WENDY 150 用户手册说明书
Introducción ...................................................................Identificación de NIV y número de motor ...........Identificación d e p artes ..............................................Apertura y c ierre d e c hapas ......................................Niveles ...............................................................................Asentamiento de motor ........................................Tablero e instrumentos .......................................Recomendaciones y datos importantes ...............Almacenamiento de la motocicleta .......................Ficha t écnica ...................................................................T abla d e m antenimiento .............................................Consejos de conducción y seguridad ....................T orino M otors c uida e l p laneta ................................Servicios p osteriores ...................................................Contacto ...........................................................................Al conducir siempre utilice casco y equipo de seguridad. Nunca conduzca en estado de ebriedad, evite accidentes mortales .WENDY 150LEA ESTE MANUAL ATENTAMENTE, CONTIENE INFORMACIÓN DE SEGURIDAD.3581117192246101318212324MANUAL DE USUARIOAgradecemos su preferencia al adquirir un producto Torino Motors y le deseamos una placentera experiencia. Este vehículo cuenta con una avanzada ingeniería y se le han realizado exhaustivas pruebas y continuas actualizaciones, lo cual nos asegura que el vehículo cumplirá sus expectativas con el respaldo de TORINO MOTORS.Favor de leer atentamente y comprender este manual de propietario antes de conducir, ya que debe estar familiarizado con la operación apropiada de los controles, características, capacidades y limitaciones, ya que esto asegura una larga vida a su vehículo.Debido a las mejoras continuas y actualizaciones durante la producción, en algunos casos pueden existir diferencias menores entre el vehículo real y las ilustraciones y el texto de este manual, el fabricante se reserva el derecho a realizar en cualquier momento, sin obligación de actualizar en este folleto, modificaciones en el vehículo, sus partes o accesorios según pueda ser conveniente y necesario.34Los números de serie y motor se usan para registrar la unidad e identificarla, soncódigos alfa numéricos, los cuales se encuentran en las siguientes zonas de la unidad:NIV (se encuentra en la parte media de la moto).5Faro principalSalpicadera delantera Rueda delanteraEspejos retrovisoresSwitch Luz stop PortadocumentosInterruptor de encendido y apertura de caja de asientoEste es un interruptor de tres posiciones operado por una llave, las posicionesdel interruptor operan como se muestra en la imagen. La llave opera todoel conjunto de cerraduras en el vehículo, y solo se podrá extraer cuando seencuentre en la posición OFF o LOCK.APAGADA ENCENDIDA6Abrir compartimento de asientoInsertar la llave y girar hacia el lado izquierdo y en automático se abrirá el asiento para llevar accesorios y tendrás acceso al tapón de combustible, no mezclar diferentes tipos de combustible o aditivos no recomendados por T orino Motors.NOTA: No se debe llenar demasiado el nivel devehículo por derrame.Caja de documentosSe encuentra en el respaldo del copiloto.Este compartimento solo es para llevar documentos, la carga máxima es de 3 kg y se abre insertando la llave y girando a la derecha, en ese momento se abrirá la tapa para poder ingresarlos, no es totalmente hermético, así que se recomiendaproteger con plástico.78Aceite de motorVerifique el nivel de aceite cada 3 días. Mantenga la unidad siempre a nivel, entre las dos marcas (verde y amarilla como se ve en la imagen), estando en el nivel rojo tendrá que adicionar para poner a nivel. Para una buena lectura del nivel, el motor no debe estar encendido y debe estar a temperatura ambiente (sin haberlo puesto en marcha) con las dos ruedas apoyadas en una superficie plana, totalmente horizontal y/o en el parador central, para esta prueba se puede apoyar con otra persona (todos los niveles se revisan en estas condiciones).Observe en la bayoneta solo tendrá marcas en X, estas marcas deberán estar cubiertas de aceite, se encuentra del lado derecho de la moto a la altura de la salida del embrague.Tipo de aceite: SAE 20W50 – 15W50 API SJ + JASO MA750 ml rellenado de servicio.850 ml desarmado total del motor.Líquido de frenosEl depósito de líquido de frenos delantero está localizado del lado derecho del manubrio, estando arriba de la unidad, el nivel debe estar por arriba del mínimo. Presión de aire en neumáticosAsegúrese de revisar la presión de los neumáticos con frecuencia antes de iniciar su viaje para evitar algún accidente, la presión recomendada se muestra en las siguientes imágenes:9El asentamiento del motor es primordial los primeros2,000 km de recorrido del vehículo, las velocidades máximas recomendadas durante este periodo de asentamiento son:No acelere excesivamente la operación del motor.Un asentamiento inadecuado del motor puede causar graves daños en éste o acortar la vida útil de la motocicleta, esto no es cubierto por concepto de garantía.Durante el funcionamiento de la motocicleta y bajo distintas formas de manejo (con carga, sin carga, diferentes velocidades, climas, etc.) se pueden generar diferentes sonidos y/o ruidos que son propios del modelo y la operación, por lo tanto no son indicios de ningún problema, estos sonidos pueden ser distintos aún del mismo modelo, son considerados normales y no serán intervenidos ya que no afectarán el funcionamiento de la unidad.No mueva el vehículo inmediatamente después de encender el motor. Deje que el motor adquiera una temperatura normal de operación, al menos por un minuto a bajas RPM(revoluciones por minuto) sin acelerar.No acelere la motocicleta máximo a ¾ del recorrido del acelerador porgrandes distancias.10111.Indicador del nivel de combustible.2. Indicador de velocidad.3. Indicador de kilometraje total, dígito blanco es fracción de unidad.4. Indicador de direccional derecha.5. Indicador de direccional izquierda.6. Indicador de luz alta en faro principal.121. Botón de ignición, debe tener presionados ambos frenos. 5. Claxon.6. Interruptor de luz faro alta.7. Interruptor de direccional derecha.8. Interruptor de direccional izquierda.2. Interruptor de luces, apagado.3. Interruptor de luces cuartos.4. Interruptor de luces faro principal.13Revise siempre el nivel de aceite.Reemplace el aceite del motor de acuerdoa la tabla de mantenimiento.14151617Si se piensa almacenar la motocicleta durante algún tiempo, es necesario seguir estos pasos:La gasolina es altamente inflamable y puede ser explosiva en ciertas ocasiones, toda la operación del almacenamiento debe ser con el interruptor de encendido en OFF/APAGADO , asegúrese de que la zona esté bien ventilada y libre de llamas o chispas, incluyendo aparatos con llama piloto o eléctricos.Reduzca la presión de las llantas aproximadamente 20%.Quite la batería y almacénela lejos de la luz directa del sol, humedad o temperaturas de congelación, mientras la batería esté almacenada, debe recibir una carga lenta, de lo contrario se dañará y no será cubierta en garantía.Limpie bien la motocicleta.Tape la motocicleta y guarde en un lugar techado evitando esté a la intemperie.Lubrique partes móviles evitando el óxido.Arranque la motocicleta y déjela encendida hasta que se consuma la gasolina almacenada en la cuba del carburador para evitar problemas posteriores.Vacíe el combustible del tanque y almacénelo en un lugar seguro sin posibleschispas o fuego directo.18Motor 1 cilindro 4 tiempos Llanta delantera 90/90/10Sistema eléctrico12 V. Corriente directa Ralentí1,400 RPM +- 100Longitud 1,740 mm Suspensión delantera T elescópicaCarga máxima 100 kg Suspensión traseraNOTA: Las indicaciones sobre peso, velocidad, consumo de combustible y otros que suministre el fabricante, han de entenderse como aproximadas y están sujetas a cambio sin previo aviso. Los fabricantes no asumen ningún compromiso formal en este sentido.Mécanica, hidráulica, neumáticaAceite de transmisiónSAE 90Transmisión Automática (CVT)Llanta trasera 90/90/10Díametro por carrera57.4 x 57.8BateríaMGS12-7A-BS-C 12V7ALubricación Bomba, forzada Ancho 700 mm Desplazamiento 149.85 CC Freno delantero Disco ventiladorRelación de compresión9.2:1Aceite de motor20W50-15W50Arranque Eléctrico y pedalAltura1,030 mm Potencia máxima 8.31 hp @ 7,500 rpmFreno trasero TamborEncendido CDI eléctrico y pedal Peso en seco 74 kg Capacidad tanque 4L Altura del asiento del suelo750 mmSERVICIOS19LLubricarCL Limpiar RRevisarReemplazo Indica que se debe hacerEAAjustar20SERVICIOSNOTA: Esta tabla de mantenimiento es informativa, no reemplaza, ni contará como servicios periódicos, favor de leer, entender todas las restricciones y periodos de servicios indicados en la Póliza de Garantía.LLubricarCL Limpiar RRevisarReemplazo Indica que se debe hacerEA Ajustar21Use un buen casco, en talla, condiciones y manténgalo siempre abrochado.Siempre use equipo de protección (guantes, chamarra, botas, etc.) evite lesiones en algún accidente.Se recomienda que sean de colores muy visibles.No circule entre dos vehículos en movimiento, ya que puede sufrir accidentes.Evite circular sobre líneas divisoras de carril o si hay residuos de material en el pavimento.Use siempre direccionales, stop, luz principal de faro. Antes de doblar en calles mire los espejos.Maneje más despacio de la capacidad que la motocicleta se lo permita, esto favorece el tiempo de reacción.Al rebasar algún vehículo se debe hacer por el lado izquierdo, hacer esto por el lado derecho es extremadamente peligroso.Mantenga la presión de aire en las llantas, ya que demasiada presión o baja presión compromete la estabilidad y adherencia del neumático en el pavimento.22No perfore ni incinere la batería, ya que puede ser perjudicial para la salud y nocivo para el medio s baterías tipo plomo-ácido son consideradas residuospeligrosos al final de su vida útil, por lo tanto T orino Motors cuentacon un sistema de almacenamiento y manejo correcto para éstos yotros materiales peligrosos, es su deber entregar este material encualquier Centro de Servicio Autorizado de TORINO MOTORS.Al terminar el periodo de garantía de su motocicleta, visite su Centro deServicio Autorizado T orino Motors, donde con gusto seguiremos atendiéndolo.Recomendamos continuar con el Programa de Mantenimiento Periódico de cada3,000 km o 3 meses, para seguir disfrutando de las grandes ventajas que ofrece sumotocicleta T orino Motors.Recuerde que sólo los Centros de Servicio Autorizados T orino Motors estáncapacitados para brindarle el mejor Servicio Técnico.Es muy importante utilizar refacciones genuinas, ya que con el uso de las mismaspodrá tener su motocicleta en óptimas condiciones y disfrutar los mejores momentos.2324。
石油工业常用单位换算表 (1)
石油工业常用单位换算表长度质量热导率1千米(km)=0.621(英里)1吨(t)=1000千克(kg)=2205磅(lb) =1.102短吨(sh.ton)=0.934长吨(long.ton)1千卡/(米2 ·时·℃)[kcal/(m2 ·h·℃)]=1.16279瓦/(米·开尔文)[W/(m·K)]1米(m)=3.281英尺(ft)=1.094码(yd)1千克(kg)=2.205磅(lb)1英热单位/(英尺2·时·℉)[Btu/(ft2·h·℉)]=1.7303瓦/(米·开尔文)[W/(m·K)] 1厘米(cm)=0.394英寸(in) 1短吨(sh.ton)=0.907吨(t)=2000磅(lb)比容热1埃(Å)=10-10米(m)1长吨(long.ton)=1.016吨(t)1千卡/(千克·℃)[kcal/(kg·℃)]=1英热单位/(磅·℉)[Btu/(lb·℉)]=4186.8焦耳/(千克·开尔文)[J/(kg·K)]1英里(mile)=1.609千米(km)1磅(lb)=0.454千克(kg)[常衡]热功1英尺(ft)=0.3048米(m)1盎司(oz)=28.350克(g)1焦耳=0.10204千克·米=2.778*10-7千瓦·小时=3.777*10-7公制马力小时=3.723*10-7英制马力小时=2.389*10-4千卡=9.48*10-4英热单位1英寸(in)=2.54厘米(cm)密度1卡(cal)=4.1868焦耳(J)1海里(n mile)=1.852千米(km)1千克/(米3) (kg/m3) =0.001克/(厘米3)(g/cm3)=0.0624磅/(英尺3) (lb/ft3)1英热单位(Btu)=1055.06焦耳(J)1链=66英尺(ft)=20.1168米(m)1磅/(英尺3)(lb/ft3)=16.02千克/(米3)(kg/m3)1千克力米(kgf.m)=9.80665焦耳(J)1码(yd)=0.9144米(m)1磅/(英寸3)(lb/in3)=27679.9千克/(米3)(kg/m3)1英尺磅力(ft·lbt)=1.35582焦耳(J)1密耳(mil)=0.0254毫米(mm)1磅/美加仑(lb/gal)=119.826千克/(米3) (kg/m3)1米制马力小时(hp·h)=2.64779*106焦耳(J)1英尺(ft)=12英寸(in)1磅/英加仑(lb/gal)=99.776千克/(米3) (kg/m3)1英马力小时(UKHp·h)=2.68452*106焦耳(J) 1码(yd)=3英尺(ft)1磅/(石油)桶(lb/bbl)=2.853千克/(米3) (kg/m3)1千瓦小时(kw·h)=3.6*106焦耳(J)1杆(rad)=16.5英尺(ft)1波美密度=140/15.5 °C时的比重-1301大卡=4186.75焦耳(J)1英里(mile)=5280英尺(ft) API=141.5/15.5°C时的比重-131.5功率1海里(n mile)=1.1516英里运动粘度1千克力·米/秒(kgf·m/s)=9.80665瓦(W)1面积1英尺2/秒(ft2/s)=9.29030*10-2米2 /秒(m2/s)1米制马力(hp)=735.499瓦(W)1平方公里(km2)=100公顷(ha) =247.1英亩(acre)=0.386平方英里(mile2)1斯(St)=10-4米2/秒(m2/s) 1卡/秒(cal/s)=4.1868瓦(W)1平方米(m2)=10.764平方英尺(ft2)1厘斯(eSt)=10-6米2/秒(m2/s)=1毫米2/秒(mm2/s)1英热单位/时(Btu/h)=0.293071瓦(W)1公亩(acre)=100平方米(m2)动力粘度速度1公顷(ha)=10000平方米(m2) =2.471英亩(acre)1泊(P)=0.1帕·秒(Pa·s) 1英尺/秒(ft/s)=0.3048米/秒(m/s)1平方英里(mile2)=2.590平方公里(km2)1厘泊(cP)=10-3帕·秒(Pa·s) 1英里/时(mile/h)=0.44704米/秒(m/s)1英亩(acre)=0.4047公顷(ha) =40.47*10-3平方公里(km2) =4047平方米(m2)1千克力秒/米2=9.80505帕·秒(Pa·s) 渗透率1平方英尺(ft2)=0.093平方米(m2)1磅力秒/英尺2(lbf·s/ft2)=47.8803帕·秒(Pa·s) 1达西=1000毫达西1平方英寸(in2)=6.452平方厘米(cm2)力1平方厘米(cm2)=9.81*107达西1平方码(yd2)=0.8361平方米(m2)1牛顿(N)=0.225磅力(lbf)=0.102千克力(kgf) 地温梯度体积1千克力(kgf)=9.81牛顿(N) 1℉/100英尺=1.8℃/100米(℃/m)1立方米(m3)=1000升(liter) =35.315立方英尺(ft3)=6.290桶(bbl)1磅力(lbf)=4.45牛顿(N) 1℃/公里=2.9℉/英里(℉/mile)=0.055℉/100英尺(℉/ft) 1立方英尺(ft3)=0.0283立方米(m3)=28.317升(liter)1达因(dyn)=10-5牛顿(N) 油气产量1千立方英尺(mcf)=28.317立方米(m3)压力1桶(bbl)=0.14吨(t)(原油,全球平均)1百万立方英尺(MMcf)=2.8317万立方米(m3)1兆帕(MPa)=145磅/英寸2(psi)=10.2千克/厘米2(kg/cm2)=10巴(bar)=9.8大气压(atm)1吨(t)=7.3桶(bbl) (原油,全球平均)10亿立方英尺(bcf)=2831.7万立方米(m3)1磅/英寸2(psi)=0.006895兆帕(MPa)=0.0703千克/厘米2(kg/cm2)=0.0689巴(bar)=0.068大气压(atm)1桶/日(bpd)=50吨/年(t/a) (原油,全球平均)1万亿立方英尺(tcf)=283.17亿立方米(m3)1巴(bar)=0.1兆帕(MPa)=14.503磅/英寸2(psi)=1.0197千克/厘米2 (kg/cm2)=0.987大气压(atm)1千立方英尺/日(Mcfd)=28.32立方米/日(m3/d)=1.0336万立方米/年(m3/a)21立方英寸(in3)=16.3871立方厘米(cm3)1大气压(atm)=0.101325兆帕(MPa)=14.696磅/英寸2(psi)=1.0333千克/厘米2 (kg/cm2)=1.0133巴(bar)1百万立方英尺/日(MMcfd)=2.832万立方米/日(m3/d)=1033.55万立方米/年(m3/a)1英亩·英尺=1234立方米(m3)温度10亿立方英尺/日(bcfd)=0.2832亿立方米/日(m3/d)=103.36亿立方米/年(m3/a) 1桶(bbl)=0.159立方米(m3)=42美加仑(gal)K=5/9(℉+459.67)1万亿立方英尺/日(tcfd)=283.2亿立方米/日(m3/d)=10.336万亿立方米/年(m3/a) 1美加仑(gal)=3.785升(l)K=℃+273.15汽油比1美夸脱(qt)=0.946升(l)n℉=[(n-32)*5/9]℃1立方英尺/桶(cuft/bbl)=0.2067立方米/吨(m3/t)1美品脱(pt)=0.473升(l)n℃=(5/9·n+32)℉热值1美吉耳(gi)=0.118升(l)1℉=5/9℃(温度差)1桶原油=5.8*106英热单位(Btu)1英加仑(gal)=4.546升(l)传热系数1立方米湿气=3.909*104英热单位(Btu)热当量1千卡/(米2·时·℃)[kcal/(m2·h·℃)]=1.6279瓦/(米2·开尔文)[W/(m2·K)]1立方米干气=3.577*104英热单位(Btu)1桶原油=5800立方英尺天然气(按平均热值计算) 1英热单位/(英尺2·时·℉)[Btu/(ft2·h·℉)]=5.67826瓦/(米2·开尔文)[W/(m2·K)]1吨煤=2.406*107英热单位(Btu)1千克原油=1.4286千克标准煤1米2·时·℃/千卡(m2·h·℃/kcal)=0.86000米2·开尔文/瓦(m2·K/W)1千瓦小时水电=1.0235*104英热单位(Btu)1立方米天然气=1.3300千克标准煤1千卡/(米2 ·时)( kcal/m2 ·h)=1.16279瓦/米2 (W/m2)(以上为1990年美国平均热值,资料来源:美国国家标准局)标准煤能源的种类很多,所含的热量也各不相同,为了便于相互对比和在总量上进行研究,我国把每公斤含热7000大卡(29307焦耳)的定为标准煤,也称标煤。
米制(Metric) 英制(British) 國際制(SI Metric)1 m =3.2808 ft1 cm =0.3937 in1 mm =0.03937 in1 m2 =1.1959 yd21 m2 =10.7639 ft21 cm2 =0.1550 in21 m3 =1.3079 yd31 m3 =35.3147 ft31 cm3 =0.061 in31 litre =0.2199 gal =1 dm31 cm3 =0.0000353 ft3℃=((℉-32)×5)÷91 tonne =0.9842 ton1 kg =2.2046 lb1 g =0.0353oz1 kgf =2.2046 lbf =9.8066 N1 kgf/cm2 =14.2233 lbf/in2 =98.0665kN/m2 1 kg/m3 =0.0624 lb/ft31 g/cm3 =0.0361 ib/in3英制(British) 米制(Metric) 國際制(SI Metric)1 ft =0.3048 m1 in =2.54cm =25.4mm1 tho u =0.0254 mm =25.4μm1 yd2 =0.8361 m21 ft2 =0.0929 m21 in2 =6.4516 cm2 =654.16 mm21 yd3 =0.7645 m31 ft3 =0.0283 m3 =28.317 dm31 in3 =16.387 cm31 gal =4.5459 litres =4.5459 dm3℉=(1.8×℃)+321 ton =1.0160 tomes1 lb =0.4536 kg1 oz =28.3495 g1 lbf =0.457 kgf 4.4482 N1 lbf/in2 =0.0703kgf/cm2 =6.8948kN/m21 lb/ft3 =16.018 kg/m31 lb/in3 =27.68 g/cm3 =27.68 Mg/m31 Btu =251.996 cal =1.0550 KJ温度°F = (°C x 1.8) + 32°C = (°F-32) x 0.556长度mils x 0.001 = inchesinches x 1000 = milsmm x 0.0394 = inchesinches x 25.4 = mmmils x .0254 = mmmm x 39.4 = mils面积in2 x 0.000645 = m2m2 x 1550 = in2mm2 x 0.00155 = in2in2 x 645.16 = mm2cm2 x 0.155 = in2in2 x 6.4516 = cm2容量in3 x 16.3871 = cm3cm3 x 0.061 = in3密度lbs/in3 x 27.805 = gm/cm3gm/cm3 x 0.036 = lbs/in3 重量oz x 28.354 = gmgm x 0.0353 = ozlb x 453.592 = gmgm x 0.0022 = lboz x 0.0284 = kgkg x 35.27 = ozlb x 0.4536 = kgkg x 2.2046 = lbIzod /能量J/cm x 1.87 = ft-lbs/inft-lbs/in x 0.534 = J/cmft-lbs/in2 x 2.103 = kJ/m2kJ/m2 x 0.4755 = ft-lbs/in2ft-lbs/in x 53.4 = J/mJ/m x 0.0187= ft-lbs/inft-lbs/in x 5.4432 = kg-cm/cmkg-cm/cm x 0.1837= ft-lbs/in压力/强度/系数psi x 6.8949 = kPakPa x 0.145 = psipsi x 0.0069 = MPaMPa x 145 = psipsi x 0.07031 = kg/cm2kg/cm2 x 14.2231 = psipsi x 0.0069 = N/mm2N/mm2 x 145 = psi动力/介电强度V/mil x 0.0394 = kV/mmkV/mm x 25.381 = V/mil热膨胀in/(in, °F) x 1.8 = m/(m, °C)m/(m, °C) x 0.556 = in/(in, °F)热导性BTU-in/(hr, ft2, °F) x 0.1442 = W/(m, °K) W/(m, °K) x 6.933 = BTU-in/(hr, ft2, °F) 热导性BTU/(lb, °F) x 4.187 = J/(g, °K)J/(g, °K) x 0.239 = BTU/(lb, °F)单位换算目录1单位换算的定义2克拉3长度4面积5体积6质量7密度8运动粘度9动力粘度10力11压强12温度1单位换算的定义单位换算[1],是指同一性质的不同单位之间的数值换算。
Liebherr LH 150 Industry Litronic 机械处理机器文档说明书
Operating Weight: 130,000 – 220,000 kg Engine:400 kW / 543 HP Stage IVStage IIIAElectroMax. System Performance: 661 kWThe Perfect Solution for Every ApplicationShells for loose materialH0857Multi-tine grabAngled stickWood grabLoad hookStraight stickMagnet devicesWorking Tools SticksHydraulic cab elevation Rigid cab elevationCab ElevationsUppercarriageDiesel engineElectric motorTechnical DataDiesel EngineRating per ISO 9249400 kW (543 HP) at 1,700 RPM Model Liebherr D9508Type8 cylinder V-engine Bore/Stroke 128/157 mm Displacement 16.16 lEngine operation4-stroke diesel Common-Railturbo-charged and after-cooled reduced emissionsAir cleanerdry-type air cleaner with pre-cleaner, primary and safety elements Engine idling sensor controlledElectrical system Voltage 24 VBatteries 4 x 180 Ah/12 VAlternator three-phase current 28 V/180 A Stage IVHarmful emissions values in accordance with 97/68/EG stage IV Emission control Liebherr SCR technology Fuel tank 2,800 l Urea tank 180 lStage IIIAHarmful emissions values in accordance with 97/68/EG stage IIIA Fuel tank2,800 lElectric MotorRating 400 kW (543 HP) at 1,700 RPM Model Liebherr KGF1391Typethree-phase squirrel cage motorelectric motor auxiliary equipment (air-conditioning compressor, alternator 24 V)Electrical system energy supplyLiebherr control cabinets uppercarriage and under-carriage with access protection, drive components heated and ventilatedLiebherr frequency converter fed drive system heavy-duty versionSupply voltage Low voltage 380 – 690 V High voltage 2.14 – 20 kV Frequency 50/60 HzEngine idling sensor controlled Electrical system battery-assistedcontrol system, lighting, diagnostics system Voltage 24 VBatteries 2 x 180 Ah/12 VAlternatorthree-phase current 28 V/140 AHydraulic ControlsPower distributionvia control valves with integrated safety valves,s imultaneous actuation of chassis and attachment. Swing drive in separate closed circuitServo circuitAttachment and swing with electro-hydraulic pilot control and proportional joystick leversChassiswith electro-hydraulic pilot control and an additional proportional joystick leverAdditional functions Proportional controlproportionally acting transmitters on the joysticks foradditional hydraulic functionsHydraulic SystemHydraulic pump for attachment and travel drive 4 Liebherr axial piston variable displacement pumps Max. flow 4 x 278 l/min.Max. pressure 350 barfor swing drive reversible axial piston variable displacement pump, closed-loop circuit Max. flow 455 l/min.Max. pressure 260 barHydraulic pumpregulation and control Positive Control multi-circuit hydraulic system for independent and demand controlled dosing via the hydraulic pumps; sensor-controlled Hydraulic tank 1,240 lHydraulic system 1,850 – 1,900 l (depending on undercarriage version)Hydraulic oil filter 3 main return filters with integrated partial micro filtra-tion (5 μm), 1 high pressure filter for each main pump MODE selectionadjustment of engine and hydraulic performance via a mode pre-selector to match application, e.g. for especially economical and environmentally friendly operation or for maximum material handling and heavy-duty jobsS (Sensitive)mode for precision work and lifting through very s ensitive movementsE (ECO)mode for especially economical and environmentally friendly operationP (Power)mode for high performance with low fuel consumption P+ (Power-Plus)mode for highest performance and for very heavy dutyapplications, suitable for continuous operationCooling SystemDiesel enginewater-cooledcooling system, consisting of a cooling unit for water and charge air and a 2nd cooler for hydraulic oil, each with an infinitely variable, thermostatically controlled fan drive system Electric motorair-cooledcooling system for hydraulic oil with an infinitelyv ariable, thermostatically controlled fan drive systemfrequency converter water-cooledOperator’s CabCab spacious operator cabin with profiled design, excellentview on working area, access from behind, fixed front,roof and base panel made of bullet proof glass, frontscreen with electrical heating, shock-absorbings uspension, sounddamping insulating, sliding windowon left side, sun shadings, folding seat for instructor Operator’s seatComfort air cushioned operator’s seat with headrest, lap belt,seat heater, adjustable seat cushion inclination andlength, lockable horizontal suspension, automaticweight adjustment, adjustable suspension stiffness,pneumatic lumbar vertebrae support and passive seatclimatisation with active coalOptionPremium in addition to operator’s seat comfort: active elec t ronicweight adjustment (automatic readjustment), pneu-matic low frequency suspension and active seat clima-tisation with active coal and ventilatorControl system joysticks with arm consoles and swivel seat Operation and displays large high-resolution operating unit, selfexplanatory,colour display with touchscreen, video-compatible,numerous setting, control and monitoring options,e.g. air conditioning control, fuel consumptionr espectively energy consumption, machine and toolparametersAir-conditioningDiesel engine automatic air-conditioning, recirculated air function,fast de-icing and demisting at the press of a button,air vents can be operated via a menu; recirculated airand fresh air filters can be easily replaced and areaccessible from the outside; heating-cooling unit,designed for extreme outside temperatures, sensorsfor solar radiation, inside and outside temperatures Electric motor in addition to diesel engine: air-conditioned cab viaweekly timerUndercarriageMobileDrive one axle drive per drive axle with Liebherr axial pistonmotor and functional brake valve on both sides Travel speed0 – 7.8 km/h stepless0 – 4.2 km/h stepless (creeper speed)Axles wheelsets with suspended 40 t axles, with slewingdrive rotating around the vertical axis, hydraulicc ylinder for levelingPosition of wheelsets 6 steering axles, 2 powered and braked, for levelingand axle load distribution, interconnected by hydraulic Option8 steering axles, 2 powered and brakedSteering programs front wheel, rear wheel and all-wheel steering,move to the side in crab steering possible,turning on the spotService brake two circuit travel brake system with accumulator Holding brake wet multi-disc (spring applied, pressure released) Stabilization x-shaped 4 point support with 4 folding arms, onevertically positioned support cylinder per folding arm,support plates with ball-and-socket joint, removable CrawlerDrive Liebherr compact planetary reduction gear withL iebherr axial piston motor per side of undercarriage Travel speed0 – 3.9 km/h stepless0 – 1.7 km/h stepless (creeper speed)Brake functional brake valves on both sidesHolding brake wet multi-disc (spring applied, pressure released) Track pads flatTracks sealed and greasedRail-mounted GantryChassis rail travel drive designed for the respective load perundercarriage cornerDrive compact planetary reduction gear with axial pistonmotor per rail travel driveBrake functional brake valves on both sidesHolding brake per rail travel drive wet multi-disc (spring applied,pressure released)OptionStorm brakes different designsAttachmentType high-strength steel plates at highlystressed pointsfor the toughest requirements. Complex and stablemountings of attachment and cylinders Hydraulic cylinders Liebherr cylinders with special seal system as well asshock absorptionEnergy recovering cylinder Liebherr gas cylinder with special sealing and controlsystemBearings sealed, low maintenanceComplete MachineLubrication Liebherr central lubrication system for uppercarriageand attachment, automaticallyMobile Liebherr central lubrication system for undercarriage,automaticallySteps system undercarriage ascent via ladders and platformsuppercarriage with platform left and right and cross-over possibilityparts hot-dip galvanised, nonskid surfaceNoise emissionISO 6396L pA(inside cab) = 70 dB(A)2000/14/EC L WA(surround noise) = 108 dB(A) Swing DriveDrive Liebherr compact planetary reduction gear withL iebherr axial piston motor in a closed system withintegrated brake valveSwing ring Liebherr, sealed race ball bearing swing ring,internal teethSwing speed0 – 5.5 RPM steplessSwing torque260 kNmHolding brake wet multi-disc (spring applied, pressure released)50 C – Dimensions IndustryLH 150 M – DimensionsIndustryLH 150 C Gantry – DimensionsIndustryChoice of Cab ElevationCab Elevation LFC (Rigid Elevation)Cab Lift(Hydraulic Elevation)The lift capacities on the stick end without attachment are stated in metric tons (t) and can be slewed through 360° on a firm, level supporting surface. Capacities are valid for 750 mm wide flat pads. Indicated loads based on the ISO 10567 standard and do not exceed 75 % of tipping or 87 % of hydraulic capacity. The lift capacity values indicated are attained at the corresponding operating temperature. This operating temperature is ensured by continuous movement of the boom. Weights of fitted working tools (grabs, load hooks, etc.) and load accommodation equipment are to be deducted from the lift capacity values. The lift capacity of the unit is limited by its stability, the lifting capability of the hydraulic elements, or the maximum permissible lifting capacity of the load hook.In accordance with the harmonised European Standard EN 474-5, hydraulic excavators used for lifting operations must be equipped with pipe fracture safety valves, an overload w arning device, a load hook and a lift capacity chart.455055606570758085904035302520151050ftThe lift capacities on the stick end without attachment are stated in metric tons (t) and can be slewed through 360° on a firm, level supporting surface. Capacities are valid for 750 mm wide flat pads. Indicated loads based on the ISO 10567 standard and do not exceed 75 % of tipping or 87 % of hydraulic capacity. The lift capacity values indicated are attained at the corresponding operating temperature. This operating temperature is ensured by continuous movement of the boom. Weights of fitted working tools (grabs, load hooks, etc.) and load accommodation equipment are to be deducted from the lift capacity values. The lift capacity of the unit is limited by its stability, the lifting capability of the hydraulic elements, or the maximum permissible lifting capacity of the load hook.In accordance with the harmonised European Standard EN 474-5, hydraulic excavators used for lifting operations must be equipped with pipe fracture safety valves, an overload w arning device, a load hook and a lift capacity chart.455055606570758085904035302520151050ftThe lift capacities on the stick end without attachment are stated in metric tons (t) and are valid on a firm, level supporting surface with blocked oscillating axle. These capacities can be slewed through 360° with the undercarriage in the transverse position. Capacities in the longitudinal position of the undercarriage (+/– 15°) are specified over the rigid axle with the stabilizers down. Indicated loads based on the ISO 10567 standard and do not exceed 75 % of tipping or 87 % of hydraulic capacity. The lift capacity values indicated are attained at the corresponding operating temperature. This operating temperature is ensured by continuous movement of the boom. Weights of fitted working tools (grabs, load hooks, etc.) and load accommodation equipment are to be deducted from the lift capacity values. The lift capacity of the unit is limited by its stability, the lifting capability of the hydraulic elements, or the maximum permissible lifting capacity of the load hook.In accordance with the harmonised European Standard EN 474-5, hydraulic excavators used for lifting operations must be equipped with pipe fracture safety valves, an overload w arning device, a load hook and a lift capacity chart.45505560657075808590954035302520151050ftThe lift capacities on the stick end without attachment are stated in metric tons (t) and are valid on a firm, level supporting surface with blocked oscillating axle. These capacities can be slewed through 360° with the undercarriage in the transverse position. Capacities in the longitudinal position of the undercarriage (+/– 15°) are specified over the rigid axle with the stabilizers down. Indicated loads based on the ISO 10567 standard and do not exceed 75 % of tipping or 87 % of hydraulic capacity. The lift capacity values indicated are attained at the corresponding operating temperature. This operating temperature is ensured by continuous movement of the boom. Weights of fitted working tools (grabs, load hooks, etc.) and load accommodation equipment are to be deducted from the lift capacity values. The lift capacity of the unit is limited by its stability, the lifting capability of the hydraulic elements, or the maximum permissible lifting capacity of the load hook.In accordance with the harmonised European Standard EN 474-5, hydraulic excavators used for lifting operations must be equipped with pipe fracture safety valves, an overload w arning device, a load hook and a lift capacity chart.45505560657075808590954035302520151050ftThe lift capacities on the stick end without attachment are stated in metric tons (t) and can be slewed through 360° on a firm, level supporting surface. Capacities are valid for 750 mm wide flat pads. Indicated loads based on the ISO 10567 standard and do not exceed 75 % of tipping or 87 % of hydraulic capacity. The lift capacity values indicated are attained at the corresponding operating temperature. This operating temperature is ensured by continuous movement of the boom. Weights of fitted working tools (grabs, load hooks, etc.) and load accommodation equipment are to be deducted from the lift capacity values. The lift capacity of the unit is limited by its stability, the lifting capability of the hydraulic elements, or the maximum permissible lifting capacity of the load hook.In accordance with the harmonised European Standard EN 474-5, hydraulic excavators used for lifting operations must be equipped with pipe fracture safety valves, an overload w arning device, a load hook and a lift capacity chart.455055606570758085904035302520151050ftAltered range curve with additional reach depth, e.g. for unloading from shipsKinematic VariantsKinematic Variant 2AKinematic Variant 2D/2CHole 2Hole AEnergy recovery with kinematic variant2AEnergy recovery with kinematic variant2DEnergy recovery with kinematic variant 2CWorking ToolsShells for Loose MaterialShells for loose material with cutting edge (without teeth)Grab model GMZ 50Wood GrabGrab model GMH 50 round-shaped (overlapping, horizontal cylinders)Multi-Tine Grabopensemi-closed closedGrab model GMM 80-4 (4 tines)BAA3. Attachment fitting lowered /Energy storedLowering the equipment stores energy in the ERC system. This stored energy is then made available to the machine to provide additional engine power. When the equipment is raised the stored energy is released and is reflected in powerful, homogeneous operating cycles. The result is a clear saving on fuel – and, Efficiencyas standard• = Standard, + = Option* = optionally extendable after one yearOptions and/or special attachments, supplied by vendors other than Liebherr, are only to be installed with the knowledge and approval of Liebherr in order toretain warranty.EquipmentCooling SystemReversible fan drive, fully automatic+++++Wide Product RangeThe Liebherr Group is one of the largest construction equipment manufacturers in the world. Liebherr’s high-value products and services enjoy a high reputation in many other fields. The wide range includes domestic appliances, aerospace and trans-portation systems, machine tools and maritime cranes.Exceptional Customer BenefitEvery product line provides a complete range of models in many different versions. With both their technical excellence and acknowledged quality, Liebherr products offer a maximum of customer benefits in practical application.State-of-the-art TechnologyTo provide consistent, top quality products, Liebherr attaches great importance to each product area, its components and core technologies. Important modules and components are developed and manufactured in-house, for instance the entire drive and control technology for construction equipment.Worldwide and IndependentHans Liebherr founded the Liebherr family company in 1949. Since that time, the enterprise has steadily grown to a group of more than 130 companies with over 41,000 employees located on all continents. The corporate headquarters of the Group is Liebherr-International AG in Bulle, Switzerland. The Liebherr family is the sole owner of the The Liebherr Group of CompaniesR G -B K -R P L H B /V F 11834044-w e b -12.15_e n G B A l l i l l u s t r a t i o n s a n d d a t a m a y d i f f e r f r o m s t a n d a r d e q u i p m e n t . S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e .。
各单位的英文名:千米(km)米(m)分米(dm)厘米(cm),毫米(mm)微米(um)纳米(nm) 每相邻两个单位之间进率101千米(缩写:km全称:kilogram)= 0.621英里(mil单位换算e)1米(m)= 3.281英尺(ft)= 1.094码(yd)1丝=1忽米=0.01毫米=0.00001米=10微米=0.001厘米1厘米缩写:cm全称:centimeter)= 0.394英寸(in)1,000,000,000纳米= 1 米(缩写:m全称:meter)1,000,000纳米= 1 毫米(mm)1,000纳米 = 1 微米(µm)1纳米= 10 埃米(记为Å)1埃米=10^-10m1埃(A)= 10米(m)1英里(mile)= 1.609千米(km)1英寻(fm)= 1.829(m)1英尺(ft)= 0.3048米(m)1英寸(in)= 2.54厘米(cm)1海里(n mile)= 1.852千米(km)1链= 66英尺(ft)= 20.1168米1码(yd)= 0.9144米(m)1密耳(mil)= 0.0254毫米(mm)单位换算1英尺(ft)= 12英寸(in)1码(yd)= 3英尺(ft)1杆(rad)= 16.5英尺(ft)1英里(mile)= 5280英尺(ft)1海里(n mile)= 1.1516英里(mile)1千米(km)=1000米(m)市制计量单位:1里=150丈1丈=10尺1尺=10寸1寸=10分1分=10厘1厘=10毫2面积单位1平方厘米=100平方毫米1平方分米=100平方厘米1平方米=100平方分米1平方米=10000平方厘米1平方米=1000000平方毫米1公顷=10000平方米1平方千米=100公顷=1000000平方米1平方公里=1000000平方米=1平方千米国际上一般使用千米、米、分米、厘米作为普通计量单位,他的各个单位进率为10x10,等于100. 面积的物理量符号为S 1公顷=15亩1公顷=100公亩1公亩=0.15亩1亩= 666.666667 平方米1公亩=100平方米1公顷=10000平方米1平方公里=1000米x1000米=1000000平方米=1平方千米≈1500亩1公顷=0.01平方公里ha,hm2都是指公顷;ha是以前用的单位,现在一般用hm2 hm是hundred metre 的缩写,即百米,即1公顷=1hm2=10000平方米在面积中,最特别是平方米和公顷之间的进率,是10000其他每相邻两个单位之间进率1001平方公里(km)= 100公顷(ha)= 247.1英亩(acre)= 0.386平方英里(mile)1平方米(m)= 10.764平方英尺(ft)1公亩(are)= 100平方米(m)1公顷(ha)= 10000平方米(m)= 2.471英亩(acre)=0.01平方千米1平方英里(mile)= 2.590平方公里(km)1英亩(acre)= 0.4047公顷(ha)= 4.047×10平方公里(km)= 4047平方米(m)1平方英尺(ft)= 0.093平方米(m)1平方英寸(in)= 6.452平方厘米(cm)1平方码(yd)= 0.8361平方米(m)3体积单位1立方米=1000升=1000立方分米=1000000毫升=1000000立方厘米=1000000000立方毫米1升=1立方分米=1000毫升=1000立方厘米=1000000立方毫米立方英尺(cubic feet/CUF/CUFT)=1立方英尺=1(ft3)=0.0283立方米(m3)=28.317升(liter)=28.317立方分米(dm3)=28317立方厘米=28317000立方毫米1升(L)=1立方分米(dm)1毫升(mL)=1立方厘米(cm3)每相邻两个单位之间进率10001立方米(m3)= 1000升(liter)= 35.315立方英尺(ft)= 6.29桶(bbl)1立方英尺(ft)= 0.0283立方米(m3)= 28.317升(liter)1千立方英尺(mcf)= 28.317立方米(m3)1百万立方英尺(MMcf)=2.8317万立方米(m3)10亿立方英尺(bcf)= 2831.7万立方米(m3)1万亿立方英尺(tcf)= 283.17亿立方米(m3)1立方英寸(in)= 16.3871立方厘米(cm3)1英亩·英尺=1234立方米(m3)1桶(bbl)= 0.159立方米(m3)= 42美加仑(gal)1美加仑(gal)= 3.785升(1)1美夸脱(qt)= 0.946升(1)1美品脱(pt)= 0.473升(1)1美吉耳(gi)= 0.118升(1)1英加仑(gal)= 4.546升(1)中国古代:1石(dàn)= 10斗(dǒu)1斛(hú)= 本为10斗,后来改为5斗1斗(dǒu)= 10升1龠(yuè) = 0.5合(gě)1升= 10合(gě)4质量密度计算公式:密度=质量/体积(ρ=m/V)(同种物质组成的物体的质量与体积成正比)重力计算公式:G=m g(G为重量,m为质量,g为地球的重力加速度,约为9.8N/Kg)牛顿第二定律计算公式:F=m a(F为合力,m为质量,a为加速度)质能联系方程:E=m c21吨(t)= 1000千克(kg)= 2205磅(lb)= 1.102短吨(sh.ton)= 0.984长吨(long ton) 1千克(kg)= 2.205磅(lb)1克(g)=0.001千克(kg)1短吨(sh.ton)= 0.907吨(t)= 2000磅(lb)1长吨(long ton)= 1.016吨(t)1磅(lb)= 0.454千克(kg)[常衡]1盎司(oz)= 28.350克(g)古代:10圭= 钧= 30斤24铢 = 两= 50克16两= 1斤6铢= 1锱(zī)4锱(zī) = 1两1担(古同:儋dàn)(dàn)= 100公斤1斤= 16两(古代)= 1.6斤(现代?)锊(lüè)= 333.333333克【合六又三分之二两】5密度1千克/立方米(kg/m3)= 0.001克/立方厘米(g/cm3)= 0.0624磅/立方英尺(lb/ft3) 1磅/立方英尺(lb/ft3)= 16.02千克/立方米(kg/m3)1磅/立方英寸(lb/in3)= 27679.9千克/立方米(kg/m3)1磅/立方美加仑(lb/gal3)= 119.826千克/立方米(kg/m3)1磅/立方英加仑(lb/gal3)= 99.776千克/立方米(kg/m3)1磅/立方(石油)桶(lb/bbl3)= 2.853千克/立方米(kg/m3)1波美密度(B)=140/15.5℃时的比重-130API度=141.5/15.5℃时的比重-131.56运动粘度1英尺/秒(ft/s)= 9.29030×10米/秒(m/s)1斯(St)= 0.01米/秒(m/s)= 1厘米/秒(cm/s)1厘斯(cSt)= 0.001米/秒(m/s)= 1毫米/秒(mm/s)7动力粘度1泊(P)=0.01毫帕·秒(mPa·s)1厘泊(cP or CPS,centipoise)= 1毫帕·秒(mPa·s)1千克力秒/米2(kgf·s/m2) = 9.80665帕·秒(Pa·s)1磅力秒/英尺(lb/ft·s)=1.4881帕·秒(Pa·s)力1牛顿(N)=0.225磅力(lbf)= 0.102千克力(kgf)1千克力(kgf)= 9.81牛(N)1磅力(lbf)= 4.45牛顿(N)1达因(dyn)= 10牛顿(N)8压强1巴(bar)= 105帕(Pa)1千帕(kPa)= 0.145磅力/平方英寸(psi²) = 0.0102千克力/平方厘米(kgf/cm²) = 0.0098大气压(atm)1磅力/英寸(psi)= 6.895千帕(kPa) = 0.0703千克力/厘米(kg/cm)=0.0689巴(bar)= 0.068大气压(atm)1物理大气压(atm)= 101.325千帕(kPa)= 14.696磅/英寸(psi)= 1.0333巴(bar) 1工程大气压= 98.0665千帕(kPa)1毫米水柱(mmH2O)= 9.80665帕(Pa)1毫米汞柱(mmHg)= 133.322帕(Pa)1托(Torr) = 133.322帕(Pa)1达因/厘米(dyn/cm)= 0.1帕(Pa)9温度K=5/9(°F+459.67)K = ℃+273.15n°F= [(n-32)×5/9]℃n℃= (9/5×n+32)°F1°F= 5/9℃+32℃10传热系数1千卡/(米·时·℃)〔1kcal/(m·h·℃)〕=1.16279瓦/(米·开尔文)〔w/(m·℃)〕1英热单位/(英尺·时·°F)〔Btu/(ft·h·°F)〕= 5.67826瓦/(米·开尔文)〔(w/m·K)〕1米·时·℃/千卡(m·h·℃/kcal)= 0.86000米·开尔文/瓦(m·K/W)1千卡/米·时(kcal/m·h)= 1.16279瓦/米(w/m)11热导率1千卡(米·时·℃)〔kcal/(m·h·℃)〕=1.16279瓦/(米·开尔文)〔W/(m·K)〕1英热单位/(英尺·时·°F)〔But/(ft·h·°F)〕=1.7303瓦/(米·开尔文)〔W/(m·K)〕12比容热1焦耳/(千克·℃)〔kcal/(kg·℃)〕=1英热单位/(磅·°F)〔Btu/(lb·°F)〕=4186.8焦耳/(千克·开尔文)〔J/(kg·K)〕13热功1焦耳=0.10204千克·米=2.778×10千瓦·小时=3.777×10公制马力小时=3.723×10英制马力小时=2.389×10千卡= 9.48×10英热单位1卡(cal)= 4.1868焦耳(J) 1大卡= 4186.75焦耳(J)1英热单位(Btu)=1055.06焦耳(J)1千克力米(kgf·m)= 9.80665焦耳(J)1英尺磅力(ft·lbf)= 1.35582焦耳(J)1米制马力小时(hp·h)= 2.64779×10焦耳(J)1英马力小时(UKHp·h)= 2.68452×10焦耳1千瓦小时(kW·h)= 3.6×10焦耳(J)14功率1千克力·米/秒(kgf·m/s)= 9.80665瓦(w)1米制马力(hp)= 735.499瓦(W)1卡/秒(cal/s)=4.1868瓦(W)1英热单位/时(Btu/h)= 0.293071瓦(W)15速度1英尺/秒(ft/s)= 0.3048米/秒(m/s)1英里/时(mile/h)= 0.44704米/秒(m/s)16渗透率1达西=1000毫达西1平方厘米(cm)=9.81×10达西17地温梯度1°F/100英尺=1.8℃/100米(℃/m)1℃/公里=2.9°F/英里(°F/mile)= 0.055°F/100英尺(°F/ft)18油气产量1桶(bbl)= 0.14吨(t)(原油,全球平均) 1吨(t)= 7.3桶(bbl)(原油,全球平均)1桶/日(bpd)= 50吨/年(t/a)(原油,全球平均)1千立方英尺/日(Mcfd)= 28.32立方米/日(m/d)= 1.0336万立米/年(m/a)1百万立方英尺/日(MMcfd)= 2.832万立方米/日(m/d)= 1033.55万立方米/年(m/a) 10亿立方英尺/日(bcfd)= 0.2832亿立方米/日(m/d)= 103.36亿立方米/年(m/a) 1万亿立方英尺/日(tcfd)= 283.2亿立方米/日(m/d)= 10.336万亿立方米/年(m/a)19气油比1立方英尺/桶(cuft/bbl)= 0.2067立方米/吨(m/t)20热值1桶原油=5.8×10英热单位(Btu)1立方米湿气=3.909×10英热单位(Btu)1立方米干气=3.577×10英热单位(Btu)1吨煤= 2.406×10英热单位(Btu)1千瓦小时水电=1.0235×10英热(Btu)(资料来源:美国国家标准局.以上为1990年美国平均热值)。
药用辅料中英文对照1 阿拉伯胶(Acacia)2 乙酰舒泛钾(Acesulfame Potassium)3 冰醋酸(Acetic Acid,Glacial)4 乙酰枸橼酸三丁酯(AcetyltributylCitrate)5 乙酰枸橼酸三乙酯(AcetyltriethylCitrate)6 人血白蛋白(Albumin)7 乙醇(Alcohol)8 海藻酸(Alginic Acid)9 脂肪族聚酯(Aliphatic Polyesters)10 阿力糖(Alitame)11 杏仁油(Almond Oil)12 维生素E(Alpha Tocopherol)13 氨溶液(Ammonia Solution)14 维生素C(Ascorbic Acid)15 棕榈酸维生素C酯(Ascorbyl Palmitate)16 阿司帕坦(Aspartame)17 绿坡缕石(Attapulgite)18 皂土(Bentonite)19 苯扎氯铵(Benzalkonium Chloride)20 苄索氯铵(Benzethonium Chloride)21 苯甲酸(Benzoic Acid)22 苯甲醇(Benzyl Alcohol)23 苯甲酸苄酯(Benzyl Benzoate)24 溴硝丙二醇(Bronopol)25 丁羟茴醚(Butylated Hydroxyanisole)26 丁羟甲苯(Butylated Hydroxytoluene)27 羟苯丁酯(Butylparaben)28 碳酸钙(Calcium Carbonate)29 无水磷酸氢钙(Calcium Phosphate,Dibasic Anhydrous)30 磷酸氢钙二水合物(Calcium Phosphate,Dibasic Dihydrate)31 磷酸钙(Calcium Phosphate,Tribasic)32 硬脂酸钙(Calcium Stearate)33 硫酸钙(Calcium Sulfate)34 低芥酸菜籽油(Canola Oil)35 卡波姆(Carbomer)36 二氧化碳(Carbon Dioxide)37 羧甲纤维素钙(Carboxymethylcellulose Calcium)38 羧甲纤维素钠(Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium)39 角叉菜胶(Carrageenan)40 蓖麻油(Castor Oil)41 氢化蓖麻油(Castor Oil,Hydro-genated)42 微晶纤维素(Cellulose,Microcr ystalline)43 粉状纤维素(Cellulose,Powdered)44 微粉硅胶微晶纤维素(Cellulose, Silicified Microcrystalline)45 醋酸纤维素(Cellulose Acetate)46 纤维醋法酯(Cellulose Acetate Phthalate)47 角豆胶(Ceratonia)48 十八十六醇(Cetostearyl Alcohol)49 西曲溴铵(Cetrimide)50 十六醇(Cetyl Alcohol)51 壳聚糖(Chitosan)52 氯己定(Chlorhexidine)53 三氯叔丁醇(Chlorobutanol)54 氯甲酚(Chlorocresol)55 一氯二氟乙烷(Chlorodifluoroe-thane)56 氟里昂(Chlorofluorocabons)57 对氯间二甲酚(Chloroxylenol)58 胆固醇(Cholesterol)59 枸橼酸(Citric Acid Monohydrate)60 胶态二氧化硅(微粉硅胶)(Colloidal Silicon Dioxide)61 着色剂(Coloring Agents)62 玉米油(Corn Oil)63 棉籽油(Cottonseed Oil)64 甲酚(Cresol)65 交联羧甲纤维素钠(Croscarmellose Sodium)66 交联聚维酮(Crospovidone)67 环糊精(Cyclodextrins)68 环甲基硅酮(Cyclomethicone)69 苯甲地那铵(Denatonium Benzoate)70 葡萄糖结合剂(Dextrates)71 糊精(Dextrin)72 葡萄糖(Dextrose)73 邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(Dibutyl Phthalate)74 癸二酸二丁酯(Dibutyl Sebacate)75 二乙醇胺(Diethanolamine)76 邻苯二甲酸二乙酯(Diethyl Phthalate)77 二氟乙烷(Difluoroethane)78 二甲硅油(Dimethicone)79 二甲醚(Dimethyl Ether)80 邻苯二甲酸二甲酯(Dimethyl Phthalate)81 二甲亚砜(Dimethyl Sulfoxide)82 多库酯钠(Docusate Sodium)83 依地酸(乙二胺四乙酸)(Edetic Acid)84 乙酸乙酯(Ethyl Acetate)85 乙基麦芽酚(Ethyl Maltol)86 油酸乙酯(Ethyl Oleate)87 乙基香草醛(Ethyl Vanillin)88 乙基纤维素(Ethylcellulose)89 硬脂酸棕榈酸乙二醇酯(Ethylene Glycol Palmitostearate)90 羟苯乙酯(Ethylparaben)91 果糖(Fructose)92 富马酸(Fumaric Acid)93 明胶(Gelatin)29394 液体葡萄糖(Glucose,Liquid)95 甘油(Glycerin)96 山萮酸甘油酯(Glyceryl Behenate)97 单油酸甘油酯(Glyceryl Monooleate)98 单硬脂酸甘油酯(Glyceryl Monostearate)99 硬脂酸棕榈酸甘油酯(Glyceryl Palmitostearate)100 四氢呋喃聚乙二醇醚(Glycofurol)101 瓜耳胶(Guar Gum)102 七氟丙烷(HFC)(Heptafluoro-propane)103 海克西定(Hexetidine)104 烷烃类(HC) (Hydrocarbons)105 盐酸(Hydrochloric Acid)106 羟乙纤维素(Hydroxyethyl Cellulose)107 羟乙甲纤维素(Hydroxyethylmethyl Cellulose)108 羟丙纤维素(Hydroxypropyl Cellulose)109 低取代羟丙纤维素(Hydroxypropyl Cellulose,Low-substituted) 110 羟丙甲纤维素(Hypromellose)111 羟丙甲纤维素酞酸酯(Hypromellose Phthalate)112 咪唑烷脲(Imidurea)113 异丙醇(Isopropyl Alcohol)114 肉豆蔻酸异丙酯(Isopropyl Myristate)115 棕榈酸异丙酯(Isopropyl Palmitate)116 白陶土(Kaolin)117 乳酸(Lactic Acid)118 拉克替醇(Lactitol)119 乳糖(Lactose120 羊毛脂(Lanolin)121 含水羊毛脂(Lanolin,Hydrous)122 羊毛醇(Lanolin Alcohols)123 卵磷脂(Lecithin)124 硅酸镁铝(Magnesium Aluminum Silicate)125 碳酸镁(Magnesium Carbonate)126 氧化镁(Magnesium Oxide)127 硅酸镁(Magnesium Silicate)128 硬脂酸镁(Magnesium Stearate)129 三硅酸镁(Magnesium Trisilicate)130 苹果酸(Malic Acid)131 麦芽糖醇(Maltitol)132 麦芽糖醇溶液(Maltitol Solution)133 麦芽糖糊精(Maltodextrin)134 麦芽酚(Maltol)135 麦芽糖(Maltose)136 甘露醇(Mannitol)137 中链脂肪酸甘油三酯(Medium-chain Triglycerides) 138 葡甲胺(Meglumine)139 薄荷脑(Menthol)140 甲基纤维素(Methylcellulose)141 羟苯甲酯(Methylparaben)142 液体石蜡(Mineral Oil)143 轻质液体石蜡(Mineral Oil,Light)144 液体石蜡羊毛醇(Mineral Oil and Lanolin Alcohols)145 单乙醇胺(Monoethanolamine)146 谷氨酸一钠(Monosodium Glutamate)147 硫代甘油(Monothioglycerol)148 氮(Nitrogen)149 一氧化二氮(Nitrous Oxide)150 油酸(Oleic Acid)151 橄榄油(Olive Oil)152 石蜡(Paraffin)153 花生油(Peanut Oil)154 凡士林(rolatum)155 凡士林羊毛醇(rolatum and Lanolin Alcohols)156 苯酚(Phenol)157 苯氧乙醇(Phenoxyethanol)158 苯乙醇(Phenylethyl Alcohol)159 醋酸苯汞(Phenylmercuric Acetate)160 硼酸苯汞(Phenylmercuric Borate)161 硝酸苯汞(Phenylmercuric Nitrate)162 磷酸(Phosphoric Acid)163 波拉克林钾(Polacrilin Potassium)164 泊洛沙姆(Poloxamer)165 葡聚糖(Polydextrose)166 聚乙二醇(Polyethylene Glycol)167 聚氧乙烯(Polyethylene Oxide)168 聚(甲基)丙烯酸树脂(Polymethacr-ylates)169 聚氧乙烯烷基醚(Polyoxyethylene Alkyl Ethers)170 聚氧乙烯蓖麻油衍生物(Polyoxyeth-ylene Castor Oil Derivatives) 171 聚山梨酯(Polyoxyethylene Sorbitan Fatty Acid Esters)172 硬脂酸聚氧乙烯酯(Polyoxyethylene Stearates)173 聚醋酸乙烯酞酸酯(Polyvinyl Acetate Phthalate)174 聚乙烯醇(Polyvinyl Alcohol)175 苯甲酸钾(Potassium Benzoate)176 碳酸氢钾(Potassium Bicarbonate)177 氯化钾(Potassium Chloride)178 枸橼酸钾(Potassium Citrate)179 氢氧化钾(Potassium Hydroxide)180 焦亚硫酸钾(Potassium Metabisulfite)181 山梨酸钾(Potassium Sorbate)182 聚维酮(Povidone)183 丙酸(Propionic Acid)184 没食子酸丙酯(Propyl Gallate)185 碳酸丙烯酯(Propylene Carbonate)186 丙二醇(Propylene Glycol)187 海藻酸丙二醇酯(Propylene Glycol Alginate)188 羟苯丙酯(Propylparaben)189 糖精(Saccharin)190 糖精钠(Saccharin Sodium)191 芝麻油(Sesame Oil)192 虫胶(Shellac)193 二氧化硅二甲硅油(Simethicone)194 海藻酸钠(Sodium Alginate)195 抗坏血酸钠(Sodium Ascorbate)196 苯甲酸钠(Sodium Benzoate)197 碳酸氢钠(Sodium Bicarbonate)198 氯化钠(Sodium Chloride)199 枸橼酸钠二水合物(Sodium Citrate Dihydrate)200 环拉酸钠(Sodium Cyclamate)201 氢氧化钠(Sodium Hydroxide)202 月桂硫酸钠(十二烷基硫酸钠)(Sodium Lauryl Sulfate)203 焦亚硫酸钠(偏亚硫酸钠)(Sodium Metabisulfite)204 磷酸氢二钠(Sodium Phosphate,Dibasic)205 磷酸二氢钠(Sodium Phosphate ,Monobasic)206 丙酸钠(Sodium Propionate)207 羧甲淀粉钠(Sodium Starch Glycolate)208 硬脂富马酸钠(Sodium Stearyl Fumarate)209 山梨酸(Sorbic Acid)210 山梨坦酯Sorbitan Esters(Sorbitan Fatty Acid Esters)211 山梨醇(Sorbitol)212 大豆油(Soybean Oil)213 淀粉(Starch)214 预胶化淀粉(Starch,Pregelatinized)215 灭菌玉米淀粉(Starch,Sterilizable Maize)216 硬脂酸(Stearic Acid)217 硬脂醇(Stearyl Alcohol)218 羟糖氯(Sucralose)219 蔗糖(Sucrose)220 可压蔗糖(Sugar,Compressible)221 蔗糖粉(Sugar,Confectioner’s)222 蔗糖球形颗粒(Sugar Spheres)223 硫酸(Sulfuric Acid)224 葵花籽油(Sunflower Oil)225 氢化植物油(硬脂)栓剂基质(Sup-pository Bases,Hard Fat) 226 滑石粉(Talc)227 酒石酸(Tartaric Acid)228 四氟乙烷(HFC)(Tetrafluoroe-thane)229 硫柳汞(Thimerosal)230 二氧化钛(Titanium Dioxide)231 西黄蓍胶(Tragacanth)232 海藻糖(Trehalose)233 三醋汀(Triacetin)234 枸橼酸三丁酯(Tributyl Citrate)235 三乙醇胺(Triethanolamine)236 枸橼酸三乙酯(Triethyl Citrate)237 香草醛(Vanillin)238 氢化植物油(Vegetable Oil,Hydrogenated)239 水(Water)240 阴离子乳化蜡(Wax,Anionic Emulsifying)241 巴西棕榈蜡(Wax,Carnauba)242 十六醇酯蜡(Wax,Cetyl Esters)243 微晶蜡(Wax,Microcrystalline)244 非离子乳化蜡(聚西托醇乳化蜡)(Wax,Nonionic Emulsifying) 245 白蜡(Wax,White)246 黄蜡(Wax,Yellow)247 黄原酸胶(Xanthan Gum)248 木糖醇(Xylitol)796249 玉米朊(玉米蛋白)(Zein)250 硬脂酸锌(Zinc Stearate)。
List of Korean Family Name in Chinese and EnglishCopy right @ WikipediaHangul Hanja Possible transliterations Revised McCune-ReischauerEstimated distribution (2000)*아阿Ah, Aa A A 632애艾Ay, Ai Ae Ae 123안安Ahn, Ahne, Ann, Aan An An 637,786배裵Bai, Bea, Pae, Pai, Bay, Pay,PeaBae Pae 372,064백白Baik, Back, Paik, Paek, Beak Baek Paek 351,275 박朴Park, Pak, Bark, Pack, Back Bak Pak 3,895,121반班, 潘Bahn, Pan, Pahn, Phan,Bhan, VanBan Pan 26,171방方, 房,邦, 龐Pang, Bhang, Bahng, Pahng,PhangBang Pang 119,703범凡, 范Bum, Bom, Peom, Pum Beom Pŏm 3,472 비丕Bee, Pee, Bih, Bhi, Pih, Phi Bi Pi 90빈賓, 彬Been, Bhin, Pihn, Phin, Bean,Bihn, PeanBin Pin 5,252빙氷 BingPing727 복卜Pok, Pock, Bog, Pog, Bock Bok Pok 8,644봉奉, 鳳Bhong, Bohng, Phong,Pohng, VongBong Pong 11,819부夫, 傅Boo, Pu, Bou, Poo, Booh,Buh, Pou, PoohBu Pu 9,592변卞, 邊Byun, Byon, Pyun, Byoun,Pyon, Pyoun, PyeonByeon Pyŏn 131,554차車Char, Chah, Tchah, Tcha Cha Ch'a 180,589 채采, 菜, 蔡Chai, Che, Chea Chae Ch'ae 119,251창昌, 倉Chiang, Chahng Chang Ch'ang 1,179천天, 千Chun, Chon, Chen, Choun Cheon Ch'ŏn 112,227 초楚, 肖Chu, Chou, Choh Cho Ch'o 351최崔Choi, Che, Choy, Chey Choe Ch'oe 2,169,704추秋, 鄒Choo, Chou, Chyu Chu Ch'u 55,309대大Dai, Dea, Day Dae Tae 606담譚Tham, Dham, Dahm, Tahm Dam Tam 57단段Dahn, Tahn Dan Tan 1,585당唐Tang, Dhang, Thang Dang Tang 1,025도道, 都, 陶Doh, Dho, To, Doe, Tho, Toh Do To 54,779독고獨孤Dokko, Toko, Tokko, Dockko,Dogko, Togko, DokoDokgo Tokko 807돈頓Dohn, Tohn, Thon, Dhon Don Ton 115동董Tong, Dhong, Tung, Thong Dong Tong 5,564동방東方Tongpang, Dongpang Dongbang Tongbang 220두杜Doo, Tu, Do, Dou, Tou, To,TooDu Tu 5,958어魚Uh, Eoh, Auh, Eu, Au Eo Ŏ 17,551어금魚金Eokeum, Okeum, Okum,Ukeum, Ugeum, UkumEogeum Ŏgŭm 51엄嚴Um, Eum, Uhm, Aum, Oum,OhmEom Ŏm 132,990음陰Um, Em, Yeum Eum Ŭm 5,936 은殷Eun, Un, Uhan, Unn Eun Ŭn 15,657가賈Kaa, Gaa, Kah, Gah, Gha,KhaGa Ka 9,090개介Gay, Kay Gae Kae 86갈葛Kal, Garl, Gahl, Karl, Carl Gal Kal 3,178 감甘Kam, Kahm, Karm Gam Kam 5,998 간簡Kan, Khan Gan Kan 2,429강姜, 剛,康, 強, 彊Kang, Kahng, Kwang, Khang Gang Kang1,169,805강전岡田Gangjun, Gangjon, Kangjun,Kangjeon, Kangjoun,GangjounGangjeon Kangjŏn 51금琴,今,金Keum, Kum, Gum, Guem,KuemGeum Kŭm 23,489근斤Keun GeunKŭn 242기奇, 箕Ki, Kee, Key, Gee, Ky, Khee,KieGi Ki26,679길吉Kil, Gill, Khil, Kill, Keel, Kihl Gil Kil 32,418 김金Kim, Kym, Geem, Keem Gim Kim18,925,949고高Ko, Koh, Goh, Kho, Gho, Kor Go Ko435,839곡曲Kok, Gog Gok Kok 155공孔, 公Kong, Kohng, Koung, Goung,KhongGong Kong 85,606구具, 丘, 邱Koo, Ku, Goo, Kou, Kuh,Khoo, KhuGu Ku 1,253국國, 菊, 鞠Kook, Kuk, Gook, Kug, Gug,CookGuk Kuk 150군君Koon, Goon, Guhn, Kuhn Gun Kun 46 궁弓Koong, Kung, Kwoong Gung Kung 562곽郭Kwak, Kwag, Kwack, Gwag,Koak, KuarkGwak Kwak 187,322궉鴌Kweag, Kwog, Gwog Gwok Kwŏk 248권權Kwon, Kweon, Kwun, Kwan Gwon Kwŏn 652,495계桂Kyeh, Kye, Kay, Kae, Gae,Keh, KeiGye Kye 6,282견堅, 甄Kyun, Kyeon, Kyen, Kyoun,Kyon, KwionGyeon Kyŏn 1,670경慶, 景, 京Kyung, Kyoung, Kyeong,Kyong, KungGyeong Kyŏng 15,784교橋Kyoh, Gyoh Gyo Kyo 41하河, 夏Hah, Har Ha Ha 213,758해海Hay, Hai Hae Hae 322학學Hag, Hahk, Hahg Hak Hak 101함咸Hahm, Harm, Hamm, Haam Ham Ham 75,955한韓, 漢Hahn, Hann Han Han 715,556허許Hur, Huh, Her, Hu, Ho, Hoh,HeohHeo Hŏ 300,448흥興Huhng HeungHŭng 462호扈, 胡, 鎬Hoh, Hu Ho Ho 6,106홍洪Houng, Hyong Hong Hong 518,635 후後, 候Hoo, Hooh, Huh Hu Hu 114화化Howa, Hua Hwa Hwa 945환桓Huan, Howan Hwan Hwan 157황黃Whang, Hoang, Huang,WongHwang Hwang 644,294황보皇甫Hwangpo Hwangbo Hwangbo 9,148현玄Hyun, Hyon, Hyoun, Hyen Hyeon Hyŏn 81,807형邢Hyung, Hyoung, Hyong,HyeungHyeong Hyŏng 6,640이 (S) 리 (N) 5李, 伊, 異Lee, Yi, Rhee, Ree, Rey, RhieI (S)Ri (N) 5Yi (S)Ri (N) 56,796,227임任Im, Yim Im Im 99,986임 (S) 림 (N) 5林Lim, Yim, Rim, Leem, RhimIm (S)Rim (N) 6Im (S)Rim (N) 6635,507인印Ihn, Yin, Inn, En, Lin In In 20,635자慈 JaCha178장莊, 章,張, 蔣Chang, Jahng, Jhang, Gang,ZhangJang Chang943,257장곡長谷 JanggokChanggok52 제諸Jae, Jea, Che, Jei, Jhe Je Che 29,968제갈諸葛Jaegal, Jekal, Jeagal, Chegal,ChekalJegal Chegal 4,444저邸 JeoChŏ 48 점佔 JeomChŏm 516전全, 田, 錢Jun, Chun, Chon, Jeun,CheonJeon Chŏn 687,867정丁, 程, 鄭Chung, Jung, Joung, Chong,Cheong, ChoungJeong Chŏng 2,230,611증增, 曾Zeng, Jung, Cheung, Chung Jeung Chŭng 6즙辻Jup, Jub, Jeub, Cheup, Chup,Cheub, ChubJeup Chŭp 4지智, 池Jee, Ch, Gi, Chee, Gee, Jhi Ji Chi 147,572진晉, 眞,陳, 秦Chin, Jean, Gin, Zhin, Chen Jin Chin 170,980조趙, 曺Cho, Joe, Joh, Jou Jo Cho1,347,730종宗, 鍾Chong JongChong962 주周, 朱Joo, Chu, Choo, Jou, Zoo Ju Chu 215,010준俊, Juhn, Jhun, Choon, Joon,ChuhnJun Chun 72좌左Chwa, Joa, Choa, Jaw Jwa Chwa 3,130 마馬, 麻Mah, Mar, Mha Ma Ma 36,094 매梅Mea, May Mae Mae 222맹孟Mang, Meang, Maing, Meng,MaeingMaeng Maeng 20,219만萬Mann, Mahn, Mhan Man Man 172망절網切Mangjul, Mangjuhl, Mangjoul Mangjeol Mangjŏl 10 미米Mee, Mih, Meeh Mi Mi 199민閔Minn, Mihn, Mhin Min Min 159,054모毛, 牟Moh, Moe, Mho, Mao Mo Mo 19,834목睦,穆,木, Mock, Mog, Muk, Mork Mok Mok 8,191묵墨Mook MukMuk179 문門, 文Moon, Muhn, Mhun Mun Mun 426,927명明Myung, Myoung, Myong Myeong Myŏng 26,746묘苗Myoh, Myho Myo Myo 61나 (S) 라 (N) 羅Ra, Nah, La, Rha, RahNa (S)Ra (N)Na (S)Ra (N)172,022내乃, 奈Na, Nay Nae Nae 440남南Nahm, Nham, Narm Nam Nam 257,178남궁南宮Namkung, Namgoong,Namkoong, Namkuhng,NamguhngNamgung Namgung 18,743난 (S) 란 (N) 欒Nahn, Rahn, Nhan, RhanNan (S)Ran (N)Nan (S)Ran (N)80낭 (S) 랑 (N) 浪,郞Nahng, LangNang (S)Rang (N)Nang (S)Rang (N)341노 (S) 로 (N) 盧, 魯, 路Noh, Roh, Ro, Rho, NhoNo (S)Ro (N)No (S)Ro (N)290,434뇌 (S) 뢰 (N) 雷, 賴Roi, NoiNoe (S)Roe (N)Noe (S)Roe (N)92누 (S) 루 (N) 樓Nu (S)Ru (N)Nu (S)Ru (N)24오伍, 吳Oh, Oe, Au, Ou O O 706,908옥玉Ock, Ohk, Oak, Og, Ohg,Ocg, OagOk Ok 22,964온溫Ohn, Ohnn On On 5,081 옹邕, 雍Ohng, Oung Ong Ong 964팽彭Pang, Paing, Peng, Pyeong,PyengPaeng P'aeng 2,825판判Pahn, Phan, Pann Pan P'an 290 피皮Pee, Phee, Phi, Phy, Pih Pi P'i 6,303 필弼Phil, Pihl, Peel Pil P'il 251 포包Pho, Poh Po P'o 129 풍馮Poong, Puhng, Poohng Pung P'ung 586편片Pyun, Pyon, Pyoun, Pyen,PyeunPyeon P'yŏn 15,308평平Pyung, Pyong, Pyoung,PyengPyeong P'yŏng 608표表Phyo, Pio, Puo, Peo, Pyho Pyo P'yo 28,398류柳Ryu, Ryou, Ryoo Ryu Ryu 603,084사史, 舍, 謝Sha SaSa10,118 사공司空Sakong, Sagoung, Sakoung Sagong Sagong 4,307삼森, 杉Sahm, Sham, Samm Sam Sam 51상尙Shang, Sahng Sang Sang 2,298서西, 徐Suh, Su, Sur, So, Seu, Seoh Seo Sŏ 695,249석昔, 石Suk, Sok, Suck, Seuk, Seak Seok Sŏk 54,610설薛, 偰Sul, Seul, Sol, Sull Seol Sŏl 42,064서문西門Suhmun, Suhmoon,Seomoon, SomoonSeomun Sŏmun 1,861선宣Sun, Son, Suhn, Sen Seon Sŏn 38,849 성成, 星Sung, Soung, Seung, Song Seong Sŏng 185,363선우鮮於Sunwoo, Seonwoo, Sonu,Sunoo, Sunwou, Seonwu,SonwuSeonu Sŏnu 3,560섭葉Sup, Sub, Seob, Sob Seop Sŏp 450 승昇, 承Sung, Seoung, Seong Seung Sŭng 3,304 시柴, 施Shi, See, Sie, Sea Si Si 3,928심沈, Shim, Seem, Sheem, Shimn,SihmSim Sim 252,255신申, 辛, 愼Shin, Shinn, Sheen, Chin,Seen, CynnSin Sin 911,556십什Ship, Sihp, Seep, Sib, Seeb,Sihb, ShibSip Sip 82소蘇, 邵Soh, Sho, Soo So So 49,456소봉小峰Sohbong, Sopong, Shobong,Sohpong, ShopongSobong Sobong 18손孫Sohn, Shon, Soon, Soun,SunSon Son 415,182송宋, 松Soung, Shong, Sung Song Song 639,082 수水, 洙Soo, Suh, Sooh Su Su 199순荀, 舜,淳, 順Soon SunSun1,296태太Tai, Tea, Te, Tay Tae T'ae 8,165탁卓Tark, Tag, Tack, Thak Tak T'ak 19,395탄彈Than, Tahn, Tann Tan T'an 155우於, 禹Woo, Wu, Ou, Wo, Uh U U 180,141운雲, 芸Woon, Whun, Wuhn Un Un 170왕王,汪Whang, Wong Wang Wang 23,447위韋, 魏Wee, We, Wie, Wei Wi Wi 30,496원元, 袁, 苑Weon, Woon, Wone, Wun,OneWon Wŏn 120,465야夜Yah, Yha Ya Ya 180양 (S) 량 (N) 1梁, 楊,樑, 襄Ryang, Yaung, LyangYang (S)Ryang (N)1Yang (S)Ryang (N) 1486,645예芮, 乂Yea, Yae, Yeh, Yee Ye Ye 12,656여 (S) 려 (N) 2余, 呂, 汝Yu, Yo, Yeu, Yuh, YeaYeo (S)Ryeo (N) 2Yŏ (S)Ryŏ (N) 275,196염 (S) 렴 (N) 廉Yum, Youm, Yeum, Yom,YeoumYeom (S)Ryeom(N)Yŏm (S)Ryŏm (N)63,951연 (S) 련 (N) 3連, 燕, 延Youn, Yun, Yon, Yeun, YeounYeon (S)Ryeon (N)3Yŏn (S)Ryŏn (N) 332,528영永, 榮, 影Young YeongYŏng 259엽葉Yeob, Youb, Yeop, Yub, Yup,YobYeop Yŏp 127요姚 YoYo198용 (S) 룡 (N) 龍Young, Ryong, Yung, LyongYong (S)Ryong (N)Yong (S)Ryong (N)14,067유 (S) 劉, 兪, 庾Yoo, You Yu (S) Yu (S) 437,900육 (S) 륙 (N) 陸Yook, Youk, Yug, Ryuk, YuckYuk (S)Ryuk (N)Yuk (S)Ryuk (N)21,545윤尹Yoon, Youn, Yune, Yeun Yun Yun 948,600 (N) denotes North Korea, (S) denotes South Korea.Note 1: Applies only to 梁and樑.Note 2: Applies only to 吕.Note 3: Applies only to 连.Note 4: Applies only to 柳 and 刘.Note 5: Applies only to 李.Note 6: Applies only to 林.*Population figures are based on 2000 records from the Korean National Statistical Office. The figures for the 22 most popular surnames include estimates from North Korea (DPRK), while figures for other names refer to South Korea (ROK) only.。
米制(Metric) 英制(British) 國際制(SI Metric)1 m =3.2808 ft1 cm =0.3937 in1 mm =0.03937 in1 m2 =1.1959 yd21 m2 =10.7639 ft21 cm2 =0.1550 in21 m3 =1.3079 yd31 m3 =35.3147 ft31 cm3 =0.061 in31 litre =0.2199 gal =1 dm31 cm3 =0.0000353 ft3℃=((℉-32)×5)÷91 tonne =0.9842 ton1 kg =2.2046 lb1 g =0.0353oz1 kgf =2.2046 lbf =9.8066 N1 kgf/cm2 =14.2233 lbf/in2 =98.0665kN/m2 1 kg/m3 =0.0624 lb/ft31 g/cm3 =0.0361 ib/in3英制(British) 米制(Metric) 國際制(SI Metric)1 ft =0.3048 m1 in =2.54cm =25.4mm1 th ou =0.0254 mm =25.4μm1 yd2 =0.8361 m21 ft2 =0.0929 m21 in2 =6.4516 cm2 =654.16 mm21 yd3 =0.7645 m31 ft3 =0.0283 m3 =28.317 dm31 in3 =16.387 cm31 gal =4.5459 litres =4.5459 dm3℉=(1.8×℃)+321 ton =1.0160 tomes1 lb =0.4536 kg1 oz =28.3495 g1 lbf =0.457 kgf 4.4482 N1 lbf/in2 =0.0703kgf/cm2 =6.8948kN/m21 lb/ft3 =16.018 kg/m31 lb/in3 =27.68 g/cm3 =27.68 Mg/m31 Btu =251.996 cal =1.0550 KJ 温度°F = (°C x 1.8) + 32°C = (°F-32) x 0.556长度mils x 0.001 = inchesinches x 1000 = milsmm x 0.0394 = inchesinches x 25.4 = mmmils x .0254 = mmmm x 39.4 = mils面积in2 x 0.000645 = m2m2 x 1550 = in2mm2 x 0.00155 = in2in2 x 645.16 = mm2cm2 x 0.155 = in2in2 x 6.4516 = cm2容量in3 x 16.3871 = cm3cm3 x 0.061 = in3密度lbs/in3 x 27.805 = gm/cm3gm/cm3 x 0.036 = lbs/in3 重量oz x 28.354 = gmgm x 0.0353 = ozlb x 453.592 = gmgm x 0.0022 = lboz x 0.0284 = kgkg x 35.27 = ozlb x 0.4536 = kgkg x 2.2046 = lbIzod /能量J/cm x 1.87 = ft-lbs/inft-lbs/in x 0.534 = J/cmft-lbs/in2 x 2.103 = kJ/m2kJ/m2 x 0.4755 = ft-lbs/in2ft-lbs/in x 53.4 = J/mJ/m x 0.0187= ft-lbs/inft-lbs/in x 5.4432 = kg-cm/cmkg-cm/cm x 0.1837= ft-lbs/in 压力/强度/系数psi x 6.8949 = kPakPa x 0.145 = psipsi x 0.0069 = MPaMPa x 145 = psipsi x 0.07031 = kg/cm2kg/cm2 x 14.2231 = psipsi x 0.0069 = N/mm2N/mm2 x 145 = psi动力/介电强度V/mil x 0.0394 = kV/mmkV/mm x 25.381 = V/mil热膨胀in/(in, °F) x 1.8 = m/(m, °C)m/(m, °C) x 0.556 = in/(in, °F)热导性BTU-in/(hr, ft2, °F) x 0.1442 = W/(m, °K) W/(m, °K) x 6.933 = BTU-in/(hr, ft2, °F)热导性BTU/(lb, °F) x 4.187 = J/(g, °K)J/(g, °K) x 0.239 = BTU/(lb, °F)单位换算目录1单位换算的定义2克拉3长度4面积5体积6质量7密度8运动粘度9动力粘度10力11压强12温度1单位换算的定义单位换算[1],是指同一性质的不同单位之间的数值换算。
TS 8606.500 TS 8106.235 TS 8602.600 TS 8602.060 TS 8406.510 TS 8602.400 TS 8602.060
Rittal Rittal Rittal Rittal Rittal Rittal Rittal
1 2 3 4 5
底座部件 前面/后面, 600x200mm 底座部件 侧面, 600x200mm
外接电机 1
电机电缆 X2.2 : 1 电缆 3x120mmø + 3G25* 屏蔽 : 连接端子 UKH150 : Cu-母线 20x10 连接端子 70-1 85mmø
外接电机 2
电机电缆 U/V/W PE X2.4 : 1 电缆 3x120mmø + 3G25* 屏蔽 : 连接端子 UKH150 : Cu-母线 20x10 ;连接端子 70-1 85mmø
Bearb. Rev1.1 Aenderung 04.08.09 Datum Name Gepr. Norm MM 04.08.09 DIN EN 60204 Ursprung: Ersatz fuer:
1 )铜-母线 X2 60mm 凸起结构 9
D2008-0741 DE
= Bl.
1 FDU48-430-54CE
Bearb. Rev1.1 Aenderung 04.08.09 Datum Name Gepr. Norm MM 04.08.09 DIN EN 60204 Ursprung: Ersatz fuer:
3 目录
D2008-0741 DE
+ Bl.
カット GC S锈钢锤 H110 GC S、H115 GC S、H120 GC S、H130 GC
Cat® GC S HammersH110 GC S, H115 GC S, H120 GC S,H130 GC S, H140 GC SReliable and Durable Design• The power cell is protected by the fully enclosed housing.Critical components of the power cell – front head, cylinder,and valve assembly – are also fully protected.• Enjoy fast service times and lower owning and operating costswith the simplifi ed design.• The gas powered operating cycle provides industry standardperformance and production.• The Cat buffering system reduces vibration to the machine,improves noise suppression, and improves hammer durability.–Large top buffer – absorbs vibration and prevents damagingimpulses from reaching the machine.–Lower buffer – working with the top buffer, it dampenstie rod loading, and enhances noise suppression.–Accumulator – protect your machine by capturing andbuffering hydraulic spikes before they cause damageto carrier’s hydraulic pumps.Powerful Performance• Cat hammers use less fuel and are more effi cient.• The standard silencing feature, indicated by the “S” in thenomenclature, protects your operator and everyone near the jobsite. It also allows you to work on job sites where noise is regulated.• Cat hammers are designed to work with our machines as atotal solution and provide seamless hydraulic connectivityfor maximum performance.Easy to Maintain• Achieve lower maintenance costs with Cat hammers.• Easy and quick access to maintenance areas ensures the hammeralways operates at its peak.• Service the lower bushing in the fi eld using simple hand tools.• Verify the gas charge of the hammer without removing it fromyour machine.• Cat hammers can be manually greased or use the optional hammermounted auto-lube system.• With the optional auto-lube system, your hammer is greased whileit runs – saving you time and protecting your investment.Easy to Operate• Protect against blank fi ring with automatic shut off. This featurehelps prevent damage to your machine and premature damageto your hammer by detecting when the hammer is not in contactwith material.• Control the hammer’s power with a manual adjustment on the sideof the power cell. Select between high blow frequency and maximumpower to get the performance you need to suit your application.–Long stroke – less piston frequency, more impact powerand productivity; best for tougher applications.–Short stroke – increased piston frequency, less impact power;best for lighter applications.Cat® hammers make short work of your demolition, construction, and quarry needs. Combine the simple, lightweight design of theGC S Hammer series with the reliability, durability, and value you expect from Cat products. The result is a low cost per hour solution providing the consistent power and performance you need.Not all attachments are available in all regions. Consult your Cat dealer for specific configurations available in your region.Cat® GC S HammersH110 GC S H115 GC S H120 GC SMount Top Top TopEnergy Class2000 J1475 ft-lb3000 J2212 ft-lb4000 J2950 ft-lb Blows per Minute450 min650 max450 min800 max400 min800 max Minimum Operating Weight1203 kg2647 lb1307 kg2875 lb1754 kg3859 lb Maximum Operating Weight1228 kg2701.6 lb1331 kg2928.2 lb1785 kg3927 lb Minimum Rated Flow80 L/min21 gal/min90 L/min24 gal/min125 L/min33 gal/min Maximum Rated Flow100 L/min26 gal/min120 L/min32 gal/min151 L/min40 gal/min Minimum Operating Pressure14000 kPa2030 psi15000 kPa2175 psi16000 kPa2320 psi Maximum Operating Pressure16000 kPa2320 psi17000 kPa2465 psi18000 kPa2610 psi Tool Shaft Diameter72 mm 2.83 in120 mm 4.72 in135 mm 5.31 in Minimum Carrier Weight 11 t24251 lb13 t28660 lb18 t39683 lb Maximum Carrier Weight16 t 35274 lb18 t39683 lb25 t55115 lbH130 GC S H140 GC SMount Top TopEnergy Class6000 J4425 ft-lb7500 J5531 ft-lbBlows per Minute350 min700 max250 min550 maxMinimum Operating Weight2451 kg5392 lb2981 kg6558 lbMaximum Operating Weight2487 kg5471.4 lb3134 kg6894.8 lbMinimum Rated Flow161 L/min43 gal/min181 L/min48 gal/minMaximum Rated Flow191 L/min51 gal/min221 L/min58 gal/minMinimum Operating Pressure16000 kPa2320 psi16000 kPa2320 psiMaximum Operating Pressure18000 kPa2610 psi18000 kPa2610 psiTool Shaft Diameter150 mm 5.91 in153 mm 6.02 inMinimum Carrier Weight 25 t55115 lb30 t66138 lbMaximum Carrier Weight32 t70547 lb40 t88184 lbFor more complete information on Cat products, dealer services, and industry solutions, visit us on the web at © 2019 CaterpillarAll rights reservedMaterials and specifi cations are subject to change without notice. Featured machines in photos may include additional equipment.See your Cat dealer for available options.CAT, CATERPILLAR, LET’S DO THE WORK, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow,” the “Power Edge” and Cat “Modern Hex”trade dress as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.GEHQ9277-01 (05-2019) Replaces GEHQ9277(Global)。
H150滑阀真空泵使用说明书浙江神工真空设备制造有限公司ZHEJIANG SHENGONG VACUUM EQUIPMENT MAKE衷心感谢您选用浙江神工真空设备制造有限公司的产品本说明书仅供本产品用户操作和维修保养参考,请在使用本产品前详阅此说明书,未经浙江神工真空设备制造有限公司许可之前不得向第三方泄露。
目录一、概述 (1)二、技术规范 (1)三、泵结构与原理 (3)四、气镇阀作用原理及操作方法 (4)五、安装与使用 (4)六、起动及停车 (5)七、保养和注意事项 (6)八、拆卸与装配 (6)九、故障现象及排除方法 (7)十、泵外形安装图尺寸图 (9)十一、易损件图 (9)十二、结构图 (10)一、概述本型泵为滑阀式机械真空泵,是抽除一般性气体或含有少量可凝性蒸汽的气体(应使用气镇装置)的真空抽气设备之一。
Chopper 150 H 高频主轴 手动换刀 产品说明书
手册Chopper 150 H高频主轴手动换刀电主轴的标记系列号额定转速因为本公司的电主轴始终保持最新技术研发水平,所以我们保留更改和与本说明书中的实施方案相比的技术改进和不同内容。
但是错误和疏漏在所难免,对于因此而引起的后果,Alfred Jäger GmbH概不承担法律责任及任何其它责任。
未经 Alfred Jäger GmbH 明确的书面同意,不得翻译和复制(即使是节选)。
目录:原厂手册的翻译文本1初步信息 4 1.1手册用途 (4)1.2符号说明 (4)2运输和包装 5 2.1电主轴的供货范围 (5)2.1.1可选配件 (5)2.1.2随产品附带的技术资料 (5)2.2电主轴的包装 (6)3按规程使用 6 3.1允许的加工类型 (6)3.2允许材料 (6)4安全注意事项 7 4.1工作要具备安全意识 (8)4.2电主轴的停止运转 (9)4.3安装维修 (9)4.4改装维修 (9)4.5不正确的操作方法 (9)5技术说明 10 5.1电主轴的接口 (10)5.2电气连接 (10)5.3冷却 (11)5.3.1通过电主轴托架冷却 (11)5.4密封空气 (11)6技术参数 12 6.1尺寸 (13)6.2技术数据页(KL1007、交流电机) (14)6.2.1功率图 (15)6.3电路图 (16)6.4空气传播听觉范围内的声音 (17)7操作地点 188安装 19 8.1安装电主轴 (19)8.2介质引线直径 (19)8.3压缩空气 (20)8.3.1气体纯度等级 (ISO 8573-1) (20)8.3.2调节密封空气 (20)9调试 21 9.1进料示意图.............................................................. 219.2每天启动 (22)9.3停止信息 (22)9.4存放之后启动 (22)10刀具更换 23 10.1顺时针旋转 (23)10.2手动换刀 (24)10.2.1最大拧紧力矩 (24)11高速加工刀具 2512维修 26 12.1球轴承 (26)12.2每日清洁 (26)12.2.1开始工作前 (26)12.2.2每次刀具更换时 (26)12.2.3每次更换夹具时 (26)12.3存放时 (27)12.4月维修 (27)12.5在长期存放条件下 (27)12.6最长存放期限 (27)13拆除 28 13.1废物处理及环境保护 (28)14服务和维修 28 14.1特约维修站 (28)14.2工作故障 (29)15安装声明 31初步信息1初步信息高速电主轴(电主轴)是适用于高速加工的高质量精密刀具。
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Extract from the online catalogUKH 150Order No.: 3010110 terminal block with screw connection, cross section: 50 - 150mm², width: 31 mm, color: grayhttp:// Please note that the data given here has been taken from theonline catalog. For comprehensive information and data, please refer to the user documentation. The General Terms and Conditions of Use apply to Internet downloads.Technical data General Number of levels 1Number of connections 2ColorgrayInsulating material PAInflammability class acc. to UL 94V0DimensionsWidth31 mmLength100 mmHeight NS 35/15118.5 mmHeight NS 32116 mmTechnical dataMaximum load current309 A (with 150 mm2 conductor cross section) Rated surge voltage8 kVPollution degree3Surge voltage category IIIInsulating material group IConnection in acc. with standard IEC 60947-7-1Nominal current I N309 ANominal voltage U N1000 VOpen side panel neinConnection dataConductor cross section solid min.35 mm2Conductor cross section solid max.150 mm2Conductor cross section stranded min.50 mm2Conductor cross section stranded max.150 mm2Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil min.2Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil max300 kcmilConductor cross section stranded, with ferrule50 mm2without plastic sleeve min.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule150 mm2without plastic sleeve max.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule50 mm2with plastic sleeve min.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule150 mm2with plastic sleeve max.2 conductors with same cross section, solid min.25 mm22 conductors with same cross section, solid max.50 mm22 conductors with same cross section, stranded35 mm2min.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded50 mm2max.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded,25 mm2ferrules without plastic sleeve, min.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded,50 mm2ferrules without plastic sleeve, max.Cross-section with insertion bridge, solid max.150 mm2Cross-section with insertion bridge, stranded max.120 mm2Type of connection Screw connectionStripping length40 mmScrew thread M 10Tightening torque, min25 NmTightening torque max30 NmCertificates / ApprovalsCSANominal voltage U N600 VNominal current I N275 AAWG/kcmil2-300ULNominal voltage U N600 VNominal current I N285 AAWG/kcmil2-300Certification BV, CSA, DNV, GOST, PRS, RS, UL requested approbationsCertification Ex:CUL-EX, FM, IECEx, KEMA-EX, UL-EXAccessoriesItem Designation DescriptionAssembly3003554AGK 10-UKH 150/240Pick-off terminal block, fully insulated, enables a voltageconnection up to a nominal voltage of 1000 V, color: Gray 1201659E/AL-NS 32End bracket, for end support of UKH 50 - UKH 240, is pushedonto DIN rail NS 32 and fixed with 2 screws, width: 10 mm, color:Aluminum1201662E/AL-NS 35End bracket, for end support of UKH 50 to UKH 240, is pushedonto DIN rail NS 35 and fixed with 2 screws, width: 10 mm, color:aluminum1201028NS 32 AL UNPERF 2000MM G rail 32 mm (NS 32)1201280NS 32 CU/120QMM UNPERF2000MM G-profile DIN rail, deep-drawn, material: Copper, unperforated, height 15 mm, width 32 mm, length 2 m1201358NS 32 CU/35QMM UNPERF2000MM G-profile DIN rail, material: Copper, unperforated, height 15 mm, width 32 mm, length 2 m1201002NS 32 PERF 2000MM G-profile DIN rail, material: Steel, perforated, height 15 mm, width32 mm, length 2 m1201015NS 32 UNPERF 2000MM G-profile DIN rail, material: Steel, unperforated, height 15 mm,width 32 mm, length 2 m1201756NS 35/15 AL UNPERF 2000MM DIN rail, deep-drawn, high profile, unperforated, 1.5 mm thick,material: Aluminum, height 15 mm, width 35 mm, length 2 m 1201895NS 35/15 CU UNPERF 2000MM DIN rail, material: Copper, unperforated, 1.5 mm thick, height 15mm, width 35 mm, length: 2 m1201730NS 35/15 PERF 2000MM DIN rail, material: Steel, perforated, height 15 mm, width 35 mm,length: 2 m1201714NS 35/15 UNPERF 2000MM DIN rail, material: Steel, unperforated, height 15 mm, width 35mm, length: 2 m1201798NS 35/15-2,3 UNPERF 2000MM DIN rail, material: Steel, unperforated, 2.3 mm thick, height 15mm, width 35 mm, length: 2 mBridges0201388EB 2-31/UKH Insertion bridge, 2-pos., fully insulated, is laid into terminal sleeveand snap fitted into the terminal housing0201391EB 3-31/UKH Insertion bridge, 3-pos., fully insulated, is laid into terminal sleeveand snap fitted into the terminal housingMarking1004513WS-2K Adhesive warning plate, self-adhesive, black print: lightning flashwith mixed verson - "Vorsicht Spannung - Attention Danger" sizeof label: 32 x 26 mm1050525ZB10:SO/CMS Zack strip, 10-section, divisible, special printing, markingaccording to customer requirementsPlug/Adapter3009244UKH 150/240 EP Insertion profile, levels out the prism-shaped sleeve base whenusing flat conductorsDrawingsDimensioned drawingAddressPHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KGFlachsmarktstr. 832825 Blomberg,GermanyPhone +49 5235 3 00Fax +49 5235 3 41200© 2008 Phoenix ContactTechnical modifications reserved;。