Documenting Sources
Defining and Avoiding Plagiarism: The WPA Statement on Best PracticesDownload a PDF version of this document.Plagiarism has always concerned teachers and administrators, who want students’ work to repre sent their own efforts and to reflect the outcomes of their learning. However, with the advent of the Internet and easy access to almost limitless written material on every conceivable topic, suspicion of student plagiarism has begun to affect teachers at all levels, at times diverting them from the work of developing students’ writing, reading, and critical thinking abilities. This statement responds to the growing educational concerns about plagiarism in four ways: by defining plagiarism; by suggesting some of the causes of plagiarism; by proposing a set of responsibilities (for students, teachers, and administrators) to address the problem of plagiarism; and by recommending a set of practices for teaching and learning that can significantly reduce the likelihood of plagiarism. The statement is intended to provide helpful suggestions and clarifications so that instructors, administrators, and students can work together more effectively in support of excellence in teaching and learning. What Is Plagiarism?In instructional settings, plagiarism is a multifaceted and ethically complex problem. However, if any definition of plagiarism is to be helpful to administrators, faculty, and students, it needs to be as simple and direct as possible within the context for which it is intended.Definition: In an instructional setting, plagiarism occurs when a writer deliberately uses someone else’s language,ideas, or other original (not common-knowledge) material without acknowledging its source.This definition applies to texts published in print or on-line, to manuscripts, and to the work of other student writers.Most current discussions of plagiarism fail to distinguish between:1.submitting someone else’s text as one’s own or attempting toblur the line between one’s own ideas or words and thoseborrowed from another source, and2.carelessly or inadequately citing ideas and words borrowedfrom another source.Such discussions conflate plagiarism with the misuse of sources.Ethical writers make every effort to acknowledge sources fully and appropriately in accordance with the contexts and genres of their writing. A student who attempts (even if clumsily) to identify and credit his or her source, but who misuses a specific citation format or incorrectly uses quotation marks or other forms of identifying material taken from other sources, has not plagiarized. Instead, such a student should be considered to have failed to cite and document sources appropriately.What are the Causes of Plagiarism and the Failure to Use and Document Sources Appropriately?Students who are fully aware that their actions constitute plagiarism—for example, copying published information into a paper without source attribution for the purpose of claiming the information as their own, or turning in material written by another student—are guilty of academic misconduct. Although no excuse will lessen the breach of ethical conduct that such behavior represents, understanding why students plagiarize can help teachers to consider how to reduce the opportunities for plagiarism in their classrooms.∙Students may fear failure or fear taking risks in their own work.∙Students may have poor time-management skills or they may plan poorly for the time and effort required for research-based writing, and believe they have no choice but to plagiarize.∙Students may view the course, the assignment, the conventions of academic documentation, or the consequences of cheating as unimportant.∙Teachers may present students with assignments so generic or unparticularized that students may believe they are justified in looking for canned responses.∙Instructors and institutions may fail to report cheating when it does occur, or may not enforce appropriate penalties.Students are not guilty of plagiarism when they try in good faith to acknowledge others’ work but fail to do so accurately or fully. These failures are largely the result of failures in prior teaching and learning:students lack the knowledge of and ability to use the conventions of authorial attribution. The following conditions and practices may result in texts that falsely appear to represent plagiarism as we have defined it:∙Students may not know how to integrate the ideas of others and document the sources of those ideas appropriately in theirtexts.∙Students will make mistakes as they learn how to integrate others’ words or ideas into their own work because error is anatural part of learning.∙Students may not know how to take careful and fully documented notes during their research.∙Academicians and scholars may define plagiarism differently or more stringently than have instructors or administrators instudents’ ear lier education or in other writing situations.∙College instructors may assume that students have already learned appropriate academic conventions of research anddocumentation.∙College instructors may not support students as they attempt to learn how to research and document sources; instead,instructors may assign writing that requires research andexpect its appropriate documentation, yet fail to appreciate the difficulty of novice academic writers to execute these taskssuccessfully.∙Students from other cultures may not be familiar with the conventions governing attribution and plagiarism in Americancolleges and universities.∙In some settings, using other people’s words or ideas as their own is an acceptable practice for writers of certain kinds of texts (for example, organizational documents), making the concepts of plagiarism and documentation less clear cut than academics often acknowledge and thereby confusing students who havenot learned that the conventions of source attribution vary indifferent contexts.What are our Shared Responsibilities?When assignments are highly generic and not classroom-specific, when there is no instruction on plagiarism and appropriate source attribution, and when students are not led through the iterative processes of writing and revising, teachers often find themselves playing an adversarial role as “plagiarism police” instead of a coaching role as educators. Just as students must live up to their responsibility to behave ethically and honestly as learners, teachers must recognizethat they can encourage or discourage plagiarism not just by policy and admonition, but also in the way they structure assignments and in the processes they use to help students define and gain interest in topics developed for papers and projects.Students should understand research assignments as opportunities for genuine and rigorous inquiry and learning. Such an understanding involves:∙Assembling and analyzing a set of sources that they have themselves determined are relevant to the issues they areinvestigating;∙Acknowledging clearly when and how they are drawing on the ideas or phrasings of others;∙Learning the conventions for citing documents andacknowledging sources appropriate to the field they arestudying;∙Consulting their instructors when they are unsure about how to acknowledge the contributions of others to their thought andwriting.Faculty need to design contexts and assignments for learning that encourage students not simply to recycle information but to investigate and analyze its sources. This includes:∙Building support for researched writing (such as the analysis of models, individual/group conferences, or peer review) intocourse designs;∙Stating in writing their policies and expectations for documenting sources and avoiding plagiarism;∙Teaching students the conventions for citing documents and acknowledging sources in their field, and allowing students topractice these skills;∙Avoiding the use of recycled or formulaic assignments that may invite stock or plagiarized responses;∙Engaging students in the process of writing, which produces materials such as notes, drafts, and revisions that are difficult to plagiarize;∙Discussing problems students may encounter in documenting and analyzing sources, and offering strategies for avoiding orsolving those problems;∙Discussing papers suspected of plagiarism with the students who have turned them in, to determine if the papers are theresult of a deliberate intent to deceive;∙Reporting possible cases of plagiarism to appropriate administrators or review boards.Administrators need to foster a program- or campus-wide climate that values academic honesty. This involves:∙Publicizing policies and expectations for conducting ethical research, as well as procedures for investigating possible cases of academic dishonesty and its penalties;∙Providing support services (for example, writing centers or Web pages) for students who have questions about how to citesources;∙Supporting faculty and student discussions of issues concerning academic honesty, research ethics, and plagiarism;∙Recognizing and improving upon working conditions, such as high teacher-student ratios, that reduce opportunities for more individualized instruction and increase the need to handlepapers and assignments too quickly and mechanically;∙Providing faculty development opportunities for instructors to reflect on and, if appropriate, change the ways they work with writing in their courses.Best PracticesCollege writing is a process of goal setting, writing, giving and using feedback, revising, and editing. Effective assignments construct specific writing situations and build in ample room for response and revision. There is no guarantee that, if adopted, the strategies listed below will eliminate plagiarism; but in supporting students throughout their research process, these strategies make plagiarism both difficult and unnecessary.1. Explain Plagiarism and Develop Clear Policies∙Talk about the underlying implications of plagiarism.Remind students that the goal of research is to engage, through writing, in a purposeful, scholarly discussion of issues that are sometimes passed over in daily life. Understanding,augmenting, engaging in dialogue with, and challenging thework of others are part of becoming an effective citizen in acomplex society. Plagiarism does not simply devalue theinstitution and the degree it offers; it hurts the inquirer, whohas avoided thinking independently and has lost theopportunity to participate in broader social conversations.∙Include in your syllabus a policy for using sources, and discuss it in your course. Define a policy that clearly explains the consequences of both plagiarism (such as turning in a paper known to be written by someone else) and the misuse orinaccurate citation of sources.∙If your university does not already have one, establish an honor code to which all students subscribe; a judicial board to hear plagiarism cases; or a departmentalombudsperson to hear cases brought between students and instructors.2. Improve the Design and Sequence of Assignments∙Design assignments that require students to explore a subject in depth. Research questions and assignment topics should be based on principles of inquiry and on the genuineneed to discover something about the topic, and should present that topic to an audience in the form of an exploration or anargument.∙Start building possible topics early. Good writing reflects a thorough understanding of the topic being addressed orresearched. Giving students time to explore their topics slowly and helping them to narrow their focus from broad ideas tospecific research questions will personalize their research andprovide evidence of their ongoing investigations∙Consider establishing a course theme, and then allow students to define specific questions about that theme so that they become engaged in learning new ideas andbegin to own their research. A course theme (like “literacy”or “popular culture”) allows students and in structor to develop expertise and to support each other as they read, write, andengage in their research. Grounding the theme in a localcontext (such as the campus, or the neighborhood or city where the campus is located) can provide greater relevance tostudents’ lives. Once stu dents have defined a topic within thecourse theme, ask them to reflect frequently on their choice of topic: about what they already know about the topic when they begin their research; about what new ideas they are learningalong the way; and about what new subjects for research they are discovering.∙Develop schedules for students that both allow them time to explore and support them as they work towarddefined topics. As researchers learn more about their subjects, they typically discover new, unforeseen questions and interests to explore. However, student researchers do not have unlimited time for their work—at some point, they must choose a focus for their papers. Conferences with students (sometimes held in the library or computer resource center) are invaluable for enabling them to refine their focus and begin their inquiry.∙Support each step of the research process. Students often have little experience planning and conducting research. Using planning guides, in-class activities, and portfolios, instructorsshould “stage” students’ work and provide support at eachstage—from invention to drafting, through revision andpolishing. Collecting interim materials (such as annotatedphotocopies) helps break the research assignment down intoelements of the research process while providing instructorswith evidence of students’ original work. Building “low-st akes”writing into the research process, such as reflective progressreports, allows instructors to coach students more effectivelywhile monitoring their progress.∙Make the research process, and technology used for it, visible. Ask your students to consider how varioustechnologies—computers, fax machines, photocopiers,e-mail—affect the way information is gathered and synthesized, and what effect these technologies may have on plagiarism.∙Attend to conventions of different genres of writing. As people who read and write academic work regularly, instructors are sensitive to differences in conventions across differentdisciplines and, sometimes, within disciplines. However,students might not be as aware of these differences. Planactivities—like close examinations of academic readings—thatask students to analyze and reflect on the conventions indifferent disciplines.3. Attend to Sources and the Use of Reading∙Ask students to draw on and document a variety of sources. Build into your assignments additional sources, such as systematic observation, interviews, simple surveys, or other datagathering methods. Incorporating a variety of sources can help students develop ways of gathering, assessing, reading,and using different kinds of information, and can make for alivelier, more unique paper.∙Consider conventions. Appropriate use of citations depends on students’ familiarity with the conventions of the genre(s)they are using for writing. Design activities that help students to become familiar with these conventions and make informedchoices about when and where to employ them.∙Show students how to evaluate their sources. Provide opportunities for students to discuss the quality of the content and context of their sources, through class discussions,electronic course management programs or Internet chatspaces, or reflective assignments. Discuss with students howtheir sources will enable them to support their argument ordocument their research.∙Focus on reading. Successful reading is as important to thoughtful research essays as is successful writing. Developreading-related heuristics and activities that will help students to read carefully and to think about how or whether to use that reading in their research projects.4. Work on Plagiarism Responsibly∙Distinguish between misuse of sources and plagiarism. If students have misused sources, they probably do notunderstand how to use them correctly. If this is the case, work with students so that they understand how to incorporate and cite sources correctly. Ask them to rewrite the sections where sources have been misused.∙Ask students for documentation. If a student’s work raises suspicions, talk with him or her about your concerns. Askstudents to show you their in-process work (such as sources,summaries, and drafts) and walk you through their researchprocess, describing how it led to the production of their draft. If they are unable to do this, discuss with them the consequences of plagiarism described in your syllabus (and, perhaps, by your institution). If you have talked with a student and want topursue your own investigation of his or her work, turn tosources that the student is likely to have used and look forevidence of replication.∙Use plagiarism detection services cautiously. Although such services may be tempting, they are not always reliable.Furthermore, their availability should never be used to justifythe avoidance of responsible teaching methods such as thosedescribed in this document.5. Take Appropriate Disciplinary Actions∙Pay attention to institutional guidelines. Many institutions have clearly defined procedures for pursuing claims of academic dishonesty. Be sure you have read and understood these before you take any action.∙Consider your goal. If a student has plagiarized, consider what the student should take away from the experience. Insome cases, a failing grade on the paper, a failure in the course, academic probation, or even expulsion might achieve thosegoals. In other cases, recreating the entire research process,from start to finish, might be equally effective.Council of Writing Program Administrators, January, 2003。
《学术论文写作》教学大纲一、课程说明1. 课程代码:12. 课程中文名称:学术论文写作3. 课程英文名称:Academic Thesis Writing4. 课程总学时数:165. 课程学分数:16. 授课对象:英语专业四年级学生7. 本课程的性质、地位和作用本课程是《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》中规定的必修课,也是我院针对英语专业四年级学生开设的一门专业选修课,在学科体系中居重要地位。
二、教学基本要求1. 本课程的目的、任务本课程的教学目的在于培养学生撰写毕业论文的能力,要求学生对文献材料有一定的综合分析能力、并能用自己的语言表达个人观点和意见,同时还要求学生学会正确地引用他人的观点,避免有意或无意的抄袭现象。
2. 本课程的教学要求(1)系统了解毕业论文写作的主要过程和基本方法;(2)系统了解选题方法以及文献检索的主要方法和途径;(3)系统掌握开题报告、文献综述的写作方法;(4)掌握学校规范编制毕业论文的注释、参考文献以及引文的主要方法;(5)查阅教学法、语言学、文学、翻译等方面的汉英语论文,了解毕业论文的语言、结构、切入展开方法,熟悉学校毕业论文的写作规范;(6)通过论文写作的训练,提高研究性学习的能力和创新思维能力。
一、根据首字母填写单词(单词拼写)1. The a of 4, 5 and 9 is 6.2. Because I s________ breakfast all the time, I used to have stomach problems. (根据首字母单词拼写)3. The area can be easily worked out if you know the l________ and the width.(根据首字母单词拼写)二、根据汉语意思填写单词(单词拼写)4. Unluckily, the house we talked about is in ________ (废墟). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)5. Dr. Zhong Nanshan is one of the most ________(杰出的) scientists in the world. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)6. He studies hard, so his ________ (学术的) performance is excellent. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)三、根据中英文提示填写单词(单词拼写)7. Jane was h________(雇用) as a resident physician after graduating from a medical college. (根据中英文提示填空)8. He s________ (略过) this chapter since the topic had been covered in class. (根据中英文提示填空)四、完成句子9. 他除了脸部和手受伤以外,两条腿也断了。
________ the injuries to his face and hands, he broke both legs.10. 这列火车的长度是普通火车的三倍。
This train is three times ________ ________ of a normal one.五、根据所给汉语提示填空11. You ____________(应该) here five minutes ago. (根据汉语提示完成句子)12. The students return in September for the start of ________(新学年). (根据汉语提示完成句子)13. Wolko________(做出了杰出的贡献)to children's medicine. (根据汉语提示完成句子)六、句型转换14. Time or opportunity lost will return no more. (同义句转换)Time or opportunity lost ________ return ________ ________.15. She made up her mind to go and settle in America. (同义句转换)She ________ ________ (determine) to go and settle in America.七、汉译英(单词/短语)(翻译)16. 汉译英1. ________第一手;亲自2. ________谋生3. ________一系列或一连串4. ________除了……外;此外5. ________(朝……)前进;(向……)去6. ________寻找成功致富之路;闯世界7. ________导致;引起8. ________仅举几例八、汉译英(整句)(翻译)17. 正是悠久的历史和浓厚的学术氛围使得这座大学成为游客必到之处。
1.4 写摘要的注意事项
1、规范 2、精练 3、具体 4、完整 5、全面
摘要虽然通常摆在正文前面, 但往往是在最后写作。
写摘要应使用正规英语、标准 术语,避免使用缩写字。
最好用第三人称,避免把各种时 态混在一起使用,也避免把陈述式和命令 式混合使用。
文章摘要要精练,不宜列举例证, 不宜与其他研究工作对比。用词必须确切,文 句简明扼要:且忌言之无物,衍文赘语连篇。 要去掉无关紧要的段落、句子、词组及单词, 力求做到字斟句酌,言简意赅,惜墨如金,文 章精练,以节省书写、打印、阅读的精力和时 间。
各国最有影响的材料、物理和电子科学等杂志对文摘 写作有写共同要求。归纳起来有三条:
(1)要说明实验或论证中新观察的事实、结论。如有可能, 还要说明新的理论、处理、仪器、技术等的要点。
(2)要说明新材料名称,新数据,包括物理常数等。如不 能说明,也要提到这些。提到新的项目和新的观察是很重要 的,哪怕它们对本论文的主旨来说仅仅是附带而已。
早年习惯用的开场白为: This is a report on… In this paper the author presents… The purpose of this article is to … 这类套话,应简写成: The paper/author suggests /presents …
有些作者不主张多用,认为多用存在下列问题: • 占去句首醒目的强调位置,平添一个that主语从句,
使重要概念和事实不能及早人目,先睹为快。 • 主句用平淡无力的存在动词be,而有表现力的行为动
芝加哥论文格式范例篇一:APA,哈佛, MLA、温哥华和芝加哥和Turabian论文格式引用指导和对比 APA Harvard , MLA , Vancouver and Chicago and Turabian citing style citing guidance and comparisonAPA,哈佛,MLA、温哥华和芝加哥和Turabian论文格式的引用指导和对比Prepared by 李连发Date: January 17, 2021Content list (目录)Chapter one definition and application of APA Harvard , MLA , Vancouver and Chicago andTurabian citingstyle ............................................................... .. (3)第一章APA,哈佛,MLA、温哥华和芝加哥和Turabian论文格式的定义和应用 .................... 3 Chapter two citing guidance and example APA Harvard , MLA , Vancouver and Chicago andTurabian citingstyle ............................................................... .. (4)第二章APA,哈佛,MLA、温哥华和芝加哥和Turabian论文格式的引用指导和范例 (4)2.1 MLA CITINGSTYLE ............................................................... .. (4)2.1.1 MLA CITING STYLEbooks ............................................................... .. (4)2.1.2 MLA CITING STYLE--Magazine ............................................................ .. (4)2.1.3 MLA CITING STYLE --JournalArticle. ............................................................ .. (5)2.1.4 MLA CITING STYLE. Website withauthor. (5)2.2 APA CITING STYLE................................................................ (6)2.2.1 APA CITING STYLE–book .............................................................. . (6)APA CITING STYLE –book in adatabase ............................................................ .. (6)2.2.2 APA CITING STYLE--magazine ............................................................ . (7)APA CITING STYLE --magazine articleonline (7)2.2.3 APA CITING STYLE -Journalarticle ............................................................. (7)APA CITING STYLE -Journal articleonline .............................................................. .. (7)2.2.3 APA CITING STYLE –website with anauthor (8)2.3 Vancouer CITINGSTYLE ............................................................... .. (8)2.3.1 Vancouver CITING STYLE--books ............................................................. .. (8)2.3.2 Vancouver CITING STYLE --JournalArticle. (9)2.3.3 Vancouver CITING STYLE---Website. ......................................................... . (10)2.4 CHICAGO / Turabian CITINGSTYLE ............................................................... (10)2.4.1 CHICAGO / Turabian citing style--books ............................................................102.4.2 CHICAGO / Turabian citing style --Magazine (10)2.4.3 CHICAGO / Turabian citing style --JournalArticle. (11)2.4.4 CHICAGO / Turabian citing style---Website. (11)Chapter three Comparison between APA Harvard , MLA , Vancouver and Chicago and Turabiancitingstyle ............................................................... ..................................................................... (12)第三章APA,哈佛,MLA、温哥华和芝加哥和Turabian论文格式的对比 (12)3.1 citation ofbooks ............................................................... . (12)3.2 citation ofjournals ............................................................ (12)3.3 citation ofWebsite ............................................................. (13)Chapter one definition and application of APA Harvard , MLA , Vancouver and Chicago and Turabian citing style第一章APA,哈佛,MLA、温哥华和芝加哥和Turabian论文格式的定义和应用 APA citing style.APA格式APA citing style refers to the rules and conventions for source used in academic paper which is established by the American Psychological Association . Its documenting sources are author/date based style. This means emphasis is placed on the author and the date of a piece of work to uniquely identify it.APA格式是美国心理协会制定的学术论文参考文献的规则和约定。
写作目的(writing purpose)受众/读者(audience)构思过程(thought process)演绎式组织模式(deductive organizational patterns)归纳式组织模式(inductive organizational patterns)直接组织模式(direct organizational patterns)间接组织模式(indirect organizational patterns)写作修改的3个步骤(three distinct stages of revision: adding on; moving around; cutting out)管理沟通(managerial communication)组织沟通(organizational communication)人际关系与团队建设(human relationships and team building)销售沟通(sales communication)商务文件(business documentation)国际交流(跨文化交际)(international communication/ intercultural communication)表达式写作(expressive writing)沟通式写作(communicative writing)简洁风格(clarity)简易风格(the plain style)简明风格(concision)附件说明信函(cover letters of résumé)3类求职信函(three general types of cover letters for job applications: the application letter; the prospecting letter; networking letter )后续询问信函(follow-up letter)致谢信函(thank-you letter)谢绝工作回复(job rejection letter)接受工作回复(job acceptance letter)辞职信函(resignation letter)告别信函(farewell letter)常见履历表格式(common résumé formats):按年月顺序(chronological résumé format) 按任职顺序(functional résumé format) 复合式(combination résumé format)简短文件(short document)信息咨询函(message to obtain information)谈判便函(messages that negotiate)说服沟通便函(persuasive messages)商务便函的特征(8C):清晰性(clarity)正确性(correctness)具体性(concreteness)完整性(completeness)周到性(consideration)礼貌性(courtesy)简洁性(conciseness)一致性(coherence)商务备忘录版式(format of a business memo)商务备忘录功能(function of a business memo)信函结构(structure of a letter)信件和信封格式(styles of letter and envelop)会议纪要(minutes)逐字记录(verbatim minutes)决议记录(minutes of resolution)陈述记录(minutes of narration)记录内容版式(minutes’ content format)会议议程(meeting agenda)会议筹划(meeting preparations)会议程序(3个环节)(meeting process: planning & preparing, conducting, and following-up) 会议后续工作(follow-up activities)后续文案职责(accountability of follow-ups)书面发言写作策略(writing strategies for business presentation)书面发言的材料组织(wring organization for business presentation)书面发言用语(language used in a presentation)书面发言避讳用语(language avoided in a presentation)人际沟通的功能(functions of interpersonal communication)人际沟通的目的(purpose of interpersonal communication)人际沟通的4个阶段(four general stages in interpersonal communication)团队的特征(group characteristics)团队的角色(group roles)团队影响力(group influence)沟通结构(communication structures)企业前景(vision)企业使命(mission)企业价值观(corporate values)企业目标(goal)战略计划(strategies)政策与流程(policies and procedures)业务流程的构成要素(15个)(content of procedures)业务流程的版式及内容(format of a procedure)商务文件的层次结构(3个)(tiers of documentation)ISO 9000质量体系(ISO 9000 Quality System )商务蓝皮书(blueprint)商务计划书(business plan)战略性计划书(strategic plan)战术性计划书(tactical plan)操作性计划书(operational plan)操作性管理(operational control)战术性管理(tactical control)战略性管理(strategic control)商务背景(business background)市场计划(marketing plan)财务预测(financial projections)行动计划(action plans)商务提案(business proposal)内部提案(internal proposal)外部提案(external proposal)招标提案(solicited proposal)非招标提案(unsolicited proposal)提案写作的简单模式(simple form for proposal writing)提案写作的复杂模式(detailed form for proposal writing)外部提案的结构要素(6个)(elements of the external proposal: introduction; problem identified and defined; objective & goal set; solutions proposed; implementation & measuring; costs and timeframe estimated)内部提案模式的内容版式(content format of internal proposal)征集提案(Request for Proposal, RFP)征集启示的基本要素(basic components of a RFP)提案评估(proposal evaluation)议程报告(agenda)行程安排(itinerary)费用支出报告(expense reports)项目进程报告(progress report)人事评估报告(personnel evaluation)第一手资料来源(primary sources)第二手资料来源(secondary sources)引证信息(documenting information)解析数据(interpreting data)常规商务报告(routine reports)任务报告(task reports)条目清单功能(itemized lists)图表辅助功能(graphic aids)标题的功能(headings)协议的本质(essence of a deal)合同的修订(contractual modifications)违约与补偿(breach of contract and remedy)律师费用条款(attorneys fees clause)合同免责(escape from contract)第三方签字(third party signature)合同追加条款(contract rider)合同授权(authorization)商务谈判(contract negotiation)合同起草(contract drafting)合同实施(execution)合同终止(closeout)合同(contract)合同有效性(validity of contracts)要约(offer) 接受(acceptance)法定权力(capacity)Sales contracts 买卖合同Contracts for supply of power ,water,gas or heat 供应电、水、气、热力合同Contracts for loan of money 借款合同Leasing contracts 租赁合同Financial leasing contracts 承揽合同Contracts for construction projects建设工程合同Carriage contracts运输合同Technology contracts 技术合同Safekeeping contracts 保管合同Warehousing contracts 仓库合同Agency appointment contracts 委托合同Trading-trust contracts行纪合同Brokerage contracts居间合同。
Documenting Sources
• This would appear in the Works Cited as:
Ellis, Rod. Second Oxford UP, 1997. Language Acquisition. Oxford:
Never use p., pp. or pg. before the page number (s) in in-text citation. In a range of page numbers, give the second number in full for numbers through ninety-nine. For larger numbers, take the last two digits of the second number.
Tips on In-text Citation
I. General Guidelines:
In determining the information needed to identify sources accurately, keep the following in mind
(1) In most cases, provide the last name of the author and page number(s).Do not use abbreviations such as “ed.”, “trans.”, and “comp.” after the name. e.g.
This would appear in the Works Cited as:
MaMahan, Elizabeth and Susan Day. The Writer‟s Rhetoric and Handbook. New York: MacGraw-Hill, 1980.
Academic Writing APA格式
A Sample Reference Page
Shell Shock 12 References Fussell, P. (1975). The Great War and modern memory. New York: Oxford UP. Marcus, J. (1989). The asylums of Antaeus: Women, war, and madness—is there a feminist fetishism? In H. A. Veeser (Ed.), The New Historicism (pp. 132-151). New York: Routledge. Mott, F. W. (1916). The effects of high explosives upon the central nervous system. The Lancet, 55(2), 331-38. Showalter, E. (1997). Hystories: Hysterical epidemics and modern media. New York: Columbia UP.
Purdue University Writing Lab
When Should You Use Parenthetical Citations?
quoting any words that are not your own
means to repeat another source word for word, using quotation marks
Documenting Sources: Using APA Format
A workshop brought to you by the Purdue University Writing Lab
注明参考资料的来源(Documenting Sources)注明参考资料的来源有几个目的:一是为了避免抄袭或剽窃行为;二是可以提供资料信息,提高读者查阅效率;三是可以增强论据的权威性和论文的说服力。
注明参考资料的来源包括写注释(notes)和写参考文献,并且要遵循MLA或APA(American Psychological Association)两种格式。
一、写注释(Writing Explanation Notes)注释的功能主要表现在两个方面:一是对论文中的某个要点、术语或观点进行进一步解释或说明, (称为Explanation Notes)。
例如:(论文原文)The V olstead Act provided for enforcement of the Eighteenth Amendment by empowering federal agents to prosecute bootleggers and other violators.①(注释)①The law, passed in 1919, was named for its sponsor, Andrew Joseph V olstead, congressman from Minnesota.二是引导读者参阅与论文相关的文献资料(称为Reference Notes),例如:(论文原文)Mark Twain was convinced that the novels of Sir Walter Scott had infected the south with false romantic notions.④(注释)④For a full account of Twa in‟s opinion of Scott, see Sydney J.Krause, Mark Twain as Critic (Baltimore: Johns Hopking UP, 1967)148-149从位置上看,注释可分为脚注(footnotes)和尾注(endnotes),脚注位于当页的下端,而尾注则位于论文的末尾。
Taking notes while reading the collected literature helps students to record the information, to document the source, to understand and organize the ideas stimulated by their reflections on what they have read. Careful note-taking can ensure that the students appropriately credit authors for their original ideas, facts, and direct quotations. In addition, well-written and well-organized notes make it easier and more efficient to write the paper.
3.2 Content of Notes
3.2 Content of Notes
How to Write a Dissertation in English
Con 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Q
The content of a note includes whatever a student thinks he or she might need for his or her research paper. Important thoughts, ideas, quotes, facts or statistics often make up the content of a note. Summarize the information as much as possible in one’ own words because this will help avoid inadvertently plagiarizing information. Put double quotation marks around any material copied and make sure the information is transferred accurately. To be specific, a note usually includes the following items: 1. The background information; 2. A summary of general ideas supporting the preliminary thesis statement; 3. Explanatory information such as definition, a plot summary and bibliographical data; 4. Direct quotations, examples, facts and anecdotes; 5. Statistics such as percentages, weights, amount of money, ratios and dates.
英文引用芝加哥第17版格式全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Chicago Style Citation: The Ultimate GuideThe Chicago Manual of Style, commonly referred to as CMS or CMOS, is one of the most widely used style guides for writing and citation in the humanities and social sciences. The 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, published in 2017, offers a comprehensive set of guidelines on formatting, referencing, and citing sources. In this guide, we will provide an overview of the key elements of Chicago style citation and how to apply them in your writing.1. Basic Principles of Chicago StyleChicago style citation follows the author-date andnotes-bibliography systems. The author-date system is commonly used in the natural and social sciences, while the notes-bibliography system is preferred in the humanities. In both systems, sources are cited in footnotes or endnotes and listed in a bibliography at the end of the text.2. Formatting CitationsIn Chicago style, citations are formatted differently depending on whether they are in the text or in a footnote or endnote. In-text citations include the author's last name, the publication year, and page number(s) if applicable, e.g., (Smith 2010, 25). Footnotes and endnotes provide more detailed information about the source, including the author's full name, the title of the work, publication information, and page numbers.3. Creating a BibliographyThe bibliography in Chicago style includes all sources cited in the text. Each entry should include the author's name, the title of the work, publication information, and page numbers if relevant. The bibliography is arranged alphabetically by the author's last name or by the title if there is no author.4. Citing Different Types of SourcesChicago style provides specific guidelines for citing various types of sources, including books, journal articles, websites, and more. When citing a book, for example, you should include the author's full name, the title of the book in italics, the publication information, and the publication year. For journal articles, you need to include the author's name, the title of the article, the journal title, publication information, and page numbers.5. The Importance of ConsistencyConsistency is key when using Chicago style citation. Make sure your citations follow the same format throughout your paper and that your bibliography is properly organized and formatted. Pay attention to details such as punctuation, capitalization, and italics to ensure your citations are accurate and consistent.6. Using Citation Management ToolsTo simplify the process of formatting citations in Chicago style, consider using citation management tools such as Zotero, EndNote, or RefWorks. These tools can help you organize your sources, generate citations automatically, and create bibliographies with ease.In conclusion, Chicago style citation is a widely used and respected system for documenting sources in academic writing. By following the guidelines outlined in the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, you can ensure that your writing is clear, credible, and properly referenced. Whether you are a student, researcher, or writer, mastering Chicago style citation will enhance the quality and professionalism of your work.篇2Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition is a comprehensive guide for authors, editors, and publishers in various academic and professional fields. This document provides guidelines for writing and formatting scholarly articles, books, and other written works in accordance with the Chicago Manual of Style.The Chicago Manual of Style is a widely used style guide for academic writing in the humanities and social sciences. It provides detailed guidelines on citation and bibliography formatting, as well as general rules for grammar, punctuation, and manuscript preparation.One key feature of the Chicago Manual of Style is its citation system, which uses footnotes and a bibliography to credit sources in written work. Footnotes allow readers to see the source of a quotation or idea at a glance, while the bibliography provides a full list of works cited in the text.In addition to citation guidelines, the Chicago Manual of Style also covers a wide range of topics related to manuscript preparation, including capitalization, abbreviations, numbers, and punctuation. The manual offers clear and concise rules for formatting headings, block quotations, and lists, as well as guidance on the use of italics, bold, and other typographical elements.Overall, the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition is an essential resource for anyone engaged in academic writing or publishing. With its detailed guidelines on citation, grammar, and manuscript preparation, the Chicago Manual of Style helps authors and editors produce clear, accurate, and well-organized written works in accordance with academic standards.篇3The Chicago Manual of Style is a widely-used style guide for writing and publishing in the English language. The 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, published in 2017, provides detailed guidelines on formatting, citation, and other aspects of writing. In this article, we will provide an overview of the key features of the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition.One of the most important aspects of the Chicago Manual of Style is its citation system. The manual provides two main citation styles: the notes and bibliography system and the author-date system. Under the notes and bibliography system, footnotes or endnotes are used to provide information about sources, while a bibliography is included at the end of the document. In the author-date system, in-text citations are used to provide information about sources, and a reference list is included at the end of the document.In addition to citation guidelines, the Chicago Manual of Style also provides detailed guidance on other aspects of writing, such as punctuation, grammar, and word usage. The manual includes information on topics such as the use of commas, semicolons, and colons, as well as guidance on how to use hyphens, ellipses, and other punctuation marks. The manual also includes a comprehensive guide to grammar, covering topics such as subject-verb agreement, pronoun usage, and sentence structure.Another important feature of the Chicago Manual of Style is its guidance on formatting manuscripts. The manual provides detailed guidelines on how to format headings, margins, and page numbers, as well as how to format citations, references, and bibliographies. The manual also includes information on how to use italics, boldface, and other formatting elements in a document.Overall, the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition is an invaluable resource for writers, editors, and publishers. Its comprehensive guidelines on citation, formatting, and other aspects of writing make it an essential reference for anyone working in the English language. Whether you are writing an academic paper, a book, or a business document, the ChicagoManual of Style can help you ensure that your writing is clear, consistent, and professional.。
使用doxygen文档开发工具时需要进行的配置:可执行文件doxygen 是原代码分析和生成文档的主要工具. 请看doxygen usage 章节来获取更详细的使用帮助.doxytag可执行文件---仅仅是用来实现帮助程序员生成不需要看原代码就能了解工程部署信息的doxygen文档的参考文档( 例如:那些使用doxygen生成的文档).请看doxytag usage 章节来获得更多的使用帮助.doxywizard 可执行文件很容易就能使用,它是用来为doxygen工具提供配置信息的一个图形化工具.下面的图显示了开发工具之间的相互关系信息:图:doxygen information flowstep 1: 创建一个配置文件doxygen使用一个配置文件来确定它所有的设置. 每个工程都应该有它自己的配置文件.一个工程可以只有一个原文件, 也可以是工程中所有原文件的递归扫描得到的原文件的树状视图。
为了简化doxygen生成配置文件的工作, doxygen 可以为你提供一个模板化的配置文件.1. 为了创建一个模板化的配置文件,只需要调用doxygen并从命令行中敲入-g:doxygen -g <config-file>其中<config-file>是某个模板化的配置文件的文件名. 如果你省略了文件名, doxygen会为你生成一个默认的doxyfile的配置文件. 如果<config-file>是一个已经存在的文件名, doxygen 在生成配置模板之前,将会生成一个<config-file>. bak 备份文件。
2. 如果你使用- (例如:减号) 作为文件名doxygen将会把你从键盘输入的文字当作配置文件名。
配置文件有着和makefile相似的格式.主要是:包含了很多的“标志”分配符格式(tags):例如:tagname = value ortagname = value1 value2 ...在生成文档模板时,你可以使用默认(即:保留大多数的tags)详细信息请看configuration 这一章节来获取更多的信息.如果你不想使用文本编辑工具来编写配置文件,你应该看看doxywizard 章节的描述, 它是一个可以用来创建/读/写doxygen 配置文档的图形化工具,同时它也可以在路径中进行全路径配置来使doxygen正常工作。
APA Citation StyleIn the narrative text, join the names with the word "and."as Leiter and Maslach (1998) demonstratedWhen a work has three, four, or five authors, cite all authors the first time the reference occurs. Kahneman, Knetsch, and Thaler (1991) foundIn all subsequent citations per paragraph, include only the surname of the first author followed by "et al." (Latin for "and others") and the year of publication.Kahneman et al. (1991) foundWorks by associations, corporations, government agencies, etc.The names of groups that serve as authors (corporate authors) are usually written out each time they appear in a text reference.(National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 2007)When appropriate, the names of some corporate authors are spelled out in the first reference and abbreviated in all subsequent citations. The general rule for abbreviating in this manner is to supply enough information in the text citation for a reader to locate its source in the Reference List without difficulty.(NIMH, 2007)Works with no authorWhen a work has no author, use the first two or three words of the work's title (omitting any initial articles) as your text reference, capitalizing each word. Place the title in quotation marks if it refers to an article, chapter of a book, or Web page. Italicize the title if it refers to a book, periodical, brochure, or report.on climate change ("Climate and Weather," 1997)Guide to Agricultural Meteorological Practices(1981)Anonymous authors should be listed as such followed by a comma and the date.on climate change (Anonymous, 2008)Specific parts of a sourceTo cite a specific part of a source (always necessary for quotations), include the page, chapter, etc. (with appropriate abbreviations) in the in-text citation.(Stigter & Das, 1981, p. 96)De Waal (1996) overstated the case when he asserted that "we seem to be•Order:Entries should be arranged in alphabetical order by authors' last names. Sources without authors are arranged alphabetically by title within the same list.•Authors:Write out the last name and initials for all authors of a particular work. Use an ampersand (&) instead of the word "and" when listing multiple authors of a single work. e.g.Smith, J. D., & Jones, M.•Titles:Capitalize only the first word of a title or subtitle, and any proper names that are part of a title.•Pagination:Use the abbreviation p. or pp. to designate page numbers of articles from periodicals that do not use volume numbers, especially newspapers. These abbreviations are also used to designate pages in encyclopedia articles and chapters from edited books. •Indentation*:The first line of the entry is flush with the left margin, and all subsequent lines are indented (5 to 7 spaces) to form a "hanging indent".•Underlining vs. Italics*:It is appropriate to use italics instead of underlining for titles of books and journals.Two additional pieces of information should be included for works accessed online.•Internet Address**: A stable Internet address should be included and should direct the reader as close as possible to the actual work. If the work has a digital object identifier (DOI), use this. If there is no DOI or similar handle, use a stable URL. If the URL is not stable, as is often the case with online newspapers and some subscription-based databases, use the home page of the site you retrieved the work from.•Date:If the work is a finalized version published and dated, as in the case of a journal article, the date within the main body of the citation is enough. However, if the work is not dated and/or is subject to change, as in the case of an online encyclopedia article, include the date that you retrieved the information.*The APA has special formatting standards for the use of indentation and italics in manuscripts or papers that will be typeset or submitted for official publication. For more detailed information on these publication standards, refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, or consult with your instructors or editors to determine their style preferences.** See the APA Style Guide to Electronic References for information on how to format URLs that take up more than one line.Examples:Articles in journals, magazines, and newspapersReferences to periodical articles must include the following elements: author(s), date of publication, article title, journal title, volume number, issue number (if applicable), and page numbers.Journal article, one author, accessed onlineKu, G. (2008). Learning to de-escalate: The effects of regret in escalation of commitment. Organizational Behavior and Human DecisionProcesses, 105(2), 221-232. doi:10.1016/j.obhdp.2007.08.002Journal article, two authors, accessed onlineSanchez, D., & King-Toler, E. (2007). Addressing disparities consultation and outreach strategies for university settings. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 59(4), 286-295. doi:10.1037/1065- 9293.59.4.286Journal article, more than two authors, accessed onlineVan Vugt, M., Hogan, R., & Kaiser, R. B. (2008). Leadership, followership, and evolution: Some lessons from the past. AmericanPsychologist, 63(3), 182-196. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.63.3.182Article from an Internet-only journalHirtle, P. B. (2008, July-August). Copyright renewal, copyright restoration, and the difficulty of determining copyright status. D-LibMagazine, 14(7/8). doi:10.1045/july2008-hirtleJournal article from a subscription database (no DOI)Colvin, G. (2008, July 21). Information worth billions.Fortune, 158(2), 73-79. Retrieved from Business Source Complete, EBSCO. Retrievedfrom search.ebscohost.Magazine article, in printKluger, J. (2008, January 28). Why we love. Time, 171(4), 54-60.Newspaper article, no author, in printAs prices surge, Thailand pitches OPEC-style rice cartel. (2008, May 5). The Wall Street Journal, p. A9.Newspaper article, multiple authors, discontinuous pages, in printDelaney, K. J., Karnitschnig, M., & Guth, R. A. (2008, May 5). Microsoft ends pursuit of Yahoo, reassesses its online options. The Wall Street Journal, pp. A1, A12.BooksReferences to an entire book must include the following elements: author(s) or editor(s), date of publication, title, place of publication, and the name of the publisher.No Author or editor, in printMerriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary (11th ed.). (2003). Springfield, MA: Merriam- Webster.One author, in printKidder, T. (1981). The soul of a new machine. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Company.Two authors, in printFrank, R. H., & Bernanke, B. (2007). Principles of macro-economics(3rd ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.Corporate author, author as publisher, accessed onlineAustralian Bureau of Statistics. (2000). Tasmanian year book 2000(No.1301.6). Canberra, Australian Capital Territory: Author. Retrieved .au/ausstats/subscriber.nsf/0/CA89...$File/13016 _2000.pdfEdited bookGibbs, J. T., & Huang, L. N. (Eds.). (2001). Children of color: Psychological interventions with culturally diverse youth. San Francisco, CA:Jossey-Bass.DissertationsReferences for dissertations should include the following elements: author, date of publication, title, and institution (if you accessed the manuscript copy from the university collections).If there is a UMI number or a database accession number, include it at the end of the citation.Dissertation, accessed onlineYoung, R. F. (2007). Crossing boundaries in urban ecology: Pathways to sustainable cities(Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database. (UMI No. 327681)Essays or chapters in edited booksReferences to an essay or chapter in an edited book must include the following elements: essay or chapter authors, date of publication, essay or chapter title, book editor(s), book title, essay or chapter page numbers, place of publication, and the name of the publisher.One authorLabajo, J. (2003). Body and voice: The construction of gender in flamenco.In T. Magrini (Ed.), Music and gender: perspectives from theMediterranean(pp. 67-86). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.Two editorsHammond, K. R., & Adelman, L. (1986). Science, values, and human judgment.In H. R. Arkes & K. R. Hammond (Eds.),Judgement and decision making: Aninterdisciplinary reader(pp. 127-143). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.Encyclopedias or dictionaries and entries in an encyclopediaReferences for encyclopedias must include the following elements: author(s) or editor(s), date of publication, title, place of publication, and the name of the publisher. For sources accessed online, include the retrieval date as the entry may be edited over time.Encyclopedia set or dictionarySadie, S., & Tyrrell, J. (Eds.). (2002). The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians(2nd ed., Vols. 1-29). New York, NY: Grove.Article from an online encyclopediaContainerization. (2008). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved May 6, 2008, from search.eb.Encyclopedia articleKinni, T. B. (2004). Disney, Walt (1901-1966): Founder of the Walt Disney Company. In Encyclopedia of Leadership(Vol. 1, pp. 345-349). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.Research reports and papersReferences to a report must include the following elements: author(s), date of publication, title, place of publication, and name of publisher. If the issuing organization assigned a number (e.g., report number, contract number, or monograph number) to the report, give that number in parentheses immediately after the title. If it was accessed online, include the URL.Government report, accessed onlineU.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2005).Medicaid drug price comparisons: Average manufacturer price to published prices(OIGpublication No. OEI-05-05- 00240). Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from /oei/reports/oei-05-05-00240.pdfGovernment reports, GPO publisher, accessed onlineCongressional Budget Office. (2008). Effects of gasoline prices on driving behavior and vehicle markets: A CBO study(CBO Publication No. 2883).Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Retrievedfrom /ftpdocs/88xx/doc8893/01-14-GasolinePrices.pdfTechnical and/or research reports, accessed onlineDeming, D., & Dynarski, S. (2008). The lengthening of childhood(NBER Working Paper 14124). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.Retrieved July 21, 2008, from /papers/w14124Document available on university program or department siteVictor, N. M. (2008). Gazprom: Gas giant under strain. Retrieved from Stanford University, Program on Energy and Sustainable Development Web site: /publications/gazprom_gas_giant_under_strain/Audio-visual mediaReferences to audio-visual media must include the following elements: name and function of the primary contributors (e.g., producer, director), date, title, the medium in brackets, locationor place of production, and name of the distributor. If the medium is indicated as part of the retrieval ID, brackets are not needed.Videocassette/DVDAchbar, M. (Director/Producer), Abbott, J. (Director), Bakan, J. (Writer), & Simpson, B. (Producer) (2004). The corporation[DVD]. Canada: Big Picture Media Corporation.Audio recordingNhat Hanh, T. (Speaker). (1998). Mindful living: a collection of teachings on love, mindfulness, and meditation[Cassette Recording]. Boulder, CO: Sounds True Audio.Motion pictureGilbert, B. (Producer), & Higgins, C. (Screenwriter/Director). (1980). Nine to five[Motion Picture]. United States: Twentieth Century Fox.Television broadcastAnderson, R., & Morgan, C. (Producers). (2008, June 20). 60 Minutes[Television broadcast]. Washington, DC: CBS News.Television show from a seriesWhedon, J. (Director/Writer). (1999, December 14). Hush [Television series episode]. In Whedon, J., Berman, G., Gallin, S., Kuzui, F., & Kuzui, K.(Executive Producers),Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Burbank, CA: Warner Bros..Music recordingJackson, M. (1982). Beat it. On Thriller[CD]. New York, NY: Sony Music.Undated Web site content, blogs, and dataFor content that does not easily fit into categories such as journal papers, books, and reports, keep in mind the goal of a citation is to give the reader a clear path to the source material.For electronic and online materials, include stable URL or database name. Include the author, title, and date published when available. For undated materials, include the date the resource was accessed.Blog entryArrington, M. (2008, August 5). The viral video guy gets $1 million in funding.Message posted to .techcrunch.Professional Web siteNational Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2008). Biofuels. Retrieved May 6, 2008, from /learning/re_biofuels.htmlData set from a databaseBloomberg L.P. (2008). Return on capital for Hewitt Packard 12/31/90 to 09/30/08. Retrieved Dec. 3, 2008, from Bloomberg database.Central Statistics Office of the Republic of Botswana. (2008). Gross domestic product per capita 06/01/1994 to 06/01/2008[statistics].Available from CEIC Data database.Entire Web siteWhen citing an entire Web site (and not a specific document on that site), no Reference List entry is required if the address for the site is cited in the text of your paper.Witchcraft In Europe and America is a site that presents the full text of manyessential works in the literature of witchcraft and demonology。
论文格式要求1.论文全文采用小四号Times New Roman(12号)字体:论文题目采用小二号 Times New Roman;中文题目采用小2号宋体。
一级标题(章标题)采用16号Times New Roman,分别冠以I、II、III、IV、V等序号;二级标题(节标题)14号,分别冠以1.1, 1.2、2.1, 2.2、等序号;三级标题(节以下标题)均采用12号,分别冠以1.1.1、2.1.1等序号。
3.正文(包括附录和参考文献)页码标注格式为阿拉伯数字1 2 3….页码标注在页面底部居中。
示例1:MLA格式参考文献著录及引述格式第一部分:正文内引述 (In-text Citation: MLA Style)[The formatting generally follows the latest Modern Language Association (MLA) style, including parenthetical references.*Parenthetical documentation means that in the text, only the author’s surname and the page number is given in parentheses following the quotation or any reference to another source. Ifthe author’s name is given in the introductory statement to the quotation, only the page number is given in parentheses at (MLA 一般不用脚注)The Works Cited page contains the full name of the author, the title of the book, etc. Internet sites frequently do not have page numbers, so that only the name of the author or web site is given in parentheses. Footnotes are used sparingly, and only to give additional information not suitable to include in the text.] (Julia Diterman)Ⅰ. MLA格式文内摘录一般用括号加注法:1.括号内(作者姓氏+引文页码),如果引文中已经给出作者姓名,只需括号加注内页码即可。
结 果: 介绍研究结果(必要时应使用图表);对 重要研究结果的描述和说明; 讨 论: 探讨所得到的结果与研究目的或假设的 关系、与他人研究结果的比较与分析;对研究 结果的解释(是否符合原来的期望);重要研究 结果的意义(推论); 研究展望; 结 论:研究的主要认识或论点; 概述研究成果可 能的应用前景及局限性; 建议需要进一步研究 的课题或方向
针对上文中的研究、实验 的现状或客观需要,以展 望某课题的发展前景为主。
1、在总结型结束语中,作者一般概括全文的目的、内 容要点和重点,在很短的篇幅内归纳研究过程、步骤、 讨论的范围、用途和启示; 2、在结论型结束语中,作者往往陈述或复述以下研究 的发现和结果,再一次加深读者的印象,帮助读者系 统全面地了解实验及研究所做出的结论; 3、在展望型结束语中,作者常常对目前的研究加以评 估,指出其中存在的问题、缺点与不足,也常常指出 有几方面的工作还没做完,有那些问题有待将来解决。 也就是说,展望未来的任务和前景。
1986; Cerny and Lenton, 1995; Roedder, 1984; Walker et al., 1986; Wang et al.,1987;
Chu and Wang, 1987; Wang et al.,1987; Zhang et al., 1987; Zhao et al., 1993; Li et al.,1983; Li ,1987; Li et al.,1994, 1998, 1999a, 1999b, 2000; Bai, 1995; Zeng and Jin, 1995; Wu et al., 1995; Lu and Wang,1997; Feng, 1998).
论文的写作步骤( Steps of Research Writing)一般来讲,在论文写作之前,论文所研究的内容超出了写作者本人现有的经验或知识范围,所以,他必须借助于大量的参考资料,通过引证所研究领域的某些专家或权威人士的观点来完成他的论文。
1.选题(Choosing a Topic)在论文写作的初期,选题对大多数人来讲,都是一个比较困难的事情。
2.收集参考资料(Assembling a Working Bibliography)初步选题之后,论文写作者应该通过各种渠道收集与论文相关的参考资料。
比方说,如果论文最初的题目是"Thomas Hardy and Naturalism",那么,随着资料的收集,就会发现这个题目过于笼统,不如改成具体的、有研究价值的题目,如“Tragedy as a Formal Concept in Tess of theD'Urbervilles"。
sources文件详解在Windows CE中,所有的驱动程序都以dll形式存在。
第一个文件是sources文件,这里给出了一个sources文件的例子:TARGETNAME=led使用TARGETNAME来指示生成目标的文件名(不包含扩展名,扩展名PB会自动加上)RELEASETYPE=PLATFORMRELEASETYPE指示该文件将要生成的类型,一共有五个取值:SDK:使用该类型将使得生成的目标文件被存储到%_PUBLICROOT%\Oak目录,而lib文件被放置到%_PUBLICROOT%\Sdk目录DDK:使用该类型将使得生成的目标文件被存储到%_PUBLICROOT%\Oak目录,而lib文件被放置到%_PUBLICROOT%\DdkPLATFORM:使用该类型将使得生成的文件受平台控制LOCAL:该类型使得生成的文件全部放置到当前路径CUSTOM:该类型使得生成的文件放置到TARGETPATH 制定的位置(也就是说必须要有TARGETPATH参数设置)TARGETTYPE=DYNLINK生成的目标类型,LIBRARY表示是一个lib库,DYNLINK 则表示是dll,而PROGRAM则是一个exe文件TARGETLIBS=$(_COMMONSDKROOT)\lib\$(_CPUINDPATH)\coredll.lib TARGETLIBS指示连接需要的库的名字SOURCELIBS=mm.libSOURCELIBS指示将于某一个lib一起连接。
英语学术论文写作纲要英语学术论文写作Course Title: Effective Academic Writing in English: an Essential GuideCourse Numbers: 1800000106Type of course: Major compulsoryHours per week: 1Credit: 1Duration: 18 hoursText and Materials:Aimin cheng, Shouhua Qi, Effective Academic Writing in English:An Essential Guide,2010, Shanghai Foreign Education Press, ISBN:9787810956819Course description:Academic Writing is one of the key courses for university students majoring in English in China. This course is designed to help students learn how to write a course paper and/or a BA thesis and to lay a foundation for writing more advanced academic papers in English for their future career. The course is an essential guide to effective academic writing in English, by that it does not to cover every single one of all the important issues that are related to academic writing. That would have been a much more ambitious project with a much more comprehensive approach than has been adopted by the book.Course contents:Part 1 General features of Academic WritingChapter 1 Academic Writing: An Introduction●Academic writing: A definition●Characteristics of Good Academic WritingGood writing calls for critical reading and critical thinkingGood writing involves thoughtful revisionGood writing is directed toward an audienceGood writing achieves a clear purposeGood writing expresses ideas clearlyGood writing pluses with creativityChapter 2 Kinds of Academic Writing●Writing to summarize●Writing to synthesize●Writing to explainWriting to informWriting to explain processesWriting to explain●Writing to ArgueThe logical AppealThe Emotional AppealThe Ethical AppealFive Basic Components●Writing to propose●Writi ng to analyze●Writing to evaluateChapter 3 The rhetorical context and characteristics of Academic Writing●The rhetorical contestTopic or subjectAudiencePurpose and role●Characteristics of Academic papersPart ⅡProcess of Effective Academic WritingChapter 4 Finding a Topic●Process of Writing●Assessing your Prior Interest and Knowledge●Narrowing the Topic-Creating a Good Title●Techniques for InventingFree writingBrainstormingBranchingCubingQuestioning or Journalistic Formula●Generating New Ideas by Critical ReadingChapter 5 Researching the Topic●Field researchObservingInterviewingUsing questionnaire●Library researchTaking notesInternet research●Keeping track of your research● A six-step Approach to ResearchChapter 6 Outlining●The structure of a paper●Storing out your notes and other Materials●OutliningDraft OutlineFormal OutlineTwo Commonly Used patterns of Formal outlines Formulating the thesis statementChapter 7 drafting, Revising, Editing and Proofreading ●DraftingRevising for content and Organization-Macro-revisionRevising for detail-Micro-Revision●Final Editing and ProofreadingPart III Strategies for Effective Academic Writing Chapter 8 organizing the paper●Five basic Organizational patternsGeneral to specific/ abstract to concreteSpecific to general /concrete to abstractOrder of ImportantChronological OrderSpatial OrderOther Organizational Patterns●IntroductionNarrativeDescriptivePreparatoryCorrectiveInquisitiveStating a problemGiving a surprising fact or statisticsUsing a striking quote●ConclusionRestating the Main PointsReferring back to the thesis and the introductionSuggesting a solution further study or predicting an outcomeGiving a humorous comment or unexpected twistUsing a striking or Memorable QuoteChapter 9 strategies for DevelopmentSentence definitionExtended definitionHistorical definitionStipulate definition●ClassificationChoosing the principle to classifyTesting the effectivenessExplaining each subgroup●ExampleRelevant examplesSpecific examplesSufficient examples●Comparison and contrastPoints for comparing and contrastingTwo ways for organizing comparison and contrast Transitional words and phrases●Course and effectDistinguishing between cause and EffectNecessity, sufficiently and mill’s methodsOrganizing cause and effect analysisTransitional words and phrases for cause and effect analysis ●Generalization●Visual elementsChapter 10 Use of Sources and Documentation●Importance of Using and Documenting Sources●Three Ways to Use Sources●Styles of Documentation●MLA StyleIn-text CitationExplanatory notesList of works cited●APA styleIn-text citationExplanatory NotesList of References or Bibliography。
Get to know the definition of plagiarism Get to know the structures and forms of plagriarism Differentiate plagiarism v.s. pharaphrase Be familiar with the ways to avoid plagiarism
Develop a topic based on what has already been said and written BUT Write something new and original
The Most Common Form of Plagiarism
The most common form of plagiarism is copying from the published works of writers or the essays of other students without any acknowledgement. The source may be published in traditional text or on the Internet.
Normally, the test of plagiarism is whether the work will give an ordinary reader a reasonable impression that the work is the original work of the author when it is in fact a copy of the work of someone else.
Section 1
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Reference Page
What other types of sources might you need to list on your reference page?
Study the basics of APA citation format. When something odd comes up, don’t guess. Look it up!
Purdue University Writing Lab
Handling Quotes in Your Text
Author’s last name, publication year, and page number(s) of quote must appear in the text Caruth (1996) states that a traumatic response frequently entails a “delayed, uncontrolled repetitive appearance of hallucinations and other intrusive phenomena” (p.11). A traumatic response frequently entails a “delayed, uncontrolled repetitive appearance of hallucinations and other intrusive phenomena” (Caruth, 1996, p.11). Purdue University Writing Lab
Purdue University Writing Lab
When Should You Use Parenthetical Citations?
quoting any words that are not your own
means to repeat another source word for word, using quotation marks
Purdue University Writing Lab
APA Style: Two Main Concerns
Page Parenthetical Citations
Purdue University Writing Lab
Reference Page
A list of every source that you make reference to in your essay. Provides the information necessary for a reader to locate and retrieve any sources cited in your essay. Each retrievable source cited in the essay must appear on the reference page, and vice versa. Purdue University Writing Lab
Purdue University Writing Lab
Using a Consistent Format
Using a consistent format helps your reader understand your arguments and the sources they’re built on. It also helps you keep track of your sources as you build arguments.
When paraphrasing a source
Paraphrasing means to use the ideas from another source but change the phrasing into your own words
Purdue University Writing Labreaders to cross-reference your sources easily Provides consistent format within a discipline Gives you credibility as a writer Protects yourself from plagiarism
Keys to Parenthetical Citations
Keep references brief Give only information needed to identify the source on your reference page Do not repeat unnecessary information
Purdue University Writing Lab
Avoiding Plagiarism
Proper citation of your sources in APA style can help you avoid plagiarism, which is a serious offense. It may result in anything from failure of the assignment to expulsion from school.
A Sample Reference Page
Shell Shock 12 References Fussell, P. (1975). The Great War and modern memory. New York: Oxford UP. Marcus, J. (1989). The asylums of Antaeus: Women, war, and madness—is there a feminist fetishism? In H. A. Veeser (Ed.), The New Historicism (pp. 132-151). New York: Routledge. Mott, F. W. (1916). The effects of high explosives upon the central nervous system. The Lancet, 55(2), 331-38. Showalter, E. (1997). Hystories: Hysterical epidemics and modern media. New York: Columbia UP.
Purdue University Writing Lab
Reference Page
Most citations should contain the following basic information: Author’s name Title of work Publication information
Purdue University Writing Lab
References: Some Examples
A newspaper article Tommasini, A. (1998, October 27). Master teachers whose artistry glows in private. New York Times, p. B2. A source with no known author Cigarette sales fall 30% as California tax rises. (1999, September 14). New York Times, p. A17.
Purdue University Writing Lab
Title Page
Papers in APA style require a title page. The running head will be used as the header for the whole paper. Include the paper’s title and the author’s name and affiliation.
Purdue University Writing Lab
Establishing Credibility
The proper use of APA style shows the credibility of writers; such writers show accountability to their source material.
Purdue University Writing Lab
References: Some Examples
page Poland, D. (1998, October 26). The hot button. Roughcut. Retrieved October 28, 1998 from
Purdue University Writing Lab
Cross-Referencing Your Sources
Cross-referencing allows readers to locate the publication information of source material. This is of great value for researchers who may want to locate your sources for their own research projects.
本文档相关内容参见 视频 2
Documenting Sources: Using APA Format
A workshop brought to you by the Purdue University Writing Lab