



OBDⅡ第二代车载故障诊断系统图文说明OBDⅡ第二代车载故障诊断系统(On-Board Diagnostic System,简称OBD)是一种用于检测和诊断汽车发动机、排放系统和其它相关系统的电子设备。





具体而言,OBDⅡ第二代车载故障诊断系统能够监测到以下几个方面的信息:•电子控制模块(ECM)和传感器的性能状况•发动机速度和负载•燃油系统的工作效率和故障•废气排放系统的性能和故障功能说明OBDⅡ第二代车载故障诊断系统的功能非常强大,主要包括以下几个方面:1. 检测故障和提醒用户当OBDⅡ第二代车载故障诊断系统检测到系统中出现了问题或者故障时,会发出警告信号并显示相关信息,以便用户能够及时修理或更换出现故障的部件。

2. 故障码读取和清除OBDⅡ第二代车载故障诊断系统也能够读取以及清除相关的故障码,整理车辆出现的以前的故障记录,这对于故障的排查和修理都有很大的帮助。

3. 监测驾驶习惯OBDⅡ第二代车载故障诊断系统还可以监测驾驶员的驾驶习惯,以便为驾驶员提供更好的驾驶建议。

4. 提高经济性和安全性OBDⅡ第二代车载故障诊断系统还可以帮助用户提高车辆的经济性和安全性,例如,它可以监测油量和汽车的发动机转速,以便让用户知道什么时候需要加油或者更换空气滤清器等。



下面是具体的使用步骤:1. 插入OBDⅡ插头找到汽车定位插座,一般在驾驶员的座位下方,它应该是一个矩形的形状。



D+RF系列220V(带显示)说明书中文本手册适用于D+R F系列智能型电动执行机构的安装、调试、使用和维护指导。


警告:在安装、调试、使用和维护D+R F系列智能型电动执行机构前,必须仔细阅读本手册,严格按照安全操作规程操作,以防造成人身安全事故。



目录1运输和储存 (1)2工作环境 (1)2.1环境温度 (1)2.2外壳防护等级 (2)3执行器安装 (2)3.1安装位置 (2)3.2直行程联接 (2)3.3角行程联接 (3)4电气连接和调试 (5)4.1接线端子排—10端子 (5)4.2400V AC13端子接线端子 (7)5调试 (9)5.1显示状态 (9)5.2三相接入电源的相序检测 (10)5.3进入设置状态 (11)5.4过流保护设定 (11)5.5全开位置设定 (12)5.6全关位置设置 (13)5.7信号故障位置设定 (14)5.8输入信号4M A校准 (14)5.9输入信号20M A校准 (15)5.10反馈信号4M A校准 (15)5.11反馈信号20M A校准 (16)5.12死区值设定 (16)5.13正反作用选择 (17)5.14保存/恢复设置 (18)6设备维护、保养 (19)6.1设备维护周期 (19)6.2润滑 (19)7故障信息及处理一览表 (20)11 运输和储存运输过程中执行机构的外包装可采用木箱、高强度纸箱等,内部应填充发泡物。




常用维护手册使用简介编制单位:沈阳维修基地适用区域:工程部机关各维修单位其他:发布范围:各维修单位航线维护部门执行负责人:流程负责人:文件批准人:生效日期:__________ 年_________ 月_______ 日目录1.A- 生产有准备 (3)1.1 技术文件 (3)1.2 工具设备 (3)1.3 航材物资 (4)1.4 技术人员 (4)1.5 工作环境 (4)2. P- 施工程序 (5)2.1 手册编写标准 (5)2.1.1 ATA100 (5)2.1.2 ATA2200 (6)2.1.3 ASD-STE100 (6)2.2 手册有效性 (6)2.2.1 客户化手册 (6)2.2.2 有效性对照表 (7)2.3 ADOC N@vigator (7)2.3.1 介绍 (7)2.3.2 ADOC N@vigator 安装和登陆 (8)2.3.3 ADOC N@vigator 使用 (12)2.4 AMM 手册使用 (16)2.4.1 AMM 手册主要内容 (16)2.4.2 FIN 号 (16)2.4.3 AMM 手册查找方法 (17)2.5 IPC 手册使用 (19)2.5.1 IPC 手册主要内容 (19)2.5.2 详解零件清单 (19)2.5.3 互换性信息 (22)2.5.4 IPC 查找方法 (23)2.6 TSM 手册使用 (24)2.6.1 TSM 手册主要内容 (24)2.6.2 TSM/Troubleshooting 使用 (24)3 S- 工作有标准 (29)1. A-生产有准备1.2工具设备2nd M:工具设备/MACHINE序号NO.类型TYPE名称NAME件号PART NO.数量QTY.备注REMARK1通用设备COMMONEQUIPMI电脑ENT ComputerN/A 1EA视需连接至南航内网AS REQUIREMENTLINTO CSN INTRANET2软件SOFTWAREJAVA N/A 1EA N/A3软件SOFTWAREAdobe Reader N/A 1EA视需AS REQUIREMENT 1.1技术文件3rd M:航材物资 /MATERIAL1.4技术人员4th M:技术人员/MAN1.3航材物资2. P- 施工程序2.1 手册编写标准2.1.1 ATA100ATA10C规范是美国航空运输协会(Air Tran sport Association of America) 第100 号规范,又称“制造商技术资料规范” 。

DLE20 使用说明书

DLE20 使用说明书

EngineDLE20使用说明书USER MANUAL该发动机并非玩具,请特别注意安全,由此引起的所有安全问题我们将不予负责;为了您更好地使用该产品,请您在使用前仔细阅读说明书。

This engine is not toy. For your own safety, please read the manual carefully before operation. DLE is not responsible for all injuries result from the use.一、安全(SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS)1、使用前请仔细检查螺旋桨、发动机架等相关部位,保证螺丝、镙母不松动,安装时最好使用螺纹胶(如:LOCTITTE 242)固定螺丝、螺母。

Before every use, check the engine assembly, propeller and airframe carefully for loose screws and nuts. Loctite is strongly recommended on all the screws.2、请注意:如果要在试车台上磨合或测试发动机,必须有很好的减震装置,否则可能导致发动机部分零件的损坏,最好把发动机安装在飞机上进行磨合。

During the break-in process, engine must running with shock absorber installed. Or the engine will be seriously damaged by vibration. The best way for break-in process is mount the engine on a plane.3、发动机在运行时,任何人不许在螺旋桨旋转平面前的位置。

Always stand clear of and behind the propeller; never allow anyone including yourself, to be in front of or to the sides of the propeller when starting or running the engine. Anyone near the engine should wear protective eyewear. Do not wear loose clothing near the engine or propeller.二、发动机数据:(SPECIFICATIONS)1、性能:(Performance)2.5HP/9000rpm (2.5HP/9000rpm)怠速:1750 rpm/分钟(Idle Speed: 1750 rpm/min.)拉力6Kg/海拔100米(Static Thrust 6Kg / 100 meters Altitude)拉力5.3Kg/海拔1800米(Static Thrust 5.3Kg / 1800 meters Altitude)适用螺旋桨规格:14 X10; 15 X 8; 16 X 6; 16 X 8; 17 X 6(The specification of the aircraft propeller:14 X10;15 X 8;16 X 6;16 X 8;17 X 6)适用火花塞型号(the type of the sparking plug ):NGK CM62、参数:(Parameter)排量( Exhaust Amount ) : 20cm3缸径×行程( diameter × stroke ) : 32mm×25mm压缩比(Ratio of compression) : 10.5:1润滑比(Ratio of lubricating capacity) : 30:1重量: 主机650克+排气管50克+点火器120克Weight: Main engine - 650g Exhaust pipe - 50gIgnition equipment - 120g3、点火器工作电压(Ignition volt):4.8V-14V三、发动机的调整(ENGINE ADJUSTMENT)1、每台发动机出厂时都经过了初步调整,用户可以直接使用。



EPD 手册EPD(ENGINE PROTECTION DEVICE)型号:FM2◈内容◈1简介2特性3技术标准4工作条件5构成6LED显示7端子及容量8测试准备9符号说明10测试11DIP开关及其他按钮说明12问题及解决方案注意事项1. 为了安全地使用本产品,使用之前要仔细阅读本操作手册2. 为了预防人员伤害及设备损坏,需要注意的事项必须遵守3. 需要注意的事项是“Warning 警告”和“Caution 小心”,意思如下4. 操作手册里的符号意思如下5. 时刻借助操作手册,接近本产品Warning 不正确的使用可能导致伤害 甚至死亡 Caution 不正确的使用可能导致人员伤害 或设备损坏 Be careful!, it could damage equipment. 小心!可能引起设备损坏Be careful!, it could cause electric shock 小心! 可能引起电气短路Warning 1. 当电源投入使用或主电缆投入使用状态下,不要进行任何接线工作。


2. 即使电源关闭的情况下也不要进行组装作业。

设备内部残留的电流可能 引起电气短路3. 用湿的手触摸任何东西,这个可能引起电气短路4. 当电线损坏时不要触摸,这个可能引起电气短路5. 做一个接地设备来预防电气短路Caution 1. 使用额定功率来预防设备损坏或火灾2. 把不相干的物质隔开,以预防短路或火灾3. 为了预防设备损坏或火灾,要连接与输入/输出容量相配的负载4. 不正确的接线可能引起设备损坏或火灾5. 不正确的使用,可能引起人员伤害或损坏这个设备和与之连接的产品。


6. 高压试验,例如耐电压试验或绝缘电阻试验可能导致设备损坏,所以测 试之前,要把他们分隔开。

7. 使用额定容量的保险和电线,以防火灾发生。

8. 由于这个设备安装在具有很大震动的发电机上,所以必须安装牢固。






为此,国Ⅲ汽车排放标准强制规定:新车必须安装OBD车载自诊断系统(即On-Board Diagnos tics的缩写)。





OBD-Ⅰ必须符合下列规定★仪表板必须有“发动机故障警示灯” (MIL),以提醒驾驶注意特定的车辆系统已发生故障(通常是废气控制相关系统)。








● 绘图系统与数据库关联,能方便的进行动态属性的定义。数据连接利用动态颜色、动态
二. 运行环境 ● 硬件配置
■ 计算机:选用工业控制计算机 CPU≥PIII1G,内存≥128MRAM,硬盘容量≥40GB, 显 示设备:16K 增强色(推荐:1024╳768 显示分辨率,21’’以上大屏幕)
■ 声卡和音箱:监控主机配备声卡和音箱,用于语音报警提示 ■ 网络器件:包括通讯卡,通讯电缆等 ■ 打印设备:A3 幅面喷墨打印机,用于定时报表打印和随机事故打印 ● 操作系统:简体中文 Windows95/98/ME/NT4.0/2000/XP 三. 主要特征 ● 支持以 RS232/RS422/RS485 等方式组建通讯网络,组网方式灵活简便;
● 支持多种不同厂家的智能电子设备集成于本系统,扩展方便简洁,如智能电度表、小电流
● 支持包括本公司自定义协议及其他电力系统常用通讯协议,如 IEC60870-5-103 规约、
CDT92 等多种通讯协议;
● 网络运行和数据传输可靠、抗干扰能力强;
● 支持完备的“四遥”功能,即:遥测、遥信、遥控和遥调;
● 模拟量
● 状态量

EATON CORPORATION 矿业服务电路保护器E2F、E2FM安装说明说明书

EATON CORPORATION 矿业服务电路保护器E2F、E2FM安装说明说明书

ContentsDescr i pt i on Page1.0 Introduction (2)2.0 Installation ............................23.0 Manual Operation ......................44.0 Inspection and Field Testing .. (5)Installation Instructions for E 2F, E 2FM Mining Service Circuit Breakers2Instruction Leaflet IL29C119CEffective August 2011Installation I nstr uctions f or E 2F , E 2FM M ining S er vice C ir cuit B r eaker sEATON CORPORATIONWARNINGDO NOT ATTEMPT TO INSTALL, ADJUST, OR PER-FORM MAINTENANCE ON EQUIPMENT WHILE IT IS ENERGIZED. SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH,OR SUBSTANTIAL PROPERTY DAMAGE CANRESULT FROM CONTACT WITH ENERGIZED EQUIP-MENT. ALWAYS VERIFY THAT NO VOLTAGE ISPRESENT BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE TASK,AND ALWAYS FOLLOW GENERALLY ACCEPTED SAFETY PROCEDURES.THE EATON CORPORATION IS NOT LIABLE FOR THE MISAPPLICATION ORMISINSTALLATION OF ITS PRODUCTS.The user is cautioned to observe all recommendations,warnings, and cautions relating to the safety of personnel and equipment, as well as, all general and local health and safety laws, codes, and procedures.The recommendations and information contained herein are based on Eaton experience and judgement, but should not be considered to be all-inclusive or covering every application or circumstance which may arise. If any questions arise, contact Eaton for further information or instructions.1.0 INTRODUCTION General InformationE F and E FM mining service circuit breakers (Fig. 1-1)are available as 3-pole devices, in several ratings from 3Ato 150A continuous current. The are avail-able in both thermal-magnetic and magnetic-only ver-sions. Mining service circuit breakers have beendeveloped to meet the Federal Register ruling on trailing cable protection.This instruction leaflet (IL) gives procedures for the instal-lation and field testing of E F and E FMmining service circuit breakers. For this publication, mining service circuit breaker shall be abbreviated to circuit breaker.Fig. 1-1E F Magnetic ONLY Mining Service Circuit Breaker2.0 INSTALLATIONThe installation procedure consists of inspecting and mounting the circuit breaker, connecting and torquing the line and load terminations, and attaching terminal shields or barriers (when supplied). To install the circuit breaker,perform the following steps:Note: The 2 E F and E FM circuit breakers are factorysealed. Where local codes and standards permit,internal accessories can be field installed. Accessory installation should be done before the circuit breaker is mounted and connected.Mounting hardware and unmounted terminations (where required) are supplied in separate packages.2.1.Make sure that the circuit breaker is suitable for the intended installation by comparing nameplate data with system requirements. Inspect the circuit breaker for completeness, and check for damage before mounting.2 2 2 2 E F and E FM2 2 2 23Instruction Leaflet IL29C119CEffective August 2011Installation I nstr uctions f or E 2F , E 2FM M ining S er vice C ir cuit B r eaker sEATON CORPORATION WARNINGBEFORE MOUNTING THE CIRCUIT BREAKER IN AN ELECTRICAL SYSTEM, MAKE SURE THE CIRCUIT BREAKER IS SWITCHED TO THE OFFPOSITION AND THAT THERE IS NO VOLTAGE PRESENT WHERE WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED. SPECIAL ATTENTION SHOULD BE PAID TO REVERSE FEED APPLICATIONS TO ENSURE NO VOLTAGE ISPRESENT. THE VOLTAGES IN ENERGIZED EQUIP-MENT CAN CAUSE SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH.2.2.Depending on the equipment configuration, the cir-cuit breaker can be mounted using different styles of hardware. The following steps describe how to mount the circuit breaker using standard hardware.When special hardware is needed (for example,with the electrical operator), the instruction leaflet describing the accessory also describes the special mounting arrangements.Note: Before mounting the circuit breaker, check if the termination devices should be installed first. See instructions supplied with terminations.2.3.To mount the circuit breaker, perform the followingsteps.a.For individual mounting panels, make sure that mounting panel is predrilled using bolt drilling plan (Fig. 2-1). For panelboard mounting, only load end support mounting holes are required.For deadfront cover applications, make sure mounting panel cover is cut out to correct escutcheon dimensions (Fig. 2-2).b.If circuit breaker includes factory installed inter-nal accessories, make sure accessory wiring can be reached when the circuit breaker is mounted.c.Position circuit breaker on mounting surface.d.Install mounting screws, washers, and nuts.Tighten screws firmly, but do not exceed 28pound-inches (3.16 N.m.).2.4.If an optional terminal end cover is to be installed with the circuit breaker (usually line-end only), it must be positioned before cables are connected to terminals.Fig. 2-1Circuit Breaker Mounting Bolt Drilling PlanCircuitBreaker Handle33.66Access to Push-to-Trip(6.35) Dia. Hole forAccess to Pickup Adjustment Button (Magnetic only}Fig. 2-2.Circuit Breaker Escutcheon DimensionsCAUTIONWHEN ALUMINUM CONDUCTORS ARE USED, THE APPLICATION OF A SUITABLE JOINT COMPOUND IS RECOMMENDED TO REDUCE THE POSSIBILITY OF TERMINAL OVERHEATING. TERMINAL OVER-HEATING CAN CAUSE NUISANCE TRIPPING AND DAMAGE TO THE CIRCUIT BREAKER.2.5.After mounting the circuit breaker, line and load ter-minals and accessory leads should be connected.HandleCircuit BreakerLoad EndLine EndCircuit Breaker Handle4Instruction Leaflet IL29C119CEffective August 2011Installation I nstr uctions f or E 2F , E 2FM M ining S er vice C ir cuit B r eaker sEATON CORPORATION (See accessory schematic diagram on side of cir-cuit breaker.)Note: If terminal shield or interphase barriers are to be installed on the circuit breaker, install them after the terminals are connected.2.6.If required, install terminal shield on circuit breaker cover with mounting screws provided.2.7. The supplied interphase barriers should be installed tothe line end of the circuit breaker (E²FM1000V only) by 2.8.After the circuit breaker is installed, check allmounting hardware and terminal connecting hard-ware for correct torque loading. Torque values for line load terminals are given in Tables 2-1 and 2-2and on the circuit breaker nameplate.TABLE 2-1. TERMINAL TYPESTerminal Terminal Screw AWG Metric WireTorque Value Catalog Number Body Head Wire Wire TypeLb. In.Material TypeRangeRange Aluminum 3/16#4-4/0 25-95 Cu/AI 120 (13.6)SocketHex Aluminum 5mm#4-4/0 25-95 Cu/AI 120 (13.6)SocketHex Aluminum 5/16#6-300 16-150 Cu/AI 275 (31)SocketHexAluminum 2.5-50 Cu/AI See Table2-2Aluminum Slotted 2.5-16 See Table2-2Steel Slotted See Table2-2Stainless Slotted 25-95 Cu See Table yl n O l e e t S Note: Terminal wire connectors are UL listed for standard wire sizes as defined inUL 486A and ULof threeterminal identified asTABLE 2-2. TERMINAL TORQUE VALUES FORHEADMetric Wire Torque Value,AWG Wire Torque Value,Range RangeLb. In.2.5-63.96354.524016-255.094535-955.6550TABLE 2-3. BOLTED CONNECTIONS (KEEPER NUT OR END CAP)TerminationNut Thread Torque Value,Catalog NumberSize Lb-In AAMUser Supplied 1O-32 35 (4.0)Slotted1O-3235 (4.0)3.0 MANUAL OPERATIONManual operation of the circuit breaker is controlled by the circuit breaker handle and the PUSH-TO-TRIP but-ton. The circuit breaker handle has three indicated posi-tions, two of which are shown on the cover with raised lettering to indicate ON and OFF. On the sliding handle barrier ON, OFF, and trip are also shown by a color coded strip for each circuit breaker handle position: red for ON, white for tripped, and green for OFF. On the slid-ing handle barrier, ON/OFF is also shown with the inter-national symbols I/O (See Fig. 3-1). Circuit Breaker ResetAfter tripping, the circuit breaker is reset by moving the circuit breaker handle to the extreme OFF position.Note: In the event of a thermal trip, the circuit breaker cannot be reset until the thermal element cools.PUSH-TO-TRIP ButtonThe PUSH-TO-TRIP button checks the tripping function and is used to periodically exercise the operating mecha-nism.Magnetic-Only Mining Service Circuit Breaker Adjustment of Trip SettingThe F-frame E magnetic-only mining service circuit breaker has a trip setting adjustment mechanism that permits the circuit breaker to be fine tuned to provide more precise protection. The mechanism consists of a cam with eight positions for different trip levels The trip levels are labeled A through H; actual trip values are shown on the circuit breaker cover nameplate and in Table 3-1. To adjust the trip level, depress and rotate adjustment button clockwise to the desired setting.CAUTIONA ROTATION STOP PREVENTS THE ADJUSTMENT BUTTON FROM BEING ROTATED COUNTERCLOCK-WISE BEYOND POSITION A. THE CIRCUIT BREAKER CAN BE DAMAGED IF THE BUTTON IS FORCED PAST POSITION A IN THE COUNTERCLOCKWISE DIRECTION.sliding barrier into dovetail grooves between terminals.2Screw Head Type#4-4/0#1 4-1/0#1 4-1/0 2.5-50Cu/AI Cu/AI #1 4-#4102-2Slotted5Instruction Leaflet IL29C119CEffective August 2011Installation I nstr uctions f or E 2F , E 2FM M ining S er vice C ir cuit B r eaker sEATON CORPORATION(Reset)Trip Setting Adjusting Mechanismymbol (OFF)Handle Position Indicator Color:Red ON White Trip Green OFF(Reset)HandleFig. 3-1 Circuit Breaker Manual Controls 4.0 INSPECTION AND FIELD TESTINGE molded case circuit breakers are designed to provide years of almost maintenance-free operation. The follow-ing procedure describes how to inspect and test a circuit breaker in service.InspectionCircuit breakers in service should be inspected periodi-cally. The inspection should include the following checks.WARNINGBEFORE INSPECTING THE CIRCUIT BREAKER IN AN ELECTRICAL SYSTEM, MAKE SURE THE CIRCUIT BREAKER IS SWITCHED TO THE OFF POSITION AND THAT THERE IS NO VOLTAGE PRESENT WHERE WORK IS TO BE PERFORMED. SPECIAL ATTENTION SHOULD BE PAID TO REVERSE FEED APPLICATIONS TO ENSURE NO VOLTAGE ISPRESENT. THE VOLTAGES IN ENERGIZED EQUIP-MENT CAN CAUSE SEVERE PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH.CAUTION4. dust, dirt, soot, grease, and/or moisture from the surface of the circuit breaker using a free dry cloth, brush, or vacuum cleaner. Do not blow debris into circuit breaker. If contamination is found, look for the source and eliminate the prob-lem.Switch circuit breaker to ON and OFF several times to be sure that the mechanical linkages are free and do not bind. If mechanical linkages are not free,replace circuit breaker.Press the PUSH-TO-TRIP button to mechanically trip the circuit breaker. Trip, reset, and switch circuit breaker ON several times. If mechanism does not reset each time the circuit breaker is tripped,replace the circuit breaker.Check base cover and operating handle for cracks,chipping, and discoloration. Circuit breakers should be replaced if cracks or severe discoloration is found.Check terminals and connectors for looseness or signs of overheating. Overheating will show as dis-coloration, melting, or blistering of conductor insula-tion, or as pitting or melting of conductor surfaces due to arcing. If there is no evidence of overheating or looseness, do not disturb or tighten the connec-tions. If there is evidence of overheating, termina-tions should be cleaned or replaced. Beforeenergizing the circuit breaker, all terminations and cable should be refurbished to the condition when originally installed.Check circuit breaker mounting hardware. Tighten,if necessary.Check area where circuit breaker is installed for any safety hazards including personal safety and fire hazards. Exposure to certain types of chemicals can cause deterioration of electrical connections.Field TestingAny field testing should be done in accordance with NEMA Standards Publication AB2-1984.MAKE SURE THAT CLEANING AGENTS OR SOL-VENTS USED TO CLEAN THE CIRCUIT BREAKER ARE SUITABLE FOR THE JOB. SOME COMMERCIAL CLEANING AGENTS WILL DAMAGE THE NAME-PLATES OR MOLDED PARTS.24.1.Push-to-trip ButtonInternational6Instruction Leaflet IL29C119CEffective August 2011Installation I nstr uctions f or E 2F , E 2FM M ining S er vice C ir cuit B r eaker sEATON CORPORATION TABLE 3-1. MCP TRIP SETTINGSTABLE 3-1. MCP TRIP SETTINGS (CONT.)Cam Continuous MCP MCP Cam Continuous MCP MCP Setting Amps CatalogTrip Setting Amps CatalogTrip Number SettingNumber SettingA 0.05A 0.9B 12.0B 60.0C 15.0C 75.0D318.0D3090.0E 21.0E 105.0F 24.0F 120.0G 27.0G 135.0H 30.0H 150.0A 21 0.09A B 28.0B 120.0C 35.0C 150.0D742.0D30180.0E 49.0E 210.0F 56.0F 240.0G 63.0G 270.0H 70.0H 300.0A 0.66A 0.54B 60.0B 97.0C 75.0C 112.5D1590.0D50128.0E 105.0E 143.5F 120.0F 159.0G 135.0G 174.5H 150.0H 190.0A 40.0A 150.0B 43.0B 200.0C 46.0C 250.0D2549.0D50300.0E 52.0E 350.0F 55.0F 400.0G 58.0G 450.0H60.0H500.07Instruction Leaflet IL29C119CEffective August 2011Installation I nstr uctions f or E 2F , E 2FM M ining S er vice C ir cuit B r eaker sEATON CORPORATION TABLE 3-1. MCP TRIP SETTINGS (CONT.)Cam Continuous MCP MCP Setting Amps CatalogTrip Number Setting0.012A B 280.0C 350.0D 70EZF070MM,420.0E EZFM070MM490.0F 560.0G 630.0H 700.00.051A B 200.0C 250.0D 100E2Fl OOKM,300.0E E2FMl OOKM350.0F 420.0G 450.0H 500.00.003A B 400.0C 500.0D 100E2Fl OORM,600.0E E2FMlOORM700.0F 800.0G 900.0H 1000.00.054A B 600.0C 750.0D 150EZFI 50TM,900.0E EZFM150TM1050.0F 1200.0G 1350.0H1500.0TABLE 3-1. MCP TRIP SETTINGS (CONT.)Cam Continuous MCP MCP Setting Amps CatalogTrip Number SettingA 750.0B 1000.0C 1250.0D 150E2F-I 50UM,1500.0E E2FMI 50UM1750.0F 2000.0G 2250.0H2500.0Eaton Corporation Electrical Sector1111 Superior Ave. Cleveland, OH 44114United States877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273) © 2011 Eaton CorporationAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No. IL29C119C / TBG000677 Part No. 6609C92H03August 2011Eaton is a registered trademark of Eaton Corporation.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Instruction Leaflet IL29C119CEffective August 2011Installation I nstr uctions f or E2F, E2FM M ining S er vice C ir cuit B r eaker sThe instructions for installation, testing, maintenance, or repairherein are provided for the use of the product in general commercialapplications and may not be appropriate for use in nuclear applica-tions. Additional instructions may be available upon specific requestto replace, amend, or supplement these instructions to qualify themfor use with the product in safety-related applications in a nuclearfacility.This Instruction Booklet is published solely for information purposesand should not be considered all-inclusive. If further information isrequired, you should consult an authorized Eaton sales representa-tive.The sale of the product shown in this literature is subject to theterms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton selling policiesor other contractual agreement between the parties. This literatureis not intended to and does not enlarge or add to any such contract.The sole source governing the rights and remedies of any purchaserof this equipment is the contract between the purchaser and Eaton.NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDINGWARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ORMERCHANTABILITY, OR WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSEOF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE, ARE MADE REGARDINGTHE INFORMATION, RECOMMENDATIONS, AND DESCRIPTIONSCONTAINED HEREIN.In no event will Eaton be responsible to the purchaser or user incontract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwisefor any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damage or losswhatsoever, including but not limited to damage or loss of use ofequipment, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power,additional expenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claimsagainst the purchaser or user by its customers resulting from theuse of the information, recommendations and description containedherein.。


Motor Protection Analyzer
MEASUREMENT OF: • Current • Voltage • Frequency • Power Factor (PF) • Reactive Power (KVA) • Real Power (KW) • Energy Consumption (KWH)
Load • Schedule Timer • AUTO / MANUAL Restart Mode • Password
PROTECTION AGAINST: • Overload / Undercurrent • Overvoltage / Undervoltage • Frequency Shift • Voltage Unbalance • Current Unbalance • Single Phasing • Phase Reversal • Locked Rotor
ADJUSTMENTS OF: • Overload • Undercurrent • Overvoltage • Undervoltage • Current Unbalance • Voltage Unbalance • Frequency • Trip Delay • Start Up Delay after Voltage • Fault Recovery • Motor Thermal Class • Clock Adjustment • Control of Motor High-Inertia
MPA2 provides LCD Display to indicate the output status voltage, current, unbalance, frequency and load status and failure conditions. It also provides four (4) push buttons (1 for START, 2 for ADJUST and 1 for SELECT) for operation and protection parameters adjustment. Besides these mentioned advantages, a Communication Port with MODBUS RTU protocol is included with MPA2.

SA-250 PERKINS 柴油引擎驱动 DC 电缆焊电源操作者手册说明书

SA-250 PERKINS 柴油引擎驱动 DC 电缆焊电源操作者手册说明书

SA-250 PERKINSDiesel Engine Driven DC Arc Welding Power SourceOPERATOR’S MANUALFor use with machines having Code Number 10073 or 10073CV: 10074IM518-AOctober, 2000Safety Depends on YouLincoln arc welding and cutting equipment is designed and built with safety in mind. However, your overall safety can be increased by proper installation ... and thought-ful operation on your part.DO NOT INSTALL, OPERATE OR REPAIR THIS EQUIPMENT WITHOUT READING THIS MANUAL AND THE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS CONTAINED THROUGHOUT.And, most importantly, think before you act and be careful.Copyright © 2000 Lincoln Global Inc.This manual covers equipment which is nolonger in production by The Lincoln Electric Co. Speci cations and availability of optional features may have changed.Mar‘95for selecting a QUALITY product by Lincoln Electric. We want you to take pride in operating this Lincoln Electric Company product ••• as much pride as we have in bringing this product to you!Read this Operators Manual completely before attempting to use this equipment. Save this manual and keep it handy for quick reference. Pay particular attention to the safety instructions we have provided for your protection.The level of seriousness to be applied to each is explained below:vvGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe SA-250 is a heavy duty engine-driven DC arc welding power source capable of providing constant current output for stick welding or DC TIG welding. With the addition of the optional Wire Feed Module for K1283-4, the SA-250 will provide constant voltage output for running the LN-25, LN-23P or LN-7 wire feeders. The Wire Feed Module is factory-installed on the K1283-5 SA-250.The SA-250 has a current range of 40-325 DC amps with a 60% duty cycle at 250 amps/40 volts. The units are also capable of providing 3 kVA of 115/230 volt, 60 Hertz AC auxiliary power.DESIGN SUMMARYControl PanelBoth the engine and the welder controls are located on one recessed panel at the auxiliary power alterna-tor end of the machine. The welder controls consist of a five step “Current Range Selector” switch and a “F ine Current Adjustment” rheostat. Each welder is equipped with a “Start” button and an “Idler Control”switch. The Perkins diesel uses a “Thermostart” but-ton, and has a “Stop” control.On this panel is also mounted an engine temperature gauge, a battery charging ammeter, an oil pressure gauge, and the three prong grounded type auxiliary power receptacle.Copper Shunt WindingsFor long life and dependable operation.Engine IdlerThe SA-250 is equipped with an electronic automatic engine idler. It automatically increases and decreases engine speed when starting and stopping welder or using auxiliary power. A built-in time delay permits changing electrodes before the engine slows to its low idle speed. The “Idler Control Switch” on the panel locks the idler in full speed position when desired.Auxiliary Power3.0 kVA of nominal 115/230V, 60 Hz, AC1. (See Optional Features for Power Plug Kits).(1)Output voltage is within ±10% at all loads up torated capacity.Welder EnclosuresThe complete welder is rubber mounted on a rugged steel base.The output terminals are placed at the side of the machine so that they are protected by the door. The output terminals are labeled (+) and (-).Remote ControlK924-1 (for K1283-4, -5) (Field Installed). Provides a receptacle switch and remote control box with 100 ft cord for fine current and OCV adjustment at the weld-ing site.Cranking SystemA 12 volt electric starter is standard.Air CleanerHeavy duty two stage dry type.MufflerA muffler to reduce engine noise is standard on the diesel engine units.Engine Hour MeterA meter to record the hours of operation.Diesel Engine ProtectionThe system shuts the engine down in the event of sudden low oil pressure or high coolant temperature.Power Plug Kit (K802C) Array• A power plug kit for the auxiliary power receptacles is available. (Provides a plug for each receptacle).Trailer (K913)Two-wheeled highway trailer with steel, torsion-bar axle, 54” (137cm) wheel track. Low sway, low center-of-gravity. Sturdy tread plate platform. Choice of 3 hitches. Add on fender & light package. For highway use, consult applicable local laws regarding possible additional requirements.Order:K913-1Base TrailerK913-2Ball HitchK913-3Lunette Eye HitchK913-4Clevis Pin HitchK913-5Fender & Light KitWire Feed Module (K623-1)The Wire Feed Module is field-installed on the K1283-4, and factory-installed on the K1283-5 to provide CV (constant voltage) output for semiautomatic welding. Output rated at 250 Amps at 35 Volts with a 60% Duty Cycle and 310 Amps at 32 Volts with a 35% Duty Cycle.DIMENSIONSSee dimension Print M8869-24 at the rear of this man-ual.Product Name Description Horsepower Operating Speeds Displacement Capacities Perkins D3.1523 Cylinder,4 Cycle,Water-Cooled Diesel Engine with Thermostart Glow Plug and Engine ProtectionFull Load:38.2 HP @ 1725 RPMFull Load:1725 RPM High Idle:1800 RPM Low Idle:1350 RPM152 Cu. in.(2.5 ltrs)Fuel:15 gals (57 ltrs)Oil:7.2 qts (6.9 ltrs)Water:10 qts (9.5 ltrs)MachineEngine(1) WFM = Wire Feed Module.(2) Based on a 10 Minute Period.SPECIFICATIONSCold Weather Starting-- When overnight tempera-Array tures are between 10°F (-12°C) and freezing, use the standard“Thermostart” starting system installed on all engines. F ollow the instructions on the nameplate and in the engine manual shipped with the welder. With fully charged batteries and the proper weight oil, the“Thermostart” system operates satisfactorily even down to about 0°F (-18°C).If the engine must be frequently started below 10°F (-12°C), it may be desirable to remove the “Thermostart” and install the optional ether starter kit. Installation and operating instructions are included in the kit. Use ether starting only when required because excessive use shortens engine life.Stopping the Perkins D3.152 Enginea) Turn the ignition control to “OFF”.At the end of each day’s welding, refill the fuel tank to minimize moisture condensation in the tank. Also, running out of fuel tends to draw dirt into the fuel sys-tem.Check the crankcase oil and radiator water level.The AC auxiliary power, supplied as a standard, has a rating of 3.0 kVA of 115/230V AC (60 Hz).With the 3.0 kVA, 115/230V AC auxiliary power, one duplex 115V grounding type receptacle (NEMA con-figuration 5-15R) is provided. F or the 230V AC power, one grounding type duplex receptacle is pro-vided (NEMA configuration 6-15R). The circuit is pro-tected with circuit breakers.The rating of 3.0 kVA permits a maximum continuous current of 13 amps to be drawn from the 230 volt duplex receptacle. Or a total of 26 amps can be drawn from the 115 volt duplex receptacle. The 115 volt duplex receptacle has a configuration which per-mits 15 amps to be drawn from either half. Therefore, on this machine, up to 15 amps continuous can be drawn from one half and the balance of 11 amps from the other half. The total combined load of all recepta-cles is not to exceed 3.0 kVA.An optional power plug kit is available. When this kit is specified, the customer is supplied with a plug for each receptacle. In this case, he will receive two 15 amp, 115 volt plugs (NEMA configuration 5-15P) and two 15 amp, 230 volt plugs (NEMA configuration6-15P).(1)See FLASHING THE FIELDS on following page.(1)FLASHING THE FIELDSAC Auxiliary Power:1. Stop the engine welder and remove the cover from the exciter.2. Turn the “Fine Adjustment Control” (rheostat) to “100” on the dial.3. Using a 12 volt automotive battery, connect its negative terminal to the negative brushholder. The negativebrushholder is the one nearest to the rotor lamination. See the wiring diagram. With the engine NOT running, touch the positive battery terminal to the positive brushholder. Remove the battery from the circuit.4. Replace the exciter cover. Start the welder and the generator voltage should build up.–20––21–S A -250 & 350-S A W I R I N G D I A G R A MN O T E : T h i s d i a g r a m i s f o r r e f e r e n c e o n l y . I t m a y n o t b e a c c u r a t e f o r a l l m a c h i n e s c o v e r e d b y t h i s m a n u a l . T h e s p e c i f i c d i a g r a m f o r a p a r t i c u l a r c o d e i s p a s t e d i n s i d e t h e m a c h i n e o n o n e o f t h e e n c l o s u r e p a n e l s . I f t h e d i a g r a m i s i l l e g i b l e , w r i t e t o t h e S e r v i c e D e p a r t m e n t f o r a r e p l a c e m e n t . G i v e t h e e q u i p m e n t c o d e n u m b e r ..–22–Now Available...12th EditionThe Procedure Handbook of Arc WeldingWith over 500,000 copies of previous editions published since 1933, the Procedure Handbook is considered by many to be the “Bible ” of the arc welding industry.This printing will go fast so don ’t delay. Place your order now using the coupon below.The hardbound book contains over 750 pages of welding information, techniques and procedures. Much of this material has never been included in any other book.A must for all welders, supervisors, engineers and designers. Many welding instructors will want to use the book as a reference for all students by taking advantage of the low quantity discount prices which include shipping by 4th class parcel post.$15.00postage paid U.S.A. MainlandHow To Read Shop DrawingsThe book contains the latest information and application data on the American Welding Society Standard Welding Symbols. Detailed discussion tells how engineers and draftsmen use the “short-cut ” language of symbols to pass on assembly and welding information to shop personnel.Practical exercises and examples develop the reader ’s ability to visualize mechanically drawn objects as they will appear in their assembled form.187 pages with more than 100 illustrations. Size 8-1/2” x 11”Durable, cloth-covered board binding.$4.50postage paid U.S.A. MainlandNew Lessons in Arc WeldingLessons, simply written, cover manipulatory techniques;machine and electrode characteristics; related subjects,such as distortion; and supplemental information on arc welding applications, speeds and costs. Practice materials,exercises, questions and answers are suggested for each lesson.528 pages, well illustrated, 6” x 9” size, bound in simulated,gold embossed leather.$5.00postage paid U.S.A. MainlandNeed Welding Training?The Lincoln Electric Company operates the oldest and most respected Arc Welding School in the United States at its corporate headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio. Over 100,000stu-dents have graduated. Tuition is low and the training is “hands on ”For details write:Lincoln Welding School 22801 St. Clair Ave.Cleveland, Ohio 44117-1199.and ask for bulletin ED-80 or call 216-383-2259 and ask for the Welding School Registrar.Lincoln Welding SchoolBASIC COURSE $700.005 weeks of fundamentalsThere is a 10%discount on all orders of $50.00 or more for shipment at one time to one location.Orders of $50 or less before discount or orders outside of North America must be prepaid with charge, check or money order in U.S. Funds Only.Prices include shipment by 4th Class Book Rate for U.S.A. 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Lincoln Arc Welding The American Century of John C. Lincoln $5.00AC Foundation Book Information Welding Preheat Calculator $3.00WC-8(JFLF-515)Pipe Welding Charts $4.50ED-89SUB TOTALAdditional Shipping Costs if anyTOTAL COSTJapaneseChineseKoreanArabicREAD AND UNDERSTAND THE MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTION FOR THIS EQUIPMENT AND THE CONSUMABLES TO BE USED AND FOLLOW YOUR EMPLOYER’S SAFETY PRACTICES.SE RECOMIENDA LEER Y ENTENDER LAS INSTRUCCIONES DEL FABRICANTE PARA EL USO DE ESTE EQUIPO Y LOS CONSUMIBLES QUE VA A UTILIZAR, SIGA LAS MEDIDAS DE SEGURIDAD DE SU SUPERVISOR.LISEZ ET COMPRENEZ LES INSTRUCTIONS DU FABRICANT EN CE QUI REGARDE CET EQUIPMENT ET LES PRODUITS A ETRE EMPLOYES ET SUIVEZ LES PROCEDURES DE SECURITE DE VOTRE EMPLOYEUR.LESEN SIE UND BEFOLGEN SIE DIE BETRIEBSANLEITUNG DER ANLAGE UND DEN ELEKTRODENEINSATZ DES HER-STELLERS. 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EPD - FM2 说明书

EPD - FM2 说明书




Eaton PDG23M0030MSAN电机保护电路保护器说明书

Eaton PDG23M0030MSAN电机保护电路保护器说明书

Eaton PDG23M0030MSANEaton Power Defense motor protection circuit breaker, Globally Rated, Frame 2, Three Pole, 30A, 65kA/480V, Motor protection, Standard Calibration, Adjustable, No TerminalsEaton Power Defense motor protection circuit breakerPDG23M0030MSAN 78667929822088.9 mm 152.4 mm 104.6 mm 1.82 kg Eaton Selling Policy 25-000, one (1) year from the date of installation of theProduct or eighteen (18) months from thedate of shipment of the Product,whichever occurs first.RoHS Compliant CSAIEC 60947-2CCC MarkedUL 489Product NameCatalog NumberUPCProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight WarrantyCompliancesCertifications30 A2Three-pole PD2 Global Class A600 VacThermomagnetic No Terminals65 kAIC at 480 Vac100 kAIC at 240 V (UL)65 kAIC at 480 V (UL)22 kAIC Icu at 250 Vdc70 kAIC Icu/53 kAIC Ics/154 kAIC Icm at 380-415 V (IEC) 50 kAIC Icu/30 kAIC Ics/105 kAIC Icm at 480 V Brazil (IEC) 100 kAIC Icu/100 kAIC Ics/220 kAIC Icm at 240 V (IEC)10 kAIC Icu/5 kAIC Ics/21 kAIC Icm at 690 V (IEC)50 kAIC Icu/40 kAIC Ics/105 kAIC Icm at 440 V (IEC)22 kAIC Icu at 125 Vdc30/25 kAIC Icu/15/13 kAIC Ics at 525 V South Africa (IEC) 35 kAIC at 600 V (UL/CSA)Eaton Power Defense MCCB PDG23M0030MSAN 3D drawing Consulting application guide - molded case circuit breakersPower Defense technical selling bookletPower Defense brochurePower Defense molded case circuit breaker selection posterPower Defense molded case circuit breakers - Frame 2 product aid Molded case circuit breakers catalogEU Declaration of Conformity - Power Defense molded case circuit breakersPower Defense Declaration concerning California’s Proposition 65PDG2 CB reportPDG4 CCC certificationPDG4 CB reportPower Defense Frame 1 IEC and Frame 2 Rotary Mechanism with NFPAAmperage Rating FrameNumber of poles Circuit breaker type ClassVoltage ratingSwitch off technique TerminalsInterrupt rating Interrupt rating range 3D CAD drawing package Application notes BrochuresCatalogsCertification reports Installation instructionsHandle Attachment Instructions (IL012260EN).pdfPower Defense Frame 2 tunnel terminal (aluminum), 50A, 3 pole instructions - IL012236EN H03Power Defense Frame 1-2-3-4 IP door barrier assembly instructions -IL012278ENPower Defense Frame 2 handle mech variable depth rotary handle instructions - 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FusesChecking and Replacing Fuses If something electrical in your car stops working, the first thing you should check for is a blown fuse.Determine from the chart on the fuse box cover (underhood and engine compartment fuse boxes) or inside the fuse box (interior fuse box)which fuse or fuses control that component. Check those fuses first,but check all the fuses before decid-ing that is not the cause. Replace any blown fuses and check the compo-nent's operation.1. Turn the ignition switch to Lock (0). Make sure the headlights and all other accessories are off.2. Remove the cover from the fuse box.3. Check each of the large fuses in the underhood and engine com-partment fuse boxes by looking through the top at the wire inside.Removing these fuses requires a Phillips head screwdriver.4. Check the smaller fuses by pulling out the fuse with the fuse puller stored in the interior fuse box.Fuses5. Look for a burned wire inside the fuse. If it is burned out, replace it with one of the spare fuses of the same rating or lower.If you cannot drive the car without fixing the problem, and you do not have a spare fuse, take a fuse of the same rating or a lower rating from one of the other circuits. Make sure you can do without that circuit temporarily (such as the cruise control or radio).If you replaced the burned out fuse with a spare fuse that has a lower rating, it might blow out again.This does not indicate anything wrong. Replace the fuse with the correct rating as soon as you can.Replacing a fuse with one that has a higher rating greatly increases the chances of damaging the electrical system. If you do not have a replace-ment fuse with the proper rating for the circuit, install one with a lower rating.6. If the replacement fuse of the same rating burns out in a short time, there is probably a serious electrical problem in your car.Leave the burned out fuse in that circuit and have your car checked by a qualified technician.NOTICEIf Your Car Gets StuckIf your car gets stuck in sand, mud,or snow, call a towing service to pull it out. (See page 209)"Rocking" your car between forward and reverse gear or revving up the engine and allowing the wheels to spin freely at high speeds can dam-age the automatic transmission. Use a tow service to prevent transmission damage.For very short distances, such as freeing the car, you can use the tie-down hook on the lower right of the front bumper. Remove the cover to expose the hook. This hook is not for open-road towing (see Towing, page 209).Taking Care Of The UnexpectedNOTICETowingIf your car needs to be towed, call a professional towing service or, if you belong to one, an organization that provides roadside assistance. Never tow your car behind another car with just a rope or chain. It is very danger-ous.Emergency TowingThere are three popular methods of towing a car:Flat-bed Equipment — The operator loads your car on the back of a truck.This is the only recommended way of transporting your NSX .Wheel Lift Equipment — The tow truck uses two pivoting arms which go under the tires (front or rear) and lift them off the ground. The other two wheels remain on the ground.This towing method is not recom-mended. Because of your car's low ground clearance, the body can be damaged going over large bumps or up inclines.Sling-type Equipment — The tow truck uses metal cables with hooks on the ends. These hooks go around parts of the frame or suspension and the cables lift that end of the car off the ground. Damage to your car's suspension and body is almost certain if this method of towing is attempted.If your NSX cannot be towed by flat-bed, it should be towed with the rear wheels off the ground. If, due todamage, your car must be towed with the rear wheels on the ground, do the following:5-speed Manual TransmissionRelease the parking brakeShift the transmission to NeutralAutomatic TransmissionRelease the parking brakeStart the engineShift to D, then to N Turn off the engineImproper towing preparation will damage the transmission. Follow the above procedure exactly. If you cannot start the engine or shift the transmission, your car must be towedon a flat-bed.It is best to tow the car no farther than 80 km (50 miles), and keep the speed below 35 mph (55km/h).Trying to lift or tow your car by the bumpers will cause serious damage.The bumpers are not designed to support the car's weight.Taking Care Of The UnexpectedNOTICENOTICE。

MZ202 发动机中文说明书

MZ202 发动机中文说明书

我们建议您安装或使用发动机前阅读本手册简易星形发动机股份有限公司#3-8473 124街不列颠哥伦比亚省素里市加拿大V3W-9G4内容页码警告3介绍4发动机交付5保证书5重要安全提示6技术参数7性能图8主要扭矩设置8石油和燃料9如何准备你的燃料/混合油10预启动程序10起动发动机首次11第一步突破11最后检查12启动程序12调整化油器13齿轮传动14故障排除15接线图18维护计划19备品备件清单22初步飞行检查23发动机维修日志24MZ202的分解图25相较于原始模型,修改或不同的模块配件日期第3页警告这不是一个经过航空检验的引擎。















A 13.8伏,180瓦的交流发电机供应点火系统,用于重新充电起动电池。






参加者手册被动安全系统E90BMW 售后服务售后服务培训参加者手册中所包含的信息仅适用于 BMW 售后服务培训班的参加者。

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信息状态:2004 年 10 月conceptinfo@bmw.de© 2004 BMW 集团售后服务培训,慕尼黑,德国。

未经 BMW 集团(慕尼黑)的书面许可不得翻印本手册的任何部分。

参加者手册多功能乘员保护系统5新型 MRS 5 控制单元和传感器系统新型侧面安全气囊,集成在座椅内头部保护系统,带有帘式安全气囊新型后部安全带拉紧器有关本参加者手册的说明所用符号为了便于理解内容并突出重要信息,在本参加者手册中使用了下列符号:所包含的信息有助于更好地理解所述系统及其功能。


参加者手册的当前状况由于 BMW 对车辆结构和装备不断进行后续研发,因此本参加者手册中的内容与培训所用车辆情况可能会不一致。



其它信息来源有关各车辆主题的其它信息请参见 BMW 诊断和维修系统,或访问 BMW 网站 。

目录多功能乘员保护系统5目的 1序言 3 多功能乘员保护系统的开发 3系统概览 5 欧规车辆系统电路图5功能7 MRS 5 控制单元7座椅安全带提醒功能(欧规)10系统组件13 MRS 5 控制单元13传感器和开关14执行机构17服务信息23 安全规定23总结25有关该系统的要点25目的多功能乘员保护系统 5在整个培训过程中使用的,请不要忘记通读 SIP (培训和信息教程)内有关这个主题的内容。


服务于实际应用的参考资料这本参加者手册讲述了新款 BMW 3 系 E90 被动安全系统的基本功能和创新之处。

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EPD 手册
1. 为了安全地使用本产品,使用之前要仔细阅读本操作手册
2. 为了预防人员伤害及设备损坏,需要注意的事项必须遵守
3. 需要注意的事项是“Warning 警告”和“Caution 小心”,意思如下
4. 操作手册里的符号意思如下
5. 时刻借助操作手册,接近本产品
Warning Caution Be careful!, it could damage equipment. 小心!可能引起设备损坏Be careful!, it could cause electric shock Warning Caution


3.1输入电压:12VDC – 24VDC ±25%
3.2速度检测:标配是通过发电机电压检测→ 0 ~ 75Hz, 7 ~ 300VAC,
MPU检测类型(选择项)→ 0 ~ 7,000Hz, 4 ~ 30VAC
3.3RPM表输出:两种类型表可选用(5V, 500μA)
4.1作业温度:-10℃~ 40℃
4.2储存温度:-25℃~ 45℃
4.3相对湿度:没有凝露的条件下 0% ~ 90%
4.4振动:振幅– 0.35mm,频率– 0 ~ 30Hz
5.1尺寸:W100 * D160 * H40(mm)
5.2开孔(安装孔):W60 * D150(mm), 5Φ– 4孔
6.1DCP:电源输入(绿色) –当电源共给到端子B+,B-的时候,灯亮
6.2RUN:发动机运转信号(绿色) - 运转速度超出空转速度(怠速IDLE SPEED 600RPM±50RPM)时灯亮
6.3OSL : 超速信号(红色) - 发动机速度超出超速设定值时灯亮.
6.4WTL : 冷却水温高(红色) - 冷却水温高开关闭合时灯亮
6.5OPL : 机油压力低报警(红色) - 机油压力开关闭合时灯亮
6.6WLL : 冷却水水位低下信号(红色) -冷却水不足时灯亮

●EPD: 发动机保护装置
●ETS: 当发动机停止运行时,电源供应到一个电磁阀上来切断供燃油管路
●ETR: 当发动机起动时,电源供应到一个电磁阀上来打开供燃油管路
●OPS: 机油压力开关
●WTS: 冷却水温度高开关
●RPM: 转速表(Revolution speedometer)
●SM: 起动马达
●5S: 停止辅助电磁阀
●5X: 停止辅助继电器
10.1 在上述回路里,当钥匙开关切换到ACC时,根据ETR,ETS的设定,如果是ETR,STP端子上有蓄电池 B+

10.2 发动机停止
●ETR: 当钥匙开关切换到OFF时,STP端子的B+输出被切断,导致5X继电器断开,进而断开5S,最后停
●ETS: 当钥匙开关切换到OFF时,STP端子的B+输出被切断,从这时开始,5X动作并持续到设定的时间(约


11.1 S/T :当按下超速测试按钮时,不管实际速度的输入值如何,根据EPD 内部的模拟超速信号被输入,
导致转速表(HZ)指示最大速度,OSL 灯亮,发动机停止运行。

11.2 O/S :超速调整
● 一个调节器可以调整超速保护回路的动作速度 ● 值设定到60HZ ,2100RPM(120%)
11.3 TM+ : RPM(HZ)转速表的调整
● 有一个转速表的调整电阻。

11.4 RPM(HZ)转速表 FS 的设定
● 有一个开关用于RPM 转速表 FS 的选择。

如下图 ● 有两种形式,5V 或500μA
11.5 ETS/ETR 设定
● 有一个发动机停止类型选择开关。

如下图 ● 有两种形式,ETR 或
12. 故障原因及对策
