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T h e E n g l i s h t r a n s l a t i o n i s b e l i e v e d t o b e a c c u r a t e . I n c a s e o f d i s c r e p a n c i e s t h e G e r m a n v e r s i o n s h a l l g o v e r n .
Q U E L L E : N O L I S
December 1995
Restraint System
LV 107
Seat Belt Vertical Adjustment
Requirements and Tests
Restraint system – belt adjustment – requirements and test procedures
Previous issue
AK-LV 13: 1994-12
Changes as compared to the 1994:12 issue
Document renumbered and revised without changing the technical contents.
1Scope and aim
2Normative references
5Requirements and tests
A Appendix
1 Scope and aim
This specification is meant to ensure that seat belt vertical adjustments installed in standard produc-tion meet the same level of quality as the design tested sample and meet the requirements of the respective national regulations.
2 Normative references
ADR 3/02Seat Anchoring
ADR 4/02Seat Belts
ADR 5/03Seat Belt Anchoring
ASTM B 117 -73 Salt Spray (Fog) Testing
ECE-R16Seat Belts and Restraint Systems for Motor Vehicles ECE-R 21Uniform Conditions for the Approval of Vehicles
with Regard to Their Interior Trim and Components
EG 74/60Vehicle Interior Trim and Components, Parts in the Passenger Compartment EG 76/115Seat Belt Anchoring EG 77/541Seat Belts and Restraint Systems for Motor Vehicles
FMVSS 571.210 Seat Belt Assembly Anchorages
LV 104Restraint System; Seat Belt Retractor; Requirements and Tests
LV 105Restraint System; Belt; Requirements and Tests
LV 106Restraint System; Seat-Belt T ensioner; Requirements and Tests
LV 108Restraint System; Seat Belt Buckle, Seat Belt Connector; Requirements and
LV 109Restraint System; Gas Generator for Seat-Belt
Tensioner; Requirements and Tests
3 Definitions
The seat belt vertical adjustment is a fitting part. All parts of the seat belt system, including locking parts and retractors, which are fastened directly to vehicle parts are considered fitting parts.
Continued on pages 2 to 9 LV : Team - Supply Specifications Team of Companies: Audi AG, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, DaimlerChrysler AG, Porsche AG und Volkswagen AG LV 107 December 1995 Page 2
4 General
4.1 General requirements
The seat belt vertical adjustment shall have a bottom and a top limit stop. The top and bottom latching position shall also be the final position of the adjusting slide.
4.2 Dimensions
For details, see the seat belt vertical adjustment ASSY drawing.
4.3 Registration
The requirements acc. to EEC 74/60 and ECE-R21 apply in principle.
The manufacturer of the seat belt vertical adjustment is responsible for obtaining general type a p-proval and possible cross and mixed registrations at a testing institute authorized for acceptance and for securing the registration in the individual countries.
This LV (supply specification) does not relieve the manufacturer from the mandatory documentation of the design test in the specific country acc. to the corresponding specification and the obligation for documentation.
5 Requirements and tests
The tests shall be performed in the same sequence as the section numbering. Deviations from this sequence are impermissible.
In the unused condition and after the endurance test (section 5.5), the parts shall be rattle-free in driving operation and on the test stand.
5.1 Conditioning
Unless otherwise indicated, the specimens shall be conditioned for at least 24 h prior to testing at (23 ± 2)° C and (60 +7)% relative humidity.
5.2 Corrosion resistance (metal parts in the ASSY)
After the corrosion test, the function shall still be fully ensured. Slight corrosion that does not impair the function is permissible with consultation, except in the area adjacent to the body.
Testing Salt spray fog test acc. to ASTM B 117-73
Number of devices under test (DUT)10 ASSY parts
Test setup as-installed position in the vehicle
Test duration24 h (for parts not mounted on the floor)
LV 107 December 1995 Page 3 5.3 Temperature resistance (non-metal parts in the ASSY)
The requirements of this specification shall still be properly fulfilled after testing.
In addition, at parts temperatures between -40° C and 85° C, the function and adjustability of the complete lock shall remain intact when the vertical adjustment is operated five times over the entire adjustment range within two minutes of reaching the parts temperature.
Requirements similar to ADR 4.02, section, with changes.
The test shall be performed without interruption acc. to table 1. Temperature gradient to the next aging temperature: 1 K/min
Table 1. Temperature, duration and relative humidity in aging Aging temperature
°C Aging period
Relative humidity
80–524= 90
80–524< 15
5.4 Adjustment force, manual seat belt vertical adjustment
Additional lubricants may be used to reduce the adjustment force as long as they do not come in contact with the hands or the belt during assembly or operation.
Testing in as-received condition and after endurance test (section 5.5) at RT with no vehicle-specific trim panels and without actuating elements:
Preload F V = 8N
Test regulation see fig. 1
Prior to testing, the SBA shall be adjusted 20 times over the entire adjustment range.
5.4.1 Basic design
Unlocking direction any
Unlocking and/or adjustment force F = 30N
5.4.2 Comfort design
The unlocking direction shall be the same as the adjustment direction.
The individual latching positions shall be audible or otherwise perceptible.
a) Adjustment with force F B from top to bottom only
-from any latching position F B = (5 to 13) N
-between the latching positions F B = (5 to 10) N
LV 107 December 1995 Page 4
b) Adjustment with force F T from bottom to top only
-from any latching position F T = (2 to 23) N
-between the latching positions F T = (2 to 13) N
c) Additional requirement
With a preload of F V = 60 N acc. to fig. 1, unlocking shall be possible with F T = 50 N.
Fig. 1. Test regulation for adjustment force
5.5 Endurance test and wear characteristics
No impairment of function after testing.
The adjustment forces shall fulfill the requirements in sections 5.4.1 and 5.4.2.
Test setup as-installed position in vehicle (or belt 45° in space) without vehicle-specific trim panels and
without actuating elements
Preload F V = 8N
Adjustment speed(5 to 10) adjustment cycles/min
1 adjustment cycle consists of: adjustment from the bottom latch to the top and back, locking in
each latching position. A fixed sequence according to the kinematic
mechanism of the locking system, which provides maximum load
to the system is also possible.
a) Start of endurance testing
Number of adjustment cycles3,000 at room temperature
b) Dust exposure
After the dust test, the SBA shall lock securely in each latching position.
Test stand acc. to ADR 4.02
Test setup as-installed position in vehicle
with vehicle-specific trim panel and with
actuating elements
Dust acc. to EG 77/541
Test duration 5 h, dust swirl for 5 s every 20 min. After every dust swirl, run
through 10 adjustment cycles within (1 to 2) min.
c) Continuation of the endurance test
Number of adjustment cycles at room temperature3,000
Number of adjustment cycles at -20° C1,000
Number of adjustment cycles at 65° C and 95% relative humidity1,000
LV 107 December 1995 Page 5
d) Vibration load
After the vibration load, the SBA shall lock securely in each latching position.
Test setup SBA with guide mount (see fig. 2)
Preload F V = 8 N, parallel and opposite to direction (1) in fig. 2
Vibration form sinusoidal
and frequency see table 2
Frequency change 1 Hz/s
Directions of vibration1, 2 and 3 acc. to fig. 2
Test duration per direction8h
Table 2. Acceleration and frequency of the vibration loads
Vibration directions
3.7514 to 25 3.2514 to 23 2.5014 to 25
2.4025 to 40 2.5023 to 25 2.2525 to 38
4.2540 to 50 1.7525 to 40 3.7538 to 40
–– 2.7540 to 43 4.9040 to 50
–– 3.7543 to 48––
Fig. 2. Test regulation for vibration load
5.6 Noise
In the unused condition and after the wear test (section 5.5), the parts shall be rattle-free in driving operation and on the test stand.
Test duration= 30min
Test frequency(0 to 30)Hz
Amplitude(0 to 2)Hz
Directions of vibration1, 2 and 3 acc. to fig. 2
LV 107 December 1995 Page 6
5.7 Mounting characteristics
No impairment of function when the attachment screw or fixing nut of the guide mount is tightened with 60 Nm.
5.8 Static strength test
There shall be proof of sufficient strength in all adjustable latching positions and at the bottom stop.
5.8.1 Static tensile test on the single part
Permissible deformation f = 10 mm in direction of force F.
The SBA shall meet the required strength under all angle combinations in table 3. In addition, the requirements for all other angle combinations that are critical for the SBA apply.
Test regulation see fig. 3
Belt data breaking load= 35 kN
Elongation at 11 kN8%
Test rate75 mm/min
Minimum breaking force acc. to F - 3s F =13.0 kN, applies to any latching position and at the
bottom stop
Table 3. Angle combinations
Measurement F stat./dyn.
Dimensions in mm
Rigid base plate with no permanent deformation under test conditions
Fig. 3. Force directions for static and dynamic strength tests
5.8.2 Static tensile test
Test of the belt anchoring points acc. to EG 76/115, FMVSS 571.210, ADR 3/02 and ADR 5/03
No component breakage with a suspension load of 16.4 kN in the shoulder and lap belt parts.
LV 107 December 1995 Page 7 5.9 Dynamic tests
For a combination SBA with seat-belt tensioner (automatic tensioner or buckle tensioner), the d y-namic tests shall be
performed with tensioners, trim panel parts and actuating elements of the SBA.
Tensioner data acc. to LV 106 "Seat-Belt Tensioner".
There shall be proof of sufficient strength in all latching positions.
For intermediate positions, latching in the next latching position shall be ensured.
Intermediate positions are defined as:
Locking mechanism 2 mm below the original latching position or the position critical for the locking system.
The bottom limit stop shall be able to hold the unlocked slide of the SBA from any possible setting.
5.9.1 Tests in intermediate position (tensioner suitability) Static tests
Tensioner with load limit generator (= maximum filling acc. to the manufacturer tolerances).
Gas generator temperature directly before detonation set to maximum permissible pressure pulse range. SBA in connection with automatic tensioner
Test setup acc. to fig. 4
S Trim panel with actuating elements
D Automatic tensioner 500+ -50 mm belt on spool
Dimensions in mm
Fig. 4. Test regulation for SBA with automatic tensioner SBA in connection with buckle tensioner
Test setup acc. to fig. 5
S Trim panel with actuating element
D Buckle tensioner
Dimensions in mm
Fig. 5. Test regulation for SBA with buckle tensioner
LV 107 December 1995 Page 8 Slide test
The test shall be performed acc. to ECE-R16 with the following revisions (see fig. 6):
-50% TNO dummy, 75 kg
-v desired = (56.1 + 1) km/h
-36g <= a max < = 40g
-G' (a = 40g : t = 18 ms)
-H' (a = 40g : t = 55 ms)
-Tensioner detonation time t1 electrically detonated seat-belt tensioner: (7 ± 2) ms after t0 (t1 = detonation s ignal) Fig. 6. Deceleration time curve of the slide
5.9.2 Test in latched position Slide test acc. to section
5.9.3 Test in intermediate latching position Slide test acc. to section
5.9.4 Additional lock test
The SBA shall be designed so that no destruction or unlocking (except upward) occurs for accel-erations "a" up to 50 g over a time of 10 ms in all directions *) due to the component inertia force. The test shall be performed with guide mounted in as-installed position.
*)For acceleration in the y direction (= cross vehicle axis) the part shall unlatch in the next lower position when unlocked.
LV 107 December 1995 Page 9
A Appendix
A.1Appendix 1
For information on packaging space and assembly see fig. 7
Hole for upper mounting on body
Internal threads for mounting belt guide
M10x1 or M10x1.25 or 7/16"-20 fine-pitch thread Belt guide (not included in SBA)
max. 45 mm
Adjustment range 92 mm with 5 latching positions SBA shall be designed so that an adjustment
range of 69 mm is also possible
when omitting or blocking a latch
Surface protection cathodic dip paint black
3 pairs of hooks for application of force in body
Trim attachable if needed
e.g., for versions with guide beneath trim panel max. 30 mm
max. 20 mm
max. 18 mm
Dimensions in mm
Fig. 7.Belt vertical adjustment, dimensioned schematic。
