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under attack under discussion under repair under control under construction
遭受袭击 在讨论中 在修理中 在控制中 在建设中
1.与一个脾气经常失控的人是很难相处的。 It’s difficult to deal with a man who often loses control of his temper. 2.我们必须采取措施使洪水处于控制之下. We must take some measures to get the flood water under control. 3. 汽车失去了控制,滚下了山坡. The car got out of control and rolled down the hill.
3. make way for
众所周知,所有的车辆都得给救护车让路. As is known to all, all traffic has to make way for fire-engine.
all the way 一路上,一直; 大老远 by the way 顺便说一声;在途中 by way of 经过,经由 find one’s way 找到路,设法到达 in a way 在某种程度上;有点,有几分 in no way 决不
Do you think it is possible for Wushu to become one of the sporting events in the Olympics?
1. Entering a sport into the Olympics can be a long process.使一个体育项目 进入奥运会有时会是一个很长的过程。 Eg. 孩子有时候会非常烦人。 Children can sometimes be very tiring. 这里有时会非常冷,甚至在五月也是如 此。 It can be very cold here, even in May.
1.他在赴机场的途中车子发生了故障. He was on the way to the airport when his car broke down. 2.他正在逐渐复原. He is on the way to getting better. 3. 开车时,要给救护车让路. You should make way for an ambulance when you are driving.
2.keep…under control使……处于 控制之下
keep/bring/get…under control使……处于 控制之下 政府正在努力使禽流感处于控制之下。 The government is now trying to keep bird flue under control. 火势终于被控制住了。 The fire was finally brought under control.
Wushu, a Chinese martial art
True or False
T1. Entering a sport into the Olympics can be
a long process because there are many requirements that must be met . F2. Golf has been in the Olympics for many years by now. T3. Tae kwon do, now very popular,was first included in the Olympics in 2000. F4. Rugby will surely be included in the Olympics again ,as it is played all around the world. T5. It is likely that Wushu will get into the Olympics in the near future.
The process of entering a sport into the Olympics:
meet many requirements
Second,„ Third,„
considered by the IOC
a current sport is dropped
helps ensure that„
1. Finish B1, B2 on page 99 of the workbook 2.Unit Revision: Period 9.
; / 体恒健官方商城
剑。”剑有双刃,不但对敌的那边会见血,对着自己人的这边,也有可能会见血。刀只有单刃,刃锋对着敌人,刀背则宽厚无害。柳少姨娘表 明,她不敢亲近明秀,怕热脸贴上去,一不小心还是被牺牲掉。她想攀附的,是一把刀,保证能拿无害的刀背对住她。“唯愿如少姨娘所祝。” 宝音叹了一声。她们近了老太太院子,宝音忽问:“姨娘母亲如今还好么?”“她那次忽然病好之后,没过几年,忽然又意外死了。”柳少姨 娘眉目不动。十月二十五,表姑娘来养病。十月二十六,石姑姑移花去寺祈福。十月二十七,大奶奶送参赞夫人同去太虚山别院玩秋。七姑娘 来探病,妾身说表姑娘病还没好,怕要过人,七姑娘留下礼物,回去了。十一月三日,大老爷保荐学士,福家致贺。十一月四日,珞姑娘亲制 汤饼奉老太太,老太太亲口称许。十一月八日,七姑娘住进四姑娘院子,帮做针线。十一月十四日,二老爷怒五少爷,碎盆,遁虫。表姑娘病 渐好。十一月十八日,秋闱放榜,大少爷高中桂榜第三名孝廉。„„十一月十九清晨,宝音一早梳洗整齐。乐韵、洛月左右侍候,连明雪也能 帮上忙了。一头秀发,挽个双垂髻,榴红经纱在两侧抿成小小蝶形结,以玉珠嵌定,垂玳瑁梅花在眉梢,轻盈俏皮。她去给柳少姨娘请安。柳 少姨娘在描画一双木屐,尺寸和明秀双足大小一样,圆头,高齿,黄桑木,彩帛系带,一只已经画好,是鹤,自由而优美的鹤,飞在青天中, 曲过脖子来,似对什么恋恋不舍。柳少姨娘在画另一只。她画画从来不打草稿,落笔就是瓴子,很细致的翎子,硬而翘丽的话,是尾羽,披着 细细绒毛的话,是胸羽。不管从尾、还是从胸开始画,她笔下的鸟儿都不会变形。宝音盈盈拜倒:“多承少姨娘照顾。”柳少姨娘放下笔,回 拜给她,头低到底,一点懒也没有偷:“姑娘今日大安了?”“是。”宝音道,“因此要去给奶奶请安。”“老太太见到姑娘康健,一定欢 喜。”柳少姨娘道,“妾身正好这就出门给老太太请安,姑娘与妾身同去否?”“多谢少姨娘提契。笙儿愿与少姨娘同去。”宝音道。柳少姨 娘起身整理裙裾。“少姨娘的字真不错。”宝音道。字?柳少姨娘现在画的是画,没有字。但柳少姨娘那寥寥数语的日记,在这二十多天里, “无意间”很方便的可以给宝音看见。一个写,一个看,达成了无声的默契。“妾的字是三少爷教的,妾临得不好。”柳少姨娘谦逊道,“说 熟能生巧,我就每天随便写点身边琐事。”她记的是宝音身边的事。而且都是能勾出大事脉络的线索。石姑姑替明秀剔去了花卉,宝音的院子 再度黯然了;大太太和唐静轩母亲处得不错,唐家婚事基本无虞;福家通过举荐苏大老爷学士,向苏家表明了姿态,福珞很可能进京陪伴明诗; 明蕙在紧紧巴结明秀福
in the/one’s way 挡路 lead the way 领路,带路 lose one’s way 迷路 make one’s way 辛苦地前进,行走 no way 没门 ,不行 on the/one’s way 在途中;渐趋于 under way (船只)航行中,(计划)进 行中
Pair work:
Discuss the following questions in groups: 1.Are there any sports you would add to the Olympic programme? If so, which ones and why? 2.Are there any sports you think shouldn’t be in the Olympics? If so, which ones and why?
Careful reading
How can we try to enter a new sport into the Olympics? Read the article part by part and try to find the detailed information in each part
Part 1
What requirements must be met before a sport can be considered by the IOC?
First, a sport must have its own international association. Next, it must be practised by men in at least 75 countries on at least four continents and practised by women in at least 40 countries and on three countries. Besides, a current sport must be dropped.
Unit 2 Sporting events
Entering a new sport
into the Olympics
What sporting events are performed in the Olympic Games? Which of these sporting events do you like best? Why?
• beyond control 无法掌握,无法控 制 • in control of 管理 • in the control of 被…控制/管理 • lose control of 无法控制,对…失去 控制 • out of control 不受控制,失去控制 • take control of 控制,管理
Part 3
What sports have been added in the Olympics only recently? And in which year? Tae kwon do, in 2000.
Part 4
Which sport is still trying to get into the Olympics?
Part 2
What sports have been removed from the Olympics? Why?
power boating
Because these sports became less popular and had to make way for new, more popular sports.