
四校诸暨中学提前招生选拔考试模拟练习(科学)本试题总分150分,考试时间120分钟本试卷可能用到的相对原子质量:Mg :24;Ca :40;C:12;O :16 ; Cl:35.5 H:1 K:39 一.选择题(每题3分,共60分)1.近几年,我国进行了一系列宇宙空间的实验,发射的神州系列号飞船返回舱的表面均有一层叫做“烧蚀层”的物质,它可以在返回大气层时保护返回舱不因高温而烧毁。
“烧蚀层”能起这种作用,除了它的隔热性能外,还由于 ( )A.它的硬度大,高温下不会损坏B.它的表面非常光滑,能减少舱体与空气的摩擦C. 它在汽化时能吸收大量的热 D .它能把热辐射到宇宙空间2.若用同一台显微镜观察同一标本四次,每次仅调整目镜、物镜和细准焦螺旋,结果得到下面各图。
试问其中视野最暗的是( )A B C D 3.在英格兰对希腊的足球世界杯小组赛最后一战中,英格兰队长贝克汉姆射入一个价值被经济学家估计为二亿英镑的香蕉球。
如图所示,球是从防守队员的左侧绕弯射向球门的,则射门者脚法应是 ( )A .左脚内侧或右脚内侧B . 左脚内侧或右脚外侧C .左脚外侧或右脚内侧D .左脚外侧或右脚外侧 4.如图所示,站在沙地上的一名初三同学要搬走木箱,已知他一只鞋底的面积为200厘米2,请估计木箱对地面的压强约为( )A .1000帕B .7000帕C .10000帕D .20000帕5.社会上食品造假事件时有发生.小明的奶奶从自由市场上购买了一箱牛奶,小明想知道牛奶是否掺水.通过查阅资料得知,在牛奶中掺水后,掺水含量与牛奶密度的关系如下表所示.小明取l00mlC .掺水含量20%—30%D .掺水含量30%以上6.在物质混合、反应等过程中,存在着“1+1=2”的现象。
通常情况下,下列各种混合或反应等过程中,“1+1”等于“2”的是 ( ) A .1mL 酒精和1mL 水混合后的总体积B .1g 氢氧化钠溶液和1g 盐酸溶液混合后溶液的质量C .1W 的电炉丝和1W 的电炉丝串联后,所得电炉丝的总功率D .人的一个精子和一个卵细胞结合后形成一个受精卵,所以一个受精卵中有两个细胞核 7.许多绿叶蔬菜中含有硝酸盐成分,本来对人体并无害处,但放置时间一长,蔬菜中硝酸盐会变成亚硝酸盐,而亚硝酸盐是对人体有一定危害,对此某同学做了一个实验,测出放置不同时间、不同温度条件下亚硝酸盐的含量(单位PPm),数据如下表:A.相同温度下,同种蔬菜放置时间越长,亚硝酸盐的含量越高;B.同种蔬菜,温度越高,时间越长,亚硝酸盐生成的速度越快;C.把蔬菜放在0-2℃环境内一天或两天再吃,对人体无任何危害;D.不同蔬菜产生亚硝酸盐的速度不同;8.如图是一定质量的某种物质由固态变为液态时,体积随温度变化的图像,分析图像可知()A.该物质是非晶体 B.该物质是晶体,熔点为0℃C.该物质D点的密度小于E点的密度D.该物质固态到液态过程中分子间距增大了。

班 计划人数
计算机 100
奥数 90
英语口语 60
班 报名人数
计算机 280
英语口语 250
音乐艺术 200
若计划招生人数和报名人数的比值越大,表示学校开设该兴趣班相对学生需要的满足 程度就越高,那么根据以上数据,满足程度最高的兴趣班是------( )
15. 请你将一根细长的绳子,沿中间对折,再沿对折后的绳子中间再对折,这样连续对折 5 次,最后用剪刀沿对折 5 次后的绳子的中间将绳子剪断,此时绳子将被剪成
16. 假设一家旅馆一共有 30 个房间,分别编以 1~30 三十个号码,现在要在每个房间的钥 匙上刻上数字,要求所刻的数字必须使服务员很容易辨认是哪一个房间的钥匙,而使局 外人不容易猜到. 现在有一种编码的方法是:在每把钥匙上刻上两个数字,左边的一个 数字是这把钥匙原来的房间号码除以 5 所得的余数,而右边的一个数字是这把钥匙原 来的房间号码除以 7 所得的余数. 那么刻的数是 36 的钥匙所对应的原来房间应该是 号.
8. 抛物线 y=ax2+2ax+a2+2 的一部分如图所示,那么该抛
物线在 y 轴右侧与 x 轴交点的坐标是……………( )
1 A.( ,0)。
B.(1, 0)。
C.(2, 0)。
D.(3, 0)
9. 如 图 是 一 张 简 易 活 动 餐 桌 ,现 测 得 OA=OB=30cm,
OC=OD=50cm,现要求桌面离地面的高度为 40cm,那么
三、解答题(本大题满分 50 分,17-19 题每题 6 分,20-23 题每题 8 分)

浙江省诸暨市重点中学提前招生考试试卷科学参考答案一、选择题〔此题共20小题,每题3分,共60分,每题只要一个选项契合题意〕1.A2.D3.C4.B5.B6.B7.A8.C9.C10.B11.C12.C13.D14.D15.B16.C17.C18.D20.A二、简答题〔此题共7小题,每空2分,共32分〕21.〔1〕B〔2〕D〔3〕容易22.化蛹〔成蛹〕23.1∶1 1∶424.CO2光合25.后天学习小鸭会把出生后第一眼看到的〔大〕物体当本钱人的母亲〔2分,表达出〝小鸭会模拟跟随出生后第一眼看到的〔大〕物体〞这层意思也可得分〕会26.〔1〕太平洋〔2〕东,不能〔3〕A27.86.7克三、实验探求题〔每空2分,共24分〕28.〔1〕C2F4无机物〔2〕500〔3〕①透过的色光②蓝29.〔1〕2和4〔2〕灯泡的实践功率太小〔4〕不能,依据欧姆定律,在电压一定的条件下,经过导体的电流与导体的电阻成正比。
30.〔1〕氮气〔2〕红磷的量缺乏,装置漏气;等〔3〕装置一直密闭,空气没有逸出,实验结果准确四、剖析计算题〔34小题10分,其他每题8分,共34分〕31.〔1〕C〔2〕由于围堰内的压弱小于围堰外的压强,发生了背叛大坝的力,所以爆破时可以辅佐堰体向背叛大坝的方向坍塌〔3〕4.7223×1011K·Wh〔4〕水面积增大,水的蒸发量添加等32.〔1〕有白色沉淀生成〔2〕4.4克〔3〕①Na2CO3~2NaCl 106 117 212×10% x克 x=23.4克②Na2CO3~BaCO3 106 197 〔212-106〕×10% y y=19.7克∴所得NaCl溶液的质量分数为:×100%=8.13% 33.〔1〕冥王星〔2〕缺少氧气〔3〕A:CO2+2H2=C+2H2O B:896克34.〔1〕温度计〔2〕比拟自然形状和42℃恒温形状下哪种条件有利于鸡蛋孵化〔3〕第一组〔4〕当线圈中电流为60mA时,热敏电阻阻值R1=-R2=-20Ω=180Ω 此时室温为38℃当线圈中电流为50mA时,热敏电阻阻值R1′=-R2=-20Ω=220Ω 此时室温为30℃所以,孵化箱内温度可控制在30℃~38℃之间。

已知:氢氧化镁受热易分解,反应的化学方程式为:Mg(OH)2ΔMgO + H2O;碳酸钙高温下分解。
关于加热一段时间后剩余固体的判断,下列说法错误的是()A.图中a点剩余固体是由一种盐和一种碱组成B.若剩余固体中钙元素的质量分数为36.0%,则剩余固体的成分为CaCO3和MgOC.图中ab间任一点(不包括a、b两点)的剩余固体成分为CaCO3、MgO和Mg(OH)2 D.若向c点的剩余固体中加入足量稀盐酸,充分反应生成CO2的质量为(12.0-x)g2.现有一包由5.6g铁、7.2g镁、1.0g碳混合而成的粉末,把它加入一定量的CuCl2溶液中。
则剩余固体的质量不可能是A.26. 2gB.26.6gC.26. 0gD.25. 8g3.不能正确对应变化关系的图像是()A.A图中横坐标既可以表示加入铁粉的质量,也可以表示加入部分变质的苛性钠质量B.B图中纵坐标既可以表示溶质质量,又可表示溶液的导电性C.C图中横坐标既可以表示反应时间,也可以表示加入二氧化锰质量D.D图中纵坐标既可以表示溶剂质量,又可表示溶液质量4.有一包固体粉末,可能含碳、铝、铜、氧化铝、氧化铜中的一种或几种。
下列结论正确的个数是①固体B中的物质为碳②蓝色溶液乙为硝酸铜溶液③原固体样品中一定含有的物质是碳、铝、铜④蓝色溶液丙中一定含有的溶质是硝酸铝、硝酸铜、硝酸A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个5.部分变质的烧碱样品18.6g,能与7.3%的稀盐酸200g恰好完全反应,则此样品中变质的烧碱与原烧碱的质量比为( ) A .3:2 B .2:3 C .1:2 D .1:16.金属钠非常活泼,常温下在空气中易被氧化,也易与水反应。

造成这种现象的原因可能是()A.台灯插头短路B.台灯灯头短路C.台灯开关短路D.进户线零线断路3.如图展示了我国古代劳动人民的智慧成果,其中所涉及的物理知识,下列说法中不正确的是()A.古人冬天在路面上泼水成冰运送巨石,这是通过增大压力来增大摩擦B.日晷利用了光的直线传播C.古代捣谷工具利用了杠杆原理D.司南能够指南北是受地磁场的作用4.水平台面上有两个同规格烧杯,分别盛有甲、乙两种液体将两个完全相同的物体A、B分别放入两杯中静止时如图所示,甲、乙液面刚好相平此时,设A物体受到的浮力为F浮A甲液体对烧杯底部的压强为p甲;B物体受到的浮力为F浮B,乙液体对烧杯底部的压强为p乙,则A.F浮A=F浮B, p甲>p乙B.F浮A=F浮B, p甲<p乙C.F浮A <F浮B, p甲>p乙D.F浮A<F浮B, p甲<p乙5.如图是某同学设计的一种烟雾报警装置,R为光敏电阻,其阻值随光照强度的增强而减弱,0R为定值电阻。

诸暨中学提前招生选拔考试英语试卷考生须知:本试卷共七个大题,总分100分,考试时间90分钟一、单项选择(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)1. ---Where would you like to go on vacation ? ---I’d love to go_______.A. somewhere relaxingB. anywhere relaxedC. somewhere relaxedD. everywhere relaxing2. Tom used to _______,but now he is much ________.A.quiet,outgoingB.be quiet,outgoingC.be quite,more outgoingD.be quiet,more outgoing3. We had to stay at home______the heavy rain and strong wind.A.forB.becauseC.because ofD.as4. I prefer_______a small gift that has some thought behind it rather than_____some money.A.to receive,to gettingB.receiving,gettingC. receiving,getD. to receive,get5. ---I’m considering _________the Pacific.---It sounds exciting.A. sailing acrossB.to sail acrossC. sail acrossD.sails across6. Students ________to plant trees once a year.A.askB.askedC.are askedD.were asked7. By the time they got to the railway station,the train________.A.leftB. had leftC. leavesD. has left8. If he _____here,everything would be all right.A.isB.wasC.beD.were9. I hate people______talk much but do little.A.whoB.whomC.whichD.whose10. Joseph wants to know _______,because he’ll pay a visit to her.A.where does Tina liveB.where is Tina fromC.where is TinaD.where Tina lives11. He said that his wife _______come here the next day.A.mayB.mightC.canD.must12. ---Excuse me.May I use your bike?---________.It’s broken.A.Sure.B.Yes,here you are.C.I’m afraid not.D.With pleasure.13. I didn’t know what I should do ____my teacher gave me some good advice.A.untilB.afterC.whenD.while14. ---Sixteen-year-olds _________to drive.---I agree. They aren’t serious enough at that age.A. shouldn’t be allowedB. shouldn’t allowC. don’t allowD. are allowed not15. The geography teacher told his students that the earth ___one of the sun’splanets.A.wasB.has beenC.isD.will be二、完型填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)阅读下面短文,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

本卷可能用到的相对原子质量:H―1 O―16 C―12 S―32 Fe―56 Cu―64 Mg―24 Cl―35.5 Ba―137 Ca―40 Na―23一、选择题(本题共20小题,每小题3分,共60分,每小题只有一个选项相符题意)1.(07诸暨)诸暨中学天文馆里陈列的一张珍贵图片(如图),这是学校“蓝天”科技小组的同砚们拍摄到的太阳系某行星凌日天文异景照片,此图可能是下列哪组环境()A.水星凌日或金星凌日B.水星凌日或火星凌日C.金星凌日或火星凌日D.木星凌日或土星凌日2.(07诸暨)2019年诺贝尔化学奖授予了三位科学家,以表彰他们在烯烃反响范畴研究方面所取得的成就。
下列论点不应成为本方论据的是:()A.汽车越来越多,消耗的氧气越来越多B.有证据表明,在远古时代的原始空气中氧气含量高达30% C.限制“三废”的排放是目前各国政府的重要环境政策D.地球生齿的增多,其呼吸和所用的燃料越来越多4.(07诸暨)如图所示,琴师在使用前会对二胡举行调音,以下对换音时采取的做法的评释正确的是()A.旋转弦轴,使弦拉得紧一些,是为了改变音色B.旋转弦轴,使弦拉得紧一些,是为了改变音调C.将琴枕上移一些,是为了改变音色D.换一根更细一些的琴弦,是为了改变响度5.(07诸暨)如图所示是多哈亚运会赛艇比赛的场景,赛艇的桨可看成一个杠杆。

2022 年诸暨中学提前招生选拔试题(英语)(时间:100 分钟满分:100 分)一、单项选择(本题有15 小题,每小题1 分,共计15 分)从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
1. —What should I buy for my son’s birthday?— What about _______ toy car? It’s his favorite.A. aB. anC. theD. /2. —Look at the book! Whose is it?—Ask Mary. I think it must belong to ____.A. hersB. herC. sheD. she’s3. —We need to a time to have a talk, now!—What about tomorrow ? I am too busy today.A. fix upB. put upC. use upD. look up4. —Tom hasn’t come yet. He won’t be late, will he ?—_________. He is always on time.A. Yes, he w illB. No, he won’tC. Yes, he won’tD. No, he will5. —John likes walking in the countryside.—__. They enjoy a good time together every time.A. So does his wifeB. So his wife doesC. Neither does his wifeD. His wife does so6. The film made by Walt Disney ______ all over the world.A. is used to showB. is used to showingC. used to showD. used to be shown7. There's enough time for you to go to the airport.You hurry now.A.shouldB. needn'tC.mustD.can't8. _______ the words of pop songs _____ a good way to learn English.A. Memorize; isB. Memorizing; isC. Memorizing; areD. Memorize; are9. —Shall we go to the amusement park this Sunday, mum?--- Sure, ________ I am busy.A. unlessB. ifC. butD. or10. Who is the man is reading a book under the tree?A .thatB .whoseC .whichD .what11. we prefer to rather than.A .singing;dancingB .singing;danceC .sing;dance D.sing;to dance12. By the end of last month, he _______ in the club for two years.A. joinedB. has joinedC. has beenD. had been13. Tom ,your hair is too long . Would you please get your hair______?A. cutB.to cutC.cuttingD.be cut14. —What else would you like ?— else. I’ve had enough. Thank you.A. SomethingB. NothingC. AnythingD. Everything15. —Nancy, would you mind turning down the music? Your father is writing his report. —.A. Yes, pleaseB. Sorry. I’ll do it right awayC. Sorry. I won’t do it againD. Yes. I never do it again二、完形填空(本题有15 小题,每小题1 分,共计15 分)Since my family were not going to be helpful , I decided I would look for one all by myself and not tell them about it till I’d got one .I had seen an agency advertisement in a local newspaper. I rushed out of the 16 in search of it. I was wildly excited 17 I found the place quite easily, I ran breathlessly through a door which said “Enter without knocking if you please .”The simple atmosp here of the office18__me. The woman looked carefully at me for a while through her glasses, and then 19 me in a low voice. I answered softly. All of a sudden I started to feel rather 20 . She wondered why I was looking for such a job. I felt even more helpless when she told me that it would be 21 to get a job without 22 . I wondered whether I supposed to leave, 23 the telephone on her desk rang. I heard her say “As a matter of fact, I ’ve got someone in the office at this very moment who might 24 .”She wrote down a 25 , and held it out to me , saying “__26__up this lady. She wants a 27 immediately. In fact, you would have to start tomorrow by cooking a dinner for ten people .”“Oh yes ,” said I, though I have never cooked for more than f our in my life. I 28 her again and again and rushed out to the 29 telephone box. I collected my thoughts, took a deep breath and rang the number. I said confidently that I was the one she was looking for. I spent the next few hours __30 cook books .16 .A . 17 .A . 18 .A . 19 .A . 20 .A . 21 .A . 22 .A . 23 .A . 24 .A . 25 .A . 26 .A . 27 .A . 28 .A . 29 .A . 30 .A . bed though calmed advised embarrassed difficult money after B . love letter cheer cook answeredoutside borrowing B .house C . B .that C . B .excited C .B .toldC .B .excitedC .B .helplessC . B .experience C .since C .until B .get C . B .name C . B .give C . B .waiter C .B .promisedC . B .local C . B .buying C . agency because pleased interested hopeless possible knowledgeD .suitnotecallteacher thanked closest readingD .officeD .ifD .surprised D .asked D .pleased D .unusualD .study when D .offer D . D . D . D . D . D . number think doctor told nearest writing 三、阅读理解(本题有 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共计 30 分)A阅读下面三则广告, 回答问题。

浙江省诸暨市牌头中学中考提前招生提前招生数学模拟试卷一、选择题1.区分下列各组物质的两种方法都合理的是( )选项待鉴别物质鉴别方法方法1方法2A黄铜和黄金分别加稀盐酸分别浸入硫酸镁溶液B铜粉和氧化铁分别放入水中,观察分别高温通入一氧化碳C 饱和石灰水和氯化钠溶液分别通入二氧化碳气体分别升高温度,观察D硝酸铵和氢氧化钠分别溶于水测温度看一眼外观颜色A.A B.B C.C D.D2.下列图像中有关量的变化趋势与选项要求相符合的是A.向硝酸溶液中不断加水B.过氧化氢分解生成氧气,一份加入二氧化锰,一份不加入二氧化锰C.在恒温条件下,将饱和NaCl溶液蒸发适量水D.向一定量的稀硫酸和硫酸镁的混合溶液中滴入氢氧化钠溶液至过量3.如图所示,将液体X加入到集气瓶中与固体Y作用,观察到气球逐渐变大,如表中液体X和固体Y的组合,符合题意的是()①②③④⑤X稀盐酸水水双氧水水Y铁粉氢氧化钠氯化钠二氧化锰硝酸铵A.①②⑤B.①③④C.①②④D.②③⑤4.除去下列物质中所含杂质(括号内为杂质),所选用试剂及操作方法均正确的一组是选物质选用的试剂操作方法项A CO2(HCl)NaOH溶液洗气B FeSO4溶液(CuSO4)Al粉加过量Al粉,过滤C KNO3溶液(KOH)CuSO4溶液过滤,蒸发结晶D CaCl2溶液(HCl)CaCO3加入过量的CaCO3,再过滤A.A B.B C.C D.D5.下列实验方法不能达到实验目的的是选项实验目的实验方法A 证明NaOH溶液中含有Na2CO3滴加无色酚酞试剂B除去CO2中少量CO将混合气体通过足量灼热的CuO C鉴别石灰水和NaOH溶液加入适量的碳酸钠溶液D 比较Fe、Cu、Ag的金属活动性将Fe和Ag分别放入CuSO4溶液中A.A B.B C.C D.D6.有一包白色固体混合物,其中可能含有氯化钠、碳酸钠、氯化钙、硫酸钾和硝酸钡中的一种或几种,现进行以下实验:(微溶物视作全部溶解)(1)将固体混合物放入足量的水中,得到无色透明溶液A和沉淀B,将沉淀B洗涤,烘干后称得质量为15g;(2)在溶液A中加入硝酸银溶液,有白色沉淀生成,再加入足量的稀硝酸沉淀不溶解;(3)在沉淀B中加入足量的稀盐酸,沉淀全部消失,同时产生大量气泡,把生成的气体全部通入足量的澄清石灰水中,充分反应后过滤出沉淀,经洗涤、烘干后称量得到10g固体。

浙江省诸暨市牌头中学中考提前招生提前招生数学模拟试卷一、选择题1.下列估测最接近实际的是A.人平静时呼吸一次所用的时间约为20sB.一个鸡蛋的重力约为0. 5NC.一个中学生从一楼走上二楼做的功约为150JD.家用液晶电视的电功率约为2000 W2.一块冰全部熔化成水后,下列判断正确的是()A.体积一定变大B.比热容一定不变C.具有的热量一定变大D.具有的内能一定变大3.以下关于物理学家所作科学贡献的叙述中,正确的是()A.首先提出“物体运动不需要力来维持”的科学家是亚里士多德B.安培首先发现电流周围存在磁场C.法拉第发现了电磁感应现象并发明了发电机D.赫兹首先预言电磁波的存在并通过实验进行了验证4.如图所示,演员与观众高声齐唱《我和我的祖国》,合唱中“高音声部”和“低音声部”中的“高”和“低”,指的是声音的()A.速度B.响度C.音调D.音色5.不允许在森林里随地丢弃瓶子,因为雨水进入透明的瓶子后,在阳光照射下就可能会引发火灾,能说明此现象发生原因的选项是()A.B.C.D.6.有一种电阻,它的大小随磁场强弱的变化而变化,这种电阻叫做磁敏电阻。
为了研究磁敏电阻R的性质,小明设计了如图乙、丙所示的电路进行实验,下列判断正确的是()A.只闭合开关1S,通电螺线管的左端为N极B.只闭合开关2S,2R的阻值调为最大,电压表与电流表示数的比值为350C.同时闭合1S和2S,向右移动1R的滑片P,电压表与电流表的示数的比值变小D.同时闭合1S和2S,移动两个滑动变阻器的滑片,当电流表示数为0.04A,电压表的示数为8V时,磁敏电阻所在位置的磁场强度为0.4T7.以下说法中,与实际生活相符的是A.普通课桌的高度约为100dm B.八下物理课本的质量约为2kgC.一位普通中学生的体积约为0.5m3D.教室里的空气质量约为250kg8.下列关于粒子和宇宙的说法,正确的是A.摩擦起电的实质就是创造了电荷B.宇宙是一个有层次的天体结构系统,其中恒星是绝对不动的C.海绵容易被压缩,说明分子间有空隙D.两个表面光滑的铅块相互挤压后粘在一起,说明分子间存在吸引力9.下列能源属于可再生能源的是()A.石油B.风能C.天然气D.核能10.以下估测符合生活实际的是()A.成人正常步行的速度约为5km/hB.学生课桌的高度约为1.8mC.一个中学生体重约为50ND.教室内一盏日光灯工作时的电流约为1A11.如图所示,在注射器中吸入少量液态乙醚,用橡皮塞堵住注射孔,向外拉动活塞,液态乙醚会消失.甲乙丙丁四幅图中物态变化与其相同的是A.图甲,冬天冰冻的衣服也能晾干B.图乙,洗手后用电热干手器将手烘干C.图丙,附在铁丝网上霜的D.图丁,草叶上露珠的形成12.对下列图示中光现象的描述正确的是A.图甲中,漫反射的光线杂乱无章不遵循光的反射定律;B.图乙中,人佩戴的凹透镜可以矫正远视眼C.图丙中,光的色散现象说明白光是由各种色光混合而成的D.图丁中,平面镜成像时进入眼睛的光线是由像发出的13.如图所示为汽车启动原理图。

1浙江省诸暨中学提前招生考试试卷-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1全真考试卷(一)浙江省诸暨中学提前招生考试试卷数学满分150分,考试时间120分钟选择题(每小题4分,共40分)1. 已知0<a ,0<ab ,化简a b b a -+---21的结果是( ) A. 1 B. 3 C. -1 D. -32. 如图,在△ABC 中,点D 在BC 上,点O 在AD 上,如果3=∆AOB S ,=∆BOD S 2,1=∆ACO S ,那么COD S ∆等于( )A. 31B. 21C. 23D. 32第2题图 第4题图3. 当0≤x ≤3,函数542++-=x x y 的最大值与最小值分别是( )A. 9,5B. 8,5C. 9,8D. 8,44. 如图,梯形ABCD 中AB ∥CD ,AB=3CD ,E 是对角线AC 的中点,直线BE 交AD 于点F ,则AF :FD 等于( )A. 2:1B. 1:2C. 2:3D. 3:25. 关于x 的不等式组⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧++-+a x x x x <>235352只有5个整数解,则a 的取值范围是( )A.-6<a <211-B.-6≤a ≤211-C.-6<a ≤211-D.-6≤a <211-6. 一个立方体的表面展开图如图所示,则相交于一个顶点的三个面上的数字之和最小的是( )A. 7B. 8C. 9D. 107. 如图,在直角梯形ABCD 中,动点P 从点A 开始沿A →B →C →D 的路径匀速前进到D ,在这个过程中,△APD 的面积S 随时间t 的变化过程可以用图象近似地表示成( )8. 抛物线c bx ax y ++=2与x 轴交于A 、B 两点,Q(2,k )是该抛物线上一点,且AQ ⊥BQ ,则ak 的值等于( )A. -1B. -2C. 2D. 39. 如图,菱形纸片ABCD 中,∠A=∠60°,将纸片折叠,点A 、D 分别落在A ’、D ’处,且A ’ D ’经过点B ,EF 为折痕,当D ’ F ⊥CD 时,FD CF的值为( )A.63 B. 213- C. 6132- D. 813+第9题图 第10题图10. 如图,直线m x y +=21交双曲线()0>x xky =于A 、B 两点,交x 轴于点C ,交y 轴于点D ,过点A 作AH ⊥x 轴于点H ,连结BH ,若OH :HC=1:5,1=∆ABH S ,则k 的值为( )A. 1B.21 C. 31 D. 41 二、填空题(本题有6个小题,每小题5分,共30分)11. 某校七年级2班的男生人数是女生人数的1.8倍,在一次数学测试中,全班成绩的平均分是75分,其中女生的平均分比男生的平均分高20%,则女生的平均分是_________分.12. 数学上,为了简便把1到n 的连续n 个自然数的乘积记作n !,即n !()n n ⨯-⨯⨯⨯⨯=1321 ;把1到n 的连续n 个自然数的和记作∑=nk k 1,即1123++nk k n ==++∑,则∑∑==-+201412013120132014i i i i !!的值等于__________.13. 如图,E 、F 分别是梯形ABCD 上下底AD 、BC 上的点,AF 、BE 相交于点G ,CE 、DF 交于点H ,若27cm S ABG =∆,211cm S CDH =∆,则四边形EGFH 的面积为___________2cm .第13题图 第14题图 第16题图14. 如图,把正三角形ABC 的外接圆沿DE 翻折,使点A 落在BC 的中点A ’上,若BC=34,则折痕DE 的长为___________.15. 如果记()221x x x f +=,并且()1f 表示当1=x 时y的值,即()21111122=+=f ,那么()()()()=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+++++2014131211220132014f f f f f f f _________.16. 如图,在平面直角坐标系中,抛物线x x y 42+-=与x 轴的正半轴交于点A ,其顶点M ,点P 是该抛物线上位于A 、M 两点之间部分上的一个动点,过点P 作PB ⊥y 轴于点C ,且交抛物线于点D ,连结BC ,AD ,OP ,当四边形ABCD 被OP 分成的两部分面积比为1:2时,点P 的坐标为__________.三、解答题(本题有6个小题,共80分)17. (本题10分)设()012≠=++a a x x x,求1242++x x x 的值.18. (本题12分)某市青少年健康研究中心随机抽取了本市1000名小学生和若干名中学生,对他们的视力状况进行调查,并把调查结果绘制成如下统计图(近视程度分为轻度、中度、高度这三种).(1)求这1000名小学生患近视的百分比; (2)求本次抽查的中学生人数;(3)该市有中学生8万人,小学生10万人,分别估计该市的中学生与小学生患“中度近视”的人数.19. (本题12分)如图,△ABC 是⊙O 的内接三角形,AC=BC ,D 为⌒AB 上一点,延长DA 至点E ,使CE=CD. (1)求证:AE=BD ;(2)若AC ⊥BC ,求证:AD +BD=2CD.20. (本题15分)一次函数233+=x y 的图象与x 轴与y 轴分别交于点A 、B ,以AB 为边在第二象限内作等边△ABC. (1)求点C 的坐标;(2)在第二象限内有一点M(m ,1),满足ABC ABM S S ∆∆=,求点M 的坐标; (3)对于(2)中的点M ,若点P 是x 轴上的一动点记=d PM +PC ,求d 的最小值及此时点P 的坐标.36000单位的维生素A和40000单位的维生素B.(1)研制100千克食品,甲种食物至少要用多少千克丙种食物至多能用多少千克(2)(3)若限定甲种食物用50千克,则研制这100千克食品的总成本S的取值范围是多少?22.(本题16分)如图1,在Rt△ABC中,AC=BC=6,∠ACB=90°,点D,E分别是AC,AB的中点,点F为射线DE上一动点,连结CF,作FG⊥CF交射线AB于点G.(1)当点F在线段DE上时,判断FC与FG的大小关系并证明;(2)如图2,当点F在DE延长线上时,AB与CF交于点H,若FB平分∠CFG,求HG的长;(3)设DF=x,是否存在这样的x,使△BFG为等腰三角形?若存在,求出所有x的值;若不存在,说明理由.。

诸暨市高中提前招生考试试卷数 学题 号 一 二三总分 结分人17 18 19 20 21 22 23 得 分考生须知:1、本卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟。
一、选择题(每小题4分,共40分)1.函数y=2006x 自变量x 的取值范围是…………………( )A .x >0B .x <0C .x=0D .x≠02. 如果从一卷粗细均匀的电线上截取1米长的电线, 称得它的质量为a 克,再称得剩余电线的质量为b 克, 那么原来这卷电线的总长度是……………( ) A .b+1a 米; B .(b a +1)米; C .(a+b a +1)米; D .(a b+1)米3. 国家质检总局出台了国内销售的纤维制品甲醛含量标准, 从2003年1月1 日起正式实施.该标准规定:针织内衣. 床上用品等直接接触皮肤的制品,甲醛含量应在百万分之七十五以下. 百万分之七十五用科学记数法表示应写成………( ) A .75×10-7; B .75×10-6; C .7.5×10-6; D .7.5×10-54. 已知⊙O 1半径为3cm ,⊙O 2的半径为7cm, 若⊙O 1和⊙O 2的公共点不超过1 个, 则两圆的圆心距不可能为………………………( )A .0cm ;B .4cm ;C .8cm ;D .12cm 5. 如图所示的两个圆盘中,指针落在每一个数上的机会均等,那么两个指针同时落在偶数上的概率是……( ) A .1925 ; B .1025 ; C .625 ; D .5256. 在四边形ABCD 中,对角线AC 与BD 相交于点E ,若AC 平分∠DAB ,AB=AE , AC=AD. 那么在下列四个结论中:(1) AC ⊥BD ;(2)BC=DE ; (3)∠DBC=12 ∠DAB ;(4) △ABE 是正三角形,正确的是……………( )A .(1)和(2);B .(2)和(3);C .(3)和(4);D .(1)和(4)日 一 二 三 四 五 六 周次 1 2 34567一 8910 11 12 13 14二 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 三 7. 红星学校准备开办一些学生课外活动的兴趣班,结果反应热烈。

则下列结论正确的是()A.乙图中物体所受浮力为1.1NB.丙图中盐水的密度为1.2×103kg/m3C.乙图中物体浸没后,水对烧杯底部的压强比原来增大了100PaD.丙图中烧杯对桌子的压力比图乙中烧杯对桌子的压力大0.1N2.下列说法中,正确的是A.内能较大的物体所含有的热量较多B.温度高的物体具有的内能一定比温度低的物体多C.热量总是由内能大的物体传递给内能小的物体D.物体的内能增大时,可能是从外界吸收了热量,也可能是外界对物体做了功3.如图所示,电源两端的电压不变,电表均完好,闭合开关S1,两灯都发光,接着再闭合开关S2,则比较闭合开关S2前后,关于电路中各元件情况描述正确的是()A.电流表示数变小B.电压表示数不变C.灯L2变亮D.灯L1变暗4.如图所示,电源电压保持不变,闭合开关S,将滑动变阻滑片P向右移动,下列说法中正确的是()A.电路消耗的总电功率变大B.电压表与电流表的示数之比变小C.电流表的示数变大,电压表的示数变小D.电流表的示数变小,电压表的示数不变5.如图是某品牌榨汁机.为保障安全,该榨汁机设置了双重开关——电源开关S1和安全开关S2.当杯体倒扣在主机上时, S2自动闭合,此时再闭合S1,电动机才能启动,开始榨汁.下列电路图符合上述要求的是A.B.C.D.6.如图所示,电源电压保持不变,R为滑动变阻器,P为滑片,闭合开关,两灯泡L1、L2正常发光,若将滑片P向左移动,下列说法正确的是()A.L1灯变暗B.L2灯变暗C.干路中的电流变大D.电路消耗的总功率变大7.在防范新冠肺炎的疫情中,体温计发挥了重要作用。
如图所示的是一支常用体温计,下列关于该体温计的说法中错误的是()A.它的示数是38C︒B.它的分度值是1C︒C.它能离开被测物体读数D.它是根据液体热胀冷缩规律制成的8.只利用如图各组给定的器材做实验,不能完成其实验目的是()A.探究压力作用效果与受力面积的关系B.研究液体压强与液体密度的关系C.证明大气压强的存在D.验证电磁波的存在A.A B.B C.C D.D9.家庭常用的电吹风既能吹冷风又能吹热风.下列电路中最符合电吹风工作要求的是()A.B.C.D.10.常用智能手机是通过指纹开关S1或密码开关S2来解锁的,若其中任一方式解锁失败后,锁定开关S3均会断开而暂停手机解锁功能,S3将在一段时间后自动闭合而恢复解锁功能.若用灯泡L发光模拟手机解锁成功,则符合要求的模拟电路是A.B.C.D.11.中国古诗词是对自然现象和社会生活的反映,蕴含着许多科学道理。
05-09 诸暨中学提前招生试卷七(上)内容精选

05-09 诸暨中学提前招生试卷七(上)内容精选一、选择题1.测量是将一个待测的量与公认的标准量进行比较的过程。
在这个测量过程中,“公认的标准量”指的是:()A 、1米B、400米C、测量工具D、操场2.这是一张日历的内容“2006年6月18日,丙戌年5月廿三星期日”,则这一天出现的月相与下列哪句诗所表示的月相是相似的()A、月落乌啼霜满天,夜半钟声到客船B、月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后C、今宵酒醒何处?杨柳岸晓风残月D、楼上黄昏欲望休,玉梯横绝月如钩3.哈佛大学的约翰教授计划移民澳大利亚悉尼,想买一座面向北方的二层楼房。
为了在房子后方的空地找出全年正午太阳都照射不到的地方,以便规划栽植的内容,约翰先生应该选择在下列哪一个月份某日的正午时刻去参观( )A.3月B.6月C.9月D.12月4. 据气象台预报,某台风中心的移动路径如下表,则台风中心的前进方向是()时间8 12 20 24台风位置114°E、21°N 115°E、22.5°N 117°E、23°N 118°E、24°NA.由西南向东北B. 由东北向西南C. 由东北转向西北D. 由西北向东南5.诸暨中学天文馆里陈列的一张珍贵图片(右图),这是学校“蓝天”科技小组的同学们拍摄到的太阳系某行星凌日天文奇观照片,此图可能是下列哪组情况()A.水星凌日或金星凌日B.水星凌日或火星凌日C.金星凌日或火星凌日D.木星凌日或土星凌日6.在研究光照强度对某种鸟鸣次数的影响中,下列设计不符合研究要求的是()A.记录一天内不同时间同一地点该种鸟鸣叫次数B.记录同一时间不同天气该种鸟鸣叫次数C.记录繁殖季节该种鸟雌鸟和雄鸟鸣叫次数D.记录不同季节同一地点该种鸟鸣叫次数7、某海关在进口食品检疫中发现一种病原微生物,这种病原微生物为单细胞生物,具有细胞壁,细胞内没有成形的细胞核,你认为这种生物最可能属于()A昆虫 B细菌 C病毒 D真菌8.小明用显微镜观察不经染色的洋葱鳞片叶表皮细胞,在视野中能清晰地看到细胞壁和细胞核,但看不清液泡。

诸暨中学提前招生选拔卷一、单项选择题(15分)1.Martin is _______11-year –old boy in No 4 middle school.A. theB. aC. anD. /2.-Which of the two English magazines did you like better?-Actually I didn’t like ____.They are both boring.A. both of themB. either of themC. none of themD. neither of them3.-Now the rules for drunk drivers are very strict.-Yes,if the driver drinks too much ,it may _______a lot of trouble.A. causeB. takeC. giveD. send4.-The environment is becoming worse and worse.-Yes, it is our ______to make it cleaner and more beautiful.A. turnB. ideaC. suggestionD. duty5.-I wonder if your husband will go to the party.-If your husband _____,so ________A. does, does mineB. will, will mineC. does ,will mineD. will, does mine6.—How is your tour around the East Lake? Isn’t it beautiful?---It______ be, but it is now polluted seriously.A. willB. wouldC. shouldD. must7. –Do you think the Internet is popular with teenagers?--So it is. Many children like _________friends online in their free time.A. play withB. look upC. chat withD. spend on8.I’ll always regard him ____my friend, because he once helped me a lot when I was _____trouble.A. to, inB. as, inC. in, asD. as, to9.We will hold the sports meeting next Wednesday _____it rains.A. ifB. afterC. unlessD. because10.Zhuji ______a lot in the last 5 years .It’s now one of the important _____in Zhejiang.A. changed, cityB. changes , citiesC. has changed, citiesD. had changed, cities11.I _____drive to school. Now I ______walking to school. I know it’s good for both health andenvironment.A. used to, used toB. used to , am used toC. am used to , used toD. be used to ,used to12.-What’s your headteacher like ?-My headteacher? He’s ____me, but he is a nice person.A. kind toB. strict inC. pleased withD. strict with13.-We really hope our teacher and parents can give us much more time to sleep.-I agree. We often feel _______after a long time study.A. asleepB. frustratedC. excitedD. sleepy14.-National Day is coming.-Oh, it’s exciting .we’ll have _______off during the holiday.A. seven days’B. seven daysC. seven day’sD.seven-day15—Tom,why are you walking so __________?--Oh, the train is leaving in five minutes, I have little time left.A. loudlyB. slowlyC. happilyD. quickly二、完形填空(15分)It is a thousand kilometers across that desert. The road is _16__nearly all the way. Sometimes there is a deep sand. A driver must then put his foot down hard and drive through! There are three small __17__along the way. Vick reached the first place at 10:00 p.m. He had his __18__in a little restaurant there. It was a warm __19__in August. Vick wanted to __20__through the night. The nights are warm enough in August, but the days are very , very _21__.He left the restaurant at 11:30 and drove over __22__hours.There wasn’t a moon, but the __23__were wonderful. There was nothing else on the road. Vick thought, “I t’s an empty desert .No tree, house or man” He could __24__the endless, white road in the car’s headlights.A million stars looked down on him.It was two o’clock in the morning. Vick stopped the car. He was two hundred kilometers from the __25___town:”I’ll light the cooker,” he thought, “and make some tea.” He got out of the car.He heard some sounds ,ten or fifteen meters __26__.He could not see anything in the darkness. A man said, ”Good morning .It’s a __27__morning, isn’t it ?”The man came forward , out of the darkness, out of the desert. Vick did not move. The man said, “You are going to __28__some tea, aren’t you? I often get a cup of tea at this time .It’s two o’clock. Cars always __29___near here at this time. Sometimes I get a _30__.Now listen, and I’ll tell you a story. Then you’ll give me……. ” .16.A.short B. good C. busy D. well17.A.cities B. hotels C. villages D. towns18.A.tea B. supper C. lunch D. breakfast19.A.night B. day C. season D. month20.A.live B. stay C. drive D. walk21.A.cold B. cool C. hot D. warm22.A.two B. seven C. ten D. fourteen23.A.trees B. animals C. stars D. clouds24.A.see B. ride C. pass D. find25.A.home B .other C. next D. last26.A.about B. from C. far D. away27.A.noisy B. lovely C. sleepy D. sunny28.A.eat B. make C. cook D. drink29.A.leave B. stop C. meet D. run30.A.bread B .car C. rest D. meal三、阅读理解(45分31-50 每题2分,51-55 每题1分)(A)I was very disappointed not to be able to go to the jazz concert last Friday. The notice in the paper said that you could buy tickets at the theater box office any day between 10:30 a.m and 3:00 p.m. The only time I could go to the theater was during my 45-minute lunch break. Unluckily , the theater is on the other side of the town, and the bus service is not very good. But if you are lucky, you can make the round trip in 45 minutes.Last Monday, I stood at the bus stop for fifteen minutes waiting for the bus. By the time I sawone come around the corner, there was not enough time left to make the trip. So I gave up and went back to the office. The same thing happened on Tuesday, and again Wednesday. On Thursday , my luck changed .I got on a bus right away. When I got there, however, I found a long line of people at the box office. I had to catch the next bus and went back across the town .By Friday I decided to make the trip by taxi, it was expensive, but I felt the concert would be worth hearing. The trip by taxi only took 10 minutes, but it felt like an hour to me. When I got to the theater, I was relieved to see that nobody was waiting in line. The reason , I quickly found, was that they had already sold out all the tickets.31.The writer learned ___that there would be a concert last Friday.A. from his friendsB. from one of his workmatesC. over the radioD. from the newspaper32.The writer tried to go to the theater every day but successfully got there only_____A. twiceB. three timesC. four timesD.five times33.If lucky, the writer could spend about ____on the trip to the theater from his office by bus.A. forty-five minutesB. twenty minutesC. ten minutesD.fifteen minutes34.Maybe the word”____”can be used instead of the word “relieved”A. nervousB. gratefulC. pleasedD. sorry35.The writer mainly tells us he ______.A. enjoyed himself in the theaterB. was angry at buying the ticketC. had some trouble with the bus serviceD. was sad at missing the concert(B)Switzerland is famous for its watches. but this country didn’t invent the watch. It was the British who did .Here is a story of how the watch was brought to Switzerland.Many years ago, an Englishman travelled to Italy. This English man travelled in a carriage. On his way, he stopped in a small town called Geneva in Switzerland.There was a carriage clock in it. This was the earliest kind of watch .A blacksmith’s assistant happened to see the clock. He wanted to know what it was and asked the Englishman about it.”It is a carriage clock,” said the man.”This machine can tell the time but it isn’t working now.”The blacksmith’s assistant wanted to try to repair it, so the traveler handed him the clock .The assistant was a very clever man, so it was easy for him to repair it.He even remembered how it was made. As soon as the traveler had gone on his way, he made a watch of exactly the same type.So the watch-making was started in Switzerland. Today, Swiss watches are sold in countries all over the world.36.What is Switzerland famous for?_______A. TVsB. PensC. WatchesD. Shoes37.What could the carriage clock tell?_______A.A storyB.A jokeC.The timeD.A lie38.Which of the following is true?______A. The blacksmith’s assistant didn’t want to have a lookB. The blacksmith’s assistant wanted to wear the clockC. The blacksmith’s assistant wanted to repair the clock for the manD. The blacksmith’s assistant only wanted to keep the clock39.Which sentence is right?______A. The carriage clock shouldn’t be mendedB. The blacksmith’s assistant was a foolish man .C. The blacksmith’s assistant made a watch by himself at last.D. The blacksmith’s assistant repaired the carriage.40.From the passage, we know that______A. Japan started the watch-makingB. Swiss watches are sold only in SwitzerlandC. The English traveler was the inventor of watchesD. Swiss watches are sold all over the world.(C)Sea lions are interesting animals .It can be quite dark in the ocean, but sea lions can find their way around. Sea lions don’t need to drink water----they get all the water they need from the food they eat. They eat fish and some small animals in the sea. Sea lions must breathe air and they can’t stay under water forever! Sea lions are divers. When they dive, a sea lion can stay under water for about 40 minutes at a time .Sea lions are great swimmers,too. Its speed can reach 40 kilometers an hour .This helps them escape from their enemies: killer whales and sharks .But they can’t escape from human beings! Each year a lot of sea lions die painfully .Thousands of sea lions were killed for their skin and oil. That’s too bad. We must protect them from disappearing in the world or our grandchildren may have no chance to see them any more.41.Where do sea lions live?A. On landB. In the riverC. In the lakeD. In the ocean42.Why can’t sea lions stay under water for a long time?A. They can’t find much foodB. They need air to breatheC. There is no air in the oceanD.It is too dark in the ocean43.Sea lions ________A. never need any waterB. are killed and eaten by peopleC. swim more slowly than sharksD. are good swimmers and good divers44.What is the most dangerous enemy to sea lions?_________A. Killer whalesB. SharksC. Human beingsD. Large fish45.Which is the best title for this passage?_____A. An Interesting Animal---Sea LionsB. Sea Lions and the OceanC. Protecting Sea Lions Is Very ImportantD. Sea Lions and Their Enemies(D)Some countries have a large number of earthquakes .Japan is one of them. Other countries do not have so many earthquakes. For example, there are few earthquakes in Britain.There is often a great noise during an earthquake .The ground shakes and houses fall down. Railway lines are broken. Trains run off the railroad .Sometimes thousands of people are killed in different ways. In 1783,about 60,000 people were killed in South Italy and another big earthquake in 1883 killed 35,000 people in Indonesia.Fires often follow earthquakes. The Tokyo earthquake of 1923 took place just before the middle of the day. People were cooking meals on their fires at that time. When the ground shook, the fires shook, too. Burning things were thrown on to different parts of the wooden houses. Soon fires were burning in the city.Another big earthquake happened in India in 1896.The ground suddenly moved 0.45m toone side. Then is moved back again. It moved like this 200 times a minute. Nearly all the buildings and trees fell down a few minutes later.46._____has few earthquakes.A. IndiaB. ItalyC. JapanD. England47.It is not true that ______during an earthquake.A. the ground will shakeB. things will become hot.C. some people will dieD. a great noise can be heard48.Fires often _______earthquake.A. comes beforeB. comes afterC. comes as the same time asD. leads49.There are many fires after the Tokyo earthquake because _______.A. people were using firesB. the earthquake shook the firesC. the houses are made of woodD. all of the above50.Which of the following is wrong?_______A. Railway lines are broken during the earthquake.B. In 1783,Japan had a big earthquake and about 60,000 people diedC. In Indonesia 35,000 people died during the earthquakeD. The ground moved and moved back 200 times a minute.(E)Now and again I have had horrible dreams ,but not enough of them to make me lose my delight in dreams. To begin with, I like the idea of dreaming, of going to bed and lying still and then, by some queer magic , wandering into another kind of existence. As a child , I could never understand why grown-ups took dreaming so calmly when they could make such a fuss(大惊小怪) about any holiday. This still puzzles me. I am puzzled by people who say they never dream and appear to have no interest in the subject. It is much more astonishing than it would be if they said they never went out for a walk. Most people do not seem to accept dreaming as part of their lives. They appear to see it as an irritating (令人困扰的) little habit, like sneezing or yawning (打嗝).I can never understand this .My dream life does not seem as important as my waking life because there is far less of it, but to me it is important.51.What is the author’s attitude toward dreaming ?A. He likes itB. He thinks it puzzlingC. He hates it .D. He doesn’t accept it as part of his life52.For the author of the passage, dreaming is ___A. an irritating little habitB. a horrible but wonderful experienceC. a true reflection of realityD. another kind of existence53.The author of the passage enjoys dreaming most _____A .only when he was a child B. only when he is a grown-upC. both as a child and as a grown-upD. only in his old age54.The author of the passage suggests that people who say they never go out for a walk are____A. interestingB. mysteriousC. foolishD. lazy55.The author of the passage complains that most people __________A. are overexcited about their dreamsB. have had dreams most of the timeC. are not interested in talking about their dreamsD. consider their dreams of too much importance四、词汇运用(15分)57.You should pay attention to _________the words correctly.cation is an important part of our _____________59.The boy could look after ________when he was seven years old.60.________of all, I found it difficult to learn English .B.根据所给的汉语意思和文章内容,写出单词的正确形式。

AOB诸暨中学提前招生选拔考试(数 学 卷)一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)1.10的相反数是 ( ) A.110 B.110- C. 10- D.10 2.给出四个数a,b,c,d,其中a 既不是正数也不是负数,b 是2的算术平方根,c 是2的倒数,d=3-π,则这四个数中最大的是( )A .aB .bC .cD .d3.若关于x 的不等式⎩⎨⎧≤-<-1270x m x 的整数解共有5个,则m 的取值范围是( )A .87<<mB .87<≤mC .87≤≤mD .87≤<m4. 抛物线()20y x x p p =++≠的图象与x 轴一个交点的横坐标是P ,那么该抛物线的顶点坐标是()A .(0,-2)B .19,24⎛⎫-⎪⎝⎭ C .19,24⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭ D .19,24⎛⎫-- ⎪⎝⎭5.在盒子里放有三张分别写有整式1a +、2a +、2的卡片,从中随机抽取两张卡片,把两张卡片上的整式分别作为分子和分母,则能组成分式的概率是( ).A . 13B . 23C . 16D . 346.如图,⊙O 的半径OA 、OB,且OA ⊥OB,连接AB.现在⊙0上找一点C,使OA 2+AB 2=BC 2, 则∠OAC 的度数为 ( )A.15°或 75°B. 20°或 70°C. 20°D.30°7.给出下列四个命题:(1)平分弦的直径一定垂直于这条弦,并且平分这条弦所对的弧;(2)若点A 在抛物线223y x =-上,且点A 到两坐标轴的距离相等,则点A 在第一或第三象限;(3)半径为5的圆中,弦AB=8,则圆周上到直线AB 的距离为2的点共有四个; (4)若A (a ,m )、B (a –1,n )(a >0)在反比例函数xy 4=的图象上,则m <n . 其中,正确命题的个数是( )A .0个B .1个C .2个D .3个 8.边长为1的正方形111C B OA 的顶点1A 在x 轴的正半轴上, 如图将正方形111C B OA 绕顶点O 顺时针旋转︒75得正方 形OABC ,使点B 恰好落在函数)0(2<a ax y =的图像上, 则a 的值为( )A .32-B .21- C .2-D . 32-9.在平面直角坐标系中,正方形ABCD 的位置如图所示,点A 的坐标为(1,0),点D 的 坐标为(0,2).延长CB 交x 轴于点A 1,作正方形A 1B 1C 1C ;延长C 1B 1交x 轴于点A 2, 作正方形A 2B 2C 2C 1…按这样的规律进行下去,第2010个正方形的面积为( ) A .2009235⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛B .2010495⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛C .2008495⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛D .4018235⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛10.如图,在△ABC 中,BC=15,B 1、B 2、……B 9、C 1、C 2、……C 9分别是AB 、AC 的10等分点,则B 1C 1+B 2C 2+……+B 9C 9的值 是 ( )A .45B .55C .67.5D .135二、填空题(每小题3分,共30分)11.多项式3224-a 因式分解后的结果为 . 12.在数轴上,点A 、B 、C 对应的数分别为1,51x x -+,1-,且A B 、两点关于点C 对称,则x 的值为___________.13.△ABC 中,∠A =35o,BD 是AC 边上的高,且2BD AD CD =⋅,则∠BCA 的度数为 .O AB C DA 1B 1C 1A 2C 2B 2 xy14.如图,是由大小一样的小正方形组成的网格,△ABC 的三个顶点落在小正方形的顶点上.在网格上能画出三个顶点都落在小正方形的顶点上,且与△ABC 成轴对称的三角形共 个.15.如图,半径为5的⊙P 与y 轴交于点M ()4,0-,N ()10,0-,函数()0<=x xky 的图像过点P ,则k = . 16.已知直线12y x =与双曲线(0)ky k x=>交于A ,B 两点,且点A 的横坐标为4。
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诸暨中学提前招生选拔卷一、单项选择题(15分)1.Martin is _______11-year –old boy in No 4 middle school.A. theB. aC. anD. /2.-Which of the two English magazines did you like better?-Actually I didn’t like ____.They are both boring.A. both of themB. either of themC. none of themD. neither of them3.-Now the rules for drunk drivers are very strict.-Yes,if the driver drinks too much ,it may _______a lot of trouble.A. causeB. takeC. giveD. send4.-The environment is becoming worse and worse.-Yes, it is our ______to make it cleaner and more beautiful.A. turnB. ideaC. suggestionD. duty5.-I wonder if your husband will go to the party.-If your husband _____,so ________A. does, does mineB. will, will mineC. does ,will mineD. will, does mine6.—How is your tour around the East Lake? Isn’t it beautiful?---It______ be, but it is now polluted seriously.A. willB. wouldC. shouldD. must7. –Do you think the Internet is popular with teenagers?--So it is. Many children like _________friends online in their free time.A. play withB. look upC. chat withD. spend on8.I’ll always regard him ____my friend, because he once helped me a lot when I was _____trouble.A. to, inB. as, inC. in, asD. as, to9.We will hold the sports meeting next Wednesday _____it rains.A. ifB. afterC. unlessD. because10.Zhuji ______a lot in the last 5 years .It’s now one of the important _____in Zhejiang.A. changed, cityB. changes , citiesC. has changed, citiesD. had changed, cities11.I _____drive to school. Now I ______walking to school. I know it’s good for both health andenvironment.A. used to, used toB. used to , am used toC. am used to , used toD. be used to ,used to12.-What’s your headteacher like ?-My headteacher? He’s ____me, but he is a nice person.A. kind toB. strict inC. pleased withD. strict with13.-We really hope our teacher and parents can give us much more time to sleep.-I agree. We often feel _______after a long time study.A. asleepB. frustratedC. excitedD. sleepy14.-National Day is coming.-Oh, it’s exciting .we’ll have _______off during the holiday.A. seven days’B. seven daysC. seven day’sD.seven-day15—Tom,why are you walking so __________?--Oh, the train is leaving in five minutes, I have little time left.A. loudlyB. slowlyC. happilyD. quickly二、完形填空(15分)It is a thousand kilometers across that desert. The road is _16__nearly all the way. Sometimes there is a deep sand. A driver must then put his foot down hard and drive through! There are three small __17__along the way. Vick reached the first place at 10:00 p.m. He had his __18__in a little restaurant there. It was a warm __19__in August. Vick wanted to __20__through the night. The nights are warm enough in August, but the days are very , very _21__.He left the restaurant at 11:30 and drove over __22__hours.There wasn’t a moon, but the __23__were wonderful. There was nothing else on the road. Vick thought, “I t’s an empty desert .No tree, house or man” He could __24__the endless, white road in the car’s headlights.A million stars looked down on him.It was two o’clock in the morning. Vick stopped the car. He was two hundred kilometers from the __25___town:”I’ll light the cooker,” he thought, “and make some tea.” He got out of the car.He heard some sounds ,ten or fifteen meters __26__.He could not see anything in the darkness. A man said, ”Good morning .It’s a __27__morning, isn’t it ?”The man came forward , out of the darkness, out of the desert. Vick did not move. The man said, “You are going to __28__some tea, aren’t you? I often get a cup of tea at this time .It’s two o’clock. Cars always __29___near here at this time. Sometimes I get a _30__.Now listen, and I’ll tell you a story. Then you’ll give me……. ” .16.A.short B. good C. busy D. well17.A.cities B. hotels C. villages D. towns18.A.tea B. supper C. lunch D. breakfast19.A.night B. day C. season D. month20.A.live B. stay C. drive D. walk21.A.cold B. cool C. hot D. warm22.A.two B. seven C. ten D. fourteen23.A.trees B. animals C. stars D. clouds24.A.see B. ride C. pass D. find25.A.home B .other C. next D. last26.A.about B. from C. far D. away27.A.noisy B. lovely C. sleepy D. sunny28.A.eat B. make C. cook D. drink29.A.leave B. stop C. meet D. run30.A.bread B .car C. rest D. meal三、阅读理解(45分31-50 每题2分,51-55 每题1分)(A)I was very disappointed not to be able to go to the jazz concert last Friday. The notice in the paper said that you could buy tickets at the theater box office any day between 10:30 a.m and 3:00 p.m. The only time I could go to the theater was during my 45-minute lunch break. Unluckily , the theater is on the other side of the town, and the bus service is not very good. But if you are lucky, you can make the round trip in 45 minutes.Last Monday, I stood at the bus stop for fifteen minutes waiting for the bus. By the time I sawone come around the corner, there was not enough time left to make the trip. So I gave up and went back to the office. The same thing happened on Tuesday, and again Wednesday. On Thursday , my luck changed .I got on a bus right away. When I got there, however, I found a long line of people at the box office. I had to catch the next bus and went back across the town .By Friday I decided to make the trip by taxi, it was expensive, but I felt the concert would be worth hearing. The trip by taxi only took 10 minutes, but it felt like an hour to me. When I got to the theater, I was relieved to see that nobody was waiting in line. The reason , I quickly found, was that they had already sold out all the tickets.31.The writer learned ___that there would be a concert last Friday.A. from his friendsB. from one of his workmatesC. over the radioD. from the newspaper32.The writer tried to go to the theater every day but successfully got there only_____A. twiceB. three timesC. four timesD.five times33.If lucky, the writer could spend about ____on the trip to the theater from his office by bus.A. forty-five minutesB. twenty minutesC. ten minutesD.fifteen minutes34.Maybe the word”____”can be used instead of the word “relieved”A. nervousB. gratefulC. pleasedD. sorry35.The writer mainly tells us he ______.A. enjoyed himself in the theaterB. was angry at buying the ticketC. had some trouble with the bus serviceD. was sad at missing the concert(B)Switzerland is famous for its watches. but this country didn’t invent the watch. It was the British who did .Here is a story of how the watch was brought to Switzerland.Many years ago, an Englishman travelled to Italy. This English man travelled in a carriage. On his way, he stopped in a small town called Geneva in Switzerland.There was a carriage clock in it. This was the earliest kind of watch .A blacksmith’s assistant happened to see the clock. He wanted to know what it was and asked the Englishman about it.”It is a carriage clock,” said the man.”This machine can tell the time but it isn’t working now.”The blacksmith’s assistant wanted to try to repair it, so the traveler handed him the clock .The assistant was a very clever man, so it was easy for him to repair it.He even remembered how it was made. As soon as the traveler had gone on his way, he made a watch of exactly the same type.So the watch-making was started in Switzerland. Today, Swiss watches are sold in countries all over the world.36.What is Switzerland famous for?_______A. TVsB. PensC. WatchesD. Shoes37.What could the carriage clock tell?_______A.A storyB.A jokeC.The timeD.A lie38.Which of the following is true?______A. The blacksmith’s assistant didn’t want to have a lookB. The blacksmith’s assistant wanted to wear the clockC. The blacksmith’s assistant wanted to repair the clock for the manD. The blacksmith’s assistant only wanted to keep the clock39.Which sentence is right?______A. The carriage clock shouldn’t be mendedB. The blacksmith’s assistant was a foolish man .C. The blacksmith’s assistant made a watch by himself at last.D. The blacksmith’s assistant repaired the carriage.40.From the passage, we know that______A. Japan started the watch-makingB. Swiss watches are sold only in SwitzerlandC. The English traveler was the inventor of watchesD. Swiss watches are sold all over the world.(C)Sea lions are interesting animals .It can be quite dark in the ocean, but sea lions can find their way around. Sea lions don’t need to drink water----they get all the water they need from the food they eat. They eat fish and some small animals in the sea. Sea lions must breathe air and they can’t stay under water forever! Sea lions are divers. When they dive, a sea lion can stay under water for about 40 minutes at a time .Sea lions are great swimmers,too. Its speed can reach 40 kilometers an hour .This helps them escape from their enemies: killer whales and sharks .But they can’t escape from human beings! Each year a lot of sea lions die painfully .Thousands of sea lions were killed for their skin and oil. That’s too bad. We must protect them from disappearing in the world or our grandchildren may have no chance to see them any more.41.Where do sea lions live?A. On landB. In the riverC. In the lakeD. In the ocean42.Why can’t sea lions stay under water for a long time?A. They can’t find much foodB. They need air to breatheC. There is no air in the oceanD.It is too dark in the ocean43.Sea lions ________A. never need any waterB. are killed and eaten by peopleC. swim more slowly than sharksD. are good swimmers and good divers44.What is the most dangerous enemy to sea lions?_________A. Killer whalesB. SharksC. Human beingsD. Large fish45.Which is the best title for this passage?_____A. An Interesting Animal---Sea LionsB. Sea Lions and the OceanC. Protecting Sea Lions Is Very ImportantD. Sea Lions and Their Enemies(D)Some countries have a large number of earthquakes .Japan is one of them. Other countries do not have so many earthquakes. For example, there are few earthquakes in Britain.There is often a great noise during an earthquake .The ground shakes and houses fall down. Railway lines are broken. Trains run off the railroad .Sometimes thousands of people are killed in different ways. In 1783,about 60,000 people were killed in South Italy and another big earthquake in 1883 killed 35,000 people in Indonesia.Fires often follow earthquakes. The Tokyo earthquake of 1923 took place just before the middle of the day. People were cooking meals on their fires at that time. When the ground shook, the fires shook, too. Burning things were thrown on to different parts of the wooden houses. Soon fires were burning in the city.Another big earthquake happened in India in 1896.The ground suddenly moved 0.45m toone side. Then is moved back again. It moved like this 200 times a minute. Nearly all the buildings and trees fell down a few minutes later.46._____has few earthquakes.A. IndiaB. ItalyC. JapanD. England47.It is not true that ______during an earthquake.A. the ground will shakeB. things will become hot.C. some people will dieD. a great noise can be heard48.Fires often _______earthquake.A. comes beforeB. comes afterC. comes as the same time asD. leads49.There are many fires after the Tokyo earthquake because _______.A. people were using firesB. the earthquake shook the firesC. the houses are made of woodD. all of the above50.Which of the following is wrong?_______A. Railway lines are broken during the earthquake.B. In 1783,Japan had a big earthquake and about 60,000 people diedC. In Indonesia 35,000 people died during the earthquakeD. The ground moved and moved back 200 times a minute.(E)Now and again I have had horrible dreams ,but not enough of them to make me lose my delight in dreams. To begin with, I like the idea of dreaming, of going to bed and lying still and then, by some queer magic , wandering into another kind of existence. As a child , I could never understand why grown-ups took dreaming so calmly when they could make such a fuss(大惊小怪) about any holiday. This still puzzles me. I am puzzled by people who say they never dream and appear to have no interest in the subject. It is much more astonishing than it would be if they said they never went out for a walk. Most people do not seem to accept dreaming as part of their lives. They appear to see it as an irritating (令人困扰的) little habit, like sneezing or yawning (打嗝).I can never understand this .My dream life does not seem as important as my waking life because there is far less of it, but to me it is important.51.What is the author’s attitude toward dreaming ?A. He likes itB. He thinks it puzzlingC. He hates it .D. He doesn’t accept it as part of his life52.For the author of the passage, dreaming is ___A. an irritating little habitB. a horrible but wonderful experienceC. a true reflection of realityD. another kind of existence53.The author of the passage enjoys dreaming most _____A .only when he was a child B. only when he is a grown-upC. both as a child and as a grown-upD. only in his old age54.The author of the passage suggests that people who say they never go out for a walk are____A. interestingB. mysteriousC. foolishD. lazy55.The author of the passage complains that most people __________A. are overexcited about their dreamsB. have had dreams most of the timeC. are not interested in talking about their dreamsD. consider their dreams of too much importance四、词汇运用(15分)57.You should pay attention to _________the words correctly.cation is an important part of our _____________59.The boy could look after ________when he was seven years old.60.________of all, I found it difficult to learn English .B.根据所给的汉语意思和文章内容,写出单词的正确形式。