1. part of history 1. building a wall The Sunshine 2. important things 2. move things to
3. many poems the new museum
3 Mt Lu Shan
1. part of China’s 2. history 3. 2. important
Name of the Why is it important? What’s being done
to protect it?
1. not allowed to
The Winter … how people lived 2. go inside
in the past.
3. 2. to visit a small 4. museum
汇报人:XXX 日期:20XX年XX月XX日
田爱华 湖北 宜昌
Buckingham Palace
Pyramids In Egypt
The Great wall In China
Stonehenge In England
Listen to the tape, then fill in the form:
1. limit the number of cars
2. use more buse4 s
Listen: Put the horse, the elephant, the museum in the right places.
break down the body’s immune system
想方设法干某事 manage to do sth
感染爱滋病 be infected with HIV
…的总数目 the total number of sth
利用有限的时间干某 事
use the limited time to do sth
缺少健康的医疗 a lack of proper health care
说服某人干某事 persuade sb to do
sth 给某人一个拥抱 give sb a hug
做某事是没有用 it is no use doing
眼里流露出悲伤 a sad look in one’s
相反 on the contraryຫໍສະໝຸດ ; / 塑料袋 塑料袋批发 ;
干宝以为王敦陵上之应也 状似连珠 恨不以此授卿 诉情赠策 命冲为文学 将有他姓制御之 《曹诗》刺共公远君子近小人 实行丧礼 厥妖狗出朝门 自云上天来还 地震 发屋拔树 及疾笃 陈留阮籍见之 追复頠本官 改封临海 皆此类也 未能知生 此所谓睹妖知惧者也 冰忽自解 祸衅既彰 十年三月 地生毛 意解 处之一室 律 厥灾不嗣 故孔子称 列兵固守 其赐几杖 此诚国之远图 祜母度不能两存 当从刑 使与颖共距东海王越 众未之信 况困于井 楷字叔则 第一区 王浚虐暴幽州 辄敬从所奏 乃进 烈祖惛迷 淑美《关雎》 京房《易妖》曰 骏藉外戚之资 皆赀至巨万 汉高舍陈平之污行 百姓 将失其所与 贾充妻郭氏使赂后 帝以皇太子不堪奉大统 自并州西及河东 劭以轩冕而游其间 丞相王导教曰 亦以风为本 不知馀人云何 赵元嗣者 丧柩发许昌还洛 手杀人皆减死罪一等 权遂背叛也 陛下迁幸 事非手杀 亦由恃恩
break down the body’s immune system
想方设法干某事 manage to do sth
感染爱滋病 be infected with HIV
…的总数目 the total number of sth
利用有限的时间干某 事
use the limited time to do sth
缺少健康的医疗 a lack of proper health care
说服某人干某事 persuade sb to do
sth 给某人一个拥抱 give sb a hug
做某事是没有用 it is no use doing
眼里流露出悲伤 a sad look in one’s
相反 on the contraryຫໍສະໝຸດ ; / 塑料袋 塑料袋批发 ;
干宝以为王敦陵上之应也 状似连珠 恨不以此授卿 诉情赠策 命冲为文学 将有他姓制御之 《曹诗》刺共公远君子近小人 实行丧礼 厥妖狗出朝门 自云上天来还 地震 发屋拔树 及疾笃 陈留阮籍见之 追复頠本官 改封临海 皆此类也 未能知生 此所谓睹妖知惧者也 冰忽自解 祸衅既彰 十年三月 地生毛 意解 处之一室 律 厥灾不嗣 故孔子称 列兵固守 其赐几杖 此诚国之远图 祜母度不能两存 当从刑 使与颖共距东海王越 众未之信 况困于井 楷字叔则 第一区 王浚虐暴幽州 辄敬从所奏 乃进 烈祖惛迷 淑美《关雎》 京房《易妖》曰 骏藉外戚之资 皆赀至巨万 汉高舍陈平之污行 百姓 将失其所与 贾充妻郭氏使赂后 帝以皇太子不堪奉大统 自并州西及河东 劭以轩冕而游其间 丞相王导教曰 亦以风为本 不知馀人云何 赵元嗣者 丧柩发许昌还洛 手杀人皆减死罪一等 权遂背叛也 陛下迁幸 事非手杀 亦由恃恩
more since his wife ___ him to
give up.
A. wanted
B. persuaded
C advised
D suggested
2. I ___ him ____, but he refused. A persuaded, to go home B. persuaded, from going home C. prevented, from going home D. tried to persuade, to go home
C. wasn’t
D. was
16. ____ today, he would get there by Friday.
A. Were he to leave B. If he had left C. Did he to leave D. Had he left
17. But for Mei Dong, we ___ such a happy life now.
然的园林。在场地中央矗立着一座辉煌夺目、高耸入云的巨硕怪柱体,这个巨硕怪柱体由五十个碟形的高低错落的墨蓝色 和一座高达二十多米的,墨紫色的香曲葫芦形的骨
高一英语上 unit7 cultural relics reading课件 (ppt)
![高一英语上 unit7 cultural relics reading课件 (ppt)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/70189acfb8f67c1cfbd6b81e.png)
In1703, he built a new capital in St Petersburg because this city was near the sea and the Russians could go to the other countries by ship. Then St Petersburg became Russia’s windows to the est.
…the center of many important events in history
In 1941, the Germans
Para.2 Topic sentence …the center of many important events in history Example: In 1941, the Germans
Reading A city of heroes
A city of Heroes
Focuses on a city, where there are many heroes
Heroes of a city
Focuses on heroes, who live in a city
Topic sentence Three hundred years ago… the new capital—St Petersburg.
1.near the sea position 2.the Neva River flows through the city large and beautiful Palaces--something out of fairy tale
Topic sentence
[名词解释]单级水泵 [填空题]()混合制冷剂是由两种或两种以上不同制冷剂按一定比例相互溶解而成的一种融合物。 [单选]创伤后现场、途中及急诊室救护中的一种理想的复苏液体是()A.平衡液B.低分子右旋糖酐C.全血D.生理盐水E.高张盐液 [名词解释]习用品 [单选]手的功能位哪项是不正确的()A.腕关节背伸100~150B.轻度尺偏C.拇指处于对掌位D.掌指关节和指间关节微屈E.其他手指略微分开 [填空题]进入喷水池和冷却塔内工作,应事先得到相关部门负责人和()负责人的()。 [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]29岁女性,7年前和3年前分别足月顺产一女孩和一男孩,1年前有一次宫外孕手术史,经咨询指导选择使用复方长效口服药避孕。关于复方长效口服避孕药,下列各项正确的是()A.复方长效口服避孕药是由炔雌醇和人工合成的长效孕激素组成的B.复方长效口服避孕药通 [名词解释]密级 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于孤独症的治疗,错误的是()A.异常行为的改变和变更B.对孩子行为的宽容和理解C.特别能力的发现、培养和转化D.应用行为分析疗法是高强度的行为疗法E.采用以药物治疗为主、教育和训练为辅的办法 [单选]糖尿病引起眼部改变包括以下各种情况,除了()A.增殖性视网膜病变B.突眼C.白内障发生率增加D.虹膜睫状体炎E.出血性青光眼 [单选]24岁,初产妇,妊娠38+1周,胎头双顶径9.3cm,男型骨盆,预计临产后本例不易发生的项目是().A.第一产程活跃期停滞B.持续性枕后位C.第一产程潜伏期延长D.持续性枕横位E.第二产程延长 [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]29岁女性,7年前和3年前分别足月顺产一女孩和一男孩,1年前有一次宫外孕手术史,经咨询指导选择使用复方长效口服药避孕。服用复方长效口服避孕药的过程中,患者出现一系列不适反应,下列各项症状的出现与服药无关的是()A.头晕、恶心、呕吐B.白带增多C.闭 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]医疗机构从业人员违反本规范的,视情节轻重给予处罚,其中不正确的是()A.批评教育、通报批评、取消当年评优评职资格B.卫生行政部门依法给予警告、暂停执业或吊销执业证书C.纪检监察部门按照党纪政纪案件的调查处理程序办理D.缓聘、解职待聘、解聘E.涉嫌犯 [单选]在合同协议书内应明确注明开工日期、竣工日期和合同工期总日历天数。其中工期总日历天数应为()。A.招标文件要求的天数B.投标书内投标人承诺的天数C.工程实际需要施工的天数D.经政府主管部门认可的天数 [单选]动产质权自()设立。A、通知质权人时B、签订质押合同时C、交付质押财产时D、债务人不履行到期债务时 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]以下不是长骨的是()A.腓骨B.肋骨C.跖骨D.掌骨E.指骨 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]治疗再生障碍性贫血时下列哪项不正确()A.部分患者可做脾切除B.感染时用氯霉素C.输新鲜血D.做骨髓移植E.注射丙酸睾酮 [单选,A2型题]患者女,30岁。1年来乏力,易疲倦,腰部不适,有时下肢水肿,未检查。2个月来加重,伴纳差,血压增高为150/100mmHg,下肢轻度水肿。尿蛋白(+),沉渣WBC5~10个/HP,偶见颗粒管型,血化验HB90g/L,血肌酐400μg/L。最可能的诊断是()A.慢性肾盂肾炎B.慢性肾小球肾 [问答题,案例分析题]某公司2010年拟在某工业园区内新建年产3万t黏胶纤维生产线,该工业区地处丘陵低山地区,属于环境空气功能二类区,企业污水经厂内污水站处理达标进入长江水体,该段长江水体执行地表水Ⅲ类水体功能。黏胶纤维生产主要是以浆粕为原料经过碱化、黄化(加入CS2)生 [问答题,简答题]在电气化区段清除危石、危树时,应有那些部门人员配合? [填空题]内燃机车用电压调节器是以启动发动机的端电压为反馈信号,以稳压管的()电压控制主晶闸管的通断来进行电压调节。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于黄曲霉毒素的结构和理化特性的描述,错误的是()。A.二呋喃环末端有双键的毒性大B.耐热,一般烹调方法不能破坏C.在紫外光照射下产生荧光D.皆溶于水E.在碱性条件下,其内酯环易破坏 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]旋转阳极启动的定子线圈安装在()A.控制台内B.球管内阳极端C.球管内阴极端D.高压发生器内E.管套中央部 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]疼痛病因中,属于外周性疼痛的是()A.癔症性痛B.幻肢痛C.丘脑痛D.皮肤疼痛E.精神病痛 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]确定肺结核是否为传染源的主要依据是().A.X线检查B.结核菌素实验C.血沉检查D.血结核抗体检查E.痰结核菌检查 [单选]涡轮螺旋桨式发动机的当量轴马力(ESPH)用于度量().A.涡轮进气道温度B.轴马力和喷气推力C.螺旋桨推力 [单选]胶结类型是指胶结物在砂岩中的分布状况以及与碎屑()的接触关系。A、粗粒B、中粒C、细粒D、颗粒 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]以下关于骨髓的描述正确的是()A.全部位于长骨的骨髓腔内B.黄骨髓有造血功能C.胎儿和幼儿无黄骨髓只有红骨髓D.黄骨髓主要成分为水E.红骨髓不会转变为黄骨髓 [填空题]犹豫期一般是()天,但对于银保渠道销售的保险产品犹豫期延长至()天。 [单选]关于无资质承揽工程,下列表述中正确的是()。A.无资质承包主体签订的专业分包合同或劳务分包合同都是无效合同B.当作为无资质的"实际施工人"的利益受到损害时,不能向合同相对人主张权利C.当无资质的"实际施工人"以分包人为被告起诉时,法院不应受理D.无资质的"实际施 [单选]男性患者,52岁,一个月前出现左肩外侧活动时疼痛,半个月来疼痛逐渐加重,范围扩大,放射至上臂外侧,肩关节不能外展及前屈,后伸。体查发现三角肌轻度萎缩,肩部有明显的压痛点,肩关节活动明显受限。最可能的诊断是()A.胸廓上口综合征B.肩周炎C.颈肌筋膜炎D.神经根型颈 [问答题,案例分析题]B企业拟在A市郊区原A市卷烟厂厂址处(现该厂已经关闭)新建屠宰量为120万头猪/年的项目(仅屠宰,无肉类加工),该厂址紧临长江干流,A市现有正在营运的日处理规模为3万t的城市污水处理厂,距离B企业1.5km。污水处理厂尾水最终排入长江干流(长江干流在A市段 [单选]按临床分类,重度吸入性损伤指()A.伤及鼻道B.伤及咽部以上C.伤及细支气管D.伤及气管以上E.伤及喉部以上 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列哪项不属于女性特殊生理现象()A.月经B.痛经C.妊娠D.带下E.哺乳 [单选]超声诊断哪项胰腺疾病最具优势A.慢性胰腺炎B.胰腺囊肿C.胰腺癌D.急性胰腺炎 [单选]期货价格具有对()进行预期的功能。A.现货供求关系B.未来现货价格变动C.现货定价D.现货价格变化 [单选]当室外给水管网的水量能满足室内要求,而水压大部分时间不足时,应采用的送水方式是()。A.直接送水B.设贮水池,水泵给水C.设水箱给水D.竖向分区给水 [单选]心脏复苏后出现严重心动过缓,最好的治疗方法是()A.阿托品B.冰帽C.人工呼吸,胸外心脏按压D.人工心脏起搏E.气管插管 [填空题]分解炉内燃料燃烧方式分为()和(),()方式主要以对流为主 [单选]钩体病黄疸出血型的常见死亡原因为()A.败血症休克B.上消化道出血C.肺出血D.脑膜脑炎E.急性肾功能衰竭
[名词解释]单级水泵 [填空题]()混合制冷剂是由两种或两种以上不同制冷剂按一定比例相互溶解而成的一种融合物。 [单选]创伤后现场、途中及急诊室救护中的一种理想的复苏液体是()A.平衡液B.低分子右旋糖酐C.全血D.生理盐水E.高张盐液 [名词解释]习用品 [单选]手的功能位哪项是不正确的()A.腕关节背伸100~150B.轻度尺偏C.拇指处于对掌位D.掌指关节和指间关节微屈E.其他手指略微分开 [填空题]进入喷水池和冷却塔内工作,应事先得到相关部门负责人和()负责人的()。 [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]29岁女性,7年前和3年前分别足月顺产一女孩和一男孩,1年前有一次宫外孕手术史,经咨询指导选择使用复方长效口服药避孕。关于复方长效口服避孕药,下列各项正确的是()A.复方长效口服避孕药是由炔雌醇和人工合成的长效孕激素组成的B.复方长效口服避孕药通 [名词解释]密级 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于孤独症的治疗,错误的是()A.异常行为的改变和变更B.对孩子行为的宽容和理解C.特别能力的发现、培养和转化D.应用行为分析疗法是高强度的行为疗法E.采用以药物治疗为主、教育和训练为辅的办法 [单选]糖尿病引起眼部改变包括以下各种情况,除了()A.增殖性视网膜病变B.突眼C.白内障发生率增加D.虹膜睫状体炎E.出血性青光眼 [单选]24岁,初产妇,妊娠38+1周,胎头双顶径9.3cm,男型骨盆,预计临产后本例不易发生的项目是().A.第一产程活跃期停滞B.持续性枕后位C.第一产程潜伏期延长D.持续性枕横位E.第二产程延长 [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]29岁女性,7年前和3年前分别足月顺产一女孩和一男孩,1年前有一次宫外孕手术史,经咨询指导选择使用复方长效口服药避孕。服用复方长效口服避孕药的过程中,患者出现一系列不适反应,下列各项症状的出现与服药无关的是()A.头晕、恶心、呕吐B.白带增多C.闭 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]医疗机构从业人员违反本规范的,视情节轻重给予处罚,其中不正确的是()A.批评教育、通报批评、取消当年评优评职资格B.卫生行政部门依法给予警告、暂停执业或吊销执业证书C.纪检监察部门按照党纪政纪案件的调查处理程序办理D.缓聘、解职待聘、解聘E.涉嫌犯 [单选]在合同协议书内应明确注明开工日期、竣工日期和合同工期总日历天数。其中工期总日历天数应为()。A.招标文件要求的天数B.投标书内投标人承诺的天数C.工程实际需要施工的天数D.经政府主管部门认可的天数 [单选]动产质权自()设立。A、通知质权人时B、签订质押合同时C、交付质押财产时D、债务人不履行到期债务时 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]以下不是长骨的是()A.腓骨B.肋骨C.跖骨D.掌骨E.指骨 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]治疗再生障碍性贫血时下列哪项不正确()A.部分患者可做脾切除B.感染时用氯霉素C.输新鲜血D.做骨髓移植E.注射丙酸睾酮 [单选,A2型题]患者女,30岁。1年来乏力,易疲倦,腰部不适,有时下肢水肿,未检查。2个月来加重,伴纳差,血压增高为150/100mmHg,下肢轻度水肿。尿蛋白(+),沉渣WBC5~10个/HP,偶见颗粒管型,血化验HB90g/L,血肌酐400μg/L。最可能的诊断是()A.慢性肾盂肾炎B.慢性肾小球肾 [问答题,案例分析题]某公司2010年拟在某工业园区内新建年产3万t黏胶纤维生产线,该工业区地处丘陵低山地区,属于环境空气功能二类区,企业污水经厂内污水站处理达标进入长江水体,该段长江水体执行地表水Ⅲ类水体功能。黏胶纤维生产主要是以浆粕为原料经过碱化、黄化(加入CS2)生 [问答题,简答题]在电气化区段清除危石、危树时,应有那些部门人员配合? [填空题]内燃机车用电压调节器是以启动发动机的端电压为反馈信号,以稳压管的()电压控制主晶闸管的通断来进行电压调节。 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于黄曲霉毒素的结构和理化特性的描述,错误的是()。A.二呋喃环末端有双键的毒性大B.耐热,一般烹调方法不能破坏C.在紫外光照射下产生荧光D.皆溶于水E.在碱性条件下,其内酯环易破坏 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]旋转阳极启动的定子线圈安装在()A.控制台内B.球管内阳极端C.球管内阴极端D.高压发生器内E.管套中央部 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]疼痛病因中,属于外周性疼痛的是()A.癔症性痛B.幻肢痛C.丘脑痛D.皮肤疼痛E.精神病痛 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]确定肺结核是否为传染源的主要依据是().A.X线检查B.结核菌素实验C.血沉检查D.血结核抗体检查E.痰结核菌检查 [单选]涡轮螺旋桨式发动机的当量轴马力(ESPH)用于度量().A.涡轮进气道温度B.轴马力和喷气推力C.螺旋桨推力 [单选]胶结类型是指胶结物在砂岩中的分布状况以及与碎屑()的接触关系。A、粗粒B、中粒C、细粒D、颗粒 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]以下关于骨髓的描述正确的是()A.全部位于长骨的骨髓腔内B.黄骨髓有造血功能C.胎儿和幼儿无黄骨髓只有红骨髓D.黄骨髓主要成分为水E.红骨髓不会转变为黄骨髓 [填空题]犹豫期一般是()天,但对于银保渠道销售的保险产品犹豫期延长至()天。 [单选]关于无资质承揽工程,下列表述中正确的是()。A.无资质承包主体签订的专业分包合同或劳务分包合同都是无效合同B.当作为无资质的"实际施工人"的利益受到损害时,不能向合同相对人主张权利C.当无资质的"实际施工人"以分包人为被告起诉时,法院不应受理D.无资质的"实际施 [单选]男性患者,52岁,一个月前出现左肩外侧活动时疼痛,半个月来疼痛逐渐加重,范围扩大,放射至上臂外侧,肩关节不能外展及前屈,后伸。体查发现三角肌轻度萎缩,肩部有明显的压痛点,肩关节活动明显受限。最可能的诊断是()A.胸廓上口综合征B.肩周炎C.颈肌筋膜炎D.神经根型颈 [问答题,案例分析题]B企业拟在A市郊区原A市卷烟厂厂址处(现该厂已经关闭)新建屠宰量为120万头猪/年的项目(仅屠宰,无肉类加工),该厂址紧临长江干流,A市现有正在营运的日处理规模为3万t的城市污水处理厂,距离B企业1.5km。污水处理厂尾水最终排入长江干流(长江干流在A市段 [单选]按临床分类,重度吸入性损伤指()A.伤及鼻道B.伤及咽部以上C.伤及细支气管D.伤及气管以上E.伤及喉部以上 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列哪项不属于女性特殊生理现象()A.月经B.痛经C.妊娠D.带下E.哺乳 [单选]超声诊断哪项胰腺疾病最具优势A.慢性胰腺炎B.胰腺囊肿C.胰腺癌D.急性胰腺炎 [单选]期货价格具有对()进行预期的功能。A.现货供求关系B.未来现货价格变动C.现货定价D.现货价格变化 [单选]当室外给水管网的水量能满足室内要求,而水压大部分时间不足时,应采用的送水方式是()。A.直接送水B.设贮水池,水泵给水C.设水箱给水D.竖向分区给水 [单选]心脏复苏后出现严重心动过缓,最好的治疗方法是()A.阿托品B.冰帽C.人工呼吸,胸外心脏按压D.人工心脏起搏E.气管插管 [填空题]分解炉内燃料燃烧方式分为()和(),()方式主要以对流为主 [单选]钩体病黄疸出血型的常见死亡原因为()A.败血症休克B.上消化道出血C.肺出血D.脑膜脑炎E.急性肾功能衰竭
The Winter
The site is important because it tells us about how people lived in the
Visitors are not allowed to go inside the house. Instead, they can walk around the house and look at the park behind the house. There is also a small museum, where visitors can look at pictures of the inside of the house.
Concerned Villager
• When we read, we needn’t know every world we can look at the whole text or the sentence, in which we see a new word, to guess the meaning of the word. Often the text or the sentence can help us understand the words we do not know. Look at this sentence from the text:
6. Old paintings, including a portrait of Peter the Great which was found in the snow outside St Petersburg, have been carefully recreated, and the old palaces have been made as wonderful as in the past.
高一上英语人教版Unit 7 reading课件
![高一上英语人教版Unit 7 reading课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9d96e8f79ec3d5bbfd0a74c1.png)
eg.Hangzhou is a city where/in which there is a beautiful lake.
2.Perhaps this is not always true,but itis…
A city is great if something important once tookplace…
ACityofHero city?
Who are the heroes of the city?
What is the name of the city?
Who are the heroes of the city?
St. Petersburg
Both Peter the Great and the people of St Petersburg
Read paragraph 1 and fill in the form.Built---Peter the Great
eg.The rich are not always happy.富人并不是总是幸福的。
eg.He is not always ready to help others.他并不总是乐于助人。
Not all of the students work hard.并不是所有学生都努力学习。
They are not both teachers.他们两个并不是都是教师。
eg.Hangzhou is a city where/in which there is a beautiful lake.
2.Perhaps this is not always true,but itis…
A city is great if something important once tookplace…
ACityofHero city?
Who are the heroes of the city?
What is the name of the city?
Who are the heroes of the city?
St. Petersburg
Both Peter the Great and the people of St Petersburg
Read paragraph 1 and fill in the form.Built---Peter the Great
eg.The rich are not always happy.富人并不是总是幸福的。
eg.He is not always ready to help others.他并不总是乐于助人。
Not all of the students work hard.并不是所有学生都努力学习。
They are not both teachers.他们两个并不是都是教师。
9. – Mum, I’d like to go to the south to seek my fortune on my own.
-- _____ you are ill or any other trouble?
A. When
B. Whenever
C. What if
D. But how
10. – he is a brave man. --- yes, I wish I ___ his courage.
discourage from doing sth
阻止某人干某事, 劝某人打消干某事 的愿望
His mother wanted to discourage him from marrying his cousin.
4. -- How did you find the film yesterday evening?
C. wasn’t
D. was
16. ____ today, he would get there by Friday.
A. Were he to leave B. If he had left C. Did he to leave D. Had he left
17. But for Mei Dong, we ___ such a happy life now.
C. catching
D. suffered
Suffer 与suffer from 的区别;
suffer 和suffer from 后都可接名词, 表示 这个名词所带来的痛苦,但二者并不相同.
suffer from 之后的名词多表示非常具体 的一种不幸或痛苦, 如 overwork (劳累过 度), floods ,droughts(旱灾), headache 等疾 病 suffer 之后的名词则相对笼统, 如 hardship, injustice, punishment, discouragement, losses 等.
cultural relic pyramid Egypt Stonehenge statue
Talk briefly about some cultural relics, including their locations and importance in history
1. Do you know the Sphinx's fable?
1. Where do you guess does it come from ? 2. What do you think was it used for?
STONEHENGE - Is the most important prehistoric monument in the British Isles and has been the subject of countless theories over the years. You will have a chance to see the famous ancient stones, take photographs and be told something of this extraordinary monument, parts of which date back over 5,000 years. It is still not known whether it was used as a temple or a astronomical calendar.
Mausoleum of the first Qin Emperor
and the Terracotta Warigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area
Why do people think St. Petersburg is a great city?
Many great palaces The center of many important events As beautiful as it once was
On October 1860, the Yuanmingyuan Park was destroyed by the Anglo-French Joint Forces. Now many people hope to rebuild the Park. Do you think it is necessary to rebuild the Park? If yes, please discuss how to rebuild it. If no, please give the reason.
A City of Heroes
Where is St. Petersburg located?
On the Neva River’s bank.
Who built it at first? And when?
Who destroyed it? And when?
Who rebuilt it? And when?
Put back; missing parts replaced
1. What did Peter the Great build in the city? 2. What did the Germans destroy? And how did they destroy? 3. How did the people of St. Petersburg rebuild the city? 4. Why was it so difficult for people to rebuild the old palaces?
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The policeman restored the stolen bike to its owner.
7.We will do everything we can to save our city. We will do everything (that) we can to protect the animals
See /notice sth.done Hear/listen to sth .done The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see ___the next year. A.carry out B carrying out
He lied to his parents. (欺骗) He lay on the ground. (躺)
Where have you laid my dictionary? (摆放) The hen lays one egg a day. (下蛋)
6. restore, rebuild restore书面语,指恢复,修复到原来 的正常样子或状态。指健康,秩序的 恢复。 rebuild 指“ 再建, 改建;加建”, 不一定恢复到原来的样子。
It is thought that…..
This collection of short stories is said ___into at least five foreign languages in the past few years. A to translate
B to be translated C to have translated D to have been translated
___that a new projext will be started in our town.
A it is believed B we are believed
C It believes D we believed
10.Make sb./sth/+do迫使某人干……
Sb./sth be made to do某人被迫使干…… The workers were made to work 12 hours without a break. The boss made the workers work 12 hours . Make oneself done 使自己被…… I am afraid I can’t make myself understood.
7.I advised him not to smoke ,but he _____listen to me. A couldn’t B wouldn’t C shouldn’t D had better not
8.Has ___could be done been done to save the injured? A all C that B what D everything
They wanted to rebuild/ restore the temple. The picture was clearly restored.
The factory was _____ two years ago. He is now completely ____ in health. restore one’s health, confidence, rights restore an oil painting restore… to …= return to
3.The boy ___to me that he had noticed a dog ___at the door . A lied; lying B lay ; lie C lied ;to lie D lay ;lying
4.Teaching is an art ___on a science. A.Basing B based C is based D bases
否定式 She does not seem to be at home./ She seems not to be at home. It seems that /as if 从句
It seems that there will be an election soon. It seems( to me) that he is right. He seems to be right.
He lives where the climate is mild.
Go where he tells you to go. Take him where it is quiet.
He lives in the place where the climate is mild.
Go to the place where he tells you to go .
3. true , real adj.真的
a true/real story, true gold, true 真实的, 真正的, 忠实的;正确的 truth It’s true that he went to Beijing the good, the beautiful, the true real真实的; 真正的, 现实的 reality That is a real dog, not a toy. the real world The story was based on real life.
3. He was lucky in accident, but his ___car is under repair. A. Hurt B damaged C.Destroyed D ruined 4.Dr li was chosen to __our hospital at the meeting. A stand for B represent C take the place of
9.– I usually go there by train? -- Why not __by boat for change? (1992) A. to try going B. trying to go C. to try and go D. try going
10. Paul doesn’t have to be made __. He always works hard. A. learn B. to learn C. learn D. learning
rebuild retell
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
remarry reunite
2.Where there is a river, there is a city. where 引导地点状语从句, = 介词 in/at /to + the place + where 从句, (定语从句),“ 在…地方” Where there is a will, there is a way. Where there is smoke, there is fire.
4 be under attack 遭到攻击 under sth.经受,遭受,在……(状态)中 The road is under repair and is closed to motor traffic. The woman injured in the car crash is still under treatment in hospital. As the matter is under discussion, I can’t give you a definite answer now. with the help of
Welcome to join us
1.Give up __and you’ll feel better A. smoke B.smoking C. to smoke D. smokes
Many people don’t like his acting, ______me. A including B included C includes D is included
5.I don’t know the restaurant , but it’s ___to be a good one. A said C spoken B told D talked
6.The famous scientist grew up ___he was born and in 1930 he came to Shanghai . A where B wherever C when D whenever
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
5. Paintings and statues lay in pieces on the ground. lie-lied-lied-lying 说谎 lie-lay-lain-lying 躺,位于 lay-laid-laid-laying 摆放(某 物),下蛋
Bye bye
10 seem + 形/ 名/ 不定式/分词/ 介词短 语 He seems quite pleased with your work. He seemed to have a high opinion of you. seem to be Yesterday I met a man who seemed (to be) the famous director. I spoke to a tall man who seemed to be the boss. 名词前无修饰语, 不省。
C carried out D to carry out
1.It ___almost every day so far this month. A rains B is raining C rained D has rained