myCode\其他项目\Ark2020\Ark.Y2020.DBModel\BCBenefitConsume.tt 1 在使用T4的模板,代码类似<#@ template debug="false" hostspecific="false" language="C#" #><#@ assembly name="System.Core" #><#@ import namespace="System.Linq" #><#@ import namespace="System.Text" #><#@ import namespace="System.Reflection" #><#@ import namespace="Services.Resources.DataTransferObjects.Infrastruct ures" #><#@ import namespace="System.Collections.Generic" #> <#@ assembly name="$(TargetDir)Services.dll" #><#@ output extension=".cs" #>public class AdminDTO{<#var editableObjs = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(GenericEditable<>)).GetTypes().Where(p => p.BaseType != null && p.BaseType.IsGenericType && p.BaseType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == (typeof(GenericEditable<>))).ToList();#>}即使项目引用System.Runtime.dll也是没有用的, 这个问题的本质是Vs2019工具在运行T4程序时的问题, 所以可以修改Vs相关的配置才可以方法一:参考:C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15. 0_29f8d23a\devenv.exe.config里有<configuration>-> <runtime>-> <assemblyBinding> <dependentAssembly><assemblyIdentity name="System.Runtime" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral"/> <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion=""/></dependentAssembly>方法二:上面说了,问题本质是Vs的问题, 所以我们不用.net core编写T4的辅助类即可,使用.net Framework的项目,然后把相关的Dll复制到解决方案目录下T4的模板如下:<#@ template debug="Flase" hostspecific="True" language="C#" #><#@ assembly name="$(SolutionDir)T4dll/TC.Ab.T4.dll" #> <#@ assembly name="$(SolutionDir)T4dll/MySql.Data.dll" #> <#@ import namespace="TC.Ab.T4" #><#@ import namespace="System.T ext.RegularExpressions" #><#@ import namespace="System.Diagnostics" #><#@ output extension=".cs" #><#//unch(); Debugger.Break();//调试用template debug="True" hostspecific="True" language="C#"DbField dbRender = new DbField(this.Host.T emplateFile,"TCItravelOrder");//数据库链接名称可以不传,默认MetaDataDBspaceStr="TC.itravel.Admin.DBModel";dbRender.OnlyTable.Add("BCBenefitConsume");//只要生成的表,区分大小写this.WriteLine(dbRender.Render());#>这种情况只是Vs使用了Framework版本的类, 项目本身还是core, 所以不影响项目的发布,如果是Docker发布,可以在.dockerignore文件里进行排除。
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BORON DIFFUSION OF THE SILICON SOLAR CELL WITH BBr3Le Yang, Jing Yang, Xin Fang, Yang Shi, Jingxiao Wang,Qinghao YeShanghai Jiaotong University Solar Energy InstituteShanghai 200240, Chinale_yang@ Jianhua Huang, Xiang Li, Chunjian Wu SJTU-Solarfun PV R&D CenterShanghai 201109, ChinaABSTRACTBoron diffusion for the passivation of silicon solar cell is a crucial element of high efficiency solar cells. Comparing with the traditional screen-printed aluminum back surface field (Al-BSF), boron diffusion back surface field has its advantage on improving the surface passivation of silicon solar cell and increasing the effective minority carrier lifetime. For traditional P-type solar cells, the silicon material is becoming less and less. However, the N-type silicon material as a substitute is noticeable. For N-type silicon material, the pn junction is directly formed by boron diffusion. I n this paper, comparing with spin-on diffusion method, we mainly focus on the boron diffusion with BBr3. Diffusion temperature, N2 volume and diffusion time etc. elements have the remarkable influence on the number and equality of the sheet resistance, junction depth etc. of the silicon solar cell after boron-diffusion. Masked boron diffusion, one-side erode after boron diffusion also improve the solar cell manufacture technique a lot.1. INTRODUCTIONWe have already known the boron diffusion had provided a new approach to improve the efficiency of the traditional solar cells. The selective boron diffusion has applied successfully on 24%-efficient passivated emitter, real local-diffused (PERL) [1] and 22.5%-efficient front surface field-interdigitated back contact (FSF-IBC) [2] solar cells. Nowadays comparing to the P-type silicon material N-type silicon material is richer. The pn junction is directly formed by boron diffusion for N-type silicon material. However, for p-type silicon material the boron diffusion may substitute the boron back surface field for the AL-BSF. The solid solubility of boron in silicon is one order of magnitude high than aluminum (the surface concentration of boron on silicon solar cells is around 1020/cm3), which is more efficient in decreasing the surface recombination ratio and increasing the minority carrier lifetime. Our experiments mainly focused on several key elements influencing the boron diffusion effect of the mono-crystalline, which included diffusion time, temperature, liquid source flux and location in quartz carrier etc, in order to find the best technical parameter for boron diffusion. Furthermore we will design our industrialized bifacial solar cell manufacture progress referred to existed techniques [3].2. EXPERIMENTS AND ANALYSIS2.1 BBr3 DiffusionIn the experiments, we use 103 P-type CZ mono-crystalline wafer (103mm×103mm), average thickness is 310μm, average resistivity is 1Ωcm, the minority carrier lifetime is around 10μs. The experiments mainly divided into two steps: First, using BBr3 as the liquid source for the boron diffusion. With measuring the primary elements: diffusion time, temperature, liquid source flux, location in quartz carrier etc., we can understand the BBr3 diffusion4 PV TECHNOLOGI ES, SYSTEMS AND APPLI CATI ONS1149techniques; Second, we are going to complete the wholeprocess of manufacturing the solar cells by using pure SiO 2 latex source for masking or one-side erosion after diffusion. Design bifacial solar cell manufacture techniques and do the solar cells sample. Afterwards, test the sample and use the feedback information to adjust techniques.Before we start the diffusion, the wafer should be marked in order to recognize the boron diffusion side, then cleaned and grinded by NaOH. Afterwards, spin pure SiO 2 latex on the wafer and drying till the water of organic solvent volatilized and wafer surface stabled.The diffusion process sequence is as following: TCA clearing;Furnace tube saturation;Place the cells back-to-back in quartz carrier; Start diffusion;Close the liquid source of diffusion;Open the tube after 10 minutes and take the wafer out; Rinse;Testing (minority carrier lifetime, sheet resistance etc.);The Furnace structure is in Fig. 1.Fig. 1: Diffusion furnace structure.At beginning, we have decided the proportion and flux of three main source: Small-N 2(2.05L/min, it is short as S-N 2, and takes the BBr3 into tube), O 2 (1.45L/min) and Large-N 2 (18L/min), which referred to the existed POCl 3 diffusion parameters and the phenomenon (fawn-colored borosilicate glass) after diffusion. After basic verification, we have fixed the source flux, and start to change the temperature and time.As we aim to get high boron surface concentration to testify boron back surface field and practical industry utilization,the temperature too high or diffusion time too long is out of our consideration. The temperature is changing from the 1000°C to 1150°C , and the diffusion time is fixed around 30 minutes for comparison. We can easily get the most suitable temperature (lowest deviation of sheet resistance and longest minority carrier lifetime) is 1070°C for our experiments from analysis the Fig. 2 andFig. 3.Fig. 2: Average deviation of sheet resistance after borondiffusion at different temperature.Fig. 3: Average minority carrier lifetime of the wafer afterboron diffusion at different temperature. After finding out the right diffusion temperature, we do more experiments on changing the diffusion time. The result shows in Fig. 4, so we reconfirm our diffusion time is 30 minutes.I n order to testify the source flux that the experiments based on, we compare the deviation of sheet resistance onProceedings of ISES Solar World Congress 2007: Solar Energy and Human Settlement1150Fig. 4: Average deviation of sheet resistance after borondiffusion with different diffusion time. different Large-N 2 source flux. The result form Fig. 5testifies the assumption.Fig. 5: Average deviation of sheet resistance after borondiffusion on different Large-N 2 source flux.From the several experiments above, we have realized that the three most important boron diffusion parameters (temperature, time and liquid source flux) decided the diffusion result. When we fixed two parameters and change the third one, we understand its behavior which influences the diffusion effect. For example, when we fixed the liquid source flux and diffusion time and then started to change the temperature, the deviation of sheet resistance start todecrease, fluctuation and increase. These threeparameters influence each other, but there is an optimization point.2.2 Design the Bifacial Solar CellsAfter successfully getting the boron diffusion phenomenon(the equality of sheet resistance and fawn borosilicate grass),We are going to design the bifacial solar cells in order to not only examine the boron diffusion effect but also get the feed back to adjust the techniques. We have designed the manufacture process of the bifacial solar cells, and that is: Cleaning;SiO 2 Latex Spin-on Mask; BBr3 Diffusion (back-to-back); Rid the Borosilicate glass off; Texture Etching; Rinse (HF);SiO 2 Latex Spin-on Mask (on Boron side); POCl3 Diffusion (back-to-back); 2nd Rinse; Edge Isolation;PECVD SiN x ARC 2-side; Screen Printing Front Side (Ag); Drying;Screen Print Back Side (Ag); Drying; Firing; Testing;We make the bifacial solar cells following the before-mentioned process. Both sides of the solar cells arethe same grid-line structure (Fig. 6).Fig. 6: The boron BSF bifacial solar cell. The solar cell results (100mm ×100mm P-type CZ mono-crystalline wafer with average thickness of 310μm) are listed below:4 PV TECHNOLOGI ES, SYSTEMS AND APPLI CATI ONS1151TABLE 1: SOLAR CELL RESULTS ON 100mm ×100mmWAFERSNO. 1 2 3V oc (mV) 0.575 0.569 0.567Isc (A) 2.937 2.917 2.786FF (%) 55.6 65.1 49.4 η (%) 9.39 10.81 7.81 τ (μs) [wafer] 25.2 27.6 21.8 τ (μs) [after diffusion]38.446.627.5The highest efficiency of our three solar cells is 10.81%. The open-circuit voltage is only 569 mV and the fill factor is 0.651, which is much lower than the average solar cell’s level. The most possibility arise this problem is intercross-diffusion, which means part of the boron- diffusion side is doped by phosphorus. The pure SiO 2 latex mask can not protect the boron side from phosphorus diffusion, so the boron back surface field is not worked. This can also be proved by our V oc value that is lower than average solar cells 30-40mv, which is just the increase value of back surface field. However, we have also realized that all the minority carrier lifetime is high. For example the minority carrier lifetime of the NO.2 sample is 46.6μs, which is much higher than the value of wafer. I t means that the boron diffusion actually improve the characteristics of the silicon wafer.3. CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOKDuring our study, we have demonstrated that there was an optimized point of BBr3 diffusion temperature, time and liquid source flux. We have used pure SiO 2 latex asdiffusion mask and designed a whole manufacture process for bifacial solar cells. Although the performance of these bifacial solar cells needs to be improved a lot, we still find that the minority carrier lifetime increasing a lot after theboron diffusion. In the future research, we will first focuson the performance of the pn junction and try to improvethe pure SiO 2 latex mask. I n the mean time, we have already started to use one-side erosion method anddesigned a simple equipment to substitute SiO 2 latex. 4. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSI would like to thank my supervisor Professor. Jingxiao Wang, Rongqiang Cui and Qinghao Ye for so many valuable instruction and discussion. Furthermore, truly thank all the staff in the SJTU-Soarfun PV R&D center providing me so many support to encourage me continue my research.5. REFERENCES(1) Jianhua Zhao, Aihua Wang, Pietro P, Altermatt, Stuart R. Wenham, Martin A. Green, “24% Efficient perl silicon solar cell: Recent improvements in high efficiency silicon cell research”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar cell 41/42(1996) 87-99 (2) Ajeet Rohatgi, “Designs and Fabrication Technologies for Future Commercial Crystalline Si Solar Cells”, 15th Workshop on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells and Modules: Materials and Processes pp.11-22, (2005) (3) Andres Cuevas, “The early history of bifacial solar cells”, 20th EPVSEC Barcelona (2005)。