3 - 2 - The Data Encryption Standard (22 min)new




2025年软件资格考试信息安全工程师(基础知识、应用技术)合卷(中级)复习试题(答案在后面)一、基础知识(客观选择题,75题,每题1分,共75分)1、信息安全工程师在进行风险评估时,以下哪种方法不属于定性风险评估方法?A、问卷调查法B、专家判断法C、历史数据分析法D、概率风险评估法2、在信息安全管理体系(ISMS)中,以下哪项不是信息安全管理体系文件的一部分?A、信息安全政策B、信息安全组织结构C、信息安全风险评估报告D、信息安全操作手册3、以下关于计算机病毒的说法中,正确的是()A、计算机病毒是一种程序,它只能通过物理媒介传播B、计算机病毒是一种生物病毒,它可以通过空气、水源等生物媒介传播到计算机C、计算机病毒是一种程序,它可以通过网络、移动存储设备等多种途径传播D、计算机病毒是一种恶意软件,它不能通过任何途径传播4、以下关于信息安全的表述中,不属于信息安全基本要素的是()A、保密性B、完整性C、可用性D、可审计性5、题干:在信息安全领域,以下哪种加密算法属于对称加密算法?A. RSAB. DESC. SHA-256D. MD56、题干:以下哪项不属于信息安全的基本要素?A. 可用性B. 完整性C. 保密性D. 法律性7、在信息安全领域,以下哪种加密算法属于对称加密算法?A. RSAB. AESC. DESD. SHA-2568、在信息安全中,以下哪个术语描述的是数据在传输过程中的安全?A. 数据保密性B. 数据完整性C. 数据可用性D. 数据不可否认性9、以下哪项不属于信息安全的基本原则?A. 完整性B. 可用性C. 可信性D. 可追溯性 10、在信息安全事件中,以下哪种类型的攻击通常是指攻击者通过欺骗手段获取系统访问权限?A. 拒绝服务攻击(DoS)B. 网络钓鱼(Phishing)C. 中间人攻击(MITM)D. 系统漏洞攻击11、题目:以下哪种加密算法属于对称加密算法?A. RSAB. AESC. DESD. SHA-25612、题目:以下关于信息安全的描述,错误的是?A. 信息安全的目标是保护信息的完整性、可用性、保密性和可控性B. 防火墙是保护网络安全的第一道防线C. 加密技术是实现信息安全的重要手段之一D. 物理安全只涉及计算机硬件的保护13、关于密码学中的对称加密算法和非对称加密算法,下列说法错误的是:A. 对称加密算法使用相同的密钥进行加密与解密。



3des算法密钥例子3DES(Triple Data Encryption Standard)是一种对称加密算法,通过对数据进行三次加密来提高安全性。






















软件资格考试信息安全工程师(基础知识、应用技术)合卷(中级)复习试题(答案在后面)一、基础知识(客观选择题,75题,每题1分,共75分)1、在信息安全领域,下列哪一项不属于信息保密性的保护措施?A. 加密技术B. 访问控制C. 数字签名D. 防火墙2、关于密码学中的对称加密与非对称加密算法,下列说法正确的是:A. 对称加密算法使用相同的密钥进行加密和解密。

B. 非对称加密算法比对称加密算法更适用于大数据量的信息传输。

C. RSA是一种典型的对称加密算法。

D. 在实际应用中,非对称加密通常单独用来加密整个消息。

3、在信息安全中,以下哪项技术不属于加密技术?A. RSAB. DESC. SHA-256D. TCP/IP4、在信息安全管理体系中,以下哪个不是ISO/IEC 27001标准要求的要素?A. 安全策略B. 组织治理C. 法律合规D. 安全事件处理5、以下哪种加密算法属于非对称加密算法?A. AESB. DESC. RSAD. 3DES6、下列关于防火墙的说法正确的是?A. 防火墙能够防止内部网络对外部网络的攻击B. 防火墙能够防止所有未经授权的访问C. 防火墙能够根据安全策略控制进出网络的流量D. 防火墙一旦设置就不能更改规则7、在信息安全中,以下哪种加密算法是公钥加密算法?A. AESB. DESC. RSAD. 3DES8、以下哪个选项不属于信息安全威胁的类型?A. 网络攻击B. 自然灾害C. 硬件故障D. 误操作9、以下关于加密算法的说法正确的是:A. DES是一种对称加密算法,其密钥长度为56位。

B. AES是一种非对称加密算法,广泛应用于安全数据传输。

C. RSA是一种流加密算法,适合于大量数据的加密。

D. ECC(椭圆曲线密码术)相较于RSA,通常需要更长的密钥才能达到相同的加密强度。

11、在信息安全领域,以下哪个是典型的加密算法?A. DESB. RSAC. MD5D. SHA-113、下列关于加密算法的说法中,哪一项是正确的?A、对称加密算法的安全性通常高于非对称加密算法。





A、机密性B、完整性C、可用性D、真实性3、下列哪一项不属于常见的信息安全威胁?A. 拒绝服务攻击B. 物理盗窃C. 软件著作权保护D. 社会工程学攻击4、在信息安全保障体系中,PDR模型指的是哪三个要素?A. 预防、检测、响应B. 预警、防御、恢复C. 计划、部署、审查D. 保护、检测、反应5、下列哪一项不是用于确保数据完整性的措施?A. 校验和B. 数字签名C. 哈希函数D. 对称加密6、在网络安全领域,以下哪种攻击方式属于被动攻击?A. SQL注入B. 拒绝服务攻击C. 网络监听D. 跨站脚本攻击7、题目:在信息安全中,以下哪项不是常见的物理安全措施?A. 安全门禁系统B. 火灾自动报警系统C. 数据备份与恢复D. 网络防火墙8、题目:以下关于信息安全风险评估的说法,错误的是:A. 评估信息安全风险是信息安全管理体系(ISMS)的核心B. 评估信息安全风险可以识别出组织面临的主要安全威胁C. 评估信息安全风险有助于确定安全控制措施D. 评估信息安全风险需要考虑组织内部的业务需求9、在信息安全领域中,PKI(Public Key Infrastructure)主要功能是什么?A. 实现数据加密与解密B. 提供身份认证服务C. 支持安全电子邮件传输D. 上述所有选项 10、下列哪项不属于计算机病毒的传播途径?A. 通过互联网下载文件B. 使用未授权的软件C. 访问受感染的网站D. 定期更新操作系统补丁11、在信息安全领域,以下哪项技术不属于访问控制手段?A. 身份认证B. 访问控制列表(ACL)C. 数据加密D. 防火墙12、以下关于信息安全风险评估的说法中,正确的是:A. 风险评估只是针对已知威胁的评估B. 风险评估应当包括对组织内部和外部风险的识别和评估C. 风险评估的目的是为了完全消除风险D. 风险评估的结果不应当对外公开13、以下哪一项不是信息安全管理的基本原则?A. 保密性B. 完整性C. 可用性D. 不可否认性14、在信息系统安全中,用来保证数据不被未经授权的人所访问的安全措施是:A. 加密B. 防火墙C. 访问控制D. 审计追踪15、以下关于信息安全技术中防火墙的说法,错误的是:A. 防火墙可以阻止未经授权的访问B. 防火墙可以保护内部网络免受外部攻击C. 防火墙无法阻止内部网络之间的攻击D. 防火墙可以限制特定协议或端口的数据传输16、以下关于安全审计的说法,正确的是:A. 安全审计是定期检查网络安全设备B. 安全审计是检查网络中可能存在的安全漏洞C. 安全审计是检查操作系统和应用程序的安全配置D. 安全审计是以上所有说法17、以下关于密码学的描述,错误的是()A. 密码学是研究如何保护信息安全的技术科学B. 密码学主要分为对称密码学和公钥密码学C. 对称密码学使用相同的密钥进行加密和解密D. 公钥密码学使用不同的密钥进行加密和解密18、以下关于安全协议的描述,正确的是()A. 安全协议是指在网络通信过程中,用于保证数据传输安全的协议B. 安全协议的主要目的是防止数据在传输过程中被窃听、篡改和伪造C. 安全协议不涉及身份认证和访问控制D. 安全协议只适用于加密通信19、以下关于密码学中对称加密算法的描述,不正确的是:A. 对称加密算法使用相同的密钥进行加密和解密B. 对称加密算法的速度通常比非对称加密算法快C. 对称加密算法的安全性取决于密钥的长度和保密性D. 对称加密算法可以抵抗量子计算机的攻击 20、在信息安全中,以下哪种措施属于物理安全?A. 数据备份B. 网络防火墙C. 身份认证D. 安全审计21、以下关于ISO/IEC 27001标准说法正确的是:A. ISO/IEC 27001标准是信息安全管理体系(ISMS)的标准,适用于所有组织,无论其规模和类型。






1. HTTPS(HTTP Secure)HTTPS是在HTTP的基础上加入了SSL/TLS协议的安全通信协议。

其中,SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)是一个用于保护通信数据安全的协议,而TLS(Transport Layer Security)是SSL的继任者。


2. 对称密钥加密对称密钥加密是指前后端都使用相同的密钥来进行加密和解密。



常见的对称密钥加密算法有AES(Advanced Encryption Standard)和DES(Data Encryption Standard)等。

3. 非对称密钥加密非对称密钥加密是指使用一对密钥,即公钥和私钥,来进行加密和解密操作。




常见的非对称密钥加密算法有RSA(Rivest-Shamir-Adleman)和DSA(Digital Signature Algorithm)等。

4. 数字签名数字签名是一种用于保证数据完整性和验证发送方身份的方法。



5. 哈希算法哈希算法是一种将任意长度的数据转换为固定长度摘要的方法。








1. DESDES是Data Encryption Standard(数据加密标准)的缩写,是一种加密明文的对称加密算法。



2. 3DES3DES是Triple Data Encryption Standard(三重数据加密标准)的缩写,是DES的一种加强版本。



3. AESAES是Advanced Encryption Standard(高级加密标准)的缩写,是一种流行的对称加密算法。





1. RSARSA是一种基于大数分解的非对称加密算法,由三位数学家Rivest、Shamir和Adleman 发明。



2. ECCECC是Elliptic Curve Cryptography(椭圆曲线密码学)的缩写,是一种基于椭圆曲线理论的非对称加密算法。








2、题干:在网络安全防护中,以下哪种加密算法不适合用于数据完整性校验?A、MD5B、SHA-1C、SHA-256D、RSA3、(单选题)在信息安全领域,以下哪个概念指的是信息在传输过程中可能被未授权的第三方所截获和窃取的现象?A、信息泄露B、信息篡改C、信息泄露与信息篡改D、信息泄露与信息篡改及信息破坏4、(多选题)以下哪些措施可以有效防止网络钓鱼攻击?A、使用复杂密码B、安装防病毒软件C、定期更新操作系统和软件D、不点击不明链接5、以下关于密码学中对称密钥加密算法的描述,正确的是:A. 对称密钥加密算法中,加密和解密使用相同的密钥。

B. 对称密钥加密算法的安全性依赖于密钥的长度。

C. 对称密钥加密算法中,密钥的生成和分发过程非常简单。

D. 对称密钥加密算法的典型算法包括RSA和AES。

6、以下关于信息安全风险评估的方法,不属于通用方法的是:A. 威胁分析B. 漏洞扫描C. 业务影响分析D. 风险控制评估7、以下哪种加密算法属于对称加密算法?A. RSAB. DESC. SHA-256D. MD58、在网络安全中,以下哪个术语指的是保护数据在传输过程中的完整性?A. 防火墙B. 加密C. 认证D. 完整性校验9、在信息安全领域,以下哪项技术属于密码学中的加密算法?A. 公钥加密B. 私钥加密C. 数据库加密D. 防火墙11、在信息安全领域,以下哪种加密算法属于对称加密算法?A. RSAB. DESC. SHA-256D. MD513、在网络安全防护体系中,以下哪项技术主要用于检测和防御恶意软件的攻击?A. 入侵检测系统(IDS)B. 防火墙C. 数据加密D. 访问控制15、以下哪种安全机制主要用于防止数据在传输过程中被非法截获和篡改?A. 加密技术B. 认证技术C. 防火墙技术D. 防病毒技术17、以下哪种算法属于对称加密算法?A. RSAB. AESC. ECC (椭圆曲线密码术)D. SHA (安全散列算法)19、题目:在信息安全领域,以下哪项技术不属于加密算法?A. RSAB. DESC. SHA-256D. TCP/IP21、以下哪种算法属于非对称加密算法?A、DESB、AESC、RSAD、SHA-25623、在信息安全领域中,以下哪项不属于常见的网络攻击手段?A. 拒绝服务攻击(DoS)B. 网络钓鱼C. 逆向工程D. 数据库注入25、关于数据加密标准DES,以下说法正确的是:A. DES是一种非对称加密算法B. DES密钥长度为64位,实际使用56位C. DES已经足够安全,无需考虑替代算法D. DES在所有情况下都比AES更优27、在网络安全防护策略中,以下哪项技术不属于入侵检测系统(IDS)常用的检测方法?A. 规则匹配检测B. 模式匹配检测C. 基于行为的检测D. 基于主机的检测29、在信息安全领域,以下哪种算法主要用于数字签名和验证?A. AESB. RSAC. DESD. SHA-25631、在网络安全领域中,以下哪种加密算法属于对称加密算法?A. RSAB. AESC. SHA-256D. MD533、以下哪一项不属于常见的网络攻击类型?A. 拒绝服务攻击(DoS)B. 社会工程学攻击C. 跨站脚本攻击(XSS)D. 网络钓鱼攻击E. 数据加密35、在信息安全领域中,以下哪种加密算法属于对称加密算法?A. RSAB. AESC. SHA-256D. MD537、下列关于数字签名的说法,正确的是:A. 数字签名可以保证数据的完整性,但不能验证发送者的身份。








4、题干:在信息安全领域,以下哪项技术不属于入侵检测系统(IDS)的检测方法?A、异常检测B、签名检测C、漏洞扫描D、访问控制5、以下关于密码学的描述,不正确的是()A. 加密算法根据密钥的长度可以分为对称密钥算法和非对称密钥算法。

B. 公钥密码学中,公钥和私钥是一对密钥,公钥可以公开,私钥必须保密。

C. 密钥管理是密码学中非常重要的环节,包括密钥的生成、存储、分发、使用和销毁。

D. 加密技术可以保证数据在传输过程中的安全性,但无法保证数据在存储过程中的安全性。

6、以下关于信息安全风险评估的说法,错误的是()A. 信息安全风险评估是识别、分析和评估组织面临的信息安全威胁、脆弱性和潜在影响的系统性过程。

B. 信息安全风险评估的目的是为了确定组织在信息安全方面的风险程度,为风险控制提供依据。

C. 信息安全风险评估的方法包括定性和定量两种。

D. 信息安全风险评估的结果通常包括风险等级、风险事件和风险控制措施。

7、下列哪种技术不属于密码学的基本技术?A. 对称加密B. 非对称加密C. 量子加密D. 零知识证明8、在信息安全领域,以下哪种威胁类型不属于网络攻击?A. 网络钓鱼B. 拒绝服务攻击(DoS)C. 系统漏洞D. 硬件故障9、以下哪种加密算法是分组加密算法?A. RSAB. DESC. SHA-256D. MD5 10、在信息安全中,以下哪种安全协议用于在两个通信实体之间建立加密隧道,以确保数据传输的安全性?A. SSL/TLSB. IPsecC. PGPD. FTPS11、题干:以下关于密码学中公钥密码体制的描述,不正确的是:A. 公钥密码体制使用两个密钥,一个公钥用于加密,一个私钥用于解密。

三段式加密 简书

三段式加密 简书

三段式加密是一种常见的加密算法,也被称为3DES(Triple Data Encryption Standard)或TDEA(Triple Data Encryption Algorithm)。


DES(Data Encryption Standard)是一种对称加密算法,使用相同的密钥进行加密和解密。



1. 使用一个密钥对数据进行DES加密。

2. 使用另一个密钥对第一步中加密后的数据进行DES解密。

3. 再次使用一个密钥对第二步中解密后的数据进行DES加密。







软件资格考试信息安全工程师(基础知识、应用技术)合卷(中级)自测试卷(答案在后面)一、基础知识(客观选择题,75题,每题1分,共75分)1、在信息安全领域,以下哪项不属于信息安全的基本属性?A、保密性B、完整性C、可用性D、可访问性2、以下哪种加密算法属于对称加密算法?A、RSAB、DESC、ECCD、SHA-2563、在信息安全领域,以下哪种加密算法属于对称加密算法?A. RSAB. DESC. SHA-256D. MD54、在信息安全中,以下哪种措施不属于物理安全范畴?A. 安装门禁系统B. 数据备份C. 网络防火墙D. 限制访问权限5、题干:在信息安全领域中,以下哪项不属于常见的网络安全攻击手段?A. 中间人攻击B. 拒绝服务攻击(DoS)C. 数据库注入攻击D. 物理安全破坏6、题干:以下关于数字签名技术的描述,错误的是:A. 数字签名可以确保信息的完整性B. 数字签名可以验证信息的发送者身份C. 数字签名可以防止信息在传输过程中被篡改D. 数字签名可以保证信息在传输过程中的保密性7、在信息安全中,以下哪个术语描述了信息从其原始形式转换成另一种形式,以便于传输、存储或处理?A. 加密B. 编码C. 隐写术D. 敏感数据8、以下哪个安全模型定义了安全系统应该满足的四个基本安全属性:机密性、完整性、可用性和合法性?A. 访问控制模型B. 贝尔-拉登模型C. 普里维特模型D. 威森安全模型9、在信息安全领域中,以下哪个协议主要用于在网络层提供数据包的安全传输?A. SSL/TLSB. IPsecC. HTTPSD. S/MIME 10、在信息安全风险评估中,以下哪种方法不属于定量风险评估方法?A. 层次分析法(AHP)B. 故障树分析法(FTA)C. 风险矩阵法D. 模拟分析法11、下列哪一项不是防火墙的主要功能?A. 过滤进出网络的数据包B. 提供入侵检测服务C. 隐藏内部网络结构D. 记录通过防火墙的信息内容和活动12、在密码学中,如果加密密钥和解密密钥是相同的,则这种加密方式被称为:A. 对称密钥加密B. 公钥加密C. 非对称密钥加密D. 单向函数13、在信息安全中,以下哪项不属于常见的加密算法类型?A. 对称加密B. 非对称加密C. 公开密钥加密D. 哈希加密14、以下哪项不是信息安全中的安全协议?A. SSL/TLSB. IPsecC. HTTPD. FTP15、关于数字签名的说法中,错误的是:A. 数字签名可以保证信息的完整性B. 数字签名可以确保发送者的身份真实性C. 数字签名可以防止接收者篡改信息后否认接收到的信息D. 数字签名可以保证信息在传输过程中的保密性16、在公钥基础设施(PKI)中,负责发放和管理数字证书的机构称为:A. 用户B. 注册机构(RA)C. 证书颁发机构(CA)D. 证书库17、以下哪项不是信息安全的基本要素?()A. 机密性B. 完整性C. 可用性D. 可追溯性18、在以下哪种情况下,会对信息安全造成威胁?()A. 系统硬件故障B. 系统软件更新C. 访问控制不当D. 网络连接不稳定19、以下哪个选项不属于信息安全的基本原则?A. 完整性B. 可用性C. 可扩展性D. 可控性 20、在信息安全风险评估中,以下哪种方法不属于定性风险评估方法?A. 故障树分析(FTA)B. 故障影响及危害度分析(FMEA)C. 概率风险评估模型D. 威胁评估21、在信息安全领域,下列哪一项不属于访问控制的基本要素?A. 主体B. 客体C. 控制策略D. 加密算法22、以下哪个选项描述了“最小特权原则”?A. 系统中的每个用户都应该拥有执行其工作所需的最小权限集。

CISSP中文教学资料 测试题

CISSP中文教学资料  测试题

Question 1/100Why are audit trails important?①They establish individual accountability.②System auditors require accurate logging.③They detect abnormal behaviors.④They reconcile unauthorized events.为什么审计轨迹很重要?A.建立了个人职责B.系统审计人员需要准确的记录C.检测异常行为D.协调未经授权的活动Question 2/100What distributed computing environment (DCE) component provides a mechanism to ensure that services are made available only to properly designated parties?①Directory Service②Authentication and Control Service③Distributed File Service④Remote Procedure Call Service分布式计算环境(DCE)组件提供了一种机制,以确保服务只在特定定制端可用?A.目录服务B.认证和控制服务C.分布式文件服务D.远程过程呼叫服务Question 3/100When combined with unique session values, message authentication can protect against which of the following?①Masquerading, frequency analysis, sequence manipulation, and ciphertext-only attack②Masquerading, content modification, sequence manipulation, and submission notification③Reverse engineering, frequency analysis, factoring attacks, and ciphertext-only attack④Reverse engineering, content modification, factoring attacks, and submission notification结合独特的会话值时,消息身份验证可以防止下列哪一个?A.伪装、频率分析、序列操作和唯密文攻击B.伪装,内容篡改,序列操作和提交通知C.逆向工程,频率分析,分解攻击,唯密文攻击D.逆向工程,内容篡改,分解攻击,提交通知Question 4/100For increased security, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) utilizes①secure modems and biometric authentication.②password complexity and digital signatures.③identification and access control.④encryption and multi-factor authentication.为了提高安全性,VPN利用:A.安全调制解调器和生物特征识别技术B.密钥复杂度和数字签名C.认证和访问控制D.加密和多因子认证Question 5/100Within information classification, who is BEST able to identify the proper owners of data?①Information Technology (IT) senior management②Business senior management③Database administrators④Security analysts在信息分类中,哪一个能够最好地鉴定数据的拥有者?A.I T高级管理B.业务高级管理C.数据管理员D.安全分析员Question 6/100The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol provides security services between which layers of the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model?Presentation and ApplicationTransport and SessionPhysical and Data LinkNetwork and TransportSSL协议在OSI模型中的哪一层提供了安全服务?A.表示层和应用层B.传输层和会话层C.物理层和数据链路层D.网络层和传输层Question 7/100Individuals who should participate in the development of business continuity planning training MUST include①staff knowledgeable of the organization’s business processes.②vendors selling technology solutions.③law enforcement from the local geographic area.④all Information Technology (IT) staff.参加BCP训练的人员应包含:A.员工了解组织的业务流程B.供应商销售技术解决方案C.地方法律实施D.所有IT员工。



Table of ContentsModern Cryptography: Theory and PracticeBy Wenbo Mao Hewlett-Packard CompanyPublisher: Prentice Hall PTRPub Date: July 25, 2003ISBN: 0-13-066943-1Pages: 648Many cryptographic schemes and protocols, especially those based onpublic-keycryptography,have basic or so-called "textbook crypto" versions, as these versionsare usually the subjects formany textbooks on cryptography. This book takes adifferent approach to introducingcryptography: it pays much more attention tofit-for-application aspects of cryptography. Itexplains why "textbook crypto" isonly good in an ideal world where data are random and badguys behave nicely.It reveals the general unfitness of "textbook crypto" for the real world bydemonstratingnumerous attacks on such schemes, protocols and systems under variousrealworldapplication scenarios. This book chooses to introduce a set of practicalcryptographic schemes, protocols and systems, many of them standards or de factoones, studies them closely,explains their working principles, discusses their practicalusages, and examines their strong(i.e., fit-for-application) security properties, oftenwith security evidence formally established.The book also includes self-containedtheoretical background material that is the foundation formodern cryptography.Table of ContentsModern Cryptography: Theory and PracticeBy Wenbo Mao Hewlett-Packard CompanyPublisher: Prentice Hall PTRPub Date: July 25, 2003ISBN: 0-13-066943-1Pages: 648CopyrightHewlett-Packard® Professional BooksA Short Description of the BookPrefaceScopeAcknowledgementsList of FiguresList of Algorithms, Protocols and AttacksPart I: IntroductionChapter 1. Beginning with a Simple Communication GameSection 1.1. A Communication GameSection 1.2. Criteria for Desirable Cryptographic Systems and Protocols Section 1.3. Chapter SummaryExercisesChapter 2. Wrestling Between Safeguard and AttackSection 2.1. IntroductionSection 2.2. EncryptionSection 2.3. Vulnerable Environment (the Dolev-Yao Threat Model)Section 2.4. Authentication ServersSection 2.5. Security Properties for Authenticated Key Establishment Section 2.6. Protocols for Authenticated Key Establishment Using Encryption Section 2.7. Chapter SummaryExercisesPart II: Mathematical Foundations: Standard NotationChapter 3. Probability and Information TheorySection 3.1. IntroductionSection 3.2. Basic Concept of ProbabilitySection 3.3. PropertiesSection 3.4. Basic CalculationSection 3.5. Random Variables and their Probability DistributionsSection 3.6. Birthday ParadoxSection 3.7. Information TheorySection 3.8. Redundancy in Natural LanguagesSection 3.9. Chapter SummaryExercisesChapter 4. Computational ComplexitySection 4.1. IntroductionSection 4.2. Turing MachinesSection 4.3. Deterministic Polynomial TimeSection 4.4. Probabilistic Polynomial TimeSection 4.5. Non-deterministic Polynomial TimeSection 4.6. Non-Polynomial BoundsSection 4.7. Polynomial-time IndistinguishabilitySection 4.8. Theory of Computational Complexity and Modern Cryptography Section 4.9. Chapter SummaryExercisesChapter 5. Algebraic FoundationsSection 5.1. IntroductionSection 5.2. GroupsSection 5.3. Rings and FieldsSection 5.4. The Structure of Finite FieldsSection 5.5. Group Constructed Using Points on an Elliptic CurveSection 5.6. Chapter SummaryExercisesChapter 6. Number TheorySection 6.1. IntroductionSection 6.2. Congruences and Residue ClassesSection 6.3. Euler's Phi FunctionSection 6.4. The Theorems of Fermat, Euler and LagrangeSection 6.5. Quadratic ResiduesSection 6.6. Square Roots Modulo IntegerSection 6.7. Blum IntegersSection 6.8. Chapter SummaryExercisesPart III: Basic Cryptographic TechniquesChapter 7. Encryption — Symmetric TechniquesSection 7.1. IntroductionSection 7.2. DefinitionSection 7.3. Substitution CiphersSection 7.4. Transposition CiphersSection 7.5. Classical Ciphers: Usefulness and SecuritySection 7.6. The Data Encryption Standard (DES)Section 7.7. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)Section 7.8. Confidentiality Modes of OperationSection 7.9. Key Channel Establishment for Symmetric Cryptosystems Section 7.10. Chapter SummaryExercisesChapter 8. Encryption — Asymmetric TechniquesSection 8.1. IntroductionSection 8.2. Insecurity of "Textbook Encryption Algorithms"Section 8.3. The Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange ProtocolSection 8.4. The Diffie-Hellman Problem and the Discrete Logarithm Problem Section 8.5. The RSA Cryptosystem (Textbook Version)Section 8.6. Cryptanalysis Against Public-key CryptosystemsSection 8.7. The RSA ProblemSection 8.8. The Integer Factorization ProblemSection 8.9. Insecurity of the Textbook RSA EncryptionSection 8.10. The Rabin Cryptosystem (Textbook Version)Section 8.11. Insecurity of the Textbook Rabin EncryptionSection 8.12. The ElGamal Cryptosystem (Textbook Version)Section 8.13. Insecurity of the Textbook ElGamal EncryptionSection 8.14. Need for Stronger Security Notions for Public-key CryptosystemsSection 8.15. Combination of Asymmetric and Symmetric CryptographySection 8.16. Key Channel Establishment for Public-key CryptosystemsSection 8.17. Chapter SummaryExercisesChapter 9. In An Ideal World: Bit Security of The Basic Public-Key Cryptographic Functions Section 9.1. IntroductionSection 9.2. The RSA BitSection 9.3. The Rabin BitSection 9.4. The ElGamal BitSection 9.5. The Discrete Logarithm BitSection 9.6. Chapter SummaryExercisesChapter 10. Data Integrity TechniquesSection 10.1. IntroductionSection 10.2. DefinitionSection 10.3. Symmetric TechniquesSection 10.4. Asymmetric Techniques I: Digital SignaturesSection 10.5. Asymmetric Techniques II: Data Integrity Without Source Identification Section 10.6. Chapter SummaryExercisesPart IV: AuthenticationChapter 11. Authentication Protocols — PrinciplesSection 11.1. IntroductionSection 11.2. Authentication and Refined NotionsSection 11.3. ConventionSection 11.4. Basic Authentication TechniquesSection 11.5. Password-based AuthenticationSection 11.6. Authenticated Key Exchange Based on Asymmetric CryptographySection 11.7. Typical Attacks on Authentication ProtocolsSection 11.8. A Brief Literature NoteSection 11.9. Chapter SummaryExercisesChapter 12. Authentication Protocols — The Real WorldSection 12.1. IntroductionSection 12.2. Authentication Protocols for Internet SecuritySection 12.3. The Secure Shell (SSH) Remote Login ProtocolSection 12.4. The Kerberos Protocol and its Realization in Windows 2000Section 12.5. SSL and TLSSection 12.6. Chapter SummaryExercisesChapter 13. Authentication Framework for Public-Key CryptographySection 13.1. IntroductionSection 13.2. Directory-Based Authentication FrameworkSection 13.3. Non-Directory Based Public-key Authentication FrameworkSection 13.4. Chapter SummaryExercisesPart V: Formal Approaches to Security EstablishmentChapter 14. Formal and Strong Security Definitions for Public-Key Cryptosystems Section 14.1. IntroductionSection 14.2. A Formal Treatment for SecuritySection 14.3. Semantic Security — the Debut of Provable SecuritySection 14.4. Inadequacy of Semantic SecuritySection 14.5. Beyond Semantic SecuritySection 14.6. Chapter SummaryExercisesChapter 15. Provably Secure and Efficient Public-Key CryptosystemsSection 15.1. IntroductionSection 15.2. The Optimal Asymmetric Encryption PaddingSection 15.3. The Cramer-Shoup Public-key CryptosystemSection 15.4. An Overview of Provably Secure Hybrid CryptosystemsSection 15.5. Literature Notes on Practical and Provably Secure Public-key Cryptosystems Section 15.6. Chapter SummarySection 15.7. ExercisesChapter 16. Strong and Provable Security for Digital SignaturesSection 16.1. IntroductionSection 16.2. Strong Security Notion for Digital SignaturesSection 16.3. Strong and Provable Security for ElGamal-family SignaturesSection 16.4. Fit-for-application Ways for Signing in RSA and RabinSection 16.5. SigncryptionSection 16.6. Chapter SummarySection 16.7. ExercisesChapter 17. Formal Methods for Authentication Protocols AnalysisSection 17.1. IntroductionSection 17.2. Toward Formal Specification of Authentication ProtocolsSection 17.3. A Computational View of Correct Protocols — the Bellare-Rogaway Model Section 17.4. A Symbolic Manipulation View of Correct ProtocolsSection 17.5. Formal Analysis Techniques: State System ExplorationSection 17.6. Reconciling Two Views of Formal Techniques for SecuritySection 17.7. Chapter SummaryExercisesPart VI: Cryptographic ProtocolsChapter 18. Zero-Knowledge ProtocolsSection 18.1. IntroductionSection 18.2. Basic DefinitionsSection 18.3. Zero-knowledge PropertiesSection 18.4. Proof or Argument?Section 18.5. Protocols with Two-sided-errorSection 18.6. Round EfficiencySection 18.7. Non-interactive Zero-knowledgeSection 18.8. Chapter SummaryExercisesChapter 19. Returning to "Coin Flipping Over Telephone"Section 19.1. Blum's "Coin-Flipping-By-Telephone" ProtocolSection 19.2. Security AnalysisSection 19.3. EfficiencySection 19.4. Chapter SummaryChapter 20. AfterremarkBibliographyCopyrightLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataA CIP catalog record for this book can be obtained from the Library of Congress. Editorial/production supervision: Mary SudulCover design director: Jerry VottaCover design: Talar BoorujyManufacturing manager: Maura ZaldivarAcquisitions editor: Jill HarryMarketing manager: Dan DePasqualePublisher, Hewlett-Packard Books: Walter BruceA Short Description of the BookMany cryptographic schemes and protocols, especially those based on public-key cryptography,have basic or so-called "textbook crypto" versions, as these versions are usually the subjects formany textbooks on cryptography. This book takes a different approach to introducingcryptography: it pays much more attention to fit-for-application aspects of cryptography. Itexplains why "textbook crypto" is only good in an ideal world where data are random and badguys behave nicely. It reveals the general unfitness of "textbook crypto" for the real world bydemonstrating numerous attacks on such schemes, protocols and systems under various realworldapplication scenarios. This book chooses to introduce a set of practical cryptographicschemes, protocols and systems, many of them standards or de facto ones, studies them closely,explains their working principles, discusses their practical usages, and examines their strong(i.e., fit-for-application) security properties, often with security evidence formally established.The book also includes self-contained theoretical background material that is the foundation formodern cryptography.PrefaceOur society has entered an era where commerce activities, business transactions andgovernment services have been, and more and more of them will be, conducted and offered overopen computer and communications networks such as the Internet, in particular, viaWorldWideWeb-based tools. Doing things online has a great advantage of an always-onavailability to people in any corner of the world. Here are a few examples of things that havebeen, can or will be done online:Banking, bill payment, home shopping, stock trading, auctions, taxation, gambling, micropayment(e.g., pay-per-downloading), electronic identity, online access to medical records, virtual private networking, secure data archival and retrieval, certified delivery of documents, fair exchange of sensitive documents, fair signing of contracts,time-stamping,notarization, voting, advertising, licensing, ticket booking, interactive games, digitallibraries, digital rights management, pirate tracing, …And more can be imagined.Many cryptographic schemes and protocols, especially those based onpublic-keycryptography,have basic or so-called "textbook crypto" versions, as these versionsare usually the subjects formany textbooks on cryptography. This book takes adifferent approach to introducingcryptography: it pays much more attention tofit-for-application aspects of cryptography. Itexplains why "textbook crypto" isonly good in an ideal world where data are random and badguys behave nicely.It reveals the general unfitness of "textbook crypto" for the real world bydemonstratingnumerous attacks on such schemes, protocols and systems under variousrealworldapplication scenarios. This book chooses to introduce a set of practicalcryptographic schemes, protocols and systems, many of them standards or de factoones, studies them closely,explains their working principles, discusses their practicalusages, and examines their strong(i.e., fit-for-application) security properties, oftenwith security evidence formally established.The book also includes self-containedtheoretical background material that is the foundation formodern cryptography.PrefaceOur society has entered an era where commerce activities, business transactions andgovernment services have been, and more and more of them will be, conducted and offered overopen computer and communications networks such as the Internet, in particular, viaWorldWideWeb-based tools. Doing things online has a great advantage of an always-onavailability to people in any corner of the world. Here are a few examples of things that havebeen, can or will be done online:Banking, bill payment, home shopping, stock trading, auctions, taxation, gambling, micropayment(e.g., pay-per-downloading), electronic identity, online access to medical records, virtual private networking, secure data archival and retrieval, certified delivery of documents, fair exchange of sensitive documents, fair signing of contracts,time-stamping,notarization, voting, advertising, licensing, ticket booking, interactive games, digitallibraries, digital rights management, pirate tracing, …And more can be imagined.Fascinating commerce activities, transactions and services like these are only possible ifcommunications over open networks can be conducted in a secure manner. An effective solutionto securing communications over open networks is to apply cryptography. Encryption, digitalsignatures, password-based user authentication, are some of the most basic cryptographictechniques for securing communications. However, as we shall witness many times in this book,there are surprising subtleties and serious security consequences in the applicationsof even themost basic cryptographic techniques. Moreover, for many "fancier" applications, such as manylisted in the preceding paragraph, the basic cryptographic techniques are no longer adequate.With an increasingly large demand for safeguarding communications over open networks formore and more sophisticated forms of electronic commerce, business and services[a], anincreasingly large number of information security professionals will be needed for designing,developing, analyzing and maintaining information security systems and cryptographicprotocols. These professionals may range from IT systems administrators, information securityengineers and software/hardware systems developers whose products have securityrequirements, to cryptographers.[a] Gartner Group forecasts that total electronic business revenues for business to business (B2B) andbusiness to consumer (B2C) in the European Union will reach a projected US $2.6 trillion in 2004 (withprobability 0.7) which is a 28-fold increase from the level of 2000 [5]. Also, eMarketer [104] (page 41) reportsthat the cost to financial institutions (in USA) due to electronic identity theft was US $1.4 billion in 2002, andforecasts to grow by a compound annual growth rate of 29%.In the past few years, the author, a technical consultant on information security and cryptographic systems at Hewlett-Packard Laboratories in Bristol, has witnessed the phenomenon of a progressively increased demand for information security professionalsunmatched by an evident shortage of them. As a result, many engineers, who are oriented toapplication problems and may have little proper training in cryptography and informationsecurity have become "roll-up-sleeves" designers and developers for information securitysystems or cryptographic protocols. This is in spite of the fact that designing cryptographicsystems and protocols is a difficult job even for an expert cryptographer.The author's job has granted him privileged opportunities to review many information securitysystems and cryptographic protocols, some of them proposed and designed by "roll-up-sleeves"engineers and are for uses in serious applications. In several occasions, the author observed socalled"textbook crypto" features in such systems, which are the result of applications of cryptographic algorithms and schemes in ways they are usually introduced in many cryptographic textbooks. Direct encryption of a password (a secret number of a smallmagnitude) under a basic public-key encryption algorithm (e.g., "RSA") is a typical example oftextbook crypto. The appearances of textbook crypto in serious applications with a "nonnegligibleprobability" have caused a concern for the author to realize that the general danger oftextbook crypto is not widely known to many people who design and develop informationsecurity systems for serious real-world applications.Motivated by an increasing demand for information security professionals and a belief that theirknowledge in cryptography should not be limited to textbook crypto, the author has written thisbook as a textbook on non-textbook cryptography. This book endeavors to: Introduce a wide range of cryptographic algorithms, schemes and protocols with a particular emphasis on their non-textbook versions.Reveal general insecurity of textbook crypto by demonstrating a large number of attacks onand summarizing typical attacking techniques for such systems.Provide principles and guidelines for the design, analysis and implementation of cryptographic systems and protocols with a focus on standards.Study formalism techniques and methodologies for a rigorous establishment of strong andfit-for-application security notions for cryptographic systems and protocols. Include self-contained and elaborated material as theoretical foundations of modern cryptography for readers who desire a systematic understanding of the subject.ScopeModern cryptography is a vast area of study as a result of fast advances made in the past thirtyyears. This book focuses on one aspect: introducing fit-for-application cryptographic schemesand protocols with their strong security properties evidently established.The book is organized into the following six parts:Part I This part contains two chapters (1—2) and serves an elementary-level introductionfor the book and the areas of cryptography and information security. Chapter 1 begins witha demonstration on the effectiveness of cryptography in solving a subtle communicationproblem. A simple cryptographic protocol (first protocol of the book) for achieving "fair cointossing over telephone" will be presented and discussed. This chapter then carries on toconduct a cultural and "trade" introduction to the areas of study. Chapter 2 uses a series ofsimple authentication protocols to manifest an unfortunate fact in the areas: pitfalls areeverywhere.As an elementary-level introduction, this part is intended for newcomers to the areas.Part II This part contains four chapters (3—6) as a set of mathematical background knowledge, facts and basis to serve as a self-contained mathematical reference guide forthe book. Readers who only intend to "knowhow," i.e., know how to use thefit-forapplicationcrypto schemes and protocols, may skip this part yet still be able to follow most contents of the rest of the book. Readers who also want to "know-why," i.e., know whythese schemes and protocols have strong security properties, may find that this selfcontainedmathematical part is a sufficient reference material. When we present working principles of cryptographic schemes and protocols, reveal insecurity for some of them andreason about security for the rest, it will always be possible for us to refer to a precise pointin this part of the book for supporting mathematical foundations.This part can also be used to conduct a systematic background study of the theoreticalfoundations for modern cryptography.Part III This part contains four chapters (7—10) introducing the most basic cryptographicalgorithms and techniques for providing privacy and data integrity protections. Chapter 7 isfor symmetric encryption schemes, Chapter 8, asymmetric techniques. Chapter 9 considersan important security quality possessed by the basic and popular asymmetric cryptographicfunctions when they are used in an ideal world in which data are random. Finally, Chapter10 covers data integrity techniques.Since the schemes and techniques introduced here are the most basic ones, manyof themare in fact in the textbook crypto category and are consequently insecure. While the schemes are introduced, abundant attacks on many schemes will be demonstrated withwarning remarks explicitly stated. For practitioners who do not plan to proceed with an indepthstudy of fit-for-application crypto and their strong security notions, this textbook crypto part will still provide these readers with explicit early warning signals on the generalinsecurity of textbook crypto.Part IV This part contains three chapters (11—13) introducing an important notion inapplied cryptography and information security: authentication. These chapters provide awide coverage of the topic. Chapter 11 includes technical background, principles, a series ofbasic protocols and standards, common attacking tricks and prevention measures. Chapter12 is a case study for four well-known authentication protocol systems for real world applications. Chapter 13 introduces techniques which are particularly suitable for openfor-application) security properties, oftenwith security evidence formally established.The book also includes self-containedtheoretical background material that is the foundation formodern cryptography.systems which cover up-to-date and novel techniques.Practitioners, such as information security systems administration staff in an enterprise andsoftware/hardware developers whose products have security consequences may find thispart helpful.Part V This part contains four chapters (14—17) which provide formalism and rigoroustreatments for strong (i.e., fit-for-application) security notions for public-key cryptographictechniques (encryption, signature and signcryption) and formal methodologies for theanalysis of authentication protocols. Chapter 14 introduces formal definitions of strongsecurity notions. The next two chapters are fit-for-application counterparts to textbookcrypto schemes introduced in Part III, with strong security properties formally established(i.e., evidently reasoned). Finally, Chapter 17 introduces formal analysismethodologiesand techniques for the analysis of authentication protocols, which we have not been able todeal with in Part IV.Part VI This is the final part of the book. It contains two technical chapters (18—19) and ashort final remark (Chapter 20). The main technical content of this part, Chapter 18, introduces a class of cryptographic protocols called zero-knowledge protocols. Theseprotocols provide an important security service which is needed in various "fancy" electronic commerce and business applications: verification of a claimed property of secretdata (e.g., in conforming with a business requirement) while preserving a strict privacyquality for the claimant. Zero-knowledge protocols to be introduced in this part exemplifythe diversity of special security needs in various real world applications, which are beyondconfidentiality, integrity, authentication and non-repudiation. In the final technical chapterof the book (Chapter 19) we will complete our job which has been left over from the firstprotocol of the book: to realize "fair coin tossing over telephone." That final realization willachieve a protocol which has evidently-established strong security properties yet with anefficiency suitable for practical applications.Needless to say, a description for each fit-for-application crypto scheme or protocol has to beginwith a reason why the textbook crypto counterpart is unfit for application. Invariably, thesereasons are demonstrated by attacks on these schemes or protocols, which, by the nature ofattacks, often contain a certain degree of subtleties. In addition, a description of a fit-forapplicationscheme or protocol must also end at an analysis that the strong (i.e.,fit-forapplication)security properties do hold as claimed. Consequently, some parts of this book inevitably contain mathematical and logical reasonings, deductions and transformations in orderto manifest attacks and fixes.While admittedly fit-for-application cryptography is not a topic for quick mastery or that can bemastered via light reading, this book, nonetheless, is not one for in-depth researchtopics whichwill only be of interest to specialist cryptographers. The things reported and explained in it arewell-known and quite elementary to cryptographers. The author believes that they can also becomprehended by non-specialists if the introduction to the subject is provided with plenty ofexplanations and examples and is supported by self-contained mathematical background andreference material.The book is aimed at the following readers.Students who have completed, or are near to completion of, first degree courses in computer, information science or applied mathematics, and plan to pursue a career ininformation security. For them, this book may serve as an advanced course in appliedcryptography.Security engineers in high-tech companies who are responsible for the design and development of information security systems. If we say that the consequence of textbookcrypto appearing in an academic research proposal may not be too harmful since the worstcase of the consequence would be an embarrassment, then the use of textbook crypto in aninformation security product may lead to a serious loss. Therefore, knowing the unfitness oftextbook crypto for real world applications is necessary for these readers. Moreover, thesereaders should have a good understanding of the security principles behind thefit-forapplicationschemes and protocols and so they can apply the schemes and the principles correctly. The self-contained mathematical foundations material in Part II makes the book asuitable self-teaching text for these readers.Information security systems administration staff in an enterprise andsoftware/hardwaresystems developers whose products have security consequences. For these readers, Part Iis a simple and essential course for cultural and "trade" training; Parts III and IV form asuitable cut-down set of knowledge in cryptography and information security. These threeparts contain many basic crypto schemes and protocols accompanied with plenty of attacking tricks and prevention measures which should be known to and can be grasped by。


1、DES(Data Encryption Standard):对称算法,数据加密标准,速度较快,适用于加密大量数据的场合;
2、3DES(Triple DES):是基于DES的对称算法,对一块数据用三个不同的密钥进行三次加密,强度更高;
3、RC2和RC4:对称算法,用变长密钥对大量数据进行加密,比 DES 快;
简单的加密设计:用密钥对原文做 异或,置换,代换,移位




表5-3 单钥密码算法性能比较表
7、AES(Advanced Encryption Standard):高级加密标准,对称算法,是下一代的加密算法标准,速度快,安全级别高,在21世纪AES 标准的一个实现是Rijndael算法;



软件资格考试信息安全工程师(基础知识、应用技术)合卷(中级)复习试卷(答案在后面)一、基础知识(客观选择题,75题,每题1分,共75分)1、信息安全的基本要素包括哪些?2、以下哪项不是信息安全威胁的常见类型?3、在信息安全中,以下哪个选项不属于常见的网络安全攻击类型?A. SQL注入B. 钓鱼攻击C. 拒绝服务攻击(DoS)D. 物理破坏4、以下关于密码学的描述中,哪项是错误的?A. 密码学是研究如何保护信息安全的学科。

B. 加密算法可以分为对称加密和非对称加密。

C. 数字签名可以用来验证信息的完整性和来源。

D. 加密算法的强度取决于密钥的长度。

5、以下关于密码学中哈希函数的说法,正确的是()A. 哈希函数可以将任意长度的输入数据映射到固定长度的输出值B. 哈希函数具有可逆性,可以通过输出值反推出输入值C. 哈希函数的输出值是唯一的,不会有两个不同的输入值产生相同的输出D. 哈希函数在加密过程中用于保证数据完整性6、以下关于公钥密码体制的说法,不正确的是()A. 公钥密码体制中,加密和解密使用不同的密钥B. 公钥密码体制的安全性依赖于密钥的保密性C. 公钥密码体制的密钥长度通常比对称密码体制长D. 公钥密码体制适用于所有类型的通信场景7、以下哪项不属于信息安全的基本原则?A. 完整性原则B. 可用性原则C. 不可抵赖性原则D. 安全性原则8、在网络安全防护中,以下哪种加密算法不属于对称加密算法?A. DESB. AESC. RSAD. 3DES9、以下哪个协议不属于OSI模型中的应用层协议?A. HTTPB. FTPC. SMTPD. ARP 10、在信息安全中,以下哪种措施不属于物理安全防护范畴?A. 安装门禁系统B. 设置防火墙C. 定期备份数据D. 使用加密技术11、下列关于密码学的描述中,错误的是:A. 密码学主要包括密码编码学和密码分析学两个分支B. 密码编码学关注如何有效地对信息进行加密C. 密码分析学研究的是如何对密文进行破译D. 现代密码学的目标仅限于保证通信内容的安全12、在SSL/TLS协议中,握手协议的主要作用是什么?A. 用于客户端和服务器相互认证,并协商加密算法B. 完成数据传输过程中的消息认证C. 提供一种机制让发送者否认已发送的消息D. 实现数据的可靠传输,确保数据包顺序到达13、在网络安全中,以下哪项不属于常见的攻击类型?A. 中间人攻击B. 拒绝服务攻击(DoS)C. SQL注入攻击D. 物理安全14、在信息安全体系中,以下哪个不是安全策略的基本要素?A. 安全目标B. 安全措施C. 安全评估D. 安全审计15、下列哪一项不属于常见的网络攻击类型?A. 拒绝服务攻击(DoS)B. SQL注入攻击C. 网络钓鱼攻击D. 数据加密保护16、在信息安全模型中,确保信息不被未授权访问的属性称为?A. 可用性B. 完整性C. 保密性D. 可控性17、在信息安全领域中,以下哪个选项不属于常用的加密算法?A. RSAB. AESC. DESD. HTTP18、在网络安全防护中,以下哪个措施不属于入侵检测系统的功能?A. 实时监控网络流量B. 检测和阻止恶意代码C. 记录安全事件D. 进行数据备份19、以下哪一项不是防止信息泄露的基本措施?A、数据加密传输B、敏感数据脱敏处理C、使用强密码D、公开关键业务数据20、在信息安全保障体系中,PDR模型强调的是?A、防护 - 检测 - 响应B、预防 - 设计 - 恢复C、政策 - 发展 - 记录D、保护 - 检测 - 反应21、题干:以下关于密码学中公钥加密算法的说法,错误的是()。



DATA ENCRYPTION STANDARD (DES)Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS PUBS) are issued by the National Bureau of Standards in accordance with section 111 (f) (2) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, Public Law 89-306 (79 Stat 1127), Executive Order 11717 (38 FR 12315, dated May 11, 1973), and Part 6 of Title 15 Code of Federal Regulations.(1)Name of Standard. Data Encryption Standard (DES).(2)Category of Standard. Computer Security.(3)Explanation. The Data Encryption Standard (DES) specifies a FIPS approved cryptographic algorithm as required by FIPS 140-1. This publication provides a complete description of a mathematical algorithm for encrypting (enciphering) and decrypting (deciphering) binary coded information. Encrypting data converts it to an unintelligible form called cipher. Decrypting cipher converts the data back to its original form called plaintext. The algorithm described in this standard specifies both enciphering and deciphering operations which are based on a binary number called a key.A key consists of 64 binary digits ("O"s or "1"s) of which 56 bits are randomly generated and used directly by the algorithm. The other 8 bits, which are not used by the algorithm, are used for error detection. The 8 error detecting bits are set to make the parity of each 8-bit byte of the key odd, i.e., there is an odd number of "1"s in each 8-bit byte1. Authorized users of encrypted computer data must have the key that was used to encipher the data in order to decrypt it. The encryption algorithm specified in this standard is commonly known among those using the standard. The unique key chosen for use in a particular application makes the results of encrypting data using the algorithm unique. Selection of a different key causes the cipher that is produced for any given set of inputs to be different. The cryptographic security of the data depends on the security provided for the key used to encipher and decipher the data.Data can be recovered from cipher only by using exactly the same key used to encipher it. Unauthorized recipients of the cipher who know the algorithm but do not have the correct key cannot derive the original data algorithmically. However, anyone who does have the key and the algorithm can easily decipher the cipher and obtain the original data. A standard algorithm based on a secure key thus provides a basis for exchanging encrypted computer data by issuing the key used to encipher it tothose authorized to have the data.Data that is considered sensitive by the responsible authority, data that has a high value, or data that represents a high value should be cryptographically protected if it is vulnerable to unauthorized disclosure or undetected modification during transmission or while in storage. A risk analysis should be performed under the direction of a responsible authority to determine potential threats. The costs of providing cryptographic protection using this standard as well as alternative methods of providing this protection and their respective costs should be projected. A responsible authority then should make a decision, based on these analyses, whether or not to use cryptographic protection and this standard.(4)Approving Authority. Secretary of Commerce.(5)Maintenance Agency.U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Computer Systems Laboratory.(6)Applicability.This standard may be used by Federal departments and agencies when the following conditions apply:①An authorized official or manager responsible for data security or the security of any computer system decides that cryptographic protection is required;②The data is not classified according to the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, or the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended.Federal agencies or departments which use cryptographic devices for protecting data classified according to either of these acts can use those devices for protecting unclassified data in lieu of the standard.Other FIPS approved cryptographic algorithms may be used in addition to, or in lieu of, this standard when implemented in accordance with FIPS 140-1.In addition, this standard may be adopted and used by non-Federal Government organizations. Such use is encouraged when it provides the desired security for commercial and private organizations.(7)Applications.Data encryption (cryptography) is utilized in various applications and environments. The specific utilization of encryption and the implementation of the DES will be based on many factors particular to the computer system and its associated components. In general, cryptography is used to protect data while it is being communicated between two points or while it is stored in a medium vulnerable to physical theft. Communication security provides protection to data by enciphering it at the transmitting point and deciphering it at the receiving point. Filesecurity provides protection to data by enciphering it when it is recorded on a storage medium and deciphering it when it is read back from the storage medium. In the first case, the key must be available at the transmitter and receiver simultaneously during communication. In the second case, the key must be maintained and accessible for the duration of the storage period. FIPS 171 provides approved methods for managing the keys used by the algorithm specified in this standard.(8)Implementations.Cryptographic modules which implement this standard shall conform to the requirements of FIPS 140-1. The algorithm specified in this standard may be implemented in software, firmware, hardware, or any combination thereof. The specific implementation may depend on several factors such as the application, the environment, the technology used, etc. Implementations which may comply with this standard include electronic devices (e.g., VLSI chip packages), micro-processors using Read Only Memory (ROM), Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM), or Electronically Erasable Read Only Memory (EEROM), and mainframe computers using Random Access Memory (RAM). When the algorithm is implemented in software or firmware, the processor on which the algorithm runs must be specified as part of the validation process. Implementations of the algorithm which are tested and validated by NIST will be considered as complying with the standard. Note that FIPS 140-1 places additional requirements on cryptographic modules for Government use. Information about devices that have been validated and procedures for testing and validating equipment for conformance with this standard and FIPS 140-1 are available from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Computer Systems Laboratory, Gaithersburg, MD 20899.(9)Export Control.Cryptographic devices and technical data regarding them are subject to Federal Government export controls as specified in Title 22, Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 120 through 128. Some exports of cryptographic modules implementing this standard and technical data regarding them must comply with these Federal regulations and be licensed by the U.S. Department of State. Other exports of cryptographic modules implementing this standard and technical data regarding them fall under the licensing authority of the Bureau of Export Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The Department of Commerce is responsible for licensing cryptographic devices used for authentication, access control, proprietary software, automatic teller machines (ATMs), and certain devices used in other equipment and software. For advice concerning which agency haslicensing authority for a particular cryptographic device, please contact the respective agencies.(10)Patents.Cryptographic devices implementing this standard may be covered by U.S. and foreign patents issued to the International Business Machines Corporation. However, IBM has granted nonexclusive, royalty-free licenses under the patents to make, use and sell apparatus which complies with the standard. The terms, conditions and scope of the licenses are set out in notices published in the May 13, 1975 and August 31, 1976 issues of the Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (934 O.G. 452 and 949 O.G. 1717).(11)Alternative Modes of Using the DES. FIPS PUB 81, DES Modes of Operation, describes four different modes for using the algorithm described in this standard. These four modes are called the Electronic Codebook (ECB) mode, the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode, the Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode, and the Output Feedback (OFB) mode. ECB is a direct application of the DES algorithm to encrypt and decrypt data; CBC is an enhanced mode of ECB which chains together blocks of cipher text; CFB uses previously generated cipher text as input to the DES to generate pseudorandom outputs which are combined with the plaintext to produce cipher, thereby chaining together the resulting cipher; OFB is identical to CFB except that the previous output of the DES is used as input in OFB while the previous.数据加密标准( DES )联邦信息处理标准出版物(符合FIPS出版)是由国家标准局根据第111条(六)( 2 )1949年修订的联邦财产和行政管理服务法,公法89-306 ( 79统计1127年),行政命令11717 (联邦条例法典12315-38,日期1973年5月11日),以及联邦条例法典15-6。



DES加密算法详细过程DES(Data Encryption Standard)是一种对称加密算法,采用了64位加密块和56位密钥。


1. 初始置换(Initial Permutation IP):首先,将明文划分为64位的分组,并根据初始置换矩阵IP对分组进行重排。


2.密钥生成将56位的密钥进行置换选择(Permutation Choice 1,PC-1),根据预定义的置换矩阵将密钥的各个位重新组合,得到56位的置换密钥C0和D0。

接下来,通过循环左移操作(circular left shift)将置换密钥分为两个28位的子密钥C1和D1、左移的位数根据循环左移表格确定。



最后,通过置换选择2(Permutation Choice 2,PC-2)将Ci和Di 重新置换,得到16个48位的子密钥Ki,即轮密钥。


进入16轮加密过程,每轮的操作如下:- 用Ri-1和轮密钥Ki进行扩展置换(Expansion Permutation),将32位扩展为48位。



- 对每一个子分组进行S盒替代(Substitution Boxes),将6位的输入转换为4位的输出。


- 将32位的结果经过P盒置换(Permutation Box)进行重排。









两个整数a、b,若它们除以整数m所得的余数相等,则称a与b对于模m同余或a同余于b模m,记作a≡b (mod m),即求解17≡2(mod m),m=5。















请问表4.1中,规则A涉及访问控制的哪几个方面的内容?【答案】【问题1】(1)53 (2)丢弃或Drop其安全需求为:(1)允许内部用户访问外部网络的网页服务器;(2)允许外部用户访问内部网络的网页服务器(;(3)除 1和2 外,禁止其他任何网络流量通过该防火墙。



ctf关于des的例题CTF(Capture The Flag)比赛中,关于DES(DataEncryption Standard)的例题可以涉及DES算法的原理、加密过程、解密过程、弱点以及相关攻击等方面。







假设我们有一个明文为"Hello, DES!",密钥为"SecretKey"。



















以下是一些密码系统的主要分类:1. 对称密钥系统(Symmetric-key Cryptography):-在对称密钥系统中,加密和解密使用相同的密钥。

常见的对称加密算法有DES(Data Encryption Standard)、AES(Advanced Encryption Standard)等。


2. 非对称密钥系统(Asymmetric-key Cryptography):-非对称密钥系统使用一对密钥,分别是公钥和私钥。



RSA 和ECC(Elliptic Curve Cryptography)是常见的非对称加密算法。

3. 哈希函数(Hash Functions):-哈希函数将任意长度的数据映射为固定长度的散列值。


MD5 和SHA-256 是常见的哈希算法。

4. 数字签名(Digital Signatures):-数字签名使用非对称密钥系统来确保数据的完整性和认证发送者身份。


DSA 和RSA 签名是常见的数字签名算法。

5. 公钥基础设施(Public Key Infrastructure,PKI):- PKI 是一套为建立安全的网络通信而设计的标准和规范。


6. 随机数生成器(Random Number Generators,RNG):-随机数生成器用于生成密码学上安全的随机数。



7. 量子密码学(Quantum Cryptography):-量子密码学是一种利用量子力学原理来确保通信的安全性的新型密码学。



国际标准密码算法国际标准密码算法(International Standard Cryptographic Algorithm)是指被国际标准化组织(ISO)和国际电信联盟(ITU)等国际组织所认可和推荐的密码算法。

以下是几种常见的国际标准密码算法:一、DES(Data Encryption Standard):是一种对称密钥加密算法,由IBM公司于1975年研制,被美国政府采用为联邦信息处理标准(FIPS),是最早的国际标准密码算法之一。




三、AES(Advanced Encryption Standard):是一种对称密钥加密算法,由比利时密码学家Joan Daemen和Vincent Rijmen于1998年研制,是目前最广泛应用的国际标准密码算法之一。


四、SHA(Secure Hash Algorithm):是一种散列函数,由美国国家安全局(NSA)于1993年研制,是目前最广泛应用的散列函数之一。



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it's interesting. In fact Lucifer had a
number of variations but one of the later
variations in fact had a key length that
was 128 bits and a block length that's
function, and I'm not gonna talk much
about key expansion. But I just wanted to
mention that, in fact, key expansion is
expansion mechanism, and one needs to
specify the round function. In the segment
here, I'm gonna focus on the round
search. And basically this 1997 experiment
kinda spelled the doom of DES. It meant
that DES is itself, is no longer secure.
in the next segment. And then I also
mentioned before that block ciphers are
often built by iteration. In particular,
also a big part of describing how block
cipher works. Okay, so let's talk about
the history of DES. Essentially, in the
And as a result, the National Institute of
Standards, as it became known, issued a
request for proposals. For our next
generation's block cipher standard and in
very popular up until recently, as the
main encryption mechanism for the web. Of
standardization process and then finally
in 1976, the national bureau standard
adopted DES as a federal standard. And, in
later on. But in this segment, I wanna
describe how DES works. Now, DES is a
cipher, it's an amazingly successful
we're gonna look at block ciphers that are
built by a form of iteration where a key K
is first expanded into a bunch of round
was a source of many complaints over its
life. In particular, already back in 1997,
DES was broken by exhaustive search
format. I just wanna be clear that, in
fact, to specify a block cipher of this
type, one ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้eeds to specify the key
its suppliers to actually have a good grip
to algorithm that they could use in
products sold to the government. So in
canonical examples, triple DES and AES. In
this segment, we're gonna talk about DES,
and we'll talk about triple DES, actually,
standard. And in fact IBM submitted a
variant of Lucifer. That variant actually
went through some modification during the
So now that we understand what block
ciphers are, let's look at a classic
example called the Data Encryption
1973 the National Bureau of Standards as
it was called at the time put out a
request for proposals for a block cipher
that is going to become a federal
also 128 bits. Okay, in 1973 the governor
realized that it's buying many commercial
off-the-shelf computers and so it wanted
checks with one another. And DES is used
for integrity in those transactions. It's
also used in commerce. In fact, it was
cipher. It's been used in the banking
industry. In fact, there's a classic
network called the Electronic
Clearing House, which banks use to clear
group, and the head of that group, was
Horst Feistel, who, in the early 70s,
designed a cipher called Lucifer. Now,
fact, these decisions, especially the
decision to reduce the key length, is
going to be a key length yield of DES and
round functions are applied, we obtain the
resulting cipher text, okay? And again,
what we're gonna look at, how DES, the