



BSCI新版条款汇总Sheet3Sheet2Sheet1PerformanceArea1:SocialManagementSystemandCascadeEff ect管理代表跟进申诉机制负责人HR培训工人BSCI价值和原则标准人员职业健康与安全风险评估人员以上人员必须理解以下要点BSCI行为守则和体系手册业务和供应链哪些商业伙伴对公司的重要利益相关者的期望使其客户有良好社会绩效的重要性BSCI守则内容和实施条款有合适的社会管理体系的好处有助于可行持续改进的与实践人和利益相关者进行的沟通审核方(生产商)主要情况决定重要的商业伙伴的依据被审核方(生产商)保存关于主要商业伙伴管理方式的记录增长预期和所需的人力资源成本计算(支付的加班费增加到成本计算中)按照业务需求组织加班;经负责人批准出现减缓或干扰生产时的应急计划劳工能力(与工人代表以及人力资源负责人合作)生产、质量检查和交付时间产能规划,至少包含:风险评估双向沟通会议记录员工代表选举记录考虑弱势群体劳动合同关于劳动保护,工作条件的描述BSCI行为守则必须展示在工作场所(车间)的可见位置工人权利和义务法律法规清单收集;工作规章守则收到合同副本至少由合资格人士培训:使用个人防护装备;关注工作关键的健康和安全问题;运用申诉机制培训方能力的文档证明工人、管理层和人力资源培训的文档证明:至少应包括参与者的名单和工作职务、日期、资料内容和培训人资质提出/调查申诉的文档证明oDocumentaryevidenceoftheworkersrepresentativeelection o工人代表选举的文档证明oCollectiveBargainingAgreement(ifapplicable)o集体谈判协议oMinutesordocumentsofmeetingsthatledtothecollectivebar gainingagreement(ifapplicable)o有关集体谈判协议的会议记录和文件(如适用)oRecruitmentanddismissalproceduresandrecordso招聘和解雇程序和记录PerformanceArea3:TherightsofFreedomofAssociationandCol lectiveBargainingPerformanceArea2:WorkersInvolvementandProtection?PerformanceArea4:NoDiscriminationoDocumentaryevidenceondisciplinaryprocedureso惩戒程序的文档证明oDocumentaryevidenceondisciplinarycasesandthemeasures takeno惩戒案例和所采取措施的文档证明oDocumentaryevidenceofworkers’performanceassessment sandprocedureso工人绩效评估和程序的文档证明oWorkercontractsoragreements,includingwithrecruitmentag encies(ifrelevant)o工作合同或协议,包括与招聘代理签订的合同或协议(若有关)PerformanceArea5:FairRemuneration最低工资标准通知BNW计算社保被审核方(生产商)让工人及其代表参与拟定并执行职业技术健康和安全内部程序。



bsckpi的绩效管理制度一、BSCKPI的定义BSCKPI是绩效管理中的一种重要工具,它是基于平衡计分卡(Balanced Scorecard)的指标体系,用于衡量企业绩效和关键绩效指标(Key Performance Indicators)。




二、BSCKPI的重要性1. 提高绩效透明度BSCKPI能够为企业提供全面、客观的绩效评估数据,使得绩效评价更加客观和透明。


2. 促进员工激励BSCKPI可以激励员工更加积极主动地参与工作,因为他们清楚自己的工作表现会直接影响绩效评分和奖惩机制。


3. 优化资源配置通过BSCKPI对企业和员工的绩效进行评估和比较,可以及时调整和优化资源的配置,从而提高企业整体的生产效率和竞争力。


4. 提升企业绩效BSCKPI可以帮助企业建立全面、系统的绩效评估机制,深度了解自身的发展状况和潜在问题,找到改进的方向和方法,实现企业绩效的持续提升和发展。

三、BSCKPI的实施步骤1. 制定绩效目标和KPIs首先,企业需要根据自身的战略目标和核心价值观,制定清晰、明确的绩效目标。




常用BSC命令小结1.12.23.3号时隙号目的状态修改接口电路状态查看当前告警,号号查看所有参数一般查整个的情况号查看的相邻小区,单元名单元号目的状态修改指定单元的状态,号时隙号目的状态修改接口电路状獭?/p> 常用BSC命令小结2017-11-06 18:07:00 | #1楼ZEFS:CF号:L/U;对BCF重新启动ZEQS:BTS=BTS号:L/U;对BTS重新启动ZERS:BTS=BTS号,TRX=TRX号:L/U;对一个载频重新启动ZEFO:BCF号:ALL;查看BCF所有参数ZEQO:BTS=BTS号:ALL;查看BTS所有参数ZERO:BTS=BTS号,TRX=TRX号:ALL;查看BTS所有参数ZEAO:BTS=BTS号;查看BTS的相邻小区ZEHO:BTS=BTS号;查看BTS的切换参数ZEUO:BTS=BTS号;查看BTS的功率控制参数ZUSC:单元名,单元号:目的状态;修改指定单元的状态ZUSI:单元名,单元号;查看各单元状态的相关信息ZUDU:单元名,单元号;诊断指定单元ZCEL:CGR=1;查看A接口电路状态ZRCI:GSW:CGR=1;查看A接口电路详细信息ZCEC:CRCT=PCM号-时隙号:目的状态;修改A接口电路状态ZAHO:查看BSC当前告警ZAHP:查看BSC历史告警ZEOL:查看基站当前告警ZEOH::BCF=;查看当天告警ZEOH:查看基站历史告警ZNEL:查看CCST信令的详细信息ZFWO:BCSU=00&&08:BTS;查看GB链路详细情况(信息)ZEEI:BTS=BTS号;查看BTS的详细信息ZEOL::NR=告警号快捷键 ctrl+y (暂停)(基站数据库中有相邻小区,横向查重启:ZFQU:BTS=XX:GENA=NZEQU:BTS=XX:GENA=Y;ZFUI::;查物理通道ZDSB:::PCM=;查电路ZDTI:::PCM=;诺西—常用BSC命令小结2017-11-06 18:06:39 | #2楼诺西常用BSC命令小结(多用逗号,少用分号,检查命令没有问题后再执行这条语句)ZEEI: 看状态ZEFS:BCF号:L/U;对BCF重新启动ZEQS:BTS=BTS号:L/U;对BTS重新启动ZERS:BTS=BTS号,TRX=TRX号:L/U;对一个载频重新启动ZEFO:BCF号:ALL;查看BCF所有参数ZEQO:BTS=BTS号:ALL;查看BTS所有参数ZEQV: GPRS的修改ZEQE: 修改BTS的跳频ZERO:BTS=BTS号,TRX=TRX号:ALL;查看BTS所有参数(一般查整个bcf的情况) ZEAO:BTS=BTS号;查看BTS的相邻小区ZEHO:BTS=BTS号;查看BTS的切换参数 ZEUO:BTS=BTS号;查看BTS的功率控制参数ZEBP:;看LAC号(网优给数据的时候我们要去核对一下)ZEOL:查看基站当前告警ZEOH::BCF=;查看当天告警ZEOH:查看基站历史告警ZEEI:BTS=BTS号;查看BTS的详细信息ZEOL::NR=告警号快捷键 ctrl+y (终止正在执行的命令)快捷键 ctrl+c (暂停)一般与ZDDS;指令合用快捷键 ctr+A 加入参数ZEQE:BTS=:HOP=:开关调频(基站数据库中有相邻小区,横向查 ZEQU:BTS=XX:GENA=Y;修改SEGZEQG:BTS=143:RLT=64,RXP=-94,;修改无线接入参数值ZEWO:看当前软件包版本ZEWL:看BSC中的软件包版本ZEWA:放一个新软件包ZEWH:切换软件包ZEWV:激活软件包ZESE:创建EDAP,也可以使用此命令来查看有没有许可证,来加EDGEZEQM:BTS=: RDIV=Y:;打开分级接收ZEQK:BTS=:CNT=20:;修改干扰参数,20为上限值ZESG:ID=(ET_INDEX):;删除edgeZEAM:修改邻区参数ZESI:ID=(ET_INDEX);查看已有的EAGE条数ZEAT:;查看有没有同频的邻区ZEAO:SEG=::ASEG=:;查看两个小区邻区关系ZEAO:::ASEG=本小区号:;查看所有指向本小区的邻区ZEAO:SEG=:;查看所有指出的邻区ZEAD:SEG=::CI=,LAC=:;仅仅删除指向CI的邻区ZEOR:BCF:13914(告警顺序号码):;删除误告警ZUSC:单元名,单元号:目的状态;修改指定单元的状态ZUSI:单元名,单元号;查看各单元状态的相关信息ZUDU:单元名,单元号;诊断指定单元ZUSI:ET,130查看配传输状态ZCEL:CGR=1;查看A接口电路状态ZCEC:CRCT=PCM号-时隙号:目的状态;修改A接口电路状态ZRCI:GSW:CGR=1;查看A接口电路详细信息ZRCR:删除未使用的电路ZAHO:查看BSC当前告警ZAHP:查看BSC历史告警ZAHO ::NR=2993:;查看有没有上下时隙不匹配的告警ZAHO ::NR=2725:;邻区出错ZNEL:查看CCS7信令的详细信息ZFXI:NSEI=0&&65535:BTS;查看GB链路详细情况(信息)ZFUI::;查物理通道ZFWO:开EDGE时查看BCSU,PCU(先用ZEQO查到NSEI再用NSEI的值去查找,当BSC为3i时为ZFXO)ZFXO:NSEI=544:BTS:;查看544下挂的BTS个数和BCSU,PCUZFXO:BCSU=0&&8:BTS;查看所有的下挂基站和NSEI号ZFQU:BTS=XX:GENA=N 重启ZQNI:查看BSC所处的位置ZQNS::;查看电脑记录,正在操作的用户名ZIGO:2016-3-27,:USERID=GSMGSM:CMD=EQS,::;查看许可用户对基站的操作记录 ZQRI:;查看BSC的IP地址ZDSB:::PCM=;查ETZDDS: 查看起站过程2725的处理告警出现后记下此时的BCSU号输入ZDDS:BCSU=?:;>ZGSC 回车对照相应告警出现的时间找到LAC,CI号后CALLER: 01C0 0074 00RETURN ADDRESS: 000C(L0001).0000127CWRITE TIME: 2017-05-0623:40:56.35PARAMETERS: E-01 0024.00001F20 00000082 000C.0001C6C9USER TEXT : HAS:set ALARM 0x2725. target cell listUSER DATA :01 01 88 F9 14 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00红色的为LAC,绿色的为CI然后到网管里更改相应的MBCCH,NCC,BCC值(修改时注意锁闭所有的有关小区和载波,然后查看与之有关的小区参数是否已更改) ZDTI:::PCM=;ZDTI:::PCM=?;查看传输信令使用状态ZDTI::::UA;查看又没有临时的OMU信令ZYEF:ET,ET号;对传输(把ET调整到工作状态<ZUSC:ET,ET号>) ZYMO:ET,ET号;查看et的质量ZYEC::ET,246:NORM,CRC4,ON:;改变传输校验模式ZWUP:ET号::ALL;看传输上面时序的应用情况ZW7I:查看许可证使用数量和日期ZWOS:查看运行参数ZWOI:集成的参数值BSIC--71:此参数左为NCC值,右边为BCC值。















一、KPIKPI(Key Performance Indicator)翻译为关键业绩指标,是衡量一个组织或个人业绩的重要指标。








二、BSCBSC(Balanced Scorecard)翻译为平衡记分卡,是一种绩效管理工具。







三、MBOMBO(Management by Objectives)翻译为目标管理法,是一种以目标为导向的管理方式。






根据上级的目标和策 略、本人的工作职责 与日常工作制定本人 的目标与方向
根据本人的目标与方 向制定相关的策略与 KPI
将本人的平衡计分卡 KPI分解成下属的任 务,并制定行动计划
策略规划表(包括两部分)是帮助本人制定BSC目标的。第一部分中的目标包 括两项内容(见下图):一是上级分解给你本人的目标,即上 级的策略,是对 上级策略的承接;二是本人工作职责与日常工作的目标。
√ √
√ √
将本人的平衡计分卡策略指标分解成下级 的工作任务,并确定任务 KPI 及负责人。 根据工作任务制定详细的行动计划及时间 安排。
提 纲
分析 平衡计分卡
内部 流程
要建立所需的组织能力, 公司员工需要建立怎么 样的思维模式?
要建立所需的组 织能力,我们公 司需要和拥有怎 么样的人才? 组织能力
=员工能力X员工思维模式×员工治理方式 组织能力
员工能力 员工治理方式 容不容许?
要建立所需的组织能力, 公司应提供怎么样的员 工管理环境?
客户纬度 权威机构对产品测评 产品市场占有率 重点伙伴增长/成长率 战略伙伴满意度
组织纬度 情报分析报告数量及质 量 客户测试通过率 伙伴支持成功率 战略伙伴需求响应时间
提 纲



以bsc为基础的绩效管理方案英文回答:Performance management is a crucial aspect of any organization, and it plays a significant role in driving the success of the business. When it comes to performance management, using the balanced scorecard (BSC) as a framework can be highly effective. The BSC provides a comprehensive approach to evaluating and managing performance across various perspectives, including financial, customer, internal processes, and learning and growth.One of the key benefits of using the BSC as a performance management tool is its ability to align the organization's strategic objectives with key performance indicators (KPIs). By establishing clear KPIs for each perspective of the BSC, organizations can ensure that every aspect of their operations is contributing to the overall strategic goals. This alignment helps in driving a morefocused and cohesive approach to performance management.Moreover, the BSC allows for the measurement of both financial and non-financial performance indicators. While traditional performance management systems often focus solely on financial metrics, the BSC encourages a more balanced view by incorporating non-financial KPIs related to customer satisfaction, internal processes efficiency, and employee learning and development. This holistic approach provides a more comprehensive understanding of the organization's performance.Another advantage of using the BSC is its emphasis on continuous improvement and learning. The learning and growth perspective of the BSC encourages organizations to invest in employee training and development, which in turn contributes to the overall improvement of performance. By fostering a culture of learning and innovation, the BSC helps organizations stay competitive and adapt to changing market conditions.In summary, the balanced scorecard offers a robustframework for performance management, allowingorganizations to align their strategic objectives with KPIs, measure both financial and non-financial performance, and promote continuous improvement and learning. By leveraging the BSC, organizations can drive better performance and achieve their long-term strategic goals.中文回答:绩效管理是任何组织的关键方面,在推动业务成功方面起着重要作用。



以bsc为基础的绩效管理方案BSC, or Balanced Scorecard, is a strategic performance management tool that aligns organizational objectives with individual and departmental goals. This comprehensive framework ensures that all efforts within an organization are focused on achieving itslong-term strategic vision. By breaking down strategic objectives into measurable, actionable targets, BSC enables organizations to track progress, identify gaps, and make informed decisions to enhance performance.以平衡计分卡(BSC)为基础的绩效管理方案是一种战略性的绩效管理工具,它能够将组织目标与个人和部门目标相协调。



A BSC-based performance management program typically comprises four key perspectives: financial, customer, internal business processes, and learning and growth. Each perspective contributes to the overall strategic objectives of the organization, ensuring a balanced approach to performance evaluation. By focusing on these four areas, organizations can gain a comprehensive understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.基于BSC的绩效管理方案通常包含四个关键维度:财务、客户、内部业务流程以及学习与成长。



bsc平衡计分法平衡计分卡(Balanced Scorecard,简称BSC)是一种战略管理和衡量工具,由哈佛商学院的罗伯特·S·卡普兰和复兴方案国际咨询企业总裁戴维·P·诺顿于1992年提出。





BSC的四个维度分别是:1. 财务维度:这是BSC中最直接的维度,主要关注的是企业的经济效益。


2. 客户维度:这个维度关注的是企业的客户满意度和忠诚度。


3. 内部流程维度:这个维度关注的是企业的内部运营效率。


4. 学习和成长维度:这个维度关注的是企业的创新能力和员工发展。











bsc平衡计分法(实用版)目录1.BSC 平衡计分法概述2.BSC 平衡计分法的四个维度3.BSC 平衡计分法的应用优势4.BSC 平衡计分法的实际应用案例5.BSC 平衡计分法的总结与展望正文1.BSC 平衡计分法概述BSC 平衡计分法,全称“Balanced Scorecard”,即平衡计分卡,是一种绩效管理工具,用于帮助组织和企业实现战略目标。

BSC 平衡计分法由美国管理大师罗伯特·卡普兰和戴维·诺顿于 1992 年首次提出,目前已成为全球企业广泛应用的管理模式之一。

2.BSC 平衡计分法的四个维度BSC 平衡计分法包括四个维度,分别是:(1)财务维度:主要关注企业的财务指标,例如营业收入、利润、成本等,以衡量企业的经济效益。




3.BSC 平衡计分法的应用优势BSC 平衡计分法具有以下应用优势:(1)战略导向:BSC 平衡计分法将战略目标分解为可衡量的指标,有助于组织和企业实现战略目标。

(2)全面性:BSC 平衡计分法从四个维度全面衡量企业的绩效,有助于发现企业的优势和劣势。

(3)协同性:BSC 平衡计分法强调各个部门和员工的协同合作,有助于提高企业的整体运营效率。

(4)持续改进:BSC 平衡计分法鼓励企业不断改进和创新,有助于提高企业的核心竞争力。

4.BSC 平衡计分法的实际应用案例华为公司作为我国著名的通信设备制造商,成功运用 BSC 平衡计分法,实现了企业的快速发展。



第3条 管理内容
第4条 职责划分
第17条 部门BSC临时更新
第12条 管理内容
第13条 管理流程

bsci验厂12项内容 -回复

bsci验厂12项内容 -回复

bsci验厂12项内容-回复BSI验厂是指由英国标准学会(British Standards Institution,也称BSI)组织的对供应链中企业的社会责任和合规性进行评估的一项认证。

该认证内容主要包含以下12个方面:1. 企业运营管理体系。



2. 人员管理与劳动权益保护。



3. 劳动力管理与工时监控。



4. 健康与安全管理。



5. 环境保护与能源管理。



6. 材料及供应商管理。



7. 道德商业行为。



8. 信息安全与保护。









二、研究内容与方法1. 研究范围:本研究主要研究全面预算中的BSC和ABM两种管理工具在企业中的应用,分析其对传统预算模型的改进作用以及优缺点。

2. 研究方法:本研究主要采用以下研究方法:(1)文献综述法:对已有相关文献进行梳理和整合,分析BSC和ABM的全面预算模型的基本理论和实践应用。



3. 研究内容具体研究内容包括以下几个方面:(1)BSC和ABM的基本理论和实践应用(2)传统预算模型的缺陷及其改进方案(3)结合BSC和ABM的全面预算模型的构建与设计(4)全面预算模型的应用案例分析(5)针对不同行业和不同类型的企业,分析全面预算模型在应用实践中存在的问题并提出改进建议。



这是一个包含bsc的英文单词列表,其中bsc代表着“学士学位”(Bachelor's degree)。


1. BSc:学士学位的缩写
2. BScEd:学士教育学位
3. BScEng:学士工程学位
4. BScN:学士护理学位
5. BScPharm:学士药学学位
6. BScS:学士计算机科学学位
7. BScEcon:学士经济学学位
8. BScMath:学士数学学位
9. BScPsych:学士心理学学位
10. BScBio:学士生物学学位
11. BScChem:学士化学学位
12. BScGeol:学士地质学位
13. BScPhys:学士物理学学位
14. BScStats:学士统计学学位
15. BScElec:学士电子工程学位
16. BScAgr:学士农业学位
17. BScEnv:学士环境科学学位
18. BScForestry:学士林业学位
19. BScHort:学士园艺学位
20. BScMar Sci:学士海洋科学学位





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下面是几个常见的BSC维度转换案例:1. 将“财务”维度放至次要位置有些企业认为,单纯强调“财务”维度过于固化和短视。



2. 添加“社会责任”维度随着社会对企业社会责任的关注度提高,一些企业开始在BSC中添加“社会责任”维度,以衡量自身在可持续性和社会贡献等方面的表现。


3. 将“学习与成长”维度拆分有些企业将“学习与成长”维度进行拆分,以更好地关注员工培训、技能和专业知识的发展。


4. 添加行业特定的维度一些行业有其特有的的管理需求和业务特点,因此需要向BSC中添加行业特定的维度。




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1The basic elements of the supply chain include:A) supply, manufacture, distribution.B)design, manufacture, inventory.C) engineer, design, manufacture.D) supply, engineer, manufacture.2In order to maximize profit, a company must have all of the following objectives except:A) Best customer serviceB)Most accurate production forecastC) Lowest inventory investmentD) Lowest distribution cost3The inventory turns ratio measures:A) the amount of inventory needed to support sales growth.B)obsolete inventory as a percent of sales.C) how effectively inventory is being used.D) the amount of space needed to store inventory.4Process specifications can be best defined as a document which:A) shows how the product will appear.B)shows the steps needed to produce the end item.C) details the capacity available at a work center.D) flow charts various processes.5A company's strategic plan:A) provides the manufacturing plan for families of end items.B)outlines the sales plan for the next year.C) is a statement of goals and objectives for a long range period.D) outlines new products for the next year.6In which of the following manufacturing environments would consumer products, such as film, food, etc. be classified?A) Assemble-to-orderB)Engineer-to-orderC) Make-to-orderD) Make-to-stock7Many different end items are made from a small number of components. What manufacturing environment would this be?A) Make-to-stockB)Make-to-orderC) Assemble-to-orderD) Engineer-to-order8The purpose of a strategic business plan is to:A) plan production by product family.B)plan for business changes which take a long time.C) establish customer requirements over the long term.D) establish order promising strategies.9Aggregate inventory management is concerned with:A) managing inventory items and how they are used.B)establishing the production plan.C) the cost and benefits of carrying the different classes of inventory.D) the distribution network and the movement of inventory.10Which of the following are objectives of inventory?I.Maximize customer serviceII.Efficient transactionIII.Low cost plan operationsIV.Minimum inventory investmentA) I, II, and IIIB)I, III, and IVC) I, II, and IVD) II, III, and IV11Which of the following would be included in the cost of carrying inventory?I.Heating and lighting a warehouseII.Obsolete inventorybor to move materialIV.Damaged inventoryA) I, II, and IIIB)II, III, and IVC) I, III, and IVD) I, II, III, and IV12Which of the following best describes a normal distribution?A) Most values clustered near a central pointB)Warehouses centrally located to marketsC) Values accumulated at six sigmaD) A critical ratio of 1.013Based on the following information, what would the safety stock need to be to ensure product is in stock 99.9999% of the time?MAD = 100On hand = 200Weekly demand = 400A) 100B)300C) 500D) 60014Each distribution center places orders from central supply as they are needed. This is called:A) pull system.B)push system.C) Just-in-Time delivery.D) supply chain management.15A company makes all decisions regarding forecasting and orders centrally for its distribution network. This company is using which of the following systems?A) Pull systemB)Push systemC) Just-in-TimeD) Time phased order point16A company wants to store 15,000 cartons with 20 cartons on each pallet. The warehouse is set up to store pallets 5 high. How many pallet positions are needed?A) 150B)500C) 750D) 300017All of the following are basic grouping methods to store and locate stock in a warehouse except: A) Items related functionallyB)Items in sequential SKU numberC) Items which are physically similarD) Items which are fast moving18What is the major disadvantage of a fixed location warehouse?A) Put away time is increasedB)Cube utilization is poorC) Dock time is increasedD) Material handling costs rise19Which of the following are advantages of point of use storage?I.Ease of controlII.Material handling is reducedIII.Storage costs are reducedIV.Material is accessible at all timesA) I, II, and IIIB)II, III, and IVC) I, III, and IVD) I, II, III, and IV20Which of the following are advantages of using central storage?I.Ease of controlII.Costs are reducedIII.Inventory record accuracy is easier to attainIV.Safety stock is reducedA) I, II, and IIIB)I, III, and IVC) II, III, and IVD) I, II, III, and IV21Which of the following best describes cycle counting?A) A process to reduce cycle timeB)Set up reduction to shorten the production cycleC) Counting inventory on a pre-determined scheduleD) Conducting a time study at a work center22The movement of finished goods from production to the customer is:A) physical supply.B)supply chain.C) physical distribution.D) conversion cycle.23All of the following activities are part of the physical distribution system except: A) TransportationB)WarehousingC) Material handlingD) Forecasting of customer orders24Trucks, as a mode of transportation, are best suited for:A) moving small quantities to widely dispersed markets.B)moving large quantities to widely dispersed markets.C) moving small quantities to narrowly dispersed markets.D) moving large quantities to narrowly dispersed markets.25For a given product, the line haul cost is $1.50 per mile. The product will move 400 miles. If 40,000 pounds are being shipped, what is the cost per hundred weight?A) 1.00B)1.50C) 2.00D) 2.5026Which of the following best describes the purpose of a distribution warehouse?A) A warehouse to store goods for long periods of timeB)A storage warehouse for floor stockC) A warehouse to move and mix goodsD) A supply chain warehouse for regional storage27Which of the following are the roles which warehouses serve?I.Transportation consolidationII.Inventory efficiencyIII.Product mixingIV.Customer serviceA) I, II, and IIIB)I, III, and IVC) II, III, and IVD) I, II, III, and IV28A market boundary can be defined as the:A) geographic boundary of a region.B)line where the laid down cost is the same from two supply sources.C) line where shipments in one distribution center equals another.D) mileage boundary where shipment costs exceed the margin to be gained.29As a company increases the number of warehouses from one to two, there is an impact on safety stock. Safety stock will:A) increase by a factor of 2.B)decrease by half.C) increase, and the percent can be calculated.D) decrease by a calculated percentage.30The Just-in-Time philosophy can be best defined as:A) Delivering goods just before they are neededB)Fulfilling customer orders just as they are neededC) Manufacturing without inventoryD) Elimination of waste31The Toyota Motor Company identified seven sources of waste in manufacturing. Which of the following represent those sources of waste?I.ProcessII.OverproductionIII.Wait-timeIV.MovementA) I, II, and IIIB)I, II, and IVC) II, III, and IVD) I, II, III, and IV32To achieve necessary quality levels in a JIT environment, quality must be:A) built into the product by operators.B)inspected at multiple points.C) ensured by the quality control lab.D) an inspectors function.33In order to reduce the number of transactions which occur in a JIT environment, companies use a system called:A) transaction prevention.B)pre-deduct.C) backflushing.D) bar coding.34The annual cost of goods sold for a company is $40 million and the average inventory is $10 million. By how much would the inventory need to be reduced to have annual inventory turns equal 20 turns?A) $2 millionB)$4 millionC) $6 millionD) $8 million35A company wants to produce 1000 units over the next four months using a level strategy. The months have 20, 21, 19 and 22 working days in each one. Based on this strategy, how much would be produced in the first month?A) 244B)254C) 260D) 26236System nervousness is caused by:A) the inability of the planner to remain calm.B)requirements changing rapidly.C) constant demands by manufacturing for long production runs.D) purchased materials which do not arrive on time.37A component has a fixed cost of $1,000 and a variable cost of $5.00 per unit to produce. What would the average cost per unit be if the company produces 4,000 units?A) $5.00B)$5.10C) $5.25D) $5.5038Which of the following best defines throughput?A) The number of bottlenecks slowing productionB)The total capacity which a factory can produceC) The speed of a work center to produceD) The total volume of production passing through a facility39Forecasts are typically more accurate for the near future than they are for the longer future. This occurs because:A) the near term holds less uncertainty than the long term.B)more data is available in the near term.C) aggregate data is easier to forecast.D) the future is more dynamic in the near term.40Forecasts are usually wrong but we continue to use them. They are necessary because:A) forecasters provide a service to the organization.B)forecasts are a prelude to business planning.C) the master production schedule (MPS) needs one.D) materials requirements planning (MRP) cannot operate without one.41Even in an intermittent manufacturing shop, certain JIT principles can be applied. Which of the following principles can be used in an intermittent manufacturing shop? I.Employee involvementII.Total preventive maintenanceIII.Inventory reductionIV.Continuous flow linesA) I and IIIB)II and IVC) I, II, and IIID) I, II, III, and IV42Which of the following manufacturing types would typically have the longest delivery time?A) Make-to-orderB)Engineer-to-orderC) Make-to-stockD) Assemble-to-order43Which of the following statements would be true regarding the delivery time in an engineer to order company?A) Delivery time is shorter than a make-to-order company.B)It would be the same as a make-to-stock item.C) It would be longer than an assemble-to-order company.D) It would be shorter than an assemble-to-order company.44Which of the following would be considered a function of physical distribution?A) Material handlingB)RoutingsC) Kanban sizeD) Pull signal45Which of the following would be considered part of the physical distribution system?A) Moving materials between work centersB)Receiving goods from suppliersC) Planning the transfer of goods to outside contractorsD) Forecasting inventory levels to support manufacturing46Which of the following would most likely be an independent demand item?A) Inventoried subassembly for a printerB)Manufactured subassembly in a carC) Purchased component for a fork truckD) Spare part for a jet engine47Production planning is generally a direct input to:A) material requirements planning.B)purchase order planning.C) capacity load at a work center.D) master production scheduling.48Which of the following would most likely be a dependent demand item?A) Safety glovesB)Office suppliesC) Purchased componentD) Item being shipped to customer49If a company is going to establish a cycle count program, a primary objective should be to:A) correct the inventory records.B)reduce the headcount.C) identify the causes of inventory errors.D) eliminate the physical inventory.50A company needs to increase production in the current week to meet a customer request. The quickest way to accomplish this is to:A) work overtime.B)hire more workers.C) hire temporary workers.D) subcontract the work.51Which of the following does a tracking signal identify in a forecast?A) Mean absolute deviationB)Standard deviationC) BiasD) Aggregate summarization52An income statement of a company will show which of the following?A) Inventory levelsB)Long term debtC) Cost of products soldD) Net cash available53Which of the following is a reason to maintain inventory?A) Improve customer serviceB)Reduce transportation costsC) Increase machine operating timeD) Reduce costs54Which of the following best describes the ABC approach to inventory control?A) Maintain a high inventory of "A" parts.B)Have plenty of "C" parts.C) Keep the "B" parts to a minimum level.D) Always keep plenty of inventory.55The law which states that a small percentage of the group usually accounts for a large percent of the results is which of the following?A) Fredo's lawB)Newton's first lawC) Pareto's lawD) Nielsen's law56Inventory is used to decouple:A) production plans from master schedules.B)rough cut capacity from capacity plans.C) supplier orders from supplier deliveries.D) supply from the demand.57A supervisor's primary role in a total employee involvement company is:A) controlling.B)cheerleading.C) coaching.D) quality control.58Conformance can be best described as:A) making the highest quality products.B)meeting the specified requirements.C) working together as a team.D) flowing product through cells.59The objective of scheduling is to:A) ensure work centers are properly loaded.B)meet delivery dates.C) provide capable to promise information.D) meet cost targets.60If a variety of products are made in a factory, the most common unit of capacity is:A) machine turns.B)inventory turns.C) time.D) dollars.61Which of the following best defines the term break even point?A) The point at which a product failsB)Current assets = current liabilitiesC) Required capacity = available capacityD) Revenues = total costs62The throughput of a manufacturing process is determined by:A) overloaded work centers.B)first work center in the process.C) underloaded work centers.D) last work center in the process.63In a JIT manufacturing environment, waste can be described as:A) component scrap.B)overtime.C) any process which does not add value.D) any overhead process.64A key element in selecting a site for a factory is:A) availability of water.B)access to rail sidings.C) cost and availability of transportation.D) warehouse space and cost.65The particular channel in which goods move describes:A) manufacturing channel.B)marketing channel.C) capacity channel.D) distribution channel.66Inventory areas should be locked except for during normal business hours because:A) people are apt to steal.B)storeroom personnel know where parts are stored.C) transactions might not be completed.D) it's the right thing to do.67A company has its warehouse divided so order pickers only pick in their area. This warehouse is operating under which of the following systems?A) Zone systemB)Area systemC) Consolidated pick systemD) Modified pick system68In a fixed location warehouse system, each SKU has an assigned location. While this has many positives, the negative aspect to fixed location warehousing is that:A) warehouses can get messy.B)cube utilization is poor.C) inventory accuracy suffers.D) items can be damaged in put away.69The balance to cube utilization is:A) pallet positions.B)accessibility.C) put away speed.D) material handling costs.70A normal distribution can be graphed as a :A) parabolic curve.B)trend seasonal curve.C) positive bias curve.D) bell shaped curve.71Which of the following manufactured product types are best suited for flow manufacturing?A) Wide range of disparate productsB)Limited range of similar productsC) Low volume of similar productsD) High volume of disparate products72The key component to quick changeovers is:A) dramatically reduced set up times.B)availability of materials to run when the changeover is complete.C) expensive machines which changeover automatically.D) large enough lot sizes so changeovers are not critical.73A company which can adapt swiftly to changes in the volume and mix of their products is:A) good at sales and operation planning.B)forecasting accurately.C) process flexible.D) six sigma certified.74The key driver in a Total Quality Management (TQM) company should be:A) lower costs.B)training employees.C) problem solving tools.D) customer needs.75Quality can best be defined as:A) job one.B)meeting or exceeding the users' expectations.C) the best product produced.D) zero defects.76In a flow manufacturing environment, product will generally flow consistently and constantly. As a result, there is little time to do inventory transactions to record the movement of parts through the line. To overcome this, many companies record their inventory by using:A) pre flushing.B)kanban.C) cycle counts.D) backflushing.77Production plans have all of the following except:A) Shipment planB)Product familiesC) Inventory planD) Weekly production78Which of the following statements is most correct?A) The MPS shows families of products.B)The MPS has more detail than the production plan.C) The production plan has more detail than the MPS.D) The production plan rolls up to equal the MPS.79A closed loop MRP system can be best defined as:A) action taken by a planner to approve planned orders.B)re-planning of capacity to accommodate restraints.C) integrated planning and control system with feedback from the bottom-up.D) integrated systems which include financial software, finite capacity, and logistics.80You are working as a Master Scheduler in a discrete manufacturing company. A large customer has asked if you can deliver an order, but you have some short term capacity constraints. Which of the following actions could be taken so the order can be delivered?I.People could be hiredII.Overtime could be workedIII.Inventory could be built in slow timesIV.Work could be subcontractedA) I, II, and IIIB)II, III, and IVC) I, III, and IVD) I, II, and IV81Which of the following are strategies to use in developing a production plan?I.Chase strategyII.Delphi strategyIII.Level strategyIV.Backlog strategyA) I and IIB)I and IIIC) II and IVD) III and IV82 Which of the following are inputs to a realistic MPS?I.Production planII.Forecasts for end itemsIII.Product costs for end itemsIV.Capacity constraintsA) I, II, and IIIB)I, II, and IVC) II, III, and IVD) I, III, and IV83 Which of the following are objectives when establishing the MPS?I.Efficient use of resourcesII.Efficient final assemblyIII.High customer service levelsIV.Efficient use of inventoryA) I, II, and IIIB)I, II, and IVC) I, II, III, and IVD) I, III, and IV84 Final assembly scheduling usually occurs when:A) a customer order is received.B)planning a build schedule.C) the MPS is established.D) capacity is constrained.85 In make to stock requirements, customer orders are satisfied from:A) available capacity.B)work in process inventory.C) finished goods inventory.D) raw material inventory.86Independent demand can be defined by all of the following except:A) Demand not related to demand from higher level assembliesB)Forecasted demandC) Demand calculated based on present demandD) Demand from customer orders87Which of the following would best define dependent demand?I.Demand which is dependent on the forecastII.Demand which is dependent on demand for a higher level assemblyIII.Demand which is calculatedA) IB)I and IIC) II and IIID) III88Which of the following is not an input to MRP?A) Master Production ScheduleB)Inventory recordsC) Bill of materialsD) Capacity planning89 Planning bills can be best described as:A) bills of material based on forecast demand.B)bills of material for new products.C) bills of material which represent average products.D) bills of material for expected usage.90A firm planned order is used to:A) freeze the planned order against changes in quantity and time.B)convert the planned order to a scheduled receipt.C) simulate the projected inventory balance.D) manipulate the data and quantity of the customer order.91Which of the following would be included in demand management?I.Forecasted requirementsII.Service parts requirementsIII.Branch warehouse requirementsIV.Inter-plant ordersA) I, II, and IIIB)II, III, and IVC) I, III, and IVD) I, II, III, and IV92All of the following are principles of forecasting except:A) Forecasts are usually wrongB)Forecasts are more accurate for end itemsC) Forecasts should include an estimate of errorD) Forecasts are more accurate in the near term93When a company has historical data available for use in forecasting future demand, the technique for utilizing this data is called:A) qualitative forecasting techniques.B)extrinsic forecasting techniques.C) intrinsic forecasting techniques.D) causal forecasting techniques.94The following formula represents which forecasting technique?New forecast = (alpha)(latest demand) + (1-alpha)(previous forecast)A) Weighted moving averageB)Double exponential smoothingC) Exponential smoothingD) Focus forecasting95The annual demand for a product is 1200 but during July, the product sells 150 units. What is the seasonal index for the product in July?A) 1.0B)1.5C) 1.75D) 2.0096 Which of the following best describes the term bias?A) Actual demand consistently varies from forecast; either above or below.B)The standard deviation is consistently positive.C) The mean absolute deviation equals the forecast error.D) The sum of the errors is less than the MAD.97A tracking signal is used to:A) monitor the quality of the forecast.B)determine the variation in the production plan.C) measure whether the schedule is being met.D) measure the material plan.98 Based on the following information, what is the mean?PeriodDemand11000250037004600A) 500B)600C) 700D) 80099Demand on a work center is caused by the next work center. Product is not made unless signaled by the next work center. This is called:A) push system.B)pull system.C) demand system.D) MRPII system.100Which of the following best describes the Master Production Schedule?A) It is the actual build schedule for manufacturing.B)It is the final assembly schedule.C) It is driven by materials requirements planning.D) It is the planned build schedule for manufacturing.101A company wants to produce at a level rate. Based on the following information, what production rate will provide a projected inventory of 20 at the end of period five? Period12345Forecast Demand2010151510Planned ProductionPlanned Inventory10A) 14B)15C) 16D) 17102 Which of the following are steps in developing a Master Production Schedule? I.Develop a preliminary MPSII.Check the schedule against the capacity availableIII.Check MPS against the production plan to ensure they are equalA) I and IIB)I and IIIC) II and IIID) I, II, and III103Over the past three months, the demand for a product has been 240, 260, and 280. Calculate the three month moving average forecast for month four.A) 240B)260C) 280D) 300104The material requirements system receives direct input from:A) production planning.B)capacity requirements planning.C) master production scheduling.D) purchasing.105Based on the following data, what should the monthly production be to achieve level production?Beginning inventory = 300 unitsEnding inventory = 400 unitsSales forecastMonth12345Quantity300400200300200A) 200B)250C) 300D) 350106Based on the following data, what should the monthly production be to level production?Beginning inventory = 500 unitsEnding inventory = 200 unitsSales forecastMonth12345Quantity400300400400300A) 250B)300C) 350D) 400107 Which of the following best describes a master production schedule?A) Product families, monthlyB)End items, monthlyC) End items, weeklyD) Product families, weekly108The forecast for a part is 200 units per week. The actual shipments for the last 5 weeks have been 250, 260, 210, 240, and 220. If the MAD is 20, what would the tracking signal equal?A) 3B)6C) 9D) 12109 Based on the following data, what would the projected forecast for month 5 be, using a 3 month moving average?Month1234Forecast200200200200Actual Demand190210190170A) 170B)180C) 190D) 200110What is the Mean Absolute Deviation for the following data?Period12345Forecast100100150150150Demand90105140160170A) 3B)9C) 11D) 15111In order for a forecast to signal negative bias, the tracking signal would be:A) less than zero but greater than -1.B)more than zero but less than +1.C) equal to one.D) equal to zero.112 An anticipated build schedule can be best described as:A) production plan.B)capacity plan.C) materials requirements plan.D) master production schedule.113In which of the following manufacturing environments are forward scheduling and finite loading best suited for providing customer promise dates?A) Make-to-stockB)Make-to-orderC) Assemble-to-orderD) Configure-to-order114Planning bills can be best described as:A) grouping like items together for planning.B)products which the factory plans to build.C) indented bill of materials.D) phantom bill of materials.115 The portion of a company's inventory and planned production which is not already committed is:A) inventory allocation.B)inventory commitment.C) available to promise.D) multi-plant planning.116The primary reason for a time fence is to:A) determine how to use the forecast.B)manage schedule changes most effectively.C) provide a stable schedule for the suppliers.D) maintain a steady shipment schedule.117A bill of materials contains:ponents used to make a productbor needed to build the productIII.Assemblies at various stages of productionIV.Safety stock by itemA) I and IIB)I and IIIC) II and IIID) III and IV118The term value can be best defined as:A) total revenue of products and services.B)total inventory available for shipment.C) amount buyers are willing to pay for a product or service.D) gross margin on a product or service.119The term, Value Chain, refers to the:A) total value generated by a company's activities.B)total revenue for all the products and services.C) supplier network for providing goods and services.D) margin associated with the activities.120The primary advantage of the concurrent engineering process is that:A) inventory needs are reduced.B)engineers work with other departments on projects improving communication.C) project costs for the development are accurately accounted for.D) product development time is reduced.121Which of the following would NOT be considered a source of demand?A) Customer ordersB)Interplant orders between facilitiesC) ForecastsD) Goods due in from a supplier122A responsive company will incorporate the customers' desires for product improvements into their goods and services. The ability to do this effectively is described as listening to the "voice of the customer." The phrase "voice of the customer" can be best described as:A) conducting focus groups with potential customers to see what features are best.B)obtaining actual customer descriptions in word for the features and functions they desire.C) getting feedback to a survey on the company website.D) sending out surveys to all important customers regarding the goods and services. 123Which of the following is the primary benefit of a customer partnership?A) Higher prices can be charged because the customer is not buying from other sourcesB)Reduced paperwork between the two partiesC) Lower costs in the supply chain for both companies because of the mutual sharing of informationD) Higher margins for the supplier124The attributes of the product or service that cause a customer to buy from a company are called the:A) order winners.B)order qualifiers.C) buyers criteria.D) order modifiers.125Many companies will call themselves market driven. This would indicate that they:A) develop strong advertising campaigns.B)established a strong brand image in the market.。
