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希沙姆• A•阿尔萨格心脏康复中心,阿尔沙巴医疗区,科威特Hisham A. Alsager Cardiac Centre, A1 Sabah Medical Area, Kuwait, 2015
纽筑n a十:A G i建筑师十「务所
Architects: A G i architects
医疗建筑常被认为是带有消极含义的空间,需 要患者长期留院的康复中心更是如此。

因此,在 设计希沙]?母•A •阿尔萨格心脏康复中心的过程中,我们努力尝试改变这一观念,打造一个具有积极含义的空间------座可作为社会活动中心的医疗中心。

为了达到这一目标,首先需要考虑的是大楼外 观(包括它的体量及其材质〉,它是病人、医疗中 心与环境之间的第一个连接点。

A G i建筑师事务 所没有将该建筑的整体体量视为单纯的功能容器,取而代之的是一种在形式上类似于社会文化基础 设施的方案。

外立面上棱角分明的大体块拥有两 处红色的大型幵口,迎接着访客的到来并暗示出 他们将在里面发现什么。













1 夕卜景/Exterior view
1 34 W A 2020/04中东城市与建筑:新挑战,新实践
项「K H息/Credits a n d Data
Yi-f VClient: Khaled A. Alsager
类切/Type: Health
主待建筑师/P rin cip al A rch itects: N a sse r B. A b u lh asan,
Joaquin Perez-Goicoechea
项目负贵人/Project Leaders: Bruno Gomes, Hanan Alkouh
项H 闭队/P ro ject Team: Nim a H agh igh atp ou r, S te fan ia
Rendinelli, Ju a n d e Jim en ez, A lfredo Carrato, Ana Lopez
Cerrato, Sara Abu Saleh, Ali Alyousifi
面积/Area: 15,000m"*
竣工时间/Com pletion Time: 2015
摄影/Photos: Nelson Garrido
M e d i c a l buildings are usually p e r c e i v e d as
spaces with negative connotations, specifically w h e n
referring to rehabilitation centres w h e r e patients
stay for l o n g p e r i o d s of time. T herefore, in the
design process of the H i s h a m A. A lsager Cardiac
Centre, our a i m w a s to c h a n g e this perception a n d to
build a positive space, o n e that is able to act as a h u b
for social activity, rather t h a n just a medical centre.
A t this point, the first e l e m e n t to consider w a s
the exterior of the building (including the v o l u m e
a n d its materiality) as it is the first c o n n e c t i o n
point b e t w e e n the patient, medical centre a n d the
environment. Instead of treating the general v o l u m e
as a m e r e c ontainer of functions, A G i architects
developed a proposal that is formally similar to o n e
of social a n d cultural infrastructure. A sharp v o l u m e
that contains t w o large red o p e nings in the facade,
these invite access to the building a n d suggests
to the visitor w h a t t hey will find inside. T h e stone
clad facade provides t he necessary protection for
the ha r s h w e a t h e r of K u w a i t a n d ensures a highly
sustainable p e r f o r m a n c e with l o w maintenance.
T h e a n a t o m i c s c h e m e of th e h e a r t a n d its
m e c h a n i s m w i t h i n t h e w h o l e h u m a n b o d y w a s
u s e d for the design of the project. T h e heart is the
central m u s c l e of the system, w h i c h p u m p s blo o d
to nourish the rest of organs a n d cells within i t. T h e
heart is present in the design of the central atrium:
a three-storey high red coloured space o n t o w h i c h
the waiting areas a n d circulations o p e n to. Several
courtyards provide the space wit h natural light to
experience the spacious architecture, in contrast
wit h smaller r o o m s that are usually f o u n d in this
kin d of buildings. Patients m o v e to a n d f r o m this
central space (the source of light a n d life), as red
b l o o d cells do, a n d are received in the clinics a n d
2 纵剖面/Longitudinal section
3 外景/Exterior view
The Cities and Architectures of the Middle East: New Challenges, Emerging Practices W A 2020/04 35
s t u n®L'-r n
□n u
i n m一F^「r i^t t f^i
]患者/P atients
]医护人员/W orkers
different d e p a r t m e n t s to b e put b a c k in the circulatory
s y s t e m o n c e re-oxygenated. Cardiovascular medicine,
its basis, a n d e v e n the aesthetic of its tools hav e b e e n
u s e d to write a n architectural script that allows us to
p r o p o s e a different k i n d of healthcare building, w ith
a n experiential attitude, that takes into a c c o u n t the
specific n e e d s of users (patients a n d workers) in trying
to m a k i n g their stay in the hospital as easier as possible.
Clinics, g r o u p e d in three levels at the s o u t h part of the building, are disposed as small specialised self-
m a n a g e d cells (m a n a g e d b y o n e doctor a n d his team),
a n d h a v e t h r e e spaces: t w o e x a m r o o m s a n d o n e
consult office, w i t h their o w n waiting area. E a c h "cell"
is o r g a nized b e t w e e n courtyards, providing all r o o m s
with natural light, ventilation, a n d privacy for each one.
Patients a n d w o rkers access to the clinics f r o m different
w a y s to i m p r o v e circulatory efficiency.
Specialised rehabilitation areas (pool, g y m, r unning track, etc.), research a n d ad m i n i s t r a t i o n services of
the centre are strategically placed at the n o r t h of the
building, w h i c h allow t h e m to o p e n u p to the exterior
along the K u w a i t bay, providing great views of the sea
a n d hig h quality light conditions. Inside this cluster,
the m a i n physical activity spaces are double height in
ord e r to s h o w u p in the facade a n d "oxygenate" the
6 7
4 首层平面/Ground floor plan
5 二层平面/H rst floor plan
6 三层平面/Second floor plan
7 内景/Interior view
] ga
—5I E=n p丨1L)cT l a a u■ -u u
8 外M/Exterior view
9 M 础单位方案/Base unit scheme 10 夜M/Night view
The Cities and Architectures of the Middle East: New Challenges, Emerging Practices W A 2020/04 37















11-14 内景/Interior views
38 W A 2020/04中东城市4ill筑:新挑战,新实践
Q I N G Feng: Tlie m o s t fascinating part of this project
is the a n a l o g y d r a w n b y the architect b e t w e e n the
operation as well as flow lines of the entire building with
the h u m a n body. In Words and Buildings, Professor
Adrian Forty once briefly c o m b e d the concept of blood
circulation, a n d h o w i t penetrated into the theoretical
system of architecture, b e c o m i n g a n important w a y
to "scientify" the architectural discourse. However, in
this project, w h a t the architect wants to convey is not a
scientific nature, but a m e t a p h o r for the vitality of l i f e.
Neither efficiency nor order is particularly important,
but e m p a t h y is the focus of attention. Eve n in such an
insignificant building, the evolution of architectural
thinking over the centuries could be refracted. T h e
maturity of the architect is reflected in the skillful
control of metaphor. T h e "Architecture Parlante" (the
ter m c o m i n g f r o m French language m e a n i n g "talking
architecture") advocated by Ledoux a n d his companions
does not necessarily appear noisy a n d rude. Instead, i t
can also be subtle a n d calm, just like this rehabilitation
centre. (Translated by X U Ziyi)
R u t a Lcitanaite: W h e n y o u arc i l l i t's not only the
medical help that counts. Psychological wellbeing i s
essential too, a n d the e n v i r o n m e n t contributes to i t
undoubtedly. Being hospitalised i s a stress i t s e l f,therefore
as m u c h comfort as possible is a priority. This i s w h a t the
clinic provides to its clients. The stay at the clinic i s not
limited to the medical care: rehabilitation i s a part of the
service. The infrastructure a n d architectural design allows
to m a k e this experience bearable if not even pleasant.
T h e tradition of grey a n d white, uninspiring a n d
even terrifying hospitals, that w e have as a legacy from
the 20th century i s the o u t c o m e not only of ideology,
but mostly of the limited finances. Here, obviously, the
budget w a s generous e n o u g h to create architectural
quality, and this possibility h a d been used in a smart way.
The m e t a p h o r of a heart, that is a nice story for
branding, haven't b r o u g h t m a n y novelties into the
functional s c h e m e that is quite ordinary. However, i t
is well organised, providing comfort not only for the
patients, but also for the employees that spend lots of
time here a n d need infrastructure not only for a proper
w o r k but also for rest.
The Cities and Architectures of the Middle East: New Challenges, Emerging Practices\\’..\ 2020,()4 39
加扎尔•阿巴斯-阿巴格 Ghazal Abbasy-Asbagh B.1973,漶黑兰,伊朗
哈佛大学设丨十研究生院硕士 贝符特美阳大学助理教授
B.1973, Tehran, Iran
MArch., Harvard Graduate School of Design
Assistant Professor, American University of Beirut
纳赛尔•H 布哈益N asser Abulhasan
B.1977,枓威特市.科威特 哈佛大学设计研究生院博士
A G i 违筑师务所主持违筑师、创 始合伙人
B.1977, Kuwait City, Kuwait
PHD., Harvard Graduate School of Design
Principal & Founding Partner, AGi architects
疗金•佩•,丨撕-戈川抖w 业.Joaquin Perez-Goicoechca B.1971,
哈佛大学H iiH 开究生院硕士
A G i 建筑师唞务所主持逮筑师、创 始合伙人
B.1971, Madrid, Spain
MArch., Harvard Graduate School of Design
Principal & Founding Partner, AGi architects
艾咍边徳•阿1u Ahmed Al-Ali
X 迚筑师务所创始合伙人
Graduated from American University of Sharjah
Founding Partner, X Architects • a n m ^
Farid Esmacil
x 违筑师Tf 务所创始合伙人
Graduated from American University of Sharjah
Founding Partner, X Architects
k 拉•阿拉如 Carla Aramouny
B.1980,贝捋特,黎巴嫩 宾夕法尼亚大学硕士 贝涔特美閩大学助理教授
B.1980, Beirut, Lebanon
MArch., University of Pennsylvania Assistant Professor. American University of Beirut
玫姆茁•H 哕拉特
Emrc Arolat
埃姆雷•阿罗拉轉建筑师事务所创 始合伙人、主.持逑筑师
Founding Partner & Principal, EAA- Emre Arolat Architecture
埃人伦■巴什布 Evren Ba§bug
B .198],安卡拉,土耳其 伊斯坦布尔比尔基大学硕士
埃夫伦•巴什布建筑师工作室创始 合伙人、创意总监
B.1981, Ankara, Turkey
MArch., Istanbul Bilgi University Founding Partner, Creative Director, Studio Evren Ba§bug Architects 米歇尔•蝌利#.•汽
Michele Maria Chaya B .1976,黎巴嫩
M ARIA GRO UP 建筑事务所主持建 筑师
B.1976, Lebanon
BArch., American University of Beirut Principal Architect, MARIAGROUP
Georges Maria B.1978,黎巴嫩 黎巴嫩美术学院硕士
M ARIAGROUP 建筑审务所主持建 筑师
B. 1978, Lebanon
MArch., Academie Libanaise des Beaux Arts
Principal Architect, MARIAGROUP 琳娜•崔
Linna Choi
O UALALOU + CH O I 建筑事务所 主持设计师、创始合伙人
MArch., Harvard Graduate School of Design
Design Principal and Founding Partner, OUALALOU+CHOI 讲1丨I 克• E 拉卢 Tarik Oualalou
O UALALOU + CH O I 建筑事务所 主持设计师、创始合伙人
Degree in Architecture, the Ecole d'Architecture Paris Malaquais Design Principal and Founding Partner, OUALALOU+CHOI
'■Mm •
Rambod Eilkhani
沙希德贝赫什迪大学硕士 [Shift] P rocess Prac 丨:ice 連筑事务 所主持建筑师
B.1971, Iran
MArch.E., Shahid Beheshti University Principal Architect, [Shift] Process Practice
Nashid Nabian
B. 1976,伊朗 哈佛大学设L 十研究生院博士
[Shiftj P rocess Prac:tic:nil 筑事务 所主持建筑师
B.1976, Iran
PHD., Harvard Graduate School of Design
Principal Architect, [Shift] Process Practice
Erdem Erten
B .1972,博卢,土耳其
伊兹密尔技术研究所教授B.1972, Bolu, Turkey
PHD., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Professor, Izmir Institute of Technology
I f c i /(拉斯•法业德 Nicolas Fayad
B.1985,贝锊特,黎巴嫩 哈佛大学设计研究生院硕士 E a s 丨.建筑工作室主持建筑师、创始 合伙人
B. 1985, Beirut, Lebanon
MArch., Harvard Graduate School of Design
Principal, Co-founder, East Architecture Studio 汽尔斯•凯特恩 Charles Kettaneh B. 1984,纽约,美国
B.1984, New York City, USA BArch., Pratt Institute Principal, Co-founder, East Architecture Studio
构Y 默德•加忸路尔
M ohammad Gharipour
B .1977,德黑兰,伊朗 乔治亚理工学院博士
摩根州立大学研究生院ill 筑坏境研 究系主任、教授
B.1977, Tehran, Iran
PHD., Georgia Institute of Technology
Professor and Chair, Department of Graduate Built Environment Studies, Morgan State University 梅斯坍法•容迪M ustapha Jun di
B .1976,贝鲁特,黎巴嫩 英国金史密斯学院博士研究生B.1976, Beirut, Lebanon PHD. Candidate, Goldsmiths University
丨庐徳• k 巴占
Sand El Kabbaj
毕业于摩洛哥拉巴特国家违筑学院 萨德•卡巴吉建筑事务所创始人
B.1978, Casablanca, Morocco
Graduated from Ecole Nationale d'Architecture of Rabat
Founder, Saad El Kabbaj Architecte
Driss Kcttani
B .1978,福兹,摩洛哥
毕业于摩洛哥拉巴特国家建筑学院 德堅斯•凯塔尼建筑事务所创始人
B.1978, Fes, Morocco
Graduated from Ecole Nationale d'Architecture of Rabat
Founder, Driss Kettani Architecte
126 WA 2020/04

