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Poster 海报
海报是一种带有宣传公告性质的招贴,主要用于报道有关戏剧、电影、演出、球赛、报告会等消息。 海报的文体既简明扼要又轻松自如。 一般由三部分构成院标题、正文、落款。 通常把海报内容作为 标题写在正中;正文部分为具体内容,活动时间、地点以及参观规定,主持或主办单位等;落款部分,海 报发出时间一般位于海报正文左下角(或右下角是海报发出单位之下),右下角是海报发出单位(有时两 者均可省略)。
volleyball match 排球赛讯 concert n. 音乐会 art exhibition 画展 English-Speaking Contest 英语演讲比赛 gymnasium n. 体育馆 court n. 球场 club n. 俱乐部
2.5.2 Language Points
Useful Sentence Patterns
Gone with the Wind, a feature film will be shown in the auditorium at 7:30p.m. ,Friday, September 20. 故事片《乱世佳人》将于9月20 日(星期五)晚 7:30在大礼堂放映。 It is scheduled that a Christmas party will be held at 7:00 p.m. on December 24 in the school auditorium. Brilliant performances will be given at the party. 兹定于12月24日晚7:00 在学校大礼堂举行圣诞晚会,届时将有精彩节目表演。 Under the auspices of the Students爷 Union of the university, a friendly invitational basketball match will be held between Guangzhou University and Guangdong University of Foreign studies on the Basketball Court,at 6:00 p.m. November 20, 2010. 由本校学生会主办,广州大学队与广东外语外贸大学队将于 2010年 11 月20 日下午6 时在篮球场进行篮 球友谊邀请赛。
2.5.3 Writing Practice
Basketball Match May 26 ,2011
Under the auspices of the Student Union of the College, a friendly basketball match between Shanghai University Basketball Team and ours will take place in the school gymnasium at 4:30 this Friday afternoon.
November 8, 2010 Culture Department of the Students’ Union
2.5.1 Samples
英语演讲比赛 为了鼓励学生们提高说英语的能力, 学生会将于下周三主办一场英语演讲比赛。 有意参加的同学请 于本周五前向各班班长报名。 英语系五位教授受邀担当比赛评委。 作为鼓励,将有八名同学获奖。 欢迎 广大师生前往比赛现场,观看比赛。
一律凭票入场。 免费入场 欢迎大家观看助威。 欢迎大家届时光临。
2.5.3 Writing Practice
说明:下面年5 月 26 日。 上海大学校队和我院校队将于本周五下午4:30 在我院体育馆进行篮球友谊比赛。 欢迎大家前往 观看助威。
学生会文化部 2010年 11月 8日
2.5.1 Samples
Sample 2
Concert There will be a concert given by teachers and students of Xinghai Conservatory in order to celebrate Teacher’s Day in the auditorium at 3:00 p.m. on September 10. The programs include male and female solos, ensembles, choruses, piano, violin and other instrumental performance. Admission free.
September9 The Students’ Union
2.5.1 Samples
音乐会 为了庆祝教师节,星海音乐学院师生将于 9月 10 日下午 3 点在我校礼堂举办音乐会,节目包括男女生 独唱尧合唱尧钢琴尧小提琴及其他乐器演奏,免费入场。
学生会 9 月9 日
2.5.2 Language Points
Key Words and Phrases
film news 影讯 football match 足球赛讯 play/drama n. 戏剧 English evening 英语晚会 get-together n. 联欢会 literature lecture 文学讲座 recital n. 演奏会
2.5.1 Samples
Sample 1
English-Speaking Contest In order to encourage the students to improve their ability to speak English, an English-Speaking Contest will be held on Wednesday next week under the auspices of the students’ Union. Those who are willing to take part in it may sign up with their monitors before this Friday. Eight professors in English Department will be invited to work as judges. The eight winners will be given awards as an encouragement. All are welcome to be present at the contest.
2.5.2 Language Points
Useful Sentence Patterns
Admissions are by tickets. Admission free. Come and cheer for both teams. All are welcome to be present.
Come and cheer for both teams. The Student Union