john galbraith
• 1993 Lomonosov Gold Medal
• 1997 Order of Canada (Officer)
• 2000 Awarded the U. S. Presidential Medal of Freedom
Supply-side economic 供应经济学
• Supply-side economics is a school of macroeconomic (整体经济) thought
• Economic growth can be most effectively created by lowering barriers for people to produce (supply) goods and services, such as lowering income tax and capital gains tax rates, and by allowing greater flexibility by reducing regulation.
• 1961-1963
As an adviser to President John F. Kennedy, Galbraith was appointed United States Ambassador to India
• 1972
Served as president of the American Economic Association
• 1958 The Affluent Society
战争的真正意义"来自铁山的报告"2010-12-05 10:33战争的真正意义"来自铁山的报告"作者:muyan890621 标签:生活2010-10-30 18:16 星期六晴1963年8月初,美国中西部的一个著名大学里,一位化名为John Doe的社会学教授,接到一个华盛顿打来的电话,邀请他参加一项秘密研究课题,参与该计划的15名专家都是美国著名大学的顶尖学者、John Doe教授带着好奇来到了一个名叫Iron Mountain (铁山)的地方报到、Iron Mountain靠近New york (纽约州)的Hudson (哈德森城),这里有当年冷战期间为防御苏联核打击而修建的巨大的地下设施,几百家美国最大公司的总部都在此处设有临时办公地点、这些公司包括:Standard Oil Company (标准石油公司),Royal Dutch/Shell Group of Companies (皇家荷兰/壳牌公司集团)和Manufacturer’s Hanover Trust Company (制造商汉诺威信托公司)等、如果核战争爆发,这里将成为美国最重要的商业运作中心,以确保核战争后,美国商业体系仍然能够生存下来、平时,这里是这些公司储存机密文件档案的地方、这个神秘的研究小组要研究的课题是,如果世界进入了“永久和平”阶段,美国将面临什么样的挑战,以及美国的对应策略、这个“官方”报告的原文提到:"毫不夸张地说,世界和平将导致世界上所有国家的社会结构发生翻天覆地的革命性变化、全面裁军,这是和平最显而易见的后果、仅以裁军对经济的影响为例,它改变全球的生产和分配模式之巨大程度,将使得过去五十年来的变化看上去都是微不足道的、政治社会文化生态的变化也同样深远、当政和在野的有识之士都越来越认识到,世界根本没有为这种变化做好准备、这种忧虑促成了这项对世界和平可能性的研究、”这项研究工作持续了2年半的时间、1966年9月,这个15人的课题组完成了一份政府严禁公开和传播的秘密报告,这份报告的作者们被政府要求对该报告严格保密、但是,其中的John Doe教授觉得这份报告实在太重要了,不应该向公众隐瞒、他于是找到著名作家Leonard Lewin、在Leonard Lewin的帮助下,这本名叫 (来自铁山的报告)被Dial Press (戴尔出版公司)于1967年正式出版、该书一经面世,立刻震惊美国社会各界、它最具争议的内容是:“战争不是由国际利益冲突引起的、更合逻辑的顺序可以将它更精确地表达出来:战争--制造了社会需求--由此带来这样的利益冲突、一个国家制造战争的能力,体现了它所能行使的最大的社会权利、制造现在的或将来的战争,是关系到控制社会的最重要的生死大事、""世界和平虽然不错,但是战争体系是全球稳定的一个非常重要而且不可替代的部分、”这是一个恶作剧,?!讽刺小说,?!或者是否是真实的,?!三十多年过去了,对这份报告的真实性仍然是仁者见仁,智者见智、1967年11月26日哈佛大学著名教授经济学家同时也是Council on Foreign Relation (外交协会)成员的John Kenneth Galbraith在 (华盛顿邮报)上用笔名Herschell Mclandress写的书评中提到:“我以我个人信誉来证明这个文件(Report From Iron Mountain)的真实性,同时也认为这个结论是正确的、我有所保留的只是将它公布给普通公众是否明智、”并指出他有第一手的信息证明该报告的真实性,因为他本人就在被邀请之列、尽管他最终没能参加这个项目的工作,但该项目一直在向他咨询各种问题,他也被告知要对外保密、后来Galbraith曾在其他媒体上两次重申该报告的真实性、随后,Lyndon Baines Johnson总统的国家安全特别助理Rostow立刻站出来进行紧急“消毒”,他指出该报告纯属子虚乌有、据 (美国新闻与世界报道),总统得知这个报告时大发雷霆,并责令“永远封锁”该报告、同时Council on Foreign Relation成员 Henry Luce控制下的 (时代)也说该报告是“巧妙的谎言”、但如果是一个恶作剧,谁是幕后操纵者呢,? Leonard Lewin被怀疑是嫌疑人之一,他为报告写了介绍,而且此前刚完成了一部政治讽刺小说、另一个可能的作者是John Kenneth Galbraith,因为他上用化名写了书评、但为什么他用化名,而不是真实姓名,?虽然许多人怀疑该报告的真实性,但是没有人能有任何证据来证明他们的判断、该报告被认为是当时的国防部长Robert McNamara策划,McNamara是Council on Foreign Relation的成员,后来担任the World Bank (世界银行)行长、由助理国务卿William Bundy,和副国务卿Dean Rusk下达、运作的研究机构被认为就是Hudson Institute (哈德森研究所),该机构的创始人Herman Kahn也是Council on Foreign Relation成员、截止1972年, 该书已被译成15种语言、同年,Lewin在3月19日的 (纽约时报)书评栏目中承认这个报告只是个恶作剧而已、这个恶作剧创意来源于讽刺杂志的发行人Victor Navasky、而就职于的Richard Lingeman和Marvin Kitman曾经协助过Lewin的工作、1966年,Navasky在读到一篇文章,该文将股市低迷归咎于“和平恐慌”、1972年,他说为什么五角大楼文件和其他一些涉及越战的文件,“读起来象铁山报告的拙劣仿制品而不是铁山报告模仿这些文件”、恶作剧的目的到底是什么呢,?他说:“我只是想以一种激进的方式引起人们对战争与和平的问题的关注、人们必须接受战争系统的荒谬本质,尽管这很可悲,但这是个必须接受的事实、本书用来讥讽智囊团们已绞尽脑汁地追求表面的严谨和看似合理的结果、运气好的话,或许还可以使公众对‘和平计划’的理解突破惯常的庸俗的界限、”简而言之,“世界和平”的美好愿望,是像人们都期待选美皇后游行一样的好事,但是需要事前精心的讨论,把“希望”变成行动方案,还需要小心翼翼得把经济政治社会等因素调整到可以接受的程度、1980年,该书不再印刷、曾经的争论似乎被遗忘、世界的和平也并未到来、但是,到了90年代,Lewin发现右翼民兵组织在散发该书的盗版给自己的成员,并宣称这个报告是真实的、他在1972年的关于“恶作剧”的陈述,似乎被右翼美国彻底忽视了、Lewin控告这个版本侵权,但是这个右翼民兵组织反驳,这是一个从公众域获得的正式文件、这意味着,这是一个官方文件,Lewin的署名只是官方诡计的一部分、简而言之,他们争辩的焦点是:这个版本是真实的,但是一经泄露,政府就否认,并说这是一个恶作剧,并让Lewin承认他就是这个恶作剧的始作蛹者、法院最终做出了对Lewin有利的判决,Lewin得以收回所有的书、但是在1993年, 这本书在有争议性的电影 (肯尼迪)最具震撼力的一幕中出现了、这一幕“解释”了为什么军事产业复合体想杀死John F. Kennedy、这个阴谋是如何发生的,?因为Col.Fletcher Prouty相信这个报告是真实的、所以在电影中,Fletcher由Donald Sutherland饰演,在华盛顿会见Jim Garrison (由Kevin Costner饰演),这个会面实际上未发生过、Stone引用了Prouty 的书中来自报告中的一段话到剧本对话中:“任何社会的组织原则都是为了战争、现代国家治理人民的基础就是战争、军费的开支几乎占到了全球经济总量的十分之一、”对于包括Stone在内的许多人而言,政府很显然就是各种利益集团的共同体,如石油工业和制药业等,但最主要是军事产业复合体─战争贩子、在Prouty的书中,描述得非常详尽,这个集团的存在“非常机密,集团中有谁,谁又和政府的什么部门打交道,时至今日没有留下任何记录,对这些人的私人生活也一无所知、”还有,他声称他拥有一个课题组成员的独家专访权、1996年,Simon & Schuster Press (西蒙舒斯特出版社)再版的时候,写了新的导言,特别强调了这是一本政治讽刺小说、尽管是一个恶作剧,一个政治讽刺,但也不无道理、尽管许多美国人还在分辨这是个真实的报告还是恶作剧,其实说到底,这都无关紧要、无论这个报告是某些专家为美国政府写的,还是Lewin为美国公众写的,至少这传达了一个信息:Lewin本人也指出:到1972年为止,现实发展的和铁山报告描述的一样、原来,该报告详实地透露了“世界精英们”对未来世界的发展规划、报告的基本宗旨就是,不讨论对与错的问题,也不考虑自由与人权之类的空洞概念,一切诸如意识形态爱国主义和宗教立场都不占有任何位置,这是一份“纯粹客观”的报告、报告开宗明义地指出:“持续的和平,尽管从理论上说并非不可能,但是却不具有可持续性、即便(和平的目标)是可以达到的,它也肯定不是一个稳定社会的最佳选择::::::战争是我们社会稳定的一种特殊功能、除非其他替代方式能够被发展出来,否则战争系统应该被保持和强化、”报告认为,只有在战争时期,或者是在战争的威胁之下,人民最有可能服从政府而没有怨言、对敌人的仇恨和被征服与劫掠的恐惧,使人民更能够承受过重的税负和牺牲,战争又是人民强烈情绪的催化剂,在爱国忠诚和胜利的精神状态下,人民可以无条件地服从,任何反对意见都会被认为是背叛行为、相反,在和平情况下,人民会本能地反对高税收政策,讨厌政府过多干预私人生活、“战争系统不仅是一个国家作为独立政治系统存在的必要因素,对于政治稳定也是必不可少的、没有战争,政府统治人民的‘合法性’就会出现问题、战争的可能性提供了一个政府能够拥有权力的基础、历史上不胜枚举的例子表明,失去战争威胁可信性的政权,最终导致了权力瓦解,这种破坏作用来源于个人利益膨胀对社会不公的怨恨和其它解体因素、战争的可能成为保持社会组织结构的政治稳定因素、它保持了社会阶层分明,保证了人民对政府的服从、”报告辩称战争是一个重要工具,因为它可以人为制造需求而没有其他政治问题:“战争,只有战争才能解决这些积累的问题、”该报告的结论就是和平(尽管和平的可能性是那么的微乎其微)并不符合社会利益的最大化、因为战争不仅有经济职能而且有重要的社会和文化的作用、“持续存在的战争威胁是政府稳定存在的基础、只有这样,政府的权威性才能被广泛接受、换句话说,战争实际上是国家的同义词、战争的消灭不可避免地带来国家主权的破灭、”同时报告提出:战争是经济的一部分,尤其在美国、美国经济的一部分是被军费保持平衡的、“全世界的战争产业”大约“占全球经济总量的十分之一"、美国作为世界上最富有的国家,不仅在其中占有最大的军费支出份额,目前每年600亿美元以上,而且,其军费支出占其国民生产总值的比例高于其他任何的民主国家、在美国增加了在东南亚的军费支出之前,事实已经如此、”实际上,美国的军费开支往往比许多国家的全部开支还要多─尤其是非洲国家、2003年美国入侵伊拉克后,这句话得到了世界上大多数人的认可、但是在Lewin的时代,也有人认识到这点了、耐人寻味的是,现在臭名昭著的“大规模杀伤性武器”被用在报告中、报告中提到:生产大规模杀伤性武器总是和经济的不景气联系在一起、该报告认为,传统的战争方式也有其历史的局限性,在这种状态之下,世界政府的大业将难以实现,特别是在核战争时代,战争爆发变成了一种难以预测和风险极大的问题、考虑到该研究正是在古巴导弹危机之后不久开始进行的,当时和苏联核大战的阴影肯定在一定程度上影响了作者们的心态、“战争已经进化为保持世界人口总数和所需供给之间的完美平衡的主要工具、这是人类所特有的、” 报告中提道:除非出现了战争的替代品,否则战争需要持续存在,或者提高它的有效性、该报告真正的“天才”想法是它提出了一些潜在的替代品(其中的一些已经给了政府很有益的启发、或者这也是现实模仿小说的巧合,?)、经过谨慎的研究,专家们提出,替代战争的新方案必须同时具备3个条件:(1)在经济上,必须是“浪费”的,最少需要消耗每年GDP的10%;(2)必须是一种和战争危险类似的大规模的可信的重大威胁;(3)必须提供人民强迫性服务于政府的合乎逻辑的理由、报告中建议道:-庞大的太空探索计划,而其主要目标是几乎不可能实现的(一个预算上的黑洞,反过来可以拉动经济);-创造一个新的非人类的敌人,例如:潜在威胁-外星文明;-为人类创造一个新的威胁,例如:环境污染;-限制生育新办法,例如:在水和食物中添加药物;-不断创造假想敌;-创造一个无所不在,几乎无所不能的国际警察部队、很显然,以上的一些目标很难达到,而且也没有实现过、做为60年代的作者们,其他一些影响现在社会的因素是他没有预见到,如整个互联网技术、但是,报告中许多想法还是实现了,我们不由得惊奇,这些内容到底是“编写”出来的还是真实存在的、──如果这些内容是小说编写出来的,是否这些创意来自这个报告,或这些神话早就存在了、在报告产生的1967年,登月竞赛可以被视为一个无底黑洞,尤其紧跟其后又抛出了火星计划,甚至还有计划去更遥远的太空、 (星际旅行)系列片和其他类似影片的热播,显示公众对类似没有去过的地方非常有胃口、然而,尽管公众如此热情,在70年代初期,美国还是对登月失去兴趣── 政府已经开始暗示将减少登月计划或者类似的空间计划、如果还有人推进类似计划,他就是做错了事,让公众对于太空太上瘾了、至于创造一个非人类的外星敌人,这一想法的结果已经广为人知:30年代,Welles创作了科幻小说 (世界大战)、当小说通过广播剧播放时,许多人信以为真, 结果在美国不少地方引起了巨大的恐慌、另外,美国政府创造了一个外星智能生物存在于地球的神话,而来自不明飞行物的外星智能生物对于地球的威胁是这个神话的一部分、在90年代后期,在科幻电影 (罗斯维尔飞碟坠毁事件)发行的50年后,这些故事失去了效力、当然,未知的“东西”仍然可以出现在天空、这些“神秘现象”仍然可以随时捡起来被利用,如同十年前被扔下一样容易、在90年代中期,有那么一段时间,新的敌人似乎又变成了“非生命的”,也许就是彗星和流星,被“设计”好撞向地球、天文学家没有经费支持去寻找外星智能生物,而是去寻找有可能象60万年前灭绝恐龙那样有可能灭绝我们的威胁、但这一想法还是没有得到任何确定的财政支持、只有在“世界末日”和“彗星撞地球”这样的电影中,面对这样灭绝性的威胁时,才会有人想将世界联合起来对付灾难、另一类新威胁初露端倪,新闻中频频见到艾滋病禽流感与其他致命的疾病,还有对自然资源的过度开采石油的浪费海平面上升气候变化无常等等也每日见诸报端,很大程度上,污染和环境问题已经成为政府增加额外税收去填补永无尽头的预算的借口、我们人类的善良本性又一次成为潜在的治愈战争感染的灵药、耐人寻味的是,这些最需要额外的钱的政府,都是最早从 (京都议定书)上获得利益的政府、尽管报告中某些问题说的是合情合理的,环保问题的确能带动经济的发展,但是迄今为止,政府仅使用了它的在经济和社会方面的积极作用、──很明显现在这方面可能已经失去了全球效力,只要许多国家的政府已经重新审视经济对核能使用的需求,而不管合适与否、并且恰恰是这些国家还存在“战争”:尽管大部分人厌恶战争、但是,不可否认的是,它是经济的一部分,是生活的一部分、有些战争被视为必须的,有些战争是被精心制造的,有些战争的借口是事后才完善的──2003年的伊拉克战争是个例子。
商业兴衰1. 《1929 年大崩盘》(The Great Crash 1929),加尔布雷思(John Kenneth Galbraith)著,1955 年出版。
原因何在?加尔布雷思本人在1997 年写道: “每次它就要停印时,一场投机性泡沫……又会激起人们对这段历史的兴趣,这是现代经济大起大落的重要案例。
“牛”啊)2. 《非同寻常的大众幻想与群众性癫狂》(Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds),查理斯•麦基(Charles Mackay)著,1841 年出版(中译本由中国金融出版社出版)。
这本有关1634 年荷兰郁金香狂热和1720 年“南海泡沫”事件(南海公司成立于1711 年,主要从事奴隶贸易。
1720 年 1 月,该股票从128.5 英镑飙升至1,000 英镑,引起了空前的投机热潮。
但同年9 月,股市狂跌,该股票跌至124 英镑,使许多投机者破产─译注)等非理性狂热现象的编年史引人入胜,它深刻描绘了人类陷入投机狂热的冲动。
其中内容就少多了,只讲了密西西比计划、南海泡沫和郁金香狂潮)3. 《有趣的钱财》(Funny Money),马克•辛格(Mark Singer)著,1985 年出版。
纯粹从消遣的角度说,任何其它书的好看程度都比不上辛格讲述的俄克拉荷马州Penn Square Bank 倒闭的故事。
Questions and answer
• 1. which continent is the poorest one in the world? ------Africa • 2.which country is the poorest one? ------Ethiopia
• 3. who is the poorest person in the world? ------?
• In 1958, Mister Galbraith published his most famous book,"The Affluent Society." He argued that while private individuals in America were becoming wealthier, public institutions were growing poor. He criticized the American culture that he said was rich in goods but poor in social services.
• In the years after the Vietnam War, Ken Galbraith put his energy into writing. In 1996, his book "The Good Society" was published. It was an update of his book "The Affluent Society." He pointed out that the United States had become even more a place for the wealthy, or a "democracy of the fortunate." • • John Kenneth Galbraith receives the Medal of Freedom from President Bill Clinton.
Lesson 1
2. Paul Moritz Warburg (August 10, 1868 January 24, 1932) was a jewish GermanAmerican banker and early advocate of the U.S Federal Reserve system. The Paul M. Warburg chair in Economics at Harvard university was named in his honour, a title which is currently held by Professor Robert J. Barro.
An influential Canadian-American economist A Keynesian An institutionalist A leading proponent of 20th-century American liberalism progressivism
The fifth solution (more vague denial of poverty) --Public assistance to the poor interfered with the effective operation of the economic system—that such assistance was inconsistent with the economic design that had come to serve most people very well.
What is the essence of the first design? The essence of the first design is to take away the responsibility to aid the poor from the government and to put an end to the social welfare policies since the New Deal.
Unit-1- How-to- Get-the- Poor-off- Our- Conscience---- John-培训课件.ppt
Unit 1. How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience---John Kenneth Galbraith
John Kenneth Galbraith
4月29日,美国,麻省,坎布里奇,20世纪最伟大的 经济学家约翰·肯尼思·加尔布雷斯(John KennethGalbraith)与世长辞了,享年97岁。
the rich in China is large?
Text Organization
Part 1(1-2): The coexistence of the poor and the rich is still a problem for us.
Part 2(3-9): There were five solutions to the problem.
Part 3 (10-11): Roosevelt’s New Deal seemed to get the poor off our conscience, but actually they are just suspended
Substantial adj. (相当)大的; 重要的 Suspend vt.吊, 悬挂 v.延缓 Literary adj.文学(上)的, 从事写作的, 文
它是由加拿大经济学家约翰·塔西佗(John Kenneth Galbraith)在他的经济学著作《小岗位》(The Great Crash)中提出的。
现代大学英语精读6 Lesson 1 How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience
How to Get the Poor off Our
John Kenneth Galbraith
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908-2006)
• A Canadian-American economist, author, professor, presidential counselor and U.S. ambassador to India
• awarded in 2000 with the Leontief Prize for his outstanding contribution to economic theory by the Global Development and Environment Institute.
• The library in his hometown Dutton, Ontario was renamed the John Kenneth Galbraith Reference Library in honor of his attachment to the library and his contributions to the new building.
• a frustrating half year
Political posts under Kennedy
• During his time as an adviser to President John F. Kennedy, Galbraith was appointed United States Ambassador to India from 1961 to 1963.
商业兴衰《1929 年大崩盘》F837.125/4024(The Great Crash 1929),加尔布雷思(JohnKenneth Galbraith)著,1955 年出版。
《非同寻常的大众幻想与群众性癫狂》非同寻常:欧洲历史上最荒唐可笑的群众性癫狂K500.5-49/5441(ExtraordinaryPopular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds),查理斯•麦基(Charles Mackay)著,1841 年出版(中译本由中国金融出版社出版)。
@《有趣的钱财》(Funny Money),马克•辛格(Mark Singer)著,1985 年出版。
《沸腾岁月: 华尔街 60 年代牛市兴衰记》(The Go-Go Years: The Drama and Crashing Finale of Wall Street’s Bullish ’60s),约翰•布鲁克斯(John Brooks)著,企业《门口的野蛮人》I712.55/2245-1(Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco),布赖恩•伯勒(Bryan Burrough)和约翰•黑利亚尔(John Helyar)著,《基业长青》从优秀到卓越F270/4944-2(Built to Last: Successful Habits ofVisionary Companies),吉姆•科林斯(Jim Collins)和杰瑞I波拉斯(Jerry I. Porras)《链锯》(Chainsaw: The Notorious Career of Al Dunlap in the Era of Profit-at-any-price),约翰•拜恩(John Byrne)著,《谁说大象不会跳舞?》K837.125.38/0442-2(Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance ?),郭士纳(Louis V. Gerstner)著,决策@《安那普尔那: 女人的地方》Annapurna(Annapurna: A Woman’s Place)阿琳•布鲁姆(Arlene Blum)著; @《出类拔萃之辈》(The Best and the Brightest),戴维•哈尔伯斯坦(David Halberstam)著《大洋深处: 埃塞克斯捕鲸船的悲剧》海洋深处:“埃塞克斯号”捕鲸船遇难记I712.45/4124-2,纳撒尼尔•菲尔布里克著, @《杀手天使》(The Killer Angels)I712.45/S524/,迈克尔•沙拉(Michael Shaara)著;《十三天: 古巴导弹危机回忆录》D775.119/2273,罗伯特•肯尼迪著,经济学:《资本主义、社会主义和民主》,约瑟夫•熊彼特著;《一切待售: 市场的好处和限度》(Everything for Sale: The Virtues and Limits of Markets),罗伯特•库特纳(Robert Kuttner)著,《就业、利息和货币通论》第十二章,凯恩斯著;《流行的国际主义》F11-0/4224,保罗•克鲁格曼著;《国富论》,亚当•斯密著;道德《贼巢》I712.55/4862-1,詹姆斯•斯图亚特;《告密者》I712.45/4823;《沉静领导》C933.2/7735 约瑟夫•L•巴达拉科;《房间里最精明的人》,贝萨尼•麦克林和彼得•艾尔金德著;@《我们现在的生活方式》(The Way We Live Now),I561.44/T847-3安东尼•脱勒洛普(Anthony Trollope)著;全球化《北京吉普: 美国企业在中国的短暂而不幸的婚姻》,F752.771.2/M281吉姆•曼(Jim Mann)著;《以自由看待发展》C92-05/4099;@《资本的神秘性: 为何资本主义在西方胜利,在其它地方却失败》(The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else),赫尔南多•德索托(Hernando de Soto)著;《非零时代: 人类命运的逻辑》K02/5925;《石油•金钱•权力》D815.9/1481#1,丹尼尔•耶金(Daniel Yergin)著;@《工人: 工业时代考古学》J431/4224萨尔加多;投资《巴菲特致股东的信》F276.6/7742,劳伦斯•卡宁汉编; 《随机漫步的傻瓜-机遇在市场及人生中的隐蔽角色》随机致富的傻瓜F830.59/4144-11;《聪明的投资者》;《钱与球: 在不公平比赛中获胜的艺术》说谎者的扑克牌,未来刚刚发生等K837.125.38/4254一个想法1000万: NETSCARPE如何利用风险投资,G848.197.12/L675/迈克尔•刘易斯(Michael Lewis);领导力《永不退缩: 温斯顿丘吉尔讲演精选》为未竟的事业奋战到底: 丘吉尔演说精选D756.109/7142;丘吉尔之孙 Winston S. Churchill 编;《论领导力》C933/4022,约翰•加德纳著;《马丁•路德•金时代的美国(1954-1963)》外文图书借阅区-4楼D771.262-09(Parting the Waters: America in the King Years 1954-63),泰勒•布兰奇(Taylor Branch)著,《个人历史》K837.125.4/4917 格雷厄姆, K., Graham , K., 关键, 吉基旺(Personal History),凯瑟琳•格雷厄姆(Katharine Graham)著,《工商巨子》洛克菲勒传K837.127/3144,荣•切尔诺(Ron Chernow)著;谈判和管理《漫长的诉讼》I712.45/6029.1哈尔, J., Harr , J., 黄乔生;《有效的管理者》卓有效的管理者C93/4954杜拉克, B.F., 钟少光;《你还记得我吗?》(Remember Every Name Every Time),本杰明•莱维(Benjamin Levy)著,《久分必合: 戴姆勒-奔驰与克莱斯勒合并内幕》F451.664/2154维拉斯克, 比尔, Vlasic , Bill, 斯特茨, 布拉德利·A., Stertz , Brad, 胡小军, 熊焰, 刘丽洁;@《好女不过问: 谈判和性别鸿沟》(Women Don’t Ask: Negotiation and the Gender Divide),林达•巴布考克(Linda Babcock)和萨拉•拉谢佛(Sara Laschever)著,2003 年出版(中译本由台湾晨星出版公司出版);办公室政治@《来自纽约现场: 周六晚间直播节目野史》(Live from New York: An Uncensored History of Saturday Night Live),汤姆•希尔斯(Tom Shales)和詹姆斯•安德鲁•米勒(James AndrewMiller)著,《忠诚的代价: 美国前财长保罗·奥尼尔眼中的布什和白宫》D771.23/4244萨斯坎德, 罗恩, Suskind , Ron, 李星健, 宋宁, 张帆, 舒杭生;《君主论》(The Prince),尼科洛•马基雅弗利;《烦恼无穷》出事了(Something Happened)I712.45/3145.1-1赫勒, J., Heller , J., 宁芜;权力;《小沃森自传》(Father Son & Co:My Life at IBM and Beyond),小托马斯沃森(Thomas Watson Jr.)和彼得•皮特(Peter Petre)著,《大曝光: 好莱坞与华尔街之间的斗争》(Indecent Exposure: A True Story of Hollywood and Wall Street),戴维•麦克林蒂克(David McClintick)著,《影响力: 你为什么会说“是”》影响力B848/1623西奥迪尼, 罗伯特.B, Cialdini , R.B., 张力慧@《权力掮客: 罗伯特•摩西斯和纽约的衰败》成为官僚= The Power Broker(The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York)I712.45/2231卡洛, 罗伯特·A., 高晓晴项目管理@《美国钢铁: 钢铁工人和传统制造业地区的复兴》(American Steel: Hot Metal Men and the Resurrection of the Rust Belt),理查德•普雷斯顿(Richard Preston)著,@《价值连城的分子: 制药艰辛录》(The Billion-Dollar Molecule: One Company’s Quest for the Perfect Drug),巴里•沃斯(Barry Werth)著, @《卡迪拉克沙漠》(Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its DisappearingWater)TV213.4-017.12/R377Reisner , Marc.;《原子弹诞生记》揭开核冷战铁幕的权威报告——瓶中之蝎(上下册)(The Making of the Atomic Bomb),理查德•罗兹(Richard Rhodes)著,战略《孙子兵法》(The Art of War),作者: 孙子(约公元前 500 年)。
Lesson 1 How to Get the Poor off Our ConscienceJohn Kenneth Galbraith(1908—2006)•An economist, author, professor, presidential counselor and U.S. ambassador to India•The “last American Institutionalist"•an unabashed popularizer of economics•"The Affl uent Society” (1958)•2000: the Presidential Medal of Freedom,the U。
S. government’s highest civilian honor。
Background information:•Keynesian:凯恩斯主义 Economy fail – no money running around in the society, government – money to popel. 失业和经济危机的原因在于有效需求的不足,主张国家干预经济生活并管理通货。
•Post—Keynesian: monetarism强调货币供应量的变动是物价水平和经济活动的根本原因。
•Adam Smith:First to explain how capitalism worked, admired by Marx“Wealth of Nations": fundation work of classical economics, the division of labor, in a laissez-faire economy the impulse of self-interest would bring about the public welfare•utilitarianism:based on fairness and effectiveness增进公共利益的学说,人类避苦求乐,道德和立法的原则,人类利益的最大化,最大多数人的最大幸福•David Ricardo:“the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation”“iron law of wages”: wages tend to stablize around the subsistence level the theory of comparative advantage in international trade •Malthusianism: Malthus: Essay on Population1。
《Tell me why》歌词及歌手介绍及专辑介绍。
we don't give a helping hand.
Tell me why?
Every day, I ask myself,
what will I have to do to be a man?
(Why,why,does it never end)
Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends?
Why,why,(do we close our eyes)
但是 Declan 不只是一个普通的10岁男孩。
Declan Galbraith小的时候,是和他的祖父班度过。
他们到处在酒吧和俱乐部等地方演唱。Declan 与他的祖父乐团搭配并学习演唱。在他的祖父死之后,他继承了祖父的演唱事业。
Declan Galbraith,这个眼神清明的十二岁男孩的嗓音有一种让人落泪的力量,即使是圣诞的圣咏,在他的演绎下也渗透了人间悲苦。
Tell me why(why),
cos' I don't understand,
when so many need somebody,
we don't give a helping hand.
How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience
Galbraith, far left, as US ambassador to India, 1961
What is conscience?
Conscience refers to the sense of right and
wrong and the urge to do right.
Conscience is unique to us human beings and
Stockbroker (股票经纪人)
This is associated with the name of David Ricardo,
a stockbroker, and Thomas Robert Malthus, a
divine. (sarcasm) (Para. 5)
Stockbroker: a person whose job is buying and
• 4. Survival of the fittest
• 5. interference ion with effective operatiom
of economic system
Five Current Designs
• 1. Incompetent government • 2. Harmful to the poor • 3. Adverse effect on incentive
1) What do you think of the gap between the poor and rich in our country? What, in your opinion, are its causes? 2) Is poverty very much on the conscience of the rich? 3) What are the possible dangers of wide gap between the rich and the poor? 4) What are the first 5 historical wys to get the poor off our conscience? 5)What are the 5 current strategies for getting the poor off our conscience? 6)Why does the author say compassion along with the associated public effort is the most truly conservative course?
4、 新制度学派理论的核心之四 ——新社会主义论
(1)资本主义与社会主义最终会走向趋同,通过限制 资本主义社会计划体系的权力,提高市场体系的地位, 就能够在这两个部门实现权力和收入均等化,从而实 现“新社会主义”; (2)两种社会制度之间的趋同是现代经济和技术发展 的必然结果,计划终究要取代市场。 ……
约翰· 肯尼思· 加尔布雷思(John Kenneth Galbraith) 美著名的经济学家和新制度学派的领军人物。
John Kenneth Galbraith
1908年生在加拿大一苏格兰移民的农场主家庭。 1931年毕业于安大略省农学院,获学士学位。 随后去美加州大学继续深造农业经济,1933年获硕士 学位,次年获博士学位。 1934年到哈佛大学任讲师,其后历任物价局副局长、战 略轰炸调查团团长和国务院经济安全政策室主任。 1949年任哈佛大学教授,并在1961-1963年期间受命出 任美国驻印度大使。 1972年当选美国经济学会会长,2006年去世。
1、新制度学派理论的核心之一 ——权力转移论
权力转移论,人类社会的“最重要的生产要素”在经 济中的重要性会不断发生变化,在不同的社会和同 一社会的不同时期,谁掌握了最重要的生产要素, 谁就掌握了权力。
加尔布雷思把由技术专 家掌管的大公司称为 “成熟公司”,而把由 “成熟公司”构成的新 经济体称为“新工业 国”。
表现:管理需求、控制物价;技术阶层终将 取代资本家掌管计划体系的权力;国家必将 行使调节总需求、物价和工资的职能,并且 致力于兴办教育和发展科技
《美国资本主义:抗衡力量的概念》(1952年); 《1929年大崩盘》(1955年); 《丰裕社会》(1958年); 《新工业国》(1967年); 《经济学与公共目标》(1973年); 《不确定的年代》(1976年); 《一个永久开明人士的记述》(1971年); ……
affluent happiness六级题
affluent happiness六级题You hear the refrain all the time:the U.S.economy looks good statistically,but it doesn't feel good.Why doesn't ever-greater wealth promote ever-greater happiness?It is a question that dates at least to the appearance in 1958 of The Affluent(富裕的)Society by John Kenneth Galbraith,who died recently at 97.The Affluent Society is a modern classic because it helped define a new moment in the human condition.For most of history,"hunger,sickness,and cold"threatened nearly everyone,Galbraith wrote."Poverty was found everywhere in that world.Obviously it is not of ours."After World War II,the dread of another Great Depression gave way to an economic boom.In the 1930s unemployment had averaged 18.2 percent;in the 1950s it was 4.5 percent.To Galbraith,materialism had gone mad and would breed discontent.Through advertising,companies conditioned consumers to buy things they didn't really want or need.Because so much spending was artificial,it would beunfulfilling.Meanwhile,government spending that would make everyone better off was being cut down because people instinctively and wrongly labeled government only as"a necessary evil."It's often said that only the rich are getting ahead;everyone else is standing still or fallingbehind.Well,there are many undeserving rich overpaid chief executives,for instance.But over any meaningful period,most people's incomes are increasing.From 1995 to2004,inflation-adjusted average family income rose 14.3 percent,to$43,200.people feel"squeezed"because their rising incomes often don't satisfy their rising wants for bigger homes,more health care,more education,faster Internet connections.The other great frustration is that it has not eliminated insecurity.People regard job stability as part of their standard of living.As corporate layoffs increased,that part has eroded.More workers fear they've become"the disposable American,"as Louis Uchitelle puts it in his book by the same name.Because so much previous suffering and social conflict stemmed from poverty,the arrival of widespread affluence suggested utopian()possibilities.Up to apoint,affluence succeeds.There is much les physical misery than before.People are better off.Unfortunately,affluence also creates new complaints and contradictions.Advanced societies need economic growth to satisfy the multiplying wants of their citizens.But the quest for growth lets loose new anxieties and economic conflicts that disturb the social order.Affluence liberates the individual,promising thateveryone can choose a unique way to self-fulfillment.But the promise is so extravagant that it predestines many disappointments and sometimes inspires choices that have anti-social consequences,including family breakdown and obesity().Statistical indicators of happiness have not risen with incomes.Should we be surprised?Not really.We've simply reaffirmed an old truth:the pursuit of affluence does not always end with happiness.You hear the refrain all the time:the U.S.economy looks good statistically,but it doesn't feel good.Why doesn't ever-greater wealth promote ever-greater happiness?It is a question that dates at least to the appearance in 1958 of The Affluent()Society by John Kenneth Galbraith,who died recently at 97.The Affluent Society is a modern classic because it helped define a new moment in the human condition.For most of history,"hunger,sickness,and cold"threatened nearly everyone,Galbraith wrote."Poverty was found everywhere in that world.Obviously it is not of ours."After World War II,the dread of another Great Depression gave way to an economic boom.In the 1930s unemployment had averaged 18.2 percent;in the 1950s it was 4.5 percent.To Galbraith,materialism had gone mad and would breed discontent.Through advertising,companies conditioned consumers to buy things they didn't really want or need.Becauseso much spending was artificial,it would beunfulfilling.Meanwhile,government spending that would make everyone better off was being cut down because people instinctively and wrongly labeled government only as"a necessary evil."It's often said that only the rich are getting ahead;everyone else is standing still or fallingbehind.Well,there are many undeserving rich overpaid chief executives,for instance.But over any meaningful period,most people's incomes are increasing.From 1995 to2004,inflation-adjusted average family income rose 14.3 percent,to$43,200.people feel"squeezed"because their rising incomes often don't satisfy their rising wants for bigger homes,more health care,more education,faster Internet connections.The other great frustration is that it has not eliminated insecurity.People regard job stability as part of their standard of living.As corporate layoffs increased,that part has eroded.More workers fear they've become"the disposable American,"as Louis Uchitelle puts it in his book by the same name.Because so much previous suffering and social conflict stemmed from poverty,the arrival of widespread affluence suggested utopian()possibilities.Up to apoint,affluence succeeds.There is much les physical miserythan before.People are better off.Unfortunately,affluence also creates new complaints and contradictions.Advanced societies need economic growth to satisfy the multiplying wants of their citizens.But the quest for growth lets loose new anxieties and economic conflicts that disturb the social order.Affluence liberates the individual,promising that everyone can choose a unique way to self-fulfillment.But the promise is so extravagant that it predestines many disappointments and sometimes inspires choices that have anti-social consequences,including family breakdown and obesity().Statistical indicators of happiness have not risen with incomes.Should we be surprised?Not really.We've simply reaffirmed an old truth:the pursuit of affluence does not always end with happiness52、What question does John Kenneth Galbraith raise in his book The Affluent Society?A)Why statistics don't tell the truth about the economy.B)Why affluence doesn't guarantee happiness.C)How happiness can be promoted touay.D)What lies behind an econo:ic boom53、According to Galbraith,people feel discontented because?A)public spending hasn't been cut down as expectedB)the government nas proved to be a necessary evilC)they are in fear of another Great DepressionD).naterialism has run wvild in modern society54、Why do people feel squeezed when their average income rises considerably?A)Their material pursuits have gone far ahead of their earnings.B)Their purchasing power has dropped marhedly with inflation.C)The distribution of wealth is uneven between the r5ich and the poor.D)Health care and educational cost have somehow gone out of control.55、What does Louis Uchitelle mean by"the disposable American',((Line 3,Para.5)?A)Those who see job stability as part of their living standard.B)Peole full of utopian ideas resulting from affluence.C)People who have little say in American politics.DWorkers who no longer have secure jobs.56、What has affluence brought to American society?A)Renewed economic security.B)A sense of self fulfillment.C)New conflicts and complaints.Misery and anti-social behavior.。
澡堂定律是经济学家John Kenneth Galbraith提出的一种经济理论,它指出,当收入增加时,消费者会把更多的收入用于消费,而不是储蓄。
迪克兰·加尔布雷斯个人介绍全名:Declan John Galbraith生日:1991年12月19日出生地:英国成长地:爱尔兰(Declan是英国的英格兰人,爸爸是英格兰人,妈妈是爱尔兰人.生在英格兰的肯特郡,有爱尔兰和英格兰的血统)家人:爸爸Alec妈妈Siobhan妹妹Bernardette最好的朋友:Joe(堂兄)最喜欢的足球明星:Alan Shearer最喜欢的流行歌手:Robbie Williams最喜欢的游戏:PS2最喜欢的玩具:遥控车最喜欢的运动:足球(英式)最喜欢的歌曲:Danny Boy最喜欢的学科:数学,科学喜欢的书籍:《哈利•波特》喜欢的歌手:Carole King,The Fureys,Christy Moore,Led Zeppelin,Robbie Williams 和Westlife。
不大欣赏的歌手:Britney Spears(布兰妮)不大擅长的技能:绘画Declan Galbraith从4岁开始展露歌唱天赋,8岁那年,他开始参加一些音乐比赛,并在14个月中获得了16个大奖。
同时他也获得了词作家Barry Mason(写过Last Waltz-最后的华尔兹的作者)的欣赏,从此一发不可收拾。
我们听到的这首「Walking In The Air」录制于2001年,那时候他才9岁。
祖父于1996年去世,可是Declan 忘不了他,他的第一张专辑《Declan》就是献给他祖父的。
体上相当富裕的黄金年代,但整个社会仍然存 在大量贫民,公共建设相对来说也十分落后, 贫富之悬殊、公共品的匮乏甚至让富人们都感 觉到了不便和痛苦。但是,美国式的资本主义 是极端鼓励自由竞争的,公众对于任何让政府 变得更“大”的观念都十分警惕,贫困的存在 被认为是一种保持社会追求财富动力的必需。 《丰裕社会》一书的风行在很大程度上改变了 美国社会,尤其是主流精英们的思想,成千上 万的大学生们被指定阅读该书。不仅在美国, 加尔布雷思的观点对20 世纪60 年代到70 年 代整个西方广泛的政府扩张也起到了重要作用。
丰裕社会 (The Affluent Society)
约翰· 肯尼思· 加尔布雷斯 (John Kenneth Galbraith)
加尔布雷斯(Galbraith, John Kenneth)(1908~ 2006 )美国经济学家。新制 度学派的主要代表人物。出 生于加拿大安大略。1930 年 获安大略农学院文学士学位。 1933 年获加利福尼亚大学硕 士学位,1934年获哲学博士 学位。先后在加利福尼亚大 学、哈佛大学、普林斯顿大 学任教。曾任美国价格管理 局局长助理、民主党顾问委 员会经济顾问委员会主席。 第二次世界大战后,担任过 印度、巴基斯坦和斯里兰卡 政府顾问。1961~1963 年 任美国驻印度大使。1972 年 被选为美国经济学会会长。
这本书一出版,就由于其独特的观点与流畅 的文笔而成为畅销书。这本书认为,二战后 美国已成为物质产品极为丰富的丰裕社会, 但这种社会存在严重缺点:生产者主权代替 了消费者主权,即生产者主宰了消费者;过 分强调物质至上,把物质产品增加等同于幸 福;存在严重的收入分配不平等。这本书的 重点不是称赞美国社会如何丰裕,
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John Kenneth Galbraith was born on a farm near Iona Station, Canada in nineteen-oh-eight. It was a long way from the East Coast of the United States and the political power centers he would come to influence. He learned about politics from his father, William Archibald Galbraith, who was a farmer. He also served in many local government positions and was a community leader. John once said that his mother, Sarah Catherine Kendall Galbraith, wanted him to be a farmer also. But she died when he was fourteen.
John Kenneth Galbraith was an economist, liberal thinker, author, professor, presidential advisor and ambassador. He. stood over two meters tall. He was excellent at arguing positions and making complex ideas understandable. These two qualities made Mister Galbraith a powerful personality able to influence people at the highest levels of government.
That year, Mister Galbraith also went to England to study under the most influential economist of the twentieth century. John Maynard Keynes was teaching at Cambridge University at the time.
Mister Galbraith said he was also deeply affected by the economic disaster that was expanding around him and across the country: The Great Depression.
The same year, Mister Galbraith started writing for Fortune magazine, which was owned by noted conservative Henry Luce. Mister Galbraith developed into a highly skilled writer. Even his strongest critic praised his writing ability, even if they did not agree with what he wrote.
Mister Galbraith held the powerful position of top price controller in the administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In nineteen forty-three, however, he was forced to resign from the job. Later, he would say that he had been ousted by the politics of price control.
He was also a productive writer and an effective critic of many popular ideas of his time. For some, he was an easy person to dislike. He was very sure of himself and his arguments. Yet, he clearly influenced the economic ideas of many people, including politicians and presidents.
In his early years, Mister Galbraith was greatly influenced by the economist Thorstein Veblen and his book, "The Theory of the Leisure Class." Mister Veblen argued that people gathered wealth for the purpose of "conspicuous consumption." He meant that people earned money to spend on valuable things to gain respect in society.
In nineteen thirty-nine, John Kenneth Galbraith began working for the government. He joined the National Defense Advisory Committee in Washington. He later was in charge of controlling prices for the Office of Price Administration.
He had published the "General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money" the year before. Mister Keynes argued that deep economic crises required strong measures by the government. He said large public works projects and government price controls were needed to increase employment during economic downturns.
Near the end of World War Two, Mister Galbraith took part in the Strategic Bombing survey. The study was meant to measure the effectiveness of the American bombing campaign against Germany. He angered many people by saying that the bombing had done little to halt the German war effort. He found the Germans had simply moved industrial operations to new places after the bombing.
In nineteen fifty-eight, Mister Galbraith published his most famous book,"The Affluent Society." He argued that while private individuals in America were becoming wealthier, public institutions were growing poor. He criticized the American culture that he said was rich in goods but poor in social services.
Mister Galbraith was also involved in politics, which was unusual for ate speeches for Democratic presidential candidate Adlai Stevenson during two campaigns in the nineteen fifties. Mister Galbraith later became a trusted adviser to President John F. Kennedy.
Mister Galbraith became an instructor at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In nineteen thirty-seven, he became an American citizen. He married Catherine Atwater, the daughter of a New York lawyer. They later had four sons.
Young John first studied agriculture at Ontario Agricultural College. But he soon found economics more interesting. His studies led him to the University of California at Berkeley. He got a doctorate degree in agricultural economics in nineteen thirty-four.