JIS G3303-2002中文版
≥310 156-207 ≥20
≥205 0 ≥20
≥310 156-207 ≥20
≥220 121-174 ≥20
≥275 143-207 ≥20
2008 2006
≥620 ≥455 ≥530 ≥515 ≥515 ≥485 ≥515 ≥485 ≥515 ≥515 ≥485 ≥515 ≥485 ≥515 ≥515
硬度HB 伸长率%
断面收 缩率
≥275 143-207 ≥20
备注 1 耐力作为参考值,表示的是制造者的目标值。耐力为根据附录 B 回弹试验求得的换算 值。
备注 2 1N/mm2=1MPa
8.表面粗糙度的区分及代号 8.1 电镀锡板
电镀锡板表面粗糙度的区分及代号如表 7。但是供需双方可经过协商,细分表面粗糙 度及代号。
ISO G 11951:1995,Cold-redcuced blackplate in coil for the production
of tinplate or electrolytic chromium/chromium oxide-coated steel(整体评
因此, 对照代号(MOD)所示的是根据 ISO/IEC Guide 21 进行修订部分。
有时效的原板调质度由订货方指定。订货方没有指定时,人工时效后,适用于表 6。 备注 2 2 次冷轧镀锡板及原板的调质度,来不能只以单一机械性能表示,但是作为 最有效的机械性能指标,采用洛氏硬度表示。 表 6-2 次冷轧产品的调质度
洛氏硬度 HR30T
(参考)耐力 轧制方向
每面的公称镀锡量(m)范围 1.0≦m<2.8 2.8≦m<5.6 5.6≦m 12.3≦m(适用于热浸镀锡板)
最小平均锡量 0.80×m 0.87×m 0.90×m 0.80×2m
单位 g/m2
注释 a)最小平均镀锡量为 0.05g/m2(精确到小数点后两位,第三位后四舍五入)。最小平均 镀锡量为根据 16.1 计算出的 3 个试样检测值的算数平均值。
◆根据调质度分类:调质度记号目标硬度(HR30T) 用途T-1 49±3 特别适用于要求柔软性的深加工罐T-2 53±3 适用于要求一般柔软性的深加工罐T-2.5 55±3 适用于要求柔软性良好的罐身或罐盖等T-3 57±3 适用于要求高硬度的罐身、盖等T-3.5 59±3 适用于要求良好韧性的一般罐T-4 61±3 适用于要求较大韧性的一般罐T-5 65±3 适用于要求抗折弯性优良的大型罐及内压容器的罐身或盖等DR-8 73 适用于要求一定刚性、强度的啤酒、碳酸饮料罐的罐身和盖等DR-9 76 适用于要求一定刚性、强度的啤酒、碳酸饮料罐的罐身和盖和DrD罐的罐身等DR-9M 77 适用于要求一定刚性、强度的啤酒、碳酸饮料的盖等DR-10 80 适用于要求一定刚性、强度的高档瓶盖等注:1、退火方法有箱型退火方法和连续退火。
钢种备注MR 残留微量成分少,具有优良的耐腐蚀性,广泛用于包括容器材料在内的一般用途L Cu、Ni、Cr、Mo、其它残留微量成分少,作为某种食品对耐腐蚀性具有特殊要求的容器材料使用。
D 是AI镇静钢,用于拉深加工和易发生吕德斯花纹(Luders LinesPattern)有加工。
日本标准JIS大全序号标准号标准名称1 JIS K 8833-1978 糠醛(FURFURAL)2 JIS Z 3233 ERRA TUM 1-2001 惰性气体保护弧焊用钨焊条(勘误1)((Erratum 1))3 JIS G 3303 ERRATUM 1-2003 JIS G3303的技术勘误1(ERRATUM)4 JIS W 0812-1993 飞行设备的环境条件和试验程序(RTCA/DC-160C)(Airborne equipment -- Environmental conditions and test procedures (RTCA/DC - 160C))5 JIS B 8367-5-2002 液压气缸的安装尺寸第5部分:单棒10 MPa系列、方盖、带棒紧型液压气缸(钻孔40 mm 至200 mm) (Mounting dimensions for hydraulic cylinders -- Part 5: Single rod -- 10 MPa series square cover and tie rod tightend type (Bores from 40 mm to 200 mm))6 JIS K 9517-1992 锌(Zincon)7 JIS K 8370-1992 铜(III)乙酸酯(Copper (II) acetate monohydrate)8 JIS K 4814-1969 苦味酸(246-三硝基苯酚)(Picric acid)9 JIS K 9053-1993 L-赖氨酸-盐酸盐(L(+)-lysine hydrochloride)10 JIS K 8453-1994 二乙醇胺(22-Iminodiethanol)11 JIS K 8695-1981 苯并[F]喹啉(Benzo (f) quinoline)12 JIS H 2105-1955 铅锭(Pig lead)13 JIS K 8824-1992 D(+)葡萄糖(D(+)-glucose)14 JIS L 2401-1992 黄麻纱(Jute yarns)15 JIS X 5101-1982 25路数据电路端接设备与数据终端设备间的接口(The Interface between Data Circuit Terminating Equipment (DCE) and Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) (25-pin Interface))16 JIS F 3425-1999 船用信号旗滑车(Ships steel blocks for signal flags)17 JIS K 8879-1994 试镁灵(Magneson)18 JIS B 1196-2001 焊接螺母(Weld nuts)19 JIS K 9024-1991 磷钨酸(12 TUNGSTO(VI) PHOSPHORIC ACID N-HYDRATE (PHOSPHOTUNGSTIC ACID))20 JIS K 2219-1993 齿轮油(GEAR OILS)21 JIS B 9650-2 ERRA TUM 1-2003 JIS B9650-2的技术勘误1(ERRA TUM)22 JIS L 4112-2000 儿童开襟衬衣及青年开襟衬衣(Boys and youths open shirts)23 JIS F 3436-1980 船用小型钢索卷车(Ships small size wire reels)24 JIS B 9650-1 ERRA TUM 1-2003 JIS B9650-1的技术勘误1(ERRA TUM)25 JIS F 3443-1995 船用小型钢制滑轮(Ships small size steel blocks)26 JIS F 3430-1980 船用钢索卷筒(Ships wire reels)27 JIS B 2351-1990 25MPa(250Kgf/cm2)液压用卡套式管接头(25 MPa (250 kgf/cm2) bite type tube fittings for hydraulic use)28 JIS F 2416-1982 船用灭火器(Ships flame arresters)29 JIS F 2106-1995 船用普通链条(Ships chains for general use)30 JIS Q 10006 ERRATUM 1-2003 JIS Q10006的技术勘误1(ERRATUM)31 JIS A 1112 ERRATUM 1-2003 JIS A1112的技术勘误1(ERRA TUM)32 JIS K 9032-1995 间苯二酚(RESORCINOL)33 JIS T 5601-1993 牙科操作用椅(DENTAL OPERA TORS STOOL)34 JIS C 2805 ERRA TUM 1-2003 JIS C2805的技术勘误1(ERRATUM)35 JIS A 5422 ERRATUM 1-2003 勘误1((Erratum 1))36 JIS L 0216-1990 羽毛术语集(Glossary of terms used in feathers)37 JIS S 6037-2000 划线笔(Marking pens)38 JIS C 0364-4-41 AMD 2-2002 建筑物的电气装置第4部分:安全防护41章:电冲击防护(修改2)(Electrical installations of buildings -- Part 4: Protection for safety -- Chapter 41: Protection against electric shock (Amendment 2))39 JIS K 2541-1996 原油和石油产品硫含量的测定(Crude oil and petroleum products -- Determination of sulfur content)40 JIS R 3418-1991 窗扉和帷幔用玻璃纤维布窗帘(Textile glass fabric curtains for casement and drapery)41 JIS R 5203-1995 水泥的水合热的测试方法(Testing method for heat of hydration of cement)42 JIS Z 8809 ERRA TUM 1-2000 校准粘度计用标准液(勘误1)(Standard liquids for calibrating viscometers (Erratum 1))43 JIS B 9658-1990 精米机械安全及设计卫生标准(Design rules for safety and sanitation of rice milling machinery)44 JIS B 4142-2002 金刚石/CBN制品安全要求(Diamond/CBN products -- Safety requirements)45 JIS M 8231-1982 锰矿石中化合水含量的测定方法(Methods for determination of combined water in manganese ores)46 JIS T 5420-2000 牙周刮器Gr型(Periodontal curettes -- Gr-type)47 JIS T 6116-2000 牙科铸造用金合金(Dental casting gold alloys)48 JIS M 8213-1995 铁矿石酸溶铁(II)含量测定方法(Iron ores -- Method for determination of acid soluble iron (II) content)49 JIS L 2510 ERRA TUM 1-2000 尼龙缝纫线(勘误1)(Nylon sewing thread (Erratum 1))50 JIS Z 1703-1976 聚乙烯瓶(Polyethylene bottles)51 JIS R 1632-1998 精细陶瓷静态挠曲疲劳的试验方法(Test methods for static bending fatigue of fine ceramics)52 JIS P 5102-1992 打字机用复写纸(Stencil paper for typewriter)53 JIS K 2280-1996 石油产品燃料辛烷值、十六烷值的测定和十六烷系数的计算方法(Petroleum products -- Fuels -- Determination of octane number cetane number and calculation of cetane index)54 JIS T 1190-1987 重心稳定性测定仪(Stabilometers)55 JIS Z 0650-1995 成组货件系统的通用规则(GENERAL RULES FOR UNIT-LOAD SYSTEM)56 JIS Z 1624-1994 国际贸易用罐式液体和气体集装箱(Tank containers for liquids and gases for international trade)57 JIS S 5506-1994 办公用卷宗(文件夹和导卡)(Office files (Folder and guide))58 JIS Z 6000-1996 显微学词汇(Micrographics -- V ocabulary)59 JIS Z 4921-1994 X射线管电压测定器(Measuring devices for X-ray tube voltage)60 JIS Z 4819-1995 辐射屏蔽垫(Radiation shielding mats)61 JIS K 5101-1-4-2004 颜料试验方法第1部分:分散特性评估的分散方法第4节:钢珠研磨机(Test methods for pigments -- Part 1: Methods of dispersion for assessment of dispersion characteristics -- Section 4: A bead mill)62 JIS K 2204-1997 柴油燃料(Diesel fuel)63 JIS C 0447-1997 人机界面(MMI)驱动原理(Man-machine interface (MMI) -- Actuating principles)64 JIS K 7154-1-2002 塑料热固性粉末模塑复合物(PMCs)试样的注射模塑成形第1部分:一般原则和多用途试样的模塑成形(Plastics -- Injection moulding of test specimens of thermosetting powder moulding compounds (PMCs) -- Part 1: General principles and moulding of multipurpose test specimens)65 JIS T 1453-1998 高频外科手术(High frequency surgical equipment)66 JIS Z 8202-3-2000 量值和单位第3部分:力学(Quantities and units -- Part 3: Mechanics)67 JIS K 3363-1990 合成洗涤剂生物降解度的试验方法(Testing method for biodegradability of synthetic detergent)68 JIS Q 14010-1996 环境审核指南总原则(Guidelines for environmental auditing -- General principles)69 JIS K 8968-1980 硫酸钴(二价)七水化合物(Cobalt(ii) sulfate heptahydrate)70 JIS B 7432-1985 角度标准用多面镜(Optical polygons for angle standards)71 JIS A 5525-1994 钢管桩(Steel pipe piles)72 JIS Z 2342-2003 压力试验过程中压力容器的声波发射试验方法和试验结果的分类(Methods for acoustic emission testing of pressure vessels during pressure tests and classification of test results)73 JIS C 1010-1-1998 测量、控制和实验室用电气设备的安全要求第1部分:一般要求(Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement control and laboratory use -- Part 1: General requirements)74 JIS Q 9004 ERRATUM 2-2001 质量管理体系性能提高导则(勘误2)(Quality management systems -- Guidelines for performance improvements (Erratum 2))75 JIS R 7603-1999 碳纤维密度测定(Carbon fiber -- Determination of density)76 JIS A 1104-1999 集料的单容重和集料实积率的测定方法(Methods of test for bulk density of aggregates and solid content in aggregates)77 JIS Z 8719 ERRA TUM 1-2000 条件配色指数发光物颜色改变的条件配色度评价方法(勘误1)(Metamerism index -- Evaluation method of degree of metamerism for change in illuminant (Erratum 1))78 JIS C 6183-1992 纤维光学波谱分析仪的试验方法(Test methods of fiber-optic spectrum analyzer)79 JIS C 0364-4-473-1999 建筑物的电气安装第4部分:安全防护第47章:安全防护测量的应用第473节:过电流防护测量(Electrical installations of buildings Part 4: Protection for safety Chapter 47: Application of protective measures for safety Section 473: Measures of protection against overcurrent)80 JIS R 3203-1999 压花玻璃(Patterned glass)81 JIS B 7755-1993 金属材料用冲击试验机械装置(Impact testing machines for metallic materials -- Instrumentation)82 JIS A 5451-1995 石棉衬板(Rock wool sheathing boards)83 JIS A 6602-1996 联排式房屋用金属屋顶组件(Metal roof components for terrace)84 JIS K 5600-5-4 ERRATUM 2-2002 涂料试验方法第5部分:膜的机械特性第4节:刮擦硬度(铅笔法)(勘误1)(Testing methods for paints -- Part 5: Mechanical property of film -- Section 4: Scratch hardness (Pencil method) (Erratum 2))85 JIS A 6510-1994 建筑构件(钢制屋顶装配板)(Building components (Steel panel for roof))86 JIS A 8421-2-1998 土方机械装载机第2部分:规范的标准格式和试验方法(Earth-moving machinery -- Loaders -- Part 2: Standard form of specifications and testing methods)87 JIS F 7231-2003 造船钢制管形起动用压缩空气储罐(Shipbuilding -- Steel tube starting air reservoirs)88 JIS B 8279-2003 压力容器罩(Jacket for pressure vessels)89 JIS R 3416-2003 成品纺织玻璃纤维织物(Finished textile glass fabrics)90 JIS R 3422-1995 织物加工玻璃带(Textile finished glass tapes)91 JIS X 5802-1994 信息技术报文通信信息定向型文本交换系统(MOTIS)第2部分:整体结构(Information technology -- Text Communication -- Message -- Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) -- Part 2: Overall Architecture)92 JIS C 5610-1996 集成电路术语汇编(Glossary of terms used in integrated circuits)93 JIS K 5101-11-2-2004 颜料试验方法第11部分:密度第2节:离心脱气法(Test methods for pigments -- Part 11:Density -- Section 2: Centrifugal degassing method)94 JIS Z 6001 ERRATUM 1-2000 缩微照相透明A6型缩微胶片图像排列(勘误1)(Micrographics -- Transparent A6 microfiche -- Image arrangements (Erratum 1))95 JIS H 4040 ERRATUM 2-2000 铝和铝合金杆材、棒材、丝材(勘误2)(Aluminium and aluminium alloy rods bars and wires (Erratum 2))96 JIS C 0031-1995 环境试验第2部分:试验试验Z/BM:干热、低压复合试验方法(Environmental testing Part 2: Tests test Z/BM: Combined dry heat/low air pressure tests)97 JIS K 6347-3-2003 液化石油气用橡胶软管第3部分:分配软管及软管组合件规范(Rubber hoses for liquefied petroleum gases (LPGs) -- Part 3: Dispensing hoses and hose assemblies -- Specification)98 JIS C 5101-18-1999 电子设备用固定电容器第18部分:分规范:用固体(MnO2)和非固体作为电解质的固定式铝电解质片层电容器(Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment Part 18: Sectional specification: Fixed aluminium electrolytic chip capacitors with solid (MnO2) and non-solid electrolyte)99 JIS C 0035-1996 环境试验第2部分:试验方法试验Z//ABDM:气候序列(Environmental testing Part 2: Test methods Test Z/ABDM: Climatic sequence)100 JIS C 8953-1993 光伏特性排列I-V的现场测量(On-site measurements of photovoltaic array I-V characteristics)序号标准号标准名称1 JIS S 6007-2001 黑板(Chalkboards)2 JIS C 0061-2000 火焰危害试验第2部分:试验方法第2节:针焰(喷射燃烧器)试验(Fire hazard testing -- Part 2: Test methods -- Section 2 --Needle-flame test)3 JIS K0107-2002 废气中氯化氢含量的测定方法(Methods for determination of hydrogen chloride in flue gas)4 JIS B 8656-2002 比例电动液压旁通流量控制阀试验方法(Test methods for electro-hydraulic proportional bypass flow control valves)5 JIS B 0135-1993 起重机术语分类(GLOSSARY OF TERMS RELATING TO CRANES - KINDS OF CRANES)6 JIS B 8623-2002 冷凝机组的试验方法(Testing methods of refrigerant condensing units)7 JIS K 6766-1977 金属表面的聚乙烯薄膜的试验方法(Testing methods for polyethylenecoatings on metals)8 JIS K 0115-1992 分子吸收光度分析方法通则(General rules for molecular absorptiometric analysis)9 JIS T 7324-1989 医疗用小型高压蒸汽灭菌器(High-pressure steam sterilizers for medical use (small size))10 JIS Z 4701-1997 医用X射线装置通则(General rules for medical X-ray equipment)11 JIS B 0176-3-2002 螺纹加工刀词汇第3部分:槽(Threading tools -- Vocabulary Part 3: Chaser)12 JIS G 3352-2003 冷弯波纹钢板(Steel Decks)13 JIS B 7222-1991 16mm电影胶片的卷取装置及影片盘用轴尺寸(Spindles for 16 mm motion picture film spools and reels -- Dimensions)14 JIS L 1018 ERRATUM 1-2001 针织物试验方法(勘误1)(Test methods for knitted fabrics (Erratum 1))15 JIS C 3662-6-2003 额定电压450/750V及以下的聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆第6部分:电梯电缆和软连接用电缆(Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -- Part 6: Lift cables and cables for flexible connections)16 JIS B 7110-1993 照相摄影中用玻璃滤色镜通用规范(Photographic glass filters -- General requirement)17 JIS B 7164-1997 16mm电影放映机(16 mm motion-picture projectors)18 JIS A 1129-1993 灰浆和混凝土长度变化的试验方法(Methods of test for length change of mortar and concrete)19 JIS A 1226-2000 土壤灼烧损伤的试验方法(Test method for ignition loss of soils)20 JIS B 1091-2003 紧固件验收检验(Fasteners -- Acceptance inspection)21 JIS Z 8750-1994 真空计校准方法(Methods of calibration for vacuum gauges)22 JIS M 7653-1996 便携式可燃气检测器(Portable type combustible gas detector)23 JIS X 4350-3-2003 信息技术JPEG 2000图像编码系统第3部分:移动JPEG 2000(Information technology -- JPEG 2000 Image coding system -- Part 3: Motion JPEG 2000) 24 JIS M 7650-1993 测长式一氧化碳探测器(Detector tube type carbon monoxide measuring instruments (Length-of-stain))25 JIS M 8701-1996 铁矿石手工取样方法(Iron ores -- Increment sampling -- Manual method)26 JIS Z 7302-4 ERRATUM 1-2000 来自于密化垃圾的燃料第4部分:灰分的测试方法(勘误1)(Densified refuse derived fuel -- Part 4: Test method for ash (Erratum 1))27 JIS A 8306-1990 土方机械工作部件移动时间的测量方法(Earth-moving machinery -- Test method for measurement of tool movement time)28 JIS A 1455-2002 地板覆盖物和已安装地板的抗静电效果测量和评价方法(Anti-static effect of floor coverings and installed floors -- Methods of measurement and evaluation)29 JIS B 7725-1997 维氏硬度试验试验机的验证(Vickers hardness test -- Verification of testing machines)30 JIS B 7410-1997 石油产品试验用玻璃温度计(Liquid-in-glass thermometers for testing of petroleum products)31 JIS C 3005 ERRA TUM 1-2001 橡胶或塑料绝缘线及电缆的试验方法(勘误1)(Test methods for rubber or plastic insulated wires and cables (Erratum 1))32 JIS K 5600-2-4-1999 涂料试验方法第2部分:涂料的特性和稳定性第4节:密度(Testing methods for paints -- Part 2: Characteristics and stability of paints -- Section 4: Density)33 JIS Z 3420-2003 金属材料焊接过程的规范及认可总则(Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials -- General rules)34 JIS K 6890-1995 聚四氟乙烯管材(POL YTETRAFLUOROETHYLENE TUBES)35 JIS A 5361 ERRA TUM 1-2000 预制混凝土制品分类、命名和标记的通用规则(勘误1)(Precast concrete products -- General rules for classification designation and marking (Erratum 1))36 JIS L 1917-2000 由于织物表面硫的燃烧的试验方法(Testing method for burning due to surface flash of textiles)37 JIS C 8280-2003 爱迪生螺口灯座(Edison screw lampholders)38 JIS K 7557-1996 X射线用测辐射胶片(Badge films for X-rays)39 JIS K 5600-4-2-1999 涂料试验方法第4部分:膜的视觉特性第2节:遮盖力(深色涂料用)(Testing methods for paints -- Part 4: Visual characteristics of film -- Section 2: Hiding power (for dark-coloured paints))40 JIS K 5600-1-1-1999 涂料的试验方法第1部分:一般规则第1节:一般试验方法(调合和方法) (Testing methods for paints -- Part 1: General rule -- Section 1: General test methods (conditions and methods))41 JIS Z 8102 ERRA TUM 1-2002 不发光体颜色的名字(勘误1)(Names of non-luminous object colours (Erratum 1))42 JIS K 7244-6-1999 塑料动态力学性能的测定第6部分:剪力振动非共振法(Plastics -- Determination of dynamic mechanical properties -- Part 6: Shear vibration -- Non-resonance method)43 JIS S 0012-2000 包括老年人和残疾人在内的人群指南消费产品的可用性(Guidelines for all people including elderly and people with disabilities -- Usability of consumer products)44 JIS K 5633-2002 浸蚀性底漆(Etching primer)45 JIS K 7384-2002 塑料试验用聚氯乙烯(PVC)糊状物的制备行星式混合器法(Plastics -- Preparation of PVC pastes for test purposes -- Planetary-mixer method)46 JIS B 0001 ERRA TUM 1-2000 机械工程技术制图(勘误1)(Technical drawings for Mechanical Engineering (Erratum 1))47 JIS K 4126-1995 苯甲醛(Benzaldehyde)48 JIS K1201-2-2000 工业用碳酸钠第2部分:250℃时非挥发性物质质量损失的测定(Sodium carbonate for industrial use -- Part 2: Determination of loss of mass and of non-volatile matter at 250 degree C)49 JIS A 5537 ERRATUM 1-2003 JIS A5537的技术勘误1(JIS A 5537:2003/Erratum)50 JIS K 4135-1995 7-氨基-4-羟基-2-萘磺酸(J-酸) (7-Amino-4-hydroxy-2-naphthalene sulfonic acid (j-acid))51 JIS T 1117-1988 长时间心电图携带式记录装置(电量心电仪)(Ambulatory ECG recording system (holter system))52 JIS D 5712-1973 汽车警报蜂鸣器(Warning buzzers for automobiles)53 JIS K 5600-4-4-1999 涂料试验方法:第4部分:膜的视觉特性第4节:比色法(原理)(Testing methods for paints -- Part 4: Visual characteristics of film -- Section 4: Colorimetry (Principles))54 JIS K 0142-2000 表面化学分析信息格式(Surface chemical analysis -- Information formats)55 JIS L 0868-1995 耐甲醛色牢度试验方法(Test method for colour fastness to formaldehyde)56 JIS M 8100-1992 松散物料取样方法通则(Particulate materials -- General rules for methods of sampling)57 JIS D 0111-1992 与汽车悬挂装置有关的术语汇编(Glossary of terms relating to suspension of automobiles)58 JIS B 9514-2002 记时器性能检验方法(Test methods for time recorders)59 JIS Z 4808-2002 操作放射性物质的手套箱(Glove box for handling of radioactive substance)60 JIS H 1067-2002 铜中氧含量的测定方法(Methods for determination of oxygen in copper)61 JIS K 1501-1993 甲醇(Methanol)62 JIS K 5600-3-6-1999 涂料试验方法第3部分:成膜性第6节:涂料弗里试验(Testing methods for paints -- Part 3: Film formability -- Section 6: Print free test)63 JIS K 7139-1996 塑料多用途试样(Plastics -- Multipurpose test specimens)64 JIS S 5002-1995 粗帆布靴和鞋(Canvas boots and shoes)65 JIS B 6157-1993 永磁卡盘(PERMANENT MAGNETIC CHUCKS)66 JIS C 3006 ERRATUM 1-2001 纤维或纸绝缘线的试验方法(勘误1)(Methods of test for fiber or paper insulated wires (Erratum 1))67 JIS K 5552-2002 富锌底漆(Zinc rich primer)68 JIS K 5101-1991 颜料试验方法(Methods of test for pigments)69 JIS C 8432-1999 非塑化聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)导管配件(Fittings of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) conduits)70 JIS G 7125-2003 机械加工用空心钢棒(ISO规范)(Hollow steel bars for machining (ISO specifications))71 JIS A 1112-2003 新浇混凝土的冲洗分析试验方法(Method of test for washing analysis of fresh concrete)72 JIS X 0811 ERRATUM 1-2002 GEDI通用电子文献交换(勘误1)(GEDI -- Generic Electronic Document Interchange (Erratum 1))73 JIS K 7081-1993 碳纤维增强塑料暴露在自然气候下的试验方法(Testing method for exposure to natural weathering of carbon fibre reinforced plastic)74 JIS K 7240-1999 塑料酚-甲醛模塑游离酚的测定碘量法(Plastics -- Phenol-formaldehyde mouldings -- Determination of free phenols -- Iodometric method)75 JIS L 0212-2-1999 织物术语汇编(不包括衣物)第2部分:室内装饰品(Glossary of textile terms (except clothes) -- Part 2: Textile interior products)76 JIS K 2536-5-2003 液态石油产品成分的测试方法第5部分:用气相色谱法测定氧化物含量(Liquid petroleum products -- Testing method of components Part 5: Determination of oxygenate compounds by gas chromatography)77 JIS K 5628-2002 铅丹铬酸锌防腐涂料(Red-lead zinc chromate anticorrosive paint)78 JIS Z3198-4-2003 无铅焊剂的试验方法第4部分:用湿平衡法和接触角法测试钎焊性的试验方法(Test methods for lead-free solders -- Part 4: Methods for solderbility test by a wetting balance method and a contact angle method)79 JIS B 2704 ERRA TUM 1-2001 螺旋压缩与拉伸弹簧设计要求和性能试验方法(勘误1)(Helical compression and extension springs -- Requirements for design performance test method (Erratum 1))80 JIS C8283-1-2003 家用和类似通用器具耦合器第1部分:一般要求(Appliances couplers for household and similar general purposes -- Part 1: General requirements)81 JIS K9806 ERRA TUM 1-2002 三羟基(N-(三(羟基)甲基)甘氨酸)(勘误1)(Tricine(N-(Tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl)glycine) (Erratum 1))82 JIS K7085-1993 碳纤维增强塑料的多轴向冲击特性的试验方法(Testing method for multiaxial impact behaviour of carbon fibre reinforced plastics)83 JIS K8575-1994 氢氧化钙(CALCIUM HYDROXIDE)84 JIS K8980-1995 硫酸汞(II)试剂(MERCURY (II) SULFATE)85 JIS T3205-1980 尿道注入器(Urethral injection syringe)86 JIS K 5600-3-4-1999 涂料试验方法第3部分:成膜性第4节:涂于某一表面的产品的亲合性评估(Testing methods for paints -- Part 3: Film formability -- Section 4: Evaluation of the compatibility of product with a surface to be painted)87 JIS K 5600-4-6-1999 涂料试验方法:第4部分:膜的视觉特性第6节:比色法(颜色差别的计算)(Testing methods for paints -- Part 4: Visual characteristics of film -- Section 6: Colorimetry (Calculation of colour differences))88 JIS B 3700-225-2003 工业自动化系统和集成产品数据的表示和交换第225部分:应用协议:用明确形状表示的建筑部件(Industrial automation systems and integration -- Product data representation and exchange -- Part 225: Application protocol: Building elements using explicit shape representation)89 JIS K 4147-1995 5-氨基-2-氯甲苯-4-磺酸(C酸)(5-Amino-2-chlorotoluene-4-sulfonic acid(C acid))90 JIS D 0006-2-2000 土方机械引擎第2部分:柴油机试验方法和规范的标准格式(Earth-moving machinery -- Engines -- Part 2: Standard format of specifications and tests methods of diesel engines)91 JIS D9112-1991 自行车轮胎尺寸(Cycle -- Tyres -- Dimensions)92 JIS B 8605-2002 致冷装置的截止阀(Stop valves for refrigerants)93 JIS B 5119-2003 成型模用圆定位部件和垫块(Round locating elements and spacers for moulds)94 JIS K 4165-1995 7-苯胺基-4羟基-2-萘磺酸(苯基J 酸)(7-Anilino-4-hydroxy-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid (Phenyl J-acid))95 JIS K 1409-1994 化学纤维用二氧化钛(Titanium dioxide for chemical fiber)96 JIS Z 3060-2002 铁素体钢焊缝的超声检验方法(Method for ultrasonic examination for welds of ferritic steel)97 JIS K 3361-1979 化学纤维用高级醇类整理剂的试验方法(Method of testing for finishing agent of higher alcohols for synthetic fibers)98 JIS E 4010-1985 铁路车辆及铁路车辆零部件的符号(Symbols for railway rolling stock and railway rolling stock parts)99 JIS E 2101-1990 带沟硬铜滑接导线(Hard-drawn grooved trolley wires)100 JIS K 5600-5-4-1999 涂料试验方法:第5部分:膜的机械特性第4节:刮擦硬度(铅笔法)(Testing methods for paints -- Part 5: Mechanical property of film -- Section 4: Scratch hardness (Pencil method)序号标准号标准名称1 JIS Z 3201-2001 低碳钢用气焊条(Gas welding rods for mild steel)2 JIS K 7209-2000 塑料吸水率的测定(Plastics -- Determination of water absorption)3 JIS K 7113-1995 塑料抗拉伸性的试验方法(Testing method for tensile properties of plastics)4 JIS K 3810-2-2003 支原体检测方法第2部分:非直接DNA染色检验法(Mycoplasmadetection methods -- Part 2: Indirect DNA staining assay)5 JIS K 7363-1999 塑料风化试验中辐射的仪器测定通用指南和规范基础(Plastics -- Instrumental determination of radiant exposure in weathering tests -- General guidance and basic test method)6 JIS K 7372-2000 塑料氯乙烯乙酸基乙烯酯共聚物乙酸基乙烯酯的测定(Plastics -- Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymers -- Determination of vinyl acetate)7 JIS W 0113 ERRA TUM 1-2002 飞行动力学概念、量及符号第3部分:力、力矩及其系数的导数(Flight dynamics -- Concepts quantities and symbols -- Part 3: Derivatives of forces moments and their coefficients (Erratum 1))8 JIS C 3342 ERRA TUM 1-2001 600 V 聚氯乙烯绝缘铠装电缆(勘误1)(600 V Polyvinyl chloride insulated and sheathed cables (Erratum 1))9 JIS K 5600-5-10-1999 涂料试验方法:第5部分:膜的机械特性第10节:磨损抗性试验(往复试验控制板法)(Testing methods for paints -- Part 5: Mechanical property of film -- Section 10: Abrasion resistance (Reciprocating test panel method))10 JIS K 6304-1994 自行车用内胎(INNER TUBES FOR BICYCLES TYPES)11 JIS T 0601-1-2-2002 医用电气设备第1部分:安全的一般要求2辅助标准:电磁兼容性试验和要求(Medical electrical equipment -- Part 1: General requirements for safety -- 2 Collateral standard: Electromagnetic compatibility -- Requirements and tests)12 JIS Z 2101-1994 木材试验方法(METHODS OF TEST FOR WOOD)13 JIS K 4133-1995 对氨基萘磺酸钠(Sodium naphthionate)14 JIS K 0603-2000 免疫球蛋白定量分析方法(Proteins -- Immunoglobulin -- Methods for quantitative analysis)15 JIS K 5646 ERRATUM 1-2002 漆分树脂内层涂料(勘误1)(Cashew resin undercoats (Erratum 1))16 JIS K7313-1-2000 塑料聚苯醚(PPE)模塑和挤压材料第1部分:名称与符号系统和规范基础(Plastics -- Polyphenylene ether (PPE) moulding and extrusion materials -- Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications)17 JIS K 1510-1993 季戊四醇(Pentaerythritol)18 JIS K 1201-4-2000 工业用碳酸钠第4部分:氯化钠含量的测定改进的伏哈德电位测量法(Sodium carbonate for industrial use -- Part 4: Determination of sodium chloride content -- Modified volhard method potentiometric method)19 JIS R 6211-14-2003 粘合磨料产品尺寸第14部分:在角度式砂轮机上用清理和去毛刺砂轮(Bonded abrasive products -- Dimensions -- Part 14: Grinding wheels for deburring and fettling/snagging on an angle grinder)20 JIS C 8309-1999 挠性金属管道(Pliable metal conduits)21 JIS K 4822-2001 爆炸物稳定性试验用试剂(Reagents for stability tests of explosives)22 JIS B 8325-2003 水池用潜水泵(Submersible motor pumps for sump)23 JIS K 7370-2000 塑料聚氯乙烯树脂压实视松装密度的测定(Plastics -- PVC Resins -- Determination of compacted apparent bulk density)24 JIS K 7559-1996 通用测辐射胶片(Universal Badge films25 JIS W 7203-1984 飞行器电气系统飞行试验一般要求(Flight testing of electric systems in aircraft general requirements for)26 JIS T 9111-1-2000 橡胶避孕套第1部分:要求(Rubber condoms -- Part 1: Requirements)27 JIS K 1427-1983 亚硝酸钠(Sodium nitrite)28 JIS A 1129-3-2001 灰浆和混凝土长度变化的试验方法第3部分:千分表法(Methods of test for length change of mortar and concrete Part 3: Method with dial gague)29 JIS K 4180-1995 邻-硝基茴香醚(ortho-Nitroanisole)30 JIS D 1036-2003 摩托车和机动自行车用惯性滑行法测定框架测力计上的道路荷载(Motorcycles and mopeds -- Road load setting on chassis dynamometer by coastdown method)31 JIS K 1321-1994 硫酸(Sulfuric acid)32 JIS K 5600-8-2-1999 涂料试验方法:第8部分:涂料涂层变坏的评价第2节:起泡程度标识(Testing methods for paints -- Part 8: Evaluation of degradation of paint coatings -- Section 2: Designation of degree of blistering)33 JIS W 0125-3-2000 航空流体系统词汇第3部分:与温度有关的术语和定义(Aerospace -- Fluid systems -- Vocabulary -- Part 3: General terms and definitions relating to temperature)34 JIS K 7111-1996 塑料摆式冲击强度测定(Plastics -- Determination of charpy impact strength)35 JIS K 7243-1996 环氧树脂中无机氯测定(Determination of inorganic chlorine in epoxide resins)36 JIS C 9335-2-15-2004 家用和类似用途电器的安全第2-15部分:加热液体用装置的特殊要求(Household and similar electrical appliances -- Safety -- Part 2-15: Particular requirements for appliances for heating liquids)37 JIS B 7951-1998 大气中一氧化碳的连续分析仪(Continuous analyzer for carbon monoxide in ambient air)38 JIS K 6751-1-1999 邻苯二甲酸脂的试验方法第1部分:总则(Testing methods for phthalic esters -- Part 1: General)39 JIS K 1200-9-1-2000 工业用氢氧化钠第9部分:镁含量的测定第1节:火焰原子吸收分光光度法(Sodium hydroxide for industrial use -- Part 9: Determination of magnesium content -- Section 1: Flame atomic absorption spectrometry)40 JIS K 4142-1995 氯苯胺类(邻氯苯胺、对氯苯胺)(Chloroanilines (ortho-Chloroanilinepara-Chloroaniline))41 JIS A 1480-2002 建筑物用隔热材料和产品测定标称和设计热值的方法(Thermal insulating materials and products for buildings -- Procedures for determining declared and design thermal values)42 JIS Z 2244-2003 维氏硬度试验试验方法(Vickers hardness test -- Test method)43 JIS B 3700-202-1998 工业自动化系统和集成电路产品数据表示和交换第202部分:应用协议:联合制图(Industrial automation systems and integration -- Product data representation and exchange -- Part 202: Application protocol: Associative draughting)44 JIS L 6312-1999 提花织造用带综眼丝综(Twin wire healds with inset mail for jacquard weaving)45 JIS K 7220-1999 泡沫塑料硬质材料的压缩试验(Cellular plastics -- Compression test for rigid materials)46 JIS B 8372-1-2003 液压动力压缩空气压力调节器和过滤器调节器第1部分:包括用户和产品制作要求资料中的主要特征(Pneumatic fluid power -- Compressed air pressure regulators and filter-regulators -- Part 1: Main characteristics to be included in literature from suppliers and product-making requirements)47 JIS Z 2285-2003 金属材料线性热膨胀系数的测量方法(Measuring method of coefficient of linear thermal expansion of metallic materials)48 JIS H 1611-2001 钛及钛合金化学分析方法通则(Titanium and titanium alloys -- General rules for chemical analysis)49 JIS B 3700-224-2003 工业自动化系统和集成产品数据的表示和交换第224部分:应用协议:利用机械加工特性的加工计划用机械产品定(Industrial automation systems and integration -- Product data representation and exchange -- Part 224: Application protocol: Mechanical product definition for process planning using machining features)50 JIS Z 9103-1995 安全色总规范(SAFETY COLOURS - GENERAL SPECIFICATION)51 JIS A1 101-1998 混凝土塌落度的试验方法(Method of test for slump of concrete)52 JIS K 5401-1969 用铅笔划痕的涂膜试验机(Pencil scratch tester for coated film)53 JIS Z2332-1993 压力变化测量漏泄用试验方法(Test method for leaks using the pressure change measurement)54 JIS L 4406-2000 瓷砖铺面(Tile carpet)55 JIS A 5364 ERRA TUM 1-2000 预制混凝土制品材料和制品方法的通用规则(Precast concrete products -- General rules of materials and product methods (Erratum 1))56 JIS B 7118-1994 照相机用三脚架(Tripods for cameras)57 JIS A1144-2001 新浇混凝土水中氯化物浓度的试验方法(Methods of test for chloride concentration in water of fresh concrete)58 JIS K 1560-1994 1112-四氟甲烷(HFC-134a) (1 1 1 2-Tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134a))59 JIS W 7007-1991 飞行器地面供给电源一般要求(Aircraft -- Ground support electrical supplies -- General requirements)60 JIS S3018-2002 燃油洗浴用锅炉(Oil burning bath boilers)61 JIS C 1603-1983 指示式电阻温度计(Indicating resistance thermometers)62 JIS B0671-3-2002 产品几何量技术规范(GPS)表面结构:轮廓法有分层功能特性的表面第3部分:利用材料概率曲线表征高度(Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) -- Surface texture: Profile method; Surfaces having stratified functional properties -- Part 3: Height characterization using the material probability curve)63 JIS B 8238-1994 液化石油气用压力调节器(Pressure regulators for liquefied petroleum gas)64 JIS T2617-1980 眼科剪刀(Eye scissors)65 JIS K1200-8-1-2000 工业用氢氧化钠第8部分:钙含量的测定第1节:火焰原子吸收分光光度法(Sodium hydroxide for industrial use -- Part 8: Determination of calcium content -- Section 1: Flame atomic absorption spectrometry)66 JIS Z 6016-2003 纸本文献及缩微文献的的电子成像过程(Electronic imaging process of paper documents and microfilmed documents)67 JIS W2924-2002 航空航天液压液的清洁度分类(Aerospace -- Cleanliness classification for hydraulic fluids)68 JIS C1901-1987 可编程测量仪器用接口系统(An interface system for programmable measuring instruments)69 JIS A7801-1994 防火用水泥砂浆的粉刷方法(Method of plastering of cement mortar for fire protection)70 JIS A9511-2003 预制泡沫塑料保温材料(Preformed cellular plastics thermal insulation materials)71 JIS K5101-5-3-2004 颜料试验方法第5部分:分散特性的评估方法第3节:光泽度改变的评估(Test methods for pigments -- Part 5: Methods of assessment of dispersion characteristics -- Section 3: Assessment from the change in gloss)72 JIS R 1801-2002 用FTIR测量红外线加热器用陶瓷辐射材料频谱发射率的方法(Method of measuring spectral emissivity of ceramic radiating materials for infrared heaters by using FTIR) 73 JIS A 1419-2-2000 声学建筑物和建筑元件内声音隔绝的比率第2部分:楼板冲击声音隔绝(Acoustics -- Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements -- Part 2: Floor impact sound insulation)74 JIS Z 2286-2003 金属材料高温旋转弯曲疲劳试验方法(Method for high temperature rotating bending fatigue testing of metallic materials)75 JIS B 8280-2003 非圆形横截面的压力容器(Pressure vessels of noncircular cross section)76 JIS B 7097-1986 摄影机镜头的ISO颜色组成指数(ISO/CCI)的测定(Determination of ISO colour contribution index (ISO/CCI) of camera lenses)77 JIS C 0364-5-551-1999 建筑物的电气设施第5部分:电气设备的安装和选择第55章:其它设备第551节:低电压发电装置(Electrical installations of buildings Part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment Chapter 55: Other equipment Section 551: Low-voltage generating sets) 78 JIS C 0364-5-52 AMD 1-2000 建筑物的电气设施第5部分:电气设备的选择和安装第52章:布线系统(修改件1)(Electrical installations of buildings Part 5: Selection and erection of electrical equipment Chapter 52: Wiring systems (Amendment 1))79 JIS C 1612-2000 辐射温度计的试验方法(Test methods for radiation thermometers)80 JIS C 1210-1979 功率表通则(General rules for electricity meters)81 JIS X 3009-2002 信息技术程序设计语言Ada(Information technology -- Programming languages -- Ada)82 JIS B 3502-1997 程序控制器设备要求和试验(Programmable controllers -- Equipment requirements and tests)83 JIS X 5731-1-2003 信息技术开放系统互连目录第1部分:概念、模型和服务的概述(Information technology -- Open Systems Interconnection -- The Directory -- Part 1: Overview of concepts models and services)84 JIS G 3115 ERRA TUM 1-2000 中温用途压力容器钢板(勘误1)(Steel plates for pressure vessels for intermediate temperature service (Erratum 1))85 JIS B 7137-1990 生物显微镜承物台千分尺(Stage micrometer for biological microscope)86 JIS C 0052-1995 电气电子环境试验方法耐溶剂(浸泡)性试验(Environmental testing procedure of electronic and electrical resistance to solvents (immersion in cleaning solvents))87 JIS K 6404-2-3-1999 橡胶或塑料涂覆织物的试验方法卷料参数的测定第3部分:厚度的测定方法(Testing methods for rubber-or plastics-coated fabrics -- Determination of roll characteristics -- Part 3: Method for the determination of thickness)88 JIS Z 4606-1995 工业X射线照相检验装置(Industrial X-ray apparatus for radiographic testing)89 JIS C 3663-3-2003 额定电压450/750V及以下的橡胶绝缘电缆第3部分:耐热硅绝缘电缆(Rubber insulated cables -- Rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -- Part 3: Heat resistant silicone insulated cables)90 JIS C 1102-4-1997 直接动作指示模拟电气测量仪器及其附件第4部分:频率表的特殊要求(Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories Part 4: Special requirements for frequency meters)91 JIS C 0364-7-705-1999 建筑物的电气设施第7部分:定位或特殊安装的要求第705节:园艺场所的电气安装(Electrical installations of buildings Part 7: Requirements for special installations or locations Section 705: Electrical installations of agricultural and horticultural。
ASTM A653M-02a CS Type C
DC52D+Z(St04Z) DC52D+ZF
DC53D+Z (St05Z) DC53D+ZF
DC54D+Z(St06Z) DC54D+ZF DD54D+Z(St06ZR)
DC56D+Z(St07Z) DC56D+ZF
Q/BQB 430-2003
EN 10152-1993
EN 10271-1998
JIS G3313-1998 (Z)
标准号 牌号
标准号 牌号
标准号 牌号 标准号 牌号 标准号 牌号 标准号
标准号 牌号
宝钢冷轧企标与国内外相关标准对照 冷轧产品相近牌号对照表(1)-低碳钢
Q/BQB 402-2003
Q/BQB 403-2003 Q/BQB 408-2003
JIS G3141-1996
JFS A2001-1998 EN 10130-1999
JIS G 3101:2010 年,英文初版于 2010 年~2012 年出版
翻译和出版机构:日本标准协会 地址:日本东京都港区赤阪 4-1-24 号,邮编:107-8440 如果对于内容有任何疑问,JIS 原始版本具有最终权威。
© JSA 2010
保留所有权利。除非另有说明,未经出版商书面许可,本出版物的任何部分不得以任何形式或采取任何手 段,电子的或者机械的包括影印和微缩胶卷,进行复制或利用。
钢棒的直 2 号 径、变长或 对边距离 D=25
最小量 180o 20
钢棒的直 径、变长或 对边距离 D>25
14A 号
最小量 22
直径、 2 号 边长或 对边距 离的 1.5 半
最小量 285
最小量 最小量 最小量
490~ 钢板和薄 5 号 610 板、带钢卷
和扁钢的 厚度 T≤5
最小量 28
钢棒的直 2 号 径、变长或 对边距离 D=25
最小量 180o 25
钢棒的直 径、变长或 对边距离 D>25
14a 号
最小量 28
直径、 1 号 边长或 对边距 离的一 半
最小量 245
பைடு நூலகம்
最小量 最小量 最小量
400~ 钢板和薄 5 号 510 板、带钢卷
和扁钢的 厚度 T≤5
— — — — — 20 min. 18 min. 18 min. 16 min. —
— — 34min. 36min. 38min. 20min. 18min. 18min. 16min. —
伸长率/% 公称厚度,mm
— — 36min. 38min. 40min. 20min. 18min. 18min. 16min. —
伸长率/% 公称厚度,mm
— 20 min.
18 min.
18 min.
— 20 min.
18 min.
16 rain.
16 min.
16 min.
— 20 min. 18 min.
16 min.
(270min) —
270min. 270min. 270min. 340min. 400min. 440min. 490min. 570min.
C 0.15max. 0.25max. 0.25max. 0.25max. 0.30max. 0.30max.
C 0.15 max. 0.18 max. 0.12 max. 0.10 max. 0.08 max. 0.25 max. 0.25 max. 0.25 max. 0.30 max. 0.30 max.
— — 37min. 39min. 41min. 20min. 18min. 18min. 16min. —
矿土 热轧 冷轧
(1)全世界70%的铁矿石产于澳洲与巴西 (2)1.8吨矿石约可提炼1吨钢材
马口铁发展简史/ 1810年:世界第一只马口铁罐由英国人发明,并取得专利。 当时一位制罐专家一天可做60只空罐。 1900年:发明电焊机。 1847年:美国发明制罐机器,代替人工。 1965年:铝易开盖开始使用于制罐。 1973年:铁易开盖开始使用于制罐。 1990年:制罐技术提升到每分钟生产 1,000罐以上。 马口铁名称的由来/ 马口铁早期称洋铁 (Tin Plate),正式名称应为镀锡钢片。因 为中国第一批洋铁是于清代中叶自澳门 (Macau)进口,澳门 当时音译「马口」,故中国人一般称之为「马口铁」。
复片 Copy film
冲片 deveop film
晒版 Dry film
烘干 baking
涂胶 gum
冲洗 Clean film
显影 Picture film
印刷 printing
制程检验 Procedure inspection
涂布(表面) Coating (finish)
印刷成品 Printed sheet
上游 下游
食品罐 饮料罐
马口铁皮 制罐厂
杂 罐
玩具厂 喷雾罐
1.逐次冷卻 2.一次冷卻 1.缺角鐵皮 型態 2.四角鐵皮 3.捲 鐵 1.厚 度 2.尺 寸 3.硬 度 相關名詞 4.一 級 5.次 級 6.成份分析表 生產區分 CONTINUOUS ANNEALING BATCH ANNEALING SCROLL SHEET RECTANGULAR SHEET COIL Thickness / Gauge Size / Dimension Temper / Rockwell Prime Secondary Material Safety Data Sheet 簡稱: CA 簡稱: BA
PrEN 10268-2002
B180H2 (BH340)
Q/BQB 418-2003
JFS A2001-1998
SAE J2340-1999
物料科学Material Science物料科学定义Material Science Definition 加工性能Machinability强度Strength抗腐蚀及耐用Corrosion & resistance durability金属特性Special metallic features抗敏感及环境保护Allergic, re-cycling & environmental protection化学元素Chemical element元素的原子序数Atom of Elements原子及固体物质Atom and solid material原子的组成、大小、体积和单位图表The size, mass, charge of an atom, and is particles (Pronton,Nentron and Electron) 原子的组织图Atom Constitutes周期表Periodic Table原子键结Atom Bonding金属与合金Metal and Alloy铁及非铁金属Ferrous & Non Ferrous Metal金属的特性Features of Metal晶体结构Crystal Pattern晶体结构,定向格子及单位晶格Crystal structure, Space lattice & Unit cell X线结晶分析法X – ray crystal analyics method金属结晶格子Metal space lattice格子常数Lattice constant米勒指数Mill's Index金相及相律Metal Phase and Phase Rule 固熔体Solid solution置换型固熔体Substitutional type solid solution插入型固熔体Interstital solid solution金属间化物Intermetallic compound金属变态Transformation变态点Transformation Point磁性变态Magnetic Transformation同素变态Allotropic Transformation合金平衡状态Thermal Equilibrium相律Phase Rule自由度Degree of freedom临界温度Critical temperture共晶Eutectic包晶温度Peritectic Temperature包晶反应Peritectic Reaction包晶合金Peritectic Alloy亚共晶体Hypoeutetic Alloy过共晶体Hyper-ectectic Alloy金属的相融、相融温度、晶体反应及合金在共晶合金、固熔孻共晶合金及偏晶反应的比较Equilibrium Comparision金属塑性Plastic Deformation滑动面Slip Plan畸变Distortion硬化Work Hardening退火Annealing回复柔软Crystal Recovery再结晶Recrystallization金属材料的性能及试验Properties & testing of metal化学性能Chemical Properties物理性能Physical Properties颜色Colour磁性Magnetisum比电阻Specific resistivity & specific resistance比重Specific gravity & specific density比热Specific Heat热膨胀系数Coefficient of thermal expansion导热度Heat conductivity机械性能Mechanical properties屈服强度(降伏强度) (Yield strangth)弹性限度、阳氏弹性系数及屈服点elastic limit, Yeung's module of elasticity toyield point伸长度Elongation断面缩率Reduction of area金属材料的试验方法The Method of Metal inspection不破坏检验Non – destructive inspections渗透探伤法Penetrate inspection磁粉探伤法Magnetic particle inspection放射线探伤法Radiographic inspection超声波探伤法Ultrasonic inspection显微观察法Microscopic inspection破坏的检验Destructive Inspection冲击测试Impact Test疲劳测试Fatigue Test潜变测试Creep Test潜变强度Creeps Strength第壹潜变期Primary Creep第二潜变期Secondary Creep第三潜变期Tertiary Creep主要金属元素之物理性质Physical properties of major Metal Elements工业标准及规格–铁及非铁金属Industrial Standard – Ferrous & Non –ferrous Metal磁力Magnetic简介General软磁Soft Magnetic硬磁Hard Magnetic磁场Magnetic Field磁性感应Magnetic Induction透磁度Magnetic Permeability磁化率Magnetic Susceptibility (Xm)磁力(Magnetic Force)及磁场(Magnetic Field)是因物料里的电子(Electron)活动而产生抗磁体、顺磁体、铁磁体、反铁磁体及亚铁磁体Diamagnetism, Paramagnetic, Ferromagnetism,Antiferromagnetism & Ferrimagnetism抗磁体Diamagnetism磁偶极子Dipole负磁力效应Negative effect顺磁体Paramagnetic正磁化率Positive magnetic susceptibility 铁磁体Ferromagnetism转变元素Transition element交换能量Positive energy exchange外价电子Outer valence electrons化学结合Chemical bond自发上磁Spontaneous magnetization磁畴Magnetic domain相反旋转Opposite span比较抗磁体、顺磁体及铁磁体Comparison of Diamagnetism, Paramagnetic & Ferromagnetism反铁磁体Antiferromagnetism亚铁磁体Ferrimagnetism磁矩magnetic moment净磁矩Net magnetic moment钢铁的主要成份The major element of steel钢铁用"碳"之含量来分类Classification of Steel according to Carbon contents铁相Steel Phases钢铁的名称Name of steel纯铁体Ferrite渗碳体Cementitle奥氏体Austenite珠光体及共释钢Pearlite &Eutectoid奥氏体碳钢Austenite Carbon Steel单相金属Single Phase Metal共释变态Eutectoid Transformation珠光体Pearlite 亚铁释体Hyppo-Eutectoid初释纯铁体Pro-entectoid ferrite过共释钢Hype-eutectoid珠光体Pearlite粗珠光体Coarse pearlite中珠光体Medium pearlite幼珠光体Fine pearlite磁性变态点Magnetic Transformation钢铁的制造Manufacturing of Steel连续铸造法Continuous casting process电炉Electric furnace均热炉Soaking pit全静钢Killed steel半静钢Semi-killed steel沸腾钢(未净钢) Rimmed steel钢铁生产流程Steel Production Flow Chart钢材的熔铸、锻造、挤压及延轧The Casting, Fogging, Extrusion, Rolling &Steel熔铸Casting锻造Fogging挤压Extrusion延轧Rolling冲剪Drawing & stamping特殊钢Special Steel简介General特殊钢以原素分类Classification of Special Steel according toElement特殊钢以用途来分类Classification of Special Steel according toEnd Usage易车(快削)不锈钢Free Cutting Stainless Steel含铅易车钢Leaded Free Cutting Steel含硫易车钢Sulphuric Free Cutting Steel硬化性能Hardenability钢的脆性Brittleness of Steel低温脆性Cold brittleness回火脆性Temper brittleness日工标准下的特殊钢材Specail Steel according to JIS Standard铬钢–日工标准JIS G4104Chrome steel to JIS G4104铬钼钢钢材–日工标准G4105 62Chrome Molybdenum steel to JIS G4105镍铬–日工标准G4102 63Chrome Nickel steel to JIS G4102镍铬钼钢–日工标准G4103 64Nickel, Chrome & Molybdenum Steel to JISG4103高锰钢铸–日工标准High manganese steel to JIS standard片及板材Chapter Four-Strip, Steel & Plate冷辘低碳钢片(双单光片)(日工标准JISG3141) 73 - 95Cold Rolled (Low carbon) Steel Strip (to JISG 3141)简介General美材试标准的冷辘低碳钢片Cold Rolled Steel Strip American Standard –American Society for testing and materials(ASTM)日工标准JIS G3141冷辘低碳钢片(双单光片)的编号浅释Decoding of cold rolled(Low carbon)steelstrip JIS G3141材料的加工性能Drawing abillity硬度Hardness表面处理Surface finish冷辘钢捆片及张片制作流程图表Production flow chart cold rolled steel coilsheet冷辘钢捆片及张片的电镀和印刷方法Cold rolled steel coil & sheet electro-plating& painting method冷辘(低碳)钢片的分类用、途、工业标准、品质、加热状态及硬度表End usages, industrial standard, quality,condition and hardness of cold rolled steelstrip硬度及拉力Hardness & Tensile strengthtest拉伸测试(顺纹测试)Elongation test杯突测试(厚度: 0.4公厘至1.6公厘,准确至0.1公厘3个试片平均数)Erichsen test (Thickness: 0.4mm to 1.6mm,figure round up to 0.1mm)曲面(假曲率)Camber厚度及阔度公差Tolerance on Thickness &Width平坦度(阔度大于500公厘,标准回火) Flatness (width>500mm, temper: standard) 弯度Camber冷辘钢片储存与处理提示General advice on handling & storage of cold rolled steel coil & sheet防止生锈Rust Protection生锈速度表Speed of rusting焊接Welding气焊Gas Welding埋弧焊Submerged-arc Welding电阻焊Resistance Welding冷辘钢片(拉力: 30-32公斤/平方米)在没有表面处理状态下的焊接状况Spot welding conditions for bared (free from paint, oxides etc) Cold rolled mild steel sheets(T/S:30-32 Kgf/ μ m2)时间效应(老化)及拉伸应变Aging & Stretcher Strains日工标准(JIS G3141)冷辘钢片化学成份Chemical composition – cold rolled steel sheet to JIS G3141冷辘钢片的"理论重量"计算方程式Cold Rolled Steel Sheet – Theoretical mass 日工标准(JIS G3141)冷辘钢片重量列表Mass of Cold-Rolled Steel Sheet to JISG3141冷辘钢片订货需知Ordering of cold rolled steel strip/sheet其它日工标准冷轧钢片(用途及编号)JIS standard & application of other cold Rolled Special Steel电镀锌钢片或电解钢片Electro-galvanized Steel Sheet/Electrolytic Zinc Coated Steel Sheet简介General电解/电镀锌大大增强钢片的防锈能力Galvanic Action improving Weather & Corrosion Resistance of the Base Steel Sheet 上漆能力Paint Adhesion电镀锌钢片的焊接Welding of Electro-galvanized steel sheet点焊Spot welding滚焊Seam welding 电镀锌(电解)钢片Electro-galvanized Steel Sheet生产流程Production Flow Chart常用的镀锌钢片(电解片)的基层金属、用途、日工标准、美材标准及一般厚度Base metal, application, JIS & ASTMstandard, and Normal thickness ofgalvanized steel sheet锌镀层质量Zinc Coating Mass表面处理Surface Treatment冷轧钢片Cold-Rolled Steel Sheet/Strip热轧钢片Hot-Rolled Sheet/Strip电解冷轧钢片厚度公差Thickness Tolerance of ElectrolyticCold-rolled sheet热轧钢片厚度公差Thickness Tolerance of Hot-rolled sheet冷轧或热轧钢片阔度公差Width Tolerance of Cold or Hot-rolled sheet长度公差Length Tolerance理论质量Theoretical Mass锌镀层质量(两个相同锌镀层厚度)Mass Calculation of coating (For equalcoating)/MM锌镀层质量(两个不同锌镀层厚度)Mass Calculation of coating (For differentialcoating)/MM镀锡薄铁片(白铁皮/马口铁) (日工标准JIS G3303)简介General镀锡薄铁片的构造Construction of Electrolytic Tinplate镀锡薄钢片(白铁皮/马日铁)制造过程Production Process of Electrolytic Tinplate锡层质量Mass of Tin Coating (JIS G3303-1987)两面均等锡层Both Side Equally Coated Mass两面不均等锡层Both Side Different Thickness Coated Mass级别、电镀方法、镀层质量及常用称号Grade, Plating type, Designation of CoatingMass & Common Coating Mass镀层质量标记Markings & Designations of DifferentialCoatings硬度Hardness单相轧压镀锡薄铁片(白铁皮/马口铁)Single-Reduced Tinplate双相辗压镀锡薄钢片(马口铁/白铁皮)Dual-Reduction Tinplate钢的种类Type of Steel表面处理Surface Finish常用尺寸Commonly Used Size电器用硅[硅] 钢片Electrical Steel Sheet简介General软磁材料Soft Magnetic Material滞后回线Narrow Hystersis矫顽磁力Coercive Force硬磁材料Hard Magnetic Material最大能量积Maximum Energy Product硅含量对电器用的低碳钢片的最大好处The Advantage of Using Silicon low CarbonSteel晶粒取向(Grain-Oriented)及非晶粒取向(Non-Oriented)Grain Oriented & Non-Oriented电器用硅[硅] 钢片的最终用途及规格End Usage and Designations of ElectricalSteel Strip电器用的硅[硅] 钢片之分类Classification of Silicon Steel Sheet forElectrical Use电器用钢片的绝缘涂层Performance of Surface Insulation ofElectrical Steel Sheets晶粒取向电器用硅钢片主要工业标准International Standard – Grain-OrientedElectrical Steel Silicon Steel Sheet forElectrical Use晶粒取向电器用硅钢片Grain-OrientedElectrical Steel晶粒取向,定取向芯钢片及高硼定取向芯钢片之磁力性能及夹层系数(日工标准及美材标准)Magnetic Properties and Lamination Factorof SI-ORIENT-CORE&SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI B Electrical SteelStrip (JIS and AISI Standard)退火Annealing电器用钢片用家需自行应力退火原因Annealing of the Electrical Steel Sheet退火时注意事项Annealing Precautionary碳污染Prevent Carbon Contamination热力应先从工件边缘透入Heat from the Laminated Stacks Edges提防过份氧化No Excessive Oxidation应力退火温度Stress –relieving Annealing Temperature晶粒取向电器用硅[硅] 钢片–高硼(HI-B)定取向芯钢片及定取向芯钢片之机械性能及夹层系数Mechanical Properties and Lamination Factors of SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B andSI-ORIENT-CORE Grain Orient Electrical Steel Sheets晶粒取向电器用硅[硅] 钢;片–高硼低硫(LS)定取向钢片之磁力及电力性能Magnetic and Electrical Properties ofSI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B-LS晶粒取向电器用硅[硅] 钢片–高硼低硫(LS) 定取向钢片之机械性能及夹层系数Mechanical Properties and Lamination Factors of SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B-LS晶粒取向电器用硅(硅)钢片-高硼(HI-B)定取向芯钢片,定取向芯钢片及高硼低硫(LS)定取向芯钢片之厚度及阔度公差Physical Tolerance ofSI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B,SI-ORIENT-CORE, & SI-CORE-HI-B-LS GrainOriented Electrical Steel Sheets晶粒取向电器用硅(硅)钢片–高硼(HI-B)定取向芯钢片,定取向芯钢片及高硼低硫(LS)定取向芯钢片之标准尺寸及包装Standard Forms and Size ofSI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B,SI-CORE, &SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B-LS Grain- Oriented Electrical Steel Sheets绝缘表面Surface Insulation非晶粒取向电力用钢片的电力、磁力、机械性能及夹层系数Lamination Factors of Electrical, Magnetic & Mechanical Non-Grain Oriented Electrical电器及家电外壳用镀层冷辘[低碳] 钢片Coated (Low Carbon) Steel Sheets for Casing,Electricals & Home Appliances镀铝硅钢片Aluminized Silicon Alloy Steel Sheet简介General镀铝硅合金钢片的特色Feature of Aluminized Silicon Alloy SteelSheet用途End Usages抗化学品能力Chemical Resistance镀铝(硅)钢片–日工标准(JIS G3314)Hot-aluminum-coated sheets and coils to JISG 3314镀铝(硅)钢片–美材试标准(ASTMA-463-77)35.7 JIS G3314镀热浸铝片的机械性能Mechanical Properties of JIS G 3314Hot-Dip Aluminum-coated Sheets and Coils公差Size Tolerance镀铝(硅)钢片及其它种类钢片的抗腐蚀性能比较Comparsion of various resistance ofaluminized steel & other kinds of steel镀铝(硅)钢片生产流程Aluminum Steel Sheet, Production FlowChart焊接能力Weldability镀铝钢片的焊接状态(比较冷辘钢片)Tips on welding of Aluminized sheet incomparasion with cold rolled steel strip钢板Steel Plate钢板用途分类及各国钢板的工业标准包括日工标准及美材试标准Type of steel Plate & Related JIS, ASTMand Other Major Industrial Standards钢板生产流程Production Flow Chart钢板订货需知Ordering of Steel Plate不锈钢Stainless Steel不锈钢的定义Definition of Stainless Steel不锈钢之分类,耐腐蚀性及耐热性Classification, Corrosion Resistant & HeatResistance of Stainless Steel铁铬系不锈钢片Chrome Stainless Steel马氏体不锈钢Martensite Stainless Steel低碳马氏体不锈钢Low Carbon Martensite Stainless Steel含铁体不锈钢Ferrite Stainless Steel镍铬系不锈钢Nickel Chrome Stainless Steel释出硬化不锈钢Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steel铁锰铝不锈钢Fe / Mn / Al / Stainless Steel不锈钢的磁性Magnetic Property & Stainless Steel不锈钢箔、卷片、片及板之厚度分类Classification of Foil, Strip, Sheet & Plateby Thickness表面保护胶纸Surface protection film不锈钢片材常用代号Designation of SUS Steel Special UseStainless表面处理Surface finish薄卷片及薄片(0.3至2.9mm厚之片)机械性能Mechanical Properties of Thin StainlessSteel(Thickness from 0.3mm to 2.9mm) –strip/sheet不锈钢片机械性能(301, 304, 631, CSP)Mechanical Properties of Spring useStainless Steel不锈钢–种类,工业标准,化学成份,特点及主要用途Stainless Steel – Type, Industrial Standard,Chemical Composition, Characteristic & endusage of the most commonly used StainlessSteel不锈钢薄片用途例End Usage of Thinner Gauge不锈钢片、板用途例Examples of End Usages of Strip, Sheet &Plate不锈钢应力退火卷片常用规格名词图解General Specification of Tension AnnealedStainless Steel Strips耐热不锈钢Heat-Resistance Stainless Steel镍铬系耐热不锈钢特性、化学成份、及操作温度Heat-Resistance Stainless Steel铬系耐热钢Chrome Heat Resistance Steel镍铬耐热钢Ni - Cr Heat Resistance Steel超耐热钢Special Heat Resistance Steel抗热超级合金Heat Resistance Super Alloy耐热不锈钢比重表Specific Gravity of Heat – resistance steel plates and sheets stainless steel不锈钢材及耐热钢材标准对照表Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steels发条片Power Spring Strip发条的分类及材料Power Spring Strip Classification and Materials上链发条Wind-up Spring倒后擦发条Pull Back Power Spring圆面("卜竹")发条Convex Spring Strip拉尺发条Measure Tape魔术手环Magic Tape魔术手环尺寸图Drawing of Magic Tap定型发条Constant Torque Spring定型发条及上炼发条的驱动力Spring Force of Constant Torque Spring and Wing-up Spring定型发条的形状及翻动过程Shape and Spring Back of Constant Torque Spring定型发条驱动力公式及代号The Formula and Symbol of Constant Torque Spring边缘处理Edge Finish硬度Hardness高碳钢化学成份及用途High Carbon Tool Steel, Chemical Composition and Usage每公斤发条的长度简易公式The Length of 1 Kg of Spring Steel Strip SK-5 & AISI-301 每公斤长的重量/公斤(阔100-200公厘) Weight per one meter long (kg) (Width 100-200mm)SK-5 & AISI-301 每公斤之长度(阔100-200公厘) Length per one kg (Width 100-200mm)SK-5 & AISI-301 每公尺长的重量/公斤(阔2.0-10公厘)Weight per one meter long (kg) (Width2.0-10mm)SK-5 & AISI-301 每公斤之长度(阔2.0-10公厘)Length per one kg (Width 2.0-10mm)高碳钢片High Carbon Steel Strip分类Classification用组织结构分类Classification According to Grain Structure用含碳量分类–即低碳钢、中碳钢及高碳钢Classification According to Carbon Contains弹簧用碳钢片CarbonSteel Strip For Spring Use冷轧状态Cold Rolled Strip回火状态Annealed Strip淬火及回火状态Hardened & Tempered Strip/ Precision –Quenched Steel Strip贝氏体钢片Bainite Steel Strip弹簧用碳钢片材之边缘处理EdgeFinished淬火剂Quenching Media碳钢回火Tempering回火有低温回火及高温回火Low & High Temperature Tempering高温回火High Temperature Tempering退火Annealing完全退火Full Annealing扩散退火Diffusion Annealing低温退火Low Temperature Annealing中途退火Process Annealing球化退火Spheroidizing Annealing光辉退火Bright Annealing淬火Quenching时间淬火Time Quenching奥氏铁孻回火Austempering马氏铁体淬火Marquenching高碳钢片用途End Usage of High CarbonSteel Strip冷轧高碳钢–日本工业标准Cold-Rolled (Special Steel) Carbon SteelStrip to JIS G3311电镀金属钢片Plate Metal Strip简介General电镀金属捆片的优点Advantage of Using Plate Metal Strip金属捆片电镀层Plated Layer of Plated Metal Strip镀镍Nickel Plated镀铬Chrome Plated镀黄铜Brass Plated基层金属Base Metal of Plated Metal Strip低碳钢或铁基层金属Iron & Low Carbon as Base Metal不锈钢基层金属Stainless Steel as BaseMetal铜基层金属Copper as Base Metal黄铜基层金属Brass as Base Metal轴承合金Bearing Alloy简介General轴承合金–日工标准JIS H 5401Bearing Alloy to JIS H 5401锡基、铅基及锌基轴承合金比较表Comparison of Tin base, Lead base and Zincbase alloy for Bearing purpose易溶合金Fusible Alloy焊接合金Soldering and Brazing Alloy软焊Soldering Alloy软焊合金–日本标准JIS H 4341Soldering Alloy to JIS H 4341硬焊Brazing Alloy其它焊接材料请参阅日工标准目录Other Soldering Material细线材、枝材、棒材Chapter Five Wire, Rod & Bar线材/枝材材质分类及制成品Classification and End Products of Wire/Rod铁线(低碳钢线)日工标准JIS G 3532Low Carbon Steel Wires ( Iron Wire ) to JISG 3532光线(低碳钢线),火线(退火低碳钢线),铅水线(镀锌低碳钢线)及制造钉用低碳钢线之代号、公差及备注Ordinary Low Carbon Steel Wire, AnnealedLow Carbon Steel Wire, Galvanized lowCarbon Steel Wire & Low Carbon SteelWire for nail manufacturing - classification,Symbol of Grade, Tolerance and Remarks.机械性能Mechanical Properites锌包层之重量,铜硫酸盐试验之酸洗次数及测试用卷筒直径Weight of Zinc-Coating, Number ofDippings in Cupric Sulphate Test andDiameters of Mandrel Used for Coiling Test冷冲及冷锻用碳钢线枝Carbon Steel Wire Rods for Cold Heading &Cold Forging (to JIS G3507)级别,代号及化学成份Classification, Symbol of Grade andChemical Composition直径公差,偏圆度及脱碳层的平均深度Diameter Tolerance, Ovality and AverageDecarburized Layer Depth冷拉钢枝材Cold Drawn Carbon Steel Shafting Bar枝材之美工标准,日工标准,用途及化学成份AISI, JIS End Usage and Chemical Composition of Cold Drawn Carbon Steel Shafting Bar冷拉钢板重量表Cold Drawn Steel Bar Weight Table高碳钢线枝High Carbon Steel Wire Rod (to JIS G3506) 冷拉高碳钢线Hard Drawn High Carbon Steel Wire(to JIS G3521, ISO-84580-1&2)化学成份分析表Chemical Analysis of Wire Rod线径、公差及机械性能(日本工业标准G 3521)Mechanical Properties (JIS G 3521)琴线(日本标准G3522)Piano Wires ( to G3522)级别,代号,扭曲特性及可用之线材直径Classes, symbols, twisting characteristic and applied Wire Diameters直径,公差及拉力强度Diameter, Tolerance and Tensile Strength裂纹之容许深度及脱碳层Permissible depth of flaw and decarburized layer常用的弹簧不锈钢线-编号,特性,表面处理及化学成份StainlessSpring Wire – National Standard number, Charateristic, Surface finish & Chemical composition弹簧不锈钢线,线径及拉力列表Stainless Spring Steel, Wire diameter and Tensile strength of Spring Wire处理及表面状况Finish & Surface各种不锈钢线在不同处理拉力比较表Tensile Strength of various kinds of Stainless Steel Wire under Different Finish 圆径及偏圆度之公差Tolerance of Wire Diameters & Ovality铬镍不锈钢及抗热钢弹簧线材–美国材验学会ASTM A313 – 1987 Chromium – Nickel Stainless andHeat-resisting Steel Spring Wire – ASTM A313 – 1987化学成份Chemical Composition 机械性能Mechanical Properties305, 316, 321及347之拉力表Tensile Strength Requirements for Types305, 316, 321 and 347A1S1-302 贰级线材之拉力表Tensile Strength of A1S1-302 Wire日本工业标准–不锈钢的化学成份(先数字后字母排列)JIS – Chemical Composition of StainlessSteel (in order of number & alphabet)美国工业标准–不锈钢及防热钢材的化学成份(先数字后字母排列)AISI – Chemical Composition of StainlessSteel & Heat-Resistant Steel(in order ofnumber & alphabet)易车碳钢Free Cutting Carbon Steels (to JIS G4804 )化学成份Chemical composition圆钢枝,方钢枝及六角钢枝之形状及尺寸之公差Tolerance on Shape and Dimensions forRound Steel Bar, Square Steel Bar,Hexagonal Steel Bar易车(快削)不锈钢Free Cutting StainlessSteel易车(快削)不锈钢种类Type of steel易车(快削)不锈钢拉力表Tensile Strength of Free Cutting Wires枝/棒无芯磨公差表(μ) (μ = 1/100 mm)Rod/Bar Centreless Grind Tolerance易车不锈钢及易车钢之不同尺寸及硬度比较Hardness of Different Types & Size of FreeCutting Steel扁线、半圆线及异形线Flat Wire, Half Round Wire, Shaped Wireand Precision Shaped Fine Wire加工方法Manufacturing Method应用材料Material Used特点Characteristic用途End Usages不锈钢扁线及半圆线常用材料Commonly used materials for Stainless FlatWire & Half Round Wire扁线公差Flat Wire Tolerance方线公差Square Wire Tolerance材料的类型Types of materials, metals,ceramics, polymers, composites, elastomer部分材料性质复习Review of selectedproperties of materials,电导率和电阻率conductivity andresistivity,热导率thermal conductivity,应力和应变stress and strain,弹性应变elastic strain,塑性应变plastic strain,屈服强度yield strength,最大抗拉强度ultimate tensile strength,最大强度ultimate strength,延展性ductility,伸长率elongation,断面收缩率reduction of area,颈缩necking,断裂强度breaking strength,韧性toughness,硬度hardness,疲劳强度fatigue strength,蜂窝honeycomb,热脆性heat shortness,晶胞中的原子数atoms per cell,点阵lattice, 阵点lattice point,点阵参数lattice parameter,密排六方hexagonal close-packed,六方晶胞hexagonal unit cell,体心立方body-centered cubic,面心立方face-centered cubic,弥勒指数Miller indices,晶面crystal plane,晶系crystal system,晶向crystal direction,相变机理Phase transformation mechanism:成核生长相变nucleation–growth transition,斯宾那多分解spinodal decomposition,有序无序转变disordered-order transition,马氏体相变martensite phasetransformation,成核nucleation,成核机理nucleation mechanism,成核势垒nucleation barrier,晶核,结晶中心nucleus of crystal,金属组织的)基体quay,基体,基块,基质,结合剂matrix,子晶,雏晶matted crystal,耔晶,晶种seed crystal,耔晶取向seed orientation,籽晶生长seeded growth,均质核化homogeneous nucleation,异质核化heterogeneous nucleation,均匀化热处理homogenization heat treatment,熟料grog,自恰场self-consistent field固溶体Solid solution:有序固溶体ordered solid solution,无序固溶体disordered solid solution, 有序合金ordered alloy,无序合金disordered alloy.无序点阵disordered lattice,分散,扩散,弥散dispersal,分散剂dispersant,分散剂,添加剂dispersant additive, 分散剂,弥散剂dispersant agent缺陷defect, imperfection,点缺陷point defect,线缺陷line defect, dislocation,面缺陷interface defect, surface defect, 体缺陷volume defect,位错排列dislocation arrangement,位错阵列dislocation array,位错气团dislocation atmosphere,位错轴dislocation axis,位错胞dislocation cell,位错爬移dislocation climb,位错滑移dislocation slip, dislocation movement by slip,位错聚结dislocation coalescence,位错核心能量dislocation core energy, 位错裂纹dislocation crack,位错阻尼dislocation damping,位错密度dislocation density,体积膨胀volume dilation,体积收缩volume shrinkage,回火tempering,退火annealing,退火的,软化的softened,软化退火,软化(处理)softening, 淬火quenching,淬火硬化quenching hardening,正火normalizing, normalization,退火织构annealing texture,人工时效artificial aging,细长比aspect ratio,形变热处理ausforming,等温退火austempering,奥氏体austenite,奥氏体化austenitizing, 贝氏体bainite,马氏体martensite,马氏体淬火marquench,马氏体退火martemper,马氏体时效钢maraging steel,渗碳体cementite,固溶强化solid solution strengthening,钢屑混凝土steel chips concrete,水玻璃,硅酸钠sodium silicate,水玻璃粘结剂sodium silicate binder,硅酸钠类防水剂sodium silicatewaterproofing agent,扩散diffusion,扩散系数diffusivity,相变phase transition,烧结sintering,固相反应solid-phase reaction,相图与相结构phase diagrams and phasestructures ,相phase,组分component,自由度freedom,相平衡phase equilibrium,吉布斯相律Gibbs phase rule,吉布斯自由能Gibbs free energy,吉布斯混合能Gibbs energy of mixing,吉布斯熵Gibbs entropy,吉布斯函数Gibbs function,相平衡phase balance,相界phase boundary,相界线phase boundary line,相界交联phase boundary crosslinking,相界有限交联phase boundary crosslinking,相界反应phase boundary reaction,相变phase change,相组成phase composition,共格相phase-coherent,金相相组织phase constentuent,相衬phase contrast,相衬显微镜phase contrast microscope,相衬显微术phase contrast microscopy,相分布phase distribution,相平衡常数phase equilibrium constant,相平衡图phase equilibrium diagram,相变滞后phase transition lag, Al-Si-O-N系统相关系phase relationships in theAl-Si-O-N system,相分离phase segregation, phase separation,玻璃分相phase separation in glasses,相序phase order, phase sequence,相稳定性phase stability,相态phase state,相稳定区phase stabile range,相变温度phase transition temperature,相变压力phase transition pressure,同质多晶转变polymorphic transformation,相平衡条件phase equilibrium conditions,显微结构microstructures,不混溶固溶体immiscible solid solution,转熔型固溶体peritectic solid solution,低共熔体eutectoid,crystallization,不混溶性immiscibility,固态反应solid state reaction,烧结sintering,相变机理Phase transformation mechanism:成核生长相变nucleation–growth transition,斯宾那多分解spinodal decomposition,有序无序转变disordered-order transition,马氏体相变martensite phasetransformation,成核nucleation,成核机理nucleation mechanism,成核势垒nucleation barrier,晶核,结晶中心nucleus of crystal,(金属组织的)基体quay,基体,基块,基质,结合剂matrix,子晶,雏晶matted crystal,耔晶,晶种seed crystal,耔晶取向seed orientation,籽晶生长seeded growth,均质核化homogeneous nucleation,异质核化heterogeneous nucleation,均匀化热处理homogenization heattreatment,。
X线结晶分析法X – ray crystal analyics method奥氏体Austenite奥氏体碳钢Austenite Carbon Steel奥氏铁孻回火Austempering半静钢Semi-killed steel包晶反应Peritectic Reaction包晶合金Peritectic Alloy包晶温度Peritectic Temperature薄卷片及薄片(0.3至2.9mm厚之片)机械性能Mechanical Properties of Thin Stainless Steel(Thickness from 0.3mm to 2.9mm)– strip/sheet杯突测试(厚度:0.4公厘至1.6公厘,准确至0.1公厘3个试片平均数)Erichsen test (Thickness:0.4mm to 1.6mm,figure round up to 0.1mm)贝氏体钢片Bainite Steel Strip比电阻Specific resistivity & specific resistance比较抗磁体、顺磁体及铁磁体Comparison of Diamagnetism,Paramagnetic & Ferromagnetism比热Specific Heat比重Specific gravity & specific density边缘处理Edge Finish扁线、半圆线及异形线Flat Wire,Half Round Wire,Shaped Wire and Precision Shaped Fine Wire扁线公差Flat Wire Tolerance变态点Transformation Point表面保护胶纸Surface protection film表面处理Surface finish表面处理Surface Treatment不破坏检验Non – destructive inspections不锈钢Stainless Steel不锈钢–种类,工业标准,化学成份,特点及主要用途Stainless Steel – Type,Industrial Standard,Chemical Composition,Characteristic & end usage of the most commonly used Stainless Steel不锈钢薄片用途例End Usage of Thinner Gauge不锈钢扁线及半圆线常用材料Commonly used materials for Stainless Flat Wire & Half Round Wire不锈钢箔、卷片、片及板之厚度分类Classification of Foil,Strip,Sheet & Plate by Thickness不锈钢材及耐热钢材标准对照表Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steels不锈钢的磁性Magnetic Property & Stainless Steel不锈钢的定义Definition of Stainless Steel不锈钢基层金属Stainless Steel as Base Metal不锈钢片、板用途例Examples of End Usages of Strip,Sheet & Plate不锈钢片材常用代号Designation of SUS Steel Special Use Stainless不锈钢片机械性能(301,304,631,CSP)Mechanical Properties of Spring use Stainless Steel不锈钢应力退火卷片常用规格名词图解General Specification of Tension Annealed Stainless Steel Strips不锈钢之分类,耐腐蚀性及耐热性Classification,Corrosion Resistant & Heat Resistance of Stainless Steel 材料的加工性能Drawing abillity插入型固熔体Interstital solid solution常用尺寸Commonly Used Size常用的弹簧不锈钢线-编号,特性,表面处理及化学成份StainlessSpring Wire – National Standard number,Charateristic,Surface finish & Chemical composition常用的镀锌钢片(电解片)的基层金属、用途、日工标准、美材标准及一般厚度Base metal,application,JIS & ASTM standard,and Normal thickness of galvanized steel sheet长度公差Length Tolerance超耐热钢Special Heat Resistance Steel超声波探伤法Ultrasonic inspection冲击测试Impact Test冲剪Drawing & stamping初释纯铁体Pro-entectoid ferrite处理及表面状况Finish & Surface纯铁体Ferrite磁场Magnetic Field磁畴Magnetic domain磁粉探伤法Magnetic particle inspection磁化率Magnetic Susceptibility (Xm)磁矩magnetic moment磁力Magnetic磁力Magnetic Force磁偶极子Dipole磁性Magnetisum磁性变态Magnetic Transformation磁性变态点Magnetic Transformation磁性感应Magnetic Induction粗珠光体Coarse pearlite淬火Quenching淬火及回火状态Hardened & Tempered Strip/ Precision – Quenched Steel Strip淬火剂Quenching Media单相金属Single Phase Metal单相轧压镀锡薄铁片(白铁皮/马口铁)Single-Reduced Tinplate弹簧不锈钢线,线径及拉力列表Stainless Spring Steel,Wire diameter and Tensile strength of Spring Wire 弹簧用碳钢片CarbonSteel Strip For Spring Use弹簧用碳钢片材之边缘处理Edge Finished弹性限度、阳氏弹性系数及屈服点elastic limit,Yeung's module of elasticity to yield point倒后擦发条Pull Back Power Spring导热度Heat conductivity低碳钢或铁基层金属Iron & Low Carbon as Base Metal低碳马氏体不锈钢Low Carbon Martensite Stainless Steel低温脆性Cold brittleness低温退火Low Temperature Annealing第二潜变期Secondary Creep第三潜变期Tertiary Creep第壹潜变期Primary Creep点焊Spot welding电镀金属钢片Plate Metal Strip电镀金属捆片的优点Advantage of Using Plate Metal Strip电镀锌(电解)钢片Electro-galvanized Steel Sheet电镀锌钢片的焊接Welding of Electro-galvanized steel sheet电镀锌钢片或电解钢片Electro-galvanized Steel Sheet/Electrolytic Zinc Coated Steel Sheet电解/电镀锌大大增强钢片的防锈能力Galvanic Action improving Weather & Corrosion Resistance of the Base Steel Sheet电解冷轧钢片厚度公差Thickness Tolerance of Electrolytic Cold-rolled sheet电炉Electric furnace电器及家电外壳用镀层冷辘[低碳] 钢片Coated (Low Carbon)Steel Sheets for Casing,Electricals & Home Appliances电器用的硅[硅] 钢片之分类Classification of Silicon Steel Sheet for Electrical Use电器用钢片的绝缘涂层Performance of Surface Insulation of Electrical Steel Sheets电器用钢片用家需自行应力退火原因Annealing of the Electrical Steel Sheet电器用硅[硅] 钢片Electrical Steel Sheet电阻焊Resistance Welding定型发条Constant Torque Spring定型发条的形状及翻动过程Shape and Spring Back of Constant Torque Spring定型发条及上炼发条的驱动力Spring Force of Constant Torque Spring and Wing-up Spring定型发条驱动力公式及代号The Formula and Symbol of Constant Torque Spring镀层质量标记Markings & Designations of Differential Coatings镀铬Chrome Plated镀黄铜Brass Plated镀铝(硅)钢片–美材试标准(ASTM A-463-77)35.7 JIS G3314镀热浸铝片的机械性能Mechanical Properties of JIS G 3314 Hot-Dip Aluminum-coated Sheets and Coils镀铝(硅)钢片–日工标准(JIS G3314)Hot-aluminum-coated sheets and coils to JIS G 3314镀铝(硅)钢片及其它种类钢片的抗腐蚀性能比较Comparsion of various resistance of aluminized steel & other kinds of steel镀铝(硅)钢片生产流程Aluminum Steel Sheet,Production Flow Chart镀铝硅钢片Aluminized Silicon Alloy Steel Sheet镀铝硅合金钢片的特色Feature of Aluminized Silicon Alloy Steel Sheet镀镍Nickel Plated镀锡薄钢片(白铁皮/马日铁)制造过程Production Process of Electrolytic Tinplate镀锡薄铁片(白铁皮/马口铁)(日工标准JIS G3303)镀锡薄铁片的构造Construction of Electrolytic Tinplate锻造Fogging断面缩率Reduction of area发条的分类及材料Power Spring Strip Classification and Materials发条片Power Spring Strip反铁磁体Antiferromagnetism方线公差Square Wire Tolerance防止生锈Rust Protection放射线探伤法Radiographic inspection非晶粒取向电力用钢片的电力、磁力、机械性能及夹层系数Lamination Factors of Electrical,Magnetic & Mechanical Non-Grain Oriented Electrical沸腾钢(未净钢)Rimmed steel分类Classification负磁力效应Negative effect钢板Steel Plate钢板订货需知Ordering of Steel Plate钢板生产流程Production Flow Chart钢板用途分类及各国钢板的工业标准包括日工标准及美材试标准Type of steel Plate & Related JIS,ASTM and Other Major Industrial Standards钢材的熔铸、锻造、挤压及延轧The Casting,Fogging,Extrusion,Rolling & Steel钢的脆性Brittleness of Steel钢的种类Type of Steel钢铁的名称Name of steel钢铁的制造Manufacturing of Steel钢铁的主要成份The major element of steel钢铁生产流程Steel Production Flow Chart钢铁用“碳”之含量来分类Classification of Steel according to Carbon contents高锰钢铸–日工标准High manganese steel to JIS standard高碳钢化学成份及用途High Carbon Tool Steel,Chemical Composition and Usage高碳钢片High Carbon Steel Strip高碳钢片用途End Usage of High Carbon Steel Strip高碳钢线枝High Carbon Steel Wire Rod (to JIS G3506)高温回火High Temperature Tempering格子常数Lattice constant铬钢–日工标准JIS G4104 Chrome steel to JIS G4104铬镍不锈钢及抗热钢弹簧线材–美国材验学会ASTM A313 – 1987 Chromium – Nickel Stainless andHeat-resisting Steel Spring Wire – ASTM A313 – 1987铬系耐热钢Chrome Heat Resistance Steel铬钼钢钢材–日工标准G4105 62 Chrome Molybdenum steel to JIS G4105各种不锈钢线在不同处理拉力比较表Tensile Strength of various kinds of Stainless Steel Wire under Different Finish工业标准及规格–铁及非铁金属Industrial Standard – Ferrous & Non – ferrous Metal公差Size Tolerance共晶Eutectic共释变态Eutectoid Transformation固熔体Solid solution光辉退火Bright Annealing光线(低碳钢线),火线(退火低碳钢线),铅水线(镀锌低碳钢线)及制造钉用低碳钢线之代号、公差及备注Ordinary Low Carbon Steel Wire,Annealed Low Carbon Steel Wire,Galvanized low Carbon Steel Wire & Low Carbon Steel Wire for nail manufacturing - classification,Symbol of Grade,Tolerance and Remarks.硅含量对电器用的低碳钢片的最大好处The Advantage of Using Silicon low Carbon Steel滚焊Seam welding过共晶体Hyper-ectectic Alloy过共释钢Hype-eutectoid含硫易车钢Sulphuric Free Cutting Steel含铅易车钢Leaded Free Cutting Steel含铁体不锈钢Ferrite Stainless Steel焊接Welding焊接合金Soldering and Brazing Alloy焊接能力Weldability 镀铝钢片的焊接状态(比较冷辘钢片)Tips on welding of Aluminized sheet in comparasion with cold rolled steel strip合金平衡状态Thermal Equilibrium厚度及阔度公差Tolerance on Thickness & Width滑动面Slip Plan化学成份Chemical Composition化学结合Chemical bond化学性能Chemical Properties化学元素Chemical element黄铜基层金属Brass as Base Metal回复柔软Crystal Recovery回火脆性Temper brittleness回火有低温回火及高温回火Low & High Temperature Tempering回火状态Annealed Strip基层金属Base Metal of Plated Metal Strip机械性能Mechanical Properites机械性能Mechanical properties畸变Distortion级别、电镀方法、镀层质量及常用称号Grade,Plating type,Designation of Coating Mass & Common Coating Mass级别,代号,扭曲特性及可用之线材直径Classes,symbols,twisting characteristic and applied Wire Diameters 级别,代号及化学成份Classification,Symbol of Grade and Chemical Composition挤压Extrusion加工方法Manufacturing Method加工性能Machinability简介General交换能量Positive energy exchange矫顽磁力Coercive Force金属变态Transformation金属材料的试验方法The Method of Metal inspection金属材料的性能及试验Properties & testing of metal金属的特性Features of Metal金属的相融、相融温度、晶体反应及合金在共晶合金、固熔孻共晶合金及偏晶反应的比较Equilibrium Comparision金属间化物Intermetallic compound金属结晶格子Metal space lattice金属捆片电镀层Plated Layer of Plated Metal Strip金属塑性Plastic Deformation金属特性Special metallic features金属与合金Metal and Alloy金相及相律Metal Phase and Phase Rule晶粒取向(Grain-Oriented)及非晶粒取向(Non-Oriented)晶粒取向,定取向芯钢片及高硼定取向芯钢片之磁力性能及夹层系数(日工标准及美材标准)Magnetic Properties and Lamination Factor of SI-ORIENT-CORE& SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI B Electrical Steel Strip (JIS and AISI Standard)晶粒取向电器用硅[硅] 钢;片–高硼低硫(LS)定取向钢片之磁力及电力性能Magnetic and Electrical Properties of SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B-LS晶粒取向电器用硅[硅] 钢片–高硼(HI-B)定取向芯钢片及定取向芯钢片之机械性能及夹层系数Mechanical Properties and Lamination Factors of SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B and SI-ORIENT-CORE Grain Orient Electrical Steel Sheets晶粒取向电器用硅[硅] 钢片–高硼低硫(LS)定取向钢片之机械性能及夹层系数Mechanical Properties and Lamination Factors of SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B-LS晶粒取向电器用硅(硅)钢片–高硼(HI-B)定取向芯钢片,定取向芯钢片及高硼低硫(LS)定取向芯钢片之标准尺寸及包装Standard Forms and Size of SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B,SI-CORE,&SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B-LS Grain-晶粒取向电器用硅(硅)钢片-高硼(HI-B)定取向芯钢片,定取向芯钢片及高硼低硫(LS)定取向芯钢片之厚度及阔度公差Physical Tolerance of SI-ORIENT-CORE-HI-B,SI-ORIENT-CORE,& SI-CORE-HI-B-LS Grain晶粒取向电器用硅钢片Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel晶粒取向电器用硅钢片主要工业标准International Standard – Grain-Oriented Electrical Steel Silicon Steel Sheet for Electrical Use晶体结构Crystal Pattern晶体结构,定向格子及单位晶格Crystal structure,Space lattice & Unit cell净磁矩Net magnetic moment绝缘表面Surface Insulation均热炉Soaking pit抗磁体Diamagnetism抗腐蚀及耐用Corrosion & resistance durability抗化学品能力Chemical Resistance抗敏感及环境保护Allergic,re-cycling & environmental protection抗热超级合金Heat Resistance Super Alloy扩散退火Diffusion Annealing拉尺发条Measure Tape拉伸测试(顺纹测试)Elongation test冷冲及冷锻用碳钢线枝Carbon Steel Wire Rods for Cold Heading & Cold Forging (to JIS G3507)冷拉钢板重量表Cold Drawn Steel Bar Weight Table冷拉钢枝材Cold Drawn Carbon Steel Shafting Bar冷拉高碳钢线Hard Drawn High Carbon Steel Wire冷轧钢片Cold-Rolled Steel Sheet/Strip冷轧高碳钢–日本工业标准Cold-Rolled (Special Steel)Carbon Steel Strip to JIS G3311冷轧或热轧钢片阔度公差Width Tolerance of Cold or Hot-rolled sheet冷轧状态Cold Rolled Strip冷辘(低碳)钢片的分类用、途、工业标准、品质、加热状态及硬度表End usages,industrial standard,quality,condition and hardness of cold rolled steel strip冷辘低碳钢片(双单光片)(日工标准JIS G3141)73 - 95 Cold Rolled (Low carbon)Steel Strip (to JIS G 3141)冷辘钢捆片及张片的电镀和印刷方法Cold rolled steel coil & sheet electro-plating & painting method冷辘钢捆片及张片制作流程图表Production flow chart cold rolled steel coil sheet冷辘钢片(拉力:30-32公斤/平方米)在没有表面处理状态下的焊接状况Spot welding conditions for bared (free from paint,oxides etc)Cold rolled mild steel sheets(T/S:30-32 Kgf/ μ m2)冷辘钢片储存与处理提示General advice on handling & storage of cold rolled steel coil & sheet冷辘钢片的“理论重量”计算方程式Cold Rolled Steel Sheet – Theoretical mass冷辘钢片订货需知Ordering of cold rolled steel strip/sheet理论质量Theoretical Mass连续铸造法Continuous casting process两面不均等锡层Both Side Different Thickness Coated Mass两面均等锡层Both Side Equally Coated Mass裂纹之容许深度及脱碳层Permissible depth of flaw and decarburized layer临界温度Critical temperture马氏体不锈钢Martensite Stainless Steel马氏铁体淬火Marquenching埋弧焊Submerged-arc Welding每公斤发条的长度简易公式The Length of 1 Kg of Spring Steel Strip美材试标准的冷辘低碳钢片Cold Rolled Steel Strip American Standard – American Society for testing and materials (ASTM)美国工业标准–不锈钢及防热钢材的化学成份(先数字后字母排列)AISI – Chemical Composition of Stainless Steel & Heat-Resistant Steel(in order of number & alphabet)米勒指数Mill's Index魔术手环Magic Tape魔术手环尺寸图Drawing of Magic Tap耐热不锈钢Heat-Resistance Stainless Steel耐热不锈钢比重表Specific Gravity of Heat – resistance steel plates and sheets stainless steel镍铬–日工标准G4102 63 Chrome Nickel steel to JIS G4102镍铬耐热钢Ni - Cr Heat Resistance Steel镍铬系不锈钢Nickel Chrome Stainless Steel镍铬系耐热不锈钢特性、化学成份、及操作温度Heat-Resistance Stainless Steel镍铬钼钢–日工标准G4103 64 Nickel,Chrome & Molybdenum Steel to JIS G4103疲劳测试Fatigue Test片及板材Chapter Four-Strip,Steel & Plate平坦度(阔度大于500公厘,标准回火)Flatness (width>500mm,temper:standard)破坏的检验Destructive Inspection其它焊接材料请参阅日工标准目录Other Soldering Material其它日工标准冷轧钢片(用途及编号)JIS standard & application of other cold Rolled Special Steel气焊Gas Welding潜变测试Creep Test潜变强度Creeps Strength强度Strength琴线(日本标准G3522)Piano Wires (to G3522)球化退火Spheroidizing Annealing曲面(假曲率)Camber屈服强度(降伏强度)(Yield strangth)全静钢Killed steel热力应先从工件边缘透入Heat from the Laminated Stacks Edges热膨胀系数Coefficient of thermal expansion热轧钢片Hot-Rolled Sheet/Strip热轧钢片厚度公差Thickness Tolerance of Hot-rolled sheet日本工业标准–不锈钢的化学成份(先数字后字母排列)JIS – Chemical Composition of Stainless Steel (in order of number & alphabet)日工标准(JIS G3141)冷辘钢片化学成份Chemical composition – cold rolled steel sheet to JIS G3141日工标准(JIS G3141)冷辘钢片重量列表Mass of Cold-Rolled Steel Sheet to JIS G3141日工标准JIS G3141冷辘低碳钢片(双单光片)的编号浅释Decoding of cold rolled(Low carbon)steel strip JIS G3141日工标准下的特殊钢材Specail Steel according to JIS Standard熔铸Casting软磁Soft Magnetic软磁材料Soft Magnetic Material软焊Soldering Alloy软焊合金–日本标准JIS H 4341 Soldering Alloy to JIS H 4341上链发条Wind-up Spring上漆能力Paint Adhesion伸长度Elongation渗碳体Cementitle渗透探伤法Penetrate inspection生产流程Production Flow Chart生锈速度表Speed of rusting时间淬火Time Quenching时间效应(老化)及拉伸应变Aging & Stretcher Strains释出硬化不锈钢Precipitation Hardening Stainless Steel双相辗压镀锡薄钢片(马口铁/白铁皮)Dual-Reduction Tinplate顺磁体Paramagnetic碳钢回火Tempering碳污染Prevent Carbon Contamination特点Characteristic特殊钢Special Steel特殊钢以用途来分类Classification of Special Steel according to End Usage特殊钢以原素分类Classification of Special Steel according to Element提防过份氧化No Excessive Oxidation铁磁体Ferromagnetism铁铬系不锈钢片Chrome Stainless Steel铁及非铁金属Ferrous & Non Ferrous Metal铁锰铝不锈钢Fe / Mn / Al / Stainless Steel铁线(低碳钢线)日工标准JIS G 3532 Low Carbon Steel Wires (Iron Wire )to JIS G 3532铁相Steel Phases同素变态Allotropic Transformation铜基层金属Copper as Base Metal透磁度Magnetic Permeability退火Annealing退火时注意事项Annealing Precautionary外价电子Outer valence electrons弯度Camber完全退火Full Annealing物理性能Physical Properties物料科学Material Science物料科学定义Material Science Definition锡层质量Mass of Tin Coating (JIS G3303-1987)锡基、铅基及锌基轴承合金比较表Comparison of Tin base,Lead base and Zinc base alloy for Bearing purpose 细线材、枝材、棒材Chapter Five Wire,Rod & Bar显微观察法Microscopic inspection线材/枝材材质分类及制成品Classification and End Products of Wire/Rod线径、公差及机械性能(日本工业标准G 3521)Mechanical Properties (JIS G 3521)相反旋转Opposite span相律Phase Rule锌包层之重量,铜硫酸盐试验之酸洗次数及测试用卷筒直径Weight of Zinc-Coating,Number of Dippings in Cupric Sulphate Test and Diameters of Mandrel Used for Coiling Test锌镀层质量Zinc Coating Mass锌镀层质量(两个不同锌镀层厚度)Mass Calculation of coating (For differential coating)/MM锌镀层质量(两个相同锌镀层厚度)Mass Calculation of coating (For equal coating)/MM亚共晶体Hypoeutetic Alloy亚铁磁体Ferrimagnetism亚铁释体Hyppo-Eutectoid延轧Rolling颜色Colour易车(快削)不锈钢Free Cutting Stainless Steel易车(快削)不锈钢拉力表Tensile Strength of Free Cutting Wires易车(快削)不锈钢种类Type of steel易车不锈钢及易车钢之不同尺寸及硬度比较Hardness of Different Types & Size of Free Cutting Steel易车碳钢Free Cutting Carbon Steels (to JIS G4804 )易溶合金Fusible Alloy应力退火温度Stress –relieving Annealing Temperature应用材料Material Used硬磁Hard Magnetic硬磁材料Hard Magnetic Material硬度Hardness硬度及拉力Hardness & Tensile strength test硬焊Brazing Alloy硬化Work Hardening硬化性能Hardenability用含碳量分类–即低碳钢、中碳钢及高碳钢Classification According to Carbon Contains用途End Usages用组织结构分类Classification According to Grain Structure幼珠光体Fine pearlite元素的原子序数Atom of Elements原子的组成、大小、体积和单位图表The size,mass,charge of an atom,and is particles (Pronton,Nentron and Electron)原子的组织图Atom Constitutes原子及固体物质Atom and solid material原子键结Atom Bonding圆钢枝,方钢枝及六角钢枝之形状及尺寸之公差Tolerance on Shape and Dimensions for Round Steel Bar,Square Steel Bar,Hexagonal Steel Bar圆径及偏圆度之公差Tolerance of Wire Diameters & Ovality圆面(“卜竹”)发条Convex Spring Strip再结晶Recrystallization正磁化率Positive magnetic susceptibility枝/棒无芯磨公差表(μ)(μ = 1/100 mm)Rod/Bar Centreless Grind Tolerance枝材之美工标准,日工标准,用途及化学成份AISI,JIS End Usage and Chemical Composition of Cold Drawn Carbon Steel Shafting Bar直径,公差及拉力强度Diameter,Tolerance and Tensile Strength直径公差,偏圆度及脱碳层的平均深度Diameter Tolerance,Ovality and Average Decarburized Layer Depth 置换型固熔体Substitutional type solid solution滞后回线Narrow Hystersis中途退火Process Annealing中珠光体Medium pearlite周期表Periodic Table轴承合金Bearing Alloy轴承合金–日工标准JIS H 5401 Bearing Alloy to JIS H 5401珠光体Pearlite珠光体及共释钢Pearlite &Eutectoid主要金属元素之物理性质Physical properties of major Metal Elements转变元素Transition element自发上磁Spontaneous magnetization自由度Degree of freedom最大能量积Maximum Energy Product(to JIS G3521,ISO-84580-1&2)化学成份分析表Chemical Analysis of Wire Rod305,316,321及347之拉力表Tensile Strength Requirements for Types 305,316,321 and 347A1S1-302 贰级线材之拉力表Tensile Strength of A1S1-302 WireGrain Oriented & Non-Oriented 电器用硅[硅] 钢片的最终用途及规格End Usage and Designations of Electrical Steel StripOriented Electrical Steel SheetsSK-5 & AISI-301 每公尺长的重量/公斤(阔2.0-10公厘)Weight per one meter long (kg)(Width 2.0-10mm)SK-5 & AISI-301 每公斤长的重量/公斤(阔100-200公厘)Weight per one meter long (kg)(Width100-200mm)SK-5 & AISI-301 每公斤之长度(阔100-200公厘)Length per one kg (Width 100-200mm)SK-5 & AISI-301 每公斤之长度(阔2.0-10公厘)Length per one kg (Width 2.0-10mm)。
JIS G3303-2002中文版
2种类及记号镀锡钢板及原板的种类及记号如下:2.1 记号镀锡钢板及原板的记号按表1所示。
2.2 根据镀锡量的区分电镀锡板区分为两面镀锡量相同者(以下称等原镀锡)和两面镀锡量不同者(以下称差原镀锡),并据各镀锡量进一步按第三章进行区分。
2.3 根据钢种的区分镀锡钢板及原板、根据钢种的区分示于11.12.4 根据调质度的区分镀锡钢板及原板根据质度的区分示于第4章。
2.5 根据表面状态的区分镀锡钢板及原板根据表面状态的区分示于第5章。
3镀锡量3.1 镀锡量各种镀锡钢板的公称镀锡量和最小平均镀锡量,如表2所示,但对要求表2以外镀锡量的镀锡钢板,按订货者与制造业者的协议。
3.2 镀锡量的表示方法镀锡钢板的镀锡量的表示,如表2所示,差厚镀锡量的表示,如表2中的例所示,首先填写板的上表面或卷的外表面的镀锡量,之后填写板的下表面或卷的内表面的镀锡量。
3.3 表示两面的镀锡量不同的成品标志为表示差厚镀锡而标志于薄镀锡面或厚镀锡面或厚镀锡面的任何一面时,其标志方法由订货者与制造业者的协议而定,并应在订货合同中注明。
热浸镀锌薄钢板及钢带种类及记号使用的原板厚度A)板,瓦纹片一级钢卷的种类,热轧板6种,冷轧板11种B)屋顶用板在第二个表的记号后面加上R,建筑外用的板在第二个表的记号后面加上A热轧板种类的记号适用原板厚度适用SGHC 1.6以上,6.0以下一般用途SGH340 高强度一般用途SGH400SGH440SGH490SGH540厚度在1.6mm到3.2mm,没有特殊要求的话,冷轧板种类的记号适用原板厚度适用SGCC 0.25~3.2 一般用途SGCH 0.11~1.0 硬质一般用途SGCD1 0.40~2.3 深冲1类SGCD2 深冲2类SGCD3 0.60~2.3 深冲3类SGCD4 深冲4类,非时效性SGC340 0.25~3.2 高强度一般用途SGC400SGC440SGC490SGC570 0.25~2.0使用原板厚度根据买卖双方协定,在表内数据以外也可以非时效性是加工时不发生拉伸应变的特性化学成分板,瓦纹片,钢卷的化学成分符合下表,但必要时,可以添加下表以外的合金元素。
碳锰磷硫镀层镀层的种类分为非合金化和合金化两种合金化为,镀层加热后,使镀层成为铁和锌的合金镀层的记号和附着量镀层区别镀层附着记号 3点平均值最小值一点最小值SGCD1,SGCD2,SGCD3,SGCD4的镀层附着量不适用于Z35,Z37,Z45,Z60,F10,F12,F18三点平均值为,测试三次的平均值一点最小值为,测试一次的最小值板,瓦纹片及钢卷的单面最小附着量为,需在1点最小附着量的40%以上镀层的表面处理非合金化的表面处理种类及记号说明种类记号常规锌花R 镀锌的结晶凝固过程中生成的锌花微型锌花Z 将锌花极力微小化平整处理,根据客户要求进行平整处理。
化学合成处理板,瓦纹片,钢卷的化学合成处理的种类和记号如下表买卖双方协定后,使用下表以外的方法也可以化学合成处理记号铬酸盐处理 C磷化处理P非铬酸盐处理NC非铬酸盐的磷化处理NP不处理M磷化处理是为了提高抗腐蚀性,磷化处理之后再进行铬酸盐处理非铬酸盐处理是不含六价铬的处理方式非铬酸盐的磷化处理是磷化处理后,进行不含六价铬的处理涂油板,瓦纹片,钢卷的涂油,有涂油记号O,无涂油记号X机械性质弯曲性拉伸特性弯曲性适用于非合金化镀层,不适用于合金化镀层原板厚度小于0.25mm拉伸特性不适用弯曲性 180度弯曲,试验片边缘7mm以内的部分,不开裂、损坏拉伸特性拉伸原板厚度方向耐力拉伸强度压缩方向压缩方向或者与压缩方向垂直括弧内为参考值,使用买卖双方协定后的数值也可以括弧内为参考值,使用买卖双方协定后的数值也可以SGCD4板及钢卷,制造6个月内,加工时不发生拉伸应变尺寸及允许差标准原板厚度括弧内的数值适用于非合金化镀层Z18以上对应的镀层附着量买卖双方协定,0.65mm及0.75mm作为标准原板厚度也可。
复片 Copy film
冲片 deveop film
晒版 Dry film
烘干 baking
涂胶 gum
冲洗 Clean film
显影 Picture film
印刷 printing
制程检验 Procedure inspection
涂布(表面) Coating (finish)
印刷成品 Printed sheet
5. 表面錫量
種 類 等 量 含 錫 符號
CNS,JIS 2.8/2.8 5.6/5.6 8.4/8.4 11.2/11.2 2.8/5.6 2.8/8.4 2.8/11.2 5.6/8.4 5.6/11.2 8.4/11.2 ASTM #25 #50 #75 #100 #25/50 #25/75 #25/100 #50/75 #50/100 #75/100
马口铁的应用非常的广泛,从作为食品及饮料的包装材到油脂罐、化学 品罐以及其它的杂罐,马口铁的优点及特点提供内容物在物理及化学性 质上很好的保护。
1.食品罐头/ 马口铁可以确保食品的卫生,将腐败的可能性降到最低,有效阻绝健康上的危险,同 时也符合现代人在饮食上方便、快速的需求。 2.饮料罐/ 马口铁罐可用于填充果汁、咖啡、茶类及运动饮料,也可填装可乐、汽水、啤酒等饮 料。而马口铁罐加工性高,使其罐型变化多,无论高、矮、大、小,或方、或圆,均 可满足现今饮料包装多样化的需求及消费者嗜好。 3.油脂罐/ 光线会引发及加速油脂的氧化反应,降低营养价值,也可能产生有害物质,更严重的 是破坏油脂性的维他命,特别是维他命D和A。而空气中的氧气则促使食品油脂氧化, 降低蛋白质的生物质,破坏维他命,而马口铁不透光性及密封空气的隔绝效果,正是 包装油脂类食品的最佳选择。 4.化学品罐/ 马口铁材质坚固、保护性好,不易变形、耐震、耐火,是化学品的最佳包装材料。 5.喷雾及其它杂罐/ 可耐高温及高压的马口铁罐,特别适合高压充填之喷雾罐。 罐形多变以及印刷精美的饼干桶、文具盒以及奶粉罐皆是马口铁的产品。
441 539 586
C:0.2% ~ 0.35%的碳鋼,對應ASTM A732/A732M規範中,永久模鑄件材質為Grade 2Q 依照ASTM A732/A732M規範,C:0.2% ~ 0.35%的碳鋼,調整元素Si含量,上限調整至1.00。 S45C Grade 3Q
784 833 834 1000
931 980 951 1241
882 1000
980 1241
熱處理標示A為退火,N為正常化,Q為淬火,Q.T為淬火和回火。 JIS材質規範參考機械設計便覽-增補2版 AISI材質規範參考機械設計便覽-增補2版 ASTM規範依據ASTM 1994版
0.030以下 0.030以下 0.040以下
0.035以下 0.035以下 0.045以下
235 245 276
372 402 414
C:0.2%以下的碳鋼,對應ASTM A732/A732M規範中,永久模鑄件材質為Grade 1A 依照ASTM A732/A732M規範,C:0.2%以下的碳鋼,調整元素Si含量,上限調整至1.00。 中碳鋼 S25C S30C Grade 2Q
化學成份(%) 材質 低碳鋼 S15C S20C Grade 1A C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni 其他 熱處理 降伏強度 抗拉強度 材質規範 (Mpa) (MPa)
0.13~0.18 0.18~0.23 0.15~0.25
0.15~0.35 0.15~0.35 0.20~1.00
0.30~0.60 0.30~0.60 0.20~0.60
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2种类及记号镀锡钢板及原板的种类及记号如下:2.1 记号镀锡钢板及原板的记号按表1所示。
2.2 根据镀锡量的区分电镀锡板区分为两面镀锡量相同者(以下称等原镀锡)和两面镀锡量不同者(以下称差原镀锡),并据各镀锡量进一步按第三章进行区分。
2.3 根据钢种的区分镀锡钢板及原板、根据钢种的区分示于11.12.4 根据调质度的区分镀锡钢板及原板根据质度的区分示于第4章。
2.5 根据表面状态的区分镀锡钢板及原板根据表面状态的区分示于第5章。
3镀锡量3.1 镀锡量各种镀锡钢板的公称镀锡量和最小平均镀锡量,如表2所示,但对要求表2以外镀锡量的镀锡钢板,按订货者与制造业者的协议。
3.2 镀锡量的表示方法镀锡钢板的镀锡量的表示,如表2所示,差厚镀锡量的表示,如表2中的例所示,首先填写板的上表面或卷的外表面的镀锡量,之后填写板的下表面或卷的内表面的镀锡量。
3.3 表示两面的镀锡量不同的成品标志为表示差厚镀锡而标志于薄镀锡面或厚镀锡面或厚镀锡面的任何一面时,其标志方法由订货者与制造业者的协议而定,并应在订货合同中注明。
备注:1、镀锡量表示1m2 面积的镀锡量,但等厚镀锡的最小平均镀锡量表示两面的镀锡量。
例:2.8/11.24 调质度4.1 一次轧制成品一次轧制镀锡钢板及原板的调至度,以洛氏T硬度(HR30T)值表示,制造业者的目标值于表4,但对于表4以外的调质度,按订货者与制造业者的协议。
4.2 二次轧制成品二次轧制的镀锡钢板及原板的调质度,也以洛氏T硬度表示,制造业者的目标值于表5-2.备注:1、一次轧制镀锡钢板和原板的调质度,本来不能只以单一的力学性能来表示,但作为最有用的力学性能指标,采用洛氏T硬度。
5 表面状态5.1 电镀锡钢板电镀锡钢板的表面状态,根据镀锡后的加工方法,有电镀锡后进行锡的熔化处理的光泽和不作锡的熔化处理的无光泽表面,另外据原板的表面状态,区分如表6所示。
5.2原板原板的表面状态如表7所示6化学处理 电镀锡钢板,镀锡后施加化学的或电气化的处理。
7表面涂油 电镀锡钢板涂油于镀锡表面上。
备注:涂油的油种是:CSO,DOS 或DOS-A 等。
8尺寸及形状8.1 厚度及允许偏差8.1.1 厚度 镀锡钢板原板的公称厚度不足0.50mm 时,为0.01mm 的倍数;不小于0.50mm 时,为0.05mm 的倍数。
8.1.2 厚度允许偏差 镀锡钢板及原板的厚度允许偏差为公称厚度的允许偏差为公称厚度的±10%,但厚度的测定位置为距两边10mm 以上内侧的任意之点。
对二次轧制成品,进一步在距两边6mm 的位置上测定,厚度与公称厚度之差定为宽度为方向厚度允许偏差,其允许偏差为小于15%。
宽度方向厚度允许偏差(%)=(tn-t6)/tn ×100 其中 tn :公称厚度 t6:距边缘6mm 位置的厚度8.2 宽度允许偏差 宽度允许偏差对公称尺寸为+3/0mm ,但未经切边原板时的宽度允许偏差对公称尺寸为+10/0mm 。
8.3 长度允许偏差8.3.1 板及原薄板的长度允许偏差 对公称尺寸为+5/0mm ,最好在+3/0mm 之范围内。
8.4 轧制宽度标志 如有必要标志轧制宽度的记号时,在表示板及原薄板的轧制宽度尺寸数字后面,加上记号W 。
例832W ×860 表8 长度允许偏差 备注:1、长度允许偏差为下式算出的值长度允许偏差(%)=(标记板卷长度的综合)-(实测板卷长度的总和)/(标记板卷长度的总和)×1002.由订货人进行的板卷及原板卷的长度测定方法是,如订货者接受订货后将来切断为板,随后进行成品加工处理时,应以切断平均长度乘上张数来算出的长度加残余长度而计算,切断平均长度是,起码20张任意抽出板子以0.2mm 为单位所测定算出的算术平均值。
8.5 板卷内径 板卷及原板卷的公称内径,以406mm ,419mm 及508mm 为标准。
8.6 垂直度 板垂直度的偏移,用下项比率表示:在顶点向对边划垂线时,如图1所示同相对顶点的距离(A )与垂线的长度(B )的比率,此数值不得超过0.25%,小于0.5%为佳。
8.7 镰刀弯板卷及原板卷的镰刀弯,如图2所示,每任意1000cm不得超过1mm。
8.8 平直度板及原薄板的翘曲、中波及边波,应搁在平台上测定高速,其值不得超过5mm,小于3mm为佳。
9 重量9.1 重量的处理镀锡钢板及原板的重量,原则上按计算(理论)重量,但关于板卷及原板卷,可据订货者与制造业者的协议采用实测重量。
9.2 计算方法镀锡钢板及原板重量,根据指定尺寸,按表9的计算算出。
备注:数值的修约法,按JIS Z8401(数值的修约法)9.3 重量的允许偏差板及原薄板1组的重量允许偏差是根据9.2所得的计算重量与实测重量之差,除以计算重量,用百分比表示,按表10所示。
10 外观镀锡钢板及原板,厚度一样,镀锡在整个面上要均匀及平滑而不得存在伤痕,凹坑、皱折、锈蚀或其他在使用上有害的缺陷,但关于板卷及原板卷,因在一般情形下无除掉缺陷的机会,故可含有焊接部及若干不正常部分。
11 原材料11.1 原板的钢种原板的代表性钢种,如表11所示,但按订货者与制造业者的协议也可使用其他钢种。
11.2 锡锭用于镀锡钢板的锡锭具有JIS H2108(锡锭)中2种或与其同等以上质量者表11 原板的代表性钢种于容器与其他普通的一般用途L Cu,Cr,Ni,Mo,q其他的残留微量成分特别少,用于其有有效的耐蚀性的容器材。
D 为A镇静钢,用于探拉伸加工及易发生日德斯花纹的加工等用途。
12 杨坯及试样12.1 样坯样坯由同一种类、同一调质度,同一尺寸及同一镀锡量的每30t及其零数中抽出一张。
12.2 试样由各种坯中,将镀锡量试样,硬度试样及弹性极限应力试样(参考)在图3所示的位置上取出。
13试验13.1 镀锡量试验镀锡量以12.2规定的方法所采取的3个试样的测定值的算术平均求得,试验方法按附录1(省略)所规定的任一方法。
13.2 硬度试验硬度试验,对于12.2所规定的方法采取的试样,原则上下除掉镀层(包括合金层),按JIS Z2245(洛氏硬度试样方法)所规定的洛氏30T硬度试验方法进行,各试样测定三次硬度而以测定值的算术平均求得。
关于公称厚度不足0.20mm的镀锡板及原板,按JIS Z2245所规定的洛氏15T硬度试验方法进行,以表12的换算表为换算为HR30T硬度。
HR15T 换算HR30T HR15T 换算HR30THR15T 换算HR15THR15T 换算HR30T93.0 92.5 92.0 91.5 91.0 90.5 90.0 89.5 82.081.580.579.078.077.576.075.588.087.587.086.586.085.585.084.573. 检验镀锡量、尺寸、形状、重量及外观必须符合3、8、9及10的规定。
15 包装及标志15.1 检验合格的板及原薄板的包装单位,为100张的倍数(一般以1000-2000kg左右为1包装)每一包装必须标志下列项目,但取得订货者的承认时,可省略其一部分。
(1)种类的记号及钢种(2)制造年月(3)检验号(4)尺寸(厚度、宽度、长度)(5)镀锡量标志(6)调度度记号(7)张数与重量(8)制造业者名或其省略号15.2 检验合格的板卷及原板卷的包装单位,按订货者与制造业者的协议,每一包装上应标志下列项目,但取得订货者的承认时,可省略下述共一部分。
(1)种类的记号及钢种(2)制造年月(3)检验号(4)尺寸(厚度、宽度、长度)(5)镀锡量标准(6)调质度记号(7)重量(8)制造业者名或其省略号参考:(1)标记镀锡钢板及原板的标记,一般如下,(a)板的例子SPTE 5.6/2.8D 0.23-832W×760 MR T-4CA重量镀锡量标示厚度宽度长度钢种调质度(镀锡钢板)(mm)(mm)(mm)SPTE 2.8/2.8 0.17-886W×930 MR DR-9M种类镀锡量标示厚度短边长边钢种调质度(镀锡钢板)(mm)(mm)(mm)SPTE 2.8D/5.6 0.26-739W×782 MR T-2.5种类镀锡量标示厚度宽度长度钢种调质度(镀锡钢板)(mm)(mm)(mm)(b)原板卷的例子SPB 0.23-832×C MR T-2.5种类厚度宽度钢种调质度(原板)(mm)(mm)(2)成品标志(a)几何学形状的示例a=25.4mm。