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? In some cases, replace multiple diagnostic procedures with a single exam. ? Help predict the prognosis for surgical procedures, to eliminate those that
D(cm -1) Photonfraction
0.37 ~15%
0.95 ~40%
0.67 ~35%
0.89 ~30%
Light Output
Decay Constant 230
Positron Annihilation
511KeV b+
? Positron travels 1-3mm (depending on energy) before annihilation.
? Annihilation process conserves:
- Energy (photons are 511KeV).
? Fast Decay Time – The primary speed of the detector has a big effect on count rate
? Others – light output, wavelength, and index of refraction are other properties that are important
Tracing life's processes
? 与CT、MR的解剖成像不同,PET可对代谢过程的生理 和生化改变进行评价,而组织功能的改变往往预示着 结构的改变。
PET使用放射性药物进行示踪,示 踪剂采用如C、N、O、F等组成生 命的基本元素的核素作为示踪原 子。
因此,相对于其他成像模式而 言,PET往往能够在分子水平 上揭示疾病的代谢状态。
? 1953年 Brownell G.L. 等人进行正子发射核素探测 ? 1975年 Ter-Pogossian M.M.、Phelps M.E.、Hoffman E.J. 发展
出正电子断层扫描仪 ? 1975年 Muehllehner G. 提出两平行双探头配以符合探测电路进
行正电子扫描 ? 1992年 van Lingen A. 提出以平行相对的双探头单光子发射扫描
- Momentum (photons are almost exactly colinear).
? Simultaneous detection of two 511KeV photons --> event along line between detectors.
Coincidence Detection
Detector Requirements
Goal High Spatial Resolution
Requirement Small Detector Elements
High Sensitivity Low Scatter Fraction Low Randoms Low Deadtime
Applications in Oncology
Lung Cancer
Applications in Oncology
Breast Cancer
Applications in Oncology
Recurrent Colorectal
PET can distinguish between recurrence and scar tissue at the site of initial surgery.
won't benefit the patient, thus significantly reducing the cost of healthcare delivery. ? Identify distant, occult metastases that may affect the course of treatment and therefore change patient management.
Effects of Positron Range ~1-3mm
- Function of emitted positron energy.
- 18F images (E max=0.6MeV) have better resolution than 15O (E max=2.1MeV).
Effects of Photon Non-colinearity
? 与CT透射型扫描不同PET探测的是发射型扫描,采用 符合探测,有效计数量低,介质的影响不能忽略, 需 要进行衰减校正 。
1. 外置棒源68Ge的衰减校正 ——正电子显像 的标准衰减校正方法
2. X-CT衰减校正
? Overview 功能与解剖成像
? PET系统的发展历史 ? PET物理学基础
仪配上 511 keV 的高能准直器可以进行正子发射断层扫描 ? 1999年 Thomas Beyer 等人开发出PET/CT 扫描仪 ? 2001年 PET/CT用于临床
BNL ring, c. 1964
First Installation in Zurich March 2001
PET Application
PET has the unique ability to cross the boundaries of specialties, adding new dimensions to a physician's ability to:
? Diagnose disease before structural changes become detectable with anatomical imaging techniques, potentially improving the prognosis.
Pulse Processing
Pulse Processing
? Events occurring anywhere on line between detectors contribute coincidence counts to detector pair.
? Recorded counts are proportional to line integral of activity between the detectors.
PET/CT Basic Principle and Applications
? Overview 功能与解剖成像
? PET系统的发展历史 ? PET物理学基础
符合探测 “混合”事件 分辨率和噪声 衰减校正 ? PET主机的组成和工作原理 ? 计算机图象处理 ? 质量控制
符合探测 “混合”事件 分辨率和噪声 衰减校正 ? PET主机的组成和工作原理 ? 计算机图象处理 ? 质量控制
? 整套PET系统包括PET主机和回旋加速器及配套的化学 合成装置三大部分。
? PET主机配置有扫描机架、主机柜、检查床、主辅工 作站等几个部分。
? 机架是最大部分,其中最主要的是探头部分,包括探 测器环和中隔、多晶体、光电倍增管、前置电子线路、 符合线路、分类器、电子准直线路、透射源及各种电 子学仪器线路等。
Noise in PET Images
? PET图像的噪声大小由符合事件的计数决定。 ? 在图像重建过程中采用滤波或平滑处理可以减少图像
10 6
10 7 counts
Ramp filter
Hanning window, 4mm
Hanning window, 8mm
? High Density – Overall detection efficiency is proportional to the product of the detection efficiencies
? High Effective Atomic Number – High photopeak fraction (photopeak vs Compton) allows high discriminator setting for scatter rejection
- Function of detector radius: ~1mm FWHM per 50cm scanner diameter.
Multiplane and 3D Imaging
? Multiple Ring Imaging – “Cross planes” formed by adjacent rings. – N rings --> 2N-1 imaging planes. – Each plane processed independently by 2D algorithm. – Septa added to reduce off-plane photons.
Single Events
True Coincidence Events
Scattered Coincidence Events
Random Coincidence Events
Nuclear Medicine Camera
Resolution Limits
Point Source
? Volume (3D) Imaging – Remove septa. – Big increase in system sensitivity, even bigger increase in scatter. – Reconstruction algorithm not separable into planes --> requires a 3D algorithm.
Coincidence Events
? 单一事件(Single Events) ? 真实符合事件(True Coincidence Events ) ? 散射符合事件(Scattered Coincidence Events ) ? 随机符合事件(Random Coincidence Events )
? Manage patient therapy by monitoring response to a given regimen and providing early feedback on its efficacy. This can help reduce or avoid the cost of ineffective treatments or unnecessary hospitalization.
? Overview 功能与解剖成像
? PET系统的发展历史 ? PET物理学基础
符合探测 “混合”事件 分辨率和噪声 衰减校正 ? PET主机的组成和工作原理 ? 计算机图象处理 ? 质量控制
? 正电子发现于 1934年 ? 正电子带一个单位正电荷 ? 正电子有一定的能量和射程 ? 正电子只能瞬间存在 ? 正电子由β+衰变产生 ? 正电子与负电子结合产生湮灭辐射
Applications in Oncology
Tumor Therapy Monitoring
? Overview 功能与解剖成像
? PET系统的发展历史 ? PET物理学基础
符合探测 “混合”事件 分辨率和噪声 衰减校正 ? PET主机的组成和工作原理 ? 计算机图象处理 ? 质量控制
Low Cost
High Stopping Power
Good Energy Resolution
Good Timing Resolution Fast Event Handling Small Channel Size Limited Multiplexing
None of the Above
Detector Materials
D(cm -1) Photonfraction
0.37 ~15%
0.95 ~40%
0.67 ~35%
0.89 ~30%
Light Output
Decay Constant 230
Positron Annihilation
511KeV b+
? Positron travels 1-3mm (depending on energy) before annihilation.
? Annihilation process conserves:
- Energy (photons are 511KeV).
? Fast Decay Time – The primary speed of the detector has a big effect on count rate
? Others – light output, wavelength, and index of refraction are other properties that are important
Tracing life's processes
? 与CT、MR的解剖成像不同,PET可对代谢过程的生理 和生化改变进行评价,而组织功能的改变往往预示着 结构的改变。
PET使用放射性药物进行示踪,示 踪剂采用如C、N、O、F等组成生 命的基本元素的核素作为示踪原 子。
因此,相对于其他成像模式而 言,PET往往能够在分子水平 上揭示疾病的代谢状态。
? 1953年 Brownell G.L. 等人进行正子发射核素探测 ? 1975年 Ter-Pogossian M.M.、Phelps M.E.、Hoffman E.J. 发展
出正电子断层扫描仪 ? 1975年 Muehllehner G. 提出两平行双探头配以符合探测电路进
行正电子扫描 ? 1992年 van Lingen A. 提出以平行相对的双探头单光子发射扫描
- Momentum (photons are almost exactly colinear).
? Simultaneous detection of two 511KeV photons --> event along line between detectors.
Coincidence Detection
Detector Requirements
Goal High Spatial Resolution
Requirement Small Detector Elements
High Sensitivity Low Scatter Fraction Low Randoms Low Deadtime
Applications in Oncology
Lung Cancer
Applications in Oncology
Breast Cancer
Applications in Oncology
Recurrent Colorectal
PET can distinguish between recurrence and scar tissue at the site of initial surgery.
won't benefit the patient, thus significantly reducing the cost of healthcare delivery. ? Identify distant, occult metastases that may affect the course of treatment and therefore change patient management.
Effects of Positron Range ~1-3mm
- Function of emitted positron energy.
- 18F images (E max=0.6MeV) have better resolution than 15O (E max=2.1MeV).
Effects of Photon Non-colinearity
? 与CT透射型扫描不同PET探测的是发射型扫描,采用 符合探测,有效计数量低,介质的影响不能忽略, 需 要进行衰减校正 。
1. 外置棒源68Ge的衰减校正 ——正电子显像 的标准衰减校正方法
2. X-CT衰减校正
? Overview 功能与解剖成像
? PET系统的发展历史 ? PET物理学基础
仪配上 511 keV 的高能准直器可以进行正子发射断层扫描 ? 1999年 Thomas Beyer 等人开发出PET/CT 扫描仪 ? 2001年 PET/CT用于临床
BNL ring, c. 1964
First Installation in Zurich March 2001
PET Application
PET has the unique ability to cross the boundaries of specialties, adding new dimensions to a physician's ability to:
? Diagnose disease before structural changes become detectable with anatomical imaging techniques, potentially improving the prognosis.
Pulse Processing
Pulse Processing
? Events occurring anywhere on line between detectors contribute coincidence counts to detector pair.
? Recorded counts are proportional to line integral of activity between the detectors.
PET/CT Basic Principle and Applications
? Overview 功能与解剖成像
? PET系统的发展历史 ? PET物理学基础
符合探测 “混合”事件 分辨率和噪声 衰减校正 ? PET主机的组成和工作原理 ? 计算机图象处理 ? 质量控制
符合探测 “混合”事件 分辨率和噪声 衰减校正 ? PET主机的组成和工作原理 ? 计算机图象处理 ? 质量控制
? 整套PET系统包括PET主机和回旋加速器及配套的化学 合成装置三大部分。
? PET主机配置有扫描机架、主机柜、检查床、主辅工 作站等几个部分。
? 机架是最大部分,其中最主要的是探头部分,包括探 测器环和中隔、多晶体、光电倍增管、前置电子线路、 符合线路、分类器、电子准直线路、透射源及各种电 子学仪器线路等。
Noise in PET Images
? PET图像的噪声大小由符合事件的计数决定。 ? 在图像重建过程中采用滤波或平滑处理可以减少图像
10 6
10 7 counts
Ramp filter
Hanning window, 4mm
Hanning window, 8mm
? High Density – Overall detection efficiency is proportional to the product of the detection efficiencies
? High Effective Atomic Number – High photopeak fraction (photopeak vs Compton) allows high discriminator setting for scatter rejection
- Function of detector radius: ~1mm FWHM per 50cm scanner diameter.
Multiplane and 3D Imaging
? Multiple Ring Imaging – “Cross planes” formed by adjacent rings. – N rings --> 2N-1 imaging planes. – Each plane processed independently by 2D algorithm. – Septa added to reduce off-plane photons.
Single Events
True Coincidence Events
Scattered Coincidence Events
Random Coincidence Events
Nuclear Medicine Camera
Resolution Limits
Point Source
? Volume (3D) Imaging – Remove septa. – Big increase in system sensitivity, even bigger increase in scatter. – Reconstruction algorithm not separable into planes --> requires a 3D algorithm.
Coincidence Events
? 单一事件(Single Events) ? 真实符合事件(True Coincidence Events ) ? 散射符合事件(Scattered Coincidence Events ) ? 随机符合事件(Random Coincidence Events )
? Manage patient therapy by monitoring response to a given regimen and providing early feedback on its efficacy. This can help reduce or avoid the cost of ineffective treatments or unnecessary hospitalization.
? Overview 功能与解剖成像
? PET系统的发展历史 ? PET物理学基础
符合探测 “混合”事件 分辨率和噪声 衰减校正 ? PET主机的组成和工作原理 ? 计算机图象处理 ? 质量控制
? 正电子发现于 1934年 ? 正电子带一个单位正电荷 ? 正电子有一定的能量和射程 ? 正电子只能瞬间存在 ? 正电子由β+衰变产生 ? 正电子与负电子结合产生湮灭辐射
Applications in Oncology
Tumor Therapy Monitoring
? Overview 功能与解剖成像
? PET系统的发展历史 ? PET物理学基础
符合探测 “混合”事件 分辨率和噪声 衰减校正 ? PET主机的组成和工作原理 ? 计算机图象处理 ? 质量控制
Low Cost
High Stopping Power
Good Energy Resolution
Good Timing Resolution Fast Event Handling Small Channel Size Limited Multiplexing
None of the Above
Detector Materials