Agricultural Biotechnology
2.能源综合⽣产能⼒(亿吨标准煤)Overall energy production capacity (100 million tons of standard coal)(⼆)科技前沿领域攻关Tackling key problems in frontier science and technology1. 新⼀代⼈⼯智能New generation of artificial intelligence前沿基础理论突破,专⽤芯⽚研发,深度学习框架等开源算法平台构建,学习推理和决策、图像图形、语⾳视频、⾃然语⾔识别处理等领域创新。
Make breakthroughs in advanced basic theories, research and develop dedicated chips, build platforms for open-source algorithms such as deep learning framework, innovate in learning reasoning and decision-making, images and graphics, voice and video, natural language recognition and processing, and other fields.2. 量⼦信息Quantum information城域、城际、⾃由空间量⼦通信技术研发,通⽤量⼦计算原型机和实⽤化量⼦模拟机研制,量⼦精密测量技术突破。
Research and develop metropolitan, intercity, and free space quantum communication technology, research and produce general quantum computer prototypes and practical quantum simulators and make breakthroughs in quantum precision measurement technology.3. 集成电路Integrated circuits集成电路设计⼯具、重点装备和⾼纯靶材等关键材料研发,集成电路先进⼯艺和绝缘栅双极型晶体管(IGBT)、微机电系统(MEMS)等特⾊⼯艺突破,先进存储技术升级,碳化硅、氮化镓等宽禁带半导体发展。
农业生物技术学报JournalofAgriculturalBiotechnology2006,14(6):963 ̄969・研究论文・稻瘟病菌发育cDNA文库构建与表达序列标签分析*金庆超1,董海涛1**,彭友良2,陈保善3,邓晔1,戴承恩1,方永启1,邵菁1,娄沂春1,李有志3,李德葆1**(1.浙江大学农业与生物技术学院生物技术研究所,杭州310029;2.中国农业大学农业部分子植物病理学重点实验室,北京100094;3.广西大学亚热带生物资源保护和利用实验室,南宁530004)摘要:利用稻瘟病菌(Magnaporthegriesa)连续6个发育时期的材料构建了一个混合cDNA文库。
利用该文库获得了7456条5′端表达序列标签(ESTs)(GenBank收录号:(CK909944 ̄CK913666和CK928583 ̄CK932582),生物信息分析表明:EST序列拼接出2975个假定独立转录本(TUTs),冗余度为60.1%;从cDNA文库中筛选出大量的低丰度表达基因,约占TUT总数的79.8%,说明在文库中基因组成类型的复杂性较高;在所有TUTs中,功能未知基因约占85.5%,编码ECM33蛋白和疏水蛋白等病菌致病相关的注释基因高丰度表达,进一步表明该cDNA文库反映了病菌侵染和发育过程中基因表达的状况。
关键词:稻瘟病菌;cDNA文库;表达序列标签中图分类号:S188文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-1304(2006)06-0963-07MagnaporthegrisesaDevelopmentcDNALibraryConstructionandExpressedSequenceTagsAnalysis*JINQing-chao1,DONGHai-tao1**,PENGYou-liang2,CHENBao-shan3,DENGYe1,DAICheng-en1,FANGYong-qi1,SHAOJing1,LOUYi-chun1,LIYou-zhi3,LIDe-bao1**(1.InstituteofBiotechnology,CollegeofAgricultureandBiotechnology,ZhejiangUniversity,Hangzhou310029,China;2.TheKeyLaboratoryofMolecularPlantPathology,MinistryofAgriculture,ChinaAgriculturalUniversity,Beijing100094,China;3.LaboratoryofSubtropicalBioresourceConservationandUtilization,GuangxiUniversity,Nanning530004,China)Abstract:TheinfectionmodelofmechanicalpenetrationofplantsurfacesbyMagnaporthegriseahasbecomeafocusofmolecu-larmechanismofthefungalpathogenesis.Inordertooverallanalyzegeneexpressionduringinfectionanddevelopment,amixedcD-NAlibrarywasconstructedwithmaterialsfromcontiguoussixdevelopmentstagesofM.grisea.Somequalityanalysis,suchasthetiter,therecombinantrateandinsertcDNAlengthofthecDNAlibrary,indicatedthatthelibrarycontainedintactgenesandcouldbeusedforgeneexpressionanalysisofM.grisea.Total7456expressedsequencetags(ESTs)(GenBank(CK909944 ̄CK913666andCK928583 ̄CK932582)of5′endswereobtainedfromthecDNAlibrary.ResultsofbioinformaticsanalysisforallESTsdatashowedthatESTsequencesassembledout2975tentativeuniquetranscripts(TUTs)andendued60.1%redundancy;mostgenesex-pressedwithlowabundancegeneratedfromthecDNAlibraryandoccupied79.8%ofallTUTs,indicatingthelibraryhadagoodcomplexityofgenecomposition;about85.5%TUTscouldnotbeassignedfunctionaldescriptionandinfectionrelatedgenes,suchasECM33proteinandhydrophobinexpressedathighabundancelevelamongtheremainedannotatedgenes,furtherlyindicatedthatthecDNAlibraryreflectedcorrectlygeneexpressionduringM.griseadevelopment.SothemixedcDNAlibraryprovidesaneffectivere-sourceforfunctionalstudyofthefungusandissuitableforfurtherstudyformolecularmechanismofinfectionanddevelopmentofM.grisea.Keywords:Magnaporthegrisea;cDNAlibrary;expressedsequencetags*基金项目:国家高技术研究与发展计划(863)项目(No.2002BA711A15)资助。
摘 要 脂多糖结合蛋白(lipopolysaccharide-binding protein, LBP)是机体识别革兰氏阴性菌内毒素并启 动免疫反应的关键因子。为了了解 LBP 基因的密码子使用特性,为其选择合适的受体动物以及最佳外源 表达系统提供依据,本研究运用 CHIPS、CUSP 和 CodonW 在线程序分析自主电子克隆的猪(Sus scrofa) LBP 基因(GenBank 登录号: NM-001128435.1)的密码子偏好性,并与猪 8 种抗病相关基因、模式生物基因 组以及其他物种 LBP 基因相比较。结果表明,猪 LBP 基因大部分偏好使用以 G/C 结尾的密码子,27 种偏 好密码子(相对使用度(RSCU)>1)中偏好性较强的有 GCC、CAC、CTG 和 TCC(RSCU≥2),而猪 8 种抗病 相关基因有 23 种偏好密码子,全部以 G/C 结尾,并且偏好性较强的密码子有 GCC、ATC、CTG 和 GTG;通 过比较 14 种动物的 LBP 基因密码子偏好性,发现 14 个物种的 LBP 基因表达水平一般,并且都偏好以 G/C 结尾的密码子;聚类分析发现,偶蹄目猪与 2 种食肉目动物(猫(Felis catus)和狗(Canis))聚为一类,与系统 分类关系不一致;在密码子的使用频率上,猪 LBP 基因与小鼠(Mus musculus)基因组的差异小于大肠杆菌 (Escherichia coli)和酵母菌(Saccharomyces)等 2 种模式生物基因组,故小鼠更适合作为该 LBP 基因的外源表 达宿主。本研究结果为 LBP 基因在动物遗传改良中选择合适的受体动物、选择最佳的外源表达系统以及 提高其表达水平提供一定的理论依据。 关键词 猪,脂多糖结合蛋白基因(LBP),密码子偏好性
biotechnology advances综述
biotechnology advances综述1.引言1.1 概述技术的快速发展以及人类对生物学的深入研究,推动了生物技术的迅速发展。
英语作文农业生物技术好处Title: The Benefits of Agricultural Biotechnology。
Agricultural biotechnology, often referred to as agritech, is a field of science that involves using living organisms, such as plants, animals, and microorganisms, to improve agricultural productivity and efficiency. In recent years, agricultural biotechnology has gained widespread attention and acclaim for its numerous benefits to farmers, consumers, and the environment. In this essay, we will explore the advantages of agricultural biotechnology andits significant impact on global agriculture.Firstly, agricultural biotechnology plays a crucialrole in enhancing crop yields and quality. Through genetic engineering techniques, scientists can develop crops that are resistant to pests, diseases, and adverse environmental conditions. This resilience allows farmers to achieve higher yields while reducing the need for chemical pesticides and fertilizers, thus promoting sustainableagriculture. For instance, genetically modified (GM) crops such as Bt cotton and Bt corn have demonstrated increased resistance to insect pests, leading to improved yields and reduced crop losses for farmers.Moreover, agricultural biotechnology contributes tofood security by increasing the availability of nutritious and affordable food. By developing genetically modified crops with enhanced nutritional profiles, such as goldenrice fortified with vitamin A, researchers aim to combat malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies in developing countries. Additionally, biotechnological advancements enable the production of biofortified crops that contain higher levels of essential vitamins and minerals, thereby improving public health outcomes and reducing theprevalence of dietary-related illnesses.Furthermore, agricultural biotechnology fosters sustainable farming practices and environmental conservation. By utilizing precision agriculture techniques, such as gene editing and marker-assisted selection, farmers can optimize resource utilization, minimize waste, andmitigate the environmental impact of agricultural activities. For example, the cultivation of drought-tolerant crops through biotechnology helps conserve water resources and mitigate the effects of climate change on crop production. Similarly, the development of nitrogen-efficient plants reduces the need for nitrogen fertilizers, thereby decreasing nitrogen runoff and its adverse effects on water quality and ecosystem health.In addition to its agronomic benefits, agricultural biotechnology contributes to economic development and poverty alleviation in rural communities. By increasing agricultural productivity and income opportunities for smallholder farmers, biotechnological innovations empower rural populations to escape the cycle of poverty and improve their livelihoods. For instance, the adoption of genetically modified crops has been shown to boost farm incomes and alleviate poverty in developing countries, where agriculture serves as the primary source oflivelihood for a significant portion of the population.Furthermore, agricultural biotechnology holds promisefor addressing global challenges such as climate change, population growth, and resource scarcity. Through research and innovation, scientists are developing novel biotechnological solutions to enhance the resilience and sustainability of agricultural systems in the face of evolving environmental pressures. From drought-tolerant crops to carbon-sequestering agricultural practices, biotechnology offers a range of tools and strategies to build climate-resilient food systems and ensure the long-term viability of agriculture.In conclusion, agricultural biotechnology offers a myriad of benefits for farmers, consumers, and the environment. By harnessing the power of biotechnology, we can enhance crop yields, improve food security, promote sustainable farming practices, and address global challenges facing agriculture. However, it is essential to recognize the importance of responsible stewardship and ethical considerations in the development and deployment of biotechnological innovations to ensure their safe and sustainable integration into agricultural systems. With continued research, investment, and collaboration,agricultural biotechnology has the potential to revolutionize global agriculture and pave the way for a more food-secure and sustainable future.。
中国 农业科学英文版
中国农业科学英文版Title: China Agricultural SciencesContent:China has always given great importance to the development of agricultural sciences.As the most populous country in the world, ensuring food security and sustainable agricultural development is a top priority.Over the past few decades, China has made remarkable progress in agricultural sciences, contributing significantly to the nation"s economic growth and global food production.1.Achievements in Agricultural ResearchChinese researchers have made significant breakthroughs in crop breeding, including rice, wheat, corn, and other staple foods.Through scientific and technological advancements, yields have increased, disease resistance has improved, and stress tolerance has enhanced.These achievements have not only benefited China but also contributed to global food security.2.Precision AgricultureWith the rapid development of information technology, China is actively promoting precision agriculture.By utilizing technologies such as remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS), and internet of things (IoT), farmers can make data-driven decisions to optimize cropproduction.This approach helps in conserving resources, reducing environmental pollution, and improving overall agricultural efficiency.3.Agricultural BiotechnologyChina is at the forefront of agricultural biotechnology research.Genetic modification (GM) technology has been successfully applied in cotton, soybean, and corn, leading to increased yields and reduced pesticide use.The country continues to invest in research and development to explore the potential of biotechnology in enhancing agricultural productivity and sustainability.4.Sustainable AgricultureRecognizing the importance of environmental protection, China is promoting sustainable agricultural practices.These include conservation agriculture, agroforestry, and organic farming.By adopting these practices, China aims to minimize the ecological footprint of agriculture, preserve biodiversity, and mitigate the impact of climate change.5.International CooperationChina actively engages in international cooperation and exchange programs in agricultural sciences.Collaborations with countries worldwide help in sharing knowledge, technologies, and best practices.Through South-South cooperation, China transfers its agricultural expertise to other developing countries, supporting their agricultural development and food security.In conclusion, China"s commitment to agricultural sciences has led to significant achievements in crop production, biotechnology, precision agriculture, and sustainability.By continuing to invest in research and international cooperation, China aims to further enhance its agricultural sector and contribute to global food security and sustainable development.---标题:中国农业科学内容:中国一直高度重视农业科学的发展。
生物技术在农业中心的应用 英语作文
生物技术在农业中心的应用英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: The Application of Biotechnology in AgricultureIntroductionBiotechnology plays a crucial role in modern agriculture, offering innovative solutions to challenges such as crop disease resistance, yield improvement, and environmental sustainability. This essay will explore the various applications of biotechnology in agriculture, highlighting its benefits and potential impacts.Crop ImprovementOne of the major applications of biotechnology in agriculture is crop improvement through genetic modification. Genetically modified (GM) crops have been developed to possess traits such as pest resistance, drought tolerance, and enhanced nutritional content. For example, GM soybeans have been engineered to be resistant to pests and herbicides, reducing the need for chemical pesticides and increasing crop yields. Similarly, GM maize has been modified to produce a toxinthat is lethal to insect pests but harmless to humans, reducing crop losses due to pest damage.Disease ResistanceBiotechnology has also been used to develop crops that are resistant to plant diseases. For example, a genetically modified variety of papaya has been created to resist the papaya ringspot virus, which devastated papaya crops in Hawaii in the 1990s. This disease-resistant papaya has helped revive the papaya industry in Hawaii and reduce farmers' reliance on chemical pesticides.Environmental SustainabilityBiotechnology can also contribute to environmental sustainability in agriculture. For example, genetically engineered crops can be designed to require fewer inputs such as water, fertilizers, and pesticides, reducing the environmental impact of agriculture. Additionally, biotechnology can be used to develop crops that are better suited to extreme climates, such as drought-resistant wheat varieties that can thrive in arid regions.Challenges and ConcernsDespite its benefits, the widespread adoption of biotechnology in agriculture has raised concerns about its potential risks. Some critics argue that genetically modified cropsmay have unintended effects on ecosystems and human health, while others raise ethical concerns about the ownership and control of genetic resources. Additionally, the use of biotechnology in agriculture may exacerbate existing inequalities in access to technology and resources, particularly in developing countries.ConclusionIn conclusion, biotechnology has the potential to revolutionize agriculture by improving crop productivity, disease resistance, and environmental sustainability. However, the responsible and ethical application of biotechnology in agriculture requires careful consideration of its potential risks and impacts. By addressing these concerns and leveraging the benefits of biotechnology, we can create a more sustainable and resilient agricultural system for the future.篇2Biotechnology in Agricultural CentersBiotechnology, particularly in the field of agriculture, has revolutionized the way we produce food and manage crops. With the help of advanced genetic engineering techniques, scientists are now able to develop new crop varieties withimproved resistance to diseases and pests, as well as increased yields and nutritional value. These advancements have brought about numerous benefits to farmers, consumers, and the environment.One of the key applications of biotechnology in agriculture is the development of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). GMOs are plants or animals that have had their DNA altered in a laboratory to give them desired traits, such as resistance to herbicides or pests. This technology has been widely adopted by farmers around the world, leading to increased crop yields and reduced pesticide use.Another important application of biotechnology in agriculture is the development of genetically modified crops that are resistant to certain diseases. For example, scientists have created varieties of potatoes that are resistant to late blight, a devastating disease that can destroy entire crops. By planting these disease-resistant crops, farmers can protect their harvests and improve their yields.Biotechnology has also been used to develop crops with improved nutritional value. For example, scientists have created varieties of rice that are fortified with essential nutrients such as vitamin A and iron. These biofortified crops can help combatmalnutrition in developing countries where people may not have access to a diverse diet.In addition to improving crop production, biotechnology has also been used to develop sustainable farming practices. For example, scientists have created genetically modified crops that are able to grow in harsh conditions, such as drought or salinity. These crops can help farmers in arid regions or salt-affected soils to maintain their livelihoods and adapt to changing climate conditions.Furthermore, biotechnology has the potential to address environmental challenges in agriculture. For example, scientists are researching the use of genetically modified microbes to improve soil health and fertility, reduce the need for chemical fertilizers, and promote sustainable farming practices. By harnessing the power of biotechnology, we can create a more resilient and sustainable agricultural system that benefits both people and the planet.In conclusion, biotechnology has transformed the agricultural industry by providing innovative solutions to improve crop production, enhance food security, and promote sustainable farming practices. With continued research and development in this field, we can unlock even more potential forbiotechnology to address global challenges such as climate change, population growth, and food insecurity. By harnessing the power of biotechnology, we can build a more sustainable and resilient agricultural system that benefits both current and future generations.篇3The Application of Biotechnology in AgricultureBiotechnology, the use of living organisms or their derivatives to develop products and processes, has revolutionized the field of agriculture in recent years. Through genetic engineering, researchers have been able to create crops that are resistant to pests and diseases, have increased yields, and are more nutritious. This has not only benefited farmers in terms of higher crop productivity and reduced pesticide usage, but has also had a positive impact on the environment and human health.One of the most well-known applications of biotechnology in agriculture is the development of genetically modified (GM) crops. These crops have been engineered to possess desirable traits such as resistance to pests, diseases, and herbicides, as well as increased tolerance to environmental stresses such as droughtand salinity. This has allowed farmers to produce more food on less land, using fewer resources and chemicals.GM crops have also been developed to improve the nutritional content of food. For example, golden rice, which has been genetically modified to produce beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, has the potential to reduce vitamin A deficiency in developing countries where rice is a staple food. Similarly, biofortified crops have been developed to increase the levels of essential nutrients such as iron, zinc, and vitamin C in staple crops like wheat, maize, and cassava.In addition to genetic engineering, biotechnology is also being used in agriculture for other purposes such as crop breeding, disease diagnostics, and pest control. For example, marker-assisted breeding allows researchers to identify and select plants with desirable traits more quickly and accurately, speeding up the breeding process. Biotechnology is also being used to develop diagnostic tools for detecting plant diseases and pests, enabling farmers to take proactive measures to prevent outbreaks and reduce crop losses.Furthermore, biotechnology has the potential to address some of the challenges facing agriculture today, such as climate change, food insecurity, and soil degradation. By developingcrops that are more resilient to changing environmental conditions, researchers can help farmers adapt to climate change and ensure food security for future generations. Biotechnology can also help improve soil health by developing crops that require fewer fertilizers and pesticides, reducing environmental pollution and promoting sustainable agriculture practices.Despite the many benefits of biotechnology in agriculture, there are also concerns about its potential risks and ethical implications. Critics argue that GM crops may have unintended consequences on the environment and human health, and that farmers in developing countries may become dependent on multinational corporations for seeds and technology. It is important for regulators and policymakers to carefully evaluate the risks and benefits of biotechnology in agriculture and ensure that it is used responsibly and ethically.In conclusion, biotechnology has the potential to transform agriculture and address many of the challenges facing the industry today. By developing crops that are resistant to pests and diseases, have increased yields, and are more nutritious, researchers can help farmers produce more food in a more sustainable and efficient manner. However, it is important to continue research and monitoring of biotechnology inagriculture to ensure that it is safe, ethical, and beneficial for both farmers and consumers.。
1.ANIMAL [1751-7311]本刊收录在:SCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:1.744[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal scienceAGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--veterinary sciences2.ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY [1049-5398]本刊收录在:SCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:0.927[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal scienceBIOLOGY AND LIFE SCIENCES--biotechnology & applied microbiology3.BUFFALO BULLETIN [0125-6726]本刊收录在:Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:0.102[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal science4.DOMESTIC ANIMAL ENDOCRINOLOGY [0739-7240]本刊收录在:SCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:2.056[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal scienceMEDICINE, BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTHSCIENCES--endocrinology & metabolism5.ANIMAL GENETICS [0268-9146]本刊收录在:SCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:2.403[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal scienceBIOLOGY AND LIFE SCIENCES--genetics & heredity6.MLJEKARSTVO [0026-704x]本刊收录在:Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal science7.JOURNAL OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION [0931-2439]本刊收录在:SCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:0.855[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal scienceAGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--veterinary sciences8.JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT [0916-8818]本刊收录在:Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:1.459[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal scienceBIOLOGY AND LIFE SCIENCES--reproductive biology9.AVIAN BIOLOGY RESEARCH [1758-1559]本刊收录在:SCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:0.300[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal science10.JOURNAL OF DAIRY RESEARCH [0022-0299]本刊收录在:SCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:1.566[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal scienceAGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--food science & technology ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY--food science & technology11.INDIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMALRESEARCH [0367-6722]本刊收录在:Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:0.020[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal science12.JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANIMALRESEARCH [0971-2119]Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:0.400[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal science13.JOURNAL OF APPLIED POULTRY RESEARCH [1056-6171]本刊收录在:Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:0.912[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal science14.15.LIVESTOCK SCIENCE [1871-1413]本刊收录在:SCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:1.506[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal science16.JOURNAL OF POULTRY SCIENCE [1346-7395]本刊收录在:Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:1.074[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal science17.ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL [1344-3941]Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:0.857[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal science18.ANNALS OF ANIMAL SCIENCE [1642-3402]本刊收录在:Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal science19.APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE [0168-1591]本刊收录在:SCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:1.918[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal scienceAGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--veterinary sciencesMEDICINE, BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTHSCIENCES--behavioral sciences20.POULTRY SCIENCE [0032-5791]本刊收录在:SCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:1.728[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal science21.BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF POULTRY SCIENCE [1516-635x]Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:0.362[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal science22.BRITISH POULTRY SCIENCE [0007-1668]本刊收录在:SCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:1.005[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal science23.JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE [0022-0302]本刊收录在:SCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:2.564[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal scienceAGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--food science & technology ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY--food science & technology24.CUBAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE [0864-0408]本刊收录在:Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal science25.ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMALSCIENCE [1594-4077]本刊收录在:Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal scienceAGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--veterinary sciences26.JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE [0021-8812]本刊收录在:SCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:2.096[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal scienceN-AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES [1011-2367]本刊收录在:Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:0.579[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal science28.INDIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMALSCIENCES [0367-8318]本刊收录在:Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:0.122[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animalscience29.JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND FEEDSCIENCES [1230-1388]本刊收录在:Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:0.636[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal science30.ACTA AGRICULTURAE SCANDINAVICA SECTION A-ANIMAL SCIENCE [0906-4702]本刊收录在:SCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:0.729[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal science31.SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH [0921-4488]本刊收录在:Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:1.295[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal science32.SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE [0375-1589]???????????????????本刊收录在:Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:0.242[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal science33.ANIMAL FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [0377-8401]本刊收录在:SCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:1.691[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal science34.ANIMAL NUTRITION AND FEED TECHNOLOGY [0972-2963]半年刊本刊收录在:SCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:0.323[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal science35.AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF DAIRY TECHNOLOGY [0004-9433]本刊收录在:SCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:0.478[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal scienceAGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--food science & technology ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY--food science & technology36.TROPICAL ANIMAL HEALTH AND PRODUCTION [0049-4747]本刊收录在:SCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:1.115[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal scienceAGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--veterinary sciences37.WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE [1257-5011]本刊收录在:Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:0.698[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal science38.WORLDS POULTRY SCIENCE JOURNAL [0043-9339]本刊收录在:SCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:1.104[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal science39.REVISTA BRASILEIRA DEZOOTECNIA-BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE [1516-3598]本刊收录在:Web of Science--SCI-E/SSCI/A&HCI (2012)Web of Science--SCI-E (2012)影响因子:[JCR-2011] 【查看影响因子历史】学科主题:AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--agriculture, dairy & animal scienceAGRICULTURAL SCIENCES--veterinary sciences。
化学农业和有机农业的优缺点英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Debate Between Chemical and Organic Farming MethodsAgriculture has been a fundamental part of human civilization for thousands of years, providing the food necessary to sustain life. However, as the world's population continues to grow and the demand for food increases, the methods used in farming have become a subject of intense debate. Two main approaches have emerged: chemical agriculture and organic agriculture. As a student studying this topic, I believe it's crucial to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each method to make informed decisions about our food production systems.Chemical Agriculture: The ProsIncreased Yield: One of the primary advantages of chemical agriculture is its ability to produce higher crop yields. The use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides helps to maximize crop growth and protect plants from pests and diseases. Thisincreased productivity is essential for meeting the ever-growing demand for food, especially in areas with high population densities.Cost-effectiveness: Chemical agriculture often involves lower labor costs and higher efficiency compared to organic farming methods. The use of machinery and synthetic inputs can reduce the need for manual labor, making it more cost-effective for large-scale operations.Consistency and Predictability: Chemical agriculture offers a greater degree of consistency and predictability in crop yields. By controlling variables such as soil nutrients and pest management, farmers can better plan and forecast their harvests, which is crucial for meeting market demands and ensuring food security.Chemical Agriculture: The ConsEnvironmental Impact: The use of synthetic chemicals in agriculture can have detrimental effects on the environment. Pesticides and fertilizers can pollute soil, water sources, and air, harming ecosystems and biodiversity. Additionally, the excessive use of chemicals can lead to soil degradation and erosion, compromising long-term agricultural sustainability.Health Concerns: There are growing concerns about the potential health risks associated with consumingchemically-treated produce. Residues of pesticides, herbicides, and synthetic fertilizers may accumulate in the food chain and pose risks to human health, particularly over the long term.Reliance on Non-renewable Resources: Chemical agriculture relies heavily on non-renewable resources, such as fossil fuels used in the production of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. This dependence raises questions about the long-term sustainability of this approach, especially as these resources become increasingly scarce and expensive.Organic Agriculture: The ProsEnvironmental Friendliness: Organic farming methods prioritize the use of natural, non-synthetic inputs and practices that are more environmentally sustainable. By avoiding synthetic chemicals, organic agriculture helps to preserve soil health, protect water sources, and promote biodiversity.Nutritional Value: Many studies suggest that organically grown produce may have higher nutritional value and contain more antioxidants compared to conventionally grown crops. This can be attributed to the absence of synthetic fertilizers and the emphasis on building healthy, nutrient-rich soil.Reduced Health Risks: By avoiding the use of synthetic chemicals, organic agriculture reduces the potential risks associated with pesticide and fertilizer residues in food. This can provide peace of mind for consumers concerned about the long-term health effects of consuming chemically-treated produce.Organic Agriculture: The ConsLower Yields: Organic farming methods typically produce lower yields compared to chemical agriculture. This is due to the absence of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, which can limit crop growth and make plants more vulnerable to pests and diseases.Higher Labor Costs: Organic farming often requires more manual labor and intensive management practices, such as hand-weeding and crop rotation. This can result in higher production costs, which may be passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices for organic products.Scalability Challenges: Transitioning to organic farming methods on a large scale can be challenging, as it requires significant changes in infrastructure, training, and supply chains. This can make it difficult for organic agriculture to meet the growing global demand for food.As a student, I believe that both chemical and organic agriculture have their merits and drawbacks. While chemical agriculture offers increased yields and cost-effectiveness, it also raises concerns about environmental impact and potential health risks. Conversely, organic agriculture is more environmentally friendly and may offer nutritional benefits, but it faces challenges in terms of scalability and productivity.Ultimately, the decision between chemical and organic farming methods will depend on various factors, including regional conditions, economic considerations, and societal values. It is essential to strike a balance between meeting the world's food needs and promoting sustainable and responsible agricultural practices.One potential solution could be the adoption of integrated farming systems that combine elements of both chemical and organic approaches. By selectively using synthetic inputs and incorporating organic practices, such as crop rotation, cover cropping, and integrated pest management, it may be possible to achieve higher yields while minimizing environmental impact and health risks.Additionally, continued research and innovation in sustainable agriculture practices, such as precision farming,biotechnology, and soil management techniques, could help address some of the challenges faced by both chemical and organic agriculture.As a student, it is crucial for me to remain open-minded and continue learning about the complexities of this issue. By understanding the pros and cons of different farming methods, we can contribute to informed decision-making and work towards a more sustainable and equitable food production system that meets the needs of our growing global population.篇2The Pros and Cons of Chemical Agriculture vs Organic FarmingAs a student studying agriculture, one of the biggest debates I've encountered is the issue of chemical agriculture versus organic farming methods. There are valid arguments on both sides of this complex issue that are worth exploring. In this essay, I'll lay out some of the key pros and cons of each approach.Chemical Agriculture - The ProsOne of the biggest advantages of conventional chemical agriculture is higher crop yields. By using synthetic fertilizers,herbicides, and pesticides, farmers can increase productivity significantly compared to organic methods. This helps address potential food shortages as the global population continues to grow rapidly.Chemical fertilizers provide crops with an easy source of nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. This gives the plants a powerful boost, allowing them to grow larger and faster. Herbicides also control weeds more effectively, reducing competition for sunlight, water and nutrients. And pesticides protect crops from insect pests and plant diseases that can devastate yields.From an economic perspective, these higher yields combined with lower labor requirements make chemical agriculture very profitable and cost-effective for farmers. The synthetic inputs are also relatively inexpensive compared to organic methods like composting and cover cropping.Another pro is that chemical agriculture allows more land to be cultivated since fields don't need to be rotated as frequently to restore soil nutrients. It's a very efficient system in terms of land usage.Chemical Agriculture - The ConsDespite its advantages, the overuse of chemicals in agriculture has raised many environmental and health concerns. Synthetic fertilizers can contaminate groundwater and create oxygen-depleted "dead zones" in bodies of water. Herbicides and pesticides may have detrimental effects on biodiversity, harming pollinators like bees as well as birds and other wildlife.There are also potential health risks for farm workers exposed to these chemicals, as well as potential dietary risks for consumers from pesticide residues on foods. Some pesticides have been linked to cancer and other diseases, although regulatory agencies deem small residue levels as safe.Chemically-intensive monoculture farming also degrades soil quality over time, stripping it of nutrients and nutrients life. This makes the soil less drought-resistant and more susceptible to erosion compared to organic soils rich with organic matter.From an environmental standpoint, the heavy use of fossil fuel-derived fertilizers and pesticides is also concerning in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and sustainability. Chemical agriculture as a whole has a much larger carbon footprint.Organic Agriculture - The ProsThe core principle of organic farming is to work in harmony with nature using ecologically-based pest controls and natural fertilizers like manure, compost and bone meal. This avoids the potential health and environmental risks associated with chemical-intensive methods.Organically-grown produce has no synthetic pesticide residues, which many consumers view as a major health benefit. Organic farms also promote biodiversity by providing food and habitat for a variety of creatures like birds, insects and animals. This creates a more balanced, sustainable ecosystem.Organic farming practices like rotating crops, planting cover crops, applying compost and avoiding tillage all improve soil quality. This helps prevent erosion while increasing the soil's nutrient content and water retention capacity. Over time, these methods can actually increase yields through improved soil fertility.From a sustainability perspective, organic farming avoids the use of non-renewable resources like fossil fuel-based fertilizers. It creates far lower pollution levels overall in terms of air, soil and water contamination. The lack of synthetic chemicals is also better for farm worker safety and health.Organic Agriculture - The ConsOne of the biggest downsides of organic farming is lower yields compared to chemically-treated crops, at least initially before soil fertility is restored over many seasons. These lower yields could potentially create food shortages as the world's population continues rising rapidly.Organic farming is also extremely labor-intensive and time-consuming. Farmers spend many hours controlling weeds by hand or using animal and machine cultivation. They rely on natural fertilizers that break down slowly and require proper aging. Organic pest control is also more laborious than simply spraying synthetic pesticides.All of this manual labor translates into higher production costs for organic farms. Consumers end up paying significantly more for organic produce compared to conventionally-grown crops. For many families, organic is simply not affordable.Another potential issue is that organic farming requires more land to produce the same amount of food as chemical agriculture. This could lead to habitat losses if more wilderness areas need to be cleared for crop cultivation.The TakeawayUltimately, I don't think there's a simple answer as to whether chemical agriculture or organic methods are universally "better." Both systems have legitimate pros and cons to consider.My personal view is that an integrated approach could be a solution - utilizing some organic practices like composting, cover cropping and reducing tillage to improve soil health, while still allowing judicious use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides to boost yields when truly needed.At the end of the day, I believe sustainability needs to be the top priority for the future of agriculture. We need farming methods that can feed the growing global population in an environmentally-friendly way, without depleting natural resources or contaminating our air, water and soil. It's a delicate balancing act, but one I'm optimistic we can achieve through continued research, innovation and balanced policies.篇3The Pros and Cons of Chemical and Organic FarmingAs a student, I've learned a lot about the different farming methods used to grow our food supply. Two of the main approaches are chemical farming, which uses synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, and organic farming, which relies onnatural methods. Both have their advantages and disadvantages that are important to understand.Chemical farming has been the dominant method oflarge-scale agriculture since the Green Revolution of the 1960s. The main pros are higher yields and lower labor requirements compared to traditional farming. Synthetic nitrogen fertilizers help crops grow bigger and faster. Pesticides protect crops from insects, weeds, fungi and other threats. This allows a relatively small number of farms to produce vast quantities of inexpensive food.However, there are also major drawbacks to the chemical approach. Pesticides can have harmful effects on the environment, contaminating soil and water supplies. They've been linked to colony collapse disorder decimating bee populations. Some pesticides are also potentially carcinogenic and may have other negative health impacts on farm workers and consumers.Synthetic fertilizers, while initially boosting crop yields, degrade soil quality over time. This forces farmers into a cycle of using more and more fertilizer each year as nutrients get depleted from the soil. Runoff from fertilizers is also a major source of water pollution, creating dead zones and algal blooms.The overuse of antibiotics in animal agriculture is another concerning aspect of chemical farming. This has contributed to the rise of antibiotic-resistant superbugs that makelife-threatening infections harder to treat in humans. Overall, chemical farming trades short-term productivity for long-term sustainability.Organic farming avoids all of those problems by using only natural fertilizers like manure and compost, and natural pesticides derived from plants, minerals and bacteria. No synthetic chemicals are used. This is much better for the environment and consumer health, though yields tend to be about 25% lower.The main pros of organic are environmental sustainability, lack of pesticide exposure for farmers and consumers, and higher nutrient content in crops. Organic farms are also credited with better preserving biodiversity, soil quality and local ecosystems. For people concerned about the effects of chemicals on their health and the planet, organic is the way to go.However, organic farms require more human labor compared to mechanized chemical farms. This makes organic produce more expensive for the consumer, putting it out of reach for many low-income families. There are also someconcerns that organic farms may not be able to produce enough food to feed the world's growing population without using synthetic inputs.From a student's perspective, I can see valid arguments on both sides. The chemical approach has made our food supply much more abundant and affordable, which is crucial for reducing hunger and malnutrition globally. But the toll on environmental and human health can't be ignored. Organic is undoubtedly better for sustainability but requires more resources.My personal opinion is that an integrated approach makes the most sense, utilizing some organic practices on a primarily chemical farming system. This could mean reducing pesticide and fertilizer use, rotating crops, planting cover crops in the offseason, and protecting surrounding habitats. Moderate chemical use combined with sustainable methods may offer the best balance of productivity and sustainability.Ultimately, I think both organic and chemical farming will continue playing important roles. Organic will remain ahigher-end niche market for wealthier consumers willing to pay a premium for products they perceive as healthier and greener.While the bulk of our calorie consumption will still come from large-scale chemical operations.Perhaps in the future, advances in genetics, precision agriculture and other technologies could make it possible to achieve high yields without the heavy chemical use of today. But that's likely a long way off. In the meantime, we'll have to weigh all the pros and cons to make smart choices for our food system.That's my take as a student who wants to ensure we have an abundant, affordable and sustainable food supply for the long haul. Like many issues, there are valid points on both sides of the chemical vs. organic debate. We'd be wise to take a balanced, nuanced approach moving forward.。
化学农业和有机农业的英语作文英文回答:Chemical vs. Organic Farming.Introduction:Agriculture has played a vital role in human history, providing sustenance and supporting civilizations. However, modern agricultural practices have raised concerns about their environmental and health impacts. Two contrasting approaches that have emerged in response to these concerns are chemical agriculture and organic agriculture.Chemical Agriculture:Chemical agriculture, also known as conventional farming, relies heavily on synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides to enhance crop yield andcontrol pests. These chemicals can have significantbenefits in terms of increasing production and reducing crop losses. However, they also pose potential risks to the environment and human health.Environmental Impacts:Synthetic fertilizers can contribute to water pollution by leaching nutrients into waterways, leading to eutrophication and algal blooms. Pesticides and herbicides can persist in the environment, accumulating in soil and water bodies, and potentially harming wildlife and ecosystems.Health Impacts:Exposure to pesticides and herbicides has been linked to various health issues, including respiratory problems, skin irritation, and neurological damage. Residues of these chemicals in agricultural products can also pose health risks to consumers.Benefits:Despite its potential drawbacks, chemical agriculture has enabled the production of vast quantities of food, feeding a growing global population. It has also provided farmers with tools to manage pests and diseases, reducing crop losses and stabilizing yields.Organic Agriculture:Organic agriculture is a farming system that emphasizes the use of natural methods and materials to improve soil health, manage pests, and produce crops. It prohibits the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides, relying instead on crop rotation, cover crops, composting, and biological pest control.Environmental Benefits:Organic farming practices promote soil health by increasing organic matter content and enhancing microbial activity. It reduces nutrient runoff and water pollution, conserves biodiversity, and protects ecosystems from theharmful effects of synthetic chemicals.Health Benefits:Organically produced crops may contain higher levels of nutrients and antioxidants compared to conventionally grown crops. They are also generally free of pesticide residues, reducing potential health risks to consumers.Challenges:Organic farming requires more labor-intensive practices and faces challenges in controlling pests and diseases without the use of synthetic chemicals. It can also resultin lower crop yields compared to chemical agriculture, particularly in the short term.Benefits vs. Drawbacks:The choice between chemical and organic farming depends on the specific context, priorities, and values. Chemical agriculture offers higher yields and lower production costs,but it raises concerns about environmental and health impacts. Organic farming promotes sustainability, environmental protection, and consumer health, but it faces challenges in terms of efficiency and viability on a large scale.中文回答:化学农业与有机农业。
化学农业和有机农业的英语作文英文回答:Chemical Agriculture vs. Organic Agriculture.Chemical agriculture, also known as conventional agriculture, relies heavily on the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides to increase crop yields. While chemical agriculture can lead to higher productivity and reduced crop losses, it also has significant environmental drawbacks.Soil degradation: Synthetic fertilizers can damagesoil structure and reduce its fertility. Pesticides and herbicides can kill beneficial organisms such as earthworms and pollinators, which are essential for a healthy ecosystem.Water pollution: Chemical runoff from agricultural fields can contaminate water sources with nutrients andpesticides, leading to eutrophication and harm to aquatic life.Air pollution: The production and application of synthetic fertilizers release greenhouse gases,contributing to climate change.Organic agriculture, on the other hand, focuses on natural farming practices that minimize the use ofsynthetic inputs. Organic farmers rely on crop rotation, cover crops, organic fertilizers, and biological control to maintain soil health and manage pests.Soil health: Organic farming practices improve soil structure and fertility by increasing organic matter content. Earthworms and other beneficial organisms thrive in organic soils, enhancing soil aeration and nutrient availability.Water quality: Organic farms produce less nutrient runoff compared to conventional farms, reducing the risk of eutrophication and protecting water resources.Biodiversity: Organic farming promotes biodiversity by supporting beneficial insects, birds, and other wildlife. Crop rotation and cover crops provide a variety of habitats for different species.Climate change mitigation: Organic farming practices can contribute to climate change mitigation by sequestering carbon in soil and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.The choice between chemical agriculture and organic agriculture depends on specific circumstances, such as soil type, climate, and market demand. While chemicalagriculture may offer higher yields in the short term, organic agriculture provides longer-term benefits for soil health, environmental sustainability, and food quality.中文回答:化学农业和有机农业。
化学农业与有机农业英语作文Chemical Agriculture versus Organic AgricultureAgriculture has been the backbone of human civilization since the beginning of time. Food is a necessity for survival, and agriculture provides the means to grow and produce food. Over the years, agriculture has evolved, and with that, different methods of farming have emerged. The two prominent methods of farming are chemical agriculture and organic agriculture. Chemical agriculture involves the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides to increase crop yields, while organic agriculture relies on natural methods to enhance soil fertility and control pests and diseases. Both methods have their pros and cons, and it is essential to weigh them to determine which one is better for the environment, human health, and sustainable agriculture.Chemical AgricultureChemical agriculture, also known as conventional agriculture, is the most widely used method of farming globally. It involves the use of synthetic inputs to boostcrop yields and control pests and diseases. The primary inputs used in chemical agriculture are synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. Chemicalfertilizers are used to provide plants with essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are necessary for growth and development. Pesticides and herbicides are used to control pests and weeds, respectively. The use of synthetic inputs in chemical agriculture has increased crop yields significantly, making it possible to feed a rapidly growing global population.The use of synthetic inputs in chemical agriculture has its advantages. It increases crop yields, which isessential in meeting the growing demand for food. Synthetic inputs also make it possible to grow crops in areas that were previously unsuitable for agriculture due to poor soil fertility. Chemical agriculture is also cost-effective, as it reduces labor costs and increases efficiency.However, chemical agriculture has its disadvantages. The use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides has negative effects on the environment. Synthetic fertilizers contribute to water pollution, as they leachinto water bodies and cause eutrophication, a process that depletes oxygen levels in water bodies and causes the death of aquatic life. Pesticides and herbicides are toxic and can harm non-target organisms, such as beneficial insects and wildlife. The overuse of pesticides and herbicides has also led to the development of pesticide-resistant pests and weeds, which requires farmers to use even more potent chemicals.Chemical agriculture also has negative effects on human health. The use of synthetic inputs has been linked to the development of chronic diseases such as cancer, respiratory problems, and neurological disorders. Consumers are increasingly concerned about the safety of the food they eat and are demanding organic produce.Organic AgricultureOrganic agriculture is a method of farming that relies on natural inputs to enhance soil fertility and control pests and diseases. Organic farmers use natural fertilizers such as compost, manure, and cover crops to improve soil health and provide plants with essential nutrients. Natural pest and disease control methods such as crop rotation,intercropping, and biological control are used to manage pests and diseases. Organic agriculture also promotes biodiversity and conservation of natural resources.Organic agriculture has several advantages. It produces healthy and nutritious food that is free from synthetic chemicals. Organic farming also promotes soil health and conservation of natural resources. It reduces the use of fossil fuels, which is essential in mitigating climate change. Organic agriculture also offers economic benefits to farmers, as organic produce commands a premium price in the market.However, organic agriculture also has its disadvantages. It requires more labor and management than chemical agriculture, which makes it more expensive. Organic farming also requires more land to produce the same amount of crop yields as chemical agriculture, which is a concern in areas where land is scarce. Organic agriculture is also more vulnerable to pest and disease outbreaks, which can lead to reduced crop yields.ConclusionIn conclusion, both chemical agriculture and organic agriculture have their pros and cons. Chemical agriculture is cost-effective and increases crop yields, but has negative effects on the environment and human health. Organic agriculture produces healthy and nutritious food, promotes soil health, and conserves natural resources, but is more expensive and requires more land. It is essential to strike a balance between the two methods of farming to ensure sustainable agriculture. Consumers should also be aware of the benefits of organic produce and support farmers who use natural methods of farming.。
生物技术在农业中心的应用 英语作文
生物技术在农业中心的应用英语作文Biotechnology has made significant contributions to the agricultural industry, revolutionizing the way we grow and produce food. Through the application of genetic engineering, molecular markers, and tissue culture, biotechnology has helped improve crop yields, enhance resistance to pests and diseases, and increase the nutritional content of various food crops.One of the most well-known applications of biotechnology in agriculture is the development of genetically modified (GM) crops. These crops are engineered to possess specific traits that make them more resistant to pests, diseases, and environmental stress, allowing farmers to produce higher yields with fewer inputs. For example, GM crops such as Bt cotton and Bt corn have been engineered to produce a protein that is toxic to certain insect pests, reducing the need for chemical insecticides and lowering production costs.In addition to pest resistance, biotechnology has also been used to enhance the nutritional content of food crops. For example, golden rice has been genetically engineered toproduce beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, to help combat vitamin A deficiency in developing countries. Similarly, biofortified crops such as iron-fortified beans and zinc-fortified rice have been developed to help address micronutrient deficiencies in populations that rely heavily on staple crops for their diet.Furthermore, biotechnology has also played a crucialrole in the development of molecular markers for crop improvement. These markers allow breeders to identify and select for specific traits more efficiently, speeding up the process of developing new crop varieties. This has led to the development of crops with improved yield potential, drought tolerance, and disease resistance, helping farmers adapt to changing environmental conditions and increasing food security.Another important application of biotechnology in agriculture is the use of tissue culture for the rapid propagation of plants. Tissue culture techniques allow for the rapid multiplication of disease-free plant material, enabling the mass production of high-quality planting material for various crops. This has been particularlyvaluable for the production of fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants, where uniformity and disease-free planting material are essential for successful cultivation.Overall, biotechnology has had a profound impact on the agricultural industry, offering innovative solutions to many of the challenges faced by farmers. From improving crop productivity and nutritional content to providingtools for more efficient breeding and propagation, biotechnology continues to play a crucial role in shaping the future of agriculture.生物技术在农业中的应用对农业产业的贡献巨大,彻底改变了我们种植和生产食物的方式。
生物技术在农业中心的应用 英语作文
生物技术在农业中心的应用英语作文In the ever-evolving landscape of agriculture, biotechnology has emerged as a game-changer,revolutionizing the way we cultivate crops and manage agricultural centers. The integration of biotechnology into agricultural practices has not only increased yields but has also ensured sustainable farming methods, environmental preservation, and enhanced food security.Biotechnology in agriculture centers has primarily focused on genetic engineering, which involves the modification of plant genomes to impart desired traits. This technology has enabled breeders to create crops that are resistant to diseases, tolerant to abiotic stresses such as drought and salinity, and have enhanced nutritional value. For instance, through biotechnology, we have developed rice varieties that are rich in Vitamin A, which helps combat vitamin deficiency in many parts of the world. Another significant application of biotechnology in agricultural centers is the use of microorganisms for soil improvement. Biofertilizers and biopesticides derived from microorganisms are now widely used to enhance soilfertility and suppress pests and diseases. These bio-products are environmentally friendly and cost-effective, making them a viable alternative to chemical fertilizersand pesticides.Biotechnology has also enabled precision agriculture, which involves the use of advanced technologies like drones, satellites, and sensors to monitor crop health and manage resources efficiently. This approach ensures that crops receive the right amount of water, nutrients, and other inputs, thus maximizing yields and minimizing waste.Moreover, biotechnology is playing a crucial role inthe development of value-added agricultural products. Through biotechnology, we can now produce enzymes, probiotics, and other bioactive compounds from agricultural waste, thus adding value to agricultural by-products and creating new revenue streams for farmers.Despite the many benefits of biotechnology inagricultural centers, there are also concerns about its potential risks, such as the escape of genetically modified organisms into the environment and their impact on biodiversity. Therefore, it is crucial to establish robustregulatory frameworks to ensure the safe and responsible use of biotechnology in agriculture.In conclusion, biotechnology is transforming agricultural centers worldwide, enabling farmers to produce more with less, ensuring food security, and promoting sustainable farming practices. As we move forward, it is essential to continue investing in biotechnology research and development to harness its full potential and address the challenges of the future.**生物技术革新农业中心**在农业不断演变的景象中,生物技术已成为改变游戏规则的关键因素,彻底改变了我们栽培作物和管理农业中心的方式。
化学农业和有机农业的优缺点英语作文Chemical agriculture and organic agriculture are twodifferent approaches to farming, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of both chemical agriculture and organic agriculture.Chemical agriculture relies heavily on the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides to maximize crop yields. The main advantage of chemical agriculture is its ability to produce large quantities of food quickly and efficiently. With the help of these chemicals, farmers can control pests, weeds, and diseases effectively, leading to higher crop yields. This increased productivity has playeda significant role in feeding the growing global population.However, chemical agriculture also has several downsides. One major concern is its impact on the environment. The excessive use of synthetic chemicals can lead to soil degradation, water pollution, and loss of biodiversity. These chemicals can harm beneficial insects, birds, andother wildlife essential for maintaining ecological balance. Additionally, continuous use of these chemicals may resultin pesticide resistance in pests.On the other hand, organic agriculture takes a more natural approach to farming by relying on techniques such as composting, crop rotation, and biological pest control. One key advantage of organic agriculture is its emphasis on sustainability and environmental conservation. By avoiding synthetic inputs such as chemical fertilizers and pesticides, organic farmers aim to minimize their negative impact on nature.Furthermore, organically grown produce tends to have higher nutritional value compared to conventionally grown cropsdue to the absence of synthetic chemicals in their production process. Many consumers opt for organic products because they believe them to be healthier choices for themselves and their families.However, there are some challenges associated with organic farming as well. Organic methods tend to be more labor-intensive than conventional ones since they involve manual weeding instead of using herbicides or pesticides. Consequently, this can drive up production costs for farmers who need additional labor.Moreover, in terms of yield efficiency per unit area compared with chemical agriculture systems, organic agriculture may fall behind. Without the use of synthetic inputs, organic farmers may face challenges in achieving the same level of productivity as chemical farmers. This can limit the scale at which organic farming can be practiced to meet the increasing global demand for food.In conclusion, both chemical agriculture and organic agriculture have their pros and cons. Chemical agriculture offers high productivity in a short period but raises significant environmental concerns. On the other hand, organic agriculture promotes sustainability and better nutritional value but may struggle to match the efficiency and scale of chemical farming. The choice between these two approaches ultimately depends on balancing agricultural productivity with environmental sustainability and personalhealth considerations.我的问题是:化学农业和有机农业的优缺点英语作文化学农业和有机农业是两种不同的耕种方法,各自拥有一系列的优点和缺点。
化学农业与有机农业英语作文In the realm of modern agriculture, two distinct approaches stand out: chemical agriculture and organic agriculture. Each method offers its own set of advantages and disadvantages, with varying impacts on the environment, soil health, crop yield, and consumer health.Chemical agriculture, as the term suggests, relies heavily on the use of synthetic chemicals such as fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. This approach aims to maximize crop yield by ensuring abundant nutrient supply and eradicating weeds and pests. However, the extensive use of these chemicals can have significant negative impacts on soil health, water quality, and ecological diversity. Long-term exposure to these chemicals can also pose health risks to farmers and consumers.On the other hand, organic agriculture focuses on sustainable practices that promote ecological balance and protect soil and water quality. Organic farmers utilize natural methods such as crop rotation, composting, and biological pest control to maintain soil fertility and eradicate pests. While organic farming may yield lower cropquantities compared to chemical agriculture, it ensures the production of high-quality, nutritious, and chemical-free food.From an environmental perspective, organic agriculture is clearly the more sustainable option. It reduces soil erosion, enhances soil fertility, and conserves water resources. Organic farming also preserves biodiversity by providing habitats for wildlife and promoting the growth of beneficial microorganisms.In terms of consumer health, organic produce is generally perceived to be safer and more nutritious than conventionally grown food. While there is limitedscientific evidence to support this claim, the absence of harmful chemicals in organic food certainly makes it a healthier option.However, the debate between chemical and organic agriculture is not black and white. Chemical agriculture, despite its environmental drawbacks, has been crucial in feeding the growing global population. It has also been instrumental in developing new crop varieties and improving crop resistance to diseases and pests.Organic agriculture, on the other hand, while environmentally friendly, faces challenges such as lower yields, higher production costs, and limited market access. Additionally, organic farming methods may not be suitable for all regions and crop types, making it difficult to implement on a large scale.In conclusion, both chemical and organic agriculture have their respective merits and demerits. The choice between the two depends on various factors such as soil type, climate conditions, crop type, market demand, and farmer preferences. What is important is to strike a balance between sustainable practices and crop productivity to ensure a healthy and sustainable food supply for future generations.**化学农业与有机农业:比较分析**在现代农业领域,两种截然不同的方法脱颖而出:化学农业和有机农业。
of molecular breeding technology that integrates all kinds of cutting⁃edge technologies from transgenic breeding 3.0 to intelligent
design breeding 4.0. Among them,the most representative technologies include genome⁃wide selection,genomic editing and syn⁃
兴起。19 世纪中叶到 20 世纪初,遗传学三大定律
跨越。生物育种是生物技术育种的简称,属于从转基因育种 3.0 版跨入智能设计育种 4.0 版、集各种前沿技术大成的新一
征的各种技术版本,即从最初人工驯化 1.0 版和杂
交育种 2.0 版,逐步迭代升级到种 4.0 版。
原始育种大约始于 1 万年前的新石器时代,
Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
Abstract:With the evolution of natural species and the progress of agricultural science and technology over the past thousands of
菌种保藏中心美国典型微生物菌种保藏中心, American Type Culture Collection(ATCC)网址:/doc/a6380721.html,ATCC 主要从事农业、遗传学、应用微生物、免疫学、细胞生物学、工业微生物学、菌种保藏方法、医学微生物学、分子生物学、植物病理学、普通微生物学、分类学、食品科学等的研究。
中国农业微生物菌种保藏管理中心Agricultural Culture Collection of China(ACCC)网址:/doc/a6380721.html,ACCC是中国国家级农业微生物菌种保藏管理专门机构,负责全国农业微生物菌种的收集、鉴定、评价、保藏、供应及国际交流任务. 库藏菌种2490株,其中细菌1004株,放线菌69株,丝状真菌355株,酵母菌124株,食用菌582.法国国家历史自然博物馆——Algotheque du实验室菌种保藏中心Algotheque du Laboratoire de Cryptogamie, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle(ALCP)网址: CCINFO/CCINFO.xml?792ALCP隶属于法国国家历史自然博物馆,主要从事于工业微生物学,应用微生物学,微生物系统分类学,培养和保藏方法等方面的研究,以及藻类等微生物的分离,鉴定,保藏工作。
台湾生物资源保存及研究中心(食品工业发展研究所)Bioresources Collection and ResearchCenter(BCRC) 网址:/doc/a6380721.html,.tw/BCRC主要从事农业、应用微生物、细胞生物技术、基因工程、菌种保藏方法、工业微生物、食品科学、发酵、分子生物学等方面的研究。
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Agricultural Biotechnology Agricultural Biotechnology is the application of concepts and methods of biotechnology to solve real-world problems related to agriculture,such as crop production and pests.Some scientists predict that the twenty-first century will be the century of biotechnology.Agricultural Biotechnology can be divided into four parts.First,Genetic Engineering.One of the best-known and controversial applications of genetic engineering is the creation and use of genetically modified crops or genetically modified organisms,such as genetically modified fish,which are used to produce genetically modified food and materials.There are four main goals in genetically modified crops.The first goal is to provide protection from environmental threats,such as cold,or pathogens,such as insects or viruses.The second goal is to modify the qualities of products,for instance,increasing the nutritional or providing more industrially useful qualities or quantities of the produce.The Amflora potato,for example,produces a more industrially useful blend of starches.Cows have been engineered to produce more protein in their milk to facilitate cheese production.The third goal is to produce materials that it does not normally make.One example is “pharming”,which uses crops as bioreactors to produce vaccines,drug intermediates,or drug themselves.The fourth goal is to directly improve yield by accelerating growth,or making the organism more hardy.Someagriculturally important animals have been genetically modified with growth hormones to increase their size.Second,Enzyme engineering.Enzyme engineering is applied in deep processing of agricultural products.For example,it can be used to produce beer and ing cellulose compound enzyme as additive can improve the feed nutrients.It can increase the content of protein,cut down the content of crude fiber and improve the color and smell of feed.It can promote digestion and absorption of nutrients,reduce livestock and poultry diarrhea,so as to promote animal growth and improve the feed utilization rate.Third,Cell e a single cell of a plant and we can produce pollen haploid plants,including rice,wheat and soybeans.It can enhance crop production and improve crop ing plant cell engineering and genetic engineering to improve crops qualities,increase crop yield,improve food features as well as to reduce pesticide use is problem needed to be solved in the twenty-first century,which is a hot topic now.Fourth,Fermentation engineering.Through fermentation engineering,we can make microbial fertilizer,microbial pesticide,microbial feed.These products can be produced in large amount and save money.They can solve the problem of pests and food without damaging environment and people‟s health.Although Agricultural Biotechnology has so many benefits,it has some disadvantages.Just as the saying goes,one coin has two sides.Poisonous crops:Genetically modified crops change the natural qualities of crops and they may cause great damage to people‟s health.For example,scientists transplant characteristics of Brazil nuts to soybeans,only to make some people who are allergic to walnuts produce allergic reactions after eating soybeans.Also genetically modified crops have many side effects.They may do harm to our livers,kidneys and hearts.Biomutation:The monsanto company developed genetically modified corn,through transgenic technology,the corn is resist to herbicide …Roundup‟produced by the monsanto company.So many farmers can use “Roundup” safely.Not only does it save money,but also it does not affect the growth of crops.However,the crops are polluted by herbicide and become dangerous.Scientists gave mice genetic modified crops as food for two years.50% of the mice got cancer,including liver cancer and kidney cancer.Ecological invasion:The genetically modified crops become the dominant species in the environment due to the implant of particular genes and the large area of cultivation.If these genetically modified crops widespread,they will evolve into super weeds,bringing survival pressure to other species,causing damage of environment.For example,Mexico isthe country of origin of the corn and it has the best corn seed in the world.However,the genetically modified crops in America have polluted many native corn varieties and had great effect on the breeding of crops.The population in the world is still growing.That means we need more food to live on in the near future.However,the increasing rate of crops can‟t keep pace with that of population.And the gap between them is becoming larger and larger.Agricultural Biotechnology can increase crop‟s productivity,and as such,the conflicts between population and food supply will be remitted effectively,not to mention some African countries suffering from starving.Deng Xiaoping attaches much importance to agricultural development and he thinks that the future of China‟s agriculture depends on biotechnology.Yang Zhenning thinks that the influence biotechnology brings will go beyond the influence computer has brought and the sixth revolution of technology will mainly be agricultural biotechnology.The current problems have provided a direction for scientists to study and make it more advanced.In a word,agricultural biotechnology really brings us lots of benefits,no matter in life or production.All these are based on continuous innovation.That requires us to explore more into the unknown world.Brief introduction of the text: With rapid population growth,humans face the challenge of producing enough food to meet the demands of the world. However, we face an even greater challenge of producing it in away that conserves the biodiversity and other natural resources on which societies depend. That‟s why biotechnology has emerged as a potential tool for overcoming the current limitations on food production.For example, biotechnology has been applied to increase crop productivity, develop more-nutritious foods,protect and preserve biodiversity, enhance natural resource conservation,etc.Biotechnology is defined as the application of scientific and engineering principles to the processing or production of materials by biological agents to provide goods and services.What a common technique in agricultural biotechnology is genetic engineering, allowing novel characteristics to be introduced into a plant and making transgenic crops.There‟s no denying that preserving biodiversity is important for maintaining the functioning of natural ecosystems, which provide part of the base of natural resources. In addition, the diversity in natural ecosystems is also a source of genetic variability that is useful in crop development.As a result, protecting and preserving biodiversity should be placed on the top of the agenda. Last but not least, not only does biotechnology play a major role in addressing the world energy and resource needs in the future ,but also biotechnology-based alternatives can provide solutions to problems of environmental contamination.。