As we enter this new phase in America's relations with Iraq, we hapective here at home. There were legitimate differences of opinion about the initial decision to remove Saddam Hussein and the subsequent conduct of the war. But now the surge and the courage of brave Iraqis have turned the situation around. And Americans should be able to agree that it is in our Nation's strategic and moral interests to support the free and democratic Iraq that is emerging in the heart of the Middle East.
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This weekend I'm attending the Army-Navy game in Philadelphia, and I'm looking forward to a great day of college football. But more importantly, I'm looking forward to spending time with the brave men and women of the United States military.
Thank you for listening.
A bill that would do this has already passed the House of Representatives. It is called the "Ensuring Continued Access to Student Loans Act." This bill provides the necessary tools for safeguarding student loans without permanently expanding the government's role in their financing. The authority the bill grants is temporary and would be used only if it became apparent there was a ortage of loans available to students.
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning.Earlier this week, I had coffee with Rockey Vaccarella in the White House. Rockey is from Saint Bernard Parish in Louisiana, and he and his family lost everything they owned to Hurricane Katrina. Rockey drove to Washington to thank the federal government for its efforts to help people like him. And he brought a trailer along to help remind us that many good people along our Gulf Coast are still living in difficult conditions, and that the hardwork of rebuilding has only justThis Tuesday marks the firstanniversary of Katrina -- one ofthe deadliest and most costlynatural disasters in Americanhistory. In Mississippi, the stormwiped out virtually everythingalong an 80-mile stretch of thecoast, flattening homes anddestroying entire communities.In Louisiana, flooding left 80percent of the city of New Orleansunderwater. The human costswere even more terrible. More than a thousand people died, countless families lost their homes and livelihoods, and tens of thousands of men, women, and children were forced to flee the region and leave behind everything they knew.During the storm and in the days that followed, Americans responded with heroism and compassion. Coast Guard and other personnel rescued people stranded in flooded neighborhoods and brought them to high ground. Doctors and nurses stayed behind to care for their patients, and some even went without food so their patients could eat. Many of the first-responders risking their lives to help otherswere victims themselves -- wounded healers, with a sense of duty greater than theirown suffering. And across our great land, the armies of compassion rallied to bringfood and water and hope to fellow citizens who had lost everything. In these and countless other selfless acts, we saw the spirit of America at its best.Unfortunately, Katrina also revealed that federal, state, and local governments were unprepared to respond to such an extraordinary disaster. And the floodwaters exposed a deep-seated poverty that has cut people off from the opportunities of our country. So last year I made a simple pledge: The federal government would learn the lessons of Katrina, we would do what it takes, and we would stay as long as it takes, to help our brothers and sisters build a new Gulf Coast where every citizen feels part of the great promise of America.That was the same pledge I repeated to Rockey during his visit to the White House. This pledge meant stronger levees and rebuilt homes and new infrastructure. It also means safe streets and neighborhoods filled with locally owned businesses, and more opportunities for everyone.Next week, Laura and I will return to Mississippi and New Orleans to meet with local citizens and officials, and review the progress we have made. The federal government has conducted a thorough review of its response to natural disasters, and we're making reforms that will improve our response to future emergencies. With help from Congress, we have committed $110 billion to the recovery effort, and we are playing a vital role in helping people clear debris, repair and rebuild their homes, reopen their businesses and schools, and put their lives back together.The federal government will continue to do its part -- yet a re-born Gulf Coast must reflect the needs, the vision, and the aspirations of the people of Mississippi and Louisiana. And their state and local officials have a responsibility to help set priorities and make tough decisions, so people can plan their futures with confidence.One year after the storms, the Gulf Coast continues down the long road to recovery. In Mississippi and Louisiana, we can see many encouraging signs of recovery and renewal, and many reminders that hard work still lies ahead. This work will require the sustained commitment of our government, the generosity and compassion of the American people, and the talent and vision of people determined to restore their homes, neighborhoods, and cities. We will stay until the job is done, and by workingtogether, we will help our fellow citizens along the Gulf Coast write a new future of hope, justice, and opportunity for all.Thank you for listening.。
拜登副总统电台英语演讲稿good morning, everyone. this past week, we've seenthe best and the worst of humanity. the heinousterrorist attacks in paris and beirut, in iraq andnigeria. they showed us once again the depths of theterrorist's depravity.and at the same time, we saw the world cometogether in solidarity. parisians opening their doorsto anyone trapped in the street, taxi drivers turningoff their meters to get people home safety, peoplelining up to donate blood. these simple human actsare a powerful reminder that we cannot be broken and in the face of terror, we stand as one.in the wake of these terrible events, i understand the anxiety that many americans feel. ireally do. i don't dismiss the fear of a terrorist bomb going off. there's nothing presidentobama and i take more seriously though, than keeping the american people safe.in the past few weeks though, we've heard an awful lot of people suggest that the best way tokeep america safe is to prevent any syrian refugee from gaining asylum in the united states.so let's set the record straight how it works for a refugee to get asylum. refugees face themost rigorous screening of anyone who comes to the united states. first they arefingerprinted, then they undergo a thorough background check, then they are interviewed bythe department of homeland security. and after that, the fbi, the national counterterrorismcenter, the department of defense and the department of state, they all have to sign off onaccess.and to address the specific terrorism concerns we are talking about now, we've institutedanother layer of checks just for syrianrefugees. there is no possibility of being overwhelmedby a flood of refugees landing on our doorstep tomorrow. right now, refugees wait 18 to 24months while the screening process is completed. and unlike in europe, refugees don't set footin the united states until they are thoroughly vetted.let's also remember who the vast majority of these refugees are: women, children, orphans,survivors of torture, people desperately in need of medical help.to turn them away and say there is no way you can ever get here would play right into theterrorists' hands. we know what isil –we know what they hope to accomplish. they flat-outtold us.earlier this year, the top isil leader al-baghdadi revealed the true goal of their attacks. here'swhat he said, he said, “compel the crusaders to actively destroy the gray zone themselves.muslims in the west will quickly find themselves between one and two choices. either apostatizeor emigrate to the islamic state and thereby escape persecution.” so it's clear. it's clearwhat isil wants. they want to manufacture a clash between civilizations. they wantfrightened people to think in terms of “us versus them.”they want us to turn our backs on muslims victimized by terrorism. but this gang of thugspeddling a warped ideology, they will never prevail. the world is united in our resolve to endtheir evil. and the only thing isil can do is spread terror in hopes that we will in turn, turn onourselves. we will betray our ideals and take actions, actions motivated by fear that will drivemore recruits into the arms of isil. that's how they win. we win by prioritizing our security aswe've been doing. refusing to compromise our fundamental american values: freedom,openness,tolerance. that's who we are. that's how we win.may god continue to bless the united states of america and god bless our troops.。
标题美国总统周末电台演讲:华盛顿白宫奥巴马每周电台演讲正文第一篇:美国总统周末电台演讲:华盛顿白宫奥巴马每周电台演讲美国总统周末电台演讲:华盛顿白宫奥巴马每周电台演讲 WASHINGTON—In this week’s address, President Obama told the American people that the Senate will vote on the American Jobs Act next week, which independent economists have said will put Americans back to work, grow the economy, and give working people and small businesses a tax break. It is time for those who oppose the jobs act to explain why they are fighting against something that we know will improve the American economy, put teachers in classrooms, cops on the streets, and construction workers back to work rebuilding our roads and bridges. President Obama urged all Americans who support the American Jobs Act to call their Senators and tell them to put a stop to the gridlock in Washington and pass the jobs act next week. Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address Saturday, October 8 , 2011 Next week, the Senate will vote on the American Jobs Act. It’s a bill that will put more people to work and put more money in the pockets of working Americans. And it will provide our economy with the jolt that it really needs right now This is not the time for the usual games or political gridlock in Washington. The challenges facing financial markets around the world could have very real effects on our own economy at a time when it’s already fragile. But this jobs bill can help guard against another downturn here in America. This isn’t just my belief. This is what independent economists have said. Not just politicians. Not just people in my administration. Independent experts who do this for a living have said that this jobs bill will havea significant effect for our economy and middle-class families all across America. But if we don’t act, the opp osite will be true – there will be fewer jobs and weaker growth. So any Senator out there who’s thinking about voting against this jobs bill needs to explain why they would oppose something that we know would improve our economic situation. If the Republicans in Congress think they have a better plan for creating jobs right now, they should prove it. Because one of the same independent economists who looked at our plan just said that their ideas, quote, wouldn’t ―mean much for the economy in the near ter m.‖ If their plan doesn’t measure up, the American people deserve to know what it is that Republicans in Congress don’t like about this jobs plan. You hear a lot of our Republican friends say that one of the most important things we can do is cut taxes. Well, they should love this plan. The American Jobs Act would cut taxes for virtually every worker and small business in America. And if you’re a small business owner that hires new workers, raises wages, or hires a veteran, you get an additional tax cut. Right now, hundreds of thousands of teachers and firefighters and police officers have been laid off because of state budget cuts. This jobs bill will put a lot of these men and women back to work. Right now, there are millions of laid-offconstruction workers who could be repairing our bridges and roads and modernizing our schools. Why wouldn’t we want to put these men and women to work rebuilding America? The proposals in this bill are steps we have to take if we want to build an economy that lasts; if we want to be able to compete with other countries for jobs that restore a sense of security for the middle-class. But we also have to rein in our deficit and start living within our means, which is why this jobs bill is paid for by asking millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share. Some see this as class warfare. I see it as a simple choice. We can either keep taxes exactly as they are for millionaires and billionaires, or we can ask them to pay at least the same rate as a plumber or a bus driver. And in the process, we can put teachers and construction workers and veterans back on the job. We can either fight to protect their tax cuts, or we can cut taxes for virtually every worker and small business in America. But we can’t afford to do both. It’s that simple. There are too many people hurting in this country for us to simply do nothing. The economy is too fragile for us to let politics get in the way of action. The people who represent you in Washington have a responsibility to d o what’s best for you –not what’s best for their party or what’s going to help them win an election that’s more than a year away. So I need you to keep making your voices heard in Washington. I need you to remind these folks who they work for. And I need you to tell your Senators to do the right thing by passing this jobs bill right away. Thanks so much. 第二篇:美国总统周末电台演讲:华盛顿白宫奥巴马每周电台演讲009美国总统周末电台演讲:华盛顿白宫奥巴马每周电台演讲 WASHINGTON –In this week’s address, President Obama said that he expects Democratic and Republican leaders in Congress to find common ground as Congress focuses on a short term budget next week. The President will consider any serious ideas to reduce the deficit, regardless of which party proposes them. In fact, the President has already proposed freezing domestic spending, which would cut the deficit by $400 billion and bring this kind of spending to the lowest level, as a percentage of our economy, since the Eisenhower administration. But, cutting investments in education and innovation would hinder our ability to out-compete the rest of the world. While the President recognizes that everyone needs to be willing to sacrifice, we cannot sacrifice our country’s ability to win the future.Prepared Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address Saturday, February 26, 2011 Over the last month, I’ve been traveling the country, talking to Americans about how we can out-educate, out-innovate, and out-build the rest of the world. Doing that will require a government that lives within its means, and cuts whatever spending we can afford to do without. But it will also require investing in our nation’s future – training and educating our workers; increasing our commitment to research and technology; building new roads and bridges, high-speed rail and high-speed internet. In cities and townsthroughout America, I’ve seen the benefits of these investments. The schools and colleges of Oregon are providing Intel –the state’s largest private employer – with a steady stream of highly-educated workers and engineers. At Parkville Middle School outside of Baltimore, engineering is the most popular subject, thanks to outstanding teachers who are inspiring students to focus on their math and science skills. In Wisconsin, a company called Orion is putting hundreds of people to work manufacturing energy-efficient lights in a once-shuttered plant. And in the small community of Marquette, in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, widely accessible high-speed internet has allowed students and entrepreneurs to connect to the global economy. In fact one small business, a third-generation, family-owned clothing shop called Getz’s is now selling their products online, which has helped them to double their workforce and make them one of America’s 5,000 fastest-growing companies in a recent listing. Each of these places reminds us that investments in education, innovation, and infrastructure are an essential down payment on our future. But they also remind us that the only way we can afford these investments is by getting our fiscal house in order. Just like any family, we have to live within our means to make room for the things we absolutely need. That’s why I’ve called for a freeze on annual domestic spending over the next five years – a freeze that would cut the deficit by more than $400 billion over the next decade, bringing this kind of spending to its lowest share of our economy since Dwight Eisenhower was President. Just to be clear, that’s lower than it was under the past three administrations, and lower than it was under Ronald Reagan. Now, putting this budget freeze in place will require tough choices. That’s why I’ve frozen salaries for hardworking civil servants for three years, and proposed cutting programs I care deeply about, like community action programs in low-income neighbor hoods. I’m not taking these steps lightly –but I’m taking them because our economic future demands it. Still, a freeze in annual domestic spending is just a start. If we’re serious about tackling our long-run fiscal challenges, we also need to cut excessive spending wherever we find it – in defense spending, spending in Medicare and Medicaid, and spending through tax breaks and loopholes. I’m willing to consider any serious ideas to help us reduce the deficit –no matter what party is proposing them. But instead of cutting the investments in education and innovation we need to out-compete the rest of the world, we need a balanced approach to deficit reduction. We all need to be willing to sacrifice, but we can’t sacrifice our future. Next week, Congress will focus on a short-term budget. For the sake of our people and our economy, we cannot allow gridlock to prevail. Both Democratic and Republican leaders in the House and Senate have said they believe it’s important to keep the government running while we work together on a plan to reduce our long-term deficit. Given that, I urge and expect them to find common ground so we can accelerate, and not impede,economic growth. It won’t be easy. There will be plenty of debates and disagreements, and neither party will get everything it wants. Both sides will have to compromise. That’s what it will take to do what’s right for our country. And I look forward to working with members of both parties to produce a responsible budget that cuts what we can’t afford, sharp ens America’s competitive edge in the world, and helps us win the future. Thanks everybody, and have a great weekend. 第三篇:美国总统奥巴马每周电台演讲09美国总统奥巴马每周电台演讲09.19 Remarks of President Barack Obama As prepared for delivery Saturday, September 18, 2010 Washington, DC Back in January, in my State of the Union Address, I warned of the danger posed by a Supreme Court ruling called Citizens United. This decision overturned decades of law and precedent. It gave the special interests the power to spend without limit – and without public disclosure – to run ads in order to influence elections. Now, as an election approaches, it’s not just a theory. We can see for ourselves how destructive to our democracy this can become. We see it in the flood of deceptive attack ads sponsored by special interests using front groups with misleading names. We don’t know who’s behind these ads or who’s paying for them. Even foreign-controlled corporations seeking to influence our democracy are able to spend freely in order to swing an election toward a candidate they prefer. We’ve tried to fix this with a new law –one that would simply require that you say who you are and who’s paying for your ad. This way, voters are able to make an informed judgment about a group’s motivations. Anyone running these ads would have to stand by their claims. And foreign-controlled corporations would be restricted from spending money to influence elections, just as they were before the Supreme Court opened up this loophole. This is common sense. In fact, this is the kind of proposal that Democrats and Republicans have agreed on for decades. Yet, the Republican leaders in Congress have so far said “no.” They’ve blocked this bill from even coming up for a vote in the Senate. It’s politics at its worst. But it’s not hard to understand why. Over the past two years, we have fought back against the entrenched special interests – weakening their hold on the levers of power in Washington. We have taken a stand against the worst abuses of the financial industry and h ealth insurance companies. We’ve rolled back tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. And we’ve restored enforcement of common sense rules to protect clean air and clean water. We have refused to go along with business as usual. Now, the special interests want to take Congress back, and return to the days when lobbyists wrote the laws. And a partisan minority in Congress is hoping their defense of these special interests and the status quo will be rewarded with a flood of negative ads against the ir opponents. It’s a power grab, pure and simple. They’re hoping they can ride this wave of unchecked influence all the way to victory. What is clear is that Congress has a responsibility to act. But the truth is,any law will come too late to prevent the damage that has already been done this election season. That is why, any time you see an attack ad by one of these shadowy groups, you should ask yourself, who is paying for this ad? Is it the health insurance lobby? The oil industry? The credit card companies? But more than that, you can make sure that the tens of millions of dollars spent on misleading ads do not drown out your voice. Because no matter how many ads they run – no matter how many elections they try to buy – the power to determine the fa te of this country doesn’t lie in their hands. It lies in yours. It’s up to all of us to defend that most basic American principle of a government of, by, and for the people. What’s at stake is not just an election. It’s our democracy itself. Thank you. 第四篇:美国总统奥巴马每周电台演讲02.2Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address February 20, 2010 The other week, men and women across California opened up their mailboxes to find a letter from Anthem Blue Cross. The news inside was jaw-dropping. Anthem was alerting almost a million of its customers that it would be raising premiums by an average of 25 percent, with about a quarter of folks likely to see their rates go up by anywhere from 35 to 39 percent. Now, after their announcement stirred public outcry, Anthem agreed to delay their rate hike until May 1st while the situation is reviewed by the state of California. But it’s not just Californians who are being hit by rate hikes. In Kansas, one insurance company raised premiums by 10 to 20 percent only after asking to raise them by 20 to 30 percent. Last year, Michigan Blue Cross Blue Shield raised rates by 22 percent after asking to raise them by up to 56 percent. And in Maine, Anthem is asking to raise rates for some folks by about 23 percent. The bottom line is that the status quo is good for the insurance industry and bad for America. Over the past year, as families and small business owners have struggled to pay soaring health care costs, and as millions of Americans lost their coverage, the five largest insurers made record profits of over $12 billion. And as bad as things are today, they’ll only get worse if we fail to act. We’ll see more and more Americans go without the coverage they need. We’ll see exploding premiums and out-of-pocket costs burn through more and more family budgets. We’ll see more and more small businesses scale back benefits, drop coverage, or close down because they can’t keep up with rising rates. And in time, we’ll see these skyrocketing health care costs become the single largest driver of our federal deficits. That’s what the future is on track to look like. But it’s not what the future has to look like. The question, then, is whether we will do what it takes, all of us –Democrats and Republicans –to build a better future for ourselves, our children, and our country. That’s why, next week, I am inviting members of both parties to take part in a bipartisan health care meeting, and I hope they come in a spirit of good faith. I don’t want to see this meeting turn into political theater, with each side simply reciting talking points and trying to score political points. Instead, Iask members of both parties to seek common ground in an effort to solve a problem that’s been with us for generations. It’s in that spirit that I have sought out and supported Republican ideas on reform from the very beginning. Some Republicans want to allow Americans to purchase insurance from a company in another state to give people more choices and bring down costs. Some Republicans have also suggested giving small businesses the power to pool together and offer health care at lower prices, just as big companies and labor unions do. I think both of these are good ideas – so long as we pursue them in a way that protects benefits, protects patients, and protects the American people. I hope Democrats and Republicans can come together next week around these and other ideas. To members of Congress, I would simply say this. We know the American people want us to reform our health insurance system. We know where the broad areas of agreement are. And we know where the sources of disagreement lie. After debating this issue exhaustively for a year, let’s move forward together. Next week is our chance to finally reform our health insurance system so it works for families and s mall businesses. It’s our chance to finally give Americans the peace of mind of knowing that they’ll be able to have affordable coverage when they need it most. What’s being tested here is not just our ability to solve this one problem, but our ability to solve any problem. Right now, Americans are understandably despairing about whether partisanship and the undue influence of special interests in Washington will make it impossible for us to deal with the big challenges that face our country. They want to see us focus not on scoring points, but on solving problems; not on the next election but on the next generation. That is what we can do, and that is what we must do when we come together for this bipartisan health care meeting next week. Thank you, and have a great weekend. 第五篇:美国总统奥巴马每周电台演讲09.10Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly Address The White House Saturday September 10, 2011 This weekend, we’re coming together, as one nation, to mark the 10th anniversary of the September 11th attacks. We’re remembering the lives we lost—nearly 3,000 innocent men, women and children. We’re reaffirming our commitment to always keep faith with their families. We’re honoring the heroism of first responders who risked their lives—and gave their lives—to save othe rs. And we’re giving thanks to all who serve on our behalf, especially our troops and military families—our extraordinary 9/11 Generation. At the same time, even as we reflect on a difficult decade, we must look forward, to the future we will build together. That includes staying strong and confident in the face of any threat. And thanks to the tireless efforts of our military personnel and our intelligence, law enforcement and homeland security professionals—there should be no doubt. Today, America is stronger and al Qaeda is on the path to defeat. We’ve taken the fight to al Qaeda like never before. Over the past two and a half years, more senior al Qaedaleaders have been eliminated than at any time since 9/11. And thanks to the remarkable courage and precision of our forces, we finally delivered justice to Osama bin Laden. We’ve strengthened the partnerships and tools we need to prevail in this war against al Qaeda—working closer with allies and partners; reforming intelligence to better detect and disrupt plots; investing in our Special Forces so terrorists have no safe haven. We’re constantly working to improve the security of our homeland as well—at our airports, ports and borders; enhancing aviation security and screening; increasing support for our first responders; and working closer than ever with states, cities and communities. A decade after 9/11, it’s clear for all the world to see—the terrorists who attacked us that September morning are no match for the character of our people, the resilience of our nation, or the endurance of our values. They wanted to terrorize us, but, as Americans, we refuse to live in fear. Yes we face a determined foe, and make no mistake—they will keep trying to hit us again. But as we are showing again this weekend, we remain vigilant. We’re doing everything in our power to protect our people. And no matter what comes our way, as a resilient nation, we will carry on. They wanted to draw us in to endless wars, sapping our strength and confidence as a nation. But even as we put relentless pressure on al Qaeda, we’re ending the war in Iraq and beginning to bring our troops home from Afghanistan. Because after a hard decade of war, it is time for nation building here at home. They wanted to deprive us of the unity that defines us as a people. But we will not succumb to division or suspicion. We are Americans, and we are stronger and safer when we stay true to the values, freedoms and diversity that make us unique among nations. And they wanted to undermine our place in the world. But a decade later, we’ve shown that America doesn’t hunker down and hide behind walls of mistrust. We’ve forged new partnerships with nations around the world to meet the global challenges that no nation can face alone. And across the Middle East and North Africa a new generation of citizens is showing that the future belongs to those that want to build, not destroy. Ten years ago, ordinary Americans showed us the true meaning of courage when they rushed up those stairwells, into those flames, into that cockpit. In the decade since, a new generation has stepped forward to serve and keep us safe. In their memory, in their name, we will never waver. We will protect the country we love and pass it safer, stronger and more prosperous to the next generation.。
Thank you for listening
When I took office in 2001, our country was facing a troubling rate of drug abuse, particularly among young people. Throughout America, young men and women saw their dreams disrupted by the destructive cycle of addiction. So I committed our Nation to an ambitious goal: In 2002, we began efforts to cut drug use among young people by 25 percent over five years.
One of the factors behind this trend is the growing availability of highly addictive prescription drugs online. The Internet has brought about tremendous benefits for those who cannot easily get to a pharmacy in person. However, it has also created an opportunity for unscrupulous doctors and pharmacists to profit from addiction.
We need to prevent tragedies like this from happening in the future. So I'm asking Congress to work with my Administration to put an end to the illegal sale of highly addictive prescription drugs on the Internet. By working together to meet this goal, we can ensure a safer future for our children.
Thank you for listening.
Nearly seven years ago I came to Europe and spoke to the students and faculty at Warsaw University in Poland. On that day I declared that all of Europe's new democracies -- from the Baltic to the Black Sea -- should have the same chance for security and freedom and the same chance to join the institutions of Europe. Seven years later we have made good progress toward fulfilling this vision, and more work remains.
In many parts of the world, freedom is still a distant aspiration -- but in the ancient cities and villages of Europe, it is at the center of a new era of hope.
After a century when the great wars of Europe threatened destruction throughout the world, the continent has now entered into a promising new era. Less than two decades ago, Albania, Croatia, and Macedonia suffered under the yolk of communist oppression. The people in these countries know what the gift of liberty means, because they know what it is like to have their liberty denied. They know the death and destruction that can be caused by the followers of radical ideologies who kill the innocent in pursuit of political power. And these lessons have led them to work alongside America in the war on terror.
美国总统每周电台英文演讲稿Hi, everybody. On Tuesday, I gave my final State of the Union Address. And a focus was this:how do we make the new economy work better for everyone, not just those at the top?After the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes, we're in the midst of the longest streak ofprivate-sector job growth in our history. More than 14 million new jobs. An unemploymentrate cut in half. At the same time, our economy continues to go through profound changesthat began long before the Great Recession hit. It's changed to the point where even when folkshave jobs; even when the economy is growing; it's harder for working families to pullthemselves out of poverty, harder for young people to start out on their careers, and tougherfor workers to retire when they want to.That's a big part of the reason a lot of working families are feeling anxious. And it offends ourfundamentally American belief that everybody who works hard should be able to get ahead.That's why we've been fighting so hard to give families more opportunity and more security –by working to create more good jobs, invest in our middle class, and help working people get araise. That's what the Affordable Care Act is all about – filling in the gaps in employer-basedcare so that when somebody loses a job, or goes back to school, or starts that new business,they still have health care. And it's why I believe we've got to take steps to modernize ourunemployment insurance system.If a hardworking American loses her job, regardless of what state she lives in, we should makesure she can get unemployment insurance and some help to retrain for her next job. If she'sbeen unemployed for a while, we should reach out toher and connect her with careercounseling. And if she finds a new job that doesn't pay as much as her old one, we should offersome wage insurance that helps her pay her bills. Under my plan, experienced workers whonow make less than $50,000 could replace half of their lost wages – up to $10,000 over twoyears. It's a way to give families some stability and encourage folks to rejoin the workforce –because we shouldn't just be talking about unemployment; we should be talking about re-employment.That's when America works best –when everyone has opportunity; when everyone has somesecurity; and when everyone can contribute to this country we love. That's how we make surethat hardworking families can get ahead. And that's what I'll be fighting for with every last dayof my presidency.Thanks, everybody. Have a great weekend.以上英语是小编整理,希望大家喜欢。
英语演讲稿布什每周电台演讲附原文(2008THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This Thursday, Laura and I returned from an inspiring visit to Africa. In Benin and Tanzania, we met leaders who are fighting HIV/AIDS and malaria -- and people whose lives have been saved by the generosity of the American people. In Rwanda, we saw a nation overcoming the pain of genocide with courage and grace and hope. In Ghana, we met entrepreneurs who are exporting their products and building a more prosperous future. And in Liberia, we saw a nation that is recovering from civil war, led by the first democratically elected woman President on the continent. Laura and I returned to Washington impressed by the energy, optimism, and potential of the African people.Members of Congress will soon be returning to Washington, as well, and they have urgent business to attend to. They left town on a 10-day recess without passing vital legislation giving our intelligence professionals the tools they need to quickly and effectively monitor foreign terroristcommunications. Congress’ failure to pass this legislation was irresponsible. It will leave our Nation increasingly vulnerable to attack. And Congress must fix this damage to our national security immediately.The way ahead is clear. The Senate has already passed a good bill by an overwhelming bipartisan majority. This bill has strong bipartisan support in the House of Representatives, and would pass if given an up or down vote. But House leaders are blocking this legislation, and the reason can be summed up in three words: class action lawsuits.The Senate bill would prevent plaintiffs’ attorneys from suing companies believed to have helped defend America after the 9/11 attacks. More than 40 of these lawsuits have been filed, seeking hundreds of billions of dollars in damages from these companies. It is unfair and unjust to threaten these companies with financial ruin only because they are believed to have done the right thing and helped their country.But the highest cost of all is to our national security. Without protection from lawsuits, private companies will be increasingly unwilling to take the risk of helping us with vital intelligence activities. After the Congress failed toact last week, one telecommunications company executive was asked by the Wall Street Journal how his company would respond to a request for help. He answered that because of the threat of lawsuits, quote, “I’m not doing it ...I’m not going to do something voluntarily.”In other words, the House’s refusal to act is undermining our ability to get cooperation from private companies. And that undermines our efforts to protect us from terrorist attack.Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell recently explained that the vast majority of the communications infrastructure we rely on in the United States is owned and operated by the private sector. Because of the failure to provide liability protection, he says private companies who have “willingly helped us in the past, are now saying, ‘You can’t protect me. Why should I help you?’”Senator Jay Rockefeller, the Democratic Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, puts it this way: “The fact is, if we lose cooperation from these or other private companies, our national security will suffer.”When Congress reconvenes on Monday, Members of the House have a choice to make: They can empower the trial bar -- or they can empower the intelligence community. They can helpclass action trial lawyers sue for billions of dollars -- or they can help our intelligence officials protect millions of lives. They can put our national security in the hands of plaintiffs’ lawyers -- or they can entrust it to the men and women of our government who work day and night to keep us safe. As they make their choice, Members of Congress must never forget: Somewhere in the world, at this very moment, terrorists are planning the next attack on America. And to protect America from such attacks, we must protect our telecommunications companies from abusive lawsuits.Thank you for listening.。
英语演讲稿美国总统布什每周电台演讲附原文(2008THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. At the stroke of midnight tonight, a vital intelligence law that is helping protect our nation will expire. Congress had the power to prevent this from happening, but chose not to.The Senate passed a good bill that would have given our intelligence professionals the tools they need to keep us safe. But leaders in the House of Representatives blocked a House vote on the Senate bill, and then left on a 10-day recess.Some congressional leaders claim that this will not affect our security. They are wrong. Because Congress failed to act, it will be harder for our government to keep you safe from terrorist attack. At midnight, the Attorney General and the Director of National Intelligence will be stripped of their power to authorize new surveillance against terrorist threats abroad. This means that as terrorists change their tactics to avoid our surveillance, we may not have the tools we need to continue tracking them -- and we may lose a vital lead thatcould prevent an attack on America.In addition, Congress has put intelligence activities at risk even when the terrorists don’t change tactics. By failing to act, Congress has created a question about whether private sector companies who assist in our efforts to defend you from the terrorists could be sued for doing the right thing. Now, these companies will be increasingly reluctant to provide this vital cooperation, because of their uncertainty about the law and fear of being sued by class-action trial lawyers. For six months, I urged Congress to take action to ensure this dangerous situation did not come to pass. I even signed a two-week extension of the existing law, because members of Congress said they would use that time to work out their differences. The Senate used this time productively -- and passed a good bill with a strong, bipartisan super-majority of 68 votes. Republicans and Democrats came together on legislation to ensure that we could effectively monitor those seeking to harm our people. And they voted to provide fair and just liability protection for companies that assisted in efforts to protect America after the attacks of 9/11.The Senate sent this bill to the House for its approval.It was clear that if given a vote, the bill would have passed the House with a bipartisan majority. I made every effort to work with the House to secure passage of this law. I even offered to delay my trip to Africa if we could come together and enact a good bill. But House leaders refused to let the bill come to a vote. Instead, the House held partisan votes that do nothing to keep our country safer. House leaders chose politics over protecting the country -- and our country is at greater risk as a result.House leaders have no excuse for this failure. They knew all along that this deadline was approaching, because they set it themselves. My administration will take every step within our power to minimize the damage caused by the House’s irresponsible behavior. Yet it is still urgent that Congress act. The Senate has shown the way by approving a good, bipartisan bill. The House must pass that bill as soon as they return to Washington from their latest recess.At this moment, somewhere in the world, terrorists are planning a new attack on America. And Congress has no higher responsibility than ensuring we have the tools to stop them.Thank you for listening.END。
英语演讲稿布什每周电台演讲附原文(2008THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. One of the most important jobs of any President is to find good men and women to lead government agencies, preside over our courts, and provide vital services to the American people. So I have nominated talented individuals for these positions. Unfortunately, the Senate is not meeting its responsibility to consider these nominees in a timely manner. More than 180 of my nominees are waiting for confirmation. Some have been waiting for more than a year. As a result, careers have been put on hold, families have been placed in limbo, and our government has been deprived of the service of these fine nominees.On Thursday I stood with many of these nominees at the White House. They are decent and talented people. The Senate needs to confirm them to address important issues, from the economy to public safety to national security.One of the most important institutions for America’seconomy is the Federal Reserve. The Fed decides monetary policy, and it sets key interest rates that have an impact on homeowners and businesses across our country. Yet the Senate has been delaying three of my nominations to the Fed for nearly 9 months. My nominees have valuable experience and skills, and I urge the Senate to confirm them as soon as possible.Another important institution is the Federal Aviation Administration. The FAA plays a vital role in keeping you safe when you fly. In October I nominated Bobby Sturgell to lead the FAA. Bobby has nearly 20 years of cockpit experience from his time as a Navy fighter pilot, Top Gun instructor, and commercial airline pilot. He’s committed to addressing problems that have caused airline delays, and I urge senators to put politics aside and confirm him to office.In this time of war, we need a strong Department of Justice. Yet the Senate has not voted on nominations for seven senior leadership positions at the department. One of those vacancies is for Deputy Attorney General. The Deputy Attorney General helps lead efforts to detect and prevent terrorist attacks at home.I’ve selected an outstanding nominee for this position: Judge Mark Filip. This former prosecutor has earned areputation for being fair-minded and dedicated. Several years ago the Senate confirmed him unanimously for a lifetime position on the Federal bench. Now I ask senators to confirm him once again so he can help keep our nation safe.As senators confirm these nominees, they must also confirm judges to the Federal bench. I have nominated highly qualified individuals who will rule by the letter of the law, not the whim of the gavel. Unfortunately, the Senate continues to delay votes for 28 of my judicial nominees. Three of my nominees for the Court of Appeals have waited nearly 600 days. These delays are irresponsible, they undermine the cause of justice, and I call on the United States Senate to give these nominees the up or down vote they deserve.When men and women agree to serve in public office, we should treat them with respect and dignity, and that means giving them a prompt confirmation vote. When the Senate fails to give nominees a timely vote, it leaves important positions in our government vacant, and it makes it harder for Presidents of both parties to attract good men and women to serve in these vital posts.By working together, Republicans and Democrats can chart a better course. We can bring every nomination to the floorfor a vote, and give the American people the kind of public servants they deserve.Thank you for listening.。
2008-05-03美国总统电台演说在线收听MP32008-05-03美国总统电台演说在线收听MP3【美国总统电台演说】2008-05-03500){this.resized=true;this.width=500;this.style.cursor='hand';this.a lt='点击在新窗口中打开';}"onclick="if(!this.resized){returntrue;}else{window.open('http://w /radio/images/audio_banner.jpg');}"height=114alt=""src=" /radio/images/audio_banner.jpg"width=500onload="if(this.width>500){this.resized=true;this.width=500;this.alt='点击在新窗口中打开';}"border=0pop="点击在新窗口中打开"resized="true">ForImmediateReleaseOfficeofthePressSecretaryMay3,2008President'sRadioAddressDownloadmp3THEPRESIDENT:Goodmorning.Thisweek,theCommerceDepartmentreportedthatGDPgrewatanannualrateofsix-tenthsofa percentinthefirstquarter.Thisrateofgrowthisnotnearlyashighaswewouldli ke.Andafterarecord52monthsofuninterruptedjobgrowth,Aprilwasthefourthmonthinarowinwhichoureconomylostjobs,althoughtheunemploymentratedroppedtofivepercent.MyAdministrationhasbe enclearandcandidonthestateoftheeconomy.Wesawtheeconomicslowdowncoming,wewereupfrontabouttheseconcernswiththeAmericanpeople,andwe'vebeentakingdecisiveaction.InFebruary,Isignedaneconomicgrowthpackagetoputmorethan$150billionbackintothehand sofmillionsofAmericanfamilies,workers,andbusinesses.Thisweek,themainpieceofthatpackagebeganbeingimplemented,asnearly7.7millionAmericansreceivedtheirtaxrebateselectronically.Next week,theTreasuryDepartmentwillbeginmailingcheckstomillionsmoreacrossthecou ntry.Andbythissummer,itexpectstohavesentrebatestomorethan130millionAmericanhouseholds.Thes erebateswilldeliverupto$600perperson,$1,200percouple,and$300perchild.ThispackagewillhelpAmericanfamiliesincreasetheirpurchasingpowerandhel poffsetthehighpricesthatwe'reseeingatthegaspumpandthegrocerystore.Itw illalsoprovidetaxincentivesforAmericanbusinessestoinvestintheircompanies,whichwillhelpcreatejobs.Mosteconomicexpertspredictthatthestimuluswill haveapositiveeffectontheeconomyinthisquarterandevenagreaterimpactinth enext.AndAmericansshouldhaveconfidenceinthelong-termoutlookforourecon omy.WhilegettingmoremoneybackinthehandsofAmericansisagoodstart,thereareseveraladditionalstepsthatCongressneedstotaketoeasetheburdens ofanuncertaineconomy.Americansareconcernedaboutenergyprices.Toincreas eourdomesticenergysupply,CongressneedstoallowenvironmentallysafeenergyexplorationinnorthernAla ska,expandAmerica'srefiningcapacity,andclearawayobstaclestotheuseofclean,safenuclearpower.Americansareconcernedaboutrisingfoodprices.Yet,despitethisgrowingpressureonAmericans'pocketbooks,Congressisconsideringamassivefarmbill.Instead,theyshouldpassafiscallyresponsiblebill.Americansareconcernedaboutmakingtheirmortgagepaymentsandkeepingtheirhomes.YetCongresshasfailedtopas slegislationIhaverepeatedlyrequestedtomodernizetheFederalHousingAdmin istrationthatwillhelpmorefamiliesstayintheirhomes,reformFannieMaeandFreddieMactoensuretheyfocusontheirhousingmission,andallowstatehousingagenciestoissuetax-freebondstorefinancesub-primel oans.Americansareconcernedabouttheirtaxbills.Withalltheotherpressures ontheirfinances,AmericanfamiliesshouldnothavetoworryabouttheFederalgovernmenttakingab iggerbiteoutoftheirpaychecks.SoCongressshouldeliminatethisuncertainty andmakethetaxreliefwepassedpermanent.Americaisnowfacingatougheconomic period,butourlong-termoutlookremainsstrong.Thisweekwesawevidencethatourecono myiscontinuingtogrowinthefaceofchallenges.Thisshouldcomeasnosurprise. Notemporarysetbackscanholdbackthemostpowerfulforceinoureconomy--thein genuityoftheAmericanpeople.Becauseofyourhardworkanddedication,Iamconfidentthatwewillweatherthisroughperiodandemergestrongerthanever .Thankyouforlistening.。
2008年美国总统第二场辩论2008年美国总统第二场辩论文本参考:BROKAW: Good evening from Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. I'm Tom Brokaw of NBC News. And welcome to this second presidential debate, sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates.Tonight's debate is the only one with a town hall format. The Gallup Organization chose 80 uncommitted voters from the Nashville area to be here with us tonight. And earlier today, each of them gave me a copy of their question for the candidates.From all of these questions -- and from tens of thousands submitted online -- I have selected a long list of excellent questions on domestic and foreign policy.Neither the commission nor the candidates have seen the questions. And although we won't be able to get to all of them tonight, we should have a wide-ranging discussion one month before the election.Each candidate will have two minutes to respond to a common question, and there will be a one-minute follow-up. The audience here in the hall has agreed to be polite, and attentive, no cheering or outbursts. Those of you at home, of course, are not so constrained.The only exception in the hall is right now, as it is my privilege to introduce the candidates, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois and Senator John McCain of Arizona.Gentlemen?(APPLAUSE)Gentlemen, we want to get underway immediately, if we can. Since you last met at Ole Miss 12 days ago, the world has changed a great deal, and not for the better. We stilldon't know where the bottom is at this time.As you might expect, many of the questions that we have from here in the hall tonight and from online have to do with the American economy and, in fact, with global economic conditions.I understand that you flipped a coin.And, Senator Obama, you will begin tonight. And we're going to have our first question from over here in Section A from Alan Schaefer (ph).Alan (ph)?QUESTION: With the economy on the downturn and retired and older citizens and workers losing their incomes, what's the fastest, most positive solution to bail these people out of the economic ruin?OBAMA: Well, Alan (ph), thank you very much for the question. I want to first, obviously, thank Belmont University, Tom, thank you, and to all of you who are participating tonight and those of you who sent e-mail questions in.I think everybody knows now we are in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. And a lot of you I think are worried about your jobs, your pensions, your retirement accounts, your ability to send your child or your grandchild to college.And I believe this is a final verdict on the failed economic policies of the last eight years, strongly promoted by President Bush and supported by Senator McCain, that essentially said that we should strip away regulations, consumer protections, let the market run wild, and prosperity would rain down on all of us.It hasn't worked out that way. And so now we've got to take some decisive action.OBAMA: Now, step one was a rescue package that was passed last week. We've got to make sure that works properly. And that means strong oversight, making sure that investors, taxpayers are getting their money back and treated as investors.It means that we are cracking down on CEOs and making sure that they're not gettingbonuses or golden parachutes as a consequence of this package. And, in fact, we just found out that AIG (NYSE:AIG) , a company that got a bailout, just a week after they got help went on a $400,000 junket.And I'll tell you what, the Treasury should demand that money back and those executives should be fired. But that's only step one. The middle-class need a rescue package. And that means tax cuts for the middle-class.It means help for homeowners so that they can stay in their homes. It means that we are helping state and local governments set up road projects and bridge projects that keep people in their jobs.And then long-term we've got to fix our health care system, we've got to fix our energy system that is putting such an enormous burden on families. You need somebody working for you and you've got to have somebody in Washington who is thinking about the middle class and not just those who can afford to hire lobbyists.BROKAW: Senator McCain?MCCAIN: Well, thank you, Tom. Thank you, Belmont University. And Senator Obama, it's good to be with you at a town hall meeting.And, Alan (ph), thank you for your question. You go to the heart of America's worries tonight. Americans are angry, they're upset, and they're a little fearful. It's our job to fix the problem.Now, I have a plan to fix this problem and it has got to do with energy independence. We've got to stop sending $700 billion a year to countries that don't want us very -- like us very much. We have to keep Americans' taxes low. All Americans' taxes low. Let's not raise taxes on anybody today.We obviously have to stop this spending spree that's going on in Washington. Do you know that we've laid a $10 trillion debt on these young Americans who are here with us tonight, $500 billion of it we owe to China? We've got to have a package of reforms andit has got to lead to reform prosperity and peace in the world. And I think that this problem has become so severe, as you know, that we're going to have to do something about home values.You know that home values of retirees continues to decline and people are no longer able to afford their mortgage payments. As president of the United States, Alan, I would order the secretary of the treasury to immediately buy up the bad home loan mortgages in America and renegotiate at the new value of those homes -- at the diminished value of those homes and let people be able to make those -- be able to make those payments and stay in their homes.Is it expensive? Yes. But we all know, my friends, until we stabilize home values in America, we're never going to start turning around and creating jobs and fixing our economy. And we've got to give some trust and confidence back to America.I know how the do that, my friends. And it's my proposal, it's not Senator Obama's proposal, it's not President Bush's proposal. But I know how to get America working again, restore our economy and take care of working Americans. Thank you.Discuss Begin:BROKAW: Senator, we have one minute for a discussion here. Obviously the powers of the treasury secretary have been greatly expanded. The most powerful officer in the cabinet now. Hank Paulson says he won't stay on. Who do you have in mind to appoint to that very important post?Senator McCain?MCCAIN: Not you, Tom.(LAUGHTER)BROKAW: No, with good reason.MCCAIN: You know, that's a tough question and there's a lot of qualified Americans. But I think the first criteria, Tom, would have to be somebody who immediately Americansidentify with, immediately say, we can trust that individual.A supporter of Senator Obama's is Warren Buffett. He has already weighed in and helped stabilize some of the difficulties in the markets and with companies and corporations, institutions today.I like Meg Whitman, she knows what it's like to be out there in the marketplace. She knows how to create jobs. Meg Whitman was CEO of a company that started with 12 people and is now 1.3 million people in America make their living off eBay. (NASDAQ:EBAY) Maybe somebody here has done a little business with them.But the point is it's going to have to be somebody who inspires trust and confidence. Because the problem in America today to a large extent, Tom, is that we don't have trust and confidence in our institutions because of the corruption on Wall Street and the greed and excess and the cronyism in Washington, D.C.BROKAW: All right. Senator McCain -- Senator Obama, who do you have in mind for treasury secretary?OBAMA: Well, Warren would be a pretty good choice -- Warren Buffett, and I'm pleased to have his support. But there are other folks out there. The key is making sure that the next treasury secretary understands that it's not enough just to help those at the top.Prosperity is not just going to trickle down. We've got to help the middle class.OBAMA: And we've -- you know, Senator McCain and I have some fundamental disagreements on the economy, starting with Senator McCain's statement earlier that he thought the fundamentals of the economy were sound.Part of the problem here is that for many of you, wages and incomes have flat-lined. For many of you, it is getting harder and harder to save, harder and harder to retire.And that's why, for example, on tax policy, what I want to do is provide a middle class tax cut to 95 percent of working Americans, those who are working two jobs, people who are not spending enough time with their kids, because they are struggling to make endsmeet.Senator McCain is right that we've got to stabilize housing prices. But underlying that is loss of jobs and loss of income. That's something that the next treasury secretary is going to have to work on.BROKAW: Senator Obama, thank you very much.May I remind both of you, if I can, that we're operating under rules that you signed off on and when we have a discussion, it really is to be confined within about a minute or so.We're going to go now, Senator McCain, to the next question from you from the hall here, and it comes from Oliver Clark (ph), who is over here in section F.Oliver?。
美国总统周末电台演讲:华盛顿白宫奥巴马电台演讲WASHINGTON, DC—In this week’s address, President Obama told the American people that as a nation we are moving forward four years after the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. While there’s more work to do, America’s businesses have added 5.2 million jobs over the past 31 months and the unemployment rate is at the lowest level since the President took office. To keep our country moving forward, Congress should act on the President’s plan to keep taxes low for 98% of the American people, rather than holding it hostage to give more budget-busting tax cuts to the wealthiest 2%. Congress should cut red tape so responsible homeowners can save about $3,000 a year on their mortgage by refinancing at lower rates, and act on t he President’s proposal to create a veterans jobs corps to help our returning heroes find work. It’s time for our elected leaders to get back to work to help the middle class and build our economy from the middle-out, not the top down.Remarks of President Barack ObamaWeekly AddressThe White HouseSaturday, October 6, 2012Hi, everybody. Four years after the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes, we’re seeing signs that, as a nation, we’re moving forward again.After losing about 800,000 jobs a month when I took office(掌权,come to power), our businesses have now added 5.2 million new jobs over the past two and a half years. And on Friday, we learned that the unemployment rate is now at its lowest level since I took office. More Americans are entering the workforce. More Americans are getting jobs.But too many of our friends and neighbors are still looking for work or struggling to pay the bills – many of them since long before this crisis hit.We owe it to them to keep moving forward. We’ve come too far to turn back now. And we’ve made too much progress to return to the policies that got us into this mess in the first place.For example – two years ago, we put in place tougher, commonsense rules of the road for Wall Street to make sure that the kind of crisis we’ve been fighting back from never happens again.These rules mean that big banks are no longer going to be able to make risky bets with your deposits. And if a big bank does make a bad decision, they pay for it – not taxpayers.And we also put in place the strongest consumer protections in our history to crack down (严厉制裁,打击)on the worst practices of credit card companies and mortgage lenders.But for some reason, some Republicans in Congress are still waging an all-out(adv.全力的,竭力的) battle to delay, defund(从…抽回资金) and dismantle(废除,取消) these commonsense new rules.Why? Do they think undoing rules that protect families from the worst practices of credit card companies andmortgage lenders will make the middle class stronger? Do they think getting rid of rules to prevent another crisis on Wall Street will make Main Street any safer? Republicans in Congress need to stop trying to refight the battles of the past few years, and finally start doing something to actually help the middle class get ahead.And here are three things they can do right now. First, Congress needs to step up(加紧,升压) and guarantee that 98% of Americans and 97% of small business owners won’t see their taxes go up next year. This is something that everyone says they agree on. It should have gotten done months ago. But Republicans in Congress are standing in the way. They’re holding tax cuts for 98% of Americans hostage until we pass tax cuts for the wealthiest 2% of Americans. Ask them how that helps the middle class. Second, Congress needs to step up and provide every responsible homeowner a chance to save about $3,000 a year on their mortgage by refinancing (为…筹集资金,再供资金)at lower rates. I gave them a plan to do that - back in February. It’s a plan that has thesupport of independent, nonpartisan(无党派的)economists and leaders across the housing industry. But Republicans won’t even let that plan come to a vote. Ask them how that helps homeowners.Third, Congress needs to step up and pass my plan to create a veterans(退伍军人的,老练的) jobs corps(兵种,兵团) to help our returning heroes find work as cops, firefighters and park rangers in communities across the country. A few weeks ago, Republicans in the Senate voted that plan down. Ask them why someone who fights for this country abroad should have to fight for a job when they come home.Ask them to get back to work and get these things done. If we’re going to keep this economy moving forward, there’s no time for political games. Even in a political season. Everyone needs to do their part. If you agree with me, let your Representative know where you stand. Tell them that if they want your vote, then they need to stand with you and not in the way of our recovery.Thanks and have a great weekend.。
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In February, I signed an economic growth package to put more than $150 billion back into the hands of millions of American families, workers, and businesses. This week, the main piece of that package began being implemented, as nearly 7.7 million Americans received their tax rebates electronically. Next week, the Treasury Department will begin mailing checks to millions more across the country. And by this summer, it expects to have sent rebates to more than 130 million American households. These rebates will deliver up to $600 per person, $1,200 per couple, and $300 per child.
My Administration has been clear and candid on the state of the economy. We saw the economic slowdown coming, we were up front about these concerns with the American people, and we've been taking decisive action.
Americans are concerned about making their mortgage payments and keeping their homes. Yet Congress has failed to pass legislation I have repeatedly requested to modernize the Federal Housing Administration that will help more families stay in their homes, reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to ensure they focus on their housing mission, and allow state housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to refinance sub-prime loans.
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week, the Commerce Department reported that GDP grew at an annual rate of six-tenths of a percent in the first quarter. This rate of growth is not nearly as high asd 52 months of uninterrupted job growth, April was the fourth month in a row in which our economy lost jobs, although the unemployment rate dropped to five percent.
Americans are concerned about rising food prices. Yet, despite this growing pressure on Americans' pocketbooks, Congress is considering a massive farm bill. Instead, they should pass a fiscally responsible bill.
While getting more money back in the hands of Americans is a good start, there are several additional steps that Congress needs to take to ease the burdens of an uncertain economy. Americans are concerned about energy prices. To increase our domestic energy supply, Congress needs to allow environmentally safe energy exploration in northern Alaska, expand America's refining capacity, and clear away obstacles to the use of clean, safe nuclear power.
Americans are concerned about their tax bills. With all the other pressures on their finances, American families should not have to worry about the Federal government taking a bigger bite out of their paychecks. So Congress should eliminate this uncertainty and make the tax relief we passed permanent.
This package will help American families increase their purchasing power and help offset the high prices that we're seeing at the gas pump and the grocery store. It will also provide tax incentives for American businesses to invest in their companies, which will help create jobs. Most economic experts predict that the stimulus will have a positive effect on the economy in this quarter and even a greater impact in the next. And Americans should have confidence in the long-term outlook for our economy.
Thank you for listening.
America is now facing a tough economic period, but our long-term outlook remains strong. This week we saw evidence that our economy is continuing to grow in the face of challenges. This should come as no surprise. No temporary setbacks can hold back the most powerful force in our economy -- the ingenuity of the American people. Because of your hard work and dedication, I am confident that we will weather this rough period and emerge stronger than ever.