Dialog as interpersonal synergy


考研 Dialogue Comprehension英语会话技巧复习

考研 Dialogue Comprehension英语会话技巧复习

Dialogue Comprehension英语会话技巧复习1.Woman:Mary would have been sick if she had eaten all those sweets. Man: She told me she had a toothache last night.Question: What do we learn from the conversation?A. Mary has eaten up those sweets and feels well.B. Mary has a toothache because she ate those sweets.C. Mary didn’t eat those sweets because of her toothache.D. Mary is ill because she ate up those sweets last night.2.Woman:Pam was half an hour late for work this morning.Man: So, what else is new?Question: What can be said about Pam?A. She doesn’t work late.B. She’s often not on time for work.C. She always wears the latest fashion.D. She’s been doing a lot of new things recently.3.Woman:I really should have done better. I was ahead for the first three laps. Man: There’ll be other races.Question: Why was the woman disappointed?A. It was the last race.B. The first three laps didn’t count.C. She thinks she’ll lose the other races.D. She didn’t do as well as she expected.4.Woman:I’d better get going if I want to get home before dark.Man: Give my best to Ann and the kids.Question: What do learn from the conversation?A. The man doesn’t want to drive late at night.B. The woman is sending gifts for Ann and her children.C. The conversation is taking place late at night.D. Ann shares a house with woman and her children.5.Woman:Have you heard what George has been saying about your work? Man:Yes, I have, but I couldn’t care less.Question: What does the woman mean?A. She should do more careful work.B. She is not concerned about George’s remarks.C. George is not concerned about her remarks.D. George should do more careful work.6.Woman:Are you finally through with your exams?Man: I wish I were.Question: What is the woman implying?A. She still has exams to take.B. She wants to know which exams are over.C. She wishes she had done better on her exams.D. She has finished looking through the exams.7.Woman:I don’t understand how you get a ticket. I always thought you were a careful driver. Man: I usually am, but I thought I could make it before the light turned.Question: Why did the man get a ticket?A. He was speeding.B. He ran a red light.C. He ran through a stop sign.D. He turned a corner too fast.8.Woman:Have you read this month’s issue of Inquiry?Man: What journal is that?Question: What does the woman mean?A. He works for the journal now.B. He can’t find the copy of his journalC. He hasn’t read the journal before.D. He likes the issues discussed in that journal.9.Woman:Be careful. Today is Friday the thirteenth.Man: Oh, how can you believe those silly things?Question: How could you describe the man?A. WiseB. LuckyC. StupidD. Superstitious10.Woman:Cooking for yourself is a lot better than eating dormitory food.Man: You can say that again!Question: What does the woman mean?A. She agrees with the man.B. The man is always waiting.C. She wants him to tell her what he ate.D. This is the second time the man said that.11. Woman:I’d rather not talk about it. Just don’t ask.Man: Come on. I think you need to let off some steam.Question: What does the man advise the woman to do?A. To talk to him about the problem.B. To keep the secret.C. To reduce the workload.D. To have a good rest.12.Woman:Julie’s dress looks funny. That style went out last year.Man: Oh, come on, as long as it looks good on her.Question: What does the man try to emphasize?A. Julie’s dress is not outdated.B. Julie’s dress does not suit her.C. Julie should follow the fashion.D. Julie looks fine in that dress.13.Woman:What kind of snack do you prefer?Man: Oh, I’ve got a sweet tooth, you know.Question: What does the woman probably like?A. Sandwich.B. Hot dogs.C. Ice cream.D. Potato chips.14.Woman:I’m trying to driving all the way to work and back everyday. If only cars could drive themselves!Man: Well, some car manufacturers are working on them. I guess you’ll soon buy one if you can afford it.Question: What does the man imply?A. The woman will be able to buy an intelligent car.B. Cars that drive themselves may be very expensive.C. He is working with a car producer on intelligent cars.D. Driving to work is really a headache.15.Woman:Bebe, how does it not even cross your mind that you might want a future with someone? Man: It’s simple. I don’t mind being married to my career.Question: What’s Bebe’s attitude towards her future?A. She will stay with someone unmarried.B. She will live a simple life.C. She will quit her job to get married.D. She will fully focus on her job.16.Woman:My results are a bit flattering because I’ve had quite a lot of luck.Man: Nonsense, you’re head and shoulders above the others in your group.Question: What does the man think the reason for the woman’s success?A. She’s far better the others.B. She’s really luck.C. She’s got the others’ support.D. She’s been working hard.17.Woman:I’ve figured it all out. It looks like it’ll take us about 5 hours to drive from here to Chicago.Man: It’d be more relaxing to take the train. But I guess we should watch our expenses. Question: What does the woman imply?A. She likes to drive when she travels.B. She doesn’t want to go to Chicago.C. It’s cheaper to go to Chicago by car.D. She doesn’t know the cost of the train trip.18.Woman:How about the examination last week?Man: If I’d got more time, I could have made it.Question: What does the woman imply?A. She failed the examination last week.B. She was asked to take another examination.C. She did quite well in the examination.D. She didn’t take the examination last week.19.Woman:Harvard or the State University, have you decided yet?Man: Well, I’d rather be a big fish in a small pond.Question: Which university is the woman likely to choose?A. HarvardB. the State UniversityC. Neither.D. She hasn’t decided yet.20.Woman:I’ve just found a great location to open a new shop.Man: But you haven’t researched the market. Don’t you think this is putting the cart before the horse?Question: What does the man mean?A. The man should n’t make the decision so quickly.B. It’s too risky to choose such a location.C. It’s possible for him to make a better choice.D. The man is doing things in the wrong order.Key to Dialogue Comprehension英语会话技巧复习。



沟通是解决代沟的桥梁英语作文英文回答:Communication is the Bridge that Spans Generational Gaps.Generational gaps, the perceived differences in values, beliefs, and behaviors between different generations, can be a significant source of misunderstanding and conflict. However, effective communication can serve as a vital bridge, spanning these gaps and fostering intergenerational understanding and harmony.Shared Language: Communication provides a common language, enabling individuals from different generations to express their perspectives and experiences. By engaging in open and empathetic dialogue, younger and older generations can break down barriers and create a shared understanding of their respective viewpoints.Cultural Exchange: Communication facilitates cultural exchange between generations. By sharing stories, traditions, and customs, individuals can gain insights into the unique perspectives and experiences that shape each generation. This cultural exchange fosters mutual respect and appreciation, bridging the perceived chasms that often exist.Empathetic Listening: Effective communication requires empathetic listening, where individuals actively seek to understand the feelings and experiences of others. By listening without judgment and seeking clarification, generational gaps can be narrowed. Empathy builds bridges of compassion, allowing individuals to recognize the commonalities that unite them.Technological Advancements: Technological advancements, such as social media and video conferencing, have expanded the possibilities for intergenerational communication. These platforms enable individuals to connect across vast distances and engage in meaningful conversations, fostering understanding and breaking down barriers.Intergenerational Activities: Engaging in intergenerational activities, such as volunteering, mentoring, and community events, provides opportunities for meaningful interactions between different generations. By working together towards common goals, individuals can overcome stereotypes and build bridges of respect and collaboration.Education and Awareness: Education and awareness programs can play a crucial role in fostering intergenerational understanding. By promoting empathy, respect, and open communication, these programs empower individuals to bridge generational gaps and createinclusive societies.Conclusion:Communication is an indispensable bridge that spans generational gaps, fostering understanding, respect, and collaboration between different generations. Through shared language, cultural exchange, empathetic listening,technological advancements, intergenerational activities, and education, we can break down barriers and build bridges that connect the past, present, and future. By embracing the power of communication, we can create a society where generational divides are transcended, and intergenerational harmony prevails.中文回答:沟通是弥合代沟的桥梁。


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多媒体演示multimedia presentation
正色投影胶片orthographic film
个人场所personal audience venue
平台使用费platform licensing
后期制作阶段postproduction phase
生活方式式技法lifestyle techniques
助记手段mnemonic device
音乐式广告musical commercials
音乐标志musical logo
叙述式正文narrative copy
新闻/信息式标题news/information headlines
理性诉求rational appeals
目标受众target audience
价值型思维value-based thinking
收尾trial close
模拟校样analog proof
合成片answer print
音控台audio console
底片base art
意见抽样opinion sampling

Interactive games, dialogues and the verbalization

Interactive games, dialogues and the verbalization

a r X i v :m a t h /9903001v 1 [m a t h .H O ] 27 F eb 1999INTERACTIVE GAMES,DIALOGUESAND THE VERBALIZATION Denis V.Juriev ul.Miklukho-Maklaya 20-180,Moscow 117437Russia E-mail:denis@juriev.msk.ru math.OC/9903001This note is devoted to an interactive game theoretic formalization of dialogues as psycholinguistic phenomena and the unraveling of a hidden dialogue structure (the “verbalization”)of 2-person differential interactive games.In the field-theoretic de-scription of interactive games the dialogues are defined na¨ıvely as interactive games of discrete time with intention fields of continuous time;the correct mathematical formulation of such definition is proposed.The states and the controls of a dialogue correspond to the speech whereas the intention fields describe the understanding.In the case of dialogues the main inverse problem of interactive game theory is to describe geometrical and algebraical properties of the understanding.On the other hand,a precise mathematical definition of dialogues allows to formulate a problem of the unraveling of a hidden dialogue structure of any 2-person differential interactive game.Such procedure is called the verbalization.It means that the states of a differ-ential interactive game are interpreted as intention fields of a hidden dialogue and the problem is to describe such dialogue completely.If a 2-person differential interactive game is verbalizable one is able to consider many linguistic (e.g.the formal grammar of a related hidden dialogue)or psycholinguistic (e.g.the dynamical correlation of various implications)aspects of it.The mathematical formalism of interactive games,which extends one of ordi-nary games [1]and is based on the concept of an interactive control,was proposed by the author [2]to take into account the complex composition of controls of a real human person,which are often complicated couplings of his/her cognitive and known controls with the unknown subconscious behavioral reactions.This formal-ism is applicable also to the description of external unknown influences and,thus,is useful for problems in computer science (e.g.the semi-artificially controlled dis-tribution of resources)and mathematical economics (e.g.the financial games with unknown dynamical factors).This article is devoted to an embedding of dialogues as psycholinguistic phenomena into the interactive game theoretic picture.It will allow to apply the interactive game theoretic methods (such as a posteriori analysis and short-term prediction procedures)to the dialogues and to adapt vice versa thelinguistic and psycholinguistic approaches to a wide class of the arbitrary2-person interactive games of the nonverbal origin,especially to the computer interactive videogames.The linguistic and psycholinguistic methods may be crucial for the unraveling of the hiddenly verbal character of the accelerated naturally nonverbal cognitive computer and telecommunications based on droems and their dynamical reconstruction[4].I.Interactive games1.1.Interactive systems and intentionfields.Definition1[2].An interactive system(with n interactive controls)is a control system with n independent controls coupled with unknown or incompletely known feedbacks(the feedbacks,which are called the behavioral reactions,as well as their couplings with controls are of a so complicated nature that their can not be de-scribed completely).An interactive game is a game with interactive controls of each player.Below we shall consider only deterministic and differential interactive systems. For symplicity we suppose that n=2.In this case the general interactive system may be written in the form:(1)˙ϕ=Φ(ϕ,u1,u2),whereϕcharacterizes the state of the system and u i are the interactive controls:),u i(t)=u i(u◦i(t),[ϕ(τ)]|τ ti.e.the independent controls u◦i(t)coupled with the feedbacks on[ϕ(τ)]|τ t.One may suppose that the feedbacks are integrodifferential on t.Proposition[2].Each interactive system(1)may be transformed to the form(2) below(which is not,however,unique):(2)˙ϕ=˜Φ(ϕ,ξ),where the magnitudeξ(with infinite degrees of freedom as a rule)obeys the equation (3)˙ξ=Ξ(ξ,ϕ,˜u1,˜u2),where˜u i are the interactive controls of the form˜u i(t)=˜u i(u◦i(t);ϕ(t),ξ(t))(here the dependence of˜u i onξ(t)andϕ(t)is differential on t,i.e.the feedbacks are precisely of the form˜u i(t)=˜u i(u◦i(t);ϕ(t),ξ(t),˙ϕ(t),˙ξ(t),¨ϕ(t),¨ξ(t),...,ϕ(k)(t),ξ(k)(t))).Remark1.One may excludeϕ(t)from the feedbacks in the interactive controls ˜u i(t).One may also exclude the derivatives ofξandϕon t from the feedbacks. Definition2[2].The magnitudeξwith its dynamical equations(3)and its cont-ribution into the interactive controls˜u i will be called the intentionfield.Note that the theorem holds true for the interactive games.In practice,the inten-tionfields may be often considered as afield-theoretic description of subconsciousindividual and collective behavioral reactions.However,they may be used also the accounting of unknown or incompletely known external influences.Therefore,such approach is applicable to problems of computer science(e.g.semi-automatically controlled resource distribution)or mathematical economics(e.g.financial games with unknown factors).The interactive games with the differential dependence of feedbacks are called differential.Thus,the theorem states a possibility of a reduc-tion of any interactive game to a differential interactive game by introduction of additional parameters–the intentionfields.1.2.Differential interactive games and theirε–representation.The most powerful way to investigate differential interactive games is their a posteriori analysis[3].Theε–representation of differential interactive games is a very convenient form of their recording to perform such analysis.In the next para-graphε–representation will be used to give the precise interactive game theoretical definition of dialogues.Definition3.Theε–representation of differential interactive game is a represen-tation of the differential feedbacks in the form(4)u i(t)=u i(u◦i,ϕ(t),...,ϕ(k)(t);εi(t))with the known function u i of all its arguments,where the magnitudesεi(t)∈E are unknown functions of u◦i andϕ(t)with its higher derivatives:εi(t)=εi(u◦i(t),ϕ(t),˙ϕ(t),...,ϕ(k)(t)).The short-term predictions based on a posteriori analysis of differential interac-tive games use some theirε–representations with the frozen parametersεi(t)at the moment t0.II.Dialogues and interactive games2.1.Dialogues as interactive games.Let us formalize dialogues as psycholinguistic phenomena in terms of interactive games.First of all,note that one is able to consider interactive games of discrete time as well as interactive games of continuous time above.Defintion4A(the na¨ıve definition of dialogues).The dialogue is a2-person interactive game of discrete time with intentionfields of continuous time.The states and the controls of a dialogue correspond to the speech whereas the intentionfields describe the understanding.Let us give the formal mathematical definition of dialogues now.Definition4B(the formal definition of dialogues).The dialogue is a2-person interactive game of discrete time of the form(5)ϕn=Φ(ϕn−1, v n,ξ(τ)|t n−1 τ t n).Hereϕn=ϕ(t n)are the states of the system at the moments t n(t0<t1<t2< ...<t n<...), v n= v(t n)=(v1(t n),v2(t n))are the interactive controls at the same moments;ξ(τ)are the intentionfields of continuous time with evolution equations (6)˙ξ(t)=Ξ(ξ(t), u(t)),where u(t)=(u1(t),u2(t))are continuous interactive controls withε–represented couplings of feedbacks:u i(t)=u i(u◦i(t),ξ(t);εi(t)).The statesϕn and the interactive controls v n are certain known functions of the form(7)ϕn=ϕn( ε(τ),ξ(τ)|t n−1 τ t n), v n= v n( u◦(τ),ξ(τ)|t n−1 τ t n).Note that the most nontrivial part of mathematical formalization of dialogues is the claim that the states of the dialogue(which describe a speech)are certain “mean values”of theε–parameters of the intentionfields(which describe the un-derstanding).Remark2.Note that in the case of dialogues the main inverse problem of interactive game theory[2]means to describe geometrical and algebraical properties of the understanding.The definition of dialogue may be generalized on arbitrary number of players.2.2.Unraveling a hidden dialogue structure of2-person differential in-teractive games.The verbalization.An embedding of dialogues into the interactive game theoretical picture generates the reciprocal problem:how to interpret an arbitrary differential interactive game as a dialogue.Such interpretation will be called the verbalization.Definition5.A differential interactive game of the form˙ϕ(t)=Φ(ϕ(t), u(t))withε–represented couplings of feedbacksu i(t)=u i(u◦i(t),ϕ(t),˙ϕ(t),¨ϕ(t),...ϕ(k)(t);εi(t))is called verbalizable if there exist a posteriori partition t0<t1<t2<...<t n<... and the integrodifferential functionals(8)ωn( ε(τ),ϕ(τ)|t n−1 τ t n), v n( u◦(τ),ϕ(τ)|t n−1 τ t n)such that(9)ωn=Ω(ωn−1,v n;ϕ(τ)|t n−1 τ t n).The verbalizable differential interactive games realize a dialogue in sense of Def.4.The main heuristic hypothesis is that all differential interactive games“which appear in practice”are verbalizable.The verbalization means that the states of a differential interactive game are interpreted as intentionfields of a hidden dialogue and the problem is to describe such dialogue completely.If a2-person differential interactive game is verbalizable one is able to consider many linguistic(e.g.the for-mal grammar of a related hidden dialogue)or psycholinguistic(e.g.the dynamical correlation of various implications)aspects of it.Remark3.It will be very interesting to understand the possible connections be-tween quantization of interactive games[2]and their verbalization.Remark4.The verbalization may be an important part of the strategical analysis of differential interactive games beyond the short-term predictions[3].III.ConclusionsThus,the interactive game theoretic formalization of dialogues as psycholinguis-tic phenomena was performed and the unraveling of a hidden dialogue structure (the“verbalization”)of2-person differential interactive games was initiated.It will allow to apply the interactive game theoretic methods to the dialogues and to adapt vice versa the linguistic and psycholinguistic approaches to a wide class of the arbitrary2-person interactive games of the nonverbal origin.References[1]Isaaks R.,Differential games.Wiley,New York,1965;Owen G.,Game theory,Saunders,Philadelphia,1968.[2]Juriev D.,Interactive games and representation theory.I,II.E-prints:math.FA/9803020,math.RT/9808098.[3]Juriev D.,The laced interactive games and their a posteriori analysis.E-print:math.OC/9901043;Differential interactive games:The short-term predictions.E-print: math.OC/9901074.[4]Juriev D.,Droems:experimental mathematics,informatics and infinite dimensional ge-ometry.Report RCMPI-96/05+[e-version:cs.HC/9809119].。


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新闻简报news/press release
意见抽样opinion sampling
传媒炒作press agentry
传媒工具press/media kit
公共事务public affairs
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网外辛迪加off-network syndication
协办participation basis
占位价格preemption rate
黄金时段prime time
节目收率视program rating
节止编排形式programming formats
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互联网服务供应商Internet service provider
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广告礼品advertising specialty
路牌bulletin structure
车内尾部招贴car-end posters
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创作用语广告讯息advertising message 艺术art 艺术方向art direction 艺术家artist美术总监art director 大创意big idea 头脑风暴法brainstorming传播媒介communications media 概念化conceptualization 方案人员copywriter创意纲要creative brief 创意总监creative director 创意过程creative process创意金字塔creative pyramid 创意creative 创造creativity 感性诉求emotional appeals控险家explorer 事实型思维fact-based thinking 信息性informational 法官judge指定mandatories 讯息战略message strategy 非文字nonverbal 产品概念product concept 理性诉求rational appeals 目标受众target audience 技巧technical 转换性transformational 价值型思维value-based thinking 文字的verbal 形象化visualization 战士warrior样片animatic 动画技法animation techniques 声频audio 艾耶1号式Ayer No.1利益式标题benefit headlines 正文body copy 粗体boldface 照相制版camera-ready art 表演纲要casting brief 结尾close 命令式标题command headlines末稿comprehensive layout/comp 演示demonstrati 设计design 技巧式正文device copy对白/独白式正文dialog/monolog copy 旁白donut 标题headline 吸引技巧hook图标icon 插图画家illustrators 企业形象式正文institutional copy整合广告integrated commercial 内容段落interior paragraphs 斜体italic歌谣式jingles 肩题kicker 布局图layout 预备段落lead-in paragraph生活方式式技法lifestyle techniques 标志logotypes 助记手段mnemonic device音乐式广告musical commercials 音乐标志musical logo 叙述式正文narrative copy新闻/信息式标题news/information headlines 出镜头on camera 拼版paste up摄影师photographers 图片说明式正文picture-caption copy方框图片式布局picture-window layout 招贴式格式poster-style format主持人式广告presenter commercial 启发式标题provocative headlines疑问式标题question headlines 广播人物radio personality 脚本script印签seal 签名signature cuts 生活片段slice of life 口号slogans故事板storyboard 故事板草图storyboard roughs 直截了当式straight announcement直接推销式正文straight-sell copy 副标题subhead 标题句taglines 证言testimonial正文text 主题句theme lines 小样thumbnail 收尾trial close 图形部分visuals旁白voiceover 模拟校样analog proof 动画animation 合成片answer print 光圈aperture 音控台audio console 底片base art 出血版bleeds 蓝线blueline照相排版术camera-ready art 字符计算式character-count method电影摄影师cinematographer 截止期closing date 色基color key 分色color separation连续调continuous tones 控制室control room 组排copy cast 封面纸cover paper青、黄、红、黑印刷CYMK printing 数字媒介digital media 数字校样digital proof数码视频效应装置DVE units导演director 特排字体display type 复制带dubs拷贝dupes 电子制作electronic production 晒版台纸flats 一套铅字font四色印刷four-color process 网目凸版halfone plate 网屏halftone screen互动电视interactive TV 任务夹job jacket 出格kerning 电脑亭kiosk加空铅leading 硬性软片line film 线画版line plate 实景真人live action外景地location 制片场lot 指令mandatories 公共场所mass audience venue母带master tape 合成样片mixed interlock 助记手段mnemonic device多媒体演示multimedia presentation 正色投影胶片orthographic film透明塑料膜overlay 个人场所personal audience venue 平台使用费platform licensing后期制作阶段postproduction phase 开印前阶段prepress phase预备阶段preproduction phase 印刷制作经理print production manager印刷制作过程print production process 非公开场所private audience venue 制片人producer制作阶段production phase 复映复播追加酬金residual fee 反差套印reverse knockout无衬线字体sans serif 最低合同工资scale 衬线字体serif 一场session 特技special effects 插播广告spots 剥版stripping 叠supers 演播人员talent 自动台词提示器teleprompter课本纸text paper 正文字体text type 合套trap 字系type families 排印工艺typography网页Web page 单词计算式word-count method 工作样片work print 书写纸writing paper公共关系用语社论式广告advertorial 倡导广告advocacy advertising伏击式营销ambush marketing视听材料audiovisual materials 公告牌bulleting boards 社会参与community involvement企业广告corporate advertising 企业识别广告corporate identity advertising危机管理crisis management 娱乐entertainment 展品exhibits 特写feature articles内部通报house organ 以货代款in kind 机构广告institutional advertising游说lobbying 前期市场企业广告market prep corporate advertising营销公关marketing public relation 新闻简报news/press release 意见抽样opinion sampling慈善行为philanthropy 招贴posters 传媒炒作press agentry传媒工具press/media kit公共事务public affairs 公共关系户public relations 公共关系广告public relations advertising 宣传publicity 公众publics 招聘广告recruitment advertising 声望经营reputation management 撰写讲演稿speechwriting赞助sponsorship 赛场营销venue marketing新闻通报录像video news release广播媒介用语执行证明书affidavit of performance 受众构成audience composition受众占有率audience share 时间表avails 一刻平均听众数average quarter-hour audience一刻平均收听率average quarter-hour rating 一刻平均占有率average quarter-hour share交换辛迪加barter syndication 无线电视broadcast TV 有线电视cable TV 单位成本CPP千人成本CPM 累积听众数cumulative persons 累积收听率cumulative rating时段组合day-part mix 预定市场区域designated market areas 班车时间drive time首播辛迪加first-run syndication 毛评点gross rating points 开机家庭HUT形象移植imagery transfer 信息式广告informercial互相连接interconnect存货inventory 地方时间local time 赔偿条件make-goods 广播电视网networks网外辛迪加off-network syndication 协办participation basis 占位价格preemption rate黄金时段prime time 节目式广告PLA 节目收率视program rating节止编排形式programming formats 视听率调查服务公司rating services电台指定时间run-of-station 赞助sponsorship 点播广播spot announcement点播广播spot radio 受众总数total audience 总体受众计划total audience plan电视家庭TVHH 特高频UHF 甚高频VHF 广告网络ad networks广告查询ad request 横幅广告banner 阔幅说明书broadsides 手册brochures商业回邮件business reply mail 按钮button有线调制解调器cable-modem目录catalogs光驱CD-ROM分类广告Web站classified ad Web site点击率click rate点进率click-throughs编辑名录compiled lists小甜饼cookies立体创意直邮creative dimensional direct mailing 数字互动媒介digital interactive media直接电脑Direct PC 直邮广告direct-mail advertising 折页folders主页home pages专属名录houselists 内部刊物house organs 互动电视interactive TV 互联网Internet互联网服务供应商Internet service provider 插播广告interstitial 关键词keyword电脑亭kiosk信件公司letter shop名录经纪人list broker 邮件反应名录mail-response lists 明信片postcards 推播技术push technology 销售信函sales letters 搜索引擎search engines 邮简self-mailers 赞助sponsorship 公告书statement stuffersWeb浏览器Web browser网页Web pageWeb电视Web TV万维网World Wide Web户外媒介用语广告礼品advertising specialty自动取款机ATM基本巴士单位basic bus展台booths路牌bulletin structure车内尾部招贴car-end posters电影贴片广告cinema advertising名录directories8张招贴eight-sheet posters电子显示屏electronic signs陈列品exhibits陈列媒介exhibitive media 全面登场full showing 全球定位系统GPS车内广告牌inside cards 100露出数100showing 户外媒介out-of-home media车体招贴outside posters 包装packaging 奖品premiums 产品安插product placement登场showing 看板spectaculars 标准户外广告standardized outdoor advertising成品招贴stock posters 优惠赠券take-ones 出租车外壳taxicab exteriors终点站招贴terminal posters 30张招贴架30-sheet poster panel整车牌位total bus商业展示会trade shows 交通广告transit advertising车站棚广州广告transit shelter advertising 录像手册video brochure媒介策划用语广告印象advertising impression 广告反应曲线advertising response curve注意度attention value 受众audience 受众目标audience objectives 间歇式排期blinking品牌开发指数brand development index 集中式bursting品种开发指数category development index发行量circulation 持续性continuity持续式continuous schedule 成本效益cost efficiency 单位成本cost per point千人成本cost per thousand 创意组合creative mix分布目标distribution objectives有效频次effective frequency 有效到达率effective reach 暴露值exposure value市场、资金、媒介、组合、方法5Ms 起伏式flighting schedule 频次frequency总印象gross impressions 毛评点gross rating points 市场markets 组合mechanics媒介media 媒介策划media planning 媒介载体media vehicles 讯息力度message weight方法methodology 组合媒介法mixed-media approach 资金money 驱动值motivation value 看见机会opportunity to see脉冲式pulsing schedule 视听率rating到达率reach每册读者数readers per copy 近期策划recency planning 路障式roadblocking外溢媒介spillover media 增效效应synergy 电视户television households媒介运用用语发行量审核局ABC 出血bleed 批量折扣bulk discounts 行业杂志business magazines发行量审核circulation audit 分类广告classified ads 纽约分类广告网络CANNY分类图片广告classified display ads 截稿日期closing date 彩色样品纸条color strip混合收费制combination rates 消费者杂志consumer magazines 合同收费制contract rate赠阅发行controlled circulation联合形式cooperative/co-op programs千人成本CPM封面日期cover date 封面位置cover position 购物杂志custom magazine日报daily newspapers人口版demographic editions图片广告display advertising实际收费earned rates农业刊物farm publications统一收费制度flat rate香味纸条fragrance strips 频率折扣frequency discounts黄金版位full position门式折页gatefold 地理版geographic editions 基本发行量guaranteed circulation横向刊物horizontal publication 独立购物指南independent shopping guide插页insert 加插刊登通知insertion order 岛形半版island halves小单元junior unit地方城市杂志local city magazine 杂志出版人协会MPA 媒介采购员media buyer媒介标尺调查有限公司MRI全国性杂志national magazines 全国性价格national rate美国报业协会NAA报纸版面库NSB 上市日期on-sale date公开收费制度open rate订阅发行paid circulation自动弹启式广告pop-up ad.自选版位费preferred-position rates预印广告插页preprinted inserts 初级发行量primary circulation 清样proof copy公告public notice 费率基准rate base 价目表rate card 阅读告示reading notice地区性刊物regional publications 任意版位费制ROP advertising rates二级读者量secondary/pass-along readership 欠资收费制short rate 赛蒙斯市场调查局SMRB 多胞胎版split runs 标准广告单位SAU 标准收费与数据服务公司SRDS标准型报纸standard-size newspaper 周日增刊Sunday supplement小报型报纸tabloid newspaper撕样tear sheets 三维广告3-D ads纵向刊物vertical publication 数量折扣volume discounts 周报weekly newspapers销售用语广告津贴advertising allowance回购津贴buyback allowance目录catalog减价促销cents-off promotion 套装赠送combination offer公司大会与经销商聚会company conventions & dealer meetings消费者销售推广consumer sales promotion 竞赛contest联合广告cooperative/co-op advertising 优惠券coupons 顾客终身价值customer lifetime value 数据进入data access 数据管理data management 数据库database数据库营销atabase marketing 直接营销direct marketing直接反应广告direct-response advertising 直接销售战略direct-sales strategy直接销售direct selling 陈列津贴display allowance 易地销售diverting电子优惠券electronic coupons 提前购买forward buying 广告插页free-standing inserts游戏game 店内样品试用in-store sampling 联络媒介linkage media 人员销售personal selling 售点材料point-of-purchase materials 什锦袋装样品polybagging 奖品premiums拉式战略pull strategy 推销奖金push money/spiffs 推式战略push strategy部分退款rebates 近期、频次、货币方程RFM formula 销售推广sales promotion样品试用sampling 货位津贴slotting allowance 抽奖sweepstake电话营销telemarketing贸易广告trade advertising贸易集中trade concentration贸易折扣trade deals贸易推广trade promotion。



关于如何解决人际关系冲突的英文作文Navigating Interpersonal Conflicts: Strategies for Effective ResolutionInterpersonal conflicts are an inevitable part of human interaction and can arise in various contexts such as personal relationships, professional settings, or even within communities. These conflicts can be challenging to navigate, often leading to strained relationships, decreased productivity, and even emotional distress. However, with the right approach, interpersonal conflicts can be resolved in a constructive manner, fostering stronger connections and promoting mutual understanding.The first step in resolving interpersonal conflicts is to acknowledge their existence and address them proactively. Many individuals tend to avoid confronting conflicts, hoping they will simply disappear or resolve themselves. This approach, however, often leads to the escalation of the issue, making it more difficult to find a satisfactory solution. By acknowledging the conflict and addressing it head-on, individuals can take control of the situation and work towards a resolution.One effective strategy for resolving interpersonal conflicts is through effective communication. This involves actively listening to the other party's perspective, empathizing with their concerns, and expressing one's own thoughts and feelings in a clear and non-confrontational manner. By adopting an open and collaborative mindset, individuals can create an environment where both parties feel heard and respected, paving the way for a mutually agreeable solution.Another crucial aspect of resolving interpersonal conflicts is the ability to identify the root causes of the issue. Conflicts often stem from underlying misunderstandings, differing values, or unmet needs. By delving deeper into the underlying causes, individuals can address the core of the problem, rather than simply addressing the surface-level symptoms. This approach allows for more sustainable and long-lasting resolutions, as it addresses the fundamental issues driving the conflict.In addition to effective communication and identifying root causes, it is also important to approach interpersonal conflicts with a spirit of compromise and flexibility. Rigid stances and unwillingness to consider alternative perspectives can often exacerbate the situation and make it more difficult to find a resolution. By being open to compromise and exploring multiple options, individuals can find creative solutions that address the needs and concerns of all partiesinvolved.One effective technique for resolving interpersonal conflicts is the use of mediation. In this approach, a neutral third party, such as a professional mediator, facilitates the conversation and helps the conflicting parties to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. The mediator's role is to guide the discussion, encourage active listening, and help the parties to identify common ground and potential solutions. This approach can be particularly effective in complex or high-stakes conflicts, where the involvement of a neutral third party can help to diffuse tensions and promote constructive dialogue.Another strategy for resolving interpersonal conflicts is to focus on building empathy and understanding between the parties involved. By actively seeking to understand the other person's perspective, their emotions, and the underlying motivations driving their behavior, individuals can develop a deeper sense of compassion and find common ground. This approach can help to break down barriers, foster trust, and pave the way for a more constructive resolution.In the context of professional settings, the resolution of interpersonal conflicts can have a significant impact on organizational effectiveness and productivity. By addressing conflicts in a timely and constructive manner, organizations can create a more harmonious and collaborative work environment, leading to increased jobsatisfaction, improved teamwork, and enhanced overall performance.Similarly, in personal relationships, the successful resolution of interpersonal conflicts can strengthen the bond between individuals, deepen mutual understanding, and pave the way for more meaningful and fulfilling connections. By learning to navigate conflicts effectively, individuals can cultivate more resilient and rewarding relationships, both in their personal and professional lives.In conclusion, the effective resolution of interpersonal conflicts is a crucial skill that can have far-reaching consequences. By adopting strategies such as effective communication, identifying root causes, embracing compromise, utilizing mediation, and building empathy, individuals can navigate these challenging situations in a constructive and productive manner. By doing so, they can not only resolve immediate conflicts but also foster stronger, more resilient relationships that can withstand the inevitable challenges of human interaction.。

英语四级 漫画作文

英语四级 漫画作文

When tackling a cartoonbased essay for the English Level4exam,there are several key steps to follow to ensure a wellstructured and coherent response:1.Understanding the Cartoon:Begin by carefully observing the cartoon.Note the characters,their expressions,and the setting.Try to understand the message or situation being depicted.2.Interpreting the Message:After observing the cartoon,interpret its underlying message or theme.This could be a social issue,a moral lesson,or a commentary on current events.3.Introduction:Start your essay with an introduction that briefly describes the cartoon. Mention the main elements without going into detail.This sets the stage for your analysis.Example:The cartoon presents a thoughtprovoking scene where two characters are engaged in a dialogue that reflects on the importance of...4.Body Paragraphs:Develop your essay with several body paragraphs.Each paragraph should focus on a different aspect of the cartoon,such as:The characters actions and their implications.The dialogue and its significance.The setting and how it contributes to the message.Example:In the first panel,we see a character struggling with a task,which symbolizes the challenges we face in our daily lives.The second panel shows a friend offering help,illustrating the value of camaraderie and support.5.Analysis:Analyze the cartoons message in depth.Discuss why the cartoonist might have chosen to depict the situation in this way and what it says about society or human nature.Example:The cartoonist uses humor to highlight the irony of modern life,where technology is meant to simplify our tasks but often complicates them further.6.Personal Reflection:Include a personal reflection or opinion on the cartoons message. This shows that you have engaged with the material on a deeper level.Example:Personally,I find the cartoon resonates with my own experiences,as I often find myself overwhelmed by the paradox of technological advancement.7.Conclusion:Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points and reiterating thecartoons message.You may also suggest implications for the future or a call to action.Example:In conclusion,the cartoon serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities of modern life.It encourages us to reflect on our reliance on technology and the importance of human connection.nguage and Style:Use a formal tone and academic language throughout your essay. Ensure your grammar,punctuation,and spelling are correct to demonstrate your language proficiency.9.Practice:Before the exam,practice writing essays based on different types of cartoons. This will help you become familiar with the process and improve your analytical skills.10.Time Management:During the exam,allocate sufficient time to plan,write,and revise your essay.Avoid spending too much time on the introduction or conclusion at the expense of a thorough analysis.Remember,the key to a successful cartoonbased essay is a clear understanding of the cartoon,a thoughtful analysis,and a wellorganized structure that guides the reader through your interpretation and reflections.。



八下英语作文对话Dialogue is an essential component of language learning, particularly in the context of grade 8 English. It serves as a platform for students to practice their communication skills, express their ideas, and engage in meaningful exchanges with their peers and teachers. In the grade 8 English curriculum, dialogue plays a crucial role in developing students' proficiency in the target language.One of the primary benefits of incorporating dialogue into the grade 8 English classroom is the opportunity it provides for students to develop their speaking and listening skills. Through engaging in conversations, students learn to articulate their thoughts clearly, respond appropriately, and actively listen to their interlocutors. This practice not only enhances their oral communication abilities but also helps them become more confident and comfortable in expressing themselves in English.Moreover, dialogue encourages the development of critical thinking skills. As students participate in discussions, they are required to analyze perspectives, formulate and defend their own opinions, andengage in constructive debates. This process challenges them to think critically, consider alternative viewpoints, and develop a deeper understanding of the topic at hand. By honing these skills, students become better equipped to navigate the complexities of language and communication in their academic and personal lives.In the grade 8 English curriculum, dialogue is often incorporated into various learning activities, such as role-playing exercises, group discussions, and pair work. These activities allow students to apply their language skills in practical, real-world scenarios, which can be particularly beneficial for building their confidence and fluency.For instance, in a role-playing exercise, students might be asked to assume the roles of different characters and engage in a conversation related to a specific topic or theme. This not only helps them practice their conversational skills but also encourages them to consider different perspectives and develop empathy for diverse viewpoints.Similarly, group discussions provide opportunities for students to exchange ideas, challenge one another's opinions, and collaborate to reach a shared understanding. These dialogues foster the development of communication skills, as well as the ability to negotiate, compromise, and work effectively in a team.Pair work, on the other hand, offers a more intimate setting for students to engage in one-on-one conversations. This format allows them to receive more personalized feedback and guidance from their partner, as well as to focus on specific areas of language development, such as pronunciation, intonation, or vocabulary usage.In addition to these structured learning activities, dialogue can also be integrated into more informal classroom interactions. For example, teachers may encourage students to ask questions, share their thoughts, or engage in casual conversations during lesson transitions or breaks. These spontaneous dialogues can help students feel more comfortable using English in a relaxed and natural setting, further enhancing their language proficiency.Furthermore, the inclusion of dialogue in the grade 8 English curriculum aligns with the broader goals of language education. By fostering effective communication skills, students not only develop their linguistic abilities but also acquire valuable life skills, such as empathy, collaboration, and problem-solving. These skills are essential for success in both academic and real-world settings, and they prepare students to navigate the increasingly interconnected global community.In conclusion, dialogue plays a crucial role in the grade 8 English curriculum, serving as a powerful tool for language learning andpersonal growth. Through engaging in various dialogue-based activities, students develop their speaking and listening skills, critical thinking abilities, and the confidence to express themselves effectively in English. As educators continue to recognize the importance of dialogue in language education, the grade 8 English classroom will continue to be a dynamic and enriching environment for students to hone their communication skills and prepare for the challenges of the future.。



对话交流教案:一起畅聊糖果世界的奇幻经历IntroductionAs human beings, communication and interaction arecrucial parts of our lives. We communicate with various people in different situations to convey messages, express our thoughts and emotions, and establish relationships. Communication is an inseparable part of our daily routine, and it takes place through various modes, including verbal, nonverbal, and written methods. It is essential to learn different communication skills to connect with others effectively. Consequently, this teaching plan aims to guide teachers on how to engage students in a dialogue communication activity that explores their imaginative and creative skills while practicing their speaking and listening abilities.Objectives1.To help students develop their speaking andlistening skills.2.To enhance students' creativity and imagination.3.To encourage students to collaborate andcommunicate efficiently.DurationThis activity will last for 60 minutes.Learning Outcomese appropriate language to express themselveswhile speaking.2.Listen to others attentively and respondaccordingly.3.Develop creative and imaginative skills.4.Collaborate efficiently in a group.Materials Required1.Pictures of candy world.2.Whiteboard and markers.ProcedureStep 1: Warm-up Activity (10 minutes)The teacher can start the class by displaying pictures of candy world on the board or provide handouts to the students. The students are then asked to identify as many things as they can see in the picture. After a few minutes, the teachercan ask a few students to tell what they have observed. This activity serves as a warm-up for the upcoming activity.Step 2: Dialogue Communication (40 minutes)The teacher divides the students into groups of four to five members. Each group is asked to sit together in a circle. The teacher provides a situation to the groups, i.e., "Imagine you have woken up in the middle of the candy world. Describe what you see and feel." The teams are then given ten minutes to discuss among themselves and create a story regarding the situation. The students are encouraged to be creative and imagine the candy world as vividly as possible, e.g., they can conjure up new candy creatures, strange buildings, or any other whimsical object they deem issuitable for their fantasy world.After ten minutes, each group is called upon to sharetheir story with the whole class. Once the first group finishes, the others listen attentively and may ask anyfollow-up questions. The teacher and other students canprovide feedback on the stories shared by the groups. This process is repeated until all groups have presented their stories.Step 3: Debriefing and Feedback (10 minutes)Once all groups have shared their stories, the teachercan initiate a brief discussion to debrief the students and provide feedback. Teachers can ask the following questions:1.What was the most challenging aspect of creating astory?2.How did you overcome these challenges?3.What did you learn from the other groups' stories?4.How did you feel about presenting your story to theclass?5.What could you do differently next time?ConclusionDialogue communication is an essential skill that all students need to learn and develop. It is crucial to createfun and creative activities that engage students whileallowing them to practice their speaking and listening skills. The activity in this teaching plan, exploring the candy world, not only enhances students' creativity and imaginative skills but also helps them to collaborate efficiently. By providing feedback and debriefing at the end of the lesson, studentscan reflect on their performance and further enhance their communication skills.。



In our increasingly globalized world,the concept of a crosscultural bridge has become more relevant than ever.This metaphorical bridge represents the connection and understanding between different cultures,facilitating communication and fostering mutual respect.Heres a detailed English essay on the importance of such a bridge.Title:The CrossCultural Bridge:Connecting Hearts and MindsIn the tapestry of human history,the threads of culture have woven a rich and diverse fabric.Each culture,with its unique traditions,languages,and values,contributes to the vibrant mosaic of our global community.However,the beauty of this diversity can sometimes be marred by misunderstandings and barriers.This is where the concept of a crosscultural bridge comes into play,serving as a vital conduit for connection, understanding,and unity.The Importance of Cultural ExchangeCultural exchange is the lifeblood of the crosscultural bridge.It allows individuals to step beyond the confines of their own cultural bubble and explore the customs,beliefs,and practices of others.This exchange is not merely about learning new facts or acquiring knowledge it is about developing empathy and broadening ones perspective.By engaging in cultural exchange,we can appreciate the commonalities that bind us together as human beings,despite our differences.Overcoming Stereotypes and PrejudicesOne of the most significant barriers to crosscultural understanding is the presence of stereotypes and prejudices.These preconceived notions can blind us to the true nature of other cultures,leading to miscommunication and conflict.The crosscultural bridge helps to dismantle these barriers by providing firsthand experiences and direct interactions with people from different backgrounds.Through these interactions,we can challenge and change our preconceived ideas,fostering a more accurate and nuanced understanding of other cultures.Promoting Dialogue and RespectDialogue is the cornerstone of the crosscultural bridge.It encourages open and respectful conversations between individuals of different cultural backgrounds.This dialogue is not just about sharing information it is about listening,questioning,and learning from one another.By engaging in meaningful conversations,we can develop a deeper appreciation for the diversity of human experiences and perspectives.The Role of Education in Building BridgesEducation plays a crucial role in building and strengthening the crosscultural bridge. Schools and educational institutions can incorporate cultural studies and language learning into their curricula,exposing students to a variety of cultural perspectives from an early age.This not only equips them with the tools to communicate across cultures but also instills a sense of curiosity and respect for diversity.The Power of Technology in Connecting CulturesIn todays digital age,technology has become an invaluable tool in bridging cultural divides.Social media platforms,online forums,and digital communication tools allow people from all corners of the globe to connect and share their experiences.These virtual spaces can serve as a platform for crosscultural dialogue,enabling individuals to build relationships and understanding that transcend geographical boundaries.The Challenges and Opportunities AheadWhile the crosscultural bridge offers numerous opportunities for growth and connection, it also faces nguage barriers,cultural resistance,and political tensions can hinder the development of crosscultural understanding.However,these challenges also present opportunities for innovation and creative solutions.By embracing these opportunities,we can continue to build stronger and more resilient crosscultural bridges.ConclusionThe crosscultural bridge is not just a metaphor it is a living,breathing entity that requires constant attention and care.It is through our collective efforts to understand,respect,and appreciate the diversity of our world that we can truly connect hearts and minds.By nurturing this bridge,we can create a more harmonious and inclusive global community, where every culture has the opportunity to flourish and contribute to the rich tapestry of human experience.In conclusion,the crosscultural bridge is an essential element in our global society, fostering understanding and unity among diverse cultures.It is through this bridge that we can overcome barriers,promote dialogue,and create a world where cultural diversity is celebrated and cherished.。



关于如何解决人际关系冲突的英文作文Resolving Interpersonal ConflictsInterpersonal conflicts are a common occurrence in our daily lives, whether it's a disagreement with a friend, a misunderstanding with a family member, or a clash of opinions in the workplace. These conflicts can be stressful and disruptive, but it's essential to learn how to resolve them effectively. Here are some strategies for addressing and overcoming interpersonal conflicts.First and foremost, it's crucial to identify the root cause of the conflict. Understanding the underlying issues and motivations can help us find solutions that address the real problem. This often requires open and honest communication, where both parties express their feelings and perspectives without judgment or blame.Once the cause is clear, it's time to explore possible solutions. Active listening is essential in this process, as it allows us to truly understand the other person's perspective and needs. We should aim to be empathetic and avoid getting defensive or argumentative. By brainstorming together, we can generate ideas for resolving the conflict in a way that satisfies both parties.Compromise is often a necessary part of conflict resolution. This doesn't mean giving in completely, but rather finding a middle groundthat meets both parties' needs. Compromise requires flexibility and a willingness to let go of some of our own demands in order to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome.In some cases, mediation or third-party intervention may be necessary. A mediator can help facilitate communication, identify blind spots, and suggest solutions that neither party had considered. This can be especially useful in workplace conflicts or disputes between family members.Lastly, it's important to remember that conflict resolution is a process, not a one-time event. Even after a conflict is resolved, it's crucial to monitor the situation and ensure that the agreed-upon solutions are being implemented effectively. If new issues arise, we should be prepared to revisit the conflict and adjust our strategies accordingly.In conclusion, resolving interpersonal conflicts requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to compromise. By identifying the root cause, exploring solutions, compromising, and seeking mediation if necessary, we can overcome conflicts and maintain healthy relationships with the people in our lives.解决人际冲突人际冲突在我们的日常生活中是常见的现象,无论是与朋友之间的分歧,与家人的误解,还是工作场所中的意见不合。



Energy Dialogues: A Bridge toUnderstandingIn the vast and intricate landscape of human existence, energy serves as the invisible thread connecting allaspects of our lives. It is the force that powers our thoughts, actions, and interactions with the world. In this essay, we delve into the concept of energy through the lens of dialogues, exploring its multiple dimensions and implications in our daily lives.The first dialogue is a conversation between ascientist and a philosopher. The scientist speaks of energy as a measurable quantity, the fuel that drives the universe, from the smallest particles to the largest galaxies. The philosopher counters, arguing that energy is much more than a mere quantity; it is a quality of existence, a fundamental aspect of reality that shapes our perceptionand understanding of the world.This dialogue highlights the difference between the scientific and philosophical perspectives on energy.Science views energy as quantifiable and measurable, whilephilosophy sees it as a fundamental aspect of being,shaping our worldview and reality.The second dialogue takes place between a psychologist and a social worker. The psychologist speaks of the emotional energy that drives individuals, their motivations, and desires. The social worker talks about the socialenergy that binds communities together, the shared values and beliefs that create a sense of belonging.This dialogue reveals the importance of energy in shaping individual and collective identities. Emotional energy drives our personal lives, while social energy binds us together as communities, creating a shared sense of purpose and belonging.The third dialogue is a dialogue between an environmentalist and a business leader. Theenvironmentalist speaks of the need to conserve and harness renewable energy sources to protect the planet and sustain life. The business leader counters, arguing that energy is the lifeblood of the economy, driving innovation and progress.This dialogue highlights the tension between environmental sustainability and economic growth. It raises questions about the responsible use of energy, balancing the needs of the present with the interests of future generations.In conclusion, energy is a multifaceted concept that transcends boundaries and disciplines. It is the invisible thread that connects science, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and environmentalism, shaping our understanding of the world and guiding our actions. Through dialogues, we can gain a deeper understanding of energy, its role in our lives, and its impact on the world. By bridging the gaps between different perspectives and disciplines, we can create a more harmonious and sustainable future.。



心心相融爱达未来作文800字英文回答:In the tapestry of life, where threads of our experiences intertwine, there exists an extraordinary bond, a mind-meld of two souls—interpersonal synergy. This profound connection transcends superficiality and delvesinto the depths of our being, where thoughts, emotions, and aspirations become intimately shared. It is an alchemy of two hearts, where the boundaries of self and other dissolve, creating a unified consciousness that transcends the limitations of the individual.In this realm of interpersonal synergy, communication transcends mere words and gestures. Thoughts and feelings are transmitted effortlessly, with an unspokenunderstanding that unites two individuals on a fundamental level. It is a telepathic dance, where unspoken desires are anticipated and unspoken needs are met with unwavering support. Empathy reaches its zenith, as each partnerinstinctively comprehends the emotional landscape of the other, navigating through life's challenges and celebrating its triumphs together.Beyond the realm of communication, interpersonal synergy manifests in a shared purpose and a collective vision for the future. Like two ships sailing side by side, their hulls brushing against each other, they navigate the choppy waters of life with a shared destination in mind. Their goals become intertwined, their aspirations aligned, and their dreams merge into a vibrant tapestry of possibility.This mind-meld of two souls fosters an extraordinary sense of belonging and acceptance. In the embrace of such a connection, individuals feel understood, valued, and unconditionally loved. It is a safe haven wherevulnerability and authenticity can flourish, nurturing personal growth and transformation. Through the unwavering support and encouragement of their soulmate, each partner can reach heights they never thought possible, soaring to new levels of self-discovery and fulfillment.中文回答:心心相融,爱达未来。



1.Navigating Interpersonal Conflict: BuildingBridges to ResolutionInterpersonal conflict is an inevitable aspect of human interaction, arising from differences in perspectives, values, and expectations. However, how we navigate and resolve these conflicts can profoundly impact the quality of our relationships and our overall well-being. In this essay, we explore strategies for effectively managing interpersonal conflict and fostering constructive resolutions that promote understanding, growth, and reconciliation.First and foremost, it is essential to approach interpersonal conflict with a mindset of openness and willingness to engage in dialogue. Rather than avoiding or suppressing conflict, we should embrace it as an opportunity for growth and deeper connection. By acknowledging the existence of conflict and expressing a genuine desire to address it, we create a foundation for constructive communication and problem-solving.Active listening is a cornerstone of effective conflict resolution. When engaged in conflict, it is crucial to listen attentively to the perspectives and concerns of all partiesinvolved, without judgment or interruption. By demonstrating empathy and understanding, we validate the experiences and emotions of others, fostering a sense of mutual respect and trust. Through active listening, we gain insight into the underlying causes of conflict and lay the groundwork for finding common ground and reaching a resolution.Communication is key to navigating interpersonal conflict successfully. In addition to listening actively, it is essential to express our own thoughts, feelings, and needs clearly and assertively. Using "I" statements to communicate our perspective, rather than resorting to blame or criticism, fosters a non-confrontational atmosphere and encourages open dialogue. By focusing on specific behaviors and their impact on us, we can avoid escalation and defensiveness, paving the way for meaningful communication and problem-solving.Collaborative problem-solving is a powerful tool for resolving interpersonal conflict. Rather than approaching conflict as a win-lose scenario, we should strive to find solutions that are mutually beneficial and address the needs of all parties involved. Brainstorming creative solutions,exploring alternatives, and seeking compromise enable us to transcend impasses and find common ground. By working together towards a shared resolution, we strengthen our relationships and build trust and cooperation.Finally, forgiveness and reconciliation are essential components of resolving interpersonal conflict and moving forward positively. Letting go of resentment and harbored grievances allows us to heal wounds and rebuild trust and connection. By extending empathy and understanding to ourselves and others, we create space for forgiveness and reconciliation to occur, fostering deeper understanding, empathy, and resilience within our relationships.In conclusion, navigating interpersonal conflict requires patience, empathy, and effective communication. By embracing conflict as an opportunity for growth and employing strategies such as active listening, assertive communication, collaborative problem-solving, and forgiveness, we can transform conflict into an opportunity for deeper understanding, connection, and reconciliation. In doing so, we not only strengthen our relationships but also cultivate a more harmonious and compassionate world.2. Resolving Interpersonal Conflicts: A Pathto Understanding and Growth Interpersonal conflicts are an inevitable part of human relationships, arising from differences in personalities, values, and expectations. While conflicts can be challenging and uncomfortable, they also present opportunities for growth, learning, and strengthening relationships. In this essay, we explore effective strategies for resolving interpersonal conflicts and fostering positive outcomes. Firstly, it is crucial to approach conflicts with a mindset of empathy and understanding. Recognizing that everyone has their own perspectives and experiences can help us empathize with the other party involved. By acknowledging and validating their feelings and concerns, we create a foundation for constructive dialogue and resolution.Active listening plays a pivotal role in resolving interpersonal conflicts. Instead of focusing solely on expressing our own viewpoints, we should strive to understand the perspectives and emotions of the other person. Through attentive listening and nonverbal cues, we demonstrate respect and empathy, which are essential for building trust and rapport.Clear and assertive communication is key to effectively addressing conflicts. Expressing our thoughts, feelings, and needs in a calm and respectful manner can prevent misunderstandings and defensiveness. Using "I" statements to express how we feel and what we need can facilitate productive discussions and enable both parties to work towards a mutually satisfactory resolution.Collaborative problem-solving allows individuals to come together to find creative solutions to conflicts. Instead of focusing on assigning blame or proving one's point, the emphasis is on finding win-win outcomes that address the interests of all parties involved. Brainstorming ideas, considering alternative perspectives, and being open to compromise can lead to innovative solutions that benefit everyone.Setting and respecting boundaries is essential for maintaining healthy relationships and resolving conflicts. Clearly defining our boundaries and communicating them assertively can prevent misunderstandings and resentment. Respecting the boundaries of others demonstrates our commitment to mutual respect and fosters trust and cooperation.Lastly, forgiveness and reconciliation are integral parts of the conflict resolution process. Letting go of grudges and past grievances allows both parties to move forward and rebuild trust and connection. By acknowledging mistakes, apologizing sincerely, and committing to positive change, we pave the way for healing and reconciliation.In conclusion, resolving interpersonal conflicts requires patience, empathy, and effective communication. By embracing conflicts as opportunities for growth and employing strategies such as active listening, clear communication, collaborative problem-solving, boundary-setting, and forgiveness, we can transform conflicts into catalysts for deeper understanding, connection, and personal development. Ultimately, conflict resolution is not just about resolving disputes but also about building stronger, more resilient relationships based on mutual respect, empathy and trust.。



In the vast tapestry of life, each individual is confronted with an array of challenges and obstacles that serve as stepping stones towards personal growth and maturity. The ability to identify, analyze, and solve problems effectively is not merely a practical skill but a transformative process that shapes our character, broadens our perspectives, and equips us with the resilience needed to navigate life's complexities. This essay explores the multifaceted nature of problem-solving as a catalyst for growth, delving into its impact on cognitive development, emotional intelligence, social skills, and character building.Firstly, problem-solving plays a pivotal role in cognitive development. It stimulates critical thinking, a fundamental skill that empowers individuals to evaluate situations objectively, analyze information systematically, and make informed decisions. When faced with a problem, we are compelled to break it down into smaller, manageable components, identify cause-and-effect relationships, and generate potential solutions. This process hones our analytical abilities, enhances our capacity for logical reasoning, and fosters creativity as we explore unconventional approaches or innovative ideas. Furthermore, problem-solving necessitates adaptability and flexibility, as we often encounter unexpected hurdles or need to revise our strategies based on new information or changing circumstances. Thus, the constant engagement in problem-solving exercises our mental agility, preparing us to tackle increasingly complex issues and fostering a lifelong learning mindset.Secondly, problem-solving is intrinsically linked to the development of emotional intelligence. Dealing with problems often elicits a range of emotions, such as frustration, anxiety, or disappointment. Learning to manage these emotions constructively, without letting them cloud our judgment or impede our progress, is a crucial aspect of emotional maturity. Problem-solving teaches us to acknowledge and accept our emotions, but also to regulate them effectively through techniques like mindfulness, positive self-talk, or seeking support from others. Moreover, it encourages empathy and perspective-taking, as we strive to understand the underlying reasons behind a problem, anticipate how our actionsmight affect others, and collaborate with diverse individuals who may have different viewpoints or needs. By cultivating emotional intelligence through problem-solving, we become better equipped to handle stress, maintain healthy relationships, and contribute positively to our communities.Thirdly, problem-solving is a powerful tool for enhancing social skills. In today's interconnected world, many problems transcend individual boundaries and require collective efforts for resolution. Collaborative problem-solving involves effective communication, active listening, negotiation, and conflict resolution –all essential competencies for building strong, harmonious interpersonal relationships. Engaging in group projects or team-based activities, where individuals must pool their knowledge, skills, and resources to tackle shared challenges, fosters a sense of camaraderie, trust, and mutual respect. It also instills a sense of responsibility and accountability, as each member recognizes their contribution to the team's success and learns to give and receive constructive feedback. Through such experiences, we learn to appreciate diversity, embrace different perspectives, and harness the power of synergy, which are invaluable assets in both personal and professional contexts.Lastly, problem-solving is a crucible for character building. It tests our perseverance, determination, and resilience, as we confront setbacks, failures, and seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Successfully overcoming challenges instills a sense of accomplishment and boosts our confidence, while setbacks teach us humility, patience, and the importance of learning from mistakes. Moreover, problem-solving fosters traits like initiative, resourcefulness, and a growth mindset, as we proactively seek solutions, creatively repurpose available resources, and view difficulties as opportunities for learning and improvement rather than insurmountable barriers. These qualities not only enhance our ability to tackle future problems but also shape our overall approach to life, making us more resilient, optimistic, and open-minded individuals.In conclusion, problem-solving is much more than a means to an end; it is a profound journey of growth that encompasses cognitive, emotional, social, andcharacter development. Each problem we encounter presents a unique opportunity to hone our critical thinking, cultivate emotional intelligence, strengthen social bonds, and forge a resilient, growth-oriented character. As we navigate life's challenges, let us embrace problem-solving not just as a necessity but as a transformative experience that enriches our lives and prepares us for the myriad of obstacles yet to come. For indeed, in the words of Robert Schuller, "Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines."。



由于科技的发展人和人如何有效沟通英语范文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Advancement of Technology and Its Impact on English CommunicationAs a student living in the digital age, I can't help but marvel at how technology has revolutionized the way we communicate, particularly when it comes to the English language. Gone are the days when learning and practicing English was confined to the four walls of a classroom or limited to face-to-face interactions. With the rapid advancement of technology, the world has become a global village, and English, being the lingua franca, has become more accessible and essential than ever before.One of the most significant impacts of technology on English communication is the rise of online learning platforms. Websites, mobile apps, and virtual classrooms have made it possible for students like me to learn English from the comfort of our homes or on-the-go. These platforms offer a wealth of resources, including interactive lessons, pronunciation exercises, grammar guides, and even one-on-one tutoring sessions withnative speakers. The convenience and flexibility of online learning have made it easier for us to fit English study into our busy schedules and learn at our own pace.Furthermore, social media has played a pivotal role in fostering English communication among people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have become virtual hubs where individuals can connect, share ideas, and practice their English skills with others from around the world. This exposure to different accents, idioms, and expressions has not only helped improve our language proficiency but has also provided us with a deeper understanding and appreciation for cultural diversity.Another significant advantage of technology in English communication is the availability of language-learning apps and software. These tools have revolutionized the way we learn and practice English. From vocabulary builders and grammar checkers to speech recognition and translation apps, the options are endless. Apps like Duolingo, Babbel, and Rosetta Stone have gamified the learning process, making it more engaging and interactive. They also offer personalized feedback and progress tracking, allowing us to identify our strengths and weaknesses, and tailor our learning experience accordingly.Moreover, the rise of multimedia content has opened up new avenues for English language learners. Platforms like YouTube, Netflix, and podcasts offer a wealth ofEnglish-language videos, shows, and audio content that cater to various interests and learning styles. By immersing ourselves in these multimedia resources, we can not only improve our listening comprehension but also gain exposure to authentic English expressions, slang, and cultural nuances.In addition to these resources, technology has also facilitated real-time communication and collaboration among English language learners and native speakers. Video conferencing tools like Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet have made it possible for us to participate in virtual language exchange sessions, where we can practice our English speaking skills with individuals from around the world. These platforms have also enabled us to attend online workshops, webinars, and even virtual language cafes, providing us with opportunities to engage in meaningful conversations and learn from experienced language instructors and native speakers.However, it's important to acknowledge that technology is not a panacea for effective English communication. While it has undoubtedly opened up new avenues for learning and practicing,it's essential to strike a balance between digital resources and traditional methods. Face-to-face interactions, classroom settings, and immersive language experiences remain invaluable for developing well-rounded language skills and cultural awareness.Moreover, as with any technological advancement, there are potential drawbacks and challenges to consider. Online resources can sometimes be overwhelming, with an abundance of information and conflicting advice. It's crucial to exercise caution and discernment when selecting learning materials and to rely on reputable sources. Additionally, the overreliance on technology may lead to a lack of human interaction, which is essential for developing interpersonal communication skills and building meaningful connections.Despite these challenges, the impact of technology on English communication is undeniable. As a student in the digital age, I have witnessed firsthand how technology has transformed the way we learn, practice, and engage with the English language. The accessibility, flexibility, and variety of resources available have empowered us to take charge of our language learning journey and connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds.Looking ahead, it's clear that technology will continue to shape the landscape of English communication. Advancements in artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality are poised to offer even more immersive and personalized learning experiences. As students, it's our responsibility to embrace these technological advancements while also recognizing the importance of traditional methods and human interaction.Ultimately, effective English communication in the digital age is not about choosing between technology and traditional methods but rather finding a harmonious balance between the two. By leveraging the power of technology while maintaining a commitment to face-to-face interactions and cultural immersion, we can unlock a world of opportunities and become truly proficient in the English language.篇2Technology and the English Language: Bridging the Communication DivideAs technology continues to advance at an unprecedented rate, our world is becoming increasingly interconnected. Geographical boundaries are blurring, and the ability to communicate effectively in English has become an essential skillfor success in various aspects of life. Whether it's in the realm of education, business, or personal relationships, the importance of English as a global language cannot be overstated. However, with the rise of technology, the way we communicate in English is also evolving, presenting both opportunities and challenges for effective communication.One of the most significant impacts of technology on English communication is the advent of online education platforms and language-learning apps. These tools have made it possible for individuals from diverse backgrounds and locations to access high-quality English language resources at their fingertips. Online courses, interactive exercises, and virtual classrooms have democratized English education, allowing learners to progress at their own pace and tailor their learning experience to their specific needs.Personally, I have benefited greatly from these technological advancements. As an international student, I initially struggled with the nuances of the English language. However, through the use of language-learning apps and online tutoring platforms, I was able to improve my proficiency in English rapidly. The ability to practice conversational skills with native speakers, receive instant feedback, and immerse myself in a rich multimedialearning environment was invaluable in my language acquisition journey.Moreover, technology has facilitated real-time communication across borders through video conferencing and messaging applications. This has opened up new avenues for cross-cultural exchange and collaboration, enabling individuals from different parts of the world to connect, share ideas, and engage in meaningful discourse. International project teams, virtual classrooms, and online communities have become commonplace, fostering a global network of English speakers united by a shared language.However, as with any technological advancement, there are challenges that must be addressed. One of the primary concerns is the potential for miscommunication due to cultural differences and the lack of non-verbal cues in digital interactions. Body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice often convey nuances that can be easily missed in text-based or audio-only communications. This highlights the importance of developing strong written and verbal communication skills, as well as cultural sensitivity, to ensure effective understanding and prevent misinterpretations.Additionally, the rapid pace of technological change and the ever-evolving nature of digital communication can pose challenges for language learners and professionals alike. The constant introduction of new terminologies, abbreviations, and communication styles can make it difficult to keep up, leading to potential misunderstandings or a sense of disconnect.To overcome these challenges, it is crucial to embrace a continuous learning mindset and actively engage with the latest trends and best practices in digital communication. Participating in online communities, attending virtual workshops, and staying updated with industry-specific terminologies can help bridge the gap between technology and effective English communication.Furthermore, educational institutions and businesses must adapt their curricula and training programs to incorporate the skills necessary for successful digital communication. This includes not only improving language proficiency but also developing competencies in areas such as cross-cultural communication, virtual presentation skills, and digital etiquette.In my experience, participating in online group projects and virtual team collaborations has been instrumental in developing these essential skills. Working with teammates from different cultural backgrounds and leveraging various digitalcommunication tools have taught me valuable lessons in navigating cultural nuances, managing virtual interactions, and adapting my communication style to different contexts.As the world becomes increasingly globalized, the demand for effective English communication skills will only continue to grow. Technology has already played a significant role in facilitating cross-border interactions and providing access to language learning resources. However, it is up to us as individuals, educational institutions, and businesses to embrace these technological advancements while also recognizing the challenges they present.By cultivating a mindset of continuous learning, fostering cultural sensitivity, and adapting our communication strategies to the digital landscape, we can harness the power of technology to bridge language barriers and facilitate meaningful connections across the globe. Effective English communication is no longer a luxury but a necessity in our interconnected world, and technology has the potential to be our greatest ally in achieving this goal.In conclusion, the impact of technology on English communication is multifaceted and ever-evolving. While it has opened up new possibilities for language learning, cross-culturalexchange, and global collaboration, it has also introduced challenges related to miscommunication and the rapid pace of change. By embracing a growth mindset, adapting our communication strategies, and leveraging the resources available through technology, we can overcome these obstacles and unlock the full potential of English as a global language. As a student navigating this ever-changing landscape, I am committed to continuously developing my English communication skills and leveraging technology as a powerful tool for personal and professional growth.篇3The Evolution of Communication: How Technology Reshapes English InteractionsAs a student in the 21st century, I can't help but marvel at how technology has transformed the way we communicate, especially when it comes to the global language of English. The advent of digital tools and platforms has not only facilitated the exchange of information but has also reshaped the very fabric of human interaction, transcending geographical boundaries and cultural divides.In an era where the world is increasingly interconnected, the ability to effectively communicate in English has become a invaluable asset. Whether it's for academic purposes, professional endeavors, or personal connections, mastering this lingua franca opens doors to a vast array of opportunities. However, the true power of English communication lies not merely in the language itself but in how we leverage technology to enhance our ability to connect, express, and understand one another.One of the most significant impacts of technology on English communication is the rise of instant messaging and video conferencing platforms. Gone are the days when physical proximity was a prerequisite for meaningful conversations. Today, we can engage in real-time dialogues with individuals from across the globe, bridging cultural and linguistic gaps with the click of a button. This seamless connectivity has not only facilitated collaboration and knowledge-sharing but has also fostered a deeper understanding and appreciation of diverse perspectives.Consider, for instance, the ease with which I can collaborate with peers from different countries on a group project. Through video conferencing tools, we can hold virtual meetings, shareideas, and work together in real-time, regardless of our physical locations. This level of accessibility and immediacy was once unimaginable, but it has now become an integral part of our academic and professional lives.Moreover, the advent of online language-learning platforms and digital resources has revolutionized the way we acquire and hone our English skills. Interactive courses, multimedia content, and immersive virtual environments have made it possible to learn and practice English in a more engaging and personalized manner. We can now access a wealth of authentic materials, from news articles to podcasts and videos, enabling us to enhance our comprehension and fluency while staying attuned to the nuances and idiomatic expressions of the language.Another transformative aspect of technology's impact on English communication is the rise of social media and online communities. These digital spaces have become vibrant hubs where individuals from diverse backgrounds converge, share their thoughts and experiences, and engage in discussions on a wide range of topics. This exposure to varied perspectives and linguistic styles not only enriches our understanding of the English language but also fosters cross-cultural understanding and empathy.Furthermore, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) technologies has opened up new frontiers in English communication. From virtual assistants that can understand and respond to spoken commands to machine translation tools that facilitate real-time interpretation, these advancements are breaking down language barriers and enabling more seamless interactions across linguistic divides.However, it is crucial to recognize that while technology has undoubtedly transformed the way we communicate in English, it does not supplant the need for fundamental language skills and interpersonal competencies. Effective communication remains a delicate balance between leveraging technological tools and cultivating the human elements of empathy, active listening, and cultural sensitivity.As students, we must strive to develop a comprehensive understanding of the English language, including its grammatical structures, idiomatic expressions, and cultural nuances. Technology can serve as a powerful ally in this endeavor, but it should not be treated as a panacea. We must embrace a holistic approach that integrates traditional language-learning methods with the innovative possibilities offered by digital platforms and resources.Furthermore, it is essential to maintain a critical perspective when engaging with technology-mediated communication. While the convenience and accessibility of digital tools are undeniable, we must be mindful of the potential pitfalls, such as the risk of miscommunication due to the lack of nonverbal cues or the propagation of misinformation and biases within online communities.Ultimately, the true power of English communication lies in our ability to harness technology as a means to bridge divides, foster understanding, and create meaningful connections. By embracing the opportunities presented by digital tools while remaining grounded in fundamental language skills and interpersonal competencies, we can navigate the complexities of cross-cultural interactions with grace and effectiveness.As we move forward into an increasingly globalized world, the fusion of English language proficiency and technological advancements will undoubtedly shape the landscape of communication. It is our responsibility as students to embrace this synergy, continuously adapt to emerging trends, and strive to become effective communicators who can transcend boundaries and contribute to a more connected and understanding world.。



职场里如何做到有效沟通英语作文Effective Communication in the WorkplaceIn the fast-paced and dynamic world of the modern workplace, effective communication is paramount to success. It is the lifeblood of any organization, enabling seamless collaboration, enhancing productivity, and fostering a positive work environment. However, achieving effective communication is not always straightforward, particularly in a multi-cultural and diverse workplace. This essay will delve into the principles and strategies for effective communication in the workplace, focusing on the key components such as clarity, openness, active listening, feedback, and adaptability.Clarity is the cornerstone of effective communication. Messages should be concise, specific, and free of jargon or unnecessary complexities. Using simple and direct language can ensure that information is easily understood and retained by recipients. Avoiding ambiguous or vague statements is crucial to prevent misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Moreover, breaking down complex ideasinto smaller, more manageable chunks can aid in comprehension and retention.Openness is another vital aspect of effective communication. It involves creating a culture of transparency and honesty, where employees feel comfortable sharing their ideas, opinions, and concerns. Encouraging open communication can foster a sense of trust and belonging, leading to a more engaged and motivated workforce. Managers and leaders should lead by example, setting the tone for open and honest dialogue.Active listening is an essential skill for effective communication. It requires focusing attention on the speaker, understanding their message, and responding appropriately. Avoiding distractions, maintaining eye contact, and paraphrasing or summarizing what has been said can demonstrate active listening. Additionally, asking clarifying questions can ensure that the message is accurately understood. Active listening not only enhances comprehension but also fosters a sense of being heard and valued, promoting a positive work environment.Feedback is a critical component of effective communication. It involves providing timely, constructive, and specific feedback on performance, ideas, or projects. Positive feedback can boost morale and motivation, while constructive criticism can help individuals identify areas for improvement. When providing feedback, it is importantto maintain a respectful and objective tone, focusing on behaviors and outcomes rather than personal attributes. Additionally, soliciting feedback from colleagues and subordinates can provide valuable insights and perspectives, leading to better decision-making and outcomes.Adaptability is also crucial in effective communication. The workplace is constantly evolving, and communication strategies need to adapt to changing circumstances and audiences. For example, communication channels and methods may need to be adjusted based on the nature of the message, the recipient's preferences, or the organization's culture. Utilizing digital tools and platforms can enhance communication efficiency and reach, but it is alsoimportant to recognize when face-to-face or personal interactions are more appropriate.In conclusion, effective communication is a cornerstone of success in the workplace. It requires clarity, openness, active listening, feedback, and adaptability. By mastering these principles and strategies, individuals can enhance their communication skills, fostering a positive work environment, improving collaboration, and ultimatelydriving organizational success. In a world where communication is increasingly vital, investing in developing these skills is a worthwhile endeavor for any professional.。



如何解决人际冲突英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1How to Resolve Interpersonal ConflictsInterpersonal conflicts are inevitable in our daily lives, as individuals have different needs, opinions, and perspectives. These conflicts can arise at home, in the workplace, or in social settings, and they can lead to tension, stress, and negative emotions if not resolved effectively. It is essential to address interpersonal conflicts promptly to maintain healthy relationships and promote communication and understanding among individuals. Here are some strategies to help resolve interpersonal conflicts:1. Communication: Communication is key to resolving conflicts. It is essential to express your thoughts and feelings openly and honestly while also listening to the other person's perspective. Effective communication can help clarify misunderstandings, identify the root cause of the conflict, and find common ground for a resolution.2. Active listening: Active listening involves paying attention to what the other person is saying without interrupting or judging. It is essential to show empathy and understanding towards the other person's feelings and viewpoints. By actively listening, you can demonstrate respect and build rapport with the other person, which can help in resolving conflicts.3. Compromise: In many cases, conflicts arise due to differences in opinions or preferences. It is important to be willing to compromise and find a middle ground that satisfies both parties. Compromise involves giving up some of your own needs or desires to meet the needs of the other person and reach a mutually beneficial solution.4. Seek mediation: If the conflict is escalating and cannot be resolved through direct communication, it may be helpful to seek mediation from a neutral third party. A mediator can facilitate communication between the conflicting parties, help them explore different perspectives, and guide them towards finding a resolution that satisfies both parties.5. Focus on solutions: Instead of dwelling on past grievances or assigning blame, it is important to focus on finding solutions to the conflict. By brainstorming possible solutions together and working towards a common goal, you can create a positive andcollaborative environment that fosters understanding and cooperation.6. Take a break: Sometimes, emotions can run high during conflicts, making it difficult to resolve the issue calmly and rationally. If tensions escalate, it is okay to take a break and revisit the conversation when both parties are calmer and more composed. Taking a break can help prevent further escalation of the conflict and allow for a fresh perspective on the issue.7. Apologize and forgive: In some cases, conflicts may arise due to misunderstandings, miscommunications, or unintentional actions. It is important to apologize if you have hurt or offended the other person, even if it was unintentional. Likewise, it is important to forgive the other person for their mistakes and let go of any resentment or anger towards them. Apologizing and forgiving can help rebuild trust and strengthen the relationship between conflicting parties.In conclusion, resolving interpersonal conflicts requires effective communication, active listening, compromise, and a focus on finding solutions. By employing these strategies and techniques, individuals can address conflicts constructively, promote understanding and empathy, and maintain harmonious relationships with others. It is crucial to approach conflicts withan open mind, patience, and willingness to collaborate with others to find common ground and reach a resolution that satisfies all parties involved.篇2How to Solve Interpersonal ConflictsInterpersonal conflicts are a common occurrence in our daily lives. Whether it is with friends, family members, colleagues, or even strangers, conflicts can arise due to differences in opinions, values, expectations, and communication styles. While conflicts are inevitable, how we handle them can make a significant difference in our relationships. In this essay, we will discuss effective ways to solve interpersonal conflicts.The first step in resolving interpersonal conflicts is to address the issue directly. Avoiding the problem or pretending it does not exist will only make it worse in the long run. It is essential to communicate openly and honestly about what is bothering you and listen to the other person's perspective as well. By understanding each other's point of view, you can gain insight into the underlying reasons for the conflict and find common ground for resolution.Another important aspect of solving interpersonal conflicts is to practice empathy and understanding. Put yourself in the other person's shoes and try to see the situation from their perspective. This can help you develop compassion and empathy towards the other person, which can foster a more positive and cooperative attitude towards resolving the conflict.Communication is key in resolving interpersonal conflicts. Effective communication involves active listening, assertiveness, and clarity. It is essential to express your thoughts and feelings clearly and respectfully, without resorting to aggression or passive-aggressive behavior. Acknowledge the other person's feelings and concerns, and be willing to compromise and find a mutually acceptable solution.Moreover, it is crucial to manage your emotions during a conflict. Emotions can escalate conflicts and cloud our judgment, making it challenging to resolve the issue rationally. Take a moment to calm down and collect your thoughts before responding to the other person. Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or mindfulness to stay calm and focused during challenging conversations.In addition, seeking third-party mediation can be helpful in resolving interpersonal conflicts. A neutral mediator, such as acounselor or a trusted friend, can provide an objective perspective and help facilitate communication between the conflicting parties. Mediation can help clarify misunderstandings, identify common goals, and work towards finding a mutually agreeable solution.Lastly, it is important to learn from the conflict and use it as an opportunity for personal growth and improvement. Reflect on the situation and identify any patterns or triggers that may have contributed to the conflict. Consider how you can prevent similar conflicts in the future by improving your communication skills, setting boundaries, and managing your emotions effectively.In conclusion, interpersonal conflicts are a part of human relationships, but they can be resolved through open communication, empathy, emotional management, and mediation. By approaching conflicts with a positive and constructive attitude, we can strengthen our relationships, build trust, and create a more harmonious environment for everyone involved. Remember, conflicts are not necessarily a bad thing –they can be a catalyst for growth and understanding if handled with care and compassion.篇3How to Resolve Interpersonal ConflictsInterpersonal conflicts are a common occurrence in our daily lives. They can arise from disagreements, misunderstandings, differing opinions, or clash of personalities. However, it is essential to address and resolve these conflicts effectively in order to maintain healthy relationships with others. In this article, we will discuss some strategies on how to resolve interpersonal conflicts.1. Communication:Effective communication is key to resolving interpersonal conflicts. It is important to express your thoughts and feelings openly and honestly, while also actively listening to the other person's perspective. Avoid making assumptions and jumping to conclusions. Instead, seek clarification and ask questions to gain a better understanding of the situation.2. Empathy:Put yourself in the other person's shoes and try to empathize with their feelings and thoughts. Understanding where the other person is coming from can help you see things from their perspective and find common ground. Show compassion and respect towards their point of view, even if you disagree with it.3. Compromise:In order to resolve conflicts, it may be necessary to find a middle ground or compromise. Be willing to negotiate and make concessions in order to reach a solution that is acceptable to both parties. Avoid being too rigid or stubborn in your stance, as it can hinder the resolution process.4. Stay Calm:It is important to remain calm and composed during conflicts, even when emotions are running high. Take a deep breath, count to ten, or walk away for a few minutes to cool down before addressing the issue. Avoid using harsh language, raising your voice, or resorting to personal attacks.5. Seek Mediation:If you are unable to resolve the conflict on your own, consider seeking the help of a neutral third party to mediate the situation. A mediator can provide an impartial perspective, facilitate communication between the parties, and assist in finding a resolution that is fair and agreeable to both sides.6. Focus on the Issue:When addressing conflicts, focus on the specific issue at hand and avoid bringing up past grievances or unrelated matters.Stay on topic and work towards finding a solution that addresses the root cause of the conflict. Keep the conversation constructive and goal-oriented.7. Apologize:If you have made a mistake or contributed to the conflict in any way, be willing to apologize and take responsibility for your actions. A sincere apology can go a long way in repairing damaged relationships and building trust with the other person.8. Learn and Grow:Conflict is a natural part of human interaction, and it provides an opportunity for personal growth andself-improvement. Reflect on the conflict, learn from the experience, and identify ways to handle similar situations better in the future. Use conflicts as a learning opportunity to enhance your communication skills and emotional intelligence.In conclusion, resolving interpersonal conflicts requires patience, communication, empathy, and a willingness to compromise. By following these strategies, you can effectively address conflicts, strengthen relationships, and foster a positive and harmonious environment with others. Remember thatconflicts are a normal part of life, and it is how we handle them that ultimately determines the outcome.。



和谐相处的英语作文Title: Achieving Harmony in Relationships。

In our journey through life, one of the most valuable skills we can cultivate is the ability to harmoniously coexist with those around us. Whether it's within our families, friendships, or professional environments, fostering harmony contributes to our overall well-being and success. Here, we delve into the essential elements and strategies for achieving harmony in relationships.Firstly, effective communication serves as the cornerstone of harmonious relationships. Communication entails not only expressing oneself but also actively listening to others. By openly sharing thoughts, feelings, and concerns, misunderstandings can be minimized, and conflicts can be resolved amicably. Additionally, empathetic listening fosters deeper connections and promotes mutual understanding.Moreover, cultivating empathy is crucial for fostering harmony. Empathy involves putting oneself in another's shoes, understanding their perspectives, and acknowledging their emotions. By empathizing with others, we demonstrate compassion and respect, which strengthens bonds and cultivates a supportive environment. Furthermore, empathy enables us to navigate conflicts with sensitivity and find mutually beneficial solutions.Another vital aspect of harmonious relationships is mutual respect. Respect forms the foundation of healthy interactions, regardless of differences in opinions, beliefs, or backgrounds. When we respect others' autonomy, boundaries, and choices, we create an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Respectful behavior fosters a sense of dignity and equality, empowering individuals to collaborate effectively and resolve conflicts peacefully.Furthermore, practicing patience and tolerance is essential for maintaining harmony in relationships. Recognizing that everyone has their strengths, weaknesses, and idiosyncrasies allows us to embrace diversity andaccommodate differences. Patience enables us to navigate challenges with grace and understanding, while tolerance encourages acceptance of varying viewpoints and preferences. By cultivating patience and tolerance, we promoteinclusivity and cooperation within our social circles.In addition, fostering forgiveness and letting go of grudges is integral to preserving harmony in relationships. Holding onto resentment and past grievances onlyperpetuates negativity and hinders reconciliation. Instead, forgiving others for their mistakes and embracing forgiveness ourselves liberates us from emotional burdens and paves the way for healing. Forgiveness fosters reconciliation and promotes growth, allowing relationshipsto flourish and thrive.Furthermore, demonstrating appreciation and gratitude strengthens interpersonal bonds and enhances harmony. Expressing gratitude for acts of kindness, support, and companionship fosters a culture of appreciation and positivity. Acknowledging others' contributions and efforts reinforces their value and encourages continued cooperation.By fostering an attitude of gratitude, we create a virtuous cycle of mutual appreciation and goodwill.Lastly, prioritizing compromise and collaboration facilitates harmony in relationships. Recognizing that compromise is not a sign of weakness but rather a demonstration of flexibility and willingness to find common ground fosters mutually beneficial outcomes. Collaboration entails working together towards shared goals, leveraging each other's strengths, and pooling resources effectively. By embracing compromise and collaboration, we foster synergy and synergy, enhancing our collective success and satisfaction.In conclusion, achieving harmony in relationships requires a combination of effective communication, empathy, mutual respect, patience, forgiveness, gratitude, compromise, and collaboration. By cultivating these essential qualities and applying them in our interactions with others, we create a supportive and enriching social environment where mutual understanding, acceptance, and cooperation flourish. As we strive to build and nurtureharmonious relationships, we not only enhance our own well-being but also contribute to the greater harmony of society as a whole.。

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Dialog as interpersonal synergyRiccardo Fusaroli a ,b ,*,Joanna Ra ˛czaszek-Leonardi c ,Kristian Tylén a ,baCenter for Semiotics,Aarhus University,Jens Chr.Skou 2,8000Aarhus,DenmarkbInteracting Minds Center,Aarhus University,Jens Chr.Skou 2,8000Aarhus,Denmark cInstitute of Psychology,Polish Academy of Sciences,ul.Jaracza 1,00-378Warszawa,PolandKeywords:Interpersonal coordination Linguistic coordination Synergy AlignmentComplementarity Social interactiona b s t r a c tWhat is the proper unit of analysis in the psycholinguistics of dialog?While classical approaches are largely based on models of individual linguistic processing,recent advances stress the social coordinative nature of dialog.In the in fluential interactive alignment model,dialogue is thus approached as the progressive entrainment of in-terlocutors ’linguistic behaviors toward the alignment of situation models.Still,the driving mechanisms are attributed to individual cognition in the form of automatic structural priming.Challenging these ideas,we outline a dynamical framework for studying dialog based on the notion of interpersonal synergy .Crucial to this synergetic model is the emphasis on dialog as an emergent,self-organizing,interpersonal system capable of functional coordination.A consequence of this model is that linguistic processes cannot be reduced to the workings of individual cognitive systems but must be approached also at the interpersonal level.From the synergy model follows a number of new predictions:beyond simple synchrony,good dialog affords complementary dynamics,constrained by contextual sensitivity and functional speci ficity.We substantiate our arguments by refer-ence to recent empirical studies supporting the idea of dialog as interpersonal synergy.Ó2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.Dialogical coupling:from synchronies to synergies Recent studies portray conversation as the progressive entrainment of linguistic behaviors of two or more individuals (Pickering &Garrod,2004).In other words,in-terlocutors engaged in dialog spontaneously align their linguistic behaviors on multiple levels from prosody to syntax,thus increasing the coordination of attention,action and conceptualization (Fusaroli &Tylén,2012).Building on and extending such models,we advance the idea of con-versations as interpersonal,functional synergy :through context-sensitive alignment and complementary dynamics,interlocutors develop patterns of stable interactions 1fit tothe affordances and goals of the situation,whether good rapport,motor coordination,the solution of a problem,etc.Inspired by dynamical systems theory,the model of dialog as synergy thus reconceptualizes reciprocal imitation as part of a complex process in which interactional patterns are jointly curbed and shaped by situational and task con-straints.In order to articulate this conceptual framework,we i)introduce and discuss the model of dialog as align-ment,with its theoretical assumptions and limitations,ii)build upon it to develop a more comprehensive model of dialog as functional synergy ,and iii)introduce preliminary empirical evidence supporting the model as well as sug-gestions on how to further put it to test.Our examples are mostly taken from contexts of cooperative,task-oriented conversations.However,while the generality of the model is still open for future investigation,initial empirical results point to the applicability of the model to other genres of conversations,such as con flictual ones (Paxton &Dale,submitted for publication ).*Corresponding author.Center for Semiotics,Aarhus University,Jens Chr.Skou 2,8000Aarhus,Denmark.Tel.:þ4528890881.E-mail address:fusaroli@ (R.Fusaroli).1As later argued in the paper,‘stable ’is intended in the technical sense as implying dimensional compression and resistance to perturbation ,cf.x3.Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectNew Ideas in Psychologyjournal homepage:www.e/locate/newideapsych0732-118X/$–see front matter Ó2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.newideapsych.2013.03.005New Ideas in Psychology 32(2014)147–1572.From monologue to dialog:the model of synchronization2.1.Beyond monologue:the model of interactive alignmentThe vast majority of existing approaches to the psychol-ogy of language focus exclusively on the workings of indi-vidual minds and brains(Deacon,1997;Gallese&Lakoff, 2005;Pinker,1994).Classical cognitivist approaches such as Generative Grammar are explicitly committed to ideas about the innateness and modularity of language(Fodor, 1984;Hauser,Chomsky,&Fitch,2002;Pinker,1994). However,even more functional cognitive approaches (Fauconnier&Turner,2003;Lakoff&Johnson,1999;Talmy, 2000)seem implicitly biased toward written monologue as the model-language of study(Linell,2005).Besides,both generative and cognitive linguistics,although in quite different ways,have favored strong representationalism: The understanding of linguistic behavior isfirst and foremost a matter of disentangling and mapping abstract cognitive linguistic representations,whether in terms of generative syntactical structure or embodied image schemas (Tylén,Fusaroli,Bundgaard,&Østergaard,2013).However, studies focusing on the social and dialogical dynamics of language deeply challenge the individualist conceptions of the cognitive mechanisms underlying linguistic interaction and call for new models(Bickhard,2007;Clark,1996;Dale, Fusaroli,Duran,&Richardson,in press;Fusaroli,Demuru, &Borghi,2012;Ra˛czaszek-Leonardi&Kelso,2008;Tylén, Weed,Wallentin,Roepstorff,&Frith,2010).With the recent introduction of dialogical models,such as the interactive linguistic alignment in conversation (Pickering&Garrod,2004),psycholinguistics has made important advances beyond the classical cognitivist assumption that language is primarily a property of indi-vidual cognitive systems.The interactive linguistic align-ment theory relates to a growing literature characterizing human interaction in terms of reciprocal behavioral and physiological mimicry(Chartrand&Bargh,1999; Dijksterhuis&Bargh,2001):Seeing somebody shaking a foot or rubbing the nose makes people unconsciously imitate them(Chartrand&Bargh,1999),and laughter, smiles,eyebrow movements,headshakes and nods,are more likely to occur if one’s interlocutor has just employed them(Louwerse,Dale,Bard,&Jeuniaux,2012).Analo-gously,Pickering and Garrod approach dialog as imitation-like coordination of linguistic behaviors.Through an auto-matic structural priming mechanism(Pickering&Ferreira, 2008),interlocutors reciprocally align linguistic behaviors and representations on multiple levels.If one interlocutor speaks in a high tone of voice,the other will start speaking with a higher tone too and if she is calling a car“speedster”, the other will have a higher probability of also using the word“speedster”in response.Additionally,structural priming implies that alignment at any given level–say lexical–contaminates and spreads to other levels–say prosodic,syntactic and conceptual.Indeed,the ultimate goal is the alignment of cognitive processes and,in particular,higher-level situation models.This,in turn,en-ables a deep mutual understanding and thus facilitatesfine coordination on collective tasks(Pickering&Garrod,2004).2.2.Alignment as synchronizationFocusing on the way participants imitate and simulate each other toward greater alignment of their linguistic behavior(and ultimately conceptual models),the theory of linguistic alignment implicitly rests upon a widespread physical model:synchronization.In systems composed of multiple interacting elements,synchronization is defined as a process in which two independent components continuously influence each other toward greater entrain-ment within a certain lag tolerance(Pikovsky,Rosenblum, &Kurths,2001).This influence works as a reciprocal imposition of attraction and constraints that allows the synchronizing parties to reduce the overall variance of their joint activity,making them more similar,more regular.Or put more simply,to synchronize means that two entities through mutual influence come to do more or less the same thing within temporal proximity.2A prime example of synchronization–as well as the historical origin of the model(Strogatz,2003)–is the progressive coordination of two swinging pendula.When two pendulum clocks hang side-by-side,they gradually come to swing in synchrony. This happens because subtle vibrations from the clocks pass through the wall,perturbing their individual rhythms until they gradually reach a state of entrainment(Saltzman, 1995).In this case,the entrainment is mediated through purely mechanical means.However,similar phenomena can be observed in biological systems.Numerous obser-vations have been made of people spontaneously syn-chronizing handheld swinging pendula(Schmidt, Richardson,Arsenault,&Galantucci,2007),their heart rates(Konvalinka et al.,2011),or the frequencies of their rocking chairs even when these have different weights and momentums(Richardson,Marsh,Isenhower,Goodman,& Schmidt,2007).Furthermore,as mentioned,interacting human beings have been observed to make their facial expressions,and gestures more and more similar over time (Dijksterhuis&Bargh,2001).Such observations have their linguistic analog in the principle of structural priming as the underlying mechanism in dialog.In short,structural priming implies that linguistic units presented by one interlocutor are more or less unconsciously and automati-cally picked up and repeated by the other interlocutor at a short temporal distance(more or less the same thing at more or less the same time).The mechanisms involved are, of course,different from pendulatory oscillations,but the end result is analogous:similar linguistic behavior happening approximately at the same time.2.3.Limits to the model of mechanistic synchronizationThe simplicity of this model and its low-level automa-ticity are intriguing and,indeed,several aspects of lin-guistic synchronization are found in corpus studies and2It has to be noted that entrainment and synchronization might entail more complex phenomena than this,where rhythmic cycles are coordi-nated beyond local proximity and across multiple time scales(cf.Fusaroli, Abney,Bahrami,Kello,&Tylén,submitted for publication).However,we argue,a simplified notion of synchronization underlies the notion of alignment.R.Fusaroli et al./New Ideas in Psychology32(2014)147–157 148experiments on dialogical interaction(see Dale et al.,in press;Fusaroli&Tylén,2012for reviews).However,as a comprehensive model of conversation synchronization has serious shortcomings.Brought to its extremes,the as-sumptions and mechanisms of interactive alignment would predict good dialogical coordination to progress toward obsessive mimicry of each other’s lexical and syntactic structure at overlapping pitch-ranges.That does not match any systematic observation of conversation,nor the litera-ture on social interaction.In fact,behavioral mimicry has been shown to be highly context dependent and selective and not necessarily automatic:it can be influenced by a number of pragmatic and cognitive factors such as affilia-tion,group identities and individualistic/collectivistic priming(cf.van Baaren,Janssen,Chartrand,&Dijksterhuis, 2009for a review).3Just as behavioral mimicry has been argued to serve specific social functions,linguistic align-ment seems also to be modulated by the specific functional needs of the interaction(e.g.to coordinate reference and attention,Shockley,Richardson,&Dale,2009),but not by others.Accordingly,Healey,Howes,&Purver(2010)con-tested the omnipresence of alignment and Reitter,Moore,& Keller(2006)showed that a task-oriented conversational corpus presents significantly more linguistic alignment than a less constrained corpus of free telephone conver-sations.Recent experimental work also suggests that good coordination relies on the ability to selectively align rele-vant aspects of conversation to accommodate the task at hand,while general,indiscriminate alignment seems to have a negative effect on joint task performance(Fusaroli, Bahrami,et al.,2012).In sum,we argue that while a sim-ple mechanism of synchronized imitative behavior seems crucial to explain some of the important processes in di-alogs,it is not sufficient.The automatic and unselective process may account for progressive alignment but it is too rigid a mechanism to account for the fact that dialogs are functionally constrained by the situations in which they are immersed.It is not always advantageous to behave similarly. Imagine a supervisor telling his student“run a repeated measures three-way ANOVA on those data”.If he answers by perfectly repeating the sentence“run a repeated measures three-way ANOVA on those data”it is highly probable that he does not really understand the advice. On the other hand,imagine a restaurant kitchen,where the person expediting the orders yells a menu item and the cooks on the line yell the same thing back,like in a perfectly oiled telephone game.Here we would be more likely to interpret repetitions as a sign of good coordina-tion in concordance with the alignment model.However, considering the complementary roles of the interlocutors could capture more:the waiter yellingfirst conveys a request,and enacts a specific stage of the interactional routine,while had it been a chef yellingfirst it would have meant“the dish is ready”.4Progressive alignment is not a goal in itself;the coordinative impact of the interlocutors’alignment can be fully understood only when taking into consideration the complementary functional roles,inter-actional routines,and affordances of the ongoing task. Complementarity of behaviors and distribution of roles are indeed crucial in most collective tasks:from the highly codified piloting of an airplane and sailing of a battleship (Hutchins,1995a,1995b)to telephone conversations (Schegloff,1986)and collective memory(Peltokorpi, 2008).In these cases,linguistic interactions realize and modify functional coupling among individuals,effectively distributing cognitive processes and actions according to the needs of the tasks at hand(Fusaroli,Gangopadhyay,& Tylén,submitted for publication;Ra˛czaszek-Leonardi& Cowley,2012;Tylén et al.,2010).It is often by doing, thinking and saying different things that interlocutors achieve what an individual alone would not,and it is aligning on specific things,not indiscriminately,that does the job.An adequate model of dialog should therefore specify how local task requirements come to guide and constrain alignment and,even more importantly, distribute complementary(rather than identical)actions among interlocutors making them temporally coupled, selectively aligned,and fulfilling different roles in the interaction.5Assuming a broader perspective,dialogs are thus conceived as functional coordination of cognitive systems(Clark,1996;Ochs,Schegloff,&Thompson,1996). This means that the functional organization has to be sought both at the level of individuals and at the level of conversing dyad.In the following,by advancing the model of dialog as an interpersonal synergy we aim at integrating alignment and synchronization into a more comprehensive theory of lin-guistic interaction where both imitative and complemen-tary actions are selectively engaged in a functional unit.We highlight the concrete predictions the model makes about the nature of dialog.As preliminary empirical support for it we revisit a number offindings,from turn-taking and lexical-symbolic structure to the emergence of interac-tional routines.3.Dialog as synergyThe notion of synergy originates in the study of move-ment,as a way of describing the functional coordination of multi-element systems(Bernstein,1967;Turvey,1977).It has since been adopted by dynamical systems approaches to behavior and cognition(Kelso,1995;Kugler&Turvey, 1987)as a unifying model for different levels of analysis from motor coordination(Latash,Scholz,&Schöner,2007) to perception-action coupling(Kelso,2009)and even to interpersonal coordination(Riley,Richardson,Shockley,& Ramenzoni,2011;Schmidt,Carello,&Turvey,1990).In3Some would argue that while mimicry is the default option,there aremechanisms of mimicry inhibition according to context and social cues (Wang&Hamilton,2012).This supports our claim that alignment alone does not constitute a sufficient mechanism for describing and under-standing social interactions,but others should be included and integrated in a more comprehensive model.4We are grateful for those two examples to Patrick Healey and Veronica Ramenzoni,respectively.5It has to be noted that the need for complementarity is mentioned in the linguistic interactive alignment literature(Pickering&Garrod,2009), but it is not central and its mechanisms are not thoroughly explored.R.Fusaroli et al./New Ideas in Psychology32(2014)147–157149the following we extend the model to coordination pro-cesses in linguistic dialog.Bernstein was thefirst to make the observation that, while having hundreds of muscles and joints is crucial to flexibly perform the many different tasks of everyday life, this also creates a problem of control.Whenever we move a limb to grasp a cup or shake hands,many individual mus-cles and joints–each with their degrees of freedom–work together infine concert.He found it unlikely that the central nervous system would be able tofinely control all the possible movements(the degrees of freedom)of each single muscle individually to create coherently directed movements.Rather,he suggested that muscles formflex-ible function-specific self-organizing assemblies,i.e.syn-ergies,by locally coupling and constraining each other’s degrees of freedom,greatly reducing the amount of control needed.Since the initial observation,synergies have been identified on multiple levels of individual behavior(Fowler, 1980;Kelso,1995).Analogously,in interactive,cooperative tasks,individuals have been found to couple and recipro-cally constrain their movements reducing the overall con-trol needed to maintain effective cooperation(Ramenzoni, Davis,Riley,Shockley,&Baker,2011;Ramenzoni,Riley, Shockley,&Baker,2012;Riley et al.,2011;Schmidt et al., 1990).In effect,individuals’behaviors become increas-ingly interdependent,so that a higher-level structure of the interaction emerges.This kind of emerging organization has previously been referred to as soft-assembly(Kello& Van Orden,2009):while the individuals preserve a de-gree of autonomy,they are constrained by the interaction. They canflexibly engage and disengage from it,as well as become part of other soft-assemblies(De Jaegher,Di Paolo, &Gallagher,2010;Di Paolo&De Jaegher,2012).Synergies are identified by their functional specificity, dimensional compression and reciprocal compensation.The need to perform a function(functional specificity)tempo-rarily shapes the coordination of several components into one system(dimensional compression),in which external and internal perturbations areflexibly dealt with via compensatory adjustments of the components(reciprocal compensation),in order to preserve the functionality of the whole system for as long as it is needed.3.1.Functional specificityThe emphasis on function makes the proposed syner-getic model of dialog diverge from the interactive align-ment model in a number of interesting ways.The function of a dialog is often assumed to be obvious and is rarely explicitly discussed:people converse in order to understand each other.Such a conceptualization assumes an interac-tion of independent and internally controlled individuals making the alignment of initially diverging situation models the key step for the success of their interaction.As pointed out above,this is mainly achieved through bottom-up priming.Such priming is context independent,direc-tionless and unselective:everything is aligned irrespective of it actually being beneficial for the specific joint activity at stake.In contrast,the synergetic approach assumes the function of a dialog to be the environmental demands imposed on a dyad,be it a joint task,the establishment or maintenance of social relations,etc.This makes dialogs highly context dependent,constrained,and goal directed. The function is an integral part of the interaction:actions and cognitions of the interlocutors are coordinated toward the goal at hand,selecting relevant dimensions for align-ment,distributing roles and compensating for mistakes and perturbations.Two commonly assumed claims have to be rejected in such a view:1)The ultimate function is not necessarily to reach deep mutual understanding of each other nor to converge internal representations;it is rather to realize an activity together,which might or might not require deep mutual understanding.2)The function of a conversation cannot be defined on the level of the indi-vidual:the role of each individual component in a system cannot be understood separately from the functional or-ganization of a whole;in other words,it makes sense only within the functional organization of a dyad.Again,we here rely on insights from Bernstein and the movement sciences.To tackle the problem of motor control, Bernstein introduced the functional approach,bringing context sensitivity right down to the atomic details of behavior(Kelso,2009):If we for instance want to strike a chisel with a hammer,this intention gives direction to and constrains the workings of our body.The exact timing and force of contraction and relaxation of all the individual muscles in our hands,fingers and arm are locally regulated to comply with that overall intention and the unfolding interaction with the environment.The variability of the trajectory of the tip of the hammer across a series of strikes is smaller than the variability of the trajectories of the in-dividual joints on the hammering arm,at least in expert blacksmiths(Bernstein,1967).The joints are not acting independently,realizing a prescribed action plan,but rather they correct each other’s errors at the relevant time scale,in order to preserve function,thus supporting the idea that the function itself is the coordinating principle. Importantly,the very same muscles willflexibly combine in very different synergies for another type of task.Compared to motor control,dialog seems dauntingly complex,comprising an almost endless number of di-mensions from eyebrow movements and gesture to syntax and topicality structure.Needless to say,any analogy to chisel hammering could seem speculative to say the least. But on the other hand,the complexity of dialog forms an important argument in favor of the functional account. How can interlocutors seemingly effortlessly orchestrate all these dimensions(with each their numerous degrees of freedom)in tight intra-and interpersonal coordination? How do they form context-appropriate soft-assemblies? On the one hand,it is unlikely that this happens due to central,executive control processes in the nervous systems of the interlocutors.On the other hand,it is similarly un-likely that processes of unconstrained automatic alignment with no higher-level coordination are driving the dialogical activity.Rather,we suggest that this process is structured by reference to function,that is,realizing a specific joint activity.When interlocutors engage in dialog,complexity is reduced by selectively recruiting multiple behaviors and processes,making them interdependent and directing them in ways to best serve the ongoing activity(Louwerse et al.,2012).R.Fusaroli et al./New Ideas in Psychology32(2014)147–157 150In order to move from simple motor control to dialog as a functionally and inter-individually defined system,one is presented with the difficult task of specifying its functions. Most often people engage in dialog with specific coopera-tive purposes,e.g.to coordinate in carrying a piano,asking for directions or taking a joint decision.Even a casual chat can be thought of in these functional terms as being about establishing or maintaining affiliation.The function con-stitutes the overall constraint guiding the collective dia-logical behavior and retaining the engagement of the interlocutors for as long as it serves the overall joint activity. Whether the context is casual chat,heated argument or collaborative problem solving,a‘good conversation’–qua functional constraints–will be characterized by stability, i.e.orderly behavior of the parts of the assembly.Stabilizing the rhythmic and undisruptedflow of the conversation gives the interlocutors a feeling of common rhythm,natu-ralness and ease.Even in the case of conflictual conversa-tion,where the aim is to persuade or even dominate the interlocutor,reciprocal attunement is needed in order to coordinate the joint activity of conflict(Ashenfelter,2008; Fusaroli et al.,submitted for publication;Mercier&Sperber, 2011;Paxton&Dale,2011).Existence of mechanisms for engaging in and sustaining stable interactionsfinds support in studies on newborns and infants’early sensitivity to the disruption of interaction (Murray&Trevarthen,1985),as well as the ability to engage in turn taking-like vocal exchanges with caretakers (Gratier&Devouche,2011).Similar sensitivity is displayed in conversations involving patients with speech impair-ment.In these contexts,expert interlocutors tend to engage compensatory procedures to keep the conversationfluent despite the impairment(Dressler,Buder,&Cannito,2009; Goodwin,2011).Besides,methods sensitive to recurrent patterns in data(Marwan,Carmen Romano,Thiel,&Kurths, 2007;Orsucci,Giuliani,&Webber,2006;Webber&Zbilut, 1994)have recently been employed to assess the degree to whichfluent conversations are characterized by more recurrence and greater order in turn-taking patterns than lessfluent ones.Preliminary results suggest that greater recurrence rates correlate with interlocutors’feeling of safety in the conversation(Ra˛czaszek-Leonardi,Rakowski, Kurczych,Radkowska,&Plewczy n ski,in preparation)and with performance in collaborative task-solving(Fusaroli& Tylén,submitted for publication).3.1.1.Context sensitive selectivityLinguistic interactions are always situated:immersed in theflow of actions and co-actions in the environment.Di-alogs have to structure themselves according to the joint activities in which they are embedded(Fusaroli&Tylén, 2012).A joint task,for instance,could require the in-terlocutors to develop a shared vocabulary for jointly guiding attention to and talking about the particularities of the task.Such task-specific linguistic procedures are often stabilized through reciprocal linguistic alignment,enabling interlocutors to effectively optimize their coordination. However,pointing to automatic priming as the main mechanism underlying such alignment is debatable.We have previously indicated that automatic and indiscrimi-nate linguistic alignment may undesirably work against complementary coordination between interlocutors and is insensitive to the crucial contextual aspects for the task at hand.In contrast,the synergetic approach to dialog pur-sued here emphasizes the functional directionality of interpersonal coordination.In line with this view,a recent study directly contrasted indiscriminate(context-insensi-tive)and selective(context-sensitive)alignment by correlating them with a measure of cooperative task per-formance(Fusaroli,Bahrami,et al.,2012).In the experi-ment,pairs of participants were instructed to individually indicate in which of two brief visual displays they had just been shown a contrast oddball.If their individual decisions disagreed,they were prompted to discuss and reach a joint decision.In order for a dyad to achieve a cooperative benefit,that is,to perform better than the best of the in-dividuals,they had tofind ways of assessing and comparing their individual levels of confidence so as to choose–on a trial-by-trial basis–the decision of the more confident participant.By analyzing the videotaped interactions,the researchers analyzed participants’propensity to align their vocabularies during joint decision trials.Indiscriminate alignment was defined as the average transition probability that any given word employed by an interlocutor had been employed by the other interlocutor in their previous joint decision trial.Selective alignment was defined as the average transition probability that any given confidence expression(i.e.pertaining to the dimension relevant for the task,such as‘sure’)employed by one interlocutor had been employed by the other interlocutor in the previous trial. Participants generally employed a variety of everyday ex-pressions such as‘I don’t know’,‘I saw something’or‘I think it was.’when talking about their levels of confidence(see Table1):The analysis revealed prominent indiscriminate align-ment in all dyads:interlocutors displayed a high proba-bility of picking up and employing words used by the other in the previous interaction.However,the more a dyad indiscriminately repeated each other’s words,the lower the collective benefit they gained from cooperation.Automatic linguistic alignment seemed to be deleterious to coordi-nation on the task.In contrast,the participants’reciprocal, selective adaptation to vocabularies of expressing confi-dence(task motivated selective alignment),turned out to correlate positively with the collective benefit gained from cooperation.However,another process was also observed. While participants initially tended to drift between various ways of expressing confidence–e.g.variations of to be sure,Table1Excerpt of transcription from the joint decision experiment reported in Fusaroli,Bahrami,et al.(2012).A and B designate the interlocutors. Confidence expressions are marked by italics.Original Danish transcription English translationB:((laughs))jeg ved det ikke B:((laughs))I don't knowA:jeg ved det heller ikke.Jeg såbåde i venstre hjørne og midtfor til højre pådem beggeA:I don't know either.I saw something both in theleft corner and in the centeron the right in both of them B:okay jeg synes det var ovrei venstreside men uhm pasB:okay,I think it was over inthe leftside but uhm I’ll passR.Fusaroli et al./New Ideas in Psychology32(2014)147–157151。
