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• The murals on the caves spanned a long period of history, from the 5th to the 14th century
• The murals are largely of Buddhist theme, some however are of traditional mythical [‘miθikəl] themes(传统神话主题) and portraits(画像) of patrons (赞助人)
敦煌石窟中国甘肃敦煌 一带的石窟总称。包括 敦煌莫高窟、西千佛洞、 榆林窟、东千佛洞及肃 北蒙古族自治县五个庙 石窟等
• The first caves were dug out 366 AD as places of Buddhist meditation and worship. • The Mogao Caves are the best known of the Chinese Buddhist grottoes and, along with Longmen Grottoes(龙门石窟) and Yungang Grottoes(云冈石窟), are one of the three famous ancient Buddhist sculptural sites of China
• 248 caves have also been found to the north which were living quarters(住处), meditation chambers(冥想室 ) and burial sites(土葬) for the monks. • The caves at the southern section are decorated, while those at the northern section are mostly plain(朴素).
• During the Ming Dynasty, the Silk Road was finally officially abandoned, and Dunhuang slowly became depopulated(人口减少) and largely forgotten by the outside world. Most of the Mogao caves were abandoned, the site however was still a place of pilgrimage (/[‘pilɡrimidʒ] /朝圣之地) and used as a place of worship(朝拜)by local people at the beginning of the twentieth century when there was renewed interest in the site.
• After the Tang Dynasty, the site went into a gradual decline(衰落), and construction of new caves ceased (中断)entirely after the Yuan Dynasty. Islam(伊斯兰教) had conquered(战胜,征服;攻克)much of Central Asia, and the Silk Road declined(衰 退) in importance when trading via (通过) sea-routes began to dominate /[‘dɔmineit] / (控制)Chinese trade with the outside world
Mogao Grottoes
Longmen Grottoes
Yungang Grottoes
Dunhuang was established as a frontier(边界) garrison(要塞)outpost by the Han Dynasty Emperor Wudi to protect against the Xiongnu in 111 BC. It also became an important gateway to the West, a centre of commerce(商业)along the Silk Road(丝绸之 路), as well as a meeting place of various people and religions such as Buddhism(佛教)
• The story is also found in other sources, such as in inscriptions(碑文) on a stele(石碑) in cave 332, an earlier date of 353 AD however was given in another document .He was later joined by a second monk Faliang (法良), and the site gradually grew, by the time of the Northern Liang(北凉) a small community of monks had formed at the site. • Members of the ruling family of Northern Wei and Northern Zhou constructed many caves here, and it flourished (兴盛)in the shortlived Sui Dynasty. By the Tang Dynasty, the number of caves had reached over a thousand.
• The construction of the Mogao Caves near Dunhuang is generally taken to have begun sometime in the fourth century AD. • According to a book written during the reign of Tang Empress Wu, Fokan Ji (佛龕记) by Li Junxiu (李 君修), a Buddhist(佛教的)monk(和尚) named Lè Zūn (樂尊) had a vision of a thousand Buddhas ( 佛陀) bathed in golden light at the site in 366 AD, inspiring him to build a cave here.
• During the Tang Dynasty, Dunhuang had became the main hub of commerce(主要的商业中心) of the Silk Road and a major religious centre. A large number of the caves were constructed at Mogao during this era(年代), including the two large statues of Buddha/ [‘budə]/(佛像)at the site, the largest one constructed in 695 following an edict(法 令,布告) a year earlier by Tang Empress Wu Zetian(武则天) to build giant(巨大的)statues across the country. The site escaped the persecution of Buddhists ordered by Emperor Wuzong in 845 as it was then under Tibetan control. As a frontier town, Dunhuang had been occupied at various times by other non-Han Chinese people..
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Mogao Caves
版权所有 仅供参考 ------------ 孤夜寒飞
25km 敦煌市东南部25
Mogao Caves(莫高窟)
• The Mogao Caves or Mogao Grottoes ( 莫高窟), also known as the Caves of the Thousand Buddhas (千佛洞), form a system of 492 temples 25 km southeast of the center of Dunhuang, an oasis(绿洲) strategically(战略上) located at a religious and cultural crossroads on the Silk Road (丝绸之路), in Gansu province, China. • The caves may also be known as the Dunhuang Caves, however, this term also include other Buddhist cave sites in the Dunhuang area, such as the Western Thousand Buddha Caves, and the Yulin Caves farther away. The caves contain some of the finest examples of Buddhist art(佛教艺 术) spanning a period of 1,000 years.
Early murals showed a strong Indian and Central Asian influence in the painting techniques used
• The caves were cut into the side of a cliff ( 悬崖; 绝壁)which is close to two kilometers long. At its height during the Tang Dynasty, there were more than a thousands caves, but over time, many of the caves were lost, including the earliest caves • 735 caves currently exist in Mogao, the best-known ones are the 487 caves located in the southern section of the cliff which are places of pilgrimage(朝 拜 ) and worship
• The caves are clustered(聚合) together according to their era, with new caves from a new dynasty being constructed in different part of the cliff
Murals(壁画;壁饰 )