Fiona tapped on the door. 'Hurry up in there,' she called. 'Nearly finished,' replied Bertha. 'I must colour my hair before I go jogging,' said Fiona. Bertha came out of the bathroom. She had a towel wrapped around her head. 'I feel much better,' said Bertha. 'I've left the bathroom tidy.' 'Look at the time,' said Fiona. 'I shall be late.' Fiona dashed into the bathroom. She splashed on her hair colour. She was in such a hurry that she did not look in the mirror. 'Have a lovely run,' said Bertha. 019 Fiona jogged down the road. She ran through the park. Fiona saw a little kitten sitting on a wall. 'Hello, little kitty.' She stretched out to stroke the kitten. The kitten ran up a tree. A policeman was passing by. 'I saw you frighten that kitten. What an unkind thing to do.' 'I only tried to stroke it,' mumbled Fiona. She jogged on towards the playground. Some children were playing on the swings. 'Would you like a push?' she called. The children took one look at Fiona. They jumped off the swings and ran away. The park keeper raced up. 'What do you think you are doing? You were chasing those children. Go and chase someone your own size.' Fiona ran off. 021 Fiona stopped for a rest outside the supermarket. An old lady was pushing her trolley towards the door. Fiona ran over to help. She held open the door. 'After you,' she said. 'It's a trick.
6、纪律是自由的第一条件。——黑格 尔 7、纪律是集体的面貌,集体的声音, 集体的 动作, 集体的 表情, 集体的 信念。 ——马 卡连柯
8、我们现在必须完全保持党的纪律, 否则一 切都会 陷入污 泥中。 ——马 克思 9、学校没有纪律便如磨坊没有水。— —夸美 纽斯
、一个人应该:活泼而守纪律,天 真而不 幼稚, 勇敢而 鲁莽, 倔强而 有原则 ,热情 而不冲 动,乐 观而不 盲目。 ——马 克思
51、 天 下 之 事 常成 于困约 ,而败 于奢靡 。——陆 游 52、 生 命 不 等 于是呼 吸,生 命是活 动。——卢 梭
53、 伟 大 的 事 业,需 要决心 ,能力 ,组织 和责任 感。 ——易 卜 生 54、 唯 书 籍 不 朽。——乔 特
55、 为 中 华 之 崛起而 读书。 ——周 恩来
Bertha’s Secret Battle-----博莎的秘密招数TwinsBertha and Fiona were twin sisters. They looked exactly the same. There was only one way to tell them apart. Bertha dyed her hair red and Fiona dyed her hair blonde. The twins lived together in a cottage.On Friday evenings they set offf for work at the Town Hall.A sign outside the Town Hall said,`Grand Wrestling Competition.’The referee stepped under the top rope and into the ring.`Ladies and gentleemen. Silence please for tonight’s star fight.’The doors of the dressing room swung open.`And here she is,’cried the referee.`The darling of the ring. Fairplay Fiona.’A cheer went up form the crowd. Fiona, dressed in pink, came into the hall. Her blonde hair steamed behind her. With one leapshe jumped over the top rope and leaped in the ring.She waved to the crowd and blew them kisses. The crowd sttod and clapped. They wanted Fiona to win.The referee spoke again.`And her opponent for tonight is...’The dressing room doors smashed open. One dor came off its hinges.`Her terrible twin sister. Big Bertha the Bone Cruncher!’Bertha, dressed in black, came into the hall. Her red hair streamed behind her. She took a flying leap into the ring. She shook her fist. The crowd booed. They wanted Bertha to lose.The referee turned to check his watch.Bertha grabbed Fiona and threw her against the ropes.The crowd yelled at the referee.Bertha raced back to her corner. The refereeturened round.`I haven’t anything worng.’shoutedBertha.The fght had begun.Fiona bounced back with a flying drop kick.The crowd stood up, cheering.Bertha picked up Fiona and spun her above her head.The crowd booed.So it went for five rounds.`And the winner is ---Fairplay Fiona.’The crowd cheered Fiona. They booed Bertha.That night Bertha and Fiona sat at home drinking cocoa.`I thought the fight went very well,’said Fiona.`Hum,’ said Beetha.`You’re not upset about the flying tail spin?’`No.’`The drop kick in round two?’`No.’`Then why are in such a bad mood?’Bertha began to cry.`What’s the matter?’ asked Fiona.`Well,’sobbed Bertha,`peple always cheer you and they aways boo me.’`That’s because I am Fairplay Fiona and you are Big Bertha the Bone Cruncher,’said Fiona.`Couldn’t we change?’sad Bertha .`You could be “Fearsome Fiona”.I could be “Big--Bertha”’.`Don’t be silly,’said Fiona. `Besides, you are good at being bad.’`You could teach me how to be good,’said Bertha .`And I could teach you how to be bad.’`No!’said Fiona.`What would my fans think?’Bertha fights backNext Friday morning, after breakfast, the twins went into front room. They put the table and chairs in a pile at one end of the room. Theymoved the television, the goldfish bowl and their books into the kitchen.When the room was completey clear, Fiona said,`Ready?’`Ready,’said Bertha.Then the twins began to fighe. Bertha threw Fiona across the room. Fiona did a erfect cartwheel and landed lightly on her feet.The twins always practised for the fight on Friday night. Both twins were very skilled at wrestling. They worked hard to make sure they could do their moves without hurting each other.When they had finished practising they had to tidy cottage and have lunch. The twins liked cooking but they hated housework. They tossed a coin to see who should tidy up.`Heads,’said Bertha.`Tails,’ said Fiona.` I win .’So Bertha had to move all te things form the kitchen back into the front room. Then she had to put the table and chairs back in themiddle of the room. Meanwhle, Fiona cooked lunch.After lunch Bertha slipped quietly into the bathroom and locked the door. Bertha rinsed her hair with her sister’s blonde hair colour. She looked in the mirror and smiked. Her hair was now blone ,just like Fiona’s .She poured the rest of the blonde hair colour down the sink. Then she fillled the bottle with some of her red hair colour.Fiona tapped on the door.`Hurry up in there,’she called.`Nearly finished ,’replied Bertha.`I must coulor my hair befre I go jogging,’said Fiona.Bertha came out of the bathroom. She had a towel wrapped around her head.`I feel much better,’said Bertha.`I’ve left the bathroom tidy.’。
Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 490(2016)145–154Contents lists available at ScienceDirectColloids and Surfaces A:Physicochemical andEngineeringAspectsj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /c o l s u r faEvaluation of oil-in-water emulsions with cationic–anionic surfactants mixtures for potential use in the oil industryEduardo N.Schulz a ,∗,Rubén E.Ambrusi a ,Daniela B.Miraglia b ,Erica P.Schulz b ,Silvana G.García a ,JoséL.Rodriguez b ,Pablo C.Schulz ba Instituto de Ingeniería Electroquímica y Corrosión,CONICET—Departamento de Ingeniería Química,Universidad Nacional del Sur,Bahía Blanca,Argentina bInstituto de Química del Sur,CONICET,Departamento de Química,Universidad Nacional del Sur,Bahía Blanca,Argentinah i g h l i g h t s•Theemulsifier proper-ties of sodium oleate(NaOl)–hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HTAB)aqueous mixtures were studied.•The formation of O/W and W/O emulsions was explored and their properties were determined.•It was found that all emulsions were stable on ageing and to temperature rise.•The emulsions were destroyed by contact with quartzite stones.•These mixtures have high potential applicability in the asphalt emulsi-fication for pavement production or sand fixation.g r a p h i c a la b s t r a c tLeft:stones with crude oil emulsion.×100,Crossed polaroids and 1retardation plate intercalated,show-ing interference colours in the quartzite stones and sensitive pink of non-birefringent (water)medium.The black zones correspond to stones covered by hydrocarbon.Right:crude oil emulsion,unpolarised light.The emulsion used in both photos was diluted to improvevisualization.a r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 8September 2015Received in revised form 9November 2015Accepted 13November 2015Available online 18November 2015Keywords:Petroleum emulsions Catanionic emulsifier Sodium oleateHexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide Mixed surfactantsa b s t r a c tThe emulsifier properties of sodium oleate (NaOl)-hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HTAB)aque-ous mixtures were studied using different proportions of the surfactants.The formation of O/W and W/O emulsions was explored and their properties (viscosity,stability and droplets size distribution)were determined.The mixture with 0.75mole fraction of HTAB without considering the solvent formed very stable and concentrated O/W emulsions,which were destroyed via heterocoagulation by quartzite sand.Thus,these mixtures have high potential applicability in the asphalt emulsification for pavement production or sand fixation.©2015Published by Elsevier B.V.∗Corresponding author.E-mail address:nschulz@.ar (E.N.Schulz)./10.1016/j.colsurfa.2015.11.0230927-7757/©2015Published by Elsevier B.V.146 E.N.Schulz et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects490(2016)145–1541.IntroductionStable emulsions of heavy oils or bitumen in water are widely used to extract,transport and store petroleum.These emulsions are an alternative to the increase of temperature for the mixing of asphalt with light oils,which involve high costs and technical complexity[1,2].O/W bitumen emulsions have been also employed as combustible in electricity power plants[3].Desire features of these emulsions are high stability and low viscosity.Other applications of asphalt emulsions are road construction and roof water-proofing.In particular,these emulsions have many advantages for road reparation compared to melted asphalt:easier implementation,fewer precautions and no need of special equip-ment,as well as their applicability to wet surfaces,a very attractive characteristic.The speed of rupture of the asphalt emulsion on the mineral substrate is of primary importance.On the one hand, enough time must be allowed for proper mixing of the various com-ponents of the system but,on the other hand,the breaking time must be short enough to permit a rapid re-opening of the road to traffic[4].Bitumen is a high viscosity mixture of hydrocarbons(>104 cP).“Synthetic”bitumen is best known as asphalt and is a petroleum-like material obtained as a residue from the distillation of petroleum[5]with a consistency varying from viscous liquid to glassy solid.Asphalt is commonly employed as a binder of aggre-gates for road pavement[6].Asphalt emulsions are commonly either anionic or cationic. Their rupture in contact with stones is caused by the destabiliza-tion of the emulsifier.Polyvalent cations,such as Ca+2and Mg+2(in basic stones such as calcareous ones),react with anionic surfactants producing uncharged insoluble soaps while the negative charge of acid siliceous surfaces reacts with cationic surfactants causing elec-trostatic adsorption.The adsorbed cationic surfactants show their hydrocarbon chains out of the stones’surface,causing its hydropho-bization and thus increasing the tendency of asphalt to adsorb on the stones,promoting the adhesion between the hydrocarbon and the mineral surfaces.Moreover,the surfactant monolayer reduces the affinity of the stones’surface towards water,thus reducing its tendency to destroy the pavement.Water penetration causes strip-ping of the bitumen from the aggregate particles,consequently endangering the subgrade layer as well as the base course[7].A catanionic(anionic–cationic surfactant mixture)emulsifier will have both the advantages of cationic and anionic emulsions. However,in general cationic–anionic surfactant mixtures tend to precipitate in some proportions.We have previously studied a catanionic mixture which does not precipitate in any proportion [8–10].Sodium oleate(NaOl)–hexadecyltrimethylammonium bro-mide(HTAB)mixtures form soluble systems at all NaOl–HTAB proportions.This mixture does not precipitate at any composition because to steric hindrances,which were attributed to the affinity of the NaOl double bond to water via hydrogen bonding.Thus NaOl acts as a surfactant having two hydrophilic groups,the carboxylate and the double bond.This causes a curvature of the aggregate/water surface which favours the O/W emulsification[6–8].NaOl is a nat-ural,biodegradable soap which is innocuous for the environment. HTAB has bactericide capacity but it is not dispersed in the environ-ment because it is strongly adsorbed by the negative stones’surface and remains below the asphalt layer.Thus,the system NaOl–HTAB seems to have interesting features that makes it attractive for prac-tical applications,especially in the petroleum industry.In the present work the emulsifier capability of different mix-tures of NaOl–HTAB with Argentine crude oil(CO)and with model liquid paraffin(LP)has been studied.The behaviour of the emul-sions in contact with a petrous substrate has been also studied in order to evaluate their possible use in pavement production.Our findings are of practical and theoretical interest in the oil emulsions field and set the basis for the future study of the emulsification properties for heavy oil.2.Experimental2.1.MaterialsFor paraffin emulsions,extra dense liquid paraffin(LP)EWE with viscosity Seyboldt340s and75centi-Stokes was used as purchased.Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide(HTAB, C16H32N(CH3)3Br>99%)was from Fluka.Sodium oleate(NaOL, C18H33O2Na>99%)was from Aldrich.Both chemicals were of ana-lytical grade and were used as purchased.The crude oil(CO)of35◦API(0.870g cm−3)has kinematic vis-cosity10.7mm2s−1and dynamic viscosity96.7cp(both at20◦C) and does not contain aromatic compounds,asphaltenes or other chemicals[11].It has been kindly supplied by the Petrobras Bahia Blanca refinery and is from the Neuquen oilfield(Argentina).The stones were from the Pigüéquarry(Argentina)and were selected because of their poor performance to produce pavements with commercial asphalt emulsions.Their treatment with a com-mercial asphalt emulsion achieved only an incomplete coverage of the stones’surface,which leaves the pavement vulnerable to water penetration[12].LP and CO were selected because of their easier manipulation than heavy oils and bitumen.Once the possibility of using the mix-ture for emulsifying hydrocarbons is stated,it is possible to study the formation of bitumen emulsions.We used Argentinian crude oil,which is free of asphaltenes,due to a matter of availability.Tri-distillated water was used and the measurements were per-formed twice.2.2.EmulsionsAqueous emulsifier solutions of HTAB and NaOL with0.1M were prepared at the mole fractions of HTAB in the surfactant mixture without considering the solvent(˛HTAB)0.1;0.25;0.3;0.50;0.7;0.75;0.9and1.Each emulsion was stirred for15min with a steel helix stirring electric device at800rpm after the addition of the second phase.Emulsions of Argentine petroleum were prepared according to two procedures:a)The aqueous surfactant solution(50mL)was added in aliquotsof2mL to50mL of CO under stirring.Then,15mL of each sam-ple was put in a graduate tube and stoppered.The volume of the emulsion was determined immediately,after24h and after a week’s time.The emulsions were observed by means of a micro-scope.b)The CO(50mL)was added to50mL of the aqueous surfactantsolution in aliquots of2mL under stirring and the emulsions were observed as in procedure a.An additional observation was made after14months.Since the Argentine petroleum was paraffinic(see below),we used for the main determinations a model emulsion with liquid paraffin which facilitates the observation because it is colourless. The model emulsions were prepared with surfactant mixture(0.1M in water)with˛HTAB=0.1;0.25;0.50and0.75.Then,60mL of liquid paraffin was added to40mL of the aqueous surfactant solutions and stirred during15min.The systems were transferred to graduated tubes and the volumes of emulsion,remnant water and remainder paraffin were recorded.Samples of the freshly prepared emulsions for microscopic observation were kept in separated sealed vials.Samples with˛HTAB=0.25;0.50and0.75were observed in a microscope Nikon Eclipse E-200POL Polarizing,Tokyo,Japan.E.N.Schulz et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects490(2016)145–154147Table1Volumes of W/O emulsion and remnant(non-emulsified)water in10mL samples as a function of the surfactant composition.A week old samples after centrifugation.␣HTAB00. W/Oemulsion/mL 2.9 1.20.3 water/mL7.18.89.7* 6.79.8**9.59.8****W/O/W emulsion.**O/W emulsion.***Multiple emulsion.Unless stated otherwise,all observations were made with×100 magnification.Nonetheless,scale bars were added to the photos. As both phases are transparent and colourless,a drop of aqueous solution of methylene blue was added to determine the nature of the emulsion.In all cases the dye diffused amongst the emulsion droplets,thus all emulsions were O/W.The emulsions remained stable during the microscope observations although no stabilizer was added(such as a gelatine solution)[13].The viscosity(Á)of emulsions was measured with a Vibro Viscometer SV-10/SV100calibrated with tri-distilled water (Á=0.89cP at25◦C).The hydrocarbon/water volume ratio in the emulsions was mea-sured using a modified Dean-Stark apparatus[2].To evaluate the effectiveness of stones in destructing the emul-sion and the hydrocarbon deposition on the stones’surface,a powder of the stones was put in contact with the different emul-sions and observed under the microscope.In order to reproduce the procedure in real working conditions,the mineral substrate was used as received,without any pre-treatment.The X-ray diffraction spectrum of the stones employed in the test of stability of emulsion was made in a Phillips PW1710 diffractometer with Cu anode and curved graphite monocromator operated at54kW and30mA.FT-IR measurements were performed with an Infrared Spec-trophotometer(Nicolet FT-IR,Model Nexus470)to test the CO structure.The size distribution of droplets was determined with a com-puter program(Pixcavator IA).As a size reference,the width of the hair in Fig.3a was used(a similar method was used for other magnifications).Averages and variances values were computed by the minimum variance linear unbiased method[14]and the Student t function was employed to compute the error intervals.Confidence level was 0.90.Errors of derived data were computed with the error expan-sion method.3.ResultsThe X-ray diffractogram(Fig.1in Supplementary information, SI)indicates that the stones’nature is clastic sedimentary rock—S0, formed by silica(ortho-quartzite).The petroleum FT-IR spectrum(not shown)showed only paraffinic hydrocarbon peaks(CH3;CH2stretching vibra-tions at3000–2850cm−1and CH3;CH2bending vibrations at 1480–1350cm−1).3.1.Petroleum emulsionsChanging the order of addition of the components while stir-ring produced two different kinds of emulsions.The addition of the surfactant aqueous solution to crude oil produced a W/O emul-sion(see Fig.1).Freshly prepared samples did not show significant phase separation.The emulsion could be separated by centrifuga-tion at2000rpm only after a week from preparation.Due to the petroleum colour,a Cole-Palmer Iluminator41720-series was used. Table1shows the relative volumes of emulsion as a function of the mixture composition.Pure NaOl(˛HTAB=0)had poor emulsifying capacity,but the addition of a small amount of HTAB(˛HTAB=0.1) produced a good W/O emulsion with small polydisperse droplets (Fig.1a).Further addition of HTAB produced a very polydisperse W/O emulsion(Fig.1b and c).With˛HTAB=0.3two kinds of emul-sions appeared:the W/O and a multiple emulsion O/W/O,and with ˛HTAB=0.7there coexist W/O and O/W emulsions.As we desired O/W emulsions we employed procedure b:addi-tion of the crude oil to the surfactant solution under stirring.Fig.2 shows microscopic images of two of the emulsions obtained with ˛HTAB=0.75.The concentrated emulsion was diluted with water to improve the observation.3.2.Paraffin emulsionsOwing to the difficulty caused by the strong colour of the crude oil to the visual examination and microphotographs analysis,we decided to make model emulsions with liquid paraffin,which is colourless and whose composition and viscosity are similar to that of the crude oil.Since the amount of surfactant affects the size of the droplets,we have used the same amount of surfactant in all the emulsions to compare the effect of the mixture composition.On the basis of the preceding results,we used only surfactant solutions having˛HTAB=0.1;0.25;0.5and0.75.Since we were interested in O/W emulsions,these were prepared by dropping the paraffin to the aqueous emulgent solution under stirring.The nature of the emulsion(O/W)was determined by diffusion of a drop of a methylene blue aqueous solution in the continuous phase, viewed through the microscope(Fig.2in the SI).Fig.3shows the emulsions obtained with different surfactant compositions.The size distribution of droplets was graphically determined using a computer program(Pixcavator IA)on the pho-tomicrographs.The freshly prepared emulsions did not show remnant water or paraffin.The viscosity(Á)of the emulsion at25◦C were13.20cP for ˛HTAB=0.25;47.00cP for˛HTAB=0.5and382.00cP for˛HTAB=0.75. The droplets size distribution is shown in Fig.4.The particle size of an emulsion is one of the most important characteristics[13].Droplets size and droplets size distribution can be used as indexes of state of an emulsion and are intimately related to their stability,resistance to creaming,rheology,and chemical reactivity[15].Two emulsions may have the same average droplet diameter and yet exhibit quite dissimilar behaviours because of differences in their distribution of diameters.The droplet size distribution for˛HTAB=0.25is unimodal and broad while that for˛HTAB=0.50is multimodal with lower maxima. When˛HTAB is0.75the distribution is a narrow,unimodal and cen-tred in the smaller size.Emulsions with a droplet-size distribution with a maximum of low diameter droplets and with this maximum sharply defined represent a situation of maximum stability[16].To study the stability of the emulsions,these were aged in sealed graduated tubes.The separation of emulsion and water when the systems were aged can be seen in Fig.5.The emulsions still remained stable after14months.(Fig.3in SI).The aged emulsion with˛HTAB=0.75had a LP content73%V/V. Natural bitumen emulsions contain between70and80%V/V of bitumen separated by tiny layer of water,while asphaltic emulsions usually contain about60%V/V[9].The size distribution is shifted towards smaller droplets when aged,as shown in Fig.6for˛HTAB=0.25(the other surfactant com-positions showed similar behaviour).To determine the efficiency of the surfactant mixtures to emul-sify LP,20mL of emulsion having˛HTAB=0.25was completed to 100mL with liquid paraffin and stirred.After a day,there was1mL of supernatant paraffin,i.e.1.412g of surfactant mixture was capa-ble of emulsifying91mL of paraffin.The size distribution of droplets148E.N.Schulz et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 490(2016)145–154Fig.1.W/O emulsions produced by dropping aqueous surfactant solution to crude oil under stirring.×100.(a)˛HTAB =0.1,(b)˛HTAB =0.7,(c)˛HTAB =1.The bar corresponds to 0.2mm.Fig.2.O/W emulsion obtained by dropping crude oil to the aqueous surfactant solution under stirring.˛HTAB =0.75,×100.(a)emulsion diluted with 25%water,(b)emulsion diluted with 50%water.The bar corresponds to 0.2mm.was almost unimodal and is shown in Fig.7.After one year only 20mL of paraffin was separated while the remaining emulsion was stable (see Fig.3in SI)with the separation of the remnant water (below)and paraffin (above).Similar results were obtained with the other compositions.No agglomeration or coalescence was observed during the microscope observations,even after one hour of preparing the sam-ples.To test the temperature stability of emulsions,samples of the three emulsions (with ˛HTAB =0.25,0.5,and 0.75)were placed between slides and heated with a temperature-controlled stage at the microscope.Photos were taken at different temperatures up to the ebullition of water (Fig.8).Vapour bubbles and LP droplets differentiate by the aspect of their borders as a consequence of the different refractive index:the borders are black and thick in the vapour bubbles and light grey in the LP droplets.Emulsion with ˛HTAB =0.25became more fluid at 83◦C and the larger droplets disappeared but the smaller ones were retained.At 111.5◦C the emulsion flowed and the water started to boil.Fig.8band c shows the vapour bubbles that grew with increasing temper-ature.The oil droplets are smaller.At a temperature of 118◦C the emulsion started to break,to be almost completely broken at 119◦C.Fig.9shows the evolution of the droplets size with the raising tem-perature:the multimodal distribution of larger droplets trends to form a bimodal distribution of smaller droplets.Emulsions with ˛HTAB =0.5remained stable up to 103◦C,when vapour bubbles appeared.At 115◦C the system flowed and at 124.5◦C it collapsed.Fig.10shows the evolution of the size distribu-tion of droplets with raising temperature:it remained multimodal but shifted towards smaller droplets.Emulsion with ˛HTAB =0.75became fluid at 83.6◦C and the excess of water was separated forming small domains that started to disappear at 104◦C.Some bubbles of vapour appeared and grew with the increasing temperature.Some emulsion was remained up to 122◦C.The size of oil droplets was reduced when the temper-ature was increased from 37.5◦C to 67.5◦C,and the distribution became narrower.Further increase of temperature did not affectE.N.Schulz et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects490(2016)145–154149Fig.3.microscope photos of fresh emulsions having˛HTAB=0.25(a)×100,0.5(b)×100,0.75(c)×100and0.75(d)×400.The line in photo(a)is a hair,having0.090mm in width,and used to calibrate the size of droplets.Bars in photos a–c correspond to0.2mm,in photo d,to0.1mm.Fig.4.size distribution of freshly prepared emulsion having˛HTAB=0.25,˛HTAB=0.50and˛HTAB=0.75.Distribution parameters: :number average, standard deviation, Max:maximum.the size distribution.Fig.11shows the size distribution of droplets as a function of temperature.The stability of the emulsions was not affected by two freeze–thaw cycles between−5and25◦C,with8h in each tem-perature.In conclusion,the three compositions gave emulsions stable up to the temperature of water boiling.The size distribution in all cases is shifted to smaller droplets when temperature is increased.The size behaviour on ageing and heating of emulsions is rather unusual.A possible explanation may be creaming of large oil droplets and therefore shifting the size distribution of the remain-ing emulsion down.Since samples were taken from different parts of the emulsion,the large droplets probably collapse giving rise to the narrow non-emulsified oil layer.Another possible explanation may be a rearrangement of the surfactant molecules in the droplets interface.Oleate molecules can fold to expose the double bond at the interface,since they tend to form hydrogen bonds with water with theirelectrons[17].This may lead to an average packing parameter of the mixture of surfactants that favours the formation of a hydrocarbon droplet with a given curvature generating a nar-150E.N.Schulz et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 490(2016)145–154Fig.5.Dependence on time of the volume percent of remnant emulsion (full symbols)and water (open symbols),ᮀ:˛HTAB =0.75; :˛HTAB =0.50;᭹ :˛HTAB =0.25.010********60708000. / mmf / %Fig.6.Evolution with time of emulsion prepared with ˛HTAB =0.25.rower size distribution.This mechanism needs some time,and willbe accelerated with temperature.As suggested by Anton et al.[18]mixtures of anionic and cationic surfactants may be considered as 1:1complexes and the remain-der molecules of the surfactant in excess.The Ol.HTA complex has a large hydrophilic part formed by one N(CH 3)3+group from HTA +ion,and the COO −and CH CH groups of Ol −ion.As previously mentioned it has been found that the double bond has affinity to water,forming H-bonds with the electrons [19–21].The tail of the oleate ion is thus folded to put the CH CH group in contact with water in aggregates such as micelles or air/water monolayers [6–8].This produces a structure of the complex like a cone with the hydrophilic part at the basis,i.e.favouring a curved surface convex to the water.The behaviour of another cationic–anionic surfactant mixture which does not precipitate at any proportion (although it forms a coacervate in some proportions),sodium 10-undecenoate-dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide [19,22,23],was explained by the same phenomenon.This explains why the O/W emulsion isfavoured and why the system does not precipitate even at the 1:1proportion.Similar reasons have been proposed in literature for other cationic/anionic surfactant mixtures which do not precipitate [24].The mixture with ˛HTAB =0.75is the best to produce O/W emulsions,i.e.once the 1:1complex was formed,two thirds of the hydrophilic HTAB molecules remain free.Then,the system is formed by an excess of hydrophilic surfactant which promotes O/W emulsion formation,and the complex which has a structure that accommodates to the same oil/water interface geometry.The droplets size decreases with time and with increasing tem-perature probably due to that part of the surfactant that remained in the aqueous phase and migrate by diffusion to the droplets sur-face.This takes time but is accelerated by the temperature rise.The molecules and 1:1complexes arriving to the oil/water inter-face must accommodate increasing the surface area,what may only occur with a diminution of the droplets’size when the total oil volume is constant.E.N.Schulz et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 490(2016)145–1541511020304050607080900.0000.020 0.040 0.060 0.080 0.100 0.120 0.140 0.160 0.1800.200D / mmf / %Max 0.035 mm = 0.039 mm = 0.025 mmFig.7.size distribution of droplets for ˛HTAB =0.25saturated withparaffin.Fig.8.Evolution of emulsions with temperature,microscope photos ×100of emulsion width ˛HTAB =0.25(a)at 48◦C,(b)102◦C,(c)at 111.5◦C.Emulsion with ˛HTAB =0.5(d)at 38◦C,(e)at 100◦C,(f)at 103◦C.Emulsion with ˛HTAB =0.75(g)at 37.7◦C,(h)at 83.5◦C,(i)at 109◦C.The bars correspond to 0.2mm.3.3.Destruction of emulsion by stonesThe emulsions were put in contact with powdered stones and observed under microscope to determine their applicability in the production of pavements.The emulsion with ˛HTAB =0.75showed the best performance in the previous experiments so it was theonly one evaluated for this purpose.The droplets were clustered on the stones’surface and were subsequently destroyed.The destruc-tion of the emulsion was very rapid and finished in 15min.Fig.12shows the evolution of the CO emulsion with ˛HTAB =0.75in contact with the powdered stones which were almost completely covered.152E.N.Schulz et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects 490(2016)145–154010203040506000.0050.010.0150.020.025D / mmf / %Fig.9.Evolution of the size distribution of droplets with temperature for ˛HTAB =0.2505101520250.0050.010.0150.020.0250.030.0350.040.045D / mmf / %Fig.10.Evolution of the size distribution of droplets with temperature for ˛HTAB =0.50.Fig.11.Size distribution of droplets having ˛HTAB =0.75as a function of temperature.E.N.Schulz et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects490(2016)145–154153Fig.12.Photomicrographs of the emulsion destruction in contact with stones.×100,˛HTAB=0.75.(a)Diluted CO emulsion just added to the stones,(b)after5min,droplets were aggregated close to the stones,(c)after10min,(d)after30min,(e)after24h,(f)commercial cationic emulsion after30min.Photos a,b and f with polarized light and 1retardation plate intercalated.The other photos are with unpolarised light.Bars indicate0.2mm.The crude oil emulsion was previously diluted with20%water to improve visualization.The clear regions are water between stones.The destruction of the emulsion by stones seems to follow the mechanism called heteroflocculation[25],i.e.the oil droplets clus-ter together around the stones followed by their coalescence on the solid surface.In this sense,some HTAB molecules dissolved in the aqueous phase may hydrophobize the rock surface improving the adherence of the oil.The breaking time of emulsions is known to be affected by the nature of the aggregate and its specific area,humidity,surfactant concentration,pH,and temperature[4],therefore the speed of breaking in roads industry may be different to that found in our lab-oratory conditions.Due to the short time of breaking,this emulsion may be useful as an imprinting irrigation,i.e.irrigation of surfaces to produce a transition surface with the new asphaltic layer ensuring the anchoring of this layer,or to stabilize sands[26].154 E.N.Schulz et al./Colloids and Surfaces A:Physicochem.Eng.Aspects490(2016)145–1544.ConclusionsNaOl–HTAB mixtures revealed to be good O/W emulsifiers.The system having˛HTAB=0.75gave the largest volume of emulsion having a narrow unimodal size distribution with smaller droplets. This emulsion has a relatively high viscosity.All emulsions were stable on ageing and to temperature rise.The emulsions were destroyed by contact with quartzite stones.These properties may be useful for different applications in petroleum industry such as their use as fuels,transport and pavement production.AknowledgementsENS is an assistant researcher of the Argentine National Council of Scientific and Technical Researches(CONICET),EPS is an adjunct researcher of CONICET.REA has a post-doctoral fellowship of CON-ICET.This research was supported by a grant of the Universidad Nacional del Sur.Appendix A.Supplementary dataSupplementary data associated with this article can be found,in the online version,at /10.1016/j.colsurfa.2015.11. 023.References[1]N.Delgado,F.Ysambertt,C.Montiel,G.Chávez,A.Cáceres,B.Bravo,N.Márquez,Evaluation of oil-in-water emulsions with non-ionic and anionicsurfactants mixtures for potential use in the oil industry,Rev.Téc.Ing.Univ.Zulia30(2)(2007)118–127(in Spanish).[2]L.Schramm,Surfactants:Fundamentals and Applications in the PetroleumIndustry,Cambridge University Press,Cambridge,2000.[3]H.Rivas,X.Gutiérrez,Surfactants:behavior and some of their applications inthe petroleum industry,Acta Cient.Venez.50(Suppl.No.1)(1999)54–65. 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《典范英语》(六)1. Walrus Joins in海象参加表演2. Noisy Neighbours吵闹的邻居3. Princess Pip’s Holiday皮皮公主的假期4. Oh, Otto!哦,奥托!5. Captain Comet and the Purple Planet科密特船长与紫色星球6. Jungle Shorts丛林短裤7. The Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om来自奥姆的蒙面清洁女工8. The Masked Cleaning Ladies Save the Day蒙面清洁女工反败为胜9. The Masked Cleaning Ladies Meet the Pirates蒙面清洁女工面对海盗10. Jellyfish Shoes水母鞋11. The Boss Dog of Blossom Street花朵街的狗老大12. Cornflake Corn玉米片硬币13. The Ghost Ship幽灵船14. Micro the Metal Dog机器狗麦克罗15. The King ofFootball The Story of Pelé球王贝利的故事16. Arctic Hero The Story of Matthew Henson北极英雄——马修•汉森的故事17. Pioneer Girl The Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder 拓荒女孩——劳拉•因格尔斯•怀尔德的故事18. My Friend, Mandela我的朋友曼德拉《典范英语》(七)1. Amy the Hedgehog Girl刺猬女孩艾蜜2. Coming Clean坦白3. Bertha’s Secret Battle博莎的秘密招数4. Titanic Survivor The Story of Harold Bride泰坦尼克号的幸存者——哈罗德•布莱德的故事5. The Big Chance大好时机6. Blackbones Saves the School布莱克博恩拯救学校7. The Wrong Letter送错的信8. Dangerous Trainers危险的运动鞋9. The Luckless Monster不走运的怪物10. Jem Stone Genie –the Crash精灵简姆•斯通——撞击事件11. Stinky Street臭街12. Cool Clive酷酷的克莱夫13. Robbie Woods and his Merry Men罗比•伍兹和他快乐的弟兄们14. Pass the Ball!传球!15. Here Comes Trouble来麻烦了16. Doohickey and the Robot杜希奇与机器人17. Doughnut Dilemma炸面圈的两难处境18. Scrapman and the Incredible Flying Machine 废铁人与神奇飞行器《典范英语》(八)1. Waiting for Goldie等候高蒂2. The Personality Potion性格魔水3. The Ultimate Trainers顶级跑鞋4. Black Dan布莱克•丹5. Blackbeards Last Stand黑胡子海盗最后的抵抗6. Kelly the Rescue Dog搜救犬凯莉7. Okay, Spanner, YouWin!好吧,斯潘纳,你赢了!8. Petey皮蒂9. Climbing in the Dark黑夜挣扎10. Grace the Pirate海盗格雷斯11. Air Raid!空袭!12. The Booming Boots of Joey Jones 乔伊•琼斯的大力球鞋13. Sing for your Supper用歌声换晚餐14. Tomb Raiders古墓挖掘者:发现图坦卡蒙《典范英语》(九)1. The Secret Garden秘密花园2. White Fang白牙3. Gulliver’s Travels格列佛游记4. Black Beauty黑骏马5. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea海底两万里6. The Lost World失落的世界7. David Copperfield大卫•科波菲尔8. Frankenstein弗兰肯斯坦9. Jane Eyre简爱10. Stories of Sherlock Holmes福尔摩斯故事集11. Robinson Crusoe鲁宾逊漂流记12. Wuthering Heights 呼啸山庄13. Treasure Island金银岛14, Macbeth麦克白。
**** *** *** *** **** *** **** * ***(5星) ** (3星) *** ***** *** ***** ***** ** **** *****(4) ***** *** ** ***** ***** ***** ** ****(5) ** ** *** ** *** ** ****(5) ** *** ***** *** *****(4) ***** ** *** B D D A A
*** *** *** ** *** **** **
非榴弹炮 非榴弹炮 非榴弹炮 射击;格斗武器的队友在敌人身边,要贴紧 格斗;射击武器的队友在敌人附近 射击;附近有两个装备近程武器的队友 格斗;附近有两个装备格斗武器的队友
比如Boss级的敌人一般都有技能 简单,按条件照做就是 简单,按条件照做就是 揍别人和被别人揍都会发动,注意有AP反击就是了 揍别人和被别人揍都会发动,注意有AP反击就是了 揍别人和被别人揍都会发动,注意有AP反击就是了 抓起任意的武器去乱敲乱扫乱打(非榴弹炮) 抓起任意的武器去乱敲乱扫乱打(非榴弹炮) 抓起任意的武器去乱敲乱扫乱打(非榴弹炮) 注意脚上的回避率改造不是lv4就好 注意脚上的回避率改造不是lv4就好 注意脚上的回避率改造不是lv4就好 属性防御是Lv1或者Lv2的时候,用AP来置换性能 属性防御是Lv1或者Lv2的时候,用AP来置换性能 属性防御是Lv1或者Lv2的时候,用AP来置换性能 游戏前期不可能习得,敌人没有抗属性防御改造 游戏前期不可能习得,敌人没有抗属性防御改造 游戏中期偏前才有机会习得 敌方要有一级的闪避率改造 敌方要有一级的闪避率改造 游戏中期 简单,挨打。因为最低程度 简单,挨打。因为最低程度 简单,游戏后期就好 不难,到熟练度A级以上的到处都有 不难,到熟练度A级以上的到处都有 不难,到熟练度A级以上的到处都有 简单,被导弹武器的敌人攻击 发动率并不高,所以需要花有一些时间 简单,抓机关枪的敌人伤害值在20以下 简单,抓机关枪的敌人伤害值在40以下(20-40) 简单,抓机关枪的敌人伤害值在80以下(60-80) 挨打,注意格斗,导弹等武器才能有101-200伤害 重点是敌人攻击角色的伤害值在201-400 有点难度,敌人很难打到401以上的伤害 总是处于重伤残废状态,这样就符合条件了 郁闷的条件,让机甲的部件处于比较少血的状态 你需要角色老是被敌人打坏掉某个部件 多多的处于昏迷状态 最难习得 敌方先攻,角色手或脚HP值非常低容易破坏的情况 敌方先攻,角色手或脚HP值非常低容易破坏的情况 敌方先攻,用拳头去攻击所有的射击武器敌人 敌方先攻,用拳头去攻击所有的射击武器敌人
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典范英语 7_03 博莎的秘密招数
Tips: Include in your writing what the person looks like, what her stage name is, what her character is like, etc.. Then give the reasons why she should be supported.
• dressed in black • She took a flying leap into the ring.
• She shook her fist.
The crowd booed. They wanted Bertha to lose.
Character Analysis
Bertha was…
Terrible twin sister: Big Bertha the Bone Cruncher
• The doors of the dressing room swung open.
• dressed in pink
• With one leap she jumped over the top rope and landed in the ring.
• Should we judge a book by its cover?
• Do you have a similar unhappy experience of being judged by appearance only like Bertha? Tell your story.
Bertha 把头发染成了红色,Fiona把头发染成了金黄色,这对孪生姐妹共同生活在一个小别墅。
《典范英语》(7_03)教学参考Bertha’s Secret Battle教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。
一、教学目标1. 语言目标:学生能够听懂并理解故事的内容;能够有感情地、绘声绘色地朗读;能够复述故事的主要情节;能够完成与故事相关的写作任务。
2. 非语言目标:引导学生公平、客观地看待他人,不能以貌取人;鼓励学生遇到问题时相互体谅,寻求最佳解决方案;引导学生用平常心面对批评与称赞。
(参见英文教案Teaching Notes)四、课堂教学基本步骤1. 导入(Lead-in)教师提出关于摔跤比赛的问题:Have you ever watched a wrestling competition? What was it like?设计问题的目的在于拓宽学生的知识面,增强学生对故事的兴趣和理解(相关问题可参考英文教案Teaching Notes)。
引导学生进入故事情景:Bertha and her twin sister were wrestlers. Bertha got tired of being booed when her twin sister was always cheered. Bertha managed to fight back with some secret battle. Things changed completely and Fiona started having those awful feelings that Bertha once had. Then Bertha had an idea to make everybody happy.2. 朗读故事片段(Reading passages aloud)请学生分角色朗读P18-23,要求在理解故事的基础上读出感情。
重庆华侨城生态公园配套设施 欢乐谷智能化系统 建设工程招标文件
3. 投标人资格要求本次招标投标人应满足下列资格条件:本次招标要求投标人具备独立法人资格、具备电子与智能化工程专业承包三级及以上资质,并最少具有一个近三年与投标项目相关专业的业绩证明(需提供合同关键页和验收合格证复印件)。
监督人:李运君监督举报电话:举报邮箱:第二章投标人须知投标人须知前附表“投标人须知前附表”是“投标人须知”正文相应条款针对本项目的具体修1. 总则项目概况根据《中华人民共和国招标投标法》等有关法律、法规和规章的规定,本招标项目已具备招标条件,现对本项目建设工程总包进行招标。
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《典范英语》(7_03)教学参考Bertha’s Secret Battle教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。
四、课堂教学基本步骤1. 导入(Lead-in):启发学生思考教师可引导学生在读完作品后回看故事封面,提出几个问题:Where are these two women?(In the wrestling competition ring.)Who are they?(Fiona and Bertha.)Who is holding a bottle?(Bertha.)What use is the bottle? Why is she holding it?(It is a bottle of hair dye. Maybe she wants to uncover the truth.)可请学生发挥想象,自由回答。
教师借导入问题带学生进入故事情境:As we know, Bertha and her twin sister were wrestlers. Bertha got tired of being booed when her twin sister was always cheered. Bertha managed to fight back with some secret battle. How did she make it? What did the hair dye have to do with her secret battle? How did Fiona respond? What agreement did they reach at last? Let’s find it out.2. 复述(Retelling):关注内容与语言表达的准确性,锻炼学生连贯表达思想的能力教师可先请学生按照自己的理解将各章节纳入Introduction—Build-up—Climax—Turn-down—Resolution的结构中,以此引导学生回顾梳理故事的主要情节。
可参考以下:Introductio n Chapter 1What was the difference between Bertha and her twin sister Fiona? (P3)What did they do on Friday evenings? (P3)How did the crowd respond when Fairplay Fiona and Big Bertha the BoneCruncher came out? (P5, P7)Build-up Chapter 2After lunch what did Bertha do in the bathroom? (P15)What did Fiona do after she did her hair? (P18)How did people respond when Fiona tried to help them? (P18, P19, P20)Climax How did the crowd respond when Bertha and Fiona came out? (P24, P25) Who won the fight? (P27)Turn-down How did Fiona feel when the little man said he brought some flowers for her?(P28) How did she feel after the man gave the flowers to Bertha? (P28, P29)Resolution Chapter 3What was Bertha’s idea to solve the problem? (P30)教师将学生回答上述问题的过程中提及的关键词板书在黑板上,请一两位学生根据板书复述整个故事,开头可如下:Bertha and Fiona were twin sisters. The only way to tell them apart was their hair colour. Bertha dyed her hair red and Fiona dyed her hair blonde. On Friday evenings they wrestled against each other at the Town Hall…3. 朗读(Reading aloud):朗读与思考相结合(1)请学生分角色朗读P4-P6。
朗读时,请学生思考Bertha和Fiona各自的性格特征,思考为何观众总是对Bertha发出嘘声,而对Fiona发出欢呼声:From the story, we learn that people always cheered Fiona but booed Bertha. Why did they have different attitudes towards the twins? What more differences were there between the twins except for hair colours? Did they behave the same way? Let's read from Page 4 to Page 6 and find it out.朗读后,教师请学生自由回答,并将关键词板书在黑板上,可参考:(2)请学生继续分角色朗读P18-P20,朗读时,请学生思考生活中Bertha和Fiona的行为特点,并由此总结出她们在生活中与在赛场上扮演的角色是否一致:In the wrestling competition, people didn’t like Bertha. What about in daily life? What happened to Fiona when she looked like Bertha? Let’s read pages 18 - 20 and find the answers out.4. 人物分析(Character Analysis):培养学生的归纳论证能力请学生承接上一环节进一步分析人物的性格特征,教师提出以下问题请学生思考:People seemed to dislike Bertha in daily life either. What kind of person was Bertha in people’s mind? (可参考:unfriendly, rough, rude, ill-tempered, irritable, grumpy…)Was she really a rough and rude person? Or was she truly as nice as Fiona? Find supportive details for your ideas. 教师可引导学生先从P9-P11寻找线索,提示学生思考Fiona与Bertha 对话的含义,如“That’s because I am Fairplay Fiona and you are Big Bertha the Bone Cruncher”(P10),然后结合故事结尾时Bertha说的话(P30)引导学生意识到:Bertha just played Big Bertha the Bone Cruncher who was supposed to be bad, because they wanted to attract people to come and watch the fight. So they could get paid. But that didn’t mean she was an unfriendly person in real life. 教师也可引导学生根据P24-P27的内容对Bertha装扮成Fiona 后的表现与Fiona变成Bertha后的表现进行对比,以加深对以上观点的论证。
5. 热椅(Hot Seat):训练学生积极思考、主动质疑的能力和表达能力请一位学生上台扮演Bertha,其他学生发挥想象力向其提问,台上的Bertha可利用故事提供的信息以及故事所表达的人物情感来回答,也可结合自己的心理体会发表观点,能答出来即可。
可参考以下问题:Are you really feeling proud when people cheer for you yet actually they think you are Fiona? Will you still be able to win when the crowd boos every time you come out? 还可以请学生扮演Fiona,活动形式同上。
(参见英文教案Teaching Notes)6. 讨论(Discussion ):培养学生的批判性思维能力在以上环节的基础上,教师提出问题请学生分组讨论(可以把以下问题放在PPT 上显示出来,但问题前的关键词语不要在PPT 上显示,此处仅供教师参考),先帮助学生进一步理解故事内容:SUMMARISE What was Bertha’s secret battle?EVALUATE Do you think Bertha did the right thing? Was the story ending fair for everyone?MAKE ASSUMPTIONS What would you do if you were Bertha? Can you think of a different way to solve Bertha’s problem?然后,教师可就故事主题(Judging by appearance )进一步提问:EXPLAIN Why did people prefer “Fiona” to win every time even when it was actually Bertha?(They just judged the wrestlers by appearance.)最后,教师可结合生活实际,进一步拓展主题:EVALUATE Should we judge a book by its cover?CONNECT Do you have a similar unhappy experience of being judged by appearance only like Bertha? Tell your story.提醒学生进行讨论的规则是:(1)每个人都要有说话的机会;(2)别人讲话说不得打断、干扰;(3)支持并补充他人的观点;(4)如果不想说可以不说;(5)提问要深思熟虑。