

RT 7 lite 精简列表

RT 7 lite 精简列表
Welcome Center
Windows Contacts
联系人管理器, Windows mail 需要此组件
Windows Fax and Scanner
Windows 传真和扫描是 Windows 7 的一项功能,可将您的电脑转变成传真机,可以发送和接收传真。此功能可以节省用户的金钱以及桌面空间。
Remote Desktop and Assistance
Remote Desktip Connection
下列程序需要此组件: 性能监视器
Aero Cursors
Windows 默认 aero 鼠标主题
Windows 附件,可以进行基本的计算或者科学计算的计算器。此程序属于非必须组件。
Character Map
Clear Type Tuner
Windows Codec Packages
TWMP 的内置解码器,有些很有用,如(WMV,WMA,ASF,MPEG4)。
-Windows Media Player
-Windows SAT(性能指数)


BlurHome.apk自带桌面程序 装了go桌面不喜欢用自带桌面的可以删
UniversalInbox.apk 一个用于将电子邮件、短信、社交信息专门集中在一个单独的程序里展示的软件
最后说说 我精简过很多rom 只有今天精简古大的rom才这么快。刀锋开机画面结束就秒出一点都不需要等待。其他rom虽没有这么快但开机提速也相当明显。感谢古大的完美rom。大家自己感受吧
Switcher.apk Moto输入法 用于统领摩托罗拉自带输入发在英语、笔画、拼音输入间进行切换的功能
Latin.apk Moto英文
LatinIME.apk Android键盘
LocationSensor.apk用于让手机自带的Facebook、Twitter、Foursquare和Google Places调用位置服务国内好像用不起来,删除后要拔电池一次,要删的话留在最后吧


53.GoogleFeedback.apk 谷歌信息反馈(GOOGLE服务,可删)
55.GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk 谷歌搜索框(删除以后就没有google搜索小插件,可删)
25.CSPeopleSyncService.apk HTC提供的同步服务(不用GOOGLE服务的可删)
26.CustomizationSettingsProvider.apk 自定义设置服务
27.CustomizationSetup.apk 自定义安装程序
44.Flashlight.apk HTC手电筒(不用手电筒的可删)
45.FlashLitePlugin.apk flash相关(不用在线看视频的可删)
46.Flickr.apk Flickr客户端(在线相片,可删)
56.GoogleServicesFramework.apk 谷歌同步支持服务(删除以后每次开机都要提示是否同步天气提示,自带天气最好别删)
57.GSD.apk 函数测试程序
58.HTC_IME.apk 内置输入法(如果没有第三方输入法代替最好别删)
34.DictEntryVtewsaga.apk 英语词典软件(可删)
35.DownloadProvider.apk 下载服务(自带电子市场、浏览器用的)
36.DrmProvider.apk DRM数字版权管理
28.DCSImpl.apk 集散控制系统服务
29.DCSStock.apk 股票后台传输程序(可删)
30.DCSUtility.apk 集散控制系统公共程序组件
47.FriendStream.apk FriendStream客户端(可删)



我自己的I8160 DXLI1精简的列表,只有43个系统程序。

AlertRecipients(AlertRecipients.apk):发出短信后,收件人收到短信后,我们得到的回执服务,无图标,无组件,删除后未见有影响Android 系统(framework-res.apk):安卓系统,不可删除Android实景墙纸(LiveWallpapers.apk): 保留动态壁纸,删除了就没动态壁纸了服务,无程序,无组件。

不用可以删除,无其它影响BadgeProveder(BadgeProveder.apk): 删除后短信等崩溃保留Bluetooth PBAP(BluetoothPbap.apk): 蓝牙不用的可删除BluetoothAvrcp(BluetoothAvrcp.apk):蓝牙远程音视频服务,不用的可删,删后会出现FC,重启下手机就好了BluetoothTest(BluetoothTestMode.apk):蓝牙测试模式,可删BrcmBluetoothServices(BrcmBluetoothService.apk): 蓝牙服务同上ChocoEUKor(ChocoEUKor.apk):某种英文特殊字型可以删除,不用英文的可删除com..samsung.InputEventAPP(InputEventApp.apk): 事件查看器可删除,推荐保留,我删除后未见影响com.sec.android.app.lcdtest(lcttest.apk):显示器测试,可删除com.sec.android.app.screencapture(screencaptureServices):系统自带截屏,删除后无法用HOME+电源键截屏,但可以由三方软件截图com.sec.android.providers.downloads(SecDownloadProvider.apk): 电子市场下载管理不用电子市场,可删除, 保留下载存储器,使用系统自带浏览器的不要删除服务,无图标,无组件CoolEUKor(CoolEUKor.apk):英文字体,不用可删除CrashNotifier(Phone CrashNotifier.apk):不可删除CSC(CSC.apk):删除后无法通过KIES升级固件,我是已经删了DataCreate(DataCreate.apk):开机“S闪” 可删除,网上说删除后系统直接进桌面,我删除后开机依然有S闪,已测开机画面无变化,29秒开机。



Appendix J.PowerPC Instruction Set Sorted by OpcodeThis appendix lists all the instructions in the PowerPC Architecture,in order by opcode.A page number is shown for instructions that are defined in this Book (Book I,PowerPC User Instruction Set Architecture), and the Book number is shown for instructions that are defined in other Books(Book II,PowerPC Virtual Envi-ronment Architecture,and Book III,PowerPC Oper-ating Environment Architecture).If an instruction is defined in more than one of these Books,the lowest-numbered Book is used.FormOpcode ModeDep.1Page/BkMnemonic Instruction Primary ExtendD260tdi Trap Doubleword ImmediateD360twi Trap Word ImmediateD754mulli Multiply Low ImmediateD8SR51subfic Subtract From Immediate CarryingD1059cmpli Compare Logical ImmediateD1158cmpi Compare ImmediateD12SR50addic Add Immediate CarryingD13SR50addic.Add Immediate Carrying and RecordD1449addi Add ImmediateD1549addis Add Immediate ShiftedB16CT23bc[l][a]Branch ConditionalSC1725sc System CallI1823b[l][a]BranchXL19028mcrf Move Condition Register FieldXL1916CT24bclr[l]Branch Conditional to Link RegisterXL1918III rfid Return from Interrupt DoublewordXL193327crnor Condition Register NORXL1912927crandc Condition Register AND with ComplementXL19150II isync Instruction SynchronizeXL1919326crxor Condition Register XORXL1922526crnand Condition Register NANDXL1925726crand Condition Register ANDXL1928927creqv Condition Register EquivalentXL1941727crorc Condition Register OR with ComplementXL1944926cror Condition Register ORXL19528CT24bcctr[l]Branch Conditional to Count RegisterM20SR73rlwimi[.]Rotate Left Word Immediate then Mask InsertM21SR70rlwinm[.]Rotate Left Word Immediate then AND with MaskM23SR72rlwnm[.]Rotate Left Word then AND with MaskD2463ori OR ImmediateD2563oris OR Immediate ShiftedD2663xori XOR ImmediateD2763xoris XOR Immediate ShiftedD28SR62andi.AND ImmediateD29SR62andis.AND Immediate ShiftedMD300SR69rldicl[.]Rotate Left Doubleword Immediate then Clear LeftMD301SR69rldicr[.]Rotate Left Doubleword Immediate then Clear RightMD302SR70rldic[.]Rotate Left Doubleword Immediate then ClearMD303SR73rldimi[.]Rotate Left Doubleword Immediate then Mask InsertMDS308SR71rldcl[.]Rotate Left Doubleword then Clear LeftMDS309SR72rldcr[.]Rotate Left Doubleword then Clear RightAppendix J.PowerPC Instruction Set Sorted by Opcode193Dep.BkPrimary ExtendX31058cmp CompareX31461tw Trap WordXO318SR51subfc[o][.]Subtract From CarryingXO319SR55mulhdu[.]Multiply High Doubleword UnsignedXO3110SR51addc[o][.]Add CarryingXO3111SR55mulhwu[.]Multiply High Word UnsignedXFX311980mfcr Move From Condition RegisterXFX3119118mfocrf Move From One Condition Register FieldX3120II lwarx Load Word And Reserve IndexedX312137ldx Load Doubleword IndexedX312335lwzx Load Word and Zero IndexedX3124SR74slw[.]Shift Left WordX3126SR67cntlzw[.]Count Leading Zeros WordX3127SR74sld[.]Shift Left DoublewordX3128SR64and[.]ANDX313259cmpl Compare LogicalXO3140SR50subf[o][.]Subtract FromX315337ldux Load Doubleword with Update IndexedX3154II dcbst Data Cache Block StoreX315535lwzux Load Word and Zero with Update IndexedX3158SR67cntlzd[.]Count Leading Zeros DoublewordX3160SR65andc[.]AND with ComplementX316861td Trap DoublewordXO3173SR55mulhd[.]Multiply High DoublewordXO3175SR55mulhw[.]Multiply High WordX3183III mfmsr Move From Machine State RegisterX3184II ldarx Load Doubleword And Reserve IndexedX3186II dcbf Data Cache Block FlushX318732lbzx Load Byte and Zero IndexedXO31104SR53neg[o][.]NegateX3111932lbzux Load Byte and Zero with Update IndexedX31124SR65nor[.]NORXO31136SR52subfe[o][.]Subtract From ExtendedXO31138SR52adde[o][.]Add ExtendedXFX3114480mtcrf Move To Condition Register FieldsXFX31144118mtocrf Move To One Condition Register FieldX31146III mtmsr Move To Machine State RegisterX3114941stdx Store Doubleword IndexedX31150II stwcx.Store Word Conditional IndexedX3115140stwx Store Word IndexedX31178III mtmsrd Move To Machine State Register Doubleword X3118141stdux Store Doubleword with Update IndexedX3118340stwux Store Word with Update IndexedXO31200SR53subfze[o][.]Subtract From Zero ExtendedXO31202SR53addze[o][.]Add to Zero ExtendedX3121032III mtsr Move To Segment RegisterX31214II stdcx.Store Doubleword Conditional IndexedX3121538stbx Store Byte IndexedXO31232SR52subfme[o][.]Subtract From Minus One ExtendedXO31233SR54mulld[o][.]Multiply Low DoublewordXO31234SR52addme[o][.]Add to Minus One ExtendedXO31235SR54mullw[o][.]Multiply Low WordX3124232III mtsrin Move To Segment Register IndirectX31246II dcbtst Data Cache Block Touch for StoreX3124738stbux Store Byte with Update IndexedXO31266SR50add[o][.]AddX31278II dcbt Data Cache Block TouchX3127933lhzx Load Halfword and Zero Indexed194PowerPC User Instruction Set ArchitectureDep.BkPrimary ExtendX31284SR65eqv[.]EquivalentX3130664III tlbie TLB Invalidate EntryX31310II eciwx External Control In Word IndexedX3131133lhzux Load Halfword and Zero with Update IndexedX31316SR64xor[.]XORXFX3133979mfspr Move From Special Purpose RegisterX3134136lwax Load Word Algebraic IndexedX3134334lhax Load Halfword Algebraic IndexedX31370III tlbia TLB Invalidate AllXFX31371II mftb Move From Time BaseX3137336lwaux Load Word Algebraic with Update IndexedX3137534lhaux Load Halfword Algebraic with Update IndexedX31402III slbmte SLB Move To EntryX3140739sthx Store Halfword IndexedX31412SR65orc[.]OR with ComplementXS31413SR76sradi[.]Shift Right Algebraic Doubleword ImmediateX31434III slbie SLB Invalidate EntryX31438II ecowx External Control Out Word IndexedX3143939sthux Store Halfword with Update IndexedX31444SR64or[.]ORXO31457SR57divdu[o][.]Divide Doubleword UnsignedXO31459SR57divwu[o][.]Divide Word UnsignedXFX3146778mtspr Move To Special Purpose RegisterX31476SR64nand[.]NANDXO31489SR56divd[o][.]Divide DoublewordXO31491SR56divw[o][.]Divide WordX31498III slbia SLB Invalidate AllX31512131mcrxr Move to Condition Register from XERX3153346lswx Load String Word IndexedX3153442lwbrx Load Word Byte-Reverse IndexedX3153598lfsx Load Floating-Point Single IndexedX31536SR75srw[.]Shift Right WordX31539SR75srd[.]Shift Right DoublewordX31566III tlbsync TLB SynchronizeX3156798lfsux Load Floating-Point Single with Update IndexedX3159532III mfsr Move From Segment RegisterX3159746lswi Load String Word ImmediateX31598II sync SynchronizeX3159999lfdx Load Floating-Point Double IndexedX3163199lfdux Load Floating-Point Double with Update IndexedX3165932III mfsrin Move From Segment Register IndirectX3166147stswx Store String Word IndexedX3166243stwbrx Store Word Byte-Reverse IndexedX31663101stfsx Store Floating-Point Single IndexedX31695101stfsux Store Floating-Point Single with Update IndexedX3172547stswi Store String Word ImmediateX31727102stfdx Store Floating-Point Double IndexedX31759102stfdux Store Floating-Point Double with Update IndexedX3179042lhbrx Load Halfword Byte-Reverse IndexedX31792SR77sraw[.]Shift Right Algebraic WordX31794SR77srad[.]Shift Right Algebraic DoublewordX31824SR76srawi[.]Shift Right Algebraic Word ImmediateX31851III slbmfev SLB Move From Entry VSIDX31854II eieio Enforce In-order Execution of I/OX31915III slbmfee SLB Move From Entry ESIDX3191843sthbrx Store Halfword Byte-Reverse IndexedX31922SR66extsh[.]Extend Sign HalfwordX31954SR66extsb[.]Extend Sign ByteAppendix J.PowerPC Instruction Set Sorted by Opcode195Dep.BkPrimary ExtendX31982II icbi Instruction Cache Block InvalidateX31983103stfiwx Store Floating-Point as Integer Word IndexedX31986SR66extsw[.]Extend Sign WordX311014II dcbz Data Cache Block set to ZeroD3235lwz Load Word and ZeroD3335lwzu Load Word and Zero with UpdateD3432lbz Load Byte and ZeroD3532lbzu Load Byte and Zero with UpdateD3640stw Store WordD3740stwu Store Word with UpdateD3838stb Store ByteD3938stbu Store Byte with UpdateD4033lhz Load Halfword and ZeroD4133lhzu Load Halfword and Zero with UpdateD4234lha Load Halfword AlgebraicD4334lhau Load Halfword Algebraic with UpdateD4439sth Store HalfwordD4539sthu Store Halfword with UpdateD4644lmw Load Multiple WordD4744stmw Store Multiple WordD4898lfs Load Floating-Point SingleD4998lfsu Load Floating-Point Single with UpdateD5099lfd Load Floating-Point DoubleD5199lfdu Load Floating-Point Double with UpdateD52101stfs Store Floating-Point SingleD53101stfsu Store Floating-Point Single with UpdateD54102stfd Store Floating-Point DoubleD55102stfdu Store Floating-Point Double with UpdateDS58037ld Load DoublewordDS58137ldu Load Doubleword with UpdateDS58236lwa Load Word AlgebraicA5918106fdivs[.]Floating Divide SingleA5920105fsubs[.]Floating Subtract SingleA5921105fadds[.]Floating Add SingleA5922120fsqrts[.]Floating Square Root SingleA5924120fres[.]Floating Reciprocal Estimate SingleA5925106fmuls[.]Floating Multiply SingleA5928107fmsubs[.]Floating Multiply-Subtract SingleA5929107fmadds[.]Floating Multiply-Add SingleA5930108fnmsubs[.]Floating Negative Multiply-Subtract SingleA5931108fnmadds[.]Floating Negative Multiply-Add SingleDS62041std Store DoublewordDS62141stdu Store Doubleword with UpdateX630113fcmpu Floating Compare UnorderedX6312109frsp[.]Floating Round to Single-PrecisionX6314111fctiw[.]Floating Convert To Integer WordX6315111fctiwz[.]Floating Convert To Integer Word with round toward Zero A6318106fdiv[.]Floating DivideA6320105fsub[.]Floating SubtractA6321105fadd[.]Floating AddA6322120fsqrt[.]Floating Square RootA6323121fsel[.]Floating SelectA6325106fmul[.]Floating MultiplyA6326121frsqrte[.]Floating Reciprocal Square Root EstimateA6328107fmsub[.]Floating Multiply-SubtractA6329107fmadd[.]Floating Multiply-AddA6330108fnmsub[.]Floating Negative Multiply-SubtractA6331108fnmadd[.]Floating Negative Multiply-Add196PowerPC User Instruction Set ArchitectureDep.BkPrimary ExtendX6332113fcmpo Floating Compare OrderedX6338116mtfsb1[.]Move To FPSCR Bit1X6340104fneg[.]Floating NegateX6364114mcrfs Move to Condition Register from FPSCRX6370116mtfsb0[.]Move To FPSCR Bit0X6372104fmr[.]Floating Move RegisterX63134115mtfsfi[.]Move To FPSCR Field ImmediateX63136104fnabs[.]Floating Negative Absolute ValueX63264104fabs[.]Floating Absolute ValueX63583114mffs[.]Move From FPSCRXFL63711115mtfsf[.]Move To FPSCR FieldsX63814110fctid[.]Floating Convert To Integer DoublewordX63815110fctidz[.]Floating Convert To Integer Doubleword with round towardZeroX63846112fcfid[.]Floating Convert From Integer Doubleword1See key to mode dependency column,on page203.Appendix J.PowerPC Instruction Set Sorted by Opcode197198PowerPC User Instruction Set ArchitectureAppendix K.PowerPC Instruction Set Sorted by MnemonicThis appendix lists all the instructions in the PowerPC Architecture,in order by mnemonic.A page number is shown for instructions that are defined in this Book (Book I,PowerPC User Instruction Set Architecture), and the Book number is shown for instructions that are defined in other Books(Book II,PowerPC Virtual Environment Architecture,and Book III,PowerPC Operating Environment Architecture).If an instruction is defined in more than one of these Books,the lowest-numbered Book is used.FormOpcode ModeDep.1Page/BkMnemonic Instruction Primary ExtendXO31266SR50add[o][.]AddXO3110SR51addc[o][.]Add CarryingXO31138SR52adde[o][.]Add ExtendedD1449addi Add ImmediateD12SR50addic Add Immediate CarryingD13SR50addic.Add Immediate Carrying and RecordD1549addis Add Immediate ShiftedXO31234SR52addme[o][.]Add to Minus One ExtendedXO31202SR53addze[o][.]Add to Zero ExtendedX3128SR64and[.]ANDX3160SR65andc[.]AND with ComplementD28SR62andi.AND ImmediateD29SR62andis.AND Immediate ShiftedI1823b[l][a]BranchB16CT23bc[l][a]Branch ConditionalXL19528CT24bcctr[l]Branch Conditional to Count RegisterXL1916CT24bclr[l]Branch Conditional to Link RegisterX31058cmp CompareD1158cmpi Compare ImmediateX313259cmpl Compare LogicalD1059cmpli Compare Logical ImmediateX3158SR67cntlzd[.]Count Leading Zeros DoublewordX3126SR67cntlzw[.]Count Leading Zeros WordXL1925726crand Condition Register ANDXL1912927crandc Condition Register AND with ComplementXL1928927creqv Condition Register EquivalentXL1922526crnand Condition Register NANDXL193327crnor Condition Register NORXL1944926cror Condition Register ORXL1941727crorc Condition Register OR with ComplementXL1919326crxor Condition Register XORX3186II dcbf Data Cache Block FlushX3154II dcbst Data Cache Block StoreX31278II dcbt Data Cache Block TouchX31246II dcbtst Data Cache Block Touch for StoreX311014II dcbz Data Cache Block set to ZeroXO31489SR56divd[o][.]Divide DoublewordXO31457SR57divdu[o][.]Divide Doubleword UnsignedXO31491SR56divw[o][.]Divide WordXO31459SR57divwu[o][.]Divide Word UnsignedX31310II eciwx External Control In Word IndexedAppendix K.PowerPC Instruction Set Sorted by Mnemonic199Dep.BkPrimary ExtendX31438II ecowx External Control Out Word IndexedX31854II eieio Enforce In-order Execution of I/OX31284SR65eqv[.]EquivalentX31954SR66extsb[.]Extend Sign ByteX31922SR66extsh[.]Extend Sign HalfwordX31986SR66extsw[.]Extend Sign WordX63264104fabs[.]Floating Absolute ValueA6321105fadd[.]Floating AddA5921105fadds[.]Floating Add SingleX63846112fcfid[.]Floating Convert From Integer DoublewordX6332113fcmpo Floating Compare OrderedX630113fcmpu Floating Compare UnorderedX63814110fctid[.]Floating Convert To Integer DoublewordX63815110fctidz[.]Floating Convert To Integer Doubleword with roundtoward ZeroX6314111fctiw[.]Floating Convert To Integer WordX6315111fctiwz[.]Floating Convert To Integer Word with round toward Zero A6318106fdiv[.]Floating DivideA5918106fdivs[.]Floating Divide SingleA6329107fmadd[.]Floating Multiply-AddA5929107fmadds[.]Floating Multiply-Add SingleX6372104fmr[.]Floating Move RegisterA6328107fmsub[.]Floating Multiply-SubtractA5928107fmsubs[.]Floating Multiply-Subtract SingleA6325106fmul[.]Floating MultiplyA5925106fmuls[.]Floating Multiply SingleX63136104fnabs[.]Floating Negative Absolute ValueX6340104fneg[.]Floating NegateA6331108fnmadd[.]Floating Negative Multiply-AddA5931108fnmadds[.]Floating Negative Multiply-Add SingleA6330108fnmsub[.]Floating Negative Multiply-SubtractA5930108fnmsubs[.]Floating Negative Multiply-Subtract SingleA5924120fres[.]Floating Reciprocal Estimate SingleX6312109frsp[.]Floating Round to Single-PrecisionA6326121frsqrte[.]Floating Reciprocal Square Root EstimateA6323121fsel[.]Floating SelectA6322120fsqrt[.]Floating Square RootA5922120fsqrts[.]Floating Square Root SingleA6320105fsub[.]Floating SubtractA5920105fsubs[.]Floating Subtract SingleX31982II icbi Instruction Cache Block InvalidateXL19150II isync Instruction SynchronizeD3432lbz Load Byte and ZeroD3532lbzu Load Byte and Zero with UpdateX3111932lbzux Load Byte and Zero with Update IndexedX318732lbzx Load Byte and Zero IndexedDS58037ld Load DoublewordX3184II ldarx Load Doubleword And Reserve IndexedDS58137ldu Load Doubleword with UpdateX315337ldux Load Doubleword with Update IndexedX312137ldx Load Doubleword IndexedD5099lfd Load Floating-Point DoubleD5199lfdu Load Floating-Point Double with UpdateX3163199lfdux Load Floating-Point Double with Update IndexedX3159999lfdx Load Floating-Point Double IndexedD4898lfs Load Floating-Point SingleD4998lfsu Load Floating-Point Single with UpdateX3156798lfsux Load Floating-Point Single with Update Indexed200PowerPC User Instruction Set ArchitectureDep.BkPrimary ExtendX3153598lfsx Load Floating-Point Single IndexedD4234lha Load Halfword AlgebraicD4334lhau Load Halfword Algebraic with UpdateX3137534lhaux Load Halfword Algebraic with Update IndexedX3134334lhax Load Halfword Algebraic IndexedX3179042lhbrx Load Halfword Byte-Reverse IndexedD4033lhz Load Halfword and ZeroD4133lhzu Load Halfword and Zero with UpdateX3131133lhzux Load Halfword and Zero with Update IndexedX3127933lhzx Load Halfword and Zero IndexedD4644lmw Load Multiple WordX3159746lswi Load String Word ImmediateX3153346lswx Load String Word IndexedDS58236lwa Load Word AlgebraicX3120II lwarx Load Word And Reserve IndexedX3137336lwaux Load Word Algebraic with Update IndexedX3134136lwax Load Word Algebraic IndexedX3153442lwbrx Load Word Byte-Reverse IndexedD3235lwz Load Word and ZeroD3335lwzu Load Word and Zero with UpdateX315535lwzux Load Word and Zero with Update IndexedX312335lwzx Load Word and Zero IndexedXL19028mcrf Move Condition Register FieldX6364114mcrfs Move to Condition Register from FPSCRX31512131mcrxr Move to Condition Register from XERXFX311980mfcr Move From Condition RegisterXFX3119118mfocrf Move From One Condition Register FieldX63583114mffs[.]Move From FPSCRX3183III mfmsr Move From Machine State RegisterXFX3133979mfspr Move From Special Purpose RegisterX3159532III mfsr Move From Segment RegisterX3165932III mfsrin Move From Segment Register IndirectXFX31371II mftb Move From Time BaseXFX3114480mtcrf Move To Condition Register FieldsXFX31144118mtocrf Move To One Condition Register FieldX6370116mtfsb0[.]Move To FPSCR Bit0X6338116mtfsb1[.]Move To FPSCR Bit1XFL63711115mtfsf[.]Move To FPSCR FieldsX63134115mtfsfi[.]Move To FPSCR Field ImmediateX31146III mtmsr Move To Machine State RegisterX31178III mtmsrd Move To Machine State Register DoublewordXFX3146778mtspr Move To Special Purpose RegisterX3121032III mtsr Move To Segment RegisterX3124232III mtsrin Move To Segment Register IndirectXO3173SR55mulhd[.]Multiply High DoublewordXO319SR55mulhdu[.]Multiply High Doubleword UnsignedXO3175SR55mulhw[.]Multiply High WordXO3111SR55mulhwu[.]Multiply High Word UnsignedXO31233SR54mulld[o][.]Multiply Low DoublewordD754mulli Multiply Low ImmediateXO31235SR54mullw[o][.]Multiply Low WordX31476SR64nand[.]NANDXO31104SR53neg[o][.]NegateX31124SR65nor[.]NORX31444SR64or[.]ORX31412SR65orc[.]OR with ComplementD2463ori OR ImmediateD2563oris OR Immediate ShiftedAppendix K.PowerPC Instruction Set Sorted by Mnemonic201Dep.BkPrimary ExtendXL1918III rfid Return from Interrupt DoublewordMDS308SR71rldcl[.]Rotate Left Doubleword then Clear LeftMDS309SR72rldcr[.]Rotate Left Doubleword then Clear RightMD302SR70rldic[.]Rotate Left Doubleword Immediate then ClearMD300SR69rldicl[.]Rotate Left Doubleword Immediate then Clear Left MD301SR69rldicr[.]Rotate Left Doubleword Immediate then Clear Right MD303SR73rldimi[.]Rotate Left Doubleword Immediate then Mask Insert M20SR73rlwimi[.]Rotate Left Word Immediate then Mask InsertM21SR70rlwinm[.]Rotate Left Word Immediate then AND with MaskM23SR72rlwnm[.]Rotate Left Word then AND with MaskSC1725sc System CallX31498III slbia SLB Invalidate AllX31434III slbie SLB Invalidate EntryX31915III slbmfee SLB Move From Entry ESIDX31851III slbmfev SLB Move From Entry VSIDX31402III slbmte SLB Move To EntryX3127SR74sld[.]Shift Left DoublewordX3124SR74slw[.]Shift Left WordX31794SR77srad[.]Shift Right Algebraic DoublewordXS31413SR76sradi[.]Shift Right Algebraic Doubleword ImmediateX31792SR77sraw[.]Shift Right Algebraic WordX31824SR76srawi[.]Shift Right Algebraic Word ImmediateX31539SR75srd[.]Shift Right DoublewordX31536SR75srw[.]Shift Right WordD3838stb Store ByteD3938stbu Store Byte with UpdateX3124738stbux Store Byte with Update IndexedX3121538stbx Store Byte IndexedDS62041std Store DoublewordX31214II stdcx.Store Doubleword Conditional IndexedDS62141stdu Store Doubleword with UpdateX3118141stdux Store Doubleword with Update IndexedX3114941stdx Store Doubleword IndexedD54102stfd Store Floating-Point DoubleD55102stfdu Store Floating-Point Double with UpdateX31759102stfdux Store Floating-Point Double with Update IndexedX31727102stfdx Store Floating-Point Double IndexedX31983103stfiwx Store Floating-Point as Integer Word IndexedD52101stfs Store Floating-Point SingleD53101stfsu Store Floating-Point Single with UpdateX31695101stfsux Store Floating-Point Single with Update IndexedX31663101stfsx Store Floating-Point Single IndexedD4439sth Store HalfwordX3191843sthbrx Store Halfword Byte-Reverse IndexedD4539sthu Store Halfword with UpdateX3143939sthux Store Halfword with Update IndexedX3140739sthx Store Halfword IndexedD4744stmw Store Multiple WordX3172547stswi Store String Word ImmediateX3166147stswx Store String Word IndexedD3640stw Store WordX3166243stwbrx Store Word Byte-Reverse IndexedX31150II stwcx.Store Word Conditional IndexedD3740stwu Store Word with UpdateX3118340stwux Store Word with Update IndexedX3115140stwx Store Word IndexedXO3140SR50subf[o][.]Subtract FromXO318SR51subfc[o][.]Subtract From Carrying202PowerPC User Instruction Set ArchitectureVersion2.01FormOpcode ModeDep.1Page/BkMnemonic Instruction Primary ExtendXO31136SR52subfe[o][.]Subtract From ExtendedD8SR51subfic Subtract From Immediate Carrying XO31232SR52subfme[o][.]Subtract From Minus One Extended XO31200SR53subfze[o][.]Subtract From Zero ExtendedX31598II sync SynchronizeX316861td Trap DoublewordD260tdi Trap Doubleword ImmediateX31370III tlbia TLB Invalidate AllX3130664III tlbie TLB Invalidate EntryX31566III tlbsync TLB SynchronizeX31461tw Trap WordD360twi Trap Word ImmediateX31316SR64xor[.]XORD2663xori XOR ImmediateD2763xoris XOR Immediate Shifted1Key to Mode Dependency ColumnExcept as described below and in Section 1.12.2,“Effective Address Calculation”on page14,allinstructions are independent of whether the processoris in32-bit or64-bit mode.CT If the instruction tests the Count Register,it tests the low-order32bits in32-bit mode andall64bits in64-bit mode.SR The setting of status registers(such as XER and CR0)is mode-dependent.32The instruction must be executed only in 32-bit mode.64The instruction must be executed only in 64-bit mode.Appendix K.PowerPC Instruction Set Sorted by Mnemonic203Version2.01 204PowerPC User Instruction Set Architecture。




















详细报表34988--------[ 概览 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------电脑型号戴尔 Latitude E5420 笔记本电脑操作系统 Windows 7 旗舰版 32位 ( DirectX 11 )处理器英特尔********************双核主板戴尔 00WNFC (英特尔 HM65 芯片组)内存 4 GB ( 三星 DDR3 1333MHz )主硬盘西数 WDC WD3200BEKT-75PVMT0 ( 320 GB / 7200 转/分 )显卡英特尔 HD Graphics Family ( 1428 MB / 戴尔 )显示器三星 SEC5441 ( 13.6 英寸 )光驱飞利浦-建兴 DVD+-RW DS-8A5SH DVD刻录机声卡 High Definition Audio 设备 @ 英特尔 6 Series Chipset 高保真音频网卡博通 BCM5761 NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet / 戴尔--------[ 主板 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------主板型号戴尔 00WNFC芯片组英特尔 HM65 芯片组序列号 /2D0MMQ1/CN7590019N003X/板载设备 "Intel HD Graphics" / 视频设备 (启用) 板载设备 NETWORK_NAME_STRING / 网卡 (禁用)BIOS 戴尔 Inc. A02制造日期 07/10/2011--------[ 处理器 ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------处理器英特尔********************双核速度 2.10 GHz (100 MHz x 21.0)处理器数量核心数: 2 / 线程数: 4核心代号 Sandy Bridge NB生产工艺 32 纳米插槽/插座 Socket G2 (PGA 988 / BGA 1023)一级数据缓存 2 x 32 KB, 8-Way, 64 byte lines一级代码缓存 2 x 32 KB, 8-Way, 64 byte lines二级缓存 2 x 256 KB, 8-Way, 64 byte lines三级缓存 3 MB, 12-Way, 64 byte lines特征 MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HTT, EM64T, EIST--------[ 硬盘 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------产品西数 WDC WD3200BEKT-75PVMT0 (黑盘)大小 320 GB转速 7200 转/分缓存 16 MB硬盘已使用共 81 次,累计 32 小时固件 01.01A01接口 SATA II数据传输率 300 MB/秒特征 S.M.A.R.T, APM, 48-bit LBA, NCQ--------[ 内存 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------DIMM 0: 三星 DDR3 1333MHz 2GB制造日期 2011 年 08 月型号 CE M471B5773DH0-CH9序列号: 62482D00模块位宽: 64 Bits模块电压: SSTL 1.5VDIMM 2: 三星 DDR3 1333MHz 2GB制造日期 2011 年 08 月型号 CE M471B5773DH0-CH9序列号: 5D482D00模块位宽: 64 Bits模块电压: SSTL 1.5V--------[ 显卡 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------主显卡英特尔 HD Graphics Family显存 1428 MB制造商戴尔BIOS版本 Intel Video BIOS驱动版本驱动日期 8-31-2011--------[ 显示器 ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------产品三星 SEC5441制造日期 2010 年屏幕尺寸 13.6 英寸 (30 厘米 x 17 厘米)显示比例宽屏 16 : 9分辨率 1366 x 768 32 位真彩色最大分辨率 1366 x 768Gamma 2.20--------[ 光驱 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------产品飞利浦-建兴 DVD+-RW DS-8A5SH DVD刻录机缓存/固件: 1536 KB / XD14--------[ 声卡 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------声卡 High Definition Audio 设备 @ 英特尔 6 Series Chipset 高保真音频--------[ 网卡 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------网卡博通 BCM5761 NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet 制造商戴尔无线网卡英特尔 Wireless WiFi Link 6000 Series--------[ 电池 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------产品三洋 DELL 2VYF518 - 2631 锂电池电池损耗 6.21%完全充电容量 58297 mWh出厂设计容量 62160 mWhID 2631SanyoDELL 2VYF518--------[ PCI设备 ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------设备 2nd Generation Core Processor DRAM Controller设备ID 0104h制造商 Intel制造商ID 8086h类别 Bridge / PCI to HOST子系统制造商 Dell子系统ID 049B1028h设备 HD Graphics Family设备ID 0116h制造商 Intel制造商ID 8086h类别 Display / VGA子系统制造商 Dell子系统ID 049B1028h设备 6 Series/C200 Series Management Engine Interface设备ID 1C3Ah制造商 Intel制造商ID 8086h类别 Simple Communication / Other子系统制造商 Dell子系统ID 049B1028h设备 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset USB Enhanced Host Controller设备ID 1C2Dh制造商 Intel制造商ID 8086h类别 Serial / USB 2.0 (EHCI)子系统制造商 Dell子系统ID 049B1028h设备 6 Series Chipset HD Audio Controller设备ID 1C20h制造商 Intel制造商ID 8086h类别 Multimedia / Hi-definition Audio子系统制造商 Dell子系统ID 049B1028h设备 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset PCI Express Root Port 1设备ID 1C10h制造商 Intel制造商ID 8086h类别 Bridge / PCI to PCI设备 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset PCI Express Root Port 2设备ID 1C12h制造商 Intel制造商ID 8086h类别 Bridge / PCI to PCI设备 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset PCI Express Root Port 3设备ID 1C14h制造商 Intel制造商ID 8086h类别 Bridge / PCI to PCI设备 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset PCI Express Root Port 6设备ID 1C1Ah制造商 Intel制造商ID 8086h类别 Bridge / PCI to PCI设备 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset PCI Express Root Port 7设备ID 1C1Ch制造商 Intel制造商ID 8086h类别 Bridge / PCI to PCI设备 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset USB Enhanced Host Controller设备ID 1C26h制造商 Intel制造商ID 8086h类别 Serial / USB 2.0 (EHCI)子系统制造商 Dell子系统ID 049B1028h设备 HM65 Express Chipset LPC Interface Controller设备ID 1C49h制造商 Intel制造商ID 8086h类别 Bridge / PCI to ISA子系统制造商 Dell子系统ID 049B1028h设备 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset 4 port Serial ATA Storage Controller设备ID 1C01h制造商 Intel制造商ID 8086h类别 Storage / IDE (ATA)子系统制造商 Dell子系统ID 049B1028h设备 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset SMBus Controller设备ID 1C22h制造商 Intel制造商ID 8086h类别 Serial / SMBus Controller子系统制造商 Dell子系统ID 049B1028h设备 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset 2 port Serial ATA Storage Controller设备ID 1C09h制造商 Intel制造商ID 8086h类别 Storage / IDE (ATA)子系统制造商 Dell子系统ID 049B1028h设备 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Thermal Control设备ID 1C24h制造商 Intel制造商ID 8086h类别 Data Aquisition & Signal Processing / Other子系统制造商 Dell子系统ID 049B1028h设备 Wireless WiFi Link 6000 Series设备ID 0082h制造商 Intel制造商ID 8086h类别 Network / Other子系统制造商 Intel子系统ID 13218086h设备未知(13F7h)设备ID 13F7h制造商 O2 Micro制造商ID 1217h类别 Serial / OHCI FireWire子系统制造商 Dell子系统ID 049B1028h设备未知(8321h)设备ID 8321h制造商 O2 Micro制造商ID 1217h类别 System / SD Host Controller (With DMA) 子系统制造商 Dell子系统ID 049B1028h设备未知(8331h)设备ID 8331h制造商 O2 Micro制造商ID 1217h类别 Storage / Other子系统制造商 Dell子系统ID 049B1028h设备 BCM5761 NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet设备ID 1681h制造商 Broadcom制造商ID 14E4h类别 Network / Ethernet子系统制造商 Dell子系统ID 049B1028h--------[ USB设备 ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------描述 Intel Integrated Rate Matching Hub制造商ID 8087产品ID 0024类别 9 / 0 / 1设备版本 USB 2.0描述 Intel Integrated Rate Matching Hub制造商ID 8087产品ID 0024类别 9 / 0 / 1设备版本 USB 2.0--------[ 其他 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------键盘 PS/2 标准键盘鼠标 Synaptics PS/2 Port Compatible 触摸板--------[ 传感器 ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------CPU温度: 59 ℃主硬盘温度: 40 ℃--------[ 设备 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------硬件ID:ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_x86_Family_6_Model_42设备类别: 50127dc3-0f36-415e-a6cc-4cb3be910b65 设备名称: Intel Processor硬件ID: ACPI\pnp0c14设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318 设备名称: Microsoft Windows Management Interface for ACPI硬件ID: Intel-1c09设备类别: 4d36e96a-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318 设备名称: IDE 通道硬件ID: ACPI\SMO8800设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318 设备名称: ST Micro Accelerometer硬件ID:PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C01&SUBSYS_049B1028&REV_04设备类别: 4d36e96a-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family 4 port Serial ATA Storage Controller - 1C01硬件ID:PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C22&SUBSYS_049B1028&REV_04设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family SMBus Controller - 1C22硬件ID: ACPI\ThermalZone设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: ACPI Thermal Zone硬件ID: USB\ROOT_HUB20&VID8086&PID1C26&REV0004 设备类别: 36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000设备名称: USB Root Hub硬件ID: ACPI_HAL\PNP0C08设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System硬件ID: ACPI\INT0800设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: Intel(R) 82802 Firmware Hub Device硬件ID: USB\ROOT_HUB20&VID8086&PID1C2D&REV0004 设备类别: 36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000设备名称: USB Root Hub硬件ID:PCI\VEN_1217&DEV_13F7&SUBSYS_049B1028&REV_05设备类别: 6bdd1fc1-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f设备名称: 1394 OHCI Compliant Host Controller硬件ID:{5d624f94-8850-40c3-a3fa-a4fd2080baf3}\vwifimp设备类别: 4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter硬件ID:PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C09&SUBSYS_049B1028&REV_04设备类别: 4d36e96a-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family 2 port Serial ATA Storage Controller - 1C09硬件ID: ACPI\PNP0000设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: Programmable interrupt controller硬件ID: ACPI\ACPI0003设备类别: 72631e54-78a4-11d0-bcf7-00aa00b7b32a设备名称: Microsoft AC Adapter硬件ID: MONITOR\SEC5441设备类别: 4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: 通用即插即用监视器硬件ID: ACPI\PNP0100设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: System timer硬件ID: ACPI\DLL049B设备类别: 4d36e96f-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: Synaptics PS/2 Port Compatible TouchPad硬件ID:PCI\VEN_1217&DEV_8321&SUBSYS_049B1028&REV_05设备类别: 4d36e97b-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: O2Micro Integrated MMC/SD controller硬件ID:{5d624f94-8850-40c3-a3fa-a4fd2080baf3}\vwifimp设备类别: 4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter硬件ID:PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C10&SUBSYS_049B1028&REV_B4设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 1 - 1C10硬件ID:PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C26&SUBSYS_049B1028&REV_04设备类别: 36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000设备名称: Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 1C26硬件ID: ACPI\FixedButton设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: ACPI Fixed Feature Button硬件ID:HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_111D&DEV_76E7&SUBSYS_1028049B&REV_1001 设备类别: 4d36e96c-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318 设备名称: High Definition Audio 设备硬件ID: ACPI\PNP0200设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318 设备名称: Direct memory access controller硬件ID:ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_x86_Family_6_Model_42设备类别: 50127dc3-0f36-415e-a6cc-4cb3be910b65 设备名称: Intel Processor硬件ID: ROOT\RDPBUS设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318 设备名称: Remote Desktop Device Redirector Bus硬件ID:PCI\VEN_1217&DEV_8331&SUBSYS_049B1028&REV_05设备类别: 4d36e97b-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318 设备名称: O2Micro Integrated MS/MSPRO controller硬件ID: ACPI\PNP0303设备类别: 4d36e96b-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318 设备名称: PS/2 标准键盘硬件ID:PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C12&SUBSYS_049B1028&REV_B4设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318 设备名称: Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 2 - 1C12硬件ID:PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C2D&SUBSYS_049B1028&REV_04设备类别: 36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000设备名称: Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller - 1C2D硬件ID: acpiapic设备类别: 4d36e966-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: ACPI 基于 x86 的电脑硬件ID: ACPI\PNP0401设备类别: 4d36e978-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: ECP 打印机端口硬件ID: root\amppal设备类别: b0755d59-9657-467d-b89d-74c1f645aeb3设备名称: Intel? Centrino? Wireless Bluetooth? 3.0 + High Speed 虚拟适配器硬件ID:HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_8086&DEV_2805&SUBSYS_80860101&REV_1000 设备类别: 4d36e96c-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: High Definition Audio 设备硬件ID: ACPI\PNP0A08设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: PCI bus硬件ID: root\swenum设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator硬件ID: USB\VID_8087&PID_0024&REV_0000设备类别: 36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000设备名称: Generic USB Hub硬件ID:PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_1681&SUBSYS_049B1028&REV_10设备类别: 4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet硬件ID: ACPI\PNP0B00设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: System CMOS/real time clock硬件ID:PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C14&SUBSYS_049B1028&REV_B4设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 3 - 1C14硬件ID: root\umbus设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: UMBus Root Bus Enumerator硬件ID:PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C3A&SUBSYS_049B1028&REV_04设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: Intel(R) Management Engine Interface硬件ID: ROOT\CompositeBus设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318 设备名称: 复合总线枚举器硬件ID:ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_x86_Family_6_Model_42设备类别: 50127dc3-0f36-415e-a6cc-4cb3be910b65 设备名称: Intel Processor硬件ID: ROOT\vdrvroot设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318 设备名称: Microsoft 虚拟驱动器枚举器驱动程序硬件ID: USB\VID_8087&PID_0024&REV_0000设备类别: 36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000 设备名称: Generic USB Hub硬件ID: COMPOSITE_BATTERY设备类别: 72631e54-78a4-11d0-bcf7-00aa00b7b32a 设备名称: Microsoft Composite Battery硬件ID:PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0082&SUBSYS_13218086&REV_34设备类别: 4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318 设备名称: Intel(R) Centrino(R) Advanced-N 6205硬件ID:PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C1A&SUBSYS_049B1028&REV_B4设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318 设备名称: Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 6 - 1C1A硬件ID:PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C49&SUBSYS_049B1028&REV_04设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: Intel(R) HM65 Express Chipset Family LPC Interface Controller - 1C49硬件ID: ACPI\PNP0C04设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: Numeric data processor硬件ID:IDE\CdRomPLDS_DVD+-RW_DS-8A5SH___________________XD14____ 设备类别: 4d36e965-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: CD-ROM Drive硬件ID: ACPI\PNP0C09设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Embedded Controller硬件ID:ACPI\GenuineIntel_-_x86_Family_6_Model_42设备类别: 50127dc3-0f36-415e-a6cc-4cb3be910b65设备名称: Intel Processor硬件ID:PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0104&SUBSYS_049B1028&REV_09设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: 2nd Generation Intel(R) Core(TM) Processor Family DRAM Controller - 0104硬件ID: ACPI\PNP0C0A设备类别: 72631e54-78a4-11d0-bcf7-00aa00b7b32a设备名称: Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery硬件ID:PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C1C&SUBSYS_049B1028&REV_B4设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: Intel(R) 6 Series/C200 Series Chipset Family PCI Express Root Port 7 - 1C1C硬件ID: Intel-1c01设备类别: 4d36e96a-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: IDE 通道硬件ID: ACPI\PNP0C0C设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: ACPI Power Button硬件ID: Intel-1c01设备类别: 4d36e96a-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: IDE 通道硬件ID: ACPI\PNP0C0D设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: ACPI Lid硬件ID: ROOT\mssmbios设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318设备名称: Microsoft System Management BIOS Driver硬件ID:IDE\DiskWDC_WD3200BEKT-75PVMT0__________________01.01A01 设备类别: 4d36e967-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318 设备名称: 磁盘驱动器硬件ID:PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0116&SUBSYS_049B1028&REV_09设备类别: 4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318 设备名称: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family硬件ID:PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1C20&SUBSYS_049B1028&REV_04设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318 设备名称: Intel(R) High Definition Audio - 1C20硬件ID: UMB\UMBUS设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318 设备名称: UMBus Enumerator硬件ID: ACPI\PNP0C0E设备类别: 4d36e97d-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318 设备名称: ACPI Sleep Button硬件ID: Intel-1c09设备类别: 4d36e96a-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318 设备名称: IDE 通道。


核心: Lynnfield (45 纳米) / 步进: B1 / 核心数: 4
逻辑处理器个数: 4
插座/插槽: Socket 1156 (LGA)
速度: 2.80 GHz (133 MHz x 21.0)
一级代码/数据缓存: 2 x 32 KB, 8-Way, 64 byte lines / 2 x 32 KB, 4-Way, 64 byte lines
--------[ 360硬件大师 ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------
版本: 360硬件大师
电脑: 微星 MS-7586 台式电脑
处理器: 英特尔 Core i5 760 @ 2.80GHz 四核
主板: 微星 P55-CD53 (MS-7586)
芯片组: 英特尔 Core Processor DMI - P55 Express 芯片组
00000008 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
00000009 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
0000000A 0x07300403 0x00000044 0x00000000 0x00000603
80000002 0x65746E49 0x2952286C 0x726F4320 0x4D542865
80000003 0x35692029 0x55504320 0x20202020 0x20202020
80000004 0x30363720 0x20402020 0x30382E32 0x007A4847



WIN7]系统之家 GHOST WIN7 Ver.1005 精简旗舰版 32位版本|淹死的鱼◆此版本的特别说明:===========================================================1:本次系统作者没有进入桌面进行系统的设置,所以,你是第一个使用系统的超级管理员2:激活工具可能被杀毒软件识别为病毒,属于正常现象◆系统特色:===========================================================1:此版本为适度精简版,精简了几个华而不实的大个软件,GHO体积缩小至 1.6G,装机更迅速2:没有额外做驱动补丁、更新,让系统更有自由性。



◆精简详细:===========================================================精简了一下内容:SideShowWindows 媒体中心示例图片音视频示例Windows 搜索错误报告语音识别帮助平板电脑远程容错压缩自然语言TV Tuner 支持打印机驱动默认设置更改为:自动运行 = 禁用显示隐藏文件夹和文件 = 是显示受保护的操作系统文件 = 否显示已知类型文件扩展名 = 是◆预装软件:===========================================================1:WINRAR 3.9 64位破解中文版2:IE flash插件(最新版)3:WMP所需的万能解码器:Win7codecs(请在播放RMVB等视频时,将文件手动关联到WMP播放。


35. XP 精简系统详细配制列表

35. XP 精简系统详细配制列表
Portuguese 键盘布局
Punjabi 键盘布局
Romanian 键盘布局
Russian (Typewriter) 键盘布局
Sami Extended Finland-Sweden 键盘布局
Sami Extended Norway 键盘布局
Serbian (Cyrillic) 键盘布局
NT 备份程序
;# 硬件支持 #
ATM 支持
Brother 设备
Iomega Zip 设备
;# 语言 #
Arabic (Algeria)
Arabic (Bahrain)
ck 3
Target = Windows XP Professional SP3 - 5.1.2600.5512 - Chinese (PRC)
Remove Components
Unattended Setup
Integrate Drivers
Hotfixes and Update Packs
35. XP 精简系统详细配制列表
我是用GRTMPVOL_CN XPSP3做母盘,没有替换此文件,开始菜单--显示正
Env = 1.4.5 - 2.0.50727.1433.Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pa



Test4actual ,100%Accurate Answers Answers!!!!!!Help you pass any IT exam!Microsoft 70-640TS:Windows Server 2008Active Directory,ConfiguringQ&A v5.171.Your company has a main office and a branch office You deploy a read-only domain controller (RODC)that runs Microsoft Windows Server2008to the branch office You need to ensure that users at the branch office are able to log on to the domain by using the RODC What should you do?A.Add another RODC to the branch officeB.Configure a new bridgehead server in the main officeC.Configure the Password Replication Policy on the RODCD.Decrease the replication interval for all connection objects by using the Actrve Directory Sites and Services consoleAnswer:C2.Your company has an Actrve Directory forest that runs at the functional level of Windows Server 2008You implement Actrve Directory Rights Management Services(AD RMS)You install Microsoft SOL Server2005When you attempt to open the AD RMS administration Web site,you recerve the following error message:"SOL Server does not exist or access denied"You need to open the AD RMS administration Web site Which two actions should you perform?(Each correct answer presents part of the solution Choose two.)A.Restart liSB.Install Message OueuingC.Start the MSSOLSVC serviceD.Manualy delete the Service Connection Point in AD OS and restart AD RMSAnswer:A C3.Your company has a server that runs an instance of Actrve Directory Lightweight Directory Service(AD LDS)You need to create new organizational units in the AD LDS application directory partition What should you do?e the Actrve Directory Users and Computers snap-in to create the organizational units on the AD LDS application directory partitione the ADSI Edit snap-in to create the organizational units on the AD LDS application directory partitione the dsadd OU<OrganizationaIUnilDN>command to create the organizational unitse the dsmod OU<OrganizationaIUnilDN>command to create the organizational units Answer:B4.Your company has an Actrve Directory forest that contains a single domain The domain member server has an Active Directory Federation Services(AD FS)role installed You need to configure AD FS to ensure that AD FS tokens contain information from the Actrve Directory domain What should you do?A.Add and configure a new account store.B.Add and configure a new account partner.C.Add and configure a new resource partner.D.Add and configure a Claims-aware applicationAnswer:A5.You have a domain controller that runs Windows Server2008and is configured as a DNS serverYou need to record all inbound DNS queries to the server.What should you configure in the DNS Manager console?A.Enable debug logging.B.Enable automatic testing for simple queries.C.Enable automatic testing for recursrve queries.D.Configure event logging to log errors and warnings.Answer:A6.Your company has a main office and a branch office The company has a single-domain Active Directory forest.The main office has two domain controllers named DC1and DC2that run Windows Server2008The branch office has a Windows Server2008read-only domain controller (RODC)named DC3AlI domain controllers hold the DNS Server role and are configured as Active Directory-integrated zones.The DNS zones only allow secure updates.You need to enable dynamic DNS updates on DC3.What should you do?A.Run the Ntdsutil.exe>DS Behavior commands on DC3.B.Run the Dnscmd.exe/ZoneResetType command on DC3.C.Reinstall Actrve Directory Domain Services on DC3as a writable domain controller.D.Create a custom application directory partition on DC1Configure the partition to store Actrve Directory-integrated zones.Answer:C7.You have a single Active Directory domain.AlI domain controllers run Windows Server2008 and are configured as DNS servers.The domain contains one Active Directory-integrated DNS zone.You need to ensure that outdated DNS records are automatically removed from the DNS zone. What should you do?A.From the properties of the zone,enable scavenging.B.From the properties of the zone,disable dynamic updates.C.From the properties of the zone,modify the TTL of the SOA record.D.From the command prompt,run ipconfig/flushdns.Answer:A8.Your company has a DNS server that has10Active Directory Cintegrated zones.You need to provide copies of the zone files of the DNS server to the security department.What should you do?A.Run the dnscmd/Zonelnfo command.B.Run the ipconfig/registerdns command.C.Run the dnscmd/ZoneExport command.D.Run the ntdsutil>Partition Management>List commands.Answer:C9.Your network consists of an Active Directory forest that contains one domain named AlI domain controllers run Windows Server2008and are configured as DNS servers You have two Actrve Directory-integrated zones: and You need to ensure a user is able to modify records in the zone.You must prevent the user from modifying the SOA record in the zone What should you do?A.From the DNS Manager console,modify the permissions of the zone.B.From the DNS Manager console,modify the permissions of the zone.C.From the Actrve Directory Users and Computers console,run the Delegation of Control Wizard.D.From the Actrve Directory Users and Computers console,modify the permissions of the Domain Controllers organizational unit(OU).Answer:A10.You have a domain controller named DC1that runs Windows Server2008.DC1is configured asa DNS Server for .You install the DNS Server role on a member server named Server1and then you create a standard secondary zone for .You configure DC1as the master server for the zone.You need to ensure that Server1recerves zone updates from DC1.What should you do?A.On Server1,add a conditional forwarder.B.On DC1,modify the permissions of zone.C.On DC1,modify the zone transfer settings for the zone.D.Add the Server1computer account to the DNSUpdateProxy group.Answer:C11.Your network consists of an Active Directory forest that contains one domain.AlI domain controllers run Windows Server2008and are configured as DNS servers.You have an Actrve Directory-integrated zone.You have two Actrve Directory sites.Each site contains five domain controllers.You add a new NS record to the zone.You need to ensure that all domain controllers immediately receive the new NS record.What should you do?A.From the DNS Manager console,reload the zone.B.From the Services snap-in,restart the DNS Server service.C.From the command prompt,run repadmin/syncall.D.From the DNS Manager console,increase the version number of the SOA record.Answer:C12.Your company has a branch office that is configured as a separate Active Directory site and has an Actrve Directory domain controller.The Active Directory site requires a local Global Catalog server to support a new application.You need to configure the domain controller as a Global Catalog server.Which tool should you use?A.The Dcpromo.exe utilityB.The Server Manager consoleC.The Computer Management consoleD.The Actrve Directory Sites and Services consoleE.The Actrve Directory Domains and Trusts consoleAnswer:D13.Your company has an Active Directory domain named .The domain has two domain controllers named DC1and DC2.Both domain controllers have the DNS server role installed.You install a new DNS server named on the perimeter network.You configureDC1to forward all unresorved name requests to .You discover that the DNS forwarding option is unavailable on DC2.You need to configure DNS forwarding on the DC2server to point to the server. Which two actions should you perform?(Each correct answer presents part of the solution.Choose two.)A.Clear the DNS cache on DC2.B.Delete the Root zone on DC2.C.Configure conditional forwarding on DC2.D.Configure the Listen On address on DC2.Answer:B C14.Your company has an Active Directory forest that contains only Windows Server2003domain controllers.You need to prepare the Active Directory domain to install Windows Server2008 domain controllers.Which two tasks should you perform?(Each correct answer presents part of the solution Choose two.)A.Run the adprep!forestprep command.B.Run the adprep/domainprep command.C.Raise the forest functional level to Windows Server2008.D.Raise the domain functional level to Windows Server2008.Answer:A B15.Your company has a main office and three branch offices.Each office is configured as a separate Active Directory site that has its own domain controller.You disable an account that has administratrve rights.You need to immediately replicate the disabled account information to all sites.What are two possible ways to achieve this goal?(Each correct answer presents a complete solution.Choose two.)e Dsmod.exe to configure all domain controllers as global catalog servers.e Repadmin.exe to force replication between the site connection objectsC.From the Active Directory Sites and Services console,select the existing connection objects and force replication.D.From the Actrve Directory Sites and Services console,configure all domain controllers as global catalog servers.Answer:B C16.Your company has an Active Directory domain.The company has two domain controllers named DC1and DC2.DC1holds the Schema Master role DC1fails You log on to Actrve Directory by using the administrator account.You are not able to transfer the Schema Master operations role. You need to ensure that DC2holds the Schema Master role.What should you do?A.Register the Schmmgmt.dll.Start the Active Directory Schema snap-in.B.Configure DC2as a bridgehead serverC.On DC2,seize the Schema Master roleD.Log off and log on again to Active Directory by using an account that is a member of the Schema Administrators group.Start the Actrve Directory Schema snap-in.Answer:C17.You have an existing Active Directory site named Site1.You create a new Actrve Directory site and name it Site2.You need to configure Active Directory replication between Site1and Site2.You install a new domain controller.You create the site link between Site1and Site2.What should you do next?e the Active Directory Sites and Services console to configure a new site link bridge object.e the Active Directory Sites and Services console to decrease the site link cost between Site1 and Site2.e the Active Directory Sites and Services console to assign a new IP subnet to Site2.Move the new domain controller object to Site2.e the Active Directory Sites and Services console to configure the new domain controller as a preferredbridgehead server for Site1.Answer:C18.Your company,Contoso,Ltd,has offices in North America and Europe.Contoso has an Active Directory forest that has three domains.You need to reduce the time required to authenticate users from the domain when they access resources in the domain.What should you do?A.Decrease the replication interval for all Connection objects.B.Decrease the replication interval for the DEFAULTIPSITELINK site link.C.Set up a one-way shortcut trust from to .D.Set up a one-way shortcut trust from to .Answer:C19.Your company has an Active Directory domain.You log on to the domain controller.The Active Directory Schema snap-in is not available in the Microsoft Management Console(MMC).You need to access the Actrve Directory Schema snap-in.What should you do?A.Register Schmmgml.dll.B.Log off and log on again by using an account that is a member of the Schema Administrators group.e the Ntdsutil.exe command to connect to the Schema Master operations master and open the schema for writing.D.Add the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services(AD LDS)role to the domain controller by using Server Manager.Answer:A20.Your company has an Active Directory domain named .The company network has two DNS servers named DNS1and DNS2.The DNS servers are configured as shown in the following table.Domain users,who are configured to use DNS2as the preferred DNS server,are unable to connect to Internet Web sites.You need to enable Internet name resolution for all client computers.What should you do?A.Create a copy of the.(root)zone on DNS1.B.Update the list of root hints servers on DNS2.C.Update the Cache.dns file on DNS2Configure conditional forwarding on DNS1.D.Delete the.(root)zone from DNS2.Configure conditionnal forwarding on DNS2.Answer:D21.Your company has a single Active Directory domain.AlI domain controllers run Windows Server2003You install Windows Server2008on a server.You need to add the new server as a domain controller in your domain.What should you do first?A.On the new server,run dcpromo/adv.B.On the new server,run dcpromo/createdcaccount.C.On a domain controller run adprep/rodcprep.D.On a domain controller,run adprep/forestprep.Answer:D22.Your company has an Active Directory domain.AlI servers run Windows Server2008.Your company uses an Enterprise Root certificate authority(CA).You need to ensure that revoked certificate information is highly available.What should you do?A.Implement an Online Certificate Status Protocol(OCSP)responder by using Network Load Balancing.B.Implement an Online Certificate Status Protocol(OCSP)responder by using an Internet Security and Acceleration Server array.C.Publish the trusted certificate authorities list to the domain by using a Group Policy Object (GPO).D.Create a new Group Policy Object(GPO)that allows users to trust peer certificates.Link the GPO to the domain.Answer:A23.You have a Windows Server2008Enterprise Root CA.Security policy prevents port443and port80from being opened on domain controllers and on the issuing CA.You need to allow users to request certificates from a Web interface.You install the AD CS role.What should you do next?A.Configure the Online Responder Role Service on a member server.B.Configure the Online Responder Role Service on a domain controller.C.Configure the Certification Authority Web Enrollment Role Service on a member server.D.Configure the Certification Authority Web Enrollment Role Service on a domain controller. Answer:C24.Your company uses a Windows2008Enterprise certificate authority(CA)to issue certificates.You need to implement key archival.What should you do?A.Archive the private key on the server.B.Apply the Hisecdc security template to the domain controllers.C.Configure the certificate for automatic enrollment for the computers that store encrypted files.D.Install an Enterprise Subordinate CA and issue a user certificate to users of the encrypted files. Answer:A25.Your company has an Active Directory domain.You plan to install the Active Directory Certificate Service(AD CS)role on a member server that runs Windows Server2008.You need to ensure that members of the Account Operators group are able to issue smartcard credentials.They should not be able to revoke certificates.Which three actions should you perform?(Each correct answer presents part of the solution Choose three.)A.Install the AD CS role and configure it as an Enterprise Root CA.B.Install the AD CS role and configure it as a Standalone CA.C.Restrict enrollment agents for the Smartcard logon certificate to the Account Operator group.D.Restrict certificate managers for the Smartcard logon certificate to the Account Operator group.E.Create a Smartcard logon certificate.F.Create an Enrollment Agent certificate.Answer:A C E26.Your company has a server that runs Windows Server2008.Certification Services is configured as a stand-alone Certification Authority(CA)on the server.You need to audit changes to the CA configuration settings and the CA security settings.Which two tasks should you perform?(Each correct answer presents part of the solution.Choose two.)A.Configure auditing in the Certification Services snap-in.B.Enable auditing of successful and failed attempts to change permissions on files in the %SYSTEM32%\CertSrv directory.C.Enable auditing of successful and failed attempts to write to files in the%SYSTEM32%\CertLog directory.D.Enable the Audit object access setting in the Local Security Policy for the Certification Services server.Answer:A D27.Your company has an Active Directory forest that contains multiple domain controllers.The domain controllers run Windows Server2008.You need to perform an an authoritative restore of a deleted orgainzational unit and its child objects.Which four actions should you perform in sequence?(To answer,move the appropriate four actions from the list of actions to the answer area,and arrange them in the correct order.)28.Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain All domain controllers run WIndows Server2008.You need to capture all replication errors from all domain controllers to a central localion What should you do?A.configure event log subscriptions.B.Start the System Performance data collector set.C.start the Active Directory Diagnostics data collector set.D.Install Network Monitor and create a new a new capture.Answer:A29.You need to remove the Active Directory Domain Services role from a domain controller named DC1.What should you do?A.Run the netdom remove DC1commandB.Run the nltest/remove_server:DC1commandC.Run the Dcpromo utility.Remove the Active Directory Domain Services role.D.Reset the Domain Controller computer account by using the Active Directory Users and Computers utility.Answer:C30.Your company has an Active Directory domain that runs Windows Server2008The Sales OU contains an OU for Computers,an OU for Groups,and an OU for Users You perform nightly backups.An administrator deletes the Groups OU You need to restore the Groups OU without affecting users and computers in the Sales OU What should you do?A.Perform an authoritative restore of the Sales OU.B.Perform an authoritative restore of the Groups OU.C.Perform a non-authoritative restore of the Groups OU.D.Perform a non-authoritative restore of the Sales OU.Answer:B31.You need to identify all failed logon attempts on the domain controllers.What should you do?A.Run Event Viewer.B.View the Netlogon.log file.C.Run the Security and Configuration Wizard.D.View the Security tab on the domain controller computer object.Answer:A32.Your company has a domain controller that runs Windows Server2008.The server is a backup server.The server has a single500-GB hard disk that has three partitions for the operating system, applications,and data.You perform daily backups of the server.The hard disk fails.You replace the hard disk with a new hard disk of the same capacity.You restart the computer on the installation media.You select the Repair your computer option.You need to restore the operating system and all files.What should you do?A.Select the Startup repair option.B.Select the System restore option.C.Run the Rollback utility at the command prompt.D.Run the Wbadmin utility at the command prompt.Answer:D33.Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain.The functional level of the forest is Windows Server2008.You need to create multiple password policies for users in your domain. What should you do?A.From the Schema snap-in,create multiple class schema objects.B.From the ADSI Edit snap-in,create multiple Password Setting objects.C.From the Security Configuration Wizard,create multiple security policies.D.From the Group Policy Management snap-in,create multiple Group Policy objects.Answer:B34.Your company has an Active Directory forest.Each branch office has an organizational unit anda child organizational unit named Sales.The Sales organizational unit contains all users and computers of the sales department.You need to install an Office2007application only on the computers in the Sales organizational unit.You create a GPO named SalesApp GPO.What should you do next?A.Configure the GPO to assign the application to the computer account.Link the SalesAPP GPO to the domain.B.Configure the GPO to assign the application to the user account.Link the SalesAPP GPO to the Sales organizational unit in each location.C.Configure the GPO to publish the application to the user account.Link the SalesAPP GPO to the Sales organizational unit in each location.D.Configure the GPO to assign the application to the computer account.Link the SalesAPP GPO to the Sales organizational unit in each location.Answer:D35.Your company has an Active Directory forest that contains Windows Server2008domain controllers and DNS servers.All client computers run Windows XP.You need to use your client computers to edit domain-based GPOs by using the ADMX files that are stored in the ADMX central store.What should you do?A.Add your account to the Domain Admins group.B.Upgrade your client computers to Windows Vista Framework3.0on your client computerD.Create a folder on the Primary Domain Controller(PDC)emulator for the domain in the PolicyDefinitions path.Copy the ADMX files to the PolicyDefinitions folder.Answer:B36.Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain.All domain controllers run Windows Server2008The Audit account management policy setting and Audit directory services access setting are enabled for the entire domain.You need to ensure that changes made to Active Directory objects can be logged.The logged changes must include the old and new values of any attributes What should you do?A.Enable the Audit account management policy in the Default Domain Controller Policy.B.Run auditpol.exe and then configure the Security settings of the Domain Controllers OU.C.Run auditpol.exe and then enable the Audit directory service access setting in the Default Domain policy.D.From the Default Domain Controllers policy,enable the Audit directory service access setting and enable directory service changes.Answer:B37.Your company has an Active Directory forest that contains eight linked Group Policy Objects (GPOs).One of these GPOs publishes applications to user objects.A user reports that the application is not available for installation.You need to identify whether the GPO has been applied What should you do?A.Run the Group Policy Results utility for the user.B.Run the Group Policy Results utility for the computer.C.Run the GPRESULT/SCOPE COMPUTER command at the command prompt.D.Run the GPRESULT/S<system name>/Z command at the command prompt.Answer:A38.Your company has an Active Directory domain.A user attempts to log on to a computer that was turned off for twelve weeks.The administrator receives an error message that authentication has failed.You need to ensure that the user is able to log on to the computer.What should you do?A.Run the netdom TRUST/reset command.B.Run the netsh command with the set and machine options.C.Run the Active Directory Users and Computers console to disable,and then enable the computer account.D.Reset the computer account.Disjoin the computer from the domain,and then rejoin the computer to the domain.Answer:D39.Your company hires10new employees.You want the new employees to connect to the main office through a VPN connection.You create new user accounts and grant the new employees the Allow Read and Allow Execute permissions to shared resources in the main office.The new employees are unable to access shared resources in the main office.You need to ensure that usersare able to establish a VPN connection to the main office What should you do?A.Grant the new employees the Allow Full control permission.B.Grant the new employees the Allow Access Dial-in permission.C.Add the new employees to the Remote Desktop Users security group.D.Add the new employees to the Windows Authorization Access security group.Answer:B40.Your company has an Active Directory domain.A user attempts to log on to the domain from a client computer and receives the following message:"This user account has expired Ask your administrator to reactivate the account."You need to ensure that the user is able to log on to the domain.What should you do?A.Modify the properties of the user account to set the account to never expire.B.Modify the properties of the user account to extend the Logon Hours setting.C.Modify the properties of the user account to set the password to never expire.D.Modify the default domain policy to decrease the account lockout duration.Answer:A41.All consultants belong to a global group named TempWorkers.You place three file servers in a new organizational unit named SecureServers.The three file servers contain confidential data located in shared folders.You need to record any failed attempts made by the consultants to access the confidential data.Which two actions should you perform?(Each correct answer presents part of the solution Choose two.)A.Create and link a new GPO to the SecureServers organizational unit Configure the Audit privilege use Failure audit policy setting.B.Create and link a new GPO to the SecureServers organizational unit Configure the Audit object access Failure audit policy setting.C.Create and link a new GPO to the SecureServers organizational unit Configure the Deny access to this computer from the network user rights setting for the TempWorkers global group.D.On each shared folder on the three file servers,add the three servers to the Auditing tab Configure the Failed Full control setting in the Auditing Entry dialog.E.On each shared folder on the three file servers,add the TempWorkers global group to the Auditing tab Configure the Failed Full control setting in the Auditing Entry dialog box.Answer:B E42.Your company has an organizational unit named Production.The Production organizational unit has a child organizational unit named R&D You create a GPO named Software Deployment and link it to the Production organizational unit.You create a shadow group for the R&D organizational unit.You need to deploy an application to users in the Production organizational unit.You also need to ensure that the application is not deployed to users in the R&D organizational unit.What are two possible ways to achieve this goal?(Each correct answer presents a complete solution Choose two.)A.Configure the Enforce setting on the software deployment GPO.B.Configure the Block Inheritance setting on the R&D organizational unit.C.Configure the Block Inheritance setting on the Production organizational unit.D.Configure security filtering on the Software Deployment GPO to Deny Apply group policy forthe R&D security group.Answer:B D43.Your company has an Active Directory forest.The company has three locations.Each location has an organizational unit and a child organizational unit named Sales.The Sales organizational unit contains all users and computers of the sales department.The company plans to deploy a Microsoft Office2007application on all computers within the three.Sales organizational units. You need to ensure that the Office2007application is installed only on the computers in the Sales organizational units.What should you do?A.Create a Group Policy Object(GPO)named SalesAPP GPO.Configure the GPO to assign the application to the computer account.Link the SalesAPP GPO to the domain.B.Create a Group Policy Object(GPO)named SalesAPP GPO.Configure the GPO to assign the application to the user account.Link the SalesAPP GPO to the Sales organizational unit in each location.C.Create a Group Policy Object(GPO)named SalesAPP GPO.Configure the GPO to publish the application to the user account.Link the SalesAPP GPO to the Sales organizational unit in each location.D.Create a Group Policy Object(GPO)named SalesAPP GPO.Configure the GPO to assign the application to the computer account.Link the SalesAPP GPO to the Sales organizational unit in each location.Answer:D44.Your company has a main office and a branch office that are configured as a single Active Directory forest.The functional level of the Active Directory forest is Windows Server2003.There are four Windows Server2003domain controllers in the main office.You need to ensure that you are able to deploy a read-only domain controller(RODC)at the branch office.Which two actions should you perform?(Each correct answer presents part of the solution Choose two.)A.Run the adpreplrodcprep command.B.Raise the functional level of the forest to Windows Server2008.C.Raise the functional level of the domain to Windows Server2008.D.Deploy a Windows Server2008domain controller at the main office.Answer:A D45.Your company has an Active Directory forest that contains a single domain.The domain member server has an Active Directory Federation Services(AD FS)role installed.You need to configure AD FS to ensure that AD FS tokens contain information from the Active Directory domain What should you do?A.Add and configure a new account store.B.Add and configure a new account partner.C.Add and configure a new resource partner.D.Add and configure a Claims-aware application.Answer:A46.A server named DC1has the Active Directory Domain Services(AD DS)role and the Active。


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