面向新一代智能制造的人- 信息- 物理系统(HCPS)
B 反索赔指发包人向承包人进行的索赔。
A.23.43%B.21.43%C.17.65%D.18.46%【答案】B【解析】ROI=EBIT/TIX100%=1200+5600X100%=21.43%7、[选择题]下列装配式建筑构件中,属于非受力构件的是( )。
智能制造发展历史1. 从自动化到智能化大概从中学开始,人们就接受一个概念:人和动物最根本的区别在于使用工具。
英国伟大的动物学家珍妮·古道尔(Jane Goodall)发现,黑猩猩可以选择和加工工具,如去掉树枝的树叶,以树枝作为工具,伸进白蚁穴中捕捉白蚁。
2016智能制造十大核心技术所谓(Intelligent Manufacturing,IM)是指由智能机器和人类专家共同组成的人机一体化智能系统,它在制造过程中能进行智能活动,诸如分析、推理、判断、构思和决策等,通过人与人、人与机器、机器与机器之间的协同,去扩大、延伸和部分地取代人类专家在制造过程中的脑力劳动。
2、人工智能AI:即人工智能(Artificial Intelligence),它是研究、开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人的智能的理论、方法、技术及应用系统。
3、增强现实技术AR:即增强现实技术,Augmented Reality,它是一种将真实世界信息和虚拟世界信息“无缝”集成的新技术,是把原本在现实世界的一定时间空间范围内很难体验到的实体信息(视觉、声音、味道、触觉等信息)通过电脑等科学技术,模拟仿真后再叠加,将虚拟的信息应用到真实世界,被人类感官所感知,从而达到超越现实的感官体验。
SEISMOLOGICAL AND GEOMAGNETIC OBSERV ATION AND RESEARCH 第41卷 第2期2020年 4月Vol.41 No.2Apr. 2020地震地磁观测与研究doi: 10. 3969/j. issn. 1003-3246. 2020. 02. 0010 引言2006年,时任美国国家科学基金会(NSF ,National Science Foundation )项目主任Helen Gill 根据讨论结果,提出信息物理系统(CPS ,Cyber-Physical Systems )的概念,并作为NSF 未来10—20年的重要研究课题(Gill ,2006)。
2007年,美国总统科学顾问委员会(PSAC )提交的《面临挑战的领导地位》,把CPS 列为8个重点领域之首,从此美国政府确定了CPS 发展战略(PCAST ,2010)。
2013年4月,德国提出“工业4.0”战略,旨在利用CPS 使工业转型为网络化、数据化、集成化、智能化的新型工业模式,保持德国工业的全球竞争力(森德勒,2014)。
2016年,日本内阁会议在决定的五年科学技术政策基本指针“第5期科技技术基本规划”中,正式提出社会5.0(Society5.0),主要意图是最大限度地应用信息通讯(ICT )技术,通过信息与物理的融合,共享给人人带来富裕的“超智慧社会”(日本文部科学省,2016)。
《指导意见》把发展CPS 作为强化融合发展基础支撑的重要组成部分,明确了现阶段CPS 发展的主要任务和方向,对推动我国CPS 发展具有重要意义。
智能制造技术基础 第六章 智能制造装备
6.2.2 智能机床关键技术
6.2.2 智能机床关键技术
2. 大数据采集以及分析技术 从目前智能数控机床技术的实际发展情况来看,要想不断优 化大数据分析过程,首先要确保相关数据实现可视化,在一 定程度上确保数据分析能够实现科学合理,最终为相应的决 策提供可靠性依据,目前很多数控系统往往是将数据采集接 口装置加以合理应用,为相关数据信息的真实性以及有效性 提供可靠性保障。另外,科学合理的使用大数据采集以及分 析技术能确保相关数据实现智能化管理,在获取相应的制造 数据后,在此基础上让整个加工过程以及相关数据形成科学 合理的联系,最大化减少人为因素的影响,对加工效率造成 直接影响,同时在一定程度上确保相关数据的管理实现人工 智能化,推动我国机械制造业实现可持续发展战略目标。
6.2.3 智能机床案 例
6.3 工业机器人
6 . 3 . 1 工业机器人概念
工业机器人在世界各国的定义不完全相同,但是其含义基本 一致。ISO对工业机器人定义为:“工业机器人是一种具有自 动控制的操作和移动功能,能够完成各种作业的可编程操作 机”。ISO 8373有更具体的解释:“工业机器人有自动控制 与再编程、多用途功能,机器人操作机有三个或三个以上的 可编程轴,在工业机器人自动化应用中,机器人的底座可固 定也可移动”。u.s.Robotics Industry.Association对工业 机器人的定义为:“工业机器人是用来进行搬运材料、零件、 工具等可再编程的多功能机械手,或通过不同程序的调用来 完成各种工作任务的特种装置”。日本工业标准、德国的标 准及英国机器人协会也有类似的定义。工业机器人是集机械、 电子、控制、计算机、传感器、人工智能等多学科的先进技 术于一体的现代制造业自动化重要装备。
6.2.3 智能机床案 例
国际上称之为Digital Manufacturing。
国际上称之为smart Manufacturing,数字化和网络化制造是智能制造的第二种基本范式,也可以称之为“互联网+制造”或者第二代智能制造。
2023年智能制造专题讲座 答案
A.人-物理系统B .信息-物理系统C.人-信息系统D.人-信息-物理系统正确答案:D智能制造可归纳为三个基本(江南博哥)范式:数字化制造、数字化网络化制造、数字化网络化智能化制造(新一代智能制造)。
其中,人- 信息-物理系统” (Human-Cyber-Physical Systems, HCPS)揭示了新一代智能制造的技术机理,能够有效指导新一代智能制造的理论研究和工程实践()是BlM模型的核心元素,是对建筑实体最直接的反映。
A.施工模拟B.参数建模C.预算模型D.管线综合E.进度计划正确答案:CE 3D信息模型与预算模型、进度计划集成扩展成为BIM5D模型。
BIM 5D模型包括的内容有()。
A.设施管理应用B.建筑构件信息C.进度信息D. WBS信息E.预算信息正确答案:BCDE此题考查BlM SD包含内容。
3D信息模型与预算模型、进度计划集成扩展成为BlM SD模型。
BIM 5D模型包括建筑构件信息、进度信息、WBS信息、预算信息及其相互关联关系。
A.建筑构件信息B. WBS信息C.预算信息D.质量信息E.进度信息正确答案:ABCE BIM5D模型包括建筑构件信息、进度信息、WBS信息、预算信息及其相互关联关系。
A .信息存储B.参数化建模C.联合数据分类D.信息交换与共享正确答案:DBlM的核心是信息的交换与共享。
A.参数化建模技术B. CAD技术C.三维技术D.模拟技术正确答案:A此题考查BlM的主要技术。
16. ABCD
17. ABCD
18. ABCD
19. ABCD
20. ABCD
7. CAD
1. C
2. B
人工智能在智能制造中的人才需求与培养随着信息技术和工业制造技术的不断发展,人工智能(Artificial Intelligence, AI)作为一种重要的技术手段,正逐渐应用于各个领域,其中智能制造领域尤为重要。
在智能制造中,以下人才需求凸显:1. AI应用工程师:负责将人工智能技术应用于智能制造系统中,包括数据采集与分析、机器学习算法的设计与调试等。
2. 智能制造系统工程师:负责智能制造系统的设计与实施,熟悉物联网技术、云计算等相关技术,并能将其与人工智能技术相结合。
3. 数据科学家:负责从大量数据中挖掘有价值的信息,为智能制造提供决策支持,对数据分析、机器学习等方面具有较深的专业知识。
4. 机器学习工程师:负责开发和训练机器学习模型,优化算法,提高生产系统的智能化水平。
5. 人机交互设计师:负责设计智能制造系统的人机界面,以提高人的工作效率和工作体验。
1. 高校教育:高校应加强人工智能和智能制造学科的开设与研究,建立相应的学习体系和实践基地,为学生提供相关课程和实践机会。
2. 职业培训:相关培训机构可以开设人工智能和智能制造方面的培训课程,针对不同人群的需求,提供系统化、实用化的培训内容。
3. 企业培养:企业应积极招聘和培养具备人工智能和智能制造技术背景的人才,为员工提供进修和继续教育的机会,确保其能够持续跟进技术发展。
三、智能制造中人才培养的具体措施为了有效培养智能制造领域的人才,以下措施可供参考:1. 实践教育:加强实践教育的培养,通过校企合作项目、实习和实训等方式,提升学生的实际操作能力和问题解决能力。
包 装 工 程 第44卷 第12期60 PACKAGING ENGINEERING 2023年6月收稿日期:2023–01–07基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2021YFB3301702);陕西省科技重大专项(2018zdzx01-01-01) 作者简介:张富强(1984—),男,博士,副教授,主要研究方向为面向人机交互的智能制造。
面向复杂加工装备的功能聚合与作业手势交互设计张富强a,b ,曾夏a,b ,白筠妍a,b ,赵睿英a(长安大学 a.道路施工技术与装备教育部重点实验室b.智能制造系统研究所,西安 710064)摘要:目的 为了解决当前复杂加工装备人机交互过程中存在手势和功能映射模糊、缺少规范等问题,研究将人机交互技术赋能复杂加工装备的智能化升级。
方法 首先,采用谱系聚类法进行复杂加工装备的人机交互功能聚合,为手势映射提供基础;其次,基于手势交互定义原则对作业手势进行规范性定义,完成手势库的设计;最后,根据作业场景进行调整并完成人机交互功能与作业手势的映射。
结果 通过聚类将40个子功能元聚合为16个二级功能和4个一级功能,依据手势定义规则设计出一套动、静态结合的混合手势库,实现了人机交互功能映射。
结论 该研究为交互服务识别与计算提供基础的理论支持,可方便、自然地对复杂加工装备进行远程操作与监控。
关键词:复杂加工装备;功能聚合;作业手势定义;交互合计中图分类号:TH 165;TB472 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3563(2023)12-0060-08 DOI :10.19554/ki.1001-3563.2023.12.006Interaction Design of Function Aggregation and Operation Gesturefor Complex Machining EquipmentZHANG Fu-qiang a,b , ZENG Xia a,b , BAI Jun-yan a,b , ZHAO Rui-ying a(a. Key Laboratory of Road Construction Technology and Equipment of MOE b. Institute of SmartManufacturing Systems Engineering, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, China)ABSTRACT: The work aims to empower the intelligent upgrading of complex machining equipment with hu-man-machine interaction technology, in order to solve the problems in the human-machine interaction process of complex machining equipment, such as blurred gesture and function mapping and lack of standards. Firstly, the hierarchical clus-tering method was used to aggregate the human-machine interaction functions of complex machining equipment, provid-ing a foundation for gesture mapping. Next, the definition of operation gestures was standardized based on mapping rules, and the gesture library was designed. Finally, the mapping between human-machine interaction functions and operation gestures was adjusted and completed according to the operation situation. By clustering, 40 sub-functional elements were aggregated into 16 secondary functions and 4 primary functions, and a set of dynamic and static hybrid gesture library was designed based on gesture definition rules. This study provides basic theoretical support for interactive service recognition and computation, and can realize the convenient, natural and remote operation and monitoring of complex machining equipment. KEY WORDS: complex machining equipment; function aggregation; operation gesture definition; interaction design工业5.0的提出及人工智能、虚拟现实、物联网等新兴技术快速发展,人本智造成为现代信息技术和先进制造业深度融合的焦点,更加强调以人为本的生产环境[1-2]。
第32卷第19期中国机械工程V o l .32㊀N o .192021年10月C H I N A M E C HA N I C A LE N G I N E E R I N Gp p.2390G2393智能时代的人机共融体:技术驱动㊁以人为本«T h eH u m a c h i n e :H u m a n k i n d ,M a c h i n e s ,a n dt h eF u t u r e o fE n t e r pr i s e »导读王柏村1㊀彭㊀晨1㊀易㊀兵2㊀杨㊀赓11.浙江大学机械工程学院,杭州3100272.中南大学交通运输工程学院,长沙410075导语在人工智能飞速发展的今天,如何帮助工厂和企业应用人工智能提升竞争力,以及如何控制在应用人工智能时所带来的风险,成为人类必须面对且亟需解决的问题.«T h eH u m a c h i n e :H u m a n Gk i n d ,M a c h i n e s ,a n d t h eF u t u r e o fE n t e r pr i s e »一书探讨了人工智能的局限性以及人工智能所带来的机会,研究人类和机器可以互相补充配合的领域,提出了一个面向企业层面的 1+1>2 的智能体:人机共融体(H u m a c h i n e ).人机共融体基于云计算㊁大数据等技术,通过实施组织管理框架来创建,该框架通过应用卡斯帕罗夫定律,以满足博斯特罗姆集体超智能的条件来解决莫拉韦克悖论.人机共融体为构建具有可持续竞争优势㊁有效益㊁有道德的企业提供了方法和建议,同时也为学者们研究人G信息G物理系统(H C P S)㊁协作机器人㊁智能制造㊁智慧医疗㊁智能社会等提供了参考.收稿日期:202107301㊀概述人机共融体(H u m a c h i n e)一词最早出现在1999年«麻省理工技术评论»一期专刊封面上,用来描述人类和机器之间正在发展的共生关系,专刊文章中给出的例子是人类与机器简单直接的物理组合,如视觉植入和可穿戴技术[1].«T h eH u Gm a c h i n e :H u m a n k i n d ,M a c h i n e s ,a n dt h eF u t u r eo f E n t e r p r i s e »[2](以下简称 «T h eH u m a c h i n e » )则认为,人机共融体是地球生命历史中出现的一种新型智能,这种智能并不是能模仿人类的电子人㊁机器人或人工智能,也不是将人的某些属性与机器结合起来,或是将某些机械属性结合到人身上,人机共融体是指将人类的品质(如创造力㊁直觉㊁同情心㊁判断力)与机器的机械效率㊁规模经济㊁大数据处理能力结合在一起,再加上人工智能,在保持人类和机器优点的同时克服它们的局限和缺点.该书探讨的是企业层面上人与机器的结合,利用机器的力量来增强人类的能力,从而在企业层面创造功能优良的智能体.莫拉韦克悖论[3]认为:机器擅长什么,人类就不擅长什么,反之亦然.卡斯帕罗夫定律[4]认为:较弱的人+机器+更好的流程 优于强的计算机本身,也优于 较强的人+机器+更差的流程.博斯特罗姆从 集体 或 组织 的角度[5]认为:超级智能可以通过网络和组织的逐渐增强而出现,这些网络和组织将人类个体的思想相互联系起来,并与各种人工智能及机器人联系起来.简而言之,人机共融体是通过实施一个组织管理框架来创建的,该框架应用卡斯帕罗夫定律以满足博斯特罗姆集体超智能条件的方式来解决莫拉韦克悖论所提出的问题,相关概念如表1所示.表1㊀相关概念概念名称释义莫拉韦克悖论机器能力与人的能力互补 机器在哪些方面出类拔萃,人类就在哪些方面薄弱,反之亦然卡斯帕罗夫定律普通人和计算资源与正确的流程相结合可以产生非凡的结果能正确使用计算机的普通人胜过不能正确使用超级计算机的人类天才博斯特罗姆集体超智能条件 从网络和组织的增强中产生,网络和组织将个人的思想彼此联系起来,并与各种机器人联系在一起 大量小型的智慧联网在一起可以创造一个超越现有认知体系的系统人机共融体利用数据和人工智能来推动人类独特技能的展示 在一个超智能组织中,可将机器和人类的优点结合起来,以克服两者的局限性㊀㊀«T h eH u m a c h i n e»为未来创造出一个结合人类最高能力和机器最高能力的实体制定了路线图.这里所说的机器是指驱动工作过程的非人类机制.机器可以是可计算性的(如可以扩展人类计算能力的信息处理工具),也可以是物理性的(如可以扩展人类劳动能力的工业金属切削工0932具).人机共融体专家找到了利用物理机器和计算机器的力量来最大程度增强人类行为的方法,且该书的重点就是计算机器,如传感技术(R F I D 芯片)和信息处理技术(大数据分析).人类可以利用计算机器在企业层面上创造超越当今人类智慧上限的思维方式.2㊀超级智能的实现途径«T h eH u m a c h i n e»第一章论证了人和机器共生依存的关系.通过解释莫拉韦克悖论和卡斯帕罗夫定律,说明了普通人和机器经过更好的协同,其结合的表现会超过人类天才加卓越的机器这一现象.在阐述人机结合所创造出优势的同时,也强调了管理人工智能的重要性.以企业为研究对象介绍了如何将人力和技术结合起来,利用两者的优势实现最佳组合,创建一个超级智能体(即人机共融体).最后说明了人机共融体成功的关键在于人而不是技术本身,在于精心挑选的人才㊁精心培育的组织文化㊁正确的组织结构㊁团队管理的革新和创造,以及正确的组织激励.第二章介绍了超级智能及其实现途径.描述了超级智能所应具有的能力:学习㊁处理不确定性和概率信息,从数据中提取有用信息,将获得的信息灵活转化以支持逻辑直觉.引入并证明了集体意向性的存在来支持 一个企业可以有自己的想法 这个观点.阐述了获得超智能的四个途径:生物认知增强㊁神经网络㊁全脑仿真和集体超智能(或称为组织网络智能).论述了通用人工智能编程(需要人类现在无法获得的理论突破)㊁生物认知增强(需要长期优生学程序)㊁神经织网(这种方式不可行,更无法扩展到企业)㊁全脑仿真(可能可行的途径,但当下难以实现)等在实现超级智能过程中存在的问题,并阐明集体超智能是最有效的途径.3㊀走向人机共融«T h eH u m a c h i n e»第三章解释了人工智能的优势及其局限性,如表2所示.介绍了大数据㊁算法㊁云计算和隐式数据对机器能力快速突破产生的作用,并对人工智能㊁机器学习㊁深度学习和神经网络等技术为机器赋能的方法进行了区分,如表3所示.确定了机器在数据处理的速度㊁精度㊁体量一致性等方面的优势,但存在缺乏创造性㊁不能理解上下文㊁不能克服数据的局限性㊁缺乏直觉㊁容易陷入局部最优㊁分析过程难以解释等局限,且输出结果受限于输入数据的质量.表2㊀机器和人工智能的优势和局限性优势局限性处理大量数据不能处理预料之外的变化处理复杂的关系不能克服数据的局限性考虑大量变量难以得出创新的解决方案一致和客观的分析鲜有创造性或本质上的思考精准分析难以做到从 局部 到 全局 优化适应弹性的数据集很难解释决策结果表3㊀机器智能技术类型机器的智能化方法人工智能进行允许机器执行使其看起来 智能 的任务的编程机器学习人工智能的分支,机器无需编程即可从数据中学习神经网络机器学习的子集,机器可以判断对错深度学习模仿人类认知过程的算法㊀㊀第四章讨论了人的不可取代性和局限性.通过对人类智能所具有的独创性㊁思维迁移性㊁创造性㊁革新性㊁责任心㊁直觉㊁情感㊁关怀㊁道德信念和审美情趣等特征进行分析,证明了人不可被机器取代的特性.对人类的偏见㊁不理智等局限性进行了分析,总结了五种常见的人类局限,如表4所示.这些人类局限可以采用人机共融体进行弥补,从而使人类达到更高的行为决策水平.基于对人类智能必要性和局限性的分析,确定人机共融体需要具备的三种人类素质:文化素质㊁能力和性格特征,如表5所示.表4㊀人类局限性局限类型释义锚定效应进行数值预测时,人类倾向于使用参考点或 锚点作为起点,即使 锚点 是没有依据的从众效应一种认知偏差,表现为人类倾向于接受他人的信念㊁态度㊁行为和风格,即使与自身信念或现有证据相冲突归因偏差一种认知偏差,是评估他人行为动机和行为解释时出现的系统性错误确认偏差是一种倾向,即只寻找与已经相信的信息相匹配的信息框架效应事件的呈现框架导致人们会对事物(事件㊁产品甚至人)做出不同的反应表5㊀人机共融体需要具备的人类素质素质范围描述文化素质通才与专才科技㊁金融㊁文化㊁文明和社会能力技术与人类的连接系统思维㊁协作㊁批判性思维㊁解决问题的能力㊁创造力㊁创新性格特征人类特有的能力情商㊁好奇心㊁毅力㊁同情心㊁主动性㊁领导力㊁社会和文化意识㊀㊀第五章讨论了人与机器的融合方式.基于人与机器的优势㊁劣势分析,提出人类未来工作会发生变化而非被机器替代的论断.从增强智能㊁协作机器人㊁放大创造力㊁增强创造力㊁创新改进和通过视觉分析增强学习六个方面提出人机融合的方法,如表6所示.人机界面的优化有效提高了人类的学习能力和工作效率,但人类过度依赖机器则会存在技能衰退的风险.1932智能时代的人机共融体:技术驱动㊁以人为本 王柏村㊀彭㊀晨㊀易㊀兵等表6㊀人机融合方式融合方式解释增强智能机器基于人类输入的信息学习,并将学习成果反向提供给人类,以做出更准确的决策协作机器人旨在与人类在共享工作空间中进行物理互动的 第二代 机器人放大创造力人机合作过程中互相提升形成的放大正反馈增强创造力基于人类设计的规则约束,使机器成为生成尽可能多的解决方案的主力创新改进基于人的现有知识,利用机器加速研发进程通过视觉分析增强学习通过整合数据分析方法,将计算机分析的结果以更符合人类的感知㊁智慧和直觉的方式呈现,从而辅助人类获得更好㊁更快和更具操作性的结果㊀㊀增强创造力案例:A u t o d e s k公司开发了生成式设计系统D r e a m c a t c h e r作为下一代C A D系统.设计人员能够针对自己的设计问题创建一套具有特定目标和约束的初始规范集,算法根据目标和约束信息来生成一系列设计方案.设计人员能够在众多方案之间进行选择和权衡,并不断迭代改进他们的设计方案.协作机器人案例:在亚马逊位于伊利诺伊州莫尼的仓库中,人类和机器人可以并肩工作,完成客户订单.该仓库有2000多名全职员工与一批K i v a机器人一起工作.机器人给工人运送物品,并帮助他们完成任务.第六章探讨了人机共融时代的法律风险.为满足人机共融体的人道需求,深入探讨了在大型网络中实际应用人工智能所带来的风险,如表7所示.讨论了现有法律框架在减轻这些风险并使人工智能处于正确轨道上所面临的挑战,包括人工智能的控制问题㊁算法偏见和人工智能武器化问题.举例探讨了 深度造假 问题和废除 网络中立法规 事件,以表明监管人工智能过程中的困难.分析了人工智能决策的黑匣子性质以及自身所带的偏见,阐述了人工智能给传统法律立法和监管带来的影响.表7㊀人工智能的风险风险描述控制问题人工智能成为一个具有决定性战略优势和与人类利益目标冲突的独立个体问责差距受人工智能影响最严重的国家对其开发和部署没有所有权或控制权情感识别面部识别技术在判断内部心理状态方面的不道德应用监控侵入性地收集民用数据,破坏隐私,并存在数据泄露带来的安全风险内在偏见当人工智能被输入包含历史偏见的数据时,无论输入输出都会产生偏见武器化利用机器人通过社交媒体或网络攻击以对公众造成负面影响深度造假制造逼真的虚假视频以破坏视频中的目标和公众信任野生人工智能在公共环境中释放人工智能应用程序而不受监督4㊀打破范式«T h eH u m a c h i n e»第七章提出了打破旧商业范式的方法.提出从即插即用的传统商业模式转换为人机共融体需要经历四个转变,称为 四I模式,四个I指的是意向(I n t e n t i o n a l i t y)㊁集成(I n t e g r a t i o n)㊁实施(I m p l e m e n t a t i o n)和指标(I n d i c a t i o n),其具体说明见表8. 四I模型 是一个动态模型(图1),在不断学习(没有变异)的反馈循环中随着时间的推移而演变.在转变过程中,意向目的必须取代一味追求利润最大化的做法;有意义的合作关系必须取代单纯的契约关系;摒弃等级结构和孤岛式结构,而倾向于扁平和流动的柔性结构;用可行的绩效指标来衡量集成的综合团队.同时,人机共融体虽然是由技术驱动的,但仍然是以人为中心的.表8㊀四I范式转换重点说明意向组织的宗旨㊁意义㊁价值观和存在的理由集成跨组织职能和层级的人员与技术的无缝共生融合实施围绕意向性原则,制定和执行整合人机的策略指标用可行的绩效指标来监测与衡量图1㊀四I模型㊀㊀第八章对人机共融体及其组织形态进行了展望.通过人与机器之间不断深化协同关联,使企业具有自我意识.分析了人机共融体组织需求,分析其所需具备的四个特征:以人为中心㊁扁平和流动的组织结构㊁创业和创新文化㊁自我意识.围绕企业的意向解释了卡斯帕罗夫定律的三个变量:人㊁机器和工艺流程,如图2所示.论证了人机共融体并非商业转型,而是去拥有企业层面的自我意识.图2㊀卡斯帕罗夫定律三个变量的企业层解读2932中国机械工程第32卷第19期2021年10月上半月第九章是关于人机共融体的 反思 .论述了人机共融体的中心依然是人类;人机共融的过程中,机器以其强大的能力助力人类但并不能取代人类,同时机器在不断扩大应用的过程中应当注意其风险控制;人类需要不断增强自身独有的技能,以迎接人机共融所带来的新机遇和挑战;企业需要注重人才的投资和人类知识的保护,并创造更优化的人机融合流程而非仅仅升级机器;政府应迅速地为人机共融体的发展创造有利的环境和法规,以协助其可持续发展.阐述了在人机共融时代作为人才需要培养的三项素养和四种心理能力,如表9所示.通过形成机器技术和人才技能共同提高㊁互助发展的良性循环,从而实现人机共融体的高效㊁道德和可持续发展.表9㊀需要培养的人才素养和能力类型培养内容说明三项素养数据素养培养阅读㊁分析和使用信息流的能力技术素养培养编码和工程原理的基础,以了解机器运作原理人文素养培养人文㊁交流和设计的能力,以在人类环境中发挥作用四项能力系统思维从整体看待企业㊁机器和事物,构建整体各部分之间的联系创业精神创造性思维运用到经济领域,通常是社会领域文化灵活性培养在不同的全球环境中灵活操作的能力,能够通过不同甚至相冲突的文化视角来看待各种情况批判性思维理性分析和判断的习惯5㊀启示为了更大程度地发挥人类和机器的优势并弥补各自不足,该书作者使用人机共融体(H u m a c h i n e)这一概念并进行了深度剖析,强调基于云计算㊁大数据等新一代信息技术,并实施有效的组织管理框架,通过应用卡斯帕罗夫定律,以满足博斯特罗姆集体超智能的条件来解决莫拉韦克悖论.当前,人工智能㊁智慧企业等概念层出不穷,人机共融体为构建具有可持续竞争优势且有效益和有道德的企业提供了实现路径和方法建议,同时,也为学者们研究人G信息G物理系统(H C P S)㊁智能制造㊁智慧医疗等[6G7]提供了参考,值得借鉴.相关启示如下:(1)坚持 以人为本 的理念.建议在发展人工智能㊁智能制造㊁智慧企业的同时,坚持 以人为本 ,从人的基本需求和福祉出发,真正关注人的全面发展和人类组织管理方式变革,而不是仅仅关注 机器换人 .例如:人的数字孪生(H u m a n d i g i tGa l t w i n)有望成为一个非常有前景的研究方向.(2)积极探索未来工作方式.历次工业革命都伴随着工作方式的改变:一些工作会消失,但更会出现一些新的工作方式.在以新一代人工智能为代表的新一代信息技术的驱动下,各行各业的工作方式将会发生翻天覆地的变化.提前预判㊁研究这些未来工作方式很有必要,也很有意义.例如: 智能时代制造业的未来工作方式与技能 是一个很有意义的研究课题.(3)促进人和机器的融合.未来智能机器的本质是建立在数字孪生基础之上的信息物理系统(C P S).因此,人和机器的融合离不开对H C P S 开展深入研究,具体涉及到人与人的融合(组织方式)㊁机器与机器的融合(流程设计)㊁人与机器的融合㊁人与社会的融合等多方面.预计H C P S㊁协作机器人等将成为很有前景的研究方向.参考文献:[1]㊀B E N D I T T J.I n t e l l i g e n t M a c h i n e s H u m a c h i n e s,f r o mt h eE d i t o r i nC h i e f[E B/O L].M I TT e c h n o l og yR e v i e w,1999(1999G05G01)[2021G07G20].h t t p s:ʊw w w.t e c h n o l o g y r e v i e w.c o m/1999/05/01/275799/h u m a c h i n e s/.[2]㊀S A N D E R SNR,WO O DJD.T h eH u m a c h i n e:H uGm a n k i n d,M a c h i n e s,a n dt h eF u t u r eo fE n t e r p r i s e[M].N e w Y o r k:R o u t l e d g e,2019.[3]㊀MO R A V E C H P.M i n dC h i l d r e n:t h eF u t u r e o fR oGb o t a n d H u m a nI n t e l l i g e nc e[M].C a m b r id g e:H a rGv a r dU n i v e r s i t y P r e s s,1988.[4]㊀K A S P A R O VG.D 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ResearchIntelligent Manufacturing—PerspectiveHuman–Cyber–Physical Systems (HCPSs)in the Context of New-Generation IntelligentManufacturingZhou Ji a ,Zhou Yanhong b ,⇑,Wang Baicun c ,d ,⇑,Zang Jiyuan caChinese Academy of Engineering,Beijing 100088,ChinabHuazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074,China cTsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China dUniversity of Michigan,Ann Arbor,MI 48109,USAa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 3July 2019Revised 12July 2019Accepted 15July 2019Available online 22July 2019Keywords:New-generation intelligent manufacturing Human–cyber–physical system Human–physical system Cyber–physical system Knowledge engineering Enabling technologyManufacturing domain technology New-generation artificial intelligencea b s t r a c tAn intelligent manufacturing system is a composite intelligent system comprising humans,cyber sys-tems,and physical systems with the aim of achieving specific manufacturing goals at an optimized level.This kind of intelligent system is called a human–cyber–physical system (HCPS).In terms of technology,HCPSs can both reveal technological principles and form the technological architecture for intelligent manufacturing.It can be concluded that the essence of intelligent manufacturing is to design,construct,and apply HCPSs in various cases and at different levels.With advances in information technology,intel-ligent manufacturing has passed through the stages of digital manufacturing and digital-networked manufacturing,and is evolving toward new-generation intelligent manufacturing (NGIM).NGIM is characterized by the in-depth integration of new-generation artificial intelligence (AI)technology (i.e.,enabling technology)with advanced manufacturing technology (i.e.,root technology);it is the core driving force of the new industrial revolution.In this study,the evolutionary footprint of intelligent manufacturing is reviewed from the perspective of HCPSs,and the implications,characteristics,technical frame,and key technologies of HCPSs for NGIM are then discussed in depth.Finally,an outlook of the major challenges of HCPSs for NGIM is proposed.Ó2019THE AUTHORS.Published by Elsevier LTD on behalf of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Higher Education Press Limited Company.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license(/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).1.IntroductionIntelligent manufacturing is a general concept that has been continuously evolving with the development and integration of information technology and manufacturing technology.In general,intelligent manufacturing has passed through the stages of digital manufacturing and digital-networked manufacturing,and is evolv-ing toward new-generation intelligent manufacturing (NGIM),due to the recent fast-paced development and influential break-throughs that have been occurring in the internet,big data,and artificial intelligence (AI)[1–14].Although the intelligent manufac-turing is constantly evolving [15–24],its fundamental goals remain the same:namely,to improve quality,increase efficiency,reduce costs,and enhance competitiveness through unrelenting efforts toward optimization.From the perspective of system constitution,an intelligent manufacturing system is always a human–cyber–physical system (HCPS)—that is,a kind of composite intelligent sys-tem comprising humans,cyber systems,and physical systems with the aim of achieving specific goals at an optimized level [25–28].In other words,the essence of intelligent manufacturing is to design,construct,and apply HCPSs in various cases at different levels.NGIM is characterized by the in-depth integration of new-generation AI technology with advanced manufacturing technol-ogy,and is the core driving force of the new industrial revolution.In order to promote the development of NGIM,this work presents an examination of the implications,characteristics,technical frame,and key technologies of HCPSs for NGIM,along with an out-look of the major challenges of HCPSs for NGIM.The rest of this paper is organized as follows:Section 2reviews the evolution and development of manufacturing systems,and Section 3analyzes the implications of HCPSs for NGIM from system and technology perspectives.A technical framework and key tech-nologies of HCPSs for NGIM are presented in Section 4.Finally,major challenges are outlined in Section 5.⇑Corresponding authors.E-mail addresses:yhzhou@ (Y.Zhou),wangbaicunzju@ (B.Wang).2.Evolution of HCPSs for intelligent manufacturing2.1.Phase I:Human–physical systems for traditional manufacturingHumansfirst learned to make and use tools more than two mil-lion years ago[29].Progressing from the Stone Age through the Bronze Age to the Iron Age,these early simple production systems lasted for over a million years,powered by human and animal labor.With the development of the First Industrial Revolution, which was marked by the invention of the steam machine,and the Second Industrial Revolution,which was marked by the inven-tion of the electric motor,humans have continually invented,cre-ated,and improved various machines and applied them to manufacture all kinds of goods[13].These traditional manufactur-ing systems,which were comprised of humans and physical machines,replaced a significant amount of manual labor and sub-stantially increased manufacturing quality,efficiency,and societal productivity.A traditional manufacturing system consists of two major com-ponents—namely,humans and physical systems such as machi-nes—and is therefore a human–physical system(HPS),as shown in Fig.1.In an HPS,physical systems,through which working tasks are completed,act as the‘‘executing body,”while humans are the ‘‘master.”Humans are both the creators of physical systems and the managers and users of physical systems.In an HPS,many of the activities required to complete the working tasks—such as per-ception,cognition,learning,analysis,decision-making,control,and operation—must be supplied by humans.For example,in machin-ing with traditional machine tools,operators must carefully observe,analyze,manipulate,and control the machining process.A general schematic of an HPS is shown in Fig.2.2.2.Phase II:HCPS1.0for digital manufacturingThe manufacturing sector entered the era of digital manufactur-ing in the middle of the20th century,driven by the development and wide application of information technologies including com-puters,communication,and numerical control[30–33].The infor-mation revolution,which was marked by digitalization,led and promoted the Third Industrial Revolution[34–36].Compared with traditional manufacturing systems,digital manufacturing systems are characterized by the emergence of a cyber system between the human and physical system,transforming the previous binary HPS into the ternary HCPS,as shown in Fig.3.A cyber system consists of software and hardware;its main function is to complete various tasks that were previously performed by human operators,including sensing,analysis,decision-making, and control.For example,in machining with a computer numerical control(CNC)machine tool,which is equipped with a cyber system called the CNC system,the CNC system can automatically direct the machine tool to complete the machining processes according to digital machining programs provided by the operators[37].Digital manufacturing can be defined asfirst-generation intelli-gent manufacturing,and the HCPS for digital manufacturing will be referred to herein as pared with the HPS,HCPS1.0has substantially enhanced capabilities—especially incomputation, Fig.1.An HPS for traditionalmanufacturing.Fig.2.Schematic of anHPS.Fig.3.HCPS1.0for digital manufacturing.J.Zhou et al./Engineering5(2019)624–636625analysis,precision control,and perception—due to its integration of the strengths of humans,cyber systems,and physical systems.The result is remarkable:Manufacturing systems based on HCPS1.0have significant improvements in aspects such as automation,efficiency,quality,stability,and the ability to solve complicated issues.In addition,not only can the manual labor of operators be further reduced,but also some of the mental work can be performed by cyber systems,thus effectively increasing the efficiency of knowledge dissemination and utilization.A schematic for HCPS1.0is shown in Fig.4.As shown in Fig.4,the upgrade from binary HPS to ternary HCPS generated two new binary subsystems:the human–cyber system (HCS)and the cyber–physical system (CPS)[26,38,39].The CPS the-ory was first proposed by American scholars at the beginning of the 21st century [40,41]and has been employed as a core technology of Industry 4.0in Germany [42,43].In addition,the introduction of cyber systems has fundamen-tally transformed the feature of machines by transforming them from unary physical systems to binary CPSs (i.e.,intelligent machi-nes).In this sense,the Third Industrial Revolution can be regarded as the beginning of the Second Machine Age [13].In the context of HCPS1.0,while physical systems continue to act as the ‘‘executing body,”cyber systems perform a significant amount of analysis,computation,and control work previously per-formed by humans.Humans are still the ‘‘master.”First,both phys-ical systems and cyber systems are designed and created by humans.The underlying analysis,computation and control models,methods,and rules are all developed by humans by drawing upon theoretical knowledge,experience,and experimental data and pro-gramming these into the cyber systems.In addition,the operation of HCPS1.0relies on the knowledge and experience of the operator to a significant extent [44].For example,when machining with CNC machine tools,as mentioned above,operators must program the machining process appropriately according to their knowledge and experience,monitor the process,and make adjustments where necessary.2.3.Phase III:HCPS1.5for digital-networked manufacturingBy the end of the 20th century,the rapidly developing internet technology had been widely applied to the manufacturing industry,driving a transformation from digital manufacturing to digital-networked manufacturing [17,45–47].Digital-networked manufacturing is,in essence,‘‘internet +digital manufacturing”and can be defined as second-generation intelligent manufactur-ing.The digital-networked manufacturing system remains an HCPS;however,it is referred to herein as HCPS1.5,since it has fun-damental differences compared with HCPS1.0for digital manufac-turing,as shown in Fig.5.The most significant difference lies in the cyber system.In the cyber system of HCPS1.5,the Industrial Inter-net and the cloud platform are critical components that can con-nect relevant cyber systems,physical systems,and humans,thus serving as a tool for system rmation exchange and coordinated and integrated optimization have become impor-tant parts of the cyber system.Meanwhile,the humans in HCPS1.5have become a network-connected community with common value-creation goals,and include the people from the enterprise hosting the system along with its suppliers,sales agents,cus-tomers,and so on.These changes transform the manufacturing industry,both from a product-centric model to a customer-centric model and from a production manufacturing pattern to a production–service manufacturing pattern.The essence of digital-networked manufacturing is the realiza-tion of extensive connections of humans,processes,data,and things through networks,and the reshaping of the manufacturing value chain through in-enterprise and inter-enterprise integration,cooperation,sharing,and optimization of various resources.For example,CNC machine tool manufacturers and their suppliers can engage in remote-operation maintenance of their ownproductsFig. 4.Schematic of HCPS1.0.HCS:human–cyber system;CPS:cyber–physicalsystem.Fig.5.HCPS1.5for digital-networked manufacturing.626J.Zhou et al./Engineering 5(2019)624–636through networks,in order to jointly create values with the enter-prises using their products.Enterprises using CNC machine tools can also create added value through the integration and optimiza-tion of in-enterprise sources regarding design,production,service, and management[37,48,49].2.4.Phase IV:HCPS2.0for NGIMModern manufacturing enterprises generally face strong demands for improvement in quality,efficiency,and quick market response.These demands have raised an urgent need for a revolu-tionary industrial upgrade for the manufacturing industry.On a technical level,it is still difficult for digital-networked manufactur-ing to overcome the huge difficulties faced by the manufacturing industry;thus,further manufacturing technology innovation and upgrades are greatly desired.Since the beginning of the21st century,huge progress has been made in information technologies such as the internet,cloud computing,and big data[12,50–52].The integration of these technological advances is leading to the strategic breakthrough of new-generation AI,which has become the core technology of a new round of scientific and technological revolution[2,5,53–55].The in-depth integration of new-generation AI technology with advanced manufacturing technology is leading to NGIM[1].Break-throughs and broad applications of NGIM will reshape the techno-logical architecture,production mode,and industrial pattern of the manufacturing industry.The information revolution,which is marked by AI,is leading and promoting the Fourth Industrial Revolution.The NGIM system remains an HCPS;however,it is referred to herein as HCPS2.0,since it has essential differences in comparison with HCPS1.5for digital-networked manufacturing,as shown in Fig.6.As in the shift from HCPS1.0to HCPS1.5,the most distinct changes occur in the cyber system.A new component is introduced to the cyber system of HCPS2.0,enabling it to perform self-learning and cognition by using new-generation AI technology;this leads to greater power in aspects such as perception,decision-making,con-trol,and—most importantly—the capability to learn and generate knowledge.The knowledge base in the HCPS2.0cyber system is jointly built by humans and by the self-learning and cognition module of the cyber system;thus,it contains not only the knowledge provided by humans but—more importantly—the knowledge learned by the cyber system itself,and particularly the knowledge that is difficult for humans to describe and process. Moreover,the knowledge base is able to constantly upgrade, improve,and optimize itself through self-learning and cognition during the application process.To use a metaphor,the relationship between humans and cyber systems has fundamentally changed from one of‘‘givingfish”to one of‘‘teaching how tofish”[1,2,6].A schematic of HCPS2.0is shown in Fig.7.HCPS2.0for NGIM can not only bring about revolutionary changes in the means and efficiency of creating,accumulating,uti-lizing,imparting,and inheriting manufacturing knowledge,but also significantly increase the ability of manufacturing systems to handle uncertain and complicated problems,thereby leading to vast improvements in manufacturing system modeling and decision-making.For example,in machining with intelligent machine tools,a digital model of the entire machining system can be built through sensing,learning,and cognition,and can then be used to optimize and control the machining process in order to obtain high machining quality and efficiency as well as low energy consumption[48,49,56].The role of humans as‘‘master”is even more prominent in HCPS2.0for NGIM[28,57–61].As the creators,managers,and oper-ators of intelligent machines,humans’abilities and skills will be greatly improved and their intellectual potential will be fully unleashed for further emancipation of the productive forces. Knowledge engineering will free humans from a significant amount of intellectual and manual labor and allow them to engage in more valuable creative work.In summary,intelligent manufacturing will better serve humans.Having evolved from HPS to HCPS1.0and then from HCPS1.0to HCPS1.5,intelligent manufacturing is evolving from HCPS1.5to HCPS2.0,and will advance stage by stage,spiraling up and expanding in an infinite process,as shown in Fig.8.3.Implications of HCPS2.0for NGIMHCPS2.0is a system architecture and technical framework for NGIM,which can offer a guide to effectively solve various problems in the upgrading of manufacturing industry.The implicationsof Fig.6.HCPS2.0for NGIM.J.Zhou et al./Engineering5(2019)624–636627HCPS2.0for NGIM may be described from both system and tech-nology perspectives.3.1.The system perspectiveHCPS2.0for NGIM is a composite intelligent system that com-prises relevant humans,AI-capable cyber systems,and physical systems,with the aim of achieving specific manufacturing goals at an optimal level.In this paradigm,physical systems,which exe-cute the energy and materialflows of manufacturing activities and complete the manufacturing tasks,act as the‘‘executing body.”AI-capable cyber systems act as the core of the informationflows of the manufacturing activities,and help humans to complete the necessary perception,cognition,analysis,decision-making,and control of the physical systems for their optimized operation. Humans play the role of the‘‘master”;they are the creators of physical systems and cyber systems,so the intelligence of cyber systems—no matter how powerful—comes from humans.In addi-tion,humans are the operators and users of physical systems and cyber systems,so humans remain in the central position and pos-sess the highest right to make decisions and enact control.HCPS2.0for NGIM should be geared to comprehensively upgrade all manufacturing activities,including research and devel-opment(R&D),production,sales,service,management,and system integration,in order to substantially increase quality,efficiency, and competitiveness.In other words,the essence of NGIM is to construct and apply different HCPS2.0systems serving different purposes and integrate them as a network of HCPS2.0systems in order to deliver a revolutionary improvement of societal produc-tivity.In general,HCPS2.0for NGIM possesses three main charac-teristics:intelligence,grand systems,and ubiquitous integration.First,intelligence is the primary characteristic of HCPS2.0for NGIM,as HCPS2.0systems can always keep their status and behav-ior optimal through autonomous learning and adjustment.Second,HCPS2.0for NGIM can establish grand systems through system integration.In general,HCPS2.0for a manufacturing enter-prise includes three functional systems—intelligent products,intel-ligent production,and intelligent services—and two supporting systems—the intelligent manufacturing cloud and the Industrial Internet[52,62,63].Third,HCPS2.0for NGIM presents the unprecedented feature of ubiquitous integration[4,64–66].From one perspective,internally dynamic integration in an enterprise is pursued forintelligentFig.8.Evolution of HCPS-based intelligentmanufacturing.Fig.7.Schematic of HCPS2.0.628J.Zhou et al./Engineering5(2019)624–636design,production,sales,services,and management processes, resulting in vertical integration.The Industrial Internet and the intelligent manufacturing cloud enable integration,sharing,collab-oration,and optimization among enterprises,resulting in horizon-tal integration.From another perspective,externally deep integration should be promoted between manufacturing,financial, and upstream and downstream industries.This integration will result in the new commercial co-development of service-oriented manufacturing and production-based services.In addition,NGIM has the potential to integrate with intelligent cities,intelligent transportation,intelligent healthcare,and intelligent agriculture to form a giant system of intelligent ecosystems—an‘‘intelligent society.”3.2.The technology perspectiveIn HCPS2.0,the cyber systems are equipped with powerful intelligence by leveraging new-generation AI,thereby enabling three major technological characteristics[6,67].Thefirst,most critical,characteristic is that the cyber systems have the ability to solve uncertain and complex problems;further-more,problem-solving methods shift from the traditional model of emphasizing causality to an innovative model of emphasizing cor-relation,and further toward an advanced model of deeply integrat-ing correlation with causality.This shift will lead to fundamental improvements in the modeling and optimization of manufacturing systems[5–7,13].The second most important characteristic is that the cyber sys-tems have capacities such as learning,cognitive skills,and the gene-ration and better utilization of knowledge[2,53–55,68–70];these will lead to revolutionary changes in the efficiency of knowledge generation,utilization,importation,and accumulation,and to the significant promotion of the marginal productivity of knowledge as a core productive element[2,53–55,68–70].The third characteristic is the formation of human–machine hybrid-augmented intelligence,which gives full scope to and synergistically integrates the advantages of human intelligence and machine intelligence.This will result in the innovation poten-tial of humans being fully unleashed and the innovation capacities of the manufacturing industry increasing tremendously[2,5,8].Overall,HCPS2.0is currently in the stage of weak AI or narrow AI(ability to accomplish a narrow set of goals,e.g.,play chess or drive a car)and will gain rapid development as AI advances from narrow AI to strong AI or general AI(ability to accomplish virtually any goal,including learning)[2,5,71].HCPS2.0can be regarded as a universal solution that will effec-tively solve the challenges occurring in the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry,and that can be widely applied for product innovation,production innovation,and service innovation in discrete manufacturing and process-oriented manu-facturing.HCPS2.0is expected to progress as follows: HCPS2.0will enable manufacturing systems with new-generation AI technology.While there are many approaches to the innovation-driven development of manufacturing engineering, two are particularly important.Thefirst of these approaches is original innovation in manufacturing technology,which is funda-mental and of the utmost importance.The second approach is the application of common enabling technologies to promote manu-facturing technology,which can result in the development of innovative manufacturing technology through the integration of the two technologies,and which can be used to upgrade various manufacturing systems.This kind of innovation is revolutionary, integrative,and universal.The common enabling technologies of the last three industrial revolutions were the steam engine,electric motor technology,and digital technology,respectively;in the Fourth Industrial Revolution,the common enabling technology is AI technology[1].The in-depth integration of these generic enabling technologies with manufacturing technologies drives revolutionary transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing sector.Therefore,NGIM based on HCPS2.0will be the main driver of the innovation-driven development of the manufacturing sector and the main roadmap of its transformation and upgrading.However,new-generation AI technology must be thoroughly integrated with technologies in the manufacturing domain to cre-ate NGIM technologies.Because manufacturing is the foundation and enabling technologies are used to upgrade manufacturing, enabling technologies can give full scope only through in-depth integration with manufacturing technologies.To sum up,manufac-turing technologies are the fundamental technology,while intelli-gent technologies are the enabling technology;thus,there should be dialectical unity and integrative development between these technologies.From a perspective that focuses on intelligent tech-nology,NGIM can be seen as the endeavor to promote and apply advanced information technologies.From a perspective that focuses on manufacturing technology,however,NGIM can also be seen as the endeavor to employ generic enabling technologies to promote innovation in and the upgrading of manufacturing sys-tems in different industries.4.Technical framework of HCPS2.0for NGIM4.1.Overall architecture of HCPS2.0The overall architecture of HCPS for intelligent manufacturing can be described from the three dimensions of intelligent manufac-turing:the value dimension,the technical dimension,and the organizational dimension[72,73],as shown in Fig. value dimension of intelligent manufacturing and the functional properties of the HCPSThe fundamental goal of intelligent manufacturing is to achieve value creation and value optimization by the construction and application of HCPSs.The value of intelligent manufacturing is mainly reflected in product innovation,intelligent production, intelligent services,and system integration[74,75],which corre-spond to product(R&D)HCPS,production HCPS,service HCPS, and integrated HCPS,respectively.When products are made to be digital,networked,and intelli-gent through innovation,their product functions andperformanceFig.9.Overall architecture of intelligent manufacturing based on HCPS.SoS: system of systems.J.Zhou et al./Engineering5(2019)624–636629are enhanced,which increases their added value and market com-petitiveness.Meanwhile,it is important to increase product quality and efficiency in product design by applying innovative processes via digital,networked,and intelligent technologies[76].Product innovations can be further divided into categories such as product design innovation,evaluation and validation innovation,and their integration.Product(R&D)HCPSs can likewise be further divided.Intelligent production will realize high-quality,flexible,effi-cient,and sustainable product manufacturing by comprehensively enhancing production and management innovation via digital,net-worked,and intelligent methods[75,77].In general,production activity can be divided into process design,process engineering, quality assurance,production management,and their integration. Some of these links can be further divided.For example,process engineering can be divided into multiple production lines and their integration,and a production line can be further divided into equipment and their integration.Likewise,production HCPSs can be further broken down into sub-layers.Intelligent services include user-centric services that are pro-vided throughout the life-cycle of products via digital,networked, and intelligent technologies[63,74,78,79];such services include customization and remote operation and maintenance,which extend to service-oriented manufacturing and production-based services.In this way,intelligent service HCPSs can be divided into customization service HCPSs and remote operation and main-tenance HCPSs,among others.As a key characteristic of NGIM,deep integration is an impor-tant aspect of the way in which NGIM delivers its value[4].Given the functional properties of HCPSs,their deep integration will lead to multifunctional,integrated,and complex HCPSs.4.1.2.The technical dimension of intelligent manufacturing and the technical properties of HCPSThe technology of intelligent manufacturing has evolved from digital manufacturing(HCPS1.0)to digital-networked manufactur-ing(HCPS1.5),and then to NGIM(HCPS2.0),as shown in Fig.10[1]. Digital manufacturing is the foundation of intelligent manufactur-ing,and has evolved through three basic paradigms.Digital-networked manufacturing provides the necessary network infras-tructure for intelligent manufacturing while integrating the busi-ness value chain.On the basis of previous two paradigms,NGIM makes manufacturing capable of true AI by integrating advanced manufacturing technology with new-generation AI technology and is a core technology of a new round of industrial revolution.The three basic paradigms of HCPS-based intelligent manufac-turing reflect the intrinsic patterns of the development of intelli-gent manufacturing.These three paradigms have unfolded progressively—each with its own characteristics and each solving problems in its respective stage—thus reflecting the progression of the integrated development of advanced information technology and manufacturing technology.However,the three basic para-digms are not entirely independent;rather,they are iterative and correlated with each other,thereby reflecting a fusion in the char-acteristics of intelligent manufacturing development[35].4.1.3.The organizational dimension of intelligent manufacturing and the systematic properties of HCPSThe organization of intelligent manufacturing consists of three levels—intelligent unit,intelligent system,and intelligent system of systems(SoS)—which correspond to unit-level HCPS,system-level HCPS,and SoS-level HCPS,respectively[39,80,81].An intelligent unit is the smallest functional unit of intelligent manufacturing.It is comprised of humans,cyber systems,and physical systems.An intelligent system integrates multiple intelli-gent units through the industrial network to achieve automated dataflow in a larger scope and across broader areas.It helps to improve the breadth,accuracy,and depth of manufacturing resource allocation across production lines,workshops,and busi-nesses to form a system-level HCPS.An intelligent SoS is a system that integrates multiple intelligent systems through Industrial-Internet-based integration across systems and platforms.It creates an open,coordinated,and shared industrial ecosystem,thus form-ing an SoS-level HCPS.The three-level architecture model of HCPS for intelligent manufacturing is shown in Fig.11.In summary,the overall architecture of HCPS2.0for NGIM can be described using the multi-level hierarchical structure shown in Fig.12.4.2.Key technologies of unit-level HCPS2.0For a unit-level HCPS2.0,regardless of its purpose(whether a design system,production equipment,etc.),the critical technolo-gies can be divided into the three categories of manufacturing domain technologies,machine intelligence technologies,and human–machine collaboration technologies,as shown in Fig. domain technologiesManufacturing domain technologies are the technologies involved in the physical systems of an HCPS;they include generic manufacturing technologies and specialized domain technologies [9].Intelligent manufacturing has its roots in manufacturing. Therefore,manufacturing technologies are a basic technology of HCPS for intelligent manufacturing.Meanwhile,intelligent manufacturing not only involves discrete manufacturingand Fig.10.Three basic paradigms of intelligent manufacturing[1].Fig.11.Three-level architecture model of HCPS for intelligent manufacturing. 630J.Zhou et al./Engineering5(2019)624–636。