



国际专利许可合同(附英文)8篇篇1PATENT LICENSE AGREEMENT甲方(被许可方):[公司名称](以下简称“甲方”)乙方(许可方):[公司名称](以下简称“乙方”)鉴于乙方拥有关于XXXX技术的专利所有权及相关权利,并愿意将此专利许可给甲方使用,经双方友好协商,达成以下协议条款:一、许可授权乙方同意将其所拥有的专利号为XXXX的专利(以下简称“该专利”)独家许可给甲方使用。










四、保证事项1. 甲方保证在许可期限内按照约定使用该专利,不得侵犯乙方的专利权;2. 乙方保证该专利的有效性及权属无争议,否则承担由此产生的所有法律责任;3. 双方共同保证本合同约定的信息保密义务,未经对方同意不得泄露相关商业秘密。

五、知识产权声明和保护1. 双方确认该专利的知识产权归乙方所有;2. 甲方应采取措施保护该专利的安全和保密性,防止第三方侵犯该专利;3. 若发生知识产权纠纷,双方应共同协商解决;如协商不成,可提交至合同签订地法院诉讼解决。

六、违约责任与解决方式1. 若一方违反本合同的任何条款,违约方需向对方支付违约金并赔偿由此产生的所有损失;2. 若因违约导致合同解除,违约方应承担所有责任和损失;3. 合同履行过程中发生争议时,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,可提交至合同签订地法院诉讼解决。



国际技术合同范本甲方(许可方):________________乙方(被许可方):________________一、定义1.1 “技术”:指甲方拥有的某项技术,包括但不限于专利、非专利技术、技术秘密、技术资料、产品设计、工艺流程、操作规范等。

1.2 “许可”:指甲方授予乙方在合同约定的范围内使用技术的权利。

1.3 “使用费”:指甲方为乙方使用技术所支付的报酬。

1.4 “技术改进”:指甲方在合同有效期内对技术进行的改进和升级。

1.5 “侵权”:指甲方或乙方在合同约定的范围内使用技术时,侵犯了他人的知识产权或其他合法权益。

二、许可范围2.1 甲方同意在本合同约定的范围内,许可乙方使用技术。

2.2 乙方使用技术的范围如下:(1)乙方在合同约定的地域范围内使用技术;(2)乙方在合同约定的产品领域使用技术;(3)乙方在合同约定的期限内使用技术。

三、使用费及支付3.1 乙方支付给甲方的使用费为:____(币种及金额)。

3.2 乙方支付使用费的期限为:____。

3.3 乙方支付使用费的方式为:____。

四、技术交付及验收4.1 甲方应在合同生效后____日内,向乙方交付技术资料。

4.2 乙方应在收到技术资料后____日内,进行验收。

4.3 验收合格后,双方签署验收报告。

五、技术改进5.1 甲方在合同有效期内对技术进行改进和升级,乙方有权按照原合同约定的条件使用改进后的技术。

5.2 乙方在使用过程中对技术进行改进,应通知甲方,双方协商确定改进成果的归属。

六、保密6.1 双方对在合同履行过程中获得的对方技术秘密和商业秘密承担保密义务。

6.2 保密期限自合同生效之日起至合同终止或解除之日止。

6.3 保密义务的履行不因合同的终止或解除而终止。

七、侵权处理7.1 甲方保证其许可给乙方的技术不侵犯他人的知识产权或其他合法权益。

7.2 如乙方在使用过程中发现侵权行为,应及时通知甲方,双方共同处理。

7.3 如侵权行为导致乙方遭受损失,甲方应承担相应的赔偿责任。



专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER20XXP ERSONAL甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024年国际专利技术与许可合同本合同目录一览第一条定义与术语1.1 专利技术1.2 许可1.3 许可区域1.4 许可期限第二条技术许可2.1 许可内容2.2 技术支持与培训2.3 技术更新的权利第三条专利权的保证3.1 专利有效性的保证3.2 许可专利的独占性3.3 许可专利的排他性第四条许可费用4.1 初始许可费用4.2 后续许可费用4.3 费用支付方式第五条许可的限制5.1 专利技术的使用范围5.2 分许可的限制5.3 竞争性用途的限制第六条技术改进与分享6.1 技术改进的归属6.2 技术改进的分享机制第七条违约责任7.1 违约行为7.2 违约责任的具体形式第八条争议解决8.1 争议解决的方式8.2 仲裁地点与机构第九条合同的生效与终止9.1 合同生效的条件9.2 合同终止的情形第十条保密义务10.1 保密信息的内容10.2 保密信息的例外第十一条知识产权保护11.1 许可方责任11.2 被许可方责任第十二条强制性法律规定12.1 遵守法律法规12.2 合同的调整第十三条一般条款13.1 可转让性13.2 通知13.3 完整协议第十四条独立条款14.1 独立合同方14.2 非合并条款14.3 第三方受益人第一部分:合同如下:第一条定义与术语1.1 专利技术本合同所指的专利技术是指许可方拥有并有权许可的,位于【专利号】的发明专利,其技术内容概述为【技术简述】。

1.2 许可许可是指许可方授予被许可方在许可区域和许可期限内,按照本合同约定的条件使用专利技术的权利。

1.3 许可区域许可区域指【具体国家或地区】。

1.4 许可期限许可期限自【开始日期】至【结束日期】。

第二条技术许可2.1 许可内容许可方同意按照本合同的约定,向被许可方提供专利技术的使用权,并允许被许可方在许可区域内制造、使用、销售和许诺销售基于专利技术的产品。



国外技术合作协议范本6篇篇1国外技术合作协议范本技术合作协议甲方:(委托方名称)地址:法定代表人:联系人:电话:传真:邮箱:乙方:(受托方名称)地址:法定代表人:联系人:电话:传真:邮箱:鉴于,甲方为了发展自身业务,提升核心竞争力,需要引进乙方的先进技术和管理经验,为此,甲方与乙方就技术合作签订如下协议:第一条合作内容1.1 甲方委托乙方就技术方面开展合作,包括但不限于技术咨询、技术培训、技术支持等。

1.2 具体合作内容由双方经协商确定,双方应在合作期限内尽最大努力完成工作。

1.3 合作期限为__年,自_______年月日起至_______年月日止。

第二条技术转让2.1 乙方应向甲方提供相关技术资料、图纸、技术培训等,确保技术转让的顺利进行。

2.2 甲方应确保保密合作过程中涉及的技术信息,未经乙方同意,不得向第三方泄露。

第三条合作方式3.1 双方可采取技术培训、技术合作开发等方式进行合作,具体方式由双方商定。

3.2 双方应分工合作,各自承担相应的责任和义务。

第四条技术保证4.1 乙方保证所提供的技术资料真实、有效,且符合国家法律法规和标准要求。

4.2 甲方应对乙方提供的技术资料进行认真研究和应用,确保技术转让的顺利进行。

第五条保密条款5.1 双方应严格保守合作过程中涉及的技术信息及商业秘密,未经对方同意不得向第三方透露。

5.2 合作期限届满或因其他原因终止合作关系后,双方应归还对方所有技术信息及资料,并销毁一切副本。

第六条不可抗力6.1 因不可抗力因素导致合作无法履行的一方应及时通知对方,并尽力减少不可抗力造成的影响。

第七条争议解决7.1 在履行本协议过程中,如发生争议,双方应友好协商解决。


第八条其他8.1 本协议经双方签字盖章生效,并且传真件与正本具有同等法律效力。

8.2 未尽事宜,双方可另行协商补充,一致签署补充协议。




专利许可证合同范本专利许可证合同范本1合同编号:项目名称:_____________________________技术受让人:(公章)___________________(甲方)技术让与人:(公章)___________________(乙方)中介人:(公章)_______________________合同登记机关:(公章)_________________签订日期:_________年_______月_______日合同履行期限:______年______月______日至______ 年______月______日研制单位:_____________________________(个人)研制完成时间:_________年________月______日主要研制人员:_____________________________专利申请号专利批准号:_____________________专利申请时间_________年________月________日专利批准时间_________年________月________日专利权的有效期限:______年______月______日至______ 年______月______日一、发明创造名称和内容:______________________________________二、实施许可的范围、期限、和方式:______________________________________三、技术情报和资料及其保密事项:______________________________________四、技术服务的内容______________________________________五、履行合同的计划、进度、期限、地点和方式:_____________________________六、验收的标准和方法:______________________________________七、成交金额与付款时间、付款方式:______________________________________一次总付:___________________分次支付:___________________按利润或销售额提成%时间:___________________其它方式:___________________八、中介人的义务和责任及收取中介服务费比例和支付方式:___________________九、后续改进的提供与分享:___________________十、违约责任:______________________________________十一、争议的解决办法:______________________________________十二、名词和术语的解释:______________________________________技术受让人:_________________________(公章)法定代表人:_________________________ _______________________________电话:_______________________________ 帐号:_______________________________ 开户银行:___________________________ 技术让与人:_________________________ (公章)法定代表人:_________________________ _______________________________电话:_______________________________ 帐号:_______________________________ 开户银行:___________________________ 中介人:_____________________________ (公章)法定代表人:_________________________ _______________________________帐号:_______________________________ 开户银行:___________________________鉴证单位意见:_______________________ (公章)经办人:_____________________________ ___________年__________月__________日公证单位意见:_______________________ (公章)经办人:_____________________________ ___________年__________月__________日印花税票粘帖处:_____________________ 登记机关审查登记栏:_________________ 技术合同登记机关(专用章):_________ 经办人:(签章):___________________专利许可证合同范本2本合同于一九××年××月××日在×××签订。



专利国际申请文件翻译合同范本甲方(委托方):_____________________乙方(翻译方):_____________________鉴于甲方需要将其专利国际申请文件翻译成外语,以便于在国际范围内提交和申请专利,乙方具备专业的翻译能力和资质,双方经友好协商,达成如下翻译合同:第一条翻译内容1.1 甲方委托乙方翻译的文件为专利国际申请文件,具体包括但不限于专利说明书、权利要求书、摘要等。

1.2 翻译语言为从中文翻译至________________(请填写目标语言)。

第二条翻译质量2.1 乙方应保证翻译的准确性、专业性和流畅性,确保翻译文件符合国际专利申请的规范要求。

2.2 翻译文件应无明显语法错误,专业术语应准确无误,符合行业标准。

第三条翻译时间3.1 乙方应在合同签订之日起____天内完成翻译工作,并交付甲方。

3.2 如遇特殊情况需延期,乙方应至少提前____天通知甲方,并说明原因。

第四条翻译费用4.1 本合同项下的翻译费用总计为人民币(或等值外币)__________元。

4.2 甲方应在合同签订后____天内支付翻译费用的____%作为预付款,余款在翻译文件交付后____天内支付。

第五条保密条款5.1 乙方应对甲方提供的专利文件及翻译内容保密,未经甲方书面同意,不得向任何第三方披露。

5.2 保密期限自合同签订之日起至专利申请公开之日止。

第六条违约责任6.1 如乙方未能按时交付翻译文件,每延迟一日,应向甲方支付合同总金额____%的违约金。

6.2 如翻译文件存在严重质量问题,甲方有权要求乙方无偿修改或重新翻译。

第七条争议解决7.1 双方因履行本合同所发生的任何争议,应首先通过友好协商解决。

7.2 若协商不成,任何一方均可向甲方所在地的人民法院提起诉讼。

第八条其他8.1 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

8.2 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。




国际专利许可合同(附英文)3篇篇1International Patent Licensing AgreementIntroductionA patent is a legal protection granted to inventors for their inventions, allowing them to exclude others from making, using, selling, and importing their patented technology. In the case of international patent licensing agreements, the patent holder grants permission to another party in a different country to use, manufacture, or sell the patented technology in exchange for royalties or other financial benefits. These agreements play a crucial role in expanding the reach of patented technologies across borders and promoting innovation on a global scale.Key Components of an International Patent Licensing Agreement1. Parties Involved: The agreement should clearly identify the parties involved, including the patent holder (licensor) and the party receiving the license (licensee). It should also specify their contact information and legal status.2. Description of the Patent: The agreement should provide a detailed description of the patented technology, including any related trademarks or copyrights. This ensures that both parties have a clear understanding of the scope and limitations of the license.3. Territory: The agreement should specify the geographic territories where the licensee is allowed to use, manufacture, or sell the patented technology. This helps prevent disputes over territorial rights and ensures compliance with international patent laws.4. Duration of the License: The agreement should outline the duration of the license, including the start date and end date. It may also include provisions for renewing or terminating the license before the expiration date.5. Royalties and Payment Terms: The agreement should clearly state the financial terms of the license, including the royalty rates, payment schedule, and any upfront fees or minimum guarantees. It should also specify the currency of payment and the method of calculating royalties.6. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure: The agreement should include provisions for protecting the confidentiality of the patented technology and any proprietary informationexchanged between the parties. This helps prevent unauthorized use or disclosure of sensitive information.7. Compliance with Laws and Regulations: The agreement should ensure that both parties comply with all relevant international and local laws, regulations, and standards governing patent licensing. This includes intellectual property laws, export controls, and competition laws.Benefits of International Patent Licensing Agreements1. Market Expansion: International patent licensing agreements allow patent holders to expand their market reach by tapping into new geographic territories and reaching new customers. This helps increase revenue and grow their business on a global scale.2. Technology Transfer: These agreements facilitate the transfer of technology between countries, helping to disseminate innovative ideas and solutions to address global challenges. This promotes cross-border collaboration and fosters economic development.3. Risk Sharing: By entering into licensing agreements, patent holders can share the risks and costs of developing and commercializing their patented technology with the licensee.This reduces the financial burden on the patent holder and increases the likelihood of successful market entry.4. Competitive Advantage: International patent licensing agreements can give both parties a competitive advantage by leveraging each other's strengths and resources. This can lead to synergies in research and development, production, marketing, and distribution, leading to mutual benefit.ConclusionIn conclusion, international patent licensing agreements are essential for promoting innovation, fostering collaboration, and expanding market opportunities on a global scale. By carefully drafting and negotiating these agreements, patent holders can maximize the value of their intellectual property while mitigating risks and ensuring compliance with international laws. These agreements not only benefit the parties involved but also contribute to technological advancement and economic growth worldwide.篇2International Patent Licensing AgreementIntroductionAn international patent licensing agreement is a legal contract between a patent holder and a licensee. This agreement allows the licensee to use, manufacture, and sell the patented technology in a specific geographic area and for a certain period of time.PurposeThe primary purpose of an international patent licensing agreement is to provide the licensee with the legal right to utilize the technology covered by the patents owned by the licensor. This allows the licensee to benefit from the innovative technology without having to incur the costs and risks associated with research and development.Key Provisions1. Grant of License: The agreement should clearly define the scope of the license granted to the licensee, including the specific patents covered, the territory in which the licensee is permitted to operate, and the duration of the license.2. Royalties: The agreement should outline the payment terms, including the amount and frequency of royalty payments. Royalties are generally calculated as a percentage of thelicensee's gross sales of products incorporating the licensed technology.3. Confidentiality: Both parties should agree to keep confidential any proprietary information disclosed during the course of the agreement. This helps protect the intellectual property rights of the licensor.4. Termination: The agreement should specify the conditions under which either party may terminate the agreement, such as non-payment of royalties or breach of contract.5. Dispute Resolution: The agreement should outline the procedures for resolving disputes between the parties, such as through arbitration or mediation.BenefitsFor the licensor, an international patent licensing agreement provides a source of revenue without the need to invest in manufacturing, marketing, and distribution. It also allows the licensor to expand the reach of their technology into new markets. For the licensee, the agreement provides access to cutting-edge technology without the need to invest in research and development.ConclusionAn international patent licensing agreement is a valuable tool for both patent holders and licensees looking to capitalize on innovative technology. By carefully outlining the rights and obligations of each party, these agreements help protect intellectual property rights and promote collaboration in the global marketplace.篇3International Patent Licensing AgreementA patent licensing agreement is a legal contract between a patent owner and a licensee that gives the licensee the right to use, sell, or manufacture products that are covered by the patent. In an international context, patent licensing agreements can be particularly complex due to the various legal and regulatory frameworks that exist in different countries. This article will explore the key considerations that parties should keep in mind when entering into an international patent licensing agreement.Key Terms of an International Patent Licensing AgreementWhen drafting an international patent licensing agreement, parties need to pay close attention to the following key terms:1. Territory: The agreement should specify the geographic scope of the license, including the territories in which the patentwill be valid. Parties should consider whether the license will be exclusive or non-exclusive in specific territories.2. Term: The term of the license should be clearly defined, including the start and end dates. Parties should also specify whether the license will be renewable and under what conditions.3. Royalties: The agreement should outline the royalty payments that the licensee will make to the licensor, including the amount, frequency, and method of payment.4. Intellectual Property Rights: Parties should clearly define the scope of the license, including any restrictions on the licensee's use of the patent and any additional intellectual property rights that are included in the agreement.5. Dispute Resolution: The agreement should include provisions for resolving disputes between the parties, including a choice of law and jurisdiction clause in case of legal proceedings.6. Termination: The agreement should outline the circumstances under which either party can terminate the license, including any notice requirements and consequences of termination.Compliance with International Laws and RegulationsWhen entering into an international patent licensing agreement, parties need to ensure that the agreement complies with relevant international laws and regulations. This includes:1. Intellectual Property Laws: Parties should ensure that the patent is valid and enforceable in the territories where the licensee will operate. They should also consider any local laws that may affect the licensing of the patent.2. Antitrust Laws: Parties should be aware of antitrust laws that may apply to patent licensing agreements, particularly in cases where the agreement may have anti-competitive effects.3. Export Control Laws: If the patented technology is subject to export control regulations, parties should ensure that the agreement complies with these laws to avoid any legal consequences.4. Tax Laws: Parties should consider the tax implications of the licensing agreement, including any withholding tax that may apply to royalty payments made to foreign entities.Enforcement of International Patent Licensing AgreementsEnforcing an international patent licensing agreement can be challenging due to the different legal systems and languagesinvolved. Parties should consider the following strategies to ensure the enforceability of the agreement:1. Choice of Law: Parties should include a choice of law clause in the agreement to specify the governing law of the contract. This can help clarify the rights and obligations of the parties in case of disputes.2. Jurisdiction: Parties should agree on a jurisdiction clause that specifies where any legal disputes arising from the agreement will be resolved. This can help parties avoid costly and time-consuming litigation in multiple jurisdictions.3. Language: Parties should ensure that the agreement is drafted in a language that all parties can understand. Translations may be necessary to ensure that the terms of the agreement are clear and unambiguous.ConclusionInternational patent licensing agreements can provide a valuable opportunity for patent owners to expand their business globally and for licensees to access new technologies and markets. However, parties need to carefully consider the key terms of the agreement, comply with international laws and regulations, and ensure the enforceability of the agreement tomaximize the benefits of the licensing relationship. By following best practices and seeking legal advice when necessary, parties can successfully navigate the complexities of international patent licensing agreements and achieve their business objectives.。




国际专利技术许可合同甲方(受让方):(注:须填写营业执照登记的单位全称)注册地址: (注:以营业执照为准) 邮编:通讯地址:(注:以实际办公地址为准)邮编:法定代表人:职务:乙方(转让方):(注:须填写营业执照登记的单位全称)注册地址: (注:以营业执照为准) 邮编:通讯地址:(注:以实际办公地址为准) 邮编:法定代表人:职务:本合同由甲方与乙方于____年____月____日在________签订。

鉴于甲方希望利用乙方的专有技术,以设计、制造、销售和出口________产品;鉴于乙方拥有设计、制造、安装、销售____ ____产品的专有技术;乙方有权和同意向甲方转让上述专有技术;双方通过友好协商达成合同如下:第一条定义1.1“专有技术”:1.2“合同产品”:1.3“考核产品”:1.4“技术资料”:(注:有些合同,或合同中关键用于不多的,可以不必单独列一章定义,可以在合同中第一次出现用语时,加定义说明。










国际专利技术许可合同模板6篇篇1国际专利技术许可合同模板国际专利技术许可合同本合同于____(年)____(月)____(日)签订,由以下双方共同遵守:许可人(以下简称“甲方”):地址:联系人:电话:被许可人(以下简称“乙方”):地址:联系人:电话:鉴于:甲方是一家拥有相关专利技术的公司,有权根据本合同授权乙方使用其专利技术;乙方希望获得甲方的专利技术许可,用于开发、生产、销售特定产品;双方在平等、自愿、友好的基础上达成如下协议:第一条协议范围1.1 甲方同意将其拥有的专利技术授权给乙方,使乙方可以在合同约定的范围内利用该专利技术。

1.2 本合同所涉及的专利技术包括但不限于专利申请、专利权、专利实施许可和专利技术数据。

第二条许可内容2.1 甲方授予乙方在合同期限内,在约定范围内使用其专利技术,包括但不限于制造、销售特定产品。

2.2 乙方在使用专利技术时应遵守相关法律法规,并承担相应的责任。

第三条专利保护3.1 甲方承诺其享有全部控制权,有权授权乙方使用其专利技术,未授权他人使用。

3.2 乙方不得将专利技术转让、许可第三方使用,否则应当承担法律责任。

第四条专利费用4.1 乙方应按照本合同约定向甲方支付专利费用,具体金额为_______。

4.2 专利费用支付方式为_______,具体时间为每(年/季度/月)支付一次。

第五条保密条款5.1 双方同意在合同期限内对专利技术和合同内容保密,未经对方同意不得向第三方透露。

5.2 保密期限为合同终止后_______年。

第六条违约责任6.1 任何一方违反本合同的约定,应当承担相应的违约责任,并赔偿对方因此造成的经济损失。

第七条变更和解释7.1 本合同任何条款的修改、变更应当由双方经协商一致达成书面协议。

7.2 本合同的解释权归双方共同所有。

第八条合同终止8.1 本合同在以下情况下终止:8.1.1 双方协商一致终止;8.1.2 合同期满;8.1.3 一方违约,经修正30日仍未履行合同义务;8.1.4 双方书面协议终止;8.1.5 法律规定的其他情况。





二、合作内容1. 本次合作的具体内容包括但不限于:a. 技术转让:双方互相交流技术信息,进行技术合作研究,共同开发和应用新技术。

b. 人才培训:双方可以派遣专业人才赴对方国家进行培训交流,并协助对方进行人才培养。

c. 项目合作:双方共同进行研发项目,合作建设实验室或研究中心,推动合作项目的落地和实施。

d. 市场拓展:双方可共同开拓国际市场,在合作领域开展业务活动。

2. 本合作协议的具体内容由双方协商确定,双方签署正式合作协议后方可实施。

三、合作模式1. 双方在合作期间互相尊重、平等互利,一起共同推动合作项目的开展。

2. 双方需根据合作协议的约定,按时履行各自的义务和责任。

3. 双方应保护合作过程中产生的知识产权,及时签订保密协议和知识产权协议。

4. 双方合作工作人员应遵守当地法律法规,严格遵守合作协议的约定。

5. 如遇到合作项目突发事件,双方需积极应对,共同协商解决方案,保证合作项目顺利进行。


五、合作条款1. 按照双方的具体情况,合作双方将就技术合作的具体方式、平台共建、项目实施,及技术资源共享等方面制定详细工作方案。

2. 双方应按照工作方案,合理分工、明确责任,确保项目按计划顺利实施。

3. 双方应根据合作项目的需要,共同拟定项目实施进度表,并根据进度表定期评估和修改。

4. 双方应设立联络人,保持定期沟通,及时解决问题,确保合作项目的顺利进行。

5. 双方在合作结束后应进行总结评估,形成合作总结报告,归档保存。








第二章合作权利义务第5条甲方的权利和义务5.1 甲方有权在乙方支持下使用并合理利用相关技术,并在技术合作过程中,适时向乙方提出技术相关问题,以求解问题和获得支持。

5.2 甲方承诺在技术合作过程中,必须严格遵守相关合作协议的约定,并保护乙方提供的技术信息和技术经验,确保其安全及保密。

第6条乙方的权利和义务6.1 乙方应根据甲方提出的需求,提供相关技术支持和服务,并保证提供的技术信息真实、准确、有效。

6.2 乙方在提供技术支持和服务时,应保证其技术信息的有效性及时性,确保技术合作的顺利进行。

第7条共同义务7.1 双方在技术合作过程中应及时沟通、交流技术信息,并共同解决合作中出现的问题,确保合作顺利进行。

7.2 双方在技术合作过程中的成果共享情况,由双方商定具体实施方案。

第三章技术保密与知识产权第8条技术保密8.1 双方在技术合作过程中,应保护各自的技术信息和技术经验,保证其安全性及保密性。

8.2 未经对方书面同意,任何一方不得向第三方透露合作过程中所涉及的技术信息及其他相关保密信息。

第9条知识产权9.1 双方在技术合作过程中发现的新技术、新产品、新方法等知识产权归属于发现方,但需共同商讨确定合理分配方案。

9.2 双方在技术合作过程中涉及的技术开发及相关成果的知识产权归属于双方共同所有,但需维护各自的知识产权。













具体内容如下,仅供参考阅读,希望能帮助到大家!patent liense ontrat(国际专利许可合同)on trat no:onlusion date:onlusion plae:indexartile 1 defininitions artile 9 guarantees and laimsartile 2 sope of the ontrat artile 10onfidentialitartile 3 prie of the ontrat artile 11infringementsartile 4 onditions of pament artile 12 taxes andduties artife 5 tehnial servie and training artile 13 foremajeureartile 6 tehnial doumentation artile 14 arbitrationartile 7 verifiation and aeptane artile 15 app1iable la artile 8 tehnial improvement artile 16 durationappendixesappendis 1 name, ontent of patent douments andappliation of the patentsappendix 2 models, speifiations and tehnial lndies of the ontrat produtappendix 3 the starting date and ounting methods of roalt appendix 4 the ontent and method of liensor s auditingappendix 5 training of part a s personnelappendix 6 tehnial servie or speialist send b part bappendix 7 verifiation and aeptane of the ontrat produt this ontrat made____on_____________ da of____________,b and be-teen__________,organized and existingunder the las of the people s republi of hina. ith rehistered offie at of the first part and __________,organized and existing underthe las of ____________,ith its prinipal offieat________________.itnessthhereas the patent right hih said in the ontrat os oned b part b.hereas part b has the right and agreed to grant part a the rights to use,manufa-ture and sell the ontrat produts of the ppatented tehnolog;hereas part a hope to use the patented tehnolog of part b to manufature and selltheontrat produts;both parties authorized representatives, through friendl negotiation, have agreeto en-ter into this ontrat under the ertms as stipulated belo;artide 1 definitionsfor the purpose of this ontrat, the folloing terms have the folloing meanings;1.1. patented tehnolog means those letters patent, and appliations thereforpresentl oned or hereafter aquired b part b andor hih part bhas or ma have therigt to ontrol or grant liense thereof during the term hereof in an or all ountriesof the orld and hih are appliable to or ma be used in the manufature of otratproduts.1.ontrat produts mians the produts desribed in appendis2 annexed hereto,to-gether ith all improvements and modifiations thereofor developments ith respetthere-to.1.3. patt a means____________. or his legalrepresentative, agent and inhetitor to thepropert of the pan.1.4. part b means___________,or his legal representative,agent and inheritor,to the propert of the pan.1.5. the ontraet fator means the plae hih part part a manufatures theontrat produts. that is_______________.1.6. spare p`menas replaement parts for ontrat produts orfor an part there-of.1.7. ponents means those ponents and parts of ontrut produets hih par-tb has agreed or ma from time to time agree in riting to permit part a to manufature or sell.1.8. tehnial douments meane engineering, manufaturing and originating inforna-tion relatiog to the manufature and serviing of ontrat produts, inluding draings, blueprints,design sheets, material speifiations, photographs,photostats and general da-ta, and designs and peifiations relating to manufaturing ontrat produdts, tools and fix-tures, but inludes,hoever, onl suh information as is available to part b and appliable to the operations of part a under this ontrat hih detaile as per appendis 1 to the on-trat.1.9 net selling prie menans remaining amount of invoie value of the ontratprod-uts, after dedution of pakahing,installation and freight harges, trade and disount,mission,insurane and taxes and duties. if an, diretl appliable to the prddut.1.l0 the date of ing into effet of the ontrat means the date of raifiation ofthe ontrat b the managing onstruture of the parties or b the petent authorities ofboth parties,hihever es later.artile2 sope of the ontrat1. part a agrees to aquire from part b and part b agreesto transfer to part athe patented tehnolog for ontrat produts. suh patented tehnolog shall be in exataordane ith the tehnologof part b s latest produts.2 part b grants part a the non-exlusive right to design and manufatureontratproduts in hina and to markdt the said produts in hina and abroad.3 part b shall be responsible to provide part a ith douments relevant to thesaidpaptents and ith speial fittings of the samplemahine their onrete details and sheduleofdelivar being set out in appendix 2 to the ontrat.4 the ontrat does not over the patented tehnolog for the parts from other oun-tres.but part b shall provide part a ith the speimens and the teinal speifiations and the name of the manufaturers of the parts.5 part b shall be responsible for the training of part a s tehnil personnel in part b s relevant failities and also do its best to enable part a s tehnial personnel to masterthe patented tehnplog of the aforesaid ontrat produt shall be aluated in terms ofnet selling prie after the ontrat produts are sold in this ear,the ontrat produts hih not sold shall not be inluded.3.4 the report of the selling quantit, net selling amount of the ontrat produts androalt hih should be paid in last ear shall be submitted to part b in ritten form b part a ithin 10 das after the date of settling aounts to roalt. the speifi methods hih alulatenet selling amountand roalt are detailed in appendix 3 to the ontrat.3.5 the ontrat produts sold b part a pursuant to the patent liense herein granted shall be deemed to have beensold hen paid for.3.6 if the ontrat produts are returned or alloanes made thereon after the roalt thereon has been paid part a shall be entitled to take ppropriate erdit for suhoverpa-mentagainst roalties thereafter aruing.3.7 if part b demand to audit the aounts of part a,it shall notie part a ithin l0das after reeiving the rittennotie of part a in aordane ith artile3.4 of the ontrat.the speeifi ontent and proedure of auditing aounts are detailed in appendix 4 tothe ontrat.artile 4 ouditions of pament4.1 roalt stipulated in setion 3 to the ontrat shall be effeted b part a toart bthrough the bank____________das after part a has reeived thefol-loing douments hihare provided b part b and found them in onfoumit ith the stipulations of thontrat.a. four opies of the statement on alulation of the roalt;b. four opies of the merial invoie;. to opies of the sight draft.4.3 part a shall have the right to dedut from an of the above mentioned pament the ppenalties andor pensations hih part b shall pa in aordane ith thestipulations ofthe ontrat.artiie 5 tehnial servie and training5.1 tehnigl servie5.1. l during the validit period of the ontrat, part bshall send a speialist to parta`s fator to explain thedraings and tehnial douments and to provide teehnial servise indesigning.manufaturing, adjustment,inspetion and maintenane of the ontrated pro-duet so to eheble part a to use, as fast as possible, home materials and ra ponentsithout affeeting the properties of the produts so manufatured.5.1.2 part b shall tie send it s speialists to part a sfator to provlde tehnialservie for a total of 30 orking das man.5.l.3 the first tehnial servie sha1l start in the sixth month after the ontrat esinto effet. part b shall send a speialist to part a s fator to providetehnial servie for 12 orking dasman.5.1.4 the seond tehnial servie shall start during the verifiation of the ortratedproduets.parth b shall send a speialist to part a s fator to provid tehnial serviefor18 orking dasman.5.1.5 part b shall, for its speialists, bear their travelling expensee. partha shall be responsible for boarding and lodging and affording the means of onveane from the lodgingplae to the fatot.5.2 tehnial training5.2 1 part b shall train part a s tehnial personnel so as to enable them tomasterpart b s design, performane test and tehnolog in mahining, eretion and inspetion of the ontrated produts, so that part a an use the tehnial doumentsand kno-ho supplied b part b toproduethe same produts in the ontrat fator.part b shall do its best to arrange for part a s personnel to visit the majorusersand the manufaturing proess of the ponents from other ountries of the ontratedproduts.5.2 part a shall send tie its tehnial personnel to part b s fator for training, andthe total number of the partiipants shall not exeed 320 dasmanor all of the above-mentioned tehnial information have been madepubli b part b or an third part. part a shall be thus released form the responsi-bilitfor keeping seret the partor all of the tehnolog alread published.10.3 after the termination of the ontrat, part a shall have the rigbt to use theatents supplide b b, i. e. part a shall still have the right to design,manufature,use,and export ontrat produts.artile 11 infringement11.1 part b guarantees that it is the legitimate oner of the patent to thestipulations of the ontrat, and that it is lafull in a position to transfer thepatent to part a. of ausation of infringing the rights of a third part ours,part b shall be responsible for the matter and full the legal andeonomiresponsibilities trising therefrom11.2 a plete list of part b s patents and patent appliations relevant to ontrart produt are speified in appendixl to the ontrat. ithin one month after the ontrat has einto fore part b shall despath to part a to photostat opies of the letters patentsand patent appliationsas and inform the oth-er part b telex and thereafter onfirm the same b letter. if the ontrat an not e into affet ithin six months after the date of signing, both parties are entitlid to onsider themselves absolved from the ontrat.16.2 tbe ontrat shall be valid for ten ears beginning from the date of its be-ingeffetive, and shall bee null and void automatiall upon the expir of thevalidit period of the ontrat.16.3 the termination of this ontrat shall not affet in ana the outstanding laims and the liabilities existing beteen the to parties upon the expir of the validit of the ontratand the debtor shall be kept liable until he full pas up his debts to the reditor. the ontrat is made out in hinese and in englsh. in ase of doubt as to theinterpreta-tion of an provisions gerof, the hinese version shall be ontrolling.part a :_________________ partb:___________________b_______________ b__________________附送:国际专利许可合同范本国际专利许可合同范本专利实施许可合同是指专利权人、专利申请人或者其他权利人作为让与人,许可受让人在约定的范围内实施专利,受让人支付约定使用费所订立的合同。



国际专利许可合同(附英文译本)3篇全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1International Patent Licensing AgreementIntroductionAn international patent licensing agreement is a legal contract between a patent holder (licensor) and a third party (licensee), allowing the licensee to use, sell, or manufacture the patented technology or product. This type of agreement is common in the business world as it allows companies to capitalize on their patented inventions without having to invest in manufacturing or marketing.Key Terms of International Patent Licensing Agreement1. Grant of License: The licensor grants the licensee the right to use, sell, or manufacture the patented technology or product in a specific territory and for a specified period.2. Royalties: The licensee agrees to pay royalties to the licensor in exchange for the use of the patented technology.Royalties can be a fixed amount, a percentage of sales, or a combination of both.3. Duration: The agreement specifies the length of time the license is valid. It can be a one-time license, renewable license, or perpetual license.4. Territory: The agreement defines the geographical area where the licensee has the right to use the patented technology. It can be global, regional, or country-specific.5. Exclusivity: The agreement may grant the licensee exclusive rights to use the patented technology in a particular territory or industry. This means that no other company can use the technology in that territory or industry.6. Confidentiality: Both parties agree to keep the terms of the agreement confidential and not disclose any proprietary information to third parties.Benefits of International Patent Licensing Agreement1. Market Expansion: Licensing agreements allow patent holders to enter new markets without having to invest in manufacturing or distribution. This helps companies expand their reach and increase revenue.2. Cost Savings: Licensees can save on research and development costs by licensing patented technology from a third party instead of developing it in-house. This allows companies to focus on their core business activities.3. Risk Mitigation: Licensors can mitigate the risk of investing in new markets by partnering with established companies that have the resources and expertise to commercialize the patented technology.4. Revenue Generation: Licensors can generate additional revenue by licensing their patented technology to multiple licensees in different territories or industries. This creates a steady stream of income for the patent holder.International Patent Licensing Agreement ExampleThis is an example of an international patent licensing agreement between ABC Inc., the licensor, and XYZ Co., the licensee:1. Grant of License: ABC Inc. grants XYZ Co. the exclusive right to use, sell, and manufacture the patented technology in Europe for a period of five years.2. Royalties: XYZ Co. agrees to pay ABC Inc. a royalty of 5% of net sales for the use of the patented technology.3. Duration: The license is renewable every five years upon mutual agreement between both parties.4. Territory: The license is limited to Europe, and XYZ Co. does not have the right to sell the patented technology outside of this territory.5. Exclusivity: XYZ Co. has the exclusive rights to use the patented technology in Europe, and ABC Inc. cannot license the technology to any other company in this territory.6. Confidentiality: Both parties agree to keep the terms of the agreement confidential and not disclose any proprietary information to third parties.ConclusionInternational patent licensing agreements are a valuable tool for companies looking to monetize their patented inventions and expand into new markets. By entering into a licensing agreement, patent holders can leverage the expertise and resources of third-party licensees to commercialize their technology and generate additional revenue. Both parties must carefully negotiate and draft the terms of the agreement to ensure a mutually beneficial partnership.篇2International Patent Licensing AgreementIntroductionIn today's global economy, patents are becoming more important than ever for businesses to protect their intellectual property. A patent licensing agreement is a legal contract between a patent holder (licensor) and another party (licensee) that grants the licensee the right to use, manufacture, sell, or distribute the patented technology in exchange for a fee or royalty payment.Key Components of an International Patent Licensing Agreement1. Introduction: This section should provide a brief overview of the parties involved, the background of the patent, and the purpose of the agreement.2. Definitions: Define key terms used throughout the agreement to ensure clarity and avoid misinterpretation.3. Grant of License: Specify the scope of the license, including the rights granted to the licensee, territories where the license is valid, and any limitations on the use of the patent.4. Royalty Payments: Outline the payment terms, including the amount of royalties, payment schedule, and method of calculation.5. Quality Control: Establish quality control standards that the licensee must meet to maintain the license and ensure that the patented technology is used in a manner that reflects positively on the licensor.6. Confidentiality: Include provisions to protect confidential information shared between the parties during the term of the agreement.7. Termination: Define the circumstances under which the agreement may be terminated by either party, and the consequences of termination.8. Dispute Resolution: Specify the procedures for resolving any disputes that may arise between the parties, including mediation, arbitration, or litigation.9. Governing Law: Determine the jurisdiction and governing law that will apply to the agreement in the event of a legal dispute.10. Assignment: Address whether the license can be assigned to a third party, and if so, the conditions under which such an assignment is permitted.11. Indemnification: Establish the responsibilities of each party in the event of legal action resulting from the use of the patented technology.12. Miscellaneous: Include any other provisions necessary to clarify the rights and obligations of both parties, such as notices, amendments, and governing language in case of inconsistencies.ConclusionAn international patent licensing agreement is a complex legal document that requires careful consideration and negotiation between the parties involved. By clearly outlining the rights and responsibilities of both the licensor and licensee, a well-drafted agreement can help protect the interests of the patent holder while also allowing the licensee to benefit from the patented technology. It is important for both parties to seek legal advice to ensure that the agreement meets their needs and complies with international patent laws.篇3International Patent Licensing Agreement1. IntroductionA patent licensing agreement is a contract between the owner of a patent and a third party that allows the third party to use, make, sell, or distribute goods or services covered by the patent in exchange for a fee or royalty payment. International patent licensing agreements allow for the licensing of patents across borders, providing the licensor with access to foreign markets and the licensee with the right to commercialize the patented technology in different jurisdictions.2. Key Terms of a Patent Licensing Agreement- Parties: The licensor (patent owner) and licensee (third party)- Territory: The geographic regions in which the licensee has the right to use the patent- Royalties: Payments made by the licensee to the licensor based on sales, profits, or other agreed-upon metrics- Term: The duration of the licensing agreement- Exclusivity: Whether the licensee has exclusive rights to use the patent or if the licensor can license the patent to other parties3. Benefits of International Patent Licensing Agreements- Access to foreign markets: International licensing agreements allow licensors to expand their reach and enter new markets without the need for significant investments in infrastructure or operations.- Technology transfer: Licensees benefit from access to cutting-edge technology and patents that may not be available in their home country, enabling them to enhance their products or services.- Revenue generation: Licensors can generate additional revenue streams by licensing their patents to foreign entities, diversifying their income sources and reducing dependency on domestic markets.4. Considerations for Negotiating an International Patent Licensing Agreement- Due diligence: Conduct thorough due diligence on the licensee, including their financial stability, reputation, and experience in the relevant industry.- Territory and exclusivity: Clearly define the geographic regions in which the licensee has the right to use the patent and whether the agreement is exclusive or non-exclusive.- Royalties and payments: Negotiate fair and reasonable royalty payments that account for the value of the patented technology and the licensee's potential profits.- Dispute resolution: Include provisions for dispute resolution mechanisms, such as mediation or arbitration, to resolve conflicts that may arise during the term of the agreement.5. Sample International Patent Licensing Agreement[Insert sample international patent licensing agreement here]6. ConclusionInternational patent licensing agreements are valuable tools for patent owners and third parties seeking to commercialize patented technology in foreign markets. By carefully negotiating the terms of the agreement, parties can ensure a mutually beneficial relationship that protects their rights and interests.。

















国际技术合作协议书范本(标准版)甲方:__________(以下简称“甲方”)乙方:__________(以下简称“乙方”)鉴于甲方拥有丰富的技术资源和技术研发能力,乙方具备市场推广和销售渠道,为了实现双方的技术交流和合作,共同推动技术发展和市场拓展,经双方友好协商,达成如下合作协议:第一条合作目标1.1 甲乙双方同意在平等、自愿、互利的基础上,共同开展技术合作,实现技术交流和共同发展。

1.2 合作目标包括但不限于技术交流、技术研发、技术培训、市场推广、销售渠道建设等。

第二条合作内容2.1 技术交流:甲乙双方将定期进行技术交流和分享,包括但不限于技术研讨会、技术讲座、技术培训等形式。

2.2 技术研发:甲乙双方将共同开展技术研发项目,共享研发成果,并在合作期间共同享有知识产权。

2.3 市场推广:甲方将提供技术支持和培训,乙方将负责市场推广和销售,共同开拓市场。

2.4 销售渠道建设:乙方将利用自身的销售渠道和资源,推动甲方技术产品的销售和推广。

第三条合作期限3.1 本合作协议的有效期为____年,自双方签署之日起计算。

3.2 合作期限届满前,如双方同意继续合作,应签订新的合作协议。

第四条合作费用4.1 甲乙双方同意,合作期间,甲方将向乙方支付技术服务费,具体金额和支付方式由双方另行协商确定。

4.2 乙方应保证甲方支付的费用仅用于合作项目的实施和运营,不得挪作他用。

第五条合作双方的权益和义务5.1 甲方的权益和义务:(1) 按照合作协议的约定,提供技术支持和培训。

(2) 共享合作项目的研发成果和知识产权。

(3) 配合乙方进行市场推广和销售工作。

5.2 乙方的权益和义务:(1) 按照合作协议的约定,支付技术服务费。

(2) 共享合作项目的研发成果和知识产权。

(3) 负责市场推广和销售工作,并保证销售渠道的畅通。

第六条合作协议的变更和解除6.1 本合作协议的变更和解除,须经双方协商一致,并签订书面协议。

6.2 如一方违反合作协议的约定,导致合作无法进行,另一方有权解除合作协议。



















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专利开放许可 合同模板














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____ 银行(此处为受让方的业务银行)和____ 银行(此处为出让方的业务银行)支付给出让方,支付中使用的货币为美元。
































合同双方的法定地址如下:a、受让方:____________地址:____________ 邮码:____________ 电
话:____________电传:____________代表(签字):____________ ____年____月____日
b、出让方____________ 公司地址:____________ 邮码:
____________ 电话:____________电传:____________代表(签字):____________
Your Name Design Co., Ltd.。
