娱乐美联英语 预计2017年中国将成为世界上最大的电影市场
中国市场的蓬勃发展 The Booming Movie Market in China(高中英语作文)
中国市场的蓬勃发展The Booming Movie Market in China高中英语作文Hollywood movies take the lead in the world. They are favored by the audiences for the attractive plots and excellent stunts. As Chinese economy develops very fast and many Hollywood producers come to China to seek for cooperation. According to the research, the latest monthly box office during Spring Festival was more than ten billion RMB, which surpassed the United States and became the NO.1 market. The booming movie market in China attracts the world’s attention, so there are more and more Asian faces appearing in the Hollywood movies. The foreign producers want to gain the great profit. China is playing the important role in the world economy and its raising power proves that we are following the right policy. What’s more, this big market has been chosen by many foreign students.好莱坞电影在世界上处于领先地位,因其颇具吸引力的剧情和出色的特技而深受观众喜爱。
娱乐美联英语 当红明星鹿晗担任《星球大战》中国大使
小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语提供:娱乐英语当红明星鹿晗担任《星球大战》中国大使Often described as China's answer to Justin Bieber, the 25-year-old pop star is suddenly everywhere, promoting 'Star Wars' and 'Kung Fu Panda 3,' and next appearing opposite Matt Damon in Zhang Yimou's 'The Great Wall.'人们经常称鹿晗为“中国的贾斯汀·比伯”,这位25岁的流行歌手好像一下子就火起来了:刚忙完电影《星球大战》和《功夫熊猫3》的宣传工作,又要出现在张艺谋导演的电影《长城》中,与马特·达蒙上演对手戏。
Although he's virtually unknown in the West, 25-year-old Chinese pop star-turned-screen neophyte Lu Han has emerged as the de facto face of Hollywood in China.实际上,鹿晗在欧美的知名度并不高,但作为歌手出身的演员新秀,他成功地成为了好莱坞在中国的代言人。
Disney revealed that Han had been named the "official ambassador" for Star Wars: The Force Awakens inChina. This uncommon title comes with obvious weight: The pic is all but certain to be the biggest international movie of 2016, andChinais now the world's second-largest movie market.迪斯尼影业透露,鹿晗将出任《星球大战:原力觉醒》的中国形象大使。
娱乐美联英语 星战7打破中国票房纪录
小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语提供:娱乐英语星战7打破中国票房纪录China came late to Star Wars but arrived in a big way when the latest film in the series broke Chinese box office records on Saturday, according to Walt Disney.《星球大战》(Star Wars)虽较晚登陆中国,但来势汹汹。
据迪士尼公司(Walt Disney)的数据,该系列电影的新作打破了中国电影市场的周六票房纪录。
Star Wars: the Force Awakens is the seventh movie in a franchise that has spanned decades.《星球大战:原力觉醒》(Star Wars: the Force Awakens)是星战系列的第七部,该系列的上映时间跨越了几十年。
Disney said it did not have official box office results yet but estimated $33m in tickets were sold on Saturday, making it the highest opening for the company in China —and the highest Saturday opening in mainland cinema history.迪斯尼表示尚未得到官方票房数据,但估计《原力觉醒》上周六票房达3300万美元,创下了迪斯尼在中国的首日票房纪录,也打破了中国内地电影史的周六首映纪录。
China is expected to become the world’s largest film market in the next two years. A strong performance by Star Wars there will put it in a position to surpass Avatar as the top-grossing movie ever released. Film market analysts have pointed out that the biggest films have performed similarly in China and the US in recent years.中国有望在未来两年内成为全球最大电影市场。
中国电影市场的蓬勃发展 The Booming Movie Market in China_英语作文
中国电影市场的蓬勃发展The Booming Movie Market inChinaHollywood movies take the lead in the world. They are favored by the audiences for the attractive plots and excellent stunts. As Chinese economy develops very fast and many Hollywood producers come to China to seek for cooperation. According to the research, the latest monthly box office during Spring Festival was more than ten billion RMB, which surpassed the United States and became the NO.1 market. The booming movie market in China attracts the world’s attention, so there are more and more Asian faces appearing in the Hollywood movies. The foreign producers want to gain the great profit. China is playing the important role in the world economy and its raising power proves that we are following the right policy. What’s more, this big market has been chosen by many foreign students. 好莱坞电影在世界上处于领先地位,因其颇具吸引力的剧情和出色的特技而深受观众喜爱。
娱乐美联英语 国产电影海外票房超百万元将获国家奖励
小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语提供:娱乐英语国产电影海外票房超百万元将获国家奖励Chinese authorities are determined to increase the international presence of domestic films, with a fresh government circular promising to award those performing well in the overseas market.近日,一份最新发布的政府通知承诺,将奖励在海外市场表现出色的国产电影,这体现了国家增强国产电影国际影响力的决心。
A Chinese producer or agent authorized to handle the overseas business of a domestic film will be awarded if the film's overseas box office reaches at least one million yuan (153,400 U.S. dollars), according to a notice published Wednesday by the national film industry development special fund management commission, an institution under the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television.根据国家广播电影电视总局下属的国家电影专资委上周三发布的通知称,国产电影的海外市场票房收入达到100万元以上的,对中方出品单位或持有中方出品单位授权代理海外业务的中方单位给予奖励。
九年级英语作文:中国电影市场 Chinese Film Market
九年级英语作文:中国电影市场Chinese Film MarketHollywood movie is popular around the world, in China, people are willing to buy tickets and go to the theater to enjoy the great show. The trend of Hollywood movie has changed, many movies have added the Chinese features, such as the scene is taking place in Chinese cities or Chinese faces appear in the movie. Chinese film market is booming and many foreign directors have sense its potential, so they want to attract more audience by adding Chinese feature. There is no doubt that our country is becoming stronger and the world is watching us. We feel so proud that we are part of it.好莱坞电影在世界各地都很受欢迎,在中国,人们愿意买票和去电影院享受美妙的表演。
国 产 片成 票房 主 力
在 2018春 节 档 ,从 大 年 初 一 到 大 年 初 七 ,
7天 累计 票 房高 达 63.66亿 元 ,远 远 超 过 了2017 春 节 档 7天 37.8亿 元 的 成 绩 。
中 国 电影 票 房 在 不 断 创 造 奇 迹 的 同 时 ,中 国 电 影 也 在 持 续 发 力 。今 年 3月 ,无 论 是 好 莱 坞 大 片 《古 墓 丽 影 :源 起 之 战 》《黑 豹 》《环 太 平洋2》,还 是热门获奖影片 《三块 广告 牌 水 形 物 语 》都 表 现 得 不 尽 如 人 意 。
当然 ,不可 否认 ,中 国大 片和好 莱坞 相 比还 有 很 大 的差 距 。最 主要 的 原 因 当然 在 于大 片制
作 的 理 念 还 比较 落 后 ,例 如 有 些 大 片热 衷 于 追 求 视 觉 面 面 的 奢 华 ,剧 情 空 洞 ,人 物 单 薄 ,成 为 最 大 的硬 伤 。 而大 片题 材 也依 然 局 限 于古 装 魔 幻 ,并且 在 特 效技 术 层 面 还有 差 距 。 另外 ,虽 然 近 年 来现 实 题 材 电影 层 不穷 ,但 有 力 度 、有 影 响 力 的现 实 题 材 电影 不 多 。人 们 期 待 着更 多 国 产 大 片 能够 昂首 自信 ,苦 练 内功 ,在 不 断竞 争 中 成 为 真正影 视竞 争 中 的 国之 重 器 。
娱乐美联英语 时光网帮好莱坞打开中国市场
小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语提供:娱乐英语时光网帮好莱坞打开中国市场Now that Hollywood has mostly figured out how to get its biggest movies approved for release in China, studio marketers here are grappling with a new puzzle: What is the best way to woo China's ticket buyers?如今好莱坞已经基本上摸清如何让它们的顶级大制作影片获得在中国的放映许可,但电影公司的营销人员又要应对另一个谜题:怎样才是吸引中国电影消费者的最佳方式?Trailers and television advertisements, the two most effective methods to drum up interest, are difficult marketing tools to use in China. Chinese theaters do not typically play trailers. The cost of advertising on TV can be exorbitant, in part because studios must buy time at the last minute. China usually limits foreign films to an advertising window of a few weeks.电影预告片和电视广告是激发人们对电影好奇心的两种最有效的手段,但在中国,这些方法使用起来有些困难。
2018年湖南益阳教师招聘考试时政专项练习题(682)53. 中美两国5月19日在华盛顿就双边经贸磋商发表联合声明。
54. 近日,针对近期部分城市房地产市场出现过热苗头,投机炒作有所抬头等情况,住房城乡建设部印发通知,重申坚持房地产调控目标不动摇、力度不放松,并从规划、用地、资金、市场秩序等方面,对进一步做好房地产调控工作提出了明确要求。
55. 从全国新型职业农民培育管理培训班暨农民教育培训工作现场会获悉:截至2017年底,全国新型职业农民总体规模突破1500万人,成为农业农村经济发展和农村人才振兴的突出亮点。
56. 今年第一季度,我国电影票房达202.18亿元,超越北美成为全球第一大电影市场,这也是多年来,全球电影市场冠军第一次由北美以外的地区摘得。
57. 5月19日,2018年全国科技活动周拉开帷幕。
58. 5月20日电,近日,中共中央办公厅印发了《关于进一步激励广大干部新时代新担当新作为的意见》,并发出通知,要求各地区各部门结合实际认真贯彻落实。
59. 5月20日电,世界海拔最高、设防抗震级别最高的特高压直流输电工程——滇西北至广东±800千伏特高压直流输电工程近日全面投运,工程投运后每年可输送清洁水电200亿千瓦时,约占深圳市年用电量的1/4。
60. 5月20日电,国家市场监督管理总局、国家标准委近日发布《停车场电子收费》系列国家标准。
61. 5月20日电,日前,山东青岛城阳区海洋与渔业局正式获国家标准化管理委员会办公室批复,成为全国海洋与渔业系统首个政务服务标准化试点单位。
62. 5月20日电,从湖南省经信委获悉:日前,《湖南省产融合作制造业重点企业名单制度》发布,上榜的977家企业将享有优先满足融资需求等一系列金融支持政策。
63. 5月20日电,上海振华重工自主研发的世界最大风电施工平台——2000吨“龙源振华叁号”日前交付使用,标志着我国打破国外技术垄断,实现大型风电安装平台国产化,为我国加快发展海上风电产业提供了装备支撑。
影视美联英语 中国电影走向世界,不缺金钱缺故事
小编给你一个美联英语官方免费试听课申请链接:/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语提供:影视英语中国电影走向世界,不缺金钱缺故事LOS ANGELES —Investment capital? They're loaded.洛杉矶——投资?他们多的是。
Film studios? They are promising to build the world's fanciest.电影工作室?他们承诺要修建世界上最先进的。
As for movie stars, few are more dazzling than Li Bingbing, who was an honored guest here on Tuesday at the annual U.S.-China Film Summit.说到电影明星,没几个人能比李冰冰更加引人注目,而她也应邀参加了周二在洛杉矶举行的中美电影年度峰会。
But China's ambitious new film entrepreneurs, dozens of whom gathered in the Los Angeles area this week for the summit meeting, the American Film Market and other events, are still searching for something that has largely eluded them: a homemade global hit.但是,中国野心勃勃的新电影企业家仍在寻找一样很难找到的东西:中国自制的国际大片。
本周,数十名这样的企业家聚在洛杉矶参加此次峰会、美国电影市场大会(American Film Market)和其他活动。
"We have 5,000 years of history. We have lots of stories," said Yang Buting, the chairman of the China Film Distribution and Exhibition Association, who spoke on apanel at the gathering on Tuesday.中国电影发行放映协会会长杨步亭在周二的一次小组会议上说,“我们拥有5000年的历史。
全球第二大电影市场中国2014 年观影人数突破8 亿。
国家新闻出版广电总局电影局电影处处长周宝林11 日在长沙表示,中国有庞大的基础和潜力,再过两三年会成为全球第一大电影市场。
周宝林当日在长沙举行的潇湘院线2015 年发展研讨会上透露,1993 年和2002 年的两次电影行业改革后,中国电影产业进入飞速发展期。
2014 年中国电影票房接近300 亿,是2002 年产业化初期的32 倍,电影票房年平均增长率一直保持在35%左右。
截至5 月底,中国城市院线有47 条,银幕数近2.8 万块,是电影产业发展初期的15 倍,并且全部实现数字化放映。
2015 年中国电影市场发展更加迅猛,截至6 月7 日,全国电影总票房已经超过175 亿,与去年同期相比增长近55%,其中国产影片85.8 亿,占比49%。
为繁荣电影市场,2014 年中国七部委联合发文支持电影产业发展,包括加大相关专项资金支持力度,对电影产业实行税收优惠政策和金融支持政策,
中国有5000 多家影院,县城影院已经达到2500 多家,银幕数达到1 万块以上。
2015 年,中国提出实现影院在县级城市全覆盖,进一步助推了县级电影产业发展。
周宝林说,美国有银幕近4 万。
1.中国或将成为全球最大的自动驾驶市场 [J], 麦肯锡公司
2.2020年中国将成世界最大电影市场 [J], ;
3.中国将成全球最大保险市场 [J], 翟文博
4.科技部部长王志刚:2025年中国将成全球最大5G市场 [J], 李雁争
5.中国将成为全球最大航空运输市场 [J], 郭青;王泓
英语资源频道为⼤家整理的china daily 双语新闻:中国⾸富拟建世界奢华影都,供⼤家阅读参考。
It's a uniquely Chinese equation: take a government that's increasingly obsessed with its image abroad, add a wildly ambitious property tycoon, and you get a business announcement so elaborate that Leonardo DiCaprio will fly halfway across the world to bear witness to it.China's richest man, Wang Jianlin, broke ground on Sunday for what is being touted as the world's most expensive film studio in Qingdao, a quiet city of three million people on the country's east coast.When the Qingdao Oriental Movie Metropolis opens in 2017, according to Wang's speech at the ceremony, it will cover more than 500 hectares (two square miles) and include a studio for filming underwater, a permanent car show, seven resort hotels, an indoor amusement park, a 300-berth yacht club, 20 sound stages and a hospital.DiCaprio, John Travolta, Nicole Kidman, Catherine Zeta Jones, Jet Li and Ewan McGregor were all at the launch, alongside a host of other celebrities.Wang, 58, the chairman of the Beijing-based property developer Dalian Wanda Group, called the studio the most expensive film industryinvestment of all time – an "unprecedented project that will create history" according to transcripts of his speech posted to the company's website. It will cost up to 30bn yuan (£3bn) and open in 2017.The complex's sheer size is in keeping with the challenges that it seeks to overcome. China's film industry, while growing, is burdened by a stultifying bureaucracy and draconian censorship.Hollywood imports account for the bulk of the country's box-office takings. While US-China co-productions have become common in recent years, few have gone on to conquer global markets. Many get so tangled up in negotiations that they never make it past the planning stage.China maintains a strict quota on the number of foreign films screened in the country each year, and those that make the cut are often dragged down by censorship. The government-approved cut of the Wachowskis' Cloud Atlas was 40 minutes shorter than the original. In April, Quentin Tarantino's revenge western Django Unchained was withdrawn from cinemas minutes into its first screening; it reopened a month later with three of the goriest minutes missing and flopped.The Chinese government has pumped billions of pounds of subsidies into the arts, hoping that domestic films can help improve the country's image abroad. China's film industry has grown tenfold since 2002, with an average of nine new screens opening in the country every day.Wang is suffused with optimism: he told reporters that he expected China's cinema audience, currently the world's second largest, to take the top spot from the US by 2018. "With the huge potential that comes with a population of 1.3 billion, the global film industry will recognise that the sooner you partner with China, the sooner you make more money," he said, according to the state news agency, Xinhua.Yet critics say that no matter how much cash is in the system, China will not outshine Hollywood until its film-makers are given more creative space.Feng Xiaogang, a historical epic director sometimes called China's Spielberg, broached the topic while accepting a "director of the year" award from the China Film Directors' Guild in April. "A lot of times when you receive a [censorship] order, it's so ridiculous that you don't know whether to laugh or cry," he said. A video of his acceptance speech briefly went viral online before it was itself removed by censors.Wang grew up hungry and spent 17 years in the People's Liberation Army; he later became the first Chinese citizen to own a private jet.His company is best known for its prime properties throughout China, including 72 Wanda Plazas – sprawling developments that usually include shopping centres, hotels and cinemas.The company has also been exploring abroad. Last year, Wang's £1.6bn acquisition of the US multiplex chain AMC Cinemas made international headlines. He is building luxury hotels in New York and London. Last week, he donated £12m to the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences in Los Angeles, which will name a new film library in his honour.查看译⽂⼀个国际形象在不断提升的政府,加上⼀位雄⼼壮志的房地产巨鳄,等于⼀个连莱昂纳多•迪卡普⾥奥都要飞过半个地球来见证的商业消息,这就是独具特⾊的中国式等式。
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With China poised to become the world's largest film market within the next couple of years, industry insiders are weighing-in on what needs to be done to capitalize on the opportunity.
Most movie industry observers expect China will overtake the United States to become the world's largest film market, by revenue, by 2017. Last year, box office revenue in China hit a record high of nearly 7 billion U.S. dollars.
Greg Foster, CEO of IMAX Entertainment, says to some extent the Chinese market is the key to success for many US movies.
Lauren Selig, founder of Shake and Bake Productions, says an increasing
number of movies are being made specifically for the Chinese market."Out of the 10 conversations that I've had with producers or foreign sales agents in the last two weeks, six of them have said bring me a project for China, I need a project for China."When it comes to tapping into the Chinese market, Selig says Hollywood needs to have a better understanding of what Chinese audiences want.
Shake and Bake制作公司创始人劳伦·塞利格表示,越来越多的电影是专为中国市场而制作。
We're used to making big bang movies, big tentpole films and hoping that when we lob them across the pond that China goes: 'Yay, we like it.' But it doesn't always work out that way and I think it's important for a producer or director or someone who's inclined to make movies for the Chinese market to have a good partner over there or good voices to give them advice on what to make.
At the same time, Chinese movie producers are also trying to create content which global audiences are more likely to relate to.
Le Vision Pictures is one of a growing number of Chinese film companies looking globally.Le Vision CEO Zhang Zhao says "My guess is in the next five years because of the Chinese market booming, you will see many more movies released in North American market. Reason, because you got backed up by this huge market."Le Vision Pictures is behind the production of a film called "The Great Wall" starring Matt Damon and directed by Zhang Yimou.It's due out later this year.
Chinese investment in the North American film sector has already gone beyond movies.Dalian Wanda recently struck a deal to acquire a majority stake in US movie studio Legendary Entertainment.It's going to be Wanda's second big purchase in the United States.The company bought AMC, the second biggest theater chain in the United States, for more than 2.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2012.