牛津上海版(三起)五年级上册英语Unit 1 My future Period 1课件
五年级上册英语教案 Module 1 Unit 1 My future教案 牛津上海版(三起)

单元教学设计框架Unit 1 My Future单位/设计人:深圳市福田区荔轩小学麦惠梅、石鑫、杨凯颖、陈思钰一、学情分析本单元授课对象是五年级的学生。
二、教材分析本单元来自上海教育出版社出版的小学五年级英语教材Unit 1 My Future,Module 1,Listen and say 呈现了学生表述自己的职业理想的场景,核心句型是 What do you want to be? I want to be … Look and learn 通过图片呈现cook、pilot、taxi driver三个跟职业有关的核心词汇,Read and say 呈现了故事《小青蛙的工作》,进一步加强核心句型和词汇在真实语境中的运用,Ask and answer 呈现职业图片及文字提示,让学生通过问答操练核心句型及词汇,并了解彼此的职业理想,Think and write 是巩固核心词汇的操练栏目,Play a game 体现了Kitty 和同学玩纸牌游戏的场景。
学生通过游戏操练 Do you want to be a …? 及其答句,Learn the sounds 包含字母组合sk 的两个单词,并配有一首儿歌。
三、单元设计整体思路和依据四、单元教学安排五、单元目标 1、语言知识目标(1)能听、说、读、写有关询问职业理想的对话,了解彼此将来想从事的职业及相关理由。
牛津上海版(三起)五年级英语上册Module 1 Unit 1 My future优秀教学设计

Oxford EnglishModule 1 Getting to know each otherUnit1 My future教学设计一、教学目标1.能在语境中正确运用本单元的核心词汇。
2.能用What do you want to be?询问对方将来想从事的职业,能用I want to be…表述自己想从事的职业并简单说明理由。
二、教学内容1.语言知识:核心句型和日常用语:What do you want to be? I want to be a pilot.2.词汇:pilot, teach, cook, taxi driver,actor。
4.说:用I want to be ..,及I want to ... 介绍自己未来想从事的职业及理由。
用What do you want to be?询问对方将来想从事的职业。
正确书写本单元的核心句型:What do you want to be?I want to be a pilot.三、教学重点词汇:want, pilot, teach, cook, taxi driver, actor。
句型:What do you want to be?I want to be ...四、教学难点want to do 与want to be 的正确用法。
六、教学过程(简)1.T:Today I want to take you to visit Madame Tussaud’s. Do you know Madame Tussaud’s? It’s very famous all over the world. You can see many famous people in it. But they are not real. They are justwaxwork(蜡像). Now let’s go!<Watch the video>2.T:Which famous people can you see it the video?T:Do you know Cheng Long? Now follow me, and you can learn more things about him. Here we go!(1)T: First, let’s read together!T: What is he? What does actor mean?(Read and write “actor”)T:Look! Who is he ? What is he ? (3 pictures) They are all actors. Actor is for man and actress is for woman.T: Who is your favourite actor? My favourite actor is Sun Honglei. How about you?T: What can an actor do?T: So an actor can make movies.(2)T: Look at the second paragraph. Who can read the first sentence? The second? (Find four Ss to read the sentences.)T: What is his grandpa? Let’s learn this word “taxi driver”.(Read and write )T: What can a taxi driver do?T: A taxi driver can drive a taxi.(3)T: What is his grandma ? Let’s learn this word “cook”.(4)T: Now watch this video. What is he? (He is a cook. Read and write .) T: Can you say? Good, food, book.T: A cook can cook...Yummy!T: So a cook can cook nice food.T: When I was young, liked eating and cooking. I can cook potatoes and eggs. I want to be a cook in the future. Because I want to cook nice food.(板书) Read together!(5)T: What is his father?Let’s learn this word “pilot”.(Read and write ) “Pilot” we can also say “airman”. They have the same meaning.T: What can a pilot do? A pilot can fly a plane.T: This is an amazing job. Do you want to be a pilot? ...What do you wantto be in the future? Why?(6)T: What is his mother?...3.Reading and learning.4.Fill in the blanks.5.Some more pictures about jobs.6.Different kinds of jobs.7.Listen and say.8.Talk about your future.9.Group work : famous people’s future.10.Read a short poetry.七、作业Please write down your future and tell it to your parents.八、板书My futureactor make moviestaxi driver driver a taxicook cook nice foodpilot fly a planeteacher teach children。
五年级上册英语教案M1 unit1 My future牛津上海版

S5: He’s a taxi driver.
T: Do you like cooking?
S: No||,I don’t.
T: Do you want to be a cook?
我国古代的读书人||,从上学之日起||,就日诵不辍||,一般在几年内就能识记几千个汉字||,熟记几百篇文章||,写出的诗文也是字斟句酌||,琅琅上口||,成为满腹经纶的文人。为什么在现代化教学的今天||,我们念了十几年书的高中毕业生甚至大学生||,竟提起作文就头疼||,写不出像样的文章呢?吕叔湘先生早在1978年就尖锐地提出:“中小学语文教学效果差||,中学语文毕业生语文水平低||,……十几年上课总时数是9160课时||,语文是2749课时||,恰好是30%||,十年的时间||,二千七百多课时||,用来学本国语文||,却是大多数不过关||,岂非咄咄怪事!”寻根究底||,其主要原因就是腹中无物。特别是写议论文||,初中水平以上的学生都知道议论文的“三要素”是论点、论据、论证||,也通晓议论文的基本结构:提出问题――分析问题――解决问题||,但真正动起笔来就犯难了。知道“是这样”||,就是讲不出“为什么”。根本原因还是无“米”下“锅”。于是便翻开作文集锦之类的书大段抄起来||,抄人家的名言警句||,抄人家的事例||,不参考作文书就很难写出像样的文章。所以||,词汇贫乏、内容空洞、千篇一律便成了中学生作文的通病。要解决这个问题||,不能单在布局谋篇等写作技方面下功夫||,必须认识到“死记硬背”的重要性||,让学生积累足够的“米”。Pilot fly a plane
S2: She’s Miss Yang.
牛津沪教版英语五上Module 1 Unit 1 My future 教案(公开课)

Module 1Unit 1 My future教案教学目标:复习日常交际用What do you want to be in the future?能听懂、会说、会读What do you want to be in the future?能把本课句型用到恰当的情景中,根据情景进行自由会话。
教学内容:词汇:doctor, driver, farmer, writer, story, worker等。
句式:What do you want to be in the future?…教学难点:运用本课问答职业的几个句型,并能把职业类单词熟练地替换进去。
教学步骤:Step1: Warm up.Free talk:T: Hello! What’s your name?S: I’m…T: He’s /She’s a student. I’m a teacher. Teacher is my job.Step2: Presentation.1〕〔出示job卡片〕 I want to be a teacher. What do you want to be? 〔出示卡片〕Ss: I want to be a doctor. 〔问答几位学生,练习该对话〕2〕〔出示警察图片〕T: Look at this man. What do he want to be? Let’s ask him. Ss: What do you want to be? (人机对话〕课件:I want to be a policeman.〔听录音跟读,老师边做动作边领读〕请一学生做动作,T: What do he want to be?S1: I want to be a teacher.T:I want to be a worker.(出示卡片〕T:What does he want to be?Ss: He want to be a waiter.选两名男生两名女生到讲台前,由下面的学生读卡片上的单词,前面的学生做相应的动作。

备课人:2019 年9 月1 日第 1节课题:Unit 1 My future知识与技术:1.学习 Look and learn 中的词汇 : cook, pilot,taxi driver.2.以 Listen and say 的情形对话为中心,学习中心句型:教“What do you want to be? I want to be ...”学过程与方法:目 1.能在语境中正确运用本单元的中心词汇。
标2.能用 What do you want to be? 咨询对方未来想从事的职业,能用I want to be ... 表述自己想从事的职业并简单说明原由。
感情态度与价值观:能依据自己状况建立切合实质的职业理想,做一个对社会实用的人.1课教第课时新讲课多媒体课件型具教课要点:重学习单词: pilot ,teach, cook, taxi driver.难What do you want to be? I want to be a/an?点教课难点:1.正确使用 What do you want to be? I want to be a/an...问?答。
3. 达成小练笔。
一、 Pre-task preparations1.学生赏识一首与职业相关的歌曲,T: Let’s enjoy the“ Jobs song ”.2.学生说出在歌曲入耳到的相关职业的单词。
T: Tell me the jobs you heard in the song.S1: Fireman.S2: Doctor.S3: Teacher.二、 While-task procedures1. 出示 Think and write 中 Mrs Jones, Miss Yang 等人物头像的轮廓,经过问答激活学生在四年级上册学过的相关职业的单词,并引出新授单词 cook, pilot, taxi driver 。
小学五年级上册英语(牛津上海版三起)Unit 1 My future Period 1课件

What do you want to be?
Think and say
Hello! / Hi! ... I am … … I have … I can … I like … I want to be … in the future. I want to …
What subject does Alice want to teach?
She wants to teach English.
What does Joe want to be? He wants to be a cook.
Ask and answer
What do you want to be, Peter?
sk mask
task risk
Let’s fill in the blanks
Ms Guo and her _s_tu_d__e_n_ts_ are in the classroom. The students are talking about what they want to be in the future.
Peter is a brave boy. He wants to be a __p__ilo__t _ in the future. He wants to __f_ly____ his plane to other countries like the US and Canada. Kitty is a kind girl. She wants to be a __d_o_c_to_r__. She wants to __h_e_l_p__ sick people in the future.

Froggy becomes a lifeguard. He likes his new job.
Ma教tc学h 目and say
What is froggy's new job? WHhea'stndeowesjofbroisglgifyegwuaanrdt.to be?
He wants to fly a plane, but he is afraid of flying.
be afraid of 害怕....... +名词/动词ing
But he is not good at singing.
你的承诺和誓言总归太遥远,你总归太缥缈。当我不在是你生命中的独一无二,我宁愿离去,也不愿在一份残缺的爱里苦苦挣扎。 你总归是我命中未了的缘和劫,我们也终究错过了!如果上天能够重新来过,我会绕过那个和你认识的地方,遇见你也许就是没有结果,可我也能释怀了。 我不能抱着那些回忆来折磨自己,我也不想就这样颓废的麻木的去过每一天了。你给的一切在回忆的沼泽里只会让我放不下,你走后在每一个似曾相识的场景里我总是会不由自主的想起你,我会盯着你送的东西久久的发呆,也会因为看到某个熟悉的背影,而伤心落泪。
● 完成工作的方法,是爱惜每一分钟。──达尔文
不得不说时间真的是这个世间最好的跨度,一些承诺,一段誓言,终究败给了时间,回忆再美好也经不住流年。有些人错过了终究得放下……。 在过往中,总有一个人,曾经是你的满心欢喜,现在却成了你的闭口不提。他闯进我们的生活,带给我们感动和美好,却又在某一时刻,猝不及防的从我们身边抽离,留下了一地的回忆。

Module 1Unit 1 My future教案教学目标:复习日常交际用What do you want to be in the future?能听懂、会说、会读What do you want to be in the future?能把本课句型用到恰当的情景中,根据情景进行自由会话。
教学内容:词汇:doctor, driver, farmer, writer, story, worker等。
句式:What do you want to be in the future?…教学难点:运用本课问答职业的几个句型,并能把职业类单词熟练地替换进去。
教学步骤:Step1: Warm up.Free talk:T: Hello! What’s your name?S: I’m…T: He’s /She’s a student. I’m a teacher. Teacher is my job.Step2: Presentation.1)(出示job卡片)I want to be a teacher. What do you want to be? (出示卡片)Ss: I want to be a doctor. (问答几位学生,练习该对话)2)(出示警察图片)T: Look at this man. What do he want to be? Let’s ask him. Ss: What do you want to be? (人机对话)课件:I want to be a policeman.(听录音跟读,老师边做动作边领读)请一学生做动作,T: What do he want to be?S1: I want to be a teacher.T:I want to be a worker.(出示卡片)T:What does he want to be?Ss: He want to be a waiter.选两名男生两名女生到讲台前,由下面的学生读卡片上的单词,前面的学生做相应的动作。

沪教版(牛津版)五年级上英语单元作业设计教材版本:年级册次:单元名称:作者姓名:工作单位:沪教版(牛津版)五年级上册单元作业设计Unit 1 My future2.火眼金睛,单词迷宫,圈出单词。
(作业时长:3分钟)m b v c p t d f t h j y w e i s e l c x c d c i l g y a a n o q s s o j f v c z u d o c t o r b x h n o c u a i r w w l t u q t x x g d e m r m z h i u v h s p ynxmcooktf3.Connect.看一看,连一连,将职业和职业描述(描述或者图片)相匹配。
(作业时长:5分钟)提升类作业4.Make a survey 做调查,做一个小小调查员,调查身边的人想从事的理想职业。
pilot doctorteach cooktaxi driverCookTeacher PilotDoctorFly a planeHelp peopleCook nice foodTeach EnglishName JobTom Pilot综合实践类作业5.神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神5神神神第二课时作业基础类作业1.神神,神神神神神神神神神神神神(作业时长:3分钟)(1)Who is Miss Chen?A.Cindy’s motherB.Cindy’s English teacherC.Cindy’s math teacher.(2)What does Cindy’s father do ?A.a pilotB.a doctorC.a taxi driver(3)What does Cindy want to be?A.be a taxi driverB.be a doctorC.be a teacher.2.神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神神(作业时长:5分钟)(1)I am a c____,I like____ ____ ____.(做好吃的食物)(2)Do you want to be a _____(飞行员)。
沪教牛津版小学英语五年级上册Module1《Unit 1 My future》教学设计

M1 Getting to know each otherU1 My futurePeriod 1教学目标:知识与技能:1 学习Look and learn 中的词汇: cook, pilot, taxi driver.2 以Listen and say 的情景对话为中心,学习核心句型:“What do you want to be? I want to be ...”过程与方法:1 能在语境中正确运用本单元的核心词汇。
2 能用What do you want to be? 询问对方将来想从事的职业,能用I want to be ... 表述自己想从事的职业并简单说明理由。
情感态度与价值观:能根据自身情况树立符合实际的职业理想,做一个对社会有用的人.教学重点:学习单词:pilot,teach, cook, taxi driver.What do you want to be? I want to be a/an…教学难点:1.正确使用What do you want to be? I want to be a/an…问答。
2. 第一人称转换成第三人称来复述课文。
3. 完成小练笔。
教学过程:Pre-task preparations1. 听音乐Be what you wanna be.说出听到的职业。
2.说完职业,紧接着问问题,what does your mother do?引出what do you want to be? I want to be a/an…3.自问自答,I want to be a reporter.扩展in the future.Step-three: While-task procedures1. 进入情景,很高兴见到你们,欢迎来到真人秀节目。
2. 给学生分组,Peter,Alice,Kitty,Joe四个学生分别代表四个组,黑板上画出台阶,看哪组爬的高。
五年级上册英语教案- Unit 1《my future》 |沪教牛津版三起

Unit1 My future教学设计1教学目标1.能在语境中正确运用本单元的核心词汇。
2学时重点1.词汇:want, pilot, teach, cook, taxi driver, job, become, (be) good at…句型:Wha t do you want to be?I want to be … .2.了解字母组合sk在单词中的发音。
want to do与want to be的正确用法。
want to do与want to be的正确用法。
4教学活动活动1【导入】任务前阶段1.Think and say说话练习,学生介绍四个人物中的一个,复习课文,并锻炼说语段的能力,。
以复习前一课时学习的Listen and say内容。
He/She is … (name)He/She is …(tall/short/small/big/…)He/She has … (appearance)He/She likes ...ing … .He/She wants to be … in the future.He/She wants to …2.Ask and answer互相问答,复习上一课时所学的核心句型。
What do you want to be?What do you want to do in the future?1).学生和同桌互相问答,复习上一节课的内容;2).学生将所得信息连成语段输出。
Report:… is my desk mate.He/She is …(tall/short/small/big/…)He/She wants to be … in the future.He/She wants to …活动2【讲授】任务活动中阶段1. Think and say出示故事主角青蛙Froggy,让学生从多方面介绍故事的主人公 Froggy。
牛津上海版(试用本)五年级上册英语Module 1 Unit 3 My future Period 2教案

牛津上海版五年级第一册Module 1 Getting to know each otherUnit 1 My futurePeriod 2 Froggy's new job一、教材分析本课选自牛津英语上海版五年级第一册Module 1 Getting to know each other Unit 1 My future 第二课时 Froggy’s new job.本课为阅读课,在核心词汇和核心句型的基础上,进行语言内化和输出,在阅读中让学生产生思考:怎么做才能实现自己的工作梦想?引导学生树立正确的职业观。
三、Teaching Goals:1. Knowledge goalsa. Ss are able to listen, speak, read and write the words: pilot, singer, lifeguard, save, be good at...b. Ss are able to listen, speak and read the sentences: What do you want to be? I want to be a/an...c. Ss can understand the story.2. Ability goalsa. Ss can apply the words and sentences into practice.b. Ss can read the story fluently and emotionally.3. Emotional goalsa. Encourage Ss to improve their reading skills and raise their interests in reading.b. Help Ss to establish right occupation view.四、Teaching Important Pointsa. Grasp the key words, phrases and sentences.b. Understand the story.五、Teaching Difficult Pointsa. Ss can read the story emotionally and fluently.b. Ss can retell the story according to the pictures, key words or mind maps.六、Teaching MethodsTask-based Language Teaching, sing songs, communicative approach, group work.七、 Teaching AidsCards, Video, PPT.八、 Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Pre-reading1. Sing a song: What do you want to be?T: What do they want to be?Ss: They want to be...T: What do you want to be? Why?SS: I want to be a/an ...I want to...T takes the picture of Froggy out and introduces Froggy to Ss, and ask Ss to guess: What does Froggy want to be?(让学生预测Froggy的职业,带着这些阅读期待走进文本,激发他们的阅读兴趣。
2023年沪教牛津版五年级英语上册Unit 1 My future

►A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 只要一个人还有追求,他就没有老。直到后悔取代了梦想,一个人才 算老。 ►Bad times make a good man. 艰难困苦出能人。 ►Life is a path winding in the mountain, bumpy and zigzagging. 生活是蜿蜒在山中的小径,坎坷不平。
Do you want to be a doctor?
No, I don’t. I want to be a cook. I want
to cook food.
Do you want to be a cook?
Yes, I do. I want to cook food.
Learn the sounds
例句: 她经常帮助她的妈妈做家务。 She often helps her mother to do housework.
2. He wants to fly a plane, but he is afraid of flying. 他想要驾驶飞机,但是他害怕飞行! be afraid of的意思是“害怕……”。of是介词,后
Read a story
Froggy’s new job
Froggy wants to be a pilot.
He wants to fly a plane,
Help! Help! It’s
too high!
but he is afraid of flying.
牛津上海版(三起)五年级英语上册Module 1 Unit 1 My future_【第二课时】优秀教学设计

Unit 1 My future【第二课时】【教学目标】1.以Listen and say的情景对话为中心,巩固核心句型及核心词汇。
2.展开Ask and answer的活动,讨论学生的理想职业,并完成口头汇报。
【教学重难点】1.词汇:want, teach.2.句型:Do you want to be a…?【教学准备】音频【教学过程】I. Pre-task preparations1.学生或教师准备一些亲人或朋友的图片,向班级展示并进行描述。
S1: This is my uncle. He can cook well. He likes cooking. He works in a restaurant. He's a cook.S2: This is my mother. She likes Chinese. She works in a school. She's a Chinese teacher.2.使用本单元的核心句型及词汇引领学生朗诵儿歌。
What do you, what do you, what do you want to be?I want to, I want to, I want to be a /an …What do you, what do you, what do you want to be?I want to, I want to, I want to be a /an …Ⅱ. While-task procedures1.听Listen and say的录音,学生回答问题。
(1)What does Peter want to be? (He wants to be a pilot.)(2)What do pilots do? (They fly planes.)(3)What does Kitty want to be? (She wants to be a doctor.)(4)What do doctors do? (They help sick people.)(5)What does Alice want to be? (She wants to be a teacher.)(6)What do teachers do? (They teach students.)(7)What does Joe want to be? (He wants to be a cook.)(8)What do cooks do? (They cook nice food.)学生两人一组完成Listen and say的后续练习,巩固Listen and say的内容。
牛津上海版(试用本)五年级上册英语Module 1 Unit 3 My future Period 4教案

牛津上海版五年级第一册Module 1 Unit 3 My futurePeriod 4 Noby’s dream jobs一、教材分析本课选自与牛津英语上海版五年级第一册Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 3 My future.通过单元统整、内容整合、语境带动、语用体验。
进行文本再构,本单元分为4个课时,第一课时Different jobs in Noby’s family, 第二课时Different jobs of Noby’s friends第三课时Noby’s dream jobs. 本课为本单元的第三课时,为复习课,在复习了核心词汇和核心的句型的基础上,进行语言内化和输出。
2、通过试听、问答、朗读等方式,感知理解和正确运用核心词汇:worker,pilot, farmer, cook, fly, help, sick,等进行询问、应答、讲述并书写,掌握其音、义、形。
3、通过试听、问答、朗读等方式,感知和理解词汇:writer, traveller,singer, lifeguard等,进行询问、应答、讲述,掌握其音和义。
五年级上册英语课件-Unit 1 My future Period 1 牛津上海版(三起)(共29张PPT)

1. Copy the words: pilot, cook, taxi driver. 2. Read the passage on page 2. 3. Read “Learn the sounds” on page 7.
4. Finish Workbook pages 2 and 4.
Alice studies hard at school. She wants to be a _te_a_c_h_e_r__ when she grows up. She wants to __te_a_c_h__ English in a school. She likes teaching.
Joe likes eating nice food and he is good at cooking. He wants to be a __c_o_o_k__ in the future. He wants to __c_o_o_k__ nice food in a nice restaurant.
Let’s retell
… wants to be … He/She wants to …
future in the future
A pilot. A pilot flies a plane. A pilot flies a plane in the sky. This pilot flies a plane to …
Peter is a brave boy. He wants to be a __p__ilo__t _ in the future. He wants to __f_ly____ his plane to other countries like the US and Canada. Kitty is a kind girl. She wants to be a __d_o_c_to_r__. She wants to __h_e_l_p__ sick people in the future.
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What do you want to be?
Think and say
Hello! / Hi! ... I am … … I have … I can … I like … I want to be … in the future. I want to …
Peter is a brave boy. He wants to be a __p__ilo__t _ in the future. He wants to __f_ly____ his plane to other countries like the US and Canada. Kitty is a kind girl. She wants to be a __d_o_c_to_r__. She wants to __h_e_l_p__ sick people in the future.
What subject does Alice want to teach?
She wants to teach English.
What does Joe want to be? He wants to be a cook.
Ask and answer
What do you want to be, Peter?
Ask and answer
What do you want to be, Joe?
I want to be … I want to cook … I want to …
Ask and answer
What do you want to be, children?
I want to be … I want to …
sk mask
task risk
Let’s fill in the blanks
Ms Guo and her _s_tu_d__e_n_ts_ are in the classroom. The students are talking about what they want to be in the futurห้องสมุดไป่ตู้.
Ask and answer
What do you want to be? I want to be a/an …
Ask and answer
What does Kitty want to be? She wants to be a doctor.
Who wants to fly a plane in the sky? Peter does.
About me …
1. Copy the words: pilot, cook, taxi driver. 2. Read the passage on page 2. 3. Read “Learn the sounds” on page 7.
4. Finish Workbook pages 2 and 4.
Let’s retell
… wants to be … He/She wants to …
future in the future
A pilot. A pilot flies a plane. A pilot flies a plane in the sky. This pilot flies a plane to …
Oxford English
Module 1 Getting to know each other
1 My future
Period 1
Ask and answer
What do your parents do? What can you do? What do you like doing?
Think and say
Hello!/Hi! ... I’m … … I have … I can … I like … …
What are they thinking about?
Let’s read
What do you do? I’m a student. What do you want to be? I want to be a/an …
A cook can cook nice food.
A cook can cook … Yummy!
taxi driver
I want to be a taxi driver. I want to drive around the city. I want to drive to …
I want to be a pilot. I want to fly my plane to …
Ask and answer
What do you want to be, Kitty/Alice?
I want to be … I want to … people. I want to …
I want to be … I want to teach … in a school. I want to …
Alice studies hard at school. She wants to be a _te_a_c_h_e_r__ when she grows up. She wants to __te_a_c_h__ English in a school. She likes teaching.
Joe likes eating nice food and he is good at cooking. He wants to be a __c_o_o_k__ in the future. He wants to __c_o_o_k__ nice food in a nice restaurant.