【2018-2019】方太,西门子,烤箱说明书-范文模板 (10页)

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美的的智能厨电产品在设计和功能上与其他品牌相比具有一定的差异化,例如其智 能电饭煲采用了先进的恒温技术,能够更好地保留米饭的口感和营养。
美的在智能厨电领域拥有较强的技术创新和研发 01 实力,不断推出具有创新性的产品。
帅康拥有专业的研发团队和实验室,不断推 出具有创新性的产品和技术,如智能控制、 高效燃烧、节能环保等。
万和的燃气灶产品线包括多款智能燃气灶,具备安全防护、智能 控制、高效燃烧等特点。
万和的抽油烟机产品线包括多款智能抽油烟机,具备静音、高效、 易清洁等特点。
万和的热水器产品线包括多款智能热水器,具备快速加热、节能、 安全等特点。
万和在厨电领域拥有多年的技术积累 和研发经验,不断推出具有创新性的 产品。
老板电器的消毒柜产品线包括了嵌入 式和立式等不同型号,能够满足不同
老板电器的燃气灶产品线也非常丰富 ,包括台式、嵌入式和多功能等不同 类型,具备多种点火方式和火力调节 功能。
老板电器的电烤箱产品线包括了多功 能烤箱和嵌入式烤箱等不同型号,具 备多种烘焙模式和智能控制功能。
方太注重技术研发,投入大量资金用于产品设计和生产 工艺的提升,提高产品品质和用户体验。

Siemens Home Applianceszh 安全性2目录使用说明书1安全性.................................................................... 22避免财物损失......................................................... 43环境保护和节约...................................................... 44执行标准................................................................ 45灶具年限说明......................................................... 46微功率(短距离)无线电设备................................. 47了解机器................................................................ 58使用烹饪容器......................................................... 79操作基本知识......................................................... 710烟灶联动................................................................ 811定时功能................................................................ 912清洁和保养............................................................. 913处理故障.............................................................. 1014客户服务.............................................................. 1115处理旧机器.. (1116)安装说明书 (11)16.1安全安装..............................................................111 安全性请注意以下安全注意事项。

各类厨房设备常见故障及维修方法1. 燃气灶无法点火:可能是点火器损坏或者火花孔堵塞。
2. 电磁炉不加热:可能是电源问题或者加热元件故障。
3. 抽油烟机抽力减弱:可能是油污堵塞或者风机故障。
4. 烤箱温度不稳定:可能是温控器故障。
5. 饮水机无法加热水:可能是加热元件故障或者水泵故障。
6. 洗碗机漏水:可能是密封圈破损或者管道连接松动。
7. 冰箱不制冷:可能是压缩机故障或者制冷剂不足。
8. 榨汁机无法正常工作:可能是电源线断开或者电机故障。
9. 微波炉不加热食物:可能是微波管故障或者控制面板问题。
10. 冷柜结霜过多:可能是除霜器故障或者密封件老化。
11. 搅拌机无法正常旋转:可能是电机故障或者刀具卡住。
12. 热水器加热速度缓慢:可能是加热元件堆积了水垢。
13. 烤面包机不工作:可能是电源线断开或者定时器故障。
14. 手动搅拌器损坏:可能是搅拌器杆断裂或者搅拌头脱落。
15. 烧水壶无法煮水:可能是电源线断开或者加热元件故障。
16. 熨斗无法加热:可能是电源线断开或者发热板故障。
17. 切菜机刀片转动困难:可能是刀片卡住或者电机故障。
18. 咖啡机无法冲泡咖啡:可能是水泵故障或者管道堵塞。
19. 榨汁机漏水:可能是密封圈老化或者连接件松动。

中高端燃气灶的代表性产品,如老板的三D 火,火王的低焰灶,华帝的聚能灶产品等销售都出现了数量级的增长。

面板控制阀总成 ...................................................................... 22
AC350C 制冷剂回收/再生/加注机
安全定义:请遵循使用手册中重要的“警告”、“注意”、“重要提示”和“提示”信息;这些信息定义 如下:“警告”提示您可能冒着严重的导致个人受伤,甚至死亡的危险;“注意”提示您可能冒着个人受 伤、财产损失或设备严重损害的危险;“重要提示”提示您可能冒着设备损害的危险;“提示”为您提供 清楚和有用的提示。安全信息包括斯必克(SPX)公司意识到的一些情形;但斯必克(SPX)公司不能够提 示您所有可能的危险。您必须确定所有的情形和程序不能危害到您的个人安全。
主控制板 ............................................................................ 23
继电器控制板 ........................................................................ 24
使用装有R-134a或R-12制冷剂的设备 本设备是为对制冷剂R-134a或R-12进行回收、再 生、充注而设计的。使用者必须确定此设备只用于一种制冷剂。不要尝试将此设备用于另 外一种制冷剂。不要通过一个系统或在一个容器内混合不同种类的制冷剂;混合制冷剂将 对设备和车辆空调系统带来严重的损害。如因不当使用所造成任何后果,由用户负责。 设备内部的高电压有被电击的危险 被电击可能导致人身伤害。在打开设备后背门或维修 设备之前,务必断开电源。


维修燃气灶不点火熄火维修油烟机不抽烟回烟更换换气扇2020-03-15 更新3230次浏览发送到手机收藏分享举报公司&店铺进入相册公司&店铺空调拆装洗衣机维修热水器维修热水器拆装厨房家电小家电燃气灶维修类别:厨房家电小类:抽油烟机服务区域:元一时代广场瑶海蜀山望江西路国防科技大学庐阳四里河经开大学城滨湖新区包河政务天鹅湖联系人:刘师傅商家地址:包河-马鞍山路-百脑汇包河工业园包河周边 C 常青巢湖路 D 大钟楼东陈岗G 葛大店H 合工大合家福查看电话号码扫码打电话电话接通率:98%服务承诺:服务保障计划了解更多12级钻石商家超过94%同行金鑫家电维修会员6年身份证认证71个月加入583381个发布帖子进入店铺商家动态信用档案担心服务没保障?注意这三步,58持续为你护航了解更多线上沟通与商家的沟通确保都已录音线下服务与商家所有交流确保留有证据服务售后有保障期的服务请与商家确定保障实效详情描述累计评价(89) 服务问答21 条相关推荐查看电话号码设施服务服务特色24小时服务服务范围油烟清洗机更多参数是否上门上门服务服务描述24小时服务维修燃气灶不点火不供气清洗油烟机维修马桶,专业安装各种品牌油烟机燃气灶热水器(燃气热水器电热水器燃气灶太阳能等)集成灶具安装维修空调拆装机水路维修改造水路维修油烟机燃气灶热水器空调移机加氟等,24小时提供上门服务。


中国燃气灶十大品牌(排名不分先后)1、华帝燃气灶 (中国名牌,中国驰名商标)2、老板燃气灶 (着名品牌)3、帅康燃气灶 (中国名牌,浙江名牌)4、方太燃气灶 (中国驰名商标,中国厨房领域着名品牌)5、樱花燃气灶 (中国名牌,全球知名品牌)6、百得燃气 (中国驰名商标,广东名牌,获国家节能环保认证)7、美的燃气灶 (中国驰名商标)8、西门子燃气灶 (世界品牌)9、万和燃气灶 (中国驰名商标)10、德意燃气灶 (中国驰名商标)中国热水器十大品牌(排名不分先后)1、华帝(中国名牌,中国驰名商标,十大燃气热水器品牌)2、海尔(十大热水器品牌,中国着名家电品牌)3、 .史密斯 (十大燃气热水器品牌,1874年在美国,专业热水器品牌)4、百得(中国驰名商标,十大热水器品牌,广东名牌)5、樱花(中国名牌,十大燃气热水器品牌,全球知名品牌)6、阿里斯顿 (十大燃气热水器品牌,欧洲品牌,全球品牌)7、万和(中国名牌,中国驰名商标,十大燃气热水器品牌)8、万家乐 (中国名牌,中国驰名商标,十大燃气热水器品牌)9、能率(十大燃气热水器品牌,1951年日本,燃气厨卫器具知名品牌)10、美的(中国名牌,中国驰名商标,十大热水器品牌)中国吸油烟机十大品牌(排名不分先后)1、方太 (中国名牌,中国驰名商标,油烟机十大品牌)2、樱花 (来自台湾,江苏名牌,十大油烟机品牌)3、老板 (中国驰名商标,中国名牌,油烟机十大品牌)4、百得 (中国驰名商标,中国厨卫十大品牌,广东名牌)5、帅康 (中国名牌,吸油烟机十大品牌,浙江名牌)6、华帝 (中国驰名商标,抽油烟机十大品牌)7、西门子 (抽油烟机十大品牌,1847年德国,世界品牌)8、美的 (中国驰名商标,十大油烟机品牌)9、海尔 (中国驰名商标,中国名牌,油烟机十大品牌)10、德意 (中国驰名商标,中国名牌,油烟机十大品牌)中国消毒柜十大品牌(排名不分先后)1、康宝 (中国驰名商标,广东省着名商标)2、西门子 (始于1847年德国,全球最大的电气和电子公司)3、方太 (中国驰名商标,十大消毒柜品牌,宁波慈溪方太厨房电器)4、百得 (中国驰名商标,中国厨卫十大品牌,广东名牌)5、老板 (消毒柜十大品牌,于1979年,杭州老板实业集团)6、帅康 (浙江名牌,消毒柜十大品牌,浙江省余姚市帅康集团)7、华帝(中国驰名商标,中山华帝燃具股份有限公司)8、樱花 (江苏名牌,江苏昆山樱花卫厨(中国)股份有限公司)9、海尔 (中国名牌,中国驰名商标,青岛海尔集团)10、美的 (中国名牌,消毒柜十大品牌,中国驰名商标)。

S系列燃气灶型号:ER71252M> 使用常识颜色:> 故障自检尺寸:700mm×400mm×155mm(长×宽×高)描述:S700不锈钢燃气灶特征规格国际型号JZR(T/Y)-E2(X)燃烧设计热负荷(kW)左0.3-4.0燃烧设计热负荷(kW)右0.3-4.0外形尺寸(宽×厚×高)700mm×400mm×155mm(长×宽×高)开孔尺寸W×D(mm)665±2×345±2 4×R20净重(kg)11外接进气管规格内径9.5mm燃气专用橡胶管或1/2〞标准波纹管面板高质感240号拉丝不锈钢旋钮表面太空银镀铬,耐磨,耐腐处理+镜面PA66,耐高温锅架优质珐琅工艺,不锈钢电化学表面(辅助奶锅支架)燃烧器表面无机水性耐高温黑色瓷膜涂料,耐磨不褪色点火及控制方式特设40度精准点火位及自由选择点火位(≤ 90度),杜绝点火噪音;230度大角度火力调节,确保火力“随心所欲”(1号干电池1.5V)进风方式灶具面板100%全封闭设计,确保低排放和燃烧稳定性,净“芯”新境界S系列燃气灶型号:ER72252M> 使用常识颜色:> 故障自检尺寸:700mm×400mm×155mm(长×宽×高)描述:S700不锈钢燃气灶特征规格附件下载国际型号JZR(T/Y)-E2(X)燃烧设计热负荷(kW)左0.3-4.0燃烧设计热负荷(kW)右0.3-4.0外形尺寸(宽×厚×高)700mm×400mm×155mm(长×宽×高)开孔尺寸W×D(mm)665±2×345±2 4×R20净重(kg)11外接进气管规格内径9.5mm燃气专用橡胶管或1/2〞标准波纹管面板高质感240号拉丝不锈钢旋钮表面太空银镀铬,耐磨,耐腐处理+镜面PA66,耐高温锅架优质珐琅工艺,不锈钢电化学表面(辅助奶锅支架)燃烧器表面无机水性耐高温黑色瓷膜涂料,耐磨不褪色点火及控制方式特设40度精准点火位及自由选择点火位(≤ 90度),杜绝点火噪音;230度大角度火力调节,确保火力“随心所欲”(1号干电池1.5V)进风方式灶具面板100%全封闭设计,确保低排放和燃烧稳定性,净“芯”新境界S系列燃气灶型号:ER71232M> 使用常识颜色:> 故障自检尺寸:710mm×400mm×165mm(长×宽×高)描述:S710防爆玻璃燃气灶特征规格附件下载国际型号JZR(T/Y)-ETG(X)燃烧设计热负荷(kW)左0.3-4.0燃烧设计热负荷(kW)右0.3-4.0外形尺寸(宽×厚×高)710mm×400mm×165mm(长×宽×高)开孔尺寸W×D(mm)665±2×345±2 4×R20净重(kg)15外接进气管规格内径9.5mm燃气专用橡胶管或1/2〞标准波纹管面板防爆玻璃面板旋钮表面太空银镀铬,耐磨,耐腐处理+镜面PA66,耐高温锅架优质珐琅工艺,不锈钢电化学表面(辅助奶锅支架)燃烧器表面无机水性耐高温黑色瓷膜涂料,耐磨不褪色点火及控制方式特设40度精准点火位及自由选择点火位(≤ 90度),杜绝点火噪音;230度大角度火力调节,确保火力“随心所欲”(1号干电池1.5V)进风方式灶具面板100%全封闭设计,确保低排放和燃烧稳定性,净“芯”新境界S系列燃气灶型号:ER71242M> 使用常识颜色:> 故障自检尺寸:710mm×400mm×165mm(长×宽×高)描述:S710防污陶瓷燃气灶特征规格附件下载国际型号JZR(T/Y)-ECS(X)燃烧设计热负荷(kW)左0.3-4.0燃烧设计热负荷(kW)右0.3-4.0外形尺寸(宽×厚×高)710mm×400mm×165mm(长×宽×高)开孔尺寸W×D(mm)665±2×345±2 4×R20净重(kg)17外接进气管规格内径9.5mm燃气专用橡胶管或1/2〞标准波纹管面板防污陶瓷面板旋钮表面太空银镀铬,耐磨,耐腐处理+镜面PA66,耐高温锅架优质珐琅工艺,不锈钢电化学表面(辅助奶锅支架)燃烧器表面无机水性耐高温黑色瓷膜涂料,耐磨不褪色点火及控制方式特设40度精准点火位及自由选择点火位(≤ 90度),杜绝点火噪音;230度大角度火力调节,确保火力“随心所欲”(1号干电池1.5V)进风方式灶具面板100%全封闭设计,确保低排放和燃烧稳定性,净“芯”新境界四翼旋火系列燃气灶型号:ER38943Mx> 使用常识颜色:> 故障自检尺寸:760mm×450mm×150mm(长×宽×高)描述:四翼旋火系列燃气灶特征规格国际型号JZT(R/Y)-M42(X)外形尺寸(长×宽×高)760mm×450mm×150mm(长×宽×高)开孔尺寸W×D(mm)700×400 4×R20燃烧器四翼旋火TM燃烧器点火及控制方式表面拉丝一体圆柱旋钮VIB型号ER38943Mx额定热负荷(kw)左0.3-4.0额定热负荷(kw)右0.3-4.0点火电源(V)DC1.5开孔处台板最小厚度(mm)>16保养附件Reckitt Benckiser TM 护理油脂纱布digi数感智控系列燃气灶型号:ER75K253Mx> 使用常识颜色:> 故障自检尺寸:760mm×450mm×150mm(长×宽×高)特征规格国际型号JZT(R/Y)-T12外形尺寸(长×宽×高)760mm×450mm×150mm(长×宽×高) 开孔尺寸W×D(mm)700mm×400mm 4×R20燃烧器Siemens纯铜燃烧器VIB型号ER75K252Mx显示方式蓝色LED图形+7段数码额定热负荷(kw)左0.3-4.0额定热负荷(kw)右0.3-4.0点火电源(V)220开孔处台板最小厚度(mm)>16保养附件Reckitt Benckiser 护理油质纱布digi数感智控系列燃气灶型号:ER75K252Mx燃气灶> 使用常识颜色:> 故障自检尺寸:760mm×450mm×150mm(长×宽×高)特征规格国际型号JZT(R/Y)-T0A2外形尺寸(长×宽×高)760mm×450mm×150mm(长×宽×高) 开孔尺寸W×D(mm)700mm×400mm 4×R20燃烧器Siemens纯铜燃烧器VIB型号ER75K252Mx显示方式蓝色LED图形额定热负荷(kw)左0.3-4.0额定热负荷(kw)右0.3-4.0点火电源(V)220开孔处台板最小厚度(mm)>16保养附件Reckitt Benckiser 护理油质纱布digi数感智控系列燃气灶型号:ER75K352Mx> 使用常识颜色:> 故障自检尺寸:760mm×450mm×150mm(长×宽×高)特征规格国际型号JZT(R/Y)-T0A3外形尺寸(长×宽×高)760mm×450mm×150mm(长×宽×高) 开孔尺寸W×D(mm)700mm×400mm 4×R20燃烧器Siemens纯铜燃烧器VIB型号ER75K352Mx显示方式蓝色LED图形额定热负荷(kw)左0.3-4.0额定热负荷(kw)右0.3-4.0点火电源(V)220开孔处台板最小厚度(mm)>16保养附件Reckitt Benckiser 护理油质纱布新一代电磁灶型号:EL75261Mx> 使用常识颜色:> 故障自检尺寸:758mm×450mm×155mm(长×宽×高)描述:新一代电磁灶特征规格附件下载VIB型号EL75261Mx外形尺寸758mm×450mm×155mm(长×宽×高) 国际型号JZDT(Y)-H12(X)工作电压220V~频率50Hz左灶头功率(kW)2.2(额定功率.9档)右灶头功率(kW)4.0总额定功率(kW)电磁加热区直径mm200(L)安装后高出台面的高度mm100开孔尺寸(WxDxH)mm700x400圆角4xR20台板开孔处最小厚度mm16安装方式专利设计EasyFixTM2弹簧卡扣式净重kg12面板肖特微晶玻璃面板电磁能源效率等级3级燃气形式天然气/液化石油气新一代电磁灶型号:EH75262TI> 使用常识颜色:> 故障自检尺寸:mm760mm×450mm×55mm(长×宽×高)描述:新一代电磁灶特征规格附件下载VIB型号EH75262TI外形尺寸mm760mm×450mm×55mm(长×宽×高) 国际型号CS35-T12工作电压220V~频率50Hz左灶头功率(kW)3.3(额定功率)/2.2(17档)右灶头功率(kW)1.8(额定功率)/1.4(17档)总额定功率(kW)3.5电磁加热区直径mm210(L) 145(R)安装后高出台面的高度mm5.5开孔尺寸(WxDxH)mm700x400圆角4xR20台板开孔处最小厚度mm16安装方式专利设计EasyFixTM弹簧卡扣式净重kg8.9面板肖特微晶玻璃面板电磁能源效率等级2级。


Siemens - Electrogeräte GmbH Carl - Wery - Straße 3481739 München Cod. 9000433842 A en 中文說明書 型號 ER326AB90L 單頭石油氣爐 ER326BB90L 兩頭石油氣爐請保留此說明書Operating instructions zhTable of contentsSafety precautions (3)Switching on manually (6)Safety system (7)Burners (6)Your new appliance (5)Switching on automatically (7)Switching off a burner (7)Power levels (7)Warnings (8)Suitable pans (9)Wok pan (9)Accessories (10)Additional pan support (10)Additional coffee maker support (10)Cooking recommendations (10)Precautions for use (11)Cleaning and maintenance (12)Cleaning (12)Unsuitable products (12)Maintenance (13)Faults (14)Technical Assistanse Service (15)Warranty conditions (15)Used appliances and packaging (15)Environmentally-friendly waste management (15)3Dear customer,Congratulations on your choice. Thank you for purchasing one of ourappliances. This practical, modern and functional appliance is manufactured using materials of the highest quality which are subject to strict QualityControl checks throughout the entire manufacturing process. The appliance is meticulously tested to ensure that it meets your demands and producesperfect cooking results.Do not remove the appliance from its protective packaging until it is installed in the unit.Please read these instructions carefully before proceeding to install and use the appliance. The information contained in these instructions is essential for the correct operation of the appliance and, more importantly, for your safety.The packaging of your appliance has been manufactured using only thematerials which are strictly necessary to guarantee efficient protectionduring transport. These materials are 100% recyclable, thus reducing theenvironmental impact. You can also contribute to caring for the environment, by following the advice below:- dispose of the packaging in the appropriate recycling bin,- before you get rid of an old appliance, make sure you disable it. Contactyour local authority to find out the address of your nearest recycling centreto dispose of your appliance,- do not pour used oil down the sink. Collect it in a sealed container andtake it to an appropriate collection point or, failing that, place it in the rubbish bin (it will end up in a controlled dump; this is probably not the best option,but it will avoid contaminating ground water).IMPORTANT:In the unlikely event that the appliance should arrive damaged or not meetyour expectations in terms of quality, please inform us as soon as possible.For the warranty to be valid, the appliance must not have been tamperedwith, or used inappropriately.4Safety precautionsRead these instructions carefully. Reading these instructions will enable you to use your appliance safely and effectively.All operations relating to installation, regulation and conversion to other types of gas must be carried out by an authorised installation engineer, respecting applicable regulations, standards and the specifications You are recommended to contact the Technical Before installing your new hob, ensure that it is being installed according to the assembly instructions.This appliance can only be installed in a well ventilated place in accordance with existing regulations and ventilation specifications. The appliance must not be connected to a combustion product removal device.This appliance has been designed for home use only. This appliance cannot be installed on yachts or in caravans.The place in which the appliance is installed must have fully-functioning ventilation, in accordance with the regulations.Do not subject the appliance to draughts. These might This appliance leaves the factory set to the type of gas Do not tamper with the appliance’s interior. If necessary, call our Technical Assistance Service.These operating and installation instructions should be retained, and passed onto the buyer if the appliance is sold.that is indicated on the specifications plate. If this must blow out the burners.be changed, read the Assembly instructions.5Gas appliances used in Hong Kong SAR; under the Gas safety (Registration of Gas installers and Gas of the gas and electricity providers.(registered to the appropriated class) employed by registered gas contractors can personally carry out gas Assistance Service to convert to another type of gas.installation, regulation.Contractors) regulations, only register gas installers cover.Please do not use additional fitting, such as aluminumThe surfaces of cooking appliances heat up during use. Care must be taken when using these appliances. Keep children well away from the appliance.This appliance is only intended for cooking purposes, not as a heating system.Fat or oil which is overheated can catch fire easily. Do not leave oil or fats to heat up unattended. If oil or fats do catch fire, never use water to put the fire out. Risk of burns! Put the fire out by covering the pan with a lid and switch off the hotplate.In the event of a malfunction, turn off the appliance’s gas and electricity supply. For repairs, call our Technical Assistance Service.If one of the controls will not turn, do not force it. Call the Technical Assistance Service immediately, so that they can repair or replace it.Never place unstable pans on the hob or the burners, as they may accidentally tip over.Do not clean the specifications plate using a steam cleaner. Risk of electrocution!This appliance is class 3 type, according to the EN 30-1-1 regulation for gas appliances: built-in appliance.Do not store or use corrosive chemicals, products which produce fumes, flammable materials or non-food products below or near this domestic appliance.The graphics in this instruction manual are given as a guide only.The manufacturer is exempt from all responsibility if this the requirements of this manual are not complied with.This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities,or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. kÉîÉê=äÉ~îÉ=íÜÉ=~ééäá~åÅÉ=ìå~ííÉåÇÉÇ=ÇìêáåÖ=çéÉê~íáçåK=6Do not switch on the appliance if it is damaged in any way. Contact our Technical Assistance Service.Your new applianceThese individual appliances can be combined and/or with conventional hobs of thesame make, using the joint accessory. See the catalogue for details.Burner (up to Burner (up to 1,9 kW)Double flame burner (up to 6 kW Control knob Control knob Pan supportPan support Double flameburner (up to 6 kW Control knobPan support2,8 kW)71. Press the chosen burner control and turn it anticlockwise to the required setting.2. Use any type of lighter or flame (cigarette lighter, matches, etc.) and bring it close to the burner.There are indications to show which burner each control knob operates. Fig. 1.The gas burnersSwitching on manually It is essential to ensure that all the burner partsand the pan supports are correctly installed for the Operation Fig. 4Fig. 1Fig. 2Fig. 3appliance to work correctly. Fig. 2-3-4-5.Fig. 58Power levels Turn the corresponding control clockwise to the 0 setting.Switching off a burnerIf your hob features the automatic ON function (ignition sparkers):1. Press the chosen burner control and turn it anticlockwise to the maximum power setting.While the control is still pressed down, sparks are produced on all burners. The flame ignites (it is no longer necessary to press down the control).2. Turn the control to the required setting.If it does not come on, turn the control to the off setting and repeat the steps above. This time, press and hold the control for longer (up to 10 seconds).Warning! If after 15 seconds have elapsed, the flame does not ignite, switch off the burner and open a nearby window or door. Wait at least one minute before trying to switch the burner back on.Switching onautomaticallyThe progressive controls can be used to control the power needed, from minimum to maximumpower.Depending on the model, your hob may have a safety system (termopar) that prevents the flow of gas if the burners accidentally switch off. To ensurethat this device is active, switch on the burner as usual and, without releasing the control, press and hold it down firmly for 4 seconds after lighting the flame.Safety systemTermopar Ignition sparkerSetting Large flame Economy flame Control offMaximum capacity oraperture and electricityonMinimum capacity oraperture 9It is normal to hear a whistling noise while the burner is operating.When it is first used, it is normal for the burner to give off fumes; this does not pose any risk and does not indicate a malfunction; they will disappear in time.A few seconds after switching off the burner, it will make a sound (thud); this is not a fault - this means that the safety device is no longer operating.Keep the burner as clean as possible. If the ignition sparkers are dirty, they will not light properly. Clean them periodically using a small non-wire brush. Bear in mind that the ignition sparkers must not suffer any serious impacts.An orange-coloured flame is normal. This is caused by the presence of dust in the atmosphere, spilt liquids, etc.WarningsFor dual double flame burners, the inner and outerflames can be controlled separately.The available power levels are as follows:Inner and outer flame on full power.Outer flame on minimum, inner flame on full power.Inner flame on full power.Inner flame on minimum. 10Suitable pans The kitchen will become hot and humid when this gas appliance is used. You must therefore ensure that the kitchen is well-ventilated. Either keep the natural ventilation apertures open, or install an extractor hood.If using the appliance intensively for prolonged periods additional ventilation may be required, for example, by opening a window; more effective ventilation may also be required, for example, by increasing the hob’s ventilation, if possible.If the burner flames are accidentally blown out, switch off the burner operating control and do not try to relight it for at least one minute.Wok pan Food can be prepared in various ways in a wok: it can be stewed, stir fried, cooked on a low heat, pan-fried, or steamed. It could be said that woks serve as both as a saucepan and a frying pan and, owing to their shape and size, they can be used to cook quite large ingredients.When cooking with a wok, heat is diffused more uniformly and gently; the intense heat which accumulates means that food takes less time to cook and also requires less oil, making it one of the quickest and healthiest ways of cooking. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when cooking with a wok.A wok is a cooking vessel originating in China; it is a kind of deep, round, lightweight pan with handles and a flat or concave base.BurnerMinimum pan diameter Maximum pan diameter Double flameburner22 cm 22 cm 26 cm Rapid burnerSemi-rapid burner 14 cm 20 cm11Additional coffee maker supportOnly for use on the auxiliary burner with pans which are no more than 12 cm in diameter.The manufacturer accepts no liability if these additional pan supports are not used or are used incorrectly.CookingrecommendationssupportAccessoriesDepending on the model, the hob may include the following accessories. These are also available from Only for use on the double flame burner with pans which are more than 26 cm in diameter (roasting dishes, earthenware pots, etc.) and with pans with aconcave base.Additional wok pan the Technical Assistance Service.Burner Very high High Medium Low Double flame burnerBoiling, steaming, griddling, toasting, paellas, Asian food (wok).Reheating and keeping things hot: cooked and pre-cooked dishes.Rapid burnerfresh vegetables,Rice, white sauce and ragout.Steaming:fish,vegetables.Semi-rapid burner Steaming potatoes,Escalopes, steaks, fresh vegetables,omelettes, frying, stews and pasta.Rehea ting, keeping things hot and making ta sty casserol es.Precautions for useenergy and prevent cookware damage:Use pans which are the right size for each burner.Do not use damaged cookware, which does not sit evenly on the hob. Pans may be overturned.Only use a pan with thick, flat base.Always place the cookware right over the burner, not to one side. Otherwise it could be overturned.Do not place large pans on the burners near the controls. These may be damaged by the very high temperatures.Place the pans on the pan supports, never directly on the burner.Pans should be placed on the hob carefully.Do not strike the hob and do not place excessive weight on it.Make sure that the pan supports and burner coversare correctly positioned before using the appliance.The following advice is intended to help you save aç=åçí=ìëÉ=ëã~ää=êÉÅÉéí~ÅäÉë=çå=ä~êÖÉ=ÄìêåÉêëK=qÜÉ=Ñä~ãÉ=ëÜçìäÇ=åçí=íçìÅÜ=íÜÉ=ëáÇÉë=çÑ=êÉÅÉéí~ÅäÉëK==aç=åçí=Åççâ=ïáíÜçìí=äáÇë=çê=ïáíÜ=äáÇë=çåäó=é~êíá~ääó=ÅçîÉêáåÖ=êÉÅÉéí~ÅäÉëK=vçì=~êÉ=ï~ëíáåÖ=ÉåÉêÖóK==Never slide pans across the glass surface, as you may scratch it. In addition, try not to drop heavy or sharp objects on the glass. Never strike any part of the hob.Do not use steam cleaners. This could damage the hob.Never use abrasive products, steel scourers, sharp implements, knives, etc. to remove bits of hardened food from the hob.If your hob is fitted with a glass or aluminium panel, never use a knife, scraper or similar to clean the point where it joins the metal.Do not use knives, scrapers or similar implements to clean the point where the glass meets the burner trims, the metal frames or the glass/aluminium panels, if fitted.Unsuitable productsOnce the appliance is cool, use a sponge to clean it with soap and water.After each use, clean the surface of the respective burner parts once they have cooled down. If any bits are left (overcooked food, drops of grease etc.), however few, they will become stuck to the surface and more difficult to remove later. The holes andgrooves must be clean for the flame to ignite properly. These should be cleaned using soapy water and scrubbed using a non-wire brush.If the pan supports are fitted with rubber rests, ensure that these are also cleaned. The rests may come loose and the pan support may scratch the hob.Always dry the burners and pan supports completely. Water droplets or damp patches on the hob at the start of cooking may damage the enamel.After cleaning and drying the burners, make sure the burner covers are correctly placed on the burner flame diffuser.CleaningCleaning and maintenanceAlways clean off any liquid as soon as it is spilt: you will save yourself any unnecessary effort.Grains of sand that may come from cleaning fruits and vegetables will scratch the glass surface.Melted sugar, or foods which contain a lot of sugar which may have spilt, should be cleaned off the hotplate immediately, using the glass scraper.MaintenanceSometimes certain faults detected can be easilyresolved. Before calling the Technical AssistanceService, bear in mind the following advice:Fault Possible cause SolutionThe generalelectrical system ismalfunctioning.Defective fuse.The automatic safety switch hastripped or a fuse hasblown.Check the fuse in the main fuse box and change it if it is damaged.Check the main control panel to see if the automatic safety switch has tripped or a fuse has blown.The automatic ON function does not work.There may be food or cleaningproducts stuck between theignition sparkers and theburners.The burners are wet.The burner covers are notcorrectly positioned.The appliance is either notearthed, not connected properlyor the earth connection is faulty.The space between the ignitionsparker and the burner mustbe clean.Dry the burner covers carefully.Check that the covers are correctlypositioned.Contact an electrical engineer.The burner flame is not uniform.The burner components are notcorrectly positioned.The grooves on the diffuser aredirty.Ensure the components arecorrectly positioned.Clean the grooves on the diffuser.The flow of gas does not appear normal or no gas comes out.The gas mains are turned off.If the gas is supplied from a gasbottle, check that this isnot empty.Turn on all stop cocks.Change the gas bottle.The kitchen smells of gas.A gas tap has been left on.There may be a leak from thecoupling to the gas bottle.Turn off the gas taps.Check that the coupling issound.The safety valve on one of the burners is not working.The control knob was not helddown for long enough.The grooves on the diffuser aredirty.Once the burner is lit, holdthe control knob down a fewseconds longer. Clean thegrooves on the diffuser.If the symbol is shown on the specifications plate, bear in mind the following instructions.When contacting our Technical Assistance Service, please provide the product number (E-Nr.) and production number (FD) of the appliance. Thisinformation is given on the specifications plate located on the lower section of the hob and on the label in the user manual.Unpack the appliance and dispose of the packaging by environmentally-friendly means.This appliance complies with European Directive 2002/96/CE on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).Environmentally-friendly waste managementWarranty conditionsUsed appliances and packagingThe applicable warranty conditions are those set out by the company’s representative office in the country of purchase. Detailed information is available from retail outlets. Proof of purchase must be presented to obtain the benefits of the warranty.We reserve the right to introduce changes.目錄安全注意事項 (20)閣下的新爐具 (22)氣爐操作 (23)手動開爐 (23)自動開爐 (24)安全系統 (24)關停爐頭 (24)火勢等級 (24)警告 (25)合適烹皿 (26)配件 (27)烹煮建議 (27)使用注意事項 (28)清潔及保養 (29)清潔 (29)不適合產品 (29)保養 (30)毛病 (31)技術支援服務部 (32)保養條件 (32)使用過的器皿和包裝 (32)尊貴的客戶:祝賀您做出明智的選擇購買我們的其中一種家用電器。

西门子燃气灶TGF61 TGWF61 TGWF91用户手册说明书

USER MANUAL GAS HOBSTGF61 | TGWF61 | TGWF91IMPORTANT // Please ensure that you read through this user manual prior to installation and use. This manual c ontains important information to ensure optimal performanc e and keep you safe. Please retain your proof of purchase, as this will be required in the event that you require warranty service. Remember to keep this manual for future reference.ContentsContents 2 Warning & Safety Instructions 3 Product Specifications 4 Product Overview 5 - 6 Operating Instructions 7 - 9 Installation 10 - 17 Notes 18 - 19 Contact Details 20IMPORTANT // To avoid the risk of accidents and damage to the appliance, please read these instructions carefully before using it for the first time. They contain important notes on installation, safety, use and maintenance.To maintain the efficiency and safety of this appliance, we recommend that you do the following:• DO NOT USE OR STORE FLAMMABLEMATERIALS NEAR THIS APPLIANCE.• DO NOT SPRAY AEROSOLS IN THE VICINITY OF THIS APPLIANCE WHILE IT IS IN OPERATION.• DO NOT MODIFY THIS APPLIANCE.• This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reducedphysical, sensory or mental capabilities,or lack of experience and knowledge,unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.• Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with theappliance.• Insure adequate ventilation i.e. the use of a rangehood when cooktops / otherappliances, burning gas or other fuels arein use.• If the supply cord of this equipment is damaged, it must only be replaced bythe manufacturer or its service agent or asimilarly qualified person in order to avoida hazard.• This appliance has been designed for indoor domestic use only.• NOT FOR USE IN MARINE CRAFT, CARAVANS, OR MOBILE HOMES.• Keep packaging out of reach of children at all times. To avoid burns, young childrenshould be kept away.• This appliance is designed for domestic use or use in similar environments byguests in hotel or motel rooms, bed& breakfasts and other typical livingquarters. This does not include common/shared or commercial facilities withinhotels, motels or bed & breakfasts. NOTICE // The manufacturer may not be held responsible for any damage caused by incorrect installation or non-compliance with the instructions in this manual.Warning & Safety InstructionsProduct SpecificationsModel: TGF61Model: TGWF61Model: TGWF91DimensionsW590 x D500 x H90mm Bench Cut-out Dimensions W553 x D473mm Voltage / Frequency 220-240V~ / 50Hz Power 1W Capacity 4 BurnersGas Burners1 Rapid /2 Semi-rapid / 1 AuxiliaryDimensionsW590 x D500 x H90mm Bench Cut-out Dimensions W553 x D473mm Voltage / Frequency 220-240V~ / 50Hz Power 1W Capacity 4 BurnersGas Burners1 Wok /2 Semi-rapid / 1 AuxiliaryDimensionsW860 x D510 x H90mm Bench Cut-out Dimensions W815 x D490mm Voltage / Frequency 220-240V~ / 50Hz Power 1W Capacity 5 BurnersGas Burners1 Wok / 1 Rapid2 Semi-rapid / 1 AuxiliaryProduct OverviewModel: TGWF61Model: TGF61Model: TGWF9132215462321561. Auxiliary burner2. Semi-rapid burner3. Rapid burner4. Triple ring (Wok) burner5. Control Panel6. Pan supportProduct OverviewBurners1. Burner cap2. Inner burner cap3. Outer burner cap4. Burner head (diffuser)5. Burner base (cup)6. Ignition candle7. Flame failure device (thermocouple)IMPORTANT // To ensure best performance, avoid risk of damage or accident. Please readthe operating instructions prior to first time use. This appliance is supplied with a spare data plate label. Please attach it to an adjacent surface for future reference if the labels on the base of the cooktop are not visible after installation. NOTE // The metal components have aprotective coating, which may give off a slight smell when heated up for the first time. This smell and any vapours given off do not indicate a faulty gas connection or appliance nor are they health hazardous.The burners differ in size and power. Choose the most appropriate burner for the diameter of the cookware being used as specified on the table below:PAN SIZESBURNER min diameter (mm)max diameter(mm)Auxiliary 120180Semi-Rapid 180200Rapid 180220Wok220260The position of the corresponding gas burner is indicated on each control knob.1. Control knobsThe control knob is used to ignite the burner and regulate the strength of the flame.The gas supply is turned off Ignition candle Strongest flame Weakest flame Respective burnerATTENTION // Operating the knob controls as described below can cause damage to the appliance:• Switching on the burner without pressing the control down.• Switching on the burner by turning the control clockwise.•Switching the burner off by turning the control anti-clockwise.2. Lighting a burnerTo light a burner, simply follow the steps:1. Press the corresponding knob of the burner you are about to use all the way in and, then, turn it anti-clockwise until you reach the ‘Strongest Flame’ symbol.2. Keep the knob pressed in for a few seconds after the flame ignites.NOTE //When one of the control knobs is activated, sparks are generated on all burners of the cooktop simultaneously.CAUTION // If the flame is extinguished unintentionally, turn off the gas with the control knob, wait for at least 30 seconds for the gas to dissipate and try to light it again.3. Switching offTo turn off a burner, simply turn the knob clockwise until it stops under the OFF symbol “”. This stops the flow of gas and the flame goes out.4. Interruption to the electricity supplyIn the event of a power cut the flame can be ignited with a match by following the steps: 1. Press the corresponding knob of the burneryou are about to use all the way in, thenturn it anti-clockwise until you reach the‘Strongest Flame’ symbol.2. While pressing the control knob in, light thegas at the burner with a match.3. Keep the knob pressed in for a few secondsafter the flame ignites.5. Regulating the flameIMPORTANT // Adjust the flame intensity so that it does not spread out beyond the side of the pan. The tips of the flames are much hotter than the centre, so they should stay beneath the pan base for a best efficiency and a lower risk of injuries and damages on pan handles.The flame can be regulated for any level between the strongest and weakest flame symbols.• Cookware should be positioned aligned with the centre of the burner.• Do not use round-bottomed pans (eg.Woks) without an appropriate wok support recommended by the manufacturer.6. Flame failure deviceThis appliance is fitted with a thermo-electric flame failure safety device that cuts off the supply of gas to a burner if the flame goes out, for example, when water boils over the burners or sudden draughts occur.The flame failure device operates independently from the electricity supply. This means that it will still work if the cooktop is used during a power cut.Cleaning & MaintenanceATTENTION // Before cleaning your oven, or performing maintenance, turn the appliance off and disconnect it from the power supply. Also allow the appliance to cool down before touching the unit.Cleaning your appliance frequently will extend its life. When cleaning your gas cooktop:• Do note use a steam cleaning appliance to clean this appliance.• Use a soft cloth, warm water and neutral soap to clean enamelled, cast iron andstainless steel parts.• Use a soft dry cloth to dry surfaces that have been cleaned with water. This will preventthe occurrence of watermarks and limescale deposits.• Do not use cleaning products containing descaling agents.• Do not use hard, abrasive brushes or spongesNOTE // Always clean the appliance immediately after any food spillage.Cleaning the BurnersThe removable parts of the burners can be disassembled for a more thorough cleaning. 1. Remove the burner caps and burnerdiffusers by pulling them away from theburner cup. 2. Soak them in hot water with a small amountof washing detergent.3. Softly scrub off any remaining pieces offood.4. Rinse the parts, wipe and dry them.5. Wipe the fixed parts of the burner cup with adamp cloth, drying it afterwards with a drycloth.6. Before placing the burner cap and diffuserback in position, make sure that the flameapertures are clean and completely dry. IMPORTANT // Make sure that the ignition candle and the probe of the thermo-electric flame failure device extend through their respective holes in the burner diffuser. Once the burner diffuser is clicked into place correctly, place the burner cap on top of it. The burner cap should not rotate when correctly positioned.Servicing the cooktopAlways refer servicing to an authorised service person. It is recommended that the appliance be serviced every five years to ensure the cooktop continues to operate correctly and safely.InstallationIMPORTANT //This unit must be installed by authorised personnel and used only in permanently ventilated rooms in accordance with the requirements of AS 5601 (gas installations), wiring code, manufacturer’s instructions, local and national authority and any other statutory regulations.Follow carefully the safety instructions and clearance requirements given below.NOTE //The dimensions presented in this manual are give in millimetres (mm).IMPORTANT //The veneer or laminate coatings of worktops (or adjacent kitchen units) must be treated with 100 °C heat-resistant adhesive which will not dissolve or distort.A minimum safety clearance of 25mm underneath the cooktop must be provided for the installation of the flexible gas connection hose and mains flexible power cord.45min. 25TGWF91 - The Gas inlet (1) is located underneath the appliance towards the rear right hand side 50mm from the rear edge. The Electrical terminal (2) is also located underneath the appliance towards the rear and approximately 300mm away from the gas inlet.TGF61 / TGWF61 - The Gas inlet (3) is located underneath the appliance towards the rear left hand side 100mm from the rear edge. The Electrical terminal (4) is also located underneath the appliance approximately in the centre of the rear edge.Installation AccessoriesSuppliedThe following installation accessoriesare supplied with the appliance:4 x mounting brackets and screws1 x seal strip (soft sponge)1 x natural gas regulator1 x gas pressure test point4 or5 x ULPG Injectors8. Connect the appliance to the gas supply(refer to the ‘Gas Connection’ section).9. Secure the appliance by matching thescrews with the correspondent screw holes in each bottom corner of the cooktop.10. Once the gas cooktop has been installed it is essential to check that neither the gas pipe nor the electricity cable is in contact with hot parts of the appliance or hot gas exhaust.NOTE // A full operational test and a test for possible leakages must be carried out by the installer before leaving. Check all burner flames are blue in colour, stable and completely ignite at both high and low flame settings with no appreciable yellow tipping, carbon deposition, lifting, floating lighting back or objectionable odour. Test burners individually and in combination.Electrical ConnectionIMPORTANT // Electrical connections should be carried out by a suitably qualified and competent person in strict accordance with the wiring rules and national and local safety regulations.Installation Procedure1. Make the benchtop cut-out for the cooktop in accordance with the diagrams previously presented in this manual.2. Remove trivets, gas burner caps and diffusers.3. Turn the cooktop upside down resting it on a cloth.NOTE // Be careful not to damage the ignition candles and the probes of the flame failure device during this process.4. Apply the self-adhesive seal strip onto theedges of the cooktop that will be resting on the benchtop. (Do not overlap the ends of the seal strip)NOTE // Do not use any joint sealant. Theappliance’s sealing strip ensures a sufficient seal between the appliance and the benchtop.5. Feed the flexible power cord down throughthe cut-out.6. Place the cooktop in the cut-out withoutsecuring it.7. Connect the appliance to the mainselectricity supply (refer to the ‘ElectricalConnection’ section).ATTENTION // If the connection cable is damaged, it must be replaced by a suitably qualified electrician.The supply cord has been fitted with a10A three-pin plug and is designed for use with alternating current according to the indications on the rating label (data plate) located underneath the cooktop.Before actual connection make sure that:• The fuse and electrical system can withstand the load required by the appliance.• The electrical supply system is equipped with an efficient earth hook-up according to thenorms and regulations prescribed by law.• The plug and switch are easily accessible after installation.The wires in the mains lead are coloured in accordance with the following code:Green & Yellow - EarthBlue - NeutralBrown - LiveAs the colours of the wires in the mains leadof this appliance may not correspond with the coloured markings identifying the terminals in your plug, proceed as follows:• The green and yellow wire must be connected to the terminal in the plug that is marked with the letter E or by the earth symbol or coloured green or green and yellow.• The blue wire must be connected to theterminal that is marked with the letter N orcoloured black.• The brown wire must be connected to the terminal that is marked with the letter A orcoloured red.NOTE //This appliance must be earthed. Gas ConnectionIMPORTANT //Gas connections should be carried out by a suitably qualified and competent person in strict accordance with the requirements of AS 5601 (gas installations) and national and local regulations.This gas cooktop can be connected with a class B or D flexible hose, which complies with AS/ NZS 1869 and must be certified. The min. inner Ø must be 10 mm and the maximum length 1.2 m. Make sure it does not touch moving parts of the kitchen furniture, e.g. a drawer. Ensure the hose assembly is not exposed to high temperatures exceeding the maximum recommended by the hose manufacturer, subjected to strain, kinking, permanent deformation or damage by vermin. This appliance is factory fitted with Natural Gas Injectors and is also supplied with a ULPG conversion kit. The conversion of the appliance to be used with ULPG must be undertaken by qualified personnel. Please refer to the ‘Gas Conversion – Natural Gas / ULPG’ section.A Pressure Test Point is provided on the gas regulator (supplied for natural gas) or on the test point adaptor (supplied for ULPG).The Gas pressure must be set by an approved gas fitter as shown on the table presentedon the next page or, alternatively, on the appliance data plate:Natural gas 1.0 kPaULPG 2.75 kPa1. Loosen the screw in the test point until it isfree in its housing. The screw is retained in this position.2. Connect the hose from the pressure gauge.3. Reassemble one of the large burners, turnon the gas and manually light the burners.4. Disconnect gauge and screw in the testpoint screw.NOTE // The Gas Regulator must be set with the largest burner operating at maximum setting.Gas Pressure Test PointGas Consumption And Injectors SpecificationsTGF61Natural Gas Universal LPGInj. diam. (mm)MJ/h Gas pressure Inj. diam.(mm)MJ/h Gas pressureRapid burner x 1 1.5010.8 1.0kPa0.9410.8 2.75kPa Semi-rapid burner x 2 1.14 6.30 1.0kPa0.72 6.30 2.75kPa Auxiliary burner x 10.85 3.60 1.0kPa0.56 3.60 2.75kPa Total NHGC27.0027.00TGWF61Natural Gas Universal LPGInj. diam. (mm)MJ/h Gas pressure Inj. diam. (mm)MJ/h Gas pressureWok burner x 1 1.6512.96 1.0kPa 1.0212.96 2.75kPa Semi-rapid burner x 2 1.14 6.30 1.0kPa0.72 6.30 2.75kPa Auxiliary burner x 10.85 3.60 1.0kPa0.56 3.60 2.75kPa Total NHGC29.1629.16TGWF91Natural Gas Universal LPGInj. diam. (mm)MJ/h Gas pressure Inj. diam. (mm)MJ/h Gas pressureWok burner x 1 1.6512.96 1.0kPa 1.0212.96 2.75kPa Rapid burner x 1 1.5010.80 1.0kPa0.9410.80 2.75kPa Semi-rapid burner x 2 1.14 6.30 1.0kPa0.72 6.30 2.75kPa Auxiliary burner x 10.85 3.60 1.0kPa0.56 3.60 2.75kPa Total NHGC39.9639.96NOTE // This appliance is supplied with a spare data plate label. Please attach it to an adjacent surface for future reference if the labels on the base of the cooktop are not visible after installation.Gas Conversion – Natural Gas / ULPG This appliance is factory fitted with Natural Gas Injectors (burner nozzles) and is also supplied with a ULPG conversion kit. To adapt the cooktop to a different type of gas, the gas injectors must be changed as follows:1. Remove the pan supports (trivets), burnercaps and burner diffusers.2. Unscrew the injectors using a 7mm socketwrench.3. Replace the injectors with those suppliedcorresponding to the gas available (seeburner and injector characteristics table) IMPORTANT // On completing the operation, replace the old gas label with the one showing the new type of gas; the sticker is available in the User Manual packageAdjusting the minimum flame intensity The minimum flame intensity is adjusted at the factory. However, when the gas injectors are replaced or in special mains pressure conditions, it may be necessary to readjust the intensity of the minimum flame.Follow the operations below for each burner in order to adjust the minimum flame intensities:1. Light the burner.2. Turn the knob control anti-clockwise to theweakest flame.3. Remove the knob from the valve shaft (andgasket if there is one).4. Use a thin blade screwdriver to turn thebypass screw located on top of the gasvalve shaft.ULPGGently turn the bypass screw clockwise untilit is completely tightened.Natural GasGently turn the bypass screw clockwiseuntil it is completely tightened, then slowly turn it anti-clockwise for adjustment of the flame. The correct length of the flame isaround 3 to 4mm.5. Put the knob back on and test if the flame goes out when quickly turning the knob control from the strongest flame to the weakest flame positions.6. For burners with flame failure device, make sure that the regulation obtained is sufficient to maintain the thermocouple activated when operating with the weakest flame. If it is not,increase the minimum flame intensity.NOTE //A full operational test and a test for possible leakages must be carried out by the installer before leaving. Check all burner flames are blue in colour, stable and completely ignite at both high and low flame settings with no appreciable yellow tipping, carbon deposition, lifting, floating lighting back or objectionable odour. Test burners individually and in combination.CONTACT DETAILS。
西门子 024094 燃气灶具 使用说明书


燃气客户服务话术燃气客户服务统一话术1目录电话接听礼仪篇 (8)通用知识篇 (8)1.价格篇章: (8)1.1民用户天然气建设费是多少? (8)1.2 居民燃气安装价格怎么这么高? (8)1.3民用户安装热水器多少钱,需如何办理? (8)1.4民用户安装采暖炉多少钱?如何办理? (8)1.5工商户燃气开通费用为什么这么高? (8)1.6网通等单位的初装费都降低了不少,的建设费会便宜吗? (8)1.7我家已经有了燃气管道,为什么增装热水器还要交钱? (8)1.8燃气配套费为什么比的贵? (8)1.9公司现在的民用户气价是多少钱? (8)1.10现在工商户用气多少钱? (8)1.11天然气最近会涨价吗? (8)1.12每次可购买多少天然气? (8)1.13为什么电视上、报纸上都说调价了,你们现在怎么还不调? (8)1.14原来已购气能否按差价退款? (8)1.15关于报警器收费标准? (9)1.16我家的胶管老化,你们能上门更换吗? (9)1.17表出现故障需换表? (9)1.18用户要买一块磁卡表,需要交多少钱? (9)1.19换表业务怎么办理? (9)1.20开发商咨询新房产户如何收费 (9)1.21用户普遍反映公司维修配件费用过高。
(9)1.22为什么*****的燃气费比东营的气费高? (9)1.23民用户热水器安装费有没有物价局批文? (9)1.24国家规定不收开发费,为什么要收开口费? (9)1.25我安装灶具时已交过一个开口费了,为什么安装热水器还要交开口费? 9 1.26气价调整问题? (9)1.27为什么的工商户和开发区工商户收取的配套费的价格不一样? (9)2.代售网点: (9)3.业务知识篇章: (9)3.1为什么要执行限气政策? (9)2燃气客户服务话术3.2一方气可以用多长时间? (9)3.3民用户平均每天用多少气?一个月平均用多少气? (9)3.4热水器是用天然气的好,还是用电的好? (9)3.5可以代我家帮助购气吗? (10)3.6在银行可以买气吗? (10)3.7从哪里购买天然气灶具? (10)3.8报警器的正常使用时间是多少? (10)3.9灶具使用期限为多长?为什么到期要更换? (10)4.业务办理篇章: (10)4.1如何办理改管业务? (10)4.2改管如何收费? (10)4.3服务电话号码是多少? (10)4.4投诉电话是多少? (10)4.5为什么要签订民用户安全供用气协议? (10)4.6燃气表交配套费后多长时间可以安装? (10)4.7用户询问同一小区其他楼可以安装,为什么自己所在的楼就不能安装?10 4.8 同一小区,同一户型的楼为什么不能按照已安装的用户家的位置来安装? (11)4.9天然气用户燃气设施指的是哪部分? (11)4.10为什么天然气管道不能包裹? (11)4.11为什么灶具胶管不能超过2米? (11)4.12我家的磁卡表为什么没有表盖? (11)4.13更换电池时是否可以只更换其中的几节,为什么要同时更换所有电池?11 4.14表显示余量不足怎么办? (11)4.15用户卡丢失或者损坏怎么办?如果内有气量怎么办? (11)4.16表电池需要多长时间更换一次? (11)4.17如用户打过来说新换的电池可是不能使用? (11)5.液化气篇章: (12)5.1液化石油气销售 (12)6.燃气常识 (12)6.1什么是天然气? (12)6.2天然气的优点? (12)6.3天然气分几种? (12)6.4立方天然气相当于多少公斤液化气? (12)36.5一卡等于多少焦耳? (12)6.6天然气与其他能源如何换算,哪个便宜? (12)6.7天然气为什么不能罐装,像液化气一样? (12)6.8为什么天然气灶具与液化石油气灶具不能互换使用? (12)6.9天然气有味吗? (12)6.10加臭的标准是什么?目前采用什么加臭剂?加入量是多少? (12)6.11什么是液化石油气? (13)6.12如何节约用气? (13)6.13液化气灶具可以改装以后用吗? (13)6.14胶管的正常使用寿命是多久? (13)置换篇章 (13)1.我家要开通天然气怎么办? (13)2.开通天然气一般需要多长时间?都有那些内容? (13)3.不要预售卡可以吗,因为我用不了那么多气? (13)4.第一次开通可以多购些气吗? (14)5.刚开通可以去购气吗? (14)6.先买气再开通可以吗? (14)7.预约置换通气的用户需问? (14)维修篇章 (14)1.用户强烈要求马上安排维修,可是事实情况无法安排时? (14)2.换表就要换卡,比较麻烦,能不能制作成统一的卡? (14)3.出现故障后,多长时间才能维修? (14)4.做饭时为什么会经常出现红火现象,如何解决? (14)5.天然气燃烧不好怎么办? (14)6.民用户燃气表常见故障故障排除 (15)6.1表不过气: (15)6.2表显示卡编号错(表不读卡) (15)6.3表不显示 (15)6.5表响 (15)6.6燃气表为何不能一次全部输入气量: (15)6.8为什么你们公司的磁卡表总是坏? (16)7.表费电池: (16)8.表显示LO怎么办? (16)9.我家的气量不对,如何处理? (16)4燃气客户服务话术10.我家表耗电量特别大怎么办? (16)11.换表咨询:①我家燃气表很好用,为什麽要换表? (16)12灶不打火? (17)13用户反映做饭过程中火突然灭了怎么办? (17)管网篇章 (17)1.燃气管道会经常停气吗? (17)工商户篇章 (17)1.工商户抄表周期为多长时间? (17)2.工商户如何交费? (17)3.工商户到哪交费? (17)4.工商户的气款能不能由抄表人员上门收取? (17)5.工商户如何安装使用天然气? (17)6.我是你们的工商用户,我想知道我们公司的天燃气抄表是每月的几号?.. 177.工商户燃气表故障排除 (17)8. 请问工商户流量计校验费如何收费? (18)9.工商户的流量计校验周期为多长时间? (18)10.工商户流量计送到哪里进行检验? (18)11.工商户流量计如何送检? (18)12.晚间工商户停气问题? (18)安全篇章 (18)1.为什么室内不能同时存在两种或两种以上火源?有什么样的危害? (18)2.为什么不将报警器探头直接安装在用户家中? (18)3.报警器出现频繁报警如何处理? (18)4.我怀疑家里漏气怎么办? (18)5.我们家应如何保障安全用气?(或怎么保证使用天然气安全?) (18)6.热水器不用时是否要关好水、气阀? (19)7.使用天然气安全吗? (19)8.怎么知道天然气是否泄漏? (19)9.户外立管安全吗? (19)10.会不会有小偷从户外立管上进入室内? (19)11.民用户安检周期为多长时间? (19)12.民用户安检内容有哪些? (19)13.工商户安检周期为多长时间? (19)14.工商户安检内容有哪些? (19)515.为什么热水器不能安装在洗澡间? (19)16.用户反映小区没有防盗刺? (20)17.如用户反映灶具离管距离太近不安全? (20)18.用户反映家中被盗,小偷通过燃气管道进入用户家中? (20)19.为什么灶具不带熄火保护装置不给通气? (20)通气篇章 (20)1.新小区燃气管道和表已经安装完了,为什么还不给通气? (20)燃气设施篇章 (20)1.用户反映表挂的不合适? (20)2.不是你们公司的燃气设施你们维修吗? (20)3.为什么你们不维修其他厂家的燃气设施? (21)4.你们的燃气设施保修多长时间? (21)加气站篇章 (21)1.什么情况下停气? (21)2.为什么雷雨天不能加气? (21)3、什么是CNG? (21)4、加气过程中为什么要下车车等候? (21)5、加气过程中为什么要开后备箱? (21)6、车用天然气价格怎样确定? (21)7、为什么在加气站不能打电话? (21)8、为什么在冬季加气多? (21)9、无合格证或合格证超期为什么不能加气? (21)10、为什么会出现锁卡现象? (21)11、为什么要定期对车辆进行检查? (21)12、加气站为什么要装减速带? (22)13、办理充值卡需要什么证件? (22)14、如何对车辆进行燃气改装? (22)17、车用燃气价格调整。
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