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英语试题2019. 06
1・WhiCh food does the WOiEan Iike the most?
B. Meat.
C. Fruit.
2・ What doc3 the WOman 3uggc3t the mon do to CeIm down?
A・ WatCh TV. B・ GO for a run・ C・ Read a book・
3・ When does the POOI open?
A.At 8:g B・ At 8:30. C・ At 9:00,
4.Why did the WOman StOP drinking coffee?
A・・ She slept badly・B・ She had none Ieft・C・ She disliked the taste・
5・ Where does the COnVerSatiOn most IikeIy take place?
A・At a restaurant. B・ At a bank. C・ At a SUPermarKet・
第二节(共15小题;毎小题1.5分,淸分22. 5分)
每段对话或独白读两遍" 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。
6・ What is the relationship between the SPeakers?
A・ TeaCher and student,
C・ Co~workers.
7・ What WOUld the WOman Iike to become most?
A・ A SCientiSt・ B・ A doctor・ C・ An artist・
8・ What plants StOP growing in the WOnIan, S garden?
A・ PineaPPIeS・ B. CalrOtS・ C. Cucumbers.
9・ What Will the Womail do to SOIVe the problem?
A・ RemOVe the tree・
B・ GrOW SOmethlng else・
C・ GrOW the PIantS somewhere else w
10. What is the woman* S first impression Of the apartment? A・ She IikeS the mirror・
B・ She IikeS the CarPetS・
C・ ShC like3 the WindOW3・
11・ What does the WOman think about the IiVIng room?
A・ It is big・
B・ It is dark・
C.It IaCkS furniture・
12.WhiCh room does the WOman See at the end?
A・ The bathroom,
B. The kitchen・
C・ Ihe bedroom・
13.WhiCh item WaS most important for the man?
A. PenCiIS・ B・ PenS・ C・ Paper.
l√l∙ What did the WOman forget to buy?
A・ GlUe・B・ Ink. C. EraSerS・
15・ What are the materials for?
A・ An exam・ B・ A PrOJeCt・ C・ A show.
16・ HOW WilI the man get to school?
A. By bus, B・ By SUbWay・ C・ By Car・
17・WhiCh is τhe busiest nighτ aτ the bar?
A・ ThUrSday. B. Friday. C. SatUrday.
1& What is Lucy, S main job?
A・ A nurse・ B・ A bank Clerk・ C. A secretary.
19.How many baby CatS did LUCy bring to the bar the first time?
A. 5.
B. 10. C・ 15,
20.HOW does the SPeaker feel about the baby CatS in the end?
A. Confused.
B. Angry・
C. PleaSed・
请认真阅读下而各题,从A、B. C、D四个选项中,选出可臥填入空白处的最佳选项并
21・Ihe PaSt 40 years have WIUIeSSCd dιflcrcnt means Of ___ f rom bicycle kingdom
to auto Inarket ・
A・ transport B. ChalIenge C・ expression EX Conznunication
22. Either the beautiful SightS Of this InOdem City Or its IOCaI CUStOm __________ thousands Of ViSitOrS during the PaSt years・
A・ have attracted B・Were attracting
C・has attracted D・WaS attracting
23・ MOre and more COUntrieS have COme to realize that the WOrId_do WithOUt HUaWei and its U mOre advancedΓ technology・
A・ can* t B・ needn* t C・ mustn't D・ ShOUIdn l t
2'1・ SOmetimeS PeOPle from the 3outh have difficulty UnderStanding north Say・
A. WhiCh B・ What C. that D. how
25.At One time FrenCh PeOPle banned borrowed WOrdS from EngIiSh in Order to keep
IangUage PUre and _______
A ・ fluent
B ・ VariOUS
C ・ UniqUe
D ・ advanced
26. SCientiStS WilI PrOdUCe PIaStiC DaterIaIS fron beans f but right now the newPrOdUCt
in the Iab V
the dictionary.
A ・ On WhiCh
B ・ to WhICh
C ・ in WhiCh
D ・ for WhLCh
2S ・ The SmalI action Of Iittering may _______ disaster for Small animals and their IiVing environment ・
A ・ Iead to
B ・ belong to
C ・ refer to
D ・ POint to
29・—Dad is busy With his essay On the 5G networks ・
—Exactly. He ______ a IeCtUre this time next veek.
A ・is giving
B ・WaS giving
C ・Will be giving
D ・has been giving
30.He managed to _______ a PlaCe in the final exam by VOrking hard constantly. A ・ CXPlOre B ・ reserve C ・ award D ・ secure 第二节完形填空(共20小题:每小题1分,满分20分)
请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选]页中,选出最佳选项,并 在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Early in my teaching Career t I heard COUntleSS (无故的)excuses for Why StUdentS
didn t t have their ho≡ework ・ Au time passed. I grew tired Of hearing "I don , t have my homework because ・•• w ,so I StOPPed accepting any 31
32,1 taught in a new inner βcity SChOol ・ I 33 my eight granders With H NO excuse! W I 34 homework at the beginning Of each CIaSS ・ When a St Jdent dιdn* t have it. I never asked why. 35 ,1 Sighed loudly, ShOOk my head and recorded a Zero ・ I SOOn gained the reputation (名声)I thought I wanted-
One afternoon, shortly after SChOol ・ Anthony mo ∙Hiα IOWOr IiP quivering(轻徽颤 抖)∙ "It's just that ・• ∙ well, my 37 grk at night ・ I have to IOOk after my Iittle brothers, SO I can't 38 . My homework ・•• M I PUt my hand On his ShOUIder. *4 C. is developing
D ・ has developed 27. The PrOfeSSOr always SPendS the WhOle day in the bookshop _____ e bought B. has been developed A ・ is being
Why are you JUSt now telling ne. ∙・? " 1 3⅛ In mid-sentence・ I knew why. SO I Changed the ・o WOUld it help if you Stayed here 41 school?t, He SWalIOWed hard and nodded・
The next day, I announced to all my StUdentS that T d be 42 an after~school
• 5 -
W: I see. Can I help you Xnth anything else?
M Well, I thmk It UIIl be difficult for me to Cany all these things :o SChoOL
W Yes. (IleIe are a lot Of things. I don't dunk i( W r OUId ⅛e a good I(Iea to take them Ou a CIOwded bus Or On the subway.
M So, you don,t mmd driving me there?
W Of COUISC not.
TeXt 10
1 OUil a bar in the CeEter Of town. ThurSday and Fnday are busy but SatUrday IS the night XVhen most PeOPIe come. That*s when I need extra PeOPle to help SerVe customers. One Of those Vi r hO helps me IS Lucy. DUrmg the W eek She WOrkS as a nurse for an animal doctor She has WOrked as a Secretan r and a Clerk before, but the nurse job is the One She IIkeS most. However, rhe PaV isn,t Ven r good so She earns extra money by x∖F Orking Partime for me. One niglιt IaSt year She arrived with a box and InSlde Were 10 baby cats. She ShOwed them to customers and SaId they COUId take 1 or
2 for free If they wanted. At first I XVaS PUZZlCd and annoyed but then I SaXV how happy the CUStOmCrS Were to SeC the cats. The animals Were UnWallted babies that had been given to the animal doctor by th?Ir OQIIels. NOW LUCy brings baby CatS nearly every 辛∙eek—SOnIetinleS 4 or 5, SOmetlineS as many as 15. Γm happy. They re good for business and nearly always find new homes.