Antibodies to watch in 2016(2016抗体发展)
作者简介:蔡 眉,女,1973年生,硕士,副主任技师,主要从事临床血液学检测工作。
通信作者:唐振华,E-mail :。
复发性流产患者易栓症指标筛检的意义蔡 眉, 沈琼丹, 林亦宇, 何佳亮, 唐振华[上海交通大学医学院附属国际和平妇幼保健院 上海市胚胎源性疾病重点实验室 上海市临床重点专科(建设项目)“强主体”妇产科,上海 200041]摘要:目的 探讨易栓症相关指标与不明原因复发性流产(URSA )的相关性,为URSA 患者的病因排查和治疗提供参考。
方法 选取2016年11月—2018年3月上海交通大学医学院附属国际和平妇幼保健院104例流产次数≥2次的URSA 患者作为URSA 组,以45例健康经产妇作为对照组,检测所有研究对象血浆狼疮抗凝物(LA )阳性率、抗心磷脂抗体(ACA )阳性率、蛋白C (PC )活性、蛋白S (PS )活性、抗凝血酶(AT )活性、凝血因子Ⅻ(F Ⅻ)活性和D-二聚体(DD )水平。
结果 URSA 组LA 阳性率、PC 活性、PS 活性、AT 活性、F Ⅻ活性、DD 水平与对照组比较差异均有显著统计学意义(P <0.05)。
结论 LA 阳性、PS 缺陷、F Ⅻ缺陷和DD 增高与URSA 密切相关。
LA 、PS 、F Ⅻ、DD 是URSA 患者体内高凝状态较好的筛查指标,联合检测AT 、PC ,对预测URSA 血栓形成有临床指导意义。
关键词:不明原因复发性流产;易栓症;高凝状态Role of thrombophilia related marker screening in patients with unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion CAI Mei ,SHEN Qiongdan ,LIN Yiyu ,HE Jialiang ,TANG Zhenhua. (Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics ,the International Peace Maternity and Child Health Hospital of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine ,Shanghai Key Laboratory of Embryo Original Diseases ,Shanghai Municipal Key Clinical Specialty ,Shanghai 200041,China )Abstract :Objective To investigate the correlations of thrombophilia related markers and unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion (URSA ),and to provide a reference for etiological investigation and treatment. Methods The URSA group enrolled 104 patients diagnosed with URSA (abortion ≥ 2 times ) from November 2016 to March 2018 in the International Peace Maternity and Child Health Hospital. Totally ,45 healthy women who had given birth were enrolled as control group. The lupus anticoagulant (LA ) positive rate ,anticardioliolipin antibody (ACA ) positive rate ,protein C (PC ) activity ,protein S (PS ) activity ,antithrombin (AT ) activity ,coagulation factor Ⅻ(F Ⅻ) activity and D-dimer (DD ) level were determined. Results There was statistical significance in LA positive rate ,PC activity ,PS activity ,AT activity ,F Ⅻ activity and DD level between URSA and control groups (P <0.05). Conclusions LA positive ,PS deficiency and F Ⅻ deficiency are related to URSA. LA ,PS ,F Ⅻ and DD are good screening indicators for determining hypercoagulability in URSA patients ,supplemented by AT and PC as reference indicators ,which can predict the risk of thrombosis events in URSA.Key words :Unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion ;Thrombophilia ;Hypercoagulability文章编号:1673-8640(2021)4-0388-04 中图分类号:R446.1 文献标志码:A DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1673-8640.2021.04.008胎盘是胎儿与母体之间物质交换的重要器官,任何因素导致的胎盘内血栓形成都可能引起胎儿生长发育不良甚至流产[1]。
单抗最早被用于疾病治疗是在 1982 年,美国斯坦福医学中心 Levy 等人利用制备的抗独特型单抗治疗 B 细胞淋巴瘤,治疗后患者病情缓解,瘤体消失,这使人们对抗体药物产生了极大的期望。
1986 年,美国 FDA批准了世界上第一个单抗治疗性药物——抗 CD3单抗 OKT3进入市场,用于器官移植时的抗排斥反应。
到 20 世纪 90 年代初,抗内毒素单抗用于治疗脓毒败血症失败使得抗体药物的研究进入低谷。
近年来,随着免疫学和分子生物学技术的发展以及抗体基因结构的阐明, DNA 重组技术开始用于抗体的改造,人们可以根据需要对以往的鼠抗体进行相应的改造以消除抗体应用不利性状或增加新的生物学功能,还可用新的技术重新制备各种形式的重组抗体。
[Table_Info1][Table_Date][Table_Report]2023年中国医药生物ADC行业深度系列调研报告目录1.“魔法子弹”高效杀伤肿瘤,精准靶向治疗时代呼之欲出 (4)1.1. 抗体+连接子+毒素—抗体偶联药物(ADC)兼具靶向性、杀伤性 (4)1.2. CDE频发指导意见规范ADC临床,为百亿赛道保驾护航 (5)1.3. ADC赛道交易不断,临床价值受国际认可 (6)1.4. ADC市场,大有可为 (11)1.5. 三次技术迭代造就今日ADC,治疗窗口扩充明显 (15)2. ADC药物协同共赢的技术核心—抗体、连接子、毒素、偶联技术 (19)2.1. 抗体与靶抗原—ADC的制导系统 (20)2.1.1. ADC靶点的选择 (20)2.1.2. ADC抗体的选择 (21)2.2. 毒素—ADC的杀伤系统 (22)2.2.1. ADC毒素的挑选原则 (22)2.2.2. ADC常用毒素介绍 (22)2.3. 连接子与偶联技术—ADC稳定性的关键因素 (24)2.3.1. 连接子的挑选原则和类型 (24)2.3.2. ADC偶联技术的介绍以及DAR值 (24)2.3.3. ADC药物DAR值的选择 (27)2.4. 海外核心ADC药物平台—Seagen (27)2.5. 海外核心ADC药物平台—第一三共 (29)2.6. ADC技术平台介绍—Synaffix技术 (31)2.7. CDMO企业ADC技术平台介绍 (33)1. “魔法子弹”高效杀伤肿瘤,精准靶向治疗时代呼之欲出1.1. 抗体+连接子+毒素—抗体偶联药物(ADC)兼具靶向性、杀伤性抗体偶联药物(antibody drug conjugate,ADC)最早起源于1913年,诺奖得主德国科学家保罗·埃尔利希Paul Ehrlich首次提出“Magic bullets”(魔法子弹)设想:将细胞毒药物安装在特异性靶向肿瘤细胞的载体上,便可实现在不伤害正常细胞的前提下精确杀死癌细胞。
抗体偶联药物研发中的生物分析李秀立, 陈笑艳, 钟大放*(中国科学院上海药物研究所, 上海药物代谢研究中心, 上海201203)摘要: 抗体偶联药物(antibody-drug conjugates, ADCs) 是一类单克隆抗体通过一段连接臂共价偶联细胞毒性小分子化合物而成的复合物, 可以提高抗肿瘤药物的靶向性并减少毒副作用。
ADCs结构具有异质性并且其药物−抗体比值(drug-to-antibody ratio, DAR) 在体内呈动态变化, 其生物分析面临着巨大的挑战, 常用的定量分析包括酶联免疫吸附反应(ELISA)和液相色谱−质谱分析(LC-MS)。
ADCs同其他生物制品一样, 在体内可能会产生抗药抗体(anti-therapeutic antibody, ATA), 影响其药效、药动学及安全性, 因此有必要评价其免疫原性。
本文综述了在ADC研发过程中常见的基于ELISA和LC-MS方法的待测物分析, 包括DAR分布、总抗体、结合型抗体、结合型药物、游离药物以及ATA分析, 可为我国的ADCs研发提供参考。
关键词: 抗体偶联药物; 药物−抗体比值; 免疫原性; 酶联免疫吸附反应; 液相色谱−串联质谱中图分类号: R917 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 0513-4870 (2016) 04-0517-12Bioanalysis in the development of antibody-drug conjugatesLI Xiu-li, CHEN Xiao-yan, ZHONG Da-fang*(Shanghai Center for Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics Research, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201203, China)Abstract: Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are complex molecules with cytotoxic small molecular drugs covalently bound to monoclonal antibodies via a linker and can improve the targeted drug delivery with minimizing the systemic toxicity. ADCs are heterogeneous mixtures with different drug-to-antibody ratios (DARs) and the DAR distribution is dynamically changing in vivo, therefore the bioanalysis of the ADCs is challenging. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and LC-MS have been widely used in the ADCs bioanalytical assays. Just like other biotherapeutics, ADCs may elicit the host immune response and produce the anti-therapeutic antibody (ATA), which could affect its efficacy, pharmacokinetics, and safety. It is thereby important to investigate its immunogenicity in the ADC development. In this review, we summarized the ELISA- and LC-MS-based bioanalysis strategies for the development of ADCs, including DAR distribution, the determination of total antibody, conjugated antibody, conjugated drug, free drug, and ATA, with the expectation of providing insights and reference for the ADC development in China.Key words: antibody-drug conjugate; drug-to-antibody ratio; immunogenicity; enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; LC-MS抗体偶联药物(antibody-drug conjugates, ADCs) 是一类单克隆抗体通过一段连接臂(linker) 共价偶收稿日期: 2015-09-08; 修回日期: 2015-10-11.*通讯作者 Tel / Fax: 86-21-50800738, E-mail: dfzhong@ DOI: 10.16438/j.0513-4870.2015-0792联细胞毒性小分子化合物而成的复合物, 用于治疗恶性肿瘤。
Ⅰ. 单项选择1、________ Mary ________ Jack is listening to the report carefully, because they are both interested in it very much. A.Neither; nor B.Either; or C.Both; and D.Not only; but also2、—What do you think of the TV series All is well?—Oh, I am so moved because I’ve never seen a_________ one before.A.better B.worse C.good D.bad3、—What do you want to eat for lunch? 1 will prepare earlier today,—Honey, you____________. Let's go out to have something different.A.mustn't B.can't C.shouldn't D.don't have to4、I ________ watch this kind of TV plays because they are boring.A.usually B.hardly C.sometimes D.often5、—Listen! Is Laura singing in the classroom?—It be her. She has gone home.A.can B.can’t C.mustn’t6、--- Tom, you won’t make much progress_________ you work really hard.---Ok, I will try my best.A.if B.though C.unless D.when7、It’s rainy again, __________ we have to stay at home.A.or B.because C.so8、More TV programs, according to government officials, will be produced _____ people’s attention over food safety. raise B.raising rise D.rising9、I can’t tell you how fantastic the film Secret Superstar is! It’s the ______ one I have ever seen.A.better C.worse D.worst10、—Let's make a banana milk shake. What do we need?—We need some and two .A.banana;cup of milk B.bananas;cups of milkC.bananas;milk D.bananas;cup of milkⅡ. 完形填空11、A sad middle student was tired of study ,he decided to go out to search for happiness and wanted to meet God. Onhis way, he saw an old man 1 on the side of the road watching some cars. The boy sat down 2 him.When he opened his bag to take some food. He noticed that man looked 3 , so he offered him a piece of cake.The old man accepted it and gave a smile to the boy. His 4 was so wonderful that the boy wanted to see it again. Then he offered the old man a bottle of water. Once again he smiled at him. The boy was pleased!They 5 there all the afternoon, eating and drinking without saying a word. 6 it began to grow dark, the boy got up to leave, but before he had gone no more than a few steps, he turned around , ran 7 to the old man and gave him a big hug. The old man gave him his biggest smile.When the boy arrived home, his mother was 8 by the look of joy on his face. She asked, "What has made you so happy today?" He 9 , " I had lunch with God. He's got the most beautiful smile in the world!" And when the old man returned to his home, he told his family that he had lunch with God.Too often we overlook(忽视) the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear orthe smallest act of caring . 10 , all of these have the possible power to turn a life around.1.A.playing B.sitting C.walk front of C.behind to3.A.thirsty B.angry C.hungry B.look C.anger D.appearance5.A.talked B.stayed C.stood D.walked6.A.As B.Although C.Unless D.While7.A.down B.back C.away D.up8.A.moved B.interested C.excited D.surprised9.A.shouted B.cried C.replied D.thought10.A.However B.Because C.So D.ThoughⅢ. 语法填空12、Bruce and Kelly are brother and sister. They enjoy 1.(play) sports. In just a month they 2.(be) high school students. Bruce is deciding between badminton and volleyball. Kelly is thinking about whether to try a sport she never played, or go with one she knows, like baseball.Maybe many students face the same problem. For most students,3.(choose) which sports to do in high school is hard because they never played an 4.(organize) sport before, and they are not sure what they will most enjoy.Sports 5.(mean) to be fun. If there is a sport you really enjoy but you aren't sure if you can play it well, just 6.(try) out. What's the worst that can happen? If you don~t like it, you can always try another sport.Ⅳ. 阅读理解A13、阅读理解(20 小题,每小题2 分,共40 分)One day Mrs Black visited her family doctor, Mr Dodd. Mr Dodd was an old funny man with a beard. “What’s the prob lem ?” the doctor asked her. “I am very worried about my son, Jake,” Mrs Black said, “I can’t stop him from betting. He spends all his money betting on horse races. And even worse he’ll bet on everything. It doesn’t matter what it is.” The doctor said, “I’ve saved many people from gambling before. Send him to me.”The next day Mrs Black sent her son to see the doctor. While they were talking , the boy was looking at the doctor’s beard. Suddenly he said, “I bet you $ 50 that your beard is not a real one.” “Oh, no, ” the doctor said. “Can I pull your beard and find out ?” the boy said. The doctor thought this is a good way to teach him a lesson; so he said, “Ok, if my beard is real , you will have to pay me $ 50.” The boy pulled it and soon found out it was re al. The doctor laughed.Two days later the doctor telephoned Mrs Black, “I think I’ve saved your son.” He told her the story. But Mrs Black said, “You’re wrong. You’ve made him worse.” “How can that be ?” the doctor asked . “Before he went to see you, heb et me $ 100 that you would ask him to pull your beard !”根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。
Antibody structure, instability, and formulation
MINIREVIEWAntibody Structure,Instability,and FormulationWEI WANG,SATISH SINGH,DAVID L.ZENG,KEVIN KING,SANDEEP NEMAPfizer,Inc.,Global Biologics,700Chesterfield Parkway West,Chesterfield,Missouri63017Received14March2006;revised17May2006;accepted4June2006Published online in Wiley InterScience().DOI10.1002/jps.20727 ABSTRACT:The number of therapeutic monoclonal antibody in development hasincreased tremendously over the last several years and this trend continues.At presentthere are more than23approved antibodies on the US market and an estimated200ormore are in development.Although antibodies share certain structural similarities,development of commercially viable antibody pharmaceuticals has not been straightfor-ward because of their unique and somewhat unpredictable solution behavior.This articlereviews the structure and function of antibodies and the mechanisms of physical andchemical instabilities.Various aspects of formulation development have been examinedto identify the critical attributes for the stabilization of antibodies.ß2006Wiley-Liss,Inc.and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci96:1–26,2007Keywords:biotechnology;stabilization;protein formulation;protein aggregation;freeze drying/lyophilizationINTRODUCTIONProtein therapies are entering a new era with the influx of a significant number of antibody pharmaceuticals.Generally,protein drugs are effective at low concentrations with less side effects relative to small molecule drugs,even though,in rare cases,protein-induced antibody formation could be serious.1Therefore,this category of therapeutics is gaining tremendous momentum and widespread recognition both in small and large drugfirms.Among protein drug therapies,antibodies play a major role in control-ling many types of diseases such as cancer, infectious diseases,allergy,autoimmune dis-eases,and inflammation.Since the approval of thefirst monoclonal antibody(MAb)product -OKT-3in1986,more than23MAb drug products have entered the market(Tab.1).The estimated number of antibodies and antibody derivatives constitute20%of biopharmaceutical products currently in development(about200).2The global therapeutic antibody market was predicted to reach$16.7billion in2008.3There are several reasons for the increasing popularity of antibodies for commercial develop-ment.First,their action is specific,generally leading to fewer side effects.Second,antibodies may be conjugated to another therapeutic entity for efficient delivery of this entity to a target site, thus reducing potential side effects.For instance, Mylotarg is an approved chemotherapy agent composed of calicheamicin conjugated to huma-nized IgG4,which binds specifically to CD33for the treatment of CD33-positive acute myeloid leukemia.Another example is the conjugation of immunotoxic barnase with the light chain of the anti-human ferritin monoclonal antibody F11as potential targeting agents for cancer immuno-therapy.4Third,antibodies may be conjugated to radioisotopes for specific diagnostic purposes. Examples include CEA-Scan for detection of color-ectal cancer and ProstaScint for detection of prostate stly,technology advancement has made complete human MAb available,which are lessimmunogenic.JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES,VOL.96,NO.1,JANUARY20071 Correspondence to:Wei Wang(Telephone:(636)-247-2111;Fax:(636)-247-5030; of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Vol.96,1–26(2007)Pharmacists AssociationT a b l e 1.C o m m e r c i a l M o n o c l o n a l A n t i b o d y P r o d u c t s#B r a n d n a m e M o l e c u l eM A bY e a r C o m p a n y R o u t e I n d i c a t i o n M A b C o n c B u f f e r E x c i p i e n t s S u r f a c t a n t p H1A v a s t i n B e v a c i z u m a bH u m a n i z e d I g G 1,149k D a2004G e n e t e c h a n d B i o O n c o l o g y I V i n f u s i o nM e t a s t a t i c c a r c i n o m a o f c o l o n o r r e c t u m ,b i n d s V E G F 100m g a n d 400m g /v i a l (25m g /m L )s o l u t i o n 5.8m g /m L m o n o b a s i c N a P h o s H 2O ;1.2m g /m L d i b a s i c N a P h o s a n h y d r o u s (4m L ,16m L fil l i n v i a l )60m g /m L a -T r e h a l o s e d i h y d r a t e (4m L ,16m L fil l i n v i a l )0.4m g /m L P S 20(4m L ,16m L fil l i n v i a l )6.22B e x x a rT o s i t u m o m a b a n d I -131T o s i t u m a b M u r i n e I g G 2l2003C o r i x a a n d G S KI V I n f u s i o nC D 20p o s i t i v e f o l l i c u l a r n o n H o d g k i n s l y m p h o m aK i t :14m g /m L M A b s o l u t i o n i n 35m g a n d 225m g v i a l s ;1.1m g /m L I 131-M A b s o l u t i o n10m M p h o s p h a t e (M A b v i a l )145m M N a C l ,10%w /v M a l t o s e ;I 131-M A b :5–6%P o v i d o n e ,1–2,9–15m g /m L M a l t o s e ,0.9m g /m L N a C l ,0.9–1.3m g /m L A s c o r b i c a c i d 7.23C a m p a t h A l e m t u z u m a bH u m a n i z e d ,I g G 1k ,150k D a2001I l e x O n c o l o g y ;M i l l e n i u m a n d B e r l e xI V i n f u s i o nB -c e l l c h r o n i c l y m p h o c y t i c l e u k e m i a ,CD 52-a n t i g e n 30m g /3m L s o l u t i o n3.5m g /3m L d i b a s i c N a P h o s ,0.6m g /3m L m o n o b a s i c K P h o s 24m g /3m L N a C l ,0.6m g /3m L K C l ,0.056m g /3m L N a 2E D T A 0.3m g /3m L P S 806.8–7.44C E A -S c a n (l y o )A c r i t u o m a b ;T c -99M u r i n e F a b ,50k D a1996I m m u n o m e d i c s I V i n j e c t i o n o r i n f u s i o nI m a g i n g a g e n t f o r c o l o r e c t a l c a n c e r1.25m g /v i a l L y o p h i l i z e d M A b .R e c o n s t i t u t e w 1m L S a l i n e w T c 99m 0.29m g /v i a l S t a n n o u s c h l o r i d e ,p o t a s s i u m s o d i u m t a r t r a t e t e t r a h y d r a t e ,N a A c e t a t e .3H 2O ,N a C l ,g l a c i a l a c e t i c a c i d ,H C l S u c r o s e5.75E r b i t u x C e t u x i m a bC h i m e r i c h u m a n /m o u s e I g G 1k ,152kD a 2004I m C l o n e a n d B M S I V i n f u s i o n T r e a t m e n t o fE GF R -e x p r e s s i n g c o l o r e c t a l c a r c i n o m a 100m g M A b i n 50m L ;2m g /m L s o l u t i o n1.88m g /m L D i b a s i c N a P h o s Á7H 2O ;0.42m g /m L M o n o b a s i c N a P h o s ÁH 2O8.48m g /m L N a C l 7.0–7.46H e r c e p t i n (l y o )T r a s t u z u m a bH u m a n i z e d I g G 1k1998G e n e t e c h I V i n f u s i o n M e t a s t a t i c b r e a s t c a n c e r w h o s e t u m o r o v e r e x p r e s s H E R 2p r o t e i n 440m g /v i a l ,21m g /m L a f t e r r e c o n s t i t u t i o n 9.9m g /20m L L -H i s t i d i n e H C l ,6.4m g /20m L L -H i s t i d i n e400m g /20m L a -T r e h a l o s e D i h y d r a t e 1.8m g /20m L P S 2067H u m i r a A d a l i m u m a bH u m a n I g G 1k ,148k D a2002C A T a n d A b b o t t S CR A p a t i e n t s n o t r e s p o n d i n g t o D M A R D s .B l o c k s T N F -a l p h a40m g /0.8m L s o l u t i o n (50m g /m L )0.69m g /0.8m L M o n o b a s i c N a P h o s Á2H 2O ;1.22m g /0.8m L D i b a s i c N a P h o s Á2H 2O ;0.24m g /0.8m L N a C i t r a t e ,1.04m g /0.8m L C i t r i c a c i d ÁH 2O 4.93m g /0.8m L N a C l ;9.6m g /0.8m L M a n n n i t o l 0.8m g /0.8m L P S 805.28L u c e n t i s R a n i b i z u m a bH u m a n i z e d I g G 1k f r a g m e n t2006G e n e n t e c h I n t r a v i t r e a l i n j e c t i o n A g e -r e l a t e d m a c u l a r d e g e n e r a t i o n (w e t )10m g /m L s o l u t i o n10m M H i s t i d i n e H C l10%a -T r e h a l o s e -D i h y d r a t e 0.01%P S 205.52WANG ET AL.JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES,VOL.96,NO.1,JANUARY 2007DOI 10.1002/jps9M y l o t a r g (l y o )G e m t u z u m a b o z o g a m i c i nH u m a n i z e d I g G 4k c o n j u g a t e d w i t h c a l i c h e a m i c i n2000C e l l t e c h a n d W y e t h I V i n f u s i o nH u m a n i z e d A b l i n k e d t o c a l i c h e a m i c i n f o r t r e a t m e n t o f C D 33p o s i t i v e a c u t e m y e l o i d l e u k e m i a 5m g p r o t e i n -e q u i v a l e n t l y o p h i l i z e d p o w d e r /20-m L v i a l M o n o b a s i c a n d d i b a s i c N a P h o s p h a t e D e x t r a n 40,S u c r o s e ,N a C l 10O n c o S c i n tS a t u m o m a b p e n d e t i d eM u r i n e I g G 1k c o n j u g a t e d t o G Y K -D T P A1992C y t o g e n I V i n j e c t i o nI m a g i n g a g e n t f o r c o l o r e c t a l a n d o v a r i a n c a n c e r0.5m g c o n j u g a t e /m L s o l u t i o n (2m L p e r v i a l )P h o s p h a t e b u f f e r s a l i n e 6.011O r t h o c l o n e O K TM u r o m o m a b -C D 3M u r i n e ,I g G 2a ,170k D a1986O r t h o B i o t e c h I V i n j e c t i o nR e v e r s a l o f a c u t e k i d n e y t r a n s p l a n t r e j e c t i o n (a n t i C D 3-a n t i g e n )1m g /m L s o l u t i o n2.25m g /5m L m o n o b a s i c N a P h o s ,9.0m g /5m L d i b a s i c N a P h o s 43m g /5m L N a C l 1m g /m L P S 807Æ0.512P r o s t a S c i n tI n d i u m -111c a p r o m a b p e n d e t i d e M u r i n e I g G 1k -c o n j u g a t e d t o G Y K -D T P A1996C y t o g e n I V i n j e c t i o nI m a g i n g a g e n t f o r p r o s t a t e c a n c e r0.5m g c o n j u g a t e /m L s o l u t i o n (1m L p e r v i a l )P h o s p h a t e b u f f e r s a l i n e 5–713R a p t i v a (l y o )E f a l i z u m a bH u m a n i z e d I g G 1k2003X o m a a n d G e n e n t e c h S C C h r o n i c m o d e r a t e t o s e v e r e p l a q u e p s o r i a s i s ,b i n d s t o C D 11a s u b u n i t o f L F A -1150m g M A b /v i a l ;125m g /1.25m L (100m g /m L )a f t e r r e c o n s t i t u t i o n w i t h 1.3m L S W F I 6.8m g /v i a l L -H i s t i d i n e H C l ÁH 2O ;4.3m g /v i a l L -H i s t i d i n e123.2m g /v i a l S u c r o s e 3m g /v i a l P S 206.214R e m i c a d e (l y o )I n fli x i m a bC h i m e r i c h u m a n /m u r i n e M A b a g a i n s t T N F a l p h a (a p p .30%m u r i n e ,70%c o r r e s p o n d s t o h u m a n I g G 1h e a v y c h a i n a n d h u m a n k a p p a l i g h t c h a i n c o n s t a n t r e g i o n s )1998C e n t o c o r I V i n f u s i o nR A a n d C r o h n ’s d i s e a s e (a n t i T N F a l p h a )100m g /20-m L V i a l ,10m g /m L o n r e c o n s t i t u t i o n2.2m g /10m L M o n o b a s i c N a P h o s H 2O ,6.1m g /10m L D i b a s i c N a P h o s Á2H 2O 500m g /10m L S u c r o s e 0.5m g /10m L P S 807.215R e o P r o A b c i x i m a bF a b .C h i m e r i c h u m a n -m u r i n e ,48k D a 1994C e n t o c o r /L i l l y I V i n j e c t i o n a n d i n f u s i o n R e d u c t i o n o f a c u t e b l o o d c l o t r e l a t e d c o m p l i c a t i o n s 2m g /m L s o l u t i o n 0.01M N a P h o s p h a t e 0.15M N a C l 0.001%(0.01m g /m L )P S 807.216R i t u x a n R i t u x i m a bC h i m e r i c m o u s e /h u m a n I g G 1k w i t h m u r i n e l i g h t a n d h e a v y c h a i n v a r i a b l e r e g i o n (F a b d o m a i n ),145kD a1997I D E C a n d G e n e n t e c h I V i n f u s i o nN o n H o d g k i n ’s l y m p h o m a .(a n t i C D 20-a n t i g e n )10m g /m L s o l u t i o n7.35m g /m L N a C i t r a t e Á2H 2O9m g /m L N a C l 0.7m g /m L P S 806.5(C o n t i n u e d )ANTIBODY FORMULATION3DOI 10.1002/jpsJOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES,VOL.96,NO.1,JANUARY 200717S i m u l e c t (l y o )B a s i l i x i m a bC h i m a r i c I g G 1k ,144kD a1998N o v a r t i s I V i n j e c t i o n a n d i n f u s i o nP r e v e n t i o n o f a c u t e k i d n e y t r a n s p l a n t r e j e c t i o n ,I L -2r e c e p t o r a n t a g o n i s t10m g a n d 20m g /v i a l ,4m g /m L o n r e c o n s t i t u t i o n 3.61m g ,7.21m g M o n o b a s i c K P h o s ;0.50m g ,0.99m g N a 2H P O 40.8m g ,1.61m g N a C l ;10m g ,20m g S u c r o s e ;40m g ,80m g M a n n i t o l ;20m g 40m g G l y c i n e 18S y n a g i s (l y o )P a l i v i z u m a bH u m a n i z e d I g G 1k ,C D R o f m u r i n e M A b 1129,148k D a 1998M e d I m m u n e I M i n j e c t i o nP r e v e n t r e p l i c a t i o n o f t h e R e s p i r a t o r y s y n c y t i a l v i r u s (R S V )50m g a n d 100m g /v i a l ,100m g /m L o n r e c o n s t i t u t i o n47m M H i s t i d i n e ,3.0m M G l y c i n e 5.6%M a n n i t o l19T y s a b r i N a t a l i z u m a bH u m a i n z e d I g G 4k2004B i o g e n I D E C I V I n f u s i o nM S r e l a p s e 300m g /15m L s o l u t i o n 17.0m g M o n o b a s i c N a P h o s ÁH 2O ,7.24m g d i B a s i c N a P h o s Á7H 2O f o r 15m L 123m g /15m L N a C l3.0m g /15m L P S 806.120V e r l u m a N o f e t u m o m a b M u r i n e F a b 1996B o e h r i n g e r I n g e l h e i m a n d D u P o n t M e r c k I V i n j e c t i o n I m a g i n g a g e n t f o r l u n g c a n c e r10m g /m L s o l u t i o nP h o s p h a t e b u f f e r s a l i n e?21X o l a i r (l y o )O m a l i z u m a bH u m a n i z e d I g G 1k ,149k D aG e n e n t e c h w N o v a r t i s a n d T a n o xS CA s t h m a ,i n h i b i t s b i n d i n g o f I g E t o I g E r e c e p t o r F C e R I202.5m g /v i a l ,D e l i v e r 150m g /1.2m L o n r e c o n s t i t u t i o n w i t h 1.4m L S W F I 2.8m g L H i s t i d i n e H C l ÁH 2O ;1.8m g L H i s t i d i n e145.5m g S u c r o s e 0.5m g P S 2022Z e n a p a x D a c l i z u m a bH u m a n i z e d I g G 1,144k D a1997R o c h e I V i n f u s i o nP r o p h y l a x i s o f a c u t e o r g a n r e j e c t i o n i n p a t i e n t s r e c e i v i n g r e n a l t r a n s p l a n t s .I n h i b i t s I L -2b i n d i n g t o t h e T a c s u b u n i t o f I L -2r e c e p t o r c o m p l e x 25m g /5m L M A b S o l u t i o n3.6m g /m L M o n o b a s i c N a P h o s ÁH 2O ;11m g /m L D i b a s i c N a P h o s Á7H 2O4.6m g /m L N a C l 0.2m g /m L P S 806.923Z e v a l i nI b r i t u m o m a b -T i u x e t a nM u r i n e I g G 1k -t h i o u r e a c o v a l e n t l i n k a g e t o T i u x e t a nI D E C I V i n f u s i o nC D 20a n t i g e n .(K i t w i t h Y t t e r i u m -90i n d u c e s c e l l u l a r d a m a g e b y b e t a e m i s s i o n )3.2m g /2m L s o l u t i o n 09%N a C l 7.1T a b l e 1.(C o n t i n u e d )#B r a n d n a m e M o l e c u l eM A bY e a r C o m p a n y R o u t e I n d i c a t i o n M A b C o n c B u f f e r E x c i p i e n t s S u r f a c t a n t p H4WANG ET AL.JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES,VOL.96,NO.1,JANUARY 2007DOI 10.1002/jpsDevelopment of commercially viable antibody pharmaceuticals has,however,not been straight-forward.This is because the behavior of antibodies seems to vary,even though they have similar structures.In attempting to address some of the challenges in developing antibody therapeutics, Harris et al.5reviewed the commercial-scale formulation and characterization of therapeutic recombinant antibodies.In a different review, antibody production and purification have been discussed.2Nevertheless,the overall instability and stabilization of antibody drug candidates have not been carefully examined in the litera-ture.This article,not meant to be exhaustive, intends to review the structure and functions of antibodies,discuss their instabilities,and sum-marize the methods for stabilizing/formulating antibodies.ANTIBODY STRUCTUREAntibodies(immunoglobulins)are roughly Y-shaped molecules or combination of such molecules(Fig.1). Their structures are divided into two regions—the variable(V)region(top of the Y)defining antigen-binding properties and the constant(C)region (stem of the Y),interacting with effector cells and molecules.Immunoglobulins can be divided into five different classesÀIgA,IgD,IgE,IgM,and IgG based on their C regions,respectively desig-nated as a,d,e,m,and g(five main heavy-chain classes).6Most IgGs are monomers,but IgA and IgM are respectively,dimmers and pentamers linked by J chains.IgGs are the most abundant,widely used for therapeutic purposes,and their structures will be discussed as antibody examples in detail.Primary StructureThe structure of IgGs have been thoroughly reviewed.6The features of the primary structure of antibodies include heavy and light chains, glycosylation,disulfide bond,and heterogeneity. Heavy and Light ChainsIgGs contain two identical heavy(H,50kDa)and two identical light(L,25kDa)chains(Fig.1). Therefore,the total molecular weight is approxi-mately150kDa.There are several disulfide bonds linking the two heavy chains,linking the heavy and light chains,and residing inside the chains (also see next section).IgGs are further divided into several subclasses—IgG1,IgG2,IgG3,and IgG4(in order of relative abundance in human plasma),with different heavy chains,named g1, g2,g3,and g4,respectively.The structural differences among these subtypes are the number and location of interchain disulfide bonds and the length of the hinge region.The light chains consist of two types—lambda(l)and kappa(k). In mice,the average of k to l ratio is20:1,whereas it is2:1in humans.6The variable(V)regions of both chains cover approximately thefirst 110amino acids,forming the antigen-binding (Fab)regions,whereas the remaining sequences are constant(C)regions,forming Fc(fragment crystallizable)regions for effector recognition and binding.6The N-terminal sequences of both the heavy and light chains vary greatly between different antibodies.It was suggested that the conserved sequences in human IgG1antibodies Figure1.Linear(upper panel)and steric(lower panel)structures of immunoglobulins(IgG).ANTIBODY FORMULATION5DOI10.1002/jps JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES,VOL.96,NO.1,JANUARY2007are approximately95%and the remaining5% is variable and creates their antigen-binding specificity.5The V regions are further divided into three hypervariable sequences(HV1,HV2,and HV3)on both H and L chains.In the light chains,these are roughly from residues28to35,from49to59,and from92to103,respectively.6Other regions are the framework regions(FR1,FR2,FR3,and FR4).The HV regions are also called the complementarity determining regions(CDR1,CDR2,and CDR3). While the framework regions form the b-sheets, the HV sequences form three loops at the outer edge of the b barrel(also see Section2.2).Disulfide BondsMost IgGs have four interchain disulfide bonds—two connecting the two H chains at the hinge region and the other two connecting the two L chains to the H chains.6Exceptions do exist.Two disulfide bonds were found in IgG1and IgG4 linking the two heavy chain in the hinge region but four in IgG2.7In IgG1MAb,HC is linked to the LC between thefifth Cys(C217)of HC and C213on the LC.In IgG2and IgG4MAbs,it is the third Cys of HC(C123)linking to the LC.7A disulfide bond between HC C128and LC C214 was found for mouse catalytic monoclonal anti-bodies(IgG2a).8IgGs have four intrachain disulfide bonds, residing in each domain of the H and L chains, stabilizing these domains.The intrachain disul-fide bonds in V H and V L are required in functional antigen binding.9Native IgG MAbs should not have any free sulfhydryl groups.7However, detailed examination of the free sulfhydryl groups in recombinant MAbs(one IgG1,two IgG2,and one IgG4)suggests presence of a small portion of free sulfhydryl group(approximately0.02mol per mole of IgG2or IgG4MAb and0.03for IgG1.7In rare cases,a free cysteine is found.A nondisulfide-bonded Cys at residue105was found on the heavy chain of a mouse monoclonal antibody,OKT3 (IgG2a).10OligosaccharidesThere is one oligosaccharide chain in IgGs.6This N-linked biantennary sugar chain resides mostly on the conserved Asn297,which is buried between the C H2domains.5,11For example,the oligosaccharide resides on Asn-297of the C H2 domain of chimeric IgG1and IgG3molecules12but on Asn299in a monoclonal antibody,OKT3 (IgG2a).10The oligosaccharide,often microheter-ogeneous,is typically fucosylated in antibodies produced in CHO or myeloma cell lines5and may differ in other cell lines.2,11There are many factors that dictate the nature of the glycan microheterogenity on IgGs.These include cell line,the bioreactor conditions and the nature of the downstream processing.An additional oligo-saccharide can be found in rare cases.A human IgG produced by a human-human-mouse hetero-hybridoma contains an additional oligosaccharide on Asn75in the variable region of its heavy chain.13In addition,O-linked carbohydrates could also exist in this antibody.Proper glycosylation is critical for correct functioning of antibodies.11It was demonstrated that removal of the oligosaccharide in IgGs(IgG1 and IgG3)made them ineffective in binding to C1q, in binding to the human Fc g RI and activating C; and generally more sensitive to most proteases than their corresponding wild-type IgGs(one exception).12This is because the binding site on IgG for C1q,thefirst component of the complement cascade,is localized in the C H2domains.11 Furthermore,the glycosylation can affect the antibody conformation.12Oligosaccharides in other regions can also play a critical role.Removal of an oligosaccharide in a Fv region of the CBGA1antibody resulted in a decreased antigen-binding activity in several ELISA systems.13In addition,this oligosaccharide might play critical role in reducing the antigenicity of the protein.14The sugar composition of the oligosaccharide is also critical in antibody functions.It has been shown that a low fucose(Fuc)content in the complex-type oligosaccharide in a humanized chimeric IgG1is responsible for a50-fold higher antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity(ADCC) compared with a high Fuc counterpart.15 HeterogeneityPurified antibodies are heterogeneous in struc-ture.This is true for all monoclonal antibodies (MAbs)due to differences in glycosylation pat-terns,instability during production,and terminal processing.5For example,five charged isoforms were found in recombinant humanized monoclo-nal antibody HER2as found by capillary iso-electric focusing(cIEF)and sodium dodecyl sulfate–capillary gel electrophoresis(SDS–CGE).16Six separate bands were focused under6WANG ET AL.JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES,VOL.96,NO.1,JANUARY2007DOI10.1002/jpsIEF for two mouse monoclonal antibodies IgG2a (k)and IgG1(k).17A mature monoclonal antibody, OKT3(IgG2a),contain cyclized N-terminus (pyroglutamic acid,À17D)in both H and L chains, processed C-terminus(no Lys,À128D)of the H chains,and a small amount of deamidated form.10 Similar observation was also reported for a huma-nized IgG1(k).18In rare cases,gene cross-over may lead to formation of abnormal heavy chains.For example,a purified monoclonal anti-IgE antibody contains a small amount of a variant H chain, which had16fewer amino acid residues than the normal H chain(position is between Arg108of the L chain and Ala124of the H chain).19 Secondary and Higher-Order StructureThe basic secondary and higher-order structural features of IgGs have been reviewed.6Only a small portion of the three-dimensional structures of IgGs has been solved.20The antibody’s secon-day structure is formed as the polypeptide chains form anti-parallel b-sheets.The major type of secondary structure in IgGs is these b-sheets and its content is roughly70%as measured by FTIR.21The light chain consists of two and the heavy chain contains four domains,each about 110amino acid long.6,20All these domains have similar folded structures—b barrel,also called immunoglobulin fold,which is stabilized by a disulfide bond and hydrophobic interaction(pri-mary).These individual domains($12kDa in size)interact with one another(V H and V L;C H1 and C L;and between two C H3domains except the carbohydrate-containing C H2domain)and fold into three equal-sized spherical shape linked by a flexible hinge region.These three spheres form a Y shape(mostly)and/or a T shape.22The less globular shape of IgGs is maintained both by disulfide bonds and by strong noncovalent interactions between the two heavy chains and between each of the heavy-chain/light-chain pairs.23Through noncovalent interactions,a less stable domain becomes more stable,and thus,the whole molecule can be stabilized.24A detailed study indicates that the interaction between two CH3domains are dominated by six contact residues,five of these residues(T366,L368, F405,Y407,and K409)forming a patch at the center of the interface.25These noncovalent interactions are spatially oriented such that variable domain exchange(switching V H and V L; inside-out IgG;ioIgG)induces noncovalent multimerization.26The six hypervariable regions in CDR(L1,L2, L3,H1,H2,and H3)form loops of a few predictable main-chain conformations(or canonical forms), except H3loop,which has too many variations in conformation to be predicted accurately.27,28 There is a slight difference in the loop composition and shape between the two types of light chains.20 However,no functional difference was found in antibodies having l or k chain.6Basic Functions of AntibodiesThe basic functions of antibodies have been reviewed.6There are two functional areas in IgGs—the V and C regions.The V regions of the two heavy and light chains offer two identical antigen-binding sites.The binding of the two sites (bivalent)can be independent of each other and does not seem to depend on the C region.29The exact antigen-binding sites are the CDR regions with participation of the frame work regions.30 Binding of antigens seems through the induced-fit mechanism.31,32The induced-fit mechanism allows multispecificity and polyreactivity.It has been suggested that about5–10residues usually contribute significantly to the binding energy.32 The C regions of antibodies have three main effector functions(1)being recognized by receptors on immune effector cells,initiating antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicities(ADCC),(2)binding to complement,helping to recruit activated pha-gocytes,and(3)being transported to a variety of places,such as tears and milk.6In addition,C domains also modulate in vivo stability.23,29,33The function of Fc is affected by the structure of Fab. Variable domain exchange(switching V H and V L; inside-out IgG;ioIgG)affected Fc-associated func-tions such as serum half-life and binding to protein G and Fc g RI.26The hinge region providesflexibility in bivalent antigen binding and activation of Fc effector functions.26Two chimeric IgG3antibodies lacking a genetic hinge but with Cys residues in CH2 regions was found to be deficient in their inter-molecular assembly,and both IgG3D HþCys and IgG3D Hþ2Cys lost greatly their ability to bind Fc g RI and failed to bind C1q and activate the complement cascade.34Alternative Forms of AntibodiesIn addition to species-specific antibodies,other antibody forms are generated to meet various needs.In the early development of antibody therapies,antibodies were made from murineANTIBODY FORMULATION7DOI10.1002/jps JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES,VOL.96,NO.1,JANUARY2007sources.However,these antibodies easily elicit formation of human anti-mouse antibody (HAMA).Therefore,humanized chimeric antibo-dies were generated.Chimeric monoclonal anti-bodies(60–70%human)are made of mouse variable regions and human constant regions.2 Such antibodies can still induce formation of human anti-chimeric antibody(HACA).Highly humanized antibodies,CDR-grafted antibodies, are made by replacing only the human CDR with mouse CDR regions(90–95%human).2These antibodies are almost the same in immunogeni-city potential as completely human antibodies, which may illicit formation of human anti-human antibody(HAHA).Other alternative forms of antibodies have also been generated and these different forms have been reviewed.35Treatment with papain would cleave the N-terminal side of the disulfide bonds and generate two identical Fab fragments and one Fc fragment.Fab0s are50kDa(V HþC H1)/ (V LþC L)heterodimers linked by a single disul-fide bond.Treatment with pepsin cleaves the C-terminal side of the disulfide bonds and pro-duces a F(ab)02fragment.The remaining H chains were cut into several small fragments.6Cleavage by papain occurs at the C-terminal side of His-H22836or His-H227.37Reduction of F(ab0)2will produce two Fab0.23Fv fragments are noncovalent heterodimers of V H and V L.Stabilization of the fragment by a hydrophilicflexible peptide linker generates single-chain Fv(scFvs).2Fragments without constant domains can also be made into domain antibodies (dAbs).These scFvs are25–30kDa variable domain (V HþV L)dimers joined by polypeptide linkers of at least12residues.Shorter linkers(5–10residues)do not allow pairing of the variable domains but allow association with another scFv form a bivalent dimer (diabody)(about60kDa,or trimer:triabody about 90kDa).38Two diabodies can be further linked together to generate bispecific tandem diabody (tandab).39Disulfide-free scFv molecules are rela-tively stable and useful for intracellular applica-tions of antibodies—‘‘intrabodies.’’38The smallest of the antibody fragments is the minimal recognition unit(MRU)that can be derived from the peptide sequences of a single CDR.2ANTIBODY INSTABILITYAntibodies,like other proteins,are prone to a variety of physical and chemical degradation path-ways,although antibodies,on the average,seem to be more stable than other proteins.Antibody instabilities can be observed in liquid,frozen,and lyophilized states.The glycosylation state of an antibody can significantly affect its degradation rate.40In many cases,multiple degradation path-ways can occur at the same time and the degrada-tion mechanism may change depending on the stress conditions.41These degradation pathways are divided into two major categories—physical and chemical instabilities.This section will explore the possible degradation pathways of antibodies and their influencing factors.Physical InstabilityAntibodies can show physical instability via two major pathways—denaturation and aggregation. DenaturationAntibodies can denature under a variety of conditions.These conditions include temperature change,shear,and various processing steps. Compared with other proteins,antibodies seem to be more resistant to thermal stress.They may not melt completely until temperature is raised above708C,21,42,43while most other mesophilic proteins seem to melt below708C.44Shear may cause antibody denaturation.For example,the antigen-binding activity of a recombinant scFv antibody fragment was reduced with afirst-order rate constant of0.83/h in a buffer solution at a shear of approximately20,000/s.45Lyophilization can denature a protein to var-ious extents.An anti-idiotypic antibody(MMA 383)in a formulation containing mannitol,sac-charose,NaCl,and phosphate was found to loose its in vivo immunogenic properties(only10–20% of normal response rate)upon lyophilization.46 Since the protein showed no evidence of degrada-tion after lyophilization,no change in secondary structure by CD(29%b-sheet,14%a-helix,and 57%‘‘other’’),the loss of activity was attributed to the conformational change.Indeed,tryptophan fluorescence properties were different between the lyophilized and unlyophilized antibodies.46 AggregationAntibody aggregation is a more common manifes-tation of physical instability.The concentration-dependent antibody aggregation was considered the greatest challenge to developing protein formulations at higher concentrations.47This is8WANG ET AL.JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES,VOL.96,NO.1,JANUARY2007DOI10.1002/jps。
2021年5月第11卷第10期CHINA MEDICINE AND PHARMACY Vol.11 No.10 May 202145·综 述·抗磷脂抗体综合征相关性复发性流产的研究进展徐敏倩△ 罗晓红▲成都中医药大学医学与生命科学学院,四川成都 611130[摘要] 抗磷脂抗体综合征是以抗磷脂抗体介导的,以动静脉血栓形成、病态妊娠或血小板减少为临床表现的一系列综合征,疾病表现涉及全身多系统、多器官,同时也是需要妇产科、风湿免疫科、中医科、血液科等共同管理的多学科疾病。
[关键词] 抗磷脂抗体综合征;复发性流产;抗凝治疗;免疫治疗;中医治疗[中图分类号] R714.2 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 2095-0616(2021)10-0045-05Research progress of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome-related recurrent abortionXU Minqian LUO XiaohongSchool of Medicine and Life Sciences, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sichuan, Chengdu 611130, China[Abstract] Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome is a series of syndromes mediated by antiphospholipid antibody and featured by arteriovenous thrombosis, morbid pregnancy or thrombocytopenia. The disease manifestations involve multiple systems and organs of the whole body, and it is also a multidisciplinary disease that needs to be managed by departments of obstetrics and gynecology, rheumatology and immunology, traditional Chinese medicine, hematology, etc. The most common obstetric complication of antiphospholipid syndrome is adverse pregnancy, which is mainly manifested as recurrent abortion, preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction, premature birth, etc. Early diagnosis and treatment of pregnant women complicated with antiphospholipid antibodies can effectively reduce the adverse maternal and fetal pregnancy outcomes. The diagnosis and treatment of antiphospholipid antibody syndrome in recurrent abortion were mainly reviewed in this paper.[Key words] Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome; Recurrent abortion; Anticoagulant therapy; Immunotherapy; Chinese traditional treatment复发性流产病因复杂,目前较为确定的有遗传、解剖、内分泌、感染、凝血、免疫等因素[1],其中抗磷脂抗体阳性(antiphospholopid antibody,aPL)为原因的流产占复发性流产的20%左右[2]。
究取鸡新城疫、禽流感(H9 亚型)、禽腺病毒三联
灭活疫苗免疫 7 日龄和 21 日龄 SPF 鸡,于免后不同
饲料博览 2021 年第 5 期
鸡新城疫病毒、禽流感病毒(H9 亚型)、禽
[ 6-7 ]
。该病主要发生于 3~5 周龄的肉鸡,肉杂
produced by Harbin Pharmaceutical Group Biological Vaccine Co., Ltd. Seven-day and 21-day SPF chickens were
inoculated subcutaneously with the triple inactivated avian adenovirus vaccine. Blood samples were collected on the
protection standard in the 5th month after immunization. The results showed that the immune duration of chickens
under two weeks old was two months, and that of chickens over two weeks old was four months.
自抗体被发现以来, 人们有计划地对抗体基因序列进行改造,使抗体及其相关产品在多种疾病诊断和治疗中发挥着重要的作用。
抗体的研究进展经历了从多克隆抗体、单克隆抗体到基因工程抗体 3 个发展阶段.近年来,新型抗体的研究逐渐成为热点.关键词:抗体;基因工程;单克隆抗体Abstract: Antibodies are a class of widely used protein molecules in the biological and medical fields. People designedly rebuild the genetic sequence of antibody since antibody was discovered, which makes antibody and correlative products play an important role in many disease diagnosis and therapy。
This paper gives a brief account on the three stages for the rebuilding of antibody, namely, the stage of polyclonal antibodies,the stage of monoclonal antibody study and the stage of genetic engineering antibody study.In recent years,the novel antibodies gradually become a hot spot in research.Keywords: antibody; gene engineering; monoclonal antibody抗体在疾病的诊断、治疗和预防中发挥着重要的作用。
国际呼吸杂志2021 年4 月第41 卷第7 期Int J Respir,April 2021 ,V o U l,No.7529 ••综述•支气管哮喘靶向治疗的研究进展朱桂萍叶伶金美玲复旦大学附属中山医院呼吸与危重症医学科,上海200032通信作者:金美玲,Em ail:m ljin ll8@【摘要】支气管哮喘(哮喘)是一种常见的具有异质性的慢性气道炎症性疾病。
【关键词】哮喘;炎症介质;靶向治疗基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2016YFC1304000、2016Y F C1304002);上海市重中之重临床医学中心和重点学科建设计划(2017ZZ02013)D()I:10.3760/l31368-20200619-00524Research progress of targeted therapy for bronchial asthmaZ h u G u ip in g, Ye L i n g, J i n M e ilin gD epartm ent o f R e s p ir a to r y a n d Critical Care M edicine, Zhongshan H o s p ita l o f F udanU niv ersity, S h a n g h a i 200032, ChinaC orresponding a u t h o r: J i n M e ilin g, E m a i l: m l j i n l**********【Abstract】Bronchial asthma (a sth m a) is a common chronic airway inflammatory diseasewith heterogeneity. Although various treatments are available, including inhaled corticosteroids,many asthmatics are still not well controlled. According to studies, many inflammatory mediatorsare involved in the pathogenesis of asthma which result in a variety of monoclonal antibodies andsmall-molecule chemotherapeutic drugs targeting the inflammatory mediators being developed forthe treatment of asthma. Thus, treatment of asthma enters the era of targeted therapy. This reviewdiscusses the progress of targeted therapy in asthma and possible new targets so as to provide moreindividualized therapy for patients.【Key words】A sthm a;Inflam matory mediators;Targeted therapyFund program: National Key Research and Development Project ( 2016YFC1304000,2016YFC1304002); Construction Plan of Top Priority Clinical Medical Center and Key Disciplines inShanghai (2017ZZ02013)D O I: 10.3760/cm a. j. cnl31368-20200619-00524支气管哮喘(哮喘)是一种复杂的慢性气道炎症性疾病,其临床表现为反复发作的气喘、胸闷或咳嗽,伴有可逆的气流受限和气道高反应性,随着病程的延长可导致气道重塑:1]。
抗核抗体谱英文说明书Antibody Panel ExplanationAutoantibodies are antibodies produced by the immune system that target the body's own proteins or other molecules. The presence of certain autoantibodies can be indicative of various autoimmune diseases. An antibody panel is a laboratory test that screens for the presence of multiple different autoantibodies simultaneously. This can provide valuable information to healthcare providers in the diagnosis and management of autoimmune conditions.One important type of autoantibody panel is the antinuclear antibody (ANA) panel. This panel tests for the presence of antibodies that target various components of the cell nucleus including DNA DNA-associated proteins and other nuclear antigens. A positive ANA test can suggest the presence of an autoimmune disorder such as systemic lupus erythematosus rheumatoid arthritis Sjögren's syndrome or other connective tissue diseases.The ANA panel typically includes testing for a variety of specific nuclear antibodies including anti-dsDNA anti-Sm anti-RNP anti-Scl-70 and anti-centromere antibodies. Each of these antibodies isassociated with particular autoimmune conditions and can provide clues to the specific diagnosis.Anti-dsDNA antibodies for example are highly specific for systemic lupus erythematosus and their presence along with a positive ANA can help confirm this diagnosis. Anti-Sm antibodies are also quite specific for lupus and can further support this diagnosis. Anti-RNP antibodies are associated with mixed connective tissue disease which has features of lupus scleroderma and other autoimmune disorders. Anti-Scl-70 antibodies are typically seen in systemic sclerosis or scleroderma while anti-centromere antibodies are linked to limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis.In addition to the ANA panel other autoantibody panels may be ordered depending on the clinical presentation. For example a rheumatoid arthritis panel may test for rheumatoid factor anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) and other antibodies relevant to rheumatoid arthritis. A Sjögren's syndrome panel could include antibodies to Ro/SSA La/SSB and other targets.The interpretation of autoantibody test results requires careful consideration of the clinical context. A positive test result does not necessarily mean the patient has the associated autoimmune disease as autoantibodies can sometimes be present in healthy individuals or in other conditions. Healthcare providers must integrate theantibody findings with the patient's symptoms physical exam findings and other laboratory data to arrive at the correct diagnosis.It's also important to note that autoantibody panels have limitations.A negative panel does not completely rule out an autoimmune disorder as some conditions may involve autoantibodies that are not included in standard panels. Additional targeted testing may be needed in certain cases.Overall the autoantibody panel is a valuable tool that can provide important diagnostic clues for healthcare providers evaluating patients with suspected autoimmune diseases. By identifying the specific autoantibodies present clinicians can gain insights into the underlying condition and guide appropriate treatment and management strategies. Regular monitoring of autoantibody levels over time can also be helpful in tracking disease activity and response to therapy.。
免疫荧光层析法原理The principle of immunofluorescence assay (IFA) involves the use of antibodies to detect the presence of specific antigens in a sample. Immunofluorescence is a powerful tool that relies on the specific binding of antibodies to their target antigens, followed by the detection of this binding using fluorophore-conjugated secondary antibodies.免疫荧光层析法的原理是利用抗体来检测样本中特定抗原的存在。
When a sample is applied to a slide or a well, the primary antibodies in the assay will bind to the specific antigen if it is present in the sample. This binding event is then visualized by the addition of fluorescently labeled secondary antibodies, which will bind to the primary antibodies. The resulting fluorescent signal can be observed under a fluorescence microscope, allowing for the detection and localization of the antigen within the sample.当样本被应用到载玻片或孔板上,如果样本中存在特定抗原,则检测中的一抗会与其结合。
antibody词根词缀1. 单词概述单词:antibody含义:“antibody”的意思是抗体,是一种由免疫系统产生的蛋白质,能够识别并结合特定的外来物质(如病毒、细菌等病原体),在医学、生物学等领域经常被提及。
2. 词根词缀解析词根:“body”:来源于古英语,本义是“身体”,在这里表示一种物质实体。
“anti -”是一个常见的前缀,来源于希腊语,意思是“反对、对抗”。
3. 应用短文与场景应用短文1:I was at the doctor's office the other day with my friend, Lucy. She's a bit of a hypochondriac, always worried about getting sick. Well, the doctor started talking about our immune systems and how they protect us. He mentioned antibodies. "You see," he said, "antibodies are like the little soldiers in your body. They're always on guard, just waiting for some pesky invaders like viruses or bacteria to show up." Lucy looked at him with wide eyes. "So, they're like superheroes?" she asked. The doctor laughed and said, "Sure, you could think of them that way. They're specifically designed to recognize the bad guys and bind to them, sort of like a lock and key. Only the right antibody can fit the specific invader." I chimed in, "That's so cool! But how do they know which ones are the bad guys?" The doctor explained that our immune system has a way of learning and remembering. "It's like your body has a little library," he said. "And when a new pathogenes in, it checks the library to see if there's an antibody that can deal with it. If not, it creates a new one." We left the doctor's office feeling a bit more in awe of our own bodies and those amazing antibodies.中文翻译:前几天我和我的朋友露西在医生的办公室。
免疫荧光和免疫共沉淀I'm happy to talk about immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation techniques. These two methods are widely used in the field of biology to detect and study proteins in cells.Immunofluorescence is a technique that uses fluorescently labeled antibodies to visualize the location of specific proteins within a cell. This is done by incubating the cells with primary antibodies that bind to the target protein, followed by incubation with secondary antibodies that are conjugated to a fluorescent dye. When the sample is viewed under a fluorescence microscope, the target protein will appear as a bright fluorescent signal in the cell.I remember one time when I was conducting an immunofluorescence experiment to study the localization of a protein in cancer cells. After fixing and permeabilizing the cells, I incubated them with a primary antibody againstthe protein of interest and then with a secondary antibody labeled with a red fluorescent dye. When I looked at the cells under the microscope, I could clearly see the protein localized to the nucleus, which was really exciting!On the other hand, immunoprecipitation is a technique used to isolate and purify a specific protein or protein complex from a cell lysate. This is achieved by incubating the cell lysate with antibodies that specifically recognize the target protein, followed by the addition of protein A or protein G beads to capture the antibody-protein complexes. The beads are then pelleted and washed to remove non-specific proteins, and the target protein can be eluted for further analysis.I once used immunoprecipitation to study protein-protein interactions in signaling pathways. I incubatedcell lysates with antibodies against one protein and then pulled down the antibody-protein complexes using protein A beads. After eluting the proteins from the beads, I performed Western blot analysis to confirm the interaction between the two proteins. It was like solving a puzzle,trying to piece together how different proteins interact with each other in the cell.Overall, both immunofluorescence and immunoprecipitation are powerful techniques that allow researchers to visualize and isolate proteins of interestin biological samples. They have greatly contributed to our understanding of cellular processes and have opened up new avenues for research in the field of biology.---。
该技术的普及使得众多科学家通过细胞工程可以 在体外定向地制备各种单克隆抗体(mono—clonal antibody,McAb)。
由于McAb特异性强,性质均—,易于大量生产, 在生命科学研究及医学实践方面作出了杰出的贡 献,并形成产业,成为生物技术的重要支柱之—。
研 究上: 以免疫转印法检测 特定抗原 检 验上: 以 ELISA 侦测特定 病原体 医 疗上: 以毒素连结抗体攻击 病变細胞
1888年Emile Roux及 A1exander Yersin 由白喉杆菌的培养 上清中分离到可溶 性毒素,后者注入 动物体内可引起典 型的白喉发病症状。
1968年和1972年,世界 卫生组织和国际免疫学 会联合会所属专门委员 会先后决定,将具有抗 体活性或化学结构与抗 体相似的球蛋白统称为 免疫球蛋白 (immunoglobulin,Ig)
在未受抗原刺激之前: 机体所具有的多 样性抗体生成细胞群体可看作一个初级 库(repertoire),其所包含的信息是由亿 万年进化及遗传决定的。
80年代,尝试以基因工程方法改造鼠源性McAb--McAb的“人源化”(humanized antibody):将小 鼠Ig基因敲除,转染人Ig基因,在小鼠体内产生 人Ab,再经杂交瘤技术,产生大量完全人源化抗 体。
从杂交瘤细胞分离出功能性可变区基因,与人Ig 恒定区基因连接,插入适当表达载体,转染宿主 细胞,表达人-鼠嵌合抗体v。 特点: 减少了鼠源性抗体的免疫原性; 保留了亲本抗体特异性结合抗原的能力。
于是认识到毒素及细菌之外的众多蛋白质均可诱 导相应抗体的生成,是一种广义的免疫现象。
·论著·抗突变型瓜氨酸波形蛋白抗体与抗环瓜氨酸肽抗体对类风湿关节炎的诊断价值张佳琦庞春艳王永福张文兰【摘要】目的探讨抗突变型瓜氨酸波形蛋白(MCV )抗体、抗环瓜氨酸肽(CCP )抗体、抗角蛋白抗体(AKA )、抗核周因子(APF )和类风湿因子(RF )对类风湿关节炎(RA )的诊断价值以及与RA 疾病活动度的相关性。
方法回顾性收集186例RA 患者及57例疾病对照组的临床资料及实验室检查,评估各抗体对RA 的诊断价值,并分析与红细胞沉降率(ESR )、C 反应蛋白(CRP )及28个关节疾病活动指数(DAS28)⁃CRP 等疾病活动度指标的相关性。
结果抗MCV 抗体诊断RA 的敏感度为91%、特异度为83%、曲线下面积(AUC )为93%;抗CCP 抗体的敏感度为89%、特异度为90%、AUC 为92%;诊断价值均高于其他自身抗体。
并且抗MCV 抗体、抗CCP 抗体与ESR 、CRP 及DAS28均无明显相关性。
结论抗MCV 抗体、抗CCP 抗体对于RA 有较高的诊断价值,显著高于RF 、AKA 及APF ,可能用于RF 阴性的早期RA 患者,是诊断RA 可靠的生物标志物。
【关键词】关节炎,类风湿;抗MCV 抗体;抗CCP 抗体;诊断;疾病活动度DOI :10.11655/zgywylc2021.03.001基金项目:国家自然科学基金(8186060143);内蒙古自治区自然科学基金(2019MS08055)作者单位:014010内蒙古科技大学包头医学院第一附属医院风湿免疫科包头医学院风湿免疫研究所内蒙古自体免疫学重点实验室通信作者:张文兰,Email :zwl20051001@Anti ⁃MCV and anti ⁃CCP antibodies are reliable biomarkers in diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis Zhang Jiaqi,Pang Chunyan,Wang Yongfu,Zhang Wenlan.Department of Rheumatology and Immunology,First Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical College,Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology;Institute of Rheumatology and Im 鄄munology,Baotou Medical College;Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory of Autoimmunity,Baotou 014010,China【Abstract 】Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of anti ⁃MCV antibody,anti ⁃CCP antibody,AKA,APF and RF for rheumatoid arthritis (RA)and their correlations with RA disease activity.Methods The clinical data and laboratory findings of 186RA patients and 57disease control subjects were collected retrospectively.Statistical anal ⁃ysis was performed with SPSS to evaluate the diagnostic value of these antibodies for RA,and to analyze their corre ⁃lations with disease activity indicators such as ESR,CRP and DAS28⁃CRP.Results In diagnosing RA,anti ⁃MCV yielded a sensitivity of 91%,a specificity of 83%,and an AUC of 93%,compared with anti ⁃CCP which yielded a sen ⁃sitivity of 89%,a specificity of 90%,and an AUC of 92%.The diagnostic performance of anti ⁃MCV and anti ⁃CCP was higher compared with other autoantibodies.Anti ⁃MCV and anti ⁃CCP antibodies did not significantly correlated with ESR,CRP and DAS28.Conclusion Anti ⁃MCV and anti ⁃CCP antibodies are highly valuable in diagnosing RA,with significantly better performance compared with RF,AKA and APF.Therefore,they can be used for diagnosing early RA with negative RF and are reliable biomarkers for RA diagnosis.【Key words 】Arthritis,rheumatoid;Anti ⁃MCV antibody;Anti ⁃CCP antibody;Diagnostic;Disease activity类风湿关节炎(RA )是一种以侵蚀性关节炎为特点的自身免疫病,初期主要表现为关节肿痛,晨僵,后期随着关节逐渐被破坏导致关节变形并失去正常功能[1]。
免疫荧光法检测干细胞标志物英文回答:Immunofluorescence is a widely used technique to detect and visualize specific proteins or molecules in biological samples. It utilizes the specific binding of antibodies to their target molecules, followed by the detection of these antibodies using fluorescent markers.In the context of stem cell research, immunofluorescence can be used to detect and identify specific markers that are characteristic of stem cells. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells with the ability to differentiate into various cell types. They express certain proteins or molecules that are unique to stem cells, and these markers can be detected using immunofluorescence.For example, one commonly used stem cell marker is Oct-4. Oct-4 is a transcription factor that plays a crucialrole in maintaining pluripotency in embryonic stem cells.To detect Oct-4 using immunofluorescence, researchers would first incubate the stem cells with a primary antibody that specifically binds to Oct-4. This primary antibody is typically derived from a different species than the sample (e.g., mouse anti-Oct-4 antibody for human stem cells). After washing away any unbound antibodies, a secondary antibody conjugated to a fluorescent dye (e.g., FITC or Alexa Fluor) is added. This secondary antibody recognizes and binds to the primary antibody, allowing for the visualization of Oct-4 under a fluorescence microscope. The presence of Oct-4 in the stem cells can be identified by the green fluorescence emitted by the FITC or Alexa Fluor dye.In addition to Oct-4, there are many other markers that can be detected using immunofluorescence to identify and characterize stem cells. These include Nanog, Sox2, SSEA-4, and CD133, among others. Each of these markers has its own specific antibody that can be used in immunofluorescence experiments.Immunofluorescence is a powerful tool in stem cellresearch as it allows for the visualization and identification of stem cells based on their unique markers. It provides valuable information about the presence, location, and abundance of stem cells in a sample. This information is crucial for understanding stem cell biology and for the development of stem cell-based therapies.中文回答:免疫荧光法是一种广泛应用于生物样本中特定蛋白质或分子检测和可视化的技术。
预防过敏保持健康英语作文初中水平开头全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Preventing Allergies to Stay HealthyI've always loved spring and the warm weather it brings after the cold winter months. However, as I've gotten older, spring has become a season I view with some trepidation due to my allergies. The blossoming flowers, trees coming back to life, and fresh-cut grass - while beautiful sights and smells - also bring misery in the form of uncontrollable sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, and congestion. Allergies are no fun and can make life quite uncomfortable for long stretches if they aren't properly managed.Allergies develop when the body's immune system becomes hypersensitive to normally harmless substances in our environment like pollen, mold, dust mites, or certain foods. The immune system mistakenly identifies these as a threat and releases antibodies to attack them. This triggers the release of histamines and other chemicals that lead to those annoyingallergy symptoms like a runny nose, itchy eyes, headaches, and difficulty breathing.While allergies can't be completely cured, there are plenty of things we can do to try to prevent allergy attacks and minimize symptoms when they do occur. Being proactive about managing allergies is so important because they don't just make us feel lousy - uncontrolled allergies can negatively impact day-to-day activities, sleep patterns, productivity at school, and even cause more serious issues like sinus infections or asthma attacks if they become severe.The first step in preventing allergies is to identify what exactly is triggering your symptoms. This could require some detective work by paying close attention to when and where your symptoms happen and keeping a diary of potential culprits. It's also wise to get properly tested by an allergist. Once you know what you're allergic to, then you can take steps to reduce exposure to those triggers as much as possible.For environmental allergies like pollen and mold, keeping windows closed at home and in the car can help prevent them from entering. Using high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in your vacuum and furnace can trap allergens. Bathing pets frequently can cut down on pet dander in the home. If mold is anissue, using a dehumidifier and cleaning visible mold with bleach can make a difference. Wearing a mask when doingyard work can limit pollen exposure.For food allergies, the most obvious solution is strict avoidance of those trigger foods...篇2Preventing Allergies and Staying HealthyIntroductionAs a student, my health is one of my top priorities. I can't afford to miss classes or fall behind because of illnesses or allergies. Unfortunately, allergies are becoming increasingly common among young people like me. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, about 1 in 13 children has food allergies, and nearly 1 in 6 has hay fever or other nasal allergies. These numbers are alarming, but there are steps we can take to prevent and manage allergies, ensuring that we stay healthy and perform our best in school.Identifying AllergensThe first step in preventing allergies is identifying the substances that trigger your reactions. Common allergensinclude pollen, dust mites, pet dander, mold, certain foods (like nuts, shellfish, and dairy), and insect stings. Some people may also be allergic to certain medications or latex. It's crucial to be aware of your specific allergens so you can take appropriate precautions.Avoiding ExposureOnce you've identified your allergens, the next step is to avoid exposure as much as possible. For environmental allergens like pollen and dust mites, keeping your living and study spaces clean and well-ventilated can help reduce your exposure. Use air filters, vacuum regularly, and consider using allergen-proof covers for your bedding. If you're allergic to certain foods, read ingredient labels carefully and avoid cross-contamination in the kitchen.Medication and ImmunotherapyFor those who can't entirely avoid allergens, medication and immunotherapy (allergy shots) can provide relief from symptoms. Antihistamines, decongestants, and nasal sprays can help alleviate sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any medication, as some may cause drowsiness or other side effects that could interfere with your studies.Immunotherapy, also known as allergy shots, is a long-term treatment that can desensitize your immune system to specific allergens. This can be an effective option for those with severe allergies who don't respond well to medication or wish to reduce their reliance on it.Lifestyle ModificationsIn addition to medical interventions, making lifestyle changes can also help manage allergies and promote overall health. Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins can support your immune system and reduce inflammation. Regular exercise can also improve respiratory function and boost your body's ability to fight off allergies.Stress ManagementInterestingly, research has shown that stress can exacerbate allergy symptoms. As students, we often face significant academic and social pressures, which can contribute to elevated stress levels. Practicing stress management techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy can help keep your stress levels in check and potentially reduce the severity of your allergic reactions.ConclusionIn conclusion, preventing and managing allergies is crucial for students like me who want to stay healthy and focused on our studies. By identifying our allergens, avoiding exposure, seeking appropriate medical treatment, making lifestyle modifications, and managing stress, we can take control of our allergies and minimize their impact on our daily lives. Remember, staying healthy is not just about physical well-being; it's also about maintaining a clear mind and having the energy to tackle the challenges of academia. Let's work together to create an allergy-friendly environment and support one another in our pursuit of health and academic success.篇3Preventing Allergies and Maintaining Good HealthAs a middle school student, staying healthy is really important to me. I want to do well in my classes, participate in extracurricular activities, and just generally feel good. Unfortunately, allergies can really get in the way of that. When my allergies flare up, I get symptoms like a runny nose, itchy eyes, and lots of sneezing and coughing. It's hard to concentrate in class and I miss out on fun stuff because I don't feel well. That's why learning about allergy prevention and taking steps to avoid my triggers is so crucial.One of the biggest allergy triggers for me is pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds. When plants release these tiny particles into the air, my immune system freaks out and thinks they're harmful foreign invaders. It responds by releasing histamine and other chemicals that lead to all those annoying allergy symptoms. During peak pollen seasons like spring and early summer, I have to be really careful. I try to limit my time outside as much as I can, and when I do go out, I wear a filter mask to block pollen from getting into my airways. Taking showers when I get home also helps rinse away any pollen that may have accumulated on my skin and hair.Dust mites are another major trigger for my allergies. These microscopic critters live in household dust and their droppings contain proteins that set off my allergic reactions. Making sure to keep my living areas clean by vacuuming frequently with a HEPI filter vacuum and washing my bedding in hot water helps reduce dust mite exposure. Using dust-proof covers on my mattress and pillows also creates a protective barrier. My allergist has suggested I get rid of heavy drapes and rugs where dust mites accumulate and stick to basic window blinds and hardwood or tile floors instead.Pet dander is yet another common allergen I have to watch out for. As much as I love animals, the proteins found in pet hair, skin, and saliva can trigger my allergies something fierce. Since we don't have any furry friends living at home, I try to avoid extended contact with pets when visiting friends or family members who do. If I know I'll be around animals, I take my antihistamine medication beforehand to help control my symptoms. When I get back home, I immediately wash my clothes and take a shower to remove any pet dander.Food allergies are also prevalent these days, especially allergies to peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, eggs, milk, wheat and soy. While I don't have any diagnosed food allergies myself, some of my friends do and I've seen how scary and potentially life-threatening reactions like anaphylactic shock can be. Reading ingredient lists carefully, avoiding cross-contamination by not sharing utensils or food prep areas, and always having emergency epinephrine auto-injectors on hand are crucial for managing severe food allergies. At my school, we have nut-free cafeteria tables and epi-pens stored in the nurse's office just in case.In addition to avoiding triggers, there are lots of other practical strategies I use to keep my allergies under control.Staying hydrated and getting enough sleep helps boost my immune system's ability to better tolerate allergen exposure. Using a saline nasal rinse daily flushes out mucus and irritants from my nasal passages. Taking showers instead of baths cuts down on absorption of allergens through the skin. And regularly vacuuming with a HEPA filter traps household allergens like dust and dander.Whenever my allergy symptoms do start flaring up despite my best prevention efforts, I've got an arsenal ofover-the-counter and prescription medications to provide relief. Antihistamines block the histamine reaction that causes swelling, runny noses and itchiness. Decongestants shrink swollen nasal tissues to relieve sinus congestion. Nasal corticosteroid sprays reduce inflammation in the nasal passages. And for more severe allergy attacks, I have my rescue bronchodilator inhaler and epinephrine auto-injector on hand.My allergist has also recommended immunotherapy as a long-term allergy treatment option for me. This involves getting a series of allergy shots containing tiny amounts of the substances I'm allergic to. Getting repeatedly exposed to small doses helps re-train my overactive immune system to become desensitized and less reactive over time. It's a long process thattakes a few years of regular shots, but immunotherapy has worked really well for many people with persistent allergies.Staying proactive about avoiding my allergy triggers and managing symptoms is so important for me. Taking that extra time and effort helps me feel better day-to-day and prevents minor allergies from turning into more serious asthma attacks or infections. Looking ahead, I'm really hoping that continued medical research leads to even better treatments or an outright cure for allergies. In the meantime, being educated about prevention strategies and religiously following my doctor's guidance is crucial for keeping my allergies under control and allowing me to live my healthiest, happiest life.。
抗体克隆选择学说概述抗体克隆选择学说(Antibody Clone Selection Theory)是一种用于选择和优化抗体的方法。
抗体由两个重链和两个轻链组成,每条链都包含一个可变区域(variable region)和一个恒定区域(constant region)。
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Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at /action/journalInformation?journalCode=kmab20Download by: [Radcliffe Infirmary]Date:21 January 2016, At: 23:54mAbsISSN: 1942-0862 (Print) 1942-0870 (Online) Journal homepage: /loi/kmab20Antibodies to watch in 2016Janice M. Reichert PhDTo cite this article: Janice M. Reichert PhD (2015): Antibodies to watch in 2016, mAbs, DOI:10.1080/19420862.2015.1125583To link to this article:/10.1080/19420862.2015.1125583Accepted author version posted online: 14Dec 2015.Submit your article to this journalArticle views: 482View related articlesView Crossmark dataACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT1 Perspective“Perspective” article for publication in mAbs issue 8.2Antibodies to watch in 2016Janice M. ReichertJanice M. Reichert, PhD Managing Director, Reichert Biotechnology Consulting LLC, Framingham MA 01701 janice@ Received: 24 November 2015 Revised: N/A Accepted: 24 November 2015D o w n l o a d e d b y [R a d c l i f f e I n f i r m a r y ] a t 23:54 21 J a n u a r y 2016ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT2 AbstractThe number of novel antibody therapeutics that received first marketing approvals in 2015 met expectations, with 6 (alirocumab (Praluent®), evolocumab (Repatha®), daratumumab (Darzalex®), dinutuximab (Unituxin®), idarucizumab (Praxbind®), mepolizumab (Nucala®)) granted first approvals as of mid-November. Seven novel antibody therapeutics (begelomab, brodalumab, elotuzumab, ixekizumab, necitumumab, obiltoxaximab, reslizumab) are in regulatory review, and thus a similar number, if not more, are projected to gain first approvals in 2016. Commercial late-stage antibody therapeutics development exceeded expectations by increasing from 39 candidates in Phase 3 studies as of late 2014 to 53 as of late 2015. Of the 53 candidates, transitions to regulatory review by the end of 2016 are projected for 10 (atezolizumab, benralizumab, bezlotoxumab, bimagrumab, durvalumab, inotuzumab ozogamicin, lebrikizumab, ocrelizumab, sarilumab, tremelimumab). Other “antibodies to watch” include 15 candidates (bavituximab, bococizumab, dupilumab, fasinumab, fulranumab, gevokizumab, guselkumab, ibalizumab, LY2951742, onartuzumab, REGN2222, roledumab, romosozumab, sirukumab, Xilonix) undergoing evaluation in Phase 3 studies that have estimated primary completion dates in 2016. As evidenced by the antibody therapeutics discussed in thisperspective, the biopharmaceutical industry has a highly active late-stage clinical pipeline that may deliver numerous new products to the global market in the near future.Keywords: antibody therapeutics, drug development, clinical studies, Food and Drug Administration, European Medicines AgencyD o w n l o a d e d b y [R a d c l i f f e I n f i r m a r y ] a t 23:54 21 J a n u a r y 2016ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT3 Abbreviations: ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia; CD, cluster of differentiation; EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; EMA, European Medicines Agency, EU, European Union; FDA, US Food and Drug Administration; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; Ig,immunoglobulin; IL, interleukin; INN, international non-proprietary name; NSCLC, non–small cell lung cancer; PCSK9, proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin type 9; PD-L1, programmed cell death ligand 1; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus; SLAM, signaling lymphocyte activation molecule; sIBM, sporadic inclusion body myositis; US, United States.D o w n l o a d e d b y [R a d c l i f f e I n f i r m a r y ] a t 23:54 21 J a n u a r y 2016ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT4 In terms of the number of drugs in late-stage clinical development, monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapeutics development by the biopharmaceutical industry in 2015 has far exceeded expectations. As of mid-November 2015, 53 novel antibody therapeutics were in Phase 3 studies, which is a 36% and 104% increase compared to the number in Phase 3 studies in late 2014 and 2009, respectively. 1, 2 For the long-term, the prospects appear bright for the continued transition of molecules into Phase 3 from early-stage clinical studies, based on the fact that ~210 novel antibody therapeutics are in each of the 2 early phases of clinical development. Now totaling over 470 molecules, the commercial clinical pipeline of antibody therapeutics is thus quite robust. The recent increase in late-stage clinical development has led to an increase in the number of antibody therapeutics that enter regulatory review and receive marketing approvals. Based on information available as of mid-November 2015, the annual number of first approvals of antibody therapeutics is expected to be in the range of 5-7 in 2014, 2015 and 2016. If expectations are met, this outcome would be unprecedented because a year in which the number of first approvals is high (4-6 approvals) has historically been followed by 4 or more years when the number is low (0-3 approvals).3As of mid-November, 6 novel antibody therapeutics (alirocumab (Praluent®), evolocumab (Repatha®), idarucizumab (Praxbind®), dinutuximab (Unituxin®), mepolizumab (Nucala®), daratumumab (Darzalex®)) were granted first marketing approvals during 2015; the approvals were granted in either the European Union (EU) or the US (Table 1). Secukinumab, which targets interleukin (IL)-17a, also received marketing approvals for treatment of psoriasis in these regions in 2015, but the product was first approved in Japan in late 2014. BothD o w n l o a d e d b y [R a d c l i f f e I n f i r m a r y ] a t 23:54 21 J a n u a r y 2016ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT5 alirocumab and evolocumab target proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin type 9 (PCSK9) and inhibit its function, which ultimately leads to a reduction in levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Idarucizumab targets dabigatran and reverses the effects of this anticoagulant agent. The anti-GD2 antibody dinutuximab was approved for pediatric neuroblastoma. Mepolizumab, which targets IL-5, was approved in the US for use with other asthma medicines for the maintenance treatment of asthma in patients who are age 12 years and older. Anti-CD38 daratumumab was granted accelerated approval in the US to treat patients with multiple myeloma who have received at least three prior treatments. Daratumumab is the first mAb approved for treating this disease. A marketing application for daratumumab for multiple myeloma was submitted to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in September 2015. The focus of this perspective is on the late-stage clinical development and approval of antibody therapeutics in the pipelines of biopharmaceutical companies. In the following sections, regulatory actions and marketing application submissions for antibody therapeutics that may occur in late 2015 or during 2016, as well as relevant Phase 3 studies with estimated primary completion dates in this period, are discussed. Due to the copious literature on the antibodies,references are limited to clinical study results published in 2015.Regulatory actions: Projections for December 2015 through 2016Regulatory actions are expected either in December 2015 or in 2016 for at least 7 antibody therapeutics (Table 2). Marketing applications for necitumumab, which targets epidermal growth factor receptor, were submitted to regulatory authorities in 2014. Data fromD o w n l o a d e d b y [R a d c l i f f e I n f i r m a r y ] a t 23:54 21 J a n u a r y 2016ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT6 the Phase 3 SQUIRE study of necitumumab were reviewed in July 2015 by the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee. The majority of the panel members agreed that the benefits of adding necitumumab to gemcitabine and cisplatin for patients with squamous non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) outweighed the risks. The FDA is expected to make a decision on the marketing application for necitumumab by the end of 2015.Elotuzumab is undergoing regulatory review as a treatment for multiple myeloma.Marketing applications for elotuzumab were validated for review by EMA and the FDA in July and September 2015, respectively. EMA granted the marketing authorization application submitted to them an accelerated assessment, and the FDA gave priority review designation to the biologics license application (BLA) submitted to them. Elotuzumab, which was granted breakthrough therapy designation by FDA, is a signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAMF7)-directed immunostimulatory antibody for the treatment of multiple myeloma as combination therapy in patients who have received one or more prior therapies. Recently published results from the Phase 3 ELOQUENT-2 study (NCT01239797) indicated that patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma who received elotuzumab in combination with lenalidomide and dexamethasone had a significant relative reduction in the risk of diseaseprogression or death. 4Brodalumab and ixekizumab, which are antibody therapeutics that interfere with the biological activity of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-17A, are undergoing regulatory review as treatments for psoriasis. Brodalumab targets the IL-17 receptor while ixekizumab targets the IL-17A ligand. An application for marketing approval of brodalumab was submitted to Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in July 2015. Brodalumab was developed for plaqueD o w n l o a d e d b y [R a d c l i f f e I n f i r m a r y ] a t 23:54 21 J a n u a r y 2016ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT7 psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, pustular psoriasis and psoriatic erythroderma. In the Phase 3 AMAGINE-2 and AMAGINE-3 studies (NCT01708603 and NCT01708629, respectively), treatment with brodalumab resulted in significant clinical improvements in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis. 5 In two Phase 3 studies of ixekizumab (UNCOVER-2 and UNCOVER-3, NCT01597245 and NCT01646177, respectively), participants were randomly assigned to receive subcutaneous placebo, etanercept (50 mg twice weekly), or one injection of 80 mg ixekizumab every 2 weeks or every 4 weeks after a 160 mg starting dose. Both ixekizumab dose regimens were shown to have greater efficacy than placebo and etanercept over 12 weeks in these studies. 6 As of June 2015, ixekizumab was undergoing evaluation at EMA. Reslizumab targets IL-5, a cytokine involved in the maturation, recruitment, and activation of eosinophils, which mediate diseases such as asthma. Results from two Phase 3 studies (NCT01287039, NCT01285323) support the use of reslizumab in patients with asthma and elevated blood eosinophil counts who are inadequately controlled on inhaled corticosteroid-based therapy. 7 As of June 2015, a BLA for reslizumab had been accepted by the FDA for standard review. FDA’s Pulmonary-Allergy Drugs Advisory Committee is scheduled to discuss the BLA for reslizumab in December 2015, and a regulatory action is expected in March 2016. Amarketing application for reslizumab as a treatment for inadequately controlled asthma in adult patients with elevated blood eosinophils, despite an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)-based regimen, was submitted to EMA in July 2015, and EMA’s opinion on reslizumab is anticipated in the second half of 2016.Begelomab, which targets CD26 on CD4+ T lymphocytes, is undergoing evaluation by EMA as an orphan medicinal product for treatment of steroid resistant acute graft-versus-hostD o w n l o a d e d b y [R a d c l i f f e I n f i r m a r y ] a t 23:54 21 J a n u a r y 2016ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT8 disease in adult patients who underwent allogeneic hematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation and received a standard immunosuppressive regimen. A prospective Phase 2/3 study (NCT02411084) to compare begelomab versus conventional treatment for treating steroid-resistant acute graft-versus host disease is due to start recruiting patients in January 2016. Obiltoxaximab was developed for the treatment and prevention of inhalational anthrax. The chimeric antibody was granted Fast Track and orphan drug designations by the FDA; a BLA was submitted in March 2015. Efficacy data was derived from animal models of inhalational anthrax and safety data from healthy human volunteers receiving the proposed human therapeutic dose of obiltoxaximab administered either intravenously or intramuscularly. The product is intended to serve as an anthrax biowarfare countermeasure. Marketing application submissions: Projections for late 2015 through 2016 Of the 53 novel antibody therapeutics in Phase 3 clinical studies as of mid-November 2015 (Tables 3 and 4), two antibodies, bezlotoxumab and sarilumab, may transition into regulatory review by the end of 2015, with an additional 8 following during 2016. Bezlotoxumab, which targets Clostridium difficile enterotoxin B, is being developed for the prevention of recurrent Clostridium difficile infection. The primary efficacy endpoint, reductionin C. difficile recurrence through week 12 compared to placebo when used in conjunction with standard of care antibiotics for the treatment of C. difficile , was met in the Phase 3 MODIFY I and MODIFY II studies (NCT01241552 and NCT01513239, respectively) of bezlotoxumab. Submission of marketing applications to regulatory agencies in the EU, US and Canada is planned by the end of 2015. Sarilumab targets the IL-6 receptor, thereby blocking IL-6 from binding to the receptor and interrupting cytokine-mediated inflammatory signaling. In the PhaseD o w n l o a d e d b y [R a d c l i f f e I n f i r m a r y ] a t 23:54 21 J a n u a r y 2016ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 9 3 MOBILITY study (NCT01061736), significant improvements in symptomatic, functional, and radiographic outcomes were observed in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with sarilumab (150 mg or 200 mg every 2 weeks) in combination with MTX. 8 Nine additional Phase 3 studies of sarilumab for rheumatoid arthritis are either completed or active and not recruiting patients. Submission of a marketing application to the FDA is planned by the end of 2015.Four antibody therapeutics (atezolizumab, durvalumab, tremelimumab, inotuzumab ozogamicin) now in Phase 3 studies for cancer may transition to a first regulatory review in 2016. Both atezolizumab and durvalumab target programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) expressed on tumor cells and tumor-infiltrating immune cells, thereby preventing it from binding to PD-1 and B7.1 on the surface of T cells. By interfering with an immune checkpoint, these mAbs may enable the activation of T cells. As of November 2015, atezolizumab is being evaluated in at least 10 Phase 3 studies (6 in NSCLC, 2 in bladder cancer, 1 in breast cancer, 1 in renal cell carcinoma). Of these studies, only the OAK study (NCT02008227), a Phase 3 study of atezolizumab compared to docetaxel in patients with locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC who failed platinum therapy, is active but not recruiting participants. Atezolizumab, which was engineered so that it does not induce either antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity(ADCC) or complement-dependent cytotoxicity, has received two breakthrough therapydesignations from the FDA: 1) for the treatment of patients whose NSCLC expresses PD-L1 and whose disease worsened during or after standard treatments, and 2) for patients whose metastatic bladder cancer expresses PD-L1. Submission of a marketing application for atezolizumab is planned in 2016.D o w n l o a d e d b y [R a d c l i f f e I n f i r m a r y ] a t 23:54 21 J a n u a r y 2016Durvalumab is being studied alone and in combination with another immune checkpoint inhibitor, tremelimumab, which targets cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (also known as CD152). As of November 2015, Phase 3 studies evaluating durvalumab or the combination of durvalumab and tremelimumab in NSCLC, including the PACIFIC (NCT02125461), ATLANTIC (NCT02087423), ARCTIC (NCT02352948), MYSTIC (NCT02453282) and NEPTUNE (NCT02542293) trials, and in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck were recruiting patients. Three additional Phase 3 studies were not yet recruiting patients. In April 2015, tremelimumab was granted US orphan drug designation for the treatment of malignant mesothelioma. Submission of marketing applications for durvalumab and tremelimumab may occur by the end of 2016. Inotuzumab ozogamicin, an antibody-drug conjugate that targets CD22, is being evaluated in the Phase 3 INO-VATE ALL trial, which compares inotuzumab ozogamicin to standard of care chemotherapy in adult patients with relapsed or refractory CD22-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Topline results from the trial announced in April 2015 indicated that one of the two primary endpoints, complete hematologic remission rate, was met. As of November 2015, data on the second endpoint, overall survival, had not yet been released.Inotuzumab ozogamicin received FDA’s breakthrough therapy designation for ALL in October 2015. Submission of a marketing application for inotuzumab ozogamicin may occur by the end of 2016.Four antibody therapeutics (bimagrumab, ocrelizumab, benralizumab, lebrikizumab) that are now in Phase 3 studies for diseases other than cancer may transition to first regulatory review by the end of 2016. Bimagrumab targets activin A receptor type IIB and is undergoing evaluationD o w n l o a d e d b y [R a d c l i f f e I n f i r m a r y ] a t 23:54 21 J a n u a r y 2016in Phase 3 studies of patients with sporadic inclusion body myositis (sIBM), a rare and potentially life-threatening muscle-wasting condition. FDA granted breakthrough therapy designation to bimagrumab for sIBM in August 2013. The Phase 3 RESILIENT study(NCT01925209) is evaluating the efficacy, safety and tolerability of bimagrumab at 52 weeks on the physical function, muscle strength and mobility of sIBM patients. The estimated primary completion date of the study is December 2015; positive results may allow the submission of a marketing application by the end of 2016. The anti-CD20 antibody therapeutic ocrelizumab showed superiority to interferon beta-1a in two identical Phase 3 studies (OPERA I and OPERA II, NCT01247324 and NCT01412333, respectively) in patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS). Ocrelizumab also significantly reduced the risk of progression of clinical disability sustained for at least 12 weeks by 24 percent compared with placebo in patients with primary progressive MS in the Phase 3 ORATORIO study (NCT01194570). Marketing authorization for ocrelizumab in relapsing MS and in primary progressive MS will be pursued, and data from the ocrelizumab OPERA I and OPERA II studies and from the ORATORIO study may be submitted to the FDA in early 2016. Benralizumab and lebrikizumab are in Phase 3 studies of patients with asthma.Benralizumab targets IL-5 receptor α chain expressed on eosinophils and basophils, and induces apoptosis via ADCC. This antibody therapeutic is undergoing evaluation in 7 Phase 3 studies of patients with asthma, as well as 2 Phase 3 studies of patients with moderate to very severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Phase 3 study results for benralizumab in severe asthma are expected in 2016; regulatory submissions may occur later that year. Lebrikizumab targets IL13 and, as of November 2015, it is undergoing evaluation in 4 Phase 3 studies of asthmaD o w n l o a d e d b y [R a d c l i f f e I n f i r m a r y ] a t 23:54 21 J a n u a r y 2016patients. The estimated primary completion date of the Phase 3 NCT02104674 study evaluating the efficacy and safety of lebrikizumab in adult patients with mild to moderate asthma is January 2016; positive results may allow the submission of a marketing application by the end of 2016.Phase 3 studies with completion dates in late 2015 or in 2016: Cancer indicationsOf the 17 antibody therapeutics being evaluated in Phase 3 clinical studies of patients with cancer (Table 3), 3 (bavituximab, Xilonix, onartuzumab) are in studies that have estimated primary completion dates in late 2015 or in 2016. The anti-phosphatidyserine antibody bavituximab plus docetaxel is being compared to docetaxel alone in patients with previously treated stage IIIb/IV non-squamous NSCLC in the Phase 3 SUNRISE study (NCT01999673). The estimated primary completion date for the study is December 2016. Bavituximab has been granted Fast Track designation by the FDA for the potential treatment of second-line NSCLC. The IL-1 alpha-targeted antibody Xilonix, also known as MABp1, is undergoing evaluation in 2 Phase 3 studies (NCT02138422 and NCT01767857) in patients with colorectal cancer. A variety of mechanisms of action for the antibody have been proposed, including interruption of signals that drive angiogenesis and invasiveness, blockade of tumormicroenvironment infiltration by leukocytes that suppress antitumor immunity, and correction of metabolic dysregulation, fatigue and anxiety mediated by chronic inflammatory signaling to the central nervous system. The Phase 3 study NCT02138422 will assess how effectively Xilonix slows tumor growth, and whether it improves symptoms of muscle loss, fatigue, appetite loss, and pain in patients with colorectal cancer compared with placebo. The estimated completion date for the study is December 2015. The aim of the Phase 3 XCITE study (NCT01767857) is toD o w n l o a d e d b y [R a d c l i f f e I n f i r m a r y ] a t 23:54 21 J a n u a r y 2016determine if Xilonix can prolong the life of colorectal carcinoma patients who are refractory to standard therapy. The XCITE study’s estimated primary completion date is December 2016. Onartuzumab, which has a Fab-Fc format, targets the receptor tyrosine kinase cMet. The safety and efficacy of onartuzumab in combination with erlotinib as second- or third-line treatment is being compared to erlotinib alone in patients with incurable Met-positive NSCLC in the Phase 3 NCT02031744 study. This study’s estimated primary completion date is December 2016. The Phase 3 METLung study (NCT01456325) of the onartuzumab / erlotinib combination in NSCLC patients who had received standard chemotherapy for advanced/metastatic disease did not confirm efficacy results observed in a Phase 2 study. Phase 3 studies with completion dates in 2016: Non-cancer indications Most (36/53; 68%) of novel antibody therapeutics currently in Phase 3 clinical studies are for non-cancer indications (Table 4). Phase 3 studies of 12 of these antibodies have estimated primary completion dates in late 2015 or in 2016: 4 (gevokizumab, dupilumab, sirukumab, guselkumab) are for immune-mediated disorders, 2 (fasinumab, fulranumab) are for pain, 2 are for infectious diseases (REGN2222, ibalizumab), and 4 (bococizumab, LY2951742, roledumab,romosozumab) are for other disorders.The efficacy and safety of anti-IL-1 beta gevokizumab in treating active ulcers of pyoderma gangrenosum are being evaluated in 2 Phase 3 studies (NCT02315417,NCT02326740). Pyoderma gangrenosum is a rare inflammatory skin condition that leads to formation of deep, painful ulcers. In 2014, FDA granted gevokizumab an orphan drug designation for this disease.D o w n l o a d e d b y [R a d c l i f f e I n f i r m a r y ] a t 23:54 21 J a n u a r y 2016Dupilumab, which targets the IL-4 receptor, is being evaluated as monotherapy in adults with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis in 4 Phase 3 clinical studies with estimated primary completion dates in the late 2015 to 2016 period: SOLO 1 (NCT02277743), SOLO 2(NCT02277769), SOLO-Continue (NCT02395133) and NCT02260986. The estimated primary completion date for SOLO 1, SOLO 2 and NCT02260986 is November 2015, and the estimated primary completion date for SOLO-Continue is July 2016. The mAb received breakthrough therapy designation from the FDA for use in patients with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis who are insufficiently responsive to or cannot use topical prescription treatments. Dupilumab is also in Phase 3 studies of patients with asthma, but the earliest estimated primary completion date for any of these studies is August 2017. Anti-IL-6 sirukumab has been or is being evaluated as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis in 5 Phase 3 studies; three of these studies have estimated primary completion dates in late 2015 or in 2016. The objective of the Phase 3 NCT02019472 study, which has estimated primary completion and study completion dates in October 2015 and August 2016, respectively, is to investigate the efficacy of sirukumab monotherapy compared with adalimumab monotherapy in biologic naïve patients with active rheumatoid arthritis who are intolerant tomethotrexate, who are considered inappropriate for treatment with methotrexate or who are inadequate responders to methotrexate. The Phase 3 SIRROUND-T study (NCT01606761), which has estimated primary completion and study completion dates in December 2015 and April 2016, respectively, is assessing the efficacy of sirukumab as measured by the reduction of the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis who are unresponsive or intolerant to treatment with anti-tumor necrosis factor agents. The Phase 3D o w n l o a d e d b y [R a d c l i f f e I n f i r m a r y ] a t 23:54 21 J a n u a r y 2016SIRROUND-D study (NCT01604343) is assessing the efficacy of sirukumab as measured by the reduction of the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and inhibition of radiographic progression in patients with active RA who are unresponsive to treatment with disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs; this study’s estimated primary completion date is July 2016.Guselkumab, which targets the IL-23 p19 subunit, is being evaluated as a treatment for psoriasis in three Phase 3 studies with estimated primary completion dates in late 2015 or in 2016. Results of the 52-week, Phase 2 X-PLORE study (NCT01483599) in which guselkumab was compared with adalimumab in patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis suggested that guselkumab may be an effective therapy for plaque psoriasis. 9 The Phase 3 NCT02207231 study is an active comparator-controlled study evaluating the efficacy and safety of guselkumab in the treatment of patients with moderate to severe plaque-type psoriasis. The active comparator is adalimumab, and the estimated primary completion and study completion dates are October 2015 and June 2016, respectively. The efficacy and safety of guselkumab is being compared with that of adalimumab for the treatment of patients with moderate to severe plaque-type psoriasis with randomized withdrawal and retreatment in the Phase 3 VOYAGE 2 (NCT02207244) study, which has estimated primary completion and study completion dates in May 2016. The Phase 3NAVIGATE study (NCT02203032), which has an estimated primary completion date in August 2016, is evaluating guselkumab’s efficacy and efficacy in patients with moderate to severe plaque-type psoriasis and an inadequate response to ustekinumab.Two mAb therapeutics that target nerve growth factor, fasinumab (REGN475) and fulranumab, are being evaluated in Phase 2/3 or Phase 3 studies with estimated primary completion dates in 2016. The effectiveness of fasinumab is being compared to placebo inD o w n l o a d e d b y [R a d c l i f f e I n f i r m a r y ] a t 23:54 21 J a n u a r y 2016patients with pain due to osteoarthritis of the knee or hip and a history of inadequate joint pain relief or intolerance to current analgesic therapy in the Phase 3 NCT02447276 study, which has an estimated primary completion date in March 2016. A total of four Phase 3 studies(NCT02289716, NCT02336698, NCT02336685, NCT02301234) of fulranumab as a treatment for pain due to osteoarthritis of the knee or hip have estimated primary completion dates in November 2016. Fulranumab is being assessed as monotherapy in the NCT02289716 and NCT02336698 studies, and as adjunctive therapy in the NCT02336685 and NCT02301234 studies. Two mAbs, REGN2222 and ibalizumab, are being studied for either the prevention or treatment of infectious diseases. The efficacy and safety of REGN2222, which targets the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) F protein, for the prevention of medically attended RSV infection in preterm infants is being evaluated in the Phase 3 NCT02325791 study. In Part A of the study, the pharmacokinetics in pre-term infants will be determined to enable the selection of dosing regimens for Part B, which is designed to evaluate the efficacy, safety, and serum concentration of REGN2222, and the immunogenicity of intramuscular administration of REGN2222 in preterm infants for whom palivizumab is not recommended. The estimatedprimary completion date of the study is July 2016. Ibalizumab targets CD4, which is the primary receptor for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), and inhibits viral entry. NCT02475629 is a Phase 3 study of ibalizumab plus an optimized background regimen in treatment-experienced patients infected with multi-drug resistant HIV-1. In this study, patients are administered a loading dose of 2000 mg intravenous ibalizumab on Day 7, followed by 800 mg intravenous ibalizumab once every two weeks, plus an optimized background regimenD o w n l o a d e d b y [R a d c l i f f e I n f i r m a r y ] a t 23:54 21 J a n u a r y 2016。