BI PUBLISHER 11服务器配置参考






需求以下是我们对新服务器的技术需求:1. 处理器:至少需要具备4个物理核心,并支持超线程技术。

2. 内存:需要至少32GB的内存容量,以确保足够的运行空间。

3. 存储:需要至少500GB的硬盘空间,以存储数据和应用程序。

4. 网络:需要支持千兆以太网接口,以提供高速网络连接。

5. 操作系统:需要支持最新的操作系统版本,并具备良好的兼容性。

6. 安全性:需要支持硬件级别的安全特性,如加密和身份验证。

7. 可扩展性:需要具备良好的扩展性,以便在需要时添加更多的硬件组件。

软件要求除了硬件需求外,我们还需要一些特定的软件配置:1. 数据库管理系统:需要支持最新的数据库管理系统,如MySQL或PostgreSQL。

2. Web服务器:需要支持常见的Web服务器,如Apache或Nginx。

3. 邮件服务器:需要支持电子邮件服务器,如Exim或Postfix。

4. 安全软件:需要支持防火墙、入侵检测系统和恶意软件检测工具等安全软件。

管理与监控我们需要一些管理与监控工具来确保服务器的正常运行:1. 远程管理:需要支持远程管理工具,如SSH或远程桌面协议。

2. 性能监控:需要支持性能监控工具,如Zabbix或Nagios。

3. 日志分析:需要支持日志分析工具,以便我们能够及时发现并解决潜在的问题。

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●手动安装:手工安装包可在Windows或Unix / Linux等操作系统上使用。

根据实际项目需要选择应用服务器(Tomcat / JBoss / Weblogic / WebSphere)和知识库(MySQL / HSQL / Oracle / DB2),由用户手工将bioffice.war应用包部署到应用服务器上,再通过配置工具手动配置知识库和指定License后登录使用。




IBM Cognos PowerPlay V11.0 管理指南说明书

IBM Cognos PowerPlay V11.0 管理指南说明书

IBM Cognos PowerPlay V11.0管理指南IBM©产品信息本文档适用于 IBM Cognos Analytics V11.0.0,还可能适用于后续发行版。

版权Licensed Materials-Property of IBM©Copyright IBM Corp.2005,2017.US Government Users Restricted Rights–Use,duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Con-tract with IBM Corp.IBM、IBM徽标和 是 International Business Machines Corp.在全球许多管辖区域内注册的商标或注册商标。

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下列各项是其他公司的商标或注册商标:v Adobe、Adobe徽标、PostScript以及 PostScript徽标是 Adobe Systems Incorporated在美国和/或其他国家或地区的注册商标或商标。

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bi publisher 文档

bi publisher 文档
Байду номын сангаас
但是在你可以开始制作报表之前,你需要配 置Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Enterprise来增加一个JDBC数据源,它指向用 Enterprise来增加一个JDBC数据源,它指向用 于第一个报表的数据库。
要这么做,点击管理标签(见图12),定 要这么做,点击管理标签(见图12),定 位到页面中的数据源区域,点击”JDBC连 位到页面中的数据源区域,点击”JDBC连 接”,然后点击”添加数据源”。之后, ,然后点击”添加数据源” 输入你的细节。 输入你的细节。
见图12:建立jdbc数据源 见图12:建立jdbc数据源
在你的系统中,提供正确的数据源名称、URL、 在你的系统中,提供正确的数据源名称、URL、 用户名和密码; 用户名和密码;点击测试连接来检查你提供的细节 是否正确; 是否正确;点击应用保存细节。 要开始创造这个报表,首先点击报表标签返回 到Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Enterprise主页,点击我的文件夹链接,然后在 Enterprise主页,点击我的文件夹链接,然后在 文件夹和报表任务区域点击创建一个新报表。在 输入报表名称框中输入报表名称,并点击创建。 新报表显示在页面的右边; 新报表显示在页面的右边;点击报表名称下的编辑 链接开始报表定义的数据集。
这张图中列示的是我们已经装载的XML文件中的 这张图中列示的是我们已经装载的XML文件中的 信息,也就是我们报表中SQL中SELECT出来的字 信息,也就是我们报表中SQL中SELECT出来的字 段,这些是我们制作模板的基础。在这里我们选 择需要显示的列名,会逐一的列示在word中,模 择需要显示的列名,会逐一的列示在word中,模 板做好后效果如下图所示:



一、设置BI Publisher的用户权限1、通过BI server 验证在安全配置中定义多种了安全验证方式。

现在选择BI server验证。

所谓BI server验证是BIEE提供给整个BI 产品的验证方式,在BIEE的各种组件都可以使用这样验证。

连接字符串配置连接访问BIEE安全,如果BI server和BIP在同一台服务器上,地址就是BI publisher的地址,默认的端口是9703。

管理员用户名和密码只要是BI sever里可以访问online 存储库的都可以。


用户和职责都在BI sever端定义。

在BI server服务器打开Administration Tool开发一个BIEE的存储库.rpd文件。

打开online 的rpd。


在这里定义BI server端的用户和权限。

BI sever安全配置Users定义用户名和密码。


当BI publisher连接BI server进行验证时候,会在BI server段自动生产以XMLP开头的六个group。

这六个group 是BI publisher的内置权限。









• XMLP_TEMPL ATE_DESIGNER允许用户通过模板链接到BI Publisher服务器,上传和下载模板。

而用户可访问的报表文件夹是需要在BI publisher端配置的。



注册用户总数(Domino Mail Server)Domino服务器上的注册用户总数。

可以根据现有的Mail Server或者目前用户的人数评估来确定。

峰值并发访问比(Domino Mail Server)峰值并发访问比能用"show server status"命令在管理终端查看。

可以根据目前的Mail Server系统在同一时间内并发访问百分比来确定,可以以用户数的50~60%为起点来评估。

Mail数据库的平均大小(Domino Mail Server)用管理终端来确定在Domino服务器上传送的Mail的平均大小。

每个用户的Domino Mail 数据库定为100MB。

记录Domino的服务(Email,日历和行程,Web Server以及其他服务)确定Domino服务器上最初的应用。


客户端类型(Notes, IMAP4, SMTP/POP, 浏览器以及其他客户端)根据原有的Email格式来确定。

Notes是一个基本的Mail /日历/行程客户端,将它安装在一个工作站以便于在Domino服务器上存取信息。







别的Notes/Domino数据库大小(discussion, applications, Web servers以及其他应用)以这些信息能确定CPU,磁盘空间,内存。



BI Publisher的学习总结

BI Publisher的学习总结
(2)在Report Builder的数据模型中建立仓库数据模型Q_1
本文文件主要描述了Oracle电子商务套件环境中BIPublisher(也称为Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher,即BI Publisher)的基本特性。您将了解如何创建模板和报表以及如何发布报表。

bi publisher操作手册

bi publisher操作手册

bi publisher操作手册Bi Publisher 操作手册一、简介Bi Publisher(Business Intelligence Publisher)是由Oracle开发的一款用于企业报表、文档和通知管理的工具。


Bi Publisher具有跨平台、易用性强、定制化程度高等特点,已经广泛应用于各个领域的企业中。

二、安装和配置1. 下载和安装Bi Publisher:进入Oracle官方网站,查找Bi Publisher的下载页面,并根据系统要求下载最新版本的安装程序。


2. 配置数据源:在Bi Publisher中使用报表数据源,需要配置数据链接。

通过在Bi Publisher的管理界面中添加数据源,可以连接到各种数据源,如Oracle数据库、Web服务等。

3. 配置报表模板:在Bi Publisher中,报表是通过模板来定义的。

可以使用Bi Publisher提供的Word、Excel等软件或者自定义XML格式来创建模板。

4. 配置输出设置:在Bi Publisher中,可以配置输出的格式和方式,如PDF、Excel、邮件等。


三、模板设计1. 创建模板:打开Bi Publisher提供的模板编辑工具,选择合适的模板类型,如RTF、PDF等。


2. 插入数据字段:在设计模板的过程中,需要插入数据字段来展示报表内容。


3. 添加模板控制:Bi Publisher提供了丰富的模板控制功能,如条件判断、循环、函数等。


4. 设置样式和格式:可以使用Bi Publisher提供的样式和格式功能,为报表模板添加颜色、字体、边框等样式,使报表更加美观和易读。



BIPublisher相关配置深圳市长亮科技有限公司Shenzhen Sunline Technology Co., Ltd.修订记录所有权声明:深圳市长亮科技有限公司版权所有不得复制Copyright © 2013 by Shenzhen Sunline Technology Co., Ltd.目录1引言 (1)1.1编写目的 (1)1.2BIP UBLISERHER日志功能实现步骤 (1)1.2.1创建名为xdodebug.cfg的文件 (1)1.2.2重启OC4J (1)1.2.3设置OC4J控制台输出日志 (2)1.3BIP UBLISERHER S ETTING R UNTIME P ROPERTIES (3)1.3.1配置文件名和位置 (3)1.3.2配置文件例子 (3)1 引言1.1 编写目的实现BI Publisher的报表查询记录日志功能,紧供参考。



1.2 BIPubliserher日志功能实现步骤1.2.1 创建名为xdodebug.cfg的文件文件内容必需包含:LogLevel=STATEMENTLogDir=D:\bipublisherlog保存到$JRE_TOP/lib,该目录是根据OC4J启动调用JDK的目录,你可以在oc4j.cmd文件中找到如果是xmlpserver部署到weblogic下,则将xdodebug.cfg保存到weblogic所使用的JDK的$JRE_TOP/lib。

⏹LogLevel指定日志记录级别,这里有7个日志记录级别,分别是:UNEXPECTEDERROREXCEPTIONEVENTPROCEDURESTATEMENTOFF从上到下日志严重程度逐级降低⏹LogDir指定日志写入目录,确保该目录对xmlpserver有可写权限1.2.2 重启OC4J如果你开始访问报表你可以看到如下日志在xdo.log,中该日志记录了模板解析,到数据生成的整个过程,到最后释放连接,其中包含用户输入的参数以及以及数据生成所用时间同时生成一下文件⏹the RTF template,⏹the XML,⏹the converted XSLFO template,⏹the FO file,⏹and the final output1.2.3 设置OC4J控制台输出日志重启OC4J当你开始访问报表你可以看到SQL[110609_025145031][][STATEMENT] Sql Query : SELECT SUBSTR(p.Prod_Nt.Calendar_Year Year,t.Calendar_Week_Number Week,t.time_id Datum,SUM(Amount_Sold) Sales,:StartDate StartDate,:EndDate EndDate,:Annee Annee,:StartWeek SemaineFROMSales s,Times t,Products pWHEREs.Time_id = t.Time_id ANDs.Prod_id = p.Prod_id ANDp.Prod_name IN ('Bounce') AND-- t.Calendar_Year IN 2001 AND-- t.Calendar_Week_Number BETWEEN :StartWeek and :EndWeek andt.Calendar_Year = :AnneeAND t.Time_id > :EndDateGROUP BYp.Prod_Name,t.Calendar_Year,t.Calendar_Week_Number,t.time_idORDER BYproduct_name,year,week ASC[110609_025145031][][STATEMENT] 1:null[110609_025145031][][STATEMENT] 2:2011-02-15 00:00:00.0[110609_025145031][][STATEMENT] 3:2001[110609_025145031][][STATEMENT] 4:20[110609_025145046][][STATEMENT] 5:2001[110609_025145046][][STATEMENT] 6:2011-02-15 00:00:00.01.3 BIPubliserher Setting Runtime Properties通过设置配置文件属性你可以自定义BIPubliserher默认设置,配置文件是可选的,BIPubliserher 没有提供默认的配置文件,该文件主要用于:⏹Setting a temporary directory⏹Setting properties for PDF, RTF, and HTML output files⏹Setting PDF security properties⏹Setting font locations and substitutions⏹Setting translation properties重要提示:强烈建议您设置此配置文件来创建一个用于处理大型文件的临时目录。



由于大部分BIM软件均以A u t o desk为主,对电脑的配置要求特别高,综合考虑项目情况、用户类型、用户数量、数据量等相关因素,建议采用以下硬件方案:










服务器配置表1.服务器硬件配置1.1 服务器型号1.2 CPU型号和数量1.3 内存容量和类型1.4 硬盘容量和类型1.5 网卡数量和类型1.6 电源容量和类型1.7 其他硬件组件(可选)2.系统配置2.1 操作系统版本2.2 内核版本2.3 系统位数2.4 软件安装路径2.5 防火墙配置2.6 磁盘分区和挂载点2.7 网络配置2.9 其他系统配置(可选)3.应用程序配置3.1 应用程序名称3.2 版本号3.3 配置文件路径3.4 数据库配置3.5 日志路径和级别3.6 监控和报警配置3.7 定时任务配置3.8 其他应用程序配置(可选)4.安全配置4.1 用户和权限管理4.2 网络安全配置4.3 日志审计配置4.4 攻击防护配置4.5 数据加密配置4.7 其他安全配置(可选)5.备份和恢复配置5.1 备份策略5.2 数据备份路径5.3 备份频率5.4 恢复测试计划5.5 增量备份和全量备份策略5.6 其他备份和恢复配置(可选)6.性能优化配置6.1 资源监控工具6.2 性能测试结果6.3 优化措施建议6.4 系统调优参数6.5 优化测试计划6.6 其他性能优化配置(可选)7.扩展和升级配置7.1 扩展硬件配置7.2 扩展存储容量7.3 扩展网络带宽7.4 升级软件版本7.5 升级硬件组件7.6 其他扩展和升级配置(可选)附件:1.服务器硬件配置清单2.操作系统安装文件3.应用程序安装文件4.其他相关附件(可选)注释:1.操作系统版本:指安装在服务器上的操作系统的具体版本,例如CentOS ①810.2.内核版本:指操作系统内核的具体版本号,例如4.18.0-80.el8.x86_64.3.系统位数:指操作系统的位数,如32位或64位。




BI Publisher开发报表实例教程

BI Publisher开发报表实例教程

BI Publisher开发报表实例教程Author: Rongjie ZhangCreation Date: 2009-05-12Last Updated: March 23, 2022Document Ref: <Document Reference Number>Version: 1.0Copy Number _____Document ControlChange RecordReviewersDistributionNote To Holders:If you receive an electronic copy of this document and print it out, please write yourname on the equivalent of the cover page, for document control purposes.If you receive a hard copy of this document, please write your name on the frontcover, for document control purposes.ContentsDocument Control (2)BI Publisher报表开发 (4)文档约束前提 (4)数据源配置 (4)BI Publisher报表创建 (5)RTF模板开发 (13)章节二 ........................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

Pre-Install ........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。




因此,BIM 服务器的配置方案显得极为重要,以下是一些可行的设备配置方案:1.硬件配置要求BIM服务器需要具备高性能硬件,以实现协作、设计、模拟、分析和管理工作的高效运转。

CPU:在选择BIM服务器时,第一步就是选用高端CPU,例如Intel Xeon,其是一款多核心、高性能的服务器级别处理器,能够满足BIM服务器全部操作的性能需求。


8GB - 32GB 以上的内存可以满足 BIM 项目的基本需求。

显卡:在BIM服务器上,显卡并不是必需的,但如果有要求突出的业务需求,例如,需要对大型模型进行更加复杂的计算以及仿真模拟等操作时,可以参考NVIDIA Quadro P5000等类似的显卡。


2.操作系统配置BIM服务器操作系统选择主要取决于业务需求和操作人员熟悉的环境,目前市场上主流操作系统包含Windows Server 及Linux等,对BIM应用来说,Windows Server及Linux皆可应用,但不同操作系统的性质和属性不一样,安全性、稳定性和兼容性需考虑。

3.软件配置BIM服务器上选用的软件千差万别,按设备配置方案的主要任务功能需求,可参考常用的软件应用,例如:项目管理:* Microsoft Project* GanttProject* Smartsheet三维建模:* Autodesk Revit* Trimble SketchUp* Bentley Microstation结构分析和模拟:* Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis* RISA 3D* CSI ETABS数据分析和处理:* Microsoft PowerBI* Python* R4.软件集成需求应用于BIM服务器的软件多样性,意味着这些不同的软件必须被正确地集成以支持BIM的协同工作流程,支持透明的数据共享,确保整合系统的协议满足业务需求。



OverviewOracle BI Publisher (formerly known as XML Publisher) is a revolutionary reporting and document output management solution from Oracle. Oracle BI Publisher report formats can be designed using Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat, the tools that are easy to use, and most users are already familiar with. Oracle BI Publisher also allows you to create reports from multiple data sources.Oracle BI Publisher can be used as a stand-alone reporting product or integrated with the Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition. You will start by logging in to BI Publisher and create reports from various data sources, such as Oracle Database, Web services, RSS feeds, and Files. You will also create parameterized report that uses LOVs.Because BI Publisher is integrated with Oracle BI Enterprise Edition, you can also create the BI publisher reports based on Oracle BI Answers request, and also based on Oracle BI Server subject area. However, these topics are briefly discussed in this tutorial. For more details, you can refer to the OBE titled "Integration of Oracle BI Publisher with Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition,"Also, you will be guided through the steps to create and publish RTF templates in MS Word by connecting to BI Publisher. You will also schedule the report, and view the saved data.ScenarioYou will be using various data sets for this OBE. For example, you will create a simple employee salary report based on the human resources (HR) sample schema of the Oracle Database. For the File data set, you will use the demo files and templates that are provided with BI Publisher. For the BI Answers request and BI Server subject area,SH.rpd is used, which is based on the SH schema of the database, and so on.To continue with the steps listed in the topics, you should have installed the required software and performed the other setup as mentioned in the following topic, Prerequisites.PrerequisitesBefore starting this tutorial, you should:1.Have access to or have installed Oracle Database 10g (preferably version 10.2)2.Have access to or have installed the sample schemas (HR, OE, and SH specifically)3.Have access to or have installed Oracle BI Publisher and Oracle BI PublisherDesktop can install BI Publisher Desktop by clicking the Template Builder link in BI Publisher: When you have successfully installed BI Publisher Desktop, the BI Publisher menu and BI Publisher toolbars are displayed in MS Word.Note: Oracle BI Publisher Desktop was formerly known as Template Builder, and ismainly used for building the RTF templates for BI Publisher reports in MS Word4.Have created a user for installing the BI Publisher scheduler schema tables by performing the following:Create a BIPSched user with the required privileges in the database by logging in toSQL* Plus as the sys or system user:SQL> create user bipsched identified by bipscheddefault tablespace userstemporary tablespace tempquota unlimited on users;SQL> grant connect, resource to bipsched;Note: The name of the user can be any appropriate name.5.Have set up the proxy parameters (to avoid any firewall problems with the Web Services and RSS data set reports) in the xmlpserverstart.bat file or the oc4j.cmd file as per your installation.Modify the following line, which defines JAVA_HOME. (Observe the proxy parametersin bold.):• "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" %JVMARGS% -jar -Dhttp.proxyHost= <> -Dhttp.proxyPort=<Port> "%OC4J_JAR%"%CMDARGS%Restart xmlpserver or oc4j as the case may be.If you want to create reports based on Oracle BI Answers request and Oracle BI Server subject area, then you should also:1.Have access to or have installed Oracle BI EE including Oracle BI Publisherand Oracle BI Publisher Desktop can follow the instructions as listed in the OBE " Installing the Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition on Windows."2.Have created an ODBC connection to the Oracle Database, and set up the SH.rpd metadata repository by following the steps listed in the OBE "Creating Interactive Dashboards and Using Oracle Business Intelligence Answers." Also, it is strongly recommended that you go through this tutorial to know the steps involved in creating an Answers request, creating a dashboard page, and so on.3.Have set up the integration between BI Publisher and Oracle BI EE:If you have included BI Publisher Enterprise, when you installed Oracle BI Enterprise Edition, then Oracle BI installer will set up the integration with the Presentation Services, by setting host name, port, and URL values. However, you need to set the Administrator password from the BI Administration tool as follows:1. Select All Programs > Oracle Business Intelligence > BI Administration.2. Select Open > Online. ( To open SH.rpd online, enter Administrator as User nameand leave the Password field blank.)3. Select Manage > Security > Users > Administrator, and check out theAdministrator user.4. In the properties, set the password for the Administrator user and click OK.If the Integration with Presentation Services is not set up at the time of Oracle BI EE installation, you can also set up this integration from BI Publisher as follows:1. From the Admin page, under Integration, select Oracle BI Presentation Services.2. Enter the following information about your BI Presentation Services server:• Server Protocol – Select http or https• Server Version – Select v4• Server – Enter the server host name (for example, )• Port for the server – The default port is 9704.• Administrator Username and Password• URL Suffix – The default value is analytics/saw.dll.Getting StartedFor getting started with BI Publisher, perform the steps listed in each of the following subtopics:Logging In to Oracle BI PublisherSetting PreferencesLogging In to Oracle BI Publisher:To log in to BI Publisher, perform the following steps:1.Enter the URL for BI Publisher in a browser window which is of the format:http://<hostname>:<port>/xmlpserver/ (for example,http://localhost:9704/xmlpserver/)The Log In screen for the BI Publisher appears. Enter Administrator as theUsername and Password. Click Sign In.Note: Ensure that you have the correct password for the Administrator user in BI Publisher, else you may face problems in logging in to BI Publisher.Also, on Windows, depending on the type of installation you have done, you can invoke BI Publisher as follows:• If you have installed BI Publisher along with Oracle BI Enterprise Edition, then you can select All Programs > Oracle Business Intelligence > BI Publisher from the Start menu.If you have installed BI Publisher in stand-alone mode, then select All Programs > Oracle - OracleHome > BI Publisher Server from the Start menu.OracleHome - refers to Oracle Home name, where you installed Oracle BIPublisher.2.This displays the Welcome screen for BI Publisher.Note: As you have logged in as the Administrator, the welcome page displays the Reports, Schedules, and Admin tabs. For the users who do not have administrator privileges, the Admin tab is not displayed.Setting PreferencesTo change the preferences, perform the following steps:1. Click Preferences link. (highlighted in the screen below):The Preferences screen is displayed with the General Preferences and Account tabs.2. Observe the options on the General Preferences tabbed page, and select theappropriate options for UI Language, Reports Locale, Reports Time Zoneaccording to your requirements. Click Apply.Note: You can also enable the accessibility option.3. To edit the password settings for the Administrator account, click the Accounttab.Change the password for Administrator as required by entering the current and new passwords in the screen. Click Apply to save the preference settings.Note: If you have installed BI Publisher along with Oracle BI Enterprise Edition, forthe integration between these to work, for any given user account , you should set the same password in BI Administration Tool and in BI Publisher. (Refer toPrerequisites section for setting up integration between BI Publisher and Oracle BI EE.)Creating a BI Publisher Report Based on Oracle DatabaseIn this topic, you will create an employee salary report based on the HR schema of Oracle Database. To create a BI Publisher report based on a query directed to Oracle Database, perform the following steps:1. Before you create a query based on Oracle Database, you need to define theconnection details in the Admin tab.Click the Admin tab. Click JDBC Connection found under the Data Sources sectionof the page.2. In the JDBC Data Sources screen displayed, click demo to edit the connectiondetails for this datasource.Note: You can also add a new data source and define the connection details.3. In the Update Data Source screen, enter the following details:Connection String: This is of the format: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<Host name>: <Port>:<SID>,for example, a sample connection string may look like:jdbc:oracle:thin:@myhost:1521:orclUser Name: oePassword: oeDatabase Driver Class: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver (This is the default.) Do not click Cancel or Apply.4. After entering the above details, click Test Connection.When the confirmation message is displayed saying that the connection is established successfully, click Apply to save the connection details.Note: OE schema also gives access to HR schema.5. Click Reports to go back to the Reports page.Click My Folders , and click Create a New Folder link (found in the Folder and Report Tasks section).Enter Learn as the folder name and click Create. (You will save the reports you create in this tutorial in this folder.)6. To create report based on Oracle Database, navigate to My Folders > Learn, andclick Create a New Report.Enter Based on OracleDB as the name of the report, and click Create.7. The report is displayed in the Learn folder in BI Publisher.Click the Edit link under the name of the report to open the report in Edit mode.8. In the General Settings section of the Report Properties, select demo from theDefault Data Source drop-down list.Click the Save icon (found at the top-left corner) to save the changes.9. Click Data Model and click New to define the data source for this report.10. In the Data Set screen that appears,ensure that SQL Query is selected as Type, and demo is selected as Data Source.Select the Cache Results check box,and click Query Builder to define the query.11. The Query Builde r screen appears, ensure that HR is selected from the Schemadrop-down list. is displays objects from HR schema on the left. Click EMPLOYEES and DEPARTMENTS tables to add them to the Model canvas on the right.12. Define a join between these two tables as follows:Click the box beside the DEPARTMENT_ID column in the DEPARTMENTS table.(See the following screens.)Similarly click the box beside the DEPARTMENT_ID column in the EMPLOYEES table. These boxes when marked for joins turn to light gray.Also note that a fine line joining the tables appears in the Model canvas.Hint: Take the help of the screens below:13. Select the following columns from the tables (by selecting the check boxes beside thecolumn names):-Select FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, HIRE_DATE, and SALARY columns from the EMPLOYEES table-Select DEPARTMENT_NAME from the DEPARTMENTS table.14. Click Conditions, and move the DEPARTMENT_NAME, to appear first in the listYou can use these icons beside each column to move the columns up or down.Similarly, move SALARY and other columns, so that the final list appears like this:15. Click Results to see how the query results appear in Query Builder.Click Save to save the query.16. This will take you back to the Data Set screen, with the query you created reflected inthe SQL Query text area. Click Save to save the BI Publisher report.17. If required, you can further edit the query manually. For example, instead ofdisplaying the FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME columns separately, you may want to concatenate both these columns and display this as a single columnEMPLOYEE_NAME.So you can modify the query as:select DEPARTMENTS.DEPARTMENT_NAME as DEPARTMENT_NAME,EMPLOYEES.FIRST_NAME || ' '||ST_NAME asEMPLOYEE_NAME,EMPLOYEES.HIRE_DATE as HIRE_DATE,EMPLOYEES.SALARY as SALARYfrom HR.DEPARTMENTS DEPARTMENTS,HR.EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEESwhere DEPARTMENTS.DEPARTMENT_ID=EMPLOYEES.DEPARTMENT_IDClick Save again to save the changes to the query. Note: Ensure that a space is included in the query (as in the example) between the FIRST_NAME andLAST_NAME columns in the concatenation string of EMPLOYEE_NAME. Also, note that once you have edited the query manually, you will not be able to edit the query in Query Builder.18. Click View to view the report. Because you have not defined a template, you canview only XML data. Click View again to view the XML data.Note: You may not be able to interpret the XML data, but you may want to check whether the BI Publisher report is returning some valid data by viewing the XML data before creating a template for the report. Creating and publishing templates iscovered in the next topic.Creating Report Layouts Using BI Publisher Desktop (Template Builder) in MS WordIn this topic, you create RTF template for a BI Publisher report and publish it. You will also work with multiple templates for a report, and view the report data using these templates in various formats. Note: All the subtopics in this topic are continuous, so follow the instructions, and do not close any applications or windows as mentioned in the steps.Creating an RTF Template with a Table and ChartPublishing the Template for a BI Publisher ReportFormatting the Templates Using MS Word Native FeaturesCreating and Publishing Multiple Templates for a ReportViewing Report Data in BI Publisher Using TemplatesCreating an RTF Template with a Table and Chart1. Start the MS Word application from the program menu.From the Oracle BI Publishermenu, select Log On.Note: The Oracle BI Publisher menu is displayed in MS Word only when you have successfully installed the Oracle BI Publisher Desktop as mentioned in step 3 of the Prerequisites section. Also, observe the BI Publisher toolbar in MS Word, with the Data, Insert, Preview, Tools, and Help menus. Observe the various options in thesemenus.2. In the Login screen that appears, enter Administrator as the Username andPassword, and click Login.The first time when you connect, you may be asked for the report server URL, enter the URL which is of the format:http://<Host>:9704/xmlpserver3. This displays the Open Template window. Ensure that BI Publisher is selected fromthe Workspace drop-down list.Navigate and select the Based on Oracle DB report that you have created from My Folders> Learn. Click Open Report.Note: When you open the report you will not see any data in the MS Word document, but this will load the XML data definitions from the query to facilitate the defining of a template.4. In the Word document that loads this report, select Insert> Table Wizard on the BIPublisher toolbar to define a format for the table data in the query.5. This displays the Table Wizard. Select Table and click Next.6. In the next step, ensure that ROWSET/ROW is selected as the Grouping Field, andclick Next.7.In the next step, click to include all the available columns in thetable. .8. In the next step, select Department Name from the Group By drop-down list, ensurethat the Group above option is selected, and accept the defaults for other options.Click Next.9. In the next step, select Salary from the Sort By drop-down list, and select theoptions Descending and Number to sort the Salary column in descending order.Click Next.10. In the next step you can edit the labels of the columns as required. Accept thedefaults and click Finish.The template you created looks like this:Important Note: The BI Publisher Desktop Template Builder has just created a table for you. Notice the words and letters with the gray background. These are called form fields. Form fields are Word objects that allow you to reference other data (for example, a mail merge letter). BI Publisher uses form fields in two ways:First is to reference data fields from the report definition (like YEAR and MONTH).The second use is to embed instructions that control how the data fields will be laid out (like G-Group By, F- For Each , and E- End).If you are curious to know what these instructions are, double-click the form field and view the Help text. It is important to treat these form fields carefully and not accidentally delete or move them. Doing so will change the layout of the table in your report. Also, you can add or modify your own form fields with XSL commands to do more sophisticated things with the table layout.Also, you can additionally use MS Word's native formatting features on this template, such as changing the background and text colors, adding a title, and so on. This is covered in the next topic.11. You can also add a chart in the template. For example, you can add a chart todisplay the average employee salaries by department in this report.To add a chart to the template, select Insert > Chart.12. In the Chart window that appears, define the graph characteristics by following theinstructions listed below carefully:Drag Salary to the Values field and Department Name to the Labels field. Also, select Average from the Aggregation drop-down list for the Salary. (These are highlighted in the screen below.)Select Pie Chart from the Type drop-down list for the graph. Click Preview to preview how the graph looks like, and click OK.Note: If you do not like the style and type of the graphs in the preview, you can change them after the preview or later.13. Now the template along with the graph in the Word document looks like this:14. Select the File> Save As option. Enter Based_On_OracleDB.rtf as the name ofthe template, and click Save.Do not close the file or log out of BI Publisher.Note: You can save the file in any local folder on your system, but you have to save the template in the .rtf format (not in the .doc format).15. You can also preview how the template looks like with the data by selectingOracle BI Publisher> Preview Template, and then selecting a format like PDF to view the data.The graph looks like this:Publishing the Template for a BI Publisher ReportYou can directly publish a template that you have created in MS Word for a BI Publisher report, provided:• You are connected to BI publisher from MS Word• The BI Publisher report is opened in MS Word• The template is saved in RTF formatTo publish the Based_On_OracleDB.rtf template that you created in MS Word, and then view data for the report in BI Publisher using this template, perform the following steps: (Note that the template you have created satisfies all the above criteria.)1. In MS Word, select the Oracle BI Publisher> Publish Template As option.Note: If you have not saved the template in RTF format, it may prompt you to save the template in RTF format first before publishing.2. The Upload as new dialog box appears.Enter Template1 as the template name, and click OK.template is added to the BI Publisher report. Click OK again.Back to TopicFormatting the Template Using MS Word Native FeaturesIn this topic, you will modify the Based_On_OracleDB.rtf template that you have created using the MS Word native features, such as changing the background and text colors, adding a title, and so on.Perform the following steps:1. The basic Based_On_OracleDB.rtf template that you have created is shown below:Make the following changes using the MS Word features:1. Change the fonts for all the fields, that is Department Name, EmployeeName, Hire Date, and Salary to Arial.2. Select 12 as the font size for the Department Name, and 10 as the font sizefor other fields.3. Change the text color for the Department Name field to dark blue, highlight thebackground for this field by cyan, and make it Bold.4. Also ensure that the Employee Name and Hire Date (text and date fields) areleft justified, and the Salary (Number) filed is right justified. Use the align leftand align right icons on the toolbar.The table in the template should look like the screen below after thesechanges:2. Edit the Hire Date field to add the appropriate format as follows:1. Double-click the text field for Hire Date below the column header. (See thescreen below.)In the Text Form Field Options dialog box that appears, select Date from the Type drop-down list, select m/dd/yyyy from the Date format drop-down list, and click OK.3. Similarly, edit the Salary field now to add an appropriate format as follows:1. Double click the Salary field below the column header.In the Text Form Fields dialog box that appears, select Number from the Type drop-down list, enter the Default Number as 99,999,999.99, select the format that has a $ in the beginning as shown, and click OK.Now the table in the template should look like this:4. Add a title Employee Salary Report to the template, and format the text color andfonts as you require. You can also add an image or a clip art to the template. (Resize it to fit your template better.)You can also insert a header or footer in template.5. Save the file as Based_On_OracleDB_1.rtf.(Do not close the file or log out of BI Publisher.)Creating and Publishing Multiple Templates for a BI Publisher ReportgIn the previous topic, you have already created another templateBased_On_OracleDB_1.rtf for the Based on Oracle DB report, for which you have already published a simple template. You can create many templates with different formats and styles, and publish them for a single report.To publish the Based_On_OracleDB_1.rtf template created from MS Word, perform the following steps:1. (If not already opened) Open the Based on OracleDB BI Publisher report asfollows:.In MS Word, select the BI Publisher> Open Template option.Open the Based on OracleDB report from the path My Folders>Learn.2. In MS Word, select the Oracle BI Publisher> Publish Template As option.3. This opens the Upload as new dialog box.Enter Template2 as the template name, and click OK.After the template is uploaded, it displays the following message. Click OK again.Note: You have added two different templates for the same report Based onOracleDB. You can modify the template file, and publish it as different template each time you modify.4. If you have time, perform the following steps to edit the chart in the template file tochange the graph style, and publish it as Template3:Right-click the chart in the template and select BI Publisher Chart to edit the chart:Ensure that Average is selected as the Aggregation for the Salary, selectRegatta as the graph Style, and add Average Employee Salaries byDepartment as the Title.Click Preview, and then click OK.modified template as Template3 (as shown in the screens below):Viewing Report Data in BI Publisher Using Templates1. (If not logged in) Log in to Oracle BI Publisher as Administrator.2. Navigate to My Folders>Learn, and click the View link below the Based onOracleDB report.3. You can see that the report is displayed using Template1 that you have published.Also,you can see the other templates that you have published for the report in the drop-down list.Scroll down to see the table data in HTML format. A portion of the data is shown below:Scroll down to see the graph:Note: You can also view the data in other formats, such as PDF, RTF, MS Excel, and so on.4. Similarly, view the report data in PDF format using Template2 and Template3.The data and graph in PDF format using Template2 are shown below:The data and graph in PDF format using Template3 are shown below:Creating a Report with Parameters and List of ValuesIn this topic, you create a report with parameters and list of values. To create a report with parameters and list of values, perform the following steps:1. (If not logged in) Log in to BI publisher as Administrator , and navigate to MyFolders> Learn .Click the report icon beside the Based on OracleDB report.2. This displays additional report actions in Folder and Report Tasks.Click Copy Report and then click Paste from Clipboard to paste it in the samefolder. (See the screens below):Rename this copied report Report with Parameters and LOVs.3. Click the Edit link below the report to open the report in Edit mode.Click New Data Set1 found under the Data Model node in the Report pane on the left to edit the SQL Query for the report. Observe the screen below:4. This displays the SQL Query for the report on the right.Edit the query to add a bind variable dname in the query as in the following: (Observe the last line.)select DEPARTMENTS.DEPARTMENT_NAME as DEPARTMENT_NAME,EMPLOYEES.FIRST_NAME ||' '||ST_NAME asEMPLOYEE_NAME,EMPLOYEES.HIRE_DATE as HIRE_DATE,EMPLOYEES.SALARY as SALARYfrom HR.DEPARTMENTS DEPARTMENTS,HR.EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEESwhere DEPARTMENTS.DEPARTMENT_ID=EMPLOYEES.DEPARTMENT_IDand DEPARTMENTS.DEPARTMENT_NAME =:dnameClick Save to save the query.5. Click the Parameters node in the Report pane on the left and click New to create aparameter.6. This displays the Parameter screen on the right, in which define the following:Enter dname as the name of the parameter, and select String as the Data Type.Enter Sales in the Default Value field, and select Text as the Parameter Type.Also, enter Enter Department Name as the Display Label. (See the screen below.)Click Save to save the changes to the report.7. Click View to view the report data using Template2 in PDF format.Note that the report data is displayed with the default parameter value, that is for Sales department.8. You can enter the names of other departments to see the data.For example, in the parameter field enter Shipping as the department name and click View again to see the data for the Shipping department:9. Click Edit to edit the report and define a List of Values to be used with this parameterdname.In the Report pane displayed on the left, click List of Values, and click New to createa new list of values.10. In the List of Values screen that appears on the right, ensure that demo is selectedas the Data Source, and click Query Builder to define a query for defining a list ofvalues.11. In the Query Builder screen that displays the HR schema tables on the left, clickDEPARTMENTS to add it to the Model canvas on the right, and selectDEPARTMENT_NAME column (by selecting the check box beside it).Click Save.This takes you back to the List of Values screen again which displays the query.Click Save to save the changes to report:12. Click dname under the Parameters node in the Report pane on the left to edit it andassociate it with the List of Values that you have created:。

BI Publisher的学习总结

BI Publisher的学习总结

BI Publisher的学习总结--如何创建模板和报表以及如何发布报表本文文件主要描述了Oracle 电子商务套件环境中BI Publisher(也称为Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher,即BI Publisher)的基本特性。


BI Publisher(也称为Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher,即BI Publisher)是一个基于模板的报表工具,它利用了数据提取和显示的标准技术。







bi publisher操作手册

bi publisher操作手册

bi publisher操作手册Bi Publisher是Oracle公司提供的一款企业报表和文档发布工具,它能够与Oracle数据库和其他数据源集成,用于生成各种类型的报表、文档和表单。

Bi Publisher操作手册主要包括以下内容:1. 系统安装和配置,操作手册应该详细介绍Bi Publisher的安装和配置步骤,包括系统要求、安装程序的下载和安装过程、数据库连接设置、以及相关的环境配置。

2. 数据源连接,手册应该介绍Bi Publisher如何连接到不同类型的数据源,如Oracle数据库、SQL Server、XML数据源等,以及如何配置数据源连接信息和查询数据。

3. 模板设计,Bi Publisher操作手册应该包括模板设计的详细说明,包括如何创建模板、添加数据字段、设计布局、应用样式和格式化数据等。

4. 报表生成,手册应该介绍如何使用Bi Publisher生成各种类型的报表,包括静态报表、动态报表、交叉报表等,以及如何设置报表参数和输出格式。

5. 发布和分发,操作手册应该涵盖如何将生成的报表和文档发布和分发给相关的用户和部门,包括输出到不同格式的文件、打印、电子邮件发送等功能的配置和使用方法。

6. 安全和权限管理,手册应该介绍Bi Publisher的安全功能和权限管理,包括用户和角色的管理、报表访问控制、数据权限设置等。

7. 故障排除和支持,操作手册应该包括常见问题的解决方法和故障排除指南,以及如何获取Bi Publisher的技术支持和升级服务。

总之,Bi Publisher操作手册应该涵盖从安装配置到报表生成、发布和安全管理的全面内容,帮助用户全面了解和使用BiPublisher的各项功能和特性。



EBS11i 中使用XML Publisher 开发报表简明教程一、特点与优势二、实例演练Web Services模 板XML EDI EFTEmailPrinterFaxWebDAVe-Commerce输出 目标Oracle, SQL ServerPeopleSoft, SAP , SiebelJava, C++, Pearl, etcXML Publisher数据源•Word•Excel•Acrobat XSL布局设计工具 PDFRTFHTMLExcel•XML Spy •JDeveloper•Scriptura报表输出数据逻辑 报表布局翻译转化XML Publisher1.创建报表不用布局。

SQL Query:select to_char(invoice_date, 'yyyymm') mon,SUBSTR(, 1, 4) SALES_TEAM,ROUND(sum(nil.unit_price * nil.qty * nih.currency_rate *nj_fct_get_org_crate(NIH.INVOICE_DATE, _ID))) AMOUNT from nj_invoice_headers_all nih,nj_invoice_lines_all nil,ra_salesreps_all rswhere nih.invoice_header_id = nil.invoice_header_idand nih.salesman_id = rs.salesrep_idand _id = _idAND NIH.INVOICE_DATE >= TO_DATE('20070101', 'YYYYMMDD')AND NIH.INVOICE_DATE < TO_DATE('20080101', 'YYYYMMDD')AND IN('A888', 'N008', 'B888', 'L028')GROUP BY to_char(invoice_date, 'yyyymm'), SUBSTR(, 1, 4);也可以用其他方式产生XML数据,如SQL报表。

IBM Cognos Dynamic Query Analyzer 11.0.0 安装和配置指南说明

IBM Cognos Dynamic Query Analyzer 11.0.0 安装和配置指南说明

IBM Cognos Dynamic Query AnalyzerVersion 11.0.0Installation and Configuration Guide IBM©Product InformationThis document applies to IBM Cognos Analytics version 11.0.0 and may also apply to subsequent releases.CopyrightLicensed Materials - Property of IBM© Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2018.US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.IBM, the IBM logo and are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at “Copyright and trademark information” at /legal/copytrade.shtml.The following terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of other companies:v Adobe, the Adobe logo, PostScript, and the PostScript logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States, and/or other countries.v Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.v Intel, Intel logo, Intel Inside, Intel Inside logo, Intel Centrino, Intel Centrino logo, Celeron, Intel Xeon, Intel SpeedStep, Itanium, and Pentium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.v Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both.v UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries.v Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Microsoft product screen shot(s) used with permission from Microsoft.Contents Introduction (v)Install and configure Dynamic Query Analyzer (1)Supported environments (1)Configure Dynamic Query Analyzer (1)Install Dynamic Query Analyzer (1)Update your Java environment on Linux operating systems (2)Creating a virtual directory to access log files (2)Start IBM Cognos Configuration (2)Connect to IBM Cognos Analytics server (3)Viewing data from another version (3)Start Dynamic Query Analyzer (3)Appendix. Accessibility features (5)Keyboard shortcuts for the installation wizard (5)Index (7)© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2016iiiiv IBM Cognos Dynamic Query Analyzer Version 11.0.0: Installation and Configuration GuideIntroductionIBM®Cognos®Dynamic Query Analyzer (DQA) provides a graphical interface forthe execution tree logs produced by dynamic query mode queries.DQA allows a report administrator to easily identify all the individual pieces of adynamic query mode query and troubleshoot your query performance.This document contains instructions for installing IBM Cognos Dynamic QueryAnalyzer.Finding informationTo find product documentation on the web, including all translateddocumentation, access IBM Knowledge Center (/support/knowledgecenter). Release Notes are published directly to IBM Knowledge Centerand include links to the latest technotes and APARs.You can also read PDF versions of the product online help files by clicking thePDF links at the top of each HTML page, or access the PDFs from the IBM Cognosproduct documentation web page (/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27047187).Accessibility featuresAccessibility features help users who have a physical disability, such as restrictedmobility or limited vision, to use information technology products. This producthas accessibility features. For information on these features, see “Accessibilityfeatures,” on page 5.IBM Cognos HTML documentation has accessibility features. PDF documents aresupplemental and, as such, include no added accessibility features.Forward-looking statementsThis documentation describes the current functionality of the product. Referencesto items that are not currently available may be included. No implication of anyfuture availability should be inferred. Any such references are not a commitment,promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code, or functionality. Thedevelopment, release, and timing of features or functionality remain at the solediscretion of IBM.© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2016vvi IBM Cognos Dynamic Query Analyzer Version 11.0.0: Installation and Configuration GuideInstall and configure Dynamic Query AnalyzerInstall Dynamic Query Analyzer from the installation wizard. After you install theproduct, use IBM Cognos Configuration to configure the product.Supported environmentsTo ensure that your product works properly, apply all of the required operatingsystem patches, and use only the supported versions of third-party software.To review an up-to-date list of environments that are supported by IBM CognosAnalytics products, including information on operating systems, patches, browsers,web servers, directory servers, database servers, and application servers, see theIBM Software Product Compatibility Reports page (/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27047186).Unless otherwise indicated, IBM Cognos products are compatible with laterversions of patches or service packs from the versions stated.It is important to note that the Linux operating system is available in a number ofdistributions and supports a number of hardware platforms. Ensure that thecombination of the operating system and hardware that you are using issupported.Cognos products and virtualization environmentsThe IBM virtualization policy (/software/support/virtualization_policy.html) describes IBM support for virtualization environments.For more information, search supported server virtualization environments byproduct (/infocenter/prodguid/v1r0/clarity/vesForProduct.html). Configure Dynamic Query AnalyzerUse IBM Cognos Configuration to configure Dynamic Query Analyzer. If you areusing a Linux operating systems, you must ensure that you set the JAVA_HOMEenvironment variable before you start IBM Cognos Configuration.Install Dynamic Query AnalyzerUse the following steps to install Dynamic Query Analyzer.Procedure1.Go to the location where you downloaded and extracted the installation files,and choose the operating system directory, such as winx64h.v On Microsoft Windows operating systems, double-click theca_dqa_<platform>_<build>.exe file.v On Linux operating systems, type ./ca_dqa_<platform>_<build>.2.Follow the directions in the installation wizard.© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 20161Update your Java environment on Linux operating systemsFor Linux operating systems, ensure that you set the JAVA_HOME environmentvariable before you start IBM Cognos Configuration.Procedure1.Go to the IBM Software Compatibility reports page (/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27042164).2.Ensure that you have, at minimum, the Java™version indicated.3.Set a JAVA_HOME environment variable to your installed version of Java.Creating a virtual directory to access log filesIf you do not install Dynamic Query Analyzer on the same computer as you installIBM Cognos Analytics server, you can create a virtual directory, or alias, to allowDynamic Query Analyzer to read query log files and workflow log files.If you are using Dynamic Query Analyzer only to run the Aggregate Advisor, youdo not have to create the virtual directory.ProcedureCreate a virtual directory that is named DQLogs that refers to the<cognos_analytics_server_installation_location>/logs/XQE location on the IBMCognos Analytics server.v For Apache Web Server or IBM HTTP Server, the directory definition would looklike the following example:Alias/DQLogs"<cognos_analytics_server_installation_location>/logs/XQE"<Directory"<cognos_analytics_server_installation_location>/logs/XQE">Order allow,denyAllow from allOptions+Indexes</Directory>v For Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS), you must enable the Allowdouble escaping option for the virtual directory properties.–In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager console, create the virtualdirectory.–Select the virtual directory, and double-click Directory Browsing.–Click Enable.–Select the virtual directory, and double-click Request Filtering.–Click Edit Feature Settings.–Enable Allow double escaping, and click OK.Start IBM Cognos ConfigurationUse IBM Cognos Configuration to configure Dynamic Query Analyzer.Before you beginOn Linux operating systems, ensure that you update your Java environment beforeyou start IBM Cognos Configuration.ProcedureDo one of the following steps:2IBM Cognos Dynamic Query Analyzer Version 11.0.0: Installation and Configuration Guidev On Microsoft Windows operating systems, from the Start menu, click Programs> IBM Cognos Dynamic Query Analyzer> IBM Cognos Configuration.If you are using a Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 2008 computer, andyou have installed the product to the Program Files (x86)directory, start IBMCognos Configuration as an Administrator.v On Linux operating systems, go to the <installation_location>/bin64directoryand then type the following command:./cogconfig.shIf IBM Cognos Configuration does not open, ensure that you set the DISPLAYenvironment variable.If you see a ng.unsatisfied link message, verify that you are using asupported version of Java.If you see a ng.unsupportedClassVersionError message, ensure that youare using a 64-bit version of Java.Connect to IBM Cognos Analytics serverTo configure Dynamic Query Analyzer, you must specify the location of the IBMCognos Analytics gateway and a dispatcher for the server that contains the reportsthat you want to analyze.Procedure1.In IBM Cognos Configuration, in the Explorer window, click Environment.2.Enter the Gateway URI and Dispatcher URI for external applications valuesfor the IBM Cognos Analytics server.3.Click File> Save.4.Close IBM Cognos Configuration.Viewing data from another versionDynamic Query Analyzer displays results from a workspace that is defined in theDQA.ini file. You can change the workspace by editing the DQA.ini file.For example, if you have two versions of Dynamic Query Analyzer, each versionrefers to its own workspace. If you want to view results from another version, youcan edit the DQA.ini file to refer to the workspace of your other version.Important:Dynamic Query Analyzer can display results from one workspace at atime. Ensure that you change the -data path back to the original location whenyou want to view those results.Procedure1.Go to the installation_location/dqa/os-version/eclipse/workspace directorywhere you installed the new version of Dynamic Query Analyzer.2.Open DQA.ini in a text editor.3.Edit the -data path to point to the workspace of your previous version ofDynamic Query Analyzer.4.Save and close the file.Start Dynamic Query AnalyzerBefore you start Dynamic Query Analyzer ensure that you save your configurationsettings, and that the IBM Cognos server is running.Install and configure Dynamic Query Analyzer3Procedure1.Do one of the following steps:v On Microsoft Windows operating systems, from the Start menu, clickPrograms> IBM Cognos Dynamic Query Analyzer> IBM CognosDynamic Query Analyzer.v On Linux operating systems, go to the <installation_location>/bin64directory and then type the following command:./dqa.sh2.If you are using Dynamic Query Analyzer for query log file analysis, do thefollowing steps.a.Click Window> Preferences> Logs.b.In the Logs directory URL box, enter the path to the virtual directorycreated in “Creating a virtual directory to access log files” on page 2.c.If the Logs directory URL link is secured, enter the required user name inthe Name box and password in the Password box.3.Test the configuration of Dynamic Query Analyzer.a.In Dynamic Query Analyzer, click Windows> Show View.b.In the Show View dialog box, click Navigation> Content Store, and clickOK.If the configuration is correct, in the Content Store pane, the IBM Cognoscontent from the specified server displays.4IBM Cognos Dynamic Query Analyzer Version 11.0.0: Installation and Configuration GuideAppendix. Accessibility featuresAccessibility features help users who have a physical disability, such as restrictedmobility or limited vision, to use information technology products.See the IBM Accessibility Center (/able) for more informationabout the commitment that IBM has to accessibility.Keyboard shortcuts for the installation wizardKeyboard shortcuts, or shortcut keys, provide you with an easier and often fastermethod of navigating and using software.The installation wizard uses standard Microsoft Windows operating systemnavigation keys in addition to application-specific keys.Note:The following keyboard shortcuts are based on US standard keyboards.The following table lists the keyboard shortcuts that you can use to perform someof the main tasks in the installation wizard on the Windows operating system.Table1. List of keyboard shortcuts on a Windows operating systemTo do this PressMove to the next field on a page TabReturn to the previous field on a page Shift+TabClose the installation wizard Alt+F4Move to the next configuration step Alt+NReturn to the previous configuration step Alt+BMove to the next selection in a list Down arrowMove to the previous selection in a list Up arrowThe following table lists the keyboard shortcuts you can use to perform some ofthe main tasks in the installation wizard on the UNIX or Linux operating system.Table2. List of keyboard shortcuts on a UNIX or Linux operating systemTo do this PressMove to the next field on a page TabReturn to the previous field on a page Shift+TabClose the installation wizard Alt+F4Move to the next selection in a list Down arrowMove to the previous selection in a list Up arrowThe following table lists the keyboard shortcuts you can use to perform some ofthe main tasks in the License Agreement page of the installation wizard.© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 20165Table3. List of keyboard shortcuts on the License Agreement pageTo do this PressAccept the license agreement Alt+ADecline the license agreement Alt+DQuit the installation wizard Alt+x6IBM Cognos Dynamic Query Analyzer Version 11.0.0: Installation and Configuration GuideIndexAaccessibility features5Cconfigure Dynamic Query Analyzer1 Iinstall Dynamic Query Analyzer1JJava on Linux operating systems2Kkeyboard shortcuts5Ssoftware requirements1start Dynamic Query Analyzer4Vvirtual directory for BI server log files2© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 20167。

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