

















推荐最小范围(1) 数字精度(2) 数/模转换精度(3)(4) °C °F °C °F
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 ± 0.10 ± 0.10 ± 0.22 ± 0.14 ± 0.10 ± 0.08 ± 1.00 ± 0.75 ± 0.20 ± 0.25 ± 0.25 ± 0.40 ± 0.60 ± 0.50 ± 0.25 ± 0.18 ± 0.18 ± 0.40 ± 0.25 ± 0.18 ± 0.14 ± 1.80 ± 1.35 ± 0.36 ± 0.45 ± 0.45 ± 0.72 ± 1.08 ± 0.90 ± 0.45 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围 ±0.02% 范围

可用 4-20 mA/HART® 或 FOUNDATIONTM 现场总线协议进 行通讯。 集成化 LCD 显示器(可选)便于显 示主传感器的输入和变送器的诊断 信息。 可进行单传感器或双传感器输入。 温 差和平均温度的测量提高了系统的 灵活性。 双隔室外套在恶劣工业环境下仍可 确保最高的可靠性。

NA, E5,K5, K6, KB 未包括,需 订购可选代码 G1 N1, E1, I1, ND , K1, E7 , 包括 N7, I7, K7,KA, I2 和 E4



德国Implen超微量分光光度计 --设备推荐书1 厂家简介Implen是一家专门研究与生产超微量样品的分析光谱仪器和消耗品的领先供应商。











蛋白质的浓度和纯度细菌的OD600值具有常规紫外可见分光光度计的所有功能2.1 仪器的检测功能Implen超微量分光光度计既可使用超微量比色皿(左图),也可使用常规比色皿(右图),一机多用。

仪器中内置的检测方法包括:2.1.1 核酸的定量1)紫外法直接测量核酸的浓度和纯度,包括双链DNA(dsDNA)、单链DNA(ssDNA)、RNA、寡聚核苷酸(oligo)的浓度和纯度。



随着我国围产医学和新生儿学突飞猛进的发展,新生儿重症监护病房(neonatal intensive care unit,NICU)的普遍建立,早产儿、低体重儿的存活率明显提高,曾在发达国家早期就已出现的早产儿视网膜病变(retinopathy of prematurity,ROP)在我国的发病有上升趋势。





ROP最早出现在矫正胎龄(出生孕周+ 出生后周数)32周,早期筛查和正确治疗可以阻止病变的发展。





3.病变分期:病变按严重程度分为5期(图2~7):(1)1期:约发生在矫正胎龄34周,在眼底视网膜颞侧周边有血管区与无血管区之间出现分界线;图2 早产儿视网膜病变1期眼底像(2)2期:平均发生于矫正胎龄35周(32-40周),眼底分界线隆起呈嵴样改变;图3 早产儿视网膜病变2期眼底像,可见分界线隆起呈嵴状(3)3期:平均发生于矫正胎龄36周(32-43周),眼底分界线的嵴样病变上出现视网膜血管扩张增殖,伴随纤维组织增殖;阈值前病变平均发生于矫正胎龄36周,阈值病变平均发生于矫正胎龄37周;图4 早产儿视网膜病变3期眼底像,可见嵴上出现新生血管(4)4期:由于纤维血管增殖发生牵拉性视网膜脱离,先起于周边,逐渐向后极部发展;此期根据黄斑有无脱离又分为A和B,4A期无黄斑脱离,4B期黄斑脱离;图5 早产儿视网膜病变4A期眼底像,可见周边牵拉性视网膜脱离图6 早产儿视网膜病变4B期眼底像,为图5患儿3周后,可见周边牵引性视网膜脱离累及黄斑(5)5期:视网膜发生全脱离(大约在出生后10周)。



在线血液透析滤过机技术参数及配置附件: 天津市第四中心医院第一包、血液透析机技术规格及要求数量:2台一、主要性能规格和要求:治疗功能的要求:1.具有碳酸盐/醋酸盐/单超多种透析模式。
















型号:AQBH(人工晶状体), AQBHL(预装式人工晶状体);规格(光焦度):-10.0D~+36.0D,每0.5D一个间隔。
人工晶状体Intraocular Lens
AT LISA tri 839MP
非球面人工晶状体Aspheric Lens
等凸双非球面人工晶状体Intraocular Lens
人工晶状体Intraocular Lens蔡司
单件式复曲面人工晶状体TECNIS® Toric 1-Piece IOL







4.2 调零选择【SETUP】,输入密码【135】,进入【CALIB】,按下【ZERO】,校正空白。


4.3 模式选择4.3.1 选择【MODE】,输入密码【135】,进入【RDGS】,选择【single rdg】即手动按【READ】读数;进入【SCALE】选择【ri】即测折射率模式;进入【TC】选择【su】即设定为测量与温度有关。

4.3.2 更改操作员及管理员密码:Setup –输入“135”–PWORD–OPER or SUPER–输入新密码。

4.3.3 零点和满刻度校正:折光仪需要做2点校正,即零点和满刻度校正。




Setup–输入“135”–Calib–Zero or Span-输入标准校正液的数值。

4.3.4 选择读数模式:RFM340有5种读数模式:Single rdg:仅读一个数Cont rdgs:连续读数,读数间隔可以设置“延时读数时间”Cont rdg+prt:连续读数并打印Multi rdg+prt:可设定的多次读数并打印。


5rdgs+prt:连续测量5次并打印改变读数模式的方法:Mode–输入“123”–RDGS--选择以上5个选项4.3.5 选择标度:Mode–输入“123”–SCALE--选择RI或BX或5个自定义标度仪器另外还内置了9个其它标度,需要另外付费购买PIN码才能启用。

Elenberg MX-343说明书

Elenberg MX-343说明书

Elenberg MX-343R E V I S I O N、、底 面顶 面右侧面前面左侧面说明:1、指定以外寸法公差±0.5以下。


3、 2.25(8处)为支架安装位置孔, 1.75(4处)为Servo PCB 安装位置孔。

4、CL 为PLAY 时DISC 的中心。

5、PLAY 时DISC 及光头座组件会在X 、Y 、Z 方向上最大产生3mm 的振动。

黄茶绿橙黑红序号颜色说明-外观图后面(检测开关位置)(吸入位置)(位置)1、Scope of ApplicationThis specification applies to the CD mechanism model CL-C01FY1 (12cm Only) for car.However,when a certain doubt arises with this specification,or an additional specification is needed,the updating of this is determined on mutual discussion.2、Configuration and Dimensions See the appearance drawing.3、General Specification 3-1Mechanical system3-1-1 Disc loading :Power loading method 3-1-2 Disc discharge:Soft eject method3-1-3 Play:Disc-in-play method(in case of applying the SHINWA's standard microcmputer)3-1-4 Antivibration:Silicon elastomer damper method 3-1-5 Driving source:3-motor-method 3-1-6 Weight:About 480g 3-2Optical system(pickup)method3-2-1 Semiconductor laser:Wavelength ranging from 775 to 800nm 3-2-2 Object lens:Aspherical plastics3-2-3 Focusing:SSD(spot size detection)method 3-2-4 Tracking:3-beam method 3-2-5 Photo detector:Hologram laser 4、Electric Apparatuses 4-1 Optical pickup:OPTIMA-725 C2VICTOR 1unit 4-2 Spindle motor RF-400CAMABUCHI1unit 4-3Feed motorFF-030PK MABUCHI1unitSPECIFICATION FOR CL-C01FY1(12cm Only )4-4 Loading motor FF-050-1D190FAFA1unit4-5 Innermost perphery detecting SW SPPV11ALPS1unit4-6 Disc detector SW HCIR400B HUALIAN2unit5、Standard Operational Condition5-1 Operating attitude:Back and forth( -10°~+30°),and left and right(±5°)(Assurance for operation only)5-2 Operating temperature: -20℃~+70℃6、Disc adoptedDisc that complies with the specification prescribed in IEC60908.(However,8cm disc cannotbe used.)7、Standard Criteria7-1 Ambient conditionAtmospheric temperature:In a range of +20℃±3℃Humidity:In a range of 65%±5%Criterion for place:Quiet room without noise.However,as long as no doubt arises withcriterion,the following condition is allowed.Temperature:15℃~30℃,humidity:45%~85%7-2 Mechanical control circuit:SHINWA's standard circuit,or the equivalent.7-3 Rated voltage:DC13.2V(Supply voltage of SHINWA's standard controller)8、 General Performance8-1 Structure: Prescribed parts shall be assembled and laid out in a prescribed place.8-2 Appearance:There shall be no functionally defective or inappropriate scratch,rust, dirtiness,and deformation.8-3 Operational performance8-3-1 Disc loading:When inserting a disc as far as a prescribed position,the disc shall be loaded,and shall be smoothly chucked in the turntable.8-3-2 Disc discharge:When the discharge button is operated,a loaded disc shall be discharged out as far as prescribed,and be stopped there.8-3-4 Tune selective action:When the tune selective button is operated,a designated tuneshall be selected,and the disc shall be smoothly set into playing state.8-3-5 Various actions:Actions other than those described above follow as designated in theuser microcomputer specification.8-3-6 Operating power:Push back force:500g max(Pushing CD inwards after reaching Eject position) Withdrawal force:300g max(remove CD)Ejection force:50g max(movement into ejecting)How to measure is determined on mutual discussion.8-3-7 Noise level:Play:40dB or less Search:60dB or less Charge/Discharge:70dB or lessThere is no objectionable noise during these operations.As required,boundary sample shall be prepared on mutual discussion between SHINWA and your company.Noise level tests shall be carried out in an anechoic room with backgound noise 20dB(A) or less.Noise shall be measured at a position 10cm distant from the front of the mechanical section.SLOW(A)8-3-8 防止Double loading protection:A disc shall be unable to be inserted as long as the precedingdisc is on the turntable.8-3-9 Disc flaw:A visible scratch shall not be produced on a disc after 10,000 times continuouscharge and discharge action.8-3-10 Supply voltage range:The CD mechanism shall be normally operated by SHINWA's standardevaluation circuit which supply voltage is within 13.2V±20%.8-4 Electric performanceElectric performance specification and inspection method are as described in the following table:8-5 Special disc performanceA-BEX TCD-784RF level(Vp-p )A-BEX TCD-784 Tr1,Tr22 0.9 ±0.3JITTER (ns)ItemDisc/positionMeasurement methodUse SHINWA's circuit and Leader's jitter meter(Model:LJM1851) Specification≤30Use SHINWA's circuit and Leader's jittermeter(Model:LJM1851) 3T SIGMA polarity:↓Tr1,Tr22*Judgement shall be made within 10 seconds after respective track starts up.8-6Oscillation resistive performanceNo sound skip shall occur under the state of oscillation and condition as follows: Oscillation frequency=8 to 200Hz Attitude=horizontal Test temperature=20℃±3℃Type of disc used=TCD-792A,for both Tr.1,Tr.20Test circuit and test jig=SHINWA's standard tester or the equivalent Z=1.2G,Disc resonance point shall be 1.0G about 100HzHowever the following is the performance while using an attitude frontside up +20°(Lateral inclination ±0°)Z=1.0G,Disc resonance point shall be 0.8G about 100Hz9、Reliability Test 9-1Environmental test9-1-1 Hig temperature resistive preservation:When a CD mechanism is kept preserved at +80℃for 100H with power off and then left as it is at room temperature for 2H,the CD mechanism shall be able to maintain practically normal performance.9-1-2 Low temperature resistive preservation:When a CD mechanism is kept preserved at -20℃for 100H with power off and then left as it is at room temperature for 2H,the CD mechanism shall be able to maintain practically normal performance.9-1-3 High-temperature and high-humidity resistive preservation:When a CD mechanism is kept preserved at +60℃ and a relative humidity of 90% for 100H,and then left as it is atroom temperature for 24H,the CD mechanism shall be able to maintain practically normal performance.9-1-4 Thermal shock:When a CD mechanism is kept under -30℃ for 1H,then is left as it is at room temperature for 1M,is again kept under +80℃ for 1H,and this thermal shock isapplied 25 times to the CD mechanism,the CD mechanism shall be able to maintain practically normal performance.9-1-5 High-temperature resistive operating performance:When a CD mechanism is left as it isunder +70℃ for 3H and then is executed for playing action under the same environment as before,the CD mechanism shall be normal.9-1-6 Low-temperature resistive operating performance:When a CD mechanism is left as it isItemEccentric discSurface swaying disc SpecificationFree of sound skip and unusual contact sound Free of sound skip and unusual contact soundDisc/PositionA-BEX TCD-732RA TR.13(±0.4mm)A-BEX TCD-712R TR.1,15(140μm)as before,the CD mechanism shall be normal.9-2 Life test9-2-1 Continuous regenerative performance:When a CD mechanism is executed for continuous regenerative action at room temperature for 1,000H,the CD mechanism shall be able tomaintain practically normal performance.9-2-2 Feed durability:When feed action is applied to a CD mechanism 30,000 times at room temperature,the CD mechanism shall be able to maintain practically normal performance.9-2-3 Continuous disc charge and discharge durability:When continuous disc charge and discharge action is applied to a CD mechanism 10,000 times at room temperature,the CDmechanism shall be able to maintain practically normal performance.9-3 Drop and impact test9-3-1 Drop shock test:When a CD mechanism is subjected to 3 shocks with 70G on each of 6 surface,the CDmechanism shall be ble to maintain practically normal performance.9-4 Vibration durability test:When vibration with a frequency ranging from 10 to 200Hz and a sweep time of 15min areapplied to a CD mechanism the following times(keeping 2.5G inoperative state constant), the CD mechanism shall be able to maintain practically normal performance.[Z(Vertical direction):4H,X(Forward and backward direction):2H,Y(Right and leftdirection):2H]Cautions:In the above test(1)No bedewing shall be occur.(2)Room temperature which is designed in this specification ranges from +15°~+30°.(3)The use of a 8cm disc with adapter cannot be warranted.(4)The use of a 8cm disc alone without adapter cannot be warranted.10、Control Circuit Specification10-1Functional specification:The control circuit has each functional circuit for RF amplifier,servo signal processing, digital signal processing,and D/A conversion,and also has a motor driver circuit forcharging and discharging a disc,and each servo system driving circuit.10-2Power supply specification5.0V system:0.5A MAX,and 4.80 to 5.20V is supplied.9.0V system:2.0A MAX,and 8.80 to 9.20V is supplied.10-3Operation, performance,and performance:10-3-1 Access time: ≤7sec 1T→26T and 26T→1T TCD-784 A-BEX10-3-3 Frequency characteristic:0±2dB 0±2dBTCD-784 A-BEX 10-3-4Distortion factor ≤0.03% 1KHz ,20KHz LPF/400Hz HPF ON TCD-784 A-BEX 10-3-5Dynamic range:>80dB 20KHz , LPF/A FIL ON TCD-784 A-BEX 10-3-6S/N ratio:>85 dB20Khz , LPF/A FIL ON TCD-784 A-BEX 10-3-7Interchannel separation:>70 dB 20KHz , LPF/400Hz HPF ON TCD-784 A-BEX 10-3-8De-emphasis error:±2dB 5KHz/-4.53dB16KHz/-9.04dBTCD-784 A-BEX10-3-9Damaged disc playing performance:Should be free of skip under the condition with specified or less value.*Black dot 1.0mm Tr.10 TCD-725B A-BEX *Scratch 1.0mm Tr.5 TCD-721R A-BEX *Interruption 1.0mm Tr.6TCD-725B A-BEX*FingerprintΦ75μmTr.15 TCD-725B A-BEX#Judgement shall be made within 10 seconds after respective track starts up.10-3-10 Electric Current Consumption:The motor current consumption is 350mA or less when disc is loading or ejecting. 10-3-11 Loading Time :≤8 secFrom inserting the disc to the start of 1T.Using SHINWA's circuit,microcomputer and TCD-784 A-BEX.10-3-12 Ejecting Time:≤3 secFrom pressing the EJ key to the complete ejecting of the ing SHINWA's circuit,microcomputer and TCD-784 A-BEX.11、Reliability Test StandardThe following is the standard after Reliability test and under conditions for Environmental test(Item9-1-5,9-1-6).Z=1.0G ,(Disc resonancepoint:0.5G)≤10Sec.Black dot*0.4mm Surface swaying disc*Eccentric disc*TCD-732RA Tr.8(±0.3mm)TCD-711R Tr.1,15(70μm)Initialization noise levelOscillation resistive performanceAccess timeInterruption*0.5mm Scratch*0.4mm Test itemDisc inserting power Disc extraction power Disc discharge power Play noise level Search noise levelCharge/Discharge noise level RF levelTraverse signal level0.9±0.5Vp-p 0.5~2.0Vp-p≤50dB ≤70dB ≤80dB≤80dBStandard≤750g ≤450g ≥20g12、CL-C01 SET Design CautionPlease take care of the following points when you design your finished product.12,1Mechanical Caution12.1.1During playing,the mechanism floating part moves 3mm maximum in a XYZ direction.Pleasepay attention to when spacing parts around the mechanism floating part.12.1.2When designing,please ensure there is no gap with disc entrance height position between the CL-C01 and the finish product.This will avoid damaging the disc.This will also avoid increasing disc moving load while inserting and ejecting the disc.12.1.3 Please make sure the disc guide is positioned not to touch the lever protecting doubleloading in the finished product design.12.1.4Please design the unit to avoid resonance causing vibration etc.when fixing the CL-C01 tothe case of the finished product.And also when you install the unit into the car.This will avoid bad oscillation resistive performance.12.1.5Please design the finished product to be dustproof.This will avoid lower the pick-up sensitivity etc.12,2Electrical Caution12.2.1Please never use electrical parts over the recommended rating etc.12.2.2Signal of the optical pick-up is high impedance.So,especially avoid designing the opticalpick-up close to the distal signal of the microcomputer,s clock etc.12.2.3Please pay attention to the position of FPC connector when designing your servo PCB toavoid FPC to be contorted. 13、Handling of the CL-C01 MechanismFrequency characteristic ±3dB Distortion factor Dynamic range <0.05%>75dB Deemphasis error Loading time S/N ratioInterchannel separation Ejecting timeE-F phase difference≤4sec ±70degJitter Output level≤35ns 0.8±0.28vrms >80dB >65dB ±2dB ≤15sec13,1Please don't drop the CL-C01.13,2After the CL-C01 is unpacked,please don't leave the CL-C01 in dusty surroundings.To avoid static electricity,please keep it in the packaging.13,3Please make sure to ground the operator's body,workbench,jib and tools,measuring equipment in the Production,Inspection and other departments handling the CL-C01.13,4Please don't operate the CL-C01 in an attitude over 30°(back and forth,left and right) 13,5Please never touch the pick-up lens.13,6Please don't pull the leads and the FPCs more than necessary.13,7Fundamentally,play is not guaranteed with a 8cm disc if an adapter is used.Please avoid using an adapter.13,8Since the actuator of the OPTIMA-725C2 used a powerful magnet,the pick-up characteristics may be subjected by a magnetic object brought into close proximity.On the bottom of the gap between the actuator cover and the objective lens,an objective lens driving magnet is installed,prevent the gap from catching foreign objects.13,9When the objective lens is fouled,the characteristics of the OPTIMA-725C2 may be degraded (reduction of light output,for example).In such a case,clean the lens with a lint freecotton stick or the like soaked in the cleaning liquid JCB B-4 NO.2(manufactured by Nippon Membo) in such a manner that the delicate wires supporting the lens(bobbin) are notdisturbed.◆Similar instructions and precautions for cleaning the objective lens should be advisedto CD player users.◆Commercially available lens cleaners are not advisable for this purpose.Recognition of this specifications:Please return the recognized specifications within a month from the issued date.It isover a month from the issed date,we will think that specifications is recognized.Note:(1)In case mechanism is evaluated or inspected in use of customer's control circuit andmicrocomputer,the standard and performance described in this specifications shall bediscussed separately to be mutually agreed.(2)The parts are subject to charge with any improvement within the range of thespecifications without prior notice.。



The Next GenerationMADE BY ZEISS 23ZEISS OPMI PENTERO 900The Next GenerationEvolution in ExcellenceOPMI ® PENTERO ® 900 from ZEISS represents the next generation visualization system. Building on the ground b reaking innovations introduced in 2004, it combines unique design concepts and new functionalities in a proven, fully-integrated platform. Key functions have been enhanced and new visualization methods integrated, raising ZEISS OPMI PENTERO 900 to a new level of performance. ZEISS OPMI PENTERO 900 continues the evolutionary process, turning technological progress into medical innovations effectively advancing what is possible in modern microsurgery.Experience the new OPMI PENTERO 900.• Brilliant VisualizationExperience optical immersion with state-of-the-art apochromatic optics, razor-sharp video images in full HD quality and innovative fluorescence methods.• Superior PerformanceSmooth, intuitive system handling and superior functionality ensure efficient surgery and fast system set-up.• Beyond VisualizationZEISS OPMI PENTERO 900 interacts with current and emerging workplace technologiesand workflow based solutions to create a better OR experience.1953First surgical microscope:OPMI 11976Contraves ®suspension:OPMI 1 / NC 11993First microscope­integrated navigation system:OPMI ES MKM autopilot1998First microscope­integrated fluorescence:OPMI Neuro FLmicroscopes:OPMI Pentero2011Anotherdefining momentExperience Optical ImmersionZEISS OPMI PENTERO 900 delivers state-of-the-art apochromatic optics providing crystal-clear images, sharp details and natural color rendition. Whether viewing through the eyepieces or on its flexible and integrated HD touchscreen display, ZEISS OPMI PENTERO 900 elevates visualization of the surgical field to the next level. The entire HD video chain – camera, recorder, editor and monitor – is fully integrated into the system without the need for external components, exposed cabling or the use of multiple control interfaces. The HD video system can be configured and controlled via the central HD touchscreen, handgrip or foot switchfor maximum flexibility and surgical performance. ZEISS OPMI PENTERO 900 offers a unique HD experience with visual brilliance for live demonstrations, teaching presentations and patient documentation.4Uniquely Designed Apochromatic OpticsThe distinctive design concept with ZEISS apochromatic optics throughout the entire optical pathway allows the system to deliver unmatched optical clarity, detail resolution and color reproduction, both through the eyepieces and the video image.High­quality Data Injection The advanced MultiVision ™ display significantly enhances image quality and enables efficient data injection during procedures. Higher resolution, enhanced contrast and better color rendition ensure outstanding quality leading to improved outcomes.Brilliant High Definition Video DisplayThe large touchscreen display delivers impressively, crisp images in HD quality. The extendable suspension arm allows the display to be rotated, tilted or moved into different viewing positions.Fully Integrated HD VideoThe fully integrated HD video camera, recorder and editor enable surgeons to capture razor-sharp images for teaching, documentation and presentation purposes. All video functions can be centrally controlled from the intuitive graphical user interface.MADE BY ZEISSAdvancing fluorescence – Continuation of Scientific ProgressZEISS has partnered with visionary thought leaders in the development of innovative intraoperative fluorescence technologies. The first fluorescence module, INFRARED 800™, successfully established intraoperative fluorescence as a key visualization technology. FLOW® 800 is a unique tool enabling the visual analysisof blood flow dynamics, further establishing ZEISS as a leader in intraoperative fluorescence. With BLUE400 and now, with the introduction of YELLOW 560™, we further broaden the capability for fluorescencebased research applications. With its intuitive workflow, automated functions and unmatched performance, theZEISS OPMI PENTERO 900 platform supports fluorescence-based surgeries like no other system.5 INFRARED 800¹Intraoperative visual assessmentof blood flow and vessel patencyduring AVM, bypass and aneurysmsurgery. INFRARED 800 is indicatedfor use in neurosurgery, plasticand reconstructive procedures andcoronary artery bypass graft surgery.YELLOW 5603Visualizes in the 540 to 690 nmwavelength range for supportingresearch applications. It is the firstZEISS fluorescence module capableof highlighting fluorescent structureswhile viewing surrounding structuresin their natural color.BLUE 4002Capable of supporting fluorescence-based surgery for researchapplications by providingvisualization in the 620-710 nmrange. BLUE 400 is a completelyintegrated module with no externalcomponents or cables.Optionally available in HD quality.FLOW 800¹Unique fluorescence applicationenabling visual analysis of vascularblood flow dynamics. It compilesINFRARED 800 video sequences intovisual maps, diagrams or side-by-side images, enabling an in-depthinterpretation of fluorescence videos.¹)For the complete 510(k) summary for INFRARED 800 with FLOW 800 option, visit /cdrh_docs/pdf10/k100468.pdf.²)Image obtained with investigational new drug.3) Image obtained with drug under investigation for new intended use.6Maximum EfficiencyZEISS OPMI PENTERO 900 is a unique surgical visualization platform specifically conceived and designed for even the most demanding microsurgical applications. Extended system ergonomics and functions provide increased con v enience, streamlining the surgical workflow. All relevant functions are combined into a cohesive system that can be controlled from the intuitive touchscreen user interface. Smooth system handling and superior performance are delivered through proven functions like mouth switch control, a unique depth of field, AutoFocus ™ and many more. The Foldable Tube f170/f260 and wireless foot control panel enhance ergonomics, improving surgeon comfort and performance.// S UPERIOR PERFORMANCEMADE BY ZEISSUnparalleled Depth of Field Depending on preference or application, the integrated, electronically controlled double-iris diaphragm enables surgeons to choose between maximum light and resolution or depth of field.Dynamic Foldable Tube The highly flexible Foldable Tube f170/f260 offers increased positioning capability, magnification and user comfort. With a quick dial turn, the integrated PROMAG ™functionality provides an additional50 percent magnification gain.Wireless Foot ControlThe wireless foot control, designedto manage multiple microscope functions, can be freely positioned for rapid set-up and user convenienceduring surgery. The intelligent power management function ensures superior long-lasting operability.Efficient Light SettingsThe patented, two-channe lillumination design reduces shadowing in deep cavities. The Automatic Iris Control ™limits illumination to the field of interest and the new Focus Light Link ™automatically limits brightness, both in the aim of preventing inadvertent light exposure.7AutoBalanceAutomatic balancing of the microscope with the press of a single button for fast system setup. AutoBalance can even be performed while the system is draped ensuring optimum system mobility. A unique fine balance function also allows precise system control via the mouth switch.AutoDrapeAutoDrape allows for easy and fast system draping by automatically evacuating air from the sterile drape. The drape clings tightly to the system in a matter of seconds without obstructing the microscope’s mobility.OR Turn-Around SimplifiedDesigned as much for the OR staff as for the surgeon, ZEISS OPMI PENTERO 900 incorporates workflow-conducive features that reduce prep time for the nursing staff before each surgical case. AutoBalance ™ quickly balances the microscope at the touch of a button, AutoDrape ® facilitates a quick and easy draping process, and the unique FlexiTrak ™ enables the OR staff to easily maneuver the system in the clinical environment. Additionally, the intuitive user interface allows for easy access to all microscope functions through a large, HD touchscreen monitor including patient data, pre-configured surgeon settings and video recording. More than any other surgical microscope system, ZEISS OPMI PENTERO 900 streamlines the surgical workflow and maximizes OR efficiency.VisionGuard Drape Technology ZEISS drapes are manufactured with VisionGuard ®, a unique, optical lensthat works with the microscope’s objective as a single optical unit for unparalleled optical clarity. The lens can be replaced with a new sterile lens during surgery without compromising sterility.Rapid Remote DiagnosisFast internet access via VPN enables remote diagnostic capability, resulting in better service support and improved system uptime. System log files can be accessed online by ZEISS service specialists for rapid analysis and support.8Workflow-based Solutions ZEISS OPMI PENTERO 900 provides tailored, workflow-based solutions that are accessible through a common interface. The modules were designed with surgeons for surgeons to meet the requirements of clinical applications and are seamlessly integrated into the surgical workflow.Application­driven Technologies Focused on enhancing clinical outcomes, ZEISS OPMI PENTERO 900 provides surgeons with application-driven solutions like MultiVision and fluorescence-based visualization. Each integrated module introduces a new level of simplicity, speed and accuracy to the surgical procedure.Universal ConnectivityZEISS OPMI PENTERO 900 offers comprehensive connectivity with workplace technologies and data management functionality. Integrated modules like MultiVision and DICOM ensure a seamless connection with other visualization systems and into the hospital’s communication infrastructure, respectively.Intelligent Design From complete cable and component integration to overall intuitive system design, ZEISS OPMI PENTERO 900 creates the optimal surgical environment. One cohesive touchscreen interface serves all system configurations and functions.Workplace InnovationsClose cooperation with leading surgeons across the globe led to the development of a ground-breaking visualization platform. ZEISS OPMI PENTERO 900 offers advanced functionality in an elegantly designed workplace. The thoughtfully designed workflow based solutions, specifically tailored to meet the demands of clinical applications, differentiate this system from any other. The complete integration of workplace components as well as the ability to adapt emerging technologies present the surgeon with a wide variety of product solutions to meet their individual requirements. Now more than ever, ZEISS OPMI PENTERO 900 provides an experience that goes far beyond visualization.// B EYOND VISUALIZATIONMADE BY ZEISSTechnical DataRated Voltage(115V): 100 V – 125 V(230V): 220 V – 240 Vmax. 1.200 VACurrentConsumptionRated Frequency50 Hz – 60 HzElectrical Standard Complying with IEC 60601-1:2005;UL 60601-1; CAN/CSA-C22.2No. 601.1-M90Protection class I, degree of protection IP20Type B equipmentClass 2 laser product as perEN 60 825-1:2002Weight Weight approx. 358 kgWeight of system incl. transport container:approx. 610 kg910OptionsVideoIntegrated 3-CMOS HD video camera Integrated SD or HD video recording and editingAdaptation of consumer (SLR) photo/video camera Intraoperative FluorescenceBLUE 400INFRARED 800INFRARED 800 with FLOW 800YELLOW 560Connectivity / Data Management DICOM module for patient data transfer from/to PACSAccessories12.5x magnetic widefieldeyepieces with integrated eyecups Straight tube, focal length f = 170mm Stereo co-observation tube Foldable Tube f170/f260,including the PROMAG function for additional 50% magnification and integrated rotate function Wired foot control panel Wireless foot control panelStandard ConfigurationApochromatic OpticsMotorized focus; Varioskop ® with working distance 200 – 500 mmMotorized zoom; 1:6 zoom ratio10x magnetic widefield eyepieces with integrated eyecupsAutofocus with 2 visible laser dots, automatic mode with magnetic brakes IlluminationSuperlux ® 330 light source with 2 x 300 W xenonAutomatic Iris Control for adjusting the illumination to the field of view Individual light threshold setting Focus Light Link: working distance controlled light intensityDisplay of remaining lamp life timeSystem OperationMultifunctional programmable handgrips Magnetic clutches for all system axes Central user interfaceXY robotic movement in 3 axes (variable speed)System SetupAutoBalanceAutoDrape – air evacuation system Mouthswitch fine balance Video22" HD video touchscreen on extendable armIntegrated 3-CMOS SD video camera Integrated video still image capturing on HDD and USB-mediaConnectivity / Data ManagementVideo-in for external SD video sources Navigation interfaceInterface for micromanipulator Remote diagnosis via internet/VPN11Image Courtesy of:BrainLAB AG, Feldkirchen, Germany (p. 4, 8)Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, USA (p. 1, 4, 5, 8)Michael Buchfelder, MD, PhD, Neurosurgery Department, Erlangen University Hospital, Erlangen, Germany (p. 5)Walter Stummer, MD, PhD, Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital Münster, Münster, Germany (p. 5, 8)Yasuo Murai, MD, PhD, Department of Neurosurgery, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan (p. 8)Yasushi Takagi, MD, PhD, Department of Neurosurgery, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan (p. 5)Carl Zeiss Meditec AG Goeschwitzer Strasse 51–5207745 Jena Germany//contactsYour local contact:ArgentinaCarl Zeiss Argentina S.A.Calle Nahuel Huapi 4015 / 25C1430 BCO Buenos Aires ArgentinaPhone: +54 11 45 45 66 61****************.arAustraliaCarl Zeiss Pty. Ltd.Unit 13, 2 Eden Park DriveNorth Ryde, New South Wales 2113AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9020 1333*************.au AustriaCarl Zeiss GmbH Laxenburger Str. 21100 Vienna AustriaPhone: +43 1 79 51 80*****************BelgiumCarl Zeiss NV-SA Ikaroslaan 491930 Zaventem BelgiumPhone: +32 2 719 39 11*************BrazilCarl Zeiss do Brasil Ltda.Av. Naçoes Unidas, 21711CEP04795-100 São Paulo BrazilPhone: +55 11 5693 5521*******************CanadaCarl Zeiss Canada Ltd.45 Valleybrook Drive Toronto, ON M3B 2S6CanadaPhone: +1 800 387 8037***************ChinaCarl Zeiss Shanghai Co. Ltd.1/f., Ke Yuan Building 11 Ri Yin Nan RoadWaigaoqiao Free Trade Zone 2005 Yang Gao Bei Road Shanghai 200131ChinaPhone: +86 21 5048 17 17*************.cnCzech Republic Carl Zeiss spol. s.r.o.Radlická 14/3201150 00 Prague 5Czech RepublicPhone: +420 233 101 221**************FranceCarl Zeiss Meditec France SAS 60, route de Sartrouville 78230 Le Pecq FrancePhone: +33 1 34 80 21 00************GermanyCarl Zeiss Meditec VG mbH Carl-Zeiss-Strasse 2273447 Oberkochen GermanyPhone: +49 7364 20 6000**********************.com Surgical Ophthalmology:Phone: +49 800 470 50 30***********************.com Hong KongCarl Zeiss Far East Co. Ltd.Units 11-12. 25/FTower 2, Ever Gain Plaza No. 88 Container Port Road Kwai Chung Hong KongPhone: +852 2332 0402**************.hk IndiaCarl Zeiss India Pvt. Ltd.22. Kensington Road UlsoorBangalore 560 008IndiaPhone: +91 80 2557 88 88*************.in ItalyCarl Zeiss S.p.A.Viale delle Industrie 2020020 Arese (Milan)ItalyPhone: +39 02 93773 1*************JapanCarl Zeiss Meditec Japan Co. Ltd.Shinjuku Ku Tokyo 160-000322 Honchio-Cho JapanOphthalmic instruments:Phone: +81 3 33 55 0331*****************.jp Surgical instruments:Phone: +81 3 33 55 0341****************.jpMalaysiaCarl Zeiss Sdn Bhd.Lot2, Jalan 243/51 A 46100 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan MalaysiaPhone: +60 3 7877 50 58******************.sgMexicoCarl Zeiss de México S.A. de C.V.Avenida Miguel Angel de Quevedo 49604010 Mexico City MexicoPhone: +52 55 59 99 0200*******************Netherlands Carl Zeiss B.V.Trapezium 300Postbus 3103364 DL Sliedrecht NetherlandsPhone: +31 184 43 34 00*************New ZealandCarl Zeiss (N.Z.) Ltd.15B Paramount Drive P.O. Box 121 - 1001Henderson, Auckland 0650New ZealandPhone: +64 9 838 5626*************.au PolandCarl Zeiss sp. Z o.o.ul. Lopuszanska 3202-220 Warsaw PolandPhone: +48 22 858 2343*****************SingaporeCarl Zeiss Ptd. Ltd.50 Kaki Bukit Place Singapore 415926SingaporePhone: +65 6741 9600**************.sg South AfricaCarl Zeiss (Pty.) Ltd.363 Oak Avenue FerndaleRandburg 2194South AfricaPhone: +27 11 886 9510*************.zaSouth Korea Carl Zeiss Co. Ltd.Seoul 121-828Mapo-gu141-1, Sangsu-dong 2F, BR Elitel Bldg.South KoreaPhone: +82 2 3140 2600**************.krSpainCarl Zeiss Meditec Iberia S.A.Ronda de Poniente, 15Tres Cantos 28760 Madrid SpainPhone: +34 91 203 37 00*************Sweden Carl Zeiss ABTegeluddsvaegen 7610254 Stockholm SwedenPhone: +46 84 59 25 00*************Switzerland Carl Zeiss AGFeldbachstrasse 818714 Feldbach SwitzerlandPhone: +41 55 254 7534************ThailandCarl Zeiss ThailandFloor 8, Thosapol Land Building 2230 Ratchadapisek Road Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310ThailandPhone: +66 2 2 74 06 43******************.sg United Kingdom Carl Zeiss Ltd.15-20 Woodfield Road Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire, AL7 1JQ United KingdomPhone: +44 1707 871200*************.ukUnited States of America Carl Zeiss Meditec USA, Inc.5300 Central Parkway Dublin, CA 94568USAPhone: +1 925 557 /us/medC A P -e n -U S _30_020_0011I C Z -V I I /2021T h e c o n t e n t s o f t h e b r o c h u r e m a y d i f f e r f r o m t h e c u r r e n t s t a t u s o f a p p r o v a l o f t h e p r o d u c t i n y o u r c o u n t r y . P l e a s e c o n t a c t o u r r e g i o n a l r e p r e s e n t a t i v e f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n . S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e i n d e s i g n a n d s c o p e o f d e l i v e r y a n d a s a r e s u l t o f o n g o i n g t e c h n i c a l d e v e l o p m e n t . O P M I , P E N T E R O , F L O W , V i s i o n G u a r d , V a r i o s k o p a n d A u t oD r a p e , M u l t i V i s i o n , I N F A RE D 800, B L U E 400, Y E L L O W 560, P R O M A G , A u t o B a l a n c e ,F l e x i T r a k , A u t o m a t i c I r i s C o n t r o l a n d F o c u s L i g h t L i n k a r e e i t h e r t r a d e m a r k s o r r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k s o f C a r l Z e i s s M e d i t e c AG o r o t h e r c o m p a n i e s o f t h e Z E I S S G r o u p i n G e r m a n y a n d /o r o t h e r c o u n t r i e s . C o n t r a v e s ® i s a r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k o f t h e C o n t r a v e s A G .© C a r l Z e i s s M e d i t e c U S A , I n c ., 2021. A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .0297Carl Zeiss Meditec USA, Inc. 5300 Central Parkway Dublin, CA 94568USA/us/med。



Sandvik 3R64 is an austenitic stainless steel with a high molybdenum content. The grade is characterized by improved resistance to general and pitting corrosion in comparison with ASTM 316L.STANDARDSProduct standardsSeamless tube and pipe ASTM A213, A312SS 142367ASTM: TP317L –UNS: S31703–SS: 2367–CHEMICAL COMPOSITION (NOMINAL) %Chemical composition (nominal) %C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo ≤0.0300.41.7≤0.030≤0.01518.514.53.1FORMS OF SUPPLY Seamless tube and pipeSeamless tube and pipe in 3R64 is supplied in dimensions up to 260 mm outside diameter in the solution annealed and white-pickled condition or solution annealed in a bright-annealing process.Other forms of supplySandvik 3R64 is also supplied in forms of:Further details concerning sizes and finishes are available on request.Welded tube and pipe–Wire electrodes and filler wire/rods –Covered electrodes –Fittings and flanges–MECHANICAL PROPERTIESFor tube and pipe with a wall thickness greater than 10 mm (0.4 in.) the proof strength may fall short of the stated values by about 10 MPa (1.4 ksi).At 20°C (68°F)D a t a s h e e t u p d a t e d 1/19/2017 12:21:59 P M (s u p e r s e d e s a l l p r e v i o u s e d i t i o n s )1Proof strength Tensile strength Elong.Hardness R R R A VickersMPaMPaMPa%approx.Metric units ≥220≥250515-690≥35155Proof strength Tensile strength Elong.Hardness R R R A Vickersksiksiksi%approx.Imperial units ≥32≥3675-100≥351551 MPa = 1 N/mm a) R and R correspond to 0.2% offset and 1.0% offset yield strength, respectively.b) Based on L = 5.65 ÖS where L is the original gauge length and S the original cross-section area.Impact strengthDue to its austenitic microstructure, Sandvik 3R64 has very good impact strength both at room temperature and at cryogenic temperatures.Tests have demonstrated that the steel fulfils the requirements according to the European standards EN 13445-2 (UFPV-2) ( (min. 60 J (44 ft-lb) at -270 C (-455 F)) and EN 10216-5 (min. 60 J (44 ft-lb) at -196 C (-320F).At high temperaturesTemperature Proof strength °CR R MPa MPa min.min.Metric units 50 196 221 100 172 197 150 155 180 200 144 169 250 136 161 300 129 154 350 123 148 400 119 144 450 115 140500110135Temperature Proof strength °FR R Imperial units p0.2a p1.0a m b p0.2a p1.0a m b 2p0.2p1.00000o o o o p0.2a p1.0a p0.2ap1.0aD a t a s h e e t u p d a t e d 1/19/2017 12:21:59 P M (s u p e r s e d e s a l l p r e v i o u s e d i t i o n s )2MPa ksi min.min.20025.429.040020.824.460018.422.180017.020.6100015.419.0PHYSICAL PROPERTIESDensity: 8.0 g/cm , 0.29 lb/in Temperature, °C W/m °C Temperature, °F Btu/ft h °F Thermal conductivity 2014688100152008.520017400103001860010.54002080011.550021100012.560023110013Temperature, °C J/kg °C Temperature, °F Btu/lb °F Specific heat capacity 20485680.111005002000.122005154000.123005256000.134005408000.1350055510000.1360057511000.14Temperature, °C Per °C Temperature, °F Per °F Thermal expansion 30-10016.586-2009.530-2001786-4009.530-30017.586-6001030-4001886-8001030-5001886-10001030-6001886-120010.530-70018.586-140010.51) Mean values in temperature ranges (x10)331)-6D a t a s h e e t u p d a t e d 1/19/2017 12:21:59 P M (s u p e r s e d e s a l l p r e v i o u s e d i t i o n s )3Temperature, °C MPa Temperature, °F ksi Modulus of elasticity 202006829.010*********.220018640026.930017960025.840017280024.7500165100023.51) (X10)1)3CORROSION RESISTANCEOwing to its high molybdenum content Sandvik 3R64 possesses improved resistance compared to ASTM 316/316L in a majority of chloride and acidic environments.General corrosionSandvik 3R64 has good resistance in:The following data illustrate the improved resistance of Sandvik 3R64 vs ASTM 316, although the corrosion rates at the majority of temperatures are unacceptably high for both grades.Table 1. General corrosion resistance of Sandvik 3R64 and ASTM 316 in boiling formic acid.Formic acid, wt-%Corrosion rate, mm/year Sandvik 3R64ASTM 31650.120.18100.200.3250.350.6500.450.680 1.0 1.5900.8 1.81000.40.6Intergranular corrosionOwing to its low carbon content Sandvik 3R64 possesses a low risk for intergranular corrosion after e.g. welding operations.Pitting and crevice corrosionThe pitting corrosion resistance of stainless steels is primarily determined by the contents chromium,molybdenum and nitrogen. The Pitting Resistance Equivalent can be used for ranking different stainless steels with regard to their pitting resistance. The PRE number is defined as:PRE = % Cr + 3.3 x % Mo + 16 x % NTable 2. PRE values for Sandvik 3R64 and some other alloys. Typical values unless otherwise statedOrganic acids at high concentrations and moderate temperatures–Inorganic acids, e.g. phosphoric and sulphuric acids at moderate concentrations and temperatures. The steel can also be used in sulphuric acid of concentrations above 90% at low temperature –Salt solutions, e.g. sulphates, sulphides and sulphites caustic environments–D a t a s h e e t u p d a t e d 1/19/2017 12:21:59 P M (s u p e r s e d e s a l l p r e v i o u s e d i t i o n s )4Alloy 3R64ASTM 316L Alloy 825904L SAF 2205PRE29243134>351) 2.1 % MoThus Sandvik 3R64 is resistant against pitting corrosion at higher temperatures and/or higher chloride concentrations than is the case for ASTM 316L.Figure 1. Crevice corrosion resistance of Sandvik 3R64 and 3R60.The same ranking of alloys can be applied for the crevice corrosion resistance. However, crevice corrosion is to be expected at significantly lower temperatures, than is the case for pitting corrosion. Figure 1 demonstrates the better crevice corrosion resistance of Sandvik 3R64 vs. 3R60 (ASTM 316L with 2.6% Mo, EN 1.4435) after 2months exposure in chloride solutions.Stress corrosion crackingAustenitic steels are susceptible to stress corrosion cracking. This may occur at temperatures above about 60°C (140°F) if the steel is subjected to tensile stresses and at the same time comes into contact with certain solutions, particularly those containing chlorides. Such service conditions should therefore be avoided.Conditions when plants are shut down must also be considered, as the condensates which are then formed can develop a chloride content that leads to both stress corrosion cracking and pitting.In applications demanding high resistance to stress corrosion cracking, austenitic-ferritic steels, such as Sandvik SAF 2304 or Sandvik SAF 2205 are recommended. See data sheets S-1871-ENG or S-1874-ENG.1)HEAT TREATMENTThe tubes are delivered in heat treated condition. If additional heat treatment is needed after further processing the following is recommended.Stress relieving850–950°C (1560–1740°F), 10-15 min, cooling in air.Solution annealing1000–1100°C (1830–2010°F), 10-30 min, cooling in air or water.WELDINGThe weldability of Sandvik 3R64 is good. Suitable welding methods are manual metal-arc welding with covered electrodes and gas-shielded arc welding with the TIG and MIG methods as first choice. Preheating and post-weldD a t a s h e e t u p d a t e d 1/19/2017 12:21:59 P M (s u p e r s e d e s a l l p r e v i o u s e d i t i o n s )5/contact-us Disclaimer: Recommendations are for guidance only, and the suitability of a material for a specific application can be confirmed only when we know the actual service conditions. Continuous development may necessitate changes in technical data without notice. This datasheet is only valid for Sandvik materials.heat treatment are not normally necessary.Since the material has low thermal conductivity and high thermal expansion, welding must be carried out with a low heat input and with welding plans well thought out in advance so that the deformation of the welded joint can be kept under control. If, despite these precautions, it is foreseen that the residual stresses might impair the function of the weldment, we recommend that the entire structure be stress relieved. See under "Heat treatment".As filler metals for gas-shielded arc welding we recommend wire electrodes and rods Sandvik 19.13.4.L. In shielded metal-arc welding (SMAW) covered electrodes Sandvik 19.13.4.LR are recommended.APPLICATIONSSandvik 3R64 can be used for a wide range of industrial applications where steels of type ASTM 304 and 304L or even ASTM 316L have insufficient corrosion resistance. Typical examples are heat exchangers, condensers,pipelines, cooling and heating coils in the chemical, petrochemical, pulp and paper and food industries.D a t a s h e e t u p d a t e d 1/19/2017 12:21:59 P M (s u p e r s e d e s a l l p r e v i o u s e d i t i o n s )。



襄阳市精神卫生中心CT设备中标公告依据湖北省襄阳市财政局政府采购办公室襄财采计财采计〔2011〕395号计划函要求,湖北开天工程咨询有限公司受襄阳市精神卫生中心的委托,于2011 年9月5日就襄阳市精神卫生中心CT设备政府采购项目采用公开招标方式进行采购,按规定程序进行了评标,现就本次采购的中标结果公告如下:一、采购项目名称:襄阳市精神卫生中心CT设备政府采购二、采购项目简要说明:详见招标文件四、评标日期:评标地点:襄阳市综合招投标交易服务中心评标小组成员名单:刘明浩、许正敏、李建国、王贵勤、姜德春五、中标单位名称:武汉华茂源科贸有限公司中标金额:万元制造商家及规格型号:航卫通用电气医疗系统有限公司BRIVO CT325 六、联系事项:政府采购代理机构联系人:胡秀梅联系电话:07孝感市第一人民医院医用设备项目中标结果公示武汉创世纪招标有限公司受孝感市第一人民医院的委托,对其所需的医用设备项目进行了国内公开招标。

经评标委员会评审推荐、招标人确认,现将中标结果公示如下:中心编号:HBZH-201204-N29-0173开标日期:2012年5月22日?中标产品名称及数量:X线电子计算机断层扫描装置(CT)/壹套中标供应商:武汉鼎枫科技有限公司中标产品规格信号:BRIVO CT325中标金额:人民币(大写)贰佰陆拾万元整(¥:2,600,)公示期:2012年5月24日至2012年5月28日招标单位:孝感市第一人民医院详细地址:孝感市孝南区环城路215号?联系人:邓永传招标代理机构:武汉创世纪招标有限公司详细地址:武汉市武昌区体育馆路2号新凯大厦6楼602号联系人:彭付江武汉创世纪招标有限公司2012年5月25日各有关当事人对中标结果有异议的,(湖北招标网整理)可以在中标公告发布之日起五日内以书面形式向湖北开天工程咨询有限公司提出质疑,逾期将不再受理。




1.性能指标1.1电功率1.1.1最大输出电功率摄影模式下(间歇方式):P=100kV×500mA = 50kW透视模式下(连续方式):P=125kV×6mA = 750W1.1.2标称电功率摄影模式下(间歇方式):P=100kV×500mA = 50kW 0.ls透视模式下(连续方式):P=125kV×6mA = 750W1.2加载因素及控制1.2.1X 射线管电压a)摄影管电压调节范围40kV~150kV,采用步进值为1kV 调节方式。

b)透视管电压调节范围40kV~125kV,采用步进值为1kV 调节方式。


1.2.2X 射线管电流a)摄影管电流调节范围10mA~630mA,采用按R'10分档调节方式。

b)连续透视管电流调节范围0.5mA~6mA,采用步进值为0.1mA 调节方式。

c)脉冲透视管电流可设置范围10mA~30mA, 采用步进值为0.1mA 调节方式。








1.3成像性能1.3.1摄影空间分辨率a)不加附加衰减体模状态下的空间分辨率应不小于3.7 Lp/mm;b)附加厚度2Omm纯铝衰减体模状态下的空间分辨率不小于3.4 Lp/mm 。


≥5KWபைடு நூலகம்



F O C U S E D Q U A L I TYMantis - ergonomic stereo microscopesMantis are unique ergonomic high performance stereo microscopes, offering 3D optical imaging with magnification options up to 20x.Large fields of view and long working distances allow for a wide range of inspection, manipulation and re-working tasks, all with exceptional hand-eye coordination.Patented optical technology allows operators freedom of head movement for superb ergonomics and hand-eye co-ordination, with the ability to wear glasses if required. All Mantis systems aid with productivity and quality improvements.Key Features92x to 20x magnification options9Superior ergonomics for improved productivity9Quick change turret for flexible magnification9Optimised for long working distance & large field of view9Bright true colour, LED illumination9Optional factory-integrated HD digital camera9Inspect and document with ease (Mantis Elite-Cam HD only)9Choice of stands and accessories to suitMantis CompactMantis Compact a high value stereo microscope which excels in the low magnificationrange for inspection or manipulation tasks where bench magnifiers have traditionallybeen used.Patented optical technology allows operators freedom of head movement for superbergonomics and hand-eye co-ordination, with the ability to wear glasses if required.All Mantis systems aid with productivity and quality improvements.92x, 4x, 6x and 8x quick change objectives9Patented eyepiece-less optics maximise head freedom providing unrivalledergonomic performance9Small footprintFind out more:/mantis-compact Mantis EliteMantis Elite has enhanced optical performance, comparing to Mantis Compact,including higher magnification, a large field of view and long working distances.Mantis Elite is a perfect alternative to traditional stereo microscopes for a wide rangeof inspection, preparation and manipulation tasks requiring hand-eye co-ordination.92x - 20x magnification options with quick change turret allows users to switchbetween low and high magnification9Superb hand-eye co-ordination for inspection and re-working tasks9Bright true colour LED illumination provides up to 10,000 hours of shadow-freeviewingFind out more:/mantis-elite Mantis Elite-Cam HDMantis Elite-Cam HD is a variant of the successful Mantis Elite stereo microscope,with an internally integrated USB digital camera, bringing image capture capabilitiesto the outstanding optical performance of Mantis.By adding an HD camera to Mantis Elite, Vision Engineering has created asupremely capable inspection solution, providing flexibility and simplicity for anyprecision magnification task.9Quickly and simply add annotations / mark-up to captured images using theViCapture software supplied9Video recording (.avi), ideal for training purposesFind out more:/mantis-elite-camImproving microscopy ergonomics...Around 62%of microscope operators declared suffering fromMUSCULOSKETLETAL PROBLEMS 262%85%Around 55%of microscope users have experiencedFREQUENT HEADACHES 155%94%Common locations were neck and back. Other problematic areas included shoulder, wrist and hand.78%Unrivalled Mantis advantage...Businesses choose Vision Engineering’s ergonomic stereo microscopes because operators are more comfortable during inspection, so more efficient, more accurate and more productive.Give your stereo microscope a health check!Ergonomic working positionAn ergonomic body position makes the Mantis more comfortable, less fatiguing and, more importantly, much easier to use. Additionally, optimal operator ergonomics minimises the risk of repetitive strain-related injuries. A happy worker is a productive worker.Freedom of head movementAn additional benefit of Vision Engineering’s patented eyepiece-less design is that users do not need to align their eyes with eyepieces. This freedom of movement reduces associated neck and back strain associated with the fixed body position of conventional microscope eyepieces.A natural view of the subjectWith conventional microscope eyepieces, operators must position their eyes very close to the eyepieces, blocking out ambient light. The intense light exiting the eyepieces causes the pupils to contract. Constant contraction and expansion of the pupils is the main cause of eye fatigue with microscopes.With the patented eyepieces of Mantis, users sit back from the viewer, allowing ambient light into the eyes. Additionally, the light exiting the ‘viewing lens’ is spread overa larger area, proving a more natural view of the subject.Easy hand-eye co-ordinationEasy hand-eye co-ordination is possible with the Mantis – critical for re-work, repair, dissection and other manipulation tasks. Sitting back from the viewer provides userswith much better peripheral vision, so they can co-ordinate hands in a natural manner.Ability to wear glassesWith Mantis, operators do not need to remove their glasses (or safety glasses) to use the microscope./ergonomicsDisclaimer - Vision Engineering Ltd. has a policy of continuous development and reserves the right to change or update, without notice, the design, materials or specification of any products, the information contained within this brochure/datasheet and to discontinue production or distribution of any of the products described.EO&E: Errors and omissions accepted.Mantis_LIT5429EN_10.1| Copyright ©2022 Vision Engineering Ltd. | All rights reserved.To see our focused quality , please contact your Vision Engineering branch, local authorised distributor, or visit our website: Vision Engineering Ltd.(UK Manufacturing & Commercial)The Freeman Building, Galileo Drive, Send, Surrey, GU23 7ER, UK T +44 (0) 1483 248300E ************************.uk Vision Engineering Ltd. (Italia)Via G. Paisiello 10620092 Cinisello Balsamo MI, Italia T +39 02 6129 3518E *****************Vision Engineering (South East Asia)P-03A-20, Impian Meridian,Jalan Subang 1, USJ 1, 47600 Subang Jaya,Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia T +604-619 2622E *******************Vision Engineering (Mexico)T +01 800 099 5325E ********************Vision Engineering Inc.(NA Manufacturing & Commercial)570 Danbury Road,New Milford, CT 06776, USA T +1 (860) 355 3776E ******************Vision Engineering Ltd. (France)ZAC de la Tremblaie, Av. de la Tremblaie91220 Le Plessis Paté, France T +33 (0) 160 76 60 00E *****************Vision Engineering (China)Room 904B, Building B, No.970, Nanning Road, Xuhui Vanke Center Shanghai, 200235, P .R. ChinaT +86 (0) 21 5036 7556 E ******************.cn Vision Engineering (Brazil)E ******************.br Vision Engineering (Latin America)E ********************Vision Engineering Ltd. (Central Europe)Anton-Pendele-Str . 3,82275 Emmering, Deutschland T +49 (0) 8141 40167-0 E *****************Nippon Vision Engineering (Japan)272-2 Saedo-cho, Tsuduki-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 224-0054, Japan T +81 (45) 935 1117 E *****************Vision Engineering (India)T + 91 (0) 80-5555-33-60E *****************.inFM 557119Vision Engineering Ltd. has been certified for the quality management systemISO 9001:2015.Vision Engineering Ltd. has been designing and manufacturing high quality ergonomic microscopes, digital instruments, inspection and non-contact measuring systems for over 60 years.InnovationWith a philosophy of design innovation, Vision Engineering holds world patents for a number of optical / digital techniques, significantly improvingviewing ergonomics and enabling customer quality and productivity improvements.QualityVision Engineering prides itself on quality products, electronics, mechanics and optics and is certified for the quality management system ISO 9001:2015. Quality is as important to us as it is to our customers. Our systems have proved themselves many times over and are chosen by the world’s leading companies.GlobalVision Engineering has manufacturing and design facilities in the UK and USA, plus sales and support offices throughout Europe, the Americas, the Far East, and Asia. We support our customers with close technical and service support anywhere in the world.VISION ENGINEERINGOUR DIFFERENCE。

CommScope 4.3-10连接器2口小细胞基站天线,2个1695-2690MHz,65°横径方

CommScope 4.3-10连接器2口小细胞基站天线,2个1695-2690MHz,65°横径方

2-port small cell antenna, 2x 1695–2690 MHz, 65° HPBW, 1x RET withmanual override.Provides a future-ready antenna solution with flexibility to reassign antenna, for example GSM1800 service to 2.6GHz LTE at a later dateEmploys state-of-the-art ultra wideband technology providing excellent RF performance in allbandsRF technology flexible—suitable for LTE, UMTS, CDMA, GSM, AWS, WiMAX, and otherapplications from 1.7–2.7 GHzExcellent RF pattern control over the full operating band and tilt range for desired coverage andinterference containment4.3-10 connector significantly improves PIM consistency and smaller footprint on antennabottomOBSOLETEThis product was discontinued on: November 30, 2023General SpecificationsAntenna Type Small CellBand Single bandColor Light Gray (RAL 7035)Grounding Type RF connector inner conductor and body grounded to reflector andmounting bracketPerformance Note Outdoor usageRadome Material PVC, UV resistantRadiator Material Low loss circuit boardReflector Material AluminumRF Connector Interface 4.3-10 FemaleRF Connector Location BottomRF Connector Quantity, high band2RF Connector Quantity, total2Remote Electrical Tilt (RET) InformationRET Interface8-pin DIN Female | 8-pin DIN MaleRET Interface, quantity 1 female | 1 male10–30 Vdc14Page ofInput Voltage10–30 VdcInternal RET Low band (1)Power Consumption, idle state, maximum 2 WPower Consumption, normal conditions, maximum13 WProtocol3GPP/AISG 2.0 (Single RET)DimensionsWidth170 mm | 6.693 inDepth105 mm | 4.134 inLength600 mm | 23.622 inNet Weight, without mounting kit 3.8 kg | 8.378 lbElectrical SpecificationsImpedance50 ohmOperating Frequency Band1695 – 2690 MHzPolarization±45°Electrical SpecificationsFrequency Band, MHz1695–18801850–19901920–22002300–25002500–2690Gain, dBi13.413.813.914.414.57068696361Beamwidth, Horizontal,degreesBeamwidth, Vertical, degrees18.517.216.414.413.6Beam Tilt, degrees0–200–200–200–200–20USLS (First Lobe), dB15171717142727282825Front-to-Back Ratio at 180°,dB2525252525Isolation, Cross Polarization,dBVSWR | Return loss, dB 1.5 | 14.0 1.5 | 14.0 1.5 | 14.0 1.5 | 14.0 1.5 | 14.0PIM, 3rd Order, 2 x 20 W, dBc-153-153-153-153-153300300300250250Input Power per Port,maximum, wattsElectrical Specifications, BASTAFrequency Band, MHz1695–18801850–19901920–22002300–25002500–269013.113.513.514.114.124Page ofPage of 34Gain by all Beam Tilts, average, dBi13.113.513.514.114.1Gain by all Beam Tilts Tolerance, dB±0.4±0.6±0.6±0.6±0.6Gain by Beam Tilt, average, dBi0 ° | 13.010 ° | 13.220 ° | 13.10 ° | 13.510 ° | 13.520 ° | 13.30 ° | 13.510 ° | 13.520 ° | 13.30 ° | 14.110 ° | 14.220 ° | 13.30 ° | 14.210 ° | 14.220 ° | 13.4Beamwidth, Horizontal Tolerance, degrees ±3.2±2.7±3.7±4.0±4.9Beamwidth, Vertical Tolerance, degrees±1.4±1.5±1.2±1±1USLS, beampeak to 20° above beampeak, dB1517171714Front-to-Back Total Power at 180° ± 30°, dB 2424242523CPR at Boresight, dB 1920191615CPR at Sector, dB16151457Mechanical SpecificationsWind Loading @ Velocity, frontal 118.0 N @ 150 km/h (26.5 lbf @ 150 km/h)Wind Loading @ Velocity, lateral 48.0 N @ 150 km/h (10.8 lbf @ 150 km/h)Wind Loading @ Velocity, rear 151.0 N @ 150 km/h (33.9 lbf @ 150 km/h)Wind Speed, maximum241 km/h (150 mph)Packaging and WeightsWidth, packed 302 mm | 11.89 in Depth, packed 212 mm | 8.346 in Length, packed 726 mm | 28.583 in Weight, gross8.9 kg | 19.621 lbRegulatory Compliance/CertificationsAgency ClassificationCECompliant with the relevant CE product directivesISO 9001:2015Designed, manufactured and/or distributed under this quality management systemIncluded ProductsDB390–Pipe Mounting Kit for 2.4 - 4.5 in (60 - 115 mm) OD round members. Use for narrow panelantennas. Includes two pipe mounts.DB5098–Downtilt Mounting Kit for 2.4 - 4.5 in (60 - 115 mm) OD round members* FootnotesPerformance Note Severe environmental conditions may degrade optimum performance44Page of。













正常PD:64 小瞳正常PD:62
大方PD:70 小瞳大方PD:65
椭圆PD:64 小瞳椭圆PD:62
+1.00D 1型+0.50至+1.00D
+1.50D 2型+1.25至+1.50D
+2.00D 3型+1.75至+2.00D
+2.50D 4型+2.25至+2.50D
+3.00D 5型+2.75至+3.00D
+3.50D 6型+3.25至+3.50D
+4.00D 7型+3.75至+4.00D





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