GasAlertMicro5 QRG (122367-CN)
三、主要技术指标1. 电源交流220V 50Hz2. 功耗监控状态≤1.5W报警状态≤3W3. 报警音量≥70dB4. 响应时间≤30s5. 恢复时间≤40s6. 使用温度-10℃~50℃7. 使用湿度≤90%R.H8. 报警浓度天然气(甲烷)0.1%~1%液化石油气(丙烷)0.1%~0.5%人工煤气(CO)0.06%~0.25%四、安装要求将报警器与燃气具安装在同一房间,若使用天然气或人工煤气,报警器安装高度距天花板30cm左右;若使用液化石油气,报警器应安装在距地面30cm处,报警器离燃气具水平距离不宜超过4m,不可与灶具安装在同一垂直位置。
公司:济南瑞安仪表有限公司地址:济南市历城区华龙路创新大厦电话:*************传真:*************网址:E-mail:****************财务部工作总结、分析及计划报告范文[财务部工作总结、分析及计划报告范文]务部工作总结、分析及计划报告范文2009-12-10 10:25读者上传【大中小】【打印】【我要纠错】在上级财务部门的业务指导下,以年初支公司提出的工作思路为指导,以提高企业效益为核心,以增强企业综合竞争力为目标,以成本治理和资金治理为重点,全面落实预算治理,强基础,抓规范,实现了全年业务制度规范化,经营治理科学化,企业效益最大化,有力地推动了支公司财务治理水平的进一步提高,充分发挥了财务治理在企业治理中的核心作用,财务部工作总结、分析及计划报告范文。
气体仪器及采集控制终端通讯协议----南京更佳电子科技有限公司Version date author NoteV0.12015-12-12尹志军 CreateV0.22015-12-22尹志军修改 AH =0; AL =0寄存器为通道个数1. 概述气体仪器成为工业生产、日常生活中极其重要的检测工具,与健康、安全、舒适密切相关。
为此, 南京更佳电子愿意成为行业通讯标准的领导者, 以行业标准化为己任, 联合各行业的专家对气体产品功能进行深刻分析,制定出实用、统一、清晰的通讯协议。
该协议适用于如下产品:1 气体变送器(在线式气体检测仪,总线接口适用、红外通迅适用、显示板接口适用2 单一便捷式气体检测仪3 多合一便捷式气体检测仪4 单点壁挂式气体检测仪5 气体采集主机(气体控制主机,单通道、双通道、四通道、八通道、十六通道、三十二通道、六十四通道均适用; RS485总线适用、以太网接口适用6 气体变送器显示板(自带 CPU 型2. 通讯协议2.1. 通讯属性1 总线通讯协议:适用于 RS232、 RS485、 MBUS 、 PowerBUS波特率:默认为 1200;(波特率可通过菜单调整起始位:1bit数据长度:8bit校验类型:无停止位:1bit通讯原则:此协议中,被访问仪器作为从设备,等待外部命令并按协议进行回复。
2 网络通讯协议:适用于 IPV4(10M/100M/1000M、 GPRS 远程通讯默认 IP 地址:默认 IP 掩码:默认 IP 网关:默认 IP 端口号:9002通讯原则:此协议中,被访问仪器作为服务器,等待外部连接。
连接成功后,等待客户端的 MODBUS 指令并按协议进行回复。
2.2. 通讯帧结构通讯帧遵循通用 MODBUS帧格式。
GasAlertMicro5 空气检测仪说明书
• Sens on (打开传感器): 启用/禁用传感 器(禁用传感器后探测器仍然工作);
• Span gas (量程校准气体): 更改校准传 感器量程的气体浓度;
• STEL period (STEL 周期): 更改短期曝 露限制(仅适用于有毒气体传感器);
• TWA method (TWA 方法): 选择采用 OSHA 标准或 ACGIH 标准计算时间加 权平均值;
正常关闭: • 响 3 声并闪烁
GasAlertMicro 5
警报 确认音: • 每 10 秒钟响 2 声快速
MMC卡失效警报: • 每 5 秒钟响 1 声 • 闪烁 S 图标
警报 泵故障警报: • 发出慢速提示音并闪烁 • L 和 J 闪烁
注意 可以将警报设置为锁定或非锁定。要确认此设置, 请转至用户选项菜单的锁定警报选项。 如果检测仪处于秘密模式,则在警报模式下只进行震动 (声音和视觉警报被停用)。
• Resolution (分辨率): 将气体测量的分 辨率设置为正常或高分辨率 (如果适用)。
GasAlertMicro 5
• % vol CH4 (CH4 体积百分比): 显示 LEL 读数(以体积百分比为单位), 假定处于甲 烷环境中;
• Correction (更正): 允许用户针对某种特 定气体调整仪器读数 (仅适用于 LEL 和 PID 传感器);
GasAlertMicro 5
BW Technologies LP(BW) 担保, 本产品自交付客户之日起在正常使用和保养情况下两年内无材料和工艺缺陷。本担保仅适用于原客户购买 的未使用过的新产品。BW 的担保责任为有限担保, 对于担保期内返回到 BW 授权服务中心的缺陷产品,BW 可有权自行选择是全额退款、 维修还是更换。在任何情况下, BW 依据本担保承担的责任均不会超过客户购买产品时实际支付的价款。以下情况不属于本担保范围:
MC-4系列说明书 (1)
• 使检测仪进入校准操作,按住 C,检测仪先完成OFF倒计时,继续按住C,显示屏暂时关闭,
• 开启背景照明灯,按 C。 • 确认已锁定的报警,按 C。
GasAlertMicroClip 气体检测仪操作指南
1. 在清洁空气环境下,按住C直至屏幕出 现OFF倒计时,检测仪暂时关闭后时继 续按住C。
H2S: 0至100 ppm (1 ppm 增量) CO: 0至500 ppm (1 ppm 增量) O2: 0至30.0% vol. (0.1% vol.增量) 可燃气体(LEL): 0至100% (1%增量) 传感器类型: H2S, CO, O2:单一插拔式电化学电池 可燃气体:插拔式催化珠 氧气检测原理:毛细管控制浓度传感器
2. 检测仪重新启动,屏幕显示CAL倒计 时,按住C直至倒计时结束并进入校准 状态。
显示APPLY GAS(施加标气)。
4. 接通标气气瓶且以250-500ml/min流
• 四次“ 嘟” 音和四次闪光 • 震动报警器暂时性启动
GasAlertMicroClip 报警
注意 报警方式可设置成锁定模式或非锁定模式。进入GasAlertMicroClip菜单的警报锁定选项可确认设定。地方法规有可能要求检测仪须使 用锁定报警模式。 如果检测仪设置为静音模式,在报警条件出现时只有震动报警启动(听觉报警和视觉报警均被关闭);如检测仪设置为IR静音模式, 则视觉报警和震动报警启动(听觉报警关闭)。 背景灯在任何报警条件下均启动。
GasAlertMicro 5系列多气体检测仪说明书
Wear yellow. Work safe.• Measure up to fi ve atmospheric hazards concurrently • Fully customizable to suit any application• Rapidly switch from diffusion mode to the optionalintegrated pump in the fi eldmulti-gas detectorsO 3SeriesQuickly switch from diffusion to integral pump optionReplaceable integrated fi lter • window enables user to visually inspect fi lter • provides superior dust and water resistanceSensor for fi fth toxic, PID,or CO 2 hazardsdisplayRaised buttons, easy to use with gloves 95 dB audible alarm (typical)Four bright, wide-angled alarm barscontinuous dataMultiple charging options availableStainless steel alligator clipAA alkaline or hot-swappable rechargeable battery pack options allow for battery installation in the fi eldInternal vibrating alarm forhigh-noise areasIntegral concussion-proof enclosureBased on the run time of a 5-gas instrument in diffusion mode at +68°F/+20°C, other instrument confi gurations or environmental conditions may increase/decrease the battery life of your instrument.Industrial ApplicationsBoth the diffusion and pumpedconfi gurations are compatible with the MicroDock IIautomated bump test and calibration systemSensorsThe GasAlertMicro 5 is available in three models: toxic/electrochemical, PID (for VOCs) or IR (for CO 2). For more information about available sensor confi gurations, please contact BW Technologies by Honeywell.Electrochemical and catalytic bead sensors available for: H 2S CO O 2SO 2 Cl 2 ClO 2 NH 3 PH 3 HC N NO 2 O 3 Combustibles (LEL)Photoionization sensor available for volatile organiccompounds (VOCs) detection.Infrared (IR) gold series sensors available for carbondioxide (CO 2) detection.Note: Due to board and sensor confi guration GasAlertMicro 5 models are not interchangeable (i.e. a PID sensor cannot be used in a IR configured unit).Integral pump and battery chargerBelt holsterCollapsible sampling probeAdditional GasAlertMicro 5 Features:• Integral motorized pump option for remote sampling • Equipped with internal vibrating alarm for high noise areas • Two power options: AA alkaline or rechargeable hot-swappable battery packs • Multi-language support in English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese Standard features of BW products:• Continuous LCD shows real-time gas concentrations • Water-resistant• Automatic calibration procedure; compatible with BW MicroDock II automatic test and calibration station • Full function self-test of sensor, battery status, circuit integrity and audible/visual alarms on start up • Bright wide-angled visual alarm bars • Built-in concussion-proof boot。
GasAlertMicro 5 系列便携式气体检测仪器说明书
VOCs, CO 2, LEL, H 2S, CO, O 2, SO 2, PH 3, NH 3, NO 2, HCN, Cl 2, ClO 2, O 3Protect yourselfCompact and lightweight, GasAlertMicro 5 Series instruments areavailable in diffusion or pumped instruments. The portable gas detectors simultaneously monitors and displays up to five potential atmospheric hazards. The GasAlertMicro 5 PID model also identifies PID detectable VOCs, while the GasAlertMicro 5 IR uses an NDIR sensor to monitorCO 2 levels. Adaptable to a variety of applications, GasAlertMicro 5 Series instruments have an extensive selection of user-settable field options. Use the passcode function to prevent unauthorized modifications of the instrument’s settings. Compatible with BW’s MicroDock II automatic test and calibration system, GasAlertMicro 5 Series instruments are unparalleled in their versatility, performance and overall value.Standard Package Contents• D etector complete with specified sensor(s), stainless steel alligator clip and concussion-proof housing• Rechargeable battery pack or alkaline pack with three AA batteries • Cradle charger and wall outlet charging adaptor (with rechargeable battery option)• Sample probe (with motorized pump option)• Screwdriver• Calibration/test adaptor and hose • Manual• Multi-language CD manual General SpecificationsSize 5.7 x 2.9 x 1.5 in. / 14.5 x 7.4 x 3.8 cm Weight 13.1 oz. / 370 gOperating temperature -4 to +122°F / -20 to +50°C14 to +104°F / -10 to +40°C (PID)Typical battery life 20 hours (15 hours PID/IR)**Based on a 5-gas instrument in diffusion mode at 68ºF / 20ºCCertifications and approvalsClass I, Div. 1, Gr. A, B, C, D American Bureau of Shipping (Toxic and PID models)ATEX: X g II 1 G Ga Ex ia IIC T4*X g II 2 G (IR model only)Ex d ia IIC T4*IECEx: Ga Ex ia IIC T4* Ex d ia IIC T4* (IR model only)*Temperature codes may vary as a function of the batteries installed. Please see owner’s manual for a complete listing of compatible batteries and codes.WarrantyFull two year warranty including sensors (one year Cl 2, NH 3, O 3, ClO 2 and PID sensor)5612-15GasAlertMicro 5.....................................................................................50GasAlertMicro 5 PID ..............................................................................52GasAlertMicro 5 IR ................................................................................54GasAlertMicro 5 Series Accessories, Spares & Replacements ............56GasAlertMicro 5 Series Service Parts (60)GasAlertMicro 5 DetectorOrder NumberGasAlertMicro 5 Region CodesNote: Listed above are commonly ordered instrument configurations. To create a custom GasAlertMicro 5 detector, use the configurator table on the next page or contact BW Technologies for a copy of the electronic order number configurator.GasAlertMicro 5Pump versionGasAlertMicro 5Diffusion versionOrder Number ConfiguratorOrder number:For example, the order number for a GasAlertMicro 5 configured for O 2, %LEL, Cl 2, H 2S and CO and equipped with a rechargeable battery pack and cradle charger, motorized sampling pump, yellow housing and North American powerconnectivity would be M5-XWCY-R-P-D-Y-N-00.*Note: Some gases (e.g. SO 2 and NH 3) cannot be combined in the same GasAlertMicro 5 configuration. Please checkwith Customer Service for specific availability.†Note: HCN can only be ordered in the Toxic 1 location when the Duo-Tox (CO/H 2S) sensor is ordered in theToxic 2 location. In all other configurations, HCN must be ordered in the Toxic 2 location.Note: Listed above are commonly ordered instrument configurations. To create a custom GasAlertMicro 5 PID detector, use the configurator table on the next page or contact BW Technologies for a copy of the electronic order number configurator.GasAlertMicro 5 PIDPump versionGasAlertMicro 5 PIDDiffusion versionOrder Number ConfiguratorOrder number:For example, the order number for a GasAlertMicro 5 PID configured for O 2, %LEL, VOCs, H 2S and CO and equipped with a rechargeable battery pack and cradle charger, motorized sampling pump, yellow housing and North Americanpower connectivity would be M5PID-XWQY-R-P-D-Y-N-00.*Note: Some gases cannot be combined in the same GasAlertMicro 5 configuration. Please check with CustomerService for specific availability.GasAlertMicro 5 IR DetectorOrder NumberGasAlertMicro 5 IR Region CodesNote: Listed above are commonly ordered instrument configurations. To create a custom GasAlertMicro 5 IR detector, use the configurator table on the next page or contact BW Technologies for a copy of the electronic order number configurator.Gas LegendGasAlertMicro 5 IRPump versionGasAlertMicro 5 IRDiffusion versionOrder number:For example, the order number for a GasAlertMicro 5 IR configured for O 2, %LEL, CO 2, H 2S and CO and equipped with a rechargeable battery pack and cradle charger, motorized sampling pump, yellow housing and North American powerconnectivity would be M5IR-XWBY-R-P-D-Y-N-00.*Note: Some gases cannot be combined in the same GasAlertMicro 5 configuration. Please check with CustomerService for specific availability.Order Number ConfiguratorDeluxe Confined Space KitM5-CK-DLConcussion-Proof BootGA-BM5-2For GasAlertMicro 5 Seriespumped unitsCarrying HolsterGA-HM5Fits securely on belt Confined Space Kits Order Number Carrying & Protective Accessories Order NumberConcussion-Proof BootGA-BM5-1For GasAlertMicro 5 Seriesdiffusion unitsSampling & Testing Equipment Order NumberNote: For complete list of Sampling & Testing Equipment, see the Sampling Equipment section.ReplacementTest Cap and HoseM5-TC-1Pump ModuleM5-PUMPReplacementDiffusion CoverM5-DC-1Manual Aspirator PumpGA-AS02For remote sampling; complete withprobe, hose and aspirator pumpAuxiliary Pump Filter withHose ConnectorM5-QCONN-K1Auxiliary Pump FilterM5-AF-K2 / M5-AF-K2-100Kit of 5 or 100, for legacyGeneration 1 pump modules onlyAuxiliary Pump FilterM5-AF-K3 / M5-AF-K3-100Kit of 5 or 100, for Generation 2pump modulesPower Accessories Order Number *Note: Battery packs and chargers should be used with the new version GasAlertMicro 5 Series gas detectors (red circuit boards).MicroDock IIOrder Number Cradle ChargerM5-C01Cradle charger for rechargeable battery packs(can charge battery pack with or without detector attached)Vehicle Adaptor 12 V dcGA-V-CHRG4Vehicle adaptor cable for use with cradle charger (M5-C01)Cradle Charger Kit with BatteryM5-C01-BAT08 / M5-C01-BAT08BComplete with charger and rechargeable battery packAlkaline Battery PackM5-BAT0501/M5-BAT0501B M5-BAT0502/M5-BAT0502BRechargeable Battery PackM5-BAT08/M5-BAT08B5062-26-NCL-EN59PID Cleaning KitM5PID-CLN-K1For PID sensorsReplacement Electrode StackM5PID-ES-1For PID sensorsReplacement 10.6 eV PID LampRL-PID10.6For PID sensorsReplacement Sensor Screens Order Number Replacement SensorsOrder Number Note: All sensors come with a 2 year warranty unless marked with an asterisk (*), denoting 1 year warranty.†Advisory: Detectors are equipped on a standard basis with SR-W04 combustible sensors. This sensor includes a heavy duty silicone filter that make it ideal for use in environments that have known sources of silicone or vapors containing silicon. The SR-W04 silicone filter equipped sensor should not be used when monitoring diesel, kerosene, jet fuel or other heavy hydrocarbon vapors with flashpoint temperatures above 38°C (100°F).Replacement IR SensorSR-B04Replacement PID SensorSR-Q07www.CanarySense .ca Shop for Gas products online at:1.800.561.8187605062-26-NCL-EN Note: Please refer to the instrument’s documentation (shipped with the product or available at ) for complete instructions on common service procedures. Improper servicing or maintenance may affect warranty eligibility. Honeywell assumes no liability for damages resulting from improper servicing or maintenance.www.CanarySense.caShop for Gas products online at: 1.800.561.81875062-26-NCL-EN61Note: Please refer to the instrument’s documentation (shipped with the product or available at ) for complete instructions on common service procedures. Improper servicing or maintenance may affect warranty eligibility. Honeywell assumes no liability for damages resulting from improper servicing or maintenance.LegendService PartsOrder Number How to Replace a Sensor1. With detector OFF , use No. 1 Phillips screwdriver to remove2 screws (G) from back enclosure (F) on either side of the belt clip 2. Lift diffusion cover (A) or pump module straight up3. Remove sensor (O-R) by pulling straight up from PCB (E)4. Insert new sensor (O-R) into PCB (E)5. Replace diffusion cover (A) or pump module6. Replace 2 screws (G) in back enclosure (F) andhand-tighten until firmHow to Replace the Sensor Screen1. With detector OFF , use No. 1 Phillips screwdriver to remove2 screws (G) from back enclosure (F) on either side of the belt clip 2. Lift diffusion cover (A) or pump module straight up3. Remove sensor screen (B) by pulling it straight up fromdiffusion cover (A) or pump module4. Insert sensor screen (B) into diffusion cover (A) orpump module5. Replace diffusion cover (A) or pump module6. Replace 2 screws (G) in back enclosure (F) andhand-tighten until firmwww.CanarySense .ca Shop for Gas products online at:1.800.561.8187。
GasAlertMicro 5 PID 气体检测仪说明书
sEmail:***************222332223五合一气体检测仪保障您的安全S 与同类仪器相比更为小巧,重量减轻一半以上S 连体式外壳,既防震又防水S LCD 显示屏可同时持续显示五种气体浓度S 测量 0 - 1000 ppm 的 VOC (挥发性有机化合物) S 连体采样泵可用于远距离采样S 两种供电方式:AA 碱性电池,或者可随地更换的充电电池组S 报警时发出95分贝高音和两段明亮广角警报灯S 内置振动报警器,适用于非常嘈杂环境S 支援多国语言:英文、法文、德文、西班牙语、西班牙文和葡萄牙文S 三种背景光模式可供选择:标准模式-弱光下(自动),报警时(自动),和需要时激活;报警模式-报警下激活,需要时再次激活;秘密模式S 四个警报级别:所有气体的瞬时低限和高限警报;VOC 和有毒气体的 TWA (时间加权平均值)和 STEL (短期曝露极限)警报S 简单的自动校准程序;与 BW MicroDock II 自动测试和校准站兼容S 记录和指令下显示TWA ,STEL 和气体暴露最大值S 用户可选择的现场选项包括:PID/可燃气体修正因数、语言选择、提示音、校准气体浓度、设置 TWA/STEL 计算选项、设置校准到期日、密码保护、锁定警报、“SAFE”显示功能、静默模式以及选择某些气体的 ppm 精度(如将 SO 2 的测量精度设为 0.1 ppm )S 全功能自检包括:传感器、电池和电路的完整性;听觉/视觉报警订购信息GasAlertMicro 5 PID 配有传感器(需指定)、传感器盒盖(用于扩散采样模式)、电池(需指定)、不锈钢鳄鱼夹、校准盖/软管、2 个额外的电极组、说明书(本地语言)和交互式培训光盘。
电池/充电器的选择三节AA 碱性电池可充电电池组和桌式/墙式充电器选配用户下载数据记录器包括32MB MMC 卡、软件和一个用于MicroDock II 自动校准测试的红外端口选配采样泵包括检测仪、标准附件、连体式电动泵和泵盖(已装好)、12 英寸/30 厘米长的采样软管以及带有疏水栅(疏水阀)和微粒过滤器的采样探头、5 英尺/1.5 米长的采样管、5 个备用的微粒过滤器和 1 个备用的疏水阀过滤器。
加拿大BW中国技术服务中心 GasAlertMax H2S, CO, O2, LEL 中文用户说明书
自动关断告警 ............................................................. 23
校准并设定告警设定点........................................................ 24
准则 ...................................................................
BW Technologies 仅授权经销商将本保证提供给购买新的、未曾使用过的产品的最终用户。经销商无权以 BW Technologies 的名义来给予其它任何担保。保修服务仅限于从 BW Technologies 授权销售处所购买的产品,或购买者已付出 适当的BW Technologies 国际价格。在某一国家购买而需要在另一国家维修的产品,BW Technologies 保留向购买者征收维 修/更换零件进口费用的权利。
检测器维护.................................................................. 34
更换电池 ................................................................. 34
泵校准 ................................................................... 36
引言 .................................................................. ….. 1 与 BW Technologies 联系的方式 .............................................. 2 安全信息 - 首先阅读 ........................................................ 2 入门指南 ................................................................... 6 启动检测器 ................................................................. 10
微型气体探测器5: GasAlertMicro 5说明书
Multilingual support in English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese. Large LCD display with user-selectable backlight. Four alert levels: low, high, TWA and STEL stealth modes. prehensive self-test confirms sensor, battery and circuit integrity, plus audible/visual alarms when activated.Protection where you need it.Features and benefits. Monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOC), H2S, CO, O2, SO2, PH3, CI2, NH3, NO2, HCN, CIO2, O3 and flammable substances.
四个警报级别:所有气体的瞬时低限、高限警报、VOC 和有毒; 气体的TWA(时间加权平均值)和STEL(短期曝露极限)警报; 连体式外壳,既防震又防水 报警时发出95分贝高音和两段明亮广角警报灯 内置振动报警器,适用于非常嘈杂环境 两种供电方式:AA 碱性电池, 或者可随地更换的充电电池组 测量0 - 1000 ppm
一般电池寿命 20 小时 15 小时 15 小时 AA 碱性电池 20 小时 15 小时 15 小时 充电电池 2 基于 5-气体检测仪在+68° F/+20° C 扩散模式时的运行时间,不同配置的检测仪或者在不同的环境 条件下,检测仪的电池寿命可能会增加或者减小 .
1、GasAlertMicro 5 的简介 2、GasAlertMicro 5 PID的使用说明 3、GasAlertMicro5 PID的注意事项
1.1 GasAlertMicro 5 的特点
GasAlertMicro 5 最多可同时测量和显示 5 种有害气体。 GasAlert Micro5 适用于各种应用,具有多种选择的现场 用户设定选项,提供标准的有毒气体模式、检测 VOC 的 PID 模式或 CO2 检测的 IR 模式。 使用密码功能,防止未经授权对仪器设置进行修改。 GasAlertMicro5 可兼容BW 的 MicroDock II 自动测试 和校准系统,具有无与伦比的多功能 性、性能和整体价值。 完全自定义,适合于任何应用 在现场可迅速从扩散模式切换 到可选的连体泵,连体采样泵 可用于远距离采样
Flammable Gas Sensor (MQ-5) 用户手册说明书
Flammable Gas Sensor(Model:MQ-5)ManualVersion: 1.5Valid from: 2018-04-1Zhengzhou Winsen Electronics Technology Co., LtdStatementThis manual copyright belongs to Zhengzhou Winsen Electronics Technology Co., LTD. Without the written permission, any part of this manual shall not be copied, translated, stored in database or retrieval system, also can’t spread through electronic, copying, record ways.Thanks for purchasing our product. In order to let customers use it better and reduce the faults caused by misuse, please read the manual carefully and operate it correctly in accordance with the instructions. If users disobey the terms or remove, disassemble, change the components inside of the sensor, we shall not be responsible for the loss.The specific such as color, appearance, sizes &etc, please in kind prevail.We are devoting ourselves to products development and technical innovation, so we reserve the right to improve the products without notice. Please confirm it is the valid version before using this manual. At the same time, users’ comments on optimized using way are welcome.Please keep the manual properly, in order to get help if you have questions during the usage in the future.Zhengzhou Winsen Electronics Technology CO., LTDMQ-5 Semiconductor Sensor for Flammable GasProfileSensitive material of MQ-5 gas sensor is SnO 2, which with lower conductivity in clean air. When the target flammable gas exist, t he sensor’s conductivity gets higher along with the gas concentration rising. Users can convert the change of conductivity to correspond output signal of gas concentration through a simple circuit.MQ-5 gas sensor has high sensitivity to butane, propane, methane and can detect methane and propane at the same time. It also can detect kinds of flammable gases, especially LPG(propane). It is a kind of low –cost sensor for manyapplications.FeaturesIt has good sensitivity to flammable gas (especially propane) in wide range, and has advantages such as long lifespan, low cost and simple drive circuit &etc.Main ApplicationsIt is widely used in domestic gas leakage alarm, industrial flammable gas alarm and portable gas detector.Technical Parameters Stable.1Fig1.Sensor S tructureUnit: mm Tolerance:±0.1mmModel MQ-5 Sensor Type Semiconductor Standard EncapsulationBakelite, Metal capTarget Gas LPG, CH 4Detection range300~10000ppm (CH 4,C 3H 8)Standard Circuit ConditionsLoop Voltage V c ≤24V DC Heater Voltage V H 5.0V±0.1V AC or DCLoad Resistance R L Adjustable Sensor character under standard test conditionsHeater ResistanceR H 26Ω±3Ω (room temp.)Heater consumptionP H ≤950mWSensitivity S Rs(in air)/Rs( in 2000ppm C 3H 8)≥5 Output Voltage Vs 2.5V ~4.0V (in 2000ppm C 3H 8) Concentration Slopeα≤0.6(R 3000ppm /R 1000ppm C 3H 8) Standard test conditionsTem. Humidity 20℃±2℃;55%±5%RHStandard test circuitVc:5.0V±0.1V V H :5.0V±0.1V Preheat timeNot less than 48 hours O2 content21%(not less than 18%)O2 concentration effects initial value, sensitivity and repeatability.Lifespan10 yearsNOTE: Output voltage (Vs) is V RL in test environment.Basic CircuitFig2. MQ-5 Test CircuitInstructions: The above fig is the basic test circuit of MQ-5.The sensor requires two voltage inputs: heatervoltage (V H ) and circuit voltage (V C ). V H is used to supply standard working temperature to the sensor and it can adopt DC or AC power, while V RL is the voltage of load resistance R L which is in series with sensor. Vc supplies the detect voltage to load resistance R L and it should adopt DC power.Description of Sensor CharactersFig1.Sensor S tructureUnit: mm Fig3.Typical Sensitivity CurveThe ordinate is resistance ratio of the sensor (Rs/R 0), the abscissa is concentration of gases. Rs means resistance in target gas with different concentration, R 0 means resistance of sensor in clean air. All tests are finished Fig4.Typical temperature/humidity characteristicsThe ordinate is resistance ratio of the sensor (Rs/Rso).Rs means resistance of sensor in 2000ppm propane (C 3H 8) under different tem. and humidity. Rso means resistance of the sensor in 2000ppm propane under 20℃/55%RH.C3H8Air CH4 C2H5OHConcentrationCautions1 .Following conditions must be prohibited1.1 Exposed to organic silicon steamSensing material will lose sensitivity and never recover if the sensor absorbs organic silicon steam. Sensors must avoid exposing to silicon bond, fixature, silicon latex, putty or plastic contain silicon environment. 1.2 High Corrosive gasIf the sensors are exposed to high concentration corrosive gas (such as H 2S, SO X , Cl 2, HCl etc.), it will not only result in corrosion of sensors structure, also it cause sincere sensitivity attenuation. 1.3 Alkali, Alkali metals salt, halogen pollutionThe sensors performance will be changed badly if sensors be sprayed polluted by alkali metals salt00.511.522.533.5430060090012001500180021002400270030003300360039004200V R L (V )时间(天)2000ppmC3H8(RL=4.7KΩ)Fig6.Responce and Resume Fig5 shows the changing of V RL in the process of putting the sensor into target gas and removing it out.Fig5.Sensitity Curve Fig5 shows the V RL in propane with different concentration. The resistance load R L is 4.7 KΩ and the test is finished instandard test conditions.Fig7.long-term StabilityTest is finished in standard test conditions, the abscissa is observing time and the ordinate is V RL .Concentration Time(s)Time(day)especially brine, or be exposed to halogen such as fluorine.1.4 Touch waterSensitivity of the sensors will be reduced when spattered or dipped in water.1.5 FreezingDo avoid icing on sensor’s surface, otherwise sensing material will be broken and lost sensitivity.1.6 Applied higher voltageApplied voltage on sensor should not be higher than stipulated value, even if the sensor is not physically damaged or broken, it causes down-line or heater damaged, and bring on sensors’ sensitivity characteristic changed badly.1.7 Voltage on wrong pinselectrodes (Pin 1 connects with Pin 3, while Pin 4 connects with Pin 6).Ifapply voltage on Pin 1&3 or 4&6, it will make lead broken; and no signalputout if apply on pins 2&4.Fig8. Lead sketch2 .Following conditions must be avoided2.1 Water CondensationIndoor conditions, slight water condensation will influence sensors’ performance lightly. However, if water condensation on sensors surface and keep a certain period, sensors’ sensitiv e will be decreased.2.2 Used in high gas concentrationNo matter the sensor is electrified or not, if it is placed in high gas concentration for long time, sensors characteristic will be affected. If lighter gas sprays the sensor, it will cause extremely damage.2.3 Long time storageThe sensors resistance will drift reversibly if it’s stored for long time without electrify, this drift is related with storage conditions. Sensors should be stored in airproof bag without volatile silicon compound. For the sensors with long time storage but no electrify, they need long galvanical aging time for stability before using. The suggested aging time as follow:Stable2.2.4 Long time exposed to adverse environmentNo matter the sensors electrified or not, if exposed to adverse environment for long time, such as highhumidity, high temperature, or high pollution etc., it will influence the sensors’ performance badly.2.5 VibrationContinual vibration will result in sensors down-lead response then break. In transportation orassembling line, pneumatic screwdriver/ultrasonic welding machine can lead this vibration.2.6 ConcussionIf sensors meet strong concussion, it may lead its lead wire disconnected.2.7 Usage Conditions2.7.1For sensor, handmade welding is optimal way. The welding conditions as follow:Soldering flux: Rosin soldering flux contains least chlorine●homothermal soldering iron●Temperature:250℃●Time:less than 3 seconds2.7.1If users choose wave-soldering, the following conditions should be obeyed:●Soldering flux: Rosin soldering flux contains least chlorine●Speed: 1-2 Meter/ Minute●Warm-up temperature:100±20℃●Welding temperature:250±10℃●One time pass wave crest welding machineIf disobey the above using terms, sensors sensitivity will be reduced.Zhengzhou Winsen Electronics Technology Co., LtdAdd: No.299, Jinsuo Road, National Hi-Tech Zone,Zhengzhou 450001 ChinaTel: +86-371-67169097/67169670Fax: +86-371-60932988E-mail:*******************Website:。
气体检测仪-BW 气体探测器-GasAlertMicroClip-说明书
H2S, CO, O2, LELMulti-gas made simpleThe easy to wear, slim and compact GasAlertMicroClip providesaffordable protection from atmospheric gas hazards and extendedbattery life, especially in cold weather. The GasAlertMicroClip featuresvisual compliance at a glance with the flashing, green IntelliFlash™. Easyone-button operation reduces training time and lets workers focus onthe job at hand. For simple, cost-effective management of your records,calibration and bump testing, choose BW’s MicroDock II automatic testand calibration system and Fleet Manager II software.Meets ACGIH 1 ppm H2S TWA recommendations.Visit to download the latest Fleet Manager IIupdate.Standard Package Contents• Detector complete with specified sensor(s), stainless steel alligator clipand concussion-proof housing• Rechargeable battery• Wall outlet charging adaptor• Calibration/test cap and hose• Manual• Multi-language CD manualGeneral SpecificationsGasAlertMicroClip XL GasAlertMicroClip X3Size 4.4 x 2.4 x 1.2 in. /11.3 x 6.0 x 3.1 cm 4.4 x 2.4 x 1.2 in. / 11.3 x 6.0 x 3.1 cmWeight 6.7 oz. / 190 g 6.3 oz. / 179 g Temperature-4 to +122°F / -20 to +50°CTypical battery life18 hours (recharges in less than 6 hours)Note: Battery is guaranteed to have 12 hour runtime during warranty periodunder normal operating temperature of 4°F / -20°C to 122°F / 50°C. Ingress Protection IP68Certifications andapprovals n Class I, Div. 1, Gr. A, B, C, DATEX:X g II 1 GEx ia IIC T4 GaIECEx:Ex ia IIC T4 GaX: European ConformityWarranty Full two-year (GasAlertMicroClip XL) orthree-year (GasAlertMicroClip X3) warranty including all sensorsOrder NumberGasAlertMicroClip 4-Gas Detector GasAlertMicroClip XL GasAlertMicroClip X3GasAlertMicroClip 3-Gas Detector GasAlertMicroClip XL GasAlertMicroClip X3GasAlertMicroClip 2-Gas Detector GasAlertMicroClip XL GasAlertMicroClip X3GasAlertMicroClip 1-Gas Detector GasAlertMicroClip XL GasAlertMicroClip X3Note: To order a unit with black housing, change order number component "-Y-" to "-B-".GasAlertMicroClip Region CodesGas LegendMicroDock IIAutomatic test and calibrationstation (see MicroDock II sectionfor additional information)Confined Space KitOrder NumberCarrying & Protective Accessories Order NumberSampling & Testing EquipmentOrder NumberNote: For complete list of Sampling & Testing Equipment, please refer to the full Price List or contact Honeywell Analytics.Power Options and Spares Order Number *For regions outside North America replace “-NA” with: “-EU” for Europe, “-UK” for United Kingdom and “-AU” for Australia/China.Deluxe Confined Space KitMC-CK-DLOrder detector and calibration gas separately.Test CapMC-TC-1Auxiliary Filter KitMC-AF-K1Easily attaches in the fieldto protect the internal filterManual Aspirator Pump KitMC-AS01For remote sampling; complete with probe,hose, aspirator pump and adaptor capBlack Leather PVC CaseMC2-LC-1Datalogging AccessoriesOrder NumberMicroDock IIOrder NumberReplacement Sensor ScreensOrder NumberReplacement SensorsOrder NumberFor a full list of calibration and testing equipment, please refer to the full Price List or contact Honeywell Analytics.IR Connectivity KitGA-USB1-IRUse for data download andinstrument set-up optionsVehicle Power Adaptor 12-24 V dcGA-VPA-1Direct-Wire Power Adaptor 12-24 V dcGA-PA-3Multi-Unit Power AdaptorGA-PA-1-MC5-NA*Simultaneously charges five detectorsMulti-Unit Cradle ChargerMC2-C01-MC5Simultaneously charges five detectorsNote: Please refer to the instrument’s documentation (shipped with the product or available at ) for complete instructions on common service procedures. Improper servicing or maintenance may affect warranty eligibility. Honeywell assumes no liability for damages resulting from improper servicing or maintenance.LegendService PartsOrder Number Note: Please refer to the instrument’s documentation (shipped with the product or available at ) for complete instructions on common service procedures. Improper servicing or maintenance may affect warranty eligibility. Honeywell assumes no liability for damages resulting from improper servicing or maintenance.How to Replace a Sensor1. With detector OFF , use No. 1 Phillips screwdriver to remove 6screws from back enclosure (E)2. Lift back enclosure (E) straight up3. Use No. 1 Phillips screwdriver to remove 2 screws from backof PCB (D)4. Lift PCB (D) together with battery and sensors (C, G, H, I)straight up5. Remove sensors (C, G, or H) by sliding out or sensor (I) bypulling straight up from PCB (D)6. Insert new sensor (C, G, H, I) into PCB (D)7. Replace PCB (D) and 2 screws and hand-tighten until firm 8. Replace back enclosure (E)9. Replace 6 screws in back enclosure (E) andhand-tighten until firmHow to Replace the Sensor Screen1. With detector OFF , use No. 1 Phillips screwdriver to remove 6screws from back enclosure (E)2. Lift back enclosure (E) straight up3. Use No. 1 Phillips screwdriver to remove 2 screws from backof PCB (D)4. Lift PCB (D) together with battery and sensors (C, G, H, I)straight up5. Remove sensor screen (J) from front enclosure (B)6. Insert new sensor screen (J) into front enclosure (B)7. Replace PCB (D) and 2 screws and hand-tighten until firm 8. Replace back enclosure (E)9. Replace 6 screws in back enclosure (E) andhand-tighten until firm。
五合一气体检测仪GasAlertMicro 5/PID/IR所属品牌:加拿大BW五合一气体检测仪GasAlertMicro 5/PID/IR产品详细介绍GasAlertMicro 5 最多可同时监控和显示 5 种有害气体。
GasAlertMicro 5 有 3 种模式:有毒/电化、PID(用于VOC)或 IR(用于 CO2).GasAlertMicro 5 适用于各种应用,具有多种选择的现场用户设定选项,提供标准的有毒气体模式、检测 VOC 的PID 模式或 CO2 检测的 IR 模式。
∙GasAlertMicro 5 可兼容BW 的 MicroDock II 自动测试和校准系统,具有无与伦比的多功能性、性能和整体价值。
∙最多可同时测量 5 种有害气体。
∙不间断 LCD 显示实时气体浓度。
∙两种供电方式:AA 碱性电池,或者可即时更换的充电电池组。
系列工业应用仪器型号差异GasAlertMicro 5 规格●大小:5.7 x 2.9 x 1.5 英寸 / 14.5 x 7.4 x 3.8 厘米●重量:13.1 盎司/370 克●温度:-4 至 +122°F / -20 至 +50°C,-14 至 +104°F / -10 至 +40°C (PID) ●警报:- 视觉、振动和声音(95 分贝),- 低、高、STEL、TWA、OL (超限)●测试:在启动时检查传感器的完好性、线路以及电池的状况并发出声/光警报,电池(不间断)●泵:选配●用户选项:提示音、设置 STEL 间隔、设置 TWA 方法、打开/关闭传感器、锁定警报、安全显示模式、秘密模式、调整时钟、密码保护、修正因数库、(LEL、 PID) 、快速泵、设置数据记录器的速率、可燃气体测量(% LEL或甲烷体积百分比)、启动时 O2 自动校准、自动背光、睡眠模式、用户设定校准气浓度、校准到期锁定、日常冲击测试、语言选择 (5)、高精度●等级:EMI/RFI:符合 EMC Directive 89/336/EEC、IP 65/67●认证和认可:Class I, Div. 1, Gr. A, B, C, D 、American Bureau of Shipping - 有毒气体与 PID模式、ATEX: X g II 1 G T4*、Ex ia IIC T4*、X g II 2 G T4* - 仅限 IR 模式Ex d IIC T4* 、IECEx: Ex ia IIC T4* 、Ex d ia IIC T4* - IR 模式●担保保修: 2 年,包括传感器(NH3 和 PID 灯为 1 年)传感器规格挥发性有机气体检测仪GasAlertMicro 5 PID产品详细介绍简要说明:五种气体同时检测:VOC(PID原理)H2S, CO, O2, SO2, PH3, NH3, NO2, HCN, CL2, CLO2, O3,及%LEL,可更换的传感器。
除非涉及特定的探测器型号,否则 GasAlertMicro 5、 GasAlertMicro 5 PID 和 GasAlertMicro 5 IR 探测器统 称为 GasAlertMicro 5/PID/IR。
识别泵 .........................................................................10
1 代:116885-L3 (黄色)和 118933-L3 (黑色).................................................................... 10
用户选项菜单 ........................................................... 20 维护 .......................................................................... 21 更换电池和电池组 .................................................... 22
探测器出厂时设置的默认显示语言为英语。可提供的其 他语言有法语、德语、西班牙语和葡萄牙语。其它语言 的屏幕在探测器上及相应的快速参考指南中显示。
GasAlertMicro 5/PID/IR 引言
GasAlertMicro 5/PID/IR
安全信息 - 请先阅读
只能按照本快速参考指南和用户手册的规定来使用探测器, 否则探测器提供的保护可能会受到破坏。
Omega HHAQ-105 二氧化碳浓度报警器说明书
HHAQ-105e-mail:**************For latest product manuals: Shop online at SM User’s GuideINTRODUCTIONFeatures•Adjustable CO warning level•Dual digital display•Backlight•Low battery•Auto power off function•W rist strap.CO LEVELS & THEIR EFFECTPPM Symbols and applicable standard.0-1Maximum background levels9Maximum indoor air quality level:Maximum allowable concentration per ASHRAE Resi-dential standards62-1989for living area.25Maximum limit8hrs of continuous exposure per Cali-fornia OSHA workplace standards.35Maximum8hrs average exposure level per US OSHA workplace standards.50Maximum concentration for continuous exposure in any8hrs average level per OSHA standards.100Remove employees from enclosed space if the CO con-centration exceeds100ppm per OSHA exposure limit. 200Mild headache,fatigue,nausea and dizziness w/i2-3 hrs.400Frontal headache,life threatening after3hrs.Maximum concentrations in flue gas the US EPA and AGAstandards.800Dizziness,nausea,convulsions,death w/I2-3hrs.CONTROLS AND INDICATORSLCD Display 8888 ppmMax 18881. Primary display: Current CO value.2. Secondary display: Max CO value3. Low battery indicator.Function Keys1. Ф Turns the meter on and off. Selects the alarm value.2. Turns the backlight on and off.Switch temperature unit C and F.Reset the maximum CO value.Select the calibration value.3. Ф + : Enter calibration mode. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS1. Power on/offPress Ф to turn the meter on and off. When meter is on, the preset alarm value and current air temperature will blink on the LCD. The meter is now running its Self- Test and will finish in about 15 seconds with a short beep. The meter will then be in the measuring mode.A 25 ppm72 FIMPORTANT:Turn on the meter in an area free of CO since high CO level may cause failure in passing Self-Test.2. F/C SwitchingUser can select °C or °F as the temperature mode by press ing for temperature more than 1 sec. during Self-Test.3. Alarm SettingThe meter is preset at the alarm value of 25 ppm to give warnings of possible danger. Users can adjust the value for different needs or standard by:1. Turn off the meter.2. Press and hold Ф until the value options show. There will be 25, 30, 35, 45, 50, 70, 100, and 200ppm display ing in cycles.3. Release the button to select the preferred value.4. The meter will return to Self- Test mode.4. MeasurementsThe meter detects the existence of CO in the environment and displays the reading in PPM. It also indicates the maxi mum value (on the bottom LCD display) of all readings since the meter has been on. Users may reset the maximum value by pressing for two seconds in the measuring mode.5. BacklightThe meter features backlight function for using in dark areas. Press to turn the backlight on and off.6. Low Battery indicatorShows on the LCD when battery voltage gets low. Auto Power offThe meter turns itself off automatically after 15 minutes of non-operation is disabled during calibration.CALIBRATIONTo enter the calibration mode, turn off meter and press Ф + simultaneously for 2 seconds. It will show blinking ppm on the upper display and calibration value “0” at lower side. Now the meter is running 0 ppm calibration as default.0 ppm calibration.The meter has a preset calibration value at 0 ppm. Put the meter in the area free of CO and enter calibration mode. The meter will calibrate automatically. The LCD is now display-ing a blinking ppm value at upper side which will slowly runs down to 0 or a minus value, completed. This takes about 10 minutes.Note:Don’t be alarmed if high PPM or minus value shows up when entering calibration mode. It will go down and approach to 0 seconds. The erratic readings are caused by electromagnetic interfere (EMI) in the environment, such as computers or cell phones. It is suggested to remove the meter from the interfer-ence otherwise the calibration may take much longer time or never complete.100ppm/500ppm calibrationFor other standard calibrations press and hold to select the calibration value. (0, 100, 500 ppm).1. Place the meter into the sealed box filled with standard gas2. (e.g. 100ppm/500ppm) for 15 minutes. Then the calibra tion will be done automatically.3. Check if the reading meets calibration value. If it does, the calibration is well completed. If not repeat theOPERATING NOTICE1. Keep the meter off from electromagnetic interference (EMI) which may cause erratic readings.2. Recovering time is required when meter exposed to high level CO. The longer the exposure, the longer recovering time is needed.3. Self- Test after power is on to the test sensor andcircuit condition. TROUBLESHOOTING•Power on but no displaya) The power must be on for at least 300ms.b) Make sure the batteries are in good contact andcorrect polarity.c) Replace a new battery and try again.•Displays disappearsCheck whether the low battery indicator shows beforedisplay disappears. If so, replace with new battery.•Calibration failurea) Check if the low battery indicator shows beforecalibration. If so, replace with new battery and try again.b) Make sure the standard gas is correct.E 2. : The value is underflow.E 3. : The value is overflow.E 4. : The value is erroneous.E 31.: A/D failure, return the meter to your distributor for repair.E 33.: Measurement circuit failure, return the meter to your distributor for repair.E 35.: Self-Test failure. Turn on the meter again in the other area free of CO. Sensor failure. ReturnSPECIFICATIONS1.CO range:0~999PPM2.Resolution:1ppm.3.Accuracy:+/-20%at0~100ppm+/-15%at100~500ppm(at20+/-5°C,50+/-20%RH)4.Battery:3AAA alkaline.Battery life is250hours when the backlight is off and35hrswhen the backlight is on.ACCESSORIES INCLUDED(3)AAA alkaline batteries,Operation manual, Wrist Strap&Carrying pouchWARRANTY/DISCLAIMER OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product.If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANTY does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. T his WARRANT Y is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER W ARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND W HATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED W ARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY W ARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANT Y / DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.RETURN REQUESTS / INQUIRIES Direct all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RET URNING ANY PRODUCT (S) T O OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBT AIN AN AUT HORIZED RET URN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUST OMER SERVICE DEPART MENT (IN ORDER T O AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.T he purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. P urchase Order number under which the product was PURCHASED,2. M odel and serial number of the product under warranty, and3. R epair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. P urchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair,2. Model and serial number of the product, and 3. R epair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering. OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2015 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. T his document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.。
如果要校准 Micro 5 或 Micro 5 PID,请前进到步骤 4。
GasAlertMicro 5/PID/IR 校准
步骤 3 仅适用于 Micro 5 IR
3. Zero-CO2? ( 清零 CO2?) 屏幕将显 示。按下 C 清零 CO2,或者按下 A 绕过。
如果将 C 按下清零 CO2 传感器, 则显示下列屏幕:
GasAlertMicro 5/PID/IR
a 小心
• 警告:替代零部件可能会削弱仪器的本质安全性。 • 小心:基于安全考虑,本设备只能由具备相应资格的人
员操作和维修。在操作或维修之前,请完整阅读并透彻 理解用户手册。 • 在首次使用之前,请给探测器充电。 BW 建议在每个 工作日之后给探测器充电。 • 发出电池电量不足警报时,应立即为电池组充电。 • 阅读并遵守 中提供的 电池使用注意事项更换电池和电池 组。 • BW 建议在接触任何污染物 / 有毒气体 (例如硫化合物、 硅蒸汽、卤代化合物等)之后,使用一种已知浓度的校 准气体来检查可燃气体传感器。
• 只能在不含危险气体的安全区域中校准。 • CSA International 只评估该仪器的可燃气体检测部分
• 可燃气体传感器出厂时校准为 50% 的 LEL 甲烷。如果 要监控其它可燃气体是否在 % LEL 范围中,则使用适当 的气体来校准传感器。
• 小心:高出刻度的 LEL 可能指示一个爆炸浓度。
1. 启动检测仪。要进入校准, 请同时按住 C 和 H 。检测仪倒 计时过程中发出嘟嘟响,并闪烁。 检测仪随后显示 Starting calibration ( 开始校准 )。
GasAlertMicro 5 Multi-Gas Detector说明书
Wear yellow. Work safe.• Mede até cinco riscos atmosféricos simultaneamente • Totalmente personalizável para se adequar a qualquer aplicativo• Troca rapidamente do modo difusão para o modo opcional bomba integrada no campodetectores multigasO 3SérieSensor para cinco riscostóxicos, PID ou CO21de lerBotões elevados, fácil de usar com luvas(típico)Quatro barras luminosas de alarme de ângulo abertode dados contínuosMudança rápida da difusão para opção de bomba integradaVárias opções disponíveisClipe jacaré de aço inoxidávelAs opções de baterias alcalinas recarregáveis AA ou um pacote de baterias recarregáveis de troca ativa permitem instalação de bateria no campoAlarme vibratório interno de ruídoProteção integrada contra impactoBaseado no tempo de um instrumento de 5 gases no modo de difusão a +68F/+20C, outras configurações de instrumento ou condições ambientais podem aumentar/diminuir o tempo de bateria do seu instrumento.Aplicações industriaisA difusão e configuraçãobombeada são compatíveis com o MicroDock II - sistema de teste geral e calibração automáticoSensoresO GasAlertMicro 5 está disponível em três modelos: tóxico/eletroquímico, PID (para VOCs) ou IR (para CO2). Para mais informações sobre configurações de sensor disponíveis, entre em contato com a BW Technologies, ou consulte as informações sobre Pedidos e Preços do GasAlertMicro 5 localizadas na lista de preços mais recente daBW Technologies.Sensores de oxidação catalítica e eletroquímica disponível para: H 2S CO O 2SO 2 Cl 2 ClO 2NH 3PH 3 HCN NO 2 O 3 Combustíveis (LEL)Sensor de fotoionização (PID) disponível para detecção por compostos orgânicos voláteis (VOCs).Sensores da série gold de infra-vermelho (IR) disponível para detecção de dióxido de carbono (CO 2).1Nota: Devido à configuração da placa e do sensor , os cincomodelos do GasAlertMicro não são intercambiáveis (i.e., um sensor PID não pode ser usado em uma unidade de IR configurada).COMO RESULTADO DAS PESQUISAS CONTÍNUAS E DE APRIMORAMENTOS NO PRODUTO, AS ESPECIFICAÇÕES ESTÃOAmérica Latina +55.11.3475.1873Outro Países +1.403.248.92265683-13-PT© 2009 Honeywell International Ltd. Todos os direitos reservados。
加拿大BW M5多气检仪
加拿大BW M5多气检仪GasAlertMicro 5最多可同时监控和显示 5 种有害气体,用于各种应用。
GasAlertMicro5 可兼容MicroDock II 自动测试和校准系统,具有优越的性能和整体价值。
一、产品特点:✧不间断 LCD 显示实时气体浓度✧自动校准程序;与 BW MicroDock II 自动测试和校准站兼容✧启动时进行传感器、电池状态、电路完好性和声音/视觉警报的全功能自检✧明亮的广角可视警报光柱✧内置式防震外罩,配有内置振动警报,适用于高噪声区✧GasAlertMicro5有 2 种:催化燃烧式和电化学。
✧由于主板和传感器配置的缘故,GasAlertMicro 5 模式不可互换✧多语言支持,包括英语、法语、德语、西班牙语和葡萄牙语二、技术参数尺寸:5.7 x 2.9 x 1.5 英寸 / 14.5 x 7.4 x 3.8 厘米重量:13.1 盎司/370 克警报:视觉、振动和声音(95 分贝)- 低、高、STEL、TWA、OL(超限)采样方式:泵吸式(选配)电池:AA 碱性电池,或者可即时更换的充电电池组操作温度:-4 至+122°F / -20 至+50°C-14相对湿度(非冷凝):10% 至 -100% 相对湿度三、等级/认证IP66/67防护等级EMI/RFI:符合 EMC Directive 89/366/EECn Class I, Div. 1, Gr. A, B, C, DAmerican Bureau of Shipping ——有毒气体与 PID模式ATEX: II 1 G T4*;Ex ia IIC T4*IECEx: Ex ia IIC T4*四、订货信息:。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
GasAlertMicro 5 与GasAlertMicro 5 PID气体探测器快速参考指南有限担保和责任限制BW Technologies LP(BW) 担保, 本产品自交付客户之日起在正常使用和保养情况下两年内无材料和工艺缺陷。
BW 的担保责任为有限担保, 对于担保期内返回到 BW 授权服务中心的缺陷产品,BW 可有权自行选择是全额退款、维修还是更换。
在任何情况下,BW 依据本担保承担的责任均不会超过客户购买产品时实际支付的价款。
以下情况不属于本担保范围:a) 保险丝、一次性电池或产品使用过程中因正常磨损而需定期更换的零件;b) 根据 BW 鉴定,任何因误用、改装、疏忽或由事故或不正常操作、处理或使用而损坏的产品;c) 任何由非授权经销商维修、或因产品上安装了未经许可的零部件所造成的损坏或缺陷;本担保所规定的责任需符合以下条件:a) 正确保管、安装、校准、使用、维护并遵守产品手册说明和 BW 的任何其他适用建议;b) 客户及时就任何产品缺陷通知 BW, 必要时应迅速作好修复产品的准备工作。
除非客户收到 BW 的发货通知, 否则不能将任何产品退回 BW;c) BW 有权要求客户提供购买凭证, 如原始发票、销售契约或包装收据, 以确定产品未过担保期。
客户同意本担保是为其提供的唯一补救措施, 可代替其他全部担保, 无论是明示的或暗示的、包括但不限于针对特殊用途的适销性或适用性的任何暗示担保。
不论是由于违背了本担保还是依据合同、侵权行为或信赖或任何其他理论,BW 对特殊、间接、偶然或继发的任何损坏或损失, 包括数据丢失,概不负责。
由于一些国家/地区或州不允许限制暗示担保的条款, 或不允许排除或限制偶然性或继发性损坏, 因此本担保的限制和排除规定可能并不适用于每位客户。
如果本担保的任何规定被具有司法管辖权的法院视为无效或不可执行的, 也不会影响任何其他规定的有效性和可执行性。
BW Technologies 联系方式美国: 1-888-749-8878 加拿大: 1-800-663-4164欧洲: +44 (0) 1295 700300 其他国家/地区: +1-403-248-9226发送电子邮件至: info@访问 BW Technologies 网站: GasAlertMicro 5与GasAlertMicro 5 PID简介本快速参考指南提供了有关 GasAlertMicro 5型和GasAlertMicro 5 PID型气体探测仪的基本信息。
有关完整的操作说明, 请参考随附光盘上的用户手册。
GasAlertMicro 5和GasAlertMicro 5 PID 型气体探测器(以下简称“探测器”)可在危险气体水平超出用户设置的报警点时发出警告。
a告诫⇒ 警告:置换零部件可能削弱仪器的本质安全性。
⇒ 告诫: 为安全起见,只有具备相关资历的人员,才能使用和维修本设备。
⇒ 首次使用前, 请校准探测器, 然后根据使用情况和传感器接触有毒物质和污染物的情况定期校准探测器。
BW 建议至少每 180 天 (6 个月) 进行一次校准。
1GasAlertMicro 5与GasAlertMicro 5 PID快速参考指南2⇒ 可燃气体传感器接触任何已知催化剂污染物/有毒物质(硫化合物、硅蒸气、卤化合物等)后, 建议使用已知浓度的校准气体对其进行检测。
⇒ BW 建议: 每天在使用之前对传感器进行 “冲击测试”,即让探测器接触到浓度超出警报点的气体,以验证传感器能否作出响应。
⇒ CSA International 仅对本仪器的可燃气体检测性能进行了评估。
⇒ 可燃气体传感器在出厂时是用 50%LEL 的甲烷进行校准的。
如果要监测同一 % LEL 范围内的其他可燃气体,请使用相应的气体校准传感器。
⇒ 告诫: 高出限量的读数可能代表气体已到达爆炸浓度。
⇒ 避免让可燃气体传感器接触到铅化合物、硅树脂和氯代烃类气体。
尽管某些有机蒸气 (例如含铅的汽油和卤代烃)可能会使传感器暂时失效,但在大多数情况下,传感器经过校准后均可恢复正常。
⇒ 仅适用于可能包含易爆气体的场合,其中氧气浓度不超过 20.9% (v/v)。
⇒ 如果读数迅速向上后又下降或者飘忽不定,则意味着气体浓度可能超出了最高限值,会有危险。
⇒ 将 GasAlertMicro 5与GasAlertMicro 5PID 长时间曝露在一定浓度的可燃气体和空气环境中可能会给探测器组件带来压力,从而严重影响探测器的性能。
⇒ 在某些情况下电磁干扰可能导致传感器无法正常工作。
⇒ 不要让 PID 传感器暴露在硅蒸汽中。
⇒ BW 泵模块 (M5-PUMP) 已经过验证,只能与 GasAlertMicro 5与GasAlertMicro 5 PID 配合使用。
GasAlertMicro 5与GasAlertMicro 5 PID将气瓶连接到探测器上GasAlertMicro 5和GasAlertMicro 5 PID 的零部件3GasAlertMicro 5和GasAlertMicro 5 PID的零部件项号说明1 视觉报警灯(LED)2 传感器3 声音警报4 按钮5 显示屏(LED)6 电池组 7鳄鱼夹GasAlertMicro 5 与 GasAlertMicro 5 PID 快速参考指南4显示项项号说明1 报警状况2 自动校准传感器量程3 气瓶4 气体标识条5 电池寿命指示灯6 密码锁7 数据传输8 时钟9 隐密模式 10 泵指示器 (可选)11 数据记录器卡指示器 (可选) 12报警状况 (低、高 TWA 、STEL 或多气体)或查看 TWA 、STEL 和最大气体浓度(MAX ) 13传感器自动归零GasAlertMicro 5与GasAlertMicro 5 PID将气瓶连接到探测器上按钮5按钮按钮说明A• 要打开探测器, 请按 A 。
• 要关闭探测器, 请按住 A , 直至倒计时结束。
G• 要增加显示值或向上滚动, 请按 G 。
• 要进入用户选项菜单, 请同时按住 G 和 H , 直至倒计时结束。
• 要清除 TWA 、STEL 和最大气体浓度读数(MAX ),请同时按住 C 和 G , 直至倒计时结束。
•要查看所有传感器的日期和时间,报警设置点( TWA 、STEL 、低警报和高报警),查看LEL/PID 的修正参数(如果适用) 请按 G 。
H• 要减小显示值或向下滚动, 请按 H 。
• 要启动校准和设置报警点, 请同时按住 C 和 H , 直至倒计时结束。
C• 要查看 TWA 、STEL 和最大 (MAX) 浓度读数, 请按 C 。
• 要确认收到锁定警报, 请按 C 。
•GasAlertMicro 5 与 GasAlertMicro 5 PID 快速参考指南6校准步骤显示屏 步骤显示屏1. 在干净的环境中, 同时按住 C 和 H(探测器将按照倒计时间发出响声并闪烁)以进入校准状态。
然后,探测器将显示 Starting calibration 。
4. 用户可通过此选项选择需要进行跨度调整的传感器。
按G 和 H 选择传感器,按C 放弃选择。
传感器应按照如下的顺序进行跨度调整:特殊传感器(NH3,ClO2,O3和Cl2),单一气体传感器,四合一气体传感器(H2S ,CO ,O2和LEL ),和最后的PID 传感器。
2. 当探测器将所有传感器归零并校准氧气传感器时,将闪烁。
如果传感器无法自动归零,系统将绕过量程校准步骤5. 接通校准气体,使之达到500毫升/分钟的流量,当检测仪检测到校准气体时,K 图标不停的闪烁。
30 秒种后, 图标开始闪烁,倒计时出现,检测仪校准即告完成。
3. 接下来屏幕将显示如下三组信息:- Apply span gas now to calibrate (接通标气开始校准检测仪)- or press C to select sensor(s ) (或按C 选择传感器)- or press A to skip calibration (或按A 跳过校准程序)如果没有按下任何按钮,检测仪进入第五步,如果按C 则进入第四步,如果按A 则进入第六步的结尾部分。
6.校准完毕后,屏幕将出现如下信息: - Calibration successful (校准成功)- Press G to apply a new span gas (按G 接通新的校准气体)- Press H to end span (按H 结束校准) 重复第三步至第六步对剩余传感器进行校准。
然后屏幕提示按C 设置日期,按A 取消日期设置。
GasAlertMicro 5与GasAlertMicro 5 PID将气瓶连接到探测器上7步骤显示屏7. 按G 或 H更改校准剩余日期, 按 C 确认设置的日期并进入下一组剩余日期设置(若传感器校准失败,则不能更改此传感器的校准剩余日期)。
屏幕接着提示,按C 设置或按A 取消报警点设置。
8. 按 G 或 H更改校准报警设置点, 按 C 确认所设置数值并进入下一组报警点设置。
9. 当屏幕显示 Saving calibration 字样时,表示校准过程完毕。
注意校准冒仅能在校准过程中使用将气瓶连接到探测器上GasAlertMicro 5 与 GasAlertMicro 5 PID 快速参考指南8警报下表列出了探测器的各种警报。
警报显示屏 警报显示屏低点警报:• 快速提示音 • 慢速闪烁• L 和目标气体条闪烁 • 激活振动警报器TWA 警报:• 快速提示音 • 慢速闪烁• L 和目标气体条闪烁 • 激活振动警报器高点警报:• 持续提示音 • 快速闪烁• L 和目标气体条闪烁 • 激活振动警报器STEL 警报:• 持续提示音 • 快速闪烁• L 和目标气体条闪烁 • 激活振动警报器GasAlertMicro 5与GasAlertMicro 5 PID将气瓶连接到探测器上警报9警报显示屏 警报显示屏多气体警报:• 交替发出低、高报警提示音并闪烁• L 和目标气体条闪烁 • 激活振动警报器超量程警报: (超出监测范围)• 发出快速提示音并闪烁 • L 和目标气体条闪烁• 激活振动警报器传感器警报:• 每 15秒钟响一次 • 失效的传感器上将闪烁FAIL 字样自动关闭警报:• 响 8 声并闪烁 • 暂时激活振动警报器低电量警报:• 每 25 秒钟响一声并闪烁两次• 闪烁正常关闭:• 响 3 声并闪烁GasAlertMicro 5 与GasAlertMicro 5 PID 快速参考指南10警报显示屏警报显示屏确认音:• 每 10 秒钟响 1声,闪光一次,震动一次。