AS 9103 关键特性变动管理 本文翻译版


AS9100 2016 中文翻译

AS9100 2016 中文翻译






2 规范性引用文件下列文件对本文件的应用是必不可少的。



ISO9000:2015 质量管理体系--基础和术语ISO9001:2015 质量管理体系—要求3 术语和定义ISO9000:2015 和下面界定的术语和定义适用于本标准。

3.1 假冒件未授权的复制件、仿造件、替代件,或改装件(如:材料、组件、部件),故意冒充原始或授权制造商特定的真件。


3.2 关键项目对产品和服务的提供和使用具有重要影响的项目,(如功能、零件、软件、特性、过程),包括安全、性能、形态、装配、功能、可生产性、使用寿命、等),需要特定的措施来确保它们被充分管理。


3.3 关键特性是一种特性或属性,其变化对产品的转配、形态、功能、性能、使用寿命、或可生产性具有重要影响,因而需要采取特定措施来控制其变化。



1999年 SAE发布AS9100标准最终草案 。
2001年 发布航空航天质量体系标准AS9100A版标准 ,随后颁布AS9100B。
在中国,国家国防科学技术工业委员会于2003年09月 25日发布HB9100-2003;等同采用了AS9100标准要求 ,并于2003年12月1日颁布实施。
一、推行AS9100意义 二、AS9100发展 三、AS9100标准介绍
2007年3月7日印尼一架737-400客机在 印尼爪哇岛日惹机场降落时突然着火,
随后发生爆炸,造成百余人伤亡。由于 飞机起落架制动系统部件存在生产质量 问题导致。
AS9102A 2005-03-31
SJAC9102A 2004-06-16
9103 关键特性波动管理
AS9103 2001-10-01
SJAC9103 2002-04-30
9110 质量管理体系-航空航天— AS9110
9120 质量管理体系-航空航天— AS9120 对库存批发商的要求 2002-11-04
EN9101 2007-03-29
EN9102 2006-04-27
EN9103 2005-12-07
EN9110 2005-12-07
EN9120 2005-12-07
2009年1月IAQG(The International Aerospace Quality Group)发布了AS9100 C版,同时提出了 过渡计划: 2009年1月-2009年6月:策划AS9100审核员的培 训。 2009年7月2010年6月:培训认证机构和审核员。 2010年7月-2011年6月:所有企业完成AS9100C的 监督审核或者按照AS9100C实施第一次认证。最 后截止日期为2011年6月份。


HB 9100——2003航空质量管理体系要求
HB 9102航空产品首件检验要求



E X T E R N A L D O C UM E N T外来文件Quality Management Systems - Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense Organizations 1. Scope1.1 GeneralThis standard includes ISO 9001:2008 quality management system requirements and specifies additional aviation, space and defense industry requirements, definitions and notes as shown in bold, italic text.It is emphasized that the requirements specified in thisstandard are complementary (not alternative) to contractual and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. Should there be a conflict between the requirements of this standard and applicable statutory or regulatory requirements, the latter shall take precedence.This International Standard specifies requirements for a qualitymanagement system where an organizationa) needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide product that meets customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, andb) aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effectiveapplication of the system, including processes for continualimprovement of the system and the assurance of conformity tocustomer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.NOTE 1 In this International Standard, the term “product” on ly applies toa) product intended for, or required by, a customer,b) any intended output resulting from the product realizationprocesses.NOTE 2 Statutory and regulatory requirements may be expressed as legalrequirements.1.2 ApplicationAll requirements of this International Standard are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organizations, regardless of type, size and product provided. Where any requirement(s) of this International Standard cannot beapplied due to the nature of an organization and its product, this can be considered for exclusion.Where exclusions are made, claims of conformity to thisInternational Standard are not acceptable unless these exclusions are limited to requirements within clause 7, and such exclusions do not affect the organizations ability, or responsibility, to provide product that meets customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.This standard is intended for use by organizations that design develop and/or produce aviation, space and defense products; 质 量 管 理 体 系 -航 空 , 航 天 和 国 防 组 织 的 要 求1 范 围 1 .1 总 则本 标 准 包 括 I S O 9 0 0 1 :2 0 0 8 质 量 管 理 体 系 要 求 , 规 定 了 附 加 的 航 空 , 航 天 和 国 防 的 行 业 要 求 , 定 义 和 注 释 . 附 加 要 求 以 加 粗 斜 体 表 示 。

AS 9103 关键特性变动管理 本文翻译版

AS 9103 关键特性变动管理  本文翻译版

AEROSPACE STANDARDAS9103 Issued 2001-10Variation Management of Key Characteristics關鍵特性變動管理FOREWORD 序言In December1998,the Aerospace Industry had established the International Aerospace Quality Group(IAQ G)with the purpose of achieving significant improvements in quality and reductions in cost throughout the value stream.1998年12月,航空航天工業建立了國際航空航天質量集團(IAQG),目的是在整個價值流中實現質量的顯著提高和成本的降低。

This organization,with representation from Aerospace companies in Americas,Asia and Europe and sponso red by SAE,SJAC,and AECMA has agreed to take responsibility for the technical contents of this standard.該組織由美國,亞洲和歐洲的航空航天公司代表,SAE,SJAC和AECMA贊助,同意對本標準的技術內容負責。

INTRODUCTION 介紹This Aerospace Standard establishes variation management requirements for Key Characteristics.The Stan dard also specifies general requirements and provides a process to achieve those requirements.The Standar d requires a thorough assessment of the part production process with the primary goals being to control an d minimize variation in characteristics being produced by this process.該航空航天標準確定了關鍵特性的變更管理要求。



博亚胶粘剂910技术要求-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述部分:引言部分作为文章的开篇,旨在向读者介绍博亚胶粘剂910的技术要求。













1.2文章结构第1.2部分:文章结构本文将按照以下章节展开论述,以便读者能够清晰地了解博亚胶粘剂910的技术要求:1. 引言:在这一部分,将对博亚胶粘剂910进行简要概述,并阐明本文的目的。

2. 正文:本节将详细介绍博亚胶粘剂910的技术要求。

分为以下几个方面进行讨论:2.1 技术要求一:这一部分将详细列举博亚胶粘剂910的第一项技术要求,阐述该技术要求的背景和意义。

波音对供应商质量管理体系 的要求

波音对供应商质量管理体系 的要求





文件编号:D6-82479 发行版本:D 发行日期:2007.01.30 目录 1.0 范围.........................................................................................................................1 2.0 波音公司对已通过航空航天质量管理体系(AQMS)认证的认可.................2 附件A:质量管理体系——9100.................................................................................3 附件B:检验和试验质量体系.....................................................................................4 附录1:关键特性波动管理(9103**).................................................................4 1. 范围...................................................................................................................4 2. 符合性评估.......................................................................................................4 关键特性波动管理..........................................................................................4 附录2:可交付软件的质量体系要求.........................................................................5 1. 结构和使用.......................................................................................................5 2. 第一部分——对AS9100A质量管理体系中可交付航空航天软件的补充——航空航天——软件要求(AS9100A 中基于ISO9001:2000的补充,第一部分).................................................................................................................................5 3. 第二部分——对AS/EN/JISQ9100*质量管理体系中可交付航空航天软件的补充——能力成熟度模型(CMMI).................................................................5 11.0 范围本文件规定了波音公司对其供应商质量管理体系的要求,并用两个附件和两个附录描述了体系的详细要求,分别见附件A、B和附录1、2,具体使用应在合同中约定。



©世界卫生组织(WHO)世界卫生组织技术报告汇编2002第910号附件3人用乙型脑炎活疫苗生产及质量控制指南1.概述 (2)1.1乙型脑炎疫苗 (2)1.2减毒活疫苗SA14-14-2病毒株研制开发的历史以及疫苗株的特性 (3)1.3临床前研究 (3)1.4有关细胞基质 (4)1.5神经毒力试验 (5)1.6临床安全性 (5)1.7儿童的免疫原性 (6)1.8临床研究效果 (6)2.范围 (7)2.1起始物料的管控 (7)2.2生产过程控制 (12)2.3半成品制备和控制 (15)2.4成品批的控制 (16)2.5储存和有效期 (18)2.6参考资料........................................................................错误!未定义书签。

2.7国家药品检定当局指南 (18)致谢 (20)参考书目 (20)附录一乙型脑炎的传代历史 (23)附录二猴体神经毒力试验 (24)1. 概述11.1 乙型脑炎疫苗乙型脑炎病毒是亚太地区最主要的病毒性脑炎的引发因素,每年报道的病例中超过16000例都是由乙型脑炎病毒导致的,造成5000人死亡。








AS9102-FAI首件检验AEROSPACE STANDARD(R) Aerospace First Article Inspection RequirementAS9102Technically equivalent to AECMA prEN 9102REV. AFOREWORDIn December 1998, the Aerospace Industry had established the International Aerospace QualityGroup (IAQG) with the purpose of achieving significant improvements in quality and reductionsin cost throughout the value stream.This organization, with representation from Aerospace companies in Americas, Asia and Europeand sponsored by SAE, SJAC, and AECMA has agreed to take responsibility for the technical contents of this standard. TABLE OF CONTENTS1. INTRODUCTION.......................................……….............. ..31.1 Scope (3)1.2 Pu rpose (3)1.3 Convention (3)2. REFERENCES (3)3. DEFINITIONS (4)4. APPLICABILITY (5)5. REQUIREMENTS (5)5.1 Par t Requirements (5)5.2 Evaluation Activities (6)5.3 Partial or Re-accomplishment of First Article Inspection(6)5.4 Nonconformance Handling (7)5.5 Documentation (7)5.5.1 Forms (7)5.5.2 Characteristic Accountability (8)5.5.3 Record of Results (8)5.6 Control of Records (8)6. NOTES (9)APPENDIX A FORMS AND GUIDELINES TO COMPLETE THE FORMS ..101. INTRODUCTION:1.1 Scope:This SAE Aerospace Standard (AS) establishes requirements for performing anddocumenting the First Article Inspection (FAI).1.2 Purpose:The purpose of the First Article Inspection is to give objective evidence that allengineering, design and specification requirements are correctly understood, accounted for, verified, and recorded. The purpose of this standard is to provide a consistent documentation requirement for aerospace components FAI.1.3 Convention:The following convention is used in this Standard.The words .shall. and .must. indicate mandatory requirements.The word .should. indicates mandatory requirements with some flexibility allowed incompliance methodology. An Organization is permitted to show that its approach meets the intent of the requirement and this standard. 航空标准航空首件检查要求版本:A前言1998年12月,航空工业成立的国际航空质量部门(IAQG),目的是为了提高质量和降低成本。







第三部分:术语和定义本标准中使用的术语和定义如下:1. 客户:购买、承包或使用组织产品或服务的个人或组织。

2. 风险:可能导致不利影响的不确定事件或情况。

3. 关键特性:直接影响产品或服务符合客户要求或安全性能的特性。

4. 合格品:符合客户、法规和标准要求的产品或服务。

5. 不合格品:不符合客户、法规和标准要求的产品或服务。

第四部分:质量管理体系要求4.1 管理体系要求组织必须建立、实现和维护适当的质量管理体系,以确保产品或服务符合客户、法规和标准要求,并持续改进其有效性。

4.2 管理体系文件组织必须控制其质量管理体系文件,包括政策、目标、程序、指南等,以确保其有效性和适应性。

4.3 内部审核组织必须进行内部审核,以确认其质量管理体系符合要求,并持续改进其有效性。

4.4 管理评审组织必须进行管理评审,以确认其质量管理体系的有效性。

4.5 治理组织必须确保其质量管理体系与组织的治理结构相适应。

第五部分:资源管理要求5.1 人员组织必须确保其人员具备足够的技术知识、经验和能力,以实现产品或服务符合客户、法规和标准要求。

5.2 财务和物资资源组织必须确保其财务和物资资源满足产品或服务的实现要求。

第六部分:产品实现要求6.1 规划组织必须规划产品实现过程,并确定和控制相关风险。

6.2 设计和开发组织必须实施设计和开发过程,以确保产品或服务的符合客户要求和安全性能。

6.3 采购组织必须选择和评估供应商,并确保采购物资和服务符合客户、法规和标准要求。



issued at Aug. , 2011
AS/EN/JISQ9100 training
5. 强调对过程的业绩及其有效性审核
审核组应对过程进行深入、详细地审核,以评价组织的过程是否能够满足策划的 结果和业绩水平,包括适用的顾客规定的目标要求。
a) 得到识别和适当确定,
Quality manual ref.:
List of procedures ref.:
16 17 18 19
List of records ref.:
Safety policy/safety objectives ref:
issued at Aug. , 2011
AS/EN/JISQ9100 training
product e.g. missed heat treating operation. ◆体系在满足一项9100系列标准、组织的程序或顾客对质量管理体系的要求方面的缺 失或总体失效。
►Example: No internal audit performed during the last year and no planning for the next
7个定义: 1. Containment 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 围堵 Major non-conformity 主要不符合 Minor non-conformity 次要不符合 Nonconformity Report (NCR) 不符合报告 客观证据记录
在评价一个组织的质量管理体系时,应对每一个被评价的过程提出如下 四个基本问题: a) 过程是否已被识别并适当规定? b) 职责是否已分配? c) 过程是否得到实施和保持? d) 在实现所要求的结果方面,过程是否有效?



国际航空航天质量管理体系标准(AS9100)现状及技术发展动态江元英 曹秀玲 林树茂摘要:本文介绍了国际航空航天质量管理体系标准(AS9100)的产生背景和主要内容,分析并归纳了其应用情况、存在的问题及目前修订工作的技术动态。









如ISO/TC176与国际汽车特别工作组合作,制订了汽车行业的国际标准ISO/TS 16949《质量管理体系——汽车生产件及相关维修零件组织应用ISO 9001:2000的特别要求》,与医疗器械质量管理及相关方面的技术委员会合作,制订了医疗器械行业的国际标准ISO 13485《医疗器械-质量管理体系-用于法规的要求》,与电气通讯服务行业合作,制订了电讯行业的质量管理体系标准TL9000等。



MSK1 Create Vendor Consignment Goods 创建供应商代销货物MSK2 Change Vendor Consignment Goods 改变供应商代销货物MSK3 Display Vendor Consignment Goods 显示供应商代销货物MSK4 Display Vdr Consignment Change Docs 显示供应商代销变动凭证MSK5 Vdr Consignment: Activate Fut. Price 供应商代销: 激活未来价格OMSL C MM-BD Maintain TMCNV C MM-BD 维护TMCNVOMY0 Display Material Transfer File 显示物料转移文件PPRL Change Material When Profile Deleted 删除参数文件时改变物料PPRV Change Material When Profile Changed 修改参数文件时修改物料W4EM Maintain No. Ranges for Weight EANs 维护加权EAN的号码范围W4EN Maintain Number Ranges for EANs 维护EAN的号码范围W4EO SAN Maintenance SAN维护W4EQ Maintain EAN Prefixes 维护EAN前缀W4ES Maintain Number Range Categories 维护编号范围类别OLMS C RM-MAT Master Data Menu C RM-MAT 主数据菜单OMS1 Units of Measure Grouping 计量单位组OMS2 C MM-BD Material Types C MM-BD 物料类型OMS3 Configure Industry Sectors 设置行业部门OMS4 C MM-BD Material Status C MM-BD 物料类型OMS5 C MM-BD Set Up Laboratory C MM-BD 设置库OMS6 C MM-BD Storage Condition(s) C MM-BD 库存条件OMS7 C MM-BD Temperature Condition(s) C MM-BD 温度条件OMS8 C MM-BD Container Requirement(s) C MM-BD 集装箱需求OMS9 Configure Field/Screen Selection 配置字段/屏幕选择OMSA C MM-BD T130W Plant-Specific C MM-BD T130W工厂-特定OMSD C MM-BD F. Sel. Spec. T148G C MM-BD 工厂选择指定 T148G OMSE C MM-BD F. Sel. Reference T148W C MM-BD 工厂选择参考 T148W OMSF C MM-BD Material Groups C MM-BD 物料组OMSH C MM-BD Matchcode for Material C MM-BD 匹配码: 物料OMSM CS MM Set Up Administrative Data CS MM设置管理数据OMSN C MM-BD User Maintenance C MM-BD 用户维护OMSO C MM-BD User Profiles C MM-BD 用户参数文件OMSR C MM-BD Field Groups C MM-BD 字段组OMSS C MM-BD Field Groups: Special Stocks C MM-BD 字段组: 特殊库存OMST C MM-BD Record Layout f. BATCH INPUT C MM-BD 有关批量输入的记录格式OMSU C MM-BD Mat. Master Data Transfer C MM-BD 物料主记录数据的转换OMSW C MM-BD Record Layout f. BATCH INPUT C MM-BD 有关批量输入的记录格式OMSY C MM-BD Company Code for Matl Master 物料主记录的C MM-BD公司代码OMSZ C MM-BD Authorizations 设置MM-BD授权OMT0 C MM-BD Global Setting C MM-BD 全局设置OMT5 Auth. Group MatMaster (Inactive) 物料主文档授权组(非活动的)OMT7 Mat.Master Cust.-Specific Structures 物料主顾客-特定结构OMT8 Transfer Material Master Data by DI 按DI转移材料主数据OMY1 Create Input File from Material 创建来自物料的输人文件MM50 List Extendable Materials 列示可扩展物料MM51 List Extendable Materials (Old) 列出可扩展的物料(旧的)MM72 Display Archive of Materials 显示物料归档MM75 Display Archive of Special Stocks 显示特别库存归档MM90 Analyze ALE Appl. Log for MatMaster 为物料主文挡分析ALE应用程序日志MMDE Delete All Materials 删除所有物料OMT2 Required Fields Control MM-BD ALE/DI 要求字段控制MM-BD ALE/DI OMT3 Customizing for the Material Master 物料主文档的用户化OMT4 Customizing for EAN Messages 为EAN消息定制BD10 Send Material 发送物料BD11 Fetch Material 打开物料MAL1 Create material via ALE 通过 ALE 创建物料MAL2 Change material via ALE 通过 ALE 更改物料MM91 Delete ALE Appl. Log for Matl Master 为物料管理删除ALE应用程序日志MGW0 Maintain components for set product 为设置产品维护组件MGW1 Display components for set product 显示设置产品的部件MGW2 Maintain components for display art. 维护物品显示组件MGW3 Display components for display art. 显示物品显示的部件MGW4 Maintain components for lot article 维护批次物品的组件MGW5 Display components for lot article 显示批量物品的部件MGW6 Maintain components for empties art. 维护空物品的组件MGW7 Display components for empties art. 显示空物品的部件MM41 Create Material 创建物料MM42 Change Material 改变物料MM43 Display Material 显示物料MM44 Display Change Documents 显示更改文档RWBE Stock Overview 库存总览W4E5 Maintain No. Ranges 5-Fig. Wt EANs 维护号码范围5-指标Wt EANs WRST Transfer Master Data for Matl Maint. 物料维护的传输主数据OW01 Ref. plant per distribution chain 每个分销链的参考工厂BD14 Send vendor 发送供应商BD15 Open vendor 打开供应商类别:sap学习 | | 添加到搜藏 | 分享到i贴吧 | 浏览(1331) | 评论 (0)上一篇:SAP T-code (2 )下一篇:SAP T-code (4 )最近读者:MP80 Create Forecast Profile 建立预测参数文件MP81 Change Forecast Profile 修改预测描述文件MP82 Delete Forecast Profile 删除预测参数文件MP83 Display Forecast Profile 显示预测参数文件MSC1 Create Batch 建立批量MSC2 Change Batch 改变批量MSC3 Display Batch 显示批量MSC4 Display Batch Changes 显示批量改变MSK1 Create Vendor Consignment Goods 创建供应商代销货物MSK2 Change Vendor Consignment Goods 改变供应商代销货物MSK3 Display Vendor Consignment Goods 显示供应商代销货物MSK4 Display Vdr Consignment Change Docs 显示供应商代销变动凭证MSK5 Vdr Consignment: Activate Fut. Price 供应商代销: 激活未来价格OMSL C MM-BD Maintain TMCNV C MM-BD 维护TMCNVOMY0 Display Material Transfer File 显示物料转移文件PPRL Change Material When Profile Deleted 删除参数文件时改变物料PPRV Change Material When Profile Changed 修改参数文件时修改物料W4EM Maintain No. Ranges for Weight EANs 维护加权EAN的号码范围W4EN Maintain Number Ranges for EANs 维护EAN的号码范围W4EO SAN Maintenance SAN维护W4EQ Maintain EAN Prefixes 维护EAN前缀W4ES Maintain Number Range Categories 维护编号范围类别OLMS C RM-MAT Master Data Menu C RM-MAT 主数据菜单OMS1 Units of Measure Grouping 计量单位组OMS2 C MM-BD Material Types C MM-BD 物料类型OMS3 Configure Industry Sectors 设置行业部门OMS4 C MM-BD Material Status C MM-BD 物料类型OMS5 C MM-BD Set Up Laboratory C MM-BD 设置库OMS6 C MM-BD Storage Condition(s) C MM-BD 库存条件OMS7 C MM-BD Temperature Condition(s) C MM-BD 温度条件OMS8 C MM-BD Container Requirement(s) C MM-BD 集装箱需求OMS9 Configure Field/Screen Selection 配置字段/屏幕选择OMSA C MM-BD T130W Plant-Specific C MM-BD T130W工厂-特定OMSD C MM-BD F. Sel. Spec. T148G C MM-BD 工厂选择指定 T148G OMSE C MM-BD F. Sel. Reference T148W C MM-BD 工厂选择参考 T148W OMSF C MM-BD Material Groups C MM-BD 物料组OMSH C MM-BD Matchcode for Material C MM-BD 匹配码: 物料OMSM CS MM Set Up Administrative Data CS MM设置管理数据OMSN C MM-BD User Maintenance C MM-BD 用户维护OMSO C MM-BD User Profiles C MM-BD 用户参数文件OMSR C MM-BD Field Groups C MM-BD 字段组OMSS C MM-BD Field Groups: Special Stocks C MM-BD 字段组: 特殊库存OMST C MM-BD Record Layout f. BATCH INPUT C MM-BD 有关批量输入的记录格式OMSU C MM-BD Mat. Master Data Transfer C MM-BD 物料主记录数据的转换OMSW C MM-BD Record Layout f. BATCH INPUT C MM-BD 有关批量输入的记录格式OMSY C MM-BD Company Code for Matl Master 物料主记录的C MM-BD公司代码OMSZ C MM-BD Authorizations 设置MM-BD授权OMT0 C MM-BD Global Setting C MM-BD 全局设置OMT5 Auth. Group MatMaster (Inactive) 物料主文档授权组(非活动的)OMT7 Mat.Master Cust.-Specific Structures 物料主顾客-特定结构OMT8 Transfer Material Master Data by DI 按DI转移材料主数据OMY1 Create Input File from Material 创建来自物料的输人文件MM50 List Extendable Materials 列示可扩展物料MM51 List Extendable Materials (Old) 列出可扩展的物料(旧的)MM72 Display Archive of Materials 显示物料归档MM75 Display Archive of Special Stocks 显示特别库存归档MM90 Analyze ALE Appl. Log for MatMaster 为物料主文挡分析ALE应用程序日志MMDE Delete All Materials 删除所有物料类别:sap学习 | | 添加到搜藏 | 分享到i贴吧 | 浏览(1113) | 评论 (0)上一篇:SAP T-code (1)下一篇:SAP T-code (3 )最近读者:Below is SAP MM T-Code.T-code Des.DPRL Change Material When Profile Deleted 删除参数文件时改变物料DPRV Change Material When Profile Changed 修改参数文件时修改物料MM00 物料主记录: 初始屏幕物料主记录: 初始屏幕MM01 Create Material - General 创建一般物料MM02 Change Material 改变物料MM03 Display Material 显示物料MM04 Display Material Change Documents 显示物料改变凭证MM06 Flag Material for Deletion 标出待删除物料MM11 Create Material (Schedule) 创建物料(计划)MM12 Change Material (Schedule) 修改物料(计划)MM13 Activate Planned Changes 计划中修改的激活MM14 Display Planned Changes 显示计划修改MM15 Display Changes (Migration) 显示变化(移动)MM16 Schedule Material for Deletion 将删除的计划物料MM18 Activate Planned Changes 计划中修改的激活MM19 Display Material at Key Date 显示关键日期时的物料MM60 Material Log 物料日志MM70 Sel. Materials Flagged for Deletion 标记为删除的选择物料MM71 Reorganize Materials 重组的物料MM73 Special Stocks: Preparation 特殊库存: 准备MM74 Archive Special Stocks 归档特殊库存MMAM Change Material Type 改变物料类型MMB1 Create Semifinished Product 创建半成品MMBE Stock Overview 库存总览MMD1 Create MRP Profile 建立MRP参数文件MMD2 Change MRP Profile 改变MRP参数文件MMD3 Display MRP Profile 显示MRP参数文件MMD6 Delete MRP Profile 删除MRP参数文件MMD7 Display MRP Profile Usage 显示MRP参数文件使用MMF1 Create Finished Product 创建产成品MMH1 Create Trading Goods 建立贸易货物MMI1 Create Operating Supplies Item 建立运行供应项目MMK1 Create Configurable Material 建立可设置物料MML1 Create Returnable Packaging 建立退货包装MMN1 Create Non-Stock Material 建立无库存物料MMNR Material Master Number Ranges 物料主文档的编号范围MMP1 Create Maintenance Assembly 建立维护组件MMPI Initialize Period 初始化期间MMPV Close Periods 结帐期间MMR1 Create Raw Material 建立原材料MMRV Allow Posting to Previous Period 允许对前期记帐MMS1 Create Service 生成服务MMSC Enter Storage Locations Collectively 汇总条目,库存地点MMU1 Create Non-Valuated Material 生成无价值物料MMV1 Create Packaging Material 建立有包装的物料MMVD Change Decentr. for Decentr.Shipping 改变为分散运输MMVH Create Centrally: Decentral.Shipping 集中建立: 分散发运MMVV Change Centr. for Decentr. Shipping 改变为集中式运货MMW1 Create Competitive Product 建立竞争性产品MMZ1 Create Material, General (Old MM01) 创建物料,一般的(旧的MM01)MMZ2 Change Material (Old MM02) 修改物料(旧的MM02)MMZ3 Display Material (Old MM03) 显示物料(旧的MM03)类别:sap学习 | | 添加到搜藏 | 分享到i贴吧 | 浏览(1847) | 评论 (4)上一篇:跳槽下一篇:SAP T-code (2 )最近读者:M-01 Create vendor 创建供应商M-02 Create goods vendor 创建货物供应商M-03 Create payment recipient 创建付款的接收人M-04 Create invoicing party 创建发票部分M-05 Create carrier 创建载体M-06 Create ordering address 创建订单地址M-07 Create one-time vendor 创建一次性供应商M-12 Create hierarchy nodes 创建层次节点M-51 Create vendor 创建供应商M-52 Create goods vendor 创建货物供应商M-53 Create payment recipient 创建付款的接收人M-54 Create invoicing party 创建发票部分M-55 Create carrier 创建载体M-56 Create ordering address 创建订单地址M-57 Create one-time vendor 创建一次性供应商M-62 Create hierarchy nodes 创建层次节点MAP1 Create contact person 创建联系人MAP2 Change contact person 修改联系人MAP3 Display contact person 显示联系人MK12 Change vendor (Purchasing), planned 修改供应商(购买),计划的MK14 Planned vendor change (Purchasing) 计划修改供应商(购买)MK18 Activate planned vendor changes (Pu) 激活计划修改供应商(购买)MK19 Display vendor (purchasing), future 显示供应商(购买),将来MKH1 Maintain vendor hierarchy 维护供应商层次MKH2 Display vendor hierarchy 显示供应商层次MKH3 Activate vendor master (online) 激活供应商主档(联机)MKH4 Activate vendors (batch input) 激活供应商(批输入)MPE1 Create buyer 创建买主MPE2 Change buyer 修改买主MPE3 Display buyer 显示买主OMKC C MM PUR Price Marking 取消MM PUR 价格标记OMKD C MM PUR Supply Regions 取消MM PUR 供货区OMSG Account Groups: V endor 科目组: 供应商OMSI C MM-BD Matchcode for vendor 供应商的C MM-BD 匹配码OMSJ C MM-BD Number Range for V endor C MM-BD 号范围: 供应商OMSX TCODE/Field Selection: V endor 事务码/字段选择: 供应商WBG1 Maintenance 维护WL00 V endor Master 供应商主数据WOPS Partner Schema Assignment, V endor 业务往来方案分配,供应商WYC1 Price Marking Agreement 价格标记协议WYL1 Batch input interface, vendors 批输入接口,供应商WYRL V endor for returns 退货供应商XK07 Change vendor account group 修改供应商科目组BD30 Distribute material object list 分配物料对象清单BD31 Distribute document object list 分配凭证对象清单BD32 Distribute plant allocations(matBOM) 分布工厂分配(matBOM) CS00 BOM Menu BOM 菜单CS01 Create Material BOM 生成物料BOMCS02 Change Material BOM 更改物料BOMCS03 Display Material BOM 显示物料BOMCS05 Change Material BOM Group 更改物料BOM 组CS06 Display Material BOM Group 显示物料BOM 组CS07 Allocate Material BOM to Plant 分配物料BOM 到工厂CS08 Change Material BOM - Plant Alloc. 更改物料BOM - 工厂分配CS09 Display Allocations to Plant 显示到工厂的分配CS11 Display BOM Level by Level 逐层显示BOMCS12 Multi-level BOM 多层BOMCS13 Summarized BOM 汇总BOMCS14 BOM Comparison BOM 比较CS15 Single-Level Where-Used List 单层反查清单CS20 Mass Change: Initial Screen 大量更改: 初始屏幕CS21 Mass Material Change: Initial Screen 大量物料更改: 初始屏幕CS22 Mass Document Change: Initial Screen 大量文档更改: 初始屏幕CS23 Mass Class Change: Initial Screen 大量类更改: 初始屏幕CS24 Reorganize BOMs: Initial Screen 重组BOM : 初始屏幕CS25 Archiving for BOMs BOMs 的归档CS26 BOM deletion BOM删除CS27 Retrieval of BOMs BOM 检索CS31 Create class BOM 创建类BOMCS32 Change class BOM 改变类BOMCS33 Display class BOM 显示类BOMCS40 Create Link to Configurable Material 生成与可配置物料的链接CS41 Change Material Config. Allocation 更改物料配置分配CS42 Display Material Config. Allocation 显示物料配置分配CS51 Create Standard BOM 创建标准BOMCS52 Change Standard BOM 更改标准BOMCS53 Display Standard BOM 显示标准BOMCS61 Create Sales Order BOM 创建销售订单BOMCS62 Change Sales Order BOM 更改销售订单BOMCS63 Display Sales Order BOM 显示销售订单BOMCS71 Enqueue Test for Dialog RFC 对话RFC 的入队测试CS72 Current Settings 当前的设置CS80 Change Documents for Material BOM 更改物料BOM 文档CS81 Change Documents for Standard BOM 更改标准BOM 文档CS82 Change Documents for Sales Order BOM 更改销售订单BOM 的文档CS90 Material BOM Number Ranges 物料BOM 编号范围CS91 Number Ranges for Standard BOMs 标准BOMs 的编号范围CS92 Number Ranges for Sales Order BOMs 销售订单BOMs 的编号范围CSC5 Single-level where-used for classes 单层类反查CSD5 Single-level where-used for document 单层文档反查清单CV11 Create Document Structure 创建文档结构CV12 Change Document Structure 更改文档结构CV13 Display Document Structure 显示文档结构CV15 Change Document BOM Group 更改文档BOM 组CV16 Display Document BOM Group 显示文档BOM 组CV80 Change Documents for Doc. Structure 更改文档结构的文档CV91 Number Ranges for Doc. Structures 文档结构的编号范围OS42 Process Transfer File 处理传送文件OS43 Copy BOM changes 拷贝BOM 更改OS44 Copy BOM variants 拷贝BOM 变式OS45 Copy BOM with description 拷贝有描述的BOMOS46 Edit transfer file (long text)_ 编辑转换文件(长文本)OST1 CS Transport C Tables TCS21/TCS22 CS 传输C 表TCS21/TCS22 OST2 CS Transport C Tables BOM Usage CS 传输 C 表格BOM 使用OST3 Transp. Customizing tabs T418F,T418G 传输用户化表T418F,T418G OS11 Spare Part Indicators 备件指示符OS12 Material Provision Indicators 物料供应标志OS13 Item Categories 项目类别OS14 Material Types Allowed in BOM Item 在BOM 项中允许的物料类型OS15 V ariable-Size Item Formulas 可变尺寸项目公式OS16 BOM Item Object Type BOM 项目对象类型OS17 Explosion Types 展开类型OS18 Relevancy to costing 与成本计算相关OS20 BOM Usage BOM 用途OS21 BOM Usage Default V alues 物料清单使用缺省值OS22 Copying Defaults for Item Statuses 复制项目状态的默认值OS23 BOM Statuses BOM 状态OS24 Material Types Allowed in BOMs 在BOM 中允许的物料类型OS25 BOMs with History Requirement 带历史需求的BOMOS26 Laboratory/Office 实验室/办公室OS27 Modification Parameters for BOMs 用于BOM 的修改参数OS28 Defaults for BOMs BOM 的默认值OS29 User-Specific Settings for BOMs 特定用户的BOM表设置OS30 Application 应用OS31 BOM Usage Priorities BOM 使用优先级OS32 Alternative BOM Determination 替代BOM 确定OS33 Alt. Determination in Inventory Mgmt 库存管理中的替代确定OS34 Alt. Determination in Costing 成本核算中的替代确定OS35 Alt. Determination in Production 生产中的替代确定OS36 Alt. Determination in SD SD 中的替代确定OS37 Alt. Determination in PM PM 中的替代确定OS38 Alt. Determination in MRP MRP 中的替代确定OS40 Generate BOM Transfer File 生成BOM 传送文件OS41 Transfer BOM without Long Text 传送不带长文的BOMOS47 Field Groups: Assigned Fields 字段组:分配字段OS48 Field Groups: Definition and Descs 字段组:定义和说明OS57 Document Revision Level Sequence 文档修改级别顺序OS70 User-Specific List Profiles 特定用户的列表描述文件OSSZ C PP Authorizations C PP 授权ME00 采购功能采购功能ME01 Maintain Source List 维护货源清单ME03 Display Source List 显示货源清单ME04 Changes to Source List 改变货源清单ME05 Generate Source List 生成货源清单ME06 Analyze Source List 分析货源清单ME07 Reorganize Source List 重组货源清单ME08 Send Source List 发送源清单ME0M Source List for Material 物料的资源清单ME11 Create Purchasing Info Record 建立采购信息记录ME12 Change Purchasing Info Record 改变采购信息记录ME13 Display Purchasing Info Record 显示采购信息记录ME14 Changes to Purchasing Info Record 改变采购信息记录ME15 Flag Purch. Info Rec. for Deletion 为删除标记采购信息记录ME16 Purchasing Info Recs. for Deletion 要删除的采购信息记录ME17 Archive Info Records 归档信息记录ME18 Send Purchasing Info Record 发送采购信息记录ME1A Archived Purchasing Info Records 归档的采购信息记录ME1B Redetermine Info Record Price 重新确定信息记录价格ME1E Quotation Price History 报价价格的历史记录ME1L Info Records Per Vendor 每供应商的信息记录ME1M Info Records Per Material 每物料的信息记录ME1P Purchase Order Price History 采购订单价格历史记录ME1W Info Records Per Material Group 每物料组的信息记录ME1X Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet for Vendor 用于供应商的买方采购谈判记录ME1Y Buyer’s Negotiat. Sheet for Material 买方物料采购谈判记录表ME21 Create Purchase Order 建立采购订单ME22 Change Purchase Order 改变采购订单ME23 Display Purchase Order 显示采购订单ME24 Maintain Purchase Order Supplement 维护采购订单补充ME25 Create PO with Source Determination 生成带决定货源的订单ME26 Display PO Supplement (IR) 显示采购订单补充(IR)ME27 Create Stock Transport Order 建立库存运输订单ME28 Release Purchase Order 批准采购订单ME2A Monitor Confirmations 监视确认ME2B POs by Requirement Tracking Number 需要追踪号的采购订单ME2C Purchase Orders by Material Group 按物料组分类采购订单ME2J Purchase Orders for Project 项目的采购项目ME2K Purch. Orders by Account Assignment 采购订单帐户设置ME2L Purchase Orders by Vendor 按供应商分类采购订单ME2M Purchase Orders by Material 按物料分类采购订单ME2N Purchase Orders by PO Number 按订单号分类采购订单ME2O SC Stock Monitoring (Vendor) SC 库存监视(供应商)ME2V GR Forecast 收货预测ME2W Purchase Orders for Supplying Plant 供货工厂的采购订单ME31 Create Outline Agreement 创建框架协议ME31K Create Contract 创建合同ME31L Create Scheduling Agreement 创建计划协议ME32 Change Outline Agreement 更改框架协议ME32K Change Contract 修改合同ME32L Change Scheduling Agreement 修改计划协议ME33 Display Outline Agreement 显示框架协议ME33K Display contract 显示合同ME33L Display Scheduling Agreement 显示计划协议ME34 Maintain Outl. Agreement Supplement 维护框架协议补充ME34K Maintain Contract Supplement 维护合同附录ME34L Maintain Sched. Agreement Supplement 维护计划协议附录ME35 Release Outline Agreement 批准框架协议ME35K Release Contract 发放合同ME35L Release Scheduling Agreement 发放计划协议ME36 Display Agreement Supplement (IR) 显示协议补充(IR)ME37 Create Transport Scheduling Agmt. 创建运输计划协议ME38 Maintain Sched. Agreement Schedule 维护计划协议计划ME39 Display Sched. Agmt. Schedule (TEST) 显示计划协议计划 (测试) ME3A Transm. Release Documentation Record 传输发放文档记录ME3B Outl. Agreements by Req. Tracking No 根据申请轨迹号的框架协议ME3C Outline Agreements by Material Group 按物料组的草案协议ME3J Outline Agreements for Project 项目的框架协议ME3K Outl. Agreements by Acct. Assignment 根据帐户设置的框架协议ME3L Outline Agreements by Vendor 根据供应商的框架协议ME3M Outline Agreements by Material 根据物料的框架协议ME3N Outline Agreements by Agreement No. 根据协议号的框架协议ME3P Recalculate Contract Price 重定合同价ME3R Recalculate Sched. Agreement Price 重新计算计划协议价格ME41 Create Request For Quotation 建立询价ME42 Change Request For Quotation 改变询价ME43 Display Request For Quotation 显示询价ME44 Maintain RFQ Supplement 维护询价补充ME45 Release RFQ 批准RFQME47 Create Quotation 创建报价ME48 Display Quotation 显示报价ME49 Price Comparison List 价格比较清单ME4B RFQs by Requirement Tracking Number 按需求跟踪号的询价ME4C RFQs by Material Group 按物料组的询价ME4L RFQs by Vendor 按供应商的询价ME4M RFQs by Material 按物料的询价ME4N RFQs by RFQ Number 按询价号的询价ME4S RFQs by Collective Number 按集中号的询价ME51 Create Purchase Requisition 建立采购申请ME52 Change Purchase Requisition 改变采购请求ME53 Display Purchase Requisition 显示采购申请ME54 Release Purchase Requisition 批准采购请求ME55 Collective Release of Purchase Reqs. 采购请求的集中批准ME56 Assign Source to Purch. Requisition 对采购申请分配供货源ME57 Assign and Process Requisitions 分配和处理申请ME58 Ordering: Assigned Requisitions 订单: 分配的请求ME59 Automatic Generation of POs 采购订单的自动生成ME5A Purchase Requisitions: List Display 采购申请: 清单显示ME5F Release Reminder: Purch. Requisition 批准催单:采购申请ME5J Purchase Requisitions for Project 项目的采购需求ME5K Requisitions by Account Assignment 按帐户设置分类的采购申请ME5R Archived Purchase Requisitions 归档的采购申请ME5W Resubmission of Purch. Requisitions 采购申请的重述ME80 Purchasing Reporting 采购报告ME80A Purchasing Reporting: RFQs 采购报表: 询价ME80F Purchasing Reporting: POs 采购报表: 采购订单ME80R Purchasing Reporting: Outline Agmts. 采购报表: 草案协议ME81 Analysis of Order Values 订单价值分析ME82 Archived Purchasing Documents 归档的采购凭证ME84 Generation of Sched. Agmt. Releases 计划协议发放的生成ME85 Renumber Schedule Lines 重新给计划行编号ME86 Aggregate Schedule Lines 聚集计划行ME87 Aggregate PO History 聚集采购清单历史记录ME90 Message Processing for Purch. Docs. 采购凭证的信息处理ME91 Purchasing Docs.: Urging/Reminding 采购凭证: 催货/催付ME91A Urge Submission of Quotations 报价的紧急提交ME91E Sch. Agmt. Schedules: Urging/Remind. 计划协议计划: 紧急/余额ME91F Purchase Orders: Urging/Reminders 采购订单: 紧急/余额ME92 Monitor Order Acknowledgment 监控订单认可ME92F Monitor Order Acknowledgment 监控订单认可ME92K Monitor Order Acknowledgment 监控订单认可ME92L Monitor Order Acknowledgment 监控订单认可ME97 Archive Purchase Requisitions 归档采购凭证ME98 Archive Purchasing Documents 归档采购凭证ME99 Messages from Purchase Orders 来自采购订单的消息ME9A Message Output: RFQs 消息输出: 询价ME9E Message Output: Sch. Agmt. Schedules 消息输出: 计划协议计划ME9F Message Output: Purchase Orders 消息输出: 采购订单ME9K Message Output: Contracts 消息输出: 合同ME9L Message Output: Sched. Agreements 消息输出: 计划协议MEAN Delivery Addresses 供货地址MEIS Intrastat Selection: Arrivals 州内选择: 到达MEK0 Conditions, Purchasing: Customizing 条件,采购: 客户设置MEK1 Create Conditions (Purchasing) 建立条件(采购)MEK2 Change Conditions (Purchasing) 改变条件(采购)MEK3 Display Conditions (Purchasing) 显示条件(采购)MEK4 Create Conditions (Purchasing) 建立条件(采购)MEKA Conditions: General Overview 条件: 一般的总览MEKB Conditions for Contract 合同的条件MEKC Conditions for Info Record 信息记录的条件MEKD Conditions for Material Group 物料组的条件MEKE Conditions for Vendor 供应商的条件MEKF Conditions for Material Type 物料类型的条件MEKG Conditions for Conditions Group 条件组的条件MEKH Market Price 市场价格MEKI Conditions for Incoterms 国际贸易条件MEKJ Conditions for Invoicing Party 出票方的条件MEKK Conditions for Vendor Sub-Range 供应商子范围的条件MEKL Price Change: Scheduling Agreements 价格修改:计划协议MEKLE Currency Change: Sched. Agreements 货币改变: 计划协议MEKP Price Change: Info Records 价格变化,信息记录MEKPE Currency Change: Info Records 货币改变: 信息记录MEKR Price Change: Contracts 价格变化,合同MEKRE Currency Change: Contracts 货币改变: 合同MEKX Transport Condition Types Purchasing 传送采购条件类型MEKY Trnsp. Calc. Schema: Mkt. Pr. (Pur.) 传送定价纲要:市场价格(采购)MEKZ Trnsp. Calculation Schemas (Purch.) 传送定价纲要(采购) MELB Purch. Transactions by Tracking No. 采购交易跟踪号MEPA Order Price Simulation/Price Info 订单价格模拟/价格信息MEPB Price Info/Vendor Negotiations 价格信息/供应商谈判MEQ1 Maintain Quota Arrangement 维护配额协议MEQ3 Display Quota Arrangement 显示配额的协议MEQ4 Changes to Quota Arrangement 改变配额协议MEQ6 Analyze Quota Arrangement 分析配额协议MEQ7 Reorganize Quota Arrangement 重组配额协议MEQ8 Monitor Quota Arrangements 监视配额的协议MEQB Revise Quota Arrangement 重设配额协议MEQM Quota Arrangement for Material 物料的配额协议MKVG Settlement and Condition Groups 结算和条件组MKVZ List of Vendors: Purchasing 供应商清单: 采购MKVZE Currency Change: Vendor Master Rec. 货币改变: 供应商主记录MN01 Create Message: RFQ 建立信息: 询价MN02 Change Message: RFQ 改变信息: 询价MN03 Display Message: RFQ 显示信息: 询价MN04 Create Message: PO 建立信息: 采购订单MN05 Change Message: PO 改变信息: 采购订单MN06 Display Message: PO 显示信息: 采购订单MN07 Create Message: Outline Agreement 建立信息: 框架协议MN08 Change Message: Outline Agreement 改变信息: 框架协议MN09 Display Message: Outline Agreement 显示信息: 框架协议MN0Z Set Up Message Determination 设置信息确认MN10 Create Message: Schd. Agmt. Schedule 建立消息: 计划协议计划MN11 Change Message: Schd. Agmt. Schedule 改变消息: 计划协议计划MN12 Displ. Message: Schd. Agmt. Schedule 显示消息: 计划协议计划MN24 Create Message: Shipping Notif. 创建消息: 装运通知MN25 Change Message: Shipping Notif. 修改消息: 装运通知MN26 Display Message: Shipping Notif. 显示消息: 装运通知MP01 Maintain AMPL records 维护 AMPL 记录MP02 Maintain AMPL records 维护 AMPL 记录OMEV Determine Consgt. Valuation Prices 确定寄售估价价格OMGT Import data 输入数据OMH4 C MM PUR Item Categories C MM PUR 项目类别OMH5 Default Doc. Type in Transactions 在事务处理中的缺省的凭证类型OMJO Convert MKOP into Consgt. Info Recs. 转换 MKOP 到寄售信息记录OMJP Batch Input: Consignment Info Recs. 批量输入: 寄售信息记录OMJQ Deletion Flag: Consg. Price Segments 删除标志: 寄售价格段OMPN C MM-PUR Purchasing Manuf. Part No. C MM-PUR 采购制造商零件编号OMQ1 Transfer of purchase orders 采购订单的传输OMQ2 Transfer of PO history PO 历史的传输OMQ3 Transfer of PO texts PO 文本的传输OMQ4 Create PO transfer file 创建 PO 传输文件OMQ5 Edit PO transfer file 编辑 PO 传输文件OMQ6 Create PO text transfer file 创建 PO 文本传输文件OMUP Forecast Schedule: Transm. Profile 预测计划: 传输参数文件 OMXX Contract release docu. updating MM 合同下达凭证更新MM OMZ1 Partner Role Definition: Purchasing 合伙角色定义: 采购 OMZ2 Key Reassignment: Partner Roles 码重设: 合伙角色OMZ3 Admissible Partner Roles: Acc. Group 可接受合伙角色: 科目组 OMZ4 Partner Schemas: Vendor Master 合伙方案: 供应商主记录 OMZ5 Assignment of Schemas to Acc. Groups 给科目组设置方案 OMZ6 Partner Schemas: Purch. Documents 合伙方案: 采购凭证 OMZ7 Assignment of Schemas to Doc. Types 给凭证类型设置方案OMZ8 Partner Schemas: Rebate Arrangements 合作伙伴概要: 回扣安排 OMZ9 Assign Schemas to Arrangement Types 把概要分配给安排类型 OMZB Maintain Reasons for Ordering 维护订购的原因类别:sap 学习 | | 添加到搜藏 | 分享到i 贴吧 | 浏览(2804) | 评论 (1)上一篇:SAP T-code (4 ) 下一篇:SAP T-code (6 )最近读者:wliny108 163klj 寇烨寰 22wulin查看文章SAP T-code (6 )2008-05-12 19:55 TEAK Header Texts: RFQ/Quotation 标题文本: RFQ/报价TEAP Item Texts: RFQ/Quotation 项目文本: RFQ/报价TEBP Texts: Purchase Requisition 文本: 采购申请TEFK Header Text: Purchase Order 标题文本: 采购订单TEFP Item Texts: Purchase Order 项目文本: 采购订单TEIP Info Record Texts 信息记录文本TEKK Header Texts: Contract 标题文本: 合同TEKP Item Texts: Contract 项目文本: 合同TELK Header Texts: Scheduling Agreement 标题文本: 计划协议TELP Item Texts: Scheduling Agreement 项目文本: 计划协议VL31 Create Shipping Notification 创建装运通知WC61 Number ranges Replenishment Run 值范围补充运行WDFR Rqmnts Planning for Perishables 易腐品的需求计划MEI1 Automatic Purchasing Document Change 自动修改采购凭证MEI2 Automatic Document Change 自动修改凭证MEI3 Recompilation of Document Index 再编译文档索引MEI4 Compile Worklist for Document Index 编译文档索引的工作清单MEI5 Delete Worklist for Document Index 删除文档索引的工作清单OWIA Purchasing: Opt. PO-Based Load-Bldg. 采购:选择基于 PO 的Load-Bldg.M703 Output: Create Conditions Table 输出: 建立条件表M704 Output: Change Condition Table 输出: 改变条件表M705 Output: Display Conditions Table 输出: 显示条件表M706 Maintain Output Types: Inv. Mgmt 维护输出类型: 库存管理M708 Output Determination: Procedure 输出确定: 过程M710 Output Determ.: Access Sequences 输出确定: 存取顺序MB00 Inventory Management 库存管理MB01 Post Goods Receipt for PO 对采购订单的收货记帐MB02 Change Material Document 改变物料凭证MB03 Display Material Document 显示物料凭证MB04 Subsequ.Adj.of “Mat.Provided”Consmp. “物料供应”消耗的事后调整MB05 Subseq. Adjustmt: Act.Ingredient Mat 事后调整:有效成份物料MB0A Post Goods Receipt for PO 对采购订单的收货记帐MB11 Goods Movement 货物移动MB1A Goods Withdrawal 货物提取MB1B Transfer Posting 转移记帐MB1C Other Goods Receipts 其它收货MB21 Create Reservation 生成预订MB22 Change Reservation 改变预订MB23 Display Reservation 显示预订MB24 Reservations by Material 通过物料的预订MB25 Reservations by Account Assignment 通过帐户设置的预订MB31 Goods Receipt for Production Order 按生产订单收货MB51 Material Movements by Material 通过物料的物料移动MB52 List of Warehouse Stocks on Hand 现有仓库库存清单MB53 Display Plant Stock Availability 显示工厂库存的可用性MB54 Consignment Stocks 寄存商品库存MB55 Display Quantity String 显示数量字串MB56 Analyze batch where-used list 分析批量使用处清单MB57 Build Up Batch Where-Used List 建立批量使用处清单MB58 Consgmt and Ret. Packag. at Customer 客户处的寄存和退回物包MB59 Mat. Documents for Posting Date 记帐日期的物料凭证MB5A Evaluate Batch Where-Used Archive 评估批量的用途反查归档MB5B Stocks for Posting Date 过帐日期时的库存MB5C Pick-up List 选出的清单MB5D Delete Docs of Batch Where-Used File 删除批量用途反查文本的凭证MB5E Create Batch Where-Used Archive 创建批量的用途反查归档MB5L List of Warehouse Stocks: Balances 仓库库存表: 余额MB5M Exp. Date/Date of Production 期满日期/生产日期MB5S Display List of GR/IR Balances 显示收货/发货余额清单MB5T Stock in transit CC 库存传输中CCMB5V Manage Batch Where-Used Archive 管理批量的用途反查归档MB5W List of Stock Values 库存值清单MB90 Output Processing for Mat. Documents 物料凭证的输出处理MB9A Analyze archived mat. documents 分析归档的物料凭证MB9R Archive material documents 归档物料凭证MBAD Delete Material Documents 删除物料凭证MBAL Material Documents: Read Archive 物料凭证:读取档案MBAR Archive Material Documents 归档物料凭证MBAV Manage Material Document Archive 管理物料凭证档案MBBM Batch Input: Post Material Document 批量输入: 记帐物料凭证MBBR Batch Input: Create Reservation 批量输入: 创建预订MBC1 Create MM Batch Search Strategy 创建物料主记录批量搜索策略MBC2 Change MM Batch Determ. Strategy 改变MM批量确定策略MBC3 Display MM Batch Determ. Strategy 显示MM批次确定策略MBGR Displ. Material Docs. by Mvt. Reason 显示由移动原因而产生的物料凭证MBNK Number Ranges, Material Document 号码范围,物料凭证MBRL Return Delivery per Mat. Document 单位物料凭证的退货MBSF Release Blocked Stock via Mat. Doc. 通过物料凭证批准冻结库存MBSI Find Inventory Sampling 查找抽样盘点MBSL Copy Material Document 复制物料凭证MBSM Display Cancelled Material Docs. 显示取消的物料凭证MBST Cancel Material Document 取消物料凭证MBSU Place in Stor.for Mat.Doc: Init.Scrn 物料凭证的入库: 初始屏幕MBVR Management Program: Reservations 管理程序: 预订MBXA Printout of XAB Documents XAB凭证的打印输出MI00 Physical Inventory 库存盘点MI01 Create Physical Inventory Document 建立实际盘点凭证MI02 Change Physical Inventory Document 改变实际盘点凭证MI03 Display Physical Inventory Document 显示实际盘点凭证MI04 Enter Inventory Count with Document 输入带文件的库存盘点MI05 Change Inventory Count 修改库存盘点MI06 Display Inventory Count 显示库存盘点。



计划控制管理规定文件编号:文件版本:编制:审核:批准:修订页目录1 目的 (5)2 范围 (5)3 参考文件 (5)4 定义 (5)4.1 产品需求计划 (6)4.2 产品物料滚动需求计划 (6)4.3 产品生产计划 (6)5 职责 (7)5.1 采购部 (7)5.2 生产部 (7)5.3 适航质量部 (7)5.4 销售市场部 (8)5.5 研发部 (8)5.6 项目管理部 (8)6 工作程序 (8)6.1 发放年需求计划和4月滚动需求计划以及总结 (8)6.2 编制年/月生产计划 (8)6.3 执行月生产计划 (9)6.4 检查生产计划的执行情况 (11)6.5 突发性紧急事件处理 (11)6.6 调整生产计划 (11)6.7 对采购、生产以及检验的KPI考核 (12)7 计划管理流程图 (12)8 附录 (15)8.1 附录1产品年需求计划 (16)8.2 附录2产品4月滚动需求计划 (17)8.3 附录3产品周需求计划 (18)8.4 附录4产品需求计划 (19)8.5 附录5产品年生产计划 (20)8.6 附录6产品月生产计划 (21)8.7 附录7产品周生产计划 (22)8.8 附录8产品日生产计划 (23)8.9 附录9产能瓶颈分析表 (24)8.10 附录10产品需求变更申请表 (26)8.11 附录11产品月需求计划总结 (27)8.12 附录12生产计划符合率 (28)8.13 附录13采购申请单(非生产用料) (29)8.14 附录14采购申请单(固定资产专用) (30)8.15 附录15外协(委外加工)申请单 (31)8.16 附录16量产项目周发运计划 (32)8.17 附录17产品延期交付联络单 (33)1 目的科学合理地安排产品生产、出货计划,使订单生产作业过程在受控状态下顺畅运行,从而确保最大限度地满足客户的订单交付要求。

2 范围适用于本公司所有项目和产品之生产计划制定、安排及生产进度管制。







5、作业程序:5.15.1产品安全性策划和确定5.1.1由工程部组织对顾客提供的资料进行核对,查阅顾客资料或要求有无标识和涉及产品安全性的特殊特性符号,搜集产品适用的产品安全法律法规要求,由工程共同确定并对安全特性标记为“ T”并以此在相关文件中进行标识传递,客户有要求时,按照顾客要求执行。







Q S-90003r d E d i t i o n Q u a l i t y S y s t e m R e q u i r e m e n t sIntroductionGoalThe goal for Quality System Requirements QS-9000 is the development of fundamental quality systems that provide for continuous improvement, emphasizing defect prevention and the reduction of variation and waste on the supplier chain. 目的QS-9000品质系统要求其目的乃于供应体系中发展品质系统的基础, 以提供持续改善, 强调预防不良, 减低变异与浪费.PurposeQS-9000 defines the fundamental quality system expectations of Chrysler, Ford, General Motors, Truck Manufacturers and other subscribing companies for internal and external supplier of production and service parts and materials. These companies are committed to working with The supplier to ensure customer satisfaction beginning with conformance to quality requirements, and continuing with reduction of variation and waste to benefit the final customer, the supply base, and themselves. 意图QS-9000定义Chrysler, Ford, GM, 卡车制造厂及其它采用本要求的公司对其内部外部提供量产及服务性材料与零件的供货商所建立品质系统基础的期望. 上述公司承诺与其供货商合作以确保顾客的满意始于品质要求的符合, 与持续减低变异与浪费, 止于最终顾客, 供应体系, 及上述公司均有所获益.ApproachQS-9000 is a harmonization of Chrysler's Supplier Quality Assurance Manual, Ford's Q-101 Quality System Standard, and General Motors' NAO Target for Excellence,with input from the Truck Manufacturers. ISO9001:1994 Section 4 has been adopted as the foundation for QS-9000 and is printed in Section I in italic type. Interpretations and supplemental quality system requirements have been harmonized and are printed in normal type. While other companies may adopt this document, Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors retain full control over the content except for ISO9001:1994, of which copyright remains with the International Organization for Standardization.The word "shall" indicates mandatory requirements. The word "should" indicates a mandatory requirement with some flexibility allowed in compliance methodology. The supplier choosing other approaches to satisfy a "should" must be able to show that their approach meets the intent of QS-9000. All QS-9000requirements shall be addressed in the quality system documentation, but not necessarily by individual procedures.Where "typical", "example", or "e.g." are used, any suggestions given are for guidance only.The references to "this International Standard" in the ISO text of, .4.1.3, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.5.1, and Note 17 (4.11.1) shall be understood for the purposes of QS-9000 to refer to QS-9000 requirements, and not just ISO 9001 or ISO 9002requirements.Paragraphs marked "NOTE" are for guidance in understanding or clarifying the associated requirement. The word, "should," appearing in a NOTE is for guidance only.The Glossary contains information which should be used for purposes of compliance/registration to QS-9000. Where inconsistent terminology exists between QS-9000and ISO 8402 (or other similar documents, e.g., ISO A-3), QS-9000 takes precedence for QS-9000 registration.方式QS-9000是调和Chrysler的Supplier Quality Assurance, Ford的Q-101 Quality System Standard, 及北美GM的Target for Excellence等各项要求, 加上卡车制造厂的意见, 并采用ISO9001:1994第四段而构成QS-9000的基础, 而以斜体字表示于第一章. 有关品质系统要求的诠释及额外要求则被统合后以正楷字表示. 至于其它公司采用本文件时, 除却ISO9001:1994部份, Chrysler, Ford 与GM仍全权掌握所有内容, 而ISO9001:1994则归属于国际标准组织.本文中"SHALL"字眼指强制性要求. "SHOULD"亦指强制性要求但在执行方式容许较大的弹性. 供货商选择其它方式以满足"SHOULD"要求时, 必须展示其作法符合QS-9000的意图. 所有QS-9000的要求皆须被品质系统文件所包含, 但无需逐一制定程序书.当文中使用"typical", "example", 或"e.g."时, 其所提示的内容仅作为参考指引.ISO原始条文中, 于4.1.2.3, 4.1.3, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.5.1, 及备注17(4.11.1)叙述之"本国际标准", 在本QS-9000要求的应用上, 乃指QS-9000, 而非仅限于ISO9001或ISO9002.的要求."NOTE"备注栏是针对相关要求的澄清或了解的指引, 而出现在备注中的"should"亦仅为指引.词汇部份的内容也需被使用以符合/登录QS-9000, 当QS-9000及ISO8402 (或类似文件, 如ISO A-3)其中的术语解释不一致时, 针对QS-9000的登录, 则QS-9000的解释具优先性.ApplicabilityQS-9000 applies to all internal and external supplier sites of: a) production materials, b) production or service parts, or c)heat treating, painting, plating or other finishing services directly to OEM customers subscribing to this document.QS-9000 applies to providers of: 1) semiconductors in conjunction with the Semiconductor Supplement issued by Chrysler, Ford and Delco Electronics; 2) tooling and equipment in conjunction with the Tooling and Equipment (TE)Supplement issued by Chrysler, Ford and General Motors. Availability of third party registration to the TE Supplement will be announced by Chrysler, Ford and/or General Motors as appropriate."Site" (see Glossary) is defined as a location at which value-added production processes occur (see Glossary). Remote locations, e.g. engineering, purchasing, internal off-site warehouses, shall be audited as they support a site. Remote locations cannot obtain independent QS-9000 registration. Remote locations shall be included in the initial audit and then be included in the normal surveillance plan and at a regular frequency. Remote locations where design functions is performed shall undergo surveillance audits at least once within each consecutive 12-month period.Service parts and materials applicability does not include aftermarket (see Glossary) parts or supplier.If in doubt regarding QS-9000 applicability, contact your customer.Only those suppliers meeting the "Applicability" definition are required to achieve compliance/registration. Any "site" may elect to pursue third party registration; however, such "sites" shall have demonstrated capability to comply with all QS-9000 requirements as evidenced by records (see 4.16) except for customer approval of the PPAP Part Submission Warrant. Only 4.19: Servicing (and 4.4: Design Control for ISO 9002) may be determined as not applicable by the certification body / registrar. Commercial/independent laboratory facilities cannot be registered to QS-9000.This document supersedes all editions of Chrysler's Supplier Quality Assurance Manual, Ford's Q-101 Quality System Standard, General Motors' NAO Targets for Excellence, General Motors' Europe General Quality Standard for Purchased Materials and the Truck Manufacturers' quality system manuals dated prior to 1995.ImplementationChrysler, Ford, General Motors, the Truck Manufacturers and the other subscribing companies require that suppliers establish, document, and implement effective quality systems based on QS-9000 in accordance with timing requirements established by their customers. All requirements of QS-9000are to be incorporated in the supplier's quality system and described in the supplier's quality manual (see Glossary). QS-9000is an input document for development of a quality manual. See the Quality System Documentation Progression on page 6 for an illustration of the typical levels of documentation. 适用QS-9000适用于下列所有直接交货给采用本文件OEM 顾客的内部外部供货商其场所: a) 量产材料, b) 量产或服务零件, c) 热处理, 喷漆, 电镀或其它表面处理.QS-9000适用于下列厂商: 1) 半导体业, 合并应用Chrysler, Ford及Delco Electronics所发行的半导体补充要求; 2) 工模具及设备业, 合并应用Chrysler, Ford及GM所发行的工模具及设备(TE)补充要求. 对于TE补充要求的第三者登录将由Chrysler, Ford 及GM 于适当时机宣布."Site"场所的定义(参阅词汇)是指具附加价值生产制程发生的地点(参阅词汇), 诸如工程, 采购, 内部离线库房等远距地点, 乃支持"Site"的运作, 皆应被稽核, 但这些远距地点无法取得独立的QS-9000登录.初次评鉴及定期追查计划都应包括各个远距地点, 如果远距地点是属于设计功能者, 则每12个月期间应最少执行定期追查乙次.服务零件及材料其适用性并不包括后修市场(参阅词汇)零件或供货商.如对QS-9000的用性有所疑问时, 请联络您的顾客.只有那些契合本段"适用"定义的供货商被要求达成QS-9000的符合/登录.任一"site"场所都可选择进行第三者登录, 而这样的场所应有品质记录(参阅 4.16)为左证以展示具备能力满足所有QS-9000的要求, 但记录中的PPAP零件送样申请书除外. 只有 4.19的服务或是ISO9002系统中的4.4设计管制可经认证团体认定为不适用. 商业/独立的实验设施无法取得QS-9000登录.本文件取代1995之前下列厂商公布的各项标准: Chrysler的Supplier Quality Assurance Manual, Ford的Q-101 Quality System Standard, 北美GM的Target for Excellence, 欧洲GM的General Quality Standard for Purchased Materials及卡车制造厂的品质系统手册.应用Chrysler, Ford, GM, 卡车制造厂及其它采用本文件的公司要求各供货商依据其顾客的时间表建立执行一个基于QS-9000的有效品质系统, 并将其书面化. 供货商的品质系统应结合QS-9000的所有要求并将其书于供货商的品质手册(参阅词汇). QS-9000于供货商发展其品质手册时为其依据文件之一. 参阅第六页的品质系统文件发展图以了解文件的典型阶层.Conformance to QS-9000 will be evaluated using the process described in Appendix A. Each customer will continue to develop unique supplier ratings.Third party registration to QS-9000 will be accepted and will be required by some customers (refer to Section II: Customer-Specific Requirements). Verification of conformance to ISO 9001 (or ISO 9002 for suppliers that are not responsible for the design of any product supplier to any customer subscribing to this document) is a necessary condition for registration to QS-9000. Registration to ISO 9001, however, may not be sufficient for the companies using QS-9000, since this document contains additional requirements for these companies. Subcontractor third party registration to QS-9000 is not required by Chrysler, Ford or General Motors at this time.Suppliers and subcontractors shall deploy QS-9000as appropriate. Any company may require QS-9000registration of its suppliers, regardless of the company's position in the supply chain, e.g. Tier 2 and below. 使用附录A所描述的过程以评估品质系统对QS-9000的符合性. 每一顾客将持续发展其独特的评分制度.有些顾客会接受及要求QS-9000的第三者登录(参阅第二章的顾客特定要求). 登录为QS-9000时亦须验证符合ISO9001 (或是ISO9002, 如供货商无须对任何采用本文件的顾客其任何产品负设计责任者). 但是登录为ISO9001的供货商并不意味就足以引用QS-9000, 因为QS-9000尚包含其它额外要求. 目前Chrysler, Ford 或GM并不要求分包商进行QS-9000的第三者登录.供货商与其分包商应适当展开QS-9000, 任何公司都可要求其供货商取得QS-9000登录, 而不论该公司在整个供应体系的位阶, 亦即二阶厂商及更下阶厂商.The third registration scope must include all products and services being supplied to one or more of the companies subscribing to this document, unless specifically waived by the customer.The term QS-9000 is a copyright protected property of Chrysler, Ford and General Motors. Only those third party certification bodies/ registrars qualified for QS-9000 by a Chrysler, Ford and General Motors recognized accreditation body are permitted to issue a registration certificate with the term QS-9000.The related QS-9000 manuals are available from AIAG, Garwin Continuous or FAPM (see Foreword for phone numbers). The related manuals (with latest edition number and date at time of publication) are shown below. For document control purposes, use the edition number/dates. "Printing dates" do not represent revisions to these documents except for PPAP Second Edition.Quality System Assessment- Second Edition, dated March 1998Measurement System Analysis Reference Manual- Second Edition, February 1995Statistical Process Control Reference Manual- First Edition, 1992Potential Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Reference Manual - Second Edition, February 1995Production Part Approval Process- Second Edition, Second Printing, July 1995Advanced Product Quality Planning and Control Plan Reference Manual - First Edition, June 1994Semiconductor Supplement- First Edition, April, 1995AEC-A100: QSA Semiconductor Edition- First Edition, April 1995Tooling and Equipment Supplement- First Edition, July 1996- Hotline in USA: 1-800-444-2810- Hotline outside USA: 01-248-358-3003- TE Training Information: 01-248-799-4228供货商第三者登录的范围应含盖所有提供给任一采用本文件顾客的产品及服务, 否则需取得顾客的特准.QS-9000一词乃为Chrysler, Ford 及GM版权保护的财产, 只有那些被Chrysler, Ford 及GM承认的验证团体所认可的认证团体才可以颁发所谓QS-9000的认可证书.QS-9000相关的手册可自AIAG, Garwin Continuous或FAPM购得, (本文前言中有他们的电话). 相关手册(及其发行版次与日期) 条列如下. 请使用发行版次与日期以为文件管制的依据, 除PPAP第二版之外, 印刷日期并不代表这些文件的修订.Tooling & Equipment QSA-TE- First Edition, July 1996Reliability and Maintainability Guidelines for ManufacturingMachinery and Equipment- First Edition, 1993- Published by SAE 01-412-776-4841 &National Center for Manufacturing Sciences, Inc.01-313-995-0300品质系统的额外信息可参考下列文件: Additional Information on quality systems can be found in the followingdocuments:•ISO 8402:1994 Quality Management and Quality Assurance -V ocabulary•ISO 8601:1988 Data elements and interchange formats - Informationinterchange - Representation of dates and times•ISO 9000-1:1994 Quality Management and Quality AssuranceStandard - Part 1: Guidelines for selection and use•ISO 9000-2:1993 Part 2: Generic guidelines for the application ofISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO 9003•ISO 9004-1:1994 Quality Management and Quality System Elements- Part 1: Guidelines•ISO 9004-4:1993 Part 4: Guidelines for quality improvement•ISO 10011-1:1990 Guidelines for Auditing Quality Systems - Part 1:Auditing•ISO 10011-2:1991 Part 2: Qualification criteria for quality systemauditors•ISO 10011-3:1991 Part 3: Management of audit programmes.•ISO 10012-1:1992(E) Quality assurance requirements for measuringequipment - Part 1: Metrological confirmation system for measuringequipment.•ISO/IEC Guide 25 -1990 General requirements for the competence ofcalibration and testing laboratories [at the time of publication,ISO/IEC Guide 25 is under revision]•ISO/IEC Guide 62:1996(E), General requirements for bodiesoperating assessment and certification/registration of quality systems•IAF Guidance on the Application of ISO/IEC Guide 62:1996, issue 1,2 June, 1997•A VSQ '94 ANFIA Valutazione Sistemi Qualita, Edizione 3, Febbraio1995 + Addendum QS-9000 all'ASVQ, Edizione marzo 1997 [italianAutomotive Industry Quality Requirements]•EAQF94 Evaluation Qualite Fournisseur, 1994 Edition plus QS-9000Appendix to EAQF March 1997 Edition, [French AutomotiveIndustry Quality Requirements]•VDA6.1 Qualitatsmanagement in der Automobilindustrie -QM-Systemaudit 3. V ollstandig uberarbeitete Auflage 1996/1, July,1996 [German Automotive Industry Quality Requirements]Section I : ISO 9000 - Bases RequirementsManagement Responsibility - Element 4.1Quality Policy - 4.1.1The supplier's management with executive responsibility shall define and document its policy for quality, including objectives for quality and its commitment to quality. The quality policy shall be relevant to the supplier's organizational goals and the expectations and needs of its customers. The supplier shall ensure that this policy is understood, implemented and maintained at all levels of the organization. 管理责任- 4.1品质政策- 4.1.1供货商负经营责任之管理阶层应界定并明文记载其对品质所持之政策,包含品质目标与对品质之承诺。



Guidance in defining critical process parameters关键参数的定义指南The criticality of a process parameter is an assessment of the probability that it can be consistently and reproducibly controlled within the proven acceptable range (PAR) during routine manufacturing.工艺参数的关键性是指在生产中对可接受范围的持续重复控制的可能性的评估,This probability depends on可能性主要取决于:∙t he robustness of the process parameter (the width of the PAR)工艺参数的稳定性(可接受范围的宽度)∙t he ability to technically control the parameter (technical limitations)参数控制的技术能力(技术限制)∙t he uncertainty of the measurement of the parameter (reflected by the standard d eviation σ)参数测量的不确定性(用标准偏差来反映)The robustness of a process parameter is reflected by the width of the proven acceptable range. The wider the range within which a parameter could be varied during process qualification without impacting product quality, the more robust it is.可接受的参数范围反映工艺参数的稳定性。

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AEROSPACE STANDARDAS9103 Issued 2001-10Variation Management of Key Characteristics關鍵特性變動管理FOREWORD 序言In December1998,the Aerospace Industry had established the International Aerospace Quality Group(IAQ G)with the purpose of achieving significant improvements in quality and reductions in cost throughout the value stream.1998年12月,航空航天工業建立了國際航空航天質量集團(IAQG),目的是在整個價值流中實現質量的顯著提高和成本的降低。

This organization,with representation from Aerospace companies in Americas,Asia and Europe and sponso red by SAE,SJAC,and AECMA has agreed to take responsibility for the technical contents of this standard.該組織由美國,亞洲和歐洲的航空航天公司代表,SAE,SJAC和AECMA贊助,同意對本標準的技術內容負責。

INTRODUCTION 介紹This Aerospace Standard establishes variation management requirements for Key Characteristics.The Stan dard also specifies general requirements and provides a process to achieve those requirements.The Standar d requires a thorough assessment of the part production process with the primary goals being to control an d minimize variation in characteristics being produced by this process.該航空航天標準確定了關鍵特性的變更管理要求。



Specifically,the Standard mandates: 具體來說,標準規定:●Understanding process elements that affect Key Characteristics了解影響關鍵特性的過程元素●Disciplined determination of process Key Characteristics using appropriate analysis tools for variationcontrol and reduction to satisfy Customer requirements使用適當的分析工具進行變更控制和縮減,以滿足客戶要求,對過程進行紀律確定●Control and capability assessment to ensure variation is well understood控制和能力的評估可被確保其變化很好被理解●Process Control Documentation that defines specific control of Key Characteristics and manufacturingprocess parameters關鍵特性和製造過程參數的具體控制在過程控制文件中要被定義This standard does not: 本標準不是要●Mandate rejection of any part that conforms to engineering specification.受意拒絕符合規定的工程規範。

●Inhibit shipment or use of product during production process capability assessment.在生產過程能力評估過程中禁止出貨或使用產品。

Although Aerospace Standard AS9103is focused on production and variation control of Key.雖然航空航天標準AS9103專注於生產和關鍵變更控制。

Characteristics,this process can also be used as a model for other characteristics,such as those that affect cost and delivery.特性,該過程也可以作為其他特性的模型,例如這些特性影響成本和交貨的特徵。

TABLE OF CONTENTS1.SCOPE (4)1.1 Purpose (4)1.2 Convention (4)2.REFERENCES (4)3.DEFINITIONS (5)4.APPLICABILITY (6)5.GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (6)6.PROCESS REQUIRMENTS AND OUTPUTS (8)APPENDIX AGUIDELINES TO MEETING REQUIREMENTS FOR VARIATIONMANAGEMENT OF KEY CHARACTERISTICS (10)APPENDIX BPROCESS CONTROL DOCUMENT EXAMPLE (14)1.SCOPE: 範圍This Standard is primarily intended to apply to new parts,but can also be applied to parts currently in prod uction.The Standard shall be applicable to all production processes that influence the variation of Key Char acteristics.本標準主要適用於新零件,但也適用於目前生產的零件。

該標準適用於影響關鍵特性變化的所有生產過程1.1 Purpose: 目的This Aerospace Standard is designed to drive the improvement of manufacturing processes through adequa te planning and effective management of Key Characteristic variation.The Key Characteristic focus is inten ded to improve confidence for part features whose variation has a significant influence on to end-product form,fit,performance,service life and manufacturability.該航空航天標準旨在通過適當規劃和有效管理關鍵特性變化來推動製造過程的改進。


1.2 Convention:慣例The following conventions are used in this standard: 本標準中使用以下約定:●The words shall,will or must indicate mandatory requirements.shall,will or mus表明強制性要求。

●The word“should”indicates a requirement with some flexibility allowed in compliance methodology.Producers choosing other methods to satisfy a“should”must be able to show that their approach mee ts the intent of the requirements of this standard.“應該”一詞表示符合性方法允許的一些靈活性的要求。


●Words“typical”,”example”,“for reference”or“e.g.”indicate suggestions given for guidance only.•“Notes”are used for additional clarifications.“典型”,“示例”,“參考”或“例如”表示僅供參考的建議。


●Words or phrases with specific meaning pertaining to this document are capitalized and defined in Section3,Definitions.文件的單詞或短語的含意在第3節“定義”中給出了明確定義。

2.REFERENCES:參考文獻2.1Aerospace Standard AS9100“Quality Systems-Aerospace-Model for Quality Assurance in Design,Develop ment,Production,Installation and Servicing”,Published by SAE,Warrendale,PA,USA,1999.2.2International Standard EN9100“Quality Systems-Aerospace-Model for Quality Assurance in Design,DevelAECMA-STAN出版,1999年。
